Lima Centro Miraflores Nos vemos allá arriba Praised by the critics and turned into a true press phenomenon in France, this Goncourt prize-winner novel is an ode to the human being’s resilience, and at the same time, it is a fresh and bold portrait of a society split up by the cruelest inventions of mankind: The War. M i g u e l El francotirador The Navy Seal Chris Kyle is sent to Iraq with one mission: to protect his comrades. His pinpoint accuracy saves innumerable lives in the battle field, and as his brave deeds start to spread among his brethren, he earns the nickname of “The Legend”. S a n El francotirador / Chris Kyle. Los Romero: fe, fama y fortuna This book describes the economic and political history of Peru in the last century, from the perspective of this family group, analyzing thoroughly their career path for more than 130 years. MARCH 2 0 1 5 The big questions remain after 100 years: Why did the Great War start? Why did millions of soldiers resist in the trenches, dying by hundreds of thousands? Why did a crisis manage to ignite, for the first and only time in history, the entire European continent? Las guerras de la Gran Guerra (1914-1923) / Francisco Veiga. Los Romero: fe, fama y fortuna / Francisco Durand. Los cuentos más breves del mundo: de Esopo a Kafka It gathers more than 157 short stories written by Greek, Chinese and Roman authors from BC., to chronologically continue going across Arab, Persian, Indian, Chinese and European stories. Los cuentos más breves del mundo: de Esopo a Kafka / edición de Eduardo Berti. Los hechos: autobiografía de un novelista Autobiographic book that describes the life of this American author born to a Jewish family. Roth has published 31 novels in which he has skillfully examined the human soul, which turned him into the greatest exponent of the US heritage of his country’s great literature, following the lead left by Fitzgerald, Saul Bellow and Hemingway. Los hechos: autobiografía de un novelista / Philip Roth. Margarita Checa: muestra antológica, 1972 2013 Considered as one of the most important Peruvian sculptors in Latin America, she shows in this publication her first drawings and more recent sculptures, where her remarkable skill in wood carving and bronze works is shown. Margarita Checa: muestra antológica, 1972 – 2013 / Margarita Checa. Fundado el 2 de junio de 1938. Entidad cultural no lucrativa que fomenta un mayor entendimiento entre el Perú y los Estados Unidos. Registro de Entidades Exoneradas del Impuesto a la Renta N° 00023 Registro de Entidades Perceptoras de Donaciones N° 05571 RUC 20122667660 Hecho el depósito legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú Nº 2005-6187 T. (511) 706-7000 Biblioteca Luis E. Valcárcel - Sede Lima Centro Jr. Cuzco 446. Anexo 1272 Biblioteca Estuardo Núñez - Sede Miraflores Av. Angamos Oeste 160. Anexo 2272 Biblioteca Anna Clack de Díaz - Sede San Miguel Av. La Marina 2469. Anexo 3272 Biblioteca Jorge Basadre Grohmann - Sede La Molina Av. Javier Prado Este 4625. Anexo 4272 Biblioteca ICPNA Lima Norte - Sede Lima Norte Av. El Pacífico 477, Independencia. Anexo 5272 Biblioteca ICPNA - Sede Chimbote Mz. C, Lt. 8, Urb. Mcal. Luzuriaga, Nuevo Chimbote. Telf.: (043) 58-6021 . Anexo *02101 Biblioteca ICPNA - Sede Iquitos Cl. Pevas 487. Telf.: (065) 23-5186. Anexo *01101 HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN Lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 9:00 p.m. Sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Sede Lima Norte Sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 6:30 p.m. Sede Chimbote Lunes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Lunes a viernes de 3:15 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. Sábados de 8:30 a.m. a 12:45 p.m. Sede Iquitos Lunes a viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 12:00 m. Lunes a viernes de 3:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. Sábados de 8:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. Dirección de Biblioteca Av. Angamos Oeste 120, Miraflores. Anexo 9107 [email protected] / bibliotecasicpna BIBLIOTECA Nos vemos allá arriba / Pierre Lemaitre. b o l e t í n I q u i t o s C h i m b o t e Lima Norte L a Las guerras de la Gran Guerra M o l i n a n o BOOKS table books NOTABLE p r o g r a m PROGRAM a c t i v i t i e s BIBLIOGRAPHIC b i b l i o g r a p h i c ALERT a l e r t BIOGRAPHIES B/980.02/O83 En busca de Bolívar/ William Ospina.-- Buenos Aires: Debate, 2014. 186 p. BOLÍVAR, SIMÓN - BIOGRAPHY/ LIBERATORS BIOGRAPHIES Lima Centro ICPNA announces the ICPNA 6th Biennial of Children’s Poetry 2015. This competition will award the best literary work in compliance with the established rules. Submission deadline: May 30, 2015. The jury will announce the results in June. ICPNA CATALOGS CATI/14-07 Líneas, palabras, cosas / Luz María Bedoya.-Lima: Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano, 2014. 144 p.:il. BEDOYA, LUZ MARÍA - CATALOGS / VISUAL ARTS – PERU - CATALOGS Lima Centro – Miraflores – San Miguel – La Molina – Lima Norte – Chimbote - Iquitos For any information, please contact: T. (511) 706-7000 – extension 9107 E-mail: [email protected] SOCIAL SCIENCES 362.8292/A34 La mujer en la violencia: pobreza, género y resistencia en el Perú / Cristina Alcalde.-- Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2014. 298 p. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE / POLITICAL VIOLENCE PERU / POVERTY – WOMEN - PERU Chimbote - Iquitos ENGLISH cine CICLO DE Miércoles 4 GANADORAS DEL OSCAR A MEJ OR PELÍCULA Miércoles 11 Miércoles 18 Miércoles 25 E/425.1/S91 The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation / Jane Straus.-- San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014. 201p. ENGLISH - GRAMMAR Lima Centro SCULPTURE 730.973/W29 Bernini: Art as Theatre // Genevieve Warwick.-New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012. 308 p.:il. BERNINI, GIAN LORENZO / ITALIAN SCULPTORS Miraflores R/917.94/W58 Complete National Parks of the United States: Featuring 400+ Parks, Monuments, Battlefields, Historic Sites, Scenic Trails, Recreation Areas, and Seashores / Mel White.-- Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2014. 527 p.:il. UNITED STATES - DESCRIPTIONS AND TRAVELS – GUIDES / NATIONAL MONUMENTS – GUIDES UNITED STATES Lima Centro NEW MAGAZINES ARTFORUM One of the most influential magazines in the contemporary art world. You can find interesting notes and reviews about cinema, dance, photography, popular culture, and advertisements for the most important galleries worldwide. This issue features a renowned group of critics and curators and their selection process to choose the best art productions in the field of visual and performing arts of 2014. Available at Miraflores. HIGHLIGHTS Educational Magazine aimed at children ages 6 through 12. Its educational contents consist of activities, short stories, readings, games and crafts, along with a section for parents and teachers. This issue features a small giraffe fostered by a buffalo herd and the story of a time capsule to be opened in year 3000. Available at Lima Centro and San Miguel. TIME It analyzes the most relevant topics in the field of world politics, science, culture, and economics. This issue features the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States, along with a selection of topics related to civil rights, geopolitics, health and technology that will hit the headlines throughout this year. Available in all branches. ICPNA Library Network will show LITERATURE 863.85/H63s Saber matar, saber morir / Augusto Higa Oshiro.-Lima: Caja Negra, 2014. PERUVIAN NOVELS–21ST CENTURY Miraflores simultaneously in all its video rooms, a selection of movies awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for its outstanding work in acting, directing, production and screenplay. Movies will be screened all Wednesdays in March in the following order: Sin lugar para los débiles (No Country for Old Men), Zona de miedo (The Hurt Locker), ¿Quién quiere ser millonario? (Slumdog Millionaire), and El artista (The Artist). Time: 6:00 pm. *The program is subject to change without notice. REFERENCE R/917.3/T25 USA - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture / Gina Teague.-- London : Kuperad, 2014. 168 p.: il. UNITED STATES - LIFE AND SOCIAL CUSTOMS Lima Centro R/917.47/A21 Nueva York: guías de ciudad / Ginger Adams Otis.- Nueva York: Lonely Planet, 2011. 448 p.:il. NEW YORK (USA) - DESCRIPTIONS AND TRAVELS Iquitos VIRTUAL LIBRARY SERVICE EICPNA, through its Library Network, puts at your disposal this important informative resource that will give you access to thousands of publications, specialized articles, audios, and videos. Multi-disciplinary database which provides access to academic and scientific journals. It includes different subject areas like administration, education, information science, philosophy, history, English, literature, psychology, and health care. The service houses a multidisciplinary collection of academic journals of different fields: arts, architecture, political science, history, economics, sociology, archaeology, language and literature, music, theater, philosophy, religion, ecology, mathematics, and statistics. Smithsonian Institute educational portal addressed to educators, students and parents, which offers innumerable resources and information for learning sciences in a fun and entertaining way.
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