Peer-to-Peer Connections using JXTA 情報科学部ディジタルメディア学科 n00k1042 山崎 剛 Peer-to-peer Connections PDP: Peer Discovery Protocol 他のpeerへリソースなど(Advertisement)を公開 公開されたAdvertisementの取得 PBP: Pipe Binding Protocol Pipeは他のpeerとのコミュニケーションに使用 Pipe Advertisementの公開(publish) Pipe Advertisementの検索・獲得(discovery/get) 入出力Pipeの作成 1. アドバータイズメント公開 Peer Pipe Adv. 2. アドバータイズメント検索 3.応答からPipe Adv.取得 4.Pipe入出力でMessageやり取り (Peer間で共通) Pipe Peer Peer-to-peer Connections(Cont.) 1. アドバータイズメント作成 ( Pipe Advertisementを公開するpeerのみ ) Get Discovery Service from NetPeerGroup Creating Pipe Advertisement discSvc = netPeerGourp.getDiscoveryService(); PipeAdvertisement pipeAdv= (PipeAdvertisement) AdvertisementFactory.newAdvertisement(PipeAdvertisement.getAdvertise mentType); publish Pipe Advertisement (Local/Remote) discSvc.publish(pipeAdv, DiscoveryService.ADV); discSvc.remotePublish(pipeAdv, DiscoveryService.ADV); 1. アドバータイズメント公開(publish) Peer Pipe Adv. Peer Peer-to-peer Connections(Cont.) 2. アドバータイズメント検索 ( Pipe Advertisementを公開するpeerのみ ) Get Discovery Service from NetPeerGroup discSvc = netPeerGourp.getDiscoveryService(); Discovering Pipe Advertisement (Remote:相手のPeerのPipeAdv.検索) discSvc.getRemoteAdvertisements(null, DiscoveryService.ADV, null, null, 5, this); 3. 応答からPipeAdvertisementを取得 Creating Pipe – Get Pipe Advertisement from response Peer public void discoveryEvent(DiscoveryEvent evt) { DiscoveryResponseMsg res = evt.getResponse(); // 応答の取得 … // 応答がPipeAdvertisementだった場合 if (adv instanceof PipeAdvertisement) pipeAdv = (PipeAdvertisement) adv; } 2. アドバータイズメント検索 (Discovery) Pipe Adv. 3.応答からPipe Adv.取得 Pipe Peer Peer-to-peer Connections(Cont.) 4. 入出力Pipeの作成 (両方のPeerで行う) Creating Pipe(input/output) pipeSvc = netPeerGroup.getPipeService(); inputPipe = pipeSvc.createInputPipe(pipeAdv,this); (このクラスはPipeMsgListenerをインプリメントする必要がある) outputPipe = pipeSvc.createOutputPipe(pipeAdv,TIME_TO_WAIT); Send Message Message msg = pipeSvc.createMessage(); … outputPipe.send(msg); Receive Message (inputPipeのPipeMsgEventを受け取る) public void pipeMsgEvent(PipeMsgEvent evt) { Message msg= evt.getMessage(); … } Peer Pipe 4.Pipe入出力でMessageやり取り Pipe Adv. Peer Example:Stream Socket Connections (TCP:transmission control protocol) The basic life cycle of a server is: •A creation of a ServerSocket -- ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(5000,100); •Listen for incoming connection -- Socket connection = server.accept(); •Receive data -- DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); •Send data -- DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); input.readUTF(); output.writeUTF(“connected!”); •Close the connection -- connection.close(); •Wait for the next connection. What a client does: •Connect to a remote machine -- Socket client = new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),5000); •Receive data -- DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(client.getInputStream()); input.readUTF(); •Send data -- DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()); output.writeUTF(“Thanks!”); •Close a connection -- client.close(); Socket connection Output.writeUTF Client Input.readUTF( ) Input.readUTF( ) Output.writeUTF Socket client 5000 Server
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