X86 Assembly Language

X86 Assembly Language
•Same Assembly Language for
8086,80286,80386,80486,Pentium I
II and III
•Newer Processors add a few
instructions but include all
instructions from earlier processors
CISC (X86) vs. RISC (MIPS)
• CISC machines have fewer registers
• CISC machines have more addressing modes – one
operand can be memory (no LW or SW)
• CISC machines have more instruction formats and
they vary in length
• CISC machines have more instructions
• Programs require fewer CISC instructions than RISC
but time/instruction is longer
• With pipelining and dynamic execution, a CISC
instruction set is perhaps 10-20% slower than RISC
Assembly Resources (Free)
• Free AMD X86 manuals
• http://www.intel.com/design/pentiumii/man
Celeron & PIII – P6 Core
• Celeron Home Page
• P6 Core Manual