/ OFFICIAL GAZETTE . 蹄麗■E削■ntM憎5開蜘 ENGLISH EDITION 廟.但=ナー年■一カエ†巳 集二鴎冑蜜●●. . .「L.. 」一一一. 1o,673 WBDNESI)AY, JUNE 30,194S Price 28.00 yen It。 part。f the Enf。r㏄ment Regulations ef the OPFICE ORDINANCE lEd・caFi・nat・Ser・i・・ M・mb・rs・・M・・。。1・Aid・A,、 Prime Mihister’s Office Ordirtanca ⑬odatjon Ordinance: M’”’s‘e「 No.36 f舗a監。。 June 30,四48 1n kt.4, Ar靴.16, Art.40 and Art,41. The Re.zulatieae for Management of.Mar’ gins of Prices shaU bepartiajly amended as fo]losvs「 “ft・f曲・訓←矛ふ”.鋼1・e・d“(h・en norS of the MetオムP)1助Hokkaido aロd Prefec. tUres.’オ Prime M畑ist惚 A「ti ASHIDA Hiteshi Next加Art.4, the followi㎎one Artft:1e shall be added: ’ Article 5. The Director−General of PrToe Board shall determine the−marg三ng。f prioes aS ment±oned in the preoeding paragraph ac・ coidi㎎ to its s加dy thereof, when there i8 no report submitted or輪d蜘⑨the r卿rt subm:tted inadequate. in acc◎rdance wi出 比e provi動n⑨ concerning the r叩Ort as preser±bed in A面de 3、 In Art.5,‘;the pr魎ing ArtiCleヴ, sha玉1 be revised asぶ.Article 4.’ and the same Article as Art凪e 6. . In Art.10,“Art:cle 5”sllall be revis品aS .1“A・tiCle 6”and n・xt t・ltem 2. the・f。11。wi㎎ nDe It㎝ 曲all bO added, shifting ltem 3 and ;the following each item dDwn by one三tem in f認灘㌫潔㌃:1こ㍑三: ㎜ロtO侮als° Salaries Ord:nanCe or tlle E㎡orcem緯nt RegUla薗ons of tbe SchODl Edu・ catk)n Law. and “payy/, means出e pays of the natロre of regUlar Sala’ies・ The text of Art,7, Par.1s』皿 read a3 fellOWB: The staff m晒bers.く蜘k面n)o‘the public primary㏄hoo1,始wer secondary school and kindergarten shal正be metnbers ofヒhe AssoCiation. Ar±i[ie I2. The presentations(Kyufu.)are of εhe follOwing ten kinds: (1)MediCal care expenses (2.}Medical care expemses for‘am皿y. membe指 (3) Inva己Ids allaWances (4) C5. p .order: 3・ DcterminatiOn as ment垣ned in Artic佃 The pr恰頭亡Ordinance shall c〔me into }f・・‘〈a・f・ぬthe d・y・f it・pr。mulgati。n. C垣ld・birtb醸pe6ses SpeUSe,s chitalbir己血expenseo Nu血.rirLg alk)wtiims (8) Conde!e㏄e menffys 、 (9) Burlal money for faniily members MDneys of syimpathy. fi. .S・・pplen・entary PreviSiOn, Grants for the d治ab]ed (7) (6) C10) ArtiCle 13・(2). The sa!ary or pay which iS the for 〔omputing ba曲 the presentation s㎞11 beヒhe salary or pay w踊旛the baがs o葦 MINlSTERIAL ORDINANCll 血einstalmentsof the伽e when the cause Mi噛tr, of口uc轟tion Ordinance No.13 June 30, 194S for preeenta尊on eecurred. 1be d鈎ra岳 of the salary or pay shall be one噛thi「tieth (y30) of the salary or pay aoじ(rding to the pro鞠n of the The folbwing amendments sha【1 be made precedlng parageaph. @ ぐ 一 1 一 In Art.15, Item 4 shall be deletξd Ond I亡em Ieg・Uy mrri・d t・h㎞, Here三nafter 5 s]コall read lteni 4. ・・鵬)’hi・・hild「・…d・th。se・f輪』 正nArt.16丘ぴ1 Art.36イ1 The school prin・ a噸dants曲a・ep・。・▲d・d f。・ぷ風yb c◎ar’shaU re烈d”The Pτinc治aL,, hiM←aS well as thOse who belong te hiee_ Artide 16..(2}. TIle membCr of the Asy}cla・ ]・・useh・ld a・d ar・pr。司ぷf・・by恥, tiOn who Is getting a preSentatbn fOr iU・ RCgarding the mediCal cate』 ness, injury or 血ld・birth at 也eξ]me of for family members of Par・工, さven in w並hdrawing fr。m the Associatlon, may c蹴amembe「°「°n・wh。 y.ge ・U.P wtta 〈cn亡inue to☆et the preselltatiOn dllrlnぱthe l・IT・under the preyifii。n・鎌蜘3...・f血 peried for whit・h he could have got it as a ㌫㌫b:㌶㌔:隠agこ罐「蹴 mernber. 〈 When cne fa∬i㎎under the preceding Ieavi㎎inland. paragraphhas becomeamember of another Regarding the aPPlicatiOn of the pro頃 mu亡ual aid assoCiation organiZed a㎜rdlng si。n・f Par・1. the pr・vis畑n。f Par,1di to the Cabmet Order, or ha3 fallen under Art.16叉2)app1:es eorrespondingiy句吐re lten1 4。f Par.1。f Art.7. He曲alt cease pre却t・晦・・…φ・・…h・恒・卿d to get the preSenta亡b“from亡hat day. the samG輿「ag「aph・and the prOY卿要 f’Section !1. Medical Care Expensee” 16・(ti)a⑭ A」t,15and of P毒k 20f Art.. sha皿read“Sectlon II, Medical Care EXpenses, OOrreSPbndiagly t白亡he’SUPPDrtees.’ Medical Care蹄enses fσr FamUy Members The PToviVo Df Par.20f Art.21 Sha” aod IavqVCts’A口ewances・” be deleted. ArtiCle l8, When a metnber hag got medical In par.20f At・t. 田, “regardi㎎ the仰 care for hn llhess or i可ury,.he shall be m Ψa亡eilhe§s or血jury of a m問hぴr or onew畑 ’ giv㎝medlcal Care expen記s. was a member, the sum of money equal to tve The amotぷof medical care expenseS of tenths (2∫工0) of 亡he expeoses required for a the preceding paragraph shall be the SUTn presentation fOr med三calcare,’shall be ddet砕 of mo聡y whicll CDvers the expenses reL Art:cle 27・(2). In case medical care prevertS qじired ior the IIIneSS・ Hgwever., the amount amember from serv通g for cerね畑.on must n◇t eXceed伍e品Oney which covers secuttve dayS, he shall have, f。r invalid 亡he expel]ses aCtua1[y reqUire〔1. al!owance, a sum。f m。mey equal to甑 ThO a㎜unt。f medical car¢expenSes tenths (6!10)ef the daiヱy ra亡e of hissalary given in a case of(he prOviSo。I Art.23 or pay, Star亡lng on the fourth由y f㎜ sha11, despite the proVision of the preoed|㎎ the day when he became unable te selre paragr叩h, be(excluding the med/cal Care and during the peried thereafter he b un of Item 5 and Iten160f Par、10f Art.21) able to serve. ±ffe・・m。f m…y・q・摯しtp・ig㌦nth・ The lnvalid’s aUowance tD be given (SIIO)・f凸e expenses actually rbqtiired member Sent to hαSP詫al shaU, in case he for伽medica!care. has mo 「sdpportees.’bep despite the奴ow Artic;e ユ9, Dele亡ed. 戚on of the preeeding paragraph, a sum nf (4flO)of脆 ArtiCle 20・ When one who is pro丙de(l for by money eqLial to fo田一ten亡hs a[inember(itereinafter to be CaUed a monthly Eal.ary or pay・ “supportee”)haS get mediCalcare f。r h蛤 Art忙le 27・(3). り Mness or injuryム the meinber shaU, as adi巷ease brougltt。n or inj口ry disease medical care e) pemses fOr a family mem・ whmb 口e 畑’ tlle1・eby. the田iod, dUrj㎎ bers. be given a sum of money eq4al的 validls al知wance is giveq month令counti旭from the day the pa鋼加 and 蜘∬be廊 conumenced. . must n。t ex㏄ωthe SUm of m。ney egual C。nc。rn±ng tube.cu匹。sis. th・i西・節 allowanoe shall, beyond thC pピ頑of伽 (y.r餌uired. P,。。edin9 P。.agraph;be contiロued during Amon9吐e‘supPortces’of tヒe pre‘.:ed・ tl、。辞・i・d。f th・m・m恥・p・臨t剛 1↓。。bl。 t。 se,.。,。。d雌il・th・tヱm・limit・f i㎎ paragr叩h are a menlbeピS spouse tincluding o臥e wh。 i3 ac亡ually thongh n。t one year and s拡months ← 2 t 1 . . .序1 .︿ .| . to five・tenths(5tlO)of the expe]ises ac亡UaL 川. for the medical care. However,亡he anlount 1‘1 five−tenth§.(5/10)of the expemses required C。ncerning one and the samt 4 ﹂ ’ ド マ Article 27.・(4): Thode who caricontinue to get oonsiderable damage to his property in a ﹁ー﹁ ー fboa、 fire. earthqUake Or CXtraOrdinary of N[ne「/s or initiry shall as long as they d.己a話er, he shaU ge亡as fiユoney of gympathy can ge亡 iら haye none Or part of t’he 血1− a sum of money not exceeding his tWO ∀alid’s allo’”ance. months>salaries or pays. InAr亡icle2S,“themon亡hlysumof h.IS Salary The amoun亡of mりneys of sympathyof er pay・”shall read[’one・slxth(1∫6)of the the p.1「㏄e〔llng paragraph is fixecl acoording t。the f。110wing instances; ーー a|lor p凱rtぐ)f their salary or pay in Case monthty sum of his salary or pay.’° (1) When nll or a grea亡er p:.lrt of a ’‘Section 4. Child..Birth Expetrges and Nur・ ln㎝ber73 house]iold ch’a亡telS’ have been tur加9 Allowance” s1口II read ‘’Section 4. . bロrnt or damaged uselegs, a sum of Child・Bhlth Expenses, the Spouse’s Child・Birth mo:ly net esceed>ng his two mりnths> Expenses nnd NurtUting AIIowance−” sa[ariOS or pays; In舶.3D,“三ncludlng one who is actually, (2) When P3rt of a 】nenlbOr.s hOU聡hold chattels have been burnt or damaged useleti⑨卜asu狐of meney not eXteeding thoa.:h no亡1改a∬y, mal’ried to hl1ポ’shall be deleted and”’for chiId『bTrth expenses in case of !ー﹁ his one month’s sala1.y Or pay. am㎝beピ’shaU read in Ca⑨e o《ameniber ’”Chapter イ. .CoMateral Facilities” shall for ch三[d−birth expensee”;“血case of his. read’‘Chapter 4 thllateTal EnterpriseO∵’ spouse Y助”shall read‘劔in case of hδSPOuse for his spvuser. chUd・birth eXpenses ¥ 150” In Art.⑫, t4 faCilities” 曲an read t‘enter_ ’ and 4‘¥ioO.. shall read“¥30〔.dt P「隅ぱ, In Art,34.1‘when levied, caUed out or In Art輪le 3t・(2), Par.1,’Fincbding one. who括actu二t{ly, though not legally. Mtlrried to drafted, or Jt shall快deleted. him ll shal[be deletei and 41¥ 10” shall read In A1・t.37,“ Tokyo Me亡ropolis, Ht.ikkaido tt Prefectural E!peilditure and PrefcCtttres”shall 盾R0.tt r ド ﹂ ﹁ [ . r ﹂ 』亡iDn 5. Money30f Con伽lence and BuriaI read“the Metropolis, Hokkaida anlPrefectur、 AUowances for Family Members es” G 〕n Par.10f the same A.rticle,‘千40 Sen’「 Artlcle 31・(3). When member dles, hls be・ shall read’t 2 ven,’;andin Par,20i the same Article,‘’Prcfectural Governors” shall read reaved fam:1y shall be presented with¥ 1.OOO as。ond。1ence mOney. ”Geverru}rs of the Me亡repolis. H◇kkaido and By“bereavedfamily”inthepreoeding Prefe.二tLtres.., SUPP1㎝entary Provisioms/ This Mユnisterial Ordlnance shall be印・ fOi.ced as from the day of its promulgation .paragrUpb is meant his sp。use. children, PRrents, grand.chtldien.9rand−parellts and brOthers and gisters who lived with 曲e and be applled from Septanber I,1947. How・ on恥in◎りme. Theo1・derformembers of the bereaved ever’the reviSed pr。viai。ns。f Art、5. Art.7, ∼ーー member at thetime◇f his death a几d mainly i Par.1, Ar亡.16(etcluding the passage c. noern、 fa血1y cf the precedizag paragraph to get i㎎the FrefeCtural Governors,and Art,36 the condolence money is that in which shall.be applied from April 1,1947;the re. they are mentioned in the preceding para『 Vised provisions of Ar亡.4. Art.16, Att.37 (excludin.之the passage oancerning the monev), Art.40 and Art.41 from May 3,1947;alld the graph but in ease there are tWo or more persons三n the same order、 they shan have re磁5ed prOvisZoas of Art.12, Art.13−(2), Art. it equally diVided among th㎝. 18 Cexeluding the i)assage COncern[n.守the me・ In case a m㎝廃r dies but there is no dical¢are of the o預cially, due to servite ill or one to ge亡the Cendolence money aCoording injUry), Arし21, Par.2. Art,27−(2)to Art.2] to the provTsion of Par.1, the person who _(4)incluSiye, Art.28. Art.30 aud Art.31− has given him funeral may have a sum of (2)to Art.31−(5)inclueive・fr。m April 1,194S. 「 mo康y 餌ual to one・saめnd て占) of Con− anhe salary er pay of Art.33 shalしfrom di)lenCC money. April 1,194S till tdrther n。tice, be the monthly ArtiCle 31−(4). When a me]nber’s‘suPP)「tee’ sum of the temporary salary a㏄ording t(, the dies, the member曲all be given Y 300 as proviSion of Art.4・of the Law No.1.20f 1948 加rial erlpemses for his famlly mwnber. minus 41.2 Peroent〔omitting the figuu』es bebw Sectわn 6. Moneys of Sympa亡hy the S’en), ふticle 31一⑤. When a member has suffeFed ←、.. R 一 F Apart of the Enfor㏄ment Regulat緬6蝕 t]lc’Welfare Min;s亡ry P6rs剛ells MutUal細 Miaist・y of Welfare Ordif色nee No.20 ∫urte 30レ ]94s AtSSQciation Rules sぬll be amended as follaWS; A P:rt of the Welfare Ministry Personnel’s Minister of We]fare Mutuar A;d AssoCiation Rules shal!be amended TAKEDA GIiChi 卵 iollou’s: Art忙1e I, Dcpzrtments and Bareau令beb㎎効g Mini翫er of Weliare 1〔the brancheg urider theprov泊On o$M, TAKEDA Giichi 40f the Welfa西M…n{stry Pers。耐’8 Mutual A:d Assひc桓tion Rules(he埠na食er, quarters iTl Min:.s亡ry of Welfare, and随ke referred tσ as the RL、le令)shall be Con. Vice.、Min:ster ui Welfare to the head of the Strueti te inean the following SCope: Headqunrters, and shall have brHnぐhes at B品nche令ef Mintstry。f We血re Pr◇per: ー2345678 Articie 3, Thlf Associa亡ion shall have its Head・ the fellewing plftces,and make the head of ロ ロ コ ロ the each offlce the h¢ad af the braneh; howeΨer. tlie head of the Branch in Min− istry of Welfare Proper shafl be the chief of Accounts Sectien, Minister’s Secretariat, Min’stry(of Welfare, and the head of the brnnch in R叩lt」『;ation Relief Board shall Preskient’s Omce, Repatriation Relief Bsard: Hyg|enic Laboratory National∫Uvenile Reformatory Insti亡ute of Public Health PopUla±ion Pr◇blem Research InstltUte Na亡⑯品I Health]nsurnlt℃e SanatOrium Natio照I Insti山te of Health National Nutrition ReSearch ImstltUte [ be the cht㎡ of General Affairs SeCtiOn, Mこnistry of Welfare. Proper Branches of Repatriation Rellef Board; 1,R.epa亡血ti。n Relief B⑩.d〔eXcePt De・ 2. Lρcal Repatriation Re[ief Bureau Demob.1屹atiOII Bureau of Repユfr桓t和n B]’anches ◇f Demob[lizattort Bureau of Re. Relicf Board patria±ien Relief Board/ 1. Dem.)bmzatio1、 Bu).erlu Proper (eNoept Bureau;Repxtriation Relief Board L/qiildation D/vision,2「、d Detnobllization Branch Office of Medilca】Affalrs Bureぴu Bureau) Quaran偵ne Station 2. Home DePOt Division 節 I如uidation Division,211d I}e]nQbiliza亡ion 1[ mob]1泌atiDn BureaU} Repnti.iatlon Relief恥ard ※ ”fiqist.ry of Welfare Proper 「 / 3. UjTna Agency of IIome Dep)t D.1ψ画on S”pplemcn亡ary P」・ovision: 4. Demob±1iZation I,ia.:son Bureau Thls Ministerial Ordinanee曲all be applied 5. Branch OMee of Demob.i]izatiOn.Lia㎞n on. ≠獅р≠?狽?秩@May 31,194S、 コ BureftU 、 Bran』hes of Liquidatねn Div函on,2nd D㎝曲山・ lNSTRUCTiONS zation I3Ureau, Repatriation Relief BDard: 1. Head O伍ce of Liq田datio且 Divhbぬ 2nd Dcmobitization BureaU 2. 玩cal D㎝bi1立ation Liquidation ぴ∀b Mintstrs of Welfare InstrllCtienコNo.8 sion June 30, 19舘 Branches ohhe BI・ench O伍£e of Med拓al A∫’ Bureau愈and S㏄tions of M:n:stry Proper fairs BaTeau: PopulatiOq Problem Research lnstitute 1.Branch O田ce. Medlcal Affaii’s BureaU Repatriatien Rellef Board Na‡ional Healヒh Insurancc Sanator血m Hア蛋ienic Laboratory .苛 2,NaV・nal Hespital 3. National Sanatorium (inlarantil/e S恒t:on Branches of Quarantine Sation; Natlona!JuveniOe Ref。rmat。ry 1. Q”arantine Station Natiepa11nsitute。f Health SUPPlementary ProviSien: lnStltute of Public Health National Nutri±ion Research lnstitqte The prcsent Inst.ructぬns shall be aPPlfOdan ’ and after May 31,1948. 一 .4 一 ’ 馳 .ぴ...卜7び i二 NOTIFICATlONS ; ttt ゴT for reComstroction and rea両Uるt罐nt et thdi pr℃・ duction ef Akita. President of CensttuctiOn Board 伽加d㎞B剛No硲籠tion No.踏7 田TOTSUM飢SU Sadayeshi June 30,194S The str㏄t a)nstrUction.enterpr誌e and iお buSinettS year fOr reconst加鋤n and readjust・ A伽mey,Gener魯1・s Oifice N。tificati頒.「. meロt of the produrtion as t鹿City Pla輌of ...} No・33 、.タ1 A旗ahave b民n approv砿by the Pr辻ne Mm. 、 捻捷r,ag m◎ntわn砿 掴OWこ June 30P凶8 . げ It. d。㎝m巳n恒and map。 kept at the Aki箆 Prefectural O市民. and at the Akita MuniCipal Acoording〈o靴』Regulatiens of血e Nat面n・ OMce are o庚nむ)the卯bljc. 「 (The dσcumentS and map3 a民not men・ perSDn haS renour鰺ed theJapanese NatiOma趾y: a駈ty Law,細.20..(2), Par.2, the f。1bwi㎎ .tioned here.) At切mey−General F SVZUKI Yos肋 President of Constructi6n Board HrTOTSVMATSU Sadayo由 SAKANASHI Seiji May 24,1923 Permanent Domic口e:No,623. Kitasakana由i, CDnstruction Bgard Notification NO.258 FurushirO・mura, A跡 June 3e. ig4s gtin, Kumameto・k㎝ DomiCite:No.⑳II,S. Lasalle Ave山)s A㎎臨 In aα沿r血順 with the lrreVisiOn of ぷticle .30f the Enforc㎝㎝t Re刺a亡ions of the City Ma凪ning Lav7, Akita Ptefdmral Govern〈rS允all be deSiignated by the Prime Mi踵ster, aS an callf., U.S.A. ReSidenoe; No、165. Eifu㎞.cho. S噂namユ・k馬 Tokyo .en[amlt。r of the c. nStr晒ion anterprlse.。f Street r 卜 輌try of F迦n℃e Notifica伽n No.199. ’ 」頭e30,19狙 The und・・trlentl。n・d pe・s。㎎we・e・・dered t。 restitute th・under。、enti。ned p,。pe,ty t・E.M. C・・㏄(N・・25・H・mm・k・晒血・㎏・。k・, N・k・・k・. Y・k。hq。、a)by」。ly 9,1948 i。。、c。,d。。㏄ 恒th A・ti・1・2, Parag・・ph 1・f the lmpe・ial q・dl櫛ce。。n。e,ni。9 th。 R舗tuヒi。n。±・Allied N・tiOn.’・P・。Pa・ty卯㎜頑・th・bnp・・i・10,㊤順。。㎜,。i。g im O.δ。,, t。 b。 i、、ued i。 ∈°nseqUence◇佃・A㎜回ancう。f the P。tsdam・Declarati。nσm麺。10.din。n。e N。.294・。i・1946): Min恒ter of Finanoe . ユ KITAMURA Tロkutaro Shin−iChi Y・mm吻(N。. re4、・2・cbOm・, Shin・m・・hi, Set・g・y・・kU,・T。ky。)・ &)rt Q岨ntity ・ Site B・ildi・g(N。・30) 1B輌㎎36.48抽b・ N・.25, H・im・ku Mide,ig。。k烏. Naka・ku, Yokohama 2 Kikue Fukabori(No,25, Hommoku Mkledgaeka, Naka『ku, YokOhama) . . オ L Ser± QUantity Site F・i「nit・・e エ3 P』 N。,25, H。㎜。ft。, Mid。d9。。ka: Na㎞・㎞, Yokohama 一 5 一 、 む層k 冨 付 勺 ☆ 付 窃 , 、ミi9 状雪口鱈田﹄ ∋﹀£6 束㊨.菖ロ部田き のきρ句 8ぱ鵠 唱轟 口呈“ L⑬お躍 弓付島 誘吋 8 8Z . でΦ唇唾叔 魎宝§ミ昆O Φo官 ︵垣のコO臥喝目βOO︶ §陪 d亙£ρ 、﹀暑吋江 竃 拐﹃ ↑ぷ 舗 、 .£ ^淀べ幌㌔記 Oo董一β 皇k ︹§ぺO柄︶ Φ。エ .皇8勺3苫。脅O ㏄付⊇ら巷Φぶ ﹄Obー冑﹄ ︵§叱 讐︶ w☆蜀ま. 、逗再O き㎡﹂>ooO[Sロ⋮㊤ ーヨm.SO 轟デ乱︰鱈詫罷,諸專 自句・ でqN 拐H V .85。ヵ.雪ロ﹄ぢ蕃円 §c“上旦白唱口司 田寸 ⑲きミ艮︽り 召8bc8一ロ薯]諺山 .名 式旨Φs鴉ぷめ再旨田﹄ go昔 巳め 恥§§8∀ sミミ9§8⑰ べふ寸︼目儒昌]﹄ ΦレOρ吋 osミoミ§ o巨又一付 言図 ヌ頃.出q惑WりW Φ﹀ヱ“ 埼看付島8叶 自﹄U﹄ .O勺 Rのトむ>8付 3 一 〇 口 ︹ 村 O 口 ひ口︹㎡勧鵠q目画梱﹄ . .8 ま宙⑬SCば WO§§Oロロ自一き 百主巨、名﹂目③ρ、勺口付の 式OΦ豊3碍 ま◎。.曽琵田目日 3効﹂8 0笥ヨ8 ﹂ 8 ﹂ 坦 8 ∨ミミ自ミ嶋マO ⑲SミOミ 嶋⑰N e2烏 獣∨﹁ 胃且W のo.3 翼8付 式口.∀叶 口付=]﹄ .㊥§一昌o諸>U昆 領o自完踊匂§8]﹂ 廿 O で ぷ O 口 ﹁ ] O 冒 Φ 笥 ΦU吋b一50垣● 09]図のZ 8連M且9召付る七3< 巴Φロ言苫8栖苫≧ O昔㊨ロO COO8☆仰q一 ﹃O ∀﹂暑口憶●の 菖 ,H 竈℃要O ヱ戚﹂Φ駕日曽漠昌向 匂90占 勺臼記 >O︵]=口﹄ 甘苫ヨむき ] 5 目 砂 ロ 唱 、 e]巨£勺5§§宴薯W。嘉眉£ 暑﹂§ぷ⇔■,﹂一〇画﹀噂口■ 田㊥閃柘O ] C O 日 主 婁 = O ﹂ × 0 8 塁 . 9日⑱¥塁O<Z @ . . 団 ”駕。[[。㌃煽§冨s主=§ と 菖 .O口o具 烏H.2き零鯉碧。Zむ昔岩£冨。sる。唱オSoF否ヨ呂 一6一 一ン } 麹§dH己O屠“已Φ§﹂OW自国§面口弓トO口 、9菖口︼もΩ鳶Φ[☆栢⇔のΦ垣] 咽O 婦一 〇口眉々 WO 冒 .﹂吋良 口﹁ 思Φ匂嘱か£口θ付口2董05]O℃﹂§頴朋O芦[ . . .﹄O画一〇ヰ﹂時で己付協Φ已W×唱S時日り鵡、砺匂﹄﹂O功隻NO拐おρO頃Oで ㊨。Qパ蟹昌£。昌、苔[の穎日冨渥sロ吻言晶昆栃苫こ五・9﹄8・a日二呼の日8マ8田O勺。£ヱニこ遥Oの田2主>88呉.ト . ,⑬O罎O廿OO隣 .巴田O勺OO﹄Φ兵]糾O頴⑪一ぶOO﹄“且 栖︹80写Φ﹂晶対OンOL●☆付心兵H[付画ω闘已〆ぷO句α LO]¶コΦ﹄ 3の︹付唱O]惑Σ .O .8培〇 七〇〇錫 Φ月] む兵↑WO旧O甲ヱOO垣曾︵工花で唱8可 0£同一尉ρ∂︹︿O調]、②一阜耐口[畠☆皆 ]O口 3 P碧[招兵び自︹O⑪巴眉8烏▽口ぴロ一ぷO祠αΦ=] LO柵已ヒo︹OS丸の烏OねqΦ兵↓9蓉q︹ .m ,Φ已L OΦ︻一〇咽[Oムロゴ﹂O> 四L憶 詠Φ恒oo付畑口]出O憶OLO柵℃ωOコ のOか郁ε口S㎡O >’耐﹂μのO円図口︹uつ ︵ふ︶. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @・8cのsる嵩君ご“﹁号巳ゴ︾三亙合w。 @ .8コOO﹂匹口唱・已憶︽ワO己付日ヱCづ禺O国︺O$郁O.O[式へで已戚 ⑬O=勺2ム コぷO已O↑ で白付 O勺]団ぷ﹀[Oは]08目O田︹拐褐胡旧帽パロ一喝Φ唱⋮8めΦ匂㎡﹂ひ謂⇔憶⑤ ]C⑤加再]PΦOLω烏りぷW O一勺O勺で噂臼ρ [[吋兵ω ⇒軌N、]己Oゲ[8LΦΨ已≧ Φ勺L句㏄Φわ¢< ︹N︶ @言付二芭ゴきも・d吾唱已帽Φ芸日。q届三塙﹁°、弓≡コ.“楡冨三。3雪ロニの三三二;ω宅苔Φ▽巴厩壱ゴ8:目w£登裟3w 亭gの苫句ヨ[℃コ曽出烏⑰8名£o器oる甘$5自︹⇔ミミ。ミペ習ば胆。ヨの弓コき壱↑召付o思d蛍o出層苫s刀。邑.8⋮﹂の弓后冒冠 . ,30三拐壱 日を声匂ΦWOづ勺Φ03 [閂鰐謁oワ⇔ミミOS自匂O口吋 、ΦO宅 のコOC冨已[切勺q“ ^^ヨO己Ow“唱C口︹烏コ]OΦ.勺付O自一恥さSむミ OH .O畠﹂.⑲コOO酉づ一切∪勺力司α]0 88ロ=望の三]ロ︹冨唱宕似合3巴図壱8ち⇔葛田ら富]∈o山VG宅。唱岩[H句壱。sミ。ミ噂、oS80せ芸巴Φ≧Φ己匿]可﹂eΦ“二︶ ﹁ . .る=亘の∪泊3 勺③芭ΦΦ力紹 胡超 ΦOC 冨主θ呼[OO口已 .N ,①OOづO﹂☆口川−白㎡㊤召田るぷ]白ぷO出]OΦのパ]窪﹁勺の噂唱dU﹄ ぺ目O自帽しOコでO長ロゴぷO謂OPでピ村 倉毎旨包H豆渥の兵昌硯。詩工苫吋署ヨ君着句協罵Φおご苫]。9付昔ヱ三ら.。苫島.↑。。壱3二。3弓昔ぎ哀3・a心でδ︵N︶ . な雇牛 、㌣ . 昌昆老出W。嵩5c二蓮呈w属篭旧る口;冨島壱謬]。島自竈e呂Φ已3悟邑冨遷=5助叉︽。.吋、さ。芸・ごgg昌弓駕國塁ε i Eー⋮x 誓⋮苫ー.藁﹁・三 葛§⋮§一[°殼 口お烏白閏 ー ’ WO]Φ一ぶO Φ口]㌔C ロΦ]付CWぷ∋OΦρ コば云の のL吋H白Oる﹂門ロ ﹂[ω已パ∀ロ醐勺霧ゴ3 PP吋⇔]胃=ザヱ目旧上Φ恒臣PC 、]ω二〇.⋮垣]巳一ヱe一LO⇔閃∈反C⋮ヱO鰐阜0兵]∨O .∀ . .8著。包匡〒竃吟勺薯星完旦6>。Φ駕。項“︹。.O唱吋、巴3。包ヱ£C℃5 OO口 唱Φ﹄の]﹁O吟ヨ .芯 0で︹目ぷぷO出咽08句O口旧]忽]必喧︹ロ⋮勺Φ口唱8真o⇒O勺㎡L凱﹁るズO 当CO畑部山ロOOトΦ⇔①鵡]O×OO⇔⑰付 ΦρH析付4ω 一ト◎.旨 へ]白Φ﹀冒8﹄O]司≧壌C﹁勺﹂付切Φば ︹H︶ @ .ΦO田O唱OO兵ω垣パUO甲O唱調Oむ垣輌江口 刀ω>Oぶ☆畠“ ]ロコO芭“Φ頃] ’︹田唱≧Σ一口Oばロ﹁ぷO吋江ぶOVWOのづの兵﹀昭已の朝鱈O ら付﹂Ψ口Φ﹁㎝口旧の ︵∀︶ @ $付§︹亘=旧吉窟8巴装く・田島●巷霧w。。図5cωe8Φ占已。詣習8Seの三[昆的噛S.さΦ已8唱巴]。8g豊㌃甘吋培.Ψc。︿︹門︶ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 一7一 、 聯 @⋮鳥曇垣霞題 昌﹄善ー。鷲㎞邑 .ぴ二∀ロΦ。。h。 @ @・ ノ ’ . 束苫 、 状苫 ^ eN O話 O苫 田二 唱お .oW 6勺 .名 .8 d ﹂ .剖ぷ竺お ●$ぷ夢 9の訂彦 勺心己“Z S[﹂ぷ お旬鵡芦 S唱且 o慧擦 oめ.ト.匂廿Φぷ酪白皇司﹄P ︵§ぺO↓︶ ㌔Φ[8 ● .葺8 富髭ー。︶ ︹§竜田︶ ,葺8 ︹§卍害︶ ,皇8 .達ぷ崎.寵 ﹂O ]竜旧ざ 琵閣 、脇付卓ら吋﹂拐O田コ£ ︹§電自︶ .Φo︹付Oき紺﹂拐藁の .Mぷ等 . bOて田円 主旨四唱ロ憾﹀碍ξ ,“ ●己O冒QOLΦ↑弼芦 ミ助Φ口O.取で一西剖一9菖パぷ 占 d︹田司呂㌔C一慧唐 状口偏㎡ぷ甘昭3 Qミボ§§⇔R●>3< .冨目 口Φ口嵩^^、5始品日ぷ““ 喝ロco.畠付月§函﹄O§ぷ ︵§党茸︶ ‘ ー .酪U吋×凶 8司 9 葛Z 込Φ司﹄ 8肪98d島苫弓o恒きあ まコ 賢 史冒 § 8㏄ 8印ー 08 旧湾 宿σう Q禺 e婁呂く . O唱側﹂08日θ﹁£WUZ .、 課苫 ︵ 式菖 、 ま呂 式嶋.雪 まH,自 式嶋.筥 “1。.N一 求薯 課○鴇 訳△う門 “的.◎う目 式旨 、 ぷり,°さH 、 92 〔 蒋 主﹂3 ΦWパ恒国苫唱O画WO一るZ . 式Oめ ま忠 、 式協心﹀呂く式め.曽§田砺器自き芯§ミ⇔鵠⑤>8< d日パ匂甲OW已Φ巨冨コ﹁∀< ヌ8gε< ≡ } 唱 §付ら名弼島]留07ばΦ6民の 冨匂コ一〇巳一]O口髭吋田CO冨 匂頴付曳.勺﹂㎡Φ卓、冶付垣O 、 眉 “ 栢 の あ栢舅勺ロロ付︵て日ぷ詰口]O×O .Q唱 F .3 0笥巴一閃﹂悦廿Φ.ア ‖ 一 唱 ﹂ O くつξつ6つm RR雷8 「 一8一 ﹂ 6唱 .8 ’ δ▽ .Q匂 .竜 .8 .O唱 ,Oで .名 、 勺0唱口一〇口︹込情6L付8 ー ]毒§ロ唱畠 . コ 氏o。噂﹄㎡3、冶舗 = O 、 唱 q 雨 O lψ﹄苫⇔O]O讐⋮島 ●A、、 」 、 〉 4亀 、べ、h s、 、 hh、 宗鵠R8 、 、A 〉込 、 w. i 8湧R8 *墨geLぷ 、 課凍M“黒 唱﹂弓C㎡秘魯苫Wて偶パ碧問δ 、 1 ,S㊨倒﹂句ρ蚕㎡ロO傷.﹂嵩☆パ狂0窟栢研Φ=Wロ一]鴇ΦWΦρ]罵恒り吋O唱B、㊤[d一L㊨ゲ面日Oロ漠O付αψo餌霧コ.8口惑O﹄き句﹂窃り一§口Φ帽芦 ︵や︶ 、. 一 .。.良﹂逼Wロヨ§o国勺ロ何づぷ9勺↑.o豆㎡出ぷo類已︻§ロ勺o﹂鳳・,﹁お3s皇ら拐乙きW項罵唱蓼 .蓄[§ρ鴇﹂8巨§§霧Φ壱ξ日一吋唱8蠕湯習葺88×苫翼ら︵O︶ @ . . . ,§望田 口︹ 匂8口唱 . 田栢包智的習司召㌻宮3“。き図㎡雀む吉∀壱$§占電葺33ヨ六。・き§ミu。.。せ8こ三鶯§・日習菅司器召︵巴 ︵ 心︹おρ廿甕 匂●勺ロ付拐 勺k§§ 拐西§日﹄畠 智雨唱日冨 課鴇 、 状鵠 へ 課旨 ︵ 式雪 ﹀ 課吟目 へ .名 ,3 .o∀ ,唱 .o▽ 苫 ユ O口Oω︵㌔Φ一ぺ弼﹄ 菖﹂ ・T 一 、 ( 3飼島 匂碍 口“田 ﹄歯 Oヌ島臼θ︹ 8§Z 名司島拐︹器o日冴 心勺ば陪閥.材︹ 8暮Z ﹄ぷ詩£1占 ・ 唱﹄§50 名自畑O焉 口﹄●﹂金担田 ノ .日縛瓠.|< 習付老目.ロ臼目め縞 ●窟O“O 苫ぷるB の兵● 董a嗣03句 O《 ぎ巴切B向器Φe凋 Φ唱巴㎏胃 ﹄ ﹂ o お 遣 名噂畠員£.§Z ●一笥ρ Φヨ邑拐a菖㌔o 輌﹄Φ>3吋 日 習⋮躍沼 .︹O臼 WO8b§3状 “雪 .. , . .竜 .8 . 、ε 、●己8 ︵§竜句田.°ーH︶ ,逗昌8 ︵§ミ§..う持︶ ● 一 ]$兵ら 一 9 唱員烏 ]h烏 治一﹂苫 ■曽 治一ヨ ﹂ .逗ぷ8 ︵淀Oぷ 口.つくつ..つH︶ 諺菅付口8国 ﹄o一︼謡 ,︻ . ,‖器Φ田亘︹目?e8唱碧駕o﹂ヨ匿 ﹄ΦαO昆§頃O治口耳勺る付θ一毎O︾ぶ0ぷ■OWOo弓☆司﹂㌔︵口信3口勺目唱⇔q口喝ロ念q匂口秘習‖OC句褒唱署“O旬垣=国督包曙﹁≧8﹂O唱S︹﹂瓜ρコ ° . 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W÷ −、. . .Φ勺彦苫8芸ロ呈w田[客句苦已鳶Φ日ロ付壱﹄ω三百傷Φ冨§㎡冨3。☆バ§皆。︹冨署くε ぷ●︹ロ還⋮B ︵§聖自︶ .∀ぷ印 ?㏍ウ︶ .翌m.闘 ﹂O L12一 ︷.朋ー − . . . . . − 、ー .凛“Hロ醇る馨︹3ロ﹄・。﹄一〇§苫司§尉ゴ岳旦せ§匂oao8再8ロ当u臼g﹂唱習麩雲﹂﹄3・胴。岩曾口e8笥≧W。8巴3↑ . ,まOヰ C㌻已⇔ 90ぷ 遷 [一ぱ=φ Φぷ一一 〇ぷ● 召㎡ ﹂5£ .㊦巨任●一坊 ・O ]づぷ● 習埠 . .口8可さ[§ ー 田Wら き惑●D瓜 O鋪 3a■O〆題☆還 3 一司舗ぷの ‖烏 習電﹂パばe 塁●⋮ぶ ●已村 WO ㊤ 冨舗 寸 胡§ダ目 .. ノ 、 ≧o唱2巴a3垣彦,c。 8栢]8 8主ら喝Φ℃唱 勺口部 C§﹂匹 ,ト .﹄O菖 2酎 ×O>O田O O眉] 且 冨召 雀 =焔.垣oO§垣] 習 勺﹂§潟■oo O自 .c8五a3迫鯵胴o§溺唱曳﹂匂只o萎遅山需き句のき・.豊付§已︾o。⑱琶田︹.召8Φ繧 85a田田≧Woa冶材冨︸七召冑菖$ぶの.O . . ,墾お58田當享申。り∀弓廿壱匂甘器。壼助閃繋る切鵬・ε句誓S這ロ8おぷδカN︶ . 3田a£るらW9巴⋮おω習ぷ冨官q .吟 258毎ら・り∨o。り臼おの冨コ3冒ば亘﹂︹︻,寸 き500墓≧●﹃甲OOα唱]の冨∈付0■O唱口付.る葛o.司口O]↑冒8差邸oo田● 胴Oの﹂付ΣO喜. .§↑㎡一〇巳 μ$らθ声O﹄一c.V]弓θ閃田パOΦ﹂吋む田、θ口O鴇唱8烏当↑08§0﹂窟﹁ ︵N︶ 自50q↓之OOO一﹂ρoうV呵L∩ ,.⑲ . .Φ可唱ら XQOら]苫付菖Wミ80C目已]8一3 自縛垣OΦ唱鱒輪図阿8Φ声O☆℃⇔o,︿ ︵H︶ ・ .8田◎召O缶⑬兵⇔]O︺φ一‘OΦぶ↑あ台菖3一[暑口碧5唱9付︹OWOて口習付Woo . ,ssミ§頃ロ弼田窪o日珍日58付唱o芸砧⋮鍵 . ψ358 8田● ら畠 ..ひ 3苫・3時託喝為勺‘勺8冨﹁。苫冨琴弓。旨已2§畑皇§﹂口肩ロ.可壽日㎡望癌ロ柏.§溜己8ε58。嵩らる屠 ゜ ££田a麗垣ら芦付屠︵N︶ 3↑,さ冨85む︸§蕩‖.勺目栢璽苫g甲。覧自岩ヨ旦、目き毒兵ご。e8邑e葺.§﹂図]⑳再Φ謂よ。Φ詩治貞 .8︹亘㌔何﹀一口Φふ遣弓甲Oカ9器O口 ●勺づ]呂旧で口爵図口︹●8LO>Φ一ぬd岩コ仰、已芦O≒Φ峰一㊧O込乞Φ☆OL☆Φ>d兵白Φ勺耐H切署N召吋潟叶鋼O.Φ﹂句︵Φ=﹄べ ,wミe§ミR叶ε8εo詣窃Φ日巴85a>o岩竪Φらむ兵白 8巡O向 憾⑤講 .円 . 、 呂95a.]8き。うま星︵︹︶ 3付艶 輌の再丁ー 已§窃£栢一8呈鯵 ヱ網芭富 一 壱︼5ψ 一一§噂口吋 雪8 =$窟8 自習写鯖犀s8εロ督毒国課四ヨ一芦 O冨5.己CΦ﹂Φ碧廿 で口付 ︼コ£8 .( 9田8§霧翼03田鵠∀焉.駕‖ーワ 垣き8 拐︹ 9 BZ ,号 ↑口 .口o吋 Oε村むー 調2£ω 35&爺●切Woψ■描 旦 、 、 . コ ﹂. .’.・ 曲...T. ﹁名 芸§H員 蕊のH 馳﹂ ・ 馳 . ⇒ − ... 一 °巴 冒3 ]ψH、 碧三 でロN 芸8口88甘≧ 剤目O 噂﹂㎡寝句一吻 勺q吋 0匂吋占 δ唱 . 6で .O唱 .3 .O匂 . . .. ‘.. 一 .一 ︵§母O︹︶.望8 ︵父eべ口Φ.自︶ .皇O∀ ﹂ 畏国 捕O の岱8≧o⇔ 司毘ロ8ムO ︵§哩N村︶ .ぷぷ め∀ヂ飼心詞● ΨΦ§国 ︵§∈O﹁︶ .V工8 ︵菜e哩OH︶ .望OΨ ロ§Φ卓可侭oぶ泊 ︹§母田.︶.溜8§3治毛記 ︵§金巴.望8日苫芸。㊨罵超の .O▽ ︵§ぺOパ︶.望8 ロ栢Φ冶■閏 δO ,O匂 ︹怠O喧 ●﹁︺ .逗M︻8 .畠時迫ら恒島のU[e‘房︵§ぺOH︶ ,蟄8 ㊨眉増為﹀ OH何震80口8震吋=§ ,畔 鵠付る3晋菖O謡 釦画ぽら 繧﹄ムo吟 .o冠 、路塁彦恒お埠巽ρ8∀ ,葺鴎.鵠岩 L。己皇二㌔田冒自= ︵§哩田︶ φ舗ρ臼巨皇 建建旦彗 ≡ ・ミ . ま.苦. ま巴 蕊口 昌 .獣鵠 ま自 ぺり叶 mH OO同 ☆雪 ぺ‘っ﹁ 蕊O目 “雲 』 一 . ﹂ ﹁ .o石 .Oロ δ唱. .oで .O唱 .O勺 己O −O勺 δ唱 ,名 .o匂 t筥 .O匂 ぷ恰 .暑 .O匂 ぷ恰 尽.湾 .OO .o廿 .O可 . ● 、 賃 . ﹂ 、 き ] 、 ヨ ] . . 笥 .﹂ . . . . . . . 〉 蓼罵﹂oヵ田自8Z 誤.薯已﹄ッ田3 づ呈霞菖Φお9目塁萎ぞL怠ぢ層冨唱50冨.蕊 コ “. 、 へ か 、 込 、 』 題 一’一 一 ⊇} H 1 ぷ㎡雪 鯵O一3ぷ8回OロOロ㎡O日LO≧喝目e巳ω蓉﹂UO巴コぶX日甲OO骨 図c . 惑]﹄ 、 ド. 、丁. ゥ .「.°’ 告一t−:tT.’ . . 、.」 L.一 ⇔ 一 13 一 1 菖恥㍉.恥“が恥・パ濡苫駕パi ㌔へh≒べh≒〉壺へ ti⇒』∼an°賢、 za>へ〉 “ o勺 婿匂b‘ 6腎’吋q勺ロ埠諺掴習㌔句b﹂遷ぶw8旨=.ゴ8☆拾︹肩田oΦ己e付兵口訂㌶ωS.ぶ b 占=巨電るるOφ。扉Φe日の ベト工 ぷ帽心碧 冨援 ,H ”望﹄§匡 − l l ︵§W窪︺.望8g写日竜必弓A i§ぺq巳.塁ε拓Φ宗山鰭計酷 @逮口脚昆聾誓ポ∴ [ .旦8 冨昔コ国 ︹民噂べ⑳﹃︶ ↑白C吋Φ口 込 ︵§尾呂︶,呈拾運]芭苫恒言烏 i§ぶΦ旦,葺晶 wω≡騨闘恥紘 @ @ ヵ・ヨ法∀叶8料巨Z ま巴 “㊤[﹁⋮買OU百͡︹O☆o﹁付Φ已調 Wト 寸目 名d島拐叶8☆oZ ぷ巽 即O付﹂図 ゲロ O↑ ゲ×OZ 鳴ぺ め︻ . ば0︼=巨勺のβ⑳=O烏冊付白已旬oり ﹀い∀㎡ OO筍細切 ρoo一 〇] 鋼×白Z ぺ ⑰叶 の﹁.泣云ば ]φH O] ]メψZ X ト叶 で2瑳芯ぎ二∀旨働信茸誘ω﹁80 心.笥 .呂 ぷ呂 3噂邑w口e冒QZ 隷曽 .唱診石]昌の゜召巴言紘匿輯o㌔、箋6.勺爵看ぢロo鳥 ,Oで. ぺふ ↑再 .8 ぷ巴 .oマ び可旨 ,唱 ふ雲 .弓 ぷ寸﹁ .名 器6叶 .o勺 へ 昌 .3 ボ許 @ @ @︹涙き吋ご・皇亘ぽ 田一一嘱嵩 ︵§㎏日︶,日黒Lo ﹂O ︵ミO避◇o︶.賦己Oめ 届ヨe・O@Oい& ︵災OぼO日︺,袖ぷめ.ト㎝ ︵某O叱可ザW.b←当め.O旧 ]右一[菖ロ憶禺憶貞 ︵§ぺ寸H︶、じ超ぬ.N口 εコ山恒﹄6の ︹§典田︶,長8 匙駕湾 @ @ @ ・ . .O口 獣 W︹ .e ぷ⑰門 兇a匂&吋芭暑U出肩.田駕毘匂ロるe苦おS∋.O黛o.言珪岩P 轟菖 、亀hhh『“〉べk4 zaミ、べ亀亀、』 一_ノt...、㌔..一.1.一一’t−..tt−.「.一・バー..一.一’一 ..−N−.’一、・.」}兵 ゲ ,る . 怠ぺ句 ㊤﹂培亘回助 ΦCOL&8﹄●ooN円 O一,自℃昌自拐w[Oロ﹂ .o▽ .oで ヂロ O↑ ]緒ΦZ ぷ理一〇〇〇白怒 ﹂50[O⇔ ﹂芸§αb。ロ写付出 勺パ凛 ぺ.。︼ 輪 勺o忌 ︵ 勺飼工 ∀o& 訳ぼ 、 ☆︶ べ ⑰烏N/ ひ惑ρ 器息[Lo ぱOs忌叫 ℃巳N一 留口・巴Φ巳= 、鯉ρα﹄ ︹叉OぺO︶ ,祝.ぷの.㎝㏄ ︹§ぺ也.量め.斜審﹄ 葛U≧の ▽8頃Φ鰭 ぢ壱長5∩ 声O [’O﹂パWの ぶの叩≧αり 85a CのC詳上OLΦO冑☆解呵唱O 忠s︵§⊇辞︶,葺印 ・己嘱ば︹口OO︰︵§心ON︶.ぷぷ eg弓LO ぎO§垣o析冨肩5eO .愉付ρおOg .§父自︶.督 嶋﹀.O︸∀ 畑付調 ≧閃﹂ソ ロ旧 でO 蝸的.O㎏ ねO ︵崇O哩m目︶,畑ぷ レoハ§ぺ自︶,望℃ ε培OO 白5ロ。Oζ遥寓︶.良忠 毛お拐 ﹂︵口の但巨付活; 垣壇ωら ηロ一呂 芯oB.⇒≧何ば TロeΦ国 ぱCΩ6ぷ已零已蒜岩oO LO [翼詰笥冨 出轟田。畠3g拐]。巷三ぷ︰芝δ .u⊃ O 合一昔£ ■qΦ餐OO﹄Oり閃e 紛の喝呵﹂ ““め∨ q5↑馨山 @rv 、 上 ぷ[窃胃付☆吋h︰ω 白 ﹂ 図 ω O דう,目 駕︹[琶巴曽亨田 量[鼠U冨昌O一8 巳㎡兵] Lの≧〇一 mΦW畠 .拐﹁e⇔×oZ詩己≧ω冒8 已思嶋ザ﹂O≧O[ mΦ]鱈己 ぷめ,O 鳴いひ,O 毒調ぶ﹂の●Oパる︸垣“ 苫g審日日甘Φ岩図.①碍議協Hoc誘Z 詔U[菖 ﹂Φ兵一〇 唱已冑 鴨㍍.O §茗治きo͡診旧去 諺︹●切コお毫o∀壽=田8唱口吋目雲8 ︾ 賭 D昌己a賦眉編出 言田O 昂 煮 巨 o Φ 量 ウ白の 垣e付あ 勺﹂3口付一〇コ U口司Φで付占 k o 望 傷甲[8苫吋.ね2HoO ] 6 ロ お 込 .8庄O葛畠苫三二⑬苫O。吉言勺Φ昌3肩昂ミ妨●q3。芸菅ら㊨自,N .勺還εの理苗℃e>﹂Φ垣ぢ ut5一 di @一 》, 、 、 込 H一 μの二 し 込 . 口嵩き の↑蒔U﹂ΦOO]冨冨8丙 Φ﹄ ︼一付ぷ︽ゴ 皇﹂ ﹄O> 遣シ■ξ Φ口“>06 勺目何 寸 §]︼ ,◇勺 魯紛口O=㎡O唱︹客G 亡付田8口 [[ 力刷O べ」 “自 ︵ 墨NN ∨ ぺ湾 ぺO へ. 式● 、 ぷト︹ .、 へ .甥H へ § −一.__一一一一.一 一一t ,o噌 .o∀ 口絃民拐s躍 8ぷき昇O B5呂 Lコ£兵 Wo壱目窃 8烏ら ε58 冨c唱Φ国 甘已ε理の の一巳● o駕銅a §LO WO垣8樽∋φ 350烏3筥, ︵嵩e※ Oパ︶ ,壌ぷ 口.トO ︵§ミ碧︶.塁專 、 ︵§ぺ N一︶ ,凶山 嶋∀ ︵ミ這 O﹁︶.壌胡 略.お 芯③5 350口 剖ぷぬき句おψ 口⋮喝O口掃山口OO :5φ爵目吋出ご 口︹ §呵W 二§女5︶.塁いへ,鵠 .目口“︵§☆ON︶,Sぷ堅 甘垣oき⑳ .︵§鵡〇一︶ .望め.誌.壌且﹂且註 .図著爵、鵠曽ρOe苫肩 ロ一冨窪︹付↑頃δ︹︹§☆呂︶ WO O口匂咽O臼㌔ 冷⑬含物 の日Wの 田肩gcδ”︹§さ︶,呈 ー§d岡““口︹苫属駕さδ 8腕呈き誕︹。。ざsヨ 自5△☆ .畑﹄eg坊 Eζ§言︹§甲ξG 名巳O 、^口びo付日ω筈11 壌苫口日菖 二諾日閃岡︾\ ︵§ぎ5︶.葺.忠.8 オ兵⇔芭田Lo ︵︵づO§“緒び 慧ρOξ鵡s tl. a:m§菖t菖2tl 8 ..ー1 ー 網a叶 O椙 ドCZ 喝ooひ $ ロ o 瓜 唱 己 祠 ﹂ コ o [ 8 毒 L 縛 は § S . 口 ͡ か “ 寓 琵ρ 唱付O 勺8◎︵ 零H の吋 ‖ 8 、 名 H 留 8 貰 砂 宕 [一の=Oq勺巳超L口β8 輪呂.8胃 ︵竃旨o菖 .OO 可q句Φ判ヨ穿Φ﹂O皇 §鯵巴dロ冒呂o 膓二︼ぴ層s= 蕊 ︽ っ . ﹁ 唱8醐 , s 哉 〉 . 胃禄垣W ﹄O●O[.“Φ︹“ば ]砂旨 3 一舛UZ 渥]a噂目ヨ〇一8 ボ 吟 . O . 上 屈 H き O 口 習 ⋮ ﹀ 翌 ☆吋工蘂 ﹂Φ≧3 ︰の↑d屠’ 苫d Φ嵩月ら O昌臼 唱パρ ∀8図 唱付ρ ∀8執 勺パρ 習品 一16一 獣 . 企 . O 壱⋮一△画唱問付ヨO︻OU 日日勧らo︹州Φ協ば 拐目♀弦Φ呂 ぷcっ.O§冒8置吋ぷ 壽田B茎δ舗国.署吋8田≧Φ8向 議 O . N 尽.自﹂昌§臼皆桿雲 5=8習寵§︹8 ‘躍] B鯵O一 ⋮.OW髭 W㎝峠 OW乙田Z . ヨ声§烏 壌ロ一﹀噂需 ヱ聲呂τ冨目ぷ8 苫£☆ΦZ 口醐﹄] 8ら£ ︰ ①↑塁 匂口付 ⑤ヂ刀≧ ⑬kコ輪 ×O卜冨田ΦsΣ .o唱 8甘か、誤口目躍り巴自 ゜ .3 m式賂NぶΦW目8兵O﹄付が吟 〃 “.。トs↑g t。 ■ 〉 、o 獣ま 爵烏 ,︹・∀ .o∀ .3 6﹁ .8 ㌔口己9﹄芦 ︵悶︶ .O勺 @. δ匂 .8 ︹§さ震、.[目︶ 入冷め︶.葺斜 :⋮ぷ工8““ .遵∀∀﹂O︵§ぺ ひ ,oZ ●是’ぱト、口︶ ︵︵痢渋﹂3、− .塁享﹂只§ミ “、oZ ︵§ミ声叉.コ︶ §切︶,葺枯 目 .oZ 卜器.な3︶,望斜 ・“薯旨OO. 量薯8︵§奄 謬﹄ △﹄s︹§奄9ト.コ︶ ⇔葛●≧ 、O呈﹂践付臼卜裾.的︶.身舘 .ぢ題臼出 ﹂o呂 98時哀お田●糾9窟吋]OΦ∀§§昭 田O■付杉0巳8一垣き申Oぷ§協菖唱Φ︼.ψO↑ωWO画O綱ぶき∵O口‖葛︼コ〇一缶 n路苫Φ一さ名日琶萄言80.⇔=貞φ.雪輌、雀昆b吉03習栢墓Φ田6ε . . .嵩δ 宅aioC吋b田自冨[口呈霧£丙Oマ一付差O記召⋮マ8§083付§8田ら目O﹂W§口O﹂口 の声O毛日昌皆︹彦O[[O]Φ田泊 .N ﹁ .べ 六[⋮嵩 一量ω飽田鴇・< 智田君 亘嵩 嗣o習﹁堵 ㌔百日日 h﹂付口⋮マ﹂O防﹂﹄﹂O ド 国付ρ 口自[ ,朝ぷ尊﹂O︵§哩 目名 習一田芦 b︷ロ8註 Φ肩一●言Σ ﹂ε 芭豊口8 ﹄8パ芦 $∀的﹂O ジ ︰≡ 問主ψ巨毯已付日Φ﹄o芸. 8嘉ψ日畏ロε]髭oΣ 言司宿 .﹄日認 C付口●巴OΣ 川口Φ巨口己︹< 8=むεNOロ遥・Φ﹂o嵩 目吋工] 髭自 ハ目Φ§﹄[< 日目ロ、器ぶき認 .O匂 . . 竜 .壱 .吉霧唱Ng己5§ 。唱 臼コO中 唱﹄ぷ唱 . .§富“一埠冨H口付=山﹂のぢ8 のΦ兵mO日9ロ付画]㊨HOΣ ﹄ コ o 嘱 勾 ” 田 V O Φ 昌 の 雪8苫斑昌。[8 ・ 名る昆 「 W.§匡O属輌早Oぢ一ロO田●らρき3口閃萄宴3⊂⑬看苫付]日召﹄ρ冨召墨ザ鴬調⑳薯§¶]ψ尺 WO題﹂§吋臼のO高]、唱h約 ー 層 ト 一17_ 、. 貯h勺ρN.㊤ψパ..晶戸詔匂㎡長民OΦk呂↑甲O£ΦL§Φ﹀Φ置﹄ロ縛日☆O菖南h晶O↑弼●&誓田“06﹂閃↑功ビ鱈口翌O胴O劉鷺﹂賦“一 . ”再 阜﹂何盲o鰭 i F ( 6 、 .巴8g唱号9ロビ588ロ画臼ヨ五e栢冨ε葛唱﹁R縛Φ㊤一為蛋塁﹂﹄g嗣望㌔豊δ﹂£]>o︾勺gめ、∀呂﹄一.,門 ほ セ 昌豆の薯吋著さO 5< ジ、 一 、 ー . ﹂ . .ピ8馳%㌍縫 ,泡 .QU R曽昌亘一﹄ 8W 5 ,8 稔μq喝P.ヌ占 ]ψ叶 ,3 >ミ§ h ﹄O 巳O s己§8°・ ×Oρ口Φ唱6ら夕︵§心oo.∨︶.封qoピ OOH ,3 .o勺 ΦO付宇貫6瓜Σ . 頁Oε6の、 コ 岩 O畑付口別吋で 8 WO口 拐﹁ .8 も§OS 込ヨ∀﹂句Oa﹁﹂拐 80 名 O ︵画 §文寸,N︶,皇♪ 竜句日、習田 おH邑扉O口]5悦ロ=O已ロ泊心§9 ミ 鵠 己 が ρ ﹂ 8.吋 o冒コ﹄ 匂≡ 葛 葛 .暮 .8 縛 .O宕 Φ>3< 心口§﹄閃Φ白嘱ば 妻 ,菖 Φ☆栢口αo﹂§甲山 h.ふ込.h‘・t4、..、 壽 一付﹁5田艀︻㌔⊇Y吋 F レ白目⋮句苫◎O 輌己却9 匂ロ︹堵 S O ≧ ]胃O>目8 ﹄田9 Φ碍占 曽⋮用Cヨ国 >O 竺問皇目LΦ﹀七〇官∩ ︵.つ︶ 勺W付§鋼切∨ロ付 3何﹂O .O層 .、o▽ 束O日目句ぶWひ﹄ .名 6可 δ勺 ∂ 0 ︵§☆∀Oトロ[︶ ﹂ ,切ぷ弍﹂o︵§電 目ε 貰ヨ已 一[甲Σ ︵§禽∨只.一H︶ §嶋︶,督爵 込ぶ●封O袖O栖塁◎ 目一∨O トΦoーぬ︶.皇斜 二遭8°° “ 甘﹄⑳ 警ヨ甲日 宏 ﹁ ﹂ ,O属弍﹂O︵§哩 .τ ,2 . ︹讐OぺW9.︹H︶ ﹂“ヨ臼OO“、 .ヨ寸∀﹄O︵§這. ⇔,8臼 ︵某O哩∀震.一祠︶ ト鵠.冶︶,鯉悶 ξ逗唄﹂8w、 ,㎏剖ぱSO︵§奄 叶 .oZ ︵§べ“6ト.︻叶︶ 鏡.の︶.皇斜 習嘱ヨ目 膏﹄﹂OΣ詩毛●9 ,身∨∨⇔O︵讐Oぺ Lコ晶 Soou:︶,㏄ぷふ内 一18一 ワ§拐呈⇔ロヨリ烏ψ苫 . 缶3ピロロ 雪OW勺頁付﹂コo︹oO ぷ怠コO廿口碍良パ函O 亀ト..ト 「1 ,工」 .く .雪O覇遥弓ムロ あL‖8口☆岩●烏口O口]村ΦぷらO⇔勺Φ一嘗“Φ〇一[司溺旦﹄﹂O異切茜 ε Φ L の 己 W 、 ∨” の躍 冒L Φ竃岩 L ぱ O ト 唱 鳳 吋 め 国 鯵O勺 ’O廿 “ト,冒 d ,8 ミ、O ・ ﹂ も 、目日寸.Oぱ博己 o ﹂ o 湾 ま O . H N へ、 “,A.hh、ぺ .d 雷窟O目 震 口句ρW OHO嵩 *Φ.⇔ 8可 6℃ 式 ﹃ H . 暑 ,oO ぷ ︼ , 冒 力冒ロ⑩Φ口霊]①い§川頁一房 . ・暑む﹄め0目田冒§ΦシoΣ“c虫巨且司蕊O,⇔ .◎勺 , O ∀ ぷ 湾 . 目 6▽ 6匂 A で=.、 . 1 .. . ・ 旦 ≡≡鍾 d 8 へ th自. ,O巴 .O勺 ぷO.H p唱 .O眉 課粗.峠 , “ メ 1 い ソ ︹︹隅口一=0ワO畑曳O↑ “§.H﹄一コhCoでΦ目句5﹂喝口肩対“>oξ﹂O⇔冒㊨0◎田Oぷ口φ民①∀]剖芸〇一︻O㌔O兵ム﹁ § .O呂口O唱8町S冨O呂 m目O退埠9菖覧OO >08昌呂 呂O℃巴甲C口巨eOO声Oε↑陸⊂咽署 罰司.8皇 ⋮6二胡くO︿目 . . . ° . ”口O旧Ψ古W﹂&目巴F 旧O 口O口付七aθ口髭↑ 桐O LΦ]鵠眉Σ . 診 OO∨自 ︵ 8 豊 コ ら ’宣叶署バo§﹀拐只∩Oo田呵﹂↑嗣O巴秒七閃o●可閃Φ口 Φぶ桐WO]8塁田ρ罵臼超Φ工WO]唱﹂国醐⑬﹄日Φ▽邸臼・3ゴ付瘍]ロ旬口官Φ冒品一5君江b.口﹁≧o︼[O×Φ鵡↑ . 忠パ φZ9呂開O⋮口OZ 目O口塁﹂自魯墓﹄㊤ 旧O ヒ]●習句嵩 ゜ @ @ ,Q℃ 8栢βo,友呵Oロ胴ば .8 苫 , .O層 .O廿 二已Φ口・・ロ閃臼ご、 、可 ,OZΦ>O工く . 譜 今 嶋 壽 兵 “ 5 七 § ゜ 6喝 .O唱 ぶ加H ,OO 介3 ・°曙Φ日.嘱兵蓋こ ︰望k昌遣 ,﹂冨8 ]寵心ぶ彦 WO ,貿へ内 ﹂8 .翌H−.葺頃.0 3 =句ぷ珊 ℃q]㎡]口09 ↑官 ●︹ρ吋W 塙O]☆OO日呵O§“]凶 .持 . .目O口d占弓O昼嵩﹂ーぷ揖ら一田8ξ﹀弔O﹁﹂ロ O一 唱㊨︹る碍Φρ口付垣切8︻垣﹂O×4H憶§kΦぷ]●Oト召埠嶋、∀わ日O吉 ,“ . ’ . 卿堤A .貞冶 .⑩⇔田O口O一8ロ烏輌θ☆OO畠O℃]口O O為OO已⇔勺q付ざO宥“怠Oロψ曙d﹂↑UOむ“叔ヨ署.88匂O﹁ぢOH郁目OO§﹂雷⋮自つロ8<①習W>O望q口輪迦 “コO題コ袖↑.り8︼[付垣Oり一ρ吋一▽壱﹄付Φ垣●編口O嘱●付W輪§口巴ト∀§ 、パ @ @ @ .. ,。・. .8笛=−ロ﹄﹄囚. .3 ↑ロ回 ,8. §§§H...泡 由、..。層 奄 5ロ亭ロ富ぷ 9[ ,零Z ・ ,8 85・。き岩日 .3 .苫 .8 .. 軸ミ§ミ8叶 δ匂 ゜,名 “三§・9国篭 ﹂ 60・⑰ 60呂 .内. f. . Former name ’ ’New name FOrmer locatiOn New〔‘4atiOn Wakasa Wil’e]eS3 Maitnru WぴeIess Aza Kukune, Mimmi・ Teleg. aph Office Telegraph OMce saigo. Mikataぞgun, 蒜鵠u・Y} Fukui・ken ’ 』1. D・,・ t,.....M’W・°f C°mm”nicati°n!Mif’輌N°・ms . J岨e 30・ 19‘8 . Th・ f611・wing t・1・9r・ph・m・e・h・11 b・Wh・bli・h・ti領」・lyロ94⑨・H・weve・, th・1・/・e,,,・Ph ’ ;.L. TOMIYOS田E歪ii . ,﹁− deliverv service sha11 not be haudlecl二 MiniSter ef CommunTcations ..... Nhme latatten r. .....ケ Wakka師Wireless . Aza MakubetSu、 W,ikkanai−madhi, S堺.gu叫 Telegraph㎝ce Hokkaide . 、 . : 9 ..ぺ... [...F Ministry of Comm画cation8 NetifieatiOn No.227 June 30.19{8 > The following p砲ial amendments shall be made to the Minlst’y of Con:mumiCltions NOt血. cation No、135001 September,1926(cercerning DomegtiC LiSt of Names aTl’t Call Sigtas of W加 Ie5s Sta↓b↓1 and Wireless Telegraph Sub・Ageiury)as frOm Jul/1,1943: Mirdster of C mmunicatbn令 ’ TOM正Y◇SHJ Eiil MaiZuru ∫ W A ‘ In the partσf the csastal station, the fo∬ow桓g amendment shaU be made to.the p孤ra騨ph of Wakasa 7 In、the part of dittO, the forowing.amendment shall be added after the paragrdph of Na蜻“ saki; Wakka愉 . .JKN . . Ministry of Csmmumdcatioas Netification No,228 、 馳 june 30,1彊 The f・11。wing partin1 ftrneqdment令shall be熊de O the Minist可・f C・mm・uniCati・ns N・tifi ’ 1㎎Moniter 駄ation) as from July 1,1948二 , M血鱈ter of ComrnuniCatjond TOMIYOS田Eiji The paragraph of Wakasa Wlteless Telegraph㎝㏄sha皿be Iw畑d as“Maizuru Wセ81撒 Tdegr叩h O匝㏄”. ’‘Wakk・・ai. W圃e..s・Telegraph O伍ce” Shall be..ad・led・afte・the paずagraph。f Ot・ru Wbe less Telegraph(ぬ. 〉 . . . 、 . 、. .. F岬 . 一臼竺 ‘、 eption No.6.70f August,1917〔conceming tヒe md記ation of Wirek音s C mmunication SuPe「litendi 賊i頁i8try of ()omtatmieatio“8 Notifieation No.2幼 Ju.ne SOt lgrs The following par.tial amendmen亡s shall be mnde h)the Ministry of Comm1.lnications Nl)tifi/ /cation恥.19 of January.1931(ooncerning the indication of Radio Beftcon Station)as from July ,194s: Mm姪㎏r oi cっmmunications ・ TOMIYOSHI Eiji The para望raph of Wakasa Wirelesg TeIegraph O苗ce sh.ftll be amended as fQIIows: Ma迦r“Wireless JWA 3b°21’7”N ditめ ditto JWA 『elegraph O己]㏄ 135°19’7”E 408 The followi㎎shall be added after the paragraph of Tslmoshi烈Wireless Telegraph OMce; Wakkanai Wire[esg JKN 45◇22’30”N 438 . JKN Telegraph O伍ce 141°49’16”E Minist呈y of Communicatb丑s Notification No,230 June 30F l948 . The affair facUi亡atmg the Telephone Treasury Bond shal!be handLed at pJst oMc2s handi・ ...ing the affair of telephone subscription and designated by the Dj.rec亡or of CommuniCations Bureav』in aocordance with the Regulations goveming Special Serv.’oes of Postal Check and .Transfer to Facilitate Fioatation, Sale and Purchase of National Loang, nf準r July.1948, tllree ..days beg;nn.i㎎the nrs亡d咋y of every m頒tb(.Thc n乱亡加賠l holidays、 Sundays and ethet holidayS .吐all not be oO口ntea in the period)層 MiniSter of Co,nmunicatio【1s TOMrYOSHI Eiji も Minfet町of Labor Notification No.22 ment: JUne 30, 194S SEKI CheshiCh圭, ditt]: Apart of Minis亡ry of Welfa’e Notification N。.46。f July,1947 Cthe designati。n。f the ap Promotedヒo Sea)nd Class. .peltati。n.1ウcation, ju【.iSdiCtion and fanctiOng of OKAWA Shotaro, Secre亡ary of Ministry of …;he Empla}ment Securi亡y O缶㏄s)shall be am. LabOr: .enried aS feUoves and put into force as frOm Ju】y I,1948: C。ncurピently appolnted SeCretary.。f㎏al Mjn姪亡er of Labor Government, IくATO Kanju Graded S㏄ond Class. ・ .“Annexed List No,1”shal[be amended a9 :1: Annexed List”and’‘Annexed LiSt No.2”be aロce旺ed, JUne 1フ.,1.948 TO∫皿A Torao, Secretary of LGcal Govem・ ment: CONFERMENT AND APPOINTMENT Appo±nted S㏄re亡ary of Min.:stry of Labor. Graded Seaond qass. Minigtry of Labor YAMAMOTO Takio, Secretary Df Mi噛try㎡ June 14,1948 ORI Yosh地aru. Labor: SeCretary of Local GOvern・ 一一 ARAI(AWA Tamekuni, ditte: Q1一 N・min・ted t。 P・i卿・1・f lw・t・Fi・st u恥.. Promoted to跳Cond Cねass, respectively. 』ndary Sclli:ol of ShTZUoka・ken and⑳ YAMAMOTO HarWmL diヒto: 蒜灘:i篇a’°壬M’ts晦Midd[・S…l OKAMURA KIIraji, ditto: 1}IARA Toshio, ditto: Concurr』ntly apPo㎞⊥cd S¢cretary of L㏄al TERADA Se6chL di亡口: Govermnent, Nom血ated to Prmcipal of FujiUpperSeCOnd. ary Sch。。1。f Shi・u・k・・k・n and COn。ur,蹴, Grad¢d Second ClaSs. Iy Principal of Fuji MjddTe・SChoel of Siu. NAK㎜ハRA Shigehisa、 Se℃rcta1.y.of LゆcaI . ok《1・ken. G《}Ψerrmlen亡二 1KEGAMI Zen3こ.lktt,.dit礼o; Appdinted Segretary of Mi叫istty ef Labor and NUtninated tu P欄p・1・f Shi吻F撤Up. SeCt’etnrY of L(x:al Gevernrnlent, per Se・D・dary 9’h・・1・f Shizu・ka・km、nd Graded Seoond Class. ooncurrently Principal of Shimizu Mid曲 Schoo!of ShピUoka・ken. ITO Sh紬icl亘ro, difte:. ’ .『. .YAMAMOTO &,ichi, Educational Official∋f Ministt’)・‘)f enLtCati〔,n: N。m晦亡ed t。Prirxipal。f Ha噸㎜tsu』nd Nominated to Assis亡ant ProfSsor of Tohoku U功〕er S㏄ondary S已h◇ol of Shぬol《a・k⑩ Ui.ive聡ity, and oonall’rellt⊥y Pピincipel of HaraamatSu Assignod. to Facu〔亡y of Scie耽e. Second Middle School of Sh㍑uok弐・k㎝. (]{arch 10.ユ94S, EI:n垣.ry of Educa亡ien) . ITO Gjichi, d泊o: MADOI(ORO Takeo, Educational O田cial ef NOminated亡o P⊥.hicipal of Shizuoka Second I、㏄aI Cinvernment: Upper Secondary School of S地ロo]ca・ken Nv,ninatcd to Prindpal of SI1セUoka F主rst UppeL’SeCOIIdary and CD[=urrently Pr喚9.輌pal of S山皿oka Srhool of Sh匂Uokark㎝ PriRcipal of ShiZUoka and c〔}n卯.ren札y FUKUYAMA Tomie, Girls°H[gh SchOo ]of Sh伽oka・ke“ TOYONAGA Seishu, ditto: NOmimated to Principal oE SM即4a SecondVp Mid’]Te School of S泣uok a−k凱. P∈rSecondary Schaol of ShtZUoka・ken and d脚: F“.st N・min4tcd to ?rlncipal・f lfamalmatsu concurrently Pr垣cipal of Sh㎞}oda G汕r Upper Sec測ary Sluコol Df Sh血oka・kぐu High School of Shizuoka・ken. and COImlrren亡】y Pri㏄ipユ1 .of Ha㎜m試Su Firs亡Middle Scbo..i of Sh迦oka.ken、 Numinユted to Pr狙泊「βal of M姪hima FirSt. TAKEYAMA Kaiho. ditto二 Upper Secendary Sch〕ol of ShigUika.k凹 HADA Tatnotsu, ditto: and conCUrrcntly Printipal of M恒㎞ヨ N窯:蒜漂氏㌫票器;㌦工羅瓢:、㍑算 Gil『|≧H〕gh Scheol of S王iiZvoka.ken. cu「rently Pr9..取ipal of Nirayama M菰dle ScbOel of S㎞oka・k㎝, YASUDA Ke凪zo, ditte: N㎜蝋.d加P・1・dip・1・域ak・g・w。 F}rs亡 SH[1〈IMOId Tomiji, 山睦o: ’ Nominh亡ed to PrincipaI of NUtnazu Seo煎 Upper Secondary Sじhool of Sh2uo㎞・ken Principal ef Nimazu. and cりncurreritly .. H逗hSchi)ol of Sh泣uoka・ken UPP・r』ndary Sh。。1。f Shi、u。kn.1、e,l Gir〔s’ and eonCUrrengy Prtmeipal of Kakegawa WATANABE beiPtn, MiddIe舗Dol ol Sh迦oka・ken. N口mI1汲tcd to . UPPCv Secondary School of Shizuoka.k∈n nnd c.)nCurrently Prirtcipal ef Shimizu SIIIBA J皿曲o, ditto 7 N°m血・t・dt。P・.i頑・1。fN・m・、。F耐UP. per S鋤碑a・y・Sch。。1。f・Sldiz。。』.ken。nd ditto: Principal Bf Shim迦Sec nj ‘ Glr|s’High School of Shimioka・ken・ concurrent]y Pri4cipal oi Numazu Middle Hf.)SOYA CLiidエiro, diLto: SchOol of Shi:uokh・lcen. HIDA Y・nesakし‘, dit亡。; N°]ni”’”ted t・ P・き・・ip・1・f S力im。d・Fi蹴UP. 咋S卵d・・y&h・・!。fShi融。・k。na。d COI「Cn「「ent〔ノ PrinCipal of Toyo Mldd〔e . Schco!of ShiZUoka.ken. MLNAGAWA Hideo, d[tte: N§〕頭nヨted to PrjncipzT oi IWata Seoond Up』 per Secondary fthc《〔 of Shr:uoka’畑ロ却 conCurl・ently P血cjpal of Mi.tsukeαrW High&,|iool of Sllizdoka・ken. OSUGI KaiCli, dl±te: Nり1曲、。t。d t。 P血、ip。1。f K。kぱ・w・S…nd Upper Seco】ユdary School of Shizuoka’ken l and c。碩・・ently Prlnclp・1。f Kak・ga”a 一 22 一 ・ ‖㌦ 眺’H聴h&減。f Shint・ka−k㎝・ l Nom歳natedωPrinci胆I of HarnamatStt Tech・ WAKUDA Ryuicht dit缶・ nical UpPer Seol ndary Schoo王of Shimaoka・ Nominaヒed to Princ垣a【of Yosh廿vara UpPer ken and COnCUrren「1y Pr圃PユI of Hamama・ Secendarv品(〔lof Shizuoka・ken and DDn・ tSu TeckniCal School of Shizuoka−ken, ’dユrrent1ア PrimipaI of Fuji Girls’Hlgh KAYAMA SeiSaku, d「ttO: & r.ool of Slizuoka・ken. Nominated加Princtpal of FukuroiVoeational =TAKUBO Takatsugu, ditto二 N㎝mated ti)Principal of Ohito Upper Se・ Upper SeGρndary SChoel of Shizuoka・k㎝ and cOncurreロtly Pτincipal of Fukuroi eondary fthool of ShiZttoka−ken and CDU一 TechniCal Sch〔《Iof Sh迦oka・ken and con・ ㎝rrently Pri頭pa〔of Ohit。 Girls’High ㎝r怜ntlアPrjncipal of Fukurol Cmmerclal ScbOol of Shiza1oka・ken. School of Sh㎞oka・ken, EB田ARA JiSabUro, di祐): Nominated肋Prin⑳al of Shtmada Upper SATO KOzo, dkto: Nominated t。 Prmci画。f・SUiZaつka C。mmer’ SeCondary Schcol oモShiZUeka−ken and cOn・ cial Upper SeDondary S曲ool of ShiZqeka・ cロrr凱tly Princlpal of Shぬada GirlS’H逗h km and c.oncurrently. Principal of Sh屹匹oka ⑳OI of S地qoka・ke孔 GIYAMA Yasaburo, d並to: C。㎜㏄da1諭ol。PSh迦oka・ken and N㎝佃ated to Princilal of Iwata AgriαaltUral .じ㎜e民ia!Sch。。1. Upper S〔condary SChool of Shixunka・ken KOSHIO Makotoハd[亡tO: and ooncurrently Pri㏄Φal of Naka.;㎜i No面nated to Prjn吋a[of Sl迦ada C)mmer・ Agd但ltUral SCtroel of Shizuoka−ken. 己al Uppe’Sec(r“]arY SubOol of Shimoka『 1《OGA Ki㎞」輪 d撤o: .kan and。。ncurrantly Pr血cipal。f Sh加ada Nomぬted t。 Principa;of Hamam哀tsu Agri’ ㎞ercial Schoo】of ShiZueka・ken・ c。n㎝rrently田nclpa1.。《Shizuoka Sec。nd cロltural Upper Senondary&当ool of Shiml− ITO ShuiChi,画tわ.: oka−kell and conCUrrently 施ncipal of Ha− Nominated tO Pr桓cipal of HamamatSu(bm』 mamatSu Agiicullairal&Sericul.turaT School mercia]Upρer Secondary School Of Shizu・ ol Shizuo㎞・ken. oka−ken and concurrentiy Prindpal ol Ha・ ハ TSUNOGAE Kuichir仇 d丘亡o: N輌ted to Princ加aiof Ogasa Agri旭ψural l m」ヨmat銀Co可mercial&hool of Shizほoka− k㎝』PrinciOal o’Hamarmtsu Secr)nd Com・ Upper SoOdndary 鍋旧610f ShiZuoka・keh mercial Sch〈el of Shizuoka・ken. aDd concu肛ently Principal of Ogasa A蜘・ cultUral ScbOol Df Shicuoka』k㎝. KATO Ky。]chi, ditto: N◇m’natθd to Pr:ncipal of NurnaZu Commer・ OKAWA Kats⑭, ditΦ: cial UpPer Secondarv Scheol of Shピuoka・ Nom㎞もed加princTpal of SUliZUoha AgtiCul・ ken and OD1丁斑rr印tly Princi胆1 et、Numazu 加ral Upper i ondary School of Shizueka・ ◎㎜ercial』1。f S田z‘漁・ken, Prind一 paT of Numazu Seeond Cornrnercial SChool ken and oonCtrrrently hmclpa〔Df Shizuoka AStricultural School of ShiZUoka㎡k㎝. of Shizueka・ken. TorSUKA Shizuka, dittr, r SENUMA Mdeo, dinto: N㎝“迫tedね)principal of Tagata AgricuT・ of Yaizu Fishery Nominated tO Principal tural UpPer Secondary School of Shicuoka− Scho◇1 0f Sh膨uoka『k㎝ UPPとr Seoondary ken and ooncurrently Principal ef Tagata andconCurpentlア駈血ipalof Fnhery S血x)I Agricultural School of Sh泌uoka−ken. of Sh屹uoka・ken. SUZUIq Kimsaku, ditto 7」 , SUZUKU(azuyOshi, di旗); ..Noπ山lated〈D Principal of Gotemba Upper No而nated to Pr血罵ipal of Atami Upper &◇ondary Scheol Df鋤u磁a・ken a.nd con・ Lurrently Pr;nc..pll of.Gotemb窪VocatienaT Secondary ScbOol of S耐Zuoka.・ken andoort・ &hool of ShiZuoka・ken. Schoel of Shiznoka『ken. OI Soichi, ditto: ABE Tatich加, ditto: Nominabed tO Pr油c:.palof Sh蛇uoka Tecbnical Nomlna亡ed. to Prin逝pal Sanganichi UpPer Upper St【〔頂dary SchOol ol ShUteku・ken Second4ry School of Sh詑!oka・keロandcon・ and cencurrentiy Principal of Shizaoka currently prirutipal ef Sanganichi Vecational Techol‘/1School of Sh酩uoka・ken. School of ShiZtluka’−ken, 口OKOzo, ditto: ・ . IS田ucm Naotare, ditto: curr㎝tly Br血clPal of Atami Girls’Higb 、 . .,....」田_ 、 N㎝ma亡ed b Pri吻ab fNu頑烈Mun!clpa1 N°mimatecl t°AsSistant p・◇f・se・r。t T。kve Upper Secondary Scbool・ University, SAI(AMOTO I(ojiro.ごitヒo: ASsigned to Research N〔}mimated加Principal of Hmnama亡su Mu・ M’erUXt. School and DDn・ nicipal Upper Secondary (May 28, 194s,耐伽) fHamaina亡su Municl・ CUrrently principal o pal Girls’High SchooL OKADA Masao, di伽: OKAWA Y硲ei, di壮o: Gran亡o〔l No.26 Sa]ary. Arai Upper Se. Nom.lnated to Principal of Nominated to Ass畑tant Professor Gf Hokkaじb condary School and Cl ncurren⊥ly Princ/paI UnTvers;ty excluslveTy, of Mii Girls’High Schoolσf Shセuoka・ken. Asslgne“o Fa四1ξy of Medidn¢. WAKAFU Seiichi, ditto; OGAWA Shln−iChi, dj伽: Nominatcd to Princ]pal of HaロユF.Un.ltsu B.illd G頂n亡ed No.25 Salary. School of Shi’saoka−kcn and concurr、 ntly PrincipaX ef Hamamatsu Deaf School of Relieved of Professor of Karafuto Med晦1 Co口ege,andnominatedto.Pr◇fessorofS輿a| Shizuolca』ken. e DMsbn of Medic.lne attach¢d to Hokka油 TAKABATAKE Yeshikatsu, d批to: Unl∀ersity. TANAKA Saburo, ditte: Cenmercial Upper SeODndary School and conCUrrently Principnl of Shintimi Comm.r・ Granted No.17 SatarY. Nominated tO Professor ciaT School of Shセuoka’kcn, Principal of SUhoo1. Shimizu TechntCRI School o〔Sh紘uoka−ken. S}{IDA Sakujire, d.:tto: 巳 NOminated加Principal of Shim.Lzu Mtmi♂pal of Shiga No耐 、 KASAHARA Toshb, dltto: (April l,1,J4S, ditto) TORII Tsugiyos]d ditロ:/: NOGAMI Hisnshi, Techl:cal《.)借lalof Ministry SUGAHARA Masa, dittu: of Etiucation; α)㏄Urrently nominatcd to Pl’ofesu〕r of舗・ As頂gned to Tokyo Universi亡y. ⑳ka First N。㎜1 SchOo], reSpeCtively. KOBAYASHI Teinosuke, Educa叱]onal O田cialof SAKURAI Takemaro, ditto: TANABE Yasaku. dltle; Minis亡ry of EdUcati◇n: Nontinated t〔 PTofess◇r of UraWa Higher HIBI Tada亡oshl, ditto: NomiロatedおProfessor of Tohoku Vi)ive了s丘y, School. Assjgned to Research Instltute for Scientith (April 3e,1918, dltto) Meas口remenヒ, reもpectlvely. KURODA Michiya, dittO二 YABUUCIII YOshihiko, dittO: 〇rdered to be superintendent of Lヤepatatory COttrse Df Women’s Nominated to Profes30rofWakayama Nennal Div函n of Okaya服 No㎜1 Schnol. Scheol. 正.IAYASm Dc.nji, d/tto: 、 Granted No.28 SalarS CMay II,1948, ditto〕 NOm;nated亡o Prindp4叱of Saitama Norrロa! MINAKAMI Takesbi, ditto: Schoo]. Nom血ated tu Professor of T〈,kyo Universi覧y, TAXEUCHI Ryosaburo, ditto: Assigtled to Research [【ls亡itUtC for Earth− Nominated to PrinCipa]of Fifth H「9hei. School・ qUake. (May 31, 1948, ditto〕 SATO KoiCli, ditto: AKIZUKI Yasuo, d置to: MORI Arimasa,. ditto: N−ntihated to Professo. r of Kyoto Uni∀erSlty・ Nominatcd to Ass泣al】亡ProfeSSor of Tekyo university, AGsis.ncd 亡o Faculty of託三ence, (,rdeヱ・ed to be GhargLtl with Fourth Chair ef ASGigned to Faculty◇正Literatur烏resp㏄tively, MatTエematiCS. (“.lay ユ5,1948, ditto) (∫Une 2,工94S, d.[tto)「 ItAYASHI Shigeru. ditto: DEGUCHI Yuze, dittO: Granted No.⑳Salary, NomiiUted to ProfeSi or of Kyoto univerSitY, ’ 一24一 ’ ENOKi Kazuo, di伽: A開igned to Faculty ef Eeobomie$ \ Schoo!. Ordered to the d短rged with Se《〔nd C胎ir of 1WATA Yosh而, ditto: Grant敬1 No.18 SaIa’y, Fmonernics . :FUNASAKA Wataru, ditto: Ndnunata] to ProfeSgOr of Mie Schoo】. NIM正VA HarUOi d撤o: Cqncurvently asslgned tr)Ch師cal Research GUNSHI Kiichi. 血tto; ・ IWi亡ute. rξsp㏄亡ivaly. Granted恥.18 Salary, ;KAIATA Shjmlml, di伽; Nomlnated もo Professor of Kochi N◇minated to’Ass均亡ant Prδf蜘r ot Okaya・ SclKめI fo宇Youth Schools. ロva Vniverstry of Medic血e. Normal Nomra1 KOBAYAsm MaSamitSu, dittet. Uune 己 194s, ditte) Granted No.17 Salary, NOmtnated to Pr。《es.s)t of Hy。9。 UCHIYAMA MOri畑ne, ditto二 SChoo1、 Neminatedto Professor of Preparatery Coarse TAKAGI Sh血,亜t加: of Yo㎞hama Univer&[ty Me龍㎞. Granted No,17 Salary,. Y卿OTO Kunita怜, ditho、; 、 N)m血ユated to Prefessor o{ AGASHIMA YaSaakiアditも1: School for Youth SchoalS、 OGIMA ISabUrO, ditto: . TORIGAI Ansei, d能to; Grantcd No.16 SalarY, NOmZnated Φ AssiStant No㎜ated to Profew)r ef Metrqpolitan Col. lege of艶nce and TeChRfque. Normal Kechi Norma1 、 Professur of TokPO UniverSity, (June 7三拍娼, ditto) Ass:gned to SeconぱFacn‘ty’of Engineer血g. VGIMOTO Ryoichi, ditto: ・. franted No.23 Salary. N◇mi肥ted to Proiesser O‘ TASAKI Teruko, di前o: Granted No.16 Salary, Tokya.Higher AsSigncd to Hyogo Nemnal SdlooL Nonmal Sch。ol. ㎜OKe細buro, ditto: .YUKUTOMI Keit畦 dit旋}: Cranted No.2∼Salary, Nom血atcd to Prof£sy}r of Ibaragi NOtmal G凪ntea Nza口Salary, SchOO1. Assigned.to』㎡FaCぽ1ty o丘Engineering・へ... ISAINO Sbigee., ditbe: AKIKUSA Mirmru,. ditto: Granted No,15 Salary. Granted No・21 Salarv, Norr血ated to Professor of Hyogo NOrmaI No面爲ated 亀o Assistant ProlCSSOr of Tokyo Uni鴨碑y・ Nom血ated to ProfeSser of Hyogo .Gtanted No.21 Salarv. KODAMA Yoshihikoトぷt知.: Granted No.正Salary. Nominat6d.ω P「ofessor of.KyoもD TeXtltle Nu血imated to Professur of. Colヒge. &)1tege. sAKAHASHI Tb仙jb. ditto: Granted No.20 SaTary. KANEDA Yosh泣o, ditto; Granted No.14 Saltty, Nominated to Professpr of Gifq Agricu〔tural Nom血ated 6 Profeswr jIS田Yu缶itarO. ditto: of Ful[ushima Eoo一 HIRANO 琉toSki, ditto: .TAMAYAMA IsamU, d.ltto; Granted No.20 Salary, Nominaヒed to Prefessor ot Tokyo Technical nomies College. . _ ’ &Fo’estry Co.Uege. Iwal触ira, diぽo二 L Fuku仙h㎜ 品)・ nemic College. . 、 Granted No.11 Salar.y, Nemlnated⑳Prefesser of SUGIMOTO Takeo. diD: Sendai T㏄ho鰺aI College, respectlvely. Granted No.20 Salary, Nomimated tO Professor of Hikone imnomiC OGIHARA YDsh丘aka, ditto: NAKAZATO Keiichi、 di虻o: ド College, jANAI Kojun, NOtma1. Sct(H)L School. GrVited No・10 Salary, Nom.㎞td 6 Professor o fKiryu TecihniCal ditto: .Granbed No, B Salnry, Collegで, reSpec亡ively. N㎝血ated to ProfeSSOr of GUmnia Narmal 一 25 FU皿TA Yoshわ, Technieal O伍Ciai o fMinistry 一 of Education: 。f the landi. bu.肚ngS, machTnery, imp As亘gned to Tokyo Astronomlcal Observa’ ctc・belfヌ㎎’ng tO the sa二d crtmpany tory. Fac亡ory iocated a亡 No 335, 1−cho】ne. CHINO M.[鵠Ushige. EducatTonalOffiC;al of Min・ chI.〕, Adachi.㎞、 Tokシ’o, for the pu/.恥. Of 桓try Cf碗UCヨt佃n: cr斑:lng a fact。ry f・un(㎞t…。n・nnヅpersen wbo Df l{yoto Nomi凪tθd to Asy.:Sta]コt Professer has・1 claim over thc m5vnble p].Operty tltat i8. 1・bc in・lud・d in the・aid f・・md・t]・n…ny Unive組ty, Ass:g固to Facnlty。f Sctence・ TAKAHASHI Soiぐhi, E〔IUcat:onal Credit°r ot se.‘ZUre・pr・V二S.1。nal se』ZLl・e◇r卿 OirlCial of visional disposition thereof sltall fi!e his◇匂.m with this O伍ce within 3’e d乱ys frOm tbo date Local Government: Nom迦ted亡o Prbicipa]of Tokyo Metr◎pミ.山tall of publicaElon ef thls not二Ce、 TSukiji Blind SchooL Thc inventory of±t・e said fac亡Ory fOnda. CHINO Mitsushlge, ditto: 亡ミon is avai|ab]e o.t th海Ofilt/e forしhe inspmtion Noln.:nated亡o Principalof S[|wa Se三ryo Uppell of the interEstcd partieS, 「 SEcondary School of Nagano・ken. Adachi Branch? SHODA Shln∫lro, aitto: Tokyo Judicial BUreau Nomina亡edもo Principa] of Fujish.Tma Upper Secondary School of Yamagata・ken. YAMADA YaさushirO, Edueational O〔丘ciaI of Minis±ry of FriUCation: JUne額,19ts NomTnated to PrefeSsor of Techn.ical Co];ege ot Miyazakトk㎝. Whereas Towada Shokury。 K。gyo K,K, (TOWmla Foods亡晒M{g. CoηLtd.l No, L Aza (Jime S,194S. dtstr)) Shim。。machi, G。1ユ01三t’..macbil Sannohe・9Un.品 meri・ker㌔has aPP;’ed f。r regiStrati。n。正PS“ servationof OWI】ersh.iP〈,f t賀e b」ild血9シStructur島 COURT ClRCULARS machinery. implements. etc. belongi㎎ ω 伽 v said DDmpanゾs AOm◇r]Factory located at Nb. T.M. the Emperor amd thc E;.”prL・ss「Visit 243.1,Aza Nowak1,0aZa Ura・machi.㎞ri・ 、 T、E.L the E凧peror and the Empress have s}gni6ed their intenti白n thnt t.hcy w{LI v垣t the Exh↓bit;en of Japancse Art and CmfL WOrks fer Exp:rt at the Tokyo Mch.”pol.}t:しu Art shi, for the purpo$e of cLLeati㎎ a faCterY foUndaヒbn, any pさrs。n who has a claim Oier the movab.le property tha亡姪to快lncl.d舗血 the aforesaid foundation Or any credi肋r nf seimlre, prOvlsiomal seiZUre Or prOパ曲nal蒔 SPDsltion of the abovemantioned prOP三町s協‖ Gallery on July 1. file his claim with出is BureaU with’m 31 dayy from the day of publiCatian of th垣rv}tice. L㏄AL ADM;NISTRATION The inventOry of the Said fぴundatton za available at this BUreaU for the inspeLtien O’ Prefcc加ral ASsembly the interested輿rヒPes. The ordinary sessiOn of Oita PrefeCtural AomOri JudlclaL BureaU Assembly was COi]vened On june 28,].948. (.O/ta・ken) PUB.LIC NOTIC到 ヒ Noticc re Amalgan酬ti”n‘,f Compamjes NO’1’ICE .. .|une 30.1卵 .FACTORY FOUNDAT[ON At the sharoholders, and P:lrtners’general Jttne 30, 194S meetings・f凸eじtnder.・me“i・ned cmnpames’ ノ WllereaS Shewa Gomw Co., Ltd., No. S.ti, whl・h w・s l・・ld・・J・・e 2P、]948,“・a・ re・・1“ed i that I(.K. ICiyokenShokudo shorild amalgamate 2・cho阻e. Kyebashi,Chuo』ku,Tokyo, haS applTed ,.,,,,vu、、_,。wn。,、、、,1。.。 .Kiy。ke1、、眠,,蝿亡。・11 its・軸rs・nd for regaStration。f 「 一26一 .H , . liab;liti〔s and G. K. Kiyoken be dissolved on the effectU.1tion of the amaigarnati。n. {Cmpany on May 31,1948: Sty【e and Addresg of Company; We notlfy, accOrdi㎎to the provisions oi the Commercial Lftsv, tlLat any credi亡orsdis9きnt[ i㎎ frOm the said decision are advised to notify tlle companv to that e侮ct on and before Au− guSt 31, ts4S, Daf凡.ppon Dob..)ku K.K. No.5,2℃homo, Na宮asun・.i−clLO,αfu・shi Authorlzecl Cap二亡.al; Y1,500,000(ftllly paid・ up) ¥ le,0(〔,Oめof cap三[al slva!1 be血^ creased on July 31, 19姶. Kabual,iki Ka.姪ha Kiyokcn Sh◇kvdo N。.⑳,2ih・m・. TaltasfiimaLa』ri, Ameuut of SpaぬI Loss;None /t A:noun亡亡o bc borne by S加ckholders: None Nishi・ku, Yokoha撫 Total Am◇Unt of obl.gaεbn responsib[e for G。mei Kaisha Kiy。ken SpeCial Loss: Y 7.SG7,3:6 No.1,1cheme, M▲nami Saiw4i・cllo, Amo凹t to be bome by Crcditors with{ハbliga. NiShi・ku, Yokohnma tbn resp⑬msible for Sp:e.[al LOSi: NOne R.atio to be borne by CreditOrs vvitlT obl.:gation respomib1〔for Speじ:al LOss: NOne TEN DAY REPORT OF’rHP. BANK OF JAPAN Dai Nlppon Dob[)ku K.K. . SpeCial SUperviSors: (June ll−−J切e 20) KenZO Endo UmeklCぎli YaSUぬ June.24, 19t8 Fum:o Yamasak.1 Ryoidhi Suzuki 〈{n ¥ 1.ooe). (Agetit二HikosTNro.Takemura) Assets Advances to G◇ver伽ent.….……・…酪,593,967 inans・・・…一…・・.・….・…一.…一・・…(.7,.119,S二7 Notice re“mp’etion of Fロ】film¢nt of Cash and bul.lien・・・… 『・.・・…・…・・….… 597,850 Adj【istment Plaii Governinefi.t bOnds and other sec.urities …・・・・・・・・・… …・・・・・… .・….・129, aSY,378 June 14,194S Agenc(es aoα川叫S.・.・・….・…一一・・… 959726. MisceTlanenus acoOUn亡s・・..・.・・.・.….… 9,736,312 LPIan of sp㏄白l ade◇unting COtnpany Was TOtal 254,SJ6,061 ftuthoriz:d on Mareh 31,194S and Onti1’、 ly『 coml/1eted the fulfilment thorcDf, Liab血tles 1 r Not:ce is hereby gix・en that the AtljUStrnent Notes i8sued ・・・… ….・.… …… …・・.・・… .220’3B{,5az Nihon Kenimen Selz)1{alnba正K.K. 恥v加. 汲?獅煤@de鯛ts…・・・・….….・…..10, ee2,0S7 aher dePtslts ……・・・・……・……… ….15,6541758 NotiCe ro Merger of Old and New MinoellaneDus acc力unt5・・….・・・・・・・・….7,991、953 Cap二tal and r⑫蕎::∀鮒................、.... 252 ㈱ AceOUnts Tota1 254,S96,061 June 1. 1949 i The Bank ef Japa’ n NotiOe is hereby giTen血a㏄Orda㎜wi血 the provi瓠ons of Ar琶Cle 37 0f 翫e EnterPtii E ト RboonStruc亡iOll aロd ReOrgani:atiロn Law 出at Notice re Applieation fOr AuthOri.zation the adjustment plan waS authOrizea by No.181 dated April 30コ9娼and。L、 the same day the of Adjustment Plan uld and neW aCtrdunts were merged. ∫une I1, tS4s K.K. Kobayc品i Sh◇ten Notice is hereby given il] accordanee with tire. provばons of Art.180f the Entei.prおe ReL construction and Rearganizatien LuW as the DirectOr and President: Kiichi Kobayashi adjUStment plan of the un㊤rmen恥ned P 一27.te ’ 、 . 一 .L tF − . . ・ 一「 .. ...「.. .一ジ ..ヂ」 .ヲ.. . Notice f6T C6抽C㎡ Noti■e 怜 Me㎏eT of Old㎞d N微Aeeo遍匂 t. June:〔,194e To St㏄kholders and C燥ditors, Notice iS liereby given that y。q are re− .June S. tels N。血is h・爬by giv・n in a㎜国a眠Wh. the prOvis.;。ns of Art二cle 37・f the Enヒ.rprlees queSted鮪庫ve YQur‘〔ns凱± a妬Ut o口r Ctesire RemnstrUCtien and ReorganiXattgn Law血欲 Of b〕ldi㎎凸e undermentiOn似i. free reSerVe as the adlu鋤ent plan has aqth。rきz却on Aprlぽ a 血㎡ わr ㎝ぱ}, retiring al10Wa㏄e, in 30.19.dS・and。n tlミ・same&・y the。1d a胡靹 ca記 of merger of old and ㏄w accounts accounts were merged. amrdirt9 加 Ar±nie %(4) of the EnterpriSe R㎜耐mctjon and Re。rganizatiOn La−r and the Author江tbn Sta晒dald No.ユ0:(2)o臼he same Marqzen SeUd Kogyo K.K. (Maruren PreCise ApparatUs lnduStrial Co勺L圃.) Law. ThOse whゆhave obj舗bn te the abOve that eeneCt Within tw。 months frOrn the day。f June 14,19偲 .publおation of曲治. nofoe. Thls c白mpany has m SpeC血1[Dss・to be. borne by stOCkholderS Or Cr緬怜rs. ・ Descr▲瞳n Spe垣1 Reeerve as of AugΨ賦10, IS46 白Aji no Moto”K. K, 司Pecial SnperviSor シ At the extraord nary gen6ral mee曲㎎。f. stOckbOlders held心n June 14,1948,“ 榔Φ cided tha±the undermentibn d Cl m輿可血uld c。ns。掃ate 4鉱0鍋of new gtock pa..d・ロP¥ :2.50into l st㏄k of¥50.CO paid㎞fLdLふ cordi㎎ly the staCkho}ders and tlmse whO have the rl9地 of pledge are r剛但ted 如 PteSant t圃rsb〔ck certMcates t。 this.。。mp頚y W㎞3 months f怜m the day ◇f pubrcatわn of 舳 anneumoetnent. K, K. San㎞畑 f . ほld¥ 5,㎜,鵬.ou±of¥ 7,1se,醐 、 .Annoumor m.nt deciSien熊requeSted to n6晦the㏄卿any亡o
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