Media www.sick-from-mobile-communica 23-Aug-15 1 Media (1) en Español o Catalá (2) en Français (3) in Italiano (4) på Swenska (5) in English (6) in het Nederlands of in de Vlaamse (7) auf Deutsch Here we only tabulate notable articles of the major newspapers. Our motive here is to see how the subject is defusing into the public media. _______________ Media en Español o Catalá: “Alumnos argentinos crean un programa para alertar sobre la radiación del Wifi” La Ciudad 26Jul2015 “Científicos dan la alarma sobre la contaminación electromagnética” La Opinión 11Jul2015 “Columnista del New York Times, censurado por un articulo sobre las radiaciones causadas por la telefonía móvil”* Joan Carles López 25Mar2015 "Ondas electromagnéticas: ¿Malas para la salud?” EL Pais 23Sep2014 “WI-FI: La muerte invisible que está destruyendo a la generación más joven en todo el mundo” Eco Portal 24Jun2014 Asunción Laso: “Es una barbaridad que haya antenas wi-fi en los colegios” “La técnica en riesgos laborales advierte en Cangas de que los políticos «prefieren no hacer nada» para prevenir daños” * La Información 14Jan2012 "No se olvide de apagar el wi-fi por la noche" Agustín Bocos, abogado ambientalista Artículo muy interessante sobre los efectos del Wifi. La Vanguardia / La Contra, 10Oct2011 (Comentario JFH: ¡PLC no es la solución!) Media en français: “L'électrosensibilité : un phénomène en expansion” France3 28Jul2015 “Le Wi-Fi est-il un danger pour le cerveau? Des experts disent que oui“ Huffington Post 03Jun2015 “Manuel Valls annonce plusieurs mesures pour rapprocher les services publics des campagnes” Le Monde (Fr) 13Mar2015 “Il faut créer une zone refuge pour les électrosensibles” * Media Michèle Rivasi, Paris Match 12Feb2015 23-Aug-15 Media www.sick-from-mobile-communica 23-Aug-15 “Une loi pour encadrer l'exposition aux ondes” * 2 Le Monde (Fr) 29Jan2015 "Une loi pour encadrer l'exposition aux ondes" * Robindestoits, 30 Jan 2015: “Ondes électromagnétiques: L’Assemblée nationale adopte la troisième loi écologiste de la législature” Groupe Assemblé Nationale Ecologiste (les écolodéputé-e-s) 29 Jan 2015 “A Zurich, le premier refuge européen pour électrosensibles”* Le Monde (Fr) 12Aug2014 “Pour la première fois, un homme indemnisé pour son électrosensibilité“* Le Monde (Fr) avec AFP 17Apr2014 “Ondes : une commune des Hautes-Alpes veut créer la première zone blanche de France”* Le Monde (Fr) avec AFP 30Okt2013 (3) Media in Italiano “Antenne: task force per dire no all'aumento dei limiti” Il Cambiamento 18 Feb 2015 “Emissioni elettromagnetiche il governo pronto ad alzare i limiti”, la 16.Nov.2014 (4) Media på Swenska “Strålande! - om barn och mobiler”* Sevendays Vasabladet 03Aug2015 “Övertygande bevisat: Trådlös teknik orsakar oxidativ stress” * stralskyddsstiftelsen 28Jul2015 “Barns rätt till skydd mot strålning från elektronisk teknik under skoltid” * Sveriges Riksdag 04Oct2013 “Ett vackert Fängelse – på flykt från el och mobilstrålning” (5) Media in English Flykting i eget land, Gunilla Ladberg 2008 in chronological order “Scientists write to UN, WHO to reduce emission norms” “Dangers of cellphone technology” Times of India 21Aug2015 news24, Cape Town, South Africa 19Aug2015 “Should all NHS premises provide free access to wi-fi?”* The British Medical Yournal 12Aug2015 Rapid responses* by DM Whiting, NA Clarke, P Watts, S Dickerson, Dave Ashton, e.a. “Council ponders electromagnetic risks” 19Aug2015 Nelson Star 05Aug2015 “Mobile phones ARE linked to cancer, study claims: Long-term use 'is associated with Alzheimer's, Media 23-Aug-15 Media www.sick-from-mobile-communica 23-Aug-15 Parkinson's, headaches and skin irritation'” 3 Daily Mail, UK 31Jul2015 “Awareness Campaign Needed on Cellphone Use, Wi-Fi Radiation Risks amid Conflicting Government Reports” “The fact that the government itself has made such a call would seem to indicate a readiness for action that many have long advocated and tried to build.” Lee Rickwood, Whats Your Tech, Canada 30Jul2015 “Hold the phone, Central! Cellphone radiation can cause cancer: Study” “My Advice Is To Say ‘No’ To Smart Meters“ NY Daily News 29Jul2015 David Bruce, Otago Daily Times, NZ, 29Jul2015 “Cell phones and risk of brain tumors: What's the real science?” CNN 28Jul2015 “Will Berkeley cell phone ordinance harm consumers?” CBS News 27Jul2015 “Are insurance companies avoiding the smart meter problem”* 26Jul2015 “Cellphone industry sues city of Berkeley over radiation warning” abc7news 21Aug2005 “Berkeley's Silly, and Harmful, Pandering to Fear of Cell Phone Radiation” Including comments by Joel Moskowitz and others. “NYT Buries Lead, Muddies Water on EMF Health Issue” huffingtonpost 29Jul2015 Mitchell Shapiro 25Jul2015 “New York Times article on Berkeley cellphone ordinance puts the Times on same side as industry at forefront of radiation debate” Lennart Hardell & Michael Carlberg 24Jul2015 “Cellphone Ordinance Puts Berkeley at Forefront of Radiation Debate” NY Times 21Jul2015 “Did An Australian University Just Say Wi-Fi Can Give You And Your Kids Cancer?” Re “Science, Lost in a Legal Maze” “When Science Is Lost in a Legal Maze” 8Jul2015 Arthur Firstenberg Santa Fe 24Mar2015 The New York Times 23Mar2015 “Columnista del New York Times, censurado por un articulo sobre las radiaciones causadas por la telefonía móvil”* Joan Carles López 25Mar2015 “Wireless Empire Strikes Back” EMF Analysis 21Mar2015 “Wireless Technology Health Risks --The New York Times Fuels the Debate” 02Apr2015 “Could Wearable Computers Be as Harmful as Cigarettes?” The New York Times 18Mar 2015 “Sydney unplugged: Cafes force punters to power down” “Electromagnetic Radiation: Who’s Looking Out for You?” Media Sydney Morning Herald 19Jul2015 Northwest Citizen 14Jul2015 23-Aug-15 Media www.sick-from-mobile-communica 23-Aug-15 4 “The woman 'allergic to ELECTRICITY': 50-year-old dons protective suit and veil to go outside as she claims Wi-Fi could kill her” * Daily Mail 03Jul2015 “Environment ministry’s false mobile radiation information draws CIC ire” Times of India 23Feb2015 “Chinese tech firms fight over Wi-Fi router with 'pregnant women' setting” The Guardian 24Jun2015 “Chinese Wi-Fi Router Features ‘Pregnant Woman’ Mode” 24Jun2015 “Cardiac Devices Like Pacemakers May (Rarely) Malfunction When Too Close To A Smartphone”* Medical Daily 22Jun2015 “Smartphones Pose Slight Risk to Heart Devices – Current safety recommendations for pacemakers, ICDs should still be followed”* 22Jun2015 “School Ban Phones And Is Praised By Thousands Of Parents. Their Solution Is Spot On”* Newsner June2015 “Stop sought to smart meters”* Jon Manchester, BC News 01Jun2015 “California knew smart meters were dangerous”* André Fauteux 29Mar2015 “Mega research on effect of mobile tower radiation on human health gets nod” 4Apr2015 “Parents remove children from school, saying Wi-Fi networks are making them sick”* 02Apr2015 “New cell towers and smart meters increase radiation exposure across Los Angeles”* 1Apr2015 “Government urged to halt smart meter roll out”* UK: 30Mar2015 “What It’s Like to Be Allergic to Wi-Fi” New York Magazine 29Mar2015 County Supervisors unanimously halt construction of toxic cell towers iafflocal1014 24Mar2015 “LA Fire Captain Sends Plea Against Fire Station Cell Towers” Daily Mail (UK) 23Mar2014 Firefighting News: L.A. County Firefighters Concerned by Potential Health Risk of Fire Stations Near Cell Towers 24Mar2015 “Spending six hours a day on my mobile gave me a brain tumour, claims business executive, 43, who's now been given just three years to live” Daily Mail (UK) 25Mar2015 “Mobile Technology's Blue Light Still Suppresses Sleep Hormone Melatonin, Affecting Human Biology”* Stephanie Castillo 21Mar2015 Media 23-Aug-15 Media www.sick-from-mobile-communica 23-Aug-15 5 “Media Blackout on Smart Meter Dangers” Wins Project Censored Award”* 12Mar2015 “Secrecy around police surveillance equipment proves a case’s undoing” Washington Post 22Feb2015 „Ann Arbor family has power shut off by DTE in dispute over installing new SMART meter on their home”* 18Mar2015 "The Electromagnetic Assault on Our Brains and Bodies” 19Mar2015 “School officials could be personally liable for exposing children and staff to microwave radiation in our schools. School districts, school boards and school medical health officers have been notified that Lloyd’s of London has now excluded any liability …”* see also see also 26Feb2015 “Smart meter draws negative reactions from all over B.C.”* “Parents to debate Wi-Fi restrictions in Alberta schools”* "Cell tower deals approved for 3 TUSD schools”* 17Mar2015 15Mar2015 11Mar2015 “Woman Who Was Arrested as Utility Crews ‘Forcibly Installed’ Smart Meters Fights Back”* 28Jan2015 „Newport Radar Facility: Two Guest Opinions Heat Up Debate Over Possible Health Effects” 18Mar2015 „Smart metering – transforming Africa’s energy future”* “What Health Canada doesn't say about cellphones” 21Jan2014 3Feb2015 "Fatal Dallas fire puts scrutiny on 'smart' meters”* “Danger in smart meters is 'cumulative long-term exposure'“* “Smart meters energy saving project at risk, say MPs” * 3Feb2015 20Feb2015 7Mar2015 "Smartphones are addictive and should carry health warning, say academics”* The Guardian 4Mar2015 “Proof at last that 'yuppie flu' is a real illness”* Daily Mail (UK) Feb2015 “Our daughter died of a brain tumour. We blame her mobile”* Daily Mail (UK) Feb2015 “Spending six hours a day on my mobile gave me a brain tumour, claims business executive, 43, who's now been given just three years to live”, Daily Mail (UK) Feb2015 „Use your mobile phone safely” Media Feb2015 23-Aug-15 Media www.sick-from-mobile-communica “Firewall: How’s that smart meter working out for ya?”* 23-Aug-15 6 Feb2015 „Transcripts and Evidence of BCUC Substantiates FortisBC Misrepresented Safety of Wireless Smart Meters” * Feb2015 “Taiwan makes it ILLEGAL for parents to let children under two use electronic gadgets”* Daily Mail (UK) “Blood tests sent to NBN Co to thwart tower plans” Jan2015 it News (Australia) Feb2015 “Internet-Connected Sheep and the New Roaming Wireless”, The Atlantic Feb2015 “‘Pagosa Power’ Circulating Smart Meter Petition” * Pagos Daily Post, Feb2015 “Smart Meter Removal Underway“* Blackburn News Jan2015 “Hydro-Quebec rocked by resignations amid smart-meter flap”* Toronto Sun Febr2015 “Don’t Hurt your Customers” Dhaka Tribune 5Febr2015 “WiFi banned from pre-school childcare facilities in a bold move by French government”* “France limits spread of the wi-fi by a new law, Finland does not care at all”* “A Law to Regulate Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields”* see last part of paper! “A Third of Americans Would Rather Give Up Sex Than Cellphones”* “Smart” electric meters slammed at Kingston PSC hearing”* 02Febr2015 MoneyTalksNews Jan2015 Smart Meter News Updates Feb2015 “Should you limit how much your children use wifi? Researchers claim young brains are more susceptible to radiation from wireless gadgets”* see more Daily Mail (UK) 14Jan2015 “SaskPower ordered to remove all smart meters in the province”* Shawn Knox, Global News Jul2014 “Whirling Wi-Fi: Vibrant images reveal how wireless networks sweep and surround us” Daily Mail (UK) 19Jun2014 “Harvard Medical Doctor Warns Against Smart Meters”* “Mind Control By Cell Phone”* Mar2013 Scientific American 07May2008 “Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette” A Historical and Scientific Perspective Kane RC 2001 Media in het Nederlands of in de Vlaamse: „Ouder plaatst zelf 'gezonder' internet op school“ Media 2015 23-Aug-15 Media www.sick-from-mobile-communica 23-Aug-15 7 Medien auf Deutsch: “Es piepst und blinkt noch in der dunkelsten Stunde”. Sü 07Jan2015 „Entsetzen über höhere Handystrahlen“ „Bundesrat will Strahlenschutz-Grenzwerte lockern.“ 27Feb2015 Feb2015 Orwell-Stromzähler kommt: Smart Meter werden Pflicht * Orwell-Stromzähler kommt: Smart Meter werden Pflicht* 12Feb2015 12Feb2015 „Pro und Contra: Handymasten-Strahlung“ 12Feb2015 „Demos sollen Sendemast verhindern“ 11Feb2015 Nein zum Sendemast in Ortsnähe 08Feb2015 Bäume und Tiere werden geschützt! - Was ist mit unseren Kindern? „Kämpfer gegen den Elektrosmog“ Feb2015 15Jan2015 „Bestrahlte Würmer“ 17Jan2015 „Funkmast erzeugt Angst und Zorn“ Passauer Neue Presse 30Jan2015 „Die fünf schönsten Funklöcher“ * Sü 03Jan2015 „Widerstand gegen 35 Meter hohen Funkmast in Kitzeck“ 07Feb2015 „Neue Runde im Mauerner Digitalfunk-Streit“ Merkur-Online 08Feb2015 „Vorbereitung auf den Bürgerentscheid“ Main Post 30Jan2015 „Gemeinde Neuburg am Inn will weiter klagen“ BR 27Jan2015 „Kein WLAN fürs Gymnasium Weilheim“* Merkur-Online 29Jan2015 „Prozess um Riesen-Handymast geht weiter“ schwä 19Feb2015 „Alle nur Hypochonder?“ Die WELT 15Feb2015 „Drahtlos-Netzwerke in Kindergärten in Frankreich verboten“* Die WELT 22Feb2015 „Ein schönes Gefängnis - Auf der Flucht vor Elektrizität und Mobilfunkstrahlen“* Gunilla Ladberg Hamburg, Dez. 2014: „Verwirrung um Wlan-Projekt an Hamburger Schulen“* „W-Lan-Projekt in Hamburg wird doch umgesetzt“* Media Sarah Wilson 21Dec2014 Stern, 01Dec2014 FAZ 01Dec2014 23-Aug-15 Media www.sick-from-mobile-communica „Hamburger Schulen bekommen WLAN trotz Widerstand“* 23-Aug-15 8 Kronen Zeitung 02Dec2014 „Funkstille über Strahlungsschäden“ Int. Zs. f. Journalismus „Message“ Jan2007 „Wer als Journalist über Gesundheitsschäden durch Mobilfunk berichten will, erlebt merkwürdige Dinge. Von umgeschriebenen Artikeln, Sendetermin-Problemen und gekippten Enthüllungsstorys.“ "Wissenschaft wurde als Nebelwand missbraucht" Sü „Jugendliche: Bleibende Hirnschäden dank Smartphones?“ „Verstrahlt“ 4Nov2014 Zeitenschrift Jan2014 Zeit Online 29Aug2013 „Krebs durch Handy-Strahlung? Forscher finden alarmierende Spuren im Speichel“ „Oxidativer Stress in Leber- und Samenzellen“ „Entwicklung von LTE ohne Erforschung von Risiken auf die Gesundheit“ Focus 9Aug2013 „Funkstille über Strahlungsschäden“ „Wer als Journalist über Gesundheitsschäden durch Mobilfunk berichten will, erlebt merkwürdige Dinge. Von umgeschriebenen Artikeln, Sendetermin-Problemen und gekippten Enthüllungsstorys.“ Int. Zs. f. Journalismus „Message“ Jan2007 „Mikrowellen: Die Waffe am Ohr“ Media über den Polizeifunk Tetra Zeitenschrift Jul2012 23-Aug-15 Media www.sick-from-mobile-communica ––––– Media End of the page “Print Media” 23-Aug-15 ––––– 23-Aug-15 9
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