CURRICULUM VITAE DARIO AZZELLINI Assistant Professor of Sociology Johannes Kepler Universität Linz Dept. of Sociology, Politics and Development Research Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria Tel.: (*43-732-2468-1545) Fax: (*43-732-2468-8594) Tel.: (*49-171-4156176) Email: [email protected] Education Ph.D. Sociology, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico: 2012, Cum Laude “De la cogestión al control obrero: Lucha de clases al interior del proceso Bolivariano” Committee: John Holloway (advisor); Carlos Figueroa; Sergio Tischler Ph.D. Political Science, J. W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt a. M., Germany: 2010, Summa Cum Laude “Partizipative und protagonistische Demokratie in Venezuela” Advisor: Joachim Hirsch M.A. Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin: 1993 Teaching Experience Assistant Professor. Department of Sociology, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, 2010-Present. Research areas: Politics and Development. Courses taught: Political Sociology; Development Sociology Areas of Specialization Theories of Democracy and Power, Social Movements and Collective Action, Latin American Studies, Migration, Racism, Urban Poverty and Social Inequality, Self-management, Social and Cultural Theory, War Sociology: Privatization of Military Services. Current Research Interests Democracy, Social Movements and Collective Action, Local Self Administration, Workers Control and New Regionalism in Latin America. Grants • Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Solifonds Hans Böckler Foundation, Menschenwürde und Arbeitswelt and Aktion Selbstbesteuerung, Research and Publication Grants, 2010-2012. 20,000 €. • Hans Böckler Foundation, publication grant, 2010. 2,000 € • Innovative Film Austria, Ministry of Education, Culture and Arts of Austria, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Wien Kultur, Solifonds Hans Böckler Foundation, Umverteilen! Foundation and Netzwerk, Research, Travel and Production Grants, 2009. 35,000 €. • Hans Böckler Foundation, PhD Grant, 2006-2009. 46,000 € • Hans Böckler Foundation, Travel Grants, 2006, 2007 and 2008. 8,000 € • University of California Berkeley Art Museum / Pacific Film Archives, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Foundation Menschenwürde und Arbeitswelt, Netzwerk and Aktion Selbstbesteuerung, Research, Travel and Production Grants, 2006. 27,000 €. • Arts Foundation, Federal Chancellery, Republic of Austria, Umverteilen! Foundation, Research, Travel and Production Grants, 2004. 21,000 €. • Arts Foundation of Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria, Cultural Department City of Vienna, KUPF Innovation Funds Upper Austria, Research, Travel and Production Grants, 2002. 16,000 €. • Ausschuss für Entwicklungsbezogene Bildung und Publizistik (ABP), Martinswerk, Research and Publication Grants, 1999. 5,000 DM • Heinrich Böll Foundation, ABP, Netzwerk, Research, Travel and Production Grants, 1997. 8,300 DM. Publications A. Books Forthcoming With Michael G. Kraft (Editors). The Class Strikes Back. Self-Organized Workers’ Struggles in the 21st Century, Amsterdam: Brill, 2016. Communes and Workers’ Control in Venezuela: Building 21st Century Socialism from Below. Challanges, Achievements and Contradictions, Amsterdam: Brill, 2016. 2015 (Editor). An Alternative Labour History: Worker Control and Workplace Democracy. London: Zed Books (English) March 2015 and Madrid: La Oveja Roja (Spanish, Spain), 2016. La construcción de dos lados: poder constituido y poder constituyente en Venezuela. Vol. 1 & 2. Caracas: El Perro y la Rana. March 2015. 2014 With Marina Sitrin. They Can’t Represent Us. Reinventing Democracy From Greece to Occupy. London/New York: Verso. 2013 With Stephan Lanz and Kathrin Wildner (Editors). Caracas, sozialisierende Stadt. Die »bolivarianische« Metropole zwischen Selbstorganisation und Steuerung. metroZones 12. Berlin: b_books. 2012 With Marina Sitrin. Occupying Language. New York: Zuccotti Park Press / Adelante Alliance. 2011 With Immanuel Ness (Editors). Ours to Master and to Own: Workers Councils from the Commune to the Present. Chicago: Haymarket. 2 German translation: Die endlich entdeckte politische Form. Fabrikräte und Selbstverwaltung von der russischen Revolution bis heute. Cologne: Neuer ISP Verlag, 2012. Spanish Translation: Control obrero desde la revolución rusa hasta la actualidad. Madrid: La Oveja Roja, 2015 (forthcoming, contract signed). Spanish Translation: Control obrero desde la revolución rusa hasta la actualidad. Caracas: El Perro y la Rana, 2014 (forthcoming, contract signed). 2010 Partizipation, Arbeiterkontrolle und die Commune. Bewegungen und soziale Transformation am Beispiel Venezuela. Hamburg: VSA. Revised and updated Spanish edition: La construcción de dos lados: poder constituido y poder constituyente en Venezuela. Caracas: El Perro y la Rana, 2014 (forthcoming, contract signed). 2009 (Editor). El negocio de la guerra. Nuevos mercenarios y terrorismo de Estado. Translation of Das Unternehmen Krieg, Substantially revised, updated, rewritten and with new chapters. Caracas: Monte Àvila Editores. Spanish edition in Spain, updated and with new chapters: El negocio de la guerra. Tafalla: Txalaparta, 2006. Spanish Argentinian edition, updated and with new chapters: El negocio de la Guerra. Buenos Aires: Txalaparta Argentina, 2009. (Editor for Latin America, Spanish Caribbean and New Left in Italy). With Immanuel Ness (Editor). International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 2006 Venezuela bolivariana. Revolution des 21. Jahrhunderts?. Cologne: Neuer ISP Verlag. Italian Translation: Il Venezuela di Chávez. Rome: DeriveApprodi, 2006. Revised and updated German edition: Venezuela bolivariana. Revolution des 21. Jahrhunderts?. Cologne: Neuer ISP Verlag, 2007. With Stefan Thimmel (Editors). Futbolistas - Fußball und Lateinamerika: Hoffnungen, Helden, Politik und Kommerz. Berlin: Assoziation A. Turkish Translation: Futbolistas – Futbol ve Latin Amerika. Istambul: Otonom Yayincilik, 2008. 2003 With Boris Kanzleiter (Editors). Das Unternehmen Krieg. Berlin: Assoziation A. Spanish Translation: La Empresa Guerra. Caracas: Fondo Editorial Question / ANROS, 2004. Spanish translation: El Negocio de las Guerra$. Cochabamba: Cedib, 2005. French translation: Le business de la guerre. Larresoro: Gatuzain, 2006. Italian translation, updated and with one new chapter: L'azienda guerra. Rome: Manifesto libri, 2006. Indonesian translation: La Empresa Guerra. Bisnis Perang dan Kapitalisme Global. Jakarta: Insist Press, 2007. 2002 With Marco Guarella and Francesco Raparelli. Genua. Italien. Geschichte, Perspektiven, coauthored. Berlin: Assoziation A. With Judith Gleitze (Editors). Italien – Legalisierung der Flüchtlinge – Militarisierung der Grenzen?, Berlin: FFM/Assoziation A. 3 1999 With Raul Zelik. Kolumbien – Große Geschäfte, staatlicher Terror und Aufstandsbewegung. Cologne: Neuer ISP Verlag. Revised and updated German edition: Kolumbien – Große Geschäfte, staatlicher Terror und Aufstandsbewegung. Cologne: Neuer ISP Verlag, 2000. With Boris Kanzleiter (Editors). Nach Norden - Mexikanische ArbeitsmigrantInnen zwischen neoliberaler Umstrukturierung, Militarisierung der US-Grenze und dem amerikanischen Traum. Berlin: FFM/Assoziation A. B. Refereed Articles B1. Refereed Journal Articles 2014 “Ein Epochenbruch. Die neuen globalen Proteste zwischen Organisation und Bewegung” Prokla. No. 177, 44.4: 495-512. “¡Si, podemos! Empresas recuperadas por sus trabajadores en el hemisferio norte durante la crisis actual.” ORG & DEMO. Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Unesp-Marília-Publicações. 15.1: 9-36. 2013 “Economía solidaria en Venezuela: Del apoyo al cooperativismo tradicional a la construcción de ciclos comunales.” Revista Idelcoop. 210. Reprint of chapter in: A Economia Solidária na América Latina: realidades nacionais e políticas públicas. Sidney Lianza and Flávio Chedid Henriques (Editors). Rio de Janeiro: Pró Reitoria de Extensão UFRJ. 147-160. “America Latina y la privatización de la guerra.” Cuadernos de Marte. Revista latinoamericana de sociología de la guerra. 3.4: 247-262. 2012 “Movimientos e construção alternativa na Venezuela.” Cemop. 3: 40-62. 2010 “Constituent Power in Motion: Ten Years of Transformation in Venezuela.” Socialism and Democracy. 24.2: 8-30. “Economía Solidaria y ecosociodesarrollo: la construcción de una nueva percepción de la sustentabilidad” Otra Economía. Revista Latinoamericana de Economía Social y Solidaria, Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos de Economía Social y Solidaria (RILESS). 4.6: 134-151. 2009 “Economía solidaria, formas de propiedad colectiva, nacionalizaciones, empresas socialistas, co- y autogestión en Venezuela.” ORG & DEMO. Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Unesp-Marília-Publicações. 10.1-2: 5-30. “Venezuela’s Solidarity Economy: Collective Ownership, Expropriation, and Workers SelfManagement.” WorkingUSA. 12: 171-191. 2008 “Die neuen Söldner.” Kritische Justiz. Sonderheft 40 Jahre KJ. 3: 310-316. “Basisbewegung oder Staat? Der Transformationsprozess in Venezuela stößt an Grenzen.” WeltTrends. Zeitschrift für internationale Politik. 16.61: 55-63. 2006 “Bildung und Hochschulbildung für alle. Transformation des Bildungssystems in der Bolivarischen Republik Venezuela.” JEP, Journal für Entwicklungspolitik. 22.4: 70-95. B2. Refereed Encyclopedia and Handbook Articles 2013 “Sozialpolitik in Venezuela.” Sozialpolitik in Entwicklungsländern: Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika – ein Handbuch. Markus Porsche-Ludwig, Wolfgang Gieler and Jürgen Bellers (Editors). Berlin: LIT Verlag. 397-402. 4 2012 “Religion in Venezuela.” Handbuch der Religionen der Welt. Markus Porsche-Ludwig and Jürgen Bellers (Editors). Siegen: Bautz Verlag. 703-709. 2010 “Italy, Gladio counterinsurgency, 1970s-1980s.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: WileyBlackwell, 2010 update. 2009 “Andresote and the Revolt against the Guipuzcaona (1731–1733).” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 162-164. “Bolivarianism, Venezuela.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 412-416. “Chirinos, José Leonardo (d. 1796).” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 737. “Disobbedienti/Tutte Bianche.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 1006-1010. “Ejército de Liberación Nacional, Colombia.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 1081-1084. “G8 protests, Genoa, 2001.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 1307-1312. “Guaicaipuro (ca. 1530-1568).” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 1471-1472. “Italy, from the antifascist resitance to the new left (1945-1960).” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 1832-1835. “Italy, From the New Left to the Great Repression (1962-1981).” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 1835-1839. “Red Brigades.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 2814-2818. “Venezuela, exclusionary democracy and resistance 1958-1998.” With Gregory Wilpert. The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 3436-3441. “Venezuela, guerilla movements, 1960s–1980s.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: WileyBlackwell. 3441-3445. “Venezuela, MAS and Causa Radical.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 34453448. “Venezuela, MBR-200 and the military uprisings of 1992.” With Gregory Wilpert. The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 3448-3450. “Venezuela, military uprisings, 1960-1962.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 3450-3451. 5 “Venezuela, Negro Miguel Rebellion, 1552.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Ness (Editor), Editor. Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 3451-3452. “Venezuela, solidarity economy, social property, co-management and workers’ control.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 3452-3455. “Zamora, Ezequiel (1817-1860).” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Immanuel Ness (Editor). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 3706-3707. B3 Refereed Book Chapters 2015 “Venezuela’s social transformation and growing class struggle.” Crisis and Contradiction: Marxist Perspectives on Latin America in the Global Economy. Susan Spronk and Jeffery R. Webber (Editors). Leiden: Brill Press. 138-162. 2014 “Paramilitarismo colombiano: El brazo armado ilegal de élites y capital.” Presente y futuro de Colombia en tiempos de esperanzas. Alexander Ugalde and Jorge Freytter-Florian (Editors). Donostia: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU). 185-204. 2013 “The Communal System as Venezuela’s Transition to Socialism”. Communism in the 21st Century. Vol. II: Whither Communism? The challenges facing communist states, parties and ideals. Shannon K. Brincat (Editor). Westport: Praeger Publishers. 217-249. 2012 “Economía solidaria en Venezuela: Del apoyo al cooperativismo tradicional a la construcción de ciclos comunales.” A Economia Solidária na América Latina: realidades nacionais e políticas públicas. Sidney Lianza and Flávio Chedid Henriques (Editors). Rio de Janeiro: Pró Reitoria de Extensão UFRJ. 147-160. “Movimientos y construcción alternativa en Venezuela.” Movimentos Sociais, Trabalho Associado e Educação para além do capital. Fabiana C. Rodrigues, Henrique T. Novaes and Eraldo L. Batista (Editors). São Paulo: Outras Expressões. 375-410. 2011 “De las cooperativas a las empresas de propiedad social directa en el proceso venezolano.” Cooperativas y Socialismo: Una mirada desde Cuba. Camila Piñeiro Harnecker (Editor). La Havana: Editorial Caminos. 301-320. English translation: “From Cooperatives to Enterprises of Direct Social Property in the Venezuelan Process.” Cooperatives and Socialism. A View from Cuba. Camila Piñeiro Harnecker (Editor). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012. 259-278. 2010 “Poder Constituyente en movimiento: 10 años de proceso de transformación en Venezuela.” Hugo Chávez: una década en el Poder. Carlos A. Romero, Francesca Ramos and Hugo Ramírez (Editors). Bogotá/Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela/Observatorio de Venezuela de la Universidad del Rosario Bogotá. 107-127. 2009 “Partizipative Demokratie und Protagonismus der Bevölkerung. Zur kulturellen Bedeutung des ‘Bolivarianischen Prozesses’ in Venezuela.” Hilfe der Zeichen | por medio de signos... Transnationalismus, soziale Bewegungen und kulturelle Praktiken in Lateinamerika. Reihe Atención!, Vol. 13. Jens Kastner and Tom Waibel (Editors). Vienna: LIT Verlag, 2009. 189-206. 2008 “Das lange italienische ’68.” Weltwende 1968? Ein Jahr in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive. David Mayer and Jens Kastner (Editors). Vienna: Mandelbaum Verlag. 172-187. 6 2006 “Krise der Repräsentation – Ablehnung der Politik.” Stand der Bewegung? Protest, Globalisierung, Demokratie – eine Bestandsaufnahme. Oliver Marchart and Rupert Weinzierl (Editors). Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. 105-114. 2004 “Der Bolivarianische Prozess: Konstituierende Macht, Partizipation und Autonomie.” Neoliberalismus - Autonomie - Widerstand. Analyse Sozialer Bewegungen in Lateinamerika. Olaf Kaltmeier, Jens Peter Kastner and Elisabeth Tuider (Editors). Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. 196-215. Slovenian translation: “Bolivarijanski proces: Konstituirajoča oblast, participacija in avtonomija.” Časopis za kritiko znanosti. 2005. 23: 90-108. 2003 “Kolumbien – 100 Jahre Krieg gegen die Bevölkerung.” Politische Ökonomie der Gewalt. Werner Ruf (Editor). Opladen: Leske+Budrich. 235-266. C. Other Articles C1. Non-Refereed Journal Articles 2013 “The Communal State: Communal Councils, Communes, and Workplace Democracy.” NACLA. 46.2: 25-30. Reprint in: Real World Latin America: A Contemporary Economics and Social Policy Reader. Fred Rosen and Alejandro Russ (Editors). Boston: Dollars & Sense. 2013. Italian translation: Lo Stato delle Comuni: consigli comunali, comuni e democrazia operaia.” Albainformazione. October 2013. Spanish translation: “El estado comunal: consejos comunales, comunas y la democracia en el lugar de trabajo.” Revista Kavilando. 5.1: 56-62. November 2013. 2011 “Arbeiterkontrolle in Venezuela.” Luxemburg. 3: 80-87. 2009 “Los nuevos mercenarios: La impunidad organizada en el marco de la guerra global permanente.” Herramienta Web. 2009. 2. 2008 “¿Hacia dónde va Venezuela?.” Metapolítica. 59: 65-70. “Lateinamerikanischer Petro-Sozialismus.” Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik. 5: 2528. “O inventamos o erramos.” Bajo el volcán, revista del instituto de ciencias y humanidades de la BUAP. 12: 11-28. 2007 “Konstituierende Macht statt Zivilgesellschaft.” Polylog, Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren. 18: 21-26. “La Revolución Bolivariana: ‘o inventamos o erramos’. Claves para leer el proceso de transformación social venezolano.” Herramienta. 36: 47-65. “Privatisierung von Militäraufgaben: The coalition of the billing.” Marxistische Blätter. 45.3: 5364. 2006 “Venezuela und das ‘Neue Lateinamerika’.” Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik. 3: 317-323. 2005 “Der Krieg im Irak und die Armee der Privaten.” Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik. 3: 334-339. 7 “Militärunternehmen im Irak – die private Seite des Krieges.” Ausdruck. IMI-Magazin. 4: 31-36. 2004 “Kolumbien: Kriegsmodell im Wandel.” isw-Report Weltordnungskriege und Gewaltökonomien. 58: 19-23. 2003 “Kolumbien. Regierung und Paramilitärs in Symbiose.” Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik. 10: 1239-1242. C2 Non-Refereed Book Chapters Forthcoming “Comuna o nada. La experiencia Venezolana.” De la comuna a las autonomías. Historias de libertad y autodeterminación. JRA (Editors). Mexico City: Bajo Tierra Ediciones. 2015 “A Preview of the Future. Workers’ Control in the Context of a Global Systemic Crisis.” With Oliver Ressler. Ines Doujak and Oliver Ressler. Utopian Pulse: Flares in the Darkroom. Pluto Press. London. 130-145. 2013 “Caracas. Urbane Kämpfe und Debatten in der in/formellen Stadt.” With Stephan Lanz and Kathrin Wildner. Dario Azzellini, Stephan Lanz and Kathrin Wildner (Editors). Caracas, sozialisierende Stadt. Die »bolivarianische« Metropole zwischen Selbstorganisation und Steuerung. metroZones 12. Berlin: b_books. 7-22. “Kommunale Räte zur lokalen Selbstverwaltung. Basisdemokratie zwischen Autonomie, Selbstermächtigung, Kooptation und Bürokratisierung.” Dario Azzellini, Stephan Lanz and Kathrin Wildner (Editors). Caracas, sozialisierende Stadt. Die »bolivarianische« Metropole zwischen Selbstorganisation und Steuerung. metroZones 12. Berlin: b_books. 74-110. “Der Verdeckte Krieg gegen das Soziale: Paramilitarismus in Caracas.” Dario Azzellini, Stephan Lanz and Kathrin Wildner (Editors). Caracas, sozialisierende Stadt. Die »bolivarianische« Metropole zwischen Selbstorganisation und Steuerung. metroZones 12. Berlin: b_books. 267-294. “Der globale Aufstand.” Michael G. Kraft (Editor). Soziale Kämpfe in Ex-Jugoslawien. Vienna: Mandelbaum Verlag. 30-46. With Oliver Ressler. “Self-Organization and Self-Education in Venezuela.” Camel Collective (Editor). The Second World Congress of Free Artists. In Three Acts. Aarhus: Camel Collective / Kunsthal Aarhus. 239-242. 2012 “Venezuelas Transformationsprozess von der repressiven Formaldemokratie zur partizipativen und protagonistischen Demokratie.” Jürgen Nordmann, Katrin Hirte and Walter Oetsch (Editors). Demokratie! Welche Demokratie? Marburg: metropolis. 175-194. “Participación y poder popular – Consejos Comunales y Comunas.” Jorge Valero (Editor). Democracias Nuevas o Restauradas. El Caso Venezuela. Caracas: El Perro y la Rana. 117-130. 2011 With Immanuel Ness. “Introduction.” Ours to Master and to Own: Workers Councils from the Commune to the Present. Immanuel Ness and Dario Azzellini (Editors). Chicago: Haymarket Books. 1-9. “Workers’ Control under Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution.“ Ours to Master and to Own. Workers Councils from the Commune to the Present. Immanuel Ness and Dario Azzellini (Editors). Chicago: Haymarket Books. 382-399. “Ein Kanal durch Nicaragua: Traum oder Albtraum?.“ Nicaragua - Der Traum von der Freiheit. Lateinamerika im Fokus (LatiF), Vol. 2. Fachschaft Regionalwissenschaften Lateinamerika an der Universität zu Köln (Editors). Berlin: Wissenschaftsverlag. 55-82. 8 2010 With Lize Mogel. “The Privatization of War.” (map) Theater of Peace. ngbk, Dietrich Heißenbüttel, Anke Hagemann and Gunda Isik (Editors). Berlin: argobooks. 65-67. “Poder Constituyente en movimiento: 10 años de proceso de transformación en Venezuela.” América Latina desde abajo: cuando no nos acomodamos a la realidad. Marco Coscione (Editor). Santo Domingo: MIUCA. 43-55. “La difícil construcción de una economía solidaria, popular y socialista en Venezuela.” América Latina desde abajo: cuando no nos acomodamos a la realidad. Marco Coscione (Editor). Santo Domingo: MIUCA. 176-196. 2009 “Volksmacht und Emanzipation, Kommunale Räte in Venezuela.” Hoch die, Nieder mit?! Perspektiven transnationaler Solidarität. Olaf Gerlach, Marco Hahn, Stefan Kalmring, Daniel Kumitz and Andreas Nowak (Editors). Berlin: Dietz Verlag. 245-256. “Potere popolare e organizzazione locale: i Consigli Comunali in Venezuela.” America Latina dal basso. Storie di lotte quotidiane. Marco Coscione (Editor). Rome: Carta. 101-128. Reprinted in: progetto LAVORO. No. 3, 2009. 41-43. Spanish translation: “Poder popular y organización local: los Consejos Comunales en Venezuela.” América Latina desde abajo. Experiencias de luchas cotidianas. Ed. Marco Coscione (Editor). Quito: Abya Yala. 158-170. “Tra costruzione alternativa e conflitto: le sfide collettive dell’economia solidale e socialista in Venezuela.” America Latina dal basso. Storie di lotte quotidiane. Marco Coscione (Editor). Rome: Carta. 178-196. Spanish translation: “Entre construcción alternativa y conflicto: los retos colectivos de la economía solidaria y socialista en Venezuela.” América Latina desde abajo. Experiencias de luchas cotidianas. Marco Coscione (Editor). Quito: Abya Yala. 227-300. 2008 “Soziale Bewegungen, politische Macht und Transformation in Venezuela.” Jahrbuch Denknetz 2008: Eine andere Welt. Nach der Entzauberung des Kapitalismus. Denknetz (Editor). Zurich: edition 8. 19-36. “Von der repressiven zur partizipativen und protagonistischen Demokratie. Der bolivarianische Prozess in Venezuela.” Kampf um Teilhabe. Gewerkschaften und soziale Bewegungen: Akteure – Orte – Strategien. Christoph Haug, Rudi Maier and Berit Schröder (Editors). Hamburg: VSA. 140-152. “Solidarische Ökonomie, kollektive Eigentumsformen, Enteignungen und Arbeitermit- und Arbeiterselbstverwaltung in Venezuela.” Gegenwelten. Rassismus, Kapitalismus & soziale Ausgrenzung. Robert Reithofer, Maruša Krese and Leo Kühlberger (Editors). Linz: Leykam Verlag. 425-441. 2007 “Verstaatlichung.” ABC der Alternativen. Von "Ästhetik des Widerstands" bis "Ziviler Ungehorsam". Ulrich Brand, Bettina Lösch and Stefan Thimmel (Editors). Hamburg: VSA. 244245. “Von den Mühen der Ebene....“ Revolution als Prozess. Selbstorganisierung und Partizipation in Venezuela. Andrej Holm (Editor). Hamburg: VSA. 38-57. 2006 “Die ausländischen Genossen können unschätzbare Dienste leisten. Mit dem Internationalismus einmal quer über die Weltkugel.” agit 883. Bewegung, Revolte, Underground in Westberlin 1969– 1972. rotaprint 25 (Editors). Berlin: Assoziation A. 185-200. 2004 “Das Beispiel Mexiko: Neue Etappe der Autonomie.” Vom Beschuß der Moneda zu den Kriegen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Thüringer Forum für Bildung und Wissenschaft (Editors). Jena: RLS Thüringen. 17-22. 9 “Das Beispiel Venezuela: Hugo Chávez und die bolivarianische Revolution.” Vom Beschuß der Moneda zu den Kriegen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Thüringer Forum für Bildung und Wissenschaft (Editors). Jena: RLS Thüringen. 23-32. “Ich folge nicht einem Mann.” Alo Presidente. Hugo Chávez und Venezuelas Zukunft. Sahra Wagenknecht (Editor). Berlin: Edition Ost. 120-135. “Wir haben 510 Jahre lang Widerstand geleistet.” Alo Presidente. Hugo Chávez und Venezuelas Zukunft. Sahra Wagenknecht (Editor). Berlin: Edition Ost. 136-138. “Begegnungen in Caracas.” Alo Presidente. Hugo Chávez und Venezuelas Zukunft. Sahra Wagenknecht (Editor). Berlin: Edition Ost. 139-144. “Wir lehnen die expansionistische Politik der USA ab.” Alo Presidente. Hugo Chávez und Venezuelas Zukunft. Sahra Wagenknecht (Editor). Berlin: Edition Ost. 161-166. “Wir lassen uns unser Öl, unseren Reichtum nicht wegnehmen.” Alo Presidente. Hugo Chávez und Venezuelas Zukunft. Sahra Wagenknecht (Editor). Berlin: Edition Ost. 198-203. “Unser Kampf ist ein weltweiter Kampf.” Alo Presidente. Hugo Chávez und Venezuelas Zukunft. Sahra Wagenknecht (Editor). Berlin: Edition Ost. 204-212. 2003 “Der Frühling Venezuelas,” Aufstehen für die Menschlichkeit. Horst-Eberhard Richter and Frank Uhe (Editors). Berlin: Psychosozial Verlag. 36-44. Reprint in: Vom Beschuß der Moneda zu den Kriegen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Thüringer Forum für Bildung und Wissenschaft (Editors). Jena: RLS Thüringen. 2004. 32-37. “Was bedeutet: fragend gehen wir voran?.” Debate with Joachim Hirsch, Anne Huffschmid, Andrea Jung, Herby Sachs and Ulrich Brand. radikal global - Bausteine für eine internationalistische Linke. Buko (Editor). Berlin: Assoziation A. 19-42. 2002 “Drogenökonomie und Paramilitarismus in Kolumbien.” Ungeheuer ist nur das nur das Normale. Zur Ökonomie der »neuen« Kriege. medico international (Editor). Frankfurt a.M.: medico international. 112-129. 2001 “Eine andere Welt ist möglich.” Vorwärts bis zum nieder mit. HKS 13 (Editors). Berlin: Assoziation A. 28-37. 1998 With Michael Krämer and Stefan Thimmel. “Ich weigere mich eine Ware zu sein.” Was kommt von Links? Jochen Reinert (Editor). Vienna: Promedia. 97-104. “Superbarrio.” Umkämpfte Räume. Stadtrat (Editor). Hamburg: VLA. 219-224. 1997 “Gladio in Italien.” Gladio – Die geheime Terrororganisation der NATO. Jens Mecklenburg (Editor). Berlin: Elefantenpress. 23-48. Turkish translation: “İtalya’da Gladio.” Gladio: Nato’nun Gizli Terör Örgütü. Istambul: Kitap. 1999. 26-51. C3 Book Reviews Hoffrogge, Ralf. Richard Müller. Der Mann hinter der Novemberrevolution - Richard Müller: The Man behind the November Revolution. Berlin: Karl Dietz Verlag, 2008. WorkingUSA. September 2011. 14.3: 430-434. 10 Ralf Hoffrogge: Richard Müller. Der Mann hinter der Novemberrevolution. Berlin: Karl Dietz Verlag, 2008. Sozial.Geschichte Online. November 2011. 6: 263-268. Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen, Zeitenwende. Politik nach dem Neoliberalismus. Stuttgart: Schmetterling Verlag, 2004. Das Argument. 2006. 266: 479. C.4 Other Publications – Non-Academic As an investigative journalist, political analyst and author specializing in Latin America I published hundreds of articles in newspapers and special interest journals (on Latin America, Development and “Third World”) since 1992 (see for more details). In Germany: analyse & kritik, Berliner Gazette, Freitag, Hattrick, ila, Iz3W, Junge Welt, Jungle World, Konkret, Lateinamerika Nachrichten, Neues Deutschland, Quetzal, SoZ, telepolis, Zeitung zum Sonntag. In Austria: Kulturrisse, Volksstimme, Südwind, Lateinamerika Anders, Furche, Wiener Zeitung. In Switzerland: Correos de Centroámerica, WoZ, Vorwärts. In Italy: Carta, Global, Liberazione. In Luxemburg: Brennpunkt, Woxx, Zeitung vum Lëtzebuerger Vollek. In Latin America: La Guillotina (Mex.), Zócalo (Mex.), Pensamiento Propio (Nic.), Question (Ven.) D. Select Translations D.1 From Italian into German (Books) Die Gesellschaftliche Linke. Jenseits der Zivilisation der Arbeit. Marco Revelli. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 1999. Brigate Rosse. Eine italienische Geschichte. Mario Moretti, Carla Mosca and Rossana Rossanda. Berlin: Assoziation A, 1997. Die Hände des Che. Ivo Scanner. Berlin: Espresso Verlag, 1997. Mit offenem Blick. Ein Gespräch zur Geschichte der Roten Brigaden in Italien. Renato Curcio and Mario Scialoja. Berlin: ID-Verlag, 1997. Furiosi. Die Wütenden. Nanni Balestrini. Berlin: ID-Verlag, 1995. D.2 From Italian into German (Chapters) “Die Grundsicherungsdebatte in Italien.” Andrea Fumagalli. Existenzgeld. Kontroversen und Positionen. Hans-Peter Krebs and Harald Rein (Editors). Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2000. D. 3 From Spanish into German (Chapters) “Arbeitsmarkt, Armut und das Bürgerrecht auf ein Grundeinkommen.” José Iglesias Fernández. Existenzgeld. Kontroversen und Positionen. Hans-Peter Krebs and Harald Rein (Editors). Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2000. “Staat, Macht, Zivilgesellschaft und Demokratie.” Patricio Nolasco. Reflexionen einer Rebellion. Ulrich Brand and Ana Esther Ceceña (Editors). Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2000. 11 E. Documentaries 2015 Occupy, Resist, Produce – Vio.Me., with Oliver Ressler, ca. 30 minutes (forthcoming). Occupy, Resist, Produce – Officine Zero, with Oliver Ressler, ca. 30 minutes (forthcoming). 2014 Occupy, Resist, Produce – RiMaflow, with Oliver Ressler, 34 minutes. 2011 Comuna Under Construction, with Oliver Ressler, 96 minutes. 2006 5 Factories – Worker Control in Venezuela, with Oliver Ressler, 81 minutes. 2004 Venezuela From Below, with Oliver Ressler, 67 minutes. 2002 Disobbedienti, political movement and new praxis in Italy, with Oliver Ressler, 53 minutes. 1998 Al Norte, migration Mexico-USA, with Harry Häner and Boris Kanzleiter, 26 minutes. 1993 Autonomy, Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, with Harry Häner and Anne Löwisch, 26 minutes. 1992 Quetzalcoatl, Sandino and the World Bank, social and political transformation of Nicaragua, with Harry Häner and Anne Löwisch, 57 minutes. F. Web Site 2011-present Multilingual web site about workers control. In collaboration with Ralf Hoffrogge (Universität Potsdam, Germany) and Alan Tuckman (Nottingham Trent University, GB) Lectures and Conferences A. Invited Guest Lectures (Selected) 2015 “Venezuela and the Latin American Context: Revolutionary Populism?,” Thessaloniki University, Greece, April 2. 2014 “Past and present of factory recuperations and workers’ control,” Sapienza University Rome, Italy, December 4. “Societies against Austerity: Movements and Protest,” with Marina Sitrin and Fabienne Décieux, Learning from the South: Societies under and against austerity, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, November 19. “They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy,” with Marina Sitrin, York University, Toronto, Canada, September 29. “The global dimension of recent social movements,” with Marina Sitrin, Haverford College, Haverford, PA, US, September 25. “Popular Participation, From Occupy to Latin America and Beyond,” with Marina Sitrin, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, US, September 25. “Occupy! They Can’t Represent Us! Democracy in a Global Context,” Marina Sitrin, Susana Draper and Vicente Rubio, Democracy Lab, Gallatin School, NYU, NYC, NY, US, September 22. “New Global Movements for Real Democracy,” Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, US, September 17. “They Can’t Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy,” with Marina Sitrin and Gary Wilder, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY, US, September 16. 12 “Rethinking Democracy and Representation: Occupy and Beyond”, with Marina Sitrin, Michael Hardt and Liz Mason Deese, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, US, September 11. “They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy,” with Marina Sitrin, Elon University School of Law, Greensboro, NC, US, September 9. “They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy,” with Marina Sitrin, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC, US, September 8. “They Can’t Represent Us! – New Global Movements and Democracy,” CEU - Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, March 26. “Futbolistas - Fußball und Lateinamerika: Hoffnungen, Helden, Politik und Kommerz,“ Österreichisches Lateinamerika-Institut, Vienna, Austria, May 7. “Comuna Under Construction,” New College of Florida, Sarasota, Florida, USA, February 21. “They Can’t Represent Us! – New Global Movements and Democracy,” New College of Florida, Sarasota, Florida, USA, February 14. 2013 “Venezuela ohne Chávez: Situation und Perspektiven der bolivarischen Revolution“, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, December 11. “Aktivismus gegen die Krise und für das Gemeinwohl: Zukunftsprojekte aus Südeuropa,” Einstein Forum, Potsdam, D, October 24. “Venezuela ohne Chávez - Situation und Perspektiven der bolivarischen Revolution,“ Bildungswerk der Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin, D, July 30. “Die neuen globalen Bewegungen von Occupy bis Griechenland: Gemeinsamkeiten und Verbindungen zu lateinamerikanischen Bewegungen der vergangenen 20 Jahre,“ Bildungswerk der Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin, D, July 2. “Strategies for social change: Movements with, within, against and/or beyond the state?” Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, NY, USA, May 2. “Common features and differences in the new global movements,” On Protest: A Research Symposium. Session II – Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Protest, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, April 13-14. “Situation and perspectives of recovered factories in Venezuela,” Seminar II "Solidarity Economy North and South: energy, livelihoods and the transition to a low carbon economy postcapitalist. Vision of social organizations," Cultural Center of Cooperation "Floreal Gorini", Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 26-28. “State public policies and ESS in Venezuela,” Seminar II "Solidarity Economy North and South: energy, livelihoods and the transition to a low carbon economy postcapitalist. Vision of social organizations," Cultural Center of Cooperation "Floreal Gorini", Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 26-28. “Selbstverwaltung und partizipatorische Ökonomie,” opening talk “Konferenz Krise und reale Utopien 2.0,“ Medienkulturhaus Wels, Wels, Austria, March 25. “Venezuela and the regional initiatives from ALBA to UNASUR,” “What Next, Venezuela? A Roundtable Discussion in Real Time,” New York University, New York, NY, USA, March 13. 2012 “America Latina y la privatización de la guerra,” Conferencia Intercontinental “Paz, desarme y alternativas sociales ante la OTAN Global”, Palacio del Congreso Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 13-14. “Horizontalismo: Lenguajes de ocupación en el mundo,” with Marina Sitrin, Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios CESU, University Mayor San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia, August 13. 13 “Venezuela's social transformation and growing class struggle,” Institute for Sociology, University Jena, Jena, Germany, July 3. “Social Movements & Autonomy in Venezuela and Argentina: In, Against and Beyond the State,” with Marina Sitrin, CUNY, The Graduate Center, New York, USA, May 17. “Social Movements and the State in Venezuela,” New York University, Gallatin School, New York, USA, March 21. “Solidarity economy, local self administration and participatory democracy in Venezuela,” The Solidarity Economy in Latin America, Seminar, University of Liverpool, School of Environmental Sciences, Liverpool, UK, March 12-16. 2011 “Worker Control from the Commune to the Present,” CUNY, The Graduate Center, New York, USA. October 12. “Pueblo, Poder y Cultura Política: Del Estado burgués al Estado Comunal,” Instituto de Altos Estudios Diplomáticos Pedro Gual de la Cancillería de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, September 27. “Venezuela: Mit Bolívar zum Sozialismus?,” Philipps University Marburg, Marburg, Germany, June 1. “El Proceso comunitarista en Venezuela,” Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad del País Vasco, sede Donostia, Spain, May 13. “Modelos para el socialismo del siglo XX, El proceso comunitarista en Venezuela”, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación, Universidad del País Vasco, sede Leioa, Spain, May 12. “El Proceso comunitarista en Venezuela,” Facultad de Sarriko de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad del País Vasco, sede Bilbao, Spain, May 11. “Consejos Comunales, Control Obrero y Estado Comunal,” Venezuelan Consulate of Chicago, Chicago, USA, March 24. “Revolution as Process: The confluence of ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ approaches in Bolivarian Venezuela,” Venezuelan Consulate of New York, New York, USA, March 22. “Comuna en Construcción,” Fundación Centro de Estudios Estratégicos Comunales de Valencia (CEECOVAL), Teatro Municipal de Valencia, Valencia, Venezuela, March 1. “Comuna en Construcción,” Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez, sede Palo Verde, Caracas, Venezuela, February 17. “Comuna en Construcción”, Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez, sede El Valle, Caracas, Venezuela, February 10. “Contexto político y social colombiano. Geopolítica y geoeconomía del conflicto,” diplomado Crímenes de lesa humanidad y de guerra: contexto legal, nacional e internacional y ciencias auxiliares de la justicia, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, February 4-5. “El negocio de la guerra e intereses geoestratégicos que motivan las confrontaciones,” Auditorio de Confiar, Medellin, Colombia, February 3. 2010 “Rätebewegung, Parlamente und Demokratie in Venezuela,” Denknovember, Denknetz, Zurich, Switzerland, November 20. “Los Consejos Comunales como institución del poder constituyente,” Pensar la Comunidad desde la Comunidad. Participación, poder popular y la construcción del socialismo, Celarg, Caracas, Venezuela, September 17. 14 “Comuna en construcción,” Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo Economico y Social (Cedes), Facultad de Economía, BUAP, Puebla, Mexico, May 15 “Research, Participation and Internvention,” with Oliver Ressler, The Geopolitical Turn: Art and the Context of Globalisation, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, GB, May 8. “Popular Power and the Socialist Model: A Look at Venezuela's Path to Socialism,“ with Camila Piñeiro Harnecker, Venezuelan General Consulate, New York, USA, March 17. B. Conference Papers (Selected) 2014 “Everyday Revolutions,” with Dario Azzellini, Diego Ibañez, Marina Sitrin and Leina Bocar, Left Forum 2014, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, NYC, NY, USA, May 31. Panel “Post-Chávez Venezuela: New Directions under the Presidency of Nicolás Maduro?,” with Dario Azzellini, Clara Irazabal, Steve Ellner, George Ciccariello-Maher, Naomi Schiller and Arnold August, Left Forum 2014, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, NYC, NY, USA, May 31. “Workers’ control and workers’ participation – discourses and contradictions in Venezuela”, XXXII. International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Chicago, IL, USA, May 24. “The Venezuelan movement for workers control and growing struggles in state companies,” International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), King’s College, London, UK, April 9. 2013 “Overcoming marginalization through self-administration: A case study of the Venezuelan Consejos Comunales,” RC21 Conference 2013 “Resourceful cities,” ISA conference, HumboldtUniversity Berlin, D, August 30-31. Panel “Venezuela Beyond Chávez II: The Grassroots Perspective”, with Alejandro Velasco, Julio Rodriguez, Dario Azzellini, T.M. Scruggs, Sujatha Fernandes, Left Forum 2013, Pace University, NYC, NY, USA, June 7–9. Roundtable: The “New” Movements: “We won't pay for your crisis - we are your crisis”, with Marina Sitrin, Dario Azzellini and Luis Moreno-Caballud, LAWCHA (Labor and Working-Class History Association) National Conference, City University of New York, New York City, NY, USA, June 6-8. “Perspectives of the Bolivarian Revolution without Chávez,” panel “Latin American Social Movements 14 Years Later: Experiences and Perspectives since 1998,” Historical Materialism Conference New York, New York University, April 26–28. “Die Konstruktion eines neuen Machtkonzepts: Wie funktioniert die „Partizipative Demokratie“ gemäß der Verfassung von 1999?“ International Conference: Venezuela nach Hugo Chávez, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, April 20–21. 2012 “Soziale Bewegungen als gesellschaftsverändernde Kraft und das Primat der konstituierenden Macht,” Research Transformation – Transforming Research. Emanzipatorische Perspektiven auf Protest, Widerstand und Subjekte. International Conference, Berlin, Germany, November 17–18. “Communal councils, Communes and Communal Cities: Non-representative self-administration in Venezuela,” New Forms of Political Participation in Latin America, Building Dialogues in the Americas, 54 International Congress of Americanists, Vienna, Austria, July 15–20. “Venezuela: Del Estado petrolero burgués al Estado Comunal,” Moviemientos sociales y transformaciones del Estado y de la democracia, Building Dialogues in the Americas, 54 International Congress of Americanists, Vienna, Austria, July 15–20. 15 “Grundzüge der Problematik der Rohstoffförderung in Lateinamerika aus materialistischer Sicht.” 28. annual conference of LAF Austria (Austrian Latin Americanist Association), Strobl, Austria, June 2. “The Consejos Comunales in Venezuela: non-representative local selfadministration and the community as class identification.” Remerging Political Subjectivities and Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution. Toward a Third Century of Independence in Latin America, LASA 2012, San Francisco, USA, May 23-26. 2011 “Von der repressiven Formaldemokratie zur partizipativen und protagonistischen Demokratie in Venezuela,” Demokratie! Welche Demokratie? Postdemokratie kritisch hinterfragt, annual conference of the Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of Economy, Wissensturm, Linz, Austria, December 2. “Popular Power Inside, Outside, With and Against the State: The Contradictory Path of the Bolivarian Process in Venezuela,” Eighth Historical Materialism Annual Conference, University of London, GB, November 10-13. “Critiques and Contradictions Inside the Bolivarian Process: The Example of the Basic Industries and Workersʼ Control,” Eighth Historical Materialism Annual Conference, University of London, GB, November 10-13. “Transformation und Klassenkämpfe in Venezuela,“ Fit für den Markt oder den Markt überwinden? Widersprüche von Genossenschaften & Belegschaftsbetrieben und ihre Bearbeitung, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, Germany, November 4-5. “Poder constituyente y Estado Comunal,” Investigación social y experiencia comunitaria, Casa de Rómulo Gallegos (Celarg), Caracas, Venezuela, September 6-7. “Die Paramilitarisierung Venezuelas,” 27. Annual conference of the Austrian Latin American Studies, Strobl, Austria, May 27-29. “Revolution as Process: The Permanency of Constituent Power and the Resignification of the State,” 47th SLAS (Society for Latin American Studies) Annual Conference, University of St. Andrews, GB, April 8-10. “Workers Control and co-management in Venezeuela,” Worker Control and Factory Occupations, Global South and North,” Left Forum 2011, Pace University, New York, USA, March 18-20. 2010 “Venezuela: Gesellschaftliche Transformation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Staat und Bewegungen,” Soziale Bewegungen und Transformationen in Lateinamerika, 5. Conference of German South America and Caribbean Researcher, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany, September 29 – October 1. “Workersʼ Control and Property in the Venezuelan Transition,” Workers Self-Management and Alternative Work Organisation, Seventh Historical Materialism Annual Conference, University of London, GB, November 11-14. “Revolution as Process,” The Bolivarian Revolution: Practices, Policies, Processes – From Local to Regional and Global, 46th SLAS (Society for Latin American Studies) Annual Conference, University of Bristol, GB, April 9-10. “From Co-Management to Workers Control in Venezuela,” Alternative Labor Organizations: Worker Councils and Rank-and-File Control, Left Forum 2010, Pace University, New York, USA, March 19.-21. “The Red Brigades in Italy,” Urban Guerrilla Movements, Europe and Latin America, Left Forum 2010, Pace University, New York, USA, March 19.-21. 16 “From co-management to factory councils: reorganizing property and administration of means of production in Venezuela,” 28th Annual International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA, March 15-16. C. Conferences, Conference Panels and Workshops - Organized (Selected) 2014 Vom Süden lernen? Gesellschaften im und gegen den Sparzwang, public seminar, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria, November 19-20. Socialization and Commons in Europe, How to build an Alternative Project?, European seminar, co-organized by Transform!,, Association pour l’Autogestion, Espaces Marx, Fondation Copernic, Omos, Fondation Gabriel Peri, Cidefe, Attac, GUE/NGL, Espace Niemeyer, Paris, France November 7-9. “Continuidad y discontinuidad de modelos coloniales de explotación y resistencia,” panel, with Germán Rodas Chaves, Antonio Rago Filho, Edna Yiced Martínez and Aldo Miguel Pérez Enríquez, International Bicentenary Conference and 11th international ADHILAC meeting “The Congress of Vienna and its Global Dimension,” University of Vienna, Austria, September 18-22. 2013 Die „neuen“ Protestbewegungen: „Wir zahlen nicht für eure Krise – wir sind eure Krise“, panel, with Nina Bandi, Michael G. Kraft and Christine Schwarz annual Conference of the Austrian Sociological Association (ÖGS), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria, September 27. “Venezuela Beyond Chávez II: The Grassroots Perspective,” with Alejandro Velasco, Julio Rodriguez, Dario Azzellini, T.M. Scruggs, Sujatha Fernandes, Left Forum 2013, Pace University, NYC, NY, USA, June 7–9. The “New” Movements: “We won't pay for your crisis - we are your crisis,” roundtable, with Marina Sitrin, Dario Azzellini and Luis Moreno-Caballud, LAWCHA (Labor and Working-Class History Association) National Conference, City University of New York, New York City, NY, USA, June 6-8. “Latin American Social Movements 14 Years Later: Experiences and Perspectives since 1998,” with Marina Sitrin, Dario Azzellini, Ximena García Bustamante and Greg Wilpert, Historical Materialism Conference New York, New York University, April 26-28. 2012 “Rohstoffabbau und -export: Widersprüche, Interessen und Alternativen,” stream, co-organizers Karin Fischer and Stefan Pimmer, 28. annual conference of LAF Austria (Austrian Latin Americanist Association), June 1-3, Strobl, Austria. 2011 “Worker Control and Factory Occupations, Global South and North,” panel, Left Forum 2011, Pace University, New York, USA, March 18-20. “Militarisierung der Politik und Ressourcenkonflikte in Lateinamerika,” stream, 27. Annual conference of the Austrian Latin American Studies, Strobl, Austria, May 27-29. 2010 “Soziale Bewegungen und Transformationen in Lateinamerika,” stream, co-organizer Raina Zimmering, 5. Conference of German South America and Caribbean Researcher, PhilippsUniversität, Marburg, Germany, September 29 – October 1. “Workers Self-Management and Alternative Work Organization,” panel, Seventh Historical Materialism Annual Conference, University of London, GB, November 11-14. “Comparative Labor Movements - Strategies and Class Struggles,” panel, Left Forum 2010, Pace University, New York, USA, March 19.-21. “Alternative Labor Organizations: Worker Councils and Rank-and-File Control,” panel, Left Forum 2010, Pace University, New York, USA, March 19.-21. “Urban Guerrilla Movements, Europe and Latin America,” panel, Left Forum 2010, Pace University, New York, USA, March 19.-21. 17 “Alternative Work Organizations,” stream, co-organized with Maurizio Atzeni and Immanuel Ness, 28th Annual International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA, March 15-16. D. Conference Panels - Respondent (Selected) 2011 “Krise und reale Utopien. Alternativen zur gegenwärtigen Wirtschaftsordnung,” Krise und reale Utopien: ein Ausblick, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, Austria, November 17. Invited comments on “The Democratic Peace Myth: From Hiroshima to Baghdad,“ Andrew Fiala, The Changing Face of War, Wiley-Blackwell Exchanges online conference, November 14-20. Invited comments on “Experiences in Latin America,” Societal Transformation and Political Steering, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, June 17-19. “Venezuela and the Chavez Government: Advances and Shortcomings,” Left Forum 2011, Pace University, New York, USA, March 18-20. 2010 “Lessons from Venezuela,” Left Forum 2010, Pace University, New York, USA, March 19.-21. E. Conference Panels - Chair (Selected) 2012 “Common goods, public services and money,” The Common Good of Humanity - Actors and Strategies, Centro Congressi Frentani, Rome, Italy, March 29-30. 2011 “The International Civil Observation of Human Rights in Latin America and its Social Dimension,” Left Forum 2011, Pace University, New York, USA, March 18-20. “Militarisierung der Politik und Ressourcenkonflikte in Lateinamerika,” 27. Annual conference of the Austrian Latin American Studies, Strobl, Austria, May 27-29. 2010 “Soziale Bewegungen und Transformationen in Lateinamerika,” 5. Conference of German South America and Caribbean Researcher, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany, September 29 – October 1. “Comparative Labor Movements - Strategies and Class Struggles,” Left Forum 2010, Pace University, New York, USA, March 19.-21. Stream “Alternative Work Organizations,” 28th Annual International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA, March 15-16. Teaching Experience Assistant professor. Department of Sociology, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, 2010 – Present Course course number Master thesis seminar (seminar to support master students during their thesis writing process) (graduate) SE, 2 hours weekly, summer 2015 231.442 Introduction into Development Sociology Lecture part of the lecture “Introduction into the Special Sociologies” (undergraduate) VU, 4 hours, summer 2015 231.420 Introduction into Political Sociology Lecture part of the lecture “Introduction into the Special Sociologies” (undergraduate) 231.420 18 VU, 4 hours, summer 2015 “The New Global Movements” Specialization in a Field of Practice II, Politics, Globalization/Regionalization and political culture (graduate) PR, 3 hours weekly, winter 2014 231.425 Proseminar sociology (introduction into sociological theories) (undergraduate) PS, 2 hours weekly, winter 2014 231.409 “The New Global Movements” Specialization in a Field of Practice I, Politics, Globalization/Regionalization and political culture (graduate) PR, 3 hours weekly, summer 2014 231.414 Introduction into Development Sociology Lecture part of the lecture “Introduction into the Special Sociologies” (undergraduate) VU, 4 hours, summer 2013 231.420 Introduction into Political Sociology Lecture part of the lecture “Introduction into the Special Sociologies” (undergraduate) VU, 4 hours, summer 2013 231.420 Development theories and contemporary problem analysis Advanced Development Sociology (graduate) Co-Taught with Dr. Thomas Muhr SE, 3 hours weekly, winter 2013 231.424 Introduction into Development Sociology Lecture part of the lecture “Introduction into the Special Sociologies” (undergraduate) VU, 4 hours, winter 2013 231.420 Introduction into Political Sociology Lecture part of the lecture “Introduction into the Special Sociologies” (undergraduate) VU, 4 hours, winter 2013 231.420 “The Crisis of Liberal Democracy, New Movements and Democratic Practices” Focus seminar – Analysis of Dynamics in Society (graduate) SE, 2 hours weekly, winter 2012 231.410 Basic Concepts of Special Sociology: Political Sociology Lecture (undergraduate) VU, 2 hours weekly, winter 2012 231.403 “Environment and Resource Conflicts, Democracy and the Relationship between State 231.408 and Social Movements” Specialization in a Field of Practice II, Development, Social Movements, Environment (graduate) PR, 3 hours weekly, summer 2012 Basic Concepts of Special Sociology: Political Sociology Lecture (undergraduate) VU, 2 hours weekly, winter 2011 231.403 “Environment and Resource Conflicts, Democracy and the Relationship between State 231.416 and Social Movements” Specialization in a Field of Practice I, Development, Social Movements, Environment (graduate) PR, 3 hours weekly, winter 2011 19 Socio-Political Transformation Processes in Latin America and the Caribbean Advanced Political Sociology (in English) (graduate) Co-Taught with Dr. Thomas Muhr SE, 3 hours weekly, summer 2011 231.401 “Globalization and Regionalization: The Example of Latin America” Specialization in a Field of Practice II, Politics, Globalization and Regionalization (graduate) PR, 2 hours weekly, summer 2011 231.417 Introduction into Development Sociology Lecture part of the lecture “Introduction into the Special Sociologies” (undergraduate) VU, 4 hours, summer 2011 231.227 Introduction into Political Sociology Lecture part of the lecture “Introduction into the Special Sociologies” (undergraduate) VU, 4 hours, summer 2011 231.227 “Globalization and Regionalization: The Example of Latin America” Specialization in a Field of Practice I, Politics, Globalization and Regionalization (graduate) PR, 4 hours weekly, winter 2010 231.414 Professional Service A. Advisory Board 2014 Scientific committee of I Seminário Internacional Poder Popular na América Latina (SIPPAL), 25 a 28 de novembro, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 2011 – present Student Grant Program of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Germany. 2003 – present Working Group “Latin America”, Foundation Umverteilen, Berlin, Germany. B. Editorial Board 2009 – present Cuadernos de Marte. Latin American Journal of War Sociology, Gino Germani Institute, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2008 – present WorkingUSA. C. Reviewer Academic journals, review articles: 2012 – present Historical Materialism Journal, Brill. 2009 – present Cuadernos de Marte. 2008 – present WorkingUSA, Wiley-Blackwell. Academic presses, review book proposals, manuscripts and chapters: 2013 – present Zed Books 2012 – present Continuum, Historical Materialism Book Series. 2012 – present Brill, Historical Materialism Book Series. 20 D. University Service 2013 – Participant in and vice director of the Sociological Studies Commission of the JKU. 2013 – Representative of the Department for Politics and Development Research in the Commission for Teaching Quality of the Institute for Sociology of the JKU. 2011 – 2012 Participant in the Cultural Studies Commission of the JKU. E. College Service 2013 – 2014 Participant in the Work Group Teaching Quality of the Institute for Sociology of the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) 2011 Commission for the new brochure of the Institute for Sociology edited for the student’s board (ÖH). 2011 Commission for the PPP of the Institute for Sociology and special sociologies (SIM). F. Departmental Service Chair, Department of Political Sociology and Sociology of Development, Johannes Kepler University Linz, March and May – June 2011 (replacing the official chair on sick leave). G. Memberships 2013 – present Österreichische Gesellschaft für Soziologie, ÖGS 2010 – present Denknetz, CH 2010 – present Lateinamerikaforschung Austria (LAF Austria, Austrian Association of Latin America Research). 2007 – present Assoziation für kritische Gesellschaftsforschung (AkG, Association for Critical Social Studies), Germany. Languages German, Italian, Spanish – tri-lingual (Certified translator and simultaneous translator for German, Italian and Spanish). English – fluent Portuguese – proficient Research projects 2013- “Tahrir Moments Research Group,” UMass Amherst, USA. 2013 Jan.-June: Research fellow at the Committee on Globalization and Social Change, City University of New York, Graduate Center, New York, NY, USA. Research project “ALBA: Rethinking Space and Temporality in Latin America and the Caribbean.” 21 2012- New regionalism in Latin America and the Caribbean: Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América, ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the People of Our America). 2011- Representative Democracy, new movements and direct democracy. 2009- Workers control and self-management. 2006- Forms of local self-administration in Venezuela. 2005- Transformation and democratization of administration and ownership of means of production in Venezuela. 2005 “New Protest Formations and their Democratization Potential for the European Union,” New Orientations for Democracy in Europe. 2002-2010 Privatization of military services and private military actors. 1999-2000 “Work forms and work relations in times of change,” Berlin director of the European EUresearch-project MORIANA about autonomous workers, A.ASter Milan. 1999 Migration and racism in Italy. 1998-2003 War on drugs in Colombia, paramilitaries and economic interests 1997-1999 Migration and US-Mexican border regime 1993 Nicaraguan Atlantic Coast: ethnic conflicts and autonomy. Other Professional Activities A. Applied Work (Major Projects) 2011 Instituto de Altos Estudios Diplomáticos “Dr. Pedro Gual”, diplomats’ school of Venezuela’s foreign ministry, Caracas, Venezuela. Consultant, restructuring of the institute’s research department 2007-2008 Alcaldía Mayor de Caracas, Secretaría Política, Venezuela. Political and methodological education for spokespeople of communal councils 2005 NODE - New Orientations for Democracy in Europe, Viena, Austria. Researcher, project “New Protest Formations and their Democratization Potential for the European Union” 2002-2003 GTZ-Berlin (Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit, german development agency), Berlin, Germany. Consultant and conference organizer 2000-2002 Carl-Duisberg-Foundation, ASA-program (international cooperation), Berlin, Germany. Director of Latin America seminars and tutor (El Salvador, Mexico and Colombia) 2000-2001 Lowtec (job qualification institute), Berlin, Germany. Consulting for Ecos-OvertureProjects (EU programs for youth and employment) and organizing of European youth and employment fair 1999-2000 A.AASTER, institute for territorial development, Milan, Italy. In charge of the Berlin section of the Europe-wide EU research project MORIANA on metropolitan working conditions in times of change 1998-1999 Berlin Center for the Treatment of Torture Victims, Berlin, Germany. Translator for therapy for torture victims 22 1998-2005 Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, foundation for political education, Berlin, Germany. Developing, organizing and teaching seminars and conferences for adult education (contemporary politics and sociology) Since 1993 Independent researcher, author and filmmaker 1990-1992 Research and Documentation Center Chile and Latin America (FDCL) and the journal Lateinamerika Nachrichten, Berlin, Germany. Collaborator and author Since 1990 Publications in magazines and newspapers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Italy and Latin America B. Media Appearances (Radio, TV, and Press Appearances, Interviews) (selection) 2015 ERT Thessaloniki, April 2, Interview on local self-administration in Venezuela. Deutsche Welle en Español, Cuadriga, March 5, Dos años sin Chávez: ¿Venezuela se colapsa?, 2014 teleSUR English, Laura Flanders Show, September 15, Marina Sitrin and Dario Azzellini: People Power Post-Occupy,!en/video/lauraflanders-show-286684 RT TV Español, Detrás de la Noticia, August 22, Saga de responsables – Juicio en contra de Blackwater, interview. Deutsche Welle en Español, Cuadriga, June 12, BCE - ¿Banqueros jugando a la política?, Deutsche Welle in English, Quadriga, June 12, ECB - Bankers Playing Politics?, debate, RT TV Español, Detrás de la Noticia, May 16, La guerra contra las drogas, interview. Deutsche Welle en Español, Cuadriga, May 8, Un Mundial difícil: ¿Qué ganará Brasil?, debate. Deutsche Welle in English, Quadriga, May 8, World Cup Risks - Can Brazil win?, debate, RT TV Español, Detrás de la Noticia, March 21, Comando Sur de EEUU - amenaza para America Latina, interview. Florida Caribe Radio, WSLR 96.5 LP FM (USA), February 2, The grassroots of Venezuela, interview. Radio FRO 105 (A), Culturale Broadcasting Archive, January 1, Öffentlichkeit Reloaded, interview. 2013 El Colombiano (Colombia), December 1, Soldados élite de los ejércitos modernos son extranjeros, interview. RT TV Español, Detrás de la Noticia, September 9, Legitimidad en limbo, interview. Cultural Broadcasting Archive, Radio FRO 105 (Austria), October 23, Inszenierte Öffentlichkeit – Gegenöffentlichkeit, interview. Stick Together, 3CR Radio Station (Australia), July 24, Imagine a world without bosses, interview. Forms of Life, Creative Times (USA), July 15, Direct Democracy Under Construction: A Conversation with Dario Azzellini. 23 Deutschland-Radio Wissen (Germany), March 28, Venezuela. Noch ein Hugo, bitte? Die Politikwissenschaftler Dario Azzellini und Nikolaus Werz und der Journalist Bernd Pickert im Gespräch, debate, Radio Rabe (CH), March 25, Nicht nur Venezuela hat eine Integrationsfigur verloren. Gespräch mit Dario Azzelini über die Ära Chavez und die Zeit danach, interview, Radio Z (Germany), March 20, Venezuela mit und nach Chávez: Selbstorganisation und kommunale Räte, interview, Radio Z and Radio F.R.E.I. (Germany), March 13, Venezuela - wie weiter nach dem Tod von Hugo Chavez?, interview, 2012 SOZ – Sozialistische Zeitung (Germany), November 2012, Warum Chávez gewonnen hat, interview, Deutsche Welle TV in English, October 9, Agenda, Chavez celebrates victory but where does Venezuela go from here?, debate,,,30415,00.html. Deutsche Welle TV en Español, October 9, Agenda, Venezuela, Chavéz reelegido por cuarta vez, debate,,,1.html. ORF4, Reality Check (Austria), October 5, Wahlen in Venezuela, interview. Radio Corax (Germany), October 1, Erhebliche Ressentiments gegenüber der Regierung, interview, Paolo Freire Zentrum -, (Austria), June 19, Soziale Bewegungen und der Staat. Ein Interview mit Dario Azzellini, interview, Neues Deutschland Online (Germany), March 18, Occupy breitet sich aus, interview, Radio Corax (Germany) and, (Germany), March 2, Hoch die Internationale? -zur Krise des Internationalismus, interview mit Dirk Lewandowitz und Dario Azzellini, interview. 2011 Radio Z, (Germany), FRC (Germany) and (Germany), July 21 and 22, Die Proteste von Genua 10 Jahre danach: Bedeutung und Wirkungsmacht, interview, Gara (Basque Country), May 22, El imperialismo quiere la traición, pero nunca al traidor, interview, Radio Dreyecksland (Germany), March 15, 10 Jahre nach Genua. Wo stehen die sozialen Bewegungen in Italien, interview. 2010 Miradas al Sur (Argentina) August, La ecuación guerra-negocios, interview, Radio Flora (Hannover, Germany), July 26, Eskalation der Spannungen zwischen Kolumbien und Venezuela, interview, Radio Flora (Germany) and (Germany), June 15, Kolumbien kurz vor den Wahlen, interview, 24 Deutschlandradio Kultur (Germany) April 19, Eine unvollendete Befreiung. Unser Unabhängigkeitskrieg war Selbstbetrug – Südamerika feiert, interview, Correo del Orinoco, international English edition, February 4, Wars are not something accidental, nor rare they due too bad character, interview. Correo del Orinoco, (Venezuela), January 26, Las guerra no son algo casual ni se deben a personajes muy malos, interview, 2009 Deutsche Welle TV en Español, Cuadriga, September 22, Hugo Chávez: ¿Un presidente eterno?, debate. teleSUR (Latin America), August 25, Privatización de las guerras busca evadir democrático sobre operaciones militares, interview, control Deutsche Welle TV en Español, Cuadriga, July 10, Golpe de Estado en Honduras – ¿regreso al pasado?, debate. Deutsche Welle TV en Español, Cuadriga, March 20, 2009, El Salvador - ¿hacia una Latinoamérica roja?, debate. ColoRadio (Germany),, March 15, Venezuela bolivariana, interview, Radio Z (Germany),, (Germany), Februar 17, Verfassungsreferendum in Venezuela, interview, 2008 ColoRadio (Germany),, (Germany), November 25, Indikator für Bolivarianismus, Kommunalwahlen in Venezuela, interview, ColoRadio (Germany),, (Germany), October 13, Destabilisierung eines Landes zur Stabilisierung neoliberaler Politik - eine Strategie?, interview, Opinião e Notícia (Brazil), July 7, Novas Guerras, A Guerra no Século XXI interview, Página12 (Argentina), June 30, La guerra ya no es para instalar otro modelo económico: ella es el modelo, interview. Deutsche Welle Radio en Español, June 9, Gobierno de Uribe el principal obstáculo para negociar, interview by Mirra Banchón, and Deutsche Welle TV English, Cuadriga, May 9, Latin America - Back on the Agenda?, debate, Radio YVKE Mundial (Venezuela), May 21, Estrategias contrarevolucionarias de Nicaragua a Venezuela, interview. Radio Z (Germany) and (Germany), May 6, Bolivien: Autonomie für die Reichen, interview, Telam, Agencia de Noticias de la República de Argentina, February, interview about Azzellini's book 'El negocio de la guerra', interview by Jorge Boccanera. VTV and Vive TV, Aló Presidente (Venezuela), February 10, Hugo Chávez and Dario Azzellini about paramilitarism in Colombia and Venezuela, 25 and VTV, Dialogo Abierto (Venezuela), February 5, El Paramilitarismo supuestamente desmovilizado en Colombia se encuentra en Venezuela, interview, 2007 Nómada, revista de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), No. 8, (Argentina), December, Mercenarios y nuevas guerras by Jorge Boccanera, interview, Revista OH!, suplemento dominical del Periódico Los Tiempos, (Bolivia), October 14, Los ejércitos privados no necesitan permisos especiales, interview. Junge Welt (Germany), December 5, “Die Basis konnte nicht mobilisiert werden.“ Verfassungsreform in Venezuela gescheitert: Wie geht es mit der bolivarischen Revolution weiter?, interview. Radio Z (Germany) and (Germany), May 31, Venezuela: Pressefreiheit in Gefahr? Wirklich?!, interview, Radio Z (Germany) and (Germany), May 4, Lateinamerika: soziale Transformation oder kapitalistische Modernisierung? 2. Teil, interview, Radio Z (Germany) and (Germany), May 4, Lateinamerika: soziale Transformation oder kapitalistische Modernisierung? 1. Teil, interview, 2006 Página 12, suplemento Cash (Argentina), December 10, “Se radicalizará el proceso.” El triunfo de chavez y la participacion obrera en el manejo de empresas, Información Social Alternativa (ISA) (Argentina), October 12, Hacer una copia al revés de CNN, no es hacer comunicación de izquierda, interview. Información Social Alternativa (ISA) (Argentina), October 12, Decir que hay un poco de capitalismo, es como decir que estás un poco embarazado, interview, Die ZEIT online, Zünder, (Germany), April, Weltmeisterschaft - Kann Fußball etwas bewegen?, Berria (Basque Country), March 12, NBEk ere enpresa militar pribatuak erabiltzen ditu, interview. 2005 Brecha (Uruguay), April 29, La privatización de la guerra. Cuando la vida no importa, interview, La Epoca (Bolivia), April 10, EEUU privatiza la guerra para ayudar a su economía y evitar control político, interview. La Prensa (Bolivia), Suplemento Domingo, March 20, “Mercenarios” del siglo XXI El arte de privatizar la guerra, interview. 26
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