Lorena Cuya Gavilano
Ph.D. Spanish Literature (Hispanic Studies, 20th-21st-century Latin American Literature)
The Pennsylvania State University, December 2013
Dissertation: Reading A Migrant Nation:
The Aesthetics Of Internal Migration In 20th- And 21st-Century Peruvian Narratives
Minor in Latin American Studies
Minor in Human Geography
M.A. Spanish Literature
The Pennsylvania State University 2008
Hispanic Linguistics and Literature (Spanish and Latin American Literatures
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú 2006
Other Relevant Training
Teaching with Technology Certificate
The Pennsylvania State University 2007
Articles Under Submission in Peer Review Journals
1. “Internal Migration, The Publishing Industry, And Transnational Identities In Two
Peruvian Writers.” (Accepted by Revista Hispánica Moderna)
2. “Disease, Madness and Migration: Internal Displacements Through Contemporary
Peruvian Cinema.” (Under Review)
3. “17th Century Environmentalism Contextualized: Garcilaso de la Vega’s Comentarios
reales.” (Under review)
Articles Published in Peer Review Journals
1. "Ser para otro: Máscaras, Fresa y Chocolate y la retórica de la metáfora homosexual."
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. 88.7 (2011): 811-828.
Cuya Gavilano
2. “Topografía de los cuerpos vejados en ¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero? y La tía Julia y
el escribidor de Mario Vargas Llosa.” Tropos. 24 (2008): 31-50.
Upcoming Presentations
“Glocal Allegories, Local Fictions: Latin American Narratives of Circulation in Mario Bellatin,
Santiago Roncagliolo, and Luis Sepúlveda.” American Comparative Literature Association
(ACLA). Seattle, Washington, March 26-29, 2015.
“Narratives of Tainted Spaces: The Aesthetic of Migration, a New Sign of Nationalism.”
Kentucky Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference. Lexington, Kentucky, April
23-25, 2015.
Presented Papers
1. “La transnacionalización editorial del otro: Roncagliolo y Alarcón expían las penas de la
migración.” Latin American Studies Association Conference (LASA). Chicago, IL, 2014.
“When Traditions Become Grotesque: Migration and the Aesthetics of Claudia Llosa
and the Peruvian Group Chaski - Literary and Filmic Representation of Political
Grotesque.” American Comparative Literature Association. Brown University, RI, 2012.
3. "New Spaces, Old Sexualities: Immigration and Female Prostitution in Two Peruvian
Narratives.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, KY,
4. “Multiple Exiles and the Impossibility of the Exile in Luis Sepulveda’s The Old Man who
Reads Love Stories.” American Comparative Literature Association. Harvard University,
MA, 2009.
5. “Animals’ Condition as a Social Physiognomy in Garcilaso de la Vega’s Comentarios
Reales.” American Comparative Literature Association. Long Beach, CA, 2008.
6. “Alusiones y elusiones en La Oveja negra y demás fábulas de Augusto Monterroso.”
American Comparative Literature Association. Puebla, México, 2007.
7. “¿Utopía o ideal Sanchopancesco?” Iberoamerican Congress of Literature. Penn State
University, PA, 2007.
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Cuya Gavilano
Institutional Presentations
“Migrants, Prostitutes, Rubber, and Fish in Vargas Llosa’s The Green House and Arguedas’s The
Foxes." SIP Colloquium Series. Penn State University, PA, April, 2011.
Conferences Organization
1. Panel Organizer. “Reading Latin American Cultural Traditions.”13th Ohio Latin
Americanist Conference. Wittemberg University, Springfield, OH, 2014.
2. Co-Organizer. Visualizing Animals Conference. Finding Animals: Toward a
Comparative History and Theory of Animals. Penn State University, PA, 2009.
3. Co-Organizer. 4th Graduate Student Symposium on Hispanic Literature: “Remapping the
American Imagination: Colonial and Post-Colonial Encounters.” Penn State University,
PA, 2008.
Teaching Record (70 sections)
In the United States
Visiting Assistant Professor. Span 280. Latin American Cultural Traditions. Spanish
Department. Bucknell University. Fall 2014, Spring 2015.
Visiting Assistant Professor. Span 103. Toward Intermediate Spanish. Spanish
Department. Bucknell University. Fall 2014, Spring 2015.
Visiting Assistant Professor. Span 285. Latino/a Literature in the U.S. Spanish
Department. Bucknell University. Spring 2014.
Visiting Assistant Professor. Span 103. Toward Intermediate Spanish. Spanish
Department. Bucknell University. Spring 2014.
Visiting Assistant Professor. Span 280. Latin American Cultural Traditions. Spanish
Department. Bucknell University. Fall 2013.
Visiting Assistant Professor. Span 105. Intermediate Spanish. Spanish Department.
Bucknell University. Fall 2013.
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Cuya Gavilano
Instructor. Span 02. Intensive Elementary Spanish 02. Penn State Language Institute.
Summer 2009, Summer 2010, Summer 2011.
Graduate Instructor. Span 02. Intensive Elementary Spanish 02. Department of Spanish,
Italian, and Portuguese. Penn State University, Summer 2008.
Graduate Instructor. Span 001. Elementary Spanish 01. Department of Spanish, Italian,
and Portuguese. Penn State University, Spring 2006.
Graduate Instructor. Span 002. Elementary Spanish 02. Department of Spanish, Italian,
and Portuguese. Penn State University, Fall 2007 – Spring 2009, Fall 2012-Spring 2013.
Graduate Instructor. Span 003. Intermediate Spanish 03. Department of Spanish, Italian,
and Portuguese. Penn State University, Summer 2007, Fall 2010, Spring 2011.
Graduate Instructor. Span 03. Intensive Intermediate Spanish 03. Department of Spanish,
Italian, and Portuguese. Penn State University, Summer 2007.
Comparative Literature
Courses taught in English
Graduate Instructor. Cmlit 002. Introduction to Western Literatures Since the
Renaissance. Comparative Literature Department. Penn State University, Spring 2010.
Graduate Instructor. Cmlit 005. Introduction to Literatures of the Americas. Comparative
Literature Department. Penn State University, Fall 2009.
In Peru
• Jefe de Práctica [Teaching Assistant]. Teatro [Theatre]. Pontificia Universidad Católica.
Lima, Peru, 2005-2006.
Duties included the organization and teaching of recitation sessions.
Jefe de Práctica [Teaching Assistant]. Redacción y argumentación [Writing and
Argumentation]. Pontificia Universidad Católica. Lima, Peru, 2002-2006.
Duties included the organization and teaching of recitation sessions.
Instructor. Lenguaje y literatura [Language and Literature]. Universidad Nacional de
Ingienería [National University of Engineers]. Lima, Peru, 2004-2006.
Coordinator and Instructor. Taller de narrativa [Narrative Workshop]. Universidad
Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas [Peruvian University of Applied Sciences]. Lima, Peru,
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Cuya Gavilano
Other Professional Experience
Counselor for the National Language Evaluation. Education Ministry. Lima, Peru, 2004.
For Teaching
Bucknell National Residence Hall Honorary 2015
Faculty Member Of The Month
Award given to faculty members who have demonstrated an outstanding performance in
the classroom.
PSU Faculty Recognition 2011
Award given to instructors (including graduate instructors and faculty members) who
have been instrumental to the academic achievement of first year students.
For Service
PSU- SIPGSO Graduate Student Award (Doctorate Level) 2009
Award given for contributing to the department’s graduate student community.
Co-Organizer. Coloquio de Español. Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, Spring 2014.
Panel Organizer. “Latino Stories in the U.S.” Coloquio de Español. Bucknell University,
Lewisburg, PA, Spring 2013.
Panel Organizer. “Mapping Traditions, Latin American Cultural Landscapes.” Coloquio
de Español. Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, Fall 2013.
Reviewer for Letras Hispanas, Literary Journal of Texas State University. San Marcos.
Feb 2013.
Board Editor of Aleph (Graduate Journal of the Spanish Department at Penn State)
Pennsylvania State University, 2007-8.
Vice-president of the Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Students Organization 2007-2008.
Treasurer of the Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Students Organization 2006-2007.
MLA - Modern Language Association
LASA - Latin American Studies Association
ACLA – American Comparative Literature Association
ASLE – Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment
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Cuya Gavilano
Spanish – native speaker
English – native proficiency
Portuguese – research proficiency
French – research proficiency
Italian – research proficiency
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