[1/24] Compact Routing with Minimum Stretch Kei Takahashi 1 [2/24] Introduction In distributed networks, message relaying is inevitable All-to-all connections are physically impossible Nodes can dynamically appear, move, and disappear Some routing tactics are possible Broadcast Random relaying Routing table V1 V0 Message To V3 V3 V2 2 [3/24] Routing tables A routing table knows the next hop to each node The information need not be optimal Stray messages can be rerouted at relay nodes There are trade-off of the table size and efficiency A complete routing table occupies large memory Efficient routing is not always possible with partial routing tables V1 V1 : Port 0 V2 : Port 1 V3 : Port 1 V0 Port 1 Message To V3 Port 0 V3 V2 V0 : Port 0 V1 : Port 1 V3 : Port 3 2 [4/24] Naïve (complete) routing Each node holds the next hop to all nodes Always assures optimal routing Table size is O(n log(n)) at each node n : number of nodes size(table) = size(column) * (n-1) size(column) = size(nodename) + size(portname) ≤ O(log(n)) log(n) n-1 V1 : Port 0 V2 : Port 1 V3 : Port 1 V4 : Port 0 V5 : Port 1 V6 : Port 1 … V0 Port 1 4 [5/24] The proposed method Table size ≤ O(n2/3 log4/3 (n)) Better than O(n log(n)) in the naïve method In most cases, table is smaller than this bound Maximum stretch ≤ 3 Transfer cost is 3 times more than optimal case In most cases, the cost is smaller V1 5 V0 Stretch = 2 6 4 V2 5 [6/24] Agenda Introduction Problem definition Basic Idea Landmarks Re-labeling Routing Details Selecting landmarks Constructing Routing tables Proofs Table size Max stretch < 3 Conclusion 6 [7/24] Problem definition Nodes are connected with undirected edges having weight Node names can be relabeled as long as length ≤ O(log(n)) Hostname, IP, processor number It is freely changed in programs Edges are identified with “port name” Port names differ in each node, and cannot be relabeled “Port” is something like a UNIX socket NG OK A303 V0 A302 V1 A300 Port 1 V2 Port V2 Port 0 A301 V3 7 [8/24] Basic idea (1) : landmarks Select global “Landmarks” They are near to many neighbor nodes Each node sets its own landmark as nearest one Routing tables have columns for… On landmarks : other landmarks (no entry for neighbors) On the other nodes : landmarks and neighbors whose shortest path to their landmark goes through that node In case of v0, v1 applies to this criteria label Landmarks Near nodes port v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 Landmark v5 v6 V3 : V10 : -------------V1 : v7 v9 v8 Landmark v10 v11 v12 v13 8 [9/24] Basic idea (2) : re-labeling Re-label node names v → (v, lv, elv(v)) lv : Ladmark of v elv(v) : Next-hop from lv to v In a natural way, elv(v) is written in the routing table of lv, but then routing table of lv gets larger label Landmarks Near nodes port (V3, V3, -): V3 : (V10,V10,-): V10 : -------------(V1,V3,) : V1 vv0 0,v3 vv1 1,v3 vv2 2,v3 vv3 3,v3 vv4 4,v3 vv5 5,v3 vv6 6,v3 - vv7 7,v10 vv9 9,v10 vv10 11,v10 10,v10 vv11 - vv12 12,v10 vv13 13,v10 vv8 8,v10 9 [10/24] Basic idea (3) : routing algorism The node u routes a message to (v, lv, elv(v)) as follows: if u == lv : send to elv(v) if v is in u’s table: send according to the table otherwise: send to its landmark (lv)’ s next hop Let’s see the node (v0, v3, ↑) in the following figure (v1,v3,↓) : check the table and send to → (v12, v10, ↓) : try to send to (v10,v10,-) (v3, v3, -): (v10,v10,-): -------------(v1,v3,) : v0,v3 v1,v3 v2,v3 v3,v3 - v6,v3 v5,v3 v6,v3 v7,v10 v8,v10 v10,v10 - v11,v10 v9,v10 v12,v10 v13,v10 10 [11/24] An example of routing A message from (v0, v3, ↑) to (v12, v10, ↓) (v0, v3, ↑) Checks the entry of landmark (v10,v10,-) : ↓ (v3, v3, -) Checks the entry of landmark (v10,v10,-) : → (v6, v3, →) Checks the entry of landmark (v10,v10,-) : → (v9, v10, ←) Checks the entry of landmark (v10,v10,-) : → (v10, v10, -) Checks the label of the destination :↓ (v13, v10, ↓) Checks the entry of (v12, v10, ↓) : ← (v12, v10, ↓) Finally receives the message Longer than optimal, but stretch < 3 Optimal route v0,v3 v1,v3 v2,v3 v3,v3 - v6,v3 v5,v3 v6,v3 v7,v10 v8,v10 v10,v10 - v11,v10 v9,v10 v12,v10 v13,v10 Obtained route 11 [12/24] 高速道路のアナロジー Naïve routing : 全ての目的地が全ての案内板に書かれている 現実的に不可能 インターチェンジをランドマークにする あらゆるインターチェンジまでの経路は全ての案内板に書く インターチェンジの案内板には何も書かれていない 柏キャンパスを「柏インターを北」と覚える (柏キャンパス, 柏インター, 北)とre-labeling 遠くからのルーティング 「柏インター」を目指して、案内板に沿って進む 柏インターを北に進むと、柏キャンパスが載った案内板が出現する 柏の近くからは、柏インターを経由せず到達できる 12 [13/24] Agenda Introduction Problem definition Basic Idea Landmarks Re-labeling Routing Details Selecting landmarks Constructing Routing tables Proofs Table size Max stretch < 3 Conclusion 13 [14/24] Dijkstra algorithm Gives shortest ways from one node to every node in an undirected graph For each reachable node, calculate min-cost Take one node having min-cost The adding can be stopped, then the n-nearest subset is obtained → truncated-Dijkstra method V0 4 1 V1 1 V2 3 V3 From v2 Costs : {v1 => 1, v3 => 3} Take v1 Costs : {v0 => 2, v3 => 3} Take v0 Costs : {v3 => 3} Take v3 14 [15/24] Neighbors set Neighbors set (Bv) : reachable from v Sort the nodes according to the cost from v (if some costs are the same, sort by their name label) Take nα nodes from the nearest one → Bv (v’s ball) Reversed-neighbors set (Rv) : reachable to v A set of nodes which have v as their neighbor Rv ← {y | y ∈ Bv} V0 1 V1 nα 2 1 V2 Bv Rv =3 v0 v0, v1 ,v2 v0, v1,v2 v1 v0, v1, v2 v0, v1, v2, v3 3 v2 v0, v1, v2 v0, v1, v2, v3 v3 v1, v2, v3 v3 V3 15 [16/24] Requirements for landmarks A) Only a limited number of nodes can be landmarks They should be close to many other nodes Adding landmarks makes every routing table bigger B) If v is on the way from many nodes to their landmark, v should be their landmark instead Otherwise the table on v is too big Not suitable for a landmark V3 V10 : -------------V0 : V1 : V2 : V4 : V5 : V6 : v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v9 v8 v10 v11 v12 v13 16 [17/24] A) Landmarks should be famous Choose “famous” nodes from set of Bvs → D Easily reached from any v ∃D ⊂ V such that |D| = O(n1-α log n) ∀v ∈V , D ∩ Bv ≠ φ An algorithm is known to obtain D (called Extending dominating set”) V0 1 V1 2 1 V2 3 V3 nα = 3 V = {v0, v1, v2, v3} D = {v2} |D| = 1 Bv0 ∩ D = v2 Bv1 ∩ D = v2 Bv2 ∩ D = v2 Bv3 ∩ D = v2 Bv Rv v0 v0, v1 ,v2 v0, v1,v2 v1 v0, v1, v2 v0, v1, v2, v3 v2 v0, v1, v2 v0, v1, v2, v3 v3 v1, v2, v3 v3 17 [18/24] B) Famous nodes should be landmarks ∃C ⊂ V such that ∀c ∈ C , |Rc| ≥ n(1+α)/2 C is easy to be computed when Rv is given C always satisfies n =3 (1+α)/2 |C| ≤ O(n ) V = {v0, v1, v2, v3} α Σ(∀v ∈ V) Rv = V0 1 V1 2 1 V2 n*nα ≥ 3 Σ(∀c ∈ C) Rc V3 C = {v1, v2} Rv1 = 4 > 3.6 = n(1+α)/2 Rv2 = 4 > 3.6 = n(1+α)/2 Bv Rv v0 v0, v1 ,v2 v0, v1,v2 v1 v0, v1, v2 v0, v1, v2, v3 v2 v0, v1, v2 v0, v1, v2, v3 v3 v1, v2, v3 v3 18 [19/24] Selecting landmarks Two sets are obtained ∃D ⊂ V such that |D| = O(n1-α log n) ∀v ∈V , D ∩ Bv ≠ φ ∃C ⊂ V such that ∀c ∈ C , |Rc| ≥ n(1+α)/2 C always satisfies |C| ≤ O(n(1+α)/2) Landmark set is derived by simply joining them L = C ∪ D L = O(n1-α log n) + O(n(1+α)/2) V0 1 V1 2 1 V2 3 V3 Bv Rv v0 v0, v1 ,v2 v0, v1,v2 v1 v0, v1, v2 v0, v1, v2, v3 v2 v0, v1, v2 v3 v1, v2, v3 v0, v1, v2, v3 v3 Landmarks 19 [20/24] Constructing routing tables // Calculate paths to nα-shortest nodes from v For each v ∈ V, perform truncated-Dijkstra(nα) // Here, less than nα nodes are nearer than u from v For each u reached from v: // If ↓ is true, the best route is given by using that landmark If no landmark is on the path from v to u: store(v, eu(v)) at u // Calculate shortest paths from landmarks to every node For each l ∈ L, perform full-Dijkstra(nα) // v appeared For each v ∈ V Store (l, eu(l)) at u 20 [21/24] Proof : table size = O(n2/3 log4/3 (n)) A set of landmarks (L) is O(n1-α log n + n(1+α)/2) Table size = size(label of node) * size(columns) Size(label of node) = O(log(n)) Size(columns) ≤ |L| + nα = O(n1-α log n + n(1+α)/2 + nα) ∴ Table size = O((n1-α log n + n(1+α)/2 + nα) log n) Search α which minimizes table size, and get α = 1/3 + (2 log log n) / (3 log n) Table size = O(n2/3 log4/3 (n)) n nα # landmarks Table size Naïve method (α=1) 1000 36 190 1315 6907 10000 94 972 8961 92103 100000 236 4864 56007 1151292 1000000 575 23995 331504 13815510 21 [22/24] Proof : max stretch ≤ 3 Theorem : route(u, v) ≤ 3 * d(u, v) route(u,v) : the cost of the route from u to v given by this algorism d(u,v) : the smallest cost from u to v L : set of landmarks X : points on the shortest path among u and v If d(u,v) < d(lv, v): d(x, v) < d(u, v) < d(lv, v) lv ∈ Bv, so (u ∈ Bv) and (v ∈ Ru) and (∀x ∈ X, x ∈ Bv, x ∈ Ru) X∩L=φ Otherwise v should take that node as lv (⊥) Then, u should have (v, eu(v)) on its routing table, so as ∀x The message will not pass lv (⊥) (As a result, route(u, v) is always optimal in this case) u lv x v 22 [23/24] Proof : max stretch ≤ 3 (Cont.) Otherwise : d(lv,v) ≤ d(u,v) Column (v, eu(v)) is not on u’s table Otherwise (v ∈ Ru) so any x’s table has a column(v, ex(v)) The message will not pass lv (⊥) Y : nodes on the shortest path among u and lv If any y does not have a column (v, ey(v)) on its table : route (u, v) = d(u, lv) + d(lv, v) Every y refers the column for lv, which gives the shortest path to lv d(u,lv) ≤ d(u, v) + d(lv, v) (triangle equation) d(u,lv) ≤ 2 * d(u, v), so route(u,v) ≤ 2 * d(u,v) + d(u,v) ≤ 3 * d(u,v) Otherwise : (skip) (It can be proved that route(u,v) ≤ d(u, lv) + d(lv, v) ) u y x lv v 23 [24/24] Conclusion A routing strategy was given which assures Small table size : O(n2/3 log4/3 (n)) Max stretch is less than 3 It consists of 4 parts: Selecting landmarks Re-labeling nodes Create routing tables Routing algorism For practical situations, alternative methods are proposed. They offer smaller table size and better routing on average 24
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