Language and Acculturation The Role of Linguistic Self-confidence in the Acculturation Process among Chinese Visiting Scholars Abroad Presenter: Yuanyuan Gao Outline I. Literature Review II. Significance of the Research III. Research Design IV. Present Work I. Literature Review Acculturation Definition Acculturation Strategies Cultural Learning Theory Linguistic Self-confidence Acculturation • Those phenomena which result when groups of individuals having different cultures come into continuous first-hand contact, with subsequent changes in the original culture patterns of either or both groups. • ----Redfield, Linton and Herskovits, 1936 Acculturation Strategies (Berry, 1990) 9/30/2015 Do not wish to maintain your original culture, but desire to identify and interact primarily with the host culture. ASSIMILATION Wish to hold on to the original culture and also desire to learn and participate in the host culture. INTEGRATION Wish to hold on to the original culture, and avoid learning or interacting with the host culture. SEPARATION Have no interest in maintaining the original culture nor learning or interacting with the host culture. MARGINALIZATION 9/30/2015 Acculturation & Foreign Language Acquisition • Cultural Learning Theory (Ward, Bochner & Furnham, 2001) 9/30/2015 • Interactive model of foreign-language proficiency, communication competence, effective intercultural interaction and sociocultural adaptation 9/30/2015 Factors Affecting Language and Culture Learning • • • • • • Personal Level: Gender and Country of Origin Motivational Factors Foreign Language Confidence Expectations Personality and Individual Differences • • • • • • • Situational Level: Previous Experiences Length of Residence Year of School Intercultural Contact Cultural Difference Co-national Support 9/30/2015 Linguistic Self-confidence • self-perceptions of communicative competence and concomitant low levels of anxiety in using the second language, leads to increased usage of, and communicative competence in, the second language. (Noels, Pon & Clément, 1996) • In the present study, linguistic self-confidence is measured from two aspects: • English language confidence + English use anxiety (Clément, 2001) 9/30/2015 II. Significance of the Research • Theoretical Level: enrich the literature of cross-cultural acculturation and second language acquisition 9/30/2015 Researchers Time Subjects Host Country Noels, etc. 1996 Chinese international students Canada Gardner, etc. 1990 Polish immigrants Canada Yang. etc. 2006 international students Canada Gallagher, H. 2013 Chinese international students Britain Lu, etc. 2011 Chinese immigrants Australia 9/30/2015 • Practical Level: provide visiting scholars and Chinese Scholarship Committee with advice concerning English proficiency improvement 9/30/2015 III. Research Design Research Purpose Research Hypotheses Methodology Data Analysis 9/30/2015 Research Purpose The present study aims to identify the acculturation strategy adopted by Chinese visiting scholars overseas examine the role of English language confidence and attitudes towards learning English in the acculturating process of Chinese visiting scholars into the foreign host culture. 9/30/2015 Research Hypotheses • • • • 1. the overal acculturation strategy 2. the host country & psychological well-being 3. attitudes towards learning English & English self-confidence 4. English self-confidence & intercultural contact, acculturation strategy and psychological well-being • 5. attitudes towards learning English & intercultural contact and • acculturation strategy 9/30/2015 Methodology • Subjects • Data Collection Instrument • Data Analysis 9/30/2015 Subjects • Chinese visiting scholars in universities and research institutes in English-speaking countries, i.e. America, Britain, Canada. 9/30/2015 Data Collection Instrument • Questionnaire (in English and Chinese versions) 9/30/2015 Demographic Information (esp. suggestions for improving English proficiency) The Quan Acculturation Scale (Quan, 2010) (five-point Likert scale) Linguistic Self-confidence Scale (Clément, 2001) (six-point Likert scale) Attitudes towards learning English (Clément, 2001) (six-point Likert scale) Intercultural Contact Scale (Berry, 1984) (six-point Likert scale) Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons. Larson, & Griffin, 1985) (six-point Likert scale) Accultuative Stress Index (Noh, Avison & Kasper, 1992 ) (six-point Likert scale) 9/30/2015 Data Analysis • 1. the acculturation strategy • 2. the host country & psychological well-being • 3. English self-confidence & attitudes towards learning English • • • • • 4. English self-confidence &intercultural contact 5. English self-confidence & acculturation strategy 6. English self-confidence & psychological well-being • score summing • Pearson • ProductMoment • Correlation Coefficients 7. attitudes towards learning English & intercultural contact 8. attitudes towards learning English & acculturation strategy 9/30/2015 Present Work • 1. Questionnaire Making: • translation, back-translation • 2. Piloting 9/30/2015 Thank You! 9/30/2015
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