Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Bourgeois Capel De Nicola Frederick Hallouda Hashem Jahren Martín-Borregón Alcobé Miró-Sans Nouh Pedersen Petersen Vasiljevic Abdel Salam Abdelhamid Afoumado Venturin Aupetit Batey Boland Brenes Burge Chain Ciercoles Quintana Dal Pozzo Darcy Delas Evtukhova First Name Elizabeth Francesca Federica Annie Aya Reem Kristine Inés Sofía Nada Lise Erin Jelena Laila Noha Monique Giannini Sophie Jennifer Marie Maria Fernanda Tani Delfina Ariadna Guendalina Hannah Marion Ivanna Nationality USA (United States) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) EGY (Egypt) EGY (Egypt) NOR (Norway) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) EGY (Egypt) DNK (Denmark) USA (United States) SCG (Serbia and Montenegro) EGY (Egypt) EGY (Egypt) BRA (Brazil) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) IRL (Ireland) CRI (Costa Rica) AUS (Australia) ARG (Argentina) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) UKR (Ukraine) Endurance Sports club DDS Zoom Triathlon Club train for aim Train For Aim Bonasport Moove Sports Club Train for Aim TFA TrainForAim Equipe Limiar / Clube Ítalo Pessac Aventure Triathlon Coalfields RT Cycling club X3me 226 long distance CusioCup Monmouth Triathlon Club tcm Age Group Starting Time F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F18-24 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Frankevich Fumagalli Gros Hafner Halawa Helešicová Huertas Jensen Loginova Lovrinovic Macinnes Murray Needham Nikolaeva Ormerod Pérez Galovart Pouzaud Rellis Sanchez Cuellar Seymour Skogland Tarek Van Den Beucken Vanhamme Vanthournout Walls Wells First Name Anna Sarah Amélie Mojca Yasmin Petra Paula Alexandra Yulia Tamara Flora Keira Rachel Olga Victoria Claudia Léa Sandra Laura Anna Ranveig Shaden Laura Sybille Axelle Cheryl Katy Nationality RUS (Russian Federation) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) SVN (Slovenia) EGY (Egypt) CZE ( Czech Republic) ESP (Spain) USA (United States) RUS (Russian Federation) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russia) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) IRL (Ireland) VEN (Venezuela) GBR (Great Britain) NOR (Norway) EGY (Egypt) NED (Netherlands) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time F25-29 07:05 3life F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 Olimpija triatlon klub F25-29 07:05 TFA F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 C.N CALDES F25-29 07:05 Total Body Fitness F25-29 07:05 run F25-29 07:05 Maraton klub Marjan F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 Edinburgh triathletes F25-29 07:05 GI Tri F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 Brive Limousin Triathlon F25-29 07:05 Waterford Triathlon Club F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 Army Triathlon F25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 Gezira Club F25-29 07:05 TXTM F25-29 07:05 Club Deportivo Triatlon MarbellaF25-29 07:05 F25-29 07:05 Monifieth Triathlon Club F25-29 07:05 BadTri F25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Álvarez Andersen Apaez Atkinson Aursland Bardales Postigo Batey Benito Muñoz Bowler Burch Cardones Collins Coppack Del Rio Cambra Erat Erat Eriksson Estrany Riera Farrell Forbes Goodwin Govaerts Harling Haug Henriques Hernandez Roldan James First Name Astrid Camilla Gabriela Rhona Kari Merete Cristina Isabel Natalie Ana Amelia Alice Fernanda Aoife Jillian Irene Lucia Lucia Jenni Neus Gemma Joanne Francesca Lieve Anna-Marie Malin Iren Francoise Ana Stephanie Nationality ESP (Spain) DNK (Denmark) MEX (Mexico) GBR (Great Britain) NOR (Norway) PER (Peru) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) BRA (Brazil) IRL (Ireland) AUS (Australia) ESP (Spain) SUI (Switzerland) SUI (Switzerland) FIN (Finland) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) NOR (Norway) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time F30-34 07:05 Viborg Atletik og motion F30-34 07:05 Vespa F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 Haugesund Triathlonklubb F30-34 07:05 Expatriés Thriatlon F30-34 07:05 Tyne and Wear Fire Service F30-34 07:05 triatlon vialterra algemesi F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 Cork Triathlon Club & De Ronde F30-34 Van Cork CC. 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 Tempo-Sport F30-34 07:05 Tempo-Sport F30-34 07:05 HelTri F30-34 07:05 CLUB TRIATLÓ GRANOLLERS F30-34 07:05 One Tri RDS F30-34 07:05 Lanark Triathlon Club F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 BUL, Rye F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 TRIATLO L'HOSPITALET F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Jamieson Jones Jørgensen Ketcham Keul Lampe Larsen Lüdorf Mangnes Maqueda Marcos Mcdougall Medeiros Melia Melina Araque Bekking Mentz Moore Mortensen Mouton Nellany Nielsen Praclik Regand Ramirez Reuter Ripoll Riverditi Rodríguez Güell Signorelli First Name Helen Marie Josephine Ilchmann Adryon Silke Christine Rozanne Melanie Ingrid Laura Natalie Vanessa Clara Irene Jana Helen Nynne Desirée Tania Kirsty Mia Nora Berenice Christa Paulina Paola Irene Agnese Nationality GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) DNK (Denmark) USA (United States) GER (Germany) NOR (Norway) USA (United States) GER (Germany) NOR (Norway) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) BRA (Brazil) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ZAF (South Africa) GBR (Great Britain) DNK (Denmark) ZAF (South Africa) GBR (Great Britain) DNK (Denmark) GER (Germany) MEX (Mexico) SUI (Switzerland) ARG (Argentina) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time F30-34 07:05 Eintracht Frankfurt Triathlon F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 DC Tri Club F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 Ostmarka Idrettslag F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 Team Calella Triathlon F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 Tri Club Denmark F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 /tri Club denmark F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 TRT - Triatlón Rada Tilly F30-34 07:05 CusioCup Asd F30-34 07:05 Triatló blanes F30-34 07:05 Tri Team Lutry F30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Smit Solis Somers Soor Stål Syren Szilagyi Thomas Torres Bosch Unger Vandewalle Ventura Weideman Allen Ayo Ferrandiz Bader Baumann Cos De Guzman Den Dulk Dickie Dierkx Dorstad Ede Elia Estelle Frank First Name Lize Araceli Lisa Mandeep Lisa Audrey Andrea Natalie Joana Monica Annelies Cynthia Jemma Louise Cristina Annike Melanie Monika Rachelle Talia Emma Els Pernille Tamsin Manuela Isabelle Monika Nationality ZAF (South Africa) MEX (Mexico) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) SWE (Sweden) FRA (France) HUN (Hungary) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) USA (United States) BEL (Belgium) BRA (Brazil) USA (United States) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) SUI (Switzerland) POL (Poland) ARE (United Arab Emirates) ZAF (South Africa) AUS (Australia) BEL (Belgium) NOR (Norway) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) FRA (France) SUI (Switzerland) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 Serpentine F30-34 07:05 Spif F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 Piranha Triathlon Club F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 St. Pete Mad Dogs; Running forF30-34 Brew 07:05 Ironmanagers F30-34 07:05 F30-34 07:05 WeDa Fit Club F30-34 07:05 GI Tri F35-39 07:05 CET DISTANCE F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 Caloundra Tri Club F35-39 07:05 SportGuru F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 Kempisch triatlon team F35-39 07:05 Sk Rye F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 centaures pertuis F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Garrett Höglund Jansen Lindsey Lingsom Lopez Berdum Maes Martin Marx Mawhinnely Mccombe Monzó Blasco Mortimer O'Brien Olsen Pelinovskaya Planellas Price Rees Retkofsky Sabandar Frykfors Sealey Stephen Tomalewicz Torrijos Pascual Usero Vallieres First Name Barbara Lotta Lucie Kelly Kari Yolanda Marie Stacie Mariana Sharla Kate Ana Natalie Alexandra Alessandra Natalia Marta Carla Megan Onnie Pennicha Helen Lucy Sarah Consuelo Nerissa Veronique Nationality GBR (Great Britain) SWE (Sweden) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) NOR (Norway) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) USA (United States) ZAF (South Africa) CAN (Canada) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) BRA (Brazil) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) AUS (Australia) USA (United States) NLD (Netherlands) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) ESP (Spain) PHL (Philippines) CAN (Canada) Endurance Sports club GI tri Age Group Starting Time F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 Team Nagi F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 Team Smartfish Fuji F35-39 07:05 CLUB TRIATLÓ GRANOLLERS F35-39 07:05 A.S. MONACO TRIATHLON F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 Super Tri F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 TRIATLÓ VIALTERRA ALGEMESIF35-39 07:05 Tyne and Wear fire and rescue F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 Centaures de Pertuis F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 Rapha Cycling Club London F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 Stockholm City Triathlon Club F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 GI Tri F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 triatlon vialterra algemesi F35-39 07:05 Filipino International Triathlete F35-39 07:05 F35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Wellman Anifantakis Avery Blondel-Popieul Boisteau Caillens De Blauwe Doyle Dubinskaya Elliott Emmenlauer Fagan Garcia Serrano Gerard Gradling Holmer Hughes Josso Lidgren Hannerz Livesey Llopis Jurado Martin Marzo Gómez Matta Mazza Mcguigan Roux First Name Abbey Mariya Melanie Virginie Cécile Sophie Annelies Michelle Yulia Vanessa Simone Sarah Yolanda Stéphanie Sara Alejandra Aine Nolwen Anja Janet Isa Ashling Maite Aline Béatrice Emma Isabelle Nationality GBR (Great Britain) UKR (Ukraine) AUS (Australia) FRA (France) FRA (France) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) IRL (Ireland) RUS (Russia) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) IRL (Ireland) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) SWE (Sweden) SWE (Sweden) IRL (Ireland) FRA (France) SWE (Sweden) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) IRL (Ireland) ESP (Spain) LBN (Lebanon) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) Endurance Sports club Zoom Tri Club Age Group Starting Time F35-39 07:05 F40-44 07:05 Fluid Movement F40-44 07:05 CAPBRETON TRIATHLON F40-44 07:05 Segré Triathlon F40-44 07:05 capbreton triathlon F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 Tri Club F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 Swimming F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 Setanta F40-44 07:05 Fitness Sport Triatlon F40-44 07:05 Triathlon Club Montalbanais F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 Stockholm City Triathlon F40-44 07:05 3D Triathlon club F40-44 07:05 triathle vannes F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 Fluid Movement F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 Setanta Tri F40-44 07:05 CLUB ESPORTIU CUBE MANRESA F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 CAPBRETON TRIATHLON F40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Rozsa Sforza Tucker Turner Valk Van Herck Vassilatos Vazquez Zagala Åkerberg Barletta Birot De Paepe De Weyer Desinger Diez Duempelmann Ettinger Gast Gonzalez Del Olmo Gray-Hewett Hendriks Lai Izquierdo Sans Khalil Kringlebotn Skallist Lees Mahoney First Name Dora Laura Ruth Joanna Marleen Marjan Barbara Belinda Magdalena Susanne Hernani Marion Hilde Nansie Nicole Livia Andrea Joelle Véronique Rosa Colleen Claudia Belén Amany Helene Petra Jenny Jennifer Nationality HUN (Hungary) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) NLD (Netherlands) BEL (Belgium) ARG (Argentina) IRL (Ireland) POL (Poland) SWE (Sweden) ARG (Argentina) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) GER (Germany) ARG (Argentina) DEU (Germany) SUI (Switzerland) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) CAN (Canada) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) EGY (Egypt) NOR (Norway) USA (United States) USA (United States) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time Dolfijn Triathlon Club, Amsterdam F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 Swindon Triathlon club F40-44 07:05 Team Nagi F40-44 07:05 Endurance Nation F40-44 07:05 ktt F40-44 07:05 CLUB TRIATLO SANT JOAN DE LES F40-44 ABADESSES07:05 Piranha Triathlon Club F40-44 07:05 F40-44 07:05 Fredrikshofs CK, Spårvägens SKF45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 Ironmanagers F45-49 07:05 KTT F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 NSTT F45-49 07:05 226 Long Distance F45-49 07:05 TaG Cycling/Tri; North Shore Masters; F45-49Hershey07:05 Harriers F45-49 07:05 FITNESS SPORTS TRIATLON F45-49 07:05 Train for Aim F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Makowski Matula Montoya Muir Noble Parnell Peeters Poelmans Roué Russell Santa Cruz Siebke Suetens Sutcliffe Tikhonovich Torres Baumgartner Trottier Van Der Pol Beech Blamick Carlean Corso Durero Elkaer Kold-Hansen Kuhar Lea First Name Maria Luisa Claudia Catherine Jackie Annick Karen Hilde Katrien Isabelle Sarah Loreto Doerte Christel Clodie Irina Lourdes Sylvie Patricia Julie Karen Elmi Jill Claudine Gitte Kirsten Tatjana Sheila Nationality GER (Germany) GER (Germany) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) FRA (France) USA (United States) CHI (Chile) GER (Germany) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) AUS (Australia) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) DNK (Denmark) DNK (Denmark) SVN (Slovenia) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club ES NANTERRE Freedom Tri KTT KTT ssn The Sustainable Athlete Full Runners Chile M3S Hamburg KTT, AC LYRA Zoom Triathlon Club Red Lava Gavá Triatlón CAPBRETON TRIATHLON KTT Belgium Monifieth Triathlon Club Dave's World Cycle North coast Tri club antibes triathlon Bergen Triathlon Club Olimpija Triatlon klub Age Group Starting Time F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F45-49 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Mende Raffaele Sawyer Tait Van Wichelen Watt Erbeya Gee Hager Kaiser Schertz Wild Wiley Willebrand Edwards Elliott Haudry Meredith Leslie Abollo Jurado Akopov Albert Amo López Bailyu Barry Bastianello Bignoneau First Name Mercedes Silvia Tisha Jennifer Brigitte Kerri Elisabeth Tina Charlotte Julia Colette Elizabeth Jane Karin Penny Liz Francoise Marisa Jane Sergio Pavel Jorge Rubén Benoit Pierre Dario Thomas Nationality GER (Germany) ITA (Italy) USA (United States) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) USA (United States) SUI (Switzerland) GBR (Great Britain) SUI (Switzerland) GER (Germany) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) SWE (Sweden) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) Endurance Sports club BSG Helaba Triathlon Cusunime Age Group Starting Time F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 Kempisch Triatlon Team F50-54 07:05 F50-54 07:05 F55-59 07:05 GI tri F55-59 07:05 Triteam Lutry F55-59 07:05 Ute Mückel Triathlon Team F55-59 07:05 NSTT SARREBOURG F55-59 07:05 F55-59 07:05 7Oaks Tri Club F55-59 07:05 stockholm city triathlon F55-59 07:05 Tri-Anglia, Norwich Road Runners, F60-64 Iceni Velo Club 07:05 F60-64 07:05 TEAM MERMILLOD TRIATHLONF60-64 07:05 F60-64 07:05 F65-69 07:05 xtrem calvia M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 OC CESSON M18-24 07:05 A.s.d. Vicenza Triathlon M18-24 07:05 Stade niortais triathlon M18-24 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Cadario Campamà Rigola Cedillos Chica Sanchiz Collins Corvasier Davies De Miguel Derkachev Domingo Perez Fabre Fawzy García-Monclova Green Grillo Haeghebaert Hedin Heraud Iñarra Olaziregi Invernon Balcells Jakob Jardine Khalamanov Kravchenko Kulikov Lacle Le Boulch First Name Anthony Jordi Dagoberto Pedro Rob Adrien Shane Bernat George Diego Jean-Charles Seifeldin Juan Antonio Simon Tom Robin Victor Christopher Ander Marc Simon Ruari Alexander Oleg Aleksei William Alexandre Nationality FRA (France) ESP (Spain) MEX (Mexico) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) EGY (Egypt) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) SWE (Sweden) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russian Federation) UKR (Ukraine) RUS (Russian Federation) NLD (Netherlands) FRA (France) Endurance Sports club Club BPC Nancy Age Group Starting Time M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Tri Imperial College M18-24 07:05 Triatlon Evasion Castellon M18-24 07:05 Team NBCC/Five Frogs Tri M18-24 07:05 OCC TRIATHLON M18-24 07:05 Team NBCC M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Atletics y Triatlón Drink Team M18-24 07:05 Serpentine M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Tri Team Knokke-Heist M18-24 07:05 Spif M18-24 07:05 triathlon club saujonnais M18-24 07:05 Biosnar TK M18-24 07:05 Where Is The Limit? M18-24 07:05 KSV Baunatal M18-24 07:05 Triathlon M18-24 07:05 DIESEL M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Lola Cycling Club M18-24 07:05 ssn M18-24 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Litvinov Liz Lligoña Mitjans López Garayalde López González Martín Lara Martínez López Martinez Sanchez Mauri Soler Mcloughlin Mills Milsom Molinas Moya Moreno Martínez Muller Muller Newton Parmegiani Pulcinelli Quiñonero Reixachs Ramon Castellà Ritchie Rodriguez Perez Rosillo Cuadrado Ruiz-Celada Schwan Settle First Name Alexander Sergi Pol Pablo Eduardo Carlos Albert Cristian Oliver Stefan Sam Ashley Santiago Víctor Marco Mark Adam Francesco Andrea Davide Pol Bernat Fraser Rodrigo Luis Javier David David Joseph Nationality RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) DEU (Germany) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) NLD (Netherlands) NLD (Netherlands) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) DEU (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M18-24 07:05 TRI BICN TRIFORFUN M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Club Ciclista Sant Andreu de la Barca M18-24 07:05 Team Calella Triathlon M18-24 07:05 Bonasport M18-24 07:05 nrg godleys M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Belpark Triathlon Club Dublin M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Club triatlo sige castellar M18-24 07:05 StepOne M18-24 07:05 stepone M18-24 07:05 Swansea harriers M18-24 07:05 TRIATHLON M18-24 07:05 Junior club Vigevano Black Sheep M18-24 07:05 TRI +9 M18-24 07:05 Club Triatló Granollers M18-24 07:05 University of Dundee triathlon club M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Club triatlon lorca M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Skjeldnes Tait Tan Tankere Thewes Tous Ollé Travesset Sanchez Tusting Vangsøe Villarruel Vizcarra Calle Zwirnmann Achell Sanchez Adamski Alba Santamaria Alonso Fúster Andersen Andersen Anis Arenas Ramos Arrébola Arthur Babicz Badreldin Bailey Barfuss Barnosell Morera First Name Torgeir Andrew Neil Gaëtan Kevin Sergi Jordi Jamie Mathias Toft Nacho Javier Hans Carlos Marcin Jordi Ignacio Mikkel Nichlas Karim Francisco Carlos A. Joshua Pawel Ahmad Ryan Jeremy David Nationality NOR (Norway) GBR (Great Britain) SGP (Singapore) FRA (France) GER (Germany) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) DNK (Denmark) ARG (Argentina) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) ESP (Spain) POL (Poland) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) DNK (Denmark) DNK (Denmark) EGY (Egypt) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) POL (Poland) EGY (Egypt) GBR (Great Britain) SUI (Switzerland) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time Skiing M18-24 07:05 Dundee University Tri club M18-24 07:05 Dundee University Triathlon Club M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 tritronic team St. Wendel M18-24 07:05 C.E. Triathlon Bcn M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Aarhus 1900 Triathlon M18-24 07:05 Orange - Team M18-24 07:05 M18-24 07:05 Tri-Sport Lübeck M18-24 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 TRIATLÓ BCN-TRI FOR FUN M25-29 07:05 CLUB CASTRILLÓN TRIATLÓN M25-29 07:05 Viborg Triathlon M25-29 07:05 Herlev tri og motion M25-29 07:05 TrainForAim GSC M25-29 07:05 TROTABAD M25-29 07:05 Cambridge University TriathlonM25-29 Club 07:05 M25-29 07:05 72D M25-29 07:05 Train for Aim M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Semper Barbatus M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Bassas Buj Beades Bernabé Biger Biumi Blondeel Bonami Bonet Cavero Bonvoisin Borstlap Boschetti Breitschaft Brevold Brevold Brinkmann Brittain Brum Burgstaller Busquets Huix Cáceres Fernández Campeau Carlsson Carpallo Porcar Carvajal Claeys Clarkson Cluitt First Name Ignasi Kevin Jérémie Julien Stefano Thijs Hannes Federico Benoit Wernard Mattia Johannes Markus Sindre Carsten Adam Moritz Matthias Roger Javier Jeffrey Rickard Daniel Pablo Yves George Chris Nationality ESP (Spain) IRL (Ireland) FRA (France) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) NLD (Netherlands) ITA (Italy) GER (Germany) NOR (Norway) NOR (Norway) DEU (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) GER (Germany) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) USA (United States) SWE (Sweden) ESP (Spain) MEX (Mexico) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Santfeliu Corre Piranha Age Group Starting Time M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 TRI ATHLETIC CLUB FORBACH M25-29 07:05 NLSPORT TEAM M25-29 07:05 Solid Endurance M25-29 07:05 LEIE TRIATLON TEAM M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 De zijl M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Laface-Team Weiden M25-29 07:05 Los tres Bandidos M25-29 07:05 SK Rye M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 High Wycombe CC M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Fondistes Blanes M25-29 07:05 carrasco es ciclismo M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 338 Småland M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 cayman M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Cochrane Combalia Dahyot De Gou De Graaf De Korte De Mooij De Ros De Ros Del Pasqua Delblanch Soler Devloo-Casier Dias Donate Dorner Duflot Duque Garcia Dvelys Egger El Attar El Gabry Elbeltagy Elhalaby Ellis Enriquez Exposito Eremeev Evans First Name Matt Pablo Maëlan Maurits Ernst Robert Jaryd Javier Miguel Cesare Oriol Kjell Nuno Alex Stephan Johan Ivan Aurelijus Michael Mohammad Mostafa Mohamed Mostafa Assem Daniel Miguel Danila Phil Nationality GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) NLD (Netherlands) NLD (Netherlands) NLD (Netherlands) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) PRT (Portugal) ESP (Spain) AUT (Austria) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) LTU (Lithuania) GER (Germany) EGY (Egypt) EGY (Egypt) EGY (Egypt) EGY (Egypt) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 SOBHI SPORT M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 EDO Sports M25-29 07:05 DTTA M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 a.s.d. la ciclistica fabi M25-29 07:05 C.A Laietania M25-29 07:05 Solid endurance M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Club Ciclista Gracia M25-29 07:05 Pewag Racing Team M25-29 07:05 OC Cesson M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 SK S-Sportas M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 shooting Club/Zamalek club M25-29 07:05 Train For Aim M25-29 07:05 Gezira\TFA M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Virgin Active M25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Falcón Marrero Fernandez Fernandez Fernández Larrea Fernandez Martinez Ferrer Puig Figueras Fisher Fleming Follet Font Galera Ruiz Galofré Roca Garcia Barcelo Garcia Borràs Gay Gilje Ginebreda Göbel Gohar Golikov González Castro Gorev Gough Gras Soler Grønningen Haddad Hakky First Name Ernesto Victor Miguel Ruben Pedro Arnau Clay Mark Brecht Víctor Daniel Javier Roger Joan Francesc Julien Stian Javier Jannik Karim Mikhail Sergio Anton Thomas Joan Torbjørn Toni Ayman Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) USA (United States) IRL (Ireland) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) SUI (Switzerland) NOR (Norway) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) EGY (Egypt) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) GBR (Great Britain) AND (Andorra) NOR (Norway) FRA (France) EGY (Egypt) Endurance Sports club TRIGUANAC TXTM VIC ETB Tritraining Triviera Moove Sports Club TRAIN FOR AIM EG X3M TEAM CALELLA TRIATHLON SK Vidar OCC NATATION TRIATHLON Train For Aim Age Group Starting Time M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Hamdy Hanley Harkness Hayden Hepburn Hernandez Gonzalez Hernanz Hiemann Hodbod Holmberg Holst Homola Humblet Hutton Istomin Jeleascov Jonsson Jordan Kazaku Kerby Khomkov Klimes Knight Kolacz Kraigher Lacle Lanuza Cervera First Name Hisham Sean Paul John E Tarleton Marc Jose Maria Volker David Erik Marcus Martin Francois Ryan Mikhail Vadim Martin Rhys Vladimir Joe Igor Boris Stephen Wojciech Marco Alhric Gerard Nationality EGY (Egypt) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) IRL (Ireland) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) SWE (Sweden) SWE (Sweden) SVK (Slovakia) BEL (Belgium) ZAF (South Africa) RUS (Russian Federation) MDA (Moldova, Republic of) SWE (Sweden) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russian Federation) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russian Federation) SWE (Sweden) GBR (Great Britain) POL (Poland) AUT (Austria) ABW (Aruba) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Train For Aim Limerick Triathlon Age Group Starting Time M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 RayoTeam M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Bury Clarion Cycling Club M25-29 07:05 IK Hakarpspojkarna M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 TriGT M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 5 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 NBCC M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Kirovskaya sport school M25-29 07:05 Väsby SS Triathlon M25-29 07:05 National fire service triathlon section M25-29 07:05 Tri M25-29 07:05 Schwimm aktiv M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Larena Vasco Lawrie Le Masney Ledum Lievense Llauger Lloret Cabot Loiseau Maize Maksimov March Marchetti Martin Martín Botella Martínez Bujanda Mora Martinez Rodriguez Matthews Mawhinney Mazzocchi Mc Dermott Mcandrew Megias Homar Mirnenko Mnptri Moen Mora Feria Moreno Barrantes First Name Héctor Richard Stephen Morten Jakob Santi Roger Guillaume William Igor Jamie Ettore Ricardo Jesús Jesús Miguel Angel Tristan Andrew Edoardo Stephen Finlay Aleix Volodymyr Patrick Alexander Enric Fernando Nationality ESP (Spain) ZAF (South Africa) IRL (Ireland) NOR (Norway) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) CAN (Canada) RUS (Russian Federation) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) SUI (Switzerland) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) IRL (Ireland) ITA (Italy) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) UKR (Ukraine) FRA (France) NOR (Norway) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M25-29 07:05 EPTA M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Sportsklubben Rye M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 C.E.PRORUNNERS CALELLA M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 TRIATHLON M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Club Tirón de Pichón Elche M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Fitness Sports Triatlon Valle deM25-29 las Cañas 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Hi-Elbow Triathlon Club M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Montpellier Agglo Triathlon M25-29 07:05 Sportsklubben Rye M25-29 07:05 C.A. Les Tortugues M25-29 07:05 VO2 M25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Muñiz Fuente Mutti Noko Norenes Orozco Gonzalez Paul Pena Peters Picrit Pierré Polyakov Precigout Rädler Reid Richard Rocher Rodellas Pla Rödenbeck Rodighiero Rodríguez Rogerson Roks Roldán Villar Sala Fernandez Sanchez Martinez Sánchez Soltero Sandtorv First Name Pablo Emanuele Ulysse Christer Diego Russel Devinson James Marc Sébastien Alexey Jean Baptiste Martin Sandy Victor Thomas Eduard Marvin Francesco Sergio Andrew Yannick Pedro Joan Marc Carlos Joaquín Stian Nationality ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) NOR (Norway) MEX (Mexico) ZWE (Zimbabwe) USA (United States) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) FRA (France) RUS (Russian Federation) FRA (France) AUT (Austria) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) CHE (Switzerland) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) COL (Colombia) ESP (Spain) NOR (Norway) Endurance Sports club ESPORTATE - BIKILA raschiani triathlon pavese Age Group Starting Time M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Bad Tri M25-29 07:05 Urban Tri Team M25-29 07:05 Pessac Aventure Triathlon M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 ANGOULEME TRIATHLON M25-29 07:05 Trigantium M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 js angoulême triathlon M25-29 07:05 Vic ETB M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 A.S.D. Vicenza Triathlon M25-29 07:05 club VO2 Sural M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Club Natació Caldes Triatló M25-29 07:05 CLUB ESPORTIU CUBE MANRESA M25-29 07:05 GoodWillRunners M25-29 07:05 TRIATLON CLAVERIA M25-29 07:05 Lørenskog CK/triatlon M25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Santervas Nuñez Santervas Nuñez Serrano Rodriguez Serrat Barceló Simagin Solans Solerdelcoll Spiers Stegeman Streibeck Struhkamp Subramanian Taylor Tebar Bautista Tershukov Torres Echeverría Torres Planells Trehun Trinidad Jimenez Tschinkel Tusting Tyurin Van Der Linden Van Praet Vidal Pubill Villalon Vela Vincent Vuataz First Name Ruben Sergio Eloy Marc Dmitry Ricard Koen Coen Andrew Philipp Komaresan Graeme Daniel Anton Gabriel Toni Prateek Daniel Herbert Edward Maksim Jeroen Peter Nil Adria Jérôme Cyrille Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) NLD (Netherlands) NLD (Netherlands) USA (United States) GER (Germany) SGP (Singapore) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) IND (India) ESP (Spain) AUT (Austria) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russian Federation) NLD (Netherlands) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) SUI (Switzerland) SUI (Switzerland) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time C.T. esporTRIssim M25-29 07:05 CLUB TRIATLO ESPORTRISSIM M25-29 07:05 C.N. REUS PLOMS M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Trilife M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 RTC Residentie Triathlon Club M25-29 07:05 Chinook Cycle club, 3rrr road runners M25-29 club 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Ascenders Team M25-29 07:05 Morpeth harriers M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Admiralteets M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Club Triatló Santa Eulària M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Teesdale Tri M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Triatlo Girona Costa Brava M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Wiman Zamora Gonzalez Zankowski Zhuchkov Aarts Alvarez Dominguez Ammundsen Antonov Arias De Castro Armas Pons Arnold Arrébola Rodríguez Arslanov Audéon Avalakki Mohan Avenant Aymerich Bacardit Aziz Baer Baguley Bannister Barranco Rosales Bas Faz Bastos Baumberg Beadling Beckitt First Name Adam Toni Stanislaw Evgeny Stach Moises Peter Dmitry Ricardo Daniel Angel Tom Jorge Egor Erwan Arjun Adam Bernat Ahmed Alex Jon Mark Antonio Alberto Israel Charles Paul Paul Nationality SWE (Sweden) ESP (Spain) POL (Poland) RUS (Russian Federation) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) DNK (Denmark) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) USA (United States) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) FRA (France) IND (India) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) EGY (Egypt) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BRA (Brazil) CAN (Canada) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club SPIF Age Group Starting Time M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 M25-29 07:05 Dolfijn Triatlon Amsterdam M30-34 07:05 Olympic Nice Natation M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 FC St Pauli Triathlon M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 OC Cesson M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Train For Aim M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Triatlon Universitario de MadridM30-34 07:05 Equipo triatlón centro natacionM30-34 mataro 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Zoom Tri Club M30-34 07:05 Clapham Chasers M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Belotti Beltrán García Belyakov Benvenuto Bernabe Zarzo Bezuedenhout Blanco Laiz Bolumburu Bosch Peñarroja Botet Botet Bouwens Bouwmeister Brausch Buccieri Burgués Ros Cabedo Garcia Cabrer Vila Cacchiata Cail Calderón Silos Caminati Higueras Campos Soteras Cano Adalid Cardona Carrasco Luque Carvajal Ruiz First Name Mattia Manuel José Oleksiy Marcos Leonardo Victor Reiner Pablo Andres David Ignasi Albert Jaap Gijs John Alessandro Marta Alejandro Miquel Leonardo Paul Miguel Juan Pablo Robert Javier David Daniel Alfonso Nationality ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) UKR (Ukraine) ARG (Argentina) ESP (Spain) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) NLD (Netherlands) NLD (Netherlands) USA (United States) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) PER (Peru) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) MEX (Mexico) Endurance Sports club Freezone Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 IESE SBR M30-34 07:05 La Salle Triatló M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 C.T. esporTRIssim M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Club Triatló Toni Colom World M30-34 07:05 triathlon perugia M30-34 07:05 Team Calella Triathlon M30-34 07:05 CE No Te Pares Team M30-34 07:05 Vanna Coach - Peru M30-34 07:05 CLUB TRIATLÓ ESPORTRISSIM M30-34 07:05 C.T. Esportrissim M30-34 07:05 Triatlo Santa Eularia M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 cayman M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Casadevall Castillo Tamayo Ceelen Cerda Diaz Cerqueda Diez Champagnac Chanez Chedaleux Christensen Cibil Le Meudec Cilleros Duran Climent Cochrane Colgan Collins Colmenar Ortega Colombo Conaty Corbridge Da Costa Dal Pozzo Dastis De Gaspari De Luca De Roda Dekker Den Dulk First Name Marc David Pieter Raul Manel Maxime Gregory Denoël Jacob Joel Juan Antonio Salva Richard David Stephen Diego Stefano Mark Peter Pedro Aimone Salva Daniele Davide Pablo Rutger Dale Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) AND (Andorra) FRA (France) CHE (Switzerland) FRA (France) DNK (Denmark) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) IRL (Ireland) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) POR (Portugal) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) NLD (Netherlands) ZAF (South Africa) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 C.A les tortugues M30-34 07:05 peaklevel M30-34 07:05 TRIATLON CARABANCHEL M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Tri Team Lutry M30-34 07:05 TCP MUZILLAC M30-34 07:05 TVR M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 1 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Pod ozzanese M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Triatlon Universitario de MadridM30-34 07:05 teamtriatlocalella M30-34 07:05 Tri Club, Cycling Team, Running M30-34 Club 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 CusioCuP Asd M30-34 07:05 Club Triatló Parets M30-34 07:05 Triathlon Savona M30-34 07:05 TRIATHLON M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Desmet Díaz López Diaz Prado Diez Dardes D'Intino Diquattro Dominguez Dudkiewicz Dugardyn Dupont Dutheil Eckert El Ashmawy Elbou Elwassimy Esca Eskildsen Estebanez De Miguel Fedotov Feniuk Fernandez Fernandez Fernandez Gallardo Fernandez Viera Ferrer Figueira Rodriguez-Rey Florensa Gamundi Floriani First Name Koen Alberto Angel Sebastián Antonio Emanuele Jesus Jacek Christophe Lionel Cédric Stefan Abd-Allah Mouad Abdelrahman Jordi Henrik Stok Alberto Gennadii Volodymyr Alberto Peri Francisco Javier Albert Oscar Jordi Jonas Nationality BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ARG (Argentina) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) POL (Poland) BEL (Belgium) FRA (France) FRA (France) GER (Germany) EGY (Egypt) USA (United States) EGY (Egypt) ESP (Spain) DNK (Denmark) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) UKR (Ukraine) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BRA (Brazil) Endurance Sports club Ironmanagers2008 Triatló Blanes Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 3d Triatlon M30-34 07:05 fit program M30-34 07:05 Gruppo Sportivo Valle dei Templi M30-34 Agrigrento 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Montpellier Agglo Triathlon M30-34 07:05 Capbreton Triathlon M30-34 07:05 tritronic team St.Wendel e.V. M30-34 07:05 train for aim M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Shooting Club of Egypt M30-34 07:05 prorunners M30-34 07:05 KTK86 M30-34 07:05 3 STYLE TRIATLON M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Sankt Pauli Triahlon M30-34 07:05 Arsenal M30-34 07:05 TRIRUNNERS GETXO M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Foixench Vilagrasa Forster Foz Fracasso Fraczek Fredensborg Galasso García García Cuenca García Del Moral Ortiz García Naranjo Garcia Ortiga Garcia Tello Gaskin Glasswell Goenechea Gonzalez Gil Gonzalez Vega Gore Goudsmit Grasby Grasselli Guichelaar Halvorsen Hanley Hansen Hellstam First Name Francesc Mathieu Ruben Giovani Piotr Jacob Fabrizio Jorge Jose Francisco Xavier Daniel Jose Antonio Neil Samuel Juan Miguel Jose Manuel David Martin Frans-Willem Andy Giacomo Matthijs Martin Eamon Patrick Erik Nationality ESP (Spain) SUI (Switzerland) ESP (Spain) BRA (Brazil) POL (Poland) DNK (Denmark) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) NLD (Netherlands) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) NLD (Netherlands) NOR (Norway) IRL (Ireland) DNK (Denmark) SWE (Sweden) Endurance Sports club Fasttriatlon Club Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Peaks Coaching Brasil M30-34 07:05 Olshcoaching M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Les tortugues M30-34 07:05 terrassa esport-ciclos trujillo M30-34 07:05 CLUB SOCIAL BANCO PASTOR/ M30-34 UCZ 07:05 Pea Brain Endurance M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 U.S. Cagnes Triathlon M30-34 07:05 Lothian&borders fire service / Edinburgh M30-34 RC 07:05 M30-34 07:05 British Fire service triathlon team M30-34 07:05 perugia triathlon M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Oslofjord Triatlon M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 OTK M30-34 07:05 SPIF Triathlon Stockholm M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Helou Hilverts Hocke Hollenweger Hueber Imbach Inman Iodice Janiga Jaumot Jensen Jensen Jimenez Cumplido Johnson Johnson Johnstone Jones Jones Jorda Garcia Jousset Kelly Kerbidi Klormann Korshunov Kostecki Kott Kramer First Name Stanislas Robin Jean François Boris Benedikt Mathew Emmanuel Peter Julien Jeppe Lasse Antonio Bernard Jeremy Glen Mark Steven Roger Grégory Martin Thierry Daniél Grigory Krzysztof Martin Florian Nationality FRA (France) NLD (Netherlands) BEL (Belgium) SUI (Switzerland) FRA (France) CHE (Switzerland) GBR (Great Britain) ARG (Argentina) SVK (Slovakia) FRA (France) DNK (Denmark) DNK (Denmark) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ZAF (South Africa) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) SUI (Switzerland) RUS (Russian Federation) POL (Poland) CZE ( Czech Republic) GER (Germany) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 Running club M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Tri team Lutry M30-34 07:05 Tri Hergiswil M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 VK Tatran KV M30-34 07:05 ISSY TRIATHLON M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Club ciclista limoncellos M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 wapiti larmor plage triathlon M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Les Girondins de Bordeaux Triathlon M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Kuźnia Triathlonu M30-34 07:05 1 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Kuijt Kutvonen Lacle Lafon Lamb Lange Lantrebecq Lao Fernandez Le Bihan Lebedev Liaño Capel Llull Amengual Lopere Lopez Lopez Hernandez Lopez Monterde López Moreno Lorenzo Maseda Ludovici Lutun Madsen Malherbe Martí Japón Martí San José Martin Martin Serrano Martinez Bernal First Name Paul Juuso Jaillen Guillaume Russell Wojciech Benjamin Rafael Ronan Roman David Toni Miquel Laurent Richard Alejandro Juan Antonio Daniel Raul Diego Nicolas Anders Servaas Miquel Jordi Graham Victor Jordi Nationality NLD (Netherlands) FIN (Finland) ABW (Aruba) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) POL (Poland) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) USA (United States) MEX (Mexico) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) NOR (Norway) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 Joroisten Sporttiklubi M30-34 07:05 Lola cycling club M30-34 07:05 SAINT ASTIER TRIATHLON M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Cork Triathlon Club M30-34 07:05 trigt M30-34 07:05 CT La Dulce Alianza M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Triatló Tramuntana Figueres M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Leucémie espoir M30-34 07:05 Miami Triathlon Team M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 C.E.RAYO TEAM M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Els Ploms (Reus) M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Østmarka tri M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Club Natació Caldes M30-34 07:05 Absolut Sport M30-34 07:05 Warrington running club M30-34 07:05 TRIATLON CLAVERÍA MOSTOLESM30-34 07:05 BIKERUNNERS M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Mas Cervero Matcovschi Mateo Garcia Mathieson Mccann Mcconachie Mcdonagh Mcglinn Mcmillan Meester Mejías Del Castillo Mercadé Canals Merlot Merz Meza Fuentes Monegal Montero Clopes Mooij Moonen Moraes Moraleda Fernández Moreno Garcia Morrison Morse Mostafa Mountney Mouton First Name Ximo Andrei Javier Ian Duncan Brendan James Robert Gary Brendan Wouter Ulises Rodia Oriol Emmanuel Loic Adrian David Cristian Maurice Hans Rafael Javier Alberto Javier Michael Thad Momen Thomas Frank Nationality ESP (Spain) MDA (Moldova, Republic of) ESP (Spain) ZAF (South Africa) ZAF (South Africa) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) AUS (Australia) FRA (France) CHE (Switzerland) VEN (Venezuela) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) NLD (Netherlands) BEL (Belgium) BRA (Brazil) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) EGY (Egypt) GBR (Great Britain) ZAF (South Africa) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time club triatlo vialterra algemesi M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 PERSONAL RUNNING M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Tyne and Wear Fire and RescueM30-34 Triathlon Clun07:05 M30-34 07:05 TXTM M30-34 07:05 CE Triathlonbcn M30-34 07:05 rillieux triathlon M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 TRITRAINING M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Lommelse Triatleten M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Tribanda triatlo M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Clapham Chasers, M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Muntwyler Mykolaitis Nash Nel Nel Nicholas Nicolleau Noascone O'Brien Oldroyd O'Rourke Owen Pacheco Vivanco Palini Parra Pegenaute Pelster Perez Olano Pervakov Peter Phelan Phillips Podsiad?Owski Polyakov Pons B Potgieter Pouillard First Name Christian Laurynas Martin Erik Tim William Vincent Kevin Arlene Richard Niall Shaun Ignacio Daniele Fernando Ferran Matthias Santiago Sergei Philipp Craig Kevin Micha? Sergey Edu Hugo Arnaud Nationality ARG (Argentina) LTU (Lithuania) IRL (Ireland) ZAF (South Africa) ZAF (South Africa) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) FRA (France) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) SWE (Sweden) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) GER (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) POL (Poland) RUS (Russian Federation) AND (Andorra) ZAF (South Africa) FRA (France) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 Vilnius Triathlon Association M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Rillieux Triathlon M30-34 07:05 Tri Club, Cycling team, running club M30-34 07:05 Leeds Bradford Tri club, Albarosa M30-34 Cycling club 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Zoomtri M30-34 07:05 1 M30-34 07:05 Freezone M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Bcn Triathlon total3 M30-34 07:05 Tri-Geckos Dortmund M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 MRRC München M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Trinergy M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Club Triatló SPARTRIANS M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 LondonTri M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Prandini Pringle Prokopik Pulido Putz Ramos Jorques Rancel Toledo Rapattoni Raper Redondo Valera Reguant Remijnse Requena Civico Rey Arevalo Richards Rivers Rodrigo Rodriguez Estevez Rodríguez Segura Romera Ros Bajona Roussez Rowett Ruiz Peinado Ruiz Santos Ruiz Sierra Rus First Name Stefano Brett Slawomir John Hary Luis Miguel Tanausu Matteo John Ivan Roger Daan Rafa Juan Carlos Gary Jon Aaron Jesus Rubén Carles Eduard Vivien Paul Borja David Carlos Antonio Nationality ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) POL (Poland) ESP (Spain) LUX (Luxembourg) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) AND (Andorra) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) DEU (Germany) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club 3LIFE Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 TRIATHLON M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Centre Atlètic Laietània M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Dolfijn Amsterdam M30-34 07:05 triathlon phoenix M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Badtri M30-34 07:05 Belpark Triathlon Club Dublin M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Club Natacio Caldes M30-34 07:05 Team Calella triathlon M30-34 07:05 Arsenal M30-34 07:05 Issy Triathlon M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 CN CALDES M30-34 07:05 TriTraining M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Sacristán Diez Sagarzazu Pego Sakr Saleh Samra San Martin Olasagasti Sánchez Martín-Moreno Sanchez Sanchez Sandell Santaliestra Carreras Santuccione Sauquillo Guerra Sauvourel Savitsky Schaefer Schønau Segui Sanchez Seif El Nasr Serra Pons Serrano Molero Settle Sharpe Shevlin Sierra Simecek Simón Toscano Slevin First Name Joan Imanol Mohamed Ahmed Tarek Ahmad Ion Gonzalo Teofilo Matt Victor Davide Jordi Marc Dmitry Eric Christian Jose Tarek Joan Jordi Andrew Christopher Stuart Paco Eric Daniel Alex Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) EGY (Egypt) EGY (Egypt) SYR (Syrian Arab Republic) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) RUS (Russian Federation) BEL (Belgium) DNK (Denmark) ESP (Spain) EGY (Egypt) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) SUI (Switzerland) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 zumitza tt M30-34 07:05 a local one called TFA M30-34 07:05 Train For Aim M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Tri pro M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 TRIATHLON M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 ES NANTERRE M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 TURBO TRIATHLON M30-34 07:05 PlayGroundTriathlon M30-34 07:05 redolat tri M30-34 07:05 tri club M30-34 07:05 Team calella triatlon M30-34 07:05 C.N. MOLINS DE REI TRIATLO M30-34 07:05 mk lakeside runners M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 KPMG Triathlon Club M30-34 07:05 IESE SBR M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 TRIDIR M30-34 07:05 GiTri M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Smith Smith Smith Snook Sola Speer Stapleton Stears Steel Streitburger Stuart Sturlese Suarez Castro Supelano Sydor Taylor Thackray Torregrosa Torregrosa Domenech Torrents Alcántara Torres Garcia Torres Romero Trobois Van Den Bergh Van Hedel Van Leeuwen Van Vuuren First Name Lee Richard Sean Matt Julien Adam Ashley Andre Rhys Kyle Martinus Marc Jonatan Guillermo Tomasz Carl Adam Andreu Eugenio Xavier Sergio Pedro Antoine Björn Sjors Björn Gijs Nationality GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) ZAF (South Africa) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) COL (Colombia) POL (Poland) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GRC (Greece) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) NLD (Netherlands) NLD (Netherlands) NLD (Netherlands) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 TEAM CHARENTES TRIATHLONM30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Pontypridd Roadents M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Triathlon Festival M30-34 07:05 Club Ciclista Moratalaz, FitnessM30-34 Sport Triatlón 07:05 Triathlon Trojmiasto M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Veloclub Allschwil, Roche Run &M30-34 Swim, LSVB Basel 07:05Run C.N.Eivissa Triatló M30-34 07:05 llavabikes M30-34 07:05 TRIATLO SANTA EULARIA M30-34 07:05 triatlô santa eularia M30-34 07:05 Versailles Triathlon M30-34 07:05 IronManagers2008 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Varelis Velasco Perarnau Verbrugge Vives Gaseni Wahby Wentzel Wertheimer Weston Weston Weytjens Wheildon Williams Wills Win Winter Wright Wymmersch Zambrano Zarouni Zorenko Abad Lopez Abdelhakim Aguado Aielli Aizpiolea Iradi Al Muhairi Albiol Uriz First Name Georgios Carles Bart Carlos Ahmed Jason Daniel Michael Philip Timothy Pete Matthew Alastair Beta Barry Chris Nicolas Mauricio Saif Oleh Ignacio Mahmoud Vincent Antonio Xabat Mohamed Agusti Nationality GRC (Greece) ESP (Spain) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) EGY (Egypt) ZAF (South Africa) NLD (Netherlands) ZWE (Zimbabwe) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ZAF (South Africa) NZL (New Zealand) BEL (Belgium) COL (Colombia) ARE (United Arab Emirates) UKR (Ukraine) ESP (Spain) EGY (Egypt) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ARE (United Arab Emirates) LTU (Lithuania) Endurance Sports club One Life Racing CLUB ATLETISME GIRONA Dolfijn Triathlon Fasttriatlon Club Train for Aim Thames Turbo Age Group Starting Time M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 North Down Cycling Club M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Serpentine RC, Serpentine Ironman M30-34 Squad 07:05 Leeds Bradford Triathlon Club M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 OneTri rds M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 226 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 M30-34 07:05 Fitness Sport Triatlon Pozuelo Valle M35-39 de las cañas 07:05 Train For Aim M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 TRIATHLON M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Alcaraz Álvarez Alexander Alonso Alonso Herrero Aloudat Altabella Aguilar Altimiras Altuna Amparan Corrales Anania Anglada Angrot Antonini Arboleya Iglesias Arnold Asenjo Lobo Badaya Sarabia Badr Baer Ballesteros De Toro Barrientos Pellicer Barrios Bausela Autillo Belanger Bell Bell Bellido Escudero First Name Cristian Neil Luis Fernando Tammam Daniel Jordi Faustino Xabier Francisco Roger Romuald Marco Pablo Walter Carlos Juan Mostafa Philip Germán Oscar Pepe Jose Luis Rob Robert Simon Javier Nationality ESP (Spain) USA (United States) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) SYR (Syrian Arab Republic) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ARG (Argentina) ESP (Spain) CHL (Chile) ESP (Spain) POL (Poland) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) EGY (Egypt) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) CAN (Canada) GBR (Great Britain) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Tridir Marion Oaks Cycling Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Club Triatlo Prat M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 CA les Tortugues M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Academia Civil-Cnso M35-39 07:05 Laface- Team Weiden M35-39 07:05 FITNESS SPORTS TRIATLON M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 CLUB TRIATLO ATENEU M35-39 07:05 Tempo Sport M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Bellmunt Bellmunt Belousov Beltran Carrion Ben Saad Benavente Villagrasa Bennett Bernegger Berrard Bertoldo Bläß Boe Boixadera Mitjana Borrallo Bosch Bowler Bracero Darnius Bramsen Brilli Caillaud Calvo Delgado Campbell Campos Aznar Canevet Carniello Carrasco Carrere Carrión Fernández First Name Albert Vladimir Carlos Nadir Marc David Michael Xavier Alexandre Christian Carsten Luis Adrian Homer Scott Jose Poul Erik John Jerome Jose Maria Lee Gonzalo James Stefano Victor Laurent David Nationality ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) DEU (Germany) FRA (France) FRA (France) GER (Germany) DNK (Denmark) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) DNK (Denmark) ARE (United Arab Emirates) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) NZL (New Zealand) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club C.A. LES TORTUGUES Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Auch Triathlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Triabolos M35-39 07:05 TGV54 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 LSV Ladenburg M35-39 07:05 TRIclub denmark M35-39 07:05 Arsenal M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Argon Mafia M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Aarhus 1900 triathlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Tri Team Lutry M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Serpentine Running Club, London M35-39 07:05 XQC Team M35-39 07:05 leucémie espoir M35-39 07:05 Windmilers M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 ASPTT M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Casas Casellas Mula Castellet Castello Castiglioni Castillo Villar Celada Roura Cerini Cerro Amores Chiaratti Chisholm Chiva Colin Collins Common Conner Coppinger Córdoba Duran Cornell Costa Cotsell D'Alessandro Das Davi Roca De Ayarra Rodríguez De Clercq De Cock First Name David Ferran Tommy Joan Ramon Fabrizio Javier Jaume Luca Jorge Renato Alasdair Jaume Sébastien Michael Steven Simon Gary Javier Tim Enrico John Eduardo Ankur Pau Alfonso Jan Sven Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) AND (Andorra) BRA (Brazil) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) AUS (Australia) DOM (Dominican Republic) IND (India) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 triathlon pavese M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 MTG Mannheim M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 JAM Boys M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Pessac aventures triathlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 SBR Open Team M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 black sheep Vigevano M35-39 07:05 Stockholm City Triathlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M3T Mallorcatrainertriatlonteam M35-39 07:05 IM2008 M35-39 07:05 WTT & SCT M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name De La Serna I Asensi De Roda Gonzalez De Roda Gonzalez Del Castillo Deléglise D'Hulst Diaz De La Cruz Dicharry Didier Dire Doherty Duarte Angarita Dubos Dufaur Eddy Elizaga Erdman Esser Esvan Farnsworth Fernandez Clavijo Findenig Fischer Flores Flores Flounders Folch Fontelles Coderch First Name Alejandro Eduardo Iñigo Javier Stephane Jeroen Ignacio Jean-Marc Drumez Johan Robert Juan Carlos Thomas Damien Moreau Gary Genrikh Björn Yohann Ben Jose Antonio Georg Luciano Jose R. Ben Enric Isaac Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) CAN (Canada) SWE (Sweden) IRL (Ireland) VEN (Venezuela) FRA (France) FRA (France) FRA (France) PHL (Philippines) RUS (Russian Federation) GER (Germany) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) AUT (Austria) ARG (Argentina) PRI (Puerto Rico) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Ironmanagers M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Aviron Bayonnais M35-39 07:05 Bartcoaching M35-39 07:05 Triathlon Väst M35-39 07:05 Cobh Tri Club M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 capbretontriathlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 FIT M35-39 07:05 ЦиклON M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 TRIATHLE VANNES M35-39 07:05 Clapham Chasers M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Schwimm Aktiv Club M35-39 07:05 Katja Schumacher triathlon akademie M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Forrest Francis Francisco Perez De Arenaza Fruchart Gaig Dieguez Gallego Gómez Garcia Garcia De Santiago Garcia Rincon Garcia Toledo Garnica Yllera Garrote Borrull Giordano Girard Gloel Golubev Goncalves Linhares Goñi Robledo González Gonzalez Vega Goossens Grace Gratacos Gratte Gregori Coso Hamilton Harpest First Name John Bradley Manu Nathanael Edgar Daniel Javier Victor Sergi Jose Jonathan Fernando German Éric Sébastien Markus Mikhail Sergio Rubén David Andres Bas Timothy Marc Guillaume Josep Craig David Nationality GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) FRA (France) FIN (Finland) RUS (Russian Federation) DEU (Germany) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) NLD (Netherlands) NZL (New Zealand) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) Endurance Sports club Hereford tri club. Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 TRIGOITT M35-39 07:05 centaures pertuis M35-39 07:05 C.T. PARETS DEL VALLES M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 INFINITRI M35-39 07:05 TXTM M35-39 07:05 PERSONAL RUNNING M35-39 07:05 C.N. MATARO M35-39 07:05 Vitrolles triathlon M35-39 07:05 CA PERIGUEUX TRIATHLON M35-39 07:05 Serpentine M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Team Erdinger/Running Company/Exathlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 TRI+9 M35-39 07:05 Fitness Sports Valle de las Cañas M35-39 07:05 Cycling M35-39 07:05 TriClub Doha M35-39 07:05 Club Tri5U M35-39 07:05 Giggatri M35-39 07:05 CLUB TRIATLON VIALTERRA ALGEMESI M35-39 07:05 Scottish Fire Service M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Harvey Hassall Heatley Hebbert Hedley Henriksen Herce Hernandez Hernández Soler Herra Holmström Horvath Hudson Humnig Hurtado De Amézaga Husistein Hutchinson Ingledew Insausti Iraky Isasi Miguel Janiec Janion Jones Joos Joseph Cusachs Juncosa Del Llano First Name Lee Karl Al Andrew Leigh Clas Norberto Jean Louis Juanjo Wojciech Kimmo Attila Michael Bernhard Jaime Steve Liam Thomas Aimar Ahmed David Mateusz Paul Kevin Nico Pau Albert Nationality ZAF (South Africa) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ZAF (South Africa) GBR (Great Britain) NOR (Norway) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) POL (Poland) FIN (Finland) HUN (Hungary) HRV (Croatia) AUT (Austria) ESP (Spain) CHE (Switzerland) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) EGY (Egypt) ESP (Spain) POL (Poland) GBR (Great Britain) IRL (Ireland) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Wanderers Athletics Club JamBoys Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 SACS OBU M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Oslofjord Triathlon M35-39 07:05 FitnessSport Triatlon M35-39 07:05 hyeres triathlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Turun Urheiluliitto M35-39 07:05 Total Bike Shop M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Newry Triathlon Club M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Kairoscore M35-39 07:05 TrainForAim M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Trisfera M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Limerick Tri Club M35-39 07:05 IronManagers2008 (Belgium) M35-39 07:05 segurartic-catalana occident sport M35-39 HG 07:05 C.E. TriathlonBcn M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Kaysen Petersen Keating Kerlin King Kini Klaar Knowles Knudsen Kostarelis Krohn Kulitski Kursu Labruto Laka Urquidi Lazaro Lahuerta Lazaro Suarez Le Saux Leon Rodriguez Leva Lieury Boher Lin Llobell López De Andrés Lopez Hernando Losa Loumede Luger First Name Mattis Rory Robert Andy Jonathan Fredrik Ben Martin Linus Yiorgos Andreas Valeri Joonas Fausto Mikel Lluis Ivan David Javier Cristiano Alfred Chih-Hao Juan Oscar Carlos Matteo Mathias Paul Nationality DNK (Denmark) IRL (Ireland) GER (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) SWE (Sweden) GBR (Great Britain) DNK (Denmark) GRC (Greece) GER (Germany) LVA (Lativa) FIN (Finland) SWE (Sweden) SWE (Sweden) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) TWN (Taiwan) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Serpentine running club Limerick Triathlon Club Kaifu tri team Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Donkeys triathlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Tri Team Lüneburg M35-39 07:05 KM Running Club, Podolskiy Fitness M35-39 07:05 Turun urheiluliitto M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 TEAM CALELLA TRIATHLON M35-39 07:05 early run team M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 triathle vannes M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 TRIATHLON M35-39 07:05 TEAM CALELLA TRIATHLON M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Fastriatlon M35-39 07:05 OXYGEN TRIATHLON M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Nbcc/ tenby aces M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Macpherson Maihaniemi Marquina Perez De La Cruz Marti Chovares Martinez Martinez Martinez Prats Martos Carrascosa Marucci Maurizi Mauss Mccosker Mccullagh Mcgill Meier Melia Méndez Michel Mirabel Molina Cedres Montagut Bolet Moragon Lleo Moreel Moreno Lopez Mottey Mounier Moya Alcala First Name Ross Saku Cesar César Jason Xavi Alex Francis Giuseppe Mark Antoine Luke Gary Shaun Jens Oliver Denis Marcial David Sebastien Manuel Sergi Jorge Wout Emilio Rakesh François German Nationality GBR (Great Britain) FIN (Finland) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) AUS (Australia) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) AUS (Australia) FRA (France) AND (Andorra) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 Helsinki Triahtlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 TRIATLON VIALTERRA ALGEMESI M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 CNB M35-39 07:05 TRI EJIDO WITL? M35-39 07:05 TRIATHLON M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Les Centaures de Pertuis M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Total Racing International M35-39 07:05 Nordtriathleten M35-39 07:05 Army Triathlon Association M35-39 07:05 Seat Runners M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Garraf Runners M35-39 07:05 TRIATLO VIALTERRA ALGEMESIM35-39 07:05 Triteam Brugge M35-39 07:05 Reebok Sports Club La Finca M35-39 07:05 Clapham Chasers M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Moya Blasco Muedra Castellote Munoz Nauwelaerts Nebot Nigon Noaman Noel Norberg Norcross Novell Arderiu Nowacki Nowak Oguona Oliver Ondrejka Orlandi Ormston Orru Otaegi Paesen Pagan Paquet Pedrosa Santiago Peinado Fernandez Perez Caldaya Pérez González First Name Raul Manuel Marcel Jaimie Josep Francois Marwan Bertrand Olof Dominic Marc Marcin Pawel Daryl Adam Marek Kevin Chris Andrea Jon Jeroen Jose Julien Josep A. Antonio Aito Raúl Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) EGY (Egypt) FRA (France) SWE (Sweden) GBR (Great Britain) AND (Andorra) POL (Poland) POL (Poland) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) SVK (Slovakia) FRA (France) AUS (Australia) ITA (Italy) AUS (Australia) BEL (Belgium) USA (United States) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club CD Fasttriatlon Molins de Rei Club VO2 Sural COVENTRI Tri Team Lutry NBCC cycling GT RAT Tyne & Wear Fire Service Biscarrosse triathlon Tri-Alliance (Australia) NLSPORT Kairoscore SFT Hammerheads CLUB TRIATLO BLANES SANUS VITAE TRIATLON TRIFUSTER TRIBANDA TRIATLÓ Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Pérez Reyes Persson Ploet Powazynski Prats Santañes Puigdollers Nabau Pujol Pardo Ramjiani Ramos Kraemer Rancon Rebolo Del Campo Rebordosa Reig Florensa Renduda Rey Reyero Gil Riat Richards Richardson Rios Montero Rivière Robert Robin Robutti Rodriguez Garcia Rodriguez Ruiz Roig Bresó First Name David Sebastian Fabien Arkadiusz David Eduardo Jordi Jesus Anil Javier Yvan Juan Carlos Joan Albert Marcin Raúl Daniel Arnaud Jonathan Peter Jordi Arnaud Benoit Stuart Fabio Dani Javier Salva Nationality ESP (Spain) SWE (Sweden) FRA (France) POL (Poland) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) USA (United States) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) POL (Poland) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) CHE (Switzerland) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club 3DREAM Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Labosport M35-39 07:05 CLUB TRIATLÓ ANYÓS PARK M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 3Dream M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 X3M Majadahonda M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Club Triatlo Prosan M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Club esportiu cube manresa M35-39 07:05 Club Natació Barcelona M35-39 07:05 Tri Club Genève M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 CLUB TRIATLO MALGRAT M35-39 07:05 vitrolles triathlon M35-39 07:05 Tri Villefranche M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Triathlon savona M35-39 07:05 Club Atletic Castellar M35-39 07:05 TRI EJIDO WITL? M35-39 07:05 TRIATLÓ VIALTERRA ALGEMESÍM35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Rosenthal Rubio Rubio Carbó Ruis Sáez Márquez Salinas Moraleda Saludes Guerrero Sanchez Lafuente Sanna Sardanyons Colomina Scaccianoce Schmidt Schol Scholten Sebastian Muñoz Segado Shaw Sheridan Sim Simmons Smith Soler Blasco Sorrenti Spicer Steyaert Stirnimann Strömsholm First Name Björn Iago Oriol Axel Francisco Javier Angel Joan Abraham Luca Joan Christian Patrick Wesley Tjapko Alfonso David Michael Mark Anthony Ian William Kevin Marc Alessandro Neil Kris Ruedi Jani Nationality SWE (Sweden) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) GER (Germany) NLD (Netherlands) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) CHE (Switzerland) FIN (Finland) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 TRIATLÓ BLANES M35-39 07:05 226 LONG DISTANCE M35-39 07:05 DIAF TRIATLO M35-39 07:05 Zagros M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Maresme Triatlo Club M35-39 07:05 NLSPORT Triathlon Team M35-39 07:05 rios running manresa M35-39 07:05 ZOOM TRI CLUB M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 team hope M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 triatlo vialterra algemesi M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 all of them M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 Team calella triathlon M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 1 M35-39 07:05 Tri Club Hergiswil M35-39 07:05 Team Active M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Swale Szemelowski Thierbach Tintenier Toher Toombs Torres García Tortosa Trapiello Castelar Trujillo Quijada Tudela Moral Urdiales Valli Vallribera Riera Van Roeyen Vanni Veale Vellieux Vernegeol Vigneron Volodin Voorsluijs Vuaillat Willems Williams Yanshevskiy Zamora Lumbreras First Name Nationality Lee GBR (Great Britain) Lukasz POL (Poland) Kai GER (Germany) Maxime FRA (France) Niall IRL (Ireland) Richard GBR (Great Britain) David ESP (Spain) Toni ESP (Spain) Jesús ESP (Spain) Gustavo ESP (Spain) Oscar ESP (Spain) Hector ESP (Spain) Giuseppe ITA (Italy) Xavi ESP (Spain) Sven BEL (Belgium) Luca ITA (Italy) Richard GBR (Great Britain) Bertrand FRA (France) Christophe FRA (France) [email protected] FRA (France) Andrey RUS (Russian Federation) Jeffrey NLD (Netherlands) Franck FRA (France) Tim BEL (Belgium) Tom GBR (Great Britain) Pavel RUS (Russian Federation) Javier ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Saint Yrieix Triathlon SSF Bonn Triathlon tri athlon RCL Club Triatlon Santa Eulalia team calella TRI TXTM txtm witl 3Life CN CALDES TRIATLO USA Triathlon EurekaCycleSports C.T. esporTRIssim Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Zapata Fenor Zepeda Contreras Abad De Agueda Abril Afifi Aillet Alcala Castro Allen Allen Almoril Alvarez Gomez Ambumsgård Andersen Anstett Antequera Archer-Good Arcucci Arial Arnqvist Aschauer Axmith Ayestaran Pradilla Balbach Balk Barbera Bardsley Battini First Name Lluis Raymundo Santiago Josep Hassan Grégory Diego Rich Simon Miguel Daniel Rikard Brian Wurtz Spc Hugh P Xavi Damien Mauro Denis Jonas Werner Jason Aiert Peter Jos Pino Salvatore Alan Guillaume Nationality ESP (Spain) MEX (Mexico) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) EGY (Egypt) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) ESP (Spain) SWE (Sweden) DNK (Denmark) USA (United States) ESP (Spain) IRL (Ireland) ARG (Argentina) FRA (France) SWE (Sweden) AUT (Austria) CAN (Canada) ESP (Spain) DEU (Germany) NLD (Netherlands) GER (Germany) IRL (Ireland) FRA (France) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M35-39 07:05 M35-39 07:05 cn mataro M40-44 07:05 PIRI M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Rillieux Triathlon M40-44 07:05 Escuela de triatlon Navalmoral M40-44 07:05 Frome triathlon M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 TSG Limbach M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Stockholm City Triathlon M40-44 07:05 Holstebro Triathlon Klub M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Arenys de Munt-MTC M40-44 07:05 Cork Tri Club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 SEGRE TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 swimming club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 DONOSTIARRAK M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 ATC M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Cobh triathlon club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Becker Begin Belyakov Beneat Bernardi Berthelot Bertoncello Besalu Black Blattner Bonner Boronat Muner Bou Planell Bowling Brady Bravo Briones Ruiz Brogan Bruned Buels Bueno Gallego Busquets Bussignies Buzzi Caals Campillo Lara Canaria First Name Rüdiger Arnaud Vadim Emmanuel Mauro Manuel Fabian Jordi John Jean-Marie Karl Jordi Pere Matt Philip Javier Isaac Dominic Joaquin Joseph Juan Manuel Pau Christophe Dario Jan Jose Angel Jaynald Nationality GER (Germany) FRA (France) RUS (Russian Federation) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) USA (United States) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) POL (Poland) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) CZE (Czech Republic) IRL (Ireland) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) AND (Andorra) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) PHL (Philippines) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 TRITYC M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 TRIATHLE VANNES M40-44 07:05 Hydro Sport M40-44 07:05 OCC natation M40-44 07:05 A3 triathlon M40-44 07:05 TEAM CALELLA TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 RILLIEUX TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 Zoom Tri Club M40-44 07:05 DIAF TRIATLO M40-44 07:05 California Sports M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Muscat tri club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 TRI2WIN M40-44 07:05 newry tri club M40-44 07:05 U.C. Sant Cugat M40-44 07:05 4T+ Velo M40-44 07:05 TRIATLÓ VIALTERRA ALGEMESÍM40-44 07:05 Triatló Girona Costa Brava M40-44 07:05 La Rochelle triathlon M40-44 07:05 CUSIOCUP M40-44 07:05 FM TEAM M40-44 07:05 morveldre triatlon M40-44 07:05 FITQ Filipino International Triathlete M40-44 Qatar 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Canetta Capiomont Carbo Pou Carrion Martinez Castaño Tubio Castella Vidal Castells Guilera Centemero Cervello Teixido Chadwick Chevereau Ciceri Italo Cicoria Claramunt Ruscalleda Climent Bonet Collier Cordero Masdéu Corp Posadas Costa Cotton Couture Cruz Cruzate Cunningham Curtis Dachs I Tortola Daudrix First Name Giovanni Gilles Jordi Jesús Juan Carlos Joan José Maria Simone Marc Chris Olivier Alessandro Graziano Raul David Darren Amancio Carles Lluis Matthew Etienne Carlos David Fergal Christopher Francesc Stéphane Nationality ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) CAN (Canada) PRT (Portugal) ESP (Spain) IRL (Ireland) IRL (Ireland) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) Endurance Sports club Happy Runner Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 club triatlon tricanet M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 TEAM CALELLA TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Monza Marathon Team Triathlon M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Manvers tri club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 2 M40-44 07:05 Avant El Cantero De Letur M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 CLUB TRIATLO CN CALDES M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 DL Port Solent Tri Club M40-44 07:05 Université Laval M40-44 07:05 Sporting Clube de Portugal M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 SETANTA tri club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 WHERE IS THE LIMIT ? M40-44 07:05 CAPBRETON TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name De Gea Duran De Gea Perez De Watteville Della Mea Demarco Demarco Di Nezza Didelet Domènech Dunaime Edgell El Jailani Elespe Lozano Ellis Erat Eriksson Erler Escudero Lorente Escudero Rodelas Estruga Etienne Ezz Farci Fernandez Prieto Fernández Rabat Fieber Filipetto First Name Raul Juan Antonio Christian Luca Don Jp Andrea Sebastien Edu Laurent Phil Sabri Agustin Scott Pablo Miska Joeri Toni David Josep Eric Mohamed Luca Miguel Angel Luis Thomas Marco Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) CHE (Switzerland) ITA (Italy) CAN (Canada) NLD (Netherlands) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) CAN (Canada) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) SUI (Switzerland) FIN (Finland) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) AND (Andorra) FRA (France) EGY (Egypt) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) ITA (Italy) Endurance Sports club Team calella Tri Team Lutry Jalmicco triathlon Triathlon e marathon nimes triathlon Distance La Salle Vitrolles Triathlon FITNESS SPORT TRIATLON Tempo-sport Heltri MTV Club Triatlo Sabadell Club triatló Anyospark NLSPORT a.s.d. Saituz Triatroi Taldea David Lloyd Club Turo Ligertri Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Flüeler Flynn Fogueras Bayarri Fontaine Forrest Fournier Frias Chica Friend Fuente Fulton Galiana Barceló Galloway García Casas Garcia Garcia Garcia Torres Gevorkyan Gill Gimenez Seculi Glorieux Godino Gallego Gomez Soler González Gómez Granger Greatbatch Greco Guironi Hannemann First Name Martin Brett Oriol Johann Ian Luc Alex Michael Pablo David Joan Mike Jose Antonio Hugo Mikael Simon Francesc Frederic Gonzalo Rafa Manel Raphaël Richard Stefano Luca Justin Nationality CHE (Switzerland) AUS (Australia) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) AUS (Australia) ESP (Spain) AUS (Australia) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) SUI (Switzerland) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) AUS (Australia) Endurance Sports club Parmino Racing Team ADSTA TEAM CALELLA TRIATHLON Bpc 4T+ Velo Club ST ASTIER TRIATHLON CLUB NATACIO TERRASSA Optima racing team Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Restart-Club Trilercavons Terres M40-44 de l'Ebre 07:05 Rochdale Triathlon Club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Cerdanyola CH M40-44 07:05 C.T.EsporTRIssim M40-44 07:05 open water swimming, runningM40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 SBR open team M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 IRONTRIATH M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 A.S.D. Junior club M40-44 07:05 GS Passatore,Dragonero,HydroSport M40-44 Triathlon 07:05 M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Härkönen Hartigan Herberg Herrera Högberg Holmberg Huber Ibarra Lamilla Iniesta Escolano Inui Ivanov Jacobs Janiga Jarrett Jedrzejewski Jiménez Redondo Jouy Kaltio Kavvathas Kennedy Kippa Klymenko Koch Kochukov Kodjayan Korolev Koska First Name Sami Martin Roland Jose Joachim Marcus Stephan Mauricio Daniel Akira Konstantin Nicolas Robert Greg Grzegorz Jordi Pierre-Emmanuel Tommi Konstantinos Lee Boris Igor Johann Alexander Patrick Denis Tomas Nationality FIN (Finland) IRL (Ireland) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) SWE (Sweden) SWE (Sweden) DEU (Germany) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) JPN (Japan) RUS (Russian Federation) ZAF (South Africa) POL (Poland) GBR (Great Britain) POL (Poland) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) FIN (Finland) GRC (Greece) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russia) UKR (Ukraine) SUI (Switzerland) RUS (Russian Federation) GER (Germany) RUS (Russian Federation) CZE ( Czech Republic) Endurance Sports club TuUl LTC Stockholm City Triathlon Stockholm City Triathlon Fitness Sport Triatlon Kuwait Cycling Club Kuźnią Triathlonu Club Tri5U F4L Coaching ocean lake tri Spvgg. Sterkrade-Nord Endurance Lab Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 1 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Kovalev Kremers La Placa Lammertyn Langridge Lanti Larsen Lasaosa Lawrence Le Moal Le Nouvel Lebedev Legrand Lemonnier Lidgren Linares Calaza Loche Lopes Lopez Dosouto López Sampietro Loyola Lucas Lunn Maclure Magana Magill Magni First Name Alexey Sascha Paolo Geert David Gaspard Kim Jacobo Lee David Jean-Baptiste Pavel Fabrice Benoit Mattias Ignacio Paolo Paulo Lino Manel Jose Scott Paul Ian Frédéric Kevin Tiziano Nationality RUS (Russian Federation) GER (Germany) ITA (Italy) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) SUI (Switzerland) DNK (Denmark) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) FRA (France) RUS (Russian Federation) FRA (France) FRA (France) SWE (Sweden) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) BRA (Brazil) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) MEX (Mexico) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) IRL (Ireland) ITA (Italy) Endurance Sports club Alex Fitness ASV Duisburg A3 Triathlon 12B04 Zoom tri CNN TRI NYON Vestbjerg tri Arsenal Vitrolles Triathlon Triathlévannes Pessac Aventure Triathlon Väsby SS Club Triatlon Las Rozas sinis group D3 MULTISPORT Centre Atlètic Laietània Tri PACTRAC Gmfrs tri Team Argon 18 Newry triathlon club monza marathon team Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Magnusson Mandracchia Marochkin Marquina Perez De La Cruz Marti Martin Martin Gonzalez Martinez Llunell Martínez Padilla Martinez Santos Mas Velasco Mattenet Mcintyre Medina Meier Meiser Mejorado Acosta Melling Mesa Jodar Mileev Miquel Molina Montesinos Montiague Moran Moreel Moreno Crespo First Name Tom Stéphane Oleg Pere Jordi Owen David Sergio Jesús Carlos Jorge Wilfrid Conan Pablo Chris Michael Jose Maria Graham Jaime Alexander Morales Dani Xavier Dondie Ryan Merijn Javier Nationality SWE (Sweden) FRA (France) RUS (Russian Federation) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) IRL (Ireland) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) CAN (Canada) ESP (Spain) ZAF (South Africa) GER (Germany) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) PHL (Philippines) USA (United States) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 Vitrolles triathlon M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Club Triatló AnyósPark M40-44 07:05 FASTTRIATLON CLUB M40-44 07:05 Setanta Tri M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Tritraining M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 asturcon btt M40-44 07:05 CE.TRIATHLON BCN M40-44 07:05 Club royannais M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Triathlon M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 club ciclista sportbikebcn M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 club natació calella, club ciclistaM40-44 pineda 07:05 Tri M40-44 07:05 Cerdanyola CH M40-44 07:05 3dtriatlon M40-44 07:05 Vo2 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 TRIATLON X3M Y CLUB CICLISTAM40-44 ORQUIN 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Morillo Mouton Muir Muñoa Amundarain Muñoz Abellan Munro Murphy Nadein Nistico' O'Brien O'Driscoll Olivé Vivancos Oliver Oliveri O'Neill Ongari Onistrat Ordoyo Orellana Orméus Orozco Ortin Moreno Oss Owen-Parr Pancirolli Parkhomenko Parladé First Name Miquel Thierry Ian Lander Oscar Matt Jason Viacheslav Giordano Jeffrey Ronan Víctor Romà Andrea Brian Alberto Andrii Oscar Oscar Alexander Borja Guillermo Enrico Daniel Luca Sergei Albert Nationality ESP (Spain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) IRL (Ireland) RUS (Russian Federation) ITA (Italy) USA (United States) IRL (Ireland) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) UKR (Ukraine) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) SWE (Sweden) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Cerdanyola CH Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 zumitza t.t. M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 British Army M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 swim M40-44 07:05 Aria Sport M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Swimming M40-44 07:05 TRI2WIN M40-44 07:05 TEAM CALELLA TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 triathlon savona M40-44 07:05 EAST KILBRIDE CYCLING CLUB M40-44 07:05 Carrera Triathlon M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 GA LLUISOS M40-44 07:05 Club Tri5u M40-44 07:05 2 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Treviso Triathlon M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 1 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Pastor Arjona Pastor Sanchez Patrick Paul Pedro Feria Perez Ruiz Perks Petrov Pierson Pisanu Poac Pons Neira Prendergast Puget Pupi Queralt Parellada Ramon Sedo Raposo Rebollo Balda Reina Reis Nava Requena González Riccitelli Rice Riviere Robinson Robinson First Name Alberto Miki Plé Mathias Isidro Julio Craig Anton Sébastien Andrea Christophe Albert Kevin Francois Alessandro Carles Jordi Manuel David Andrea Mario Daniel Stefano Roger Anthony Gareth James Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) SUI (Switzerland) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russian Federation) BEL (Belgium) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) IRL (Ireland) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) POL (Poland) ESP (Spain) POR (Portugal) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) IRL (Ireland) FRA (France) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 C.T. esporTRIssim M40-44 07:05 Geneva Tri M40-44 07:05 best saint nazaire M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 CLUB TRIATLÓN VIALTERRA ALGEMESI M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 NEL SINIS GROUP M40-44 07:05 SEGRE TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 Club Triatló Blanes M40-44 07:05 North Dublin M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Flipper triathlon M40-44 07:05 Diaf triatlo M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Triathlon Festival Club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Piranha Tri M40-44 07:05 societe sportive nieulaise M40-44 07:05 Piranha triathlon club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Rodriguez Butragueño Ros Manzanares Rose Ross Ruiz Paasivirta Sagrera Vulart Sala Salmeron Salse Sanchez Sanchez Patino Sanjaume I Farrés Santalucia Sanz Imbern Schenkels Schott Schroyens Scipione Scudiero Seiler Sendra Manaut Serra Camus Serra Camus Sexauer Sharp Shavaksha Simo Pereira First Name Jose Antonio Francisco Javier Guy Adrian Jaime Daniel Massimo Carlos Laurent Roberto Carlos Raimon Paolo Mario Alberto Steven Bertrand Ken Erasmo Stefano Ivan Carles Miquel Oriol Stephen Simon Farid Francesc Xavier Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) ARG (Argentina) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) POL (Poland) USA (United States) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time AUTODESTRUCCION TRIATLON M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Vitrolles Triathlon M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 UNIT4 actívate M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 free mind team M40-44 07:05 CN TERRASSA TRIATLO M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 ZUMEATARRA TT M40-44 07:05 VO2 - SURAL M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 lool tram M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Alex Fitness M40-44 07:05 TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 C.E. Sistrells M40-44 07:05 DIAF TRIATLO M40-44 07:05 DIAF TRIATLO M40-44 07:05 St. Pete Mad Dogs M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Simon Simone Sjostrom Solano Sierra Sommersdahl Starrs Stockbridge Stouthart Suñer Moreno Szatanek Szustorowski Tabarly Taberne Barri Tagliaboschi Teixido Thompson Thorp Tinf Tomany Torreño Torres Dios Trauth Trilla Huguet Turon Serra Turski Usero Ushakov First Name Raphael Giorgio Klas Sergio Janich Richard William Barry Alex Joel Rafal Bruno Carles Alessandro Jean-François Graham Jon Martynas Peter Alfonso Agustin Greg Joan Jordi Michal Pedro Alexander Nationality BEL (Belgium) ITA (Italy) SWE (Sweden) ESP (Spain) DNK (Denmark) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) NLD (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) POL (Poland) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) NOR (Norway) LTU (Lithuania) IRL (Ireland) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) USA (United States) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) POL (Poland) PHL (Philippines) RUS (Russian Federation) Endurance Sports club Tri Gt Age Group Starting Time M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 alnö race team M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 crystal palace triathlon club M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Tomas Domingo M40-44 07:05 RILLIEUX TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 REST TEAM M40-44 07:05 Triathlon club montalbanais M40-44 07:05 C.A.TORTUGUES M40-44 07:05 TRIATHLON M40-44 07:05 ASMSE TRI 42 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Team Smartfish-Fuji/Arendal tri M40-44 07:05 Poseidonas M40-44 07:05 SETANTA TRI M40-44 07:05 Triatlon Anyos Park M40-44 07:05 CNB M40-44 07:05 South Florida Triathletes Team M40-44 Hammerheads07:05 Cangreburguer M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 Filipino International TriathleteM40-44 07:05 M40-44 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Utrilla Fernandez Van Leest Van Rens Van Rompaey Van Rossum Van Veen Vazquez Velazquez Alvarez Verdura Verevskiy Vigni Villamayor Rozados Villena Arto Volpert Waymel Wijkmark Willmington Winand Wong Rodriguez Yáñez Yebrin Zaccardi Zagala Zawadzki Zelli Adeboyeku Afshar First Name Jose Manuel Guillaume Joost Danny Marco Rob Franc Marcos Benjamin David Andrey Leonardo Ignasi Jordi Pierre-Emmanuel Nicolas Mikael Nathan Christophe Oscar Pablo Javier Augusto Roberto Lukasz Maciek Gianluca David Jimmy Nationality ESP (Spain) NLD (Netherlands) NLD (Netherlands) BEL (Belgium) NLD (Netherlands) NED (Netherlands) ESP (Spain) MEX (Mexico) MEX (Mexico) UKR (Ukraine) ITA (Italy) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) SUI (Switzerland) FRA (France) SWE (Sweden) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ARG (Argentina) ITA (Italy) POL (Poland) POL (Poland) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) SWE (Sweden) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time BIB M40-44 07:05 1640 M40-44 07:05 1641 EnduranceNation M40-44 07:05 1642 Trinity M40-44 07:05 1643 Zwefilo M40-44 07:05 1644 M40-44 07:05 1645 M40-44 07:05 1646 CruzandoMetas/TheGymPlaya/RunnersPlaya/UrbanBootCampPlaya M40-44 07:05 1647 Prorunners M40-44 07:05 1648 M40-44 07:05 1649 sbr3 M40-44 07:05 1650 M40-44 07:05 1651 CLUB DEPORTIVO GAS NATURAL M40-44 FENOSA 07:05 1652 Tri Team Lutry M40-44 07:05 1653 M40-44 07:05 1654 Stockholm city triathlon club, Fredrikshof M40-44 CK, Spårvägen 07:05 SK1655 Bustinskin, Weymouth CC M40-44 07:05 1656 M40-44 07:05 1657 C.T. EsporTRIssim M40-44 07:05 1658 A.D. San Roque M40-44 07:05 1659 M40-44 07:05 1660 MMT MONZA M40-44 07:05 1661 M40-44 07:05 1662 M40-44 07:05 1663 triathlon M40-44 07:05 1664 M45-49 07:05 1665 M45-49 07:05 1666 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Aggelopoulos Aguilar Collado Alcabuz Carballo Alix Altarriba Alymov Amacker Anchin Arkhipov Arriba Hernando Ashcroft Aubrey Aznar Bacardï Mayor Bado Ball Banner Bayés Belmonte Bernard Birnbaum Bivic Bordeau Borrelli Bouillon Bowker Brenayzen First Name Yiorgos Alfred Juan Carlos Bernard Maurcio Vladimir Yves Alexander Andrey Luis Peter Paul Edgar Pepe Gustavo Richard Gregory Enric Jose Luis Dany Oliver Andrej Stephane Claudio Laurent Iain Ilya Nationality GRC (Greece) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) CAN (Canada) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) CHE (Switzerland) RUS (Russian Federation) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) CRI (Costa Rica) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) GER (Germany) SVN (Slovenia) FRA (France) CHE (Switzerland) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russian Federation) Endurance Sports club SC Marathon Tri Chablais SBR 88 Enphorma Lincoln Tri DISTANCE X3me C.E. Mediterrani ETC A300W RENNES TRIATHLON Cekincek LIMOGES TRIATHLON RILLIEUX TRIATHLON Age Group Starting Time M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Bruscolotti Calmant Campbell Canal Vega Castejón Laporta Cava Romero Centelles Gomez Chalk Chard Childes Christian Ciceri Cirera Soler Ciurana Clark Clement Codina Mata Conchin Cooper Corredor Costi Perez Cozens Crespí Alemany Crookes Cullari Damalix Daubert First Name Fabio Serge Eamonn Alberto Agustín Rafael Santi Jason Peter Colin Castet Claudio Carlos Joaquim Richard Stephan Pau Pierre Ed Tomàs Fernando Christopher Mateu Darren Daniel Gilles Pierre Nationality ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) IRL (Ireland) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) FRA (France) Endurance Sports club TXTM PMX Newry Triathlon Club Vo2 SURAL Age Group Starting Time M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 4T+ velo club M45-49 07:05 Chantilly Triathlon M45-49 07:05 RILLIEUX TRIATHLON M45-49 07:05 Team Brianza M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Impuls Medes Bike M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Cangreburguer M45-49 07:05 Tri GT M45-49 07:05 Tyne and wear fire service triathlon M45-49 club 07:05 TRIBANDA TRIATLÓ M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Lincoln Tri M45-49 07:05 limoncellos M45-49 07:05 CHAMBERY TRIATHLON M45-49 07:05 C.A.O. SAINT CYR M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Davidson Davin De Castro De La Cruz Gordo De Maesschalck De Roeck De Toro Muñoz De Val Soler De Valck De Villiers De Villiers Del Valle Deprez Jourdane Di Salvo Di Sevo Diaz Conradi Dixon Domingo Douailin Doutreloigne Downey Drapeau Duncan Duval-Kieffer Edwards Fairon Fassino First Name Jim Thierry Enrique Francisco Jan Diederik Joan Carles Salvador Koen David Richard Fernando Mario Mario Domenico Alvaro David Guillem Laurent Wim Mike Cyrille Jon Christophe David Michael Stephane Nationality USA (United States) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) ZAF (South Africa) ZAF (South Africa) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ZAF (South Africa) FRA (France) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time Rocky Mountain Tri Club M45-49 07:05 Fasttriatlon M45-49 07:05 Enphorma Triatlon San AgustínM45-49 del Guadalix 07:05 ESPAI TRIATLON M45-49 07:05 Ironmanagers M45-49 07:05 Ironmanagers 2008 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 NO TE PARES TEAM M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Atlantic triathlon club M45-49 07:05 BMT M45-49 07:05 fitness sports triatlon M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Gruppo Sportivo Valle dei Templi M45-49 Agrigrento 07:05 Tri Team Limmattal M45-49 07:05 Prorruners M45-49 07:05 all of the above M45-49 07:05 Fasttriatlon M45-49 07:05 SU AGEN TRIATHLON M45-49 07:05 IM2008 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 S.U. AGEN TRIATHLON M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 meudon tri M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Trifactri, Club 100, Dainfern Running M45-49 Club 07:05 Centaures de Pertuis M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Fastner Fenton Ficklen Fieldsend Finke Fiorini Fraser Fuller Gaboriau Galbiati Garvey Gatto Gerard Gerson Geyer Geysels Gilles Gillespie Golightly Gomez Duran Gonzalez De Ubieta Gonzalez Martínez Gordillo Hernan Gordon Guerrero Melero Guigal Hacen First Name Christian Dave Judson Paul Michael Mauro Rob Stephen Vincent Andrea Adrian Letterio Franck Moise Walter Kris Didier William Mick Daniel Alberto J Moises Pablo Adam Fco Javier Alain Claude Nationality ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) AUS (Australia) GER (Germany) ITA (Italy) CAN (Canada) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) IRL (Ireland) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) CHE (Switzerland) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) EST (Estonia) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) FRA (France) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time Spvgg. Sterkrade-Nord 1920/25M45-49 e.V. 07:05 Worcester St Johns Cycling ClubM45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 team manvers M45-49 07:05 MRRC München M45-49 07:05 raschiani triathlon pavese M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Barracuda Tri M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 MONZA MARATHON TEAM M45-49 07:05 Newry Tri club M45-49 07:05 2 M45-49 07:05 st raphael M45-49 07:05 running M45-49 07:05 CAPBRETON TRIATHLON M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 MONTPELLIER AGGLO TRIATHLON M45-49 07:05 Tri3 Sleaford Tri M45-49 07:05 Tyne & Wear Fire Triathlon ClubM45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 CERDANYOLA CH M45-49 07:05 CLUB TRIATLO BERGA M45-49 07:05 TRI & CO SANT CUGAT M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 club triatlon vialterra algemesi M45-49 07:05 toulon triathlon mutuelle verteM45-49 07:05 Wicked Team M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Hale Hallier Hallingstad Hamilton Hamilton Hanson Harinck Heap Henry Hernández Roldán Herr Heyes Hilliard Hobbs Hoste Howard Infante Izquierdo Planas Jaatinen Jalabert Jansen Jenkins Johnson Jones Josso Kadykov Kallenbach First Name Chris Laurent Knut Johannes Charles Philip Bryn David Richard Richard Manel Sebastien Neil Darren Chris Filip Anthony Fernando Luis Heikki Laurent Chris Phillip Nicholas John Paul Sebastien Georgy Marcus Nationality GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) NOR (Norway) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) COL (Colombia) ESP (Spain) FIN (Finland) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) AUS (Australia) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) RUS (Russian Federation) SWE (Sweden) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M45-49 07:05 morbike M45-49 07:05 Haugesund Triathlon Klubb M45-49 07:05 Diaf Triatlo M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Tyne and Wear fire and rescue M45-49 triathlon club 07:05 WTDT M45-49 07:05 Clapham Chasers M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 troyes triathlon M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Santisora M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 tribu M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Turun Urheiluliitto Triathlon M45-49 07:05 Triathlon Club Montauban M45-49 07:05 Team Nagi M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Knutsford Triathlon Club M45-49 07:05 triathle vannes M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Kappelmann Kearney Keith Keller Kopylov Kristensen Lemmy Lenz Lilleland Lo Cicero Loba Lohou Lowe Lukasik Lyons Machado Maclaren Maddens Maes Mcintyre Mcintyre Mckenna Mcloughlin Medina Melloni Micali Middleton First Name Sven John Roddy Bernhard Mikhail Morten Michael Heinrich Kjell Arne Vincent Oscar Philippe Scott Przemo Barry Mário Alec Olivier Peter Barry Gerry Shane Kevin Toni Massimiliano Massimiliano Richard Nationality GER (Germany) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) AUT (Austria) RUS (Russian Federation) DNK (Denmark) GBR (Great Britain) AUT (Austria) NOR (Norway) USA (United States) FRA (France) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) POL (Poland) IRL (Ireland) PRT (Portugal) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) IRL (Ireland) IRL (Ireland) IRL (Ireland) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M45-49 07:05 Pirahna M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 RATS Amstetten M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Aarhus 1900 Triathlon M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 RATS Amstetten M45-49 07:05 Team Tronrud M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 ASVEL Triathlon -x3sM45-49 07:05 OCC Natation Triathlon M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 colarense M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 La Colle Saint Paul Triathlon M45-49 07:05 Ktt M45-49 07:05 Piranha M45-49 07:05 Limerick Tri Club M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 godley tri club M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 pasta granarolo M45-49 07:05 1 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Montaliu Morales García Mordacq Moretti Mortensen Mower Mullings Newman Nielsen Noble Novikov Nyholm O Donoghue Oberli O'Dwyer Onutman Oria Lavin Padovani Palazuelo Lemarchand Palou Coma Panciarola Peeters Peperstraete Perez Perez Herena Peribáñez Plumed Petri First Name Jean Christophe Tomas Arnaud Alessandro Bjarne Mark Richard Jason Michael Eric Igor Michael Jody Thomas Nick Kivanc Fede Matteo José Luis Jordi Fabio Erik Thomas Pedro Manuel Joaquín Stavro Nationality FRA (France) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) DNK (Denmark) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) DNK (Denmark) FRA (France) RUS (Russian Federation) DNK (Denmark) IRL (Ireland) SUI (Switzerland) IRL (Ireland) TUR (Turkey) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time Triathlon Club Montalbanais M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 HAPPY RUNNER TEAM M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 brøndby triathlon club M45-49 07:05 ES NANTERRE M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Tri Club M45-49 07:05 Trigether M45-49 07:05 Limerick triathlon club M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 MONZA MARATHON TEAM M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 uc tossa M45-49 07:05 Perugia triathlon M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Cerdanyola CH M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Planas Vicente Ponsa Robert Pound Prat I Prat Quirot Raby Radjapov Ramis Pla Ramon Recasens Reeve Riabushkin Rigual Ritouret Robin Rodriguez Porto Rolant Romanet Rosseels Rossi Ruhl Ruiz Gomez Rydén Sabaté Saez Sagasta Sánchez Laborda First Name Josep Jaume Tony Eduard Jean Philippe Neil Ruslan Joaquim Alex Xavier Mark Vladimir Jordi Frédéric Christophe Xavi Philippe Pierre Guy Pietro Sven Òscar Tommy Joan Gaspar Carlos David Nationality ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) FRA (France) BEL (Belgium) ITA (Italy) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) SWE (Sweden) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Oxford Tri Bolton triathlon club Correa's Sport cn badalona swim BONASPORT CAO Saint Cyr Triathlon PESSAC TRIATHLON virgin club FITLANE echirolles triathlon Trinity Triathlon Team TXTM Cerdanyola CH Kalmar RC triathlon Cerdanyola CH CH CERDANYOLA Triatlon Store triatlon europa Age Group Starting Time M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Schmalz Scott Scott Scragg Seierstad Sellabona Seltmann Sendra Font Serrahima Artiga Seth Siefke Simonnet Siro Herrero Skan Skinnerlien Smillie Smith Snowball Solanellas Soler Soneira Garcia Stephens Stolze Sturges Suñè Ortín Sunesen Suraga Susini First Name Pascal Graeme Matthew Paul Sverre Ferran Thomas Josep Maria David Chris Marcus Bruno Jorge Julian Rune Steven Mark Peter Josep Ignacio Phil Mike Stuart Víctor Jan Alexey Giovanni Nationality CHE (Switzerland) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) NOR (Norway) USA (United States) GER (Germany) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) NOR (Norway) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) DNK (Denmark) RUS (Russian Federation) ITA (Italy) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time Team Tempo Sport M45-49 07:05 TFN TRI Club M45-49 07:05 Merseyside fire service tri section M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Friskis & Svettis Falsterbo M45-49 07:05 TRIATLÓ COSTA BRAVA GIRONAM45-49 07:05 team memmert M45-49 07:05 Caes Picornell M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 dulwich paragon M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 REIMS TRIATHLON M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Arendaltri M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 ANYÒS CLUB M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Hannover 96 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 C. N. Molins de Rei M45-49 07:05 Islev Triathlon Klub M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 TRIATHLON M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Sutcliffe Swift Tait Tasque Thomassen Thomsen Thorold Tissier Tomé Hernández Tomlinson Trottier Umbricht Valladares Gómez Vallduriola Van Hoorde Veldboer Vellosa Verbrugge Vervekken Vilanna Riera Villanueva Navarro Vitalis Vonesch Wagemaker Wagner Watson Weng Kan First Name Stephen Alan Matthew Salva Jonfinn Lars David Sylvain Pedro Phil Jacques Yann Jesús Miquel Rene Jeroen Mario Pascal Luc David Joan Frederic Réginald Robbert Frank Guy Nicolas Nationality GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) DNK (Denmark) DNK (Denmark) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) PAN (Panama) NLD (Netherlands) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) AND (Andorra) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) FRA (France) NLD (Netherlands) GER (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) MDG (Madagascar) Endurance Sports club Zoom triathlon club 4T+ Age Group Starting Time M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 David LLoyd M45-49 07:05 Holstebro Triathlon Club M45-49 07:05 1 M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 ANGER M45-49 07:05 Triatlon Arguineguin M45-49 07:05 WestonAc M45-49 07:05 CAPBRETON TRIATHLON M45-49 07:05 Viceroys Triathlon Club M45-49 07:05 C.T. esporTRIssim M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 TTT M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 Kempisch Triatlon Team M45-49 07:05 Atriac M45-49 07:05 Solid Endurance M45-49 07:05 C. N. MATARÓ M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 As Monaco M45-49 07:05 ASPTT MULHOUSE TRIATHLONM45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 TSV Hawaii Gerbrunn M45-49 07:05 Welland Valley Triathlon M45-49 07:05 M45-49 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Zott Ahn Arendse Bailyu Baxter Bekdache Beltrami Bertrand Bila Blackwood Boggs Bonneville Brady Bresser Breuillard Brookes Brooks Brouzes Burgdorfer Bustamente Calder Calle Massisimo Canham Carson Catalán Chavez Clark First Name Christoph Stéphane Henry Pieter Graham Bassem Roberto Frederic Marcel Terry Paul Pascal Paul Robin Serge Robin Andrew Didier Pierre-Alain Christophe David Francesc Xavier Roger Mark Rafael Luis Andy Nationality DEU (Germany) BEL (Belgium) USA (United States) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) SUI (Switzerland) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) SUI (Switzerland) GBR (Great Britain) DEU (Germany) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) SUI (Switzerland) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) VEN (Venezuela) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M45-49 07:05 Brussels Ironman NATO (BIN) M50-54 07:05 Miami Triathlon Team M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 1 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Tri Team Lutry M50-54 07:05 Wakefield Triathlon Club M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 TriTeamLutry M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Les Centaures de Pertuis M50-54 07:05 Pactrac M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 BARTH FRANCE M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 triathlon cote d amour M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Pactrac M50-54 07:05 TriCalp M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Cogan Collins Corso Coso Pardos Coxhead Daum Dauriat Davis De Bels Debeuf Díaz Lemos Diez Dominguez Martin Donoghue Dubois Fragoso Fratini Fry Fuchs Garcia Vazquez Girard Gorev Granada Grilz Grindley Guerinet Hampson First Name Mark Michael Dave Jose Vicente Robert Cole Bruno Michael Eddy Guy Gumersindo Serge Felix John Jean-Paul Miguel Luca Mike Andy Josep Anton François Kirill Esteve Bernhard Philip Joel John Nationality GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) USA (United States) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) PRT (Portugal) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) AUT (Austria) ESP (Spain) CHE (Switzerland) RUS (Russian Federation) ESP (Spain) AUT (Austria) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M50-54 07:05 East London M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 CLUB TRIATLO VIALTERRA ALGEMESI M50-54 07:05 MPS tri M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Mauguio-carnon triathlon M50-54 07:05 Covtri M50-54 07:05 WTDT M50-54 07:05 INNERMETRITEAM & ETC M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 fitness sports valle de las cañasM50-54 07:05 Maidstone Harriers M50-54 07:05 IM2008 M50-54 07:05 Triatlo M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 BAD Tri M50-54 07:05 Rats Amstetten M50-54 07:05 Club Esportiu Maritim M50-54 07:05 Tri Team Lutry M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 TRITRAINING M50-54 07:05 Schwimmaktiv M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 SAUJON TRIATHLON M50-54 07:05 national fire service triathlon M50-54 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Hansen Haro Onieva Hawksworth Hellen Hoffmann Holm Holt Hopkins Hoskens Irurita Islamov Jacobs Jones Jones Julin Keogh Kogler Kropf Lafitte Lareo Loureiro Latimer Le Boulc'H Lesur Lindemann Longson Lopez Lopez First Name John Albin José Manuel Ian Paul Michael Bo Tony Paul Rudy Ignacio Viktor Thomas Chris Garry Magnus Matt Klaus Alain Jean Jacques Jose Ricardo Carl Ronan Marc Holger Kevin Claude Paulino Nationality DNK (Denmark) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) DNK (Denmark) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) ESP (Spain) RUS (Russian Federation) USA (United States) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) SWE (Sweden) GBR (Great Britain) AUT (Austria) SUI (Switzerland) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) FRA (France) GER (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Aarhus 1900 Triathlon Age Group Starting Time M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 tri Calpe M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Hartdseemafia Triathlon eV M50-54 07:05 Roedekro-Tri M50-54 07:05 UK Fire Service M50-54 07:05 Triathlon M50-54 07:05 Marathon M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Rutland Running and Triathlon M50-54 Club 07:05 Fire Service M50-54 07:05 Örebro AIK, IF Start Örebro M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Tri Team Pully M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Tyne and Wear Fire and RescueM50-54 07:05 ssn M50-54 07:05 TCM montreuillois M50-54 07:05 Tria As Hamm M50-54 07:05 VC Bradford M50-54 07:05 Centaures de Pertuis M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Lyon Mamos Mancebo Martinez Pellicer Martin-Niño Sosa Mason Matula Mawhinney Möller Nedebock Octeau O'Keeffe Orlov Papanikolaou Pedersen Pegolo Perrette Phillips Praud Princiotta Puiati Rainford Raitzl Read Reulet Reyes Comorera Romsak First Name Rob Karol Angel Jose Francisco Fabian Warren Markus Gord Manuel Hartmut Stephane Seamus Dmitry Petros Jan Robert Mirco Clément Simon Thierry Alessandro Stefano Chris Franz Simon Thierry Carles Matija Nationality GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) CAN (Canada) GER (Germany) GER (Germany) FRA (France) IRL (Ireland) RUS (Russian Federation) GRC (Greece) DNK (Denmark) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) AUT (Austria) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) AND (Andorra) SVN (Slovenia) Endurance Sports club Age Group Starting Time M50-54 07:05 Leicester Tri M50-54 07:05 TRI-FOR-FUN M50-54 07:05 club triatlo algemesi M50-54 07:05 CLUB DEPORTIVO TRIATLETAS ROTEÑOS M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 TSV Feldafing M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Tri-Team Kaiserstuhl M50-54 07:05 ASC Konstanz M50-54 07:05 TRIATH CLUB ROYAN M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 Russian Triathlon Federation M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 rari nantes marostica italia M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 tri20 M50-54 07:05 Rochefor triathlon M50-54 07:05 2 M50-54 07:05 Torino triathlon M50-54 07:05 GMC FIRE SERVICE TRI M50-54 07:05 Tri Team Obergrafendorf M50-54 07:05 Maidstone Harriers M50-54 07:05 STADE NIORTAIS TRIATHLON M50-54 07:05 CLUB TRIATLO SERRADELLS M50-54 07:05 Triathlon M50-54 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Salvanet Santos Schaadt Schmieding Schwan Schwung Seaby Siliezar Silva Søe-Pedersen Spycher Sylvestre Taylor Thow Vega Martinez Vitale Weinreich Welch Wilson Wright Zentner Abreu Adams Andersen Archambault Assous Barea Tejada First Name Frederic Enric Jan Mikael Juergen Michael Andreas Wayne Aspe Jose Erik Wolfram Philippe Stephen Martin Jose Giuliano John Nicholas Ian Stephen Wieland Francisco Steven Brian Gilles Claude Toni Nationality GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) DNK (Denmark) DEU (Germany) DEU (Germany) DEU (Germany) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) BRA (Brazil) DNK (Denmark) CHE (Switzerland) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) AUS (Australia) ESP (Spain) ITA (Italy) DNK (Denmark) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) BRA (Brazil) GBR (Great Britain) DNK (Denmark) FRA (France) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) Endurance Sports club Club TRI5U TXTM DAVID LLOYD TURO Top Sports tri club denmark Triathlon Côte d'Amour NBCC Northcoast Tri Club TRIATHLON Køge Tri Team 2000 Manchester Triathlon Club UK fire Service Tri Team FFB none VAM, Denmark Montpellier Agglo Triathlon cao st cyr triathlon atletisme girona Age Group Starting Time M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M50-54 07:05 M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Bättig Bergaglio Berlie Blount Boada Soler Boand Bogdanov Buard Buisson Callesen Casanova Ce' Coleman Dastghaibi Di Mauro Dorey Fauvart Florén Foulounoux Garcia Garofano Montoro Gehnert Gonzalez Gubern Boix Gyselinck Helland Heyrman First Name André Danilo Pierre Gregory Joan Philippe Sergey Christian Michel John Guy Giampaolo Nigel Nader Filippo Jonathan Hans Benny Thierry Philippe Francesc Jean-Christophe Silvio Jaume Johan Mike Peter Nationality CHE (Switzerland) ITA (Italy) CHE (Switzerland) GBR (Great Britain) ESP (Spain) CHE (Switzerland) RUS (Russian Federation) FRA (France) FRA (France) DNK (Denmark) FRA (France) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) GER (Germany) ITA (Italy) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) SWE (Sweden) FRA (France) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) FRA (France) ESP (Spain) ESP (Spain) BEL (Belgium) GBR (Great Britain) BEL (Belgium) Endurance Sports club Tri Team Lutry Age Group Starting Time M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 1 M55-59 07:05 Freedom tri M55-59 07:05 Prorunners Barcelona M55-59 07:05 CNN Nyon M55-59 07:05 TriLife M55-59 07:05 RENNES TRIATHLON M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 Rødekro Tri Club M55-59 07:05 centaures pertuis M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 Zoom Tri M55-59 07:05 SSF Bonn M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 CYLING CLUB M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 Höllviken CK M55-59 07:05 team argon 18 france M55-59 07:05 MAT M55-59 07:05 TEAM CALELLA TRIATHLON M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 club natacio badalona M55-59 07:05 TRITRAINING M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 Trinity Triathlon Team M55-59 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Lawrence Lievre Lopes Loumann Martineau Mende Montoya Mudie Muttoni Mylonas Osmont Philippe Rospocher Soraruf Suarez Timmermans Tolleron Vrignaud Williams Winnberg Bohm Fecheyr-Lippens Gaffard Gouy Greenwood Griffon Herman First Name Michael Marc Henrique Ole Philippe Erhard Eric Peter Antonio Pascal Hervé Deraedt Frederic Georg Abelardo Marc Yves-Robert Dominique Tom Ulf Jurgen Patrick Alain Bernard Jonathan Joël John Nationality GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) BRA (Brazil) DNK (Denmark) FRA (France) GER (Germany) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) ITA (Italy) FRA (France) FRA (France) FRA (France) FRA (France) GER (Germany) BOL (Bolivia) BEL (Belgium) FRA (France) FRA (France) IRL (Ireland) SWE (Sweden) GER (Germany) BEL (Belgium) FRA (France) FRA (France) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) USA (United States) Endurance Sports club NBCC MULTISPORT CAO SAINT CYR TRIATHLON Age Group Starting Time M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 Ninjas M55-59 07:05 DINARD TRI M55-59 07:05 TSV Heusenstamm M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 UK Fire and Rescue Service Triathlon M55-59 Section 07:05 M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 Tri Monaco M55-59 07:05 les chameaux de beziers M55-59 07:05 A.S. MONACO TRIATHLON M55-59 07:05 Ski Club Lauf M55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 Ironmanagers Belgium M55-59 07:05 TEAM MERMILLOD TRIATHLONM55-59 07:05 M55-59 07:05 Aquaducks, Rolf Prima tri M55-59 07:05 Fredrikshof M55-59 07:05 M60-64 07:05 IM2008 M60-64 07:05 SUA TRIATHLON AGEN M60-64 07:05 Triathlon Côte d'Amour M60-64 07:05 M60-64 07:05 CAO SAINT CYR TRIATHLON M60-64 07:05 Buffalo Triathlon Club M60-64 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 Start List IRONMAN 70.3 Barcelona 2015 Last update April 14th 2015 *The startlist is organized by BIB numbers Last Name Konde Zubiaurre Meier Neumayr Nicolleau Nottrodt Orozco López Caravaca-Lopez Elliott Gaillard Johansen Jouve Meredith Quadflieg Santamaria Cuevas Danel Ellefsen Quarles First Name Iñaki René Matthias Jean Luc Kalli José De Jesús Tony Dennis Jean-François Terje Daniel Alain Hubert Angel Guenter Olaf Greyson Nationality ESP (Spain) CHE (Switzerland) GER (Germany) FRA (France) GER (Germany) MEX (Mexico) CAN (Canada) GBR (Great Britain) FRA (France) NOR (Norway) FRA (France) MON (Monaco) GER (Germany) ESP (Spain) GER (Germany) NOR (Norway) USA (United States) Endurance Sports club Urgazi Triathlon club Genève Trisport Erding Saujon triathlon TV Mönchengladbach TRIATHLON CATALAN S'éteint thau triathlon Triathlon Team Indeland TSV Bad Reichenhall Stavanger Triathlon Club Age Group Starting Time M60-64 07:05 M60-64 07:05 M60-64 07:05 M60-64 07:05 M60-64 07:05 M60-64 07:05 M65-69 07:05 M65-69 07:05 M65-69 07:05 M65-69 07:05 M65-69 07:05 M65-69 07:05 M65-69 07:05 M65-69 07:05 M70-74 07:05 M70-74 07:05 M70-74 07:05 If you are not on start list, please send an email to [email protected] Si no encuentras tu nobre en la lista de salida, por favor contacta con [email protected] BIB 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142
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