PPI in Spain Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia [email protected] Deusto Business School, University of Deusto University of Deusto . . . . . . . . . Regulations Context Investment Cases 1.- Institutional framework Acuerdo de C.M.1 de aprobación de la E2I Fomento de mercados innovadores vía CPI (Salud, e-Administración, Energía, Turismo, Defensa…) Acuerdo de C.M.1 de impulso a la CPI en la AGE, en el ámbito de la E2I Plan de Acción y Grupos de Trabajo para puesta en marcha de instrumentos de CPI 2 July 2010 8 October 2010 Aprobación de la L 02/2011, Ley de Economía Sostenible (LES) Disposiciones sobre los Contratos de Colaboración Público-Privada y de servicios de I+D; Cuantías para CPP4 vía acuerdo de C.M.1 4 March 2011 Aprobación de la L 14/2011, LCTI2 Consideraciones relativas a la planificación de actuaciones de CPI en los distintos departamentos 1 June 2011 1 CM: 2 Consejo de Ministros 3 DGIC: D. Gral. de Innovación Y Competitividad University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . LCTi: Ley de la Ciencia la Tecnología y la Innovación 4 CPP: Compra Pública Precomercial 2 . Regulations Context Investment Cases 1.- Institutional framework Acuerdo de C.M.1 de articulación del procedimiento de CPI en la AGE Agilizar actuaciones administrativas en materia de CPI y formular recomendaciones. Cuantías para CPI (3%) Aprobación RD-Legislativo 03/2011, texto refundido LCSP Consideraciones relativas a la I+D+i en la contratación pública 8 July 2011 14 November 2011 Aprobación RD Desarrolla Estructura Orgánica Básica del MINECO [RD345/2012, Art.13.1.q] Corresponde a la DIGC3 el impulso de la CPI 10 February 2012 Carta Conjunta de 11 Presidentes de Estados Miembros al EUROGRUPO Párrafo 4º, aboga por el establecimiento de esquemas europeos de CPTI y CPP. 20 February 2012 1 CM: 2 Consejo de Ministros 3 DGIC: D. Gral. de Innovación Y Competitividad University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . LCTi: Ley de la Ciencia la Tecnología y la Innovación 4 CPP: Compra Pública Precomercial 3 . Regulations Context Investment Cases 1.- Institutional framework Spanish Law 30/2007, dated 30 October, on Public Sector Contracts (Law 30/2007) and Royal Decree-Law 817/2009, dated 8 May, on Public Sector Contracts, which explains Law 30/2007 (RDL 817/2009). Competitive Dialogue Procedure is a default option for contracts of collaboration between public and private sectors, unless specific situations in which negotiated procedure will be applicable; The competitive dialogue procedure is not frequently used. The majority of PPP projects are procured using the open procedure the number of companies participating in the dialogue can be limited to at least three; various criteria (although not specified in the applicable laws) shall be taken into account when awarding a contract using competitive dialogues. It is no possible to award the contract on the sole basis of the most economically advantageous tender. University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . 4 . Regulations Context Investment Cases 2.- Overall context • Public Procurement included in the National Innovation Strategy (2010 – 2015) Share of GDP due to public expenses 40% Public procurement 18% GDP Public R&D 0,55% (incl HEI) Total R&D 1.24 • Health • Sustainability • Science-based industries • Efficiency of public (e-) administration University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . 5 . Regulations Context Cases Investment 2.- Overall context Deployed mechanisms: PPI Guide November 2011 PPI Help-Desk September 2011 INNODemanda programme September 2011 INNOCompra programme September 2011 Goal 3% of GDP to PPI (≈ 5000 M€) July 2011 University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . 6 . Regulations Context Investment Cases 3.- The investments University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . 7 . Regulations Context Investment Cases 3.- The investments • 18 cases of PPI between 2012 and 2015 - Ranging from a min of € 134.938,14 to a max of € 49.500.000 - However, many of these initiatives refer to public construction or renovation projects without any innovation being involved • 56 cases of PCP between 2012 and 2015 - Ranging from a min of € 20.338,98 to a max of € 7.750.000,00 • No clear distinction, between regular procurement, PPI and PCP • PCP included in PPI (PPI = 74) • Hard to assess the level of innovation University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . 8 . Regulations Context Investment Cases 4.- The cases University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . 9 . Regulations Context Investment Cases 4.- The cases University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . 10 . Regulations Context Investment Cases 4.- The cases •The Basque Country is clearly committed to green public procurement • Goal: pursue 40% of the total procurement in green procurement initiatives. •The main initiatives related to public procurement in the energy field in the Basque Country are related to onshore wind energy and marine energy. • The Basque Energy Strategy continues with the previous regional path of commitment to wind energy. • Marine energy has been a domain covered by the science and technology programs of the Basque Government. • The Basque Energy Strategy 2020 includes a specific chapter on the technological and industrial development, which has established its priority areas in marine energy, both in wave energy as in offshore wind. University of de Universidad Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . 11 . PPI in Spain Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia [email protected] Deusto Business School, University of Deusto Universidad University of de Deusto Deusto . . . . . . . . . 12 12
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