10º SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL GEICAM. CÓRDOBA, 25-27CÓRDOBA, MARZO 2015 10º SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL GEICAM. 25-27 MARZO 2015 ADJUVANT ADJUVANT STUDY GEICAM/2011-03_S1007 (RxPONDER) AND ADVANCED BREAST CANCER (ABC) STUDY STUDY GEICAM/2011-03_S1007 (RxPONDER) AND ADVANCED BREAST CANCER (ABC) STUDY TRIO-020 (GEICAM/2012-01), ACTIVELY RECRUITING PATIENTS IN GEICAM IN GEICAM TRIO-020 (GEICAM/2012-01), ACTIVELY RECRUITING PATIENTS 4, Álvarez I.5, Lluch 1,2Ruiz-Borrego 6, Martínez 7, Martínez 10, Alonso 11, Ruiz 12, De Toro Alba E.1, Ruiz-Borrego , Gil M.3, Ramos-Vázquez A. 6, Martínez N.7A. , Martínez E.8, N. Chacón JI.9, Ponce J.10, Alonso JL.11,J.Ruiz I.12, DeJL. Toro S.13, I. Carrasco E.14 Martín L.14, E.14, M Alba E.M. M.2, Gil M.3, M. Ramos-Vázquez M.4, Álvarez I.5, Lluch E.8, Chacón JI.9, Ponce S., 13 , Carrasco 14, 14 15 14 A..14, Carrasco A.A.. Campo R.14 and A.R. Del Monte C.14, Otero Del Monte C.14, Otero , Carrasco A.14,Antón Campo and Antón A.15 2Hospital Universitario 3ICO Hospitalet, Hospital 4Centro Oncológico de 1 Hospital Virgen Hospital Clínico Universitario la Victoria (Spain) Virgen del Rocío (Spain); i Reynals (Spain); GaliciaOncológico (Spain); 5Hospital de Donostia (Spain); 6de Hospital Clínicode Universitario Virgen ;de la Victoria (Spain) ; 2Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (Spain); 3ICODuran Hospitalet, Hospital Duran i Reynals (Spain); 4Centro de Galicia (Spain); 5Hospital Donostia (Spain 8Hospital Provincial de 9Hospital Virgen de la9Salud (Spain); 10Hospital General Universitario Hospital Universitario Ramón yUniversitario Cajal (Spain); Castellón (Spain); de de Alicante (Spain); 11de Hospital Virgen de 11Hospita Clínico Universitario de Valencia (Spain); 7de Clínico Universitario Valencia (Spain); 7Hospital Ramón y Cajal (Spain); 8Hospital Provincial Castellón (Spain); Hospital Virgen de la Salud (Spain); 10Hospital General Universitario Alicante (Spain); 13Hospital de Jerez (Spain); 14GEICAM, Madrid (Spain); 15Hospital Universitario 12Hospital la Arrixaca (Spain); 12Hospital Sant Joan de Reus (Spain); Miguel Servet (Spain)Miguel Servet (Spain) la Arrixaca (Spain); Sant Joan de Reus (Spain); 13Hospital de Jerez (Spain); 14GEICAM, Madrid (Spain); 15Hospital Universitario 1 GEICAM/2011-03_S1007 (RxPONDER):(RxPONDER): A Phase III, Randomized Trial of Standard Endocrine Therapy +/- Chemotherapy in Patients in P GEICAM/2011-03_S1007 A Phase III, clinical Randomized clinical TrialAdjuvant of Standard Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy +/- Chemotherapy with 1-3 Positive Hormone Receptor Positive and HER2Negative Breast Cancer (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01272037) withNodes, 1-3 Positive Nodes, Hormone Receptor Positive and HER2Negative Breast Cancer (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01272037) Background Background Study Design and Treatment Study Design and Treatment Prospective randomized trialsrandomized indicate that patients withthathormone Prospective trials indicate patients with hormone receptor (HR)-positive primary breast cancer benefit from(BC) the benefit from the receptor (HR)-positive primary(BC) breast cancer addition of chemotherapy to adjuvant (CT) endocrine treatment (1). addition of(CT) chemotherapy to adjuvant endocrine treatment (1). However, retrospective analyses of prospective clinical trials indicate that trials indicate that However, retrospective analyses of prospective clinical some patients may not patients benefit from with well-patients with wellsome may CT, not specifically, benefit frompatients CT, specifically, differentiated tumors, with hightumors, expression of HR, or with of lowHR, or or with low or differentiated with high expression intermediate Recurrence ScoreRecurrence (RS) as defined theasOncotype DXthe Oncotype DX intermediate Score by (RS) defined by assay (2-5). assay (2-5). Multi-gene tumor assays have provided useful prognostic Multi-gene tumor assays clinically have provided clinically useful prognostic information for patients with node-negative BC.node-negative The 21-geneBC. RS The has 21-gene RS has information for patients with been shown to be, bothshown prognostic patients with estrogen receptor been to be,for both prognostic for patients with estrogen receptor (ER)-positive disease treated with tamoxifen alone, well as predictive (ER)-positive disease treated with as tamoxifen alone, as well as predictive for the benefit of adding for theCT. benefit of adding CT. In retrospective analyses, patientsanalyses, with highpatients RS appeared to RS benefit In retrospective with high appeared to benefit greatly from the addition of standard CT tooftamoxifen, whereas those whereas those greatly from the addition standard CT to tamoxifen, with low RS did not This now helps to guide patients Current Status Current Status with(4,5). low RS didassay not (4,5). This assay now helps and to guide patients and physicians decision making, decision for determining for the patients physicians making,the for treatment determining treatment for patients Recruitment Curve in Spain Curve in Spain Recruitment Number of patients to be included : 4,000 (800 planned in Spain). Number of patients to be included : 4,000 (800 planned in Spain). with node-negative, HR-positive disease. Furthermore, retrospective and retrospective and with node-negative, HR-positive disease. Furthermore, 900 900 patients: 3,326 (631 in Spain). prospective studies have indicated RS result Current included patients: 3,326 (631 in Spain). prospective studies that havetheindicated thatchanges the RS the result Current changesincluded the 800 adjuvant recommendation 17 to 26% of the cases, in current 800 adjuvant in recommendation in 17 to 26% of the clinical cases, in current clinical Centre Name Patients Screened PatientsScreened Included Centre Name Patients Patients Included practice (6). practice (6). 700 700 H. Virgen del Rocio H. Virgen del Rocio120 ICO (BCN) 100 ICO (BCN) Objectives Objectives H. Virgen de la VictoriaH. Virgen de la Victoria 85 C. Oncológico de Galicia 65 C. Oncológico de Galicia H. Donostia 76 H. Donostia Primary objective: Primary objective: H. Clínico de Valencia H. Clínico de Valencia 60 To determine the of chemotherapy with node positivewith node positive effect To determine the effect in of patients chemotherapy in patients H. Ramón y Cajal H. Ramón y Cajal 71 H. Provincial de Castellón 53 breast cancer who do not havewho highdoRecurrence Scores (RS) by Scores (RS) H. Provincial de Castellón breast cancer not have high Recurrence by H. Virgen de la Salud H. Virgen de la Salud38 Oncotype DX® Oncotype DX® IVO 66 IVO ICO (Girona) ICO (Girona) 33 Secondary objectives: Secondary objectives: H. Miguel Servet H. Miguel Servet 54 To compare Overall andSurvival distant recurrence-free survival To Survival compare(OS) Overall (OS) and distant recurrence-free survival H. Lozano Blesa H. Lozano Blesa 42 H. Santa 27 (DRFS) by type (DRFS) of treatment and ofto treatment determineand the tointeraction H. Santa Creu i Sant Pau by type determineofthe interaction of Creu i Sant Pau Onkologikoa 26 Onkologikoa treatment and RS.treatment and RS. H. Clinic i Provincial H. Clinic i Provincial34 To compare toxicity arms. To between compareboth toxicity between both arms. H. San Pedro de Alcántara 14 H. San Pedro de Alcántara To Perform other assays or tests particular the (in PAM50 risk of To Perform other (in assays or tests particular the PAM50 riskH.of Gregorio Marañón H. Gregorio Marañón13 relapse score in arelapse direct and real comparison) that measure the that measure the score in time a direct and real time comparison) H. Infanta Cristina H. Infanta Cristina 14 potential benefit potential of chemotherapy to compare and themto compare with Germans Trias i Pujol 20 benefit ofand chemotherapy them H.with H. Germans Trias i Pujol H. Gral. Albacete H. Gral. Albacete 12 Oncotype DX. Oncotype DX. 80 120 66 100 60 85 48 65 46 76 45 60 40 71 33 53 33 38 32 66 29 33 27 54 18 42 15 27 14 26 13 34 11 14 8 13 7 14 5 20 1 12 80 600 66 600 60 PLANNED 500 500 48 PATIENTS 46 ENROLLED 400 400 PATIENTS 45 300 300 40 33 200 200 33 100 32 100 29 0 0 27 oct.-12 sep.-13 ago.-14 jul.-15 jun.-16 oct.-12 sep.-13 ago.-14 jul.-15 jun.-16 18 15 References References 14 1,13 Lancet 2005;365:1687-717. 15894097 1, LancetPMID: 2005;365:1687-717. PMID: 15894097 2.11 Lancet 2004; 364:858-68. PMID: 15351193 2. Lancet 2004; 364:858-68. PMID: 15351193 3.8JAMA 2006; 295:1658-67. PMID: 3. JAMA 2006;16609087 295:1658-67. PMID: 16609087 4.7N Engl J Med. 2004;4. 351:2817-26. PMID: N Engl J Med. 2004;15591335 351:2817-26. PMID: 1559 5.5J Clin Oncol 2006; 24:3726-34. PMID: 16720680 5. J Clin Oncol 2006; 24:3726-34. PMID: 1672068 6.1J Oncol Practice 2007; 6. J3:182-6 Oncol Practice 2007; 3:182-6 TRIO-020 (GEICAM/2012-01): A randomizedAopen-label Phase II studyPhase of letrozole afatinib (BIBW2992) letrozole alone in the first-line TRIO-020 (GEICAM/2012-01): randomized open-label II studyplus of letrozole plus afatinibversus (BIBW2992) versus letrozole alone in the firsttreatment of advanced HER2- postmenopausal breast cancer,breast with low ER expression Identifier: NCT02115048) treatment ER+, of advanced ER+, HER2- postmenopausal cancer, with low ER(ClinicalTrials.gov expression (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02115048) Background Study Design and Treatment Study Design and Treatment Background Around 2/3 of human estrogen receptors ER (1).receptors ER (1). Around BC 2/3 express of human BC express estrogen Endocrine therapyEndocrine with aromatase represents the treatment therapyinhibitors with aromatase inhibitors represents the treatment of choice for postmenopausal with hormone receptor-positive of choice for women postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive (HR+) advanced (HR+) BC (ABC), particularly for those with slowly advanced BC (ABC), particularly for those with slowly progressive disease and limited tumor-related symptoms (2). progressive disease and limited tumor-related symptoms (2). Previous biomarker research identified a correlation Previous biomarker research identified between a correlation between quantitative HR measurements the responseand to the lapatinib and to lapatinib and quantitative HRand measurements response paclitaxel in a cohort of women HER2 negative ABC (3). negative ABC (3). paclitaxel in awith cohort of women with HER2 Other studies have suggested relationship between peptide growth Other studiesahave suggested a relationship between peptide growth factor signaling and HR signaling status (4).and HR status (4). factor Arm A Postmenopausal Postmenopausal women with ER+, women with ER+, (low ER (low ER expression), expression), R HER2 negative HER2 negative ABC, with no priorABC, with Arm no B prior systemic therapy systemic therapy for advanced for advanced disease disease Oral Letrozole 2.5 mg/daily Oral Letrozole 2.5 mg/daily Arm A Progressive Disease R or Other Arm B Withdrawal Oral Letrozole 2.5 mg/daily Oral Letrozole 2.5Criteria mg/dailymet Oral Afatinib 30 mg/daily Oral Afatinib 30 mg/daily The addition oflapatinib to letrozole in postmenopausal with The addition of lapatinib to letrozole in women postmenopausal women with HR+ (low ER expression) HER2-negative, have shown HR+ (low ER expression) ABC, HER2-negative, ABC, have shown significant improvement in Progression-Free Survival (PFS) (5).Survival (PFS) (5). significant improvement in Progression-Free Current Status Current Status The proposed study afatinibstudy is designed to test hypothesis Status in Spain: Status in Spain: Thewith proposed with afatinib is the designed to test the hypothesis 4 participant 4 participant that low ER expression as determined by determined semi-quantitative that low ER expression as by semi-quantitative countries: USA, countries: 2 USA, 2 immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a biomarker forisHER-dependence in immunohistochemistry (IHC) a biomarker for HER-dependence in REGISTERED Romania, Bosnia Romania, Bosnia women with HER2women negative BC. with HER2 negative BC. RANDOMIZED and Spain. and Spain. Objectives Objectives Primary objective: To assess PFS in both arms.PFS in both arms. Primary objective: To assess Secondary objectives: Secondary objectives: 150 patients are required to be included: 50 in Spain. To assess the Overall safety the profile. To assess Overall safety profile. 1 150 patients are required to be included:0 50 in Spain. 1 0 Accrual curve: References Accrual curve: 40 40 Overall ENROLMENT - PLANNED Overall ENROLMENT - PLANNED 35 REGISTERED 35 Cumulative (N pts) Cumulative (N pts) RANDOMIZED 30 30 - ACTUAL Overall SCREENING Overall SCREENING - ACTUAL Cumulative (N pts) Cumulative (N pts) 25 25 20 15 10 11 patients have 11 patients have been already been already recruited; 2 in recruited; 2 in Spain. Spain. To assess Overall Rate Response Rate To survival assess (OS), OverallObjective survival Response (OS), Objective (ORR) and Time to(ORR) Tumorand Progression (TTP).Progression (TTP). Time to Tumor F O Progressive L Disease L or OOther Withdrawal W Criteria met U P Overall ENROLMENT - ACTUAL Overall ENROLMENT - ACTUAL 20 Cumulative (N pts) Cumulative (N pts) 15 - ACTUAL Spain ENROLMENT Spain ENROLMENT - ACTUAL Cumulative (N pts) Cumulative (N pts) 10 5 5 0 0 11 2 References 1. Harvey JM, Clark GM, CK,Clark et al.GM, J Clin Oncol, CK, 1999: 1. Osborne Harvey JM, Osborne et 17:1474-81. al. J Clin Oncol, 1999: 17:1474-81. Exploratory objectives (Optional): To examine the molecular Exploratory objectives (Optional): To examine the 2.molecular Hurvitz SA, Pietras RJ. Cancer,SA, 2008: 113:2385-97 2. Hurvitz Pietras RJ. Cancer, 2008: 113:2385-97 profiles of tumorprofiles tissue of submitted to identify factorsto that may factors that tumor tissue submitted identify may 3. Finn RS, Press MF, Dering et al. J Clin 3. FinnJ,RS, Press MF,Oncol, Dering2009: J, et 27:3908-15. al. J Clin Oncol, 2009: 27:3908-15. influence on biological and on clinical responses to studyresponses treatments. influence biological and clinical to study treatments. 4. Arpino G, Weiss H, Lee AV, et G, al. Weiss J Natl Cancer Inst,et2005: 97:1254-61. 4. Arpino H, Lee AV, al. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2005: 97:1254-61. 5. Finn et al. Clin Can Res, 5. Finn2014. et al. Clin Can Res, 2014. Download Poster Esta presentación esEsta la propiedad intelectual de los autores. Contacten [email protected] para solicitar permiso para su impresión distribución. presentación es la propiedad intelectual de loscon autores. Contacten con [email protected] para solicitar permisoy/o para su impresión y/o distribución. F O L L O W U P
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