Health Enhancement Classes GREATER SAN GABRIEL VALLEY JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 2015 DISEASE PREVENTION & MANAGEMENT Asthma Education ~ Learn signs and symptoms of asthma, strategies to avoid asthma triggers, and medications. Please call (626) 254-2113 for more information. Cost: Free Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Class ~ This class provides valuable information and tools to manage the COPD condition. Cost: Free Code Day Date Location Time 5023 Wed 1/28 Arcadia 8:30-10:00am 5023 Wed 2/25 Arcadia 8:30-10:00am Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Disease Management Program ~ This program addresses lifestyle management, recognition of signs and symptoms, dietary education, and medication review for congestive heart failure patients. Call (626) 254-2113 to register. Cost: Free Code Day Date Location Time 6068 Tues 1/6 Arcadia 2:00-4:00pm 6068 Tues 2/3 Arcadia 9:30-11:30am 6068 Tues 3/3 Arcadia 9:30-11:30am 74799 Wed 1/21 Grand 10:30am-12:30pm 74799 Wed 2/18 Grand 10:30am-12:30pm 74799 Wed 3/18 Grand 10:30am-12:30pm Pre Diabetes Class ~ This class will provide you with general information regarding how to prevent diabetes; we recommend all pre-diabetics attend the class to get a better understanding about what it means to have diabetes and how to avoid it. Cost: Free Code 71129 71129 71129 71129 71129 71129 71129 71129 71129 71129 71129 71129 71272 71272 41197 41197 41197 78445 78445 Day Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Thurs Thurs Mon Mon Mon Wed Wed Date 1/7 1/14 1/21 1/28 2/4 2/11 2/18 2/25 3/4 3/11 3/18 3/25 1/22 2/26 1/26 2/23 3/23 1/7 2/4 Location Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Glen Oaks Glen Oaks Grand Grand Grand Monrovia Monrovia Time 10:00am-12:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 10:00am-12:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 10:00am-12:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 6:30-8:30pm 2:00-4:00pm 6:30-8:30pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 6:00-8:00pm 3:00-5:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 9:00-11:00am 9:00-11:00am Pre Diabetes Class (Spanish) ~ Esta Clase le ayudara con informacion general como prevenir la diabetes tipo 2 y tener mejor conocimiento sobre que significa tener diabetes. Por favor llame 626-254-2113 para más información. Costo: Gratis Code Día Fecha Locación Hora 78148 Jue 1/15 Pas Main 10:00am-12:00pm 78148 Jue 2/19 Pas Main 4:00-6:00pm 78148 Jue 3/19 Pas Main 10:00am-12:00pm Diabetes 101 ~ This one time class will provide you with general information regarding diabetes, we recommend newly diagnosed diabetics and pre-diabetics attend the class to get a better understanding about what it means to have diabetes. Cost: Free Code 71959 71959 71959 7630 7630 7630 7630 7630 7630 7630 7630 7630 7630 7630 7630 7364 7364 7364 7364 7364 7364 Day Thurs Thurs Thurs Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Tues Date 1/15 2/19 3/19 1/7 1/14 1/21 1/28 2/4 2/11 2/18 2/25 3/4 3/11 3/18 3/25 1/6 1/20 2/3 2/17 3/3 3/17 Location Alhambra Alhambra Alhambra Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Grand Grand Grand Grand Grand Grand Time 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 10:00am-12:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 10:00am-12:00pm 10:00am-12:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 6:30-8:30pm 2:00-4:00pm 6:30-8:30pm 2:00-4:00pm 6:30-8:30pm 10:00am-12:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm 2:00-4:00pm Diabetes Support Group ~ Have you previously attended the diabetes class series at HealthCare Partners and would like additional information and support? Let’s talk about it! Join our support group to discuss your concerns and share your experiences. Cost: Free Code 41196 41196 41196 41196 41196 41196 71172 71172 71172 Day Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Thurs Thurs Date 1/8 1/20 2/5 2/17 3/5 3/17 1/15 2/19 3/19 Location Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia Grand Grand Grand Time 6:00-7:00pm 9:00-10:00am 6:00-7:00pm 9:00-10:00am 6:00-7:00pm 9:00-10:00am 6:30-8:30pm 6:30-8:30pm 6:30-8:30am Nutrición de Diabetes ~ Aprenda los beneficios de una dieta saludable baja en azúcar y almidones. Esta clase es presentada por un dietista registrado certificado en educación de diabetes. Costo: Gratis Code 7483 7483 7483 Día Vierne Vierne Vierne Fecha 1/9 2/13 3/13 Class dates and times subject to change without notice. Locación Pas Main Pas Main Pas Main Hora 3:30-5:30pm 3:30-5:30pm 3:30-5:30pm Manejo de Diabetes ~ Estas clase de tres partes provee información sobre la diabetes, planificación de comidas, conteo de almidones, ejercicios, y como controlar los niveles de azúcar para prevenir complicaciones. Es necesario comenzar con primera clase. Costo: Gratis Code Día Fecha Locación Hora 74866 Martes 1/13 – 1/27 Pas Main 4:00-6:00pm 74866 Martes 2/3 – 217 Pas Main 10:00am-12:00pm 74866 Martes 3/10 – 3/24 Pas Main 3:00-5:00pm Diabetes Nutrition ~ Learn how to incorporate healthy, satisfying meals into a successful diabetes management plan in this course taught by a registered dietitian. Must start with class one. Cost: Free Code Day Date Location Time 3745 Tues 1/20 & 1/27 Arcadia 2:00-4:00pm 3745 Thurs 2/5 & 2/12 Arcadia 6:00-8:00pm 3745 Tues 2/17 & 2/24 Arcadia 2:00-4:00pm 3745 Fri 3/6 & 3/13 Arcadia 9:00-11:00am 7585 Wed 1/7 & 1/14 Grand 6:30-8:30pm 7585 Wed 2/4 & 2/11 Grand 3:00-5:00pm 7585 Wed 3/4 & 3/11 Grand 3:00-5:00pm Diabetes Management ~ This four session class provides information on diabetes, meal planning, carb counting, exercise, and controlling blood sugar to prevent complications. Must start with class one. Cost: Free Code Day Date Location Time 5021 Wed 1/7 – 2/4 Arcadia 6:30-8:30pm 5021 Wed 2/18 – 3/18 Arcadia 10:00am-12:00pm 5977 Wed 1/7 – 1/28 Glen Oaks 3:00-5:00pm 5977 Wed 2/4 – 2/25 Glen Oaks 6:00-8:00pm 5977 Wed 3/4 – 3/25 Glen Oaks 3:00-5:00pm 7586 Mon 1/5 – 1/26 Grand 6:30-8:30pm 7586 Tues 1/6 – 1/27 Grand 6:30-8:30pm 7586 Mon 2/2 – 2/23 Grand 6:30-8:30pm 7586 Tues 2/3 – 2/24 Grand 6:30-8:30pm 7586 Mon 3/2 – 3/23 Grand 6:30-8:30pm 7586 Tues 3/3 – 3/24 Grand 6:30-8:30pm Insulin Class ~ Learn all about insulin types, care, pens, pumps, hypoglycemia, glucagon use and more. Cost: Free Code 78503 78503 78503 Day Mon Mon Mon Date 1/12 2/9 3/9 Location Grand Grand Grand Time 3:00-4:30pm 3:00-4:30pm 3:00-4:30pm WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Healthy Eating ~ This class promotes weight control through the development of healthy eating habits. Topics include low-fat cooking, shopping, dining out, exercise and more. Cost: Free Code Day Date Location Time 3716 Fri 1/16 & 1/23 Arcadia 9:00-11:00am 3716 Tues 2/3 & 2/10 Arcadia 2:00-4:00pm 3716 Tues 3/3 & 3/10 Arcadia 2:00-4:00pm 5979 Thurs 1/22 Glen Oaks 3:00-5:00pm 5979 Thurs 2/26 Glen Oaks 6:00-8:00pm 7587 Wed 1/7 & 1/14 Grand 9:30-11:30am 7587 Wed 2/4 & 2/11 Grand 9:30-11:30am 7587 Wed 3/4 & 3/11 Grand 9:30-11:30am 78446 Wed 1/7 & 1/21 Monrovia 2:00-4:00pm 78446 Wed 2/4 & 2/18 Monrovia 2:00-4:00pm 78446 Wed 3/4 & 3/18 Monrovia 2:00-4:00pm Changing Weighs ~ This eight week program promotes weight control through healthier eating habits and behavior modification. Topics include low-fat cooking, understanding labels, and more. Must start with class one. Cost: $60 Code Day Date Location Time 4176 Thurs 1/15 – 3/5 Arcadia 7:00-9:00pm 75013 Wed 2/4- 3/25 Pas Main 6:30-8:30 pm Kids Food Camp ~ This seven-week class helps kids ages 7 to 12 and their parents focus on making better food choices, behavior modifications, and include exercise into daily life. Parent Orientation: 3/19/2015 (7:00-8:30pm No Kids) Cost: $10 Code 44289 Day Thurs Date 3/26 – 4/30 Location Arcadia Time 6:45-8:45pm Kids Get Fit ~ This class is designed to empower kids to make healthier food choices and to increase daily physical activity. Cost: Free Code Day Date Location Time 71396 Tues 1/27 Arcadia 6:00-8:00pm 71396 Tues 2/24 Arcadia 6:00-8:00pm Teens Get Fit ~ This two part class will provide teens (ages 13 & up) with strategies on making healthier food choices when eating out, reading labels, preparing quick and easy meals or snacks, proper portion size and getting more active. Cost: Free Code Day Date Location Time 8919 Tues 3/24 & 3/31 Arcadia 6:00-8:00pm Yoga for Seniors ~ Class covers breathing techniques and basic yoga postures that can be done in a chair. This class is appropriate for people who have physical limitations, health concerns and is open to all fitness levels. Please call 626-2542113 for more information. Code: #70289 Cost: Free Please Call (626) 254-2113 to Register Arcadia 450 E. Huntington Drive • Arcadia CA 91006 Grand 1377 S. Grand Ave • Glendora CA 91740 Alhambra 55 S. Raymond Ave • Alhambra, CA. 91801 Monrovia 831 E. Huntington Dr., #101 • Monrovia, CA 91016 Glen Oaks 988 S. Fair Oaks Ave • Pasadena CA 91105 Pasadena Main 675 Arroyo Parkway • Pasadena CA 91105 Class dates and times subject to change without notice.
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