Programación Fox 1 - Mayo 2015 FEC H A 0 1 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 2 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 3 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 4 M ayo 2 0 1 5 este HD oeste T IT ULO O RIGINA L 0 0 :1 5 2 3 :1 5 N on-S top T IT ULO ESP A NO L GENRE N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 0 2 :0 0 0 1 :0 0 O utlander S 1: 11 O utlander 1 E p 11 0 3 :0 0 0 2 :0 0 S ilv er Linings P lay book S ilv er Linings P lay book: E l lado luminoso de la vP alabras ida robadas C iencia F C icción omedia 0 5 :0 0 0 4 :0 0 The Words 0 6 :4 5 0 5 :4 5 E l M isterio D e La F elicidad E l misterio de la felicidad C omedia 0 8 :2 5 0 7 :2 5 H ouse O f V ersace La casa V ersace D rama D rama 0 9 :5 5 0 8 :5 5 E l G ringo E l G ringo 1 1 :4 0 1 0 :4 0 Ip M an: The F inal F ight Ip M an: La pelea final A cción 1 3 :2 0 1 2 :2 0 N ow You S ee M e N ada es lo que parece D rama S uspenso 1 5 :1 0 1 4 :1 0 O bliv ion O bliv ion: E l tiempo del olv ido 1 7 :1 5 1 6 :1 5 The H ost La huésped 1 9 :2 5 1 8 :2 5 A dore M adres perfectas C iencia F C icción iencia F Dicción rama 2 1 :2 0 2 0 :2 0 P hilomena P hilomena Biografía 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 O utlander S 1: 12 O utlander 1 E p 12 C iencia F icción 0 0 :0 0 2 3 :0 0 The Book Thief Ladrona de libros D rama 0 2 :0 5 0 1 :0 5 O utlander S 1: 12 O utlander 1 E p 12 0 3 :1 0 0 2 :1 0 M indscape M indscape C iencia F S icción uspenso 0 4 :5 0 0 3 :5 0 Truth A bout E mmanuel La v erdad sobre E manuel 0 6 :3 0 0 5 :3 0 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial 0 7 :2 5 0 6 :2 5 S alv ation Boulev ard P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año C amino de la salv ación 0 9 :0 0 0 8 :0 0 Laggies Laggies ELENC O M uy buenas chicas D rama 1 2 :1 5 1 1 :1 5 21 A nd O v er 21, la gran fiesta C omedia 1 3 :4 5 1 2 :4 5 The O ther Woman ¡M ujeres al ataque! C omedia 1 5 :3 5 1 4 :3 5 O utlander S 1: 11 O utlander 1 E p 11 1 6 :3 5 1 5 :3 5 O utlander S 1: 12 O utlander 1 E p 12 1 7 :3 5 1 6 :3 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas C iencia F C icción iencia F A icción cción 1 9 :2 0 1 8 :2 0 Transformers: A ge O f E xtinction Transformers: La era de la extinción A cción 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad D rama 2 3 :5 5 2 2 :5 5 The F ault In O ur S tars Bajo la misma estrella 0 2 :0 0 0 1 :0 0 O utlander S 1: 12 O utlander 1 E p 12 0 3 :0 0 0 2 :0 0 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán 0 4 :4 0 0 3 :4 0 We'll N ev er H av e P aris 0 6 :2 0 0 5 :2 0 D ow n The S hore 2012 C cott olantoni, C olm F eore, SDlater, onna S A dkins, C hristian Yv ette Yates, Islas A nthony WongIsrael C hau-S ang, 2012 0 6 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 7 M ayo 2 0 1 5 U nited S tates; H ong Kong; G illianECisenberg, hung, Jordan han, Jesse M arkCRuffalo, U nited S tates; Woody H arrelson, IslaF reeman, F isher Tom C ruise, M organ U nited S tates; O lga Kury lenko, A ndrea S aoirse Ronan, Jake A bel, M ax U nited S tates; Irons, rancesRobin F isherWright, N aomiFWatts, Xav S amuel, Judiier D ench, S tevJames e C oogan, F rance; A ustralia; 2012 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 U nited Kingdom; 2013 Maitriona are Winningham, Barbara U nited nitedMS Senzies, tates; G ary Lew C Balfe, S am H eughan, Tobias U tates; 2014 is G eoffrey Rush, E mily Watson, U nited S tates; 2014 S ophie N élisse, G ; C aitriona Balfe, Ben S amSHchnetzer eughan, Tobias U ermany nitedMSenzies, tates; G ary Lew 2014 is U nited S tates; S pain; 2013 F Urance; nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2011 U nited M oretz, FSanning, am Rockw ell, Kaitly n U nited D akota E lizabeth O lsen,CBoy H olbrook, D emi Justin hon,d M iles Teller, U nited S lar A stin, S arah C ky ameron D iaz, LeslieWright M ann, U nited S tates; 2014 S tates; 2013 S tates; 2012 2014 Kate U pton, N ikolaj C aitriona Balfe, S amCHostereughan, Tobias U nitedMSenzies, tates; G ary Lew 2014 is S tates; C aitriona Balfe, S am H eughan, Tobias U nitedMSenzies, tates; G ary Lew 2014 is Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, S M cN airy , M ichelle Tucci, Mcoot ark Wahlberg, S tanley Kelsey N icola P eltz M arion G C rammer, otillard, Joaquin U nited S tates; 2014 F rance; nitedS tates; 2014 C hina; UUnited U nited S tates; 2013 D rama P S hoenix, hailene Jeremy WoodleyRenner, , A nsel E lgort, N at Wolff, Laura D ern U nited S tates; 2014 C iencia F A icción v entura C aitriona Balfe, S am H eughan, Tobias U nitedMSenzies, tates; G ary Lew 2014 is N unca nos quedará P arís Romance Bajo la costa D rama 0 7 :5 5 0 6 :5 5 P hilomena P hilomena Biografía M oss, EHmily Brow ning, S imon elberg, M elanie Ly nskeyG,andolfini, M aggie GF race, James amke Janssen, Joseph E doardo Judi D ench, S tevPeope, C oogan, 0 9 :3 0 0 8 :3 0 N ow You S ee M e N ada es lo que parece S uspenso 1 1 :2 0 1 0 :2 0 O bliv ion O bliv ion: E l tiempo del olv ido 1 3 :2 5 1 2 :2 5 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán C iencia F A icción v entura 1 5 :0 5 1 4 :0 5 H ercules H ércules A v entura 1 6 :4 5 1 5 :4 5 X-M en: D ay s O f F uture P ast X-M en: D ías del futuro pasado 1 8 :5 5 1 7 :5 5 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad C iencia F Dicción rama 2 0 :5 5 1 9 :5 5 The F ault In O ur S tars Bajo la misma estrella D rama U nited S tates; 2014 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción E N at Wolff, ,Laura S lgort, hailene Woodley TheoD ern James, A shley Judd, Kate U nited S tates; 2014 C ameron D iaz, Leslie M ann, Kate U pton, N ikolaj C osterM arion C otillard, Joaquin P A hoenix, manda Jeremy S ey fried,Renner, P eter U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 0 1 :1 5 0 0 :1 5 The O ther Woman ¡M ujeres al ataque! C omedia 0 3 :0 5 0 2 :0 5 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad D rama 0 5 :0 0 0 4 :0 0 Lov elace Lov elace: G arganta profunda D rama 0 6 :3 5 0 5 :3 5 S tand O ff A traco Riesgoso C omedia 0 8 :0 5 0 7 :0 5 Betray ed F uera de temporada S uspenso 0 9 :3 5 0 8 :3 5 Bad A ss 2: Bad A sses U n tipo rudo 2 A cción 1 1 :0 5 1 0 :0 5 The Book Thief Ladrona de libros D rama 1 3 :1 5 1 2 :1 5 The H ost La huésped 1 5 :2 5 1 4 :2 5 21 A nd O v er 21, la gran fiesta C iencia F C icción omedia 1 6 :5 5 1 5 :5 5 V ery G ood G irls M uy buenas chicas D rama 1 8 :3 0 1 7 :3 0 N ow You S ee M e N ada es lo que parece S uspenso 2 0 :2 0 1 9 :2 0 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán A v entura 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 H ercules H ércules A v entura 2 3 :3 5 2 2 :3 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción Kit H arington, C arrie-A nne 0 1 :2 0 0 0 :2 0 O bliv ion O bliv ion: E l tiempo del olv ido 0 3 :2 5 0 2 :2 5 O culus O culus C iencia F Hicción orror 0 5 :1 0 0 4 :1 0 The Intouchables A migos intocables D rama 0 7 :0 5 0 6 :0 5 The A ttack E l atentado D rama 0 8 :5 5 0 7 :5 5 Jobs Jobs D rama 1 1 :0 0 1 0 :0 0 M indscape M indscape S uspenso 1 2 :4 0 1 1 :4 0 O bliv ion O bliv ion: E l tiempo del olv ido 1 4 :4 5 1 3 :4 5 X-M en: D ay s O f F uture P ast X-M en: D ías del futuro pasado 1 7 :0 0 1 6 :0 0 Transformers: A ge O f E xtinction Transformers: La era de la extinción C iencia F C icción iencia F A icción cción 1 9 :4 5 1 8 :4 5 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 A dore M adres perfectas D rama 2 3 :5 0 2 2 :5 0 O utlander S 1: The D ev il’s M ark O utlander 1 E p 11 C iencia F icción 0 0 :5 0 2 3 :5 0 O utlander S 1: Lally broch O utlander 1 E p 12 0 1 :5 0 0 0 :5 0 Lov elace Lov elace: G arganta profunda C iencia F Dicción rama 0 3 :2 0 0 2 :2 0 A Roy al A ffair La reina infiel D rama 0 5 :4 0 0 4 :4 0 M ud E l niño y el fugitiv o D rama 0 7 :5 5 0 6 :5 5 S traight A 's S traight A 's C omedia 0 9 :2 5 0 8 :2 5 Tres Bodas D e M ás Tres bodas de más C omedia 1 1 :0 5 1 0 :0 5 F ading G igolo C asi un gigoló C omedia 1 2 :3 5 1 1 :3 5 O utlander S 1: The D ev il’s M ark O utlander 1 E p 11 1 3 :4 0 1 2 :4 0 O utlander S 1: Lally broch O utlander 1 E p 12 1 4 :4 0 1 3 :4 0 V ery G ood G irls M uy buenas chicas C iencia F C icción iencia F Dicción rama 1 6 :1 0 1 5 :1 0 A dore M adres perfectas D rama 1 8 :0 5 1 7 :0 5 N ow You S ee M e N ada es lo que parece S uspenso 1 9 :5 5 1 8 :5 5 O bliv ion O bliv ion: E l tiempo del olv ido 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad C iencia F Dicción rama 2 3 :5 5 2 2 :5 5 S in C ity : A D ame To Kill F or S in C ity : U na mujer para matar o morir S uspenso 0 1 :4 0 0 0 :4 0 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas 0 3 :2 5 0 2 :2 5 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán A v entura 0 5 :0 5 0 4 :0 5 V ery G ood G irls M uy buenas chicas A cción D rama 0 6 :4 0 0 5 :4 0 Jobs Jobs D rama 0 8 :5 0 0 7 :5 0 A ugust: O sage C ounty Las v ueltas del destino D rama 1 0 :5 0 0 9 :5 0 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad D rama 1 2 :5 0 1 1 :5 0 O utlander S 1: Lally broch O utlander 1 E p 12 1 3 :5 0 1 2 :5 0 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas C iencia F A icción cción 1 5 :3 5 1 4 :3 5 H ercules H ércules A v entura U nited S tates; G ; C anada; U ermany nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2011 U nited M are Winningham, Barbara nited Jesse E isenberg, M ark Ruffalo, U U nited Woody H arrelson, Isla F isher Tom C ruise, M organ F reeman, U nited O Kury lenko, A ndrea Kitlga H arington, C arrie-A nne U nited M oss, E mily Brow ning, Dw ay ne Johnson, Ian Mugh cS hane, John H urt, Rufus H Jackman, James M v oyC,otillard, M ichaelJoaquin F assbender, M cA arion P S hoenix, hailene Jeremy WoodleyRenner, , A nsel 2013 Kingdom; S tates; tates; S 2013 S tates; 2013 S tates; G ermany ; C anada; U nited S tates; 2013 2013 2014 U nited S tates; U nited 2014 Kingdom; U nited S tates; 2013 S arsgaard, H ank CAolm zaria, A dam, U nited Kingdom; Brendan F raser, M eaney M artin M cC ann, CYay a A lafia A manda S chull, harlie U nited S tates; H H alD O zsan, James D ofheimer, anny Trejo, anny G lov er, U nited S tates; A eoffrey ndrew DRush, iv off, EJacqueline G mily Watson, U nited S tates; 2011 2014 2014 2014 S aoirse ophie NRonan, élisse, Jake Ben SAchnetzer ; S bel, M ax G U ermany nited S tates; Irons, isher Justin CF rances hon, M F iles Teller, U nited S tates; S lar AFstin, S arah Wright Dky akota anning, E lizabeth U nited S tates; 2013 O lsen,EBoy d H olbrook, D emi Jesse isenberg, M ark Ruffalo, Woody H arrelson, Isla nne F isher Kit H arington, C arrie-A U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; G ; C anada; U ermany nited S tates; 2014 M oss, E mily Brow ning, Dw ay ne Johnson, Ian M cS hane, JohnJulianne H urt, Rufus Liam N eeson, M oore, S coot M cN airy , M ichelle 0 5 M ayo 2 0 1 5 A ÑO Bradley C ooper, Jennifer U nited S tates; Law rence, RobertJeremy D e N iro, Bradley C ooper, Irons, U nited S tates; D Q uaid, O liv iaInés Wilde G ennis uillermo F rancella, A rgentina; Brazil; E stév A lejandro A w ada, G ina Gez, ershon, E nrico C anada; Taissa F armiga, M ark S trong, Brian S askia Jessica Reev esBiel, D rama Kay a CS ox, codelario, D ocumenta F V rances arios O 'C onnor, Jimmi lC omedia P ierce Brosnan, Jennifer C onnelly , E d H,arris, G reg C omedia Keira Knightley C hloë G race 1 0 :4 5 0 9 :4 5 V ery G ood G irls O RIGIN C O UNT RY Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, U nited S tates; 2014 S coot M cNBalfe, airy , M ichelle F nited G ary Lew C aitriona S am H eughan, Tobias Urance; nitedMSU enzies, tates; 2014 is U nited S tates; F rance; U nited Tom C ruise, M organ F reeman, U nited S tates; O lga Kury lenko, A ndrea Karen G illan, Brenton U nited S tates; Thw aites,C Katee F rançois luzet, OS ackhoff, mar S y , F rance; A linne Le N y , Rey A udrey A S uliman, mondF leurot Belgium; F rance; 2012 2013 2013 2014 2013 2014 2011 A shton msalem, E v genia D odena, A Kutcher, D ermot M ulroney , Josh GMad, Taissa F armiga, arkLukas S trong, Brian ox, S askia Reev es Tom CCruise, M organ F reeman, 2012 Lebanon; Q atar; U nited S tates; 2013 S w itzerland; U nited S tates; S pain; 2013 F rance; U nited S tates; 2013 O ugh lga Kury lenko,James A ndrea H Jackman, M oy , M ichael F assbender, M cA arkv Wahlberg, S tanley Tucci, U nited S tates; U nited 2014 Kingdom; C hina; U nited S tates; 2014 Kelsey icola P eltz S haileneG rammer, Woodley ,NTheo James, A shleyRobin Judd,Wright, Kate N aomi Watts, U nited S tates; F rance; A ustralia; 2013 Xav ier S amuel, James U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 A manda S ey fried, P eter U nited S tates; S H ankMAads zaria, A dam D enmark; S w eden; A arsgaard, licia V ikander, M Boe , Ty e C zech Republic; M ikkelsen, atthew MM cCikkel onaughey U nited S tates; S S am SAhepard, Reese U nited S tates; Ryheridan, an P hillippe, nna P aquin, 2014 2013 2012 2012 2012 Luke Thomas InmaWilson, C uesta,Riley M artiño Riv as, Q uimTurturro, G utiérrez, P aco León John Woody A llen, S pain; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 V anessa P aradis, Liev U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 D akota F anning, E lizabeth O aomi lsen, Watts, Boy d HRobin olbrook, D emi N Wright, F rance; A ustralia; Xav ierESisenberg, amuel, James Jesse M ark Ruffalo, U nited S tates; Woody H arrelson, IslaF reeman, F isher Tom C ruise, M organ U nited S tates; O Kury lenko, A ndrea M lga arion C otillard, Joaquin U nited S tates; P Jeremy Jessica Renner, Mhoenix, ickey Rourke, A lba, U nited S tates; 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 Josh Brolin, Joseph G ordon- C y prus; Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, S coot M cN airy C, M ichelle Kit H arington, arrie-A nne M oss, E mily BrowEning, D akota F anning, lizabeth U nited S tates; F rance; nited U nited SUtates; 2014 G ermany ; C anada; U nited S tates; 2013 O lsen, Boy d H olbrook, A shton Kutcher, D ermotD emi M , JoshJulia G ad, Lukas M ulroney ery l S treep, Roberts, U nited S tates; 2013 S itzerland; Uw nited S tates; E an MCcG regor, Joaquin C hris C ooper U nited S tates; Mw arion otillard, P hoenix, Jeremy Renner, U nited S tates; 2013 Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, S airy , M ichelle Dcoot w ay M necN Johnson, Ian M cS hane, John H urt, Rufus U nited S tates; F nited Urance; nited SUtates; 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 Programación Fox 1 - Mayo 2015 FEC H A 0 8 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 9 M ayo 2 0 1 5 1 0 M ayo 2 0 1 5 este HD oeste 1 2 M ayo 2 0 1 5 1 3 M ayo 2 0 1 5 1 4 M ayo 2 0 1 5 T IT ULO ESP A NO L GENRE Transformers: La era de la extinción A cción 1 9 :5 5 1 8 :5 5 The F ault In O ur S tars Bajo la misma estrella D rama 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 The G rand Budapest H otel E l gran hotel Budapest C omedia 2 3 :4 0 2 2 :4 0 O utlander S 1: The D ev il’s M ark O utlander 1 E p 11 C iencia F icción 0 0 :4 0 2 3 :4 0 O utlander S 1: Lally broch O utlander 1 E p 12 0 1 :4 0 0 0 :4 0 P hilomena P hilomena C iencia F icción Biografía 0 3 :2 0 0 2 :2 0 The O ther Woman ¡M ujeres al ataque! C omedia 0 5 :1 5 0 4 :1 5 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial 0 6 :1 0 0 5 :1 0 A ugust: O sage C ounty P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año Las v ueltas del destino 0 8 :1 5 0 7 :1 5 M ud E l niño y el fugitiv o D rama 1 0 :3 0 0 9 :3 0 Labor D ay A ires de esperanza D rama 1 2 :2 0 1 1 :2 0 F ading G igolo C asi un gigoló C omedia 1 3 :5 5 1 2 :5 5 Begin A gain E mpezar otra v ez C omedia ELENC O E l hombre duplicado S uspenso 1 7 :2 0 1 6 :2 0 S in C ity : A D ame To Kill F or S in C ity : U na mujer para matar o morir S uspenso 1 9 :0 5 1 8 :0 5 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán A v entura 2 0 :4 5 1 9 :4 5 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 O utlander S 1: The Watch O utlander 1 E p 13 2 3 :5 5 2 2 :5 5 P ow er S 1: N ot E xactly H ow We P lanned P ow er Temp 1 C ap 1 C iencia F Dicción rama 0 0 :5 5 2 3 :5 5 P ow er S 1: Whoev er H e Is P ow er Temp 1 C ap 2 D rama 0 1 :5 5 0 0 :5 5 H ercules H ércules A v entura 0 3 :3 5 0 2 :3 5 O utlander S 1: The Watch O utlander 1 E p 13 0 4 :3 0 0 3 :3 0 Laggies Laggies C iencia F C icción omedia 0 6 :1 5 0 5 :1 5 P ow der Room P ow der Room C omedia 0 7 :4 0 0 6 :4 0 Begin A gain E mpezar otra v ez C omedia 0 9 :2 5 0 8 :2 5 P hilomena P hilomena Biografía 1 1 :0 5 1 0 :0 5 N oah N oé A v entura 1 3 :2 0 1 2 :2 0 The F ault In O ur S tars Bajo la misma estrella D rama 1 5 :2 0 1 4 :2 0 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción 1 7 :3 5 1 6 :3 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 1 9 :2 0 1 8 :2 0 Transformers: A ge O f E xtinction Transformers: La era de la extinción A cción 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 D aw n O f The P lanet O f The A pes E l planeta de los simios: C onfrontación C iencia F icción 0 0 :1 0 2 3 :1 0 X-M en: D ay s O f F uture P ast X-M en: D ías del futuro pasado 0 2 :2 0 0 1 :2 0 O utlander S 1: The Watch O RIGIN C O UNT RY A ÑO M ark Wahlberg, S tanley Tucci, Kelsey S haileneG rammer, Woodley ,NAicola nsel P eltz C hina; U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 E lgort,FNiennes, at Wolff, Ralph F . Laura M urrayD ern A braham, E dw ard N orton, U nited S tates; G ermany ; U nited U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited Kingdom; U nited nited S U S tates; tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 E an M cG C hris C, ooper Mw atthew Mregor, cC onaughey Ty e U nited S tates; S heridan, S amJosh S hepard, Kate Winslet, Brolin, Reese U nited S tates; G attlin G riffith, Woody Tobey AMllen, aguire U nited S tates; John Turturro, V anessa P aradis, Keira Knightley , MLiev ark Ruffalo, U nited S tates; 2012 Judi D ench, S tev e C oogan, M are Winningham, Barbara C ameron D iaz, Leslie M ann, D ocumenta Kate U pton, N ikolaj C osterlD rama M ery l S treep, Julia Roberts, 1 5 :4 5 1 4 :4 5 E nemy H aileeG S Lev ine C anada; S pain; Jake y teinfeld, llenhaal, AMdam élanie Laurent, S arah GJessica adon, Isabella M ickey Rourke, A lba, U nited S tates; Josh Joseph G ordonC nited y prus;S tates; Kit H Brolin, arington, C arrie-A nne U M oss, E mily Brow,ning, S hailene Woodley Theo James, A shley Judd, Kate 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2013 G ermany ; C anada; U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 O mari H ardw ick, Lela Loren, U nited S tates; N aturi N aughton, Joseph S ikora 2014 O mari H ardw ick, Lela Loren, U nited S tates; N N aughton, D aturi w ay ne Johnson,Joseph Ian S ikora U nited S tates; M cS hane, John H urt, Rufus U nited S tates; 2014 Keira Knightley , C hloë G race U nited S tates; M oretz, SSam Rockw ell, Kaitly n U nited Kingdom; S heridan mith, Jaime Winstone, Kate N ash, O ona Keira Knightley , M ark Ruffalo, U nited S tates; H ailee S teinfeld, Lev ine U nited Kingdom; Judi D ench, S tev A e dam C oogan, 2014 M are Winningham, Barbara Russell C row e, Jennifer C onnelly ,Woodley Ray Winstone, S hailene , A nsel U nited nited S S tates; tates; U 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 E N at Wolff, ,Laura S lgort, hailene Woodley TheoD ern James, A shleyJulianne Judd, Kate Liam N eeson, M oore, U nited S tates; 2014 S M cN airy , M ichelle Tucci, Mcoot ark Wahlberg, S tanley Kelsey rammer, P eltz A ndy SG erkis, JasonN icola C larke, 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 U nited S tates; 2014 F rance; nitedS tates; 2014 C hina; UUnited U nited S tates; 2014 G ary O ldman, Keri Russell O utlander 1 E p 13 C iencia F C icción iencia 0 3 :2 0 0 2 :2 0 S in C ity : A D ame To Kill F or S in C ity : U na mujer para matar o morir F S icción uspenso M ickey Rourke, Jessica A lba, 0 5 :0 0 0 4 :0 0 E nemy E l hombre duplicado S uspenso 0 6 :3 0 0 5 :3 0 The Book Thief Ladrona de libros D rama 0 8 :4 0 0 7 :4 0 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad D rama Josh Joseph G ordonJake Brolin, G y llenhaal, M élanie Laurent, arah GEadon, Isabella G eoffrey SRush, mily Watson, S S chnetzer Mophie arion N C élisse, otillard,Ben Joaquin H ugh Jackman, James M cA v oy , M ichael F assbender, U nited S tates; U nited 2014 Kingdom; U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; C prus; S pain; C yanada; 2014 2013 U nited S tates; G ermany ; U nited S tates; 2013 2014 P hoenix, JeremyF .Renner, Ralph F iennes, M urray A braham,Woodley E dw ard, N orton, S hailene Theo U nited S tates; G ; U nited U ermany nited S tates; 2014 James, A shley C ameron D iaz, Judd, Leslie Kate M ann, Kate ikolaj CClarke, osterA ndy USpton, erkis,NJason U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 G ary ldman, Keri Russell H ugh O Jackman, James M cA v oyC,row M ichael F assbender, Russell e, Jennifer U nited S tates; U nited 2014 Kingdom; U nited S tates; 2014 1 0 :4 0 0 9 :4 0 The G rand Budapest H otel E l gran hotel Budapest C omedia 1 2 :2 0 1 1 :2 0 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción 1 4 :3 5 1 3 :3 5 The O ther Woman ¡M ujeres al ataque! C omedia 1 6 :2 5 1 5 :2 5 D aw n O f The P lanet O f The A pes E l planeta de los simios: C onfrontación 1 8 :3 5 1 7 :3 5 X-M en: D ay s O f F uture P ast X-M en: D ías del futuro pasado 2 0 :4 5 1 9 :4 5 N oah N oé C iencia F C icción iencia F A icción v entura S itiados E p 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama C Ray MWinstone, A onnelly ndrés P,arra, arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena C hile; 2014 0 0 :0 0 2 3 :0 0 D aw n O f The P lanet O f The A pes E l planeta de los simios: C onfrontación 0 3 :0 5 0 2 :0 5 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán A v entura A ndy S erkis, Jason C larke, G OP ldman, Russell A ary ndrés arra, MKeri arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena Kit H arington, C arrie-A nne 2014 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ C iencia F Dicción rama U nited S tates; 0 2 :0 5 0 1 :0 5 S itiados S 1: 1 0 4 :4 5 0 3 :4 5 A Roy al A ffair La reina infiel D rama 0 7 :3 5 0 6 :3 5 Labor D ay A ires de esperanza D rama 0 9 :2 5 0 8 :2 5 21 A nd O v er 21, la gran fiesta C omedia 1 1 :0 0 1 0 :0 0 Laggies Laggies C omedia 1 2 :4 5 1 1 :4 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 3 :4 5 1 2 :4 5 Truth A bout E mmanuel La v erdad sobre E manuel D rama 1 5 :2 5 1 4 :2 5 M indscape M indscape S uspenso 1 7 :0 5 1 6 :0 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 1 8 :5 5 1 7 :5 5 Bad A ss 2: Bad A sses U n tipo rudo 2 A cción 2 0 :3 0 1 9 :3 0 E nemy E l hombre duplicado 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 S itiados S 1: 1 1 1 M ayo 2 0 1 5 T IT ULO O RIGINA L 1 7 :1 5 1 6 :1 5 Transformers: A ge O f E xtinction S IM U LTA N E O S uspenso M oss, VEikander, mily Brow A licia M ning, ads M ikkelsen, M ikkel Kate Winslet, Josh Boe Brolin, G attlinCGhon, riffith, Tobey M aguire Justin M iles Teller, S ky larKnightley A stin, S arah Wright Keira , C hloë G race S in C ity : U na mujer para matar o morir S uspenso 2 3 :4 5 2 2 :4 5 O culus O culus H orror 0 1 :2 5 0 0 :2 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ 0 2 :2 0 0 1 :2 0 The Iceman E l hombre de hielo S uspenso 0 4 :1 0 0 3 :1 0 The M onk E l monje S uspenso 0 5 :5 0 0 4 :5 0 When S parks F ly When S parks F ly C omedia 0 7 :3 0 0 6 :3 0 Tarzan 3d Tarzán arkle,Lutz, Kristina P esic, Lochly n A nimación M Kellan S pencer Locke, Robert D rama F rançoisC apron, C luzet, Jaime O marRay Sy , 0 9 :1 0 0 8 :1 0 The Intouchables A migos intocables 1 1 :0 5 1 0 :0 5 V ery G ood G irls M uy buenas chicas D rama 1 2 :4 5 1 1 :4 5 The C ompany You Keep C ausas y consecuencias S uspenso 1 4 :5 0 1 3 :5 0 Jobs Jobs D rama A v entura 2014 U nited S tates; G ermany anada; D enmark;; SCw eden; 2013 C nited zech Republic; U S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2012 U nited S tates; 2014 F rance; nited U nited SUtates; C anada; S pain; Laurent, S arah GJessica adon, Isabella M ickey Rourke, A lba, U nited S tates; Josh Brolin, G ordonC nited y prus;S tates; Karen G illan,Joseph Brenton U Thw aites, Katee S ackhoff, 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 S in C ity : A D ame To Kill F or D rama C hile; M oretz, PSarra, am Rockw ell, VKaitly A ndrés M arimar ega, n C hile; Benjamín V icuña, Jessica M acarena Kay a S codelario, Biel, U nited S tates; F rances O 'C onnor, Jimmi Taissa F armiga, M ark S trong, U nited S tates; S pain; Brian ox, S askia ReevMesoore, U F rance; Liam NCeeson, Julianne nited S tates; S cN airyD, anny M ichelle Dcoot annyMTrejo, G lov er, A ndrew D iv off, Jacqueline Jake G y llenhaal, M élanie A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, C hile; Benjamín V icuña, M acarena M ichael S hannon, Winona U nited S tates; Ry der, Ray Liotta, C hris E v ans F rance; S pain; V incent C assel, D éborah F Joséphine , S ergi U nited S tates; C rançois, hristopher Jacot, MJapy eghan A LeFNanning, y , A udrey F leurot D nne akota E lizabeth O lsen, Redford, Boy d H olbrook, D emi Robert S hia LaBeouf, Julie C hristie, S usan S arandon A shton Kutcher, D ermot M , JoshC G ad, Lukas Kitulroney H arington, arrie-A nne M oss, EPmily ning, V ega, A ndrés arra,Brow M arimar 2014 2012 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2014 2014 2014 2012 2011 2014 G ermany ; 2012 F rance; 2011 U nited S tates; 2013 C anada; 2012 U nited S tates; S itzerland; Uw nited S tates; 2013 1 7 :0 5 1 6 :0 5 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán 1 8 :5 5 1 7 :5 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 9 :5 5 1 8 :5 5 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad D rama 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 P hilomena P hilomena Biografía 2 3 :3 5 2 2 :3 5 O utlander S 1: 12 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 12 C iencia F icción 0 0 :4 0 2 3 :4 0 O utlander S 1: 13 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 13 0 1 :4 5 0 0 :4 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ C iencia F Dicción rama 0 2 :4 5 0 1 :4 5 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción 0 5 :0 5 0 4 :0 5 Laggies Laggies C omedia 0 6 :5 5 0 5 :5 5 V ery G ood G irls M uy buenas chicas D rama 0 8 :3 0 0 7 :3 0 Truth A bout E mmanuel La v erdad sobre E manuel D rama 1 0 :1 0 0 9 :1 0 P eace, Lov e & M isunderstanding P az, amor y malentendidos C omedia 1 1 :4 5 1 0 :4 5 Temptation: C onfessions O f A M arriage C ounselor D rama 1 3 :4 5 1 2 :4 5 A ugust: O sage C ounty Tentación: C onfesiones de una consejera matrimonial Las v ueltas del destino 1 5 :5 0 1 4 :5 0 The Book Thief Ladrona de libros D rama 1 8 :0 5 1 7 :0 5 N ow You S ee M e N ada es lo que parece S uspenso 2 0 :1 0 1 9 :1 0 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 D aw n O f The P lanet O f The A pes E l planeta de los simios: C onfrontación C iencia F icción 0 0 :1 5 2 3 :1 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, C hile; 2014 0 1 :1 5 0 0 :1 5 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán A v entura 0 3 :0 0 0 2 :0 0 O culus O culus H orror U nited S tates; G ermany ; C anada; U nited S tates; 2014 0 4 :5 0 0 3 :5 0 M indscape M indscape S uspenso Benjamín V icuña, M acarena Kit H arington, C arrie-A nne M oss, G E mily ning, Karen illan, Brow Brenton Thw aites, Katee M S ackhoff, Taissa F armiga, ark S trong, 0 6 :3 5 0 5 :3 5 Jobs Jobs D rama D rama Benjamín V icuña,Joaquin M acarena M arion C otillard, P hoenix, Jeremy Judi D ench, S tev eRenner, C oogan, M are Winningham, Barbara A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, ,MTheo acarena S hailene Woodley James, A shley ,Judd, Keira Knightley C hloëKate G race 2013 G ermany ; C anada; C hile; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited Kingdom; U U nited nited S S tates; tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 2013 C hile; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 M oretz, FSanning, am Rockw ell, Kaitly n U nited S tates; D akota E lizabeth O lsen, d H olbrook, emi Kay a SBoy codelario, JessicaDBiel, U nited S tates; F rances O 'C onnor, Jimmi C atherine Keener, Jane F onda, U nited S tates; Jeffrey SDmollett-Bell, ean M organ,Lance C hace Jurnee U nited S tates; 2013 G Kardashian, Mross, ery l SKim treep, Julia Roberts, U nited S tates; Ew an M cG regor,E mily C hrisWatson, C ooper U nited S tates; G eoffrey Rush, S ophie N élisse, Ben S chnetzer ; Jesse E isenberg, M ark Ruffalo, G U ermany nited S tates; 2013 Woody H arrelson, Isla F Liam N eeson, Julianne Misher oore, S cN airyJason , M ichelle A coot ndy M S erkis, C larke, U nited S tates; F rance; nited U nited SUtates; 2013 2011 2013 2014 2013 2014 2014 G ary O ldman, Keri Russell Brian C ox, S askiaD ermot Reev es A shton Kutcher, M ulroney , Josh G ad, Lukas 2013 U nited S tates; S pain; 2013 F Urance; nited S tates; 2013 S w itzerland; Programación Fox 1 - Mayo 2015 FEC H A 1 5 M ayo 2 0 1 5 este HD oeste T IT ULO O RIGINA L 1 7 M ayo 2 0 1 5 1 8 M ayo 2 0 1 5 1 9 M ayo 2 0 1 5 1 0 :4 0 0 9 :4 0 E nemy E l hombre duplicado S uspenso 1 2 :2 0 1 1 :2 0 O culus O culus H orror 1 4 :1 0 1 3 :1 0 Ip M an: The F inal F ight Ip M an: La pelea final A cción 1 5 :5 5 1 4 :5 5 Bad A ss 2: Bad A sses U n tipo rudo 2 A cción 1 7 :3 0 1 6 :3 0 The H ost La huésped 1 9 :4 0 1 8 :4 0 D iv ergent D iv ergente C iencia F A icción cción 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 2 2 :5 5 2 1 :5 5 The G rand Budapest H otel E l gran hotel Budapest 0 0 :3 5 2 3 :3 5 Labor D ay A ires de esperanza 0 2 :2 5 0 1 :2 5 A ugust: O sage C ounty Las v ueltas del destino D rama 0 4 :3 0 0 3 :3 0 The Intouchables A migos intocables D rama 0 6 :3 0 0 5 :3 0 E scape F rom P oly gamy La cuarta esposa Romance 0 8 :0 0 0 7 :0 0 The G ood S ister La buena hermana S uspenso 0 9 :3 5 0 8 :3 5 The Book Thief Ladrona de libros D rama 1 1 :4 5 1 0 :4 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 2 :4 5 1 1 :4 5 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad D rama M uy buenas chicas S uspenso ELENC O O RIGIN C O UNT RY A ÑO M ichael S hannon, Winona U nited S tates; Ry der, Liotta,MCélanie hris E v ans C anada; S pain; Jake G yRay llenhaal, Laurent, S arah G adon, Isabella Karen G illan, Brenton U nited S tates; 2012 Thw aites,Wong KateeC Shau-S ackhoff, A nthony ang, G hung, DJordan C lov han, D illian anny CTrejo, anny G er, 2013 H ong Kong; 2013 2014 U nited S tates; A aoirse ndrew Ronan, D iv off, Jake Jacqueline S A bel, M ax U nited S tates; Irons, F rances F isher S hailene Woodley , Theo U nited S tates; James, A arra, shley MJudd, Kate A ndrés P arimar V ega, C hile; 2014 C omedia Benjamín V icuña, Ralph F iennes, F. M M acarena urray A braham, E dw ard N orton, U nited S tates; G ermany ; U nited 2014 D rama Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, G riffith,Julia Tobey M aguire Mattlin ery l SGtreep, Roberts, U nited S tates; D rama U nited S tates; E an M cG regor,OCmar hris SCyooper Fw rançois C luzet, , F rance; A aley nne Le y , A udrey F leurot H LuNRichardson, Jack U nited S tates; F alahee, M ary M cC ormack, S ony a Walger, Ben Bass, C anada; U nited S tates; 2013 S pain; 2013 U nited S tates; 2012 S ky larEAisenberg, stin, S arah Wright Jesse M ark Ruffalo, Woody H arrelson, Isla nne F isher Kit H arington, C arrie-A U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; G ermany ; C anada; U nited S tates; 2014 N ada es lo que parece S uspenso 2 1 :2 0 2 0 :2 0 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán A v entura 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 O utlander S 1: 14 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 14 C iencia F icción M oss, E mily Brow ning, 0 0 :0 5 2 3 :0 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 0 1 :4 5 0 0 :4 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 0 2 :4 5 0 1 :4 5 O utlander S 1: 14 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 14 Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, S airy M ,M ichelleV ega, A coot ndrésMPcN arra, arimar Benjamín V icuña, M acarena 0 3 :5 0 0 2 :5 0 Laggies Laggies C iencia F C icción omedia D rama P hilomena Biografía 1 2 :0 0 1 1 :0 0 The G rand Budapest H otel E l gran hotel Budapest C omedia Romance 1 3 :4 0 1 2 :4 0 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 4 :3 5 1 3 :3 5 Transformers Transformers A cción 1 6 :5 5 1 5 :5 5 Transformers: Rev enge O f The F allen Transformers: Rev enge O f The F allen 2014 O lsen,CBoy d HM olbrook, D emi Inma uesta, artiño Riv as, Q uim G P aco León Justin C utiérrez, hon, M iles Teller, 1 9 :3 0 1 8 :3 0 N ow You S ee M e 1 0 :2 0 0 9 :2 0 P hilomena 2013 2013 C omedia Titulo P or C onfirmar 2013 U nited S tates; C omedia Tentación: C onfesiones de una consejera matrimonial N unca nos quedará P arís 2013 2011 Benjamín V icuña,Joaquin M acarena M arion C otillard, P Dhoenix, akota F Jeremy anning, Renner, E lizabeth Tres bodas de más 0 8 :4 5 0 7 :4 5 We'll N ev er H av e P aris 2014 2014 21, la gran fiesta 0 6 :5 5 0 5 :5 5 Temptation: C onfessions O f A M arriage C ounselor 2014 U nited S tates; G ermany ; C hile; 1 7 :5 5 1 6 :5 5 21 A nd O v er 0 5 :3 0 0 4 :3 0 Titulo P or C onfirmar 2013 A eoffrey shleigh HRush, arrington, G E milyBobbie Watson, S élisse,MBen S chnetzer A ophie ndrés N P arra, arimar V ega, 1 6 :2 0 1 5 :2 0 Tres Bodas D e M ás 2014 2013 U nited S tates; F C rance; hile; U nited 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 Keira Knightley , C hloë G race U nited S tates; M oretz, S am Rockw ell, Kaitly n 2014 Jurnee S mollett-Bell, Lance G ross, Kim Kardashian, S imon H elberg, M elanie U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2014 Ly nskey , M aggie Judi D ench, S tev eGCrace, oogan, M are Winningham, Ralph F iennes, F . MBarbara urray U nited Kingdom; U nited nited S U S tates; tates; G ; U nited C ermany hile; 2013 A E dwMard N orton, A braham, ndrés P arra, arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena S hia LaBeouf, M egan F ox, Josh U nited S tates; D uhamel, Ty rese G ibson 2014 2014 2014 2007 1 9 :2 5 1 8 :2 5 Transformers: D ark O f The M oon Transformers: D ark O f The M oon 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 Transformers: A ge O f E xtinction Transformers: La era de la extinción A cción M ark Wahlberg, S tanley Tucci, Kelsey G rammer, N icola P eltz C hina; U nited S tates; 2014 0 0 :4 5 2 3 :4 5 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad D rama U nited S tates; 2013 0 2 :4 0 0 1 :4 0 O utlander S 1: 14 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 14 U nited S tates; 2014 0 3 :5 0 0 2 :5 0 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ C iencia F Dicción rama M arion C otillard, Joaquin P hoenix, Jeremy Renner, 2014 21, la gran fiesta C omedia U nited S tates; 2012 0 6 :2 5 0 5 :2 5 Tres Bodas D e M ás Tres bodas de más C omedia A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, acarena Justin C hon, M iles M Teller, S ky larCAuesta, stin, SMarah Wright Inma artiño Riv as, C hile; 0 4 :4 5 0 3 :4 5 21 A nd O v er S pain; 2013 0 8 :0 5 0 7 :0 5 M ud E l niño y el fugitiv o D rama 1 0 :2 0 0 9 :2 0 Labor D ay A ires de esperanza D rama 1 2 :1 5 1 1 :1 5 Laggies Laggies C omedia 1 4 :0 5 1 3 :0 5 O utlander S 1: 12 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 12 1 5 :1 0 1 4 :1 0 O utlander S 1: 13 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 13 C iencia F C icción iencia 1 6 :1 5 1 5 :1 5 O utlander S 1: 14 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 14 1 7 :2 0 1 6 :2 0 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas 1 9 :0 5 1 8 :0 5 D aw n O f The P lanet O f The A pes E l planeta de los simios: C onfrontación F C icción iencia F A icción cción C iencia F S icción uspenso Q G utiérrez, P aco León M uim atthew M cC onaughey , Ty e U nited S tates; S heridan, S amJosh S hepard, Kate Winslet, Brolin, Reese U nited S tates; G attlinKnightley G riffith, ,Tobey Keira C hloë M Gaguire race U nited S tates; M oretz, S am Rockw ell, Kaitly n U nited S tates; 2012 U nited S tates; 2014 2013 2014 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, S cN airyJason , M ichelle A coot ndy M S erkis, C larke, U nited S tates; F rance; nited U nited SUtates; 2014 2014 2 1 :1 5 2 0 :1 5 S in C ity : A D ame To Kill F or S in C ity : U na mujer para matar o morir S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama G Russell Mary ickeyO ldman, Rourke,Keri Jessica A lba, Josh Brolin, Joseph G ordonA ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, U nited S tates; C prus; C yhile; 2014 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 S itiados S 1: 2 2 3 :5 5 2 2 :5 5 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán A v entura Benjamín V icuña, M acarena Kit H arington, C arrie-A nne M oss, E mily Brow ning, U nited S tates; G ermany ; C anada; 2013 0 1 :3 5 0 0 :3 5 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 0 2 :3 5 0 1 :3 5 Lov elace Lov elace: G arganta profunda D rama 0 4 :0 5 0 3 :0 5 E scape F rom P oly gamy La cuarta esposa Romance A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, C hile; Benjamín A manda SVeyicuña, fried, MPacarena eter U nited S tates; S H ank A zaria, Harsgaard, aley Lu Richardson, JackA dam U nited S tates; F alahee, M ary M cC ormack, 0 5 :4 0 0 4 :4 0 Titulo P or C onfirmar Titulo P or C onfirmar 0 7 :1 5 0 6 :1 5 A ngels S ing C uando los ángeles cantan 0 8 :4 5 0 7 :4 5 Tarzan 3d Tarzán 1 0 :2 0 0 9 :2 0 E l M isterio D e La F elicidad E l misterio de la felicidad F amiliar H arry C onnick Jr., C onnie Ly le SLov ett, Willie A nimación Britton, Kellan Lutz, pencer Locke, Robert C apron, Jaime Ray C omedia G uillermo F rancella, Inés 1 2 :0 0 1 1 :0 0 We'll N ev er H av e P aris N unca nos quedará P arís Romance 1 3 :3 5 1 2 :3 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ 1 4 :3 5 1 3 :3 5 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 6 :1 0 1 5 :1 0 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad D rama 1 8 :1 0 1 7 :1 0 V ery G ood G irls M uy buenas chicas D rama 1 9 :4 5 1 8 :4 5 D iv ergent D iv ergente 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 D aw n O f The P lanet O f The A pes E l planeta de los simios: C onfrontación 0 0 :1 0 2 3 :1 0 S itiados S 1: 2 0 1 :4 0 0 0 :4 0 P hilomena 0 3 :2 0 0 2 :2 0 Truth A bout E mmanuel 2014 2014 2013 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 G ermany ; 2012 A rgentina; Brazil; 2014 E A lejandro A w ada, S stév imonez, H elberg, M elanie Ly nskeyP, arra, M aggie G race,V ega, A ndrés M arimar U nited S tates; 2014 Benjamín V icuña, M acarena A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña,Joaquin M acarena M arion C otillard, C hile; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 A cción P Dhoenix, akota F Jeremy anning, Renner, E lizabeth O lsen, Boy d H olbrook, S hailene Woodley , TheoD emi U nited S tates; 2014 C iencia F icción James, A shleyJason Judd,C Kate A ndy S erkis, larke, G ary O ldman, Keri Russell U nited S tates; 2014 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama C hile; 2014 P hilomena Biografía A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, Judi D ench, S tev e MCacarena oogan, U nited Kingdom; U U nited nited S S tates; tates; 2013 La v erdad sobre E manuel D rama D rama M area Winningham, Barbara Kay S codelario, Jessica Biel, F rances O 'C onnor, Jimmi Inma C uesta, M artiño Riv as, C hile; 0 4 :5 5 0 3 :5 5 Tres Bodas D e M ás Tres bodas de más C omedia 0 6 :3 5 0 5 :3 5 Bad A ss 2: Bad A sses U n tipo rudo 2 A cción 0 8 :1 0 0 7 :1 0 Transformers Transformers Q uim GTrejo, utiérrez, P aco GLeón D anny D anny lov er, A ndrew D iv off, Jacqueline M ark Wahlberg, S tanley Tucci, C hina; U nited S tates; Kelsey A mandaG rammer, S ey fried,NPicola eter P eltz U nited S tates; S H ank A zaria,V ega, A dam C hile; A arsgaard, ndrés P arra, M arimar Benjamín V icuña, acarena Keira Knightley , CM hloë G race U nited S tates; M oretz, S am Rockw ell, Kaitly n U nited S tates; 1 1 :3 0 1 0 :3 0 Transformers: Rev enge O f The F allen 2 0 M ayo 2 0 1 5 GENRE E l hombre de hielo 1 4 :4 5 1 3 :4 5 V ery G ood G irls 1 6 M ayo 2 0 1 5 T IT ULO ESP A NO L 0 8 :5 0 0 7 :5 0 The Iceman 2014 2013 S pain; 2013 U nited S tates; 2014 Transformers: Rev enge O f The F allen 1 4 :0 5 1 3 :0 5 Transformers: Rev enge O f The F allen Transformers: Rev enge O f The F allen 1 6 :4 5 1 5 :4 5 Transformers: A ge O f E xtinction Transformers: La era de la extinción A cción 1 9 :3 0 1 8 :3 0 Lov elace Lov elace: G arganta profunda D rama 2 1 :0 0 2 0 :0 0 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 Laggies Laggies C omedia 2 3 :4 0 2 2 :4 0 O utlander S 1: 12 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 12 C iencia F icción 0 0 :4 5 2 3 :4 5 O utlander S 1: 13 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 13 0 1 :5 0 0 0 :5 0 O utlander S 1: 14 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 14 0 2 :5 5 0 1 :5 5 V ery G ood G irls M uy buenas chicas C iencia F C icción iencia F Dicción rama 0 4 :3 0 0 3 :3 0 The C ompany You Keep C ausas y consecuencias S uspenso D akota F anning, E lizabeth O lsen, Redford, Boy d H olbrook, D emi Robert S hia LaBeouf, C anada; 2012 P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año La reina infiel O tro Julie C hristie, S usan S arandon U nited S tates; 2013 D rama D rama D enmark; S w eden; C nited zech Republic; U S tates; 2012 1 1 :3 5 1 0 :3 5 A dore Tentación: C onfesiones de una consejera matrimonial M adres perfectas A licia V ikander, M ads M ikkelsen, M ikkel Boe Jurnee S mollett-Bell, Lance F rance; A ustralia; 2013 1 3 :3 0 1 2 :3 0 O utlander S 1: 13 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 13 U nited S tates; 2014 1 4 :3 5 1 3 :3 5 O utlander S 1: 14 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 14 U nited S tates; 2014 1 5 :4 5 1 4 :4 5 D iv ergent D iv ergente C iencia F C icción iencia F A icción cción G aomi ross, Kim Kardashian, N Watts, Robin Wright, Xav ier S amuel, James 1 8 :1 0 1 7 :1 0 The H ost La huésped 2 0 :2 0 1 9 :2 0 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán 0 6 :3 0 0 5 :3 0 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial 0 7 :2 5 0 6 :2 5 A Roy al A ffair 0 9 :4 0 0 8 :4 0 Temptation: C onfessions O f A M arriage C ounselor D rama C iencia F A icción v entura 2014 2013 2014 2014 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 S hailene Woodley , Theo U nited S tates; James, shley Judd, S aoirse ARonan, Jake AKate bel, M ax U nited S tates; Irons, F rances F isher Kit H arington, C arrie-A nne U nited S tates; M oss, E mily Brow ning, G ermany ; C anada; 2013 2014 2013 2013 Programación Fox 1 - Mayo 2015 FEC H A este HD oeste T IT ULO O RIGINA L T IT ULO ESP A NO L GENRE 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 2 3 :4 0 2 2 :4 0 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 0 0 :3 5 2 3 :3 5 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 0 1 :3 5 0 0 :3 5 The Book Thief Ladrona de libros D rama 0 3 :4 5 0 2 :4 5 S upercondriaque S upercondriaque ELENC O Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, S airy M ,M ichelleV ega, A coot ndrésMPcN arra, arimar O RIGIN C O UNT RY U nited S tates; F rance; C hile; U nited A ÑO 2014 2014 Benjamín V icuña, M acarena 2 1 M ayo 2 0 1 5 A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena G eoffrey Rush, E mily Watson, 2 3 M ayo 2 0 1 5 2 4 M ayo 2 0 1 5 2 5 M ayo 2 0 1 5 2 6 M ayo 2 0 1 5 2014 U nited S tates; Grance; ermanyBelgium; ; F 2014 C omedia 0 5 :3 0 0 4 :3 0 Titulo P or C onfirmar Titulo P or C onfirmar S N élisse, S chnetzer Dophie any Boon, KadBen M erad, A lice P ol, Jean-Yv es Berteloot 0 6 :5 0 0 5 :5 0 The G ood S ister La buena hermana S uspenso C anada; 2014 0 8 :2 0 0 7 :2 0 D eadly Rev enge V enganza mortal S uspenso S ony a Walger, Ben Bass, A H arrington, A shleigh licia Ziegler, M ark HBobbie apka, U nited S tates; 2013 0 9 :5 0 0 8 :5 0 Ip M an: The F inal F ight Ip M an: La pelea final A cción 2013 U n tipo rudo 2 A cción D M ills, C onstance Wu A onna nthony Wong C hau-S ang, G hung, DJordan C lov han, D illian anny CTrejo, anny G er, H ong Kong; 1 1 :3 5 1 0 :3 5 Bad A ss 2: Bad A sses U nited S tates; 2014 1 3 :1 0 1 2 :1 0 N ow You S ee M e N ada es lo que parece S uspenso U nited S tates; 2013 1 5 :0 0 1 4 :0 0 P ow der Room P ow der Room C omedia A ndrew D iv off, Jacqueline Jesse E isenberg, M ark Ruffalo, Woody Isla F isher S heridanH arrelson, S mith, Jaime U nited Kingdom; 2013 1 6 :3 0 1 5 :3 0 We'll N ev er H av e P aris N unca nos quedará P arís Romance U nited S tates; 2014 1 8 :0 5 1 7 :0 5 Laggies Laggies C omedia Winstone, Kate NMash, O ona S imon H elberg, elanie Ly nskey , M aggie race, Keira Knightley , CGhloë G race 1 9 :5 0 1 8 :5 0 The Book Thief Ladrona de libros D rama 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 F ading G igolo C asi un gigoló C omedia 2 3 :3 0 2 2 :3 0 P hilomena P hilomena Biografía 0 1 :1 0 0 0 :1 0 O utlander S 1: 14 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 14 0 2 :1 5 0 1 :1 5 Truth A bout E mmanuel La v erdad sobre E manuel C iencia F Dicción rama 0 3 :5 0 0 2 :5 0 A Roy al A ffair La reina infiel D rama 0 6 :1 5 0 5 :1 5 E l M isterio D e La F elicidad E l misterio de la felicidad C omedia 0 8 :0 0 0 7 :0 0 P eace, Lov e & M isunderstanding P az, amor y malentendidos C omedia 0 9 :3 5 0 8 :3 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 1 1 :2 5 1 0 :2 5 M indscape M indscape S uspenso 1 3 :0 5 1 2 :0 5 M ud E l niño y el fugitiv o U nited S tates; Meoffrey oretz, S Rush, am Rockw Kaitly n U nited S tates; G E milyell,Watson, S ophie N élisse,Woody Ben S chnetzer G ; John Turturro, A llen, U ermany nited S tates; V anessa P aradis, Judi D ench, S tev eLiev C oogan, U nited Kingdom; M are Winningham, Barbara 2 2 M ayo 2 0 1 5 C hile; D rama 1 5 :2 0 1 4 :2 0 A dore M adres perfectas D rama 1 7 :2 0 1 6 :2 0 F ading G igolo C asi un gigoló C omedia 1 8 :5 5 1 7 :5 5 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción 2 1 :1 5 2 0 :1 5 H ercules H ércules A v entura 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 O utlander S 1: 15 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 15 C iencia F icción 0 0 :0 5 2 3 :0 5 Lov elace Lov elace: G arganta profunda D rama 0 1 :3 5 0 0 :3 5 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 0 2 :3 5 0 1 :3 5 O utlander S 1: 15 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 15 0 3 :4 0 0 2 :4 0 A ugust: O sage C ounty Las v ueltas del destino C iencia F Dicción rama 0 5 :4 0 0 4 :4 0 Titulo P or C onfirmar Titulo P or C onfirmar 0 7 :0 5 0 6 :0 5 Temptation: C onfessions O f A M arriage C ounselor Tentación: C onfesiones de una consejera matrimonial P ow der Room D rama 0 8 :5 5 0 7 :5 5 P ow der Room 1 0 :2 5 0 9 :2 5 21 A nd O v er 21, la gran fiesta C omedia 1 1 :5 5 1 0 :5 5 The H ost La huésped 1 4 :0 0 1 3 :0 0 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán C iencia F A icción v entura 1 5 :4 0 1 4 :4 0 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 6 :3 5 1 5 :3 5 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 8 :1 0 1 7 :1 0 H ercules H ércules A v entura C omedia 1 9 :4 5 1 8 :4 5 D aw n O f The P lanet O f The A pes E l planeta de los simios: C onfrontación 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 If I S tay S i decido quedarme C iencia F Dicción rama 2 3 :4 5 2 2 :4 5 Labor D ay A ires de esperanza D rama 0 1 :3 5 0 0 :3 5 O utlander S 1: 15 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 15 0 2 :4 0 0 1 :4 0 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ C iencia F Dicción rama 0 4 :1 5 0 3 :1 5 O culus O culus H orror 0 6 :0 0 0 5 :0 0 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año M uy buenas chicas O tro 0 6 :5 0 0 5 :5 0 V ery G ood G irls 0 8 :2 0 0 7 :2 0 M ud E l niño y el fugitiv o D rama 1 0 :3 5 0 9 :3 5 P hilomena P hilomena Biografía 1 2 :1 5 1 1 :1 5 A ugust: O sage C ounty Las v ueltas del destino D rama D rama 1 4 :2 0 1 3 :2 0 O utlander S 1: 14 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 14 1 5 :2 5 1 4 :2 5 O utlander S 1: 15 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 15 1 6 :3 0 1 5 :3 0 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad C iencia F C icción iencia F Dicción rama 1 8 :2 5 1 7 :2 5 If I S tay S i decido quedarme D rama Kay a S codelario, Jessica Biel, F O 'C onnor, Jimmi A rances licia V ikander, M ads M ikkelsen,F M ikkel Boe G uillermo rancella, Inés 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 U nited S tates; U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 D enmark; S w eden; C zech Republic; A rgentina; Brazil; 2012 2014 E ez, AKeener, lejandroJane A w ada, C stév atherine F onda, U nited S tates; 2011 Jeffrey D ean M organ, CMhace Liam N eeson, Julianne oore, U nited S tates; 2014 S coot MF cN airy , M F rance; nited S pain; 2013 Taissa armiga, Michelle ark S trong, U nited SUtates; Brian C ox,MScC askia Reev es M atthew onaughey , Ty e F Urance; nited S tates; 2012 S heridan, S amRobin S hepard, Reese F rance; A ustralia; N aomi Watts, Wright, Xav S amuel,Woody James A llen, JohnierTurturro, U nited S tates; V anessa P aradis, Liev S hailene Woodley , Theo U nited S tates; James, shley Judd, D w ay neA Johnson, IanKate M cS hane, John H urt, Rufus 2013 2013 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 A manda S ey fried, P eter U nited S tates; S H ank A zaria,V ega, A dam C hile; A arsgaard, ndrés P arra, M arimar Benjamín V icuña, M acarena U nited S tates; 2013 M ery l S treep, Julia Roberts, U nited S tates; E w an M cG regor, C hris C ooper 2013 Jurnee S mollett-Bell, Lance G ross, Kim Kardashian, S heridan S mith, Jaime 2013 U nited S tates; U nited Winstone, Kate N ash, O ona Justin C hon, M iles Teller, U nited S aoirse ky lar ARonan, stin, S arah S Jake Wright A bel, M ax U nited Irons, F rances F isher Kit H arington, C arrie-A nne U nited M oss, EPmily ning, V ega, A ndrés arra,Brow M arimar Benjamín V icuña, M acarena A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, 2014 2014 Kingdom; 2013 S tates; 2012 S tates; 2013 S tates; G ermany ; C anada; C hile; 2013 2014 C hile; 2014 Benjamín V icuña, M acarena D w ay ne Johnson, Ian M cS hane, John H urt,C Rufus A ndy S erkis, Jason larke, U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 G Keri Russell C ary hloëOGldman, race M oretz, M ireille E nos,Winslet, Joshua Josh Leonard, S tacy Kate Brolin, G attlin G riffith, Tobey M aguire U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2014 A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena Karen G illan, Brenton Thw aites, Katee S ackhoff, C hile; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 D akota F anning, E lizabeth U nited S tates; O Boy olbrook, D, emi M lsen, atthew MdcCHonaughey Ty e U nited S tates; S heridan, S am S hepard, Reese U nited Kingdom; Judi D ench, S tev e C oogan, M U nited nited S S tates; tates; M are ery lWinningham, S treep, Julia Barbara Roberts, U 2013 E w an M cG regor, C hris C ooper U nited S tates; 2014 2012 2013 2013 U nited S tates; 2014 M arion C otillard, Joaquin P Jeremy Renner, C hoenix, hloë G race M oretz, M ireille U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2014 C hina; U nited S tates; 2014 2 0 :1 5 1 9 :1 5 Transformers: A ge O f E xtinction Transformers: La era de la extinción A cción 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 S itiados S 1: 3 S itiados C ap 3 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama E Joshua Leonard, Mnos, ark Wahlberg, S tanleyS tacy Tucci, Kelsey N icolaV P eltz A ndrés G P rammer, arra, M arimar ega, 2 3 :5 5 2 2 :5 5 X-M en: D ay s O f F uture P ast X-M en: D ías del futuro pasado C iencia F icción Benjamín V icuña, M acarena H ugh Jackman, James M cA v oy , M ichael F assbender, U nited S tates; U nited 2014 Kingdom; 0 2 :1 0 0 1 :1 0 S itiados S 1: 3 S itiados C ap 3 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 2014 S i decido quedarme D rama U nited S tates; 2014 0 4 :5 5 0 3 :5 5 Lov elace Lov elace: G arganta profunda D rama A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena C hloë G race M oretz, M ireille E Joshua Leonard, S tacy A nos, manda S ey fried, P eter C hile; 0 3 :0 5 0 2 :0 5 If I S tay U nited S tates; 2013 S H ank DAermot zaria, A dam U nited S tates; A arsgaard, shton Kutcher, S itzerland; Uw nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 C hile; 2014 0 6 :3 5 0 5 :3 5 Jobs Jobs D rama 0 8 :4 5 0 7 :4 5 Temptation: C onfessions O f A M arriage C ounselor 1 0 :4 5 0 9 :4 5 Labor D ay Tentación: C onfesiones de una consejera matrimonial A ires de esperanza D rama 1 2 :4 5 1 1 :4 5 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 4 :2 0 1 3 :2 0 S itiados S 1: 3 S itiados C ap 3 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 5 :5 0 1 4 :5 0 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción 1 8 :1 0 1 7 :1 0 The Book Thief Ladrona de libros D rama 2 0 :1 5 1 9 :1 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 X-M en: D ay s O f F uture P ast X-M en: D ías del futuro pasado 0 0 :1 0 2 3 :1 0 S itiados S 1: 3 S itiados C ap 3 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 0 1 :1 5 0 0 :1 5 O culus O culus H orror A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena Karen G illan, Brenton Thw aites, Katee SWinona ackhoff, M ichael S hannon, D rama M ulroney , Josh G ad, Lance Lukas Jurnee S mollett-Bell, G ross,Winslet, Kim Kardashian, Kate Josh Brolin, G A attlin ndrés GPriffith, arra, MTobey arimarMVaguire ega, C hile; 2014 2013 Benjamín V icuña, M acarena A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, ,MTheo acarena S hailene Woodley C hile; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; G ermany ; U nited S tates; 2014 A cción James, G eoffreyA shley Rush, Judd, E mily Kate Watson, S ophie N élisse,Julianne Ben S chnetzer Liam N eeson, M oore, C iencia F icción S coot M cN airy , M ichelle H ugh Jackman, James M cA v oy , M ichael F assbender, 0 2 :5 5 0 1 :5 5 The Iceman E l hombre de hielo S uspenso 0 4 :4 5 0 3 :4 5 21 A nd O v er 21, la gran fiesta C omedia 0 6 :2 5 0 5 :2 5 We'll N ev er H av e P aris N unca nos quedará P arís Romance 0 8 :0 5 0 7 :0 5 The H ost La huésped 1 0 :1 5 0 9 :1 5 Truth A bout E mmanuel La v erdad sobre E manuel C iencia F Dicción rama 1 1 :5 5 1 0 :5 5 The Intouchables A migos intocables D rama 1 3 :5 0 1 2 :5 0 A dore M adres perfectas D rama 1 5 :4 5 1 4 :4 5 V ery G ood G irls M uy buenas chicas D rama 1 7 :2 0 1 6 :2 0 P hilomena P hilomena Biografía 1 9 :0 0 1 8 :0 0 N ow You S ee M e N ada es lo que parece S uspenso 2 0 :5 0 1 9 :5 0 S itiados S 1: 3 S itiados C ap 3 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 The Immigrant S ueños de Libertad D rama 0 0 :0 0 2 3 :0 0 O utlander S 1: 14 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 14 0 1 :0 5 0 0 :0 5 O utlander S 1: 15 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 15 0 2 :1 0 0 1 :1 0 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas C iencia F C icción iencia F A icción cción 0 4 :0 0 0 3 :0 0 S eal Team S ix: The Raid O n O sama Bin Laden C ódigo G erónimo: La caza de Bin Laden A cción 2014 F rance; nited U nited 2014 U nited SUtates; Kingdom; C hile; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited Ry der,CRay C hris E v ans U nited Justin hon,Liotta, M iles Teller, S lar H A elberg, stin, S arah Wright S ky imon M elanie U nited Lyaoirse nskeyRonan, , M aggie G race, S Jake A bel, M ax U nited S tates; 2012 S tates; 2012 S tates; 2014 S tates; 2013 Irons, rances F isher Kay a SFcodelario, Jessica Biel, F onnor, Jimmi F rances rançois OC 'C luzet, O mar Sy , U nited S tates; 2013 F rance; 2011 A aomi nne LeWatts, N y , ARobin udreyWright, F leurot N Xav ier SFamuel, D akota anning,James E lizabeth F rance; A ustralia; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 O lsen, Boy dSHtev olbrook, D emi Judi D ench, e C oogan, M are Winningham, Barbara Jesse E isenberg, M ark Ruffalo, U nited Kingdom; U U nited nited S S tates; tates; 2013 Woody Harra, arrelson, Isla FVisher A ndrés P M arimar ega, Benjamín V icuña,Joaquin M acarena M arion C otillard, C hile; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2014 2013 P hoenix, Jeremy Renner, 2 7 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 5 :4 0 0 4 :4 0 Wadjda La bicicleta v erde D rama U nited S tates; 2014 Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, S cN airy , AMnson ichelle C coot am GMigandet, M ount, U nited S tates; F rance; nited U nited SUtates; 2013 F reddyMRodríguez, Waad ohammed, Xzibit Reem A bdullah, A bdullrahman A l S audi A rabia; G ermany ; 2014 2012 Programación Fox 1 - Mayo 2015 FEC H A este HD oeste T IT ULO O RIGINA L T IT ULO ESP A NO L GENRE 0 7 :2 5 0 6 :2 5 The Kate Logan A ffair The Kate Logan A ffair D rama 0 8 :5 5 0 7 :5 5 P ow der Room P ow der Room C omedia 1 0 :2 5 0 9 :2 5 Laggies Laggies C omedia 1 2 :1 5 1 1 :1 5 Jobs Jobs D rama 1 4 :3 0 1 3 :3 0 Transformers: A ge O f E xtinction Transformers: La era de la extinción A cción 1 7 :2 0 1 6 :2 0 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción 1 9 :4 5 1 8 :4 5 The Book Thief Ladrona de libros D rama 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 If I S tay S i decido quedarme D rama 2 3 :4 5 2 2 :4 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama ELENC O A lexis Bledel, Laurent Lucas, N oémie GSodin-V S heridan mith, igneau, Jaime S erge O RIGIN C O UNT RY C anada; U nited Kingdom; Winstone, Kate ,NCash, Keira Knightley hloëOGona race U nited S tates; M oretz, Kutcher, S am Rockw ell, Kaitly n U nited S tates; A shton D ermot M , Josh GSad, Lukas Sw itzerland; M ulroney ark Wahlberg, tanley Tucci, C hina; U nited S tates; Kelsey icola P eltz S haileneG rammer, Woodley ,NTheo James, G eoffreyA shley Rush, Judd, E mily Kate Watson, S élisse, Ben SMchnetzer C ophie hloë GNrace M oretz, ireille E A nos, ndrésJoshua P arra, Leonard, M arimar SVtacy ega, A ÑO 2010 2013 2014 2013 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; G ermany ; U nited S tates; 2014 C hile; 2014 2014 Benjamín V icuña, M acarena 2 8 M ayo 2 0 1 5 2 9 M ayo 2 0 1 5 3 0 M ayo 2 0 1 5 3 1 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 0 :4 5 2 3 :4 5 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ 0 1 :5 5 0 0 :5 5 S itiados S 1: 3 S itiados C ap 3 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 0 3 :2 5 0 2 :2 5 V ery G ood G irls M uy buenas chicas D rama D rama 0 5 :0 0 0 4 :0 0 When S parks F ly When S parks F ly C omedia 0 6 :4 0 0 5 :4 0 S exy E v il G enius S exy E v il G enius C omedia 0 8 :1 5 0 7 :1 5 We'll N ev er H av e P aris N unca nos quedará P arís Romance 0 9 :5 0 0 8 :5 0 E l M isterio D e La F elicidad E l misterio de la felicidad C omedia 1 1 :3 0 1 0 :3 0 M indscape M indscape S uspenso 1 3 :1 0 1 2 :1 0 P hilomena P hilomena Biografía 1 4 :5 5 1 3 :5 5 Truth A bout E mmanuel La v erdad sobre E manuel D rama 1 6 :3 5 1 5 :3 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 1 8 :2 5 1 7 :2 5 S eal Team S ix: The Raid O n O sama Bin Laden C ódigo G erónimo: La caza de Bin Laden A cción 2 0 :1 0 1 9 :1 0 The Iceman E l hombre de hielo 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 E nemy E l hombre duplicado S uspenso 2 3 :3 0 2 2 :3 0 O culus O culus H orror S uspenso 0 1 :1 5 0 0 :1 5 O utlander S 1: 15 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 15 A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña,EM acarena D akota F anning, lizabeth C hile; 2014 C hile; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 O lsen, Boy dJacot, H olbrook, D emi C hristopher M eghan M arkle, Kristina P esic, Lochly n S eth G reen, Katee S ackhoff, U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2013 William in,MMelanie ichelle S imon HBaldw elberg, Ly nskey , M aggie G race, G uillermo F rancella, Inés U nited S tates; 2014 A rgentina; Brazil; 2014 E stév ez, A lejandro A wSada, Taissa F armiga, M ark trong, Brian ox, SSaskia es Judi DCench, tev e Reev C oogan, U nited S tates; S pain; 2013 F Urance; nited Kingdom; 2013 U nited nited S S tates; tates; U 2013 M area Winningham, Barbara Kay S codelario, Jessica Biel, F rances O 'C onnor, Jimmi Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, S cN airy , AMnson ichelle C coot am GMigandet, M ount, F Xzibit Mreddy ichael Rodríguez, S hannon, Winona U nited S tates; F rance; nited U nited SUtates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2012 Ry der, Liotta,MCélanie hris E v ans C anada; S pain; Jake G yRay llenhaal, Laurent, S arahBrenton G adon, Isabella U nited S tates; Karen G illan, Thw aites, Katee S ackhoff, 2013 2014 0 2 :2 0 0 1 :2 0 A ugust: O sage C ounty Las v ueltas del destino C iencia F Dicción rama 0 4 :2 0 0 3 :2 0 M indscape M indscape S uspenso 0 6 :0 5 0 5 :0 5 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año P ow der Room O tro 0 7 :0 0 0 6 :0 0 P ow der Room C omedia S heridan S mith, Jaime U nited Kingdom; 2013 0 8 :2 5 0 7 :2 5 S traight A 's S traight A 's C omedia 2012 M adres perfectas D rama Winstone, Kate N ona Ry an P hillippe, A ash, nna POaquin, Luke Wilson, N aomi Watts,Riley RobinThomas Wright, Xav ier S amuel, James S hailene Woodley , A nsel U nited S tates; 1 0 :0 0 0 9 :0 0 A dore F rance; A ustralia; 2013 1 1 :5 0 1 0 :5 0 The F ault In O ur S tars Bajo la misma estrella 1 3 :5 5 1 2 :5 5 M ud E l niño y el fugitiv o D rama 1 6 :1 0 1 5 :1 0 We'll N ev er H av e P aris N unca nos quedará P arís Romance D rama 1 7 :4 5 1 6 :4 5 N ow You S ee M e N ada es lo que parece S uspenso 1 9 :3 5 1 8 :3 5 Labor D ay A ires de esperanza D rama 2 1 :3 0 2 0 :3 0 F ading G igolo C asi un gigoló C omedia 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 O utlander S 1: 16 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 16 0 0 :1 0 2 3 :1 0 Laggies Laggies 0 1 :5 5 0 0 :5 5 S itiados S 1: 3 S itiados C ap 3 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 0 2 :5 5 0 1 :5 5 O utlander S 1: 16 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 16 0 4 :0 0 0 3 :0 0 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán C iencia F A icción v entura 0 5 :5 0 0 4 :5 0 A ngels S ing C uando los ángeles cantan U nited S tates; 2014 2014 M ery l S treep, Julia Roberts, U nited S tates; 2013 E w an M cG regor,MCark hrisSCtrong, ooper U nited S tates; S pain; 2013 Taissa F armiga, Brian C ox, S askia Reev es F Urance; nited S tates; 2013 U nited E N at Laura D erne U nited Mlgort, atthew M Wolff, cC onaughey , Ty S S am SMhepard, S heridan, imon H elberg, elanie Reese U nited Ly nskey , M aggieMGark race, Jesse E isenberg, Ruffalo, U nited S tates; 2014 S tates; 2012 S tates; 2014 S tates; 2013 Woody H arrelson, F isher Kate Winslet, Josh Isla Brolin, G attlin G riffith, Woody Tobey AMllen, aguire John Turturro, U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 C iencia F icción V anessa P aradis, Liev U nited S tates; 2014 C omedia Keira Knightley , C hloë G race U nited S tates; M oretz, PSarra, am Rockw ell, VKaitly A ndrés M arimar ega, n C hile; Benjamín V icuña, M acarena U nited S tates; 2014 Kit H arington, C arrie-A nne M oss, E Brow H arry C mily onnick Jr.,ning, C onnie 2013 0 7 :2 5 0 6 :2 5 Tarzan 3d Tarzán 0 9 :0 5 0 8 :0 5 A ugust: O sage C ounty Las v ueltas del destino F amiliar Ly le SLov ett, Willie A nimación Britton, Kellan Lutz, pencer Locke, Robert apron,Julia Jaime Ray D rama M ery l SCtreep, Roberts, 1 1 :0 5 1 0 :0 5 S itiados S 1: 1 S itiados C ap 1 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 2 :0 0 1 1 :0 0 S itiados S 1: 2 S itiados C ap 2 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 3 :1 5 1 2 :1 5 S itiados S 1: 3 S itiados C ap 3 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ D rama 1 4 :4 0 1 3 :4 0 Laggies Laggies C omedia 1 6 :2 5 1 5 :2 5 Begin A gain E mpezar otra v ez C omedia D rama 2014 2014 U nited S tates; G ermany ; C anada; U nited S tates; 2013 G ermany ; 2012 U nited S tates; 2013 E an MPcG regor, C hris C ooper C hile; Aw ndrés arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, C hile; Benjamín V icuña, M acarena A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, C hile; 2014 Benjamín V icuña, acarena Keira Knightley , CM hloë G race U nited S tates; M oretz, S am Rockw ell,Ruffalo, Kaitly n U nited S tates; Keira Knightley , M ark H ailee S teinfeld, S hailene WoodleyA, dam A nselLev ine U nited S tates; E at Wolff, Laura D ern C lgort, hloë GNrace M oretz, M ireille U nited S tates; 2014 2014 2014 2013 1 8 :1 0 1 7 :1 0 The F ault In O ur S tars Bajo la misma estrella 2 0 :1 0 1 9 :1 0 If I S tay S i decido quedarme D rama 2 2 :0 0 2 1 :0 0 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción E Joshua Leonard, S tacy S nos, hailene Woodley , Theo James, A shley Judd, Kate U nited S tates; 2014 2014 0 0 :1 5 2 3 :1 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 0 1 :5 5 0 0 :5 5 O utlander S 1: 16 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 16 U nited S tates; F nited Urance; nited SUtates; 2014 S itiados C ap 3 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ C iencia F Dicción rama Liam N eeson, Julianne M oore, S coot M cN airy , M ichelle 0 3 :0 5 0 2 :0 5 S itiados S 1: 3 C hile; 2014 0 4 :3 5 0 3 :3 5 F ading G igolo C asi un gigoló C omedia A ndrés P arra, M arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, M acarena John Turturro, Woody A llen, U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; Sw itzerland; U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; G ; C anada; U ermany nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 2014 2014 V anessa P aradis, Liev 0 6 :0 5 0 5 :0 5 Titulo P or C onfirmar Titulo P or C onfirmar 0 7 :5 0 0 6 :5 0 Temptation: C onfessions O f A M arriage C ounselor Tentación: C onfesiones de una consejera matrimonial Jobs D rama 0 9 :4 5 0 8 :4 5 Jobs 1 1 :5 0 1 0 :5 0 N ow You S ee M e N ada es lo que parece S uspenso 1 3 :4 0 1 2 :4 0 P ompeii P ompeii: La furia del v olcán A v entura 1 5 :2 0 1 4 :2 0 O utlander S 1: 15 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 15 1 6 :2 5 1 5 :2 5 O utlander S 1: 16 O utlander Temp 1 C ap 16 1 7 :3 0 1 6 :3 0 E nemy E l hombre duplicado C iencia F C icción iencia F S icción uspenso 1 9 :0 5 1 8 :0 5 N on-S top N on-S top: S in escalas A cción 2 0 :4 5 1 9 :4 5 D aw n O f The P lanet O f The A pes E l planeta de los simios: C onfrontación 2 3 :0 0 2 2 :0 0 S itiados S 1: 4 S itiados C ap 4 P roducción O riginal de F O X+ C iencia F Dicción rama 2 3 :5 5 2 2 :5 5 D iv ergent D iv ergente A cción D rama Jurnee S mollett-Bell, Lance G Kardashian, A ross, shtonKim Kutcher, D ermot M ulroney , Josh GM ad, Jesse E isenberg, arkLukas Ruffalo, Woody H arrelson, Isla nne F isher Kit H arington, C arrie-A M oss, E mily Brow ning, 2013 2013 Jake G y llenhaal, M élanie Laurent, S arahJulianne G adon, M Isabella Liam N eeson, oore, S cN airyJason , M ichelle A coot ndy M S erkis, C larke, C anada; S pain; 2013 U nited S tates; F nited Urance; nited SUtates; 2014 G OP ldman, Russell A ary ndrés arra, MKeri arimar V ega, Benjamín V icuña, ,MTheo acarena S hailene Woodley C hile; 2014 U nited S tates; 2014 James, A shley Judd, Kate 2014 Programación Fox Action Este - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora 01 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:15 04:00 04:50 06:35 07:25 08:50 10:40 12:10 13:35 14:20 15:05 16:45 18:25 20:05 22:00 23:40 2 Guns Americans S3: Do Mail Robots Dream Of Electric Sheep? Americans S3: Stingers Oculus Americans S3: Est Men A Haunted House Dark Tide Cyborg Enemies Closer Americans S3: Do Mail Robots Dream Of Electric Sheep? Americans S3: Stingers Curse Of Chucky Redemption Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines Robocop 2 Dead In Tombstone Riddick Armados y peligrosos The Americans 3 Ep 9 The Americans 3 Ep 10 Oculus The Americans 3 Ep 1 ¿Dónde está el fantasma? Aguas profundas Cyborg Cerco al enemigo The Americans 3 Ep 9 The Americans 3 Ep 10 La maldición de Chucky El redentor Detrás de las líneas enemigas 4 RoboCop 2 Muerte en Tombstone Riddick, el amo de la oscuridad Acción Suspenso Suspenso Horror Suspenso Comedia Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Ciencia Ficción ORIGIN COUNTRY Denzel Washington, Mark United States; Wahlberg, Paxton, Rhys, Paula Keri Russell,BillMatthew United States; Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew United States; Noah Emmerich, AnnetThwaites, United States; Karen Gillan, Brenton Katee Sackhoff, Rory Cochrane Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, United States; Noah MarlonEmmerich, Wayans, Annet Essence United States; Atkins, DavidOlivier Koechner, Halle Berry, Martinez, South Africa; United Ralph Brown, Van MarkDamme, Elderkin States;States; Jean- Claude United Deborah Richter, Vincent Klyn, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Tom United Kingdom; Everett Scott, OrlandoRhys, Jones, United States; Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew United States; Noah AnnetBisutti, Fiona Emmerich, Dourif, Danielle United States; Chantal Quesnelle, Brad Dourif United States; United Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky Kingdom; Tom Sizemore, Lex Shrapnel, United States; Anthony Oseyemi, Peter Weller, NancyMichael Allen, Dan United States; O'Herlihy, TomAnthony NoonanMichael United States; Danny Trejo, Hall, MickeyJordi Rourke, Meyer United States; United Vin Diesel, Mollà,Dina Matt Nable, Katee Sackhoff Kingdom; 02 Mayo 2015 01:40 03:15 05:45 07:20 10:15 11:50 12:35 13:20 14:50 16:30 18:10 20:05 22:00 23:30 The Double Prisoners Devil's Due Casino Tell Americans S3: Do Mail Robots Dream Of Electric Sheep? Americans S3: Stingers All Things To All Men Deadly Impact Stolen The Burma Conspiracy Dead Man Down Absolute Deception Oblivion Misión secreta La sospecha Heredero del Diablo Casino Tell The Americans 3 Ep 9 The Americans 3 Ep 10 Londres: Distrito Criminal Impacto mortal Contrarreloj Largo Winch. Conspiracion en Birmania Marcado por la muerte Decepción absoluta Oblivion: El tiempo del olvido Suspenso Suspenso Horror Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Ciencia Ficción Richard Gere, Topher Grace, MartinJackman, Sheen, Tamer Hassan Hugh Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Davis Allison Miller,Viola Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson, RogerSharon Payano Robert de Niro, Stone, Joe JamesKatee Woods Milo Pesci, Ventimiglia, Sackhoff, Jason Lee, Alan Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, Annet Gabriel Byrne, Rufus Sewell, Toby Stephens, JulianJoe Sands Sean Patrick Flanery, Pantoliano, Carmen Serano, Nicolas Cage, Josh Lucas, Danny Huston,Sharon Malin Akerman Tomer Sisley, Stone, Ulrich Tukur, Noomi Napakpapha Colin Farrell, Rapace, Dominic Cooper, Cuba Gooding Jr.,Terrence Emmanuelle Vaugier, Evert McQueen, Ty Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko, Andrea 03 Mayo 2015 01:35 03:30 05:05 09:05 11:00 14:00 15:30 17:05 18:35 20:15 22:00 23:40 Rush April Rain Zero Dark Thirty Pawn Shop Chronicles Wwe: Extreme Rules Devil's Due Curse Of Chucky Absolute Deception The Double Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Redemption 2 Guns Rush, pasión y gloria April Rain La noche más oscura Pawn Shop Chronicles WWE: Extreme Rules Heredero del Diablo La maldición de Chucky Decepción absoluta Misión secreta Código Sombra: Jack Ryan El redentor Armados y peligrosos Acción Acción Acción Comedia Deportes Horror Suspenso Acción Suspenso Acción Suspenso Acción Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Brühl, Olivia Wilde,Ryan Alexandra Maria Luke Goss, Guzman, Andrew Keegan, Ming-Na Wen Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Brendan Fraser,Chris MattPatt Dillon, Vincent D'Onofrio, Thomas Jane Germany; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam United States; Anderson, Roger Payano Fiona Dourif, Danielle Bisutti, United States; Chantal Quesnelle, Brad Dourif United States; Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier,Gere, Evert Topher McQueen, Ty Richard Grace, United States; Martin Sheen, Tamer Hassan Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, United States; Kenneth Branagh, KeiraBuzek, RussianStates; Federation; Jason Statham, Agata United United Christian Brassington,Mark Vicky Kingdom; Denzel Washington, United States; Wahlberg, Bill Paxton, Paula 2013 2013 2012 2013 2014 2014 2013 2013 2011 2013 2013 2013 04 Mayo 2015 01:25 03:05 05:20 05:25 07:35 08:20 10:30 12:20 13:55 15:30 16:15 18:45 20:20 22:00 22:45 Dead In Tombstone August. Eighth Zoom In: X-Men - Days Of Future Past The Way Back Americans S3: Open House Jaws Dark Tide Closed Circuit The Trials Of Cate McCall Americans S3: Stingers Prisoners Fire With Fire Stolen Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton Baklanov Dead Man Down Muerte en Tombstone Agosto. Octavo Zoom In Camino a la libertad The Americans 3 Ep 3 Tiburón Aguas profundas Circuito cerrado El engaño The Americans 3 Ep 10 La sospecha Fuego con fuego Contrarreloj The Americans 3 Ep 11 Marcado por la muerte Acción Acción Varios Drama Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Drama Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Danny Trejo, Anthony Michael United States; Hall, Mickey Rourke,Maksim Dina Meyer Russian Federation; Svetlana Ivanova, Matveyev, Egor Beroev, Varios United States; Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse United States; Ronan, ColinMatthew Farrell Rhys, Poland;States; United Arab Keri Russell, United Noah Emmerich, Annet Roy Scheider, Richard United States; Dreyfuss, Murray South Africa; United Halle Berry,Robert OlivierShaw, Martinez, Ralph Brown, Mark Elderkin States;Kingdom; Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán United Hinds,Beckinsale, Jim Broadbent Kate Nick Nolte, United States; Anna Anissimova, James Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, United States; Noah Emmerich, Annet Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, United States; Paul BruceDano, Willis,Viola JoshDavis Duhamel, United States; Rosario Dawson, Vincent Nicolas Cage, Josh Lucas, United States; Danny Huston, Malin Akerman Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, United States; Noah Emmerich, Annet Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, United States; Dominic Cooper, Terrence 2013 2012 2014 2010 0 1975 2011 2013 2013 0 2013 2012 2012 0 2013 05 Mayo 2015 00:35 02:15 04:00 05:30 05:35 05:40 06:25 08:10 09:40 11:20 13:00 14:35 16:45 19:00 20:25 21:15 22:00 23:40 Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines Enemies Closer Zoom In: Kill The Messenger Zoom In: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Americans S3: Open House Grave Encounters 2 A Haunted House Disturbia Curse Of Chucky Stolen The Way Back August. Eighth All Things To All Men Americans S3: Stingers Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton Baklanov Redemption Acción Acción Suspenso Varios Varios Suspenso Horror Comedia Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Drama Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Cam Gigandet, Anson Mount, Freddy Rodríguez, Tom Sizemore, Lex Xzibit Shrapnel, Anthony Oseyemi, MichaelTom Jean-Claude Van Damme, Everett Varios Scott, Orlando Jones, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Código Gerónimo: La caza de Bin Laden Detrás de las líneas enemigas 4 Cerco al enemigo Zoom In Zoom In The Americans 3 Ep 3 Fenómeno siniestro 2 ¿Dónde está el fantasma? Paranoia La maldición de Chucky Contrarreloj Camino a la libertad Agosto. Octavo Londres: Distrito Criminal The Americans 3 Ep 10 The Americans 3 Ep 11 El redentor Código Sombra: Jack Ryan 2013 0 2013 2014 2014 0 2012 2013 2007 2013 2012 2010 2012 2013 0 0 2013 2013 01:20 02:55 04:35 06:40 08:10 09:35 11:30 April Rain Carrie Jaws Beneath Destruction: Las Vegas Pawn Shop Chronicles Zero Dark Thirty April Rain Carrie Tiburón Peligro en el lago Blast Vegas Pawn Shop Chronicles La noche más oscura Acción Ciencia Ficción Acción Suspenso Acción Comedia Acción 06 Mayo 2015 TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE ELENCO Varios Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, Richard Harmon, Annet Sean Rogerson, Leanne Lapp, Dylan Marlon Wayans, Essence Atkins, David Koechner, Shia Labeouf, David Morse, Sarah Roemer, Carrie-Anne Fiona Dourif, Danielle Bisutti, Chantal Quesnelle, Brad Dourif Nicolas Cage, Josh Lucas, Danny Huston, Malin Akerman Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse Ronan, FarrellMaksim SvetlanaColin Ivanova, Matveyev, Egor Beroev, Gabriel Byrne, Rufus Sewell, Toby Stephens, JulianRhys, Sands Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Annet Buzek, JasonEmmerich, Statham, Agata Christian Vicky Chris Pine,Brassington, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Keira Luke Goss, Ryan Guzman, Andrew Keegan, Ming-Na Chloë Grace Moretz, Judy Wen Greer, Portia Doubleday, Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Shaw, Murray Daniel Zovatto, Bonnie Dennison, ChrisMaggie Conroy, Jonny Frankie Muniz, Castle, Barry Bostwick, Steger Brendan Fraser,Michael Matt Dillon, Vincent D'Onofrio,Jason Thomas Jane Jessica Chastain, Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Chris Patt United States; United States; United States; United States; France;States; United United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; Belgium; France; Germany; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; Canada; United States;States; United United States; United States; United States; United States; Poland; United Arab Russian Federation; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; AÑO 2013 0 0 2014 0 2013 2011 1989 2013 0 0 2013 2013 0 1990 2013 2013 2011 2013 2014 1995 2014 0 0 2013 2009 2012 2011 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1975 2013 2013 2013 2012 Programación Fox Action Este - Mayo 2015 FECHA 07 Mayo 2015 08 Mayo 2015 09 Mayo 2015 10 Mayo 2015 11 Mayo 2015 12 Mayo 2015 Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE ORIGIN COUNTRY Bruce Willis, Josh Duhamel, United States; Rosario Dawson, Vincent Shia Labeouf, David Morse, United States; Sarah Roemer, Carrie-Anne Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam United States; Anderson, RogerJorge Payano Andrew Jacobs, Diaz, United States; Gabrielle Gloria Eric Bana,Walsh, Rebecca Hall,Sandoval Ciarán United Kingdom; Hinds, JimStallone, Broadbent Sylvester Arnold United States; Schwarzenegger, JimMark Caviezel, United States; Denzel Washington, Wahlberg, Bill Paxton, Paula ELENCO AÑO 14:05 15:40 17:25 18:55 20:25 22:00 23:50 Fire With Fire Disturbia Devil's Due Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Closed Circuit Escape Plan 2 Guns Fuego con fuego Paranoia Heredero del Diablo Actvidad paranormal: Los marcados Circuito cerrado Plan de escape Armados y peligrosos Acción Suspenso Horror Horror Suspenso Acción Acción 01:35 03:30 06:00 08:00 09:40 11:10 12:45 15:20 17:05 18:45 20:25 22:00 23:40 Rush Prisoners Coriolanus Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines Enemies Closer Stolen Zero Dark Thirty Seal Team Six: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden Redemption The Double Bullet To The Head Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Americans S3: Stingers Rush, pasión y gloria La sospecha Coriolanus Detrás de las líneas enemigas 4 Cerco al enemigo Contrarreloj La noche más oscura Código Gerónimo: La caza de Bin Laden El redentor Misión secreta El ejecutor Código Sombra: Jack Ryan The Americans 3 Ep 10 Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Suspenso Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Brühl, Olivia Jackman, Wilde, Alexandra Maria Hugh Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul ViolaGerard Davis Butler, RalphDano, Fiennes, Lubna Azabal, Ashraf Barhom Tom Sizemore, Lex Shrapnel, Anthony Oseyemi, MichaelTom Jean-Claude Van Damme, Everett Scott, Josh Orlando Jones, Nicolas Cage, Lucas, Danny Malin Akerman JessicaHuston, Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel CamEdgerton, Gigandet, Chris AnsonPatt Mount, Freddy Rodríguez, Xzibit Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky Richard Gere, Topher Grace, Martin Sheen, Tamer Hassan Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, Sarah Shahi, Jason Momoa Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Keira Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, Annet Germany; United Kingdom; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United Kingdom; United States; 00:30 01:15 03:05 05:10 07:10 07:15 07:20 09:20 11:25 13:05 14:35 16:05 17:55 18:45 19:30 22:00 23:45 Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton BaklanovPlan Escape Fast & Furious 6 Robocop 2 Zoom In: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Zoom In: X-Men - Days Of Future Past The Burma Conspiracy The Way Back Closed Circuit Deadfall Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Dead Man Down Americans S3: Stingers Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton Baklanov Prisoners Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Varios Varios Acción Drama Suspenso Suspenso Horror Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, Annet Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Tom Noonan Varios United States; United States; United States; United States; Varios Tomer Sisley, Sharon Stone, Ulrich Tukur, Ed Harris, JimNapakpapha Sturgess, Saoirse Ronan, Colin Farrell Hall, Ciarán Eric Bana, Rebecca Hinds, Jim Olivia Broadbent Eric Bana, Wilde, Charlie Hunnam, Kris Kristofferson Andrew Jacobs, Jorge Diaz, Gabrielle Walsh, Gloria Sandoval Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Dominic Cooper, Terrence Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, Annet Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Viola Davis Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, CharlieCostner, Sheen, Mel Chris Pine, Kevin Kenneth Branagh, Keira United States; Belgium; France; Germany; United States; Poland;Kingdom; United Arab United United States; France; United States; United States; Machete Kills Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit The Americans 3 Ep 11 Plan de escape Rápidos y furiosos 6 RoboCop 2 Zoom In Zoom In Largo Winch. Conspiracion en Birmania Camino a la libertad Circuito cerrado Atrapados Actvidad paranormal: Los marcados Marcado por la muerte The Americans 3 Ep 10 The Americans 3 Ep 11 La sospecha Machete Kills Código Sombra: Jack Ryan 01:25 03:25 05:15 06:55 07:45 09:20 11:15 12:05 12:50 14:40 16:35 18:30 20:10 22:00 23:55 Riddick Now You See Me Carrie Americans S3: Dimebag Fire With Fire Robocop 2 Americans S3: Stingers Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton Baklanov Now You See Me Rush Dead Man Down Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 2 Guns 47 Ronin Red 2 Riddick, el amo de la oscuridad Nada es lo que parece Carrie The Americans 3 Ep 4 Fuego con fuego RoboCop 2 The Americans 3 Ep 10 The Americans 3 Ep 11 Nada es lo que parece Rush, pasión y gloria Marcado por la muerte Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Armados y peligrosos 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai RED 2 Ciencia Ficción Suspenso Ciencia Ficción Suspenso Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Vin Diesel, Jordi Mollà, Matt Nable, Katee Sackhoff Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, WoodyGrace Harrelson, Isla Fisher Chloë Moretz, Judy Greer, PortiaMatthew Doubleday, Keri Russell, Rhys, Noah Bruce Emmerich, Willis, JoshAnnet Duhamel, Rosario Dawson, Vincent Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Tom NoonanRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Jesse Emmerich, Eisenberg,Annet Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Daniel Isla Fisher Chris Hemsworth, Brühl, Olivia Wilde, Alexandra Maria Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Dominic Cooper, Chris Pine, Kevin Terrence Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Keira Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, Bill Paxton, Keanu Reeves, HiroyukiPaula Sanada, Ko Shibasaki, Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker, Catherine United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; United Kingdom; United States; United States; RussianStates; Federation; United 01:45 03:50 05:35 07:05 07:15 08:50 10:35 12:20 13:55 15:50 17:20 19:15 21:05 23:00 Fast & Furious 6 Redemption Devil's Due Zoom In: Kill The Messenger Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing Ip Man: The Final Fight 2 Guns Bullet To The Head Red 2 Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge 47 Ronin Pitch Black Riddick Sitiados S1: 1 Rápidos y furiosos 6 El redentor Heredero del Diablo Zoom In Invicto 2 Ip Man: La pelea final Armados y peligrosos El ejecutor RED 2 Tekken: La venganza de Kazuya 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai Eclipse mortal Riddick, el amo de la oscuridad Sitiados Ep 1 Producción Original de FOX+ Acción Suspenso Horror Varios Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Ciencia Ficción Ciencia Ficción Drama Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne United States; Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, United States; United Christian Brassington, VickySam United Kingdom; Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, States; Anderson, Roger Payano Varios Michael Jai White, Scott Adkins, Ben Cross, Eli Danker Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Gillian JordanMark Chan, Eric DenzelChung, Washington, Wahlberg, Bill Paxton, Paula Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, Sarah Shahi,John Jason Momoa Bruce Willis, Malkovich, Mary-Louise Catherine Kane Kosugi,Parker, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Rade Serbedzija, Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Gary Sanada, Shibasaki, Vin Diesel,KoRadha Mitchell, Cole Hauser, Keith David Vin Diesel, Jordi Mollà, Matt Nable, AndrésKatee Parra,Sackhoff Marimar Vega, Benjamín Vicuña, Macarena United States; Hong Kong; United States; United States; United States; France;States; Canada; United 00:00 01:35 03:25 04:55 06:30 08:10 09:40 11:00 12:35 15:05 16:00 18:35 20:15 22:00 22:55 Sitiados S1: 1 Dead Man Down Enemies Closer Killing Them Softly Stolen Spiders 3d Lake Placid Absolute Deception Prisoners Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton Baklanov Zero Dark Thirty Redemption Sleepless Night Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin The Double Sitiados Ep 1 Producción Original de FOX+ Marcado por la muerte Cerco al enemigo Mátalos suavemente Contrarreloj Arañas 3D El cocodrilo Decepción absoluta La sospecha The Americans Temp 3 Cap 11 La noche más oscura El redentor Noche de venganza The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 Misión secreta Drama Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Ciencia Ficción Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Andrés Parra, Marimar Vega, Benjamín Vicuña, Macarena Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Dominic Cooper, Jean-Claude VanTerrence Damme, Tom Everett Orlando Jones, Brad Pitt,Scott, Richard Jenkins, James Liotta NicolasGandolfini, Cage, JoshRay Lucas, Danny Huston, Akerman Patrick Muldoon,Malin Christa Campbell, Hope, Sydney Bill Pullman,William Bridget Fonda, Oliver Platt, Brendan Gleeson Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier, Evert McQueen, Ty Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Viola DavisRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, Jessica Chastain,Annet Jason Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Patt Jason Statham,Chris Agata Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky Tomer Sisley, Julien Boisselier, Joey Starr, Serge Riaboukine Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, AnnetGrace, Richard Gere, Topher Martin Sheen, Tamer Hassan Chile; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom;France; Belgium; Luxembourg; United States; United States; 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 1999 2013 2013 0 2012 2013 2011 0 2011 Tirador Acción Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover, Kate Mara United States; 2007 00:35 Shooter United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; RussianStates; Federation; United United States; United States; United States; United States; Russian Federation; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; France; Canada; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; Chile; 2012 2007 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2010 0 2013 2012 2012 2013 2013 2011 2012 2013 0 0 2013 2013 1990 2014 2014 2011 2010 2013 2012 2014 2013 0 0 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0 2012 1990 0 0 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2006 2013 2013 2012 2013 2014 2013 2000 2013 2014 Programación Fox Action Este - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE ELENCO AÑO 02:40 04:10 05:50 07:15 07:20 07:30 07:35 07:45 09:45 11:35 13:05 14:45 16:10 17:50 19:20 20:10 21:10 22:00 23:45 Deadfall Fire With Fire All Things To All Men Zoom In: The Hobbit - The Battle Of The Five ArmiesIn: Horrible Bosses 2 Zoom Zoom In: The Drop Zoom In: Kill The Messenger Coriolanus The Devil's Double The Trials Of Cate McCall Welcome To The Jungle All Things To All Men Stolen Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge Americans S3: Stingers Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton Baklanov Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Pitch Black Riddick Atrapados Fuego con fuego Londres: Distrito Criminal Zoom In Zoom In Zoom In Zoom In Coriolanus El doble del diablo El engaño Bienvenido a la jungla Londres: Distrito Criminal Contrarreloj Tekken: La venganza de Kazuya The Americans Temp 3 Cap 10 The Americans Temp 3 Cap 11 The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 Eclipse mortal Riddick, el amo de la oscuridad Suspenso Acción Suspenso Varios Varios Varios Varios Suspenso Suspenso Drama Comedia Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Ciencia Ficción Ciencia Ficción 01:45 03:25 05:05 07:15 08:50 10:25 12:15 13:50 15:30 17:35 20:30 22:00 23:50 Redemption Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing The Way Back Dark Angel Spiders 3d Dark Tide Absolute Deception Curse Of Chucky Scream II Casino All Things To All Men Dead Man Down Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit El redentor Invicto 2 Camino a la libertad El destructor mortal Arañas 3D Aguas profundas Decepción absoluta La maldición de Chucky Scream 2: Grita y vuelve a gritar Casino Londres: Distrito Criminal Marcado por la muerte Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Suspenso Acción Drama Acción Ciencia Ficción Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky Michael Jai White, Scott Adkins, Ben Cross,Jim Eli Danker Ed Harris, Sturgess, Saoirse Ronan,Lundgren, Colin Farrell Dolph Brian Benben, Betsy Brantley, Patrick Muldoon,Matthias Christa Hues Campbell, Sydney Halle Berry,William OlivierHope, Martinez, Ralph Brown, Mark Elderkin Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier, EvertDanielle McQueen, Ty Fiona Dourif, Bisutti, Chantal Quesnelle, Brad Dourif Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Cox, Robert de Courteney Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, James Woods Gabriel Byrne, Rufus Sewell, Toby Stephens, Julian Sands Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Dominic Cooper, Chris Pine, Kevin Terrence Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Keira United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; Poland;States; United Arab United 01:35 03:40 05:20 07:05 10:00 11:35 13:20 15:00 16:35 18:35 20:05 22:00 23:30 Shooter Ip Man: The Final Fight Disturbia Casino Welcome To The Jungle Sleepless Night Closed Circuit Stolen Michel Clayton Devil's Due Pawn Shop Chronicles Tell Americans S3: Stingers Tirador Ip Man: La pelea final Paranoia Casino Bienvenido a la jungla Noche de venganza Circuito cerrado Contrarreloj Michel Clayton Heredero del Diablo Pawn Shop Chronicles Tell The Americans Temp 3 Cap 10 Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Comedia Acción Suspenso Suspenso Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover, Mara Anthony WongKate Chau-Sang, Gillian Chung, Jordan Chan, Eric Shia Labeouf, David Morse, Sarah RobertRoemer, de Niro, Carrie-Anne Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, James Jean-Claude Van Woods Damme, Adam Brody, Rob Huebel, Tomer Sisley, Julien Kristen Boisselier, Joey Starr,Rebecca Serge Riaboukine Eric Bana, Hall, Ciarán Hinds, Broadbent NicolasJim Cage, Josh Lucas, Danny Huston, Malin Akerman United States; Hong Kong; United States; United States; France;Kingdom; United United States; Puerto Belgium; France; Luxembourg; United Kingdom; United States; 2007 2013 2007 1995 2013 2011 2013 2012 Horror Comedia Acción Suspenso Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson, RogerMatt Payano Brendan Fraser, Dillon, Vincent D'Onofrio, Thomas Jane Milo Ventimiglia, Katee Sackhoff, Jason Lee, Alan Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, Annet United States; United States; United States; United States; 2014 2013 2014 0 00:25 01:20 02:15 03:55 05:40 07:45 07:50 08:00 09:30 11:10 12:50 14:35 16:10 17:10 18:05 20:00 22:00 23:45 Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton Baklanov Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Dead In Tombstone Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines Scream II Zoom In: The Hobbit - The Battle Of The Five ArmiesIn: Horrible Bosses 2 Zoom The Trials Of Cate McCall Deadly Impact Redemption Disturbia Curse Of Chucky Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton Baklanov Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Robocop 2 Riddick Middle Men Rush The Americans Temp 3 Cap 11 The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 Muerte en Tombstone Detrás de las líneas enemigas 4 Scream 2: Grita y vuelve a gritar Zoom In Zoom In El engaño Impacto mortal El redentor Paranoia La maldición de Chucky The Americans Temp 3 Cap 11 The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 RoboCop 2 Riddick, el amo de la oscuridad La red sexual Rush, pasión y gloria Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Suspenso Varios Varios Drama Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Ciencia Ficción Drama Acción Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Annet Michael DannyEmmerich, Trejo, Anthony Hall, Mickey Rourke, Dina Meyer Tom Sizemore, Lex Shrapnel, Anthony Oseyemi, Michael Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Cox, Varios United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 0 0 2013 0 1997 2014 2014 2013 2009 2013 2007 2013 0 0 1990 2013 2009 2013 16 Mayo 2015 01:45 03:40 05:10 06:45 08:40 09:35 10:30 11:30 13:25 15:15 16:55 18:25 20:20 22:00 47 Ronin Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge Devil's Due Dark Tide Americans S3: Stingers Americans S3: One Day In The Life Of Anton Baklanov Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Robocop 2 Pitch Black Dead In Tombstone Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge 47 Ronin Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines Zero Dark Thirty 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai Tekken: La venganza de Kazuya Heredero del Diablo Aguas profundas The Americans Temp 3 Cap 10 The Americans Temp 3 Cap 11 The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 RoboCop 2 Eclipse mortal Muerte en Tombstone Tekken: La venganza de Kazuya 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai Detrás de las líneas enemigas 4 La noche más oscura Acción Acción Horror Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Ciencia Ficción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Ko Shibasaki, Kane Kosugi, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Rade Serbedzija, Gary Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson, Halle Berry,Roger OlivierPayano Martinez, Ralph Brown,Matthew Mark Elderkin Keri Russell, Rhys, Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Annet Peter Emmerich, Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Noonan Vin Diesel, Tom Radha Mitchell, Cole Hauser, Keith Anthony David Michael Danny Trejo, Hall, Dina Meyer KaneMickey Kosugi,Rourke, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Rade Serbedzija, Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Gary Sanada, Ko Shibasaki, Tom Sizemore, Lex Shrapnel, Anthony Oseyemi,Jason Michael Jessica Chastain, Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Chris Patt United States; United States; United States; South Africa; United States;States; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2013 2014 2014 2011 0 0 0 1990 2000 2013 2014 2013 0 2012 17 Mayo 2015 00:35 02:45 04:50 06:40 08:20 09:55 The Way Back Shooter 2 Guns Deadly Impact Closed Circuit Redemption Camino a la libertad Tirador Armados y peligrosos Impacto mortal Circuito cerrado El redentor Drama Acción Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse Ronan, Colin Farrell Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Kate Mara Denzel Glover, Washington, Mark Wahlberg, BillFlanery, Paxton,Joe Paula Sean Patrick Pantoliano, Carmen Hall, Serano, Eric Bana, Rebecca Ciarán Hinds, Jim Broadbent Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky United States; Poland;States; United Arab United 2010 2007 2013 2009 2013 2013 13 Mayo 2015 14 Mayo 2015 15 Mayo 2015 Eric Bana, Olivia Wilde, Charlie Hunnam, KrisJosh Kristofferson Bruce Willis, Duhamel, RosarioByrne, Dawson, Vincent Gabriel Rufus Sewell, Toby VariosStephens, Julian Sands ORIGIN COUNTRY France; United States;States; United United Kingdom; Varios Varios Varios Ralph Fiennes, Gerard Butler, Lubna Ashraf Barhom DominicAzabal, Cooper, Ludivine Sagnier, Philip Quast, Raad Kate Beckinsale, Nick Nolte, Anna Anissimova, James Adam Jean-Claude Van Damme, Brody, Rob Huebel, Gabriel Byrne, RufusKristen Sewell, Toby Stephens, Julian Sands Nicolas Cage, Josh Lucas, Danny Huston, Malin Akerman Kane Kosugi, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Rade Serbedzija, Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys,Gary Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, Vin Diesel, RadhaAnnet Mitchell, Cole Hauser, Keith David Vin Diesel, Jordi Mollà, Matt Nable, Katee Sackhoff Varios Kate Beckinsale, Nick Nolte, Anna Patrick Anissimova, James Sean Flanery, Joe Pantoliano, Carmen Serano, Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky Shia Labeouf, David Morse, Sarah Roemer, Carrie-Anne Fiona Dourif, Danielle Bisutti, Chantal Quesnelle, Brad Dourif Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Annet Peter Emmerich, Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Vin Diesel, Tom JordiNoonan Mollà, Matt Nable,Wilson, Katee Giovanni Sackhoff Ribisi, Luke Gabriel Macht, James Caan Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Brühl, Olivia Wilde, Alexandra Maria United Kingdom; Belgium; Netherlands; United States; United Kingdom; States; Puerto United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; South Africa; United States;States; United United States; United States; United States; France;Kingdom; United United States; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; Germany; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United Kingdom; 2012 2012 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2010 2011 2013 2013 2013 2012 2014 0 0 0 2000 2013 2013 2006 2010 1990 2011 2011 2013 2013 1997 1995 2013 2013 2013 Programación Fox Action Este - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE ORIGIN COUNTRY Nicolas Cage, Josh Lucas, United States; Danny Huston, Malin Milo Ventimiglia, KateeAkerman United States; Sackhoff, Jason Lee, Brendan Fraser, Matt Alan Dillon, United States; Vincent D'Onofrio, Thomas Jane United States; Luke Goss, Ryan Guzman, Andrew Keegan, Ming-Na Wen United States; Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Chris Patt United States; ELENCO AÑO 11:40 13:20 14:50 16:45 18:25 21:00 Stolen Tell Pawn Shop Chronicles April Rain Zero Dark Thirty WWE: PAYBACK - LIVE EVENT Contrarreloj Tell Pawn Shop Chronicles April Rain La noche más oscura WWE: PAYBACK Suspenso Acción Comedia Acción Acción Deportes 00:00 01:45 03:45 05:40 07:50 08:30 10:15 11:55 13:30 15:00 15:50 17:30 20:00 22:00 22:55 Middle Men Michel Clayton The Burma Conspiracy August. Eighth Titulo Por Confirmar 2 Guns Fatal Instinct Absolute Deception Summoned Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Deadly Impact Prisoners Rush Americans S3: March 8, 1983 Redemption La red sexual Michel Clayton Largo Winch. Conspiracion en Birmania Agosto. Octavo Titulo Por Confirmar Armados y peligrosos Instinto fatal Decepción absoluta Muerte al jurado The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 Impacto mortal La sospecha Rush, pasión y gloria The Americans Temp 3 Cap 13 El redentor Drama Luke Wilson, Giovanni Ribisi, Gabriel Macht, James Caan United States; 2009 Acción Acción Tomer Sisley, Sharon Stone, Ulrich Tukur, Napakpapha Svetlana Ivanova, Maksim Matveyev, Egor Beroev, Belgium; France; Germany; Russian Federation; 2011 2012 Acción Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, Paxton,Burgi, Paula Ivan Sergei,BillRichard Drew Masiela Lusha Cuba Fuller, Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier, Evert Jr., McQueen, Cuba Gooding Ashley Ty Scott, Bailey Chase,Matthew James Hong Keri Russell, Rhys, Noah Emmerich, AnnetJoe Sean Patrick Flanery, Pantoliano, Carmen Hugh Jackman, JakeSerano, Gyllenhaal, Paul Viola Davis ChrisDano, Hemsworth, Daniel Brühl, Olivia Wilde, Matthew AlexandraRhys, Maria Keri Russell, Noah Annet Buzek, JasonEmmerich, Statham, Agata Christian Brassington, Vicky United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United Kingdom; 2013 2014 2013 2013 0 2009 2013 2013 0 2013 19 Mayo 2015 00:35 02:25 03:50 07:00 08:25 10:20 11:45 13:15 15:45 17:55 20:00 21:00 22:00 Pitch Black Cyborg WWE: PAYBACK Hours Pawn Shop Chronicles Ghost Team One The Uninvited Zero Dark Thirty The Way Back Shooter Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Americans S3: March 8, 1983 WWE: PAYBACK Eclipse mortal Cyborg WWE: PAYBACK Horas desesperadas Pawn Shop Chronicles Equipo paranormal La maldición de las hermanas La noche más oscura Camino a la libertad Tirador The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 The Americans Temp 3 Cap 13 WWE: PAYBACK Ciencia Ficción Acción Deportes Drama Comedia Comedia Horror Acción Drama Acción Suspenso Suspenso Deportes Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell, Cole United States; Hauser, Keith Van David Jean- Claude Damme, United States; Deborah Richter, Vincent Klyn, United States; Paul Walker, Genesis United States; Rodriguez, NancyMatt Nave, Shane United States; Brendan Fraser, Dillon, Vincent D'Onofrio, Jane United States; Carlos Santos, J.R.Thomas Villarreal, Fernanda Romero, Tony Emily Browning, Arielle Kebbel, Canada; Germany; David JessicaStrathairn, Chastain, Elizabeth Jason Clarke, United States; Joel Edgerton, Chris PattSaoirse United States; Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Ronan, Colin Farrell Poland;States; United Arab Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, United Danny Glover, Kate Mara Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, United States; Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew United States; Noah Emmerich, Annet United States; 2000 1989 2014 2013 2013 2013 2009 2012 2010 2007 0 0 2014 20 Mayo 2015 01:00 03:25 05:05 06:50 08:25 10:35 12:00 14:00 15:25 17:10 18:45 20:25 22:00 23:35 Prisoners Closed Circuit The Devil's Double Fatal Instinct August. Eighth Cyborg Scream III Devil's Due Disturbia Closed Circuit Absolute Deception Stolen April Rain The Burma Conspiracy La sospecha Circuito cerrado El doble del diablo Instinto fatal Agosto. Octavo Cyborg Scream 3: La máscara de la muerte Heredero del Diablo Paranoia Circuito cerrado Decepción absoluta Contrarreloj April Rain Largo Winch. Conspiracion en Birmania Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Suspenso Horror Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Acción Acción Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano,Rebecca Viola Davis Eric Bana, Hall, Ciarán Hinds, Broadbent DominicJim Cooper, Ludivine Sagnier, PhilipRichard Quast,Burgi, Raad Ivan Sergei, Drew Fuller, MasielaMaksim Lusha Svetlana Ivanova, Matveyev, Egor Jean- Claude VanBeroev, Damme, Deborah Richter,David Vincent Klyn, Neve Campbell, Arquette, Courteney Cox, Sam Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Anderson, Roger Payano Shia Labeouf, David Morse, Sarah Roemer, Carrie-Anne Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Hinds, Jim Broadbent Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier,Cage, EvertJosh McQueen, Nicolas Lucas, Ty Danny Huston, Akerman Luke Goss, RyanMalin Guzman, Andrew Keegan, Ming-Na Wen Tomer Sisley, Sharon Stone, Ulrich Tukur, Napakpapha 2013 2013 2011 2014 2012 1989 2000 2014 2007 2013 2013 2012 2013 2011 01:30 03:40 05:15 06:45 06:50 07:00 07:05 08:40 10:15 11:50 13:25 14:50 16:25 18:20 20:20 22:00 23:55 The Way Back Curse Of Chucky A Haunted House Zoom In: Transformers - Age Of Extinction Zoom In: The Other Woman Zoom In: X-Men - Days Of Future Past Absolute Deception Summoned Hours Category 5 Cyborg Welcome To The Jungle Pawn Shop Chronicles Riddick Redemption Rush Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Camino a la libertad La maldición de Chucky ¿Dónde está el fantasma? Zoom In Zoom In Zoom In Decepción absoluta Muerte al jurado Horas desesperadas Category 5 Cyborg Bienvenido a la jungla Pawn Shop Chronicles Riddick, el amo de la oscuridad El redentor Rush, pasión y gloria The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 Drama Suspenso Comedia Varios Varios Varios Acción Suspenso Drama Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse United States; Ronan, Colin Farrell Poland;States; United Arab Fiona Dourif, Danielle Bisutti, United Chantal Quesnelle, Brad Dourif United States; Marlon Wayans, Essence Atkins, Varios David Koechner, 00:55 01:55 03:45 05:25 08:00 08:10 08:15 08:25 09:50 11:20 12:45 14:55 16:30 17:30 18:25 20:25 22:00 23:50 Americans S3: March 8, 1983 Dead Man Down Deadly Impact Zero Dark Thirty Zoom In: Hercules Zoom In: Kill The Messenger Zoom In: Sextape The Uninvited A Haunted House Ghost Team One The Way Back Fire With Fire Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Americans S3: March 8, 1983 Scream III Curse Of Chucky Now You See Me Devil's Due The Americans Temp 3 Cap 13 Marcado por la muerte Impacto mortal La noche más oscura Zoom In Zoom In Zoom In La maldición de las hermanas ¿Dónde está el fantasma? Equipo paranormal Camino a la libertad Fuego con fuego The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 The Americans Temp 3 Cap 13 Scream 3: La máscara de la muerte La maldición de Chucky Nada es lo que parece Heredero del Diablo Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Varios Varios Varios Horror Comedia Comedia Drama Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Horror 18 Mayo 2015 21 Mayo 2015 22 Mayo 2015 Acción Comedia Comedia Ciencia Ficción Suspenso Acción Suspenso United States; United Kingdom; United States; Belgium; Netherlands; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; Belgium; France; Germany; Varios Varios Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier, Evert Jr., McQueen, Cuba Gooding Ashley Ty Scott, BaileyWalker, Chase,Genesis James Hong Paul Rodriguez, Nancy Nave, Shane United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Jean- Claude Van Damme, United States; Deborah Richter, Vincent Klyn, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Adam United Kingdom; Brody, Huebel, Kristen BrendanRob Fraser, Matt Dillon, United States; Puerto Vincent D'Onofrio, Thomas Vin Diesel, Jordi Mollà, MattJane United States; United Nable, Katee Sackhoff Kingdom; Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, United States; United Christian Brassington, Vicky Kingdom; United Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Brühl, Germany; Olivia Wilde, Matthew AlexandraRhys, Maria Kingdom; Keri Russell, United States; Noah Emmerich, Annet Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, Annet Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Dominic Cooper, Terrence Sean Patrick Flanery, Joe Pantoliano, Carmen Serano, Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Chris Patt Varios Varios Varios Emily Browning, Arielle Kebbel, David Elizabeth MarlonStrathairn, Wayans, Essence Atkins, David Koechner, Carlos Santos, J.R. Villarreal, Fernanda Tony Saoirse Ed Harris, Romero, Jim Sturgess, Ronan, ColinJosh Farrell Bruce Willis, Duhamel, Rosario Dawson, Vincent Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Annet Neve Emmerich, Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Fiona Dourif, Danielle Cox, Bisutti, Chantal Quesnelle, Brad Dourif Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, WoodyMiller, Harrelson, Fisher Allison Zach Isla Gilford, Sam Anderson, Roger Payano United States; United States; United States; United States; Canada; Germany; United States; United States; United States; Poland;States; United Arab United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2012 2014 2013 2013 2012 2014 2010 2013 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2013 2013 2014 1989 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0 0 2013 2009 2012 2014 2014 2014 2009 2013 2013 2010 2012 0 0 2000 2013 2013 2014 Programación Fox Action Este - Mayo 2015 Hora 23 Mayo 2015 01:20 03:25 05:10 07:45 07:55 08:00 09:45 10:35 11:35 13:05 14:40 16:20 18:10 20:15 22:00 Shooter Pitch Black Prisoners Zoom In: Hercules Zoom In: Kill The Messenger Disturbia Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Americans S3: I Am Malat Malin Summoned Absolute Deception Stolen Dead Man Down Shooter Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Noah Tirador Eclipse mortal La sospecha Zoom In Zoom In Paranoia The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 The Americans Temp 3 Cap 12 Muerte al jurado Decepción absoluta Contrarreloj Marcado por la muerte Tirador Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Noé Acción Ciencia Ficción Suspenso Varios Varios Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Aventura Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, United States; Danny Glover, Kate Mara Cole United States; Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell, Hauser, Keith David Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, United States; Paul Dano, Viola Davis Varios Varios Shia Labeouf, David Morse, Sarah Roemer, Carrie-Anne Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys, Noah Emmerich, AnnetRhys, Keri Russell, Matthew Noah Emmerich, Annet Cuba Gooding Jr., Ashley Scott, Bailey Chase, James Hong Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier,Cage, EvertJosh McQueen, Nicolas Lucas, Ty Danny Huston, MalinRapace, Akerman Colin Farrell, Noomi Dominic Cooper, Michael Terrence Mark Wahlberg, Peña, Danny Glover, Kate Mara Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Keira Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Emma United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; RussianStates; Federation; United 00:15 02:10 04:10 06:05 06:10 06:20 07:55 09:40 11:05 12:35 14:10 16:10 17:55 20:10 22:00 23:50 47 Ronin Cowboys & Aliens Riddick Zoom In: Transformers - Age Of Extinction Zoom In: The Other Woman Category 5 2 Guns Cyborg Enemies Closer Welcome To The Jungle Cowboys & Aliens Pitch Black Noah Machete Kills Escape Plan Rush 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai Cowboys & Aliens Riddick, el amo de la oscuridad Zoom In Zoom In Category 5 Armados y peligrosos Cyborg Cerco al enemigo Bienvenido a la jungla Cowboys & Aliens Eclipse mortal Noé Machete Kills Plan de escape Rush, pasión y gloria Acción Acción Ciencia Ficción Varios Varios Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Ko Shibasaki, Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Keith Carradine, Olivia Matt Wilde Vin Diesel, Jordi Mollà, Nable, Varios Katee Sackhoff United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; 01:45 03:35 05:20 06:55 07:35 09:25 11:05 12:45 14:50 16:30 18:05 20:35 22:00 23:55 Now You See Me Super Troopers Welcome To The Jungle Titulo Por Confirmar Dark Tide Stolen Deadly Impact Scream II Playback Summoned Prisoners Enemies Closer 47 Ronin Redemption Nada es lo que parece Super policías Bienvenido a la jungla Titulo Por Confirmar Aguas profundas Contrarreloj Impacto mortal Scream 2: Grita y vuelve a gritar Playback Muerte al jurado La sospecha Cerco al enemigo 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai El redentor Suspenso Comedia Comedia Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Lemme, Adam Paul Jean-ClaudeSteve Van Damme, Brody, Rob Huebel, Kristen United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; Puerto 2013 2001 2013 Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Horror Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez, Ralph Elderkin NicolasBrown, Cage, Mark Josh Lucas, Danny Huston, Malin Akerman Sean Patrick Flanery, Joe Pantoliano, Carmen Serano, Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Johnny Pacar, Toby Cox, Hemingway, Childers, Cuba GoodingAmbyr Jr., Ashley Scott, Bailey Jackman, Chase, James Hugh Jake Hong Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Viola Jean-Claude VanDavis Damme, Tom Everett Scott, Orlando Keanu Reeves, HiroyukiJones, Sanada, Ko Shibasaki, Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky South Africa; United States;States; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; 2011 2012 2009 1997 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 01:35 03:05 04:35 06:15 07:45 09:05 11:20 13:30 15:10 16:40 18:10 19:55 22:00 23:45 Absolute Deception Enemies Closer Fire With Fire Beneath Lake Placid August. Eighth The Way Back Super Troopers Ghost Team One Devil's Due Redemption Shooter Machete Kills Escape Plan Decepción absoluta Cerco al enemigo Fuego con fuego Peligro en el lago El cocodrilo Agosto. Octavo Camino a la libertad Super policías Equipo paranormal Heredero del Diablo El redentor Tirador Machete Kills Plan de escape Acción Suspenso Acción Suspenso Acción Acción Drama Comedia Comedia Horror Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier, Evert McQueen, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Ty Tom Everett Scott, Orlando Jones, Bruce Willis, Josh Duhamel, Rosario Dawson,Bonnie Vincent Daniel Zovatto, Dennison, Conroy, Jonny Bill Pullman,Chris Bridget Fonda, Oliver Platt, Brendan Gleeson Svetlana Ivanova, Maksim Matveyev, Egor Beroev,Saoirse Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Ronan, Colin Farrell Kevin Jay Chandrasekhar, Heffernan, Steve Paul Carlos Santos, J.R.Lemme, Villarreal, Fernanda Romero, Tony Sam Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Anderson, RogerAgata Payano Jason Statham, Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Danny Glover, Kate Mara Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Charlie Sheen, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Mel Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel, United States; United Kingdom; United States; 01:35 03:20 05:05 06:40 06:45 06:55 07:00 08:45 10:50 12:20 14:00 15:25 16:55 18:35 20:25 22:00 23:25 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Pitch Black Curse Of Chucky Zoom In: Transformers - Age Of Extinction Zoom In: The Other Woman Zoom In: X-Men - Days Of Future Past Playback Scream II Beneath Welcome To The Jungle Enemies Closer All Things To All Men Deadly Impact The Devil's Double Closed Circuit Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Scream Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Eclipse mortal La maldición de Chucky Zoom In Zoom In Zoom In Playback Scream 2: Grita y vuelve a gritar Peligro en el lago Bienvenido a la jungla Cerco al enemigo Londres: Distrito Criminal Impacto mortal El doble del diablo Circuito cerrado Actvidad paranormal: Los marcados Grita antes de morir Acción Ciencia Ficción Suspenso Varios Varios Varios Horror Suspenso Suspenso Comedia Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Horror Suspenso Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, United States; Kenneth Keira Cole United RussianStates; Federation; Vin Diesel,Branagh, Radha Mitchell, Hauser, KeithDanielle David Bisutti, Fiona Dourif, United States; Chantal Varios Quesnelle, Brad Dourif 01:20 03:25 05:35 07:25 07:30 07:35 Shooter The Way Back 2 Guns Zoom In: The Hobbit - The Battle Of The Five ArmiesIn: Hercules Zoom Zoom In: Kill The Messenger Tirador Camino a la libertad Armados y peligrosos Zoom In Zoom In Zoom In Acción Drama Acción Varios Varios Varios 24 Mayo 2015 25 Mayo 2015 26 Mayo 2015 27 Mayo 2015 28 Mayo 2015 TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE Acción Acción Suspenso Comedia Acción Ciencia Ficción Aventura Acción Acción Acción ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY FECHA Varios United States; United States; Denzel Washington, Mark United States; Wahlberg, Bill Van Paxton, Paula Jean- Claude Damme, United States; Deborah Richter, Vincent Klyn, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Tom United Kingdom; Everett Scott,Van Orlando Jones, States; Jean-Claude Damme, Adam United Kingdom; Brody, Rob Huebel, Kristen Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, United States; Puerto Keith Carradine, Wilde Vin Diesel, RadhaOlivia Mitchell, Cole United States; Hauser, Keith David Russell Crowe, Jennifer United States; Connelly, RayMichelle Winstone, Emma Russian Federation; Danny Trejo, Rodriguez, Charlie Sheen, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Mel United States; Schwarzenegger, Caviezel, Chris Hemsworth, Jim Daniel Brühl, Germany; United Olivia Wilde, Alexandra Maria Kingdom; Varios Varios Johnny Pacar, Toby Hemingway, Ambyr Childers, Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Daniel Zovatto, BonnieCox, Dennison, Chris Jean-Claude VanConroy, Damme,Jonny Adam Brody, Rob Huebel, KristenTom Jean-Claude Van Damme, Everett Byrne, Scott, Orlando Jones, Gabriel Rufus Sewell, Toby Stephens, JulianJoe Sands Sean Patrick Flanery, Pantoliano, Carmen Serano, Dominic Cooper, Ludivine Sagnier, Quast, Raad Eric Bana,Philip Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Hinds, Broadbent AndrewJim Jacobs, Jorge Diaz, Gabrielle Walsh, David Gloria Sandoval Neve Campbell, Arquette, Courteney Cox, United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; Russian Federation; United States; Poland;States; United Arab United United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; States; Puerto United Kingdom; States; United Kingdom; United States; Belgium; Netherlands; United Kingdom; United States; United States; Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, United States; Danny Glover, Kate MaraSaoirse United States; Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Ronan, Colin Farrell Mark Poland;States; United Arab Denzel Washington, United Wahlberg, Bill Paxton, Paula Varios Varios Varios AÑO 2007 2000 2013 2014 2014 2007 0 0 2013 2013 2012 2013 2007 2013 2014 2013 2011 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 1989 2013 2013 2011 2000 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2013 1999 2012 2010 2001 2013 2014 2013 2007 2013 2013 2013 2000 2013 2014 2013 2014 2012 1997 2013 2013 2013 2013 2009 2011 2013 2014 1996 2007 2010 2013 2014 2014 2014 Programación Fox Action Este - Mayo 2015 FECHA 29 Mayo 2015 30 Mayo 2015 31 Mayo 2015 Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE ORIGIN COUNTRY Jean- Claude Van Damme, United States; Deborah Richter, Vincent Klyn, United States; Shia Labeouf, David Morse, Sarah Roemer, Carrie-Anne Gabriel Byrne, Rufus Sewell, United Kingdom; Toby Stephens, Julian Sands Nicolas Cage, Josh Lucas, United States; Danny Huston, Malin Akerman Russian Federation; Svetlana Ivanova, Maksim Matveyev, Bruce Willis,Egor JoshBeroev, Duhamel, United States; Rosario Dawson, Vincent Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, United States; Joel Chris Patt CubaEdgerton, Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle United States; Vaugier, Evert McQueen, Ty Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, United States; Paul Dano, Viola Davis ELENCO 07:45 09:10 10:55 12:20 14:00 16:10 17:50 20:25 22:00 Cyborg Disturbia All Things To All Men Stolen August. Eighth Fire With Fire Zero Dark Thirty Absolute Deception Prisoners Cyborg Paranoia Londres: Distrito Criminal Contrarreloj Agosto. Octavo Fuego con fuego La noche más oscura Decepción absoluta La sospecha Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Acción Suspenso 00:30 02:20 03:50 05:45 07:15 07:20 07:30 08:55 10:50 12:20 14:10 15:50 17:45 19:45 22:00 23:40 Pawn Shop Chronicles Tell Robocop 2 Devil's Due Zoom In: The Hobbit - The Battle Of The Five ArmiesIn: Hercules Zoom Ghost Team One Dark Tide Spiders 3d 2 Guns Deadly Impact Scream Scream II August. Eighth Dead In Tombstone Pitch Black Pawn Shop Chronicles Tell RoboCop 2 Heredero del Diablo Zoom In Zoom In Equipo paranormal Aguas profundas Arañas 3D Armados y peligrosos Impacto mortal Grita antes de morir Scream 2: Grita y vuelve a gritar Agosto. Octavo Muerte en Tombstone Eclipse mortal Comedia Acción Acción Horror Varios Varios Comedia Suspenso Ciencia Ficción Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Ciencia Ficción Brendan Fraser, Matt Dillon, Vincent D'Onofrio, Thomas Jane Milo Ventimiglia, Katee Sackhoff, Jason Lee,Allen, Alan Dan Peter Weller, Nancy O'Herlihy, Tom Noonan Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson, Roger Payano Varios 01:25 03:10 04:45 06:10 07:55 09:40 11:15 12:55 14:25 16:10 17:50 20:05 22:00 23:55 Redemption The Double Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Disturbia The Devil's Double Closed Circuit Fire With Fire Tell Redemption The Double Noah G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra The Sweeney Inglourious Basterds El redentor Misión secreta Actvidad paranormal: Los marcados Paranoia El doble del diablo Circuito cerrado Fuego con fuego Tell El redentor Misión secreta Noé G.I. Joe: El origen de Cobra The Sweeney Bastardos sin gloria Suspenso Suspenso Horror Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Aventura Ciencia Ficción Acción Acción Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky Richard Gere, Topher Grace, Martin Tamer AndrewSheen, Jacobs, JorgeHassan Diaz, Gabrielle Walsh, Gloria Sandoval Shia Labeouf, David Morse, Sarah DominicRoemer, Cooper,Carrie-Anne Ludivine Sagnier, Quast, Raad Eric Bana,Philip Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Hinds, Jim Broadbent Bruce Willis, Josh Duhamel, Rosario Dawson,Katee Vincent Milo Ventimiglia, Sackhoff, Jason Agata Lee, Alan Jason Statham, Buzek, Christian Brassington, Vicky Richard Gere, Topher Grace, Martin Hassan RussellSheen, Crowe,Tamer Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Channing Tatum, AdewaleEmma Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Christopher Ray Winstone, Ben Drew, Hayley Atwell, Damian Lewis Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth 02:25 04:05 06:10 06:15 07:45 10:00 11:55 13:35 Dead In Tombstone Scream II Zoom In: The Hobbit - The Battle Of The Five Armies 3d Spiders August. Eighth Robocop 2 Deadly Impact Prisoners Muerte en Tombstone Scream 2: Grita y vuelve a gritar Zoom In Arañas 3D Agosto. Octavo RoboCop 2 Impacto mortal La sospecha Acción Suspenso Varios Ciencia Ficción Acción Acción Acción Suspenso Danny Trejo, Anthony Michael United States; Hall, Rourke, NeveMickey Campbell, DavidDina Meyer United States; Arquette, Courteney Cox, Varios 16:05 The Sweeney The Sweeney Acción 18:05 Pawn Shop Chronicles Pawn Shop Chronicles Comedia 20:00 No Country For Old Men Sin lugar para los débiles Suspenso 22:00 Killing Them Softly Mátalos suavemente Suspenso United Kingdom; Hayley Lewis BrendanAtwell, Fraser,Damian Matt Dillon, United States; VincentBardem, D'Onofrio, Thomas Javier Josh Brolin, Jane United States; Tommy Lee Jones,Jenkins, Woody Brad Pitt, Richard United States; 23:35 G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra G.I. Joe: El origen de Cobra Ciencia Ficción James Gandolfini, Ray Liotta Channing Tatum, Adewale United States; Czech Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Christopher Republic; Varios Carlos Santos, J.R. Villarreal, Fernanda Romero, Tony Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez, Ralph Brown, Mark Elderkin Patrick Muldoon, Christa Campbell, William Hope, Denzel Washington, MarkSydney Wahlberg, BillFlanery, Paxton,Joe Paula Sean Patrick Pantoliano, Carmen Serano, Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Neve Campbell, DavidCox, Arquette,Ivanova, Courteney Cox, Svetlana Maksim Matveyev, Egor Beroev, Danny Trejo, Anthony Michael Hall, MickeyRadha Rourke, Dina Meyer Vin Diesel, Mitchell, Cole Hauser, Keith David Patrick Muldoon, Christa Campbell, William Hope, Sydney Svetlana Ivanova, Maksim Matveyev, Egor Beroev, Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Tom NoonanJoe Sean Patrick Flanery, Pantoliano, Carmen Hugh Jackman, JakeSerano, Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, ViolaBen Davis Ray Winstone, Drew, United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; South Africa; United States;States; United United States; United States; United States; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; Belgium; Netherlands; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; Czech Republic; United Kingdom; Germany; United States; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; AÑO 1989 2007 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2014 1990 2014 2014 2014 2013 2011 2011 2013 2009 1996 1997 2012 2013 2000 2013 2011 2014 2007 2011 2013 2012 2014 2013 2011 2014 2009 2012 2009 2013 1997 2014 2011 2012 1990 2009 2013 2012 2013 2007 2012 2009 Programación Fox Cinema - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GÉNERO ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO 01:20 03:20 04:55 06:55 08:20 10:10 11:40 13:20 14:45 16:15 18:30 20:00 22:00 23:35 City Of Your Final Destination Tierra En La Lengua El Baile De San Juan Pense Que Iba A Haber Fiesta El Artista Y La Modelo Motivos Para No Enamorarse La Mirada Del Otro Nobody Walks Sanandresito El Secreto De Sus Ojos C.O.G. Las Viudas De Los Jueves No Tengas Miedo The Door La Ciudad De Tu Destino Final Tierra en la Lengua El Baile De San Juan Pensé que iba a haber fiesta El artista y la modelo Motivos para no enamorarse La Mirada Del Otro Nadie Camina Sanandresito El secreto de sus ojos C.O.G. Las viudas de los jueves No tengas miedo Tras la puerta Drama Drama Anthony Hopkins, Laura Linney, United States; Charlotte Gainsbourg, Norma Jairo Salcedo, Alma Rodriguez, Colombia; Gabriel Mejía, Oliva Rondón Drama Drama Romance Drama Drama Comedia Suspenso Comedia Drama Drama Drama Elena Anaya, Valeria Bertuccelli, Fernán Mirás, Esteban Jean Rochefort, ClaudiaBigliardi Cardinale, Folch, Chus Celeste Cid,Aida Jorge Marrale, Laura Mariana Briski MiguelAzcurra, Bose, Laura Morante, MiguelKrasinski, Ángel García, John OliviaJuanjo Thirlby, Rosemarie DeWitt, IndiaOrozco, Andrés Parra, Verónica Jimmy Vasquez Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Guillermo Pablo Rago Jonathan Francella, Groff, Denis O'Hare, Casey Wilson, Dean Ana Celentano, PabloStockwell Echarri, Gabriela Toscano, Gloria Carrá, Lluís Homar, Michelle Jenner, Belén Rueda, Núria Gago Helen Mirren, Martina Gedeck, Károly Eperjes, Gábor Koncz Argentina; Spain; Spain; France; Argentina; Spain; United States; Colombia; Argentina; Spain; United States; Argentina; Spain; Spain; Hungary; Germany; 2009 2013 2010 2013 2012 2008 1998 2012 2012 2009 2013 2009 2011 2011 02 Mayo 2015 01:10 02:55 04:30 06:05 08:30 10:00 11:45 13:20 15:10 17:00 18:25 20:20 22:00 23:50 Así Del Precipicio Canciones De Amor En Lolita's Club Every Day Foxfire Et Si On Vivait Tous Ensemble? Trois Mondes Murder On The Home Front The Broken Circle Breakdown Belle Epoque Motivos Para No Enamorarse Brighton Rock Gang Story (Les Lyonnais) Lucia, Lucia Maladies Así del precipicio Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club Un día cualquiera Puro Fuego: Confesiones de una banda de chicas ¿Y si vivimos todos juntos? Tres mundos Crimen en el frente Alabama Monroe Belle Epoque Motivos para no enamorarse Brighton Rock Historias de pandillas Lucía, Lucía Maladies Drama Drama Comedia Drama Comedia Drama Suspenso Romance Comedia Romance Suspenso Drama Suspenso Drama Ana De La Reguera, Gabriela Platas Eduardo Noriega, Flora Martinez, Héctor Colomé, Liev Schreiber, Helen Hunt, Carla Eddie Izzard RavenGugino, Adamson, Katie Coseni, Madeleine Bisson, Claire Jane Fonda, Geraldine Chaplin, Daniel Brühl, Pierre Richard Raphaël Personnaz, Clotilde Hesme, Arta Dobroshi, Reda Tamzin Merchant, Patrick Kennedy, Emerald Fennell, Johan Heldenbergh, Veerle Baetens, Cattrysse, Geert Penelope Nell Cruz, Miriam DíazAroca, Gabino Diego, Fernando Celeste Cid, Jorge Marrale, Laura Mirren, Azcurra,Sam Mariana Helen Riley,Briski John Hurt, Andrea Gérard Lanvin,Riseborough Tchéky Karyo, Daniel Duval, Dimitri Storoge Cecilia Roth, Carlos ÁlvarezNóvoa,Franco, Kuno Becker, Margarita James Catherine Keener, Fallon Goodson, Alan Mexico; Spain; United States; France; France; Germany; France; United Kingdom; Belgium; Netherlands; Spain; Portugal; Argentina; United Kingdom; France; Belgium; Mexico; Spain; United States; 2006 2007 2010 2012 2011 2012 2013 2012 1992 2008 2011 2011 2003 2012 03 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:00 04:45 06:05 07:55 09:40 11:25 13:25 15:00 16:40 18:25 20:10 22:00 23:30 The Lookout The Words App Lucia, Lucia En Brazos De La Mujer Madura Cha Cha Cha City Of Your Final Destination La Celestina The Door Matador The Words Americano The Lookout Canciones De Amor En Lolita's Club El vigilante Palabras robadas App Lucía, Lucía En Brazos de La Mujer Madura Cha-cha-chá La Ciudad De Tu Destino Final La Celestina Tras la puerta Matador Palabras robadas Americano El vigilante Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club Acción Drama Suspenso Suspenso Drama Comedia Drama Drama Drama Suspenso Drama Drama Acción Drama Daniel Auteuil, Mathieu Kassovitz, OlivierJeremy Gourmet, Bradley Cooper, Irons, Dennis Olivia Wilde de HannahQuaid, Hoekstra, Robert Hoog, Isis Cabolet Cecilia Roth, Carlos ÁlvarezNóvoa, Kuno Becker, Margarita Juan Diego Botto, Joanna Pacula, Elias, Rosana EduardoCarme Noriega, Ana Álvarez, María Adánez, Jorge Sanz Anthony Hopkins, Laura Linney, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Norma Penélope Cruz, Juan Diego Botto, Maribel Verdú, Terele Helen Mirren, Martina Gedeck, Károly Gábor Koncz AntonioEperjes, Banderas, Assumpta Serna, Martínez, BradleyNacho Cooper, Jeremy Eva Irons, DennisHayek, Quaid, Geraldine Olivia Wilde Salma Chaplin, Mathieu Demy, Carlos Daniel Auteuil, Mathieu Kassovitz, Olivier Gourmet, Eduardo Noriega, Flora Martinez, Héctor Colomé, France; Belgium; Italy; United States; Netherlands; Mexico; Spain; Spain; Spain; United States; Spain; Hungary; Germany; Spain; United States; France; France; Belgium; Italy; Spain; 2012 2012 2013 2003 1996 1998 2009 1996 2011 1986 2012 2011 2012 2007 04 Mayo 2015 01:05 02:50 04:40 06:05 08:05 09:40 11:15 13:05 14:40 16:40 19:00 20:25 22:00 23:30 Bluff The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete El Bola La Ardilla Roja Sanandresito La Celestina Child's Pose No Tengas Miedo Las Viudas De Los Jueves Love In The Time Of Cholera Point Blank Every Day La Guayaba El Artista Y La Modelo Bluff La inevitable derrota de Mister y Pete El Bola La ardilla roja Sanandresito La Celestina La mirada del hijo No tengas miedo Las viudas de los jueves El amor en los tiempos del cólera Cuenta atrás Un día cualquiera La Guayaba El artista y la modelo Comedia Drama Drama Drama Comedia Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Acción Comedia Drama Drama Federico Lorusso, Víctor Mallarino, Catalina Aristizábal, Skylan Brooks, Ethan Dizon, Jordin Sparks, Jeffrey Wright Juan José Ballesta, Pablo Galán, Alberto Jiménez, Manuel Emma Suárez, Nancho Novo, Carmelo Gómez, María Barranco Andrés Parra, Verónica Orozco, Jimmy Vasquez Penélope Cruz, Juan Diego Botto, Maribel Verdú,Bogdan Terele Luminita Gheorghiu, Dumitrache, Lluís Homar, Natasa MichelleRaab, Jenner, Belén Rueda, Núria Gago Ana Celentano, Pablo Echarri, Gabriela Toscano, Gloria Carrá, Javier Bardem, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Benjamin Gilles Lellouche, RoschdyBratt, Zem, Gérard Lanvin, Elena Liev Schreiber, Helen Anaya Hunt, Carla Gugino, Eddie Izzard Nadia Ayelen Gimenez, Marilu Marini, Lorenzo Quinteros, Jean Rochefort, Claudia Raul Cardinale, Aida Folch, Chus Colombia; United States; Spain; Spain; Colombia; Spain; Romania; Spain; Argentina; Spain; United States; France; United States; Argentina; Spain; France; 2007 2013 2000 1993 2012 1996 2013 2011 2009 2007 2010 2010 2012 2012 05 Mayo 2015 01:15 02:45 04:30 06:15 07:45 09:40 11:10 12:55 15:00 16:50 18:35 20:15 22:00 23:30 Dame Tus Ojos Amantes Heli Pense Que Iba A Haber Fiesta Todos Los Días Son Tuyos Brujas Matador Metro Pudor Operacion E Maladies Amantes Motivos Para No Enamorarse The Door Abril y Mayo Amantes Heli Pensé que iba a haber fiesta Todos los días son tuyos Brujas Matador Pánico en el metro Pudor Operación E Maladies Amantes Motivos para no enamorarse Tras la puerta Suspenso Romance Drama Drama Suspenso Drama Suspenso Suspenso Drama Drama Drama Romance Romance Drama Anouk Ogueta, Paula Lucky, Raúl Méndez, Shalim Ortiz Victoria Abril, Maribel Verdú, Jorge Sanz, Enrique Cerro Armando Espitia, Andrea Vergara, Linda González, Juan Elena Anaya, Valeria Bertuccelli, FernánSuárez, Mirás, Esteban Bigliardi Emma Alejandro Camacho,Cruz, Bárbara Penélope AnaLennie, Álvarez, Beatriz Mánver AntonioCarvajal, Banderas,Kiti Assumpta Serna, Nacho Martínez, Eva Sergey Puskepalis, Anatoliy Belyy,Florentina Svetlana Khodchenkova, María Antón, Celso Bugallo, Joaquín Climent, Luis Tosar, Martina García, GilbertoFranco, Ramírez, Francisco James Catherine Keener, Fallon Goodson, Alan Victoria Abril, Maribel Verdú, Jorge Sanz, Cerro Celeste Cid, Enrique Jorge Marrale, Laura Mirren, Azcurra,Martina Mariana Briski Helen Gedeck, Károly Eperjes, Gábor Koncz Mexico; Spain; Mexico; Argentina; Spain; Mexico; Spain; Spain; Russian Federation; Spain; France; Spain; United States; Spain; Argentina; Hungary; Germany; 2011 1991 2013 2013 2007 1996 1986 2013 2007 2012 2012 1991 2008 2011 06 Mayo 2015 01:10 02:30 04:55 06:35 08:45 10:15 11:40 13:30 15:15 17:15 18:45 20:15 22:00 Point Blank Love In The Time Of Cholera Acorazado Metro Motivos Para No Enamorarse Pense Que Iba A Haber Fiesta Belle Epoque Americano La Niña De Tus Ojos La Guayaba C.O.G. Gang Story (Les Lyonnais) Tráiganme La Cabeza De La Mujer Metralleta Cuenta atrás El amor en los tiempos del cólera Acorazado Pánico en el metro Motivos para no enamorarse Pensé que iba a haber fiesta Belle Epoque Americano La niña de tus ojos La Guayaba C.O.G. Historias de pandillas Tráiganme la cabeza de la mujer metralleta Acción Drama Aventura Suspenso Romance Drama Comedia Drama Drama Drama Comedia Drama Acción Gilles Lellouche, Roschdy Zem, GérardBardem, Lanvin, Elena Anaya Javier Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Benjamin Bratt, Silverio Palacios, Salvador Sánchez, Camille Natta, Enrique Sergey Puskepalis, Anatoliy Belyy, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Celeste Cid, Jorge Marrale, Laura Azcurra,Valeria Mariana Briski Elena Anaya, Bertuccelli, Fernán Mirás, Bigliardi Penelope Cruz,Esteban Miriam DíazAroca,Hayek, GabinoGeraldine Diego, Fernando Salma Chaplin, Demy, Carlos PenélopeMathieu Cruz, Antonio Resines, NeusGimenez, Asensi, Jesús Nadia Ayelen Marilu Marini, Lorenzo Raul Jonathan Groff,Quinteros, Denis O'Hare, Casey Wilson, Dean Stockwell Gérard Lanvin, Tchéky Karyo, Daniel Duval, DimitriMatías Storoge Fernanda Urrejola, Oviedo, Jorge Alis, Sofía García France; United States; Mexico; Russian Federation; Argentina; Argentina; Spain; Spain; Portugal; France; Spain; Argentina; United States; France; Belgium; Chile; 2010 2007 2010 2013 2008 2013 1992 2011 1998 2012 2013 2011 2012 01 Mayo 2015 Programación Fox Cinema - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL 23:15 Ginger & Rosa TITULO ESPAÑOL GÉNERO ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO Ginger & Rosa Drama Elle Fanning, Alessandro Nivola, Canada; Croatia; Christina Hendricks, Timothy Denmark; United 2012 07 Mayo 2015 00:45 02:30 04:20 06:30 08:05 10:05 11:55 13:45 15:20 16:50 18:25 20:05 22:00 23:55 Segunda Piel El Artista Y La Modelo The Ghost Writer Siete Minutos Camille Rewinds Blancanieves The Intouchables Ginger & Rosa The Lookout The Assault Segunda Piel The Nun Angelique Canciones De Amor En Lolita's Club Segunda Piel El artista y la modelo El escritor oculto Siete minutos Camille regresa Blancanieves Amigos intocables Ginger & Rosa El vigilante El Asalto Segunda Piel La religiosa Angélique Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club Drama Drama Suspenso Comedia Drama Drama Drama Drama Acción Suspenso Drama Drama Romance Drama Javier Bardem, Jordi Mollà, Ariadna Gil, Cecilia Roth Jean Rochefort, Claudia Cardinale, Aida Folch, Ewan McGregor, PierceChus Brosnan, Kim Pilar Cattrall, Olivia Marta Etura, Castro, Luis Callejo, Toni Acosta Noémie Lvovsky, Samir Guesmi, Judith Chemla, India Hair Maribel Verdú, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Ponce, Jose FrançoisPere Cluzet, Omar Sy,Maria Anne Le Ny, AudreyAlessandro Fleurot Nivola, Elle Fanning, Christina Hendricks, Timothy Daniel Auteuil, Mathieu Kassovitz, Olivier Gourmet, Vincent Elbaz, Grégori Derangère, Mélanie Javier Bardem, JordiBernier, Mollà, AriadnaEtienne, Gil, Cecilia Roth Pauline Isabelle Huppert, Louise Bourgoin, Nora Arnezeder, Gérard Lanvin, Tomer Sisley, Simon Abkarian Eduardo Noriega, Flora Martinez, Héctor Colomé, Spain; Spain; France; France; Germany; United Spain; Kingdom; France; Spain; Belgium; France; Canada; Croatia; Denmark; United France; Belgium; Italy; France; Spain; France; Germany; Belgium; France; Belgium; Czech Spain; Republic; 1999 2012 2010 2009 2012 2012 2011 2012 2012 2010 1999 2013 2013 2007 08 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:20 05:00 06:50 08:45 10:45 12:45 14:20 15:55 18:15 19:50 22:00 23:30 Tesis Sobre Un Homicidio Son De Mar Deseo Camille Rewinds La Niña De Tus Ojos Las Viudas De Los Jueves Son De Mar Wakolda A Royal Affair The Assault El Secreto De Sus Ojos Septimo Tesis Sobre Un Homicidio Tesis sobre un homicidio Son de mar Deseo Camille regresa La niña de tus ojos Las viudas de los jueves Son de mar Wakolda La reina infiel El Asalto El secreto de sus ojos Séptimo Tesis sobre un homicidio Suspenso Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Ricardo Darín, Alberto Ammann, Calu Rivero, ArturoWatling, Puig Jordi Molla, Leonor Eduard Fernández, Neus Agulló Edith González, Ari Borovoy, Christian Bach, Pedro Noémie Lvovsky, SamirDamián, Guesmi, Judith Chemla, Hair Penélope Cruz, India Antonio Resines, Neus Asensi, Jesús Ana Celentano, Pablo Echarri, Gabriela Toscano, Carrá, Jordi Molla, LeonorGloria Watling, Eduard Fernández,Natalia Neus Agulló Àlex Brendemühl, Oreiro, Diego Peretti, Elena Alicia Vikander, Mads Mikkelsen, Mikkel Følsgaard, VincentBoe Elbaz, Grégori Trine Derangère, Mélanie Bernier, Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, GuillermoDarín, Francella, Rago Ricardo BelénPablo Rueda, Luis Ziembrowski, Osvaldo Ricardo Darín, Alberto Ammann, Calu Rivero, Arturo Puig Argentina; Spain; Spain; Mexico; France; Spain; Argentina; Spain; Spain; Argentina; Spain; France; Norway; Denmark; Sweden; Czech France;Republic; Argentina; Spain; Argentina; Spain; Argentina; Spain; 2013 2001 2010 2012 1998 2009 2001 2013 2012 2010 2009 2013 2013 09 Mayo 2015 01:20 03:05 04:55 06:30 08:20 10:10 12:05 14:15 16:40 18:30 20:20 22:00 23:30 Átame! The Whistleblower Canciones De Amor En Lolita's Club Blancanieves The Intouchables The Nun El Secreto De Sus Ojos Love In The Time Of Cholera Gloria La Delicatesse Amour Et Turbulences I Did It Again The Oranges ¡Átame! La verdad oculta Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club Blancanieves Amigos intocables La religiosa El secreto de sus ojos El amor en los tiempos del cólera Gloria La delicadeza Amor y turbulencias Nunca en la primera noche La hija de mi mejor amigo Comedia Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Suspenso Drama Comedia Drama Comedia Romance Comedia Victoria Abril, Antonio Banderas, Loles Vanessa León, Julieta Monica Bellucci, Redgrave, Rachel Flora Weisz, David Eduardo Noriega, Martinez, Héctor Colomé, Maribel Verdú, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Ponce, Jose FrançoisPere Cluzet, Omar Sy,Maria Anne Le Ny, Audrey Fleurot Pauline Etienne, Isabelle Huppert, Louise Bourgoin, Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Guillermo Francella, Pablo Rago Javier Bardem, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Paulina García,Benjamin Sergio Bratt, Hernández, Diego Fontecilla, Audrey Tautou, François Damiens, Bruno Todeschini, Ludivine Sagnier, Nicolas Bedos, Jonathan Arnaud AlexandraCohen, Lamy, Mélanie Doutey, Julie Catherine Ferrier, Jean-Paul Hugh Laurie, Keener, Alia Shawkat, Oliver Platt Spain; United States; Canada; Spain; Germany; Spain; Belgium; France; France; Germany; Belgium; Argentina; Spain; United States; Chile; Spain; France; France; France; United States; 1990 2010 2007 2012 2011 2013 2009 2007 2013 2011 2013 2011 2011 10 Mayo 2015 01:05 02:40 04:30 05:55 07:55 09:35 11:25 13:15 15:35 17:10 19:05 20:50 23:00 Siete Minutos Deseo The Woman In The Fifth Las Viudas De Los Jueves Every Day Gloria La Delicatesse A Royal Affair Wakolda Angelique Átame! Love In The Time Of Cholera Sitiados S1: 1 Siete minutos Deseo La mujer de la quinta Las viudas de los jueves Un día cualquiera Gloria La delicadeza La reina infiel Wakolda Angélique ¡Átame! El amor en los tiempos del cólera Sitiados Ep 1 Producción Original de FOX+ Comedia Drama Suspenso Drama Comedia Comedia Drama Drama Drama Romance Comedia Drama Drama Marta Etura, Pilar Castro, Luis Callejo, Toni Acosta Edith González, Ari Borovoy, Christian Bach,Kristin PedroScott Damián, Ethan Hawke, Thomas, Joanna Kulig,Echarri, Samir Ana Celentano, Pablo Gabriela Toscano, Gloria Carrá, Liev Schreiber, Helen Hunt, Carla Gugino, Izzard Paulina García,Eddie Sergio Hernández, Diego Fontecilla, Audrey Tautou, François Damiens, BrunoMads Todeschini, Alicia Vikander, Mikkelsen, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, Trine Àlex Brendemühl, Natalia Oreiro, Diego Peretti, Elena Nora Arnezeder, Gérard Lanvin, Tomer Simon Abkarian VictoriaSisley, Abril, Antonio Banderas, Loles León, Julieta Javier Bardem, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Bratt, Andrés Parra, Benjamin Marimar Vega, Benjamín Vicuña, Macarena Spain; Mexico; France; United Kingdom; Argentina;Poland; Spain; United States; Chile; Spain; France; Denmark; Sweden; Czech Republic; Argentina; Spain; France; Norway; Belgium; Czech Republic; Spain; United States; Chile; 2009 2010 2011 2009 2010 2013 2011 2012 2013 2013 1990 2007 2014 11 Mayo 2015 00:00 01:25 03:15 05:00 06:40 09:10 11:00 12:15 14:00 15:25 17:05 18:30 20:15 22:00 23:40 Septimo The Whistleblower El Artista Y La Modelo Gang Story (Les Lyonnais) Baarìa Pudor Tráiganme La Cabeza De La Mujer Metralleta La Mujer Mas Fea Del Mundo Motivos Para No Enamorarse The Door Teresa: Crucificada The Patience Stone The Words Así Del Precipicio The Woman In The Fifth Séptimo La verdad oculta El artista y la modelo Historias de pandillas Baaria - Las puertas del viento Pudor Tráiganme la cabeza de la mujer metralleta La Mujer Más Fea Del Mundo Motivos para no enamorarse Tras la puerta Teresa: Crucificada La piedra de la paciencia Palabras robadas Así del precipicio La mujer de la quinta Suspenso Drama Drama Drama Comedia Drama Acción Comedia Romance Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Suspenso Ricardo Darín, Belén Rueda, Luis Ziembrowski, Osvaldo Monica Bellucci, Vanessa Redgrave, Rachel Weisz, David Jean Rochefort, Claudia Cardinale, Aida Tchéky Folch, Chus Gérard Lanvin, Karyo, Daniel Duval, Dimitri Margareth Storoge Francesco Scianna, Madè, Raoul Bova, Giorgio María Florentina Antón, Celso Bugallo, Climent, FernandaJoaquín Urrejola, Matías Oviedo, Jorge Alis, Sofía García Elia Galera, Roberto Álvarez, Héctor Alterio, Javivi Celeste Cid, Jorge Marrale, Laura Mirren, Azcurra,Martina Mariana Briski Helen Gedeck, Károly Eperjes, Francisca Lewin,Gábor JuanKoncz Pablo Ogalde, Diego Casanueva Golshifteh Farahani, Hamid Djavadan, Hassina Burgan, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde Ana De La Reguera, Gabriela Platas Ethan Hawke, Kristin Scott Thomas, Joanna Kulig, Samir Argentina; Spain; United States; Canada; Germany; Spain; France; France; Belgium; France; Italy; Spain; Chile; Spain; Argentina; Hungary; Germany; 2013 2010 2012 2011 2009 2007 2012 1999 2008 2011 0 2012 2012 2006 2011 01:05 02:40 04:50 06:50 08:50 10:45 12:10 14:00 15:50 17:15 18:55 20:25 22:00 Every Day Barney's Version Todos Los Días Son Tuyos Io, Don Giovanni Lucia, Lucia Teresa: Crucificada Beltenebros El Artista Y La Modelo Nobody Walks Amour Et Turbulences The Oranges I Did It Again Mama Ya Crecí Un día cualquiera El mundo según Barney Todos los días son tuyos Io, Don Giovanni Lucía, Lucía Teresa: Crucificada Beltenebros El artista y la modelo Nadie Camina Amor y turbulencias La hija de mi mejor amigo Nunca en la primera noche Mamá ya crecí Comedia Comedia Suspenso Drama Suspenso Drama Suspenso Drama Drama Comedia Comedia Romance Comedia Liev Schreiber, Helen Hunt, Carla Gugino, Eddie Paul Giamatti, DustinIzzard Hoffman, Rosamund Pike,Alejandro Minnie Driver Emma Suárez, Camacho, Bárbara Lennie, Lorenzo Balducci, Emilia Verginelli, Tobias Moretti, Lino Cecilia Roth, Carlos ÁlvarezNóvoa, Kuno Becker, Francisca Lewin, JuanMargarita Pablo Ogalde, Terence Diego Stamp,Casanueva Patsy Kensit, José Gómez,Claudia John McEnery Jean Luis Rochefort, Cardinale, Aida Folch, Chus John Krasinski, Olivia Thirlby, Rosemarie DeWitt,Nicolas India Bedos, Ludivine Sagnier, Jonathan Cohen, Arnaud Hugh Laurie, Catherine Keener, Alia Shawkat, Oliver Platt Alexandra Lamy, Mélanie Doutey, Julie Ferrier, Jean-Paul Sebastián Badilla, Katty Kowaleczko, Javiera Acevedo, United States; Canada; Italy; Mexico; Italy; Spain; Mexico; Spain; 12 Mayo 2015 France; Germany; United Kingdom; States; Mexico; France; United Kingdom; Poland; Spain; Netherlands; Spain; France; United States; France; United States; France; Chile; 2010 2010 2007 2009 2003 0 1991 2012 2012 2013 2011 2011 2013 Programación Fox Cinema - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL 23:35 City Of Your Final Destination TITULO ESPAÑOL GÉNERO ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO La Ciudad De Tu Destino Final Drama Anthony Hopkins, Laura Linney, United States; Charlotte Gainsbourg, Norma 2009 13 Mayo 2015 01:40 03:55 06:25 08:00 09:50 11:55 13:35 15:10 16:40 18:25 20:00 22:00 23:35 August. Eighth Bol Bachchan Barrio Universitario Lucia, Lucia The Hypnotist La Chispa De La Vida Vacaciones En Familia Motivos Para No Enamorarse Belle Epoque Wrecked Las Viudas De Los Jueves La Celestina The Words Agosto. Octavo Bol Bachchan Barrio Universitario Lucía, Lucía El Hipnotista La chispa de la vida Vacaciones en familia Motivos para no enamorarse Belle Epoque El naufragio de mi vida Las viudas de los jueves La Celestina Palabras robadas Acción Comedia Comedia Suspenso Suspenso Drama Comedia Romance Comedia Drama Drama Drama Drama Svetlana Ivanova, Maksim Matveyev, Egor Beroev, Abhishek Bachchan, Asin, Ajay Devgn, Desai Fabrizio Prachi Copano, Juanita Ringeling, Pedro Ruminot, Cecilia Roth, Carlos ÁlvarezNóvoa, Kuno Becker, Tobias Zilliacus, MikaelMargarita Persbrandt, Oscar Salma Hayek,Lena JoséOlin, Mota, Blanca Portillo, Gabriela Juan LuisMedina, Julio Milostich, María Izquierdo, Sergio Celeste Cid, Jorge Marrale, Laura Azcurra, Briski Penelope Cruz, Mariana Miriam DíazAroca, Gabino Diego, Adrien Brody, CarolineFernando Dhavernas, Ryan Robbins, Ana Celentano, Pablo Echarri, Gabriela Toscano, Gloria Carrá, Penélope Cruz, Juan Diego Botto, Maribel Verdú, Terele Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde Russian Federation; India; Chile; Mexico; Spain; Sweden; Spain; France; United States; Chile; Argentina; Spain; Portugal; Canada; United States; Argentina; Spain; Spain; United States; 2012 2012 2013 2003 2012 2011 2013 2008 1992 2011 2009 1996 2012 14 Mayo 2015 01:20 03:00 04:40 07:05 08:55 10:40 12:05 13:50 15:25 17:10 18:45 20:15 22:00 23:45 Así Del Precipicio Maladies Foxfire Secretos Del Corazón La Mujer Mas Fea Del Mundo Point Blank Belle Epoque La Celestina Child's Pose Brujas Ginger & Rosa Operacion E Gang Story (Les Lyonnais) Guerreros Así del precipicio Maladies Puro Fuego: Confesiones de una banda de chicas Secretos del corazón La Mujer Más Fea Del Mundo Cuenta atrás Belle Epoque La Celestina La mirada del hijo Brujas Ginger & Rosa Operación E Historias de pandillas Guerreros Drama Drama Drama Drama Comedia Acción Comedia Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Ana De La Reguera, Gabriela Platas Franco, Catherine James Keener, Fallon Goodson, Alan Raven Adamson, Katie Coseni, Madeleine Bisson,Andoni Claire Erburu, Carmelo Gómez, Íñigo Garcés, Charo López Elia Galera, Roberto Álvarez, Héctor Alterio, Javivi Gilles Lellouche, Roschdy Zem, Gérard Lanvin, Elena Penelope Cruz, MiriamAnaya DíazAroca, Gabino Fernando Penélope Cruz,Diego, Juan Diego Botto, Maribel Verdú, Terele Luminita Gheorghiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Natasa Penélope Cruz, Ana Raab, Álvarez, Beatriz Carvajal, Kiti Mánver Elle Fanning, Alessandro Nivola, Christina Hendricks, Timothy Luis Tosar, Martina García, Gilberto Ramírez, Francisco Gérard Lanvin, Tchéky Karyo, Daniel Duval,Eduardo Dimitri Storoge Eloy Azorín, Noriega, Rubén Ochandiano, Carla Pérez Mexico; United States; France; Spain; France; Portugal; Spain; France; Spain; Portugal; Spain; Romania; Spain; Canada; Croatia; Denmark; United France; Spain; France; Belgium; Spain; 2006 2012 2012 1997 1999 2010 1992 1996 2013 1996 2012 2012 2011 2002 15 Mayo 2015 01:20 02:55 04:45 06:10 08:00 09:55 11:25 13:10 15:10 16:45 18:25 20:00 22:00 23:40 Every Day Beltenebros Pense Que Iba A Haber Fiesta Child's Pose La Niña De Tus Ojos Espacio Interior Bluff Las Viudas De Los Jueves El Amante Bilingüe Mama Ya Crecí La Chispa De La Vida City Of Your Final Destination Segunda Piel Point Blank Un día cualquiera Beltenebros Pensé que iba a haber fiesta La mirada del hijo La niña de tus ojos Espacio Interior Bluff Las viudas de los jueves El Amante Bilingüe Mamá ya crecí La chispa de la vida La Ciudad De Tu Destino Final Segunda Piel Cuenta atrás Comedia Suspenso Drama Drama Drama Drama Comedia Drama Drama Comedia Drama Drama Drama Acción Liev Schreiber, Helen Hunt, Carla Gugino, Eddie Izzard Terence Stamp, Patsy Kensit, José Gómez, John McEnery ElenaLuis Anaya, Valeria Bertuccelli, Fernán Mirás, Esteban Bigliardi Luminita Gheorghiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Natasa Raab, Penélope Cruz, Antonio Resines, Neus Asensi, Jesús Ana Serradilla, Kuno Becker, Hernán Marina de FedericoMendoza, Lorusso, Víctor Mallarino, Catalina Aristizábal, Ana Celentano, Pablo Echarri, Gabriela Toscano, Gloria Carrá, Imanol Arias, Ornella Muti, Loles León, Javier Bardem Sebastián Badilla, Katty Kowaleczko, Javiera Acevedo, Salma Hayek, José Mota, Blanca Portillo, Juan Luis Linney, Anthony Hopkins, Laura Charlotte Gainsbourg, Norma Javier Bardem, Jordi Mollà, Ariadna Gil, Cecilia Roth Zem, Gilles Lellouche, Roschdy Gérard Lanvin, Elena Anaya United States; Spain; Netherlands; Argentina; Spain; Romania; Spain; Mexico; Spain; Colombia; Argentina; Spain; Italy; Spain; Chile; Spain; France; United States; United States; Spain; France; 2010 1991 2013 2013 1998 2012 2007 2009 1993 2013 2011 2009 1999 2010 16 Mayo 2015 01:05 02:40 04:40 06:35 08:25 09:55 11:25 13:10 14:50 16:35 18:05 20:20 22:00 23:35 Wrecked The Hypnotist The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete Secretos Del Corazón C.O.G. Vacaciones En Familia Operacion E Maladies Átame! Ginger & Rosa El Secreto De Sus Ojos Every Day Tercera Llamada Vacaciones En Familia El naufragio de mi vida El Hipnotista La inevitable derrota de Mister y Pete Secretos del corazón C.O.G. Vacaciones en familia Operación E Maladies ¡Átame! Ginger & Rosa El secreto de sus ojos Un día cualquiera Tercera Llamada Vacaciones en familia Drama Suspenso Drama Drama Comedia Comedia Drama Drama Comedia Drama Suspenso Comedia Comedia Comedia Adrien Brody, Caroline Dhavernas, Ryan Robbins, Tobias Zilliacus, Mikael Persbrandt, Lena Olin,Dizon, Oscar Skylan Brooks, Ethan Jordin Sparks, Jeffrey Wright Carmelo Gómez, Andoni Erburu, Íñigo Garcés, Charo López Jonathan Groff, Denis O'Hare, Casey Wilson, Dean Stockwell Julio Milostich, Gabriela Medina, MaríaTosar, Izquierdo, Sergio Luis Martina García, Gilberto Ramírez, Francisco James Franco, Catherine Keener, Fallon Goodson, Alan Victoria Abril, Antonio Banderas, Loles León, Julieta Elle Fanning, Alessandro Nivola, ChristinaDarín, Hendricks, Timothy Ricardo Soledad Villamil, Guillermo Francella, Liev Schreiber, HelenPablo Hunt,Rago Carla Gugino, Eddie Izzard Irene Azuela, Karina Gidi, Mariana Treviño, Rebecca Julio Milostich, Gabriela Medina, María Izquierdo, Sergio Canada; United States; Sweden; United States; Spain; France; Portugal; United States; Chile; France; Spain; United States; Spain; Canada; Croatia; Denmark; Argentina;United Spain; United States; Mexico; Chile; 2011 2012 2013 1997 2013 2013 2012 2012 1990 2012 2009 2010 2013 2013 17 Mayo 2015 01:05 02:35 04:30 05:55 07:15 09:10 11:00 12:30 14:40 16:50 18:35 20:20 22:00 23:45 The Assault Brighton Rock Point Blank Afterparty The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete El Artista Y La Modelo Motivos Para No Enamorarse Barney's Version Metro Gang Story (Les Lyonnais) Átame! The Door Amantes Deseo El Asalto Brighton Rock Cuenta atrás Afterparty La inevitable derrota de Mister y Pete El artista y la modelo Motivos para no enamorarse El mundo según Barney Pánico en el metro Historias de pandillas ¡Átame! Tras la puerta Amantes Deseo Suspenso Suspenso Acción Horror Drama Drama Romance Comedia Suspenso Drama Comedia Drama Romance Drama Vincent Elbaz, Grégori Derangère, Bernier, Helen Mirren,Mélanie Sam Riley, John Hurt, Andrea Riseborough Gilles Lellouche, Roschdy Zem, Gérard Lanvin, Elena Anaya Lucho Fernández, Alicia Sanz, Rocío León, AnaEthan Caldas Skylan Brooks, Dizon, Jordin Sparks, Jeffrey Wright Jean Rochefort, Claudia Cardinale, Aida Folch, Chus Celeste Cid, Jorge Marrale, Laura Azcurra,Dustin Mariana Briski Paul Giamatti, Hoffman, Rosamund Pike, Minnie Driver Sergey Puskepalis, Anatoliy Belyy, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Gérard Lanvin, Tchéky Karyo, Daniel VictoriaDuval, Abril, Dimitri AntonioStoroge Banderas, Loles León, Julieta Helen Mirren, Martina Gedeck, Károly GáborVerdú, Koncz VictoriaEperjes, Abril, Maribel Jorge Sanz, Cerro Cecilia Roth, Enrique Leonardo Sbaraglia, Leonor Watling, France; United Kingdom; France; Spain; United States; Spain; France; Argentina; Canada; Italy; Russian Federation; France; Belgium; Spain; Hungary; Germany; Spain; Spain; Argentina; 2010 2011 2010 2012 2013 2012 2008 2010 2013 2011 1990 2011 1991 2002 18 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:05 04:45 06:25 08:05 09:40 11:05 13:05 15:25 17:00 18:45 20:15 Wakolda Maladies Omision Morirse Está En Hebreo Caidos Del Mapa Pense Que Iba A Haber Fiesta Amar A Morir Love In The Time Of Cholera Tercera Llamada Segunda Piel C.O.G. Nacidas Para Sufrir Wakolda Maladies Omisión Morirse está en hebreo Caídos del mapa Pensé que iba a haber fiesta Amar a morir El amor en los tiempos del cólera Tercera Llamada Segunda Piel C.O.G. Nacidas para sufrir Drama Drama Suspenso Comedia Aventura Drama Romance Drama Comedia Drama Comedia Comedia Àlex Brendemühl, Natalia Oreiro,Franco, Diego Peretti, Elena James Catherine Keener, Fallon Goodson, Carlos Belloso, Gonzalo Alan Heredia, Eleonora Wexler, Blanca Guerra, Martha Roth, Sergio Kleiner,Tomás Guillermo Murray Ailén Caffieri, Carullo Lizzio, Felipe Corrado, Sofía Elena Anaya, Valeria Bertuccelli, Fernán Mirás, Esteban Bigliardi Jose Maria Tavira, Martina Garcia,Bardem, Alberto Estrella, Javier GiovannaMayra Mezzogiorno, Bratt, Irene Azuela, Benjamin Karina Gidi, Mariana Treviño,Jordi Rebecca Javier Bardem, Mollà, Ariadna Cecilia RothO'Hare, JonathanGil, Groff, Denis Casey Dean Stockwell AdrianaWilson, Ozores, Petra Martínez, María Alfonsa Rosso, Argentina; Spain; France; Norway; United States; Argentina; Mexico; Argentina; Argentina; Spain; Colombia; Mexico; United States; Mexico; Spain; United States; Spain; 2013 2012 2013 2007 2013 2013 2009 2007 2013 1999 2013 2009 Programación Fox Cinema - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL 22:00 El Secreto De Sus Ojos TITULO ESPAÑOL GÉNERO ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO El secreto de sus ojos Suspenso Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Argentina; Spain; Guillermo Francella, Pablo Rago 2009 19 Mayo 2015 00:10 01:50 03:50 05:30 06:50 08:15 10:00 11:50 13:35 15:05 17:05 18:30 20:20 22:00 23:35 The Door Las Viudas De Los Jueves Acorazado App Mateo Nacidas Para Sufrir Amar Amantes Motivos Para No Enamorarse Las Viudas De Los Jueves Point Blank The Devil's Backbone Maladies Brujas El Artista Y La Modelo Tras la puerta Las viudas de los jueves Acorazado App Mateo Nacidas para sufrir Amar Amantes Motivos para no enamorarse Las viudas de los jueves Cuenta atrás El espinazo del diablo Maladies Brujas El artista y la modelo Drama Drama Aventura Suspenso Drama Comedia Comedia Romance Romance Drama Acción Drama Drama Drama Drama Helen Mirren, Martina Gedeck, Károly Eperjes, Gábor Koncz Ana Celentano, Pablo Echarri, Gabriela Toscano,Salvador Gloria Carrá, Silverio Palacios, Sánchez, Camille Natta, Enrique Hannah Hoekstra, Robert de Hoog, Isis Cabolet Felipe Carlos Hernández, Botero, Samuel Lazcano, Miriam Adriana Ozores, Petra Martínez, María Alfonsa Rosso, Luis Ernesto Franco, Diana Garcia, Victoria Tony Abril, Dalton, Maribel María Verdú,Aura Jorge Sanz, Cerro Celeste Cid, Enrique Jorge Marrale, Laura Azcurra, Mariana Briski Ana Celentano, Pablo Echarri, Gabriela Toscano, Gloria Carrá, Gilles Lellouche, Roschdy Zem, Gérard FedericoLanvin, Luppi, Elena MarisaAnaya Paredes, Eduardo Noriega, Fernando James Franco, Catherine Keener, Fallon Alan Penélope Cruz,Goodson, Ana Álvarez, Beatriz Carvajal, Claudia Kiti Mánver Jean Rochefort, Cardinale, Aida Folch, Chus Hungary; Germany; Argentina; Spain; Mexico; Netherlands; Colombia; France; Spain; Mexico; Spain; Argentina; Argentina; Spain; France; Mexico; Spain; Argentina; United States; Spain; Spain; France; 2011 2009 2010 2013 2014 2009 2009 1991 2008 2009 2010 2001 2012 1996 2012 20 Mayo 2015 01:25 03:15 05:00 06:30 09:00 10:40 12:25 14:00 15:35 17:10 18:50 20:25 22:00 Child's Pose The Words Dame Tus Ojos Bol Bachchan Omision Deseo Ginger & Rosa Guerreros Wakolda La Lectora Every Day I Did It Again Love In The Time Of Cholera La mirada del hijo Palabras robadas Abril y Mayo Bol Bachchan Omisión Deseo Ginger & Rosa Guerreros Wakolda La lectora Un día cualquiera Nunca en la primera noche El amor en los tiempos del cólera Drama Drama Suspenso Comedia Suspenso Drama Drama Drama Drama Acción Comedia Romance Drama Luminita Gheorghiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Natasa Raab, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Anouk Ogueta, PaulaWilde Lucky, Raúl Méndez, Shalim Ortiz Abhishek Bachchan, Asin, Ajay Devgn,Belloso, Prachi Desai Carlos Gonzalo Heredia, Eleonora Wexler, Cecilia Roth, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Leonor Watling, Elle Fanning, Alessandro Nivola, Christina Hendricks, Eloy Azorín, EduardoTimothy Noriega, Rubén Ochandiano, Carla Àlex Brendemühl, Natalia Pérez Oreiro, Peretti, Elena CarolinaDiego Guerra, Carolina Gómez, Diego Cadavid, Elkin Liev Schreiber, Helen Hunt, Carla Gugino, Eddie Izzard Alexandra Lamy, Mélanie Doutey, Julie Ferrier, Jean-Paul Javier Bardem, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Benjamin Bratt, Romania; United States; Mexico; India; Argentina; Spain; Argentina; Canada; Croatia; Denmark; United Spain; Argentina; Spain; France; Norway; Colombia; United States; France; United States; 2013 2012 2011 2012 2013 2002 2012 2002 2013 2012 2010 2011 2007 21 Mayo 2015 00:20 02:05 03:50 05:25 07:15 09:25 11:15 13:15 14:50 16:40 18:25 20:15 22:00 23:40 Cha Cha Cha Bluff The Letter Pudor Amour Child's Pose La Niña De Tus Ojos I Did It Again Pudor El Artista Y La Modelo La Delicatesse The Patience Stone The Monk The Assault Cha-cha-chá Bluff La Carta Pudor Amor La mirada del hijo La niña de tus ojos Nunca en la primera noche Pudor El artista y la modelo La delicadeza La piedra de la paciencia El monje El Asalto Comedia Comedia Suspenso Drama Drama Drama Drama Romance Drama Drama Drama Drama Suspenso Suspenso Eduardo Noriega, Ana Álvarez, María Adánez, Jorge Sanz Federico Lorusso, Víctor Mallarino, Catalina Aristizábal, Winona Ryder, James Franco, Josh Hamilton, Ireland María FlorentinaMarin Antón, Celso Bugallo, Joaquín Climent, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Emmanuelle Riva, Isabelle Luminita Gheorghiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Natasa Raab, Penélope Cruz, Antonio Resines, Asensi, Jesús AlexandraNeus Lamy, Mélanie Doutey, Julie Ferrier, Jean-Paul María Florentina Antón, Celso Bugallo, Joaquín Claudia Climent, Jean Rochefort, Cardinale, Aida Folch, Chus Audrey Tautou, François Damiens, Todeschini, GolshiftehBruno Farahani, Hamid Djavadan, Hassina Burgan, Vincent Cassel, Déborah François, Joséphine Japy, Sergi Vincent Elbaz, Grégori Derangère, Mélanie Bernier, Spain; Colombia; United States; Spain; France; Germany; Austria; Romania; Spain; France; Spain; Spain; France; France; France; Germany; United France;Kingdom; Spain; France; 1998 2007 2012 2007 2012 2013 1998 2011 2007 2012 2011 2012 2011 2010 22 Mayo 2015 01:15 02:45 05:10 07:25 08:50 10:05 11:50 13:35 15:25 17:00 18:45 20:30 22:00 23:40 Septimo Foxfire August. Eighth Matar A Un Hombre Tráiganme La Cabeza De La Mujer Metralleta Cha Cha Cha Trois Mondes The Devil's Backbone Brujas Trois Mondes The Words Septimo La Mirada Del Otro The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete Séptimo Puro Fuego: Confesiones de una banda de chicas Agosto. Octavo Matar a un hombre Tráiganme la cabeza de la mujer metralleta Cha-cha-chá Tres mundos El espinazo del diablo Brujas Tres mundos Palabras robadas Séptimo La Mirada Del Otro La inevitable derrota de Mister y Pete Suspenso Drama Acción Suspenso Acción Comedia Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Suspenso Drama Drama Ricardo Darín, Belén Rueda, Luis Ziembrowski, Osvaldo Raven Adamson, Katie Coseni, Madeleine Bisson, Claire Svetlana Ivanova, Maksim Matveyev, Egor Beroev, Daniel Candia, Daniel Antivilo, Alejandra Mateluna Fernanda Yañez, Urrejola,Ariel Matías Oviedo, Alis,Ana Sofía García Eduardo Jorge Noriega, Álvarez, María Adánez, JorgeClotilde Sanz Raphaël Personnaz, Hesme, Dobroshi, Reda FedericoArta Luppi, Marisa Paredes, Eduardo Noriega, Fernando Penélope Cruz, Ana Álvarez, Beatriz Carvajal, Kiti Clotilde Mánver Raphaël Personnaz, Hesme, Dobroshi, Bradley Arta Cooper, JeremyReda Irons, Dennis Quaid, Ricardo Darín, Olivia Belén Wilde Rueda, Luis Ziembrowski, Osvaldo Miguel Bose, Laura Morante, Miguel Ángel García, Skylan Brooks, EthanJuanjo Dizon, Jordin Sparks, Jeffrey Wright Argentina; Spain; France; Russian Federation; Chile; France; Chile; Spain; France; Mexico; Spain; Argentina; Spain; France; United States; Argentina; Spain; Spain; United States; 2013 2012 2012 2014 2012 1998 2012 2001 1996 2012 2012 2013 1998 2013 23 Mayo 2015 01:30 02:55 04:45 06:25 08:15 10:25 12:05 13:45 15:20 16:55 18:40 20:25 22:00 23:40 Pense Que Iba A Haber Fiesta El Artista Y La Modelo Every Day Bluff The Ghost Writer La Lectora Maladies No Tengas Miedo The Assault Gang Story (Les Lyonnais) Invader The Oranges Mariage À Mendoza Wrecked Pensé que iba a haber fiesta El artista y la modelo Un día cualquiera Bluff El escritor oculto La lectora Maladies No tengas miedo El Asalto Historias de pandillas Invasor La hija de mi mejor amigo Voyage, Voyage El naufragio de mi vida Drama Drama Comedia Comedia Suspenso Acción Drama Drama Suspenso Drama Acción Comedia Comedia Drama Elena Anaya, Valeria Bertuccelli, Fernán Mirás, Esteban Jean Rochefort, ClaudiaBigliardi Cardinale, Aida Helen Folch,Hunt, Chus Liev Schreiber, Carla Gugino, Eddie Izzard Federico Lorusso, Víctor Mallarino, Catalina Aristizábal, Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Kim Cattrall, Olivia Carolina Guerra, Carolina Gómez,Franco, Diego Cadavid, James CatherineElkin Keener, Fallon Goodson, Alan Lluís Homar, Michelle Jenner, Belén Rueda, Gago Vincent Elbaz, Núria Grégori Derangère, Mélanie Bernier, Gérard Lanvin, Tchéky Karyo, Daniel Duval, Dimitri Inma Cuesta, AlbertoStoroge Ammann, Antonio de la Torre, Karra Hugh Laurie, Catherine Keener, Alia Shawkat, Oliver Platt Nicolas Duvauchelle, Philippe Rebbot, Benjamin Biolay, Adrien Brody, Caroline Dhavernas, Ryan Robbins, Argentina; Spain; Spain; France; United States; Colombia; France; Germany; United Kingdom; Colombia; United States; Spain; France; France; Belgium; Spain; France; United States; Argentina; Belgium; France; Canada; United States; 2013 2012 2010 2007 2010 2012 2012 2011 2010 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 24 Mayo 2015 01:10 02:55 04:25 06:00 07:25 09:30 11:20 13:00 14:50 16:35 18:20 The Monk Motivos Para No Enamorarse La Celestina Nobody Walks La Niña De Tus Ojos La Delicatesse Mariage À Mendoza Belle Epoque The Patience Stone La Mirada Del Otro The Letter El monje Motivos para no enamorarse La Celestina Nadie Camina La niña de tus ojos La delicadeza Voyage, Voyage Belle Epoque La piedra de la paciencia La Mirada Del Otro La Carta Suspenso Romance Drama Drama Drama Drama Comedia Comedia Drama Drama Suspenso Vincent Cassel, Déborah François,Cid, Joséphine Japy, Sergi Celeste Jorge Marrale, Laura Azcurra, Briski Penélope Cruz, Mariana Juan Diego Botto,Krasinski, Maribel Verdú, Terele John Olivia Thirlby, Rosemarie DeWitt, India Penélope Cruz, Antonio Resines, Neus Asensi, Jesús Audrey Tautou, François Damiens, Bruno Todeschini, Nicolas Duvauchelle, Philippe Rebbot, Biolay, PenelopeBenjamin Cruz, Miriam DíazAroca, Gabino Diego,Hamid Fernando Golshifteh Farahani, Djavadan, Hassina Burgan, Miguel Bose, Laura Morante, Miguel Ángel García, Winona Ryder, JamesJuanjo Franco, Josh Hamilton, Marin Ireland France; Spain; Argentina; Spain; United States; Spain; France; Argentina; Belgium; France; Spain; Portugal; France; Germany; United Spain; Kingdom; United States; 2011 2008 1996 2012 1998 2011 2012 1992 2012 1998 2012 Programación Fox Cinema - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL 19:55 Amar A Morir 22:00 Las Viudas De Los Jueves TITULO ESPAÑOL GÉNERO ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO Amar a morir Las viudas de los jueves Romance Drama Jose Maria Tavira, Martina Colombia; Mexico; Garcia, Alberto Estrella, Mayra Argentina; Spain; Ana Celentano, Pablo Echarri, Gabriela Toscano, Gloria Carrá, 2009 2009 25 Mayo 2015 00:00 01:55 03:30 05:20 07:10 09:05 10:40 12:25 13:55 15:30 17:05 18:30 20:20 22:00 23:50 The Nun No Tengas Miedo The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete Secretos Del Corazón Hannah Arendt Tsotsi La Caja 507 Septimo La Celestina The Oranges Point Blank Child's Pose Maladies El Artista Y La Modelo Gloria La religiosa No tengas miedo La inevitable derrota de Mister y Pete Secretos del corazón Hannah Arendt y la banalidad del mal Mi nombre es Tsotsi La caja 507 Séptimo La Celestina La hija de mi mejor amigo Cuenta atrás La mirada del hijo Maladies El artista y la modelo Gloria Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Acción Suspenso Drama Comedia Acción Drama Drama Drama Comedia Pauline Etienne, Isabelle Huppert, Louise Bourgoin, Lluís Homar, Michelle Jenner, Belén Rueda, Gago Skylan Brooks,Núria Ethan Dizon, Jordin Sparks, Jeffrey Wright Carmelo Gómez, Andoni Erburu, Íñigo Garcés, Charo López Barbara Sukowa, Axel Milberg, Janet McTeer, Julia Jentsch Presley Chweneyaga, Terry Pheto, AntonioKenneth Resines,Nkosi, José Mothusi Coronado, Goya Toledo, Dafne Ricardo Darín, Belén Rueda, Luis Ziembrowski, Osvaldo Penélope Cruz, Juan Diego Botto, MaribelCatherine Verdú, Terele Hugh Laurie, Keener, Alia Shawkat, Oliver Platt Zem, Gilles Lellouche, Roschdy Gérard Lanvin, Elena Anaya Luminita Gheorghiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Natasa Raab, James Franco, Catherine Keener, Fallon Goodson, Jean Rochefort, Claudia Alan Cardinale, Aida Sergio Folch, Chus Paulina García, Hernández, Diego Fontecilla, France; Germany; Belgium; Spain; United States; Spain; France; Portugal; France; Germany; Luxembourg; South Africa; United Kingdom; Spain; Argentina; Spain; Spain; United States; France; Romania; United States; Spain; France; Chile; Spain; 2013 2011 2013 1997 2012 2005 2002 2013 1996 2011 2010 2013 2012 2012 2013 26 Mayo 2015 01:40 03:35 05:20 07:10 09:40 11:40 13:25 15:10 17:15 18:55 20:25 22:00 23:30 Brighton Rock Blancanieves Americano Bol Bachchan Todos Los Días Son Tuyos Gang Story (Les Lyonnais) Blancanieves Las Viudas De Los Jueves La Lectora Wrecked I Did It Again Motivos Para No Enamorarse Canciones De Amor En Lolita's Club Brighton Rock Blancanieves Americano Bol Bachchan Todos los días son tuyos Historias de pandillas Blancanieves Las viudas de los jueves La lectora El naufragio de mi vida Nunca en la primera noche Motivos para no enamorarse Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club Suspenso Drama Drama Comedia Suspenso Drama Drama Drama Acción Drama Romance Romance Drama Helen Mirren, Sam Riley, John Hurt, Andrea Maribel Verdú,Riseborough Daniel Giménez Cacho,Hayek, Pere Ponce, Jose Maria Salma Geraldine Chaplin, Mathieu Demy, Abhishek Bachchan, Asin,Carlos Ajay Devgn,Suárez, Prachi Desai Emma Alejandro Camacho, Bárbara Lennie, Gérard Lanvin, Tchéky Karyo, Daniel Duval, Maribel Verdú,Dimitri DanielStoroge Giménez Cacho, Pere Ponce, Jose Maria Ana Celentano, Pablo Echarri, Gabriela Toscano, Gloria Carolina Guerra, CarolinaCarrá, Gómez, Diego Cadavid, Adrien Brody, Caroline Elkin Dhavernas, RyanMélanie Robbins, Alexandra Lamy, Doutey, Cid, JulieJorge Ferrier, Jean-Paul Celeste Marrale, Laura Azcurra, Mariana Eduardo Noriega, Flora Briski Martinez, Héctor Colomé, United Kingdom; Spain; Belgium; France; India; Mexico; France; Belgium; Spain; Belgium; France; Argentina; Spain; Colombia; Canada; United States; France; Argentina; Spain; 2011 2012 2011 2012 2007 2011 2012 2009 2012 2011 2011 2008 2007 27 Mayo 2015 01:05 02:40 04:25 06:05 07:50 09:40 11:10 13:00 14:50 16:15 18:10 19:55 22:00 23:45 Wakolda The Words Morirse Está En Hebreo Tanta Agua Secretos Del Corazón El Clan Gloria Americano Pense Que Iba A Haber Fiesta The Nun The Words Io, Don Giovanni Amantes Angelique Wakolda Palabras robadas Morirse está en hebreo Tanta Agua Secretos del corazón El clan Gloria Americano Pensé que iba a haber fiesta La religiosa Palabras robadas Io, Don Giovanni Amantes Angélique Drama Drama Comedia Comedia Drama Acción Comedia Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Romance Romance Àlex Brendemühl, Natalia Oreiro, Peretti, Elena Bradley Diego Cooper, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde Blanca Guerra, Martha Roth, Sergio Kleiner, Guillermo Murray Malú Chouza, Néstor Guzzini, Joaquín Castiglioni, SofíaErburu, Carmelo Gómez, Andoni Íñigo Garcés, Charo Francisco Vera, BorjaLópez Elgea, Octavi Domingo de PaulinaPujades, García, Sergio Hernández, Diego Fontecilla, Salma Hayek, Geraldine Chaplin, Mathieu Demy, Carlos Elena Anaya, Valeria Bertuccelli, Fernán Mirás, Esteban Bigliardi Pauline Etienne, Isabelle Huppert, Louise Bourgoin, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Irons, Dennis Olivia Wilde LorenzoQuaid, Balducci, Emilia Verginelli, Tobias Moretti, Lino Victoria Abril, Maribel Verdú, Jorge Sanz, Enrique Cerro Nora Arnezeder, Gérard Lanvin, Tomer Sisley, Simon Abkarian Argentina; Spain; France; Norway; United States; Mexico; Uruguay; Mexico; Netherlands; Spain; France; Portugal; Spain; Chile; Spain; France; Argentina; Spain; France; Germany; Belgium; United States; Italy; Spain; Spain; France; Belgium; Czech Republic; 2013 2012 2007 2012 1997 2012 2013 2011 2013 2013 2012 2009 1991 2013 28 Mayo 2015 01:40 03:20 05:05 06:45 08:05 09:50 11:30 13:35 15:20 17:00 18:30 20:15 22:00 23:25 The Door La Mujer Mas Fea Del Mundo Acorazado App Belle Epoque En Brazos De La Mujer Madura Io, Don Giovanni El Artista Y La Modelo El Amante Bilingüe The Lookout Amantes Matador Point Blank The Woman In The Fifth Tras la puerta La Mujer Más Fea Del Mundo Acorazado App Belle Epoque En Brazos de La Mujer Madura Io, Don Giovanni El artista y la modelo El Amante Bilingüe El vigilante Amantes Matador Cuenta atrás La mujer de la quinta Drama Comedia Aventura Suspenso Comedia Drama Drama Drama Drama Acción Romance Suspenso Acción Suspenso Helen Mirren, Martina Gedeck, Károly Eperjes, Gábor Koncz Elia Galera, Roberto Álvarez, Héctor Silverio Alterio, Palacios,Javivi Salvador Sánchez, Camille Natta, Enrique Hannah Hoekstra, Robert de Hoog, IsisCruz, Cabolet Penelope Miriam DíazAroca, Gabino Diego, Fernando Juan Diego Botto, Joanna Pacula, Elias, Rosana LorenzoCarme Balducci, Emilia Verginelli, Tobias Claudia Moretti, Lino Jean Rochefort, Cardinale, Aida Folch,Muti, ChusLoles Imanol Arias, Ornella León, Bardem Daniel Javier Auteuil, Mathieu Kassovitz, Olivier Gourmet, Victoria Abril, Maribel Verdú, Jorge Sanz, EnriqueAssumpta Cerro Antonio Banderas, Serna, Nacho Martínez, Gilles Lellouche, RoschdyEva Zem, GérardHawke, Lanvin,Kristin Elena Scott Anaya Ethan Thomas, Joanna Kulig, Samir Hungary; Germany; Spain; Mexico; Netherlands; Spain; Portugal; Spain; Italy; Spain; Spain; France; Italy; Spain; France; Belgium; Italy; Spain; Spain; France; France; United Kingdom; Poland; 2011 1999 2010 2013 1992 1996 2009 2012 1993 2012 1991 1986 2010 2011 29 Mayo 2015 00:50 02:40 04:55 06:25 08:00 10:35 12:05 13:30 15:05 17:00 18:40 20:25 22:00 23:50 Lucia, Lucia Barney's Version La Guayaba Caidos Del Mapa Baarìa La Guayaba The Woman In The Fifth Canciones De Amor En Lolita's Club Angelique Maladies Bluff Wakolda El Consul De Sodoma Así Del Precipicio Lucía, Lucía El mundo según Barney La Guayaba Caídos del mapa Baaria - Las puertas del viento La Guayaba La mujer de la quinta Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club Angélique Maladies Bluff Wakolda El cónsul de Sodoma Así del precipicio Suspenso Comedia Drama Aventura Comedia Drama Suspenso Drama Romance Drama Comedia Drama Drama Drama Cecilia Roth, Carlos ÁlvarezNóvoa, Kuno Becker, Margarita Paul Giamatti, Dustin Hoffman, Rosamund Pike, Minnie Driver Nadia Ayelen Gimenez, Marilu Marini, LorenzoTomás Quinteros, Ailén Caffieri, CarulloRaul Lizzio, Felipe Corrado, Sofía Francesco Scianna, Margareth Madè, Ayelen Raoul Bova, Giorgio Nadia Gimenez, Marilu Marini, LorenzoKristin Quinteros, Ethan Hawke, Scott Raul Thomas, Joanna Kulig, Samir Eduardo Noriega, Flora Martinez, Héctor Colomé, Nora Arnezeder, Gérard Lanvin, Tomer Abkarian James Sisley, Franco,Simon Catherine Keener, Fallon Goodson, Federico Lorusso, Víctor Alan Mallarino, CatalinaNatalia Aristizábal, Àlex Brendemühl, Oreiro, Diego Peretti, Elena Jordi Mollà, Bimba Bosé, Àlex Brendemühl, Josep Linuesa Ana De La Reguera, Gabriela Platas Mexico; Spain; Canada; Italy; Argentina; Argentina; France; Italy; Argentina; France; United Kingdom; Poland; Spain; France; Belgium; Czech United Republic; States; Colombia; Argentina; Spain; France; Spain; Norway; Mexico; 2003 2010 2012 2013 2009 2012 2011 2007 2013 2012 2007 2013 2009 2006 30 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:20 05:00 06:45 08:50 10:35 12:00 13:40 15:30 17:05 The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete Son De Mar Gang Story (Les Lyonnais) Amar A Morir The Words Pense Que Iba A Haber Fiesta En Brazos De La Mujer Madura The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete 31 Días Matador La inevitable derrota de Mister y Pete Son de mar Historias de pandillas Amar a morir Palabras robadas Pensé que iba a haber fiesta En Brazos de La Mujer Madura La inevitable derrota de Mister y Pete 31 Días Matador Drama Drama Drama Romance Drama Drama Drama Drama Comedia Suspenso Skylan Brooks, Ethan Dizon, JordinMolla, Sparks, Jeffrey Wright Jordi Leonor Watling, Eduard Lanvin, Fernández, Neus Agulló Gérard Tchéky Karyo, Daniel Duval, DimitriMartina Storoge Jose Maria Tavira, Garcia, Bradley Alberto Cooper,Estrella, Jeremy Mayra Irons, Dennis Quaid, Valeria Olivia Wilde Elena Anaya, Bertuccelli, Fernán Mirás, Esteban Bigliardi Juan Diego Botto, Joanna Pacula,Brooks, Carme Elias, Skylan EthanRosana Dizon, Jordin Sparks,Lorenzo JeffreyBalducci, Wright Irán Castillo, Alejandra Gollas, Jose Antonio Antonio Banderas, Assumpta Serna, Nacho Martínez, Eva United States; Spain; France; Belgium; Colombia; Mexico; United States; Argentina; Spain; Spain; United States; Mexico; Spain; 2013 2001 2011 2009 2012 2013 1996 2013 2011 1986 Programación Fox Cinema - Mayo 2015 FECHA 31 Mayo 2015 Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GÉNERO ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO 18:50 20:15 22:00 23:35 Point Blank The Patience Stone La Pantalla Desunda Segunda Piel Cuenta atrás La piedra de la paciencia La pantalla rota Segunda Piel Acción Drama Drama Drama Gilles Lellouche, Roschdy Zem, Gérard Lanvin, ElenaHamid Anaya Golshifteh Farahani, Djavadan, Hassina Oscar Sinela, Paola Burgan, Baldion, Roberto Guillén,Jordi Salvador Javier Bardem, Mollà, Ariadna Gil, Cecilia Roth France; France; Germany; United Kingdom; Nicaragua; Spain; 2010 2012 2013 1999 01:20 03:00 04:35 06:50 08:45 10:30 12:05 13:40 15:15 16:50 18:25 20:10 22:00 23:40 Mama Ya Crecí Every Day August. Eighth Brighton Rock The Patience Stone Motivos Para No Enamorarse Every Day 31 Días Mama Ya Crecí The Oranges Segunda Piel Lucia, Lucia Son De Mar The Door Mamá ya crecí Un día cualquiera Agosto. Octavo Brighton Rock La piedra de la paciencia Motivos para no enamorarse Un día cualquiera 31 Días Mamá ya crecí La hija de mi mejor amigo Segunda Piel Lucía, Lucía Son de mar Tras la puerta Comedia Comedia Acción Suspenso Drama Romance Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Drama Suspenso Drama Drama Sebastián Badilla, Katty Kowaleczko, Javiera Liev Schreiber, HelenAcevedo, Hunt, Carla Gugino, EddieMaksim Izzard Svetlana Ivanova, Matveyev, Egor Beroev, Helen Mirren, Sam Riley, John Hurt, Andrea Riseborough Golshifteh Farahani, Hamid Djavadan, Burgan, Celeste Cid,Hassina Jorge Marrale, Laura Azcurra, Mariana Briski Liev Schreiber, Helen Hunt, Carla Gugino,Lorenzo Eddie Izzard Irán Castillo, Balducci, Alejandra Sebastián Gollas, Badilla, Jose KattyAntonio Kowaleczko, Acevedo, Hugh Laurie, Javiera Catherine Keener, Alia Shawkat, Javier Bardem,Oliver Jordi Platt Mollà, Ariadna Gil, Cecilia Roth Cecilia Roth, Carlos ÁlvarezNóvoa, KunoLeonor Becker, Margarita Jordi Molla, Watling, EduardMirren, Fernández, Neus Agulló Helen Martina Gedeck, Károly Eperjes, Gábor Koncz Chile; United States; Russian Federation; United Kingdom; France; Germany; United Kingdom; Argentina; United States; Mexico; Chile; United States; Spain; Mexico; Spain; Spain; Hungary; Germany; 2013 2010 2012 2011 2012 2008 2010 2011 2013 2011 1999 2003 2001 2011 Programación Fox Classics - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPANOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO 01 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:25 06:15 07:45 11:25 14:10 15:45 17:30 20:00 22:00 Silver Streak The Young Lions Modern Times The Ten Commandments Peyton Place Meatballs The Grass Is Greener The Great Gatsby Father Goose Platoon El expreso de Chicago Los dioses vencidos Tiempos modernos Los diez Mandamientos La caldera del diablo Los incorregibles albóndigas La mujer que quiso pecar El gran Gatsby Papá ganso Pelotón Acción Drama Comedia Drama Drama Comedia Comedia Drama Aventura Acción Gene Wilder, Jill Clayburgh, Richard Pryor, Patrick McGoohan Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Dean Martin, Hope LangeGoddard, Charles Chaplin, Paulette Henry Bergman, Sandford Charlton Heston, Tiny Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Edward G. Robinson Lana Turner, Lee Philips, Hope Lange, LloydHarvey Nolan Atkin, Kate Bill Murray, Lynch, Russ Deborah Banham Kerr, Robert Cary Grant, Mitchum, Jean Simmons Robert Redford, Mia Farrow, Karen Black,Leslie Scott Caron, Wilson Trevor Cary Grant, Howard, Jack Good Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen, Kevin Dillon United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Canada; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; 1976 1958 1936 1956 1957 1979 1960 1974 1964 1986 02 Mayo 2015 00:00 01:50 03:15 06:05 08:10 11:00 12:55 14:40 16:40 18:25 20:05 22:00 23:45 Uncommon Valor Hondo Once Upon A Time In The West Ace High In Harm's Way Tony Rome The Friends Of Eddie Coyle Breakfast At Tiffany's The Court Jester The Naked Jungle Planet Of The Apes The War Wagon McLintock! Los valientes Hondo Erase una vez en el Oeste Los cuatro truhanes Recuento de daños Tony Rome Los Amigos De Eddie Coyle Desayuno con diamantes El Bufón del Rey Marabunta El planeta de los simios Ataque al carro blindado El gran McLintock Acción Western Acción Western Drama Suspenso Suspenso Comedia Comedia Aventura Ciencia Ficción Western Romance Gene Hackman, Fred Ward, Reb Brown, Randall 'Tex' Cobb John Wayne, Geraldine Page, Ward Bond, Michael PateFonda, Charles Bronson, Henry Claudia Cardinale, Jason Robards Terence Hill, Eli Wallach, Bud Spencer, Brock Peters John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Patricia Neal, Tryon Frank Tom Sinatra, Jill St. John, Richard Conte, Gena Rowlands Robert Mitchum, Peter Boyle, Richard Jordan, Steven Keats Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal, Glynis BuddyJohns, Ebsen Angela Danny Kaye, Lansbury, Basil Rathbone Eleanor Parker, Charlton Heston, Abraham Heston, Sofaer, Roddy WilliamMcDowall, Conrad Charlton Kim Evans JohnHunter, Wayne,Maurice Kirk Douglas, Howard Keel, Maureen Robert Walker Jr. John Wayne, O'Hara, Patrick Wayne, Stefanie Powers United States; United States; Italy; United States; Italy; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 1983 1953 1969 1968 1965 1967 1973 1961 1956 1954 1968 1967 1963 03 Mayo 2015 01:55 04:10 06:05 07:45 09:35 11:35 14:15 16:35 18:25 20:00 22:00 23:45 Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines Escape From Alcatraz The St. Valentine's Day Massacre The Grass Is Greener Foul Play The Fall Of The Roman Empire Zulu Rio Grande The Naked Prey Red Dawn Uncommon Valor A Passage To India Los intrépidos y sus máquinas voladoras Fuga de Alcatraz La matanza del día de San Valentín La mujer que quiso pecar Juego sucio La caída del Imperio Romano Zulú Río Grande La presa desnuda Amanecer rojo Los valientes Pasaje a la India Aventura Suspenso Suspenso Comedia Comedia Drama Drama Western Aventura Acción Acción Drama Stuart Whitman, Sarah Miles, James Fox, Alberto Sordi Clint Eastwood, Patrick McGoohan, Roberts Blossom, Jack Thibeau Jason Robards, George Segal, Ralph Meeker, Jean Hale Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum, JeanChevy Simmons Goldie Hawn, Chase, Burgess Meredith, Rachel Roberts Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, Alec Guinness, Christopher Plummer Stanley Baker, Jack Hawkins, Ulla Jacobsson, James Booth John Wayne, Maureen O'hara, Ben Johnson, HarryKen Carey Jr. Gert Cornel Wilde, Gampu, van denSwayze, Bergh, Patrick Mynhardt Patrick C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, Ben Reb Gene Hackman, Fred Ward, Brown,Ashcroft, Randall 'Tex' Peggy Judy Cobb Davis, James Fox, Alec Guinness United Kingdom; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; South Africa; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; 1965 1979 1967 1960 1978 1964 1964 1950 1965 1984 1983 1984 04 Mayo 2015 02:35 05:30 08:20 10:40 12:55 13:45 15:25 17:10 19:10 22:00 23:40 The Bible In Harm's Way All About Eve Raging Bull The Kid Bigger Than Life The Friends Of Eddie Coyle Platoon A Passage To India The Naked Prey The War Wagon La biblia Recuento de daños La malvada Toro salvaje El chico Más poderoso que la vida Los Amigos De Eddie Coyle Pelotón Pasaje a la India La presa desnuda Ataque al carro blindado Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Suspenso Acción Drama Aventura Western Stephen Boyd, Ava Gardner, Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Patricia Neal, Bette Tom Davis,Tryon Anne Baxter, George Sanders, Marilyn Monroe Robert Deniro, Cathy Moriarty, Joe Pesci, Frank Vincent Charlie Chaplin, Jackie Coogan, Edna Carl Miller JamesPurviance, Mason, Barbara Rush, Walter Matthau, F. Simon Robert Mitchum, Robert Peter Boyle, Richard Jordan, Willem StevenDafoe, Keats Tom Berenger, CharlieAshcroft, Sheen, Kevin Peggy Judy Dillon Davis, James Fox, Alec Guinness Cornel Wilde, Ken Gampu, Gert van Bergh, Patrick Mynhardt Johnden Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Howard Keel, Robert Walker Jr. Italy; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United Kingdom; United States;United South Africa; States; States; United 1966 1965 1950 1980 1921 1956 1973 1986 1984 1965 1967 05 Mayo 2015 01:20 03:35 05:20 07:15 09:10 10:55 12:20 14:00 16:10 17:45 19:45 22:00 McLintock! The Court Jester Breakfast At Tiffany's Escape From Alcatraz The St. Valentine's Day Massacre High Noon The Tin Star Samson And Delilah The Long Day's Dying Foul Play Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines Zulu El gran McLintock El Bufón del Rey Desayuno con diamantes Fuga de Alcatraz La matanza del día de San Valentín A la hora señalada Venganza Mortal Sansón y Dalilah Una larga agonía Juego sucio Los intrépidos y sus máquinas voladoras Zulú Romance Comedia Comedia Suspenso Suspenso Western Western Drama Drama Comedia Aventura Drama John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Patrick Wayne, Stefanie Powers Danny Kaye, Glynis Johns, Angela Lansbury, Basil Rathbone Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen Clint Eastwood, Patrick McGoohan, Roberts Blossom, Jack Thibeau Jason Robards, George Segal, Ralph Meeker,Grace Jean Hale Gary Cooper, Kelly, Ian MacDonald, Mitchell Henry Fonda,Thomas Anthony Perkins, Betsy Palmer, Victor MichelMature, Ray Hedy Lamarr, George Sanders, Angela Lansbury David Hemmings, Tony Beckley, Tom AlanChevy DobieChase, GoldieBell, Hawn, Burgess Meredith,Sarah Rachel Roberts Stuart Whitman, Miles, James Fox, Alberto Stanley Baker, Jack Sordi Hawkins, Ulla Jacobsson, James Booth United United United United United United United United United United United United 1963 1956 1961 1979 1967 1952 1957 1949 1968 1978 1965 1964 06 Mayo 2015 00:20 02:20 04:55 06:40 08:50 11:00 13:55 15:30 17:35 19:10 22:00 23:35 Red Dawn The Fall Of The Roman Empire Rio Grande Ace High Samson And Delilah The Bible On The Riviera A Place In The Sun Bigger Than Life New York, New York Harold And Maude Funny Face Amanecer rojo La caída del Imperio Romano Río Grande Los cuatro truhanes Sansón y Dalilah La biblia En la costa azul Ambiciones que matan Más poderoso que la vida Nueva York, Nueva York Harold y Maude La cenicienta en París Acción Drama Western Western Drama Drama Comedia Romance Drama Musical Comedia Comedia Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, Ben Alec Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, Guinness, Christopher John Wayne, Maureen Plummer O'hara, Ben Johnson,Hill, Harry Jr. Bud Terence Eli Carey Wallach, Spencer, BrockVictor Peters Hedy Lamarr, Mature, George Sanders, Angela Lansbury Stephen Boyd, Ava Gardner, Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole Danny Kaye, Gene Tierney, Corinne Calvet, Marcel Dalio Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor, Shelley Barbara Winters,Rush, Keefe James Mason, Walter Matthau, Robert Simon Liza Minnelli, Robert De F. Niro, Lionel Stander,Bud Barry Primus Ruth Gordon, Cort, Vivian Pickles, Cyril Cusack Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire, Kay Thompson, Michel Auclair United States; United States; United States; Italy; United States; Italy; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 1984 1964 1950 1968 1949 1966 1951 1951 1956 1977 1972 1957 07 Mayo 2015 01:20 03:05 05:30 07:50 09:40 Love Story Luna All About Eve Murder, Inc. War And Peace Historia de amor La luna La malvada Asesinato, S.A. La guerra y la paz Romance Drama Drama Suspenso Drama Ali Macgraw, Ryan O'neal, John Marley, Ray Milland Jill Clayburgh, Matthew Barry, Veronica Lazar, Renato Salvatori Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, Marilyn May Monroe Stuart Whitman, Britt, Henry Morgan, Peter Falk Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Mel Ferrer, Vittorio Gassman United States; Italy; United States; United States; United States; Italy; United States; 1970 1979 1950 1960 1956 States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; Kingdom; States; Kingdom; Kingdom; Programación Fox Classics - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPANOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO 13:10 14:50 17:40 19:35 22:00 23:50 Coogan's Bluff The Good, The Bad And The Ugly If... Topaz To Catch A Thief Hatari! Jungla humana El bueno, el malo y el feo ¿De qué lado estás? Topaz Para atrapar al ladrón ¡Hatari! Acción Western Drama Suspenso Suspenso Acción Clint Eastwood, Susan Clark, Don Stroud, Lee J Cobb Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Eli Wallach, Aldo Giuffrè Malcolm McDowell, Christine Noonan, Richard Warwick, David Frederick Stafford, Dany Robin, John Vernon,Grace KarinKelly, Dor Jessie Cary Grant, Royce Landis,Hardy John Williams John Wayne, Krüger, Elsa Martinelli, Gérard Blain United States; Italy; Spain; Germany; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; 1968 1966 1968 1969 1955 1962 08 Mayo 2015 02:30 04:10 05:40 07:15 09:20 11:25 13:05 14:25 16:30 18:30 20:10 22:00 23:45 Broken Lance High Noon The Tin Star A Place In The Sun Stalag 17 The Long Day's Dying Seven Men From Now Ace High At Close Range Coogan's Bluff Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Under Siege The Punisher Lo que la tierra hereda A la hora señalada Venganza Mortal Ambiciones que matan Infierno 17 Una larga agonía Tras la pista de los asesinos Los cuatro truhanes Vivir Para Contar Jungla humana Fuerza delta 2 Alerta máxima El vengador Western Western Western Romance Clásicos Drama Western Western Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Acción Spencer Tracy, Robert Wagner, Jean Widmark Gary Peters, Cooper,Richard Grace Kelly, Ian MacDonald, Mitchell Henry Fonda,Thomas Anthony Perkins, Betsy Palmer,Clift, Michel Ray Montgomery Elizabeth Taylor, Keefe William Shelley Holden,Winters, Don Taylor, Otto Preminger, RobertTony Strauss David Hemmings, Beckley, Tom Bell, Scott, Alan Dobie Randolph Gail Russell, Lee Marvin, Walter Terence Hill, EliReed Wallach, Bud Spencer, Brock Peters Walken, Sean Penn, Christopher Mary Stuart Masterson, Crispin Clint Eastwood, Susan Clark, Don Stroud, Lee J Cobb Chuck Norris, Billy Drago, John P. Ryan, StevenRichard Seagal,Jaeckel Tommy Lee Jones, Gary ErikaLouis Eleniak DolphBusey, Lundgren, Gossett Jr., Jeroen Krabbé, Kim Miyori United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; Italy; United States; United States; United States; France; United States; Australia; United States; 1954 1952 1957 1951 1953 1968 1956 1968 1986 1968 1990 1992 1989 09 Mayo 2015 01:15 03:00 04:55 06:30 08:55 11:45 13:35 15:45 19:20 22:00 23:40 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory Alien 3 Poltergeist Ii: The Other Side Topaz The Young Lions Funny Face McLintock! War And Peace Hatari! The Far Country Broken Lance Alerta máxima 2 Alien 3 Poltergeist II: El otro lado Topaz Los dioses vencidos La cenicienta en París El gran McLintock La guerra y la paz ¡Hatari! Tierras lejanas Lo que la tierra hereda Acción Ciencia Ficción Horror Suspenso Drama Comedia Romance Drama Acción Aventura Western Steven Seagal, Eric Bogosian, Katherine Morris Chestnut Sigourney Heigl, Weaver, Charles Dutton,Williams, Charles Dance, Jobeth Craig T.Paul Nelson, Heather O'Rourke, Robins Frederick Stafford, Oliver Dany Robin, John Vernon, Karin Dor Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Dean Hope Lange AudreyMartin, Hepburn, Fred Astaire, Kay Thompson, Auclair John Wayne,Michel Maureen O'Hara, Patrick Stefanie Powers Audrey Wayne, Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Mel Vittorio JohnFerrer, Wayne, HardyGassman Krüger, Elsa Martinelli, Gérard Blain James Stewart, Ruth Roman, Corinne Walter Wagner, Brennan Spencer Calvet, Tracy, Robert Jean Peters, Richard Widmark United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Italy; United States; United States; United States; United States; 1995 1992 1986 1969 1958 1957 1963 1956 1962 1955 1954 10 Mayo 2015 01:20 03:30 05:25 06:55 08:30 10:25 11:35 13:20 16:10 18:05 19:45 23:00 23:55 Jaws Back To The Future 3 The Punisher Revenge Of The Nerds To Catch A Thief The Gold Rush The War Wagon The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Overboard Allan Quatermain And The Lost City Of Gold Gandhi Sitiados S1: 1 The Fall Of The Roman Empire Tiburón Volver al futuro 3 El vengador La Venganza de los Nerds Para atrapar al ladrón La quimera del oro Ataque al carro blindado El bueno, el malo y el feo Hombre nuevo, vida nueva En busca de la ciudad perdida Gandhi Sitiados Cap 1 Producción Original de FOX+ La caída del Imperio Romano Acción Aventura Acción Comedia Suspenso Comedia Western Western Comedia Aventura Drama Drama Drama Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Hamilton MichaelShaw, J. Fox,Murray Christopher Lloyd, Mary Thomas F. Jr., DolphSteenburgen, Lundgren, Louis Gossett Jeroen Kim Miyori Robert Krabbé, Carradine, Anthony Edwards, Ted McGinley, Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Bernie Jessie Royce John Williams CharlesLandis, Chaplin, Mack Swain, Tom Murray, HenryKirk Bergman John Wayne, Douglas, Howard Keel, Robert Walker Jr.Eli Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Wallach, Aldo Kurt Giuffrè Goldie Hawn, Russell, Edward Herrmann, Katherine Helmond Richard Chamberlain, Sharon Stone, James Earl Jones, Henry Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, John Gielgud Andrés Parra, Marimar Vega, Benjamín Vicuña, Macarena Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, Alec Guinness, Christopher Plummer United States; United States; Australia; United States; States; United United States; United States; United States; Italy; Spain; Germany; United States; United States; India; United Kingdom; Chile; United States; 1975 1990 1989 1984 1955 1925 1967 1966 1987 1987 1982 2014 1964 11 Mayo 2015 02:35 04:50 06:45 08:55 10:15 12:30 14:05 15:40 18:20 20:15 22:00 The Robe Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection McLintock! Seven Men From Now Lost Highway Poltergeist Ii: The Other Side Over The Top Peyton Place Johnny Guitar The War Wagon The Young Lions El Manto Sagrado Fuerza delta 2 El gran McLintock Tras la pista de los asesinos Carretera Perdida Poltergeist II: El otro lado Halcón La caldera del diablo Johnny Guitar Ataque al carro blindado Los dioses vencidos Drama Acción Romance Western Drama Horror Acción Drama Western Western Drama Jean Simmons, Michael Rennie, Richard Burton, Victor Mature Chuck Norris, Billy Drago, John P. Ryan, RichardMaureen Jaeckel O'Hara, John Wayne, Patrick Wayne, Powers Randolph Scott,Stefanie Gail Russell, Lee Marvin, Walter Reed Arquette, Bill Pullman, Patricia Robert Williams, Blake, John Roselius Jobeth Craig T. Nelson, Heather Oliver Robins SylvesterO'Rourke, Stallone, Robert Loggia, Susan Blakely,Lee Rick Zumwalt Lana Turner, Philips, Hope Lange, Lloyd Nolan Joan Crawford, Sterling Hayden, Mercedes McCambridge, Scott John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Howard Keel, Robert Walker Jr. Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Dean Martin, Hope Lange United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; France;States; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 1953 1990 1963 1956 1997 1986 1987 1957 1954 1967 1958 12 Mayo 2015 00:50 02:40 04:40 06:35 08:50 10:35 12:40 14:50 16:20 17:55 20:00 22:00 23:55 Sands Of Iwo Jima Taxi Driver The Detective Nevada Smith The Far Country Some Like It Hot The Apartment Seven Ways From Sundown Man Without A Star Jaws Back To The Future 3 Overboard Allan Quatermain And The Lost City Of Gold Arenas de Iwo Jima Taxi Driver El detective Nevada Smith Tierras lejanas Una Eva y dos adanes Piso de soltero Amistad sangrienta Hombre sin rumbo Tiburón Volver al futuro 3 Hombre nuevo, vida nueva En busca de la ciudad perdida Drama Drama Suspenso Western Aventura Comedia Comedia Western Western Acción Aventura Comedia Aventura John Wayne, John Agar, Adele Mara, Forrest Tucker Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel Frank Sinatra, Lee Remick, Ralph Meeker, Jack Klugman Steve McQueen, Karl Malden, Brian Arthur Kennedy JamesKeith, Stewart, Ruth Roman, Corinne Calvet, Walter Brennan Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, George Raft MacLaine, Jack Lemmon, Shirley Fred RaySullivan, Walston AudieMacMurray, Murphy, Barry Venetia Stevenson, McIntire Kirk Douglas, JeanneJohn Crain, Claire Trevor, WilliamRichard Campbell Roy Scheider, Dreyfuss, Robert Hamilton MichaelShaw, J. Fox,Murray Christopher Lloyd, Mary Steenburgen, ThomasEdward F. Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Herrmann, Katherine Helmond Richard Chamberlain, Sharon Stone, James Earl Jones, Henry United United United United United United United United United United United United United 1950 1976 1968 1966 1955 1959 1960 1960 1955 1975 1990 1987 1987 13 Mayo 2015 01:40 04:50 06:35 08:25 10:20 12:00 13:50 16:20 Gandhi The Rocky Horror Picture Show Sands Of Iwo Jima Saboteur Written On The Wind The Grass Is Greener The Great Gatsby Under Siege Gandhi El show de terror de Rocky Arenas de Iwo Jima El Saboteador Palabras al viento La mujer que quiso pecar El gran Gatsby Alerta máxima Drama Comedia Drama Suspenso Drama Comedia Drama Acción Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, John Sarandon, Gielgud Barry Tim Curry, Susan Bostwick, Richard John Wayne, JohnO'Brien Agar, Adele Mara, Forrest Priscilla Lane, Tucker Robert Cummings, Norman Lloyd,Lauren Otto Kruger Rock Hudson, Bacall, Robert Stack, DorothyKerr, Malone Cary Grant, Deborah Robert Mitchum, Jean Simmons Robert Redford, Mia Farrow, Karen Scott Wilson StevenBlack, Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Busey, Erika Eleniak India; United Kingdom; United Kingdom; United States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; France; United States; 1982 1975 1950 1942 1956 1960 1974 1992 Programación Fox Classics - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL 18:05 Alien 3 20:05 Planet Of The Apes 22:00 The Fall Of The Roman Empire TITULO ESPANOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO Alien 3 El planeta de los simios La caída del Imperio Romano Ciencia Ficción Ciencia Ficción Drama Sigourney Weaver, Charles United States; Dutton, Charles Charlton Heston,Dance, Roddy Paul McDowall, United States; Kim Hunter, Evans Sophia Loren,Maurice Stephen Boyd, Alec United States; Guinness, Christopher Plummer 1992 1968 1964 1953 1954 1966 1987 1977 1974 1975 1970 1942 1952 1956 1964 00:35 02:50 04:45 07:00 08:35 10:35 13:05 14:50 16:25 18:20 20:10 22:00 The Robe Johnny Guitar Nevada Smith Over The Top The Turning Point The Great Gatsby The Rocky Horror Picture Show Beneath The Planet Of The Apes Saboteur The World In His Arms Anastasia Father Goose El Manto Sagrado Johnny Guitar Nevada Smith Halcón Momento de decisión El gran Gatsby El show de terror de Rocky Bajo el planeta de los simios El Saboteador El mundo en sus manos Anastasia, la princesa vagabunda Papá ganso Drama Western Western Acción Drama Drama Comedia Ciencia Ficción Suspenso Aventura Drama Aventura Jean Simmons, Michael Rennie, Richard Burton, Sterling Victor Mature Joan Crawford, Hayden, Mercedes McCambridge, Scott Steve McQueen, Karl Malden, Brian Keith, Arthur Robert Kennedy Sylvester Stallone, Loggia, Susan Blakely, Rick Zumwalt Anne Bancroft, Shirley Maclaine, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Leslie Browne Robert Redford, Mia Farrow, Karen Black, ScottSarandon, Wilson Barry Tim Curry, Susan Bostwick, Richard O'Brien James Franciscus, Charlton Heston, Linda Robert Harrison, Kim Priscilla Lane, Cummings, Norman OttoBlyth, Kruger Gregory Lloyd, Peck, Ann Anthony Quinn, John McIntire Ingrid Bergman, Yul Brynner, Helen Hayes,Leslie AkimCaron, Tamiroff Cary Grant, Trevor Howard, Jack Good United United United United United United United United States; States; States; States; States; States; Kingdom; States; United United United United States; States; States; States; 15 Mayo 2015 00:00 01:35 03:35 05:40 07:50 09:40 11:25 13:00 14:50 16:05 17:35 19:50 22:00 23:35 The True Story Of Jesse James Shane Some Like It Hot The Apartment Anastasia The World In His Arms Man Without A Star One, Two, Three The Gold Rush Joe Kidd For A Few Dollars More The Molly Maguires Days Of Heaven Planet Of The Apes La verdadera historia de Jesse James Shane, el desconocido Una Eva y dos adanes Piso de soltero Anastasia, la princesa vagabunda El mundo en sus manos Hombre sin rumbo Uno, dos, tres La quimera del oro Joe Kidd Por unos dólares más Odio en las entrañas Días de gloria El planeta de los simios Suspenso Western Comedia Comedia Drama Aventura Western Comedia Comedia Western Western Drama Drama Ciencia Ficción Robert Wagner, Jeffrey Hunter, Hope Lange, Agnes Moorehead Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur, Van Heflin, Wilde MarilynBrandon Monroe, De Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, George Raft MacLaine, Jack Lemmon, Shirley Fred RayBrynner, Walston IngridMacMurray, Bergman, Yul Helen Hayes, Tamiroff Gregory Peck,Akim Ann Blyth, Anthony Quinn, John McIntire Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain, Claire Trevor, William Horst Campbell James Cagney, Buchholz, Pamela Arlene Charles Tiffin, Chaplin, MackFrancis Swain, Tom Murray, Henry Bergman Clint Eastwood, Robert Duvall, John Saxon, DonLee Stroud Clint Eastwood, Van Cleef, Gian Volonté, Mario Brega Sean Maria Connery, Richard Harris, Samantha Eggar, Frank Finlay Sam Richard Gere, Brooke Adams, Shepard, Heston, Linda Manz Charlton Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; Italy; Spain; United States; United States; United States; 1957 1953 1959 1960 1956 1952 1955 1962 1925 1972 1967 190 1978 1968 16 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:20 05:15 07:05 08:50 10:45 12:55 14:30 16:30 18:10 19:45 22:00 23:35 Robocop Robocop Acción Back To The Future 3 Volver al futuro 3 Aventura The Grass Is Greener La mujer que quiso pecar Comedia Written On The Wind Palabras al viento Drama Silver Streak El expreso de Chicago Acción The Molly Maguires Odio en las entrañas Drama Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex * But Todo lo que usted siempre quiso saber sobre Comedia Were Afraid el sexo, pero temía preguntar Father GooseTo Ask Papá ganso Aventura The Naked Jungle Marabunta Aventura Beneath The Planet Of The Apes Bajo el planeta de los simios Ciencia Ficción The Quiet Man El Hombre Tranquilo Comedia Winchester '73 Winchester '73 Western Shane Shane, el desconocido Western Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Cox Michael J. Ronny Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Mary Steenburgen, F. Cary Grant, DeborahThomas Kerr, Robert Mitchum, JeanLauren Simmons Rock Hudson, Bacall, Robert Stack, Jill Dorothy Malone Gene Wilder, Clayburgh, Richard Pryor, Patrick Sean Connery, RichardMcGoohan Harris, Samantha Eggar, Finlay Lou Woody Allen, JohnFrank Carradine, Jacobi, Louise Lasser Cary Grant, Leslie Caron, Trevor Howard, Jack Good Eleanor Parker, Charlton Heston, Abraham Sofaer, William Conrad James Franciscus, Charlton Heston, LindaMaureen Harrison,O'Hara, Kim John Wayne, Barry Fitzgerald, Ward Bond James Stewart, Shelley Winters, Dan Stephen McNally Alan Duryea, Ladd, Jean Arthur, Van Heflin, Brandon De Wilde United United United United United United United United United United United United United 1987 1990 1960 1956 1976 190 1972 1964 1954 1970 1952 1950 1953 17 Mayo 2015 01:35 03:20 04:55 07:45 08:55 10:35 12:40 15:10 16:45 18:10 20:10 22:00 23:40 Take A Hard Ride The Desert Rats In Harm's Way The Gold Rush The True Story Of Jesse James Ordinary People The Great Gatsby Days Of Heaven The Purple Rose Of Cairo Back To The Future 3 Robocop Under Siege 2: Dark Territory The Punisher Jim Brown, Lee Van Cleef, Catherine Spaak,Robert Fred Williamson Richard Burton, Newton, JamesWayne, Mason,Kirk Robert Douglas John Douglas, Patricia Neal, Tom TryonMack Swain, Tom Charles Chaplin, Murray,Wagner, Henry Bergman Robert Jeffrey Hunter, Hope Agnes Mary Moorehead DonaldLange, Sutherland, Tyler Moore, Judd Hirsch, Robert Redford, Mia Timothy Farrow, Karen Wilson RichardBlack, Gere,Scott Brooke Adams, Sam Shepard, Linda Mia Farrow, JeffManz Daniels, Danny Aiello, Metzman MichaelIrving J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Mary F. Peter Steenburgen, Weller, NancyThomas Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Ronny Cox Steven Seagal, Eric Bogosian, Katherine Heigl, Morris ChestnutJr., Dolph Lundgren, Louis Gossett Jeroen Krabbé, Kim Miyori Italy; Spain; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Australia; United States; 1975 1953 1965 1925 1957 1980 1974 1978 1985 1990 1987 1995 1989 18 Mayo 2015 01:10 03:15 06:05 07:40 09:30 11:20 13:25 15:00 16:55 19:10 22:00 23:45 Platoon Pelotón Acción Once Upon A Time In The West Erase una vez en el Oeste Acción Joe Kidd Joe Kidd Western Snow White And The Three Stooges Blanca Nieves y los tres Chiflados Comedia One, Two, Three Uno, dos, tres Comedia Teacher's Pet Enséñame a querer Comedia Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex * But Todo lo que usted siempre quiso saber sobre Comedia Were Afraid el sexo, pero preguntar Silver Streak To Ask El expreso de temía Chicago Acción For A Few Dollars More Por unos dólares más Western Once Upon A Time In The West Erase una vez en el Oeste Acción Take A Hard Ride Por la senda más dura Western The Quiet Man El Hombre Tranquilo Comedia Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen, Kevin Dillon Charles Bronson, Henry Fonda, Claudia Cardinale, JasonDuvall, Robards Clint Eastwood, Robert John Don Stroud Carol Saxon, Heiss, Larry Fine, Joe DeRita, Moe Howard James Cagney, Horst Buchholz, Pamela Tiffin,Doris Arlene Francis Clark Gable, Day, Gig Young, Mamie Doren Woody Van Allen, John Carradine, Lou Jacobi, LouiseJill Lasser Gene Wilder, Clayburgh, Richard Pryor, Patrick McGoohan Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Gian Maria Volonté, Mario Brega Charles Bronson, Henry Fonda, Claudia Cardinale, Jim Brown, Lee VanJason Cleef,Robards Catherine Spaak, Fred Williamson John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Barry Fitzgerald, Ward Bond United States; United Kingdom; Italy; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; Italy; Spain;United States; Italy; Italy; Spain; United States; States; United 1986 1969 1972 1961 1962 1958 1972 1976 1967 1969 1975 1952 19 Mayo 2015 02:00 03:40 05:20 07:20 10:10 11:45 13:15 14:50 Escape From The Planet Of The Apes The Naked Jungle Father Goose In Harm's Way Winchester '73 Hell Is For Heroes The Desert Rats The Tin Star Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Bradford Dillman, NatalieHeston, Trundy Eleanor Parker, Charlton Abraham Sofaer, Cary Grant, LeslieWilliam Caron, Conrad Trevor Howard, Jack Kirk Good John Wayne, Douglas, Patricia Neal, Tom TryonShelley Winters, James Stewart, Dan Stephen SteveDuryea, McQueen, BobbyMcNally Darin, Fess Parker, Harry Guardino Richard Burton, Robert Newton, James Mason,Anthony Robert Douglas Henry Fonda, Perkins, Betsy Palmer, Michel Ray United United United United United United United United 1971 1954 1964 1965 1950 1962 1953 1957 14 Mayo 2015 Por la senda más dura Las ratas del desierto Recuento de daños La quimera del oro La verdadera historia de Jesse James Gente como uno El gran Gatsby Días de gloria La rosa púrpura del Cairo Volver al futuro 3 Robocop Alerta máxima 2 El vengador Escape del planeta de los simios Marabunta Papá ganso Recuento de daños Winchester '73 Héroes del infierno Las ratas del desierto Venganza Mortal Western Acción Drama Comedia Suspenso Drama Drama Drama Comedia Aventura Acción Acción Acción Ciencia Ficción Aventura Aventura Drama Western Acción Acción Western States; States; Kingdom; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; Programación Fox Classics - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPANOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO 16:25 18:05 20:10 22:00 23:30 The Long Day's Dying Ordinary People Dressed To Kill The Punisher Under Siege 2: Dark Territory Una larga agonía Gente como uno Vestida para matar El vengador Alerta máxima 2 Drama Drama Suspenso Acción Acción David Hemmings, Tony Beckley, Tom Bell, Alan DobieMary Tyler Donald Sutherland, Moore, Hirsch, Michael Judd Caine, AngieTimothy Dickinson, Nancy Allen, KeithLouis Gordon Dolph Lundgren, Gossett Jr., Jeroen Kim Bogosian, Miyori Steven Krabbé, Seagal, Eric Katherine Heigl, Morris Chestnut United Kingdom; United States; United States; Australia; United States; States; United 1968 1980 1980 1989 1995 01:10 03:05 04:30 06:00 08:15 10:30 12:30 14:10 15:35 17:25 18:55 20:25 22:00 The Terminator The Purple Rose Of Cairo Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Lost Highway Platoon Escape From The Planet Of The Apes Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Snow White And The Three Stooges Trouble In Paradise Seven Ways From Sundown The Tin Star Tora! Tora! Tora! Terminator La rosa púrpura del Cairo La conquista del Planeta de los Simios Los últimos días de Laura Palmer Carretera Perdida Pelotón Escape del planeta de los simios La invasión de los usurpadores de cuerpos Blanca Nieves y los tres Chiflados Un ladrón en la alcoba Amistad sangrienta Venganza Mortal Tora! Tora! Tora! Acción Comedia Ciencia Ficción Suspenso Drama Acción Ciencia Ficción Ciencia Ficción Comedia Arnold Schwarzeneger, Michael Biehn, Linda Jeff Hamilton, Paul Mia Farrow, Daniels, Danny Aiello, Irving Metzman Roddy McDowall, Don Murray, Ricardo Montalban, Natalie Trundy Sheryl Lee, Ray Wise, Mädchen Amick, Dana Patricia Ashbrook Bill Pullman, Arquette, Robert Blake, John Roselius Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, Charlie McDowall, Sheen, Kevin Roddy KimDillon Hunter, Bradford Dillman,Dana Natalie Trundy Kevin McCarthy, Wynter, Larry King Donovan Carol Gates, Heiss, Larry Fine, Joe DeRita, Moe Howard Miriam Hopkins, Kay Francis, Herbert Marshall, Charles Ruggles Audie Murphy, Barry Sullivan, VenetiaFonda, Stevenson, John McIntire Henry Anthony Perkins, Betsy Palmer, Ray Martin Balsam,Michel Sô Yamamura, Joseph Cotten, Tatsuya Mihashi United Kingdom; United States; United States; France; United States; United States; France;States; United United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Japan; 1984 1985 1972 1992 1997 1986 1971 1956 1961 1932 1960 1957 1970 21 Mayo 2015 00:25 02:10 04:05 06:00 07:35 09:35 11:25 13:50 16:00 17:50 20:00 22:00 23:45 The Friends Of Eddie Coyle Escape From Alcatraz The Spy Who Came In From The Cold Hell Is For Heroes Teacher's Pet Funny Face Zorba The Greek Raging Bull Paper Moon It's A Wonderful Life Sabrina The Grass Is Greener Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid Los Amigos De Eddie Coyle Fuga de Alcatraz Alto espionaje Héroes del infierno Enséñame a querer La cenicienta en París Zorba, el griego Toro salvaje Luna de papel Qué bello es vivir Sabrina La mujer que quiso pecar Butch Cassidy Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Comedia Comedia Drama Drama Drama Drama Romance Comedia Western Robert Mitchum, Peter Boyle, Richard Jordan, Patrick Steven McGoohan, Keats Clint Eastwood, Roberts Burton, Blossom,Claire Jack Bloom, Thibeau Richard Oskar Werner, Sam Wanamaker Steve McQueen, Bobby Darin, Fess Parker, Harry Day, Guardino Clark Gable, Doris Gig Young, Mamie DorenFred Astaire, Kay Audrey Van Hepburn, Thompson, Michel Auclair Anthony Quinn, Alan Bates, Irene Papas, Lila Kedrova Robert Deniro, Cathy Moriarty, Joe Pesci, Frank Vincent Ryan O'Neal, Madeline Kahn, Tatum O'Neal, John Hillerman James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Humphrey Bogart, Thomas Audrey Mitchell Hepburn, William Holden, Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr,Walter Robert Mitchum, Jean Robert Simmons Paul Newman, Redford, Katharine Ross, Strother Martin United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; Greece;States; United United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; 1973 1979 1965 1962 1958 1957 1964 1980 1973 1946 1954 1960 1969 22 Mayo 2015 01:40 03:50 05:35 07:10 09:00 10:35 12:05 14:30 16:25 18:40 20:10 22:00 23:55 McLintock! A Fistful Of Dollars The Long Day's Dying Dressed To Kill Bad Company Seven Ways From Sundown All About Eve The Spy Who Came In From The Cold Nevada Smith Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes The Terminator Overboard Hatari! El gran McLintock Por un puñado de dólares Una larga agonía Vestida para matar Mala compañía Amistad sangrienta La malvada Alto espionaje Nevada Smith La conquista del Planeta de los Simios Terminator Hombre nuevo, vida nueva ¡Hatari! Romance Western Drama Suspenso Drama Western Drama Suspenso Western Ciencia Ficción Acción John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Patrick Wayne, Stefanie Powers Clint Eastwood, Gian Maria Volonté, Marianne Tony Koch,Beckley, Joseph David Hemmings, Tom Bell, Alan Angie Dobie Dickinson, Michael Caine, Nancy Allen, Keith Jeff Bridges, Barry Gordon Brown, Jim Davis, David Huddleston Audie Murphy, Barry Sullivan, Venetia Stevenson, John McIntire Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders,Burton, MarilynClaire Monroe Richard Bloom, Oskar McQueen, Werner, Sam Steve KarlWanamaker Malden, Brian Keith, ArthurDon Kennedy Roddy McDowall, Murray, Ricardo Montalban, Natalie Trundy Arnold Schwarzeneger, Michael Biehn, Hawn, Linda Hamilton, PaulEdward Goldie Kurt Russell, Herrmann, Katherine Helmond John Wayne, Hardy Krüger, Elsa Martinelli, Gérard Blain United States; Germany; Italy; Spain; Kingdom; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; 1963 1964 1968 1980 1972 1960 1950 1965 1966 1972 1984 1987 1962 23 Mayo 2015 02:35 04:25 06:20 07:50 09:15 11:25 13:35 15:30 17:15 19:35 22:00 Funny Face Breakfast At Tiffany's Trouble In Paradise Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Samson And Delilah The Molly Maguires Escape From Alcatraz The Friends Of Eddie Coyle The Robe Tora! Tora! Tora! The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance La cenicienta en París Desayuno con diamantes Un ladrón en la alcoba La invasión de los usurpadores de cuerpos Sansón y Dalilah Odio en las entrañas Fuga de Alcatraz Los Amigos De Eddie Coyle El Manto Sagrado Tora! Tora! Tora! Un tiro en la noche Comedia Comedia Comedia Ciencia Ficción Drama Drama Suspenso Suspenso Drama Drama Western Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire, Kay Thompson, MichelGeorge AuclairPeppard, Audrey Hepburn, Patricia Neal, Buddy Miriam Hopkins, Kay Ebsen Francis, Herbert Marshall,Dana Charles Ruggles Kevin McCarthy, Wynter, Larry Donovan Hedy Gates, Lamarr,King Victor Mature, George Sanders, AngelaHarris, Lansbury Sean Connery, Richard Samantha Eggar,Patrick FrankMcGoohan, Finlay Clint Eastwood, RobertsMitchum, Blossom,Peter Jack Thibeau Robert Boyle, Richard Jordan, Michael Steven Keats Jean Simmons, Rennie, RichardBalsam, Burton,Sô Victor Mature Martin Yamamura, JosephStewart, Cotten, Tatsuya Mihashi James John Wayne, John Carradine, Lee Marvin United United United United United United United United United United United 24 Mayo 2015 00:05 02:15 04:10 06:30 08:30 10:45 12:40 14:15 16:30 18:10 19:50 22:00 23:25 El Dorado Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid Zulu Sabrina It's A Wonderful Life Breakfast At Tiffany's Revenge Of The Nerds Nevada Smith A Fistful Of Dollars Bad Company McLintock! Airplane 2: The Sequel ESPECIAL Overboard El Dorado Butch Cassidy Zulú Sabrina Qué bello es vivir Desayuno con diamantes La Venganza de los Nerds Nevada Smith Por un puñado de dólares Mala compañía El gran McLintock ¿Y dónde está el piloto 2? Hombre nuevo, vida nueva Western Western Drama Romance Drama Comedia Comedia Western Western Drama Romance Comedia Comedia John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, James Caan, Charlene Holt Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross,Jack Strother Martin Stanley Baker, Hawkins, Ulla Jacobsson, James Booth Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, William Holden, Walter James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel ThomasPeppard, Mitchell AudreyBarrymore, Hepburn, George Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen Robert Carradine, Anthony Edwards, Ted McGinley, Bernie Steve McQueen, Karl Malden, Brian Keith, Arthur Kennedy Clint Eastwood, Gian Maria Volonté, Marianne Jeff Bridges, Barry Koch, Brown,Joseph Jim Davis, David Huddleston John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Patrick Wayne, Stefanie Powers Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Chad Kurt Everett Goldie Hawn, Russell, Edward Herrmann, Katherine Helmond United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; Italy; Spain; States; United United States; United States; United States; 1967 1969 1964 1954 1946 1961 1984 1966 1964 1972 1963 1982 1987 25 Mayo 2015 01:25 03:15 04:45 06:25 08:35 10:15 12:15 Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Battle For The Planet Of The Apes Fantastic Voyage The Molly Maguires The Naked Jungle The Pawnbroker The Desperate Hours Fuerza delta 2 La batalla del planeta de los simios El viaje fántastico Odio en las entrañas Marabunta El prestamista Horas desesperadas Acción Ciencia Ficción Ciencia Ficción Drama Chuck Norris, Billy Drago, John P. Ryan, Richard Jaeckel Roddy McDowall, Claude Akins, Natalie Trundy, SevernWelch, Darden Stephen Boyd, Raquel Edmond O'brien, ArthurHarris, Kennedy Sean Connery, Richard Samantha Eggar, Frank Finlay Eleanor Parker, Charlton Heston, Abraham Sofaer, Rod Steiger, BrockWilliam Peters,Conrad Jaime Sánchez, Geraldine Fitzgerald Humphrey Bogart, Fredric March, Arthur Kennedy, Martha Scott United United United United United United United 1990 1973 1965 190 1954 1964 1955 20 Mayo 2015 Comedia Western Western Drama Comedia Acción Aventura Drama Suspenso United States; States; 1957 States; 1961 States; 1932 States; 1956 States; 1949 States; 190 States; 1979 States; 1973 States; 1953 States; Japan; 1970 States; 1962 States; States; States; States; States; States; States; Programación Fox Classics - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPANOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO 14:10 15:45 17:55 19:35 22:00 Dishonored El Dorado The Appaloosa Zulu Hatari! Fatalidad El Dorado Sierra prohibida Zulú ¡Hatari! Suspenso Western Western Drama Acción Victor McLaglen, Marlene Dietrich, Gustav von Seyffertitz, Warner John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, James Charlene HoltComer, Marlon Caan, Brando, Anjanette John Saxon, Emilio Stanley Baker, Jack Fernández Hawkins, Ulla Jacobsson, James John Wayne, HardyBooth Krüger, Elsa Martinelli, Gérard Blain United United United United United States; States; States; Kingdom; States; 26 Mayo 2015 00:40 02:50 06:35 08:35 10:40 12:20 14:35 16:40 18:30 20:00 22:00 23:50 Samson And Delilah The Ten Commandments Father Goose The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Destry Rides Again The Robe Gunfight At The Ok Corral Take A Hard Ride Revenge Of The Nerds Red Dawn Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Airplane 2: The Sequel Sansón y Dalilah Los diez Mandamientos Papá ganso Un tiro en la noche Arizona El Manto Sagrado Duelo de titanes Por la senda más dura La Venganza de los Nerds Amanecer rojo Fuerza delta 2 ¿Y dónde está el piloto 2? Drama Drama Aventura Western Western Drama Western Western Comedia Acción Acción Comedia Hedy Lamarr, Victor Mature, George Lansbury CharltonSanders, Heston, Angela Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter,Leslie Edward G. Robinson Cary Grant, Caron, Trevor Howard, Jack Good James Stewart, John Wayne, John Carradine, Lee Marvin James Stewart, Marlene Dietrich, Charles Winninger, Mischa Auer Jean Simmons, Michael Rennie, Richard Burton, Kirk Victor Mature Burt Lancaster, Douglas, Rhonda Fleming, Jo Van Fleet Jim Brown, Lee Van Cleef, Catherine Spaak, Fred Williamson Robert Carradine, Anthony Edwards, Ted McGinley, Bernie Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, Ben Chuck Norris, Billy Drago, John P. Ryan, Jaeckel RobertRichard Hays, Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Chad Everett United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Italy; Spain; United States; States; United United States; United States; United States; 1949 1956 1964 1962 1939 1953 1957 1975 1984 1984 1990 1982 27 Mayo 2015 01:15 03:15 06:05 07:35 09:15 11:05 13:00 15:05 18:50 20:20 22:00 Silver Streak A Passage To India Poltergeist Ii: The Other Side Fantastic Voyage The Grass Is Greener Tony Rome Catch-22 The Ten Commandments Battle For The Planet Of The Apes The Naked Jungle The Pawnbroker El expreso de Chicago Pasaje a la India Poltergeist II: El otro lado El viaje fántastico La mujer que quiso pecar Tony Rome Trampa 22 Los diez Mandamientos La batalla del planeta de los simios Marabunta El prestamista Acción Drama Horror Ciencia Ficción Comedia Suspenso Drama Drama Ciencia Ficción Aventura Drama Gene Wilder, Jill Clayburgh, RichardAshcroft, Pryor, Patrick McGoohan Peggy Judy Davis, James Fox, Alec Guinness Jobeth Williams, Craig T. Nelson, Heather Oliver Robins Stephen O'Rourke, Boyd, Raquel Welch, Edmond O'brien, Arthur Kennedy Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum, Jean Jill Simmons Frank Sinatra, St. John, Richard Conte, Gena Rowlands Martin Balsam, Richard Benjamin, Art Garfunkel, Jack Charlton Heston, YulGilford Brynner, Anne Baxter, Edward G. Robinson Roddy McDowall, Claude Akins, Natalie Severn Darden Eleanor Trundy, Parker, Charlton Heston, Abraham Sofaer, Rod Steiger, BrockWilliam Peters,Conrad Jaime Sánchez, Geraldine Fitzgerald United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 1976 1984 1986 1965 1960 1967 1970 1956 1973 1954 1964 28 Mayo 2015 00:00 02:50 04:25 06:05 08:00 09:35 11:45 13:40 16:25 18:05 19:45 22:00 23:55 The Young Lions Last Train From Gun Hill The Appaloosa The Desperate Hours Dishonored Gunfight At The Ok Corral Red Dawn A Passage To India The Naked Prey Last Train From Gun Hill Silverado Father Goose To Catch A Thief Los dioses vencidos El último tren de Gun Hill Sierra prohibida Horas desesperadas Fatalidad Duelo de titanes Amanecer rojo Pasaje a la India La presa desnuda El último tren de Gun Hill Silverado Papá ganso Para atrapar al ladrón Drama Western Western Suspenso Suspenso Western Acción Drama Aventura Western Western Aventura Suspenso Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, DeanDouglas, Martin, Hope Lange Kirk Anthony Quinn, Carolyn Jones, Earl Holliman Marlon Brando, Anjanette Comer, John Saxon,Bogart, Emilio Fredric Fernández Humphrey March, Arthur McLaglen, Kennedy, Martha Victor MarleneScott Dietrich, Gustav von Seyffertitz, Warner Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Rhonda Fleming,C.JoThomas Van Fleet Patrick Swayze, Howell,Ashcroft, Lea Thompson, Ben James Peggy Judy Davis, Fox, Alec Guinness Cornel Wilde, Ken Gampu, Gert van den Bergh, Patrick Quinn, Mynhardt Kirk Douglas, Anthony Carolyn Jones, EarlGlenn, Holliman Kevin Kline, Scott Kevin Costner, Rosanna Cary Grant, Leslie Arquette Caron, Trevor Howard, Jack GoodKelly, Jessie Cary Grant, Grace Royce Landis, John Williams United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; UnitedAfrica; States;United South States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 1958 1959 1966 1955 1931 1957 1984 1984 1965 1959 1985 1964 1955 29 Mayo 2015 01:45 03:30 06:20 08:00 09:35 11:00 13:55 16:35 18:30 20:05 22:00 The Grass Is Greener New York, New York Destry Rides Again The Fly Return Of The Fly The Young Lions Peyton Place Silver Streak Poltergeist Ii: The Other Side Alien 3 Jaws La mujer que quiso pecar Nueva York, Nueva York Arizona La mosca El regreso de la mosca Los dioses vencidos La caldera del diablo El expreso de Chicago Poltergeist II: El otro lado Alien 3 Tiburón Comedia Musical Western Horror Ciencia Ficción Drama Drama Acción Horror Ciencia Ficción Acción Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum, JeanRobert Simmons Liza Minnelli, De Niro, Lionel Stander, Primus James Stewart, Barry Marlene Dietrich, CharlesHedison, Winninger, Mischa Auer David Patricia Owens, Herbert Marshall Vincent Price, Brett Halsey, John Sutton, David Frankham Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Dean Martin, Hope LangeHope Lana Turner, Lee Philips, Lange, Lloyd Nolan Gene Wilder, Jill Clayburgh, RichardWilliams, Pryor, Patrick Jobeth Craig McGoohan T. Nelson, Heather O'Rourke, Robins Sigourney Weaver, Oliver Charles Dutton, CharlesRichard Dance,Dreyfuss, Paul Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Murray Hamilton United United United United United United United United United United United 1960 1977 1939 1958 1959 1958 1957 1976 1986 1992 1975 30 Mayo 2015 00:05 01:55 03:45 06:10 08:15 10:05 12:55 14:40 16:15 18:25 20:10 22:00 Robocop The Terminator Tora! Tora! Tora! Catch-22 Starting Over New York, New York Love Story Harold And Maude The Quiet Man The St. Valentine's Day Massacre To Catch A Thief For A Few Dollars More Robocop Terminator Tora! Tora! Tora! Trampa 22 Un Nuevo Comienzo Nueva York, Nueva York Historia de amor Harold y Maude El Hombre Tranquilo La matanza del día de San Valentín Para atrapar al ladrón Por unos dólares más Acción Acción Drama Drama Comedia Musical Romance Comedia Comedia Suspenso Suspenso Western Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Ronny Cox Michael Arnold Schwarzeneger, Biehn, Linda Hamilton, Paul Martin Balsam, Sô Yamamura, Joseph Cotten, Tatsuya Mihashi Martin Balsam, Richard Benjamin, Art Gilford BurtGarfunkel, Reynolds, Jack Jill Clayburgh, Candice Bergen, Charles Durning Liza Minnelli, Robert De Niro, Lionel Stander, Barry Primus Ali Macgraw, Ryan O'neal, John Marley, Ray Milland Ruth Gordon, Bud Cort, Vivian Pickles, Cyril Cusack John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Barry Ward Bond Jason Fitzgerald, Robards, George Segal, Ralph Meeker, JeanKelly, HaleJessie Cary Grant, Grace RoyceEastwood, Landis, John Clint Lee Williams Van Cleef, Gian Maria Volonté, Mario Brega United States; United Kingdom; United States; Japan; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; Italy; Spain; 1987 1984 1970 1970 1979 1977 1970 1972 1952 1967 1955 1967 31 Mayo 2015 00:15 02:30 03:55 05:35 08:30 12:05 14:30 16:35 18:20 20:10 22:00 Silverado Hondo The Naked Prey The Diary Of Anne Frank War And Peace Tora! Tora! Tora! Colors Dressed To Kill The Terminator Robocop Back To The Future 3 Silverado Hondo La presa desnuda El diario de Anna Frank La guerra y la paz Tora! Tora! Tora! Colores de guerra Vestida para matar Terminator Robocop Volver al futuro 3 Western Western Aventura Drama Drama Drama Acción Suspenso Acción Acción Aventura Kevin Kline, Scott Glenn, Kevin Costner, Rosanna Arquette John Wayne, Geraldine Page, Ward Pate Gert CornelBond, Wilde,Michael Ken Gampu, van den Bergh,Joseph PatrickSchildkraut, Mynhardt Millie Perkins, Shelley Winters, Richard Beymer Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Mel Ferrer, Vittorio Gassman Martin Balsam, Sô Yamamura, Joseph Cotten, Tatsuya Mihashi Sean Penn, Robert Duvall, Maria Conchita Alonso, Randy Brooks Michael Caine, Angie Dickinson, Nancy Keith Gordon Arnold Allen, Schwarzeneger, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton, PaulDan Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, O'Herlihy, Cox Michael J. Ronny Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Mary Steenburgen, Thomas F. United States; United States; South Africa; United States; States; United Italy; United States; United States; Japan; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; 1985 1953 1965 1959 1956 1970 1988 1980 1984 1987 1990 Kingdom; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; United States; 1931 1967 1966 1964 1962 Programación Fox Classics - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora 23:55 Alien 3 TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPANOL Alien 3 GENRE Ciencia Ficción ELENCO Sigourney Weaver, Charles Dutton, Charles Dance, Paul ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO United States; 1992 Programación Fox Comedy - Mayo 2015 FEC H A H or a T IT ULO O RIGINA L 0 1 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :2 0 S irens S 2: Let P y thons Be P y th T IT ULO ESP A NO L GENRE S irens 2 E p 7 C omedia 0 1 :4 0 S irens S 2: C harbroiled S irens 2 E p 8 C omedia 0 2 :0 5 Jackass P resents: Bad G randpa .5 E l abuelo sinv ergüenza .5 C omedia 0 3 :3 5 The F ood G uide To Lov e A mor en su punto Romance 0 5 :1 0 S omeone Like You A lguien como tú C omedia 0 6 :4 5 Roll Bounce! Roll Bounce: fiesta sobre ruedas C omedia 0 8 :4 0 G host Team O ne E quipo paranormal C omedia 1 0 :1 0 Breakaw ay Breakaw ay C omedia 1 1 :5 0 F rench Kiss Beso francés C omedia 1 3 :4 0 2 Day s in N ew York 2 Días en N uev a York Romance 1 5 :2 0 Bow finger Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 1 6 :5 5 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción 1 8 :5 0 G oon G oon C omedia 2 0 :1 5 A merican P ie 2 A merican P ie 2 C omedia 2 2 :0 0 A .C .O .D. S índrome postdiv orcio C omedia 2 3 :3 0 Identity Thief Ladrona de identidades C omedia O RIGIN ELENC O C O UNT RY M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica Johnny Knoxv ille, Jackson U nited S tates; A ÑO 2015 2015 2014 N icoll, SCpike Jonze, C atherine Richard oy le, Leonor Watling, S Bronagh A imon shley Delaney Judd, G ,reg Kinnear, S pain; Ireland; 2013 U nited S tates; 2001 H ugh M Jackman, Tomei S had oss, C hi M Marisa cBride, M ike E C pps, arlosWesley S antos,Jonathan J.R. V illarreal, U nited S tates; 2005 U nited S tates; 2013 F Romero, Tonye, C ernanda amilla Belle, Rob Low Russell eters, V irmani M eg RyPan, KevVininay Kline, C anada; India; 2011 U nited Kingdom; 1995 Timothy H utton, Reno Urance; nited SGtates; Julie Delpy , C hrisJean Rock, A lbert F ermany ; 2011 Delpy lexia Landeau Belgium; S tev e, MAartin, E ddie M urphy , U nited S tates; 1999 H eather G raham, C hristine Bruce Willis, John M alkov ich, M ary -Louise P arker, atherine S eann William S cott, CJay U nited S tates; F rance; C anada;CUanada; nited Baruchel, LievC S chreiber, Jason Biggs, hris Klein, A lison S Utates; nited S tates; Thomas Ian NRichard icholas,Jenkins, S eann A dam S cott, U nited S tates; C atherine O 'H ara, A my Jason Bateman, M elissa U nited S tates; 2013 2011 2001 2013 0 3 :0 0 Jackass P resents: Bad G randpa S uper policías C omedia E l abuelo sinv ergüenza C omedia 0 4 :3 5 Welcome To The Jungle Bienv enido a la jungla 0 6 :1 5 Zoom In: N ight A t The M useum - S ecret O f The Tomb 0 6 :2 0 V iv ir E s F acil C on Los O jos C errados Zoom In V arios V iv ir es fácil con los ojos cerrados Drama C omedia 0 8 :1 0 Breakaw ay Breakaw ay C omedia 0 9 :5 5 The Birdcage La jaula de las locas C omedia 1 1 :5 5 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción 1 3 :5 0 Be C ool Tómalo con calma C omedia 1 5 :4 5 S irens S 2: Let P y thons Be P y th S irens 2 E p 7 C omedia 1 6 :1 0 S irens S 2: C harbroiled S irens 2 E p 8 C omedia 1 6 :3 5 What's The Worst That C ould H appen? ¿Q ué más podría pasar? C omedia 1 8 :1 0 P aw n S hop C hronicles P aw n S hop C hronicles C omedia 2 0 :0 5 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción 2 2 :0 0 That A w kw ard M oment Las nov ias de mis amigos C omedia 2 3 :3 5 A merican P ie 2 A merican P ie 2 C omedia S olo amigos C omedia 0 3 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :1 5 Just F riends 0 2 :5 0 Identity Thief Ladrona de identidades C omedia 0 4 :4 0 The Best M an H oliday E l reencuentro C omedia 0 6 :5 0 Bow finger Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 0 8 :2 5 F rench Kiss Beso francés C omedia 1 0 :1 5 Kung P ow , E nter The F ist E l maestro de la Kung-fu-sión A cción 1 1 :4 0 Welcome To The Jungle Bienv enido a la jungla C omedia 1 3 :2 0 The S tarv ing G ames Los muertos del hambre C omedia 1 4 :4 5 S uper Troopers S uper policías C omedia 1 6 :3 0 G oon G oon C omedia 1 8 :0 0 E nough S aid U na segunda oportunidad C omedia 1 9 :3 5 That A w kw ard M oment Las nov ias de mis amigos C omedia 2 1 :1 0 S irens S 2: Let P y thons Be P y th S irens 2 E p 7 C omedia 2 1 :3 5 S irens S 2: C harbroiled S irens 2 E p 8 C omedia 2 2 :0 0 A dmission P roceso de admisión C omedia 2 3 :4 5 A .C .O .D. S índrome postdiv orcio 0 4 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :1 5 The H eartbreak Kid La mujer de mis pesadillas her stray ingcouple fiancé,Mbut gets M anhattan arion andinto M ingus, w ho each mov hav eiechildren When a desperate producer fails to get a major for his Retired C .I.A . agentstar F rank M oses reunites his outcast unlikelybyteam of elite Labeled an his brainy family , a bouncer ovdyercomes long The continuing baw adv entures of a group of friends after A grow n man caughtreuniting in the crossfire 2001 F iv e V ermont state troopers, av id pranksters ithing a knack fortakes a 86-y ear-oldwIrv Zisman trip from of N ebraska N orth A group office w to orkers find Jav ier C ámara, N atalia de M olina, FBelle, rancesc C amilla RobC olomer, Low e, S pain; 2013 C anada; India; 2011 Russell P eters, VNinay irmani Robin Williams, athanV Lane, G ene H ackman, Bruce Willis, JohnDianne M alkovWiest ich, U nited S tates; 1996 U nited S tates; F rance; anada; U nited SCtates; 2013 2013 2013 2014 M ary -Louise P arker, atherine John Trav olta, U ma C Thurman, V V aughn, edricinthe Mince ichael M osley ,C Kev Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M artin Law rence, Danny U nited S tates; 2005 Dev ito, John Leguizamo, Brendan F raser, M att Dillon, V incent D'O nofrio, Bruce Willis, John MThomas alkov ich, 2013 U nited S tates; U nited S tates; M aryE-Louise P arker, C atherine anada; Zac fron, M iles Teller, M ichael F Urance; nited SCtates; B. Jordan, Imogen P oots Jason Biggs, C hris Klein, U nited S tates; Thomas Ian N icholas, S eann 2015 2015 2001 2013 2014 themselv es div stranded on aproduction desert A n exciting e into the of the hottest mov ies. G et the A ntonio, a S panish schoolteacher, is also an av Cidanadian Beatles-fan. When A n ethnic hockey playhe er struggles against family A gay cabaret owtraditional ner and his drag queen agree to put up a Retiredcompanion C .I.A . agent F rank M oses reunites his unlikely team Disenchanted w ith the movofieelite industry , C hili P almer triescomedy the The second season of the that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow three C ahicago A rich manscatches thief E M Ts burglarizing hisofhome and A n anthology stories invsteals olv ingthe meth addicted hite supremacists, Retired C .I.A . w agent F rank M oses reunites his friends unlikelyfind team of elitees Three best themselv 2001 w here w e'v e allbaw been at that The continuing dy -adv entures of a group of friends reuniting after 2005 While v isiting his hometow n during C a man comes face-toMhristmas, ild-mannered businessman S andy P atterson travfriends els from Denv er to When college reunite after Ry an Rey nolds, A my S mart, A nna FBateman, aris, C hrisMM arquette Jason elissa M arthy , Jon F av reau, M cC orris C hestnut, Tay e Diggs, Regina all, Terrence ow ard S tev e MHartin, E ddie MHurphy , G ermany ; U nited S anada; Utates; nited SCtates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 1999 H G raham, hristine Meather eg Ry an, Kev in CKline, Timothy Reno F ei Lung,HSutton, tev e OJean edekerk, U nited Kingdom; U U nited nited S S tates; tates; 1995 Ling-ling H sieh, Leo Lee Jean-C laude V an Damme, A , Rob H uebel, Mdam aiara Brody Walsh, Brant U nited Kingdom; U nited nited S U S tates; tates; 2002 2013 2013 15 y ears ov er the C hristmas When a desperate mov ie producer fails to get flies a major star for A w oman to F rance tohis confront her stray ing but gets Kung P ow : Efiancé, nter the F ist is ainto mov ie w of ithin a mov ie, created A group office w orkers find to themselv es stranded a desert In this H unger G amesonspoof, Kantmiss E v ershot fight av forid F iv e V ermont statemust troopers, Daugherty , C ody C hristian, Jay C handrasekhar, Kev in U nited S tates; H effernan, S tevS e Lemme, S eann William cott, Jay P aul C anada; U nited Baruchel, Liev S chreiber, A lison U S tates; James G andolfini, Julia Louisnited S tates; 2001 Drey atherine Keener, Zac Efus, fron,C M iles Teller, M ichael U nited S tates; B. Jordan, Imogen P oots M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev , Jessica TinainF Bigley ey , P aul Rudd, M ichael U nited S tates; 2014 C omedia S S hawJenkins, n A heen, dam SWallace cott, Richard C atherine O 'H ara, A my U nited S tates; 2013 is fornaman major promotion a A up grow caught in the takes crossfire of his parents' 15-y ear div orce C omedia 2007 When the single and indecisiv e E meets the sexyfamily and beautiful A ddie seemingly perfect mov es into a suburban neighborhood, In small-tow n Texas, the local but 2011 2013 2015 2015 2013 A mor por contrato C omedia Bernie C omedia 0 6 :2 5 Zoom In: N ight A t The M useum - S ecret O f The Tomb In: Dumb & Dumber To 0 6 :3 5 Zoom Zoom In V arios Ben S tiller, M alin A kerman, U nited S tates; M ichelle M onaghan, JerryM oore, U nited S tates; Dav id Duchov ny , Demi A mber H eard, Ben M acLaine, Jack Black, S hirley U nited S tates; M atthew M cC onaughey , Brady V arios Zoom In V arios V arios 2014 0 6 :4 0 A ll I Want F or C hristmas E l mejor regalo F amiliar 1991 0 8 :1 5 It Takes Tw o Doble de amor C omedia 1 0 :0 0 Dieta M editerranea Leslie N ielsen, Lauren Bacall, U nited S tates; Kev in NOealon, S heridan U nited S tates; A shley lsen, Jamey M ary -Kate O liv lsen, S olina, tev e GAuttenberg, O ia M lfonso S pain; Bassav P aco León, M orris Ce,hestnut, Tay eC armen Diggs, Regina H all, John Terrence H ow ard Bruce Willis, M alkov ich, U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; F rance; anada; U nited SCtates; 2013 2013 Dieta mediterranea C omedia 1 1 :4 0 The Best M an H oliday E l reencuentro C omedia 1 3 :4 5 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción 1 5 :4 0 P aw n S hop C hronicles P aw n S hop C hronicles C omedia 1 7 :3 5 What's The Worst That C ould H appen? ¿Q ué más podría pasar? C omedia 1 9 :1 5 Identity Thief Ladrona de identidades C omedia 2 1 :0 5 The H eartbreak Kid La mujer de mis pesadillas C omedia 2 3 :0 0 S irens S 2: Transcendual S irens 2 E p 9 C omedia 2 3 :2 0 S irens S 2: S ix F eet O v er/ U nder S irens 2 E p 10 C omedia 2 3 :4 5 Be C ool Tómalo con calma M ary -Louise P arker, atherine Brendan F raser, M attCDillon, V D'Orence, nofrio,Danny Thomas Mincent artin Law 2010 2011 2014 1995 2009 U nited S tates; 2001 Dev ito, John Leguizamo, Jason Bateman, M elissa U nited S tates; M cC S arthy F av reau, Ben tiller,, Jon M alin A kerman, U nited S tates; M Mosley onaghan, M ichelle ichael M , KevJerry in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; 2013 C omedia Kev Bigley , Jessica JohninTrav olta, U ma Thurman, V ince V aughn, C edric the U nited S tates; 2005 S irens 2 E p 9 C omedia 2015 0 2 :0 5 S irens S 2: S ix F eet O v er/ U nder S irens 2 E p 10 C omedia 0 2 :3 0 Barney 's V ersion E l mundo según Barney C omedia M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev , Jessica P aulinGBigley iamatti, Dustin Hoffman, C anada; Italy ; 0 4 :4 0 Beauty S hop S alón de belleza C omedia E ntre copas C omedia 0 8 :3 5 The Birdcage La jaula de las locas Rosamund P ike,A M innie Driv er U nited S tates; Q ueen Latifah, licia S A ndie M acDow ell, U nited S tates; P ilv aulerstone, G iamatti, Thomas H aden C hurch, V irginiaNMathan adsen, H ungary Robin Williams, Lane, U nited S ;tates; 2005 0 6 :2 5 S idew ay s G eneidHDuchov ackman, Dav ny Dianne , Demi Wiest M oore, U nited S tates; A mber H eard, Ben M acLaine, Jack Black, S hirley U nited S tates; M atthew M cC onaughey Reese Witherspoon, Luke, Brady U nited S tates; Wilson, S elma Brant Blair, M atthew M aiara Walsh, U nited S tates; 2010 Daugherty , C odyMCelissa hristian, Jason Bateman, M arthy , Jon F avCreau, M cC organ F reeman, hristopher U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2009 Walken, William acy , Dav id Duchov nyH, .VMera F armiga, P hillips, Keri Tina F ey ,GPraham aul Rudd, M ichael U nited S tates; 2011 U nited S tates; 2013 C omedia 2007 2015 2015 2015 2010 2004 1996 A mor por contrato C omedia 1 2 :1 5 Bernie Bernie C omedia 1 3 :5 5 Legally Blonde Legalmente rubia C omedia 1 5 :3 0 The S tarv ing G ames Los muertos del hambre C omedia 1 7 :0 0 Identity Thief Ladrona de identidades C omedia 1 8 :5 0 The M aiden H eist U n crimen nada perfecto C omedia 2 0 :2 5 G oats G oat M an: E l hombre de las cabras C omedia 2 2 :0 0 A dmission P roceso de admisión C omedia 2 3 :4 5 10 Years Diez años después C omedia S Wallace S haw n P ratt, C heen, hanning Tatum, C hris O scar Isaac, Jenna Dew an- U nited S tates; 2011 M i nov io es un zombie C omedia 2013 E quipo paranormal C omedia N icholas H oult, Teresa P almer, U nited S tates; A Tipton, Rob C orddry U nited S tates; C naleigh arlos S antos, J.R. V illarreal, F Romero, CTony Mernanda organ F reeman, hristopher U nited S tates; Walken, V arios William H . M acy , A lan S abbagh, P ablo Lev y , P rinszpan, M artínH aden P aula aul GGiamatti, Thomas A rgentina; 2012 U nited S tates; H U ungary nited S ;tates; 2007 C olombia; 2014 0 4 :3 0 The M aiden H eist U n crimen nada perfecto 0 6 :0 5 Zoom In: N ight A t The M useum - S ecret O f The Tomb 0 6 :1 0 M asterplan Zoom In V arios M asterplan C omedia C omedia 0 7 :3 5 S idew ay s E ntre copas 0 9 :4 5 Reno 911! M iami Reno 911 M iami: la película C omedia 1 1 :1 0 Todas P ara U no Todas para uno C omedia 1 2 :4 0 Warm Bodies M i nov io es un zombie C omedia 1 4 :1 5 10 Years C omedia Diez años después C omedia 1 6 :0 0 S irens S 2: Transcendual S irens 2 E p 9 C omedia 1 6 :2 5 S irens S 2: S ix F eet O v er/ U nder S irens 2 E p 10 C omedia 1 6 :5 0 Barney 's V ersion E l mundo según Barney C omedia 1 9 :0 0 Borat: C ultural Learnings O f A merica F or M ake lorious N ation O f Kazakhstan 2 0 :2 5 Benefit Legally G Blonde Borat C omedia Legalmente rubia C omedia 2 2 :0 0 The Right Kind O f Wrong E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia 2 3 :3 5 P lay ing F or Keeps Jugando por amor C omedia C hurch,Dev V irginia M adsen, Danny ito, Kerri Kenney , Thomas S antiagoLennon, A larcón,Wendi Jessica 2011 2001 2013 2013 2009 2014 2004 2013 Kev , Jessica P aulinGBigley iamatti, Dustin Hoffman, C anada; Italy ; Rosamund P ike, M innie S acha Baron C ohen, KenDriv er U nited S tates; Dav itian, Luenell, C hester Reese Witherspoon, Luke U nited S tates; 2010 U ma Thurman, C atherine Zeta- pursue the man she's Three best friends findinterested themselv in es w here w e'v e all been - at comedy that The second season of the that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s three C hicago E M Ts A P rinceton admissions officer w ho mortician strikes friendship A n exciting div e up intoa the production of hottest ies.the G et the A nthe exciting divmov e into production of hottest ies. G etisthe A llthe I Want F ormov C hristmas a comedy tw o N ew York A manda about is an orphan. H er caseC ity w orker,story Diane, lovbest es her S ofia's , the chefbut theshe w orld, college and thefriends tw o men w hoafter When reunite 15 y earsC ov C hristmas Retired .I.Aer. the agent F rank M oses reunites his unlikely team A n anthology of stories invofolvelite ing meth w hitea supremacists, A richaddicted man catches thief burglarizing his home and steals the M ild-mannered businessman S andy P atterson elsand from Denv er When the trav single indecisiv e to E ddiesecond meetsseason the sexy beautiful The of and the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s three hicago Disenchanted w ithCthe movEieM Ts The that The that The second season of the comedy follow three C of hicago E M Ts seconds season the comedy follow s three C hicago E Mstory Ts picaresque and touching of theispolitically incorrect, fully liv G ina a hairsty list w ho opens uped a beauty shop full of middle employ age ees and Tw o men reaching w ith not much to show but and his drag A gay cabaret ow ner queen companion agree to put A seemingly perfect family movupesa into a suburban neighborhood, In small-tow n Texas, the local but mortician strikessorority up a friendship When a blonde queen is dumped by herGboy friend, she In this H unger ames spoof, Kantmiss E v ershot must fightSfor M ild-mannered businessman andy P trav els from Denvare er to C atterson harles, Roger and G eorge the vA ery picturehas of honest teenager to movsecurity e from the maternal home to a distant C ollege, A P rinceton admissions officer w ho is for a promotion A up group ofmajor friends, a decadetakes later,a still hav en't quite grow n up. Jake C Riaño, M aría U nited S tates; N ediel, icholasAHlejandro oult, Teresa P almer, A C orddry C naleigh hanningTipton, Tatum,Rob C hris P ratt, U nited S tates; O scar Isaac, Jenna Dew anM ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Wilson, S elma Ry an Kw anten,Blair, S araMCatthew anning, Will S asso, C atherine 'H ara G erard Butler, Jessica OBiel, pranksters ith a knack Labeled an w outcast by hisfor brainy family , a bouncer longto A div orced w omanovwercomes ho decides industry , C hili P almer tries the 1 0 :3 5 The Joneses 0 3 :0 0 G host Team O ne ghosts both fall in lovhockey e w ith a girler A n ethnic C anadian play struggles A w omanagainst flies totraditional F rance to family confront Jay C handrasekhar, Kev in U nited S tates; H effernan, S tev e Lemme, Johnny Knoxv ille, Jackson P aul U nited S tates; N icoll, G reg H arris, G eorgina Jean-C laude V an Damme, U nited Kingdom; A U nited S tates; V dam arios Brody , Rob H uebel, 0 4 :4 5 Bernie 0 6 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :2 5 Warm Bodies a talkshow talentroller-skating scout w ritesrink a When their local closes dow n, a group of teenagers Tw o roommates deathly afraid of of his parents' 15-y ear div orce M ild-mannered businessman S andy P atterson trav els from Denv er to 0 3 :0 5 The Joneses 0 5 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :4 5 S irens S 2: Transcendual w includes ov er 40 A hich romantic comedy set minutes in Dublinof about a trendsetting food A fter being jilted by Irish her boy friend, 2013 M cC arthy , Jon F av reau, 0 2 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :2 0 S uper Troopers SY NO P SIS_ENGLISH The second season of the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s vthree Ts A n unrated ersionC hicago of Bad EGM randpa 2011 2015 2015 2006 2001 C anada; 2013 U nited S tates; 2012 A fter a highly unusual zombie sav a still-liv ingdeathly girl from an of Tw oesroommates afraid ghosts both fall and in lovGeeorge w ith are a girl C harles, Roger the vA ery picturediv ofehonest security n exciting into the production of the hottest ies. et the life, M ariano, boredmov w ith hisGnormal is by his brother lawwinto Twtempted o men reaching middleinage ith not much to show but cops are A rag-tag team of Reno called in to sav e isthe dayofafter a P lay boy M artin tired flirting w ith so many w omen. zombie S o he A fter a highly unusual sav es a still-liv ing girl from anlater, A group of friends, a decade still en't season quite grow n up. Jake Thehav second of the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that s three C hicago E Mstory Ts The follow picaresque and touching of the politically incorrect, fully isliv ed Kazakh TV talking head Borat dispatched to the U nitedqueen S tatesisto When a blonde sorority dumped by hermade boy friend, A dishw asher famousshe for his many flawsports s andstar shortcomings in his A former w ho's fallen on hard times starts coaching his son's Programación Fox Comedy - Mayo 2015 FEC H A H or a T IT ULO O RIGINA L 0 7 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :2 0 Baggage C laim 0 3 :0 0 The Big Wedding T IT ULO ESP A NO L 30 días y 30 mil millas C omedia Tay e Diggs, Jill SDiane cott Keaton, Robert De N iro, Katherine H eigl, A manda C omedia Jason Biggs, C hris Klein, Thomas Documenta V arios Ian N icholas, S eann lC omedia Kristin C henow eth, M atthew A merican P ie 2 0 6 :1 0 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año F in de semana en familia E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia 1 0 :3 0 Just F riends S olo amigos C omedia 1 2 :0 5 The F ood G uide To Lov e A mor en su punto Romance 1 3 :4 0 G oon G oon C omedia 1 5 :1 0 Identity Thief Ladrona de identidades 1 7 :0 0 Last V egas Ú ltimo v iaje a Las V egas C omedia 1 8 :5 0 M ov ie 43 P roy ecto 43 C omedia 2 0 :2 5 Jackass P resents: Bad G randpa E l abuelo sinv ergüenza C omedia 2 2 :0 0 The World's E nd U na noche en el fin del mundo C omedia 2 3 :4 5 A nchorman: The Legend C ontinues A l diablo con las noticias 2 C omedia S irens 2 E p 9 C omedia 0 2 :0 5 S irens S 2: S ix F eet O v er/ U nder S irens 2 E p 10 C omedia 0 2 :3 0 Last V egas Ú ltimo v iaje a Las V egas C omedia 0 4 :1 5 Zoom In: Dumb & Dumber To Zoom In 0 4 :2 5 Zoom In: Daw n O f The P lanet O f The A pes Zoom In 0 4 :3 0 Red 2 RE D 2 0 6 :3 0 Zoom In: N ight A t The M useum - S ecret O f The Tomb 0 6 :3 5 G oon Zoom In V arios G oon C omedia 0 8 :1 0 The Joneses A mor por contrato C omedia 0 9 :5 0 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción 1 1 :4 0 M ov ie 43 P roy ecto 43 C omedia 1 3 :2 0 The S tarv ing G ames Los muertos del hambre C omedia 1 4 :4 5 S uper Troopers S uper policías C omedia 1 6 :3 0 Identity Thief C omedia M lesy a SRulin, Ryodine, an KwOanten, ara CJoey anning, Will S asso, C atherine ara Ry an Rey nolds, A my OS'H mart, A nna F aris, C hris M arquette Richard C oy le, Leonor Watling, S Bronagh S imon eann Delaney William S, cott, Jay U nited S tates; 2001 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 C anada; 2013 G ermany ; U nited S pain; tates;Ireland; C anada; S 2005 2013 2011 2013 2013 U nited S tates; 2012 U nited S tates; 2013 Nimon icoll, G eorgina S P reg egg,HNarris, ick FGrost, P addy U nited Kingdom; C onsidine, Will F errell, MSartin tev e FCreeman arell, P aul U U nited nited S S tates; tates; Rudd, Dav id Koechner 2013 2013 2014 A cción Bruce Willis, John M alkov ich, M ary -Louise P arker, C atherine V arios C omedia C omedia C omedia 2 2 :0 0 That A w kw ard M oment Las nov ias de mis amigos C omedia 2 3 :3 5 A merican P ie 2 A merican P ie 2 C omedia A prendices fuera de línea C omedia 0 3 :1 5 The H eartbreak Kid La mujer de mis pesadillas C omedia 0 5 :0 5 S uper Troopers S uper policías C omedia 0 6 :5 0 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año U na segunda oportunidad M ary -Louise C atherine Richard G ere,P arker, G reg Kinnear, E tone, Kate Mmma aiara SWalsh, BrantWinslet U nited S tates; 2001 Tw o salesmen w hose careers hav e been digitaleage Whentorpedoed the single by andthe indecisiv E ddie sexytroopers, and beautiful F iv e Vmeets ermontthe state av id C anada; 2013 Will C atherine G ail SOasso, 'G rady , DanielaO 'H ara Bobadilla, Betsy Brandt, Julie Richard C oy le, Leonor Watling, U nited S tates; 2014 S irens 2 E p 10 C omedia C omedia E l gran casamiento C omedia C hicas armadas y peligrosas A cción 0 4 :4 0 Jackass P resents: Bad G randpa E l abuelo sinv ergüenza C omedia 0 6 :1 5 Reno 911! M iami Reno 911 M iami: la película C omedia 0 7 :3 5 F amily Weekend F in de semana en familia C omedia 0 9 :2 0 I G iv e It A Year Les doy un año 1 0 :5 5 The Big Wedding E l gran casamiento C omedia 1 2 :2 5 A merican P ie 2 A merican P ie 2 C omedia C omedia 1 4 :0 5 S uper Troopers S uper policías C omedia 1 5 :5 0 The World's E nd U na noche en el fin del mundo C omedia 1 7 :3 5 That A w kw ard M oment Las nov ias de mis amigos C omedia 1 9 :1 0 The H eat C hicas armadas y peligrosas A cción 2 1 :1 0 S irens S 2: Transcendual S irens 2 E p 9 C omedia S irens 2 E p 10 C omedia 2 2 :0 0 A nchorman: The Legend C ontinues A l diablo con las noticias 2 C omedia 2 3 :5 0 The Internship A prendices fuera de línea C omedia 2013 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 S pain; Ireland; S Mimon ichaelDelaney M osley ,, Bronagh Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Danes, Bigley , Diane JessicaKeaton, C laire U nited S tates; Rachel M cA dams, Dermot Ry an Rey nolds, A my S mart, A C hris M arquette G nna erardF aris, Butler, Jessica Biel, 2013 G ermany ; U nited S tates; anada; U nited SCtates; 2013 2015 2015 2005 2005 2012 Ú ltimo v iaje a Las V egas C omedia 0 3 :3 5 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción 0 5 :3 0 M ov ie 43 P roy ecto 43 C omedia 0 7 :0 5 Dr. Dolittle 2 Dr. Dolittle 2 C omedia 0 8 :3 0 It Takes Tw o Doble de amor C omedia 1 0 :1 5 Roll Bounce! Roll Bounce: fiesta sobre ruedas C omedia 1 2 :0 5 E nough S aid U na segunda oportunidad C omedia 1 3 :4 0 The F amily S tone La joy a de la familia C omedia 1 5 :2 0 The Big Wedding E l gran casamiento C omedia 1 6 :5 0 The Right Kind O f Wrong E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia 1 8 :3 0 M others O f The Bride Las madres de la nov ia Romance 2 0 :0 0 Kung P ow , E nter The F ist E l maestro de la Kung-fu-sión A cción 2 1 :2 5 M ov ie 43 P roy ecto 43 C omedia 2 3 :0 0 S irens S 2: S ub-P rimal F ears S irens Temp 2 C ap 11 C omedia 2 3 :3 0 S irens S 2: N o Lov e S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia S e v iv e mejor con la química C omedia 0 1 :3 5 S irens S 2: S ub-P rimal F ears S irens Temp 2 C ap 11 C omedia 0 2 :0 5 S irens S 2: N o Lov e S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia 0 2 :3 5 The Last Kiss E l último beso C omedia 0 4 :2 0 2 Day s in N ew York 2 Días en N uev a York Romance 0 6 :1 5 C eremony La ceremonia C omedia 0 7 :4 5 G host Team O ne E quipo paranormal C omedia 0 9 :1 5 Todas P ara U no Todas para uno C omedia 1 0 :4 5 The M aiden H eist U n crimen nada perfecto C omedia 1 2 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 0 :0 0 Better Liv ing Through C hemistry 1 2 :1 5 2 Day s in N ew York 2 Días en N uev a York Romance 1 3 :5 0 C opa De E lite C opa de E lite C omedia 1 5 :3 5 C loud 9 U n E quipo De E nsueño C omedia 1 7 :1 0 S uper Troopers S uper policías C omedia 1 8 :5 0 G oats G oat M an: E l hombre de las cabras C omedia 2 0 :2 5 Better Liv ing Through C hemistry S e v iv e mejor con la química C omedia 2 2 :0 0 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción films saG w ames ashed-up producer In thisfollow H unger spoof, Kantmiss E v ershot fight av forid F iv e V ermont statemust troopers, pranksters w ith businessman a knack for S andy M ild-mannered P atterson travbehind els from Denv With the 70s him, S aner to Diego's top-something rated new sman, Three sixty friendsRon take a breakbest from their find day -to-day lives es Three friends themselv pranksters w ithstars a knack for in this The films and of 2013 end y earwspecial. A divoforced oman w ho decides to pursue man she'sfamous interested in A dishwthe asher made for his many s and shortcomings in his Jenna flaw w ants a marriage just like her adoptiv ecomedy motherset Debra. But all A romantic in Dublin about a trendsetting The second season ofIrish the food comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s conserv three C ativ hicago A n uptight, e, E M Ts businessw oman her While v isiting hisaccompanies hometow n during C a man comes A hristmas, former sports star w ho'sface-tofallen on U maSThurman, Zeta- U nited S tates; Ben tiller, M alinC atherine A kerman, M ichelle M onaghan, JerryA nna U nited Kingdom; Rose By rne, Rafe S pall, F aris, S imon Baker P aula P atton, Derek Luke, U nited S tates; Tay e Diggs, Jill S cott 2007 2013 deliriously despitefrom their being P ledging tohappy keep herself the oldest and the only w oman in Robert De N iro, Diane Keaton, Katherine H eigl, M A elissa manda S andra Bullock, M cC arthy , Demian Bichir, Johnny Knoxv ille, Jackson U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 A long-div orced couple fakes being married as their A n uptight F BI Sfamily pecial unites A gent for is a paired w ith aIrvfoul-mouthed Boston 86-y ear-old ing Zisman takes a N icoll, GDev reg ito, H arris, eorgina , Danny KerriGKenney Thomas Lennon, Wendi Kristin C henow eth, M atthew U nited S tates; 2007 U nited S tates; 2013 M odine, O lesy a Rulin, Rose By rne, Rafe S pall,Joey A nna F aris, SDe imon Baker Robert N iro, Diane Keaton, U nited Kingdom; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 Katherine H eigl, A manda Jason Biggs, C hris Klein, Thomas Ian N icholas,Kev S eann Jay C handrasekhar, in U nited S tates; 2001 U nited S tates; 2001 Himon effernan, S tev e Lemme, P aul U nited Kingdom; S P egg, N ick F rost, P addy C onsidine, Miles artinTeller, F reeman Zac E fron, M M ichael U U nited nited S S tates; tates; B. Jordan, Imogen P oots S andra Bullock, M elissa U nited S tates; M arthy Demian M cC ichael M,osley , KevBichir, in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica Will F errell, S tev e C arell, P aul U nited S tates; Rudd, id Koechner V ince VDav aughn, O w en Wilson, U nited S tates; 2013 2013 2014 2013 2015 2015 2013 2013 Rose By rne, A asif M andv i 1 1 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :5 0 Last V egas into a suburban neighborhood, but Retired C .I.A . agent F rank M oses reunites unlikely team of elite A series his of interconnected short 2007 La joy a de la familia C omedia 2013 of the hottest mov ies. G etbrainy the Labeled an outcast by his family , a bouncer ov family ercomes long A seemingly perfect mov es U nited S tates; 1 4 :5 5 The F amily S tone 30 días y 30 mil millas 2010 of the hottest ies.F G et the Retired C .I.A .mov agent rank M oses reunites his div unlikely of elite A n exciting e intoteam the production w here w e'v e allbaw been at that The continuing dy -adv entures of a group of friends reuniting after 1 4 :3 0 S irens S 2: S ix F eet O v er/ U nder 2 3 :3 5 Baggage C laim 2011 2013 Romance C omedia 2013 2014 a from daythe -to-day liv es A nbreak exciting divtheir e into production of hottest ies.the G et the A nthe exciting divmov e into production 2001 C omedia C omedia 2013 The second season of the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow three C hicago E Mtake Ts Three sixtys-something friends U nited S tates; S irens 2 E p 9 Les doy un año 2015 V ince V aughn, O w en Wilson, RoseSBy rne,MAalin asifAM andv i Ben tiller, kerman, A mor en su punto La mujer de mis pesadillas 2015 2014 1 4 :0 5 S irens S 2: Transcendual 2 2 :0 0 I G iv e It A Year trip N ebraska to N orth F iv efrom friends w ho reunite in an attempt top their epic With the to 70s behind him,pub S ancraw l N iro,E fron, M organ F reeman, Kev in U nited S tates; Zac M iles Teller, M ichael B. Jordan, Imogen P oots Jason Biggs, C hris Klein, U nited S tates; Thomas Ian N icholas, S eann 1 2 :3 0 The F ood G uide To Lov e 2 0 :0 5 The H eartbreak Kid a their day -to-day A break series from of interconnected shortliv es films follow sIrv aw ashed-up producer 86-y ear-old ing Zisman takes a 2001 Romance C omedia family , a bouncer ov ercomesSlong M ild-mannered businessman andy P atterson els from friends Denv ertake to Three sixtytrav -something Daugherty , C ody C hristian, Jay C handrasekhar, Kev in U nited S tates; H effernan, S tev eMLemme, Jason Bateman, elissa P aul U nited S tates; M cC arthy , Jon F av reau, Will F errell, S tev e C arell, P aul U nited S tates; Rudd, id Koechner M ichaelDav Douglas, Robert De U nited S tates; E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia C man comes A hristmas, romantic acomedy set inface-toDublin about a trendsetting Labeled an outcast byIrish his food brainy 2013 Las madres de la nov ia Jugando por amor hostage after they her big A dishw asher mademiss famous for his many s and in his While vflaw isiting his shortcomings hometow n during 2012 1 1 :0 0 M others O f The Bride S olo amigos of a group of friends The films and stars ofreuniting 2013 in after this end of year-old ear special. A 16-y girl takes her parents U nited S tates; 0 9 :2 0 The Right Kind O f Wrong 1 8 :1 5 P lay ing F or Keeps P ledging to keep herself from being the oldest and only fakes w oman in A long-div orcedthe couple being married as theirbaw family unites for a The continuing dy adv entures F anada; Urance; nited SCtates; M ichelle M onaghan, Jerry Jay C handrasekhar, Kev in S tev e Lemme, P aul Documenta H V effernan, arios lC omedia James G andolfini, Julia LouisDrey atherine Keener, C omedia Ry anfus, Kw C anten, S ara C anning, 1 6 :4 0 Just F riends U nited S tates; F rance; C anada; S eann William S cott, Jay C anada; U nited Baruchel, Liev ny S chreiber, lison S Dav id Duchov , Demi MAoore, Utates; nited S tates; A mberWillis, H eard, BenM alkov ich, Bruce John U nited S tates; SY NO P SIS_ENGLISH Diego's top rated new sman, Ron 2014 A l diablo con las noticias 2 2 1 :3 5 S irens S 2: S ix F eet O v er/ U nder 2013 V arios Ú ltimo v iaje a Las V egas 0 2 :4 0 The H eat 2013 U nited S tates; V arios Ladrona de identidades 1 0 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :1 0 The Big Wedding U nited S tates; C anada; U nited Baruchel, Liev S chreiber, S tates; Jason Bateman, M elissa A lison U nited S tates; M cC arthy , Jon F av reau, M ichael Douglas, Robert De U nited S tates; N iro, M organ Kev in Richard G ere, FGreeman, reg Kinnear, E mma SKnoxv tone, ille, KateJackson Winslet Johnny A ÑO V arios 2 0 :1 5 Last V egas 0 7 :4 5 E nough S aid O RIGIN C O UNT RY M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael Douglas, Robert De U nited S tates; N V iro, ariosM organ F reeman, Kev in 1 8 :2 0 A nchorman: The Legend C ontinues 0 9 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :1 5 The Internship P aula P atton, Derek Luke, C omedia 0 8 :5 0 The Right Kind O f Wrong 0 8 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :4 0 S irens S 2: Transcendual ELENC O E l gran casamiento 0 4 :3 0 A merican P ie 2 0 7 :0 5 F amily Weekend GENRE M ichael Douglas, Robert De N iro, MWillis, organJohn F reeman, Bruce M alkovKev ich,in M ary -Louise C atherine Richard G ere,P arker, G reg Kinnear, U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; F rance; anada; U nited SCtates; 2012 2013 E tone, ,Kate Winslet E mma ddie MSurphy C edric The U nited S tates; E Ky M la ary P ratt, Rav en- U nited S tates; A ntertainer, shley O lsen, -Kate O lsen, S tev e G uttenberg, S had M oss, C hi M cBride, M ike U nited S tates; E pps, Wesley Jonathan James G andolfini, Julia LouisU nited S tates; 2001 Drey C atherine C lairefus, Danes, DianeKeener, Keaton, Rachel Dermot Robert M DecANdams, iro, Diane Keaton, U nited S tates; 2005 U nited S tates; 2013 Katherine H eigl, SAara manda Ry an Kw anten, C anning, Will C atherine G ail SOasso, 'G rady , DanielaO 'H ara C anada; 2013 U nited S tates; 2014 Bobadilla, Brandt, Julie F ei Lung, SBetsy tev e O edekerk, Ling-ling sieh,GLeo Lee Richard GHere, reg Kinnear, U nited S tates; 2002 U nited S tates; E tone, Mmma ichaelSM osleyKate , KevWinslet in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica 2012 S am Rockw ell, O liv ia Wilde, M Mosley onaghan, Liotta M ichelle ichael M , KevRay in Daniels, Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, 1995 2005 2013 2015 2015 2015 U nited S tates; 2015 2014 Kev BigleyJacinda , Jessica ZachinBraff, Barrett, U nited S tates; C aseyDelpy A ffleck, Rachel Julie , C hris Rock,Bilson A lbert F rance; G ermany ; Delpy , A lexia Landeau Belgium; M ichael A ngarano, U ma U nited S tates; 2006 Thurman, Reece Thompson, C arlos S antos, J.R. V illarreal, F Tony S ernanda antiago ARomero, larcón, Jessica 2013 C olombia; C M aría U nited S tates; Mediel, organ AF lejandro reeman, Riaño, C hristopher Walken, William H . M acy , Julie Delpy , C hris Rock, A lbert F rance; G ermany ; Delpy Belgium; M arcos, AV lexia eras, Landeau Julia Rabello, Brazil; 2011 2010 2014 2009 2011 2014 Rafinha Burt ReyBastos, nolds, ABento ngie ERibeiro v erhart, U nited S tates; G abrielle Reece, D.L.Kev H ughley Jay C handrasekhar, in U nited S tates; H effernan, S tev e Lemme, P aul U nited S tates; Dav id Duchov ny , V era F G raham P hillips, Keri U nited S tates; S armiga, am Rockw ell, O liv ia Wilde, 2006 M ichelle M onaghan, Ray ich, Liotta Bruce Willis, John M alkov M ary -Louise P arker, C atherine 2013 U nited nited S Kingdom; U tates; F rance; C anada; trip from Nteam ebraska to N orth A rag-tag of Reno cops are called to savgirl e the dayher after a A 16-yinear-old takes parents hostage they N miss her Josh big are N ew ly w after ed couple at and deliriously happycouple despite theirbeing A long-div orced fakes married as theirbaw family unites for a The continuing dy adv entures of of friends reuniting av after F ivaegroup V ermont state troopers, id pranksters ithhoa reunite knack for F iv e friendsw w in an attempt to top theirfind epicthemselv pub craw Three best friends esl w w e'vFeBIallSbeen thatis A nhere uptight pecial- Aatgent paired w ith aseason foul-mouthed Boston The second of the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that s three C hicago With follow the 70s behind him, S E anM Ts Diego's top rated new sman, Tw o salesmen w hose careersRon hav e been torpedoed by the digital age Three sixty -something friends take a break Cfrom dayF -to-day liv es Retired .I.A their . agent rank M oses reunites unlikely team of elite A series his of interconnected short films follow s asav we ashed-up Dolittle must a forest producer and a bear's an orphan. H er case A manda w orker, Diane, es her but she When their locallov roller-skating rink closes dow n, group of teenagers A div orced wa oman w ho decides to pursue the man she's interested in A n uptight, conserv ativ e, businessw her A long-div oman orced accompanies couple fakes being married their family unitesfor forhis a A dishw as asher made famous many s and shortcomings in his Jenna flaw w ants a marriage just like her adoptiv Kung P ow : eE mother nter theDebra. F ist is aBut all mov ie w of ithin a mov ie, created A series interconnected short to films follow sseason a w ashed-up producer The second of the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s three C hicago E M Ts U nited S tates; U U nited nited Kingdom; S tates; U nited S tates; hard startsand coaching his eson's Whentimes the single indecisiv E the sexy Nddie ew lymeets w ed couple N atand andbeautiful Josh are 2001 2011 2014 A strait-laced pharmacist's unev entful life spirals control The second season of out the of comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s three C hicago E M Ts A successful man w ith a perfect girlfriend and a lucrativ e outlook M anhattan couple M arion and on M ingus, w hoare each Tw o friends offhav on ea children w eekend outing. M arshall thinks theafraid trip isofto Tw o roommates deathly ghosts both fall in ew a girl P lay boy M artin is lov tired ofith flirting w ith so many omen. S o he C harles, Rogerwand G eorge are the vMery picturecouple of honest security anhattan M arion and M w ho eachBrazilian hav e children A ingus, spoof of recent mov ies, w main focus on thestar 2014 F IF A A ith w ashed out former in need of has astate get troopers, rich plan start F ivmoney e V ermont av id a pranksters ith a A teenagerwhas toknack mov efor from the maternal home to a distant C ollege, A strait-laced pharmacist's unev entful life. spirals of M control Retired C .I.A agent Fout rank oses reunites his unlikely team of elite Programación Fox Comedy - Mayo 2015 FEC H A H or a T IT ULO O RIGINA L 2 3 :5 0 Last V egas 1 3 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :3 5 A nchorman: The Legend C ontinues T IT ULO ESP A NO L Ú ltimo v iaje a Las V egas GENRE ELENC O C omedia M ichael Douglas, Robert De N iro, M organ F reeman, Kev in O RIGIN C O UNT RY U nited S tates; A ÑO SY NO P SIS_ENGLISH 2013 Three sixty -something friends take a break from their day -to-day liv es U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2001 U nited S tates; 2014 With the 70s behind him, S an Diego's top rated new Ron The continuing baw dy sman, adv entures of group ofv ersion friendsofreuniting after A naunrated Bad G randpa A l diablo con las noticias 2 C omedia 0 3 :3 0 A merican P ie 2 A merican P ie 2 C omedia 0 5 :2 0 Jackass P resents: Bad G randpa .5 E l abuelo sinv ergüenza .5 C omedia Will F errell, S tev e C arell, P aul Rudd, Dav id CKoechner Jason Biggs, hris Klein, Thomas Ian Nille, icholas, S eann Johnny Knoxv Jackson 0 6 :5 0 Zoom In: Dumb & Dumber To Zoom In V arios N V icoll, arios S pike Jonze, C atherine 2014 0 6 :5 5 Zoom In: N ight A t The M useum - S ecret O f The Tomb In: H ow To Train Your Dragon 2 0 7 :0 5 Zoom Zoom In V arios V arios 2014 Zoom In V arios V arios 0 7 :1 0 Roll Bounce! Roll Bounce: fiesta sobre ruedas C omedia 0 9 :0 5 Barbershop La barbería C omedia S had M oss, C hi M cBride, M ike E pps, Wesley Jonathan Ice C ube, A nthony A nderson, 1 0 :5 0 Dr. Dolittle 2 Dr. Dolittle 2 C omedia 1 2 :2 0 Breakaw ay Breakaw ay C omedia 1 4 :0 5 Kung P ow , E nter The F ist E l maestro de la Kung-fu-sión A cción 1 5 :3 0 S irens S 2: S ub-P rimal F ears S irens Temp 2 C ap 11 C omedia 1 6 :0 5 S irens S 2: N o Lov e S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia 1 6 :3 5 Dieta M editerránea Dieta mediterránea C omedia 1 8 :1 5 10 Years Diez años después C omedia 2 0 :0 0 Be C ool Tómalo con calma C omedia 2 2 :0 0 The Last Kiss E l último beso C omedia 2 3 :4 5 P aw n S hop C hronicles P aw n S hop C hronicles C omedia 1 4 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :3 5 The F ood G uide To Lov e A mor en su punto Romance 0 3 :1 0 Bow finger Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 0 4 :4 5 C loud 9 U n E quipo De E nsueño C omedia 0 6 :2 0 It Takes Tw o Doble de amor C omedia 0 8 :0 0 A ll I Want F or C hristmas E l mejor regalo F amiliar 0 9 :3 0 H appy C hristmas F eliz N av idad C omedia 1 0 :5 5 C eremony La ceremonia C omedia 1 2 :2 5 Bow finger Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 1 4 :0 0 Todas P ara U no Todas para uno C omedia 1 5 :3 0 The M aiden H eist U n crimen nada perfecto C omedia 2014 U nited S tates; U nited S tates; S Ev e E ean ddie PMatrick urphyThomas, , C edric The U nited S tates; E ntertainer, Ky la P ratt, Rav enC amilla Belle, Rob Low e, C anada; India; Russell P eters, inay V irmani U nited S tates; F ei Lung, S tev eV O edekerk, Ling-ling Hosley sieh, ,Leo M ichael M KevLee in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica O liv ia M olina, A lfonso S pain; 2006 U nited S tates; 2013 girlfriend and aoflucrativ outlook A n anthology storieseinv olv ingon meth addicted w hite supremacists, 2013 A romantic comedy set in Dublin about Irish food When a a trendsetting desperate mov ie producer fails to get out a major star forinhis A w ashed former star need Richard C oy le, Leonor Watling, S pain; Ireland; S Delaney Bronagh S imon tev e M artin, E,ddie M urphy , U nited S tates; H eather raham, C hristine Burt Rey G nolds, A ngie E v erhart, U nited S tates; G H ughley U nited S tates; A abrielle shley O Reece, lsen, M D.L. ary -Kate C olombia; 2014 U nited S tates; 2009 Walken, M acy , Brendan William F raser, H M.att Dillon, V incent Knoxv D'O nofrio, Thomas Johnny ille, Jackson U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2014 N icoll, SCpike Jonze, C atherine Richard oy le, Leonor Watling, S , Bronagh Mimon ichaelDelaney Douglas, Robert De S pain; Ireland; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2011 Ú ltimo v iaje a Las V egas C omedia 2 3 :4 5 G oats G oat M an: E l hombre de las cabras C omedia N iro,idMDuchov organ Fny reeman, Dav , V era Kev in F armiga, G raham P hillips, Keri S irens Temp 2 C ap 11 C omedia 0 1 :5 5 S irens S 2: N o Lov e S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia 0 2 :2 5 10 Years Diez años después M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica C hanning Tatum, C hris P ratt, U nited S tates; O scarTrav Isaac, Jenna anJohn olta, U maDew Thurman, U nited S tates; Breakaw ay C omedia C opa de E lite C omedia 1 1 :0 0 C loud 9 U n E quipo De E nsueño C omedia 1 2 :3 5 The O ut O f Tow ners P erdidos en N uev a York C omedia 1 4 :0 5 The S tarv ing G ames Los muertos del hambre C omedia 1 5 :3 0 Dieta M editerránea Dieta mediterránea C omedia 1 7 :1 0 G oats G oat M an: E l hombre de las cabras C omedia 1 8 :4 5 The Right Kind O f Wrong E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia 2 0 :2 5 Legally Blonde Legalmente rubia C omedia 2 2 :0 0 G host Team O ne E quipo paranormal C omedia 2 3 :2 5 Jackass P resents: Bad G randpa E l abuelo sinv ergüenza C omedia 1995 H eather GAraham, hristine S antiago larcón, CJessica C M aría Mediel, organ AF lejandro reeman, Riaño, C hristopher 2 2 :0 0 Last V egas 0 9 :2 0 C opa De E lite 2006 1991 Romance 0 7 :4 0 Breakaw ay 1999 O lsen,NSielsen, tev e GLauren uttenberg, Leslie Bacall, U nited S tates; Kev in Kendrick, N ealon, Jamey S heridan U nited S tates; A nna M elanie Ly nskey , M ark Webber, Lena M ichael A ngarano, U ma U nited S tates; Thurman, Reece Thompson, S tev e M artin, E ddie M urphy , U nited S tates; A mor en su punto C omedia V aughn, C edric the Kyince la PVratt, Kristen Wilson, Walker ow ard, John mos C amillaHBelle, Rob LowAe, 2014 2010 1999 U nited S tates; C anada; anada; India; C Russell V inayRabello, V irmani Brazil; M arcos PVeters, eras, Julia Rafinha Burt ReyBastos, nolds, ABento ngie ERibeiro v erhart, U nited S tates; G abrielle Reece, D.L. H Haw ughley S tev e M artin, G oldie n, U nited S tates; John C leese, ark M cKinney M aiara Walsh,MBrant Daugherty , C ody C hristian, O liv ia M olina, A lfonso Bassav e, P acony León, C armen Dav id Duchov , V era U nited S tates; 2015 2011 2005 2006 2011 2014 2006 1999 2013 2001 2013 2013 ghosts both Irv fall ing in lov e w ithtakes a girla 86-y ear-old Zisman trip from N ebraska to N orth U nited S tates; 2012 U nited S tates; F rance; anada; U nited SCtates; 2009 A series of interconnected short films follow s a. w ashed-up Retired C .I.A agent F rankproducer M oses reunites unlikely elite C harles, his Roger and Gteam eorgeofare the 2013 Zoom In V arios Walken, V arios William H . M acy , 2014 La barbería C omedia Ice C ube, A nthony A nderson, U nited S tates; S ean PNatrick Ev e Leslie ielsen,Thomas, Lauren Bacall, U nited S tates; Kev in E Ntura, ealon,P ilar Jamey S heridan M arta C astro, Luis S pain; C allejo, Toni ACcosta Rainn Wilson, hristina U nited S tates; A pplegate, Jeffille, G arlin, Josh Johnny Knoxv Jackson U nited S tates; 2002 C omedia 1 4 :2 0 S irens S 2: S ub-P rimal F ears S irens Temp 2 C ap 11 C omedia 1 4 :5 5 S irens S 2: N o Lov e S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia 1 5 :2 5 The M aiden H eist U n crimen nada perfecto C omedia 1 6 :5 5 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción 1 8 :5 5 M ov ie 43 P roy ecto 43 C omedia 2 0 :3 0 I H ate V alentine's Day A l diablo con el amor C omedia 2 2 :0 0 The O ther Woman ¡M ujeres al ataque! C omedia 2 3 :5 0 The Joneses A mor por contrato C omedia U n rockero de locura C omedia 0 3 :1 0 Welcome To The Jungle Bienv enido a la jungla C omedia 0 4 :4 5 Bow finger 1 7 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :2 5 The Rocker Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 0 6 :2 5 H appy C hristmas F eliz N av idad C omedia 0 7 :4 5 Roll Bounce! Roll Bounce: fiesta sobre ruedas C omedia 0 9 :4 0 Dr. Dolittle 3 Dr. Dolittle 3 F amiliar 1 1 :1 5 Bow finger Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 1 2 :5 0 The S tarv ing G ames Los muertos del hambre C omedia 1 4 :1 5 Welcome To The Jungle Bienv enido a la jungla C omedia comedy advspoof, entures of a In this H follow unger sGthe ames Kantmiss E v ,ershot must fight S ofia's story the best chef thefor U nited S tates; 0 6 :1 0 Barbershop C omedia w main focus on thestar 2014 F IF A A ith w ashed out former in need of money hasofathe get1970 rich plan a The remake N eil start S imon U nited S tates; 0 6 :0 5 Zoom In: Dumb & Dumber To E l abuelo sinv ergüenza 'Durango', Dude Ranch, finder A n ethnic Caanadian hockeytoplay struggles family A spoof ofagainst recenttraditional Brazilian mov ies, U nited S tates; Richard G ere, G reg Kinnear, E mmaWillis, S tone, Kate Bruce John M Winslet alkov ich, M -Louise P arker, C atherine M ary organ F reeman, C hristopher U n rockero de locura still hav en't quite up.ieJake Disenchanted w ithgrow the nmov industry , C hili P almer tries the to Lisa Dolittle sends her daughter Wilson, elma Blair, atthew C arlos SSantos, J.R. VMillarreal, F ernanda Romero, Tony Johnny Knoxv ille, Jackson C omedia 1 2 :5 0 Jackass P resents: Bad G randpa The second season of the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow three Cahicago E Mlater, Ts A group ofsfriends, decade 2013 A cción 1 1 :0 5 The Rocker about trendsetting Irish foodtake Three asixty -something friends a fromhas their A break teenager to day mov-to-day e from liv thees C anada; C omedia F amiliar meth addicted w hiteofsupremacists, A n unrated v ersion Bad G randpa w includes ov er 40 A hich romantic comedy set minutes in Dublinof F G raham P hillips, Keri Ryarmiga, an Kw anten, S ara C anning, Will S asso, C atherineLuke O 'H ara Reese Witherspoon, U n crimen nada perfecto C omedia w ith so many omen. S o he C harles, Rogerwand G eorge are the vA ery picture ofofhonest n anthology storiessecurity inv olv ing 2009 RE D 2 E l mejor regalo outing. arshall thinks trip is to When a Mdesperate mov the ie producer fails major star of forflirting his P lay to boyget Ma artin is tired 2011 P roy ecto 43 S iete minutos comedy aboutup, tw oJenny N ew mov YorkesC ity A fter a break in w itho w riter Kelly , her Tw friends are off onfilmmaker a w eekend U nited S tates; 0 4 :3 0 The M aiden H eist 0 9 :3 0 S iete M inutos of moneyishas get richH plan start a A manda an a orphan. er case w Diane, es her but A llorker, I Want F or Clov hristmas is a she S pain; 0 2 :3 5 Red 2 0 7 :5 5 A ll I Want F or C hristmas still hav en't quite up.ieJake Disenchanted w ithgrow the nmov industry , C hiliman P almer the A successful w ithtries a perfect maternal home to a distant C ollege, 2015 N icoll, G reg H arris, G eorgina 1 6 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :0 0 M ov ie 43 that follow s three C hicago M Ts S ofia's story , the best chef Ethe w tw o amen w holater, A orld, groupand of the friends, decade 2005 2 0 :2 5 The F ood G uide To Lov e C omedia 2009 mov w ithinseason a movof ie,the created to The ie second comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy U nited S tates; C omedia F amiliar 2015 U nited S tates; C omedia Tómalo con calma 2015 bear's life. C anadian hockey play er A n ethnic struggles Kung P owagainst : E ntertraditional the F ist isfamily a V inceBraff, V aughn, C edric the Zach Jacinda Barrett, C asey A ffleck, Bilson Brendan F raser,Rachel M att Dillon, V incent D'O nofrio, Thomas P aw n S hop C hronicles Dr. Dolittle 3 2011 2002 closes n, life a group teenagers A day dow in the of a Sofouth S ide C hicagomust barbershop. C alv in, w ho Dolittle sav e a forest and a 2011 E l abuelo sinv ergüenza .5 0 6 :0 5 Dr. Dolittle 3 2001 U nited S tates; 1 9 :0 0 Jackass P resents: Bad G randpa .5 0 4 :0 5 Be C ool 2002 of hottest ies.the G et the A nthe exciting divmov e into production of the their hottest mov ies. G et therink When local roller-skating Bassav e, PTatum, aco León, C armen C hanning C hris P ratt, O scarTrav Isaac, Jenna anJohn olta, U maDew Thurman, 1 7 :0 5 P aw n S hop C hronicles 1 5 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :2 0 S irens S 2: S ub-P rimal F ears 2005 w includes er 40 of A nhich exciting div eovinto theminutes production of hottest ies.the G et the A nthe exciting divmov e into production N reg H arris, Gin eorgina Micoll, ichaelGM osley , Kev Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M organ F reeman, C hristopher U nited S tates; Walken, William .M acy ,ich, Bruce Willis, JohnHM alkov U nited S tates; M ary -Louise C atherine Richard G ere,P arker, G reg Kinnear, E S tone, John Kate CWinslet Nmma ia V ardalos, orbett, 1991 2009 2008 2013 2015 2015 2009 2013 F anada; Urance; nited SCtates; 2012 U nited S tates; 2009 A A rison, Rachel C mir ameron Diaz, LeslieDratch M ann, U nited S tates; KateidUDuchov pton, N ikolaj C osterDav ny , Demi M oore, U nited S tates; A mber H eard, Ben 2014 Rainn Wilson, C hristina A pplegate, G arlin, Josh Jean-C laudeJeff V an Damme, U nited S tates; 2008 U nited Kingdom; U nited nited S U S tates; tates; 2013 1999 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2005 E Jonathan Kypps, la PWesley ratt, Kristen Wilson, Walker ow ard, JohnMAurphy mos , S tev e MHartin, E ddie U nited S tates; C nited anada; U S tates; 1999 H G raham, C hristine Meather aiara Walsh, Brant Daugherty , CVody C hristian, Jean-C laude an Damme, U nited S tates; 2013 U nited Kingdom; U nited S tates; C anada; 2013 U nited S tates; 2001 A dam Brody H uebel, S tev eM artin,, Rob E ddie M urphy , H G raham, C hristine A eather nna Kendrick, M elanie Ly nskey , M ark S had M oss, C hiWebber, M cBride,Lena M ike A dam Brody , Rob H uebel, Ry an Kw anten, S ara C anning, Will S asso, C atherineLuke O 'H ara Reese Witherspoon, Wilson, S elma Blair, M C ameron Diaz, Leslie Matthew ann, 2010 w and the mene w ho the A orld, teenager hastw toomov from maternal homemade to a distant ollege, A dishw asher famousCfor his many s andsorority shortcomings When aflaw blonde queen in is his dumped by her boy friend,afraid she of Tw o roommates deathly vA ery picturediv ofehonest security n exciting into the production of the hottest mov et the A day in the life ofies. a SG outh S ide C barbershop. C alv is in,a w ho A hicago ll I Want F or C hristmas comedy about tw o Nabout ew York C ity A romantic comedy lonely people forcomedy lov e. S ev eral This is alooking hilarious about liv ingear-old in a rock 'n' roll dream...and 86-y Irv ing Zisman takes a trip N ebraska orth Thefrom second season to of N the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s three M Tsthe C harles, Roger andC hicago G eorgeEare vRetired ery picture honestF security C .I.Aof . agent rank M oses reunites unlikely team of elite A series his of interconnected short films follow s a abides w ashed-up A florist, w ho by a producer strict fiv edate-limit w ith anyher man, finds is A fter discov ering boy friend married, C arlyperfect soon meets ife A seemingly family the movwes into a suburban neighborhood, but 2006 fails a major star for hises in A ftertoa get break up, Jenny mov w ith wtheir riter local Kelly roller-skating , her filmmaker When rink closes dow n,sends a group teenagers Lisa Dolittle her of daughter to 'Durango', a Dude mov Ranch, to find When a desperate ie producer fails to H get a major starspoof, for his In this unger G ames Kantmiss ershot A group ofE voffice w must orkersfight find for themselv es stranded on a desert A dishw asher made famous for his many s andsorority shortcomings When aflaw blonde queen in is his 1 5 :5 0 The Right Kind O f Wrong E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia 1 7 :3 0 Legally Blonde Legalmente rubia C omedia 1 9 :0 5 The O ther Woman ¡M ujeres al ataque! C omedia 2 1 :0 0 S irens S 2: S ub-P rimal F ears S irens Temp 2 C ap 11 C omedia 2 1 :3 0 S irens S 2: N o Lov e S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia E l gran casamiento C omedia Robert De N iro, Diane Keaton, Katherine H eigl, A manda U nited S tates; 2013 A long-div orced couple fakes being married as their family unites for a La mujer de mis pesadillas C omedia U nited S tates; 2007 A mor en su punto Romance Ben S tiller, M alin A kerman, M ichelleCMoy onaghan, Jerry Richard le, Leonor Watling, S pain; Ireland; 2013 When the single and indecisiv e E meetscomedy the sexysetand beautiful A ddie romantic in Dublin about a trendsetting Irish food A romantic comedy about lonely 2 2 :0 0 2 3 :4 5 The Big Wedding 1 8 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :1 5 The H eartbreak Kid 0 3 :1 5 The F ood G uide To Lov e U nited S tates; Kate U pton, N ikolaj M ichael M osley , KevCinosterDaniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica 0 4 :4 5 S iete M inutos S iete minutos 0 6 :2 5 Zoom In: N ight A t The M useum - S ecret O f The Tomb 0 6 :3 0 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial Zoom In V arios S , Bronagh Mimon arta EDelaney tura, P ilar C astro, Luis C V allejo, arios Toni A costa O tro V arios 0 7 :2 5 M ama Ya C recí P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año M amá y a crecí C omedia 0 9 :0 5 C loud 9 U n E quipo De E nsueño C omedia 1 0 :4 0 The O ut O f Tow ners P erdidos en N uev a York C omedia 1 2 :1 0 Barney 's V ersion E l mundo según Barney C omedia S ebastián Badilla, Katty C hile; Kow JavA iera edo, U nited S tates; Burt aleczko, Rey nolds, ngieAEcev v erhart, G abrielle Reece, D.L. H Haw ughley S tev e M artin, G oldie n, U nited S tates; John C iamatti, leese, MDustin ark M cKinney P aul G Hoffman, C anada; Italy ; 1 4 :2 5 Bigger Than The S ky C omedia M ás grande que el cielo C omedia 1 6 :1 0 2 Day s in N ew York 2 Días en N uev a York Romance 1 7 :5 0 G host Team O ne E quipo paranormal C omedia 1 9 :1 5 P lay ing F or Keeps Jugando por amor C omedia 2013 This is a hilarious comedy about liv in aofrock 'n'wroll dream...and A ing group office orkers find themselv es stranded oniea producer desert When a desperate mov 2014 2015 2015 S pain; 2009 U nited S tates; 2013 2014 2013 2006 1999 2010 Rosamund P ike, M innie Driv er U nited S tates; John C orbett, A my S mart, S eanDelpy A stin,, CC lare H igginsA lbert F rance; G ermany ; Julie hris Rock, Delpy lexia Landeau Belgium; C arlos, SAantos, J.R. V illarreal, U nited S tates; 2005 F Romero, Tony Gernanda erard Butler, Jessica Biel, U nited S tates; U ma Thurman, C atherine Zeta- 2012 2011 2013 dumped by ering her boy she is A fter discov herfriend, boy friend married, C arly soonofmeets the w ife The second season the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s three C hicago E M Ts people looking lovthe e. Sproduction ev eral A n exciting div eforinto of the hottest G et the The films and mov starsies. of 2013 in this end of y ear special. G erardo presents his first girlfriend, the nna V eronika, his A wmodel ashed Aout former star intoneed of money hasofathe get1970 rich plan a The remake N eil start S imon comedy follow sand the touching adv entures of a The picaresque story of thebeing politically incorrect, A fter dumped by hisfully liv ed girlfriend, man decides audition M anhattana couple M ariontoand M ingus, w ho eachdeathly hav e children Tw o roommates afraid of ghosts both fall in lovweho's w ithfallen a girlon A former sports star hard times starts coaching his son's Programación Fox Comedy - Mayo 2015 FEC H A H or a T IT ULO O RIGINA L 2 1 :0 0 The H eartbreak Kid T IT ULO ESP A NO L La mujer de mis pesadillas GENRE C omedia 2 3 :0 0 S irens S 2: N o Lov e S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia 2 3 :3 0 S irens S 2: Balls S irens Temp 2 C ap 13 C omedia O RIGIN ELENC O C O UNT RY Ben S tiller, M alin A kerman, U nited S tates; M Mosley onaghan, M ichelle ichael M , KevJerry in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; A ÑO SY NO P SIS_ENGLISH 2007 When the single and indecisiv e E ddiesecond meetsseason the sexy beautiful The of and the comedy 2015 2015 Kev in Bigley , Jessica 1 9 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 0 :0 5 I H ate V alentine's Day 0 1 :3 5 S irens S 2: N o Lov e A l diablo con el amor C omedia S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia 0 2 :0 5 S irens S 2: Balls S irens Temp 2 C ap 13 0 2 :3 5 The Rocker U n rockero de locura C omedia 0 4 :2 0 Bernie Bernie C omedia C omedia 0 6 :0 0 Burning Lov e 2 Burning Lov e C omedia 0 8 :5 5 Juno Juno: crecer, correr y tropezar C omedia 1 0 :3 0 S omeone Like You A lguien como tú C omedia 1 2 :0 5 Borat: C ultural Learnings O f A merica F or M ake Benefit N ation O f Kazakhstan 1 3 :3 0 2 Day s G inlorious N ew York Borat C omedia 2 Días en N uev a York Romance 1 5 :1 0 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción 1 7 :0 5 The M aiden H eist U n crimen nada perfecto C omedia 1 8 :4 0 The Rocker U n rockero de locura C omedia 2 0 :2 0 The Joneses A mor por contrato C omedia 2 2 :0 0 The Big Wedding E l gran casamiento C omedia 2 3 :3 0 The F ood G uide To Lov e A mor en su punto Romance N ia V ardalos, John C orbett, U nited S tates; A A rison, Rachel Mmir ichael M osley , KevDratch in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Wilson, Bigley , CJessica Rainn hristina U nited S tates; 2009 2015 2015 2011 that s three comedy C hicago about E M Ts This follow is a hilarious liv in a rock 'n' roll the dream...and In ing small-tow n Texas, local 2013 mortician strikes up a friendship Burning Lov e, second season. 2007 H ugh Jackman, M arisa Tomei U nited S tates; S acha Baron C ohen, Ken Dav hester Julieitian, DelpyLuenell, , C hris CRock, A lbert F rance; G ermany ; Delpy A lexiaJohn Landeau Belgium; Bruce ,Willis, M alkov ich, U nited S tates; 2006 Juno M acG uff is a cool, confident teenager w ho takes nine-month A fter being jilted by aher boy friend, a talkshow rites ais Kazakh TV talent talkingscout headwBorat M -Louise P arker, C atherine M ary organ F reeman, C hristopher Walken, William H . M acy , Rainn Wilson, C hristina F anada; Urance; nited SCtates; 2009 U nited S tates; 2008 A pplegate, JeffnyG,arlin, Dav id Duchov DemiJosh M oore, U nited S tates; A mber De H eard, Robert N iro,Ben Diane Keaton, U nited S tates; Katherine H eigl, A manda Richard C oy le, Leonor Watling, S pain; Ireland; 2010 0 4 :5 0 Bigger Than The S ky M ás grande que el cielo C omedia S tev e M artin, E ddie M urphy , H eather G raham, C hristine P aul G iamatti, Thomas H aden C hurch, V irginia M adsen, John C orbett, A my S mart, 0 6 :3 5 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año 2 Días en N uev a York O tro S V ean ariosA stin, C lare H iggins 0 7 :3 0 2 Day s in N ew York Romance 0 9 :0 5 Red 2 RE D 2 Julie Delpy , C hris Rock, A lbert F rance; G ermany ; Delpy A lexiaJohn Landeau Belgium; Bruce ,Willis, M alkov ich, U nited S tates; M ary Reiser, -Louise PPeter arker, C atherine F anada; P aul F alk, Urance; nited SCtates; 0 2 :4 0 S idew ay s Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia E ntre copas C omedia A cción 1 1 :0 5 The Thing A bout M y F olks E sto es todo amigos C omedia 1 2 :4 0 S outhern Belles Bellezas del sur C omedia 1 4 :1 5 Barbershop 2: Back In Business La barbería 2: de v uelta en el negocio C omedia 1 6 :0 0 S irens S 2: N o Lov e S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia 1 6 :3 0 S irens S 2: Balls S irens Temp 2 C ap 13 C omedia 1 7 :0 0 The Rocker U n rockero de locura C omedia 1 8 :4 5 Breakaw ay Breakaw ay C omedia 2 0 :2 5 G oon G oon 2 2 :0 0 10 Years Diez años después C omedia 2 3 :4 0 The Inbetw eeners M ov ie The Inbetw eeners M ov ie C omedia 2 1 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :2 0 S omeone Like You A lguien como tú C omedia C omedia 0 3 :0 0 The Birdcage La jaula de las locas C omedia 0 5 :0 0 Borat: C ultural Learnings O f A merica F or M ake Benefit 0 6 :2 5 S idew ayGslorious N ation O f Kazakhstan Borat C omedia E ntre copas C omedia O tro 0 9 :3 0 Bernie P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año Bernie C omedia 1 1 :1 0 Bow finger Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 1 2 :5 0 Larger Than Life U na elefanta llamada V era C omedia 1 4 :2 5 It Takes Tw o Doble de amor C omedia 0 8 :3 5 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial 1 6 :0 5 S av ed Q ue el cielo me ay ude C omedia 1 7 :4 0 Reno 911! M iami Reno 911 M iami: la película C omedia 2008 2001 2011 2013 2013 Kev in Wilson, Bigley , CJessica Rainn hristina A JeffRob G arlin, C pplegate, amilla Belle, Low Josh e, 2004 2005 U nited S tates; 2013 2006 Dav Luenell, C hester P aulitian, G iamatti, Thomas H aden C hurch, V irginia M adsen, V arios U nited S tates; H ungary U nited S ;tates; 2013 RE D 2 A cción U n crimen nada perfecto C omedia M -Louise P arker, C atherine M ary organ F reeman, C hristopher Walken, William H . M acy , S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev JessicaC era, E lleninPBigley age, M, ichael U nited S tates; Jennifer G arner,Dustin JasonHoffman, C anada; Italy ; P aul G iamatti, C omedia 0 4 :0 5 Barney 's V ersion E l mundo según Barney C omedia 0 6 :2 5 Burning Lov e 3 Burning Lov e C omedia 0 9 :2 5 The H oney mooners Los lunamieleros C omedia 1 1 :0 0 H appy C hristmas F eliz N av idad C omedia 1 2 :2 5 Barbershop 2: Back In Business La barbería 2: de v uelta en el negocio C omedia 1 4 :1 5 The Birdcage La jaula de las locas C omedia E ntertainer, S ean P atrickLane, Robin Williams, N athan 1 6 :2 0 Barney 's V ersion E l mundo según Barney C omedia 1 8 :3 5 The Inbetw eeners M ov ie The Inbetw eeners M ov ie C omedia 2 0 :1 5 Breakaw ay Breakaw ay C omedia 2 2 :0 0 The S tarv ing G ames Los muertos del hambre C omedia G eneGHiamatti, ackman, Dianne Wiest C anada; Italy ; P aul Dustin Hoffman, Rosamund ike, M innie Driv, er U nited Kingdom; S imon Bird,PJames Buckley Blake H arrison, JoeLow Thomas C amilla Belle, Rob e, C anada; India; Russell P eters, Brant V inay V irmani U nited S tates; M aiara Walsh, 2 3 :2 0 Welcome To The Jungle Bienv enido a la jungla C omedia Daugherty , CVody C hristian, Jean-C laude an Damme, A dam Brody , Rob H uebel, G oon C omedia 0 2 :3 0 P aw n S hop C hronicles P aw n S hop C hronicles C omedia 0 4 :2 0 S outhern Belles Bellezas del sur C omedia S eann William S cott, Jay C anada; U nited Baruchel, S chreiber, A lison S Brendan FLiev raser, M att Dillon, Utates; nited S tates; V incent D'O nofrio, Thomas A nna F aris, Laura U nited S tates; 0 5 :5 0 The Thing A bout M y F olks E sto es todo amigos C omedia 0 7 :3 0 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial O tro 0 8 :2 0 S iete M inutos P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año S iete minutos 1 0 :0 0 Larger Than Life U na elefanta llamada V era C omedia 1 1 :3 0 S av ed Q ue el cielo me ay ude C omedia 1 3 :0 5 The Rocker U n rockero de locura C omedia C omedia 1 7 :1 0 Welcome To The Jungle Bienv enido a la jungla C omedia 1 8 :4 5 M ov ie 43 P roy ecto 43 C omedia 2 0 :2 0 10 Years Diez años después C omedia 2 2 :0 0 The Big Wedding E l gran casamiento C omedia 2 3 :3 0 Little F ockers Los pequeños F ockers 2 4 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :1 0 The F amily S tone C omedia 2004 2007 2002 2013 2015 2015 2007 2010 U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; G ermany ; U nited S tates; 2014 U nited S tates; 2004 U nited S tates; 1996 U nited Kingdom; U nited S tates; Breckenridge, Justin C hambers, U nited S tates; P aul Reiser, P eter F alk, O ly mpia Dukakis V arios U nited S tates; 2005 2010 2011 2011 2013 2013 2013 2005 2005 2013 S pain; 2009 U nited S tates; 1996 U nited S tates; M acaulay C ulkin, P atrick F ugit U C nited anada; Rainn Wilson, C hristina S tates; A Jeff ,GKev arlin, Mpplegate, ichael M osley in Josh Daniels, U nited S tates; 2004 Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M aiara Walsh, Brant U nited S tates; Daugherty , CVody C hristian, Jean-C laude an Damme, U nited Kingdom; A dam Brody Rob uebel, U nited nited S S tates; tates; Richard G ere,, G regHKinnear, U 2008 2015 2015 2013 2013 2012 2011 U nited S tates; 2013 C omedia Katherine A manda Robert DeHNeigl, iro, Ben S tiller, Teri P olo, O w en Wilson U nited S tates; 2010 C laire Danes, Diane Keaton, Rachel M cA dams, Bruce Willis, John MDermot alkov ich, M aryLung, -Louise P arker, C atherine F ei S tev e O edekerk, U nited S tates; 2005 U nited S tates; F rance; anada; U nited SCtates; 2013 La joy a de la familia C omedia A cción 0 4 :5 0 Kung P ow , E nter The F ist E l maestro de la Kung-fu-sión A cción 0 6 :1 5 U ndercov er Blues E spías y pañales 0 7 :4 5 Roll Bounce! Roll Bounce: fiesta sobre ruedas C omedia 0 9 :4 0 It Takes Tw o Doble de amor C omedia 1 1 :2 0 Reno 911! M iami Reno 911 M iami: la película C omedia M asterplan C omedia C omedia 1 4 :0 5 Be C ool Tómalo con calma C omedia 1 6 :0 5 The Big Wedding E l gran casamiento C omedia 1 7 :3 5 The F amily S tone La joy a de la familia C omedia 1 9 :2 0 Little F ockers Los pequeños F ockers C omedia 2 1 :0 0 S irens S 2: N o Lov e S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 C omedia 2 1 :3 0 S irens S 2: Balls S irens Temp 2 C ap 13 C omedia 2 2 :0 0 Last V egas Ú ltimo v iaje a Las V egas C omedia Katherine H eigl, A manda C laire Danes, Diane Keaton, Rachel M cANdams, Dermot Robert De iro, Ben S tiller, struggles against traditional family Labeled an outcast by his brainy family , aofbouncer long A group friends,ova ercomes decade later, dispatched to the U nited Tw o men reaching middleS tates age wtoith not Themuch films to andshow starsbut of 2013 in this end of y ear special. In small-tow n Texas, the local mortician strikes upmov a friendship When a desperate ie producer fails to get a major star for his ers A motiv ational speaker discov that the inheritance his Hfather left A manda is an orphan. er case w orker, Diane, lov es her but she When a girl attending a C hristian high schoolteam becomes pregnant, she A rag-tag of Reno cops are called to: sav e the Kung Pinow E nter theday F istafter is a a mov ie w of ithin a mov ie, created A series interconnected short to films follow s a. w ashed-up Retired C .I.A agent F rankproducer M oses reunites unlikely elite C harles, his Roger and Gteam eorgeofare the The second season of the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that three hicago E M Ts Junofollow M acGsuff is a Ccool, confident teenager w ho takes a nine-month The picaresque and touching story of the politically incorrect, Burning Lov e, third season.fully liv ed Working class N ew York bus driv er Ralph is Jenny alw ay smov coming A fter aKramden break up, es in w ith in w riter Kellystruggling , her filmmaker C alv is again to keep his father's barbershop andhis drag A gay cabaret ow ner and queen companion agree to put up a The picaresque and touching story of thesocially politically incorrect, liv ed F our troubled 18-yfully ear-olds from the south of E ngland on er A n ethnic C anadian hockeygoplay struggles against traditional family In this H unger G ames spoof, Kantmiss ershot A group ofE voffice w must orkersfight find for Labeled an outcast by his brainy family , a bouncer ov ercomes A n anthology of stories inv olvlong ing meth addicted w hite supremacists, Desperate for adv enture, Bell and Belle antSto theirnight Ben's w dad ambreak showout s upofone w ith films a note from Ben's mother The and stars of 2013 in this end of y earcomedy special. about lonely A romantic people lov e. discov S ev eral A motivlooking ational for speaker ers that inheritance hisa father left Whenthe a girl attending C hristian high school becomes pregnant, This is a hilarious comedy aboutshe liv ingsecond in a rock 'n' roll The season of dream...and the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s three C hicago E M Ts In this H unger G ames spoof, Kantmiss ershot A group ofE voffice w must orkersfight find for themselv esinterconnected stranded on a short desert A series of films follow a w ashed-up producer A group of sfriends, a decade later, still hav en'torced quitecouple grow nfakes up. Jake A long-div being married as their family unites foraa Jack By rnes w ants to designate successor. Does his son-in-law , the Ling-ling HTurner, sieh, Leo Lee Q uaid, U nited S tates; Kathleen Dennis F S haw Tucci S iona had M oss, ,CShitanley M cBride, M ike U nited S tates; E A pps, shleyWesley O lsen,Jonathan M ary -Kate U nited S tates; O lsen, SDev tev ito, e G uttenberg, Danny Kerri Kenney , U nited S tates; Thomas Lennon,P ablo Wendi A lan S abbagh, Lev y , P aulaTrav G rinszpan, M artín John olta, U ma Thurman, V ince VDe aughn, edric the Robert N iro,CDiane Keaton, that s three comedy C hicago about E M Ts This follow is a hilarious liv in a Crock 'n' rollhockey dream...and A ning ethnic anadian play er themselv es stranded on a desert 2011 U nited S tates; RE D 2 1 2 :4 0 M asterplan 1995 E S tone, KateC Winslet C mma hanning Tatum, hris P ratt, O scar Isaac, Jenna Dew anRobert De N iro, Diane Keaton, 0 2 :5 5 Red 2 his andcomedy Thefather's secondbarbershop season of the that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy v ery picture of honest security C omedia C omedia 1996 2009 Juno: crecer, correr y tropezar S irens Temp 2 C ap 12 1999 U nited S tates; F rance; anada; U nited SCtates; S irens Temp 2 C ap 13 M arta E tura, P ilar C astro, Luis C allejo, Toni A costa G arofalo, Bill M urray , Janeane P at HM ingle, A nita G illette Jena alone, M andy M oore, 2011 2012 0 2 :3 0 Juno E G abrielle U A pps, nna Kendrick, Mnion, elanieRegina Ly , MCark Webber, Icenskey C ube, edric The Lena 2004 U nited S tates; 0 2 :0 0 S irens S 2: Balls Rosamund ike, M innie Driv er June DianePRaphael, M ichael Ian Black, Lo Truglio, C edric TheJoe E ntertainer, M ike w ith a notefor from mother Desperate advBen's enture, Bell and Belle ant to break out oftotheir C alv inw is again struggling keep A fter being jilted by her boy friend, a talent w rites a A talkshow gay cabaret ow scout ner and his drag queen put is up a Kazakhcompanion TV talkingagree head to Borat 1996 Ling-ling sieh,GLeo Lee Richard GHere, reg Kinnear, E mmaWillis, S tone, Kate Bruce John M Winslet alkov ich, M ingus,Cw.I.A ho .each havF rank e children Retired agent M oses reunites hisS unlikely of elite Ben's dad am showteam s up one night still en't quite grow18-y n up. Jake F ourhav socially troubled ear-olds from the south of E ngland go on 2001 O lsen, tev e G Jena MS alone, Muttenberg, andy M oore, U nited S tates; M acaulay C ito, ulkin, P atrick F ugit C nited anada; Danny Dev Kerri Kenney , U S tates; Thomas F ei Lung,Lennon, S tev e OWendi edekerk, U nited S tates; girlfriend, a man decides to audition The films and stars of 2013 in this end of y earcouple special. M anhattan M arion and 2011 U nited S tates; 2 3 :5 5 The M aiden H eist Los muertos del hambre 2011 2011 U nited S tates; 2 2 :0 0 Red 2 S irens Temp 2 C ap 13 2015 U nited S tates; A cción 1 5 :4 5 The S tarv ing G ames 2015 A shley Judd, G reg Kinnear, H ugh Jackman, arisa Tomei Robin Williams, NMathan Lane, G ene HBaron ackman, Dianne S acha C ohen, KenWiest C omedia 1 5 :1 5 S irens S 2: Balls 2004 2011 E l maestro de la Kung-fu-sión 1 4 :4 5 S irens S 2: N o Lov e 2005 C anada; India; P roy ecto 43 C omedia 2013 2005 2008 2 0 :2 5 M ov ie 43 2 3 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 0 :5 5 G oon 2011 U nited S tates; Jack Black, S hirley M acLaine, U nited S tates; M atthew M cC onaughey , Brady S tev e M artin, E ddie M urphy , U nited S tates; H eather G raham, C hristine Bill M urray , Janeane G arofalo, U nited S tates; P H ingle, A nita G illette A at shley O lsen, M ary -Kate U nited S tates; liv in a rockperfect 'n' rollfamily dream...and A ing seemingly mov es into a suburban but A long-div orced neighborhood, couple fakes being When a desperate mov ie producer fails getreaching a major middle star forage his w ith Tw oto men not much todumped show but A fter being by his 1999 Russell P eters, SVcott, inay Jay V irmani C anada; U nited S eann William Baruchel, S chreiber, lison S C hanning Liev Tatum, C hris P A ratt, Utates; nited S tates; Oimon scar Isaac, Jenna Buckley Dew an-, S Bird, James U nited Kingdom; Blake H arrison, Joe Thomas reunites unlikely elite C harles, his Roger and Gteam eorgeofare the vThis ery ispicture of honest security a hilarious comedy about married as their family for a A romantic comedy setunites in Dublin about a trendsetting Irish food U nited S tates; H U ungary nited S ;tates; O ly mpia Dukakis A nna F aris, Laura U nited S tates; Breckenridge, Justin Ice C ube, C edric TheC hambers, U nited S tates; E S ean P atrick Mntertainer, ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; dispatched the UMnited tates to M anhattan to couple arionSand M ingus,Cw.I.A ho .each havF rank e children Retired agent M oses 2013 U nited S tates; 1 9 :0 0 Kung P ow , E nter The F ist 2 2 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :3 0 S irens S 2: N o Lov e A florist, w ho abides by a strict fiv edate-limit w ith any of man, The second season the finds comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy A pplegate, G arlin, Josh Jack Black, Jeff S hirley M acLaine, U nited S tates; M atthew M cC onaughey , Brady U nited S tates; June Diane Raphael, M ichael Ian dam S cott, Joe Lo U nited S tates; E llenBlack, P age,AM ichael C era, Jennifer G arner, Jason A shley Judd, G reg Kinnear, U nited S tates; S imon Delaney , Bronagh 2 0 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :0 0 Bow finger that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow s three C hicago E M Ts 2002 1993 2005 1995 2007 A rgentina; 2012 U nited S tates; 2005 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2005 U nited S tates; Teri P olo, O w en Wilson M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael M osley , Kev in Daniels, U nited S tates; Kev in Bigley , Jessica M ichael Douglas, Robert De U nited S tates; N iro, M organ F reeman, Kev in 2010 2015 2015 2013 A n uptight, conserv ativ e, businessw oman accompanies Retired C .I.A . agent F rank M her oses reunites his: unlikely of aelite Kung P ow E nter theteam F ist is mov ie w Jane ithin aBlue movare ie, doting created to Jeff and parents. They happen to rink be When their localalso roller-skating closes dow group ofH teenagers A manda is n, anaorphan. er case w es hercops but she A orker, rag-tagDiane, team lov of Reno are called in to sav ewthe after alife, M ariano, bored ith day his normal is tempted by w his in ie law into Disenchanted ithbrother the mov industry , Corced hili P almer thebeing A long-div coupletries fakes married as their family for a A n uptight, conserv ativ unites e, businessw oman accompanies hera Jack By rnes w ants to designate successor. his of son-in-law , the The secondDoes season the comedy that three C of hicago E M Ts The follow seconds season the comedy that follow three C hicago E Mtake Ts Three sixtys-something friends a break from their day -to-day liv es Programación Fox Comedy - Mayo 2015 FEC H A H or a T IT ULO O RIGINA L 2 3 :4 5 The World's E nd 2 5 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :3 5 A nchorman: The Legend C ontinues T IT ULO ESP A NO L U na noche en el fin del mundo GENRE C omedia A l diablo con las noticias 2 C omedia 0 3 :3 0 Beauty S hop S alón de belleza C omedia 0 5 :1 5 Burning Lov e 2 Burning Lov e C omedia 0 8 :1 0 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial 0 9 :0 5 H appy C hristmas P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año F eliz N av idad C omedia 1 0 :2 5 The H oney mooners O tro Los lunamieleros C omedia 1 1 :5 5 A ll I Want F or C hristmas E l mejor regalo F amiliar 1 3 :3 0 C loud 9 U n E quipo De E nsueño C omedia 1 5 :0 5 Barbershop La barbería C omedia 1 6 :4 5 Juno Juno: crecer, correr y tropezar C omedia 1 8 :2 0 The Rocker U n rockero de locura C omedia 2 0 :0 5 P aw n S hop C hronicles P aw n S hop C hronicles C omedia 2 2 :0 0 The World's E nd U na noche en el fin del mundo C omedia 2 3 :5 0 Be C ool Tómalo con calma C omedia Jugando por amor C omedia 0 3 :3 5 S idew ay s E ntre copas C omedia 0 5 :4 5 U ndercov er Blues E spías y pañales C omedia 0 7 :2 0 S iete M inutos S iete minutos C omedia 0 8 :5 5 The S tarv ing G ames Los muertos del hambre C omedia 1 0 :2 5 M ama Ya C recí M amá y a crecí C omedia 1 2 :0 5 S outhern Belles Bellezas del sur C omedia 1 3 :4 0 The Thing A bout M y F olks E sto es todo amigos C omedia 1 5 :2 0 Todas P ara U no Todas para uno C omedia 2 6 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :5 0 P lay ing F or Keeps 1 6 :5 0 S omeone Like You A lguien como tú 1 8 :3 0 10 Years Diez años después C omedia 2 0 :1 5 Beauty S hop S alón de belleza C omedia C omedia 2 2 :0 0 Last V egas Ú ltimo v iaje a Las V egas C omedia 2 3 :4 5 Barney 's V ersion E l mundo según Barney C omedia Borat C omedia U n E quipo De E nsueño C omedia O RIGIN ELENC O C O UNT RY S imon P egg, N ick F rost, P addy U nited Kingdom; C onsidine, M artin F reeman U nited S tates; Will F errell, S tev e C arell, P aul U nited S tates; Rudd, id Koechner Q ueenDav Latifah, A licia U nited S tates; S ilv erstone, A ndie M acDow June Diane Raphael, M ichaelell, U nited S tates; Ian Black, A dam S cott, Joe Lo U nited S tates; V arios A nna Kendrick, M elanie Ly nskeyThe , MEark Webber, MLena C edric ntertainer, ike E pps, N Gielsen, abrielleLauren U nion,Bacall, Regina Leslie U nited S tates; A ÑO F iv e friends w ho reunite in an attempt to top their epic pub craw l 2013 With the 70s behind him, S an Diego's ratedlist new sman, Ron G ina is atop hairsty w ho opens up a beauty of employ ees and Burning shop Lov e,full second season. 2005 2013 2013 2014 U nited S tates; 2005 G ; U ermany nited S tates; Kev N ealon, BurtinRey nolds, Jamey A ngie ESvheridan erhart, U nited S tates; G abrielle D.L.A H ughley U nited S tates; Ice C ube,Reece, A nthony nderson, S llen ean PPage, atrickMThomas, Ev e E ichael C era, U nited S tates; 1991 Jennifer G arner, Jason Rainn Wilson, C hristina A pplegate, Jeff GMarlin, Josh Brendan F raser, att Dillon, U nited S tates; 2008 U nited S tates; 2013 V imon incentPD'O S egg,nofrio, N ick FThomas rost, P addy U nited Kingdom; C onsidine, M artin F reeman John Trav olta, U ma Thurman, U U nited nited S S tates; tates; V ince V aughn, C edric the G erard Butler, Jessica Biel, U nited S tates; U ma GThurman, C atherine Zeta- U nited S tates; P aul iamatti, Thomas H aden C hurch, V irginia M adsen, Kathleen Turner, Dennis Q uaid, H U ungary nited S ;tates; F tanley TucciLuis Miona arta SEhaw tura,, PSilar C astro, C Toni ABrant costa Mallejo, aiara Walsh, C A lejandro M aría A ediel, shley Judd, G regRiaño, Kinnear, H Jackman, M arisa C ugh hanning Tatum, C hris Tomei P ratt, 2006 2002 2007 2013 2005 2004 1993 2009 U nited S tates; 2013 2013 2005 2005 2014 U nited S tates; 2001 U nited S tates; O Jenna Q scar ueenIsaac, Latifah, A liciaDew anU nited S tates; S erstone, A ndieRobert M acDow Milv ichael Douglas, De ell, U nited S tates; N iro, GMiamatti, organ F Dustin reeman, Kev in C anada; Italy ; P aul Hoffman, 2011 2005 2013 0 5 :0 0 Bow finger Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 0 6 :4 0 E l P aseo 2 E l P aseo 2 C omedia 0 8 :2 0 Barbershop La barbería C omedia 1 0 :0 5 S omeone Like You A lguien como tú C omedia 1 1 :4 5 The Right Kind O f Wrong E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia 1 3 :2 5 The O ut O f Tow ners P erdidos en N uev a York C omedia 1 4 :5 5 The Best M an H oliday E l reencuentro C omedia 1 7 :0 0 2 Day s in N ew York 2 Días en N uev a York Romance 1 8 :4 0 The M aiden H eist U n crimen nada perfecto C omedia 2 0 :1 5 P lay ing F or Keeps Jugando por amor C omedia 2 2 :0 0 A nchorman: The Legend C ontinues A l diablo con las noticias 2 C omedia 2 3 :5 5 The S tarv ing G ames Los muertos del hambre C omedia 2 8 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :1 5 G oon G oon C omedia 0 2 :5 0 Bernie Bernie C omedia 0 4 :3 0 Juno Juno: crecer, correr y tropezar C omedia 0 6 :1 0 S outhern Belles Bellezas del sur C omedia of money haslife a get planSstart A day in the of arich S outh ide a C hicago barbershop. C alv in, w ho Juno M acG uff is a cool, confident teenager w ho takes a nine-month This is a hilarious comedy about liv in a rockof'n'stories roll dream...and A ning anthology inv olv ing meth addicted w hite supremacists, F iv e friends w ho reunite in an attempt to topwtheir epicmov pubiecraw l Disenchanted ith the A former sports star w ho's fallen on hard starts coaching Tw o times men reaching middle his ageson's w ith not to show Jeff much and Jane Blue but are doting parents. They also happen to be A romantic comedy about lonely people looking forames lov e.spoof, S ev eral In this H unger G Kantmiss E v ershothismust for G erardo presents first fight girlfriend, the model Afor nna eronika,Bell to his Desperate advV enture, and Belle antSto theirnight Ben's w dad ambreak showout s upofone w ith boy a note fromisBen's P lay M artin tired mother of flirting w ith so many w omen. o hefriend, A fter being jilted by herSboy a talent scout w riteslater, a A talkshow group of friends, a decade still quitelist grow n up. Jake G inahav is aen't hairsty w ho opens up a beauty shop full of employ eestake and Three sixty -something friends 2010 a break from their -to-daystory liv es The picaresque andday touching of the politically incorrect, fully liv ed 2006 Kazakh TV talking head Borat is dispatched to the U nited tates to A w ashed out former starS in need of money has a getmov richieplan start a When a desperate producer M artínez, , M aría Ice C ube,Kristina A nthonyLilley A nderson, S Ev e A ean shleyP atrick Judd, Thomas, G reg Kinnear, U nited S tates; 2002 U nited S tates; 2001 H arisaC anning, Tomei Ryugh an Jackman, Kw anten, M S ara Will C atherine Oaw 'H ara S tevSeasso, M artin, G oldie H n, C anada; 2013 2006 1999 2012 U nited S tates; John M ark Me cKinney M orrisC Cleese, hestnut, Tay Diggs, U nited S tates; Regina H all,, CTerrence H ow ard F rance; G ermany ; Julie Delpy hris Rock, A lbert Delpy , AFlexia Landeau Belgium; M organ reeman, C hristopher U nited S tates; 1999 Walken, WilliamJessica H . M acy , G erard Butler, Biel, U nited S tates; U maF Thurman, Will errell, S tevCeatherine C arell, PZetaaul U nited S tates; Rudd, id Koechner M aiaraDav Walsh, Brant U nited S tates; Daugherty , C ody C hristian, 2012 S eann William S cott, Jay C anada; U nited Baruchel, Liev S chreiber, A lison S Jack Black, S hirley M acLaine, Utates; nited S tates; Mllen atthew M cC onaughey , Brady U nited S tates; E P age, M ichael C era, Jennifer G arner, A nna F aris, LauraJason U nited S tates; Breckenridge, hambers, U nited S tates; Leslie N ielsen, Justin LaurenC Bacall, 0 7 :4 0 A ll I Want F or C hristmas E l mejor regalo F amiliar 0 9 :1 5 S idew ay s E ntre copas C omedia 1 1 :2 0 Bernie Bernie C omedia 1 3 :0 5 10 Years Diez años después C omedia 1 4 :4 5 The Birdcage La jaula de las locas C omedia 1 6 :4 5 Kung P ow , E nter The F ist E l maestro de la Kung-fu-sión A cción 1 8 :1 0 Welcome To The Jungle Bienv enido a la jungla C omedia 1 9 :4 5 Barney 's V ersion E l mundo según Barney C omedia 2 2 :0 0 Legally Blonde Legalmente rubia C omedia 2 3 :3 5 I H ate V alentine's Day A l diablo con el amor C omedia Wilson, S elma John Blair,CMorbett, atthew N ia V ardalos, A mir A rison, Rachel Dratch 2 9 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :0 5 The F ood G uide To Lov e Ralph Kramden alw ay s iscoming A ll I Want F or Cishristmas a comedy about tw o N ew C ity A w ashed out former starYork in need S acha Baron C ohen, Ken U nited S tates; Dav Luenell, C hester Burt itian, Rey nolds, A ngie E v erhart, U nited S tates; G abrielle Reece, D.L.MHurphy ughley S tev e M artin, E ddie , U nited S tates; H eather G raham,Karen C hristine John Leguizamo, C olombia; Rosamund P ike, M innie Driv er 2 7 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 2 :0 0 Borat: C ultural Learnings O f A merica F or M ake Benefit 0 3 :2 5 C loud 9G lorious N ation O f Kazakhstan The films and stars of 2013 in this end ear special. A fterofa ybreak up, Jenny mov es in w ith w riter Kelly , her filmmaker Working class N ew York bus driv er industry , C hili P almer tries the 2012 S pain; Daugherty , C ody C hristian, S ebastián Badilla, Katty C hile; Kow Jav iera A cev edo, U nited S tates; A nnaaleczko, F aris, Laura Breckenridge, Justin C hambers, U nited S tates; P aul Reiser, P eter F alk, O ly mpia A Dukakis S antiago larcón, Jessica C olombia; SY NO P SIS_ENGLISH 2013 Kev ealon, Jamey heridan P aulinGN iamatti, ThomasSH aden U nited S tates; C hurch, V irginia M adsen, H Jack Black, S hirley M acLaine, U ungary nited S ;tates; M atthew M cC onaughey Brady U nited S tates; C hanning Tatum, C hris P, ratt, O scar Williams, Isaac, Jenna DewLane, anRobin N athan G ene H ackman, Dianne Wiest F ei Lung, S tev e O edekerk, 2013 2011 2009 2013 many flaw s and shortcomings his The remake of the 1970 N eil Sin imon comedy followfriends s the adv entures When college reunite afterof a 15 y ears ovcouple er the M C hristmas M anhattan arion and M ingus, w ho each e children C harles, Roger andhav G eorge are the vA ery picture of honest security former sports star w ho's fallen on hard starts coaching With times the 70s behind him, Shis an son's Diego's rated new sman, In this Htop unger G ames spoof, Ron Kantmiss E v ershot must fight for 2011 Labeled an outcast by his brainy family , a bouncer ov ercomes In small-tow n Texas, the locallong mortician strikes a friendship Juno M acG uff is up a cool, confident 2011 2007 2005 1991 2004 2011 2011 1996 U nited S tates; 2002 U nited S tates; C barbershop. C alvboy in, friend, w ho A hicago fter being jilted by her a talent scout w rites A talkshow dishw asher made famous fora his 2013 U nited S tates; Ling-ling H sieh, Leo Lee Jean-C laude V an Damme, U nited Kingdom; A damG Brody , Rob H uebel, S tates; P aul iamatti, Dustin Hoffman, U C nited anada; Italy ; Rosamund P ike, M innie Driv er Reese Witherspoon, Luke U nited S tates; fails getout a major for his Whattosets to be star a perfect holiday the A day inbythe lifebeach of a Ssuddenly outh S ide 2013 2010 2001 teenager ho adv takes a nine-month Desperatewfor enture, Bell and Belle w ant Ftoorbreak out ofistheir A ll I Want C hristmas a comedy tw o middle N ew York Tw o menabout reaching age Cwity ith not much to n show butthe local In small-tow Texas, mortician up aa decade friendship A group ofstrikes friends, later, still havcabaret en't quite n up. A gay owgrow ner and hisJake drag queen agree Kung Pcompanion ow : E nter the F isttoisput a up a mov ie w of ithin a mov ie, created A group office w orkers find to themselv es stranded on a desert The picaresque and touching story of the apolitically incorrect, fully isliv ed When blonde sorority queen 2009 dumped herabides boy friend, she fiv eA florist, by w ho by a strict date-limit w ith any man, finds 2013 A romantic comedy set in Dublin about a trendsetting A seemingly perfect Irish familyfood mov es into a college suburban neighborhood, but When friends reunite after A mor en su punto Romance 0 2 :4 0 The Joneses A mor por contrato C omedia 0 4 :2 0 The Best M an H oliday E l reencuentro C omedia 0 6 :2 5 Zoom In: N ight A t The M useum - S ecret O f The Tomb In: Dumb & Dumber To 0 6 :3 5 Zoom Zoom In V arios Richard C oy le, Leonor Watling, S pain; Ireland; S imon Delaneyny , Bronagh Dav id Duchov , Demi M oore, U nited S tates; A eard, Ben Mmber orris CHhestnut, Tay e Diggs, U nited S tates; Regina V arios H all, Terrence H ow ard Zoom In V arios V arios 2014 P aul Reiser, P eter F alk, U nited S tates; O ly mpia Dukakis P aul G iamatti, Dustin Hoffman, C anada; Italy ; Rosamund P ike, SMara innie Driv er C anada; Ry an Kw anten, C anning, Will S asso, C atherine O 'H ara S antiago A larcón, Jessica C olombia; 2005 C ediel, lejandro Riaño, M aría S tev e MAartin, E ddie M urphy , H eather G raham, C hristine S acha Baron C ohen, Ken U nited S tates; 1999 U nited S tates; 2006 Dav itian, Luenell, C hester M aiara Walsh, Brant Daugherty , C odyMCatt hristian, Brendan F raser, Dillon, U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 V nofrio, Thomas C incent amilla D'O Belle, Rob Low e, Russell P eters, V inay V irmani Bruce Willis, John M alkov ich, C anada; India; 2011 U nited S tates; F rance; anada; U nited SCtates; 2013 2009 reunites unlikely elite C harles, his Roger and Gteam eorgeofare the v ery picture of honest security This is a hilarious comedy about liv in aofrock 'n'wroll dream...and A ing group office orkers find themselv desert Kung P owes: Estranded nter the on F ista is a 0 6 :4 0 The Thing A bout M y F olks E sto es todo amigos C omedia 0 8 :2 0 Barney 's V ersion E l mundo según Barney C omedia 1 0 :4 0 The Right Kind O f Wrong E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia 1 2 :2 0 Todas P ara U no Todas para uno C omedia 1 3 :5 0 Bow finger Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 1 5 :3 0 Borat: C ultural Learnings O f A merica F or M ake G lorious N ation O f Kazakhstan 1 6 :5 5 Benefit The S tarv ing G ames Borat C omedia Los muertos del hambre C omedia 1 8 :2 0 P aw n S hop C hronicles P aw n S hop C hronicles C omedia 2010 2013 2014 2010 2013 2014 2 0 :2 0 Breakaw ay Breakaw ay C omedia 2 2 :0 0 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción 2 3 :5 0 The M aiden H eist U n crimen nada perfecto C omedia M -Louise P arker, C atherine M ary organ F reeman, C hristopher Walken, William H . M acy , U n rockero de locura C omedia Rainn Wilson, C hristina A pplegate, G arlin, Josh Jean-C laudeJeff V an Damme, A dam Brody , Rob H uebel, F ei Lung, S tev e O edekerk, U nited S tates; 2008 U nited Kingdom; U nited nited S U S tates; tates; 2002 Ling-ling sieh, Leo ULee M ichael AHngarano, ma Thurman, Reece Thompson, S tev e M artin, E ddie M urphy , U nited S tates; 2010 3 0 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :2 0 The Rocker 0 3 :0 0 Welcome To The Jungle Bienv enido a la jungla C omedia 0 4 :3 5 Kung P ow , E nter The F ist E l maestro de la Kung-fu-sión A cción 0 6 :0 0 C eremony La ceremonia C omedia 0 7 :3 0 Bow finger Bow finger: el director chiflado C omedia 0 9 :1 0 2 Day s in N ew York 2 Días en N uev a York Romance 1 0 :4 5 Barbershop La barbería C omedia 1 2 :2 5 The Joneses A mor por contrato C omedia 1 4 :0 5 The F ood G uide To Lov e A mor en su punto Romance 1 5 :3 5 I H ate V alentine's Day A l diablo con el amor C omedia 1 7 :0 5 G oon G oon C omedia 1 8 :4 0 10 Years Diez años después C omedia 2 0 :2 5 Legally Blonde Legalmente rubia C omedia 2 2 :0 0 The O ther Woman ¡M ujeres al ataque! C omedia 2 3 :5 0 The Right Kind O f Wrong E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia U nited S tates; H eather G raham, hristine Julie Delpy , C hris CRock, A lbert F rance; G ermany ; Delpy , A lexia Landeau Belgium; Ice C ube, A nthony A nderson, U nited S tates; S eanidPDuchov atrick Thomas, E vMeoore, U nited S tates; Dav ny , Demi 2013 1999 2011 2002 2010 A mber HCeard, Richard oy le, Ben Leonor Watling, S DelaneyJohn , Bronagh Nimon ia V ardalos, C orbett, A mir A William rison, Rachel S eann S cott, Dratch Jay S pain; Ireland; 2013 U nited S tates; 2009 Wilson, S elma C ameron Diaz,Blair, LeslieMMatthew ann, Kate pton, N ikolaj Ry anUKw anten, S araCCosteranning, U nited S tates; 2014 C anada; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; 2011 U nited S tates; F rance; C anada; 2013 C anada; U nited Baruchel, S chreiber, lison U S tates; C hanning Liev Tatum, C hris P A ratt, nited S tates; O scar Isaac, Jenna Dew anReese Witherspoon, Luke U nited S tates; 2011 2011 2001 Will S asso, C atherine O 'H ara 3 1 M ayo 2 0 1 5 0 1 :3 0 Baggage C laim of the dad hottest ies.s G the night Ben's S ammov show upetone w ith picaresque a note fromand Ben's mother The touching story of the politically incorrect, fully A dishw asher made famous forliv hised many flaw andisshortcomings in his P lay boy Msartin tired of flirting w ith soa many w omen. S oproducer he When desperate mov ie fails to get major head star for his is Kazakh TV atalking Borat dispatched to the U nited S tates to In this H unger G ames spoof, Kantmiss E v ershot mustinv fight A n anthology of stories olv for ing meth addicted w hite hockey supremacists, A n ethnic C anadian play er struggles traditional Retired C against .I.A . agent F rank family M oses mov w ithinare a mov ie, acreated to Tw oiefriends off on w eekend outing. arshall thinks trip is to When a Mdesperate mov the ie producer fails to get acouple majorMstar forand his M anhattan arion M ho life each children A ingus, day inwthe ofhav a Seouth S ide C barbershop. C alv in,mov w hoes A hicago seemingly perfect family into a suburban neighborhood, but A romantic comedy set in Dublin about a trendsetting A florist, w ho abidesIrish by afood strict fiv edate-limit ith any by man, Labeled anwoutcast his finds brainy family , aofbouncer long A group friends,ova ercomes decade later, still hava en't quite grow nqueen up. Jake When blonde sorority is dumped by ering her boy she is A fter discov herfriend, boy friend married, C arly made soon meets ife A dishw asher famousthe forwhis many flaw s and shortcomings in his 30 días y 30 mil millas C omedia 0 3 :0 5 10 Years Diez años después C omedia 0 4 :5 0 Red 2 RE D 2 A cción P aula P atton, Derek Luke, Tay e Diggs, Jill S cott C hanning Tatum, C hris P ratt, O scar Willis, Isaac, John Jenna Bruce M Dew alkovanich, 0 6 :4 5 Zoom In: N ight A t The M useum - S ecret O f The Tomb In: Dumb & Dumber To 0 6 :5 0 Zoom Zoom In V arios M ary -Louise P arker, C atherine V arios Zoom In V arios V arios 0 7 :0 0 The F ilms & S tars O f 2013: E nd O f Year S pecial P elículas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de año E l mundo según Barney O tro V arios U nited S tates; 2013 C omedia P aul G iamatti, Dustin Hoffman, C anada; Italy ; Rosamund P ike, M innie Driv er 2010 0 7 :5 0 Barney 's V ersion 15 ears ovdiv er the C hristmas A n yexciting e into the production of hottest ies.the G et the A nthe exciting divmov e into production 2014 2014 P ledging to keep herself from being the oldestofand the only w oman in A group friends, a decade later, still hav C en't grow up.MJake Retired .I.Aquite . agent Fn rank oses reunites his div unlikely of elite A n exciting e intoteam the production of hottest ies.the G et the A nthe exciting divmov e into production of the hottest G et the The films and mov starsies. of 2013 in this end y ear special. The of picaresque and touching story of the politically incorrect, fully liv ed Programación Fox Comedy - Mayo 2015 FEC H A H or a T IT ULO O RIGINA L T IT ULO ESP A NO L GENRE 1 0 :0 5 P aw n S hop C hronicles P aw n S hop C hronicles C omedia 1 2 :0 0 The Rocker U n rockero de locura C omedia 1 3 :4 5 The S tarv ing G ames Los muertos del hambre C omedia 1 5 :1 0 Breakaw ay Breakaw ay C omedia 1 6 :5 0 The Right Kind O f Wrong E l Defecto M as P erfecto C omedia 1 8 :3 0 Baggage C laim 30 días y 30 mil millas C omedia 2 0 :1 0 The O ther Woman ¡M ujeres al ataque! C omedia 2 2 :0 0 That A w kw ard M oment Las nov ias de mis amigos C omedia 2 3 :3 5 John Tucker M ust Die Todas contra John Romance ELENC O Brendan F raser, M att Dillon, V incent D'O nofrio, Thomas Rainn Wilson, C hristina O RIGIN C O UNT RY U nited S tates; A ÑO 2013 U nited S tates; 2008 A JeffBrant G arlin, Josh Mpplegate, aiara Walsh, Daugherty , C ody hristian, C amilla Belle, RobCLow e, Russell P eters, irmani Ry an Kw anten,VSinay ara CV anning, U nited S tates; 2013 Will S asso, C atherine O 'H ara P aula P atton, Derek Luke, Tay e Diggs, Jill Leslie S cott M ann, C ameron Diaz, C anada; India; 2011 C anada; 2013 U nited S tates; 2013 U nited S tates; KateEU pton, N ikolaj C osterZac fron, M iles Teller, M ichael U nited S tates; B. Jordan, Imogen P ootsS now , U nited S tates; Jesse M etcalfe, Brittany A shanti, A rielle Kebbel C anada; 2014 2014 2006 SY NO P SIS_ENGLISH A n anthology of stories inv olv ing meth w hite supremacists, This isaddicted a hilarious comedy about liv rock G 'n'ames roll dream...and In ing thisinHaunger spoof, Kantmiss ershot must fightplay forer A n ethnic ECvanadian hockey struggles against traditional A dishw asher made famousfamily for his many flaw and shortcomings in his P ledging toskeep herself from being the oldest and theher onlyboy w friend oman is in A fter discov ering married, C arly soon meets the wes ife Three best friends find themselv w here ex-girlfriends w e'v e all been that Three of a- at serial cheater set up their former lov er to Programación Fox Family HD y SD - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH 01 Mayo 2015 00:15 01:50 03:30 05:10 06:35 07:50 09:20 10:40 12:15 13:45 15:15 16:40 18:15 20:20 22:00 23:35 Liberal Arts Kicking & Screaming The Flying Scotsman Chilly Christmas Joseph: King Of Dreams Space Dogs 3d All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 The Little Ghost The Road To El Dorado The Dogfather Over The Hedge So Undercover The Lost World: Jurassic Park Land Of The Lost The Dragon Pearl Warm Bodies Amor y letras Gritando y pateando El escocés volador Chilly Christmas José, el rey de los sueños Perros en el espacio Todos los perros van al cielo 2 El pequeño fantasma El camino hacia El Dorado Sonny, el perro de la mafia Vecinos invasores Peligrosamente infiltrada El Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park La tierra perdida La perla del dragón Mi novio es un zombie Comedia Comedia Drama Comedia Aventura Comedia Familiar Familiar Animación Comedia Animación Acción Aventura Aventura Aventura Comedia Josh Radnor, Elizabeth Olsen, Richard Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall, Kate Jonny Lee Miller, Brian Cox, Sean C. Thomas Howell, Brooke Langton, Ben Affleck, Mark Hamill, Richard Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Charlie Sheen, Bebe Neuwirth, Ernest Jonas Holdenrieder, Emily Kusche, Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Rosie Chris Parnell, Marie Ward, William Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Miley Cyrus, Jeremy Piven, Joshua Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete Will Ferrell, Anna Friel, Danny Sam Neill, Louis Corbett, Robert Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, United States; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; Russian Federation; United States; Germany; Switzerland; United States; Canada; United States; United States; United States; United States; Australia; United States; 2012 2005 2006 2012 2000 2010 1996 2013 2000 2010 2006 2012 1997 2009 2011 2013 When 30-something Jesse returns to his When Phil decides to coach his son's Based on the incredible true story of A dog and a young boy run away from Joseph, his father's favorite son, is sold Schoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka Charlie and Itchy return to Earth to find The Little Ghost lives in the castle of Tulio and Miguel, two swindlers, get their When a Mafia don's right-hand man, a A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched A tough, street-smart private eye is hired A research team is sent to the Jurassic Dr. Rick Marshall is sucked into a spaceJosh and Ling were expecting a boring After a highly unusual zombie saves a still- 02 Mayo 2015 01:10 04:05 05:45 05:55 06:10 07:50 08:00 08:15 09:40 11:05 12:45 14:20 15:55 17:30 19:00 20:30 22:00 23:35 Meet Joe Black Now Is Good Kids Flix 2014 30 Kids Flix 2014 31 The Sandlot 2 Kids Flix 2014 32 Kids Flix 2014 33 Thumbelina Barnyard Millionaire Dog Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Dakota's Summer Nacho Libre Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Walking With Dinosaurs 3d Stormbreaker Despicable Me 2 Land Of The Lost ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Antes de que muera Kids Flix Kids Flix La pandilla 2 Kids Flix Kids Flix Pulgarcita La granja Pancho, el perro millonario Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Vaqueras y ángeles 2 Nacho libre Los Picapiedra en Las Vegas Caminando con Dinosaurios Alex Rider: Operación Stormbreaker Mi villano favorito 2 La tierra perdida Drama Drama Otro Otro Comedia Otro Otro Familiar Familiar Comedia Aventura Drama Comedia Comedia Animación Acción Comedia Aventura Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine, Paddy Varios Varios Max Lloyd-Jones, James Willson, Varios Varios Jodi Benson, Gary Imhoff, Barbara Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Patricia Conde, Ivan Massagué, César Óscar Barberán, Michelle Jenner, Pep Haley Ramm, Jade Pettyjohn, Emily Jack Black, Ana de la Reguera, Mark Addy, Stephen Baldwin, Kristen Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Angourie Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Mickey Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Benjamin Will Ferrell, Anna Friel, Danny United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Ireland; Germany; United States; Spain; Spain; United States; Germany; United States; United States; Australia; United Germany; United United States; United States; 1998 2012 2013 2013 2005 2013 2013 1994 2006 2014 2012 2014 2006 2000 2013 2006 2013 2009 A media mogul acts as a guide to Death, A girl dying of leukemia compiles a list of All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in A film about a group of young baseballAll the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in The tiny girl meets a fairy prince who When the farmer's away, all the animals This is the story of Pancho, a dog who Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One Dakota's Summer tells the story of Ignacio is a disrespected cook at a In this live-action prequel to the 1994 See and feel what it was like when Alex Rider thinks he is a normal school Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League Dr. Rick Marshall is sucked into a space- 03 Mayo 2015 01:15 03:25 05:05 05:15 05:25 07:05 08:25 10:00 11:25 13:00 14:20 15:45 17:20 18:55 20:25 22:00 23:35 The Mummy Returns Despicable Me 2 Kids Flix 2014 30 Kids Flix 2014 31 Love And Honor All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 The Dogfather Fly Me To The Moon Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Flushed Away Over The Hedge Kicking & Screaming A Mile In His Shoes Catch That Kid Legally Blonde 2: Red White And Blonde Honey So Undercover La momia regresa Mi villano favorito 2 Kids Flix Kids Flix Amor y Honor Todos los perros van al cielo 2 Sonny, el perro de la mafia Vamos a la Luna El mundo mágico de Magorium Lo que el agua se llevó Vecinos invasores Gritando y pateando El chico del milagro Atrápenlos Legalmente rubia 2 Honey, la reina del baile Peligrosamente infiltrada Aventura Comedia Otro Otro Drama Familiar Comedia Animación Comedia Aventura Animación Comedia Familiar Acción Comedia Drama Acción Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Benjamin Varios Varios Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Charlie Sheen, Bebe Neuwirth, Ernest Chris Parnell, Marie Ward, William Christopher Lloyd, Kelly Ripa, Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall, Kate Dean Cain, George Canyon, Jarod Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Beals, Reese Witherspoon, Sally Field, Jessica Alba, Mekhi Phifer, Romeo Miley Cyrus, Jeremy Piven, Joshua United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Canada; Belgium; United States; United States; Canada; United Kingdom; United United States; United States; Canada; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2001 2013 2013 2013 2012 1996 2010 2008 2007 2006 2006 2005 2011 2004 2003 2003 2012 The mummified body of Imhotep is Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in When a young soldier in Vietnam gets Charlie and Itchy return to Earth to find When a Mafia don's right-hand man, a Three young houseflies stow away aboard Molly Mahoney is the insecure manager of The story of an uptown rat that gets A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched When Phil decides to coach his son's Mickey Tussler, an autistic pitcher, joins a This is the story of a twelve-year-old Elle Woods heads to Washington D.C. to Honey is a sexy, tough music video A tough, street-smart private eye is hired 04 Mayo 2015 01:05 02:40 04:45 06:15 07:30 09:10 10:35 12:05 13:30 15:00 16:25 17:55 19:20 21:00 22:35 Pizza Man The Lost World: Jurassic Park Space Dogs 3d Joseph: King Of Dreams The Sandlot 2 Thumbelina Coffee Shop Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Sleepover Chicken Run Foster Lovewrecked Now Is Good Love And Honor Meet Joe Black Pizza Man El Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park Perros en el espacio José, el rey de los sueños La pandilla 2 Pulgarcita Coffee Shop Los Picapiedra en Las Vegas Pijamada Pollitos en fuga Como caído del cielo Naufragio de amor Antes de que muera Amor y Honor ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Acción Aventura Comedia Aventura Comedia Familiar Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Drama Drama Drama Frankie Muniz, Dallas Page, Shelley Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Ben Affleck, Mark Hamill, Richard Max Lloyd-Jones, James Willson, Jodi Benson, Gary Imhoff, Barbara Laura Vandervoort, Cory M. Grant, Mark Addy, Stephen Baldwin, Kristen Alexa PenaVega, Mika Boorem, Jane Mel Gibson, Julia Sawalha, Miranda Toni Collette, Ioan Gruffudd, Maurice Amanda Bynes, Chris Carmack, Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine, Paddy Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire United States; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; Ireland; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United United Kingdom; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; 2011 1997 2010 2000 2005 1994 2014 2000 2004 2000 2011 2005 2012 2012 1998 A pizza delivery boy receives superhuman A research team is sent to the Jurassic Schoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka Joseph, his father's favorite son, is sold A film about a group of young baseballThe tiny girl meets a fairy prince who Everything is perfect for Donavan until it In this live-action prequel to the 1994 Four best friends, desperate to improve While the chickens on evil Mrs. Tweedy's Looking to adopt a child and unable to On a Caribbean cruise, Jenny is marooned A girl dying of leukemia compiles a list of When a young soldier in Vietnam gets A media mogul acts as a guide to Death, 05 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:05 04:40 06:15 07:40 09:10 10:30 12:00 13:30 15:05 16:35 18:05 19:30 21:00 22:30 Son Of Rambow Saved Warm Bodies Wiener Dog Nationals Barnyard Flushed Away Stormbreaker Nacho Libre Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Walking With Dinosaurs 3d Fly Me To The Moon Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants Pizza Man The Mummy Returns El hijo de Rambow Que el cielo me ayude Mi novio es un zombie Un Perro Salchicha En Las Nacionales La granja Lo que el agua se llevó Alex Rider: Operación Stormbreaker Nacho libre El mundo mágico de Magorium Sinbad, La Leyenda de los Siete Mares Caminando con Dinosaurios Vamos a la Luna Minúsculos Pizza Man La momia regresa Aventura Comedia Comedia Comedia Familiar Aventura Acción Comedia Comedia Aventura Animación Animación Animación Acción Aventura Bill Milner, Will Poulter, Jules Sitruk, Jena Malone, Mandy Moore, Macaulay Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Jason London, Alicia Witt, Morgan Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Mickey Jack Black, Ana de la Reguera, Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Brad Pitt, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Angourie Christopher Lloyd, Kelly Ripa, Frankie Muniz, Dallas Page, Shelley Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Germany; United United States; Canada; United States; United States; Germany; United States; United Kingdom; United Germany; United Germany; United States; United States; Canada; United States; Australia; United Belgium; United States; France; Belgium; United States; United States; 2008 2004 2013 2013 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2003 2013 2008 2012 2011 2001 During a English summer in the early When a girl attending a Christian high After a highly unusual zombie saves a stillA family adopts a runt of a dachshund When the farmer's away, all the animals The story of an uptown rat that gets Alex Rider thinks he is a normal school Ignacio is a disrespected cook at a Molly Mahoney is the insecure manager of The sailor of legend is framed by the See and feel what it was like when Three young houseflies stow away aboard In a peaceful forest, the remains of a A pizza delivery boy receives superhuman The mummified body of Imhotep is 06 Mayo 2015 00:40 02:15 03:50 05:25 06:55 07:10 07:20 08:50 10:25 11:55 13:25 14:55 16:25 17:55 19:30 21:00 22:30 23:55 Legally Blonde 2: Red White And Blonde Honey Son Of Rambow Sleepover Kids Flix 2014 32 Kids Flix 2014 33 Coffee Shop A Mile In His Shoes Foodfight Foster Liar, Liar Heart Of The Country Catch That Kid Material Girls Tmnt (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Lovewrecked 10 Years Legalmente rubia 2 Honey, la reina del baile El hijo de Rambow Pijamada Kids Flix Kids Flix Coffee Shop El chico del milagro Foodfight! Como caído del cielo Mentiroso, mentiroso Heart of the Country Atrápenlos Chicas materiales Las tortugas ninja: la película Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Naufragio de amor Diez años después Comedia Drama Aventura Comedia Otro Otro Comedia Familiar Comedia Comedia Comedia Drama Acción Comedia Acción Aventura Comedia Comedia Reese Witherspoon, Sally Field, Jessica Alba, Mekhi Phifer, Romeo Bill Milner, Will Poulter, Jules Sitruk, Alexa PenaVega, Mika Boorem, Jane Varios Varios Laura Vandervoort, Cory M. Grant, Dean Cain, George Canyon, Jarod Charlie Sheen, Hilary Duff, Haylie Toni Collette, Ioan Gruffudd, Maurice Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Beals, Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff, Maria Chris Evans, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Óscar Barberán, Michelle Jenner, Pep Amanda Bynes, Chris Carmack, Channing Tatum, Chris Pratt, Oscar United States; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; United States; United States; Canada; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; Hong Kong; United Spain; United States; United States; 2003 2003 2008 2004 2013 2013 2014 2011 2012 2011 1997 2013 2004 2006 2007 2012 2005 2011 Elle Woods heads to Washington D.C. to Honey is a sexy, tough music video During a English summer in the early Four best friends, desperate to improve All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Everything is perfect for Donavan until it Mickey Tussler, an autistic pitcher, joins a Dex, a superdog sleuth, is the law of the Looking to adopt a child and unable to A fast-talking attorney and habitual liar, The story of a girl who abandoned her This is the story of a twelve-year-old Two rich sisters, both heiresses to their The continued adventures of the four Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One On a Caribbean cruise, Jenny is marooned A group of friends, a decade later, still 07 Mayo 2015 01:40 03:20 05:00 05:15 05:25 06:55 08:35 08:45 09:00 10:25 11:55 13:30 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:30 21:00 22:25 Now Is Good Warm Bodies Kids Flix 2014 34 Kids Flix 2014 35 Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Kids Flix 2014 36 Kids Flix 2014 37 Chicken Run Barnyard Dr. Dolittle 3 Nacho Libre Tmnt (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants Treasure Island Kids: The Monster Of Treasure Island Shrek The Third Ice Age: The Meltdown Rango Antes de que muera Mi novio es un zombie Kids Flix Kids Flix Sinbad, La Leyenda de los Siete Mares El mundo mágico de Magorium Kids Flix Kids Flix Pollitos en fuga La granja Dr. Dolittle 3 Nacho libre Las tortugas ninja: la película Minúsculos El Monstruo de la Isla del Tesoro Shrek tercero La era del hielo 2 Rango Drama Comedia Otro Otro Aventura Comedia Otro Varios Comedia Familiar Familiar Comedia Acción Animación Aventura Animación Animación Animación Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine, Paddy Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Varios Varios Brad Pitt, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Varios Varios Mel Gibson, Julia Sawalha, Miranda Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Kyla Pratt, Kristen Wilson, Walker Jack Black, Ana de la Reguera, Chris Evans, Sarah Michelle Gellar, United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Canada; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United Germany; United States; United States; Canada; Germany; United States; Hong Kong; United France; Belgium; Nicko Vella, Sasha Tilley, John Callen, New Zealand; Antonio Banderas, Cameron Diaz, United States; Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis United States; Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Abigail United States; 2012 2013 2013 2013 2003 2007 2013 2013 2000 2006 2006 2006 2007 2012 2006 2007 2006 2011 A girl dying of leukemia compiles a list of After a highly unusual zombie saves a stillAll the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in The sailor of legend is framed by the Molly Mahoney is the insecure manager of All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in While the chickens on evil Mrs. Tweedy's When the farmer's away, all the animals Lisa Dolittle sends her daughter to Ignacio is a disrespected cook at a The continued adventures of the four In a peaceful forest, the remains of a In The Monster of Treasure Island, the When his new father-in-law, King Harold Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that the Rango is an ordinary chameleon who 08 Mayo 2015 00:15 01:40 03:50 05:15 06:40 08:15 09:45 Madagascar Star Trek Legends Of Valhalla: Thor Wiener Dog Nationals The Sandlot 2 Space Dogs 3d The Little Ghost Madagascar Star Trek Leyendas de Valhalla: Thor Un Perro Salchicha En Las Nacionales La pandilla 2 Perros en el espacio El pequeño fantasma Aventura Ciencia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Familiar Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, John Cho, Justin Gregg, Paul Tylak, Nicola Jason London, Alicia Witt, Morgan Max Lloyd-Jones, James Willson, Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Jonas Holdenrieder, Emily Kusche, 2005 2009 2011 2013 2005 2010 2013 Spoiled by their upbringing with no idea The rebellious James T. Kirk tries to live An over confident teen with a magical A family adopts a runt of a dachshund A film about a group of young baseballSchoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka The Little Ghost lives in the castle of United States; United States; Germany; Germany; Iceland; United States; United States; Russian Federation; Germany; Switzerland; Programación Fox Family HD y SD - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH 11:20 12:50 14:15 15:50 17:20 19:00 20:30 22:00 23:40 Bee Movie Over The Hedge The Dragon Pearl Catch That Kid Millionaire Dog Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Walking With Dinosaurs 3d Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters Rise Of The Guardians Bee Movie: la historia de una abeja Vecinos invasores La perla del dragón Atrápenlos Pancho, el perro millonario Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Caminando con Dinosaurios Percy Jackson y el Mar de los Monstruos El origen de los guardianes Aventura Animación Aventura Acción Comedia Aventura Animación Aventura Aventura Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger, Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Sam Neill, Louis Corbett, Robert Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Beals, Patricia Conde, Ivan Massagué, César Óscar Barberán, Michelle Jenner, Pep Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Angourie Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, United States; United States; Australia; United States; Spain; Spain; Australia; United United States; United States; 2007 2006 2011 2004 2014 2012 2013 2013 2012 Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched Josh and Ling were expecting a boring This is the story of a twelve-year-old This is the story of Pancho, a dog who Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One See and feel what it was like when In order to restore their dying safe haven, When the evil spirit Pitch launches an 09 Mayo 2015 01:15 02:50 04:35 04:45 05:00 06:40 06:50 08:20 09:45 11:10 12:35 14:10 15:45 17:30 19:00 20:25 22:00 23:35 So Undercover 10 Years Kids Flix 2014 34 Kids Flix 2014 35 Now Is Good Kids Flix 2014 36 Foodfight Liar, Liar All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Dakota's Summer Rango Madagascar Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted Rio 2 Ice Age: The Meltdown Peligrosamente infiltrada Diez años después Kids Flix Kids Flix Antes de que muera Kids Flix Foodfight! Mentiroso, mentiroso Todos los perros van al cielo 2 Los Picapiedra en Las Vegas El mundo mágico de Magorium Vaqueras y ángeles 2 Rango Madagascar Madagascar 2 Madagascar 3: Los fugitivos Río 2 La era del hielo 2 Acción Comedia Otro Otro Drama Otro Comedia Comedia Familiar Comedia Comedia Drama Animación Aventura Aventura Comedia Animación Animación Miley Cyrus, Jeremy Piven, Joshua Channing Tatum, Chris Pratt, Oscar Varios Varios Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine, Paddy Varios Charlie Sheen, Hilary Duff, Haylie Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin Charlie Sheen, Bebe Neuwirth, Ernest Mark Addy, Stephen Baldwin, Kristen Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Haley Ramm, Jade Pettyjohn, Emily Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Abigail Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis United United United United United United United United United United United United United United United United United United 2012 2011 2013 2013 2012 2013 2012 1997 1996 2000 2007 2014 2011 2005 2008 2012 2014 2006 A tough, street-smart private eye is hired A group of friends, a decade later, still All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in A girl dying of leukemia compiles a list of All the hottest new movies and games in Dex, a superdog sleuth, is the law of the A fast-talking attorney and habitual liar, Charlie and Itchy return to Earth to find In this live-action prequel to the 1994 Molly Mahoney is the insecure manager of Dakota's Summer tells the story of Rango is an ordinary chameleon who Spoiled by their upbringing with no idea The animals try to fly back to New York Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that the 10 Mayo 2015 01:05 02:40 04:15 05:50 06:05 06:15 07:50 08:05 09:30 10:55 12:30 14:00 15:35 17:10 18:45 20:15 22:00 Megamind Millionaire Dog Kicking & Screaming Kids Flix 2014 37 Kids Flix 2014 38 The Little Ghost Kids Flix 2014 39 Legends Of Valhalla: Thor Barnyard Dr. Dolittle 3 Catch That Kid Megamind Rio 2 Rise Of The Guardians Shrek The Third Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters The Host Megamente Pancho, el perro millonario Gritando y pateando Kids Flix Kids Flix El pequeño fantasma Kids Flix Leyendas de Valhalla: Thor La granja Dr. Dolittle 3 Atrápenlos Megamente Río 2 El origen de los guardianes Shrek tercero Percy Jackson y el Mar de los Monstruos La huésped Acción Comedia Comedia Varios Varios Familiar Varios Comedia Familiar Familiar Acción Acción Animación Aventura Animación Aventura Ciencia Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Patricia Conde, Ivan Massagué, César Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall, Kate Varios Varios Jonas Holdenrieder, Emily Kusche, Varios Justin Gregg, Paul Tylak, Nicola Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Kyla Pratt, Kristen Wilson, Walker Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Beals, Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, Antonio Banderas, Cameron Diaz, Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Saoirse Ronan, Jake Abel, Max Irons, United States; Spain; United States; United States; United States; Germany; Switzerland; United States; Germany; Iceland; Germany; United States; United States; Canada; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2010 2014 2005 2013 2013 2013 2013 2011 2006 2006 2004 2010 2014 2012 2007 2013 2013 The supervillain Megamind finally defeats This is the story of Pancho, a dog who When Phil decides to coach his son's All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in The Little Ghost lives in the castle of All the hottest new movies and games in An over confident teen with a magical When the farmer's away, all the animals Lisa Dolittle sends her daughter to This is the story of a twelve-year-old The supervillain Megamind finally defeats It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and When the evil spirit Pitch launches an When his new father-in-law, King Harold In order to restore their dying safe haven, When an unseen enemy threatens mankind 11 Mayo 2015 00:05 01:40 03:10 05:25 05:35 05:50 07:20 07:35 09:10 10:35 11:55 13:35 14:55 16:25 17:55 19:25 21:00 22:30 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted Legally Blonde 2: Red White And Blonde Star Trek Kids Flix 2014 38 Kids Flix 2014 39 Space Dogs 3d Kids Flix 2014 40 Bee Movie Over The Hedge Knight Rusty The Dragon Pearl Flushed Away Stormbreaker Walking With Dinosaurs 3d Dakota's Summer So Undercover Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Kicking & Screaming Madagascar 3: Los fugitivos Legalmente rubia 2 Star Trek Kids Flix Kids Flix Perros en el espacio Kids Flix Bee Movie: la historia de una abeja Vecinos invasores Rusty El Caballero Robot La perla del dragón Lo que el agua se llevó Alex Rider: Operación Stormbreaker Caminando con Dinosaurios Vaqueras y ángeles 2 Peligrosamente infiltrada Madagascar 2 Gritando y pateando Comedia Comedia Ciencia Varios Varios Comedia Varios Aventura Animación Animación Aventura Aventura Acción Animación Drama Acción Aventura Comedia Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Reese Witherspoon, Sally Field, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, John Cho, Varios Varios Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Varios Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger, Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Sam Neill, Louis Corbett, Robert Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Mickey Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Angourie Haley Ramm, Jade Pettyjohn, Emily Miley Cyrus, Jeremy Piven, Joshua Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall, Kate United States; United States; United States; Germany; United States; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; Germany; Australia; United Kingdom; United Germany; United Australia; United United States; United States; United States; United States; 2012 2003 2009 2013 2013 2010 2013 2007 2006 2013 2011 2006 2006 2013 2014 2012 2008 2005 Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still Elle Woods heads to Washington D.C. to The rebellious James T. Kirk tries to live All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Schoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka All the hottest new movies and games in Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched Embark on an adventure like no other with Josh and Ling were expecting a boring The story of an uptown rat that gets Alex Rider thinks he is a normal school See and feel what it was like when Dakota's Summer tells the story of A tough, street-smart private eye is hired The animals try to fly back to New York When Phil decides to coach his son's 12 Mayo 2015 00:00 01:40 03:10 06:10 06:20 06:30 07:55 09:25 10:45 12:15 13:50 15:45 17:30 19:05 21:00 23:05 Love And Honor A Birder's Guide To Everything Meet Joe Black Kids Flix 2014 41 Kids Flix 2014 42 All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Flushed Away Dear Secret Santa A Mile In His Shoes Return To Me Treasure Island Kids: The Battle Of Treasure Island Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Back To The Future 3 The Mummy Returns The Host Amor y Honor A Birder's Guide to Everything ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Kids Flix Kids Flix Todos los perros van al cielo 2 Los Picapiedra en Las Vegas Lo que el agua se llevó Dear Secret Santa El chico del milagro Dos vidas contigo La batalla de la isla del tesoro Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Volver al futuro 3 La momia regresa La huésped Drama Comedia Drama Varios Varios Familiar Comedia Aventura Romance Familiar Comedia Aventura Aventura Aventura Aventura Ciencia Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Katie Chang, Alex Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Varios Varios Charlie Sheen, Bebe Neuwirth, Ernest Mark Addy, Stephen Baldwin, Kristen Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Tatyana Ali, Ernie Hudson, Bill Cobbs, Dean Cain, George Canyon, Jarod David Duchovny, Minnie Driver, Nicko Vella, Randy Quaid, John Óscar Barberán, Michelle Jenner, Pep Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Saoirse Ronan, Jake Abel, Max Irons, United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United United States; Canada; United States; New Zealand; Spain; United States; United States; United States; 2012 2013 1998 2013 2013 1996 2000 2006 2013 2011 2000 2006 2012 1990 2001 2013 When a young soldier in Vietnam gets A ragtag group of friends go on an quest A media mogul acts as a guide to Death, All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Charlie and Itchy return to Earth to find In this live-action prequel to the 1994 The story of an uptown rat that gets Jenny begins getting romantic Christmas Mickey Tussler, an autistic pitcher, joins a A man who falls in love with the woman Charlie is sent to summer camp (a real Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One Enjoying a peaceable existence in 1885, The mummified body of Imhotep is When an unseen enemy threatens mankind 13 Mayo 2015 01:10 03:15 05:00 06:25 06:40 08:20 09:50 11:30 13:00 14:35 16:05 17:45 19:15 21:00 22:35 Elizabethtown Never Been Kissed Chilly Christmas Kids Flix 2014 40 Benji: Off The Leash! Stormbreaker A Christmas Wish Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Dakota's Summer Return To Nim's Island Material Girls Heart Of The Country Grace Unplugged Legally Blonde 2: Red White And Blonde Meet Joe Black Todo sucede en Elizabethtown Jamás besada Chilly Christmas Kids Flix Benji: un amigo especial Alex Rider: Operación Stormbreaker A un paso de la felicidad Spirit: el corcel indomable Vaqueras y ángeles 2 Regreso a la isla de Nim Chicas materiales Heart of the Country Grace Unplugged Legalmente rubia 2 ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Comedia Comedia Comedia Varios Familiar Acción Drama Animación Drama Aventura Comedia Drama Drama Comedia Drama Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan Drew Barrymore, David Arquette, C. Thomas Howell, Brooke Langton, Varios Chris Kendrick, Nate Bynum, Nick Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Mickey Kristy Swanson, Edward Herrmann, Matt Damon, James Cromwell, Daniel Haley Ramm, Jade Pettyjohn, Emily Bindi Irwin, Toby Wallace, Matthew Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff, Maria Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy AJ Michalka, James Denton, Kevin Reese Witherspoon, Sally Field, Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; United States; Australia; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2005 1999 2012 2013 2004 2006 2011 2002 2014 2013 2006 2013 2013 2003 1998 During an outrageous memorial for a A journalist enrolls in her old high school A dog and a young boy run away from All the hottest new movies and games in Benji is born. Is born from a black prized Alex Rider thinks he is a normal school Abandoned by her husband a few days As a wild stallion travels across the Old Dakota's Summer tells the story of Teenager Nim, more determined than ever Two rich sisters, both heiresses to their The story of a girl who abandoned her Grace is a Christian teen who is struggling Elle Woods heads to Washington D.C. to A media mogul acts as a guide to Death, 14 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:10 04:50 06:20 06:30 06:45 08:15 09:45 11:15 13:00 14:30 16:05 18:00 19:30 21:00 22:35 The Sapphires Step Up Revolution Black Sheep Kids Flix 2014 41 Kids Flix 2014 42 Dear Secret Santa Heart Of The Country Foodfight Treasure Island Kids: The Battle Of Treasure Island It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Return To Me A Mile In His Shoes Treasure Island Kids: The Mystery Of Treasure Island Rio 2 Step Up Revolution Las Zafiro Step Up: La revolución Oveja negra Kids Flix Kids Flix Dear Secret Santa Heart of the Country Foodfight! La batalla de la isla del tesoro Una alegre Navidad con los Muppets Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Dos vidas contigo El chico del milagro El Misterio de la Isla del Tesoro Río 2 Step Up: La revolución Comedia Drama Comedia Varios Varios Romance Drama Comedia Aventura Comedia Aventura Comedia Familiar Aventura Animación Drama Chris O'Dowd, Deborah Mailman, Kathryn McCormick, Ryan Guzman, Chris Farley, David Spade, Tim Varios Varios Tatyana Ali, Ernie Hudson, Bill Cobbs, Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy Charlie Sheen, Hilary Duff, Haylie Nicko Vella, Randy Quaid, John Steve Whitmire, Dave Goelz, Bill Óscar Barberán, Michelle Jenner, Pep David Duchovny, Minnie Driver, Dean Cain, George Canyon, Jarod Nicko Vella, Sasha Tilley, John Callen, Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Kathryn McCormick, Ryan Guzman, Australia; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; New Zealand; United States; Canada; Spain; United States; Canada; New Zealand; United States; United States; 2012 2012 1996 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2006 2002 2012 2000 2011 2006 2014 2012 It's 1968, and four young, talented Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to A gubernatorial candidate hires a wormy All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Jenny begins getting romantic Christmas The story of a girl who abandoned her Dex, a superdog sleuth, is the law of the Charlie is sent to summer camp (a real On Christmas Eve, an angel petitions God Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One A man who falls in love with the woman Mickey Tussler, an autistic pitcher, joins a Charlie and Miranda discover the Island It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to 15 Mayo 2015 00:15 01:45 03:30 05:40 05:50 06:00 06:15 07:50 08:00 08:15 09:55 11:50 13:35 15:30 17:10 Sleepover Never Been Kissed The Mummy Returns Kids Flix 2014 30 Kids Flix 2014 31 Kids Flix 2014 32 The Road To El Dorado Kids Flix 2014 33 Kids Flix 2014 34 A Christmas Wish Return To Me Benji: Off The Leash! Back To The Future 3 Material Girls Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants Pijamada Jamás besada La momia regresa Kids Flix Kids Flix Kids Flix El camino hacia El Dorado Kids Flix Kids Flix A un paso de la felicidad Dos vidas contigo Benji: un amigo especial Volver al futuro 3 Chicas materiales Minúsculos Comedia Comedia Aventura Otro Otro Otro Animación Otro Otro Drama Comedia Familiar Aventura Comedia Animación Alexa PenaVega, Mika Boorem, Jane Drew Barrymore, David Arquette, Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Varios Varios Varios Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Rosie Varios Varios Kristy Swanson, Edward Herrmann, David Duchovny, Minnie Driver, Chris Kendrick, Nate Bynum, Nick Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff, Maria United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; France; Belgium; 2004 1999 2001 2013 2013 2013 2000 2013 2013 2011 2000 2004 1990 2006 2012 Four best friends, desperate to improve A journalist enrolls in her old high school The mummified body of Imhotep is All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Tulio and Miguel, two swindlers, get their All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Abandoned by her husband a few days A man who falls in love with the woman Benji is born. Is born from a black prized Enjoying a peaceable existence in 1885, Two rich sisters, both heiresses to their In a peaceful forest, the remains of a States; States; States; States; Kingdom; States; States; States; States; States; States; Canada; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; Programación Fox Family HD y SD - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE ELENCO 18:45 20:15 22:00 23:45 Return To Nim's Island Grace Unplugged Playing For Keeps Elizabethtown Regreso a la isla de Nim Grace Unplugged Jugando por amor Todo sucede en Elizabethtown Aventura Drama Comedia Comedia Bindi Irwin, Toby Wallace, Matthew AJ Michalka, James Denton, Kevin Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan 16 Mayo 2015 01:45 03:15 04:55 06:30 08:00 10:00 11:25 13:00 14:25 15:55 17:25 18:55 20:25 22:00 23:25 Black Sheep The Sapphires Dakota's Summer Fly Me To The Moon Return To Me Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants Barnyard Foodfight Treasure Island Kids: The Mystery Of Treasure Island Walking With Dinosaurs 3d Sleepover Millionaire Dog Puss In Boots The Lost World: Jurassic Park Oveja negra Las Zafiro Vaqueras y ángeles 2 Vamos a la Luna Dos vidas contigo Spirit: el corcel indomable Minúsculos La granja Foodfight! El Misterio de la Isla del Tesoro Caminando con Dinosaurios Pijamada Pancho, el perro millonario El gato con botas El Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park Comedia Comedia Drama Animación Comedia Animación Animación Familiar Comedia Aventura Animación Comedia Comedia Aventura Aventura Chris Farley, David Spade, Tim Chris O'Dowd, Deborah Mailman, Haley Ramm, Jade Pettyjohn, Emily Christopher Lloyd, Kelly Ripa, David Duchovny, Minnie Driver, Matt Damon, James Cromwell, Daniel 17 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:10 05:00 05:10 05:20 06:55 07:10 07:20 08:55 10:25 11:50 13:25 14:55 16:25 18:00 19:25 22:00 23:40 Rio 2 Playing For Keeps Kids Flix 2014 30 Kids Flix 2014 31 Pizza Man Kids Flix 2014 32 Kids Flix 2014 33 It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Space Dogs 3d Thumbelina The Road To El Dorado Abner, The Invisible Dog Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Puss In Boots The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Aquamarine Legally Blonde 2: Red White And Blonde Río 2 Jugando por amor Kids Flix Kids Flix Pizza Man Kids Flix Kids Flix Una alegre Navidad con los Muppets Perros en el espacio Pulgarcita El camino hacia El Dorado Abner, el perro invisible Los Picapiedra en Las Vegas Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido El gato con botas El Hobbit: La desolación de Smaug Mi amiga la sirena Legalmente rubia 2 18 Mayo 2015 01:15 02:55 05:50 07:35 09:00 10:30 11:55 13:25 14:55 16:15 17:45 19:25 21:00 23:05 10 Years Meet Joe Black Benji: Off The Leash! Wiener Dog Nationals Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants Fly Me To The Moon Bee Movie Heart Of The Country Flushed Away Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Aquamarine Kicking & Screaming The Lost World: Jurassic Park Step Up Revolution 19 Mayo 2015 00:45 02:15 03:35 05:10 05:20 05:35 07:00 08:40 10:10 11:40 13:10 14:45 16:15 17:50 19:25 21:00 23:00 20 Mayo 2015 ORIGIN COUNTRY Australia; United States; United States; United States; AÑO SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH 2013 2013 2012 2005 Teenager Nim, more determined than ever Grace is a Christian teen who is struggling A former sports star who's fallen on hard During an outrageous memorial for a United States; Australia; United States; Belgium; United States; United States; United States; France; Belgium; Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Germany; United States; Charlie Sheen, Hilary Duff, Haylie United States; Nicko Vella, Sasha Tilley, John Callen, New Zealand; Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Angourie Australia; United Alexa PenaVega, Mika Boorem, Jane United States; Patricia Conde, Ivan Massagué, César Spain; Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Zach United States; Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete United States; 1996 2012 2014 2008 2000 2002 2012 2006 2012 2006 2013 2004 2014 2011 1997 A gubernatorial candidate hires a wormy It's 1968, and four young, talented Dakota's Summer tells the story of Three young houseflies stow away aboard A man who falls in love with the woman As a wild stallion travels across the Old In a peaceful forest, the remains of a When the farmer's away, all the animals Dex, a superdog sleuth, is the law of the Charlie and Miranda discover the Island See and feel what it was like when Four best friends, desperate to improve This is the story of Pancho, a dog who Long before he even met Shrek, the A research team is sent to the Jurassic Animación Comedia Otro Otro Acción Otro Otro Comedia Comedia Familiar Animación Comedia Comedia Aventura Aventura Aventura Familiar Comedia Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Varios Varios Frankie Muniz, Dallas Page, Shelley Varios Varios Steve Whitmire, Dave Goelz, Bill Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Jodi Benson, Gary Imhoff, Barbara Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Rosie Daniel Zykov, David DeLuise, David Mark Addy, Stephen Baldwin, Kristen Óscar Barberán, Michelle Jenner, Pep Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Zach Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Emma Roberts, Sarah Paxton, Joanna Reese Witherspoon, Sally Field, United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Canada; Russian Federation; United States; Ireland; United States; United States; United States; Spain; United States; United States; New United States; Australia; United States; 2014 2012 2013 2013 2011 2013 2013 2002 2010 1994 2000 2013 2000 2012 2011 2013 2006 2003 It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and A former sports star who's fallen on hard All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in A pizza delivery boy receives superhuman All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in On Christmas Eve, an angel petitions God Schoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka The tiny girl meets a fairy prince who Tulio and Miguel, two swindlers, get their It's Chad's birthday and he's in for a big In this live-action prequel to the 1994 Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One Long before he even met Shrek, the The dwarves, along with Bilbo Baggins and Two teenage girls discover a mermaid in Elle Woods heads to Washington D.C. to Diez años después ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Benji: un amigo especial Un Perro Salchicha En Las Nacionales Minúsculos Vamos a la Luna Bee Movie: la historia de una abeja Heart of the Country Lo que el agua se llevó Los Picapiedra en Las Vegas Mi amiga la sirena Gritando y pateando El Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park Step Up: La revolución Comedia Drama Familiar Comedia Animación Animación Aventura Drama Aventura Comedia Familiar Comedia Aventura Drama Channing Tatum, Chris Pratt, Oscar Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Chris Kendrick, Nate Bynum, Nick Jason London, Alicia Witt, Morgan United States; United States; United States; United States; France; Belgium; Christopher Lloyd, Kelly Ripa, Belgium; United States; Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger, United States; Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy United States; Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian United Kingdom; United Mark Addy, Stephen Baldwin, Kristen United States; Emma Roberts, Sarah Paxton, Joanna United States; Australia; Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall, Kate United States; Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete United States; Kathryn McCormick, Ryan Guzman, United States; 2011 1998 2004 2013 2012 2008 2007 2013 2006 2000 2006 2005 1997 2012 A group of friends, a decade later, still A media mogul acts as a guide to Death, Benji is born. Is born from a black prized A family adopts a runt of a dachshund In a peaceful forest, the remains of a Three young houseflies stow away aboard Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated The story of a girl who abandoned her The story of an uptown rat that gets In this live-action prequel to the 1994 Two teenage girls discover a mermaid in When Phil decides to coach his son's A research team is sent to the Jurassic Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to A Birder's Guide To Everything Chasing Papi Cutting Edge: Chasing The Dream Kids Flix 2014 34 Kids Flix 2014 35 All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 The Sandlot 2 Barnyard Stormbreaker Space Dogs 3d Return To Nim's Island Walking With Dinosaurs 3d Pizza Man Millionaire Dog Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Elizabethtown Kicking & Screaming A Birder's Guide to Everything Un amante para tres Pasión por el triunfo 3 Kids Flix Kids Flix Todos los perros van al cielo 2 La pandilla 2 La granja Alex Rider: Operación Stormbreaker Perros en el espacio Regreso a la isla de Nim Caminando con Dinosaurios Pizza Man Pancho, el perro millonario Tadeo, El Explorador Perdido Todo sucede en Elizabethtown Gritando y pateando Comedia Romance Comedia Otro Otro Familiar Comedia Familiar Acción Comedia Aventura Animación Acción Comedia Aventura Comedia Comedia Kodi Smit-McPhee, Katie Chang, Alex Roselyn Sanchez, Sofía Vergara, Jaci Matt Lanter, Francia Raisa, Christy Varios Varios Charlie Sheen, Bebe Neuwirth, Ernest Max Lloyd-Jones, James Willson, Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Mickey Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Bindi Irwin, Toby Wallace, Matthew Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Angourie Frankie Muniz, Dallas Page, Shelley Patricia Conde, Ivan Massagué, César Óscar Barberán, Michelle Jenner, Pep Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall, Kate United States; United States; United States; Canada; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; United States; Germany; United Russian Federation; Australia; Australia; United United States; Spain; Spain; United States; United States; 2013 2003 2008 2013 2013 1996 2005 2006 2006 2010 2013 2013 2011 2014 2012 2005 2005 A ragtag group of friends go on an quest Three Latina women discover they are all When world class skater Zack's chances All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Charlie and Itchy return to Earth to find A film about a group of young baseballWhen the farmer's away, all the animals Alex Rider thinks he is a normal school Schoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka Teenager Nim, more determined than ever See and feel what it was like when A pizza delivery boy receives superhuman This is the story of Pancho, a dog who Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One During an outrageous memorial for a When Phil decides to coach his son's 00:35 02:05 03:35 05:15 07:15 08:35 10:00 11:30 13:00 14:45 16:10 17:45 19:20 21:00 22:40 Cutting Edge: Chasing The Dream Blades Of Glory The Sapphires Return To Me Wiener Dog Nationals Thumbelina Abner, The Invisible Dog Space Dogs 3d Benji: Off The Leash! Heart Of The Country Bee Movie Rio 2 Material Girls Grace Unplugged 10 Years Pasión por el triunfo 3 Deslizando a la gloria Las Zafiro Dos vidas contigo Un Perro Salchicha En Las Nacionales Pulgarcita Abner, el perro invisible Perros en el espacio Benji: un amigo especial Heart of the Country Bee Movie: la historia de una abeja Río 2 Chicas materiales Grace Unplugged Diez años después Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Familiar Comedia Comedia Familiar Drama Aventura Animación Comedia Drama Comedia Matt Lanter, Francia Raisa, Christy Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Will Arnett, Chris O'Dowd, Deborah Mailman, David Duchovny, Minnie Driver, Jason London, Alicia Witt, Morgan Jodi Benson, Gary Imhoff, Barbara Daniel Zykov, David DeLuise, David Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Chris Kendrick, Nate Bynum, Nick Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger, Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff, Maria AJ Michalka, James Denton, Kevin Channing Tatum, Chris Pratt, Oscar United States; Canada; United States; Australia; United States; United States; United States; Ireland; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2008 2007 2012 2000 2013 1994 2013 2010 2004 2013 2007 2014 2006 2013 2011 When world class skater Zack's chances In 2002, two rival Olympic ice skaters It's 1968, and four young, talented A man who falls in love with the woman A family adopts a runt of a dachshund The tiny girl meets a fairy prince who It's Chad's birthday and he's in for a big Schoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka Benji is born. Is born from a black prized The story of a girl who abandoned her Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and Two rich sisters, both heiresses to their Grace is a Christian teen who is struggling A group of friends, a decade later, still 21 Mayo 2015 00:25 03:20 04:55 05:05 05:15 07:00 07:10 07:25 08:55 10:20 12:00 13:25 14:50 16:20 17:50 19:30 21:00 22:30 Meet Joe Black A Birder's Guide To Everything Kids Flix 2014 35 Kids Flix 2014 36 Step Up Revolution Kids Flix 2014 37 Kids Flix 2014 38 Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 The Sandlot 2 Wiener Dog Nationals Flushed Away Catch That Kid Stormbreaker Grace Unplugged Liar, Liar Megamind Blades Of Glory ¿Conoces a Joe Black? A Birder's Guide to Everything Kids Flix Kids Flix Step Up: La revolución Kids Flix Kids Flix Minúsculos Todos los perros van al cielo 2 La pandilla 2 Un Perro Salchicha En Las Nacionales Lo que el agua se llevó Atrápenlos Alex Rider: Operación Stormbreaker Grace Unplugged Mentiroso, mentiroso Megamente Deslizando a la gloria Drama Comedia Otro Otro Drama Varios Varios Animación Familiar Comedia Comedia Aventura Acción Acción Drama Comedia Acción Comedia Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Kodi Smit-McPhee, Katie Chang, Alex Varios Varios Kathryn McCormick, Ryan Guzman, Varios Varios United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; France; Belgium; Charlie Sheen, Bebe Neuwirth, Ernest United States; Max Lloyd-Jones, James Willson, United States; Jason London, Alicia Witt, Morgan United States; Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian United Kingdom; United Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Beals, United States; Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Mickey Germany; United AJ Michalka, James Denton, Kevin United States; Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin United States; Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah United States; Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Will Arnett, United States; 1998 2013 2013 2013 2012 2013 2013 2012 1996 2005 2013 2006 2004 2006 2013 1997 2010 2007 A media mogul acts as a guide to Death, A ragtag group of friends go on an quest All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in In a peaceful forest, the remains of a Charlie and Itchy return to Earth to find A film about a group of young baseballA family adopts a runt of a dachshund The story of an uptown rat that gets This is the story of a twelve-year-old Alex Rider thinks he is a normal school Grace is a Christian teen who is struggling A fast-talking attorney and habitual liar, The supervillain Megamind finally defeats In 2002, two rival Olympic ice skaters 22 Mayo 2015 00:00 01:20 03:00 04:40 06:10 07:35 09:15 10:45 12:10 13:45 15:20 16:55 18:50 20:20 22:00 23:40 Chasing Papi The Sapphires The Flying Scotsman Sleepover Legends Of Valhalla: Thor The Flying Scotsman Return To Nim's Island Barnyard Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Material Girls Dr. Dolittle 3 Return To Me Heart Of The Country Fever Pitch Drumline Elizabethtown Un amante para tres Las Zafiro El escocés volador Pijamada Leyendas de Valhalla: Thor El escocés volador Regreso a la isla de Nim La granja El mundo mágico de Magorium Chicas materiales Dr. Dolittle 3 Dos vidas contigo Heart of the Country Amor en juego Ritmo Total Todo sucede en Elizabethtown Romance Comedia Drama Comedia Comedia Drama Aventura Familiar Comedia Comedia Familiar Comedia Drama Romance Comedia Comedia Roselyn Sanchez, Sofía Vergara, Jaci Chris O'Dowd, Deborah Mailman, Jonny Lee Miller, Brian Cox, Sean Alexa PenaVega, Mika Boorem, Jane Justin Gregg, Paul Tylak, Nicola Jonny Lee Miller, Brian Cox, Sean Bindi Irwin, Toby Wallace, Matthew Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff, Maria Kyla Pratt, Kristen Wilson, Walker David Duchovny, Minnie Driver, Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy Drew Barrymore, Jimmy Fallon, Ione Nick Cannon, Zoe Saldana, Orlando Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan United States; Australia; Germany; United United States; Germany; Iceland; Germany; United Australia; Germany; United States; United States; Canada; United States; United States; Canada; United States; United States; United States; Germany; United States; United States; 2003 2012 2006 2004 2011 2006 2013 2006 2007 2006 2006 2000 2013 2005 2002 2005 Three Latina women discover they are all It's 1968, and four young, talented Based on the incredible true story of Four best friends, desperate to improve An over confident teen with a magical Based on the incredible true story of Teenager Nim, more determined than ever When the farmer's away, all the animals Molly Mahoney is the insecure manager of Two rich sisters, both heiresses to their Lisa Dolittle sends her daughter to A man who falls in love with the woman The story of a girl who abandoned her Lindsay is stuck in the middle of her A talented street drummer from Harlem During an outrageous memorial for a 23 Mayo 2015 01:40 03:40 05:20 05:35 05:45 06:00 Back To The Future 3 Benji: Off The Leash! Kids Flix 2014 36 Kids Flix 2014 37 Kids Flix 2014 38 Wiener Dog Nationals Volver al futuro 3 Benji: un amigo especial Kids Flix Kids Flix Kids Flix Un Perro Salchicha En Las Nacionales Aventura Familiar Varios Varios Varios Comedia Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Chris Kendrick, Nate Bynum, Nick Varios Varios Varios Jason London, Alicia Witt, Morgan United United United United United United 1990 2004 2013 2013 2013 2013 Enjoying a peaceable existence in 1885, Benji is born. Is born from a black prized All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in A family adopts a runt of a dachshund States; States; States; States; States; States; Programación Fox Family HD y SD - Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPAÑOL GENRE ELENCO 07:25 09:00 09:15 10:45 12:20 14:05 15:45 17:10 18:40 20:10 22:00 23:25 Catch That Kid Kids Flix 2014 40 Space Dogs 3d Sleepover Grace Unplugged Rio 2 Liar, Liar Over The Hedge Coffee Shop Rango Kung Fu Panda 2 So Undercover Atrápenlos Kids Flix Perros en el espacio Pijamada Grace Unplugged Río 2 Mentiroso, mentiroso Vecinos invasores Coffee Shop Rango Kung Fu Panda 2 Peligrosamente infiltrada Acción Varios Comedia Comedia Drama Animación Comedia Animación Comedia Animación Aventura Acción Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Beals, Varios Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Alexa PenaVega, Mika Boorem, Jane AJ Michalka, James Denton, Kevin Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Laura Vandervoort, Cory M. Grant, Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Abigail Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Miley Cyrus, Jeremy Piven, Joshua 24 Mayo 2015 01:00 03:00 05:00 06:25 07:50 09:15 10:45 12:40 14:15 15:45 17:15 18:45 20:25 22:00 23:30 Elizabethtown Freedom Writers Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Legends Of Valhalla: Thor Barnyard Stormbreaker Return To Me Dr. Dolittle 3 Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants Walking With Dinosaurs 3d Megamind Aquamarine So Undercover Save The Last Dance 2: Stepping Up Fever Pitch Todo sucede en Elizabethtown Escritores de la libertad Spirit: el corcel indomable Leyendas de Valhalla: Thor La granja Alex Rider: Operación Stormbreaker Dos vidas contigo Dr. Dolittle 3 Minúsculos Caminando con Dinosaurios Megamente Mi amiga la sirena Peligrosamente infiltrada Pasión y baile 2 Amor en juego Comedia Drama Animación Comedia Familiar Acción Comedia Familiar Animación Animación Acción Familiar Acción Drama Romance Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan Hilary Swank, Scott Glenn, Imelda Matt Damon, James Cromwell, Daniel Justin Gregg, Paul Tylak, Nicola Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Mickey David Duchovny, Minnie Driver, Kyla Pratt, Kristen Wilson, Walker 25 Mayo 2015 01:10 02:50 04:40 06:25 07:55 09:25 10:55 12:30 14:05 16:00 17:30 19:00 21:00 22:35 Step Up Revolution Playing For Keeps Cutting Edge: Going For The Gold Abner, The Invisible Dog Foodfight Legends Of Valhalla: Thor Return To Nim's Island Joey Back To The Future 3 Stormbreaker Heart Of The Country Return To Me Drumline The Sapphires Step Up: La revolución Jugando por amor Pasión por el triunfo Abner, el perro invisible Foodfight! Leyendas de Valhalla: Thor Regreso a la isla de Nim Joey Volver al futuro 3 Alex Rider: Operación Stormbreaker Heart of the Country Dos vidas contigo Ritmo Total Las Zafiro 26 Mayo 2015 00:15 02:15 04:20 05:50 07:10 08:55 10:25 11:55 13:20 14:50 16:15 17:45 19:30 21:00 22:40 Freedom Writers The Mummy Returns Black Sheep Wiener Dog Nationals Benji: Off The Leash! Bee Movie Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Catch That Kid Over The Hedge Coffee Shop Rango Kung Fu Panda 2 Aquamarine Elizabethtown 27 Mayo 2015 00:45 03:40 05:20 05:30 05:40 07:20 08:55 10:30 12:05 13:25 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:25 21:00 22:40 28 Mayo 2015 ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH 2004 2013 2010 2004 2013 2014 1997 2006 2014 2011 2011 2012 This is the story of a twelve-year-old All the hottest new movies and games in Schoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka Four best friends, desperate to improve Grace is a Christian teen who is struggling It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and A fast-talking attorney and habitual liar, A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched Everything is perfect for Donavan until it Rango is an ordinary chameleon who Po and his friends fight to stop an A tough, street-smart private eye is hired United States; United States; Germany; United States; Germany; Iceland; Germany; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; Canada; France; Belgium; Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Angourie Australia; United Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah United States; Emma Roberts, Sarah Paxton, Joanna United States; Australia; Miley Cyrus, Jeremy Piven, Joshua United States; Izabella Miko, Columbus Short, United States; Drew Barrymore, Jimmy Fallon, Ione United States; Germany; 2005 2007 2002 2011 2006 2006 2000 2006 2012 2013 2010 2006 2012 2006 2005 During an outrageous memorial for a A young teacher inspires her class of atAs a wild stallion travels across the Old An over confident teen with a magical When the farmer's away, all the animals Alex Rider thinks he is a normal school A man who falls in love with the woman Lisa Dolittle sends her daughter to In a peaceful forest, the remains of a See and feel what it was like when The supervillain Megamind finally defeats Two teenage girls discover a mermaid in A tough, street-smart private eye is hired A talented dancer will have to make the Lindsay is stuck in the middle of her Drama Comedia Drama Comedia Comedia Comedia Aventura Aventura Aventura Acción Drama Comedia Comedia Comedia Kathryn McCormick, Ryan Guzman, Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Christy Carlson Romano, Ross Daniel Zykov, David DeLuise, David Charlie Sheen, Hilary Duff, Haylie Justin Gregg, Paul Tylak, Nicola Bindi Irwin, Toby Wallace, Matthew Jamie Croft, Alex McKenna, Rebecca Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Mickey Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy David Duchovny, Minnie Driver, Nick Cannon, Zoe Saldana, Orlando Chris O'Dowd, Deborah Mailman, United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; Iceland; Australia; Australia; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; United States; Australia; 2012 2012 2006 2013 2012 2011 2013 1998 1990 2006 2013 2000 2002 2012 Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to A former sports star who's fallen on hard The young, beautiful daughter of the It's Chad's birthday and he's in for a big Dex, a superdog sleuth, is the law of the An over confident teen with a magical Teenager Nim, more determined than ever Billy is a boy who is trying to save a baby Enjoying a peaceable existence in 1885, Alex Rider thinks he is a normal school The story of a girl who abandoned her A man who falls in love with the woman A talented street drummer from Harlem It's 1968, and four young, talented Escritores de la libertad La momia regresa Oveja negra Un Perro Salchicha En Las Nacionales Benji: un amigo especial Bee Movie: la historia de una abeja El mundo mágico de Magorium Spirit: el corcel indomable Atrápenlos Vecinos invasores Coffee Shop Rango Kung Fu Panda 2 Mi amiga la sirena Todo sucede en Elizabethtown Drama Aventura Comedia Comedia Familiar Aventura Comedia Animación Acción Animación Comedia Animación Aventura Familiar Comedia Hilary Swank, Scott Glenn, Imelda Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Chris Farley, David Spade, Tim Jason London, Alicia Witt, Morgan Chris Kendrick, Nate Bynum, Nick Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger, Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Matt Damon, James Cromwell, Daniel Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Beals, Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Laura Vandervoort, Cory M. Grant, Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Abigail Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Emma Roberts, Sarah Paxton, Joanna Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan United United United United United United United United United United United United United United United States; Germany; 2007 States; 2001 States; 1996 States; 2013 States; 2004 States; 2007 States; Canada; 2007 States; 2002 States; 2004 States; 2006 States; 2014 States; 2011 States; 2011 States; Australia; 2006 States; 2005 A young teacher inspires her class of atThe mummified body of Imhotep is A gubernatorial candidate hires a wormy A family adopts a runt of a dachshund Benji is born. Is born from a black prized Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated Molly Mahoney is the insecure manager of As a wild stallion travels across the Old This is the story of a twelve-year-old A scheming raccoon fools a mismatched Everything is perfect for Donavan until it Rango is an ordinary chameleon who Po and his friends fight to stop an Two teenage girls discover a mermaid in During an outrageous memorial for a Meet Joe Black Step Up Revolution Kids Flix 2014 40 Kids Flix 2014 41 Love And Honor Foodfight Joey Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 Abner, The Invisible Dog Walking With Dinosaurs 3d Treasure Island Kids: The Monster Of Treasure Island Sleepover Save The Last Dance 2: Stepping Up Cutting Edge: Going For The Gold Playing For Keeps ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Step Up: La revolución Kids Flix Kids Flix Amor y Honor Foodfight! Joey Minúsculos Todos los perros van al cielo 2 Abner, el perro invisible Caminando con Dinosaurios El Monstruo de la Isla del Tesoro Pijamada Pasión y baile 2 Pasión por el triunfo Jugando por amor Drama Drama Varios Varios Drama Comedia Aventura Animación Familiar Comedia Animación Aventura Comedia Drama Drama Comedia Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Kathryn McCormick, Ryan Guzman, Varios Varios Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Charlie Sheen, Hilary Duff, Haylie Jamie Croft, Alex McKenna, Rebecca United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Australia; France; Belgium; Charlie Sheen, Bebe Neuwirth, Ernest United States; Daniel Zykov, David DeLuise, David United States; Charlie Rowe, Karl Urban, Angourie Australia; United Nicko Vella, Sasha Tilley, John Callen, New Zealand; Alexa PenaVega, Mika Boorem, Jane United States; Izabella Miko, Columbus Short, United States; Christy Carlson Romano, Ross United States; Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma United States; 1998 2012 2013 2013 2012 2012 1998 2012 1996 2013 2013 2006 2004 2006 2006 2012 A media mogul acts as a guide to Death, Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in When a young soldier in Vietnam gets Dex, a superdog sleuth, is the law of the Billy is a boy who is trying to save a baby In a peaceful forest, the remains of a Charlie and Itchy return to Earth to find It's Chad's birthday and he's in for a big See and feel what it was like when In The Monster of Treasure Island, the Four best friends, desperate to improve A talented dancer will have to make the The young, beautiful daughter of the A former sports star who's fallen on hard 00:25 02:30 04:10 05:40 07:05 08:40 10:10 11:55 13:25 14:55 16:25 18:05 19:25 21:00 22:35 The Lost World: Jurassic Park The Sapphires Black Sheep Legends Of Valhalla: Thor Return To Nim's Island Catch That Kid Benji: Off The Leash! Sleepover Heart Of The Country Return To Nim's Island Dust Factory Flushed Away The Little Ghost Millionaire Dog The Mummy Returns El Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park Las Zafiro Oveja negra Leyendas de Valhalla: Thor Regreso a la isla de Nim Atrápenlos Benji: un amigo especial Pijamada Heart of the Country Regreso a la isla de Nim La fábrica de sueños Lo que el agua se llevó El pequeño fantasma Pancho, el perro millonario La momia regresa Aventura Comedia Comedia Comedia Aventura Acción Familiar Comedia Drama Aventura Drama Aventura Familiar Comedia Aventura Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete Chris O'Dowd, Deborah Mailman, Chris Farley, David Spade, Tim Justin Gregg, Paul Tylak, Nicola Bindi Irwin, Toby Wallace, Matthew Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Beals, Chris Kendrick, Nate Bynum, Nick Alexa PenaVega, Mika Boorem, Jane Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy Bindi Irwin, Toby Wallace, Matthew Hayden Panettiere, Ryan Kelley, Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Jonas Holdenrieder, Emily Kusche, Patricia Conde, Ivan Massagué, César Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John United States; Australia; United States; Germany; Iceland; Australia; United States; United States; United States; United States; Australia; United States; United Kingdom; United Germany; Switzerland; Spain; United States; 1997 2012 1996 2011 2013 2004 2004 2004 2013 2013 2004 2006 2013 2014 2001 A research team is sent to the Jurassic It's 1968, and four young, talented A gubernatorial candidate hires a wormy An over confident teen with a magical Teenager Nim, more determined than ever This is the story of a twelve-year-old Benji is born. Is born from a black prized Four best friends, desperate to improve The story of a girl who abandoned her Teenager Nim, more determined than ever Ryan is a teenager who lacks the ability The story of an uptown rat that gets The Little Ghost lives in the castle of This is the story of Pancho, a dog who The mummified body of Imhotep is 29 Mayo 2015 00:40 02:45 04:25 04:35 04:50 06:25 07:55 08:05 08:15 09:45 11:15 12:45 14:15 15:55 17:30 19:00 20:30 22:00 23:30 Elizabethtown Love And Honor Kids Flix 2014 40 Kids Flix 2014 41 Bee Movie Chilly Christmas Kids Flix 2014 42 Kids Flix 2014 42 All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 Space Dogs 3d Treasure Island Kids: The Monster Of Treasure Island Barnyard Joey The Little Ghost Abner, The Invisible Dog Treasure Island Kids: The Mystery Of Treasure Island Liar, Liar Kicking & Screaming Meet Joe Black Todo sucede en Elizabethtown Amor y Honor Kids Flix Kids Flix Bee Movie: la historia de una abeja Chilly Christmas Kids Flix Kids Flix Todos los perros van al cielo 2 Perros en el espacio El Monstruo de la Isla del Tesoro La granja Joey El pequeño fantasma Abner, el perro invisible El Misterio de la Isla del Tesoro Mentiroso, mentiroso Gritando y pateando ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Comedia Drama Varios Varios Aventura Comedia Varios Varios Familiar Comedia Aventura Familiar Aventura Familiar Comedia Aventura Comedia Comedia Drama Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Varios Varios Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger, C. Thomas Howell, Brooke Langton, Varios Varios Charlie Sheen, Bebe Neuwirth, Ernest Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Nicko Vella, Sasha Tilley, John Callen, Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Jamie Croft, Alex McKenna, Rebecca Jonas Holdenrieder, Emily Kusche, Daniel Zykov, David DeLuise, David Nicko Vella, Sasha Tilley, John Callen, Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall, Kate Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Russian Federation; New Zealand; Germany; United States; Australia; Germany; Switzerland; United States; New Zealand; United States; United States; United States; 2005 2012 2013 2013 2007 2012 2013 2013 1996 2010 2006 2006 1998 2013 2013 2006 1997 2005 1998 During an outrageous memorial for a When a young soldier in Vietnam gets All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated A dog and a young boy run away from All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in Charlie and Itchy return to Earth to find Schoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka In The Monster of Treasure Island, the When the farmer's away, all the animals Billy is a boy who is trying to save a baby The Little Ghost lives in the castle of It's Chad's birthday and he's in for a big Charlie and Miranda discover the Island A fast-talking attorney and habitual liar, When Phil decides to coach his son's A media mogul acts as a guide to Death, 30 Mayo 2015 02:25 04:35 04:45 05:00 06:30 06:45 08:15 09:55 11:30 13:00 14:25 15:55 17:35 19:05 20:40 22:00 23:30 The Lost World: Jurassic Park Kids Flix 2014 38 Kids Flix 2014 39 Heart Of The Country Kids Flix 2014 40 Abner, The Invisible Dog Dust Factory Bee Movie Return To Nim's Island Thumbelina Chicken Run Aquamarine Kicking & Screaming Minuscule: Valley Of The Lost Ants Flushed Away Shrek The Third Shrek Forever After El Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park Kids Flix Kids Flix Heart of the Country Kids Flix Abner, el perro invisible La fábrica de sueños Bee Movie: la historia de una abeja Regreso a la isla de Nim Pulgarcita Pollitos en fuga Mi amiga la sirena Gritando y pateando Minúsculos Lo que el agua se llevó Shrek tercero Shrek para siempre Aventura Varios Varios Drama Varios Comedia Drama Aventura Aventura Familiar Comedia Familiar Comedia Animación Aventura Animación Animación Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete Varios Varios Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy Varios Daniel Zykov, David DeLuise, David Hayden Panettiere, Ryan Kelley, Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger, Bindi Irwin, Toby Wallace, Matthew Jodi Benson, Gary Imhoff, Barbara Mel Gibson, Julia Sawalha, Miranda Emma Roberts, Sarah Paxton, Joanna Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall, Kate United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Australia; United States; Ireland; United Kingdom; United United States; Australia; United States; France; Belgium; United Kingdom; United United States; United States; 1997 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2004 2007 2013 1994 2000 2006 2005 2012 2006 2007 2010 A research team is sent to the Jurassic All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in The story of a girl who abandoned her All the hottest new movies and games in It's Chad's birthday and he's in for a big Ryan is a teenager who lacks the ability Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated Teenager Nim, more determined than ever The tiny girl meets a fairy prince who While the chickens on evil Mrs. Tweedy's Two teenage girls discover a mermaid in When Phil decides to coach his son's In a peaceful forest, the remains of a The story of an uptown rat that gets When his new father-in-law, King Harold Rumpelstiltskin tricks a domesticated Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Antonio Banderas, Cameron Diaz, Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron United States; United States; Russian Federation; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Programación Fox Family HD y SD - Mayo 2015 FECHA 31 Mayo 2015 Hora 01:00 02:35 04:35 04:50 05:00 06:30 06:40 08:05 09:35 11:05 12:40 14:10 15:40 17:15 18:40 20:20 22:00 TITULO ORIGINAL Love And Honor Elizabethtown Kids Flix 2014 38 Kids Flix 2014 39 Legends Of Valhalla: Thor Kids Flix 2014 40 Thumbelina Stormbreaker Foodfight Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium Space Dogs 3d Liar, Liar The Little Ghost Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Millionaire Dog Aquamarine The Host TITULO ESPAÑOL Amor y Honor Todo sucede en Elizabethtown Kids Flix Kids Flix Leyendas de Valhalla: Thor Kids Flix Pulgarcita Alex Rider: Operación Stormbreaker Foodfight! El mundo mágico de Magorium Perros en el espacio Mentiroso, mentiroso El pequeño fantasma Los Picapiedra en Las Vegas Pancho, el perro millonario Mi amiga la sirena La huésped GENRE Drama Comedia Varios Varios Comedia Varios Familiar Acción Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Familiar Comedia Comedia Familiar Ciencia ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY Liam Hemsworth, Teresa Palmer, Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan Varios Varios Justin Gregg, Paul Tylak, Nicola Varios Jodi Benson, Gary Imhoff, Barbara Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Mickey Charlie Sheen, Hilary Duff, Haylie Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Anna Bolshova, Elena Yakovleva, Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin Jonas Holdenrieder, Emily Kusche, Mark Addy, Stephen Baldwin, Kristen Patricia Conde, Ivan Massagué, César Emma Roberts, Sarah Paxton, Joanna Saoirse Ronan, Jake Abel, Max Irons, United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; Iceland; United States; United States; Ireland; Germany; United United States; United States; Canada; Russian Federation; United States; Germany; Switzerland; United States; Spain; United States; Australia; United States; AÑO 2012 2005 2013 2013 2011 2013 1994 2006 2012 2007 2010 1997 2013 2000 2014 2006 2013 SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH When a young soldier in Vietnam gets During an outrageous memorial for a All the hottest new movies and games in All the hottest new movies and games in An over confident teen with a magical All the hottest new movies and games in The tiny girl meets a fairy prince who Alex Rider thinks he is a normal school Dex, a superdog sleuth, is the law of the Molly Mahoney is the insecure manager of Schoolbooks say that Belka and Strelka A fast-talking attorney and habitual liar, The Little Ghost lives in the castle of In this live-action prequel to the 1994 This is the story of Pancho, a dog who Two teenage girls discover a mermaid in When an unseen enemy threatens mankind Programación Fox Movies- Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH 01 Mayo 2015 01:15 03:35 05:45 07:15 09:00 10:45 12:20 13:55 15:55 17:50 20:25 22:00 Transformers The Lost World: Jurassic Park Jurassic Park 3 The Frozen Ground Welcome To The Punch 16 Blocks Bullet To The Head The Monuments Men Killer Elite Zero Dark Thirty Next Watchmen TITULO ORIGINAL Transformers El Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park Parque Jurásico 3 Bajo cero Enemigos de sangre Muerte súbita El ejecutor Operación Monumento Asesinos de elite La noche más oscura El vidente Watchmen TITULO ESPANOL Acción Aventura Aventura Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción GENRE Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Sam Neill, William H. Macy, Téa Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, James McAvoy, Mark Strong, Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United Germany; United United States; Germany; United United States; United States; United States; United States; 2007 1997 2001 2012 2012 2006 2012 2013 2010 2012 2007 2009 An ancient struggle between two A research team is sent to the Adventure runs wild when renowned An Alaska State Trooper partners Ex-criminal Jacob Sternwood is An aging cop is assigned the After watching their respective An unlikely World War II platoon is When his mentor is taken captive, a A chronicle of the decade-long hunt A Las Vegas magician who can see In an alternate 1985 where former 02 Mayo 2015 00:40 02:35 03:55 05:50 07:15 08:35 10:05 11:35 13:20 15:15 16:45 18:25 20:00 22:00 Robocop Transporter 2 Killer Elite All Things To All Men Flushed Away Ice Age: The Meltdown Shrek The Third Playing For Keeps Dinner For Schmucks The Big Wedding Baggage Claim Despicable Me 2 Silver Linings Playbook About Time RoboCop El transportador 2 Asesinos de elite Londres: Distrito Criminal Lo que el agua se llevó La era del hielo 2 Shrek tercero Jugando por amor Una cena para tontos El gran casamiento 30 días y 30 mil millas Mi villano favorito 2 Silver Linings Playbook: El lado luminoso de la Cuestión de tiempo Acción Acción Acción Suspenso Aventura Animación Animación Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Drama Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Jason Statham, Alessandro Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Gabriel Byrne, Rufus Sewell, Toby Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Antonio Banderas, Cameron Diaz, Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Zach Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Paula Patton, Derek Luke, Taye Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel United States; France; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United Kingdom; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; 2014 2005 2010 2013 2006 2006 2007 2012 2010 2013 2013 2013 2012 2013 Remake of the Paul Verhoeven's Mercenary Frank Martin, who When his mentor is taken captive, a A police detective is so obsessed The story of an uptown rat that gets Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that When his new father-in-law, King A former sports star who's fallen on Tim is a rising executive who A long-divorced couple fakes being Pledging to keep herself from being Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain After a stint in a mental institution, At the age of 21, Tim discovers he 03 Mayo 2015 00:00 02:05 03:35 05:20 07:15 09:25 11:35 13:15 15:10 16:45 18:40 20:05 22:00 23:55 P.S. I Love You The Wedding Date I Love You, Man Dallas Buyers Club The Last Castle Jurassic Park Fantastic Four Into The Blue Next Robocop Transporter 2 Killer Elite 47 Ronin Transformers Posdata: te amo Amores y enredos de una boda Te amo, hermano El club de los desahuciados El último castillo Parque Jurásico Los 4 fantásticos Azul extremo El vidente RoboCop El transportador 2 Asesinos de elite 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai Transformers Drama Comedia Comedia Drama Acción Aventura Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Robert Redford, James Gandolfini, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Richard Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Jason Statham, Alessandro Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; France; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2007 2005 2009 2013 2001 1993 2005 2005 2007 2014 2005 2010 2013 2007 A young widow discovers that her Single-girl anxiety causes Kat Ellis to Engaged to the woman of his In 1985 Dallas, electrician and A court-martialed general rallies Huge advancements in scientific A group of astronauts gain A group of divers find themselves in A Las Vegas magician who can see Remake of the Paul Verhoeven's Mercenary Frank Martin, who When his mentor is taken captive, a A band of samurai set out to avenge An ancient struggle between two 04 Mayo 2015 02:15 04:55 06:50 08:30 09:50 11:20 13:25 14:55 16:55 18:50 20:30 22:00 Watchmen 47 Ronin 16 Blocks Flushed Away Heart Of The Country About Time The Wedding Date Silver Linings Playbook Dinner For Schmucks Baggage Claim The Big Wedding P.S. I Love You Watchmen 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai Muerte súbita Lo que el agua se llevó Heart of the Country Cuestión de tiempo Amores y enredos de una boda Silver Linings Playbook: El lado luminoso de la Una cena para tontos 30 días y 30 mil millas El gran casamiento Posdata: te amo Acción Acción Acción Aventura Drama Drama Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Drama Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Zach Paula Patton, Derek Luke, Taye Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa United States; United States; Germany; United United Kingdom; United United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2009 2013 2006 2006 2013 2013 2005 2012 2010 2013 2013 2007 In an alternate 1985 where former A band of samurai set out to avenge An aging cop is assigned the The story of an uptown rat that gets The story of a girl who abandoned At the age of 21, Tim discovers he Single-girl anxiety causes Kat Ellis to After a stint in a mental institution, Tim is a rising executive who Pledging to keep herself from being A long-divorced couple fakes being A young widow discovers that her 05 Mayo 2015 00:05 01:30 03:20 05:05 07:10 08:50 11:00 12:35 14:25 16:30 18:30 20:25 22:00 23:55 The Wedding Date Playing For Keeps I Love You, Man The Book Thief Dark Skies The Interpreter Premonition The Frozen Ground Blown Away The Monuments Men The Burma Conspiracy April Rain Killer Elite Into The Blue Amores y enredos de una boda Jugando por amor Te amo, hermano Ladrona de libros Los elegidos La intérprete Premonición Bajo cero Lluvia de fuego Operación Monumento Largo Winch. Conspiracion en Birmania April Rain Asesinos de elite Azul extremo Comedia Comedia Comedia Drama Suspenso Suspenso Drama Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson, Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Nicole Kidman, Sean Penn, Sandra Bullock, Julian McMahon, Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, Jeff Bridges, Tommy Lee Jones, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Tomer Sisley, Sharon Stone, Ulrich Luke Goss, Ryan Guzman, Andrew Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; France; United United States; United States; United States; Germany; United Belgium; France; United States; United States; United States; 2005 2012 2009 2014 2013 2005 2007 2012 1994 2013 2011 2013 2010 2005 Single-girl anxiety causes Kat Ellis to A former sports star who's fallen on Engaged to the woman of his While subjected to the horrors of As the Barret family's peaceful Political intrigue and deception Depressed housewife learns her An Alaska State Trooper partners An Irish bomber escapes from An unlikely World War II platoon is Largo Winch, the newly appointed When a group of terrorists plot to When his mentor is taken captive, a A group of divers find themselves in 06 Mayo 2015 01:45 03:20 04:55 07:15 09:05 10:55 13:00 15:05 16:35 18:35 20:20 22:00 16 Blocks Bullet To The Head Babel Broken Arrow Temptation: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor Jobs P.S. I Love You The Big Wedding Dallas Buyers Club Broken City 16 Blocks The Monuments Men Muerte súbita El ejecutor Babel Código: flecha rota Tentación: Confesiones de una consejera Jobs Posdata: te amo El gran casamiento El club de los desahuciados Ciudad de sombras Muerte súbita Operación Monumento Acción Acción Drama Acción Drama Drama Drama Comedia Drama Suspenso Acción Acción Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Gael John Travolta, Christian Slater, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Lance Gross, Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Germany; United United States; France; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; United Germany; United 2006 2012 2006 1996 2013 2013 2007 2013 2013 2013 2006 2013 An aging cop is assigned the After watching their respective Tragedy hits a married couple on Terrorists steal nuclear warheads An ambitious married woman's The story of Steve Jobs' ascension A young widow discovers that her A long-divorced couple fakes being In 1985 Dallas, electrician and In a city rife with injustice, ex-cop An aging cop is assigned the An unlikely World War II platoon is 07 Mayo 2015 00:00 02:35 04:15 06:10 07:10 09:20 10:50 13:05 14:55 16:25 18:25 19:55 22:00 23:50 The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Fantastic Four Killer Elite Outlander S1: The Wedding The Book Thief Lovelace Mud Playing For Keeps The Wedding Date Silver Linings Playbook The Big Wedding About Time The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty P.S. I Love You El Hobbit: La desolación de Smaug Los 4 fantásticos Asesinos de elite Outlander 1 Ep 7 Ladrona de libros Lovelace: Garganta profunda El niño y el fugitivo Jugando por amor Amores y enredos de una boda Silver Linings Playbook: El lado luminoso de la El gran casamiento Cuestión de tiempo La increíble vida de Walter Mitty Posdata: te amo Aventura Acción Acción Ciencia Drama Drama Drama Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Drama Aventura Drama Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson, Amanda Seyfried, Peter Sarsgaard, Matthew McConaughey, Tye Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Shirley Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa United United United United United United United United United United United United United United 2013 2005 2010 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012 2005 2012 2013 2013 2013 2007 The dwarves, along with Bilbo A group of astronauts gain When his mentor is taken captive, a In 1945, a married combat nurse is While subjected to the horrors of True story about the girl-next-door Two young boys help a fugitive to A former sports star who's fallen on Single-girl anxiety causes Kat Ellis to After a stint in a mental institution, A long-divorced couple fakes being At the age of 21, Tim discovers he When a day-dreamer man's job is A young widow discovers that her 08 Mayo 2015 01:55 03:20 05:15 06:55 08:35 10:15 Don Jon Dallas Buyers Club 16 Blocks Welcome To The Punch Dark Skies Broken City Un Atrevido Don Juan El club de los desahuciados Muerte súbita Enemigos de sangre Los elegidos Ciudad de sombras Comedia Drama Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David James McAvoy, Mark Strong, Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, United States; United States; Germany; United United Kingdom; United United States; United States; 2013 2013 2006 2012 2013 2013 A New Jersey guy dedicated to his In 1985 Dallas, electrician and An aging cop is assigned the Ex-criminal Jacob Sternwood is As the Barret family's peaceful In a city rife with injustice, ex-cop States; New States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; Kingdom; States; States; Programación Fox Movies- Mayo 2015 FECHA ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY 12:05 14:00 16:30 18:05 20:00 22:00 23:20 Dallas Buyers Club Zero Dark Thirty Bullet To The Head Killer Elite The Monuments Men The Purge The Counselor El club de los desahuciados La noche más oscura El ejecutor Asesinos de elite Operación Monumento La noche de la expiación El abogado del crimen Drama Acción Acción Acción Acción Suspenso Suspenso Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, Jason Statham, Clive Owen, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Max Michael Fassbender, Penélope United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; United United States; France; United Kingdom; United 2013 2012 2012 2010 2013 2013 2013 In 1985 Dallas, electrician and A chronicle of the decade-long hunt After watching their respective When his mentor is taken captive, a An unlikely World War II platoon is In an America wracked by crime and A lawyer finds himself in over his 09 Mayo 2015 01:20 03:30 06:15 07:55 09:35 11:05 12:50 14:20 16:10 18:05 20:05 22:00 Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Watchmen Fantastic Four 16 Blocks 21 And Over I Love You, Man Don Jon Into The Blue Killer Elite The Counselor Robocop The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Misión Imposible: Protocolo fantasma Watchmen Los 4 fantásticos Muerte súbita 21, la gran fiesta Te amo, hermano Un Atrevido Don Juan Azul extremo Asesinos de elite El abogado del crimen RoboCop El Hobbit: La desolación de Smaug Acción Acción Acción Acción Comedia Comedia Comedia Acción Acción Suspenso Acción Aventura Tom Cruise, Paula Patton, Simon Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Justin Chon, Miles Teller, Skylar Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Michael Fassbender, Penélope Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, United Arab Emirates; United States; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United United States; United States; New 2011 2009 2005 2006 2012 2009 2013 2005 2010 2013 2014 2013 The IMF is shut down when it's In an alternate 1985 where former A group of astronauts gain An aging cop is assigned the When a Straight-A college student's Engaged to the woman of his A New Jersey guy dedicated to his A group of divers find themselves in When his mentor is taken captive, a A lawyer finds himself in over his Remake of the Paul Verhoeven's The dwarves, along with Bilbo 10 Mayo 2015 00:30 03:00 04:55 07:25 09:25 11:25 13:30 15:20 17:20 19:50 22:00 23:50 Transformers: Dark Of The Moon-BLOQUE Robocop Zero Dark Thirty Silver Linings Playbook About Time P.S. I Love You The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty The Monuments Men Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Escape Plan The Purge Transformers: El lado oscuro de la luna RoboCop La noche más oscura Silver Linings Playbook: El lado luminoso de la Cuestión de tiempo Posdata: te amo La increíble vida de Walter Mitty Operación Monumento Transformers: El lado oscuro de la luna Misión Imposible: Protocolo fantasma Plan de escape La noche de la expiación Acción Acción Acción Comedia Drama Drama Aventura Acción Acción Acción Acción Suspenso John Malkovich, Josh Duhamel, Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Lisa Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Shirley George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill John Malkovich, Josh Duhamel, Tom Cruise, Paula Patton, Simon Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Max United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; Germany; United United States; United Arab Emirates; United States; United States; France; 2011 2014 2012 2012 2013 2007 2013 2013 2011 2011 2013 2013 The Autobots learn of a Remake of the Paul Verhoeven's A chronicle of the decade-long hunt After a stint in a mental institution, At the age of 21, Tim discovers he A young widow discovers that her When a day-dreamer man's job is An unlikely World War II platoon is The Autobots learn of a The IMF is shut down when it's When a structural-security authority In an America wracked by crime and 11 Mayo 2015 01:15 03:55 05:50 08:05 10:20 12:10 13:50 15:50 18:50 20:20 22:00 23:45 Watchmen Escape Plan The Way Back Mud French Kiss Sleeping With The Enemy Fatal Attraction Meet Joe Black Heart Of The Country Baggage Claim The World's End 21 And Over Watchmen Plan de escape Camino a la libertad El niño y el fugitivo Beso francés Durmiendo con el enemigo Atracción fatal ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Heart of the Country 30 días y 30 mil millas Una noche en el fin del mundo 21, la gran fiesta Acción Acción Drama Drama Comedia Drama Suspenso Drama Drama Comedia Comedia Comedia Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse Matthew McConaughey, Tye Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline, Timothy Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin, Kevin Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Paula Patton, Derek Luke, Taye Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Paddy Justin Chon, Miles Teller, Skylar United United United United United United United United United United United United States; States; States; Poland; States; Kingdom; United States; States; States; States; States; Kingdom; United States; 12 Mayo 2015 01:20 03:05 05:05 07:05 08:55 10:30 12:35 14:10 16:15 18:15 20:05 22:00 23:50 I Love You, Man Silver Linings Playbook Dallas Buyers Club French Kiss Sleeping With The Enemy Jobs I Give It A Year P.S I Love You Silver Linings Playbook Broken City Dallas Buyers Club Escape Plan Into The Blue Te amo, hermano Silver Linings Playbook: El lado luminoso de la El club de los desahuciados Beso francés Durmiendo con el enemigo Jobs Les doy un año P.S I Love You Silver Linings Playbook: El lado luminoso de la Ciudad de sombras El club de los desahuciados Plan de escape Azul extremo Comedia Comedia Drama Comedia Drama Drama Comedia Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline, Timothy Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin, Kevin Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Rose Byrne, Rafe Spall, Anna United United United United United United United States; 2009 Engaged to the woman of his States; 2012 After a stint in a mental institution, States; 2013 In 1985 Dallas, electrician and Kingdom; United 1995 A woman flies to France to confront States; 1991 A young woman fakes her own States; 2013 The story of Steve Jobs' ascension Kingdom; 2013 Newlywed couple Nat and Josh are Comedia Suspenso Drama Acción Acción Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott United United United United United States; States; States; States; States; 01:40 03:20 05:10 07:10 07:15 08:45 10:20 12:30 13:55 16:30 18:15 19:50 22:00 16 Blocks Machete Kills The Monuments Men Zoom In: Penguins Of Madagascar Behind Enemy Lines Texas Chainsaw 3d The Interpreter All Things To All Men Zero Dark Thirty Robocop 3 Dark Skies Jurassic Park The Lost World: Jurassic Park Muerte súbita Machete Kills Operación Monumento Zoom In Código nuclear Masacre en Texas: Herencia maldita La intérprete Londres: Distrito Criminal La noche más oscura Robocop 3 Los elegidos Parque Jurásico El Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park Acción Acción Acción Varios Acción Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Suspenso Aventura Aventura Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Varios Thomas Ian Griffith, Chris Mulkey, Alexandra Daddario, Dan Yeager, Nicole Kidman, Sean Penn, Gabriel Byrne, Rufus Sewell, Toby Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Robert John Burke, Mario Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Richard Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Germany; United Russian Federation; Germany; United 00:10 01:50 04:10 05:50 08:00 10:55 12:55 15:00 16:40 18:40 20:10 22:00 23:50 The Last Airbender Transformers Odd Thomas The Way Back Meet Joe Black Fatal Attraction P.S I Love You Baggage Claim Silver Linings Playbook 21 And Over The World's End Into The Blue Escape Plan El último maestro del aire Transformers Odd Thomas, cazador de fantasmas Camino a la libertad ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Atracción fatal P.S I Love You 30 días y 30 mil millas Silver Linings Playbook: El lado luminoso de la 21, la gran fiesta Una noche en el fin del mundo Azul extremo Plan de escape Aventura Acción Comedia Drama Drama Suspenso 01:40 03:30 05:30 07:10 07:15 09:25 11:15 13:00 14:45 16:20 18:20 20:25 22:00 23:55 Machete Kills No Country For Old Men 16 Blocks Zoom In: Penguins Of Madagascar The Last Castle The Iceman Broken City Assault On Precinct 13 Bullet To The Head The Monuments Men The Interpreter Next Killer Elite No Country For Old Men 13 Mayo 2015 14 Mayo 2015 15 Mayo 2015 16 Mayo 2015 Hora TITULO ORIGINAL 01:55 Transporter 2 TITULO ESPANOL GENRE AÑO 2009 2013 2010 2012 1995 1991 1987 1998 2013 2013 2013 2012 SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH In an alternate 1985 where former When a structural-security authority Inspired by an incredible true story, Two young boys help a fugitive to A woman flies to France to confront A young woman fakes her own A married man's one night stand A media mogul acts as a guide to The story of a girl who abandoned Pledging to keep herself from being Five friends who reunite in an When a Straight-A college student's 2012 2013 2013 2013 2005 After a stint in a mental institution, In a city rife with injustice, ex-cop In 1985 Dallas, electrician and When a structural-security authority A group of divers find themselves in Philippines; United United States; France; United United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2006 2013 2013 2014 1997 2013 2005 2013 2012 1993 2013 1993 1997 An aging cop is assigned the The U.S. government recruits An unlikely World War II platoon is An exciting dive into the production A former Marine and his highlyA young woman travels to Texas to Political intrigue and deception A police detective is so obsessed A chronicle of the decade-long hunt When the ruthless corporation that As the Barret family's peaceful Huge advancements in scientific A research team is sent to the Noah Ringer, Nicola Peltz, Dev Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Anton Yelchin, Addison Timlin, Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, United United United United United United States; States; States; States; Poland; States; States; 2010 2007 2013 2010 1998 1987 The story follows the adventures of An ancient struggle between two In a California desert town, a shortInspired by an incredible true story, A media mogul acts as a guide to A married man's one night stand Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Acción Acción Paula Patton, Derek Luke, Taye Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Justin Chon, Miles Teller, Skylar Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Paddy Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Sylvester Stallone, Arnold United United United United United United States; 2013 Pledging to keep herself from being States; 2012 After a stint in a mental institution, States; 2012 When a Straight-A college student's Kingdom; United 2013 Five friends who reunite in an States; 2005 A group of divers find themselves in States; 2013 When a structural-security authority Machete Kills Sin lugar para los débiles Muerte súbita Zoom In El último castillo El hombre de hielo Ciudad de sombras Masacre en la cárcel 13 El ejecutor Operación Monumento La intérprete El vidente Asesinos de elite Sin lugar para los débiles Acción Suspenso Acción Varios Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Suspenso Acción Acción Suspenso Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Varios Robert Redford, James Gandolfini, Michael Shannon, Winona Ryder, Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Ethan Hawke, Laurence Fishburne, Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Nicole Kidman, Sean Penn, Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Russian Federation; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; United States; France; United States; United States; Germany; United France; United United States; United States; United States; 2013 2007 2006 2014 2001 2012 2013 2005 2012 2013 2005 2007 2010 2007 El transportador 2 Acción Jason Statham, Alessandro France; United States; 2005 Mercenary Frank Martin, who The U.S. government recruits When a Vietnam veteran discovers An aging cop is assigned the An exciting dive into the production A court-martialed general rallies The true story of Richard Kuklinski, In a city rife with injustice, ex-cop A police sergeant must gather the After watching their respective An unlikely World War II platoon is Political intrigue and deception A Las Vegas magician who can see When his mentor is taken captive, a When a Vietnam veteran discovers Programación Fox Movies- Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPANOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH 03:20 05:10 06:45 08:15 09:45 11:25 13:05 15:15 17:25 18:55 20:20 22:00 23:45 Escape Plan Bullet To The Head Titulo por Confirmar 21 And Over Odd Thomas Dark Skies Jurassic Park The Lost World: Jurassic Park Ice Age: The Meltdown Madagascar How To Train Your Dragon The Last Airbender Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters Plan de escape El ejecutor Titulo por Confirmar 21, la gran fiesta Odd Thomas, cazador de fantasmas Los elegidos Parque Jurásico El Mundo Perdido: Jurassic Park La era del hielo 2 Madagascar Cómo entrenar a tu dragón El último maestro del aire Percy Jackson y el Mar de los Monstruos Acción Acción Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, United States; United States; 2013 When a structural-security authority 2012 After watching their respective Comedia Comedia Suspenso Aventura Aventura Animación Aventura Animación Aventura Aventura Justin Chon, Miles Teller, Skylar Anton Yelchin, Addison Timlin, Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Richard Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, Craig Noah Ringer, Nicola Peltz, Dev Logan Lerman, Brandon T. United United United United United United United United United United 2012 2013 2013 1993 1997 2006 2005 2010 2010 2013 When a Straight-A college student's In a California desert town, a shortAs the Barret family's peaceful Huge advancements in scientific A research team is sent to the Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that Spoiled by their upbringing with no An unlucky young Viking who The story follows the adventures of In order to restore their dying safe 17 Mayo 2015 01:25 03:45 05:40 07:35 08:55 10:25 12:15 13:40 15:20 17:05 18:40 20:35 22:00 23:40 Transformers 47 Ronin Into The Blue Flushed Away Ice Age: The Meltdown Rango Madagascar How To Train Your Dragon Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters Next 47 Ronin Transporter 2 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Escape Plan Transformers 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai Azul extremo Lo que el agua se llevó La era del hielo 2 Rango Madagascar Cómo entrenar a tu dragón Percy Jackson y el Mar de los Monstruos El vidente 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai El transportador 2 Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Plan de escape Acción Acción Acción Aventura Animación Animación Aventura Animación Aventura Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Abigail Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, Craig Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Jason Statham, Alessandro Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Sylvester Stallone, Arnold United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; France; United States; United States; Russian United States; 2007 2013 2005 2006 2006 2011 2005 2010 2013 2007 2013 2005 2013 2013 An ancient struggle between two A band of samurai set out to avenge A group of divers find themselves in The story of an uptown rat that gets Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that Rango is an ordinary chameleon Spoiled by their upbringing with no An unlucky young Viking who In order to restore their dying safe A Las Vegas magician who can see A band of samurai set out to avenge Mercenary Frank Martin, who Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA When a structural-security authority 18 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:05 05:00 07:00 08:45 10:35 12:10 13:50 15:20 17:05 18:55 20:30 22:00 23:30 Bullet To The Head Killer Elite No Country For Old Men Assault On Precinct 13 Pawn Shop Chronicles Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa Super Troopers 21 And Over Playing For Keeps Rango Now Is Good A.C.O.D. The Big Wedding The Wedding Date El ejecutor Asesinos de elite Sin lugar para los débiles Masacre en la cárcel 13 Pawn Shop Chronicles El abuelo sinvergüenza Super policías 21, la gran fiesta Jugando por amor Rango Antes de que muera Síndrome postdivorcio El gran casamiento Amores y enredos de una boda Acción Acción Suspenso Acción Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Animación Drama Comedia Comedia Comedia Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Ethan Hawke, Laurence Fishburne, Brendan Fraser, Matt Dillon, Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll, Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Justin Chon, Miles Teller, Skylar Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Abigail Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine, Adam Scott, Richard Jenkins, Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, United States; United States; United States; France; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United States; United States; 2012 2010 2007 2005 2013 2013 2001 2012 2012 2011 2012 2013 2013 2005 After watching their respective When his mentor is taken captive, a When a Vietnam veteran discovers A police sergeant must gather the An anthology of stories involving 86-year-old Irving Zisman takes a Five Vermont state troopers, avid When a Straight-A college student's A former sports star who's fallen on Rango is an ordinary chameleon A girl dying of leukemia compiles a A grown man caught in the crossfire A long-divorced couple fakes being Single-girl anxiety causes Kat Ellis to 19 Mayo 2015 00:55 02:35 04:25 06:25 09:35 11:20 13:05 14:45 16:15 18:20 20:00 22:00 23:30 Baggage Claim Playing For Keeps The Monuments Men Titulo por Confirmar Drop Zone Robocop 3 Dark Skies Deadfall Blown Away 16 Blocks No Country For Old Men Bullet To The Head Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 30 días y 30 mil millas Jugando por amor Operación Monumento Titulo por Confirmar Zona mortal Robocop 3 Los elegidos Atrapados Lluvia de fuego Muerte súbita Sin lugar para los débiles El ejecutor Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Comedia Comedia Acción Paula Patton, Derek Luke, Taye United States; Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma United States; George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Germany; United 2013 Pledging to keep herself from being 2012 A former sports star who's fallen on 2013 An unlikely World War II platoon is Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Suspenso Acción Acción Wesley Snipes, Gary Busey, Yancy Robert John Burke, Mario Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Eric Bana, Olivia Wilde, Charlie Jeff Bridges, Tommy Lee Jones, Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth United States; United States; United States; France; United States; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; United States; Russian 1994 1993 2013 2012 1994 2006 2007 2012 2013 A tough cop teams up with a When the ruthless corporation that As the Barret family's peaceful A thriller that follows two siblings An Irish bomber escapes from An aging cop is assigned the When a Vietnam veteran discovers After watching their respective Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA 20 Mayo 2015 01:15 03:05 04:40 07:15 09:50 11:20 12:55 14:35 16:15 18:25 20:10 22:00 23:35 Into The Blue Closed Circuit Zero Dark Thirty Zero Dark Thirty Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa 21 And Over The Lifeguard Now Is Good Mud Welcome To The Punch Escape Plan Next Transporter 2 Azul extremo Circuito cerrado La noche más oscura La noche más oscura El abuelo sinvergüenza 21, la gran fiesta La salvavidas Antes de que muera El niño y el fugitivo Enemigos de sangre Plan de escape El vidente El transportador 2 Acción Suspenso Acción Acción Comedia Comedia Drama Drama Drama Acción Acción Acción Acción Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll, Justin Chon, Miles Teller, Skylar Kristen Bell, Mamie Gummer, Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine, Matthew McConaughey, Tye James McAvoy, Mark Strong, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Jason Statham, Alessandro United States; United Kingdom; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United Kingdom; United States; United Kingdom; United United States; United States; France; United States; 2005 2013 2012 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2012 2012 2013 2007 2005 A group of divers find themselves in A high-profile terrorism case A chronicle of the decade-long hunt A chronicle of the decade-long hunt 86-year-old Irving Zisman takes a When a Straight-A college student's A former valedictorian quits her A girl dying of leukemia compiles a Two young boys help a fugitive to Ex-criminal Jacob Sternwood is When a structural-security authority A Las Vegas magician who can see Mercenary Frank Martin, who 21 Mayo 2015 01:00 02:55 04:35 06:35 08:40 10:15 12:00 14:10 15:50 17:20 18:50 20:30 22:00 23:30 Killer Elite 16 Blocks The Monuments Men The Interpreter Movie 43 Super Troopers Mud The Perfect Man A.C.O.D. 21 And Over Baggage Claim The Wedding Date The Big Wedding P.S I Love You Asesinos de elite Muerte súbita Operación Monumento La intérprete Proyecto 43 Super policías El niño y el fugitivo El hombre perfecto Síndrome postdivorcio 21, la gran fiesta 30 días y 30 mil millas Amores y enredos de una boda El gran casamiento P.S I Love You Acción Acción Acción Suspenso Comedia Comedia Drama Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Nicole Kidman, Sean Penn, Richard Gere, Greg Kinnear, Emma Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Matthew McConaughey, Tye Hilary Duff, Heather Locklear, Adam Scott, Richard Jenkins, Justin Chon, Miles Teller, Skylar Paula Patton, Derek Luke, Taye Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, United States; Germany; United Germany; United France; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; 2010 2006 2013 2005 2012 2001 2012 2005 2013 2012 2013 2005 2013 When his mentor is taken captive, a An aging cop is assigned the An unlikely World War II platoon is Political intrigue and deception A series of interconnected short Five Vermont state troopers, avid Two young boys help a fugitive to A girl plays Cupid for her mom, but A grown man caught in the crossfire When a Straight-A college student's Pledging to keep herself from being Single-girl anxiety causes Kat Ellis to A long-divorced couple fakes being 22 Mayo 2015 01:30 03:25 05:20 07:10 08:50 10:20 12:05 14:05 15:55 18:30 20:10 22:00 23:40 The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Dinner For Schmucks Playing For Keeps Drop Zone Deadfall Titulo por Confirmar Blown Away Escape Plan Zero Dark Thirty 16 Blocks Into The Blue Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol La increíble vida de Walter Mitty Una cena para tontos Jugando por amor Zona mortal Atrapados Titulo por Confirmar Lluvia de fuego Plan de escape La noche más oscura Muerte súbita Azul extremo Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Misión Imposible: Protocolo fantasma Aventura Comedia Comedia Suspenso Suspenso Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Shirley Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Zach Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Wesley Snipes, Gary Busey, Yancy Eric Bana, Olivia Wilde, Charlie United States; United States; United States; United States; France; United States; 2013 2010 2012 1994 2012 When a day-dreamer man's job is Tim is a rising executive who A former sports star who's fallen on A tough cop teams up with a A thriller that follows two siblings Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Acción Jeff Bridges, Tommy Lee Jones, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Tom Cruise, Paula Patton, Simon United States; United States; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; Russian United Arab Emirates; 1994 2013 2012 2006 2005 2013 2011 An Irish bomber escapes from When a structural-security authority A chronicle of the decade-long hunt An aging cop is assigned the A group of divers find themselves in Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA The IMF is shut down when it's 01:50 03:45 05:45 07:20 47 Ronin Killer Elite Closed Circuit The Way Back 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai Asesinos de elite Circuito cerrado Camino a la libertad Acción Acción Suspenso Drama Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Ed Harris, Jim Sturgess, Saoirse United United United United 2013 2010 2013 2010 A band of samurai set out to avenge When his mentor is taken captive, a A high-profile terrorism case Inspired by an incredible true story, 23 Mayo 2015 States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; Kingdom; United States; Poland; Programación Fox Movies- Mayo 2015 FECHA Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPANOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH United Kingdom; United United States; Germany; United United States; United States; United States; Czech France; United States; United Arab Emirates; 2012 2007 2006 2007 2013 2009 2005 2011 Ex-criminal Jacob Sternwood is When a Vietnam veteran discovers An aging cop is assigned the A Las Vegas magician who can see A band of samurai set out to avenge An elite military unit comprised of Mercenary Frank Martin, who The IMF is shut down when it's 2013 2013 2009 2008 2013 2013 1987 2012 2013 2012 2010 2005 2013 2013 2013 Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA When a structural-security authority An elite military unit comprised of Five young New Yorkers have a An exciting dive into the production The films and stars of 2013 in this A married man's one night stand After a stint in a mental institution, A long-divorced couple fakes being A former sports star who's fallen on Tim is a rising executive who Single-girl anxiety causes Kat Ellis to Pledging to keep herself from being When a day-dreamer man's job is Newlywed couple Nat and Josh are 09:30 11:10 13:10 14:50 16:25 18:25 20:35 22:00 Welcome To The Punch No Country For Old Men 16 Blocks Next 47 Ronin G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra Transporter 2 Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol Enemigos de sangre Sin lugar para los débiles Muerte súbita El vidente 47 Ronin: La Leyenda del Samurai G.I. Joe: El origen de Cobra El transportador 2 Misión Imposible: Protocolo fantasma Acción Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Ciencia Acción Acción James McAvoy, Mark Strong, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Channing Tatum, Adewale Jason Statham, Alessandro Tom Cruise, Paula Patton, Simon 24 Mayo 2015 00:10 01:50 03:40 05:35 06:35 06:45 07:40 09:40 11:40 13:15 15:00 17:00 18:30 20:10 22:00 23:35 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Escape Plan G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra Cloverfield Zoom In: The Other Woman The Films & Stars Of 2013: End Of Year Special Fatal Attraction Silver Linings Playbook The Big Wedding Playing For Keeps Dinner For Schmucks The Wedding Date Baggage Claim The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty I Give It A Year P.S I Love You Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Plan de escape G.I. Joe: El origen de Cobra Cloverfield: Monstruo Zoom In Películas y estrellas de 2013: especial de fin de Atracción fatal Silver Linings Playbook: El lado luminoso de la El gran casamiento Jugando por amor Una cena para tontos Amores y enredos de una boda 30 días y 30 mil millas La increíble vida de Walter Mitty Les doy un año P.S I Love You Acción Acción Ciencia Suspenso Varios Otro Suspenso Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Aventura Comedia Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Channing Tatum, Adewale Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan, Varios United United United United United United Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, United Bradley Cooper, Jennifer United Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, United Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma United Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Zach United Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, United Paula Patton, Derek Luke, Taye United Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Shirley United Rose Byrne, Rafe Spall, Anna United States; Russian States; States; Czech States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; Kingdom; 25 Mayo 2015 01:40 03:10 04:55 06:30 09:25 11:15 13:25 15:00 17:00 18:35 20:20 22:00 23:35 The Wedding Date I Love You, Man Closed Circuit Meet Joe Black The Paperboy Mud I Give It A Year Silver Linings Playbook The Big Wedding Playing For Keeps I Give It A Year Baggage Claim P.S I Love You Amores y enredos de una boda Te amo, hermano Circuito cerrado ¿Conoces a Joe Black? Amores peligrosos El niño y el fugitivo Les doy un año Silver Linings Playbook: El lado luminoso de la El gran casamiento Jugando por amor Les doy un año 30 días y 30 mil millas P.S I Love You Comedia Comedia Suspenso Drama Suspenso Drama Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Comedia Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Matthew McConaughey, Zac Efron, Matthew McConaughey, Tye Rose Byrne, Rafe Spall, Anna Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Rose Byrne, Rafe Spall, Anna Paula Patton, Derek Luke, Taye United United United United United United United United United United United United States; 2005 Single-girl anxiety causes Kat Ellis to States; 2009 Engaged to the woman of his Kingdom; United 2013 A high-profile terrorism case States; 1998 A media mogul acts as a guide to States; 2012 A reporter returns to his Florida States; 2012 Two young boys help a fugitive to Kingdom; 2013 Newlywed couple Nat and Josh are States; 2012 After a stint in a mental institution, States; 2013 A long-divorced couple fakes being States; 2012 A former sports star who's fallen on Kingdom; 2013 Newlywed couple Nat and Josh are States; 2013 Pledging to keep herself from being 26 Mayo 2015 01:40 03:25 05:25 07:20 09:30 11:35 13:15 14:55 16:55 18:30 20:25 22:00 23:15 I Love You, Man No Country For Old Men Dallas Buyers Club The Book Thief Jobs Sleeping With The Enemy Premonition Fatal Attraction White Noise Scream IV Joy Ride 3 Cloverfield Escape Plan Te amo, hermano Sin lugar para los débiles El club de los desahuciados Ladrona de libros Jobs Durmiendo con el enemigo Premonición Atracción fatal Voces del más allá Scream 4 Frecuencia mortal 3 Cloverfield: Monstruo Plan de escape Comedia Suspenso Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson, Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin, Kevin Sandra Bullock, Julian McMahon, Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Michael Keaton, Chandra West, Neve Campbell, Lucy Hale, David Ken Kirzinger, Jesse Hutch, Ben Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Canada; United United States; United States; United States; United States; 2009 2007 2013 2014 2013 1991 2007 1987 2005 2011 0 2008 2013 Engaged to the woman of his When a Vietnam veteran discovers In 1985 Dallas, electrician and While subjected to the horrors of The story of Steve Jobs' ascension A young woman fakes her own Depressed housewife learns her A married man's one night stand An architect's desire to speak with Sidney Prescott returns home to A group of hotheaded street racers Five young New Yorkers have a When a structural-security authority 27 Mayo 2015 01:05 02:50 04:30 06:05 06:10 08:10 09:50 11:35 13:20 15:00 17:10 18:50 20:25 22:00 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 16 Blocks Closed Circuit Zoom In: Captain America: The Winter Soldier Dead Man Down White Noise Drop Zone Robocop 3 Odd Thomas Jurassic Park Dark Skies 16 Blocks Bullet To The Head Zero Dark Thirty Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Muerte súbita Circuito cerrado Zoom In Marcado por la muerte Voces del más allá Zona mortal Robocop 3 Odd Thomas, cazador de fantasmas Parque Jurásico Los elegidos Muerte súbita El ejecutor La noche más oscura Acción Acción Suspenso Varios Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Comedia Aventura Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Varios Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Michael Keaton, Chandra West, Wesley Snipes, Gary Busey, Yancy Robert John Burke, Mario Anton Yelchin, Addison Timlin, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Richard Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, United States; Russian Germany; United United Kingdom; United United States; United States; Canada; United United States; United States; United States; United States; United States; Germany; United United States; United States; 2013 2006 2013 2013 2013 2005 1994 1993 2013 1993 2013 2006 2012 2012 Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA An aging cop is assigned the A high-profile terrorism case An exciting dive into the production Victor, a professional killer and the An architect's desire to speak with A tough cop teams up with a When the ruthless corporation that In a California desert town, a shortHuge advancements in scientific As the Barret family's peaceful An aging cop is assigned the After watching their respective A chronicle of the decade-long hunt 28 Mayo 2015 00:35 02:30 03:45 05:55 08:20 10:30 12:20 13:50 15:15 16:55 19:00 20:25 22:00 23:45 Killer Elite Cloverfield Jurassic Park Apollo 13 Mud Playing For Keeps Ice Age: The Meltdown Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa I Give It A Year P.S I Love You Don Jon 21 And Over She's Out Of My League The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Asesinos de elite Cloverfield: Monstruo Parque Jurásico Apolo 13 El niño y el fugitivo Jugando por amor La era del hielo 2 Madagascar 2 Les doy un año P.S I Love You Un Atrevido Don Juan 21, la gran fiesta Ni en tus sueños La increíble vida de Walter Mitty Acción Suspenso Aventura Aventura Drama Comedia Animación Aventura Comedia Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Richard Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Bill Matthew McConaughey, Tye Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Rose Byrne, Rafe Spall, Anna United United United United United United United United United States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; Kingdom; 2010 2008 1993 1995 2012 2012 2006 2008 2013 When his mentor is taken captive, a Five young New Yorkers have a Huge advancements in scientific Three astronauts must conceive a Two young boys help a fugitive to A former sports star who's fallen on Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that The animals try to fly back to New Newlywed couple Nat and Josh are Comedia Comedia Comedia Aventura Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Justin Chon, Miles Teller, Skylar Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve, T.J. Miller, Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Shirley United United United United States; States; States; States; 2013 2012 2010 2013 A New Jersey guy dedicated to his When a Straight-A college student's An average Joe meets the perfect When a day-dreamer man's job is 29 Mayo 2015 01:35 03:25 05:10 06:50 06:55 08:35 10:10 12:00 13:40 14:55 16:50 18:25 20:25 22:00 23:50 Into The Blue Fantastic Four Dark Skies Zoom In: The Fault In Our Stars Joy Ride 3 Closed Circuit Scream IV Dark Skies Cloverfield Into The Blue Closed Circuit No Country For Old Men Bullet To The Head Escape Plan Shooter Azul extremo Los 4 fantásticos Los elegidos Zoom In Frecuencia mortal 3 Circuito cerrado Scream 4 Los elegidos Cloverfield: Monstruo Azul extremo Circuito cerrado Sin lugar para los débiles El ejecutor Plan de escape Tirador Acción Acción Suspenso Varios Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Suspenso Acción Suspenso Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Varios Ken Kirzinger, Jesse Hutch, Ben Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Neve Campbell, Lucy Hale, David Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan, Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarán Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Sylvester Stallone, Sung Kang, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, United United United United United United United United United United United United United United United States; 2005 A group of divers find themselves in States; 2005 A group of astronauts gain States; 2013 As the Barret family's peaceful States; 2014 An exciting dive into the production States; 0 A group of hotheaded street racers Kingdom; United 2013 A high-profile terrorism case States; 2011 Sidney Prescott returns home to States; 2013 As the Barret family's peaceful States; 2008 Five young New Yorkers have a States; 2005 A group of divers find themselves in Kingdom; United 2013 A high-profile terrorism case States; 2007 When a Vietnam veteran discovers States; 2012 After watching their respective States; 2013 When a structural-security authority States; 2007 A marksman living in exile is coaxed 30 Mayo 2015 01:55 03:35 04:55 07:25 07:50 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Cloverfield Zero Dark Thirty Titulo por Confirmar I Give It A Year Código Sombra: Jack Ryan Cloverfield: Monstruo La noche más oscura Titulo por Confirmar Les doy un año Acción Suspenso Acción Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth United States; Russian Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan, United States; Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, United States; 2013 Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA 2008 Five young New Yorkers have a 2012 A chronicle of the decade-long hunt Comedia Rose Byrne, Rafe Spall, Anna 2013 Newlywed couple Nat and Josh are United Kingdom; Programación Fox Movies- Mayo 2015 FECHA 31 Mayo 2015 Hora TITULO ORIGINAL TITULO ESPANOL GENRE ELENCO ORIGIN COUNTRY AÑO SYNOPSIS_ENGLISH 2014 2001 2012 2014 2010 2003 2013 An exciting dive into the production The continuing bawdy adventures of When a Straight-A college student's An exciting dive into the production An average Joe meets the perfect A happy young couple, Sarah and When a day-dreamer man's job is 09:25 09:30 11:15 12:45 12:55 14:40 16:15 18:10 20:15 22:00 23:35 Zoom In: Horrible Bosses 2 American Pie 2 21 And Over Zoom In: Neighbors She's Out Of My League Just Married The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty P.S I Love You Playing For Keeps Just Married Don Jon Zoom In American Pie 2 21, la gran fiesta Zoom In Ni en tus sueños Recién casados La increíble vida de Walter Mitty P.S I Love You Jugando por amor Recién casados Un Atrevido Don Juan Varios Comedia Comedia Varios Comedia Comedia Aventura Varios Jason Biggs, Chris Klein, Thomas Justin Chon, Miles Teller, Skylar Varios Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve, T.J. Miller, Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Murphy, Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Shirley United United United United United United Comedia Comedia Comedia Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Uma Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Murphy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett United States; United States; United States; 2012 A former sports star who's fallen on 2003 A happy young couple, Sarah and 2013 A New Jersey guy dedicated to his 01:00 02:50 04:15 06:10 08:05 09:35 10:55 12:30 14:00 15:25 17:20 19:00 20:10 22:00 23:25 Middle Men The Purge Killer Elite Into The Blue Catch That Kid Flushed Away Rise Of The Guardians Ice Age: The Meltdown Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Super 8 Fantastic Four Cloverfield Escape Plan The Purge Shooter La red sexual La noche de la expiación Asesinos de elite Azul extremo Atrápenlos Lo que el agua se llevó El origen de los guardianes La era del hielo 2 Madagascar 2 Super 8 Los 4 fantásticos Cloverfield: Monstruo Plan de escape La noche de la expiación Tirador Drama Suspenso Acción Acción Acción Aventura Aventura Animación Aventura Ciencia Acción Suspenso Acción Suspenso Acción Luke Wilson, Giovanni Ribisi, Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Max Jason Statham, Clive Owen, Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Kristen Stewart, Jennifer Beals, Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Joel Courtney, Jessica Tuck, Ryan Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Jessica Lucas, Lizzy Caplan, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Max Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, United United United United United United United United United United United United United United United 2009 2013 2010 2005 2004 2006 2012 2006 2008 2011 2005 2008 2013 2013 2007 States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; France; States; States; States; Kingdom; United States; States; States; States; States; States; States; States; France; States; Chronicles Jack Harris, one of the In an America wracked by crime and When his mentor is taken captive, a A group of divers find themselves in This is the story of a twelve-yearThe story of an uptown rat that gets When the evil spirit Pitch launches Manny, Sid, and Diego discover that The animals try to fly back to New During the summer of 1979, a A group of astronauts gain Five young New Yorkers have a When a structural-security authority In an America wracked by crime and A marksman living in exile is coaxed
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