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Ayumu Hashimoto Yukino Imura Hisahi Morii Yoichiro Neo Hidenori Mimura and Toru Aoki Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, 3-5-1 Johoku, Hamamatsu 432-8011 Japan Introduction Motivation To do high speed sequential multi sliced X-ray CT, we propose X-ray CT by using vertical projection without revolving system of X-ray sources and detectors. In addition we use Filter Back Projection(FBP) as reconstruction method ,because of that it can obtain energy spectra and be used for material discrimination. Purpose of Research To remove revolving system, only projection data from 8 views are used for reconstructing, but obtained image is poor compared with reconstructing image of usual X-ray CT. In order to reconstruct a high quality image from 8 projection data, we suggested that not only horizontal projection and also vertical projection are used to add more information to reconstruct. In this research we improve reconstruction method and images. Problem of reconstruction by projection data from 8 views. Improving reconstructing image by using vertical project. !Estimation of effect of simultaneous projections on detectors. "Estimation of atomic number from few views by using material discrimination formula . Change of reconstructing image by the number of views Image of USB memory Reconstruction image Front Bottom Side Top ! These pictures show image deterioration and it depends on views. It is considered two kinds of deterioration. Kind of deterioration The shape deterioration. 18 views 36 views 45 views 90 views 180 views !Image deterioration from noise of reconstructing method by few views . Proposal of using vertical projection for reconstructing a high quality image To improve a reconstructing image and get atomic number from it, moreover removing noise without deterioration of CT value is needed. From the result of “Change of reconstructing image from the number of views”, to estimate amount of change from a reconstructing image by 8 views to by 360 view is possible and it can get a high quality image from a reconstructing image from 8 projections. Therefore, we use features and !to get that and improve that. y X-ra … … X-ray X-ray CT by using vertical projection Distribution of attenuation coefficient of X-ray irradiation direction Vertical projection data is equal to horizontal projection data of all layers which are added !Reconstructing images from 8 horizontal projection data of all layers which are added, are equal to vertical projection data which is made by 8 projection data in simulation. Schematic figure of projection %Projection data %f (x,y) : Attenuation coefficient of the target plane %p (r,θ) :Projection data %I0 & Initial X-ray intensity. %I &Penetrated X-ray intensity H 2 x − Hx Y − H 2x V 2 x − Vx V 4x −V 2x p(r ,θ ) = μ1 x1 + μ2 x2 + μ3 x3 + I p (r , θ ) = log 0 I H : Reconstructing image from horizontal projections V : Reconstructing image from vertical projections X : The number of views Y : Improved image Experiment result Front Top Side This is the best images by this experiment Z4 = μ ( E2 )G ( E1 , Z ) − μ ( E1 )G ( E2 , Z ) μ ( E1 ) F ( E2 , Z ) − μ ( E2 ) F ( E1 , Z ) f Z : atomic number of a material F(E,Z) : Factor of photo electric term of the linear attenuation coefficient G(E,Z) : Factor of scattering term of the same μ(E1) :attenuation coefficient at E1 μ(E2) : attenuation coefficient at E2 8 views 16 views 32 views 64 views Average 12.74407 13.70771 13.70771 14.61688$ Minimum 3.932873 1.995132 1.995132 6.04191 Maximum 30.34417 30.43773 30.43773 30.41948 According to this result 2simultaneous projections data is nearly equal to 1 projection data, because deference between these values are one thousandth compare with 2 simultaneous projections data and 1 projection data. Moreover red line shows that Noise from detector by time fluctuation for 5 seconds and it is not stable . It is more serious for detector. Conclusion # # # L.A. Kosyachenko1, T. Aoki2,3, C.P. Lambropoulos4, V.A. Gnatyuk2,5, V.M. Sklyarchuk1, O.L. Maslyanchuk1, E.V. Grushko1,2, O.F. Sklyarchuk1, A. Koike3 Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Kotsyubynsky Str. 2, Chernivtsi 58012, Ukraine Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, 3-5-1 Johoku, Hamamatsu 432-8011, Japan ANSeeN Inc., 216, Incubation Center, 3-5-1 Johoku, Hamamatsu 432-8561, Japan 4 Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida, Psahna, Evia 34400, Greece 5 V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv 03028, Ukraine 1 2 3 Abstract Schottky diode X/γ-ray detectors based on semi-insulating Cl-doped CdTe crystals produced by Acrorad Co. Ltd. have been developed and investigated. Both the Schottky and ohmic contacts were formed by deposition of Ni electrodes on the opposite faces of (111) oriented CdTe crystals pre-treated by Ar ion bombardment with different parameters. A record-low value of the reverse leakage current in the fabricated Ni/CdTe/Ni Schottky diodes at high voltages (∼5 nA at 300 K for the area of 10 mm2 at bias voltage V = 1500 V) was achieved that was caused by the charge transport mechanisms which were interpreted on the basis of known theoretical models. The developed detectors have shown the record high energy resolution in the measurements of the spectra of 137Cs and 57Co isotopes, (FWHM of 0.42% and 0.49% , respectively). From a comparison of the spectra taken with the detector irradiated from the Schottky contact side and from the opposite side with an ohmic contact, the concentration of uncompensated impurities (defects) in the CdTe crystals has been determined. The obtained value has been found to be close to the optimal one. Characteristics of CdTe crystals and Ni/CdTe/Ni diodes with a Schottky contact 10–7 1011 V<0 10 2qni μn μp V<0 V>0 10–9 ρi = 107 2.8 3.0 10–10 10–10 I ∼ V2 10–10 ρ 108 Generation current 10–10 I (A) V<0 I (A) ρi I ∼ V 1/2 V<0 10–9 10–9 ρmax 109 –8 I (A) ρ, ρi, ρmax (Ω⋅cm) 1010 10–8 10–9 10–8 1 I (A) ρ max = 3.2 1000/T 10 10–11 1 qni μ n μ p (b) (a) 10–11 10–12 0 3.4 5 10 0 15 250 500 750 10 1000 1250 1500 10–12 10-2 –11 0 10 20 30 V (V) V (V) V (V) Fig. 1 The temperature dependences of the resistivity of CdTe crystal ρ, the resistivity of the material with intrinsic conductivity ρi and the maximum resistivity ρmax. I∼V –11 40 50 Fig. 3. Comparison of the experimental reverse I-V characteristic of the Ni/CdTe/Ni diode structure (circles) with the calculated results (solid line) according to the Sah-NoyceShockley theory (T = 300 K) Fig. 2. Room temperature I-V characteristic of the Ni/CdTe/Ni diode structure at low bias voltages (a) and reverse I-V characteristic of the detector in a wide range of voltages (b). 10-1 1 102 10 V 103 104 Fig. 4. Reverse I-V characteristic of the Ni/CdTe/Ni diode structure in double logarithmic coordinates. The approximation of the root (I ∼ V 1/2), linear (I ∼ V) and quadratic (I ∼ V 2) dependences of the current on bias voltage are shown by straight lines. Energy resolution and detection efficiency of Ni/CdTe/Ni diode detectors A. Detector spectrometric characteristics 400 3000 FWHM 595 eV 0.49 % 2000 (a) 300 200 1.5 0.6 57 Co V = 1200 V 4000 (b) 3000 2000 (a) 137 Cs V = 1200 V 0.5 1.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 1000 100 100 (b) (a) 0 0 450 500 550 600 hv (keV) 650 0 100 700 1000 110 120 130 140 650 hv (keV) 655 660 665 670 FWHM 2.8 keV 0.42 % 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 120 121 hv (keV) Fig. 5. Spectra of 137Cs and 57Co isotopes taken with the Ni/CdTe/Ni detector at voltage of 1200 V . 137 Cs T = 300 K (b) FWHM (%) FWHM 2.8 keV 0.42 % 5000 137 Cs V = 1200 V Counts Counts Counts 300 200 57 Co V = 1200 V 4000 Counts 137 Cs V = 1200 V 400 500 FWHM (%) 5000 500 122 123 0 124 10 20 30 40 0 50 500 Fig. 6. Comparison of the emission peaks of 137Cs and 57Co isotopes (circles) with the normal Gaussian distribution (solid lines). The dashed lines show the peak shapes under the condition that resolution of the detector is due only to statistical fluctuations of the number of ionizations by absorbed photons. 1000 1500 V (V) t (°C) hv (keV) Fig. 7. The effect of temperature (a) and bias voltage applied to the detector (b) on the FWHM in the emission spectrum of a 137Cs isotope. Energy resolution Energyand resolution detection andefficiency efficiencyofofNi/CdTe/Ni CdTe detectors diode detectors B. Effect of the SCR depth on detection efficiency A. Detector spectrometric characteristics 1.5 1.0 150 137 (a) Cs 137 57 Cs 1.0 0.6 0.4 Co V = 800 V V = 1200 V η(N) 241 0 1 2 3 4 Time (hours) 5 6 Co 137 Cs 137 0.01 Am Cs V = 1200 V V = 800 V 0.2 V = 200 V 0 57 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 (b) 0.8 V = 400 V V = 200 V 0.1 Iohm /Isch FWHM (%) 50 0.5 Peak height (counts) FWHM (%) 100 (a) 137 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 (b) Cs η(N) 1.5 C. Dependence of detection efficiency on the concentration of uncompensated impurities 0 0 5 10 15 Time (minutes) 20 0.001 0 0 200 400 600 V (V) 800 137Cs Fig. 8. The time variation of energy resolution and detection efficiency of 137Cs isotope radiation during the continuous action of voltage 850 V applied to the Ni/CdTe/Ni detector (a), and recovery of energy resolution after switching off the bias voltage (b). V = 400 V 1000 0 109 1010 1011 1012 N (cm–3) 1013 1014 109 1010 1011 1012 N (cm–3) 1013 1014 241Am Fig. 9. The ratio of the peak heights in the spectra of and isotopes, taken under irradiation of the detector from the sides of an ohmic contact and Schottky contact, respectively, depending on the bias voltage applied to the detector Fig. 10. The calculated dependence of detection efficiency of CdTe crystal with a Schottky contact on the concentration of uncompensated impurities N for the peaks of 137Cs and 57Co of isotopes at different bias voltages V applied to the crystal (a) and the normalized spectra of isotopes at voltage of 400 V (b) Conclusion The electrical characteristics and X/γ-ray detection efficiency of the Ni/CdTe/Ni Schottky diodes based on chlorine-doped CdTe crystals with nearly intrinsic conductivity are investigated. (1) It is shown that the I-V characteristics of the Ni/CdTe/Ni Schottky diode structure with a record-low reverse leakage current at high bias voltages can be quantitatively described in terms of known physical models: the generation-recombination in the spatial charge region, the processes under conditions of strong electric fields and currents limited by space charge. (2) The Ni/CdTe/Ni structures have extremely high energy resolution (FWHM of 0.42% and 0.49% for the lines in the spectra of 137Cs and 57Co isotopes, respectively) the values of FWHM of the lines in the measured spectra are close to the theoretical limit. (3) From the ratio of the peak heights in the spectra of a 241Am isotope measured under irradiation of the detector from the sides of an ohmic contact and Schottky contact, respectively, the concentration of uncompensated impurities (electrically active defects) N ≈ 1012 cm–3 in the CdTe crystals has been determined. (4) Calculation of the dependence of the detection efficiency on the concentration of uncompensated impurities in the crystals for 57Co and 137Cs isotopes has been done. The maxima on the η(N) curves at N ranging from 2×1011 cm–3 to 1012 cm–3 are observed. The value of N = 1012 cm–3 in the CdTe crystals produced by Acrorad Co. Ltd. is close to the optimum value. The studies were conducted during the implementation of the Collaborative Project COCAE (SEC-218000) of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission. Photoluminescence of CdTe(111) Single Crystals after Laser Irradiation D.V. Gnatyuk T. Ito, T. Aoki Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University 3-5-1 Johoku Hamamatsu 432-8011, Japan [email protected] 3-5-1 Johoku Hamamatsu 432-8011, Japan [email protected] Low temperature photoluminescence (PL) of high-resistivity detectorExperimental procedure grade Cl-compensated CdTe semiconductor crystals subjected to (a) CdTe wafer irradiation with nanosecond (τ = 7 ns) laser pulses of the second harmonic Details of applied # (λ = 532 nm) of a YAG:Nd laser is studied. Irradiation of CdTe crystals irradiation within the certain range of laser pulse energy densities results in a relative Non-irradiated decrease in the emission intensity in both the deep energy level and edge X-ray Computer Tomography Security, Monitoring 0 CdTe crystal regions and an increase in the exciton band intensity in the PL spectra. 5 mm The evolution of the PL spectra depending on laser energy density, 1 50 mJ/cm2 CdTe(111) crystalline structure excitation level and temperature under excitation are analyzed. Laser- (b) (111)B face (Te-terminated) Chemical etching Te atom stimulated transformation of the point defect structure of the CdTe surface 2 75.8 mJ/cm2 Nuclear Monitoring Industry Space Science region and mechanisms of laser-induced defect formation are discussed. 3 101.7 mJ/cm2 The optimal regimes of laser processing have been obtained which result Cd atom in the minimum ratio of the defect and exciton bands that is an evidence of (111)A face (Cd-terminated) 4 146.6 mJ/cm2 an increase in the structural perfection of the irradiated crystals.. Results: PL spectra at 80 K Fig. 1. Schematic image Tab. 1. Data on the of (111)-oriented CdTe 80 1 etched surface treatments of 1 etched single crystal (a) and its (b) 2 1 (a) 2 2 34.2 mJ/cm 3 CdTe samples No 1-5. Laser irradiation 2 J1 = 34.2 mJ/cm crystalline structure (b) 2 3 62.6 mJ/cm 2 60 3 3 J2 = 62.6 mJ/cm 2 PL spectra at 5 K – dependence of the temperature 4 117.6 mJ/cm 5 2 2 J4 = 258 mJ/cm 2 2 2 1 20 3 4 3 1.4 1.5 1 0 1.3 1.6 2 1.4 1.5 1.6 hν (eV) hν (eV) Fig. 2. PL spectra of the CdTe(111) crystals measured from the Te-terminated side at excitation power density Jex = 4.5 W/cm2 for etched sample (1) and for samples treated by laser pulses of energy densities: J1 = 34.2 mJ/cm2 (2), J2 = 62.6 mJ/cm2 (3), J3 = 117.6 mJ/cm2 (4) and J4 = 258 mJ/cm2 (5) (a). The same spectra normalized by the intensity of the PL band at 1.57 eV (b). (a) 5K 12 K 34 K 40 K 3500 4 5 3.5 4000 258 mJ/cm 1 5 2 4 0 1.3 5 3000 2500 2000 1500 0.6 5 0.4 3 0.2 4 2 0.0 0 1.40 1.45 Energy (eV) 1.55 1.60 1.55 1.40 1.60 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 Energy (eV) 4000 (a) 0.8 0.6 0 20 40 60 80 J, mJ/cm 100 120 140 2 Fig. 4. PL spectra of the CdTe(111) crystals measured from the Te-terminated side at excitation energy Jex = 150 mcW for non-irradiated sample (0) and for samples treated by laser pulses of energy densities: J1 = 50 mJ/cm2, J2 = 75.8 mJ/cm2, J3 = 101.7 mJ/cm2 and J4 = 146.6 mJ/cm2. The spectra are normalized by the intensity of the intrinsic PL band at 1.59 eV (a). The relative intensity of the bands in different densities (b). The PL spectra of all investigated CdTe samples can be divided into three regions: (I) the deep level emission region (1.390-1.510 eV), (II) the edge emission region (1.510-1.580 eV), and (III) the exciton emission region (1.580-1604 eV). These regions are generally associated with defect bands (I), shallow donor-acceptor pair transitions and LO-phonon replicas of the exciton lines (II), and exciton recombination (III), respectively. The relative redistribution of the band intensities in three regions of the PL spectra, particularly a decrease in the intensity in the deep level and edge regions and increase exciton bands for CdTe crystals subjected to laser treatment with nanosecond pulses of energy density J ~ 50-100 mJ/ cm2 (Fig. 4) has demonstrated the possibilities of modification of the surface state and improvement of the point defect structure in the surface region of CdTe. Summary 1.2 200 mcW 150 mcW 100 mcW 75 mcW 50 mcW 15 mcW 10 mcW 3500 0.7 0.4 1.50 1.50 PL spectra at 5 K – dependence of excitation energy 0.9 0.5 1.45 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.40 1.5 0.5 500 PL intensity (a.u.) 1 0.8 R = I(1.456) / I(1.594) PL intensity (a.u.) 1.0 2.0 Fig. 3. PL spectra of the CdTe(111) crystals at excitation power density Iex = 200 mcW for sample treated by laser pulse of energy density J = 101.7 mJ/cm2 in dependence of the temperature (a). The spectra are normalized by the intensity of the PL band at 1.59 eV (b). (b) 1.1 2.5 Energy (eV) 1.2 0 2 50 mJ/cm 2 75.8 mJ/cm 2 101.7 mJ/cm 2 146.6 mJ/cm (a) 5K 12 K 34 K 40 K 1000 PL spectra at 5 K – dependence of irradiation energy 1.2 (b) 3.0 PL intensity (a.u.) J3 = 117.6 mJ/cm 5 3000 2500 2000 PL intensity (a.u.) 4 PL intensity (a.u.) 40 nν (a.u.) nν (a.u.) 0.5 mm 5 m m Application of CdTe semiconductor 1500 1000 200 mcW 150 mcW 100 mcW 75 mcW 50 mcW 1.0 0.8 (b) 0.6 0.4 0.2 500 0.0 0 1.40 1.45 1.50 Energy (eV) 1.55 1.60 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 Energy (eV) Fig. 5. PL spectra of the CdTe(111) crystal, samples treated by laser pulse of energy density J2 = 75.8 mJ/ cm2 (a). The same are spectra normalized at 1.59 eV (b). The evolution of PL spectra of CdTe(111) crystals subjected to irradiation with nanosecond laser pulses are attributed to transformation of point defect structure of the surface region of the samples. The relative redistribution of the band intensities in three regions of the PL spectra, particularly a decrease in the intensity in the deep level and edge regions and increase exciton band intensity after laser irradiation with the certain energy densities has demonstrated the possibilities to modify the surface state and increase the structural perfection of the surface region of CdTe. Employing radiation of the second harmonic of a YAG:Nd laser with wavelength longer compared with that of excimer KrF laser radiation used before has allowed us to modify and study thicker surface layer of CdTe the material. On the base of the analysis of the PL spectra obtained at different laser pulse energy densities, excitation levels and temperatures, the optimal regimes of laser processing of CdTe crystals have been developed. %!""" 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