Study at APU AY 2011 Curriculum (APS) 2.2.1 College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS) This curriculum applies to the following groups of students. 1. Students who enrolled in the College of Asia Pacific Studies as new students in AY 2011 or later 2. Students who enrolled in the College of Asia Pacific Studies as 2nd year or 3rd year transfer students and who will be the same semester as students in group 1 3. Students who originally enrolled in the College of Asia Pacific Studies before AY 2011, but ■ Curriculum 2.2 AY 2011 Curriculum Course Registration as a result of reinstatement or re-enrollment, will be the same semester as students in group 1 Degree Those who have fulfilled the graduation requirements will be awarded a bachelor’s degree Examinations and Grading upon graduation. Degree Titles Bachelor of Social Science Seminar Subjects Areas of Study The College of Asia Pacific Studies has established 4 Areas of Study in order to conduct education and research for the development of wide-ranging problem solving ability and specialized know-how of the issues facing the Asia Pacific region. Studies are centered on solid language proficiency and a basic understanding of the diverse cultures, histories, societies, natural environments, and historical conditions of the Asia Pacific region. Once students have completed more than 20 credits from among the designated subjects for Active Learning their Area of Study, the name of that Area of Study will be noted on their diploma. Please note that students need to apply for the Area of Study they wish to complete via Campusmate in order to have the name of their Area of Study noted on their diploma. For more details regarding the application procedure for an Area of Study, please refer to the Academic Office website. Area of Study かんきょう かいはつ Other Information and Programs 環境・開発 かんこうがく 観光学 Hospitality & Tourism こくさいかんけい 国際関係 ぶ ん か しゃかい 文化・社会・メディア 18 Environment & Development International Relations & Peace Studies Culture, Society & Media Study at APU Requirements for Graduation In order to graduate, students must fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field, as well as complete at least 124 credits total. Subject Field Subjects Counted Toward Subject Field ● Major Education Subjects from enrolled college (APS) General Electives ●C redits from Language Education Subjects, Common Liberal Arts Subjects and Major Education Subjects exceeding that required for graduation ●M ajor Education Subjects from another college (APM) (available from 2nd year) Additional General Elective credits must be completed equivalent to the number of any exempted Language Education credits. Course Registration Major Education Subject Examinations and Grading Japanese-basis Students Japanese-basis students will be placed on either the English Standard Track (24 credits) or English Advanced Track (12 credits) based on the results of a placement test taken at the time of enrollment. English Standard Track Field English 24 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 16 Major Education Subjects General Electives Total Seminar Subjects Common Education Subjects No. of Required Credits Curriculum ● Language Education Subjects (elective and Asia Pacific language) ● Common Liberal Arts Subjects AY 2011 Curriculum (APS) Common Education Subjects ■ ● Opposite language-basis subjects: Japanese-basis students: English English-basis students: Japanese 40 at least 124 62 at least 22 Active Learning Important: ● Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects held in English (own College or other College subjects) excluding language subjects. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. The maximum number of Bridge Program subject credits a student can take is set at 6. ″Bridge Program″ courses offer students a way to study a wide variety of Liberal Arts subjects while improving their English ability. These courses were established as a first step for students who have completed English Preintermediate A and B and are ready to begin taking classes held in English. Lectures are team-taught by college Other Information and Programs and language faculty, and are designed to ensure effective study of both English language and Liberal Arts subjects. Only Japanese-basis domestic students are eligible to register. ● Japanese-basis domestic and international students must complete "Intermediate English A & B" before they may register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in English. They must also complete and receive credit for "Pre-Intermediate English A & B" in order to take "Bridge Program" subjects. 19 Study at APU English Advanced Track Field AY 2011 Curriculum (APS) English 12 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 28 Major Education Subjects Total 40 at least 124 62 General Electives at least 22 Important: ● Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects held in English (own College or other College subjects) ■ Curriculum Common Education Subjects No. of Required Credits Course Registration excluding language subjects. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. ● There are no special requirements for English Advanced Track students in order to register Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in the English language. Advanced Track students cannot, however, register for "Bridge Program" subjects. See "Standard Track" for details. Examinations and Grading English-basis Students Field Common Education Subjects Japanese 16 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 24 Seminar Subjects Major Education Subjects Other Information and Programs Active Learning General Electives 20 No. of Required Credits Total 40 at least 124 62 at least 22 Study at APU 2.2.2 College of International Management (APM) This curriculum applies to the following groups of students. 1. Students who enrolled in the College of International Management as new students in AY ■ 2011 or later 3. Students who originally enrolled in the College of International Management before AY 2011, but as a result of reinstatement or re-enrollment, will be the same semester as students in group 1 Curriculum transfer students and who will be the same semester as students in group 1 AY 2011 Curriculum (APM) 2. Students who enrolled in the College of International Management as 2nd year or 3rd year Course Registration Degree Those who have fulfilled the graduation requirements will be awarded a bachelor’s degree upon graduation. Degree Titles Examinations and Grading Bachelor of Business Administration Areas of Study Based on a foundation of wide-ranging understanding of the diverse societies, cultures and traditions of the Asia Pacific region, the College of International Management has established Seminar Subjects 4 Areas of Study in order to develop students with values and social awareness geared toward creating new businesses and cultivate human resources with the drive and creativity to succeed in the dynamic world of business in Asia. Once students have completed more than 30 credits from among the designated subjects for their Area of Study, the name of that Area of Study will be noted on their diploma. Please note that students need to apply for the Area of Study they wish to complete via Campusmate in order to have the name of their Area of Study noted on their diploma. For more details Active Learning regarding the application procedure for an Area of Study, please refer to the Academic Office website. Area of Study かいけい 会計・ファイナンス Accounting and Finance マーケティング Marketing けいえいせんりゃく そ しき 経営戦略と組織 イノベーション・経済学 Other Information and Programs Strategic Management and Organization けいざいがく Innovation and Economics 21 Study at APU Requirements for Graduation In order to graduate, students must fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field, as well as complete at least 124 credits total. AY 2011 Curriculum (APM) Common Education Subjects Course Registration Subjects Counted Toward Subject Field ● Opposite language-basis subjects: Japanese-basis students: English English-basis students: Japanese ● L anguage Education Subjects (elective and Asia Pacific language) ● Common Liberal Arts Subjects Major Education Subject ● Major Education Subjects from enrolled college (APM) General Electives ● Credits from Language Education Subjects, Common Liberal Arts Subjects and Major Education Subjects exceeding that required for graduation ● Major Education Subjects from another college (APS) (available from 2nd year) Additional General Elective credits must be completed equivalent to the number of any exempted Language Education credits. ■ Curriculum Subject Field Japanese-basis Students Japanese-basis students will be placed on either the English Standard Track (24 credits) or Examinations and Grading English Advanced Track (12 credits) based on the results of a placement test taken at the time of enrollment. English Standard Track Field Seminar Subjects Common Education Subjects No. of Required Credits English 24 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 16 Major Education Subjects General Electives Total 40 at least 124 62 at least 22 Important: ● Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects held in English (own College or other College subjects) Active Learning excluding language subjects. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be counted towards this total. They must also complete and receive credit for "Pre-intermediate English A & B" in order to take "Bridge Program" subjects. The maximum number of Bridge Program subject credits a student can take is set at 6. ″Bridge Program″ courses offer students a way to study a wide variety of Liberal Arts subjects while improving their Other Information and Programs English ability. These courses were established as a first step for students who have completed English Preintermediate A and B and are ready to begin taking classes held in English. Lectures are team-taught by college and language faculty, and are designed to ensure effective study of both English language and Liberal Arts subjects. Only Japanese-basis domestic students are eligible to register. ● Japanese-basis domestic and international students must complete "Intermediate English A & B" before they may register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in English. 22 No. of Required Credits Field Common Education Subjects 12 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 28 40 at least 124 General Electives at least 22 Important: ● Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects held in English (own College or other College subjects) Curriculum 62 AY 2011 Curriculum (APM) Major Education Subjects Total ■ English Study at APU English Advanced Track excluding language subjects. Subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) will not be Course Registration counted towards this total. ● There are no special requirements for English Advanced Track students in order to register Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in the English language. Advanced Track students cannot, however, register for "Bridge Program" subjects. See "Standard Track" for details. No. of Required Credits Field Common Education Subjects Japanese 16 Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects 24 Major Education Subjects Examinations and Grading English-basis Students Total 40 at least 124 62 Seminar Subjects General Electives at least 22 Automatically Registered Subjects ″Business Mathematics″ and ″Introduction to Management″ are subjects which form the basis for study in APM. These subjects are automatically registered by the University for all APM students during their first year. Description Registration Registration Semester Automatic Other Information and Programs The aim of this subject is to give students a general understanding of contemporary corporations and how they are managed. In Introduction to particular, students will 1) understand the big 1st Semester Management picture of management culture and 2) gain the fundamental business knowledge needed for their other major subjects. This class is the basis of all other studies within APM. In Social Science, it is necessary to analyze various organizations and structures of society Business using the scientific method. The primary 2nd Semester Mathematics objective of this subject is to attain a solid knowledge of mathematics which are most used in business. Active Learning Subject Automatic 23 Study at APU ● Starting Mathematics Level Students will begin from one of the following levels according to the results of the mathematics placement test at the time of enrollment. The Academic Office will inform students which level they have qualified for during their first semester, before Course Registration Period B begins. AY 2011 Curriculum (APM) semester, and the University will automatically register students for ″Business Mathematics″ during their 2nd semester. While the completion of ″Fundamental Mathematics″ is not mandatory, there is a need for these students to improve their mathematic ability. 2. The University will automatically register students for ″Business Mathematics″ during their 2nd semester. 3. Registration for ″Business Mathematics″ is unnecessary. Regardless of whether or not students wish to be exempted, they cannot register for ″Business Mathematics.″ Course Registration ■ Curriculum 1. Registration for ″Fundamental Mathematics″ is strongly recommended during the 1st Core Subjects Students are strongly encouraged to complete the following 5 ″Core Subjects.″ These form the foundation for later major subject studies, and students should aim to complete them by the end of their 2nd year. Examinations and Grading Subject Name Accounting I Other Information and Programs Active Learning Seminar Subjects Accounting II 24 Description Accounting is often called the ″language of business″ and it is as important as learning English in today's business world. By taking Accounting I and II, students will gain the fundamental accounting skills and knowledge needed in the real world. Finance This subject aims to give students a solid grounding in financial systems, namely the theories and models of banks' roles as financial brokers, as well as the basics of corporate finance. Principles of Marketing Marketing allows for the flow of goods and services by considering customer needs, creating new value for customers and improving customer satisfaction. This subject aims to give students an overview of this sector along with an understanding of the fundamental theories and strategies of marketing. Organizational Behavior This subject seeks to deepen understanding of personnel movement and behavior within organizations. It also examines the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations' management activities from both micro (individual and team-level) and macro (organizational structure, functions and culture) levels. Study at APU 2.2.3 AY 2011 Curriculum Language Education Subjects Language Study The different language subjects offered at APU vary in degrees of difficulty. Prerequisite knowledge (level at entry) and course objectives (level at exit) are established for every course. The level of the non-basis language course that students start at will be determined by Curriculum student’s curriculum. Please refer to the section appropriate for your curriculum. AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects English, English-basis students: Japanese). The required number of credits depends on a ■ Students are required to take subjects in their non-basis language (Japanese-basis students: the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. Course Registration English Subjects For Japanese-basis students, the appropriate curriculum and starting level of English language courses will be based on the results of the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. The curriculum types include the English Standard Track (24 credits) and the Examinations and Grading English Advanced Track (12 credits). Note that once curriculum types are set, no changes can be made. Course Registration ● English courses (required subjects) are divided into A (4 credit) and B (2 credit) subjects, each graded according to its own evaluation criteria. Listening, speaking and writing are taught in the A class and reading and vocabulary are taught in the B class. Only once credit Seminar Subjects for both subjects is completed can a student proceed to the next level. ● Until all required English courses for the language track are completed, the University will continue to automatically register for and assign students to classes. When retaking the same course a student will not necessarily be registered for the same instructor or class, and this registration may not be changed or cancelled. ● The grade evaluation of each English course (required subjects) will include the score from the TOEFL®/ITP test held at the end of each semester. For more details, refer to the syllabus Active Learning of the respective subject. Other Information and Programs 25 AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects Subject Name (credits) ■ Curriculum Study at APU English Standard Track Required / Elective Registration Elementary English A (4) Elementary English B (2) 310-419 Required Automatic Pre-Intermediate English A (4) Pre-Intermediate English B (2) 420-459 Required Automatic Intermediate English A (4) Intermediate English B (2) 460-479 Required Automatic Upper-Intermediate English A (4) Upper-Intermediate English B(2) 480-499 Required Automatic Elective Registered by student English for Business Writing (2) Languages for Specific Purposes Course Registration Placement Score (TOEFL®/ITP) English for Business Presentation (2) English Project 1 (2) English for Discussion and Debate (2) ● ″Language for Specific Purposes″ in the Standard Track is a group of subjects offered to students who have completed the English courses required for graduation and wish to develop their language ability further. Examinations and Grading ● Students who wish to proceed to the English Advanced Track courses may do so by completing at least 2 of the ″Language for Specific Purposes″ elective subjects in the Standard Track. Study in the Advanced Track begins with Advanced English 1A and 1B. English Advanced Track Seminar Subjects Subject Name (credits) Placement Score (TOEFL®/ITP) Required / Elective Registration Advanced English 1A (4) Advanced English 1B (2) 500-524 Required Automatic Advanced English 2A (4) Advanced English 2B (2) 525-550 Required Automatic Elective Registered by student English for Business 1 (2) Active Learning Languages English for Business 2 (2) for Specific Purposes Extensive Reading in English (2) English Project 2 (2) ″Language for Specific Purposes″ in the Advanced Track is a group of subjects offered to students who have completed the English courses required for graduation and wish to develop their language ability further. Registration of English Language Subjects by English-basis Students Other Information and Programs English-basis students who wish to register English courses may take English courses at the "Advanced Track" level by submitting an application to do so the preceding semester. After receiving the application, English faculty members will screen and interview students to determine their starting level. Once a level is assigned, students may register for the English course themselves during Course Registration Period B. Registration becomes possible from a student's 2nd semester. Application instructions for the 2014 Fall semester will be made 26 Study at APU available on the Academic Office website in June 2014; applications for 2015 Spring semester, in December 2014. Application Schedule for Registration of English Subjects by English-basis Students Application Period Semester of Registration 2014 Fall Semester 2014 Fall Semester: Mon. December 8, 2014Fri. December 19 at 16:30 2014 Fall Semester: Wed. January 7, 2015Wed. January 21 2015 Spring Semester Course Registration ● A pplications may be made by students who will be taking the registered class from their 2nd semester or later. ● F or further details, please visit the Academic Office website during the application periods above. Curriculum 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. July 7, 2014Fri. July 18 AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. June 16, 2014Fri. June 27 at 16:30 ■ Screening and Interviews (tentative) TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP Examinations TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP tests are held a number of times throughout the academic year. TOEFL® and TOEIC® are widely recognized tests that can be used to measure and monitor Examinations and Grading English language ability. Both tests allow an institution to evaluate students’ overall language proficiency and progress. It is also an important part of studies for students to acquire comprehensive English skills necessary in this international era. The results of the TOEFL®/ITP test held at the end of each semester will be reflected in the grade evaluation for the English course (required subjects). They are also necessary when applying for overseas study programs. The TOEFL®/ITP tests held at the end of each semester Seminar Subjects are mandatory for 1st and 2nd year Japanese-basis students. Test fees for these required tests will be covered by APU. Students are also able to take other TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP tests which are not mandatory. These tests, however, require advance application (subject to fees). ● TOEFL®/ITP TOEFL® stands for ″Test of English as a Foreign Language.″ This test is designed to Active Learning comprehensively measure the English levels of non-native English speakers that apply to study at universities and graduate schools in English-speaking countries (primarily North America). Most students wishing to apply to overseas study programs will be required to submit TOEFL® scores during application. The TOEFL®/ITP (Institutional Testing Program) tests held on campus are designed for institutional use. Scores from these tests cannot be used in an official manner, however the Other Information and Programs question format and grading methods conform to TOEFL® tests. ● TOEIC®/IP TOEIC® stands for ″Test of English For International Communication.″ This internationally recognized test aims to measure English communication skills and is currently offered in over 60 countries in Europe, Asia and other regions. 27 Study at APU The TOEIC®/IP (Institutional Program) tests held on campus are part of a special group program. Thus, scores from these tests cannot be used in an official manner. (Please note that these differ from the TOEIC® test.) ● Application Procedures AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects Terminal. ● S core sheets cannot be reissued under any circumstances. You must submit the original Score Sheet when making various applications. Please be careful not to lose your score sheet after receiving your score. ● The TOEFL®/ITP results will be included in the grade evaluation for the English courses (mandatory courses). The score of the TOEFL®/ITP held at the end of the semester will be ■ Curriculum Information about examination dates and application procedures will be posted to Campus Course Registration automatically reflected in your grade evaluation. Mandatory TOEFL®/ITP Tests for 1st Year and 2nd Year Japanese-basis Students Japanese-basis students who enroll as 1st year students after AY 2011 are required to take a total of 4 TOEFL®/ITP tests within two years from the time of enrollment as designated by the University. The University will cover the expenses for these tests. Please be sure to complete these tests, as the results will be reflected in the grade evaluation of English courses (required Examinations and Grading subjects) and will be needed when applying for overseas programs. Please note that test dates differ according to student year and semester of enrollment. If a student does not take a test on the designated date for personal reasons, APU will consider that the student has relinquished the right to take the examination. AY 2013 Enrolled Japanese-basis Student Mandatory TOEFL®/ITP Test Schedule Semester Seminar Subjects Spring Semester Fall Semester Date Examinees Wed. June 25, 2014 Students enrolled in AY 2013 Spring/Fall Wed. December 17, 2014 Semester AY 2014 Enrolled Japanese-basis Student Mandatory TOEFL®/ITP Test Schedule Semester Spring Semester Active Learning Fall Semester Date Wed. May 14, 2014 Wed. July 2, 2014 Wed. January 7, 2015 Examinees Students enrolled in AY 2014 Spring Semester Students enrolled in 2014 Spring/Fall Semester ● APU Internal Test Schedule AY 2014 TOEFL®/ITP and TOEIC®/IP APU Internal Test Schedule Semester Other Information and Programs Spring TOEFL®/ITP TOEIC®/IP Wed. May 14, 2014 Wed. June 18, 2014 Wed. June 25, 2014 - Wed. July 2, 2014 - Wed. October 15, 2014 Fall 28 Wed. December 17, 2014 Wed. December 3, 2014 Wed. January 7, 2015 - Study at APU Japanese Subjects For English-basis students, the starting level of Japanese language courses will be based on the results of the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. Required Automatic Required Automatic Elective Registered by student ↓Credit or Exemption Japanese Intermediate Course (4) ↓Credit or Exemption ↓Credit or Exemption Pre-Advanced Japanese (4) Language for Specific Purposes ↓Credit or Exemption Japanese Project A (2) Advanced Japanese (4) Japanese Project B (2) ↓Credit or Exemption Japanese Project C (2) Language for Specific Purposes Japanese Project D (2) Japanese Language and Culture I (2) Japanese Project E (2) ↓Credit ↓Credit Japanese Project F (2) Career Japanese II (2) Japanese Language and Culture II (2) Japanese for Lectures (2) Examinations and Grading Career Japanese I (4) Course Registration Japanese Foundation Course I, II, III (4 x 3 courses = 12) Curriculum Registration AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects Required / Elective ■ Subject Name (credits) ↓Credit Career Japanese III (2) Seminar Subjects ● After enrollment, students designated as "beginner" level will be placed into one of the following 3 levels according to their Japanese ability. 1. W hen beginning from "Japanese Foundation Course I", students will be registered for "Japanese Foundation Course I, II and III." (12 classes per week) 2. W hen beginning from "Japanese Foundation Course II", students will be registered for "Japanese Foundation Course II and III." (8 classes per week) 3. W hen beginning from "Japanese Foundation Course III", students will be registered for Active Learning "Japanese Foundation Course III" only. (4 classes per week) ● S tudents starting from levels I or II must take all courses in the set, and are not allowed to take only I or II separately. ● U ntil all required Japanese courses for the language graduation requirement are completed, the University will continue to automatically register for and assign students to classes. When retaking the same course a student will not necessarily be registered for the Other Information and Programs same instructor or class, and this registration may not be changed or cancelled. ● C ompleted credits exceeding a student's language credit graduation requirement will instead be counted toward "Common Education Subject" and "General Elective" fields in order. 29 This group of subjects is offered to students who have completed the Japanese courses required for graduation and wish to develop their language ability further. As each course has AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects its own prerequisites and recommended language level, please refer to the syllabus for details. ■ Curriculum Study at APU Language for Specific Purposes Subject Name Prerequisite Subjects Japanese Project A, B, C, D Japanese Intermediate Japanese Project E, F Advanced Japanese Japanese for Lectures Advanced Japanese Recommended Language Level Completed Japanese Intermediate Completed Advanced Japanese, with a score of Japanese Language Japanese Language approx. 240 points on the EJU and Culture II and Culture I Course Registration Japanese Language Advanced and Culture I Japanese Career Japanese I Advanced Japanese Career Japanese II Career Japanese I Target Students English-basis students (students whose native language is not Japanese) International Students, English-basis Domestic Students (students whose native language is not Japanese) Examinations and Grading Career Japanese III Career Japanese II Asia Pacific Languages (AP Languages) APU offers ″Asia Pacific Language″ courses in the 6 languages of Chinese, Korean, MalayIndonesian, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese. Different levels of these courses have varying degrees of difficulty, therefore students must complete or be exempted from each course’s Seminar Subjects prerequisite subject in order to register. Active Learning Language Levels (Credits) Chinese I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (4) Korean I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (4) Malay-Indonesian I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) Spanish I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) Thai I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) Vietnamese I (4), II (4), III (4), IV (2) ● Registration Requirements ● Applicants cannot be native speakers of the course’s language. Other Information and Programs ● J apanese-basis students must complete or be exempted from ″Elementary English A and B″ in order to register. ● E nglish-basis students must complete or be exempted from ″Japanese Foundation I, II, and III″ in order to register. 30 Study at APU Exemptions for Language Education Subjects English/Japanese Language Exemption Students may apply for exemption from English or Japanese language subjects in one of the ■ following cases. preceding your return to APU. ● W hile taking a leave of absence, you attain a language score specified by the University, and apply for exemption during the semester immediately preceding your return to APU. Course Registration In cases other than the above, students may not apply for exemption. Curriculum specified by the University, and apply for exemption during the semester immediately AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects ● While studying abroad (participating in an exchange program), you attain a language score ● If the application for exemption is approved, you may register for a higher course. Note that in the case of exemption, the number of credits exempted will be added to the General Elective credit graduation requirement. ● S tudents must apply for exemption during the application period of the semester prior to Examinations and Grading the semester they return to APU. Application for exemption cannot be made in semesters following a student's return to APU. Please refer to p.32 for the application schedule. Details about application procedures will be announced on the Academic Office website in August 2014 for students returning for the Fall semester, or January 2015 for students returning for the Spring semester. ● W hen applying, submit an application form and original score sheet of the designated test during the application period. An "original score sheet" is a certificate or report from a Seminar Subjects testing organization which shows an evaluation of language ability. This must be printed by the testing organization itself, and downloaded documents will not be accepted. APU will not accept photocopied, faxed or emailed documents. Applications must be brought to the office in person or sent by post. English Subject Exemption Criteria Standard Track Exemption Criteria (TOEFL®/iBT) Elementary English A & B 37 Pre-Intermediate A & B 48 Intermediate English A & B 55 Upper-Intermediate A & B 61 Advanced English 1A & 1B 71 Advanced English 2A & 2B 80 Other Information and Programs Advanced Track Subject Name Active Learning English Track ● Only TOEFL®/iBT scores are valid. TOEFL®/(PBT/ITP/CBT ) scores are not accepted. 31 AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects Subject Name ■ Curriculum Study at APU Japanese Subject Exemption Criteria Japanese Foundation I JLPT 4th level (Old) or JLPT (New) N5 Japanese Foundation II JLPT 4th level (Old) or JLPT (New) N5 Japanese Foundation III JLPT 3rd level (Old) or JLPT (New) N4 Japanese Intermediate EJU, Japanese 200 points or JLPT (New) N4 Pre-advanced Japanese EJU, Japanese 220 points or JLPT (New) N3 Advanced Japanese EJU, Japanese 240 points or JLPT (New) N2 Application Schedule (English and Japanese) Application Period Course Registration Exemption Criteria Screening and Interviews (planned) Exemption Takes Effect 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. August 18 - Fri. August 29, 2014 at 16:30 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. September 1 - Wed. September 3, 2014 2014 Fall Semester 2014 Fall Semester: Mon. February 23 - Fri. March 6, 2015 at 16:30 2014 Fall Semester: Mon. March 9 - Wed. March 11, 2015 2015 Spring Semester Examinations and Grading For further details, please visit the Academic Office website during the application periods above. AP Language Subject Exemption Students who have received a score from a language ability test specified by APU may apply for exemption from AP language subjects. Students will be evaluated comprehensively based Seminar Subjects on the application, test score and an interview. ● Application details will be announced in June for 2014 Spring semester, and in December for 2014 Fall semester. Please refer to the Academic Office website for details. ● W hen applying, submit the original score sheet of the designated test during the application period. An ″original score sheet″ is a certificate or report from a testing organization which shows an evaluation of language ability. This must be printed by the testing organization itself, and downloaded documents will not be accepted. APU will not accept photocopied, Active Learning faxed or emailed documents. Applications must be brought to the office in person or sent by post. ● If an applicant is unable to attend the interview their application for exemption will be cancelled. Please plan accordingly to attend the interview. ● E ven if a student has been exempted from an AP language course, Japanese basis students must first complete or be exempted from ″Elementary English A & B″ and English Other Information and Programs basis students must first complete or be exempted from ″Japanese Foundation Course I, II and III″ before they may register any AP language courses. 32 Subject Name Study at APU AP Language Subject Exemption Criteria Exemption Criteria ちゅうごくごけんてい し け ん じゅん きゅう じつようちゅうごくご ぎ の う けんてい し け ん じゅん きゅう しん きゅう 中国語検定試験4級,実用中国語技能検定試験4級,新HSK2級 Chinese III 中国語検定試験3級,実用中国語技能検定試験3級,新HSK3級 Korean I 韓国語 能 力 検定試験1級,「ハングル」能力検定試験5級 Korean II 韓国語 能 力 検定試験2級,「ハングル」能力検定試験4級 Korean III 韓国語 能 力 検定試験3級,「ハングル」能力検定試験3級 Spanish I スペイン語技能検定5級 Spanish II スペイン語技能検定4級 Spanish III スペイン語技能検定3級 ちゅうごくごけんてい し け ん きゅう じつようちゅうごくご ぎ の う けんてい し け ん きゅう しん きゅう ちゅうごくごけんてい し け ん きゅう じつようちゅうごくご ぎ の う けんてい し け ん きゅう しん きゅう かんこく ご のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう かんこく ご のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう かんこく ご のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう のうりょくけんてい し け ん きゅう きゅう ご ぎ の う けんてい きゅう ご ぎ の う けんてい きゅう Course Registration ご ぎ の う けんてい Curriculum Chinese II AY 2011 Curriculum Language Subjects 中国語検定試験準4級,実用中国語技能検定試験準4級,新HSK1級 ■ Chinese I Application Schedule (AP Languages) Interview Date Exemption Takes Effect 2014 Spring Semester: Mon. June 16 - Fri. June 27, 2014 at 16:30 Wed. July 9 2014 Fall Semester 2014 Fall Semester: Mon. December 8 - Fri. December 19, 2014 at 16:30 Wed. January 14 2015 Spring Semester Examinations and Grading Application Period Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 33 34 Liberal Arts Language Total General Electives APS Major Common Social Theory Gender Studies Social Psychology Cultural Studies Transnational Sociology Sociology of Organizations Cultural Anthropology Social Stratification Research Methods for Culture, Society and Media Introduction to Research Methods Culture, Society & Media 文化・社会・メディア Seminar・AL International Politics and Security Comparative Political Economy of the Asia Pacific Political Theory International Cooperation Politics of Development Research Methods for International Relations and Peace Studies TESOL Ⅰ TJSOL Ⅰ Business Communication Statistics Ⅱ Japanese Civil Law Introduction to GIS Health Science Environmental Chemistry Environmental Geoscience Data Mining Ⅰ Programming Ⅱ Internet Technology Integration Media Production Lab A International Relations & Peace Studies 国際関係 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Tourism Policy Tourism Resources Management Sociology of Tourism Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality 1st Year Student Workshop Ⅰ 1st Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Introduction to APU Peer Leader Training Ⅰ FIRST Program Career Design Ⅰ Bridge Program A Bridge Program B Bridge Program C Bridge Program D Bridge Program E Bridge Program F Special Lecture (Liberal Arts) Chinese Ⅱ・Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ・Ⅲ Spanish Ⅱ・Ⅲ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 International Peace Studies Global Issues and Policies Conflict and Development Globalization and Regionalism Globalization and Law International Law History of International Politics Media and Popular Culture Media and the Arts Religion and Belief Language and Society Area Studies Ⅰ Area Studies Ⅱ Global History and the World System Multiculturalism and Society Field Study Special Lecture (APS Major) 2 2 2 Organizational Management Accounting for Tourism and Hospitality Human Resource Management 2 2 2 2 2 Major Seminar Ⅰ Major Seminar Ⅱ War and Media Politics and Media Literature and Modernity Technology and New Media Education and Society Language and History Migration Studies Identity and Politics Strategic Decision-Making International Organizations Geo-Politics and Post-Cold War Conflicts Violence and Terrorism Tourism Development Tourism and Hospitality Law Health and Wellness Tourism Risk Management and Service Delivery Destination Marketing and Branding Hospitality Marketing Operations Research Environmental Economics Industrial Ecology GIS and Remote Sensing NGOs and Development Community Development Pollution and Waste Management Global Crime Law, Media and Society Ethnicity and Nationalism Heritage and Cultural Tourism NGOs and Development Community Development Special Lecture (Culture, Society and Media) Development Policy Environmental Policy Environmental Modeling and Analysis International Economics Project Management in Development Ecotourism Special Lecture (Environment and Development) Resort Management Hospitality Management The Travel Industry The Business Tourism Industry Ecotourism Heritage and Cultural Tourism Project Management in Development) Special Lecture (Hospitality and Tourism) International Relations in the Asia Pacific International Conflict Resolution International Political Economy Asia Pacific and Human Rights Regional Systems in the Asia Pacific Special Lecture (International Relations and Peace Studies) Data Mining Ⅱ Database Systems Applied Programming Media Production Lab B Media Production Lab C Media Production Lab D Information Science Lab A Information Science Lab B Information Science Lab C Japanese Language and Culture Ⅰ Japanese Language and Culture Ⅱ Japanese Project E Japanese Project F Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ Thai Ⅳ Vietnamese Ⅳ 2 Applied Training 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 English for Business Presentations 2 English for Business Writing 2 AY 2011 Curriculum Outline: APS Curriculum 300 (3rd Year) ■ TESOL Ⅱ TJSOL Ⅱ Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill Ⅰ Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill Ⅱ Business Negotiation Career Design Ⅲ Career Japanese Ⅰ Career Japanese Ⅱ Career Japanese Ⅲ Japanese for Lectures Chinese Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Spanish Ⅳ 2 2 2 2 4・4 4・4 4・4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 English Project 1 English for Discussion and Debate English Project 2 4 2 2 Course Registration Development Economics Urban Environment and Development Conflict and Development International Cooperation Politics of Development Peer Leader Training Ⅱ A Peer Leader Training Ⅱ B Career Design Ⅱ Internship Volunteer Activities Japanese Traditional Arts A Japanese Traditional Arts B Japanese Traditional Arts C Japanese Traditional Arts D 200 (2nd Year) 4 Upper Intermediate English A 2 Upper Intermediate English B 2 Extensive Reading in English 2 4 Japanese Project A 4 Japanese Project B Japanese Project C Japanese Project D 4・4 Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ・Ⅲ 4・4 Thai Ⅱ・Ⅲ 4・4 Vietnamese Ⅱ・Ⅲ Hospitality & Tourism 観光学 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Intermediate English A Intermediate English B English for Business 1 English for Business 2 Pre-Advanced Japanese Advanced Japanese Biodiversity Environment and Society Global Environmental Issues Development Sociology and Anthropology Research Methods for Environment and Development Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ Thai Ⅰ Vietnamese Ⅰ Special Lecture (Language) Mathematics for Social Sciences Statistics Ⅰ Programming Ⅰ Computer Literacy Business History Bioethics Japanese History Japanese Economy Japanese Culture and Society Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages of the Asia Pacific Religions of the Asia Pacific Culture and Society of the Asia Pacific Business and Economy in the Asia Pacific History of the Asia Pacific 4 2 4 2 4 Environment & Development 環境・開発 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 Examinations and Grading AY 2011 Curriculum Outline: APS Seminar Subjects ○Any excess credits obtained in Language, Liberal Arts, and APS Major Education Subjects ○APM Major Education Subjects(From 2nd Year) *Students must take additional General Electives Subjects equivalent to the number of exempted Language Education credits. Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ Intensive Language Learning Overseas Introduction to Economics Introduction to Political Science Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Law Introduction to Environmental Studies Introduction to Development Studies Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Intercultural Communication Introduction to Culture and Society Introduction to Area Studies Introduction to Media Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Introduction to the Internet Constitution of Japan AP言語 AP Lang AL Elementary English A Elementary English B Advanced English 1A Advanced English 1B Japanese Foundation Course Ⅰ Japanese Foundation Course Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course Ⅲ 100 (1st Year) Pre-Intermediate English A Pre-Intermediate English B Advanced English 2A Advanced English 2B Japanese Intermediate Course Active Learning 英語スタンダードトラック English Standard Track 英語アドバンストトラック English Advanced Track 日本語 Japanese Other Information and Programs 400 (4th Year) 2 Research Seminar 2 Undergraduate Thesis 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 124 Credits or more 22 Credits or more 62 Credits or more 40 Credits or more Credits 24 Credits 12 Credits 16 Credits Study at APU 2.2.4 AY 2011 Curriculum Outline Chinese Ⅰ Korean Ⅰ Spanish Ⅰ AP言語 AP Lang 2 Introduction to APU 2 Geography of the Asia Pacific 2 Languages of the Asia Pacific Introduction to Area Studies Introduction to Media International Logistics Macroeconomics Microeconomics Business Law Corporate Law 経営戦略と組織 Innovation & Economics イノベーション・経済学 APM Major Field Study International Management Strategic Management & Organization Seminar・AL 2 2 International Logistics マーケティング 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 International Management ○Any excess credits obtained in Language, Liberal Arts, and APM Major Education Subjects ○APS Major Education Subjects(From 2nd Year) *Students must take additional General Electives Subjects equivalent to the number of exempted Language Education credits. 2 2 Marketing Principles of Marketing 2 Finance Financial Accounting Ⅰ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4・4 4・4 4・4 4 4 2 2 2 Financial Accounting Ⅱ 2 Accounting Ⅱ Accounting Ⅰ 2 Introduction to Management 2 Media Production Lab A 2 Internet Technology Integration 2 Programming Ⅱ 2 Data Mining Ⅰ 2 Environmental Geoscience 2 Environmental Chemistry 2 Health Science 2 Introduction to GIS 2 Japanese Civil Law 2 Statistics Ⅱ 2 Business Communication 2 TJSOL Ⅰ 2 TESOL Ⅰ Spanish Ⅱ・Ⅲ Korean Ⅱ・Ⅲ Chinese Ⅱ・Ⅲ Advanced Japanese Pre-Advanced Japanese English for Business 2 English for Business 1 Intermediate English B 4 Special Lecture (APM Major) Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Human Resource Management E-Commerce Corporate Finance Cost Accounting Organizational Behavior Japanese Traditional Arts D Japanese Traditional Arts C Japanese Traditional Arts B Japanese Traditional Arts A Volunteer Activities Internship Career Design Ⅱ Peer Leader Training ⅡB Peer Leader Training ⅡA Vietnamese Ⅱ・Ⅲ Thai Ⅱ・Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian Ⅱ・Ⅲ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4・4 4・4 4・4 2 2 Japanese Project C 2 2 2 2 4 Japanese Project D Japanese Project B Japanese Project A Extensive Reading in English Upper Intermediate English B Upper Intermediate English A 200 (2nd Year) Accounting & Finance 2 Business Mathematics Fundamental Mathematics 2 2 Business and Economy in the Asia Pacific 2 Constitution of Japan History of the Asia Pacific 2 Culture and Society of the Asia Pacific 2 Special Lecture (Liberal Arts) 2 Bridge Program F 2 Bridge Program E Introduction to the Internet Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality 2 Religions of the Asia Pacific 2 Japanese Culture and Society 2 Bridge Program D 2 Bridge Program B 2 Bridge Program C Introduction to Intercultural Communication 2 Japanese Economy Introduction to Culture and Society 2 Bridge Program A Introduction to International Relations 2 Japanese History 2 Bioethics 2 FIRST Program 2 Peer Leader Training Ⅰ 2 Career Design Ⅰ 2 Programming Ⅰ 2 Computer Literacy Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Law 2 1st Year Student Workshop Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental Studies 2 Business History 2 Statistics Ⅰ Introduction to Political Science 2 2 1st Year Student Workshop Ⅰ Introduction to Development Studies 2 Mathematics for Social Sciences Introduction to Economics Intensive Language Learning Overseas 2 Special Lecture (Language) 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 Intermediate English A 会計・ファイナンス Compulsory/Core Subjects Other Information and Programs Total General Electives 4 Malay/Indonesian Ⅰ 4 Thai Ⅰ 4 Vietnamese Ⅰ Japanese Foundation Course Ⅲ Active Learning APM Major 4 Japanese Foundation Course Ⅰ Japanese Foundation Course Ⅱ 日本語 Japanese AL 4 Japanese Intermediate Course 4 Advanced English 1B English Advanced Track 4 Advanced English 2A 4 Seminar Subjects Liberal Arts 2 Advanced English 2B Advanced English 1A 英語アドバンストトラック 2 Pre-Intermediate English B Elementary English B English Standard Track 4 Pre-Intermediate English A Elementary English A 英語スタンダードトラック Examinations and Grading Language 2 Investment Strategy 2 Applied Training 2 Major Seminar2 2 Major Seminar1 Legal Strategy in Business 2 2 International Political Economy 2 Development Economics Technology Management Operations Research Business Ethics 2 International Economics Development and Production Systems 2 Asian Economy 2 Management Information System 2 International Transactions Strategic Management Production Management 2 Family Business Management International Comparative Management 2 Service Management 2 Brand Management Marketing Data Analysis Global Human Resource Management 2 Supply Chain Management 2 Service Management Consumer Behavior International Marketing 2 Promotion and Sales Management Auditing Marketing Research 2 International Finance 2 Investment and Securities Analysis 2 Financial Market and Institutions Information Science Lab C Information Science Lab B Information Science Lab A 2 Media Production Lab D 2 Media Production Lab C 2 Media Production Lab B 2 Applied Programming 2 Database Systems 2 Data Mining Ⅱ 2 Vietnamese Ⅳ 4 Thai Ⅳ 4 Malay/Indonesian Ⅳ 2 Japanese Project F 2 Japanese Project E 2 Japanese Language and Culture Ⅱ 4 Japanese Language and Culture Ⅰ 2 2 English for Business Writing 2 English for Business Presentations Advanced Accounting 300 (3rd Year) International Accounting Management Accounting Career Design Ⅲ Business Negotiation Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill Ⅱ Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill Ⅰ TJSOL Ⅱ TESOL Ⅱ Spanish Ⅳ Korean Ⅳ Chinese Ⅳ Japanese for Lectures Career Japanese Ⅲ Career Japanese Ⅱ Career Japanese Ⅰ English Project 2 English for Discussion and Debate English Project 1 Course Registration Common Curriculum AY 2011 Curriculum Outline: APM AY 2011 Curriculum Outline: APM 100 (1st Year) 400 (4th Year) Undergraduate Thesis 4 2 Research Seminar 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Credits 124 Credits or more 22 Credits or more 62 Credits or more 40 Credits or more Credits 16 Credits 12 Credits 24 Study at APU ■ 35 Study at APU AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List About the Subject List ■ Curriculum 2.2.5 AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List The subject list includes information for each course, such as the course code and credit completion field. An explanation of how to read this information follows. Subject Field The ″Field″ column for a subject indicates the field in which a course’s credit will be counted. For details of these fields, refer to p.19 for APS or p. 22 for APM. Course Registration Subject Field Common Education Subjects Examinations and Grading Major Education Subjects Notation in Subject List Language Education Subject Language Liberal Arts Subject Liberal Arts APS Major Subject APS APM Major Subject APM APS and APM Major Subject APS/APM Area of Study The ″Area of Study″ column indicates which area of study a course’s credit will count towards when completed. For more information on this topic, please see p.18 for APS or p.21 for APM. Seminar Subjects College Active Learning APS Other Information and Programs APM 36 Area of Study Subject List Code Environment & Development ED Hospitality & Tourism HT International Relations & Peace Studies IRP Culture, Society & Media CSM Accounting & Finance AF Marketing M Strategic Management & Organization SMO Innovation & Economics IE All APM Areas of Study ALL ALL● (automatically registered subject) ALL■ (core subject) Study at APU Grade Level Each course corresponds to a particular level of study, indicated by a grade level code. See p.17 for details. Grade Level Description 200 level Primarily for 2nd year students 300 level Primarily for 3rd year students 400 level Primarily for 4th year students Primarily for 1st year students ■ 100 level Curriculum AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List Prerequisites Subjects The ″Prerequisite Subject″ column lists subjects which must be completed before the Course Registration respective course may be registered. Refer to p.17 for more information on prerequisites. Notes The following information may appear in the ″Notes″ column. Description Subject List Code ST English Advanced Track Subject AT Re-registration Possible ○ Examinations and Grading English Standard Track Subject Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 37 Study at APU AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 科目CD Subject CD 分野 Field 010081 Language AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 010092 010101 010102 Language Language Language Language 010103 Language 010180 Language 010190 Language ■ Curriculum 010091 Course Registration 010200 010210 Language 010220 Language 010230 Language Examinations and Grading 010240 Language 010260 Language 010270 Language Language 010290 Language 010300 Language Seminar Subjects Language 010311 Language 010320 Language 010330 Language 010340 Language 010341 Language 010350 Language 010360 Language 010370 Active Learning Language 010281 010310 Language 010371 Language 011100 Language 011101 Language 011102 Language 011103 011104 Other Information and Programs Language 010250 010280 Language Language 011105 Language 011106 Language 011107 011200 38 Language Language Language 学修分野/Area APS 科目名 Subject Name APM 日本語初級Ⅰ Japanese Foundation Course I 日本語初級Ⅱ Japanese Foundation Course II 日本語初級Ⅲ Japanese Foundation Course III 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中上級 Pre-Advanced Japanese 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 中国語Ⅰ Chinese I 中国語Ⅱ Chinese II 中国語Ⅲ Chinese III 中国語Ⅳ Chinese IV 韓国語Ⅰ Korean I 韓国語Ⅱ Korean II 韓国語Ⅲ Korean III 韓国語Ⅳ Korean IV マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian I マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian II マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian III マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅳ Malay/Indonesian IV スペイン語Ⅰ Spanish I スペイン語Ⅱ Spanish II スペイン語Ⅲ Spanish III スペイン語Ⅳ Spanish IV タイ語Ⅰ Thai I タイ語Ⅱ Thai II タイ語Ⅲ Thai III タイ語Ⅳ Thai IV ベトナム語Ⅰ Vietnamese I ベトナム語Ⅱ Vietnamese II ベトナム語Ⅲ Vietnamese III ベトナム語Ⅳ Vietnamese IV 英語初級A Elementary English A 英語初級B Elementary English B 英語準中級A Pre-Intermediate English A 英語準中級B Pre-Intermediate English B 英語中級A Intermediate English A 英語中級B Intermediate English B 英語準上級A Upper Intermediate English A 英語準上級B Upper Intermediate English B 英語上級1A Advanced English 1A 単位 Credits グレード番号 Grade Level 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 100 4 200 4 200 4 100 4 200 4 200 4 300 4 100 4 200 4 200 4 300 4 100 4 200 4 200 2 300 4 100 4 200 4 200 2 300 4 100 4 200 4 200 2 300 4 100 4 200 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects 備考 Note 日本語初級Ⅰ ・ Ⅱ ・ Ⅲ Japanese Foundation Course I ・ II ・ III 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中上級 Pre-Advanced Japanese 中国語Ⅰ Chinese I 中国語Ⅱ Chinese II 中国語Ⅲ Chinese III 韓国語Ⅰ Korean I 韓国語Ⅱ Korean II 韓国語Ⅲ Korean III マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅰ Malay/Indonesian I マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅱ Malay/Indonesian II マレー語・インドネシア語Ⅲ Malay/Indonesian III スペイン語Ⅰ Spanish I スペイン語Ⅱ Spanish II スペイン語Ⅲ Spanish III タイ語Ⅰ Thai I タイ語Ⅱ Thai II タイ語Ⅲ Thai III ベトナム語Ⅰ Vietnamese I ベトナム語Ⅱ 4 200 2 300 4 100 ST 2 100 ST 4 100 2 4 100 200 2 200 4 200 2 200 4 100 Vietnamese II ベトナム語Ⅲ Vietnamese III 英語初級A ・ B Elementary English A ・ B 英語初級A ・ B Elementary English A ・ B 英語準中級A ・ B Pre-Intermediate English A ・ B 英語準中級A ・ B Pre-Intermediate English A ・ B 英語中級A ・ B Intermediate English A ・ B 英語中級A ・ B Intermediate English A ・ B ST ST ST ST ST ST AT 分野 Field 011201 Language 011202 011203 011300 Language Language Language 011400 Language 011401 Language 011500 Language 011600 Language 011601 Language Language 011603 Language 011604 Language 011605 011800 011801 011803 011900 011901 011902 011903 Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Language Career Japanese I キャリア日本語Ⅱ Career Japanese II キャリア日本語Ⅲ Career Japanese III 日本語 ・ 日本文化Ⅰ Japanese Language and Culture I 日本語 ・ 日本文化Ⅱ Japanese Language and Culture II 講義の日本語 Japanese for Lectures 日本語プロジェクトA Japanese Project A 日本語プロジェクトB Japanese Project B 日本語プロジェクトC Japanese Project C 日本語プロジェクトD Japanese Project D 日本語プロジェクトE Japanese Project E 日本語プロジェクトF Japanese Project F 英語ビジネス ・ ライティング English for Business Writing 英語ビジネス ・ プレゼンテーション English for Business Presentations 英語ディスカッションとディベート English for Discussion and Debate 英語プロジェクト1 English Project 1 ビジネス英語1 English for Business 1 ビジネス英語2 English for Business 2 英語多読 Extensive Reading in English 英語プロジェクト2 4 2 100 100 4 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 2 2 2 2 2 300 300 300 200 200 200 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 200 2 200 Language 020022 Liberal Arts 政治学入門 Introduction to Political Science 020023 Liberal Arts 国際関係論入門 020025 Liberal Arts 法学入門 020026 Liberal Arts 心理学入門 020031 Liberal Arts 経済学入門 020033 Liberal Arts メディア入門 020035 Liberal Arts 文化 ・ 社会学入門 020036 Liberal Arts 開発学入門 020037 Liberal Arts 地域学入門 020038 Liberal Arts GIS入門 020039 Liberal Arts 観光学入門 020041 Liberal Arts インターネット入門 020050 Liberal Arts ウェルネス 020051 Liberal Arts 生命倫理 020052 Liberal Arts 環境と化学 020053 Liberal Arts 地球環境科学 Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Law Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Economics Introduction to Media Introduction to Culture and Society Introduction to Development Studies Introduction to Area Studies Introduction to GIS Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Introduction to the Internet Health Science Bioethics Environmental Chemistry Environmental Geoscience AT 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese キャリア日本語Ⅰ Career Japanese I キャリア日本語Ⅱ Career Japanese II 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 日本語 ・ 日本文化Ⅰ Japanese Language and Culture I 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語中級 Japanese Intermediate Course 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 日本語上級 Advanced Japanese 英語準上級A ・ B Upper Intermediate English A ・ B 英語準上級A ・ B Upper Intermediate English A ・ B 英語準上級A ・ B Upper Intermediate English A ・ B 英語準上級A ・ B Upper Intermediate English A ・ B 英語上級2A ・ B Advanced English 2A ・ B 英語上級2A ・ B Advanced English 2A ・ B 英語上級2A ・ B Advanced English 2A ・ B 英語上級2A ・ B Advanced English 2A ・ B ST ST ST ST AT AT AT AT ○ Other Information and Programs 2 012010 Advanced English 1 A ・ B AT Active Learning 300 English Project 2 Advanced English 1 A ・ B 英語上級1A ・ B Seminar Subjects 2 海外集中言語研修 Intensive Language Learning Overseas AT 英語上級1A ・ B Examinations and Grading 011802 Language Advanced English 2B キャリア日本語Ⅰ 100 備考 Note Course Registration 011602 Advanced English 2A 英語上級2B 2 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects Curriculum Language Advanced English 1B 英語上級2A グレード番号 Grade Level AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 011302 英語上級1B 単位 Credits Language 科目名 Subject Name APM ■ 011301 学修分野/Area APS Study at APU 科目CD Subject CD 39 ■ AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List Study at APU Curriculum Course Registration Examinations and Grading Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 40 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD 分野 Field 020070 Liberal Arts 020091 Liberal Arts コンピューターリテラシー 020092 Liberal Arts インターネット技術統合 020093 Liberal Arts プログラミングⅠ 020094 Liberal Arts プログラミングⅡ 020095 Liberal Arts データマイニングⅠ 020096 Liberal Arts データマイニングⅡ 020097 Liberal Arts データベースシステム 020098 Liberal Arts 応用プログラミング 020111 Liberal Arts 情報科学ラボA 020112 Liberal Arts 情報科学ラボB 020113 Liberal Arts 情報科学ラボC 020114 Liberal Arts メディア制作ラボA 020115 Liberal Arts メディア制作ラボB 020116 Liberal Arts メディア制作ラボC 020117 Liberal Arts メディア制作ラボD 020121 Liberal Arts 新入生ワークショップⅠ 020122 Liberal Arts 新入生ワークショップⅡ 020123 Liberal Arts APU入門 020241 Liberal Arts 020242 Liberal Arts 日本の文化と社会 020243 Liberal Arts 日本の民法 020244 Liberal Arts 経営史 020255 Liberal Arts 特殊講義(共通教養科目) 021005 Liberal Arts 異文化間コミュニケーション入門 021008 Liberal Arts 日本の歴史 021011 Liberal Arts 環境学入門 021012 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の地理 021013 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の言語 021014 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の宗教 021015 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の文化と社会 021016 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋のビジネス ・ 経済事情 021017 Liberal Arts アジア太平洋の歴史 021043 Liberal Arts 日本国憲法 021047 Liberal Arts 統計学Ⅰ 021048 Liberal Arts 統計学Ⅱ Statistics II 特殊講義(言語教育科目) Special Lecture (Language Education Subject) APS 科目名 Subject Name APM 社会科学のための数学 Mathematics for Social Sciences Computer Literacy Internet Technology Integration Programming I Programming II Data Mining I Data Mining II Database Systems Applied Programming Information Science Lab A Information Science Lab B Information Science Lab C Media Production Lab A Media Production Lab B Media Production Lab C Media Production Lab D 1st Year Student Workshop I 1st Year Student Workshop II Introduction to APU 日本の経済 Japanese Economy Japanese Culture and Society Japanese Civil Law Business History Special Lecture (Liberal Arts Subject) Introduction to Intercultural Communication Japanese History Introduction to Environmental Studies Geography of the Asia Pacific Languages of the Asia Pacific Religions of the Asia Pacific Culture and Society of the Asia Pacific Business and Economy in the Asia Pacific History of the Asia Pacific Constitution of Japan Statistics I 021050 Language 021100 Liberal Arts TESOL Ⅰ TESOL I 021101 Liberal Arts TESOL Ⅱ 021102 Liberal Arts 日本語教授法Ⅰ TESOL II TJSOL I 単位 Credits グレード番号 Grade Level 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects 備考 Note 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 100 1st year only 2 100 1st year only 2 100 1st year only 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 200 2 100 2 200 2 300 2 200 ○ ○ 021106 Liberal Arts ビジネス ・ コミュニケーション 021107 Liberal Arts ビジネス ・ ネゴシエーション 021130 Liberal Arts キャリア ・ デザインⅠ 021131 Liberal Arts キャリア ・ デザインⅡ 021132 Liberal Arts キャリア ・ デザインⅢ 021150 Liberal Arts 日本の伝統芸術A 021151 Liberal Arts 日本の伝統芸術B 021152 Liberal Arts 日本の伝統芸術C 021153 Liberal Arts 日本の伝統芸術D 021170 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムA 021171 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムB 021172 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムC 021173 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムD 021174 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムE 021175 Liberal Arts ブリッジプログラムF 021190 Liberal Arts ピアリーダートレーニングⅠ 021191 Liberal Arts ピアリーダートレーニングⅡA 021192 Liberal Arts ピアリーダートレーニングⅡB 021193 Liberal Arts ファーストプログラム 021194 Liberal Arts ボランティア研究 021195 Liberal Arts インターンシップ Internship 030002 APS APS Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill II Business Communication Business Negotiation Career Design I Career Design II Career Design III Japanese Traditional Arts A Japanese Traditional Arts B Japanese Traditional Arts C Japanese Traditional Arts D Bridge Program A Bridge Program B Bridge Program C Bridge Program D Bridge Program E Bridge Program F Peer Leader Training I Peer Leader Training II A Peer Leader Training II B FIRST Program Volunteer Activities CSM IRP 030003 APS ED 030004 APS HT 030011 APS CSM APS CSM 030021 APS CSM 030022 030024 APS APS CSM CSM 030025 APS CSM 030026 APS CSM 030027 APS CSM CSM 030029 APS CSM 030031 APS CSM 030032 APS CSM Research Methods for International Relations and Peace Studies 調査研究法(環境 ・ 開発) Research Methods for Environment and Development 調査研究法(観光学) Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality 社会理論 Social Theory 文化人類学 Cultural Anthropology 宗教と信仰 Religion and Belief ジェンダー研究 Gender Studies グローバル ・ ヒストリー Global History and the World System カルチュラルスタディーズ Cultural Studies 地域研究Ⅰ Area Studies I 地域研究Ⅱ Area Studies II メディアと芸術 Media and the Arts メディアと文化 Media and Popular Culture 文学と近代化 Literature and Modernity 言語と社会 Language and Society 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 100 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 ST 2 100 2 200 2 200 2 100 2 200 2 200 ○ 2 200 APS only 2 200 APS only 2 200 APS only 2 200 APS only 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 200 ○ Other Information and Programs 030028 APS 調査研究法(国際関係) 300 Active Learning 030013 調査研究法(文化 ・ 社会 ・ メディア) Research Methods for Culture, Society and Media 2 Seminar Subjects Liberal Arts 備考 Note Examinations and Grading 021105 日英通訳の基礎Ⅱ Basic English-Japanese Interpretation Skill I 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects Course Registration 日英通訳の基礎Ⅰ グレード番号 Grade Level Curriculum 021104 Liberal Arts 日本語教授法Ⅱ TJSOL II 単位 Credits AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List Liberal Arts 030001 科目名 Subject Name APM 021103 APS ■ 分野 Field Study at APU 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD 41 Study at APU 分野 Field APS 030033 APS CSM 030034 030035 AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List ■ Curriculum 030036 030037 030038 030039 030041 030100 030102 Course Registration 030103 030104 030110 030121 030141 030150 Examinations and Grading 030181 030182 030184 030185 030186 030187 030188 Seminar Subjects 030189 030191 030192 030193 030194 030195 030196 Active Learning 030197 030261 030262 030263 030265 Other Information and Programs 030266 030267 030268 030269 030271 42 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS CSM CSM CSM CSM CSM CSM CSM CSM IRP IRP IRP CSM CSM CSM IRP IRP IRP,ED IRP,ED IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP IRP ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED, HT ED, CSM 科目名 Subject Name APM 言語と歴史 Language and History 組織社会学 Sociology of Organizations 社会階層論 Social Stratification 戦争とメディア War and Media 政治とメディア Politics and Media テクノロジーとニューメディア Technology and New Media 法とメディアと社会 Law, Media and Society グローバル化と犯罪 Global Crime 国際社会学 Transnational Sociology 国際法 International Law 平和学 International Peace Studies 国際機構論 International Organizations 多文化社会論 Multiculturalism and Society マイグレーション研究 Migration Studies エスニシティと国民国家 Ethnicity and Nationalism グローバリゼーションと規範 Globalization and Law 政治理論 Political Theory 開発政治論 Politics of Development 紛争と開発 Conflict and Development 国際政治とセキュリティ International Politics and Security アジア太平洋の比較政治経済 Comparative Political Economy of the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋における国際関係 International Relations in the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋地域システム論 Regional Systems in the Asia Pacific アジア太平洋と人権 Asia Pacific and Human Rights グローバル化と地域主義 Globalization and Regionalism 国際問題と政策 Global Issues and Policies 国際紛争解決 International Conflict Resolution 戦略分析と意思決定 Strategic Decision-Making アイデンティティと政治 Identity and Politics 冷戦後紛争と地政学 Geo-Politics and Post-Cold War Conflicts 暴力とテロリズム Violence and Terrorism 開発社会学 ・ 人類学 Development Sociology and Anthropology 生物多様性 Biodiversity 地球環境問題 Global Environmental Issues 都市の環境と開発 Urban Environment and Development 環境と社会 Environment and Society 環境経済学 Environmental Economics 産業生態学 Industrial Ecology 開発のプロジェクト ・ マネジメント Project Management in Development NGOと開発 NGOs and Development 単位 Credits グレード番号 Grade Level 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects 備考 Note 分野 Field APS 030272 APS ED 030273 030274 030275 030335 030336 030339 030341 030342 030343 030344 030345 030347 030350 030360 030400 030401 APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS APS 030515 APS 030516 030517 030518 030540 030541 030550 030553 030564 030565 030566 030572 030595 030597 APS 開発政策 ED Development Policy コミュニティー開発論 ED, CSM Community Development 環境政策 ED Environmental Policy 観光学のための会計学 HT Accounting for Tourism and Hospitality 観光資源評価 ・ 管理 HT Tourism Resources Management 組織マネジメント HT Organizational Management 遺産 ・ 文化観光 HT, CSM Heritage and Cultural Tourism 旅行産業論 HT The Travel Industry ホスピタリティ ・ マネジメント HT Hospitality Management 観光と法 HT Tourism and Hospitality Law 観光開発 HT Tourism Development ヘルス&ウェルネスツーリズム HT Health and Wellness Tourism リスク ・ マネジメントとサービス ・ デリバリー HT Risk Management and Service Delivery デスティネーション ・ マーケティング&ブランディング HT Destination Marketing and Branding ホスピタリティ ・ マーケティング HT Hospitality Marketing リゾートマネジメント HT Resort Management 観光社会学 HT Sociology of Tourism 観光政策 HT Tourism Policy エコ ・ ツーリズム論 HT,ED Ecotourism ビジネス ・ ツーリズム論 HT The Business Tourism Industry 調査 ・ 研究入門 Introduction to Research Methods 特殊講義(文化 ・ 社会 ・ メディア) CSM Special Lecture (Culture, Society and Media) 特殊講義(国際関係) IRP Special Lecture (International Relations and Peace Studies) 特殊講義(環境 ・ 開発) ED Special Lecture (Environment and Development) 特殊講義(観光学) HT Special Lecture (Hospitality and Tourism) 卒業研究 APS Research Seminar 卒業論文 APS Undergraduate Thesis プロジェクト研究 APS Applied Training 特殊講義(専門教育科目) APS Special Lecture (Asia Pacific Studies) 特殊講義(専門教育科目) APS Special Lecture (Asia Pacific Studies) 基礎数学 APM APM APM APM APM APM APM Fundamental Mathematics ALL● ALL● ALL■ ALL■ SMO ビジネス数学 Business Mathematics 経営学入門 Introduction to Management 会計学Ⅰ Accounting I 会計学Ⅱ Accounting II 経営情報システム Management Information System ビジネス法 Business Law 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 200 APS only 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 400 4 400 2 300 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 300 2 200 卒業研究 Research Seminar Other Information and Programs 030571 APS Environmental Modeling and Analysis 300 Active Learning 030545 APS ED 2 Seminar Subjects 030511 環境モデリング 300 Examinations and Grading 030346 APS GIS and Remote Sensing 2 Course Registration 030340 APS ED 備考 Note Curriculum 030334 APS GISとリモートセンシング 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 030333 APS Pollution and Waste Management グレード番号 Grade Level 030300 APS 公害 ・ 廃棄物処理 単位 Credits ■ 030276 APS 科目名 Subject Name APM Study at APU 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD 43 Study at APU 分野 Field 030600 APM Course Registration AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 030602 ■ Curriculum 科目CD Subject CD ALL■ 030606 APM ALL■ 030611 030630 Examinations and Grading AF APM IE APM IE 030674 APM IE 030675 030676 APM IE APM IE 030701 APM AF 030702 APM AF APM AF APM AF 030715 APM AF 030716 APM AF 030718 APM APM 030740 APS/APM 030760 AF APM 030721 030750 Seminar Subjects APM 030673 030717 AF IE HT APM IE M APM M 030800 APM M,SMO 030820 APM AF 030861 030870 Active Learning AF APM 030714 APM AF APM M 030892 APM SMO 031070 APM ALL 031071 APM 031073 APM 031080 APM 031084 APM 032005 032006 Other Information and Programs ALL■ APM APS APS ALL Organizational Behavior 原価会計 Cost Accounting 生産管理論 Production Management ミクロ経済学 Microeconomics マクロ経済学 Macroeconomics アジア経済論 Asian Economy 開発 ・ 生産システム論 Development and Production Systems 財務会計論Ⅰ Financial AccountingI 財務会計論Ⅱ Financial AccountingII 管理会計論 Management Accounting 上級会計 Advanced Accounting 監査 Auditing 金融市場と金融制度 Financial Market and Institutions 投資 ・ 証券分析 Investment and Securities Analysis 投資戦略 Investment Strategy 技術経営 Technology Management オペレーションズ ・ リサーチ Operations Research マーケティング ・ リサーチ Marketing Research 消費者行動論 Consumer Behavior 国際経営論 International Management 国際金融論 International Finance 国際会計 International Accounting 国際マーケティング論 International Marketing 国際取引 International Transactions 卒業研究 Research Seminar 卒業論文 Undergraduate Thesis Special Lecture (Management) 社会心理学 CSM Social Psychology 教育と社会 CSM IRP,ED Education and Society 国際政治史 History of International Politics 国際協力論 International Cooperation フィールド ・ スタディ APS Field Study 専門演習Ⅰ APS APS/APM 組織行動論 特殊講義(専門教育科目) APS 032080 Principles of Marketing Special Lecture (Management) 032019 APS Corporate Finance マーケティング入門 特殊講義(専門教育科目) IRP 032070 コーポレート ・ ファイナンス Applied Training APS 032060 金融論 Finance プロジェクト研究 032015 032040 科目名 Subject Name APM 030605 030710 44 学修分野/Area APS Major Seminar I 専門演習Ⅱ Major Seminar II ED IE 開発経済学 Development Economics 単位 Credits グレード番号 Grade Level 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects 備考 Note 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 400 4 400 2 300 ○ 2 200 ○ 2 300 ○ 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 S200 M300 卒業研究 Research Seminar ○ 分野 Field APS APM 032081 APS/APM ED IE 032082 032083 033011 033023 033024 033025 033027 033028 033029 033030 033032 033040 033060 033070 APM APM APM APM APM APM APM APM APM APM SMO M SMO,IE M M M M M,SMO M,SMO SMO SMO SMO Entrepreneurship ブランドマネジメント Brand Management 販売 ・ プロモーションマネジメント Promotion and Sales Management マーケティングデータ分析 Marketing Data Analysis Eコマース E-Commerce 国際物流論 International Logistics サービスマネジメント Service Management 国際人的資源管理論 Global Human Resource Management ファミリービジネス Family Business Management 経営戦略論 Strategic Management ビジネスエシックス Business Ethics フィールド ・ スタディ APM APM Supply Chain Management アントレプレナーシップ Corporate Law APM APM International Comparative Management サプライ ・ チェーン ・ マネジメント 会社法 APM Field Study ALL ALL 専門演習Ⅰ Major Seminar I 専門演習Ⅱ Major Seminar II 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 200 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 200 2 300 2 300 Examinations and Grading 033033 APM Legal Strategy in Business 国際比較経営 2 Course Registration 033026 ビジネス法務戦略 APM APM Human Resource Management 300 備考 Note Curriculum 033022 SMO International Political Economy 人的資源管理論 2 前提科目 Prerequisite Subjects AY 2011 Curriculum Subject List 033019 HT IE 国際政治経済学 グレード番号 Grade Level 033018 APS/APM IRP 国際経済学 International Economics 単位 Credits ■ 033013 APS/APM 科目名 Subject Name Study at APU 学修分野/Area 科目CD Subject CD ○ * Please refer to p.36 for more information on this subject list. Seminar Subjects Active Learning Other Information and Programs 45
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