概要 (Abstracts)

大学英語教育学会(JACET)関西支部 2015 年度 第 1 回支部講演会
日時:2015 年 7 月 11 日(土)15:30-17:00 場所:神戸大学鶴甲第1キャンパス
The First Lecture Meeting of the 2015 Academic Year
15:30-17:00, Saturday, July 11, 2015 at Kobe University, Rokkodai District
(Kokusai-Bunka Gakubu Campus, School of Languages and Communication, Building #13)
Bringing Innovation to the Community
and Classroom through TEDxKyoto
TEDxKyoto で繋ぐコミュニテイと TED トークの革新的なアイデアを活用した英語授業
講演者:ジェイ クラパーキ(京都外国語大学教授・TEDxKyoto ファウンダー&エグゼキュティブプロデューサー)
アンガス マグレガー(京都外大西高等学校教諭・TEDxKyoto オペレーションデイレクター)
塩見佳代子(立命館大学教授・TEDxKyoto キュレーター)
Jay Klaphake, J.D.
TEDxKyoto (tedxkyoto.com) – Founder/Executive Producer and TEDx Ambassador in
Japan. Professor in the Department of Global Affairs and Fellow in the Office of Asian
Affairs at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. Former Executive Director and Lobbyist at the
University of Minnesota Coalition for Higher Education, and past Aide at the U.S House of
Angus McGregor
TEDxKyoto – Director of Operations. Teacher and Coordinator of Course of International &
Cultural Studies at Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High School (KGN), Director of Kansai High School
Model United Nations (www.khsmun.com) Director of UNESCO School Program at KGN.
Kayoko Shiomi
TEDxKyoto – Curator. Professor and Coordinator of English Program in the Department of
Business Administration at Ritsumeikan University. Field of interest: Intercultural Pragmatics.
Publications: English Career Paths to Success, Global Trends in Business, Aim High for the TOEIC Test,
Career Design on DVD, Target on Business and the TOEIC Test Vocabulary, and Eigo de Hello
Work 1 & 2
In the spirit of “ideas worth spreading,” TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events
that bring people together to engage with each other and share a TED-like experience
in their own community. At a TEDx event, videos of TED Talks and live speakers combine
to spark deep discussion and connection. These local, self-organized events are
branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. TEDxKyoto, which began
in 2012, has grown into the largest TEDx event in Japan with 800 participants and will hold
its fourth annual event on November 8th. TEDxKyoto is managed entirely by an unpaid,
core team of 40 volunteer organizers from the Kyoto area community who, on the day of
the event, organize over 200 volunteers including students from several area high schools
and universities as well as international exchange students. The main event, which is held
on the campus of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, serves as a catalyst that invokes
deep thought, sparks human connections, engages the community, and leads to
increased opportunities to bring new innovations to life. The three presenters, all
members of the TEDxKyoto organizing core team, are teachers of EFL and engage in
content-based teaching in high school and university. They will share with the audience
about TED, TEDxKyoto and offer some ideas for using TED talks as a learning platform in
the English classroom, including project-based learning.
概略 :
“Ideas Worth Spreading”の精神のもと、TED(Technology, Entertainment, and Design)は北米で生ま
れ、毎年プレゼンテーションイベントが開催されています。TEDx は各々独立した組織ですが、TED スタイルを踏
襲しコミュニティを繋げる活動として、近年世界各地で開催されています。TEDx では、登壇者の話・パーフォー
マンス・TED Talks の動画等から、多様なアイデアに触れ、知見を広めることができます。TEDxKyoto は、参加
者が毎年約 800 名と、日本で最大級の TEDx イベントですが、全てボランテイアで運営しています。約 40 名
のコアメンバーと、社会人、大学生、高校生、留学生など総勢約 200 名のボランテイアがイベントに携わっていま
す。本講演では、TED と TEDxKyoto イベントについて概要をお伝えすると同時に、スピーカー人選のプロセスや
コーチング、イベント運営に関してもお話ししたいと思います。また、TED Talks のビデオを使った教材開発や授
業実践、さらにプロジェクト型学習(PBL)事例についてもご報告し、TED イベントの英語教育現場における活用
*使用言語 英語(塩見佳代子先生、及び、質疑応答時は英語・日本語)
Main language for presentation: English (English & Japanese in Prof. Shiomi’s & the Q&A session)
*JACET 会員は無料・非会員は参加費 500 円*事前申込不要
No need to pre-register. Free of charge for JACET member; 500 yen for non-members.