Saint Mary Catholic Church 110 St. Mary Avenue SW, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida 32548 1914-2015: Over a Century of Service for the Glory of God MISSION STATEMENT We, the Catholic Community of Saint Mary Parish, united by faith in Jesus Christ, are dedicated to proclaiming the Kingdom of God by knowing, loving, and serving the Lord and one another. CLERGY Father John Licari Parish Administrator Father William Ganci Parochial Vicar Deacon Michael Brown Deacon Daniel McAuliffe Deacon Robert Saxer Deacon Michael Symons Deacon Wayne Walker CHURCH STAFF Office Hours: 9:00-3:30 Mon.-Fri. Phone: 243-3742 Fax: 243-1271 [email protected] Kimberly Solberg, Receptionist Donna Bridgford, Secretary Pat Demski, Finance Mary Pickard, Religious Education Mary Lambeth, Youth Ministry Tom Baroco, Music Ministry Rob Henry, Maintenance ST. MARY SCHOOL Phone: 243-8913 Gerard Kubelka, Principal MSGR. MULLINS PARISH LIFE CENTER Phone: 226-4712 Ryan Thompson, Administrator THRIFT SHOP Wednesday: 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m. Friday: 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Sonia Justiniano, Manager MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:30 & 7:00p.m. (Español) Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30a.m. Polish Mass: Third Sunday of the month 3:00p.m. in the Chapel WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Friday 6:30 & 8:15a.m. Saturday 8:15a.m. Alleluia, He Is Risen Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE Sat.: 3:00 to 5:00p.m. Also by appointment by calling 243-3742 EASTER SUNDAY EASTER BLESSINGS Dear Parishioners and Friends, EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 5 No intentions MONDAY APRIL 6 Monday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. 8:15 a.m. Carol Barkley Carolyn Huffman TUESDAY APRIL 7 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. Jane Arrington 8:15 a.m. Frank Caruso WEDNESDAY APRIL 8 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. Souls of the Faithful Departed 8:15 a.m. Walter Witek Sr. THURSDAY APRIL 9 Thursday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. 8:15 a.m. Eva Chamberlain Jim Murtha FRIDAY APRIL 10 Friday within the Octave of Easter 6:30 a.m. 8:15 a.m. Rowena Rego Luke Walker SATURDAY APRIL 11 Saturday within the Octave of Easter 8:15 a.m. Olive Reed 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Mary Goddard David Nikolic MASS INTENTIONS- for the living and deceased are taken at the parish office during office hours. The Mass is to be for only ONE person. Donations are $10 for each Mass. Pray for… Recen por... Dorothy Murphy Izabella Isahaq Pat Mellow John DiBona Kimberley Black Lorene Barrett Dcn. Bob Saxer Leonor Quiray Jerry McFadden Rossanah Ramos Larry Stewart Jackie Rottjakob Tom Leechin Aida Lara Celia Cassinelli Eleanor Black Amanda Frey Linda E. Taylor Zoa Vega Jerry Blood Alicia Weil Bettye Caruso Maria Espinoza Billy Reese Richard Hlavaty Jr. Koswemda Family Marco Bagni Fred Hodgins Yadira Berrocal Jeremiah Phillips Fred Ziki Linda Ramos Vivianne Geary Marge Neale David Baron Gerri Baker Lori Ann Scott Theodore Rukse Mary Miller May the joy and wonder of Christ’s Resurrection from the dead fill us with hope and consolation this Easter and Always. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3:16). May our lives be a reflection to one another of Who we believe in...Jesus Christ the Risen Lord. As the season of Spring demonstrates many natural signs of new life in trees and bushes that flower and bloom around us after Winter has come to an end, the liturgical season of Easter following Lent gives us many grace filled opportunities for our lives to do the same in the sacrament and in the hearing and doing of God’s Word. I congratulate and welcome those who have come into the Church during Lent and at our Easter vigil. I extend an invitation for those who have been away from the Church for various reasons, to come back home. Divine Mercy Sunday, the Second Sunday of Easter (April 12th), celebrates Jesus’ invitation for all to return to him by way of his Divine Mercy. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, along with praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet will take place in the church from 3PM to 4PM on this day. The Divine Mercy image of Jesus will be blessed during this hour and will be venerated throughout the year and in the years to come at St. Mary’s as Jesus requested in his words to St. Faustina: “I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this image with the signature: “Jesus, I Trust in You.” God bless you, Fr. John Licari Good stewards strive to conform their lives to that of Christ—emptying themselves of all pride and putting themselves at the service of others Offertory Collection: March 21/22 $13,066.00 Our Lady of Fatima Statue The FaƟma statue will be in the home of Linda Kopenski this week. Help us to pray for World Peace, conversions and for vocaƟons to the priesthood and religious life. April 5-April 11 COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Our April First Friday General Meeting is being held April 10th in the Fr. Sherman Room. Bring your copy of the proposed Bylaw changes and baby items for Alpha Center, Inc. We will have our Money Tree Drawing and 50/50 Raffle tickets available. The May Breakfast tickets will also be on sale. Refeshments by St. Jude Band. St. Martha Evening Band will meet for Adoration at 5:30 p.m., dinner out and a briefing on CCW happenings. Bring your toothbrush/toothpaste offerings for WRM. April Bunco will be Thursday, April 16 in the PLC at 6:00 p.m. Little Dresses Work Day -April 20th, from Noon to 5:00 p.m. St. Mary Outreach thanksyoufor yourweeklydonationstothePoor Boxes.Wewereabletoassist96people in need in January and February. “Whatever you do for the least of my brothersandsisters,youdoforme.”Matthew25:40 WEEKLY STITCHES Are you a crafter that would like to spend time with friends as you work on your projects? Would you like to learn to knit or crochet? Join our group on Monday afternoons from 12:30 to 2:30 in the PLC. Both those who are experts and those who are just beginning are very welcome. Come be part of this new group. For information call Judy at 240-2618. Easter Flowers to Honor and Remember Our Loved Ones Mr. & Mrs. Colin Reed for Col. & Mr s. William Reed, Cather ine Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Kimbel, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bohling Donna O’Rourke for Dan O’Rour ke, Mar ia Master s Michael J. Fernandez for Eileen Fer nandez Ericka Bardsley for Kenneth J . Bar dsley, Ger tr ude Michels George & Rosie Reyes for Dolor es Quitugua, Fr ances Quitugua James & Won Fretenborough for J ames Fr entenbor ough, Dar win Frentenborough, Sin Song Kya Charles & Sheila Carey for Car ey Family, McCue Family , Mike Putek, Dcn, Walt Richardson, Fr. Sean Garrett Julio & Victoria Ferreira for Fer nando Fer r eir a, Lucy Fer r eir a, Eliseo Benetua, Fidela Benetua Maria Esser Mark Elder for Wilson Elder , Emigdio Tor r es John & Martha Oler for Donna Oler Deborah Chambers for Pauline Hyr e, Fr ed & Rose Thor ne Paul & Preciosa Otto for Gr ace Otto, Paul Otto Sr ., Manuela Castro, Ramon Castro, Rurvi Otto Karl & Allie Van Etten for all Van Etten Family, Dixie & David Price Family John & Vera Chapman Patricia Adams William Barnawell Ernest Davis for Clar a, Bill & J ohn Davis Suzanne Goldsmith for deceased of Henr y family Phyllis L’Abbe for Lar r y L’Abbe Thank you to all the parishioners who have helped make our Church so beautiful for the Easter Season. Your generosity is appreciated. If any names have been omitted or misspelled, please accept our apologies as it was truly an inadvertent error. We wish all of you a Blessed Easter. AWAKEN FAITH PROGRAM St. Peter Parish is offering a special program for those Catholic members who are inactive in the practice of the Faith. The program begins April 12th. For information call St. Peter’s at 581-2556. If we all would reach out to just ONE inactive Catholic, think of the impact it would have on our Church! ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN SENIORS The St. Mary Parish Council of Catholic Women 2015 Academic Scholarship Application is available on the parish website. It can be found under Documents on the CCW page under Ministries. Applicants must print their own copy. Deadline for submission is 3:00 p.m., Monday, April 13th. HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR MEN The St. Mary Church Knights of Columbus Council#4444 is sponsoring the 2015 PGK Frank Caruso Scholarship to a 2015 male graduating senior. Applications are available at the church office or by contacting David Zeh at 613-6191. Deadline for applications is Monday, April 13th at 3:00pm. ST. MARY SENIORS & SNOWBIRDS **** NOTICE**** Our regular scheduled April luncheon has been cancelled for Spring Fling. See you on May 14th. “Sharing the Green” at last month’s meeting totaled $136 for St. Mary’s Outreach. Thank you for this Lenten Gift. LEGION OF MARY The Legion of Mary will be having their annual ACIES celebration on Saturday, April 26. All Active and Auxiliary members are invited. The Rosary will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the Church. Mass with Fr. Licari will be at 2:00 p.m. A reception will follow the mass in the PLC. Contact Rose at 244-8488 if you have any questions. Easter Flowers to Honor and Remember Our Loved Ones Joe & Lorraine Maiorello for Ther esa Ober ly, Paul Ober ly, Antonet Maioriello Josefina Gonzales for Rober to Gonzales Joe & Kathy Reese for Elaine Reese, J oseph Reese III, Alber t Karch, Reese family deceased, Karch family deceased James Clements for Constance Clements Jesse & Ana Flores for Mar ia Luisa Mendoza, Nor ma Flor es, Dolly Flores, Cindy Snedden, Mateo Flores Rene & Maria Medenilla Robert Holts & Delia Simms-Holts Carol Williamson Robert Hill Vy & Loan Nguyen for Vi Van Nguyen, Ru Nang Vu, Vinh Quang Vu, Tien Duc Vu O’Den Ballmes Fredrick & Laura Hodgins for Family member s Jerry & Kay Coker for Mar ie Fr iedhoff Nellie Cripps for J immy D Cr ipps John & Mary Lou Townsend for Peg & Owen Summer s, J ulie Cor zine Artie& Dick Townsend, Bonnie Jones Tanya Price Henry & Rose Fair for Knights of Columbus Lisa Pham for Dominicque Lien. Mar ia Sang, Dominicque Hien, Dominicque Dam Ken & Tammi Sheets Canty & Chantel Gray for Guy & Anne DelaFor est, Roy & Ar tice Gray, Rev Ed Sutlattmann, Rev Mike Cherup, Rev John Licari Randy & Kathy Holt for Mar yhelen War d, Layton R War d William & Regina Nadicksbernd Joan Parker for Mom & Pop J aniszewski, J ohn Par ker , Our Lor d Jesus Christ Janice Wolniewicz for Pete, Chr istina, & Mar k Wolniewicz Tom & Pat Leechin for Leechin family, McCloskey family, Gill family, Sakmar family, Bosco family Josie Ceravolo Flor Selfridge Larry & Miki McClung William & Gina Lang for Bill & Mar ie Lang, J ohn & Elsa Rallis, Anita Barton, Raymond & Judy McGovern for Ray & Pauline McGover n Agnes Hermanson Kurt & Diana Decotis Smith Soledad Korleski for Gene Kor leski Wilson & Rosanna Guy Robert & Virginia Virnig for Mr & Mr s Fr ed Vir nig, Galileo de Veyra, Mr & Mrs Jorge de Veyra, Thang & Tammy Nguyen William Lynch Constance King for J ohn Anthony King, Hugh & Lena Adams Diane LaFountain Argentina Parker John & Isuko Crotty John Cesulka for Leonar d & Geor gia Cesulka Trang Nguyen Chong Hector Truong & Kim-Loan Nguyen Henry & Cabrini Sherman Alicia Trotter for the Tr otter , Or tega, Fr ances & Infiesta families Serra Abel for Teddy Rahe and Sr . Rober t Anne Steven & Toshiko Jakab for Amy J akab Ellis & Carol Porch for Ellis Por ch III, Ellis Por ch Sr , Wynona Porch, Kenneth Ray, Doris Ray David & Jany Waywell for Betty Star key, Alfonso Rosita, Constance Rosita, Terita Rosita Amor, All the souls that have no one to pray for them Eugene & Candace Peters for Mike & J oan Hor gan, Bill & Clara Peters Robert & Nancy Walton Lorna Beckman for Paul L Beckman, Adele LePage George & Josie Duncan for Edith De Baca Paul & Sylvia Dubois for Paula Buchanan Irene Fisher Robert & Lisa Barkley for Car ol Bar kley, Chester & Thelma Kingston, Mary Kundert Earl & Angeline Gottschalk George & Joan Mickey for Andr ew & Chr istine Mickey, Virginia Zelusky, Wallace & Doris Barrett, Scott Hess Laura Nelson for Gar eth Nelson Donald & Helena Amunds for Lydia Feaster Lionel Leon for J ean Patr icia Leon Sally Roy for Ronald Roy Dominick & Annie Fiorentno for Fior entino family, Hudson family Marvin & Carla Brigman Lawrence & Maritza Fuller David & Erin Brandt Dorothy York for J oel Cr awfor d Yor k, J oel Cr aig Yor k Shirley Rappazini Kidder for Paul Kidder , Tom Rappazini, Joseph Rappazini Richard John & Dorothy Smith Patricia Richardson for Fr ank Richar dson Sr , Michael Richardson Edward Schmidt for Mar ie Schmidt William Reaves Ann Hill for Andr ew Cicler , Cliffor d Hill Philip & Maryetta Crowder for J immy Cr owder , Cliff Cr owder James & Mildred Brown, Catherine Monk Mary Wellborn for J ames Welbor n Michael & Charmaine Roberts for J ames Walter , Gr ace Bozant, Wayne Roberts, Dan Murray Tim Perks & Ann McLoone Marty & Shirley Schmieder for Car l & Betty Sehi Jerry & Jacqueline Drones for J ane & Car ie Lavalis Clifford & Ana Ward Susanne Gwynn Casey Senst Vuan Tran & Tau Nguyen Jomarie Mauricio Steve & Jairuse Lange for Har r y Lange, J ames Lange, Angilica Chin Venegas Marilyn Paulick for Max & Helen Kr uzek Karen Franklin for J ames & Rosemar y Fr anklin Leonard & Tracy Strom for Mar y & Doug Olson Kinh & Dieu Nguyen for Sinh Hoang, Lan Nguyen Mel & Susan Brownsberger Thomas & Kathleen Dlabal for Dr & Mr s Luke Dlabal, Mr & Mrs Steve Polgar Michael & Jennifer Paone James & Catherine Ritter for Mulliys & Ritter families Nida Pahl Thank you to all the parishioners who have helped make our Church so beautiful for the Easter Season. Your generosity is appreciated. If any names have been omitted or misspelled, please accept our apologies as it was truly an inadvertent error. We wish all of you a Blessed Easter. Easter Flowers to Honor and Remember Our Loved Ones James & Janice Schultheis for Alvir a & Wer ner Schultheis David & Gianna Zeh for Gianna Zeh, J oseph & Nona Ahear n, Helen Marie Zeh Mary Rahe for Ted Rahe Helmuth & Lorraine Witek -Warns for Helen & Walter Witek, Ria & Dietrich Warns, Walter Witek Jr, Lipski family, Jarecki family Roberto & Kelly Murdock for Mar y & Douglas Olson, Walt Connelly, Walt Connelly Jr Nancy Bookout for Gilder family Genevieve McGowan Barbara Coleman for Huey Coleman, Ir ene & William White, Richard & Carrie Coleman Ronnie & Cristina Davenport for Roy Davenpor t, Nico Fer r ar i, Frank Gorda, Dan O’Rouke, Don Steffen Lois Maese Gerald Blood & Phyllis Zeller for Lois J ensen, Fr ances Petr eikis Joan Whitney Bart & Rosalie Koepke for Kr istine Koepke, Lillian Koepke, Ricardo Tiam, Eugene Tiam, Lydia Baybayan, Jocelyn Mangaccat, Mauricia Juguilon, Pedro Jugiuilon, Emilia Tiam, Domingo Tiam Janet Hughes for David & Mar y Hughes Mark & Susan Hillman Rafael & Jennie Rodiguez Stephen & Patricia Williams for Clem & Glor ia McNulty Ivica & Isabelle Kresovljak for Vladimir , Mar inko, Alojzija, & Anka Kresovljak, Anto & Vere Drazetic Gilbert & Inge Halliday for Fr ank Car uso Daniel & Susan Johnson Ernest & Vivian Green for J immie Ber r y, Elijah Gr een, Er nest Green, George Berry, Naomi Barnes Marvin & Fay Johnson John & Bonnie Dezzutto for Helen Bezon William & Martha Garvie Terry & Donna Bridgford for Mildr ed Fr ench, J ohn J Fr ench, Sr. Robert Anne Jones David Palkowski for Sylvia Palkowski Mike & Joan Brown for Er nest Blanchar d, Lilian Denis, Mar ion, Michael & Teri Brown Joan Vella for J im Vella, Sandr a Ciappar a, Vella family, Roetman family David Blechinger Ralph Fernandez Jon & Colleen Daws-Gamer for Glenn Daws J r , Rosemar y Daws, Maria Daws, Harriett Goldman, Marilyn Gamer Sam & Sherie Montalto John Connors for Cather ine Connor s, J ohn J Connor s, Anna Connors, Joan Connors Foley, Jedrey Connors Emil Pagliari Mike & Dru Beuerlein Thomas & Alice Davis Sandy Williams for Mar y Williams Charles & Gloria Olsen Monica Uher Patricia Drew for Walter & Mar y Feiltter Robert & Patricia Bergs Michelle Van Liere for William Van Lier e, Ruth Van Lier e Jeff & Linda DeCocker Warren & Kim Solberg for Leo & Elizabeth Bungar den, Mary & Stuart Jeddeloh, Margaret & LeRoy Becker Lourdes Quiray for Aur elio, Antonio & Gr acian Quir ay, Raymundo Ferrer-Yerre, Victor Yerre, Gabriel Matic Jr., Jonathan Tengco Joe Giangrosso for J oe & Rose Giangr osso, Vincent & Fr ancis Schalleci Ben Barranco for J oe & Vir ginia Bar r anco, Mar y Mathews Joseph & Brenda Gaccione for Fr ank & J ean Gaccione, Don Denton Lenny & Rona Bazerman, Edward Angelone, Mario Angelone, Dylan Danos Anne Stachowski for Mar ie & Raymond Stachowski Lucy Zummo for Nunzio Zummo, Pauline & Vincenzo Cannella, Charles Churillo, Joseph Cannella John & Anne Kashynski for J ohn & Helen Kashynski, Richard & Gertrude Manning, Janet McArdle for J ames Thomas McAr dle Emily Conde for J oseph Conde , Kenneth Conde Denis & Kathleen Milonas for J ames & Noella Milonas, Stanley & Elizabeth Kordenbrock Kitty Johnson for Clinton J ohnson, Mar ie Louise J ohnson Michelle Kraus for Liam Kraus, William & Eleanor Banz Reed & Jennifer Pratt Thomas & Patricia Hollarn for The 11 Her oes in the Helicopter Crash Clifford Vosburgh for Ken Smith, J ane & Rudy Vosbur gh, Michael Tierney, Rich & Lou Rose, both Tom Smiths Rose Applegate Anna Anderson for Q.G. Ander son J r , Ricky & Ethel McCr aw, Leo Wilkerson, Bobby Wilkerson Patricia Roy for J ackie Roy Michael Langford for Richar d & J ulia Langfor d Scott & Theresa Vaughn Marisol Reina for Gwendolyn Reina, J ose Luis Reina, Enr ique McLean, Gregoria Reina Ong Shin Mildred Thrush for J oseph & Ter esa Rabb, Mar tha Mor gan Joan Kozar for Thomas Kozar Ralph & Valda Brown for Valda Br own David & Katherine Baron Lawrence & Mary Bonck John & Pam Kovar for J oan Kovar Angel Lleva Derrick & Catherine Williams for Lillian, J ohn, and Lezlie Williams, Leonard & Diane Paar for Leonar d & Dor is Paar Joseph & Elizabeth Devine Edwardo & Cheryl Villarreal Walter & Diane Schmidt Anthony & Rose DeCotis for Andr ew & Anna Romano, Anthony Napolitano, Anthony DeCotis Sr, Deceased Stagnitta family Richard & Adelaida Wilk Monica Uher for St Mar y Par ish Maria Schleidt for J ohn Schleidt Bernard & Evelyn Daniel Jaime & Marissa Lopez Shirley Putek for Michael Putek, Michele Putek, Hazel & Allen Fontenot, Amile Fontenot Ken & Anna Demkowicz for Walter & J oanne Demkowicz, Joe D Oliveira Francisco & Blanca Navarro for Teofilo Guajar do, Mar ia Castaneda, Maria Isabel Guajardo, Antonio Guajardo, Luis G. Guajardo Noreen & Leonor Quiray for Toni Heather ton, J oan Myar es, J ohn Locke, June Claycomb, Juan,Catolico, Boy Salazar, Greg & David Forian, Profio, Antonio & Raymundo Ferrer, Rufo Yerre Dorothy Hackett for Michael Hackett Thank you to all the parishioners who have helped make our Church so beautiful for the Easter Season. Your generosity is appreciated. If any names have been omitted or misspelled, please accept our apologies as it was truly an inadvertent error. We wish all of you a Blessed Easter. April 5-April 11 “CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH” RETREAT How often do we think about doing something for ourselves, spiritually refocus our priorities and lives? Well, there is no better time than the present! That is exactly why Saint Mary’s will be offering the Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat. The men’s retreat will be April 18-19 and the women’s retreat will be May 2-3, 2015. Both retreats will be held in the Parish Life Center (PLC), and the weekend is FREE for all participants. The retreat, held right here in our parish, is focused on personal renewal and, ultimately, growth as a spiritual community. Sign up forms are in the parish office or register online on St. Mary’s webpage: http:// SAINT MARY SCHOOL “We Walk With Jesus” REGISTRATION for next year is underway at St. Mary School. Come in and visit us and let us help you make a Catholic education a reality. Call 243-8913 for more information. UPCOMING EVENTS April 13th-Spring Fling Holiday April 22nd-Spring Pictures April 24th-St. Mary Talent/Variety Show, 6:30 p.m. COME ONE COME ALL! St. Mary School Spring Fling 2015 Religious Education Grades Kindergarten through 5th 9:45 a.m.— 11:15 a.m. “Let the little children come to me.” April 5—Easter Sunday—No Classes Have a safe and Happy Easter! April 12—Regular Class Teacher’s have a Breakfast Meeting April 19—Regular Class Kindergarten and 1st Grades have a Retreat in the Fr. Sherman Room. April 26—Regular Class SACRAMENT PREPARATION CLASSES 6:00 pm—7:00 pm Spring Fling Hours Wed., April 8 - 5:00-10:00pm Thurs., April 9 - 3:00pm-Admission for St. Mary School & Parish only. Open to the public from 5:00-10:00pm Fri., April 10 - 5:00-11:00pm Sat., April 11 - Noon to 5:00pm –Session 1 5:00 to 11:00pm-Session 2 Sun., April 12 - Noon to 6:00pm Northwest Florida Fairgrounds 1958 Lewis Turner Blvd Ft. Walton Beach, FL RIDES, FOOD, CHA-CHING RAFFLE Session 4—Monday, April 13 or Thursday, April 16 This class will be held in the Church The Retreat/Rehearsal has been changed to Saturday, April 25, 9:00 am—12:00 pm in the Church First Communion is on Saturday May 2, 2015 Mass starts at 9:30 am Children need to be in the Old Cafeteria by 8:45 am MSY: April5th&12th-NOMEETINGS April19th&26th-MeetatRoom121 attheschool. TYM: YOUNG ADULTS MINISTRY We are still looking for people who attend NWFSC. Please contact Mary at 685-7464 if you can help us discern the need for a CSU at NWFSC. April 8th—NO TYM April 10-12—Campout April 15—TYM Meets April 19—Confirmation Meeting 5-7p.m. April 26—Confirmation Makeup Meeting 3-7 inthePLC.Forthosewhohavemissedanyclasses. Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY El primer domingo de Pascua debió haber sido bien difícil para los apóstoles que habían dedicado tres años de su vida para seguir al hombre que creyeron era el Mesías, sólo para verlo crucificado y enterrado. Todo parecía perdido. Obsesionados con los sucesos del Viernes Santo les era bien dificultoso al comienzo entender el mensaje de la resurrección. Pero sus ojos y sus corazones se abrieron cuando Jesús mencionó sus nombres, comió con ellos y sopló sobre ellos el don de la paz. Desde ese momento recibieron poder y fueron infundidos de valor y de un entusiasmo nuevo. Con el don del Espíritu Santo comenzaron a ser potentes testigos del mensaje de esperanza y de la vida nueva. Al regocijarnos en la gloria y el poder de la Resurrección llegamos a darnos cuenta de que la victoria de Cristo sobre el pecado y la muerte también puede ser nuestra. Vivamos este día de Pascua con fe y convicción, y así llegaremos a participar por siempre de la plenitud de la resurrección de Cristo. Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16 (15):1-2a, 5, 711; Mt 28:8-15 Martes: Hch 2:36-41; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Miércoles: Hch 3:1-10; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Lc 24:13-35 Jueves: Hch 3:11-26; Sal 8:2ab, 5-9; Lc 24:35-48 Viernes: Hch 4:1-12; Sal 118 (117):1-2, 4, 2227a; Jn 21:1-14 Sábado: Hch 4:13-21; Sal 118 (117):1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mc 16:9-15 Domingo: Hch 4:32-35; Sal 118 (117):2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 Los sacerdotes, diaconos, y el personal administrativo de la parroquia de Saint Mary, les desean a todos nuestros visitantes y feligreses una Feliz Pascua. Que todos podamos apreciar y compartir la fe , la esperanza, el amor y gozo del Tiempo Pascual. La tradición de los “huevos de Pascua” El origen de esta costumbre viene de los antiguos egipcios, quienes acostumbraban regalarse en ocasiones especiales, huevos decorados por ellos mismos. Los decoraban con pinturas que sacaban de las plantas y el mejor regalo era el huevo que estuviera mejor pintado. Ellos los ponían como adornos en sus casas. Cuando Jesús se fue al cielo después de resucitar, los primeros cristianos fijaron una época del año, la Cuaresma, cuarenta días antes de la fiesta de Pascua, en la que todos los cristianos debían hacer sacrificios para limpiar su alma. Uno de estos sacrificios era no comer huevo durante la Cuaresma. Entonces, el día de Pascua, salían de sus casas con canastas de huevos para regalar a los demás cristianos. Todos se ponían muy contentos, pues con los huevos recordaban que estaban festejando la Pascua, la Resurrección de Jesús. Uno de estos primeros cristianos, se acordó un día de Pascua, de lo que hacían los egipcios y se le ocurrió pintar los huevos que iba a regalar. A los demás cristianos les encantó la idea y la imitaron. Desde entonces, se regalan huevos de colores en Pascua para recordar que Jesús resucitó. Poco a poco, otros cristianos tuvieron nuevas ideas, como hacer huevos de chocolate y de dulce para regalar en Pascua. Son esos los que regalamos hoy en día Autor: Teresa Fernández | Fuente: Actividades Del Ministerio Hispano Viernes 9:00 am Adoracion al Santisimo hasta el sabado a las 8:00 am en la capilla Jueves 7:00 pm Practica del Coro en la Iglesia Sabados 8:00 pm (11 de Abril) Convivio Mensual 4to Jueves 6:00pm (30 de abril 2015) Clase de Bautisimo en el PLC 25 abril 15 4:30 pm Estudio Biblico y RCIA (CATHO:ICISMO) EN EL plc 30 abril 15 6:00 PM Reunion del Equipo Liturgico y Actividades con el Padre Will Informacion para encargar una Misa: Tenemos dias disponibles para la Misa de las 7:00 p.m. Todas las intenciones son para una pesona, vivos o difuntos. Hay una donación de$10 para cada Misa Para pedir su Misa porfavor presentese a la oficina Parroquial. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Mary Church #514248 110 St. Mary Avenue SW Fort Walton, FL 32548 TELEPHONE 850 243-3742 CONTACT PERSON Donna Bridgford EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 3:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 5, 2015 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS We have added 2 pages for this week only. Thank you!
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