JASIN SYLLABUS Fall 2015 http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/jasin/classes VIA VERITAS VITA Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies International Center 2015.4.24 JASIN Course List (“A” Courses: Fall 2015) Japanese Language Courses Course Japanese 1 A Japanese 2 A Japanese 3 A Japanese 4 A Instructor Coordinator: Hanashiro, Yoshitake 花城 可武 Matsumoto, Hitomi Hanashiro, Yoshitake Koga, Ikue 松本 一見 花城 可武 古賀 郁英 Coordinator: Kawasaki, Kanako 川崎 加奈子 Credits Page 4 1 3 Class 1 (red) Kawasaki, Kanako Koga, Ikue TBD 川崎 加奈子 古賀 郁英 Class 2 (blue) Kawasaki, Kanako Koga, Ikue TBD 川崎 加奈子 古賀 郁英 Coordinator: Miyazaki, Kiyono 宮崎 聖乃 Otsuchihashi, Naoki Matsumoto, Hitomi Miyazaki, Kiyono 大土橋 直紀 松本 一見 宮崎 聖乃 Coordinator: Yasuda, Mayumi 安田 眞由美 4 5 4 9 Class 1 (red) TBD Yasuda, Mayumi Fujiwara, Ichie 安田 眞由美 藤原 一智絵 Class 2 (blue) TBD Yasuda, Mayumi Koga, Ikue 安田 眞由美 古賀 郁英 4 Japanese 5 A Japanese 6 A Practical Japanese (応用日本語) Ⅰ~Ⅷ For Japanese S-level students 7 Please see the NICS Syllabus for Course Details. 11 Japanese Language Elective Courses Course Japanese Level Instructor Current Events in Japan Seminar 1 A 3-4 TBD Current Events in Japan Fieldwork A 3+ Miyazaki, Kiyono 宮崎 聖乃 Class 1 Ishimine, Yasuhiro 伊志嶺 安博 Kanji and Vocabulary 1 A Kanji and Vocabulary 2 A 1-2 Kanji and Vocabulary 4 A Page 2 - 2 13 15 1 Class 2 Kamiyoshi, Uichi 神吉 宇一 17 Class 1 Fujiwara, Ichie 藤原 一智絵 19 2-3 1 Class 2 Kamiyoshi, Uichi Kanji and Vocabulary 3 A Credits Class 1 Matsumoto, Hitomi Class 2 Kamiyoshi, Uichi 3-4 4+ 21 神吉 宇一 松本 一見 23 1 25 神吉 宇一 Class 1 Fujiwara, Ichie 藤原 一智絵 Class 2 Kamiyoshi, Uichi 神吉 宇一 27 1 29 Japanese Pronunciation 1 A 1-2 TBD 1 - Japanese Pronunciation 2 A 3+ TBD 1 - Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 1 A 2-3+ Miyazaki, Kiyono 宮崎 聖乃 1 31 Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 2 A 3-4+ Miyazaki, Kiyono 宮崎 聖乃 1 33 Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 3 ~ 4 A 5+ Please see the NICS Syllabus for Course Details. Business Japanese 1 ~ 2 A 5+ Japan Studies Courses Course Instructor Credits Page Japanese Culture A Grajdian, Maria 2 35 Seminar in Japanese Studies A (Japanese Pop Culture A) Grajdian, Maria 2 37 Japanese Linguistics A Yamak, Pascal 2 39 Contemporary Japanese Literature A Tiedemann, Mark 2 41 Peace Studies Tiedemann, Mark 2 43 Japanese Literary History A Marra, Claudia 2 45 Overview of Japanese History A Marra, Claudia 2 47 Introduction to Japanese Society Tiedemann, Mark 2 49 Japanese Business A Umali, Celia 2 51 Japanese Management A Umali, Celia 2 53 Japanese Film A Hanson, Lorna 2 55 Modern Japanese History Tiedemann, Mark Hanson, Lorna Kumar, Krishan 2 57 Nagasaki Fieldwork Marra, Claudia Tiedemann, Mark 2 59 Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Kumar, Krishan 2 61 Independent Study A Marra, Claudia 2 63 Mizota, Tsutomu 溝田 勉 Traditional Japanese Arts 1 <Calligraphy, Tea Ceremony, Shogi> Deguchi, Suzumi Takahashi, Fumiko Shimosato, Wataru 出口 すゞ美 高橋 富美子 下里 亘 1 67 Traditional Japanese Arts 2 <Flower Arrangement, Kimono, Karuta> Shirai, Kyoko Fujima, Yasuyuki Sasaki, Misa 白井 恭子 藤間 弥寿幸 佐々木 美沙 1 69 Traditional Japanese Arts 3 <Koto> Yoshioka, Gasui 吉岡 雅翠 1 71 Japanese Martial Arts and Sports Practice Kaburagi, Kojiro Shimosato, Wataru Tiedemann, Mark 鏑木 幸次郎 下里 亘 1 73 Additional Courses (in Japanese) Please see the NICS Syllabus for Course Details. Additional Courses ※Available to full semester or academic year students ※Counted outside of required 12 JASIN/NICS credits Degree-Seeking Courses ※See Degree-Seeking Curriculum Syllabus for details (http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/english/schedule_of_courses) 65 2015 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course Course Name Japanese 1A (Introduction to Japanese) 100 Numbering Hanashiro, Yoshitake 花城 可武 Instructor (Coordinator), Matsumoto Hitomi 松本 一見, Language Japanese Credit(s) 4 Koga, Ikue 古賀 郁英 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership and work on the content 〇 Registration Requirements E Effective communication skill ◎ 〇 Beginning Japanese students (students placed in Japanese 1) Course Students in this course will learn the four basic elements of Japanese (reading, listening, speaking and writing) through team-teaching with the goal Description of improving each student’s overall Japanese level. Course Summary This course is designed for beginning-level Japanese students with an emphasis on elementary speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Students will practice Japanese letters (hiragana and katakana), greetings, and basic grammar. Grading will consist of midterm, final, and oral exams as well as weekly vocabulary quizzes. In addition, homework is assigned after each class session to build upon skills learned during class. A: Develop understanding of elementary Japanese language, including aspects of Japanese culture and society Course Goals C: Set study and review goals by making use of the course schedule and lesson plans E: Improve Japanese language communication skills that are required to interact in situations that occur during daily life Course Plan Class 1 Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Hiragana/Katakana/Greetings Hiragana/Katakana preparation/review (4 hours) Lesson 1 XはYです, Question Sentences / Noun1のNoun2 2 Lesson 1, Lesson 2 これ それあれ どれ 3 Lesson 2 Lesson 1-2 preparation/review (4 hours) 4 Lesson 2, Lesson 3 Verb Conjugation/Present Tense / Particles Lesson 2-3 preparation/review (4 hours) 5 Lesson 3 Lesson 3-4 preparation/review (4 hours) 6 Lesson 3, Lesson 4 Xがあります/います Describing Where Things Are Lesson 4-5 preparation/review (4 hours) 7 Lesson 4, Lesson 5 Adjectives/~ましょう/~~ましょうか/ Counting Lesson 5 review, oral exam/midterm prep (4 hours) 8 Lesson 5, Lesson 1-5 Review, Oral Exam Practice Lesson 1-5 review, oral exam/midterm prep (4 hours) 9 Lesson 6 Te-form ~てください/~てもいいです/~てはいけません Lesson 6 preparation/review (4 hours) 10 Lesson 6, Lesson 7 ている/ Te-form for Joining Sentences/ Verb stem+に行く Lesson 6-7 preparation/review (4 hours) 11 Lesson 7 Lesson 7-8 preparation/review (4 hours) 12 Lesson 7, Lesson 8 ~ないでください/Verbのが好きです/何かand何も Lesson 8-9 preparation/review (4 hours) 13 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 preparation/review (4 hours) 14 Lesson 9 Past Tense Short Forms / Qualifying Nouns with Verbs and Adjectives Lesson 9 review, oral exam/midterm prep (4 hours) 15 Lesson 9 まだ~ていません/~から、Lesson 6-9 Review, Oral Exam Practice Lesson 6-9 review, oral exam/midterm prep (4 hours) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) この/その/あの/どの+noun Lesson 1 preparation/review (4 hours) Value (%) Evaluation 40 Value (%) Class attitude Final Report Class participation 10 10 Quizzes 20 Other ①( Oral Exams ) Assignments 20 Other ②(Teaching Practice 40 + Reflection 15) Presentation Other ③( 1 ) 2015 Textbook Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Second Edition] (3,675 yen) By Eri Banno, Yoko Ikeda, Yutaka Ohno, and Chikako Shinagawa References 『みんなの日本語1』, NEJ:A New Approach to Elementary Japanese <vol.1> テーマで学ぶ基礎日本語 くろしお出版 Related Courses Kanji and Vocabulary 1B/A, Japanese Pronunciation 1B/A, Other Japanese Language Courses Registration Notes All students are required to purchase the textbook. In addition, students should be mentally prepared to study and review regularly in order to keep up with the class. Hanashiro, Yoshitake (Coordinator): Contact / Office Hours Office hours: Thursday 5th period Office: 417 Matsumoto, Hitomi: [email protected] Koga, Ikue: [email protected] 2 E-mail Address: [email protected] 2015 Course Name Japanese 2A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course Class 1 (red) 100 Numbering Kawasaki, Kanako 川崎 加奈子 (Coordinator) Koga, Ikue 古賀 郁英 Language Japanese Credit(s) 4 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership and work on the content 〇 Registration Requirements Description Effective communication skill ◎ にほんご 〇 がくせい JASIN/NICSプログラムにおいて日本語2にプレイスされた学生 This course is for students who are placed in Japanese 2. しゅうじゅくど Course E べつ よ き はな か ぎのう じゅぎょう がくしゅう そうごうてき に ほ ん ご のうりょく こうじょう め ざ 習熟度に別に、「読む・聞く・話す・書く」の4技能をチームティーチングによる授業で学習し、総合的に日本語能力の向上を目指す。 Students in this course will improve their proficiency in four aspects of Japanese (reading, listening, speaking and writing) through team-teaching with the goal of improving one’s overall Japanese level. しゅうかん かいじゅぎょう きょうか しょ ちゅうしん ぶんぽう まな ほか まいじ しゅくだい に ほ ん ご きょうざい つか よ か き はな すべ 1週間に4回授業がある。教科書『げんき』を中心に文法を学び、他のいろいろな日本語教材も使って、読む/書く/聞く/話すの全て Course Summary れんしゅう まいかい じゅぎょう か い し じ ご い か の練習をする。毎回の授業開始時に、語彙クイズを行い、毎時、宿題を貸す。 This course meets four times a week. Students will learn grammar primarily from the “Genki” textbook and acquire proficiency in speaking/listening and writing/reading through several Japanese learning materials. Vocabulary quizzes will be held at the beginning of each class. In addition, homework will be assigned at the end of each class. にほんご こうぞう ご い りかい A:日本語の構造や語彙を理解する じゅぎょう じ た く がくしゅう つう じはつてき がくしゅう たいど み C:授業、自宅学習を通じて自発的に学習する態度を身につける Course Goals にちじょうせいかつ じぶん い し かんじょう ただ あいて つた E:日常生活において自分の意思や感情を正しく相手に伝えることができる A: Understand the structure of Japanese language and vocabulary. C: Develop improved attitude and motivation towards learning through classwork and self-study. E: Be able to express one’s opinion or feelings in Japanese in daily life. Course Plan Class 第10課 1 文型「比較、最上級、~つもり」の口頭表現練習 Chapter10 Oral expression training for “Comparison and superlative ~つも り”form 第11課 2 Outside of Class Assignments 当日の授業の文型練習をし、翌日の新出文法の予習をする (4時間) Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 文型「~たい、~たり~たりする、~ことがある」の口頭表現練習 Chapter11 Oral expression training for “~たい、~たり~たりする、 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) ~ことがある”form 3 第12課 第12課 4 文型「~んだ、~ので」の口頭表現練習 Chapter12 Oral expression training for “~んだ、~ので”form Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 文型「~ほうがいい、~なければいけない」」の口頭表現練習 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) Chapter12 Oral expression training for ”~ほうがいい、 ~なければいけない”form 第13課 5 可能形、文型「~し、~そうです」の口頭表現練習 Chapter13 Oral expression training for ”~し、~そうです”form, Potential form 3 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 2015 第14課 6 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 文型「~かもしれない、物の受給」の口頭表現練習 Chapter14 Oral expression training for ”~かもしれない”form, Giving and Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) receiving verbs 第15課 7 意向形、文型「~ておく、連体修飾」の口頭表現練習 Chapter15 Oral expression training for “~ておく、れんたいしゅうしょく Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) (Noun-modifying clauses)”form, Volitional form 8 9 第16課 文型「動作の受給、~とき」の口頭表現練習 第16課 文型「~といい、~てすみません」の口頭表現練習 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next Chapter16 Oral expression training for”~とき”form, Giving and receiving verbs grammar point (4 hours) Chapter16 Oral expression training for”~といい、~てすみません”form 第17課 10 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 伝聞、文型「~たら、~なくてもいい」の口頭表現練習 Chapter17 Oral expression training for”~たら、~なくてもいい”form, Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) Hearsay form 第18課 11 自他動詞、文型「~と(条件)、~ばよかった」の口頭表現練習 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) Chapter18 Oral expression training for”~と(condition)、 ~ばよかった”form, Hearsay form 12 13 14 第19課 尊敬表現、文型「~はずだ」」の口頭表現練習 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next Chapter19 Oral expression training for”~はずだ”form, Honorific expressions grammar point (4 hours) 第20課 謙譲表現の口頭表現練習 第21課 受身表現の口頭表現練習 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) Chapter21 Oral expression training for Passive expressions 第22課 ・第23課 15 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) Chapter20 Oral expression training for Humble expressions 使役、使役受身の口頭表現練習 Practice today’s grammar point (4 hours) Chapter22, 23 Oral expression training for Causative verbs, Causative Passive verbs Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Evaluation 70 Final Report Value (%) Class attitude 5 Class participation 5 Quizzes 10 Other ①( ) Assignments 10 Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Presentation 『げんきⅠ』&『げんきⅡ』(第2版) Textbook The Japan Times 各\3,500 “GenkiⅠ”&”GenkiⅡ”(2nd edition) The Japan Times \3,500 each ★必ず教科書を持って受講すること。第1版の使用は不可とする。 Please bring your textbook to every class. The old edition (1st edition) of the textbooks may not be used. References 授業内で適宜紹介する Introduced in the class Related Courses Kanji & Vocabulary 1B/A, Kanji and Vocabulary 2B/A, Kanji and Vocabulary 3B/A, Japanese Pronunciation 1 B/A Registration Notes この授業のためのノートを準備すること Please be sure to bring a notebook for this class Contact / Office Hours Kawasaki, Kanako : Office 302 email: [email protected] Koga, Ikue : email: [email protected] 4 Office hour: Monday 5th period 2015 Course Name Japanese 2A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course Class 2 (blue) 100 Numbering Kawasaki, Kanako 川崎 加奈子 (Coordinator) Koga, Ikue 古賀 郁英 Language Japanese Credit(s) 4 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership and work on the content 〇 Registration Requirements Description Effective communication skill ◎ にほんご 〇 がくせい JASIN/NICSプログラムにおいて日本語2にプレイスされた学生 This course is for students who are placed in Japanese 2. しゅうじゅくど Course E べつ よ き はな か ぎのう じゅぎょう がくしゅう そうごうてき に ほ ん ご のうりょく こうじょう め ざ 習熟度に別に、「読む・聞く・話す・書く」の4技能をチームティーチングによる授業で学習し、総合的に日本語能力の向上を目指す。 Students in this course will improve their proficiency in four aspects of Japanese (reading, listening, speaking and writing) through team-teaching with the goal of improving one’s overall Japanese level. しゅうかん かいじゅぎょう きょうか しょ ちゅうしん ぶんぽう まな ほか まいじ しゅくだい に ほ ん ご きょうざい つか よ か き はな すべ 1週間に4回授業がある。教科書『げんき』を中心に文法を学び、他のいろいろな日本語教材も使って、読む/書く/聞く/話すの全て Course Summary れんしゅう まいかい じゅぎょう か い し じ ご い か の練習をする。毎回の授業開始時に、語彙クイズを行い、毎時、宿題を貸す。 This course meets four times a week. Students will learn grammar primarily from the “Genki” textbook and acquire proficiency in speaking/listening and writing/reading through several Japanese learning materials. Vocabulary quizzes will be held at the beginning of each class. In addition, homework will be assigned at the end of each class. にほんご こうぞう ご い りかい A:日本語の構造や語彙を理解する じゅぎょう じ た く がくしゅう つう じはつてき がくしゅう たいど み C:授業、自宅学習を通じて自発的に学習する態度を身につける Course Goals にちじょうせいかつ じぶん い し かんじょう ただ あいて つた E:日常生活において自分の意思や感情を正しく相手に伝えることができる A: Understand the structure of Japanese language and vocabulary. C: Develop improved attitude and motivation towards learning through classwork and self-study. E: Be able to express one’s opinion or feelings in Japanese in daily life. Course Plan Class 第10課 1 文型「比較、最上級、~つもり」の口頭表現練習 Chapter10 Oral expression training for “Comparison and superlative ~つもり”form 第11課 2 Outside of Class Assignments 当日の授業の文型練習をし、翌日の新出文法の予習をする (4時間) Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 文型「~たい、~たり~たりする、~ことがある」の口頭表現練習 Chapter11 Oral expression training for “~たい、~たり~たりする、 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) ~ことがある”form 3 第12課 第12課 4 文型「~んだ、~ので」の口頭表現練習 Chapter12 Oral expression training for “~んだ、~ので”form Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 文型「~ほうがいい、~なければいけない」」の口頭表現練習 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) Chapter12 Oral expression training for ”~ほうがいい、 ~なければいけない”form 第13課 5 可能形、文型「~し、~そうです」の口頭表現練習 Chapter13 Oral expression training for ”~し、~そうです”form, Potential form 5 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 2015 第14課 6 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 文型「~かもしれない、物の受給」の口頭表現練習 Chapter14 Oral expression training for ”~かもしれない”form, Giving and receiving verbs 第15課 7 意向形、文型「~ておく、連体修飾」の口頭表現練習 Chapter15 Oral expression training for “~ておく、れんたいしゅうしょく Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) (Noun-modifying clauses)”form, Volitional form 8 9 第16課 Chapter16 Oral expression training for”~とき”form, Giving and receiving verbs 第16課 文型「~といい、~てすみません」の口頭表現練習 Chapter16 Oral expression training for”~といい、~てすみません”form 第17課 10 文型「動作の受給、~とき」の口頭表現練習 伝聞、文型「~たら、~なくてもいい」の口頭表現練習 Chapter17 Oral expression training for”~たら、~なくてもいい”form, Hearsay Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) form 第18課 11 自他動詞、文型「~と(条件)、~ばよかった」の口頭表現練習 Chapter18 Oral expression training for”~と(condition)、 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) ~ばよかった”form, Hearsay form 12 13 14 第19課 尊敬表現、文型「~はずだ」」の口頭表現練習 Chapter19 Oral expression training for”~はずだ”form, Honorific expressions 第20課 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 受身表現の口頭表現練習 Chapter21 Oral expression training for Passive expressions 第22課 ・第23課 15 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 謙譲表現の口頭表現練習 Chapter20 Oral expression training for Humble expressions 第21課 Practice today’s grammar point and prepare for the next grammar point (4 hours) 使役、使役受身の口頭表現練習 Practice today’s grammar point (4 hours) Chapter22, 23 Oral expression training for Causative verbs, Causative Passive verbs Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Evaluation 70 Final Report Value (%) Class attitude 5 Class participation 5 Quizzes 10 Other ①( ) Assignments 10 Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Presentation 『げんきⅠ』&『げんきⅡ』(第2版) Textbook The Japan Times 各\3,500 ★必ず教科書を持って受講すること。第1版の使用は不可と する。 “GenkiⅠ”&”GenkiⅡ”(2nd edition) The Japan Times \3,500 each ★Please bring your textbook to every class. The old edition (1st edition) of the textbooks may not be used. References 授業内で適宜紹介する Introduced in the class Related Courses Kanji & Vocabulary 1B/A, Kanji and Vocabulary 2B/A, Kanji and Vocabulary 3B/A, Japanese Pronunciation 1B/A Registration Notes この授業のためのノートを準備すること Please be sure to bring a notebook for this class Contact / Office Hours Kawasaki, Kanako : Office 302 Koga, Ikue : email: [email protected] email: [email protected] 6 2015 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course Course Name Japanese 3A 200 Numbering Miyazaki, Kiyono 宮崎 聖乃 (Coordinator) Instructor Matsumoto, Hitomi 松本 一見 Language Japanese Credit(s) 4 Otsuchihashi, Naoki 大土橋 直紀 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand and work on the content B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership 〇 Registration Requirements Description Effective communication skill ◎ がくせい しゅうりょう 〇 がくせいおよ がくせい JASIN/NICSの学生で、Japanese2を修 了した学生及びプレスメントテストによりJapanese3にプレイスされた学生 This course is for continuing students who finished Japanese 2 and new students who are placed in Japanese 3. しゅうじゅくど Course E べつ よ き はな か ぎのう じゅぎょう がくしゅう そうごうてき に ほ ん ご のうりょく こうじょう め ざ 習熟度に別に、「読む・聞く・話す・書く」の4技能をチームティーチングによる授業で学習し、総合的に日本語能力の向上を目指す。 Students in this course will improve their proficiency in four aspects of Japanese (reading, listening, speaking and writing) through team-teaching with the goal of improving one’s overall Japanese level. しょきゅうこうはん き はな よ か ちから きほん てき ぶんぽう ひょうげん ちゅうきゅう む まな かいわ さくぶん どっかい このクラスでは、初級後半の聞く/話す/読む/書く 力 をつけるために、基本的な文法、表現などを学び、会話、作文、読解などの れんしゅう おこな じゅぎょう しゅう かいおこな さんこう ぶんけん ぶんぽう じ て ん かつよう じぶん がくしゅうほうほう かくりつ い 練習を 行 う。授業は週4回 行 われる。参考文献にあげた文法辞典などを活用し、中 級 へ向けて自分にあった学習方法を確立して行 Course Summary のぞ いっかげつ いっかい て い ど に ほ ん じ ん がくせい おこな くことが望ましい。また1ヶ月に1 回程度、日本人学生とディスカッションやアクティビティを 行 う(ビジターセッション)。 The aim of the course is to acquire proficiency in speaking/listening and writing/reading, while learning the basic grammar and expressions. Students will practice Japanese through communication, essay, and reading comprehension. This course meets four times a week. Students will use the dictionary that is introduced in the References section of the syllabus. Students are expected to develop their own learning method through the course in order prepare for intermediate-level Japanese activities. There will be discussions and activities with Japanese students approximately once a month. きほん てき ぶんぽう ご い ひょうげん りかい み A: 基本的な文法、語彙、表現を理解し身につける。 Understand and acquire basic grammar, vocabulary, and expressions. じぶん がくしゅうほうほう かくりつ Course Goals C: 自分にあった学習方法を確立する。 Develop one’s own learning method がくしゅう ちしき つかって こうかてき E: 学習した知識を使って、効果的なコミュニケーションができる。 Be able to communicate by using knowledge acquired in the class Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments ちゅうきゅう 1 2 3 4 5 だい か ご い ぶんぽうのよしゅう、ふくしゅう オリエンテーション/「中 級 へ行こう」第1課 第1課の語彙、文法の予習、復習(4時間) Orientation / Chapter 1 Preparation and Review for Chapter1 (Vocabulary & grammar) (4 hours) 「中級へ行こう」第1課/第2課 作文/第2課の語彙、文法の予習、復習(4時間) Chapter 1, 2 Essay/Preparation and Review for Chapter2 (Vocab & grammar) (4 hours) 「中級へ行こう」第2課/1、2課復習 ビジターセッションの準備/作文/1、2課の復習(4時間) Chapter 2 and Chapter 1-2 Review Preparation for Visitor Session/Essay/ Review for Chapter1 and 2 (4 hours) 「中級へ行こう」1、2課復習クイズ/ビジターセッション/第3課 第3課の語彙、文法の予習、復習(4時間) Chapter 1-2 Quiz, Visitor Session, Chapter 3 Preparation and Review for Chapter3 (Vocabulary & grammar) (4 hours) 「中級へ行こう」第3課/第4課 作文/第4課の語彙、文法の予習、復習(4時間) Chapter 3, 4 Essay/ Preparation and Review for Chapter4 (Vocab & grammar) (4 hours) 7 2015 6 7 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 「中級へ行こう」第4課/3、4課復習 作文/3、4課の復習(4時間) Chapter 4, Chapter 3-4 Review Essay/ Review for Chapter3 and 4 (4 hours) 「中級へ行こう」3、4課復習クイズ/第5課 復習クイズの見直し/第5課の語彙、文法の予習、復習(4時間) Chapter 3-4 Quiz, Chapter 5 Reflection of Review Quiz/ Preparation and Review for Chapter5 (Vocabulary & grammar) (4 hours) 8 9 10 「中級へ行こう」第,5課/第6課/ビジターセッション 作文/第 6 課の語彙、文法の予習、復習(4 時間) Chapter 5, 6, Visitor Session Essay/ Preparation and Review for Chapter6 (Vocab & grammar) (4 hours) 「中級へ行こう」第6課/5、6課復習 作文/5、6 課の復習(4 時間) Chapter 6, Chapter 5-6 Review Essay/ Review for Chapter5 and 6 (4 hours) 「中級へ行こう」5、6課復習クイズ/第7課 復習クイズの見直し/第7課の語彙、文法の予習、復習(4時間) Chapter 5-6 Quiz, Chapter 7 Reflection of Review Quiz/ Preparation and Review for Chapter7 (Vocabulary & grammar) (4 hours) 11 12 13 「中級へ行こう」第7課/第8課 作文/第8課の語彙、文法の予習、復習(4時間) Chapter 7-8 Essay/ Preparation and Review for Chapter8 (Vocab & grammar) (4 hours) 「中級へ行こう」第8課/7、8課復習/ビジターセッション 作文/7、8課の復習/ビジターセッションの準備(4時間) Chapter 8, Chapter 7-8 Review, Visitor Session Essay/ Review for Chapter7 and 8/Preparation for Visitor Session (4 hours) 「中級へ行こう」7、8課復習クイズ/第9課 復習クイズの見直し/第9課の語彙、文法の予習、復習(4時間) Chapter 7-8 Quiz, Chapter 9 Reflection of Review Quiz/ Preparation and Review for Chapter9 (Vocabulary & grammar) (4 hours) 14 「中級へ行こう」第9課/第10課 ビジターセッションの準/作文/第10課の語彙、文法の予習、復習 Chapter 9, 10 (4時間) Preparation for Visitor Session/Essay/ Preparation and Review for Chapter10 (Vocabulary & grammar) (4 hours) 15 「中級へ行こう」第10課/9、10課復習/ビジターセッション 作文/9、10課の復習(4時間) Chapter 10, Chapter 9-10 Review, Visitor Session Essay/ Review for Chapter9 and 10 (4 hours) Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Evaluation 40 Value (%) Class attitude Final Report 10 Class participation Quizzes 30 Other ①( ) Assignments 20 Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Presentation Textbook 「中級へ行こう」スリーエーネットワーク Purchase of the following grammar dictionaries is strongly recommended: References 「A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar」 Publisher: The Japan Times 「A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar」 Publisher: The Japan Times Related Courses Registration Notes Kanji and Vocabulary 2B/A, Kanji and Vocabulary 3B/A, Japanese Pronunciation 2 B/A, Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 1B/A None Miyazaki, Kiyono Contact / Office Hours Office: 417 Office hour: Thursday 4th period (Other office hours available with appointments) Email: [email protected] Matsumoto, Hitomi Email: [email protected] Otsuchihashi, Naoki Email: [email protected] 8 2015 Course Name Japanese 4A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course Class 1 (red) 200 Numbering Yasuda, Mayumi 安田 眞由美(Coordinator) Language Fujiwara, Ichie 藤原 一智絵 Japanese Credit(s) 4 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership and work on the content 〇 Registration Requirements Description Effective communication skill ◎ た ん き りゅうがくせい しょきゅう に ほ ん ご 〇 しゅうりょう プレイスメントテストでプレイスされた短期留学生。初級日本語が修 了していること。 Students who are placed in Japanese 4 and have completed elementary Japanese studies. しゅうじゅくどべつ Course E よ き はな か ぎのう じゅぎょう がくしゅう そうごうてき に ほ ん ご のうりょく こうじょう め ざ 習熟度別に、「読む・聞く・話す・書く」の4技能をチームティーチングによる授業で学習し、総合的に日本語能力の向上を目指す。 Students in this course will improve their proficiency in four aspects of Japanese (reading, listening, speaking and writing) through team-teaching with the goal of improving one’s overall Japanese level. いっしゅうかん かい いっしゅうかん さんかい ちゅうきゅう まな つか すこ なが ぶん よ ぶんぽう べんきょう さくぶん か 1 週間に 4回クラスがある。1 週間のうち3 回は『中 級 を学ぼう』を使って、少し長い文を読んだり、文法を勉強したり、作文を書いたり れんしゅう おこな ちゅうきゅう まな か ご い か しゅうりょうご ふくしゅう おこな しゅうかん かい に ほ ん ご な ま ちゅうけい する練習を 行 う。『 中 級 を学ぼう』は課のはじめに語彙クイズ、1課終了後に復習テストを 行 う。1週間のうち 1回は『日本語生中継 Course Summary しょちゅうきゅうへん つか なま かいわ き かいわ さくせい はっぴょう か しゅうりょうご ふくしゅう おこな 初中級編1』を使って、生の会話を聞いて会話を作成し、発表する。こちらも 1課終了後に復習テストを 行 う。 This course meets four times a week and focuses on reading short passages, studying grammar, and writing essays in Japanese using the Chukyu wo Manabo textbook. A vocabulary quiz will take at the beginning of each chapter and a review quiz at the end of each chapter. On Fridays, students will use The Nihongo Nama Chukei Shochukyu textbook will be used once a week. Students will write conversations and have presentations by listening to authentic Japanese conversations. A review quiz will take place at the end of each chapter. ぶんぽう じ こ う ただ りかい じっさい つか A: N2レベルの文法事項を正しく理解し、実際に使えるようになる。 じりつてき がくしゅう と く かいわ き と C自律的に学習に取り組むことができる。 Course Goals なま ちか さまざま ばめん ゆた E:生に近い会話の聞き取りができ、様々な場面でより豊かなコミュニケーションができるようになる。 A: Understand N2 level grammar points correctly and use them in real situations. C: Become actively involved in one’s learning. D: Comprehend authentic Japanese conversations and communicate better in various situations. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments 1 カタカナ語・~だろう・~のだろうか・~わけがない/貸してもらう 2 ~わけがない・~わけではない・~こそ・動詞の省略/貸してもらう 3 4 5 ど うし しょうりゃく ~より・~というN・~ほど~はない・比較・~ぐらい/貸してもらう・予定を 変更する ぎもんごぎもんぶん Nからすると・疑問語疑問文・数字についての話/予定を変更する ~て以来・何~も・何~か・文章の中の「こ・そ」/予定を変更する・ レストランで 9 ふくしゅう じゅんび・ふくしゅう 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 2015 6 ~は~であって、~ではないということだ・~までもなく・Nであろうと/ レストランで Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) ふくごうどうし 7 移動+ている・複合動詞~だす・~こむ・助詞+の・~途中/レストランで・旅 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 行の感想 8 なぜか・~たとたん・~たところ・~たばかり・~ことに・・・/旅行の感想 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) い し ど う し ・ む い し ど う し 9 ~つつある・~を中心に・~たところに・たところで・意志動詞・無意志動詞/ 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 旅行の感想 10 ~らしい・~げ・話し言葉・~にとって/買い物 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 11 ~ずにはいられない・~らしい・~としたら/買い物 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 12 13 めいししゅうしょくせつ 名詞修飾節・~だらけ・~ないと~からだ・~たびに/ほめられて 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) ~に加えて・「は」と「が」・/ほめられて 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) せつぞくし 14 ~ように・接続詞・~にすぎない・~さえ~ば・「さえ」「しか「こそ」/ 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 交通手段 15 ~というものでもない・~かねない・~ものの/交通手段 Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) 復習(4時間) Value (%) 35 Final Report Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Class participation 10 Quizzes 45 Other ①( ) Assignments 10 Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Presentation Textbook References Related Courses Registration Notes ①『中級を学ぼう 』スリーエーネットワーク(required) ② 『日本語生中継 初中級編1』 くろしお出版 (required) References will be mentioned in class. Kanji and Vocabulary 3B/A,Kanji and Vocabulary 4B/A, Japanese Pronunciation 2B/A, Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 1 B/A, Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 2 B/A Pacing of class might be altered depending on the overall class level. Evaluation details will be provided in class. Contact / Office Hours Yasuda, Mayumi Office: 339 Office Hour: Tuesday 4th Period Fujiwara, Ichie E-mail Address:[email protected] 10 E-mail Address: [email protected] 2015 Course Name Japanese 4A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course Class 2 (blue) 200 Numbering Yasuda, Mayumi 安田 眞由美(Coordinator) Language Koga, Ikue 古賀 郁英 Japanese Credit(s) 4 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership and work on the content 〇 Registration Requirements Description Effective communication skill ◎ た ん き りゅうがくせい しょきゅう に ほ ん ご 〇 しゅうりょう プレイスメントテストでプレイスされた短期留学生。初級日本語が修 了していること。 Students who are placed in Japanese 4 and have completed elementary Japanese studies. しゅうじゅくどべつ Course E よ き はな か ぎのう じゅぎょう がくしゅう そうごうてき に ほ ん ご のうりょく こうじょう め ざ 習熟度別に、「読む・聞く・話す・書く」の4技能をチームティーチングによる授業で学習し、総合的に日本語能力の向上を目指す。 Students in this course will improve their proficiency in four aspects of Japanese (reading, listening, speaking and writing) through team-teaching with the goal of improving one’s overall Japanese level. いっしゅうかん かい いっしゅうかん さんかい ちゅうきゅう まな つか すこ なが ぶん よ ぶんぽう べんきょう さくぶん か 1 週間に 4回クラスがある。1 週間のうち3 回は『中 級 を学ぼう』を使って、少し長い文を読んだり、文法を勉強したり、作文を書いたり れんしゅう おこな ちゅうきゅう まな か ご い か しゅうりょうご ふくしゅう おこな しゅうかん かい に ほ ん ご な ま ちゅうけい する練習を 行 う。『 中 級 を学ぼう』は課のはじめに語彙クイズ、1課終了後に復習テストを 行 う。1週間のうち 1回は『日本語生中継 Course Summary しょちゅうきゅうへん つか なま かいわ き かいわ さくせい はっぴょう か しゅうりょうご ふくしゅう おこな 初中級編1』を使って、生の会話を聞いて会話を作成し、発表する。こちらも 1課終了後に復習テストを 行 う。 This course meets four times a week and focuses on reading short passages, studying grammar, and writing essays in Japanese using the Chukyu wo Manabo textbook. A vocabulary quiz will take at the beginning of each chapter and a review quiz at the end of each chapter. On Fridays, students will use The Nihongo Nama Chukei Shochukyu textbook will be used once a week. Students will write conversations and have presentations by listening to authentic Japanese conversations. A review quiz will take place at the end of each chapter. ぶんぽう じ こ う ただ りかい じっさい つか A: N2レベルの文法事項を正しく理解し、実際に使えるようになる。 じりつてき がくしゅう と く かいわ き と C自律的に学習に取り組むことができる。 Course Goals なま ちか さまざま ばめん ゆた E:生に近い会話の聞き取りができ、様々な場面でより豊かなコミュニケーションができるようになる。 A: Understand N2 level grammar points correctly and use them in real situations. C: Become actively involved in one’s learning. D: Comprehend authentic Japanese conversations and communicate better in various situations. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments 1 カタカナ語・~だろう・~のだろうか・~わけがない/貸してもらう 2 ~わけがない・~わけではない・~こそ・動詞の省略/貸してもらう 3 4 5 ど うし しょうりゃく ~より・~というN・~ほど~はない・比較・~ぐらい/貸してもらう・予定を 変更する ぎもんごぎもんぶん Nからすると・疑問語疑問文・数字についての話/予定を変更する ~て以来・何~も・何~か・文章の中の「こ・そ」/予定を変更する・ レストランで 11 ふくしゅう じゅんび・ふくしゅう 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 2015 6 ~は~であって、~ではないということだ・~までもなく・Nであろうと/ レストランで Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) ふくごうどうし 7 移動+ている・複合動詞~だす・~こむ・助詞+の・~途中/レストランで・旅 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 行の感想 8 なぜか・~たとたん・~たところ・~たばかり・~ことに・・・/旅行の感想 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) い し ど う し ・ む い し ど う し 9 ~つつある・~を中心に・~たところに・たところで・意志動詞・無意志動詞/ 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 旅行の感想 10 ~らしい・~げ・話し言葉・~にとって/買い物 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 11 ~ずにはいられない・~らしい・~としたら/買い物 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 12 13 めいししゅうしょくせつ 名詞修飾節・~だらけ・~ないと~からだ・~たびに/ほめられて 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) ~に加えて・「は」と「が」・/ほめられて 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) せつぞくし 14 ~ように・接続詞・~にすぎない・~さえ~ば・「さえ」「しか「こそ」/ 復習・クイズの準備・復習テストの準備(4時間) 交通手段 15 ~というものでもない・~かねない・~ものの/交通手段 Evaluation 復習(4時間) Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) 35 Final Report Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Class participation 10 Quizzes 45 Other ①( ) Assignments 10 Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Presentation Textbook References Related Courses Registration Notes ①『中級を学ぼう 』スリーエーネットワーク(required) ② 『日本語生中継 初中級編1』 くろしお出版 (required) References will be mentioned in class. Kanji and Vocabulary 3B/A,Kanji and Vocabulary 4B/A, Japanese Pronunciation 2B/A, Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 1 B/A, Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 2 B/A Pacing of class might be altered depending on the overall class level. Evaluation details will be provided in class. Contact / Office Hours Yasuda, Mayumi Office: 339 Koga, Ikue Office Hour: Tuesday 4th Period E-mail Address: [email protected] 12 E-mail Address: [email protected] 2015 Course Name Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course Current Events in Japan Fieldwork A 300 Numbering Miyazaki, Kiyono 宮崎 聖乃 Language Japanese Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand and work on the content B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership 〇 Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill 〇 ◎ This course is recommended for students who study in Japanese 3 or over. Students will gain applied Japanese ability through in and out of school activities. The course has 3 main themes, “University-The closest Japanese society for students”, “Japanese technology and service”, and “Minorities in Japanese society”. Students will acquire authentic Japanese ability, deepen their understanding of Japanese society and culture, through Course discussion about the 3 themes, discussion with Japanese students, activity (Visitor Session), discussion with a guest from outside, field trip, Summary presentation about a self-made poster. Hopefully, this course can be an opportunity for students to get inspired to reflect on their own culture. There will be twice poster presentations. One of the presentation themes will be student’s own choice (this presentation will be held in the last week) A: Deepen the understading and interest of Japanese culture and society. Be able to have a new perspective of student’s own culture through Course Goals learning different culture. B, E: Be able to acquire authentic, cooporative communication skills in Japanese, through communication with multiple native Japanese speakers Course Plan Class 1 Outside of Class Assignments Orientation / Preparation for theme① “University-The closest Japanese society for students”(preparation for Visitor Session) Preparation for Visitor Session (4 hrs) 2 Preparation for Visitor Session Preparation for Visitor Session (4 hrs) 3 Visitor Session Feedback / Fill out a feedback sheet (4 hrs) 4 5 6 Feedback from Visitor Session / Theme② “Japanese technology and service” Field trip to TOTO Fill out a preparation sheet about Theme② (4hrs) Preparation for the field trip / put remarks together / fill out a th ※This class will be held on Saturday, 16 May due to out-of -school activity Feedback from the field trip / Preparation for poster making about theme① or theme② (brainstorming / kj method) remark sheet (4hrs) Preparation for the poster presentation (4hrs) 7 Preparation for the poster presentation (discussion / make a poster) Preparation for the poster presentation (4hrs) 8 Preparation for the poster presentation (make a poster / practice) Preparation and practice for the poster presentation (4hrs) 9 Poster presentation Feedback / Fill out a feedback sheet (4 hrs) 10 11 12 13 14 15 Feedback from the poster presentaion / Theme③ “ Minorities in Japanese society” Fill out a preparation sheet (4hrs) Feedback / Fill out a feedback sheet / put remarks together Group discussion with a guest from outside (in small groups) (4 hrs) Feedback from the group discussion / Write a thank-you-letter / Preparation Preparation for a self-chosen-theme poster presentation for a self-chosen-theme poster presentation (brainstorming / kj method) Preparation for a self-chosen-theme poster presentation (make a poster) (4hrs) Preparation for a self-chosen-theme poster presentation (4hrs) Preparation for a self-chosen-theme poster presentation (make a poster / Preparation and practice for a self-chosen-theme poster practice) presentation (4hrs) Self-chosen-theme poster presentation Feedback / Fill out a feedback sheet (4 hrs) 13 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Class attitude Final Report Class participation Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments 50 Other ②( ) Presentation 50 Other ③( ) Textbook N/A References Introduced in class Related Courses Japanese 3 B/A, Japanese 4 B/A, Other Japanese courses Registration Notes Please note that this class is intended for about 20 students. If there are too many applicants, students may be chosen by lottery. On the field trip in class 5, students must pay for the transportation fee (about 300 yen) by themselves. Contact / Office Hours Office Number: 417 Office Hour: Thursday 4th period (Other hours available with an appointment) E-mail Address: [email protected] 14 2015 Course Name Kanji and Vocabulary 1A Instructor Course Class 1 Ishimine, Yasuhiro 伊志嶺 安博 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D E Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Registration Requirements Course Description Effective communication skill Students with no kanji learning experience but an ability to read and write hiragana and katakana characters. Students from non-kanji backgrounds can improve their kanji and vocabulary skills. Students will learn approximately 160 kanji over the course of the semester at a pace of one chapter (about 16 kanji) per class. Students will Course learn basic meanings and reading of kanji and practice understanding and writing sentences by using the new kanji. It is necessary for students to Summary study and memorize kanji in order to succeed with workbook assignments and weekly quizzes. A final exam will take place at the end of the course. A: Aim to understand the meaning and reading of 160 basic Kanji. Course Goals B: Aim to become able to read and understand sentences with the vocabulary and kanji learned during the course. C: Aim to learn new kanji and vocabulary when it is encountered in daily life. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments 1 Orientation – About Kanji Preparation for Chapter 1 (1 hour) 2 Chapter 1 (一,二,三〜目) Preparation for Chapter 2 (1 hour) 3 Chapter 1 Quiz, Chapter 2 (日,月,火〜分) Preparation for Chapter 3 (1 hour) 4 Chapter 2 Quiz, Chapter 3 (上,下,中〜北) Preparation for Chapter 4 (1 hour) 5 Chapter 3 Quiz, Chapter 4(田,力,男〜国) Review from Chapter 1 to 4 (1 hour) 6 Chapter 4 Quiz, Review from Chapter1 to 4 Preparation for Chapter 5 (1 hour) 7 Chapter 5 (見,行,米〜週) Preparation for Chapter 6 (1 hour) 8 Chapter 5 Quiz, Chapter 6 (大,小,高〜友) Preparation for Chapter 7 (1 hour) 9 Chapter 6 Quiz, Chapter 7(入,出,市〜院) Review from Chapter 5 to 7 (1 hour) 10 Chapter 7 Quiz, Review from Chapter 5 to 7 Preparation for Chapter 8 (1 hour) 11 Chapter 8 (休,走,起〜語) Preparation for Chapter 9 (1 hour) 12 Chapter 8 Quiz, Chapter 9 (春,夏,秋〜道) Preparation for Chapter 10 (1 hour) 13 Chapter 9 Quiz, Chapter 10 (山,川,林〜犬) Review from Chapter 8 to 10 (1 hour) 14 Chapter 10 Quiz, Review from Chapter 8 to 10 Review all chapters (1 hour) 15 Overall review Overall review (1 hour) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Value (%) 40 Final Report Quizzes Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 15 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook 30 Evaluation KANJI LOOK AND LEARN, KANJI LOOK AND LEARN Workbook 15 2015 References Provided as necessary Related Courses Japanese 1B/A Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Same contents as Kanji and Vocabulary 1A. Registration Notes As kanji requires self-study as well as class attendance, students must preview and review all class content regularly. Attendance will not be counted when students are late more than 30 minutes or they leave class more than 30 minutes early. If they are late three times, it will be considered as one absence. There will be no extra kanji quizzes for those who are absent. (No marks will be given) Contact / Office Hours E-mail: [email protected] 16 2015 Course Name Kanji and Vocabulary 1A Instructor Course Class 2 Kamiyoshi, Uichi 神吉 宇一 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D E Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Registration Requirements Course Description Effective communication skill Students with no Kanji learning experience but ability to read and write hiragana and katakana characters. Students from non-kanji backgrounds can improve their kanji and vocabulary skills. Students will learn approximately 160 kanji over the course of the semester at a pace of one chapter (about 16 kanji) per class. Students will Course learn basic meanings and reading of kanji and practice understanding and writing sentences by using the new kanji. It is necessary for students to Summary study and memorize kanji in order to succeed with workbook assignments and weekly quizzes. A final exam will take place at the end of the course. A: Aim to understand the meaning and reading of 160 basic Kanji. Course Goals B: Aim to become able to read and understand sentences with the vocabulary and kanji learned during the course. C: Aim to learn new kanji and vocabulary when it is encountered in daily life. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments 1 Orientation – About Kanji Preparation for Chapter 1 (1 hour) 2 Chapter 1 (一,二,三〜目) Preparation for Chapter 2 (1 hour) 3 Chapter 1 Quiz, Chapter 2 (日,月,火〜分) Preparation for Chapter 3(1 hour) 4 Chapter 2 Quiz, Chapter 3 (上,下,中〜北) Preparation for Chapter 4 (1 hour) 5 Chapter 3 Quiz, Chapter 4(田,力,男〜国) Review from Chapter1 to 4 (1 hour) 6 Chapter 4 Quiz, Review from Chapter 1 to 4 Preparation for Chapter 5 (1 hour) 7 Chapter 5 (見,行,米〜週) Preparation for Chapter 6 (1 hour) 8 Chapter 5 Quiz, Chapter 6 (大,小,高〜友) Preparation for Chapter 7 (1 hour) 9 Chapter 6 Quiz, Chapter 7(入,出,市〜院) Review from Chapter 5 to 7 (1 hour) 10 Chapter 7 Quiz, Review from Chapter 5 to 7 Preparation for Chapter 8 (1 hour) 11 Chapter 8 (休,走,起〜語) Preparation for Chapter 9 (1 hour) 12 Chapter 8 Quiz, Chapter 9 (春,夏,秋〜道) Preparation for Chapter 10 (1 hour) 13 Chapter 9 Quiz, Chapter 10 (山,川,林〜犬) Review from Chapter 8 to 10 (1 hour) 14 Chapter 10 Quiz, Review from Chapter 8 to 10 Review all chapters (1 hour) 15 Overall review Overall review (1 hour) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Value (%) 40 Final Report Quizzes Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 15 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook 30 Evaluation KANJI LOOK AND LEARN, KANJI LOOK AND LEARN Workbook 17 2015 References Provided as necessary Related Courses Japanese 1B/A Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Same contents as Kanji and Vocabulary 1A. Registration Notes As kanji requires self-study as well as class attendance, students must preview and review all class content regularly. Attendance will not be counted when students are late more than 30 minutes or they leave class more than 30 minutes early. If they are late three times, it will be considered as one absence. There will be no extra kanji quizzes for those who are absent. (No marks will be given) Contact / Office Hours Office #417, Office Hour: Tuesday 2nd period, E-mail: [email protected] 18 2015 Course Name Kanji and Vocabulary 2A Instructor Course Class 1 Fujiwara, Ichie 藤原 一智絵 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D E Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Registration Requirements Course Description Effective communication skill This course is recommended for students who have studied and are capable of reading 100 -150 kanji. Students from non-kanji backgrounds can improve their kanji and vocabulary skills. Students will build upon their previous kanji study by learning an additional 〜160 kanji over the course of the semester at a pace of one chapter Course (about 16 kanji) per class. Students will learn mid-beginner meanings and reading of kanji, and practice understanding or writing sentences by using Summary the new kanji. It is necessary for students to study and memorize kanji in order to succeed with workbook assignments and weekly quizzes. A final exam will take place at the end of the course. A: Aim to understand the meaning and reading of 160 mid-beginner kanji. Course Goals B: Aim to become able to read and understand sentences with the vocabulary and kanji learned during the course. C: Aim to learn new kanji and vocabulary when it is encountered in daily life. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments 1 Orientation – About Kanji Preparation for Chapter 11 (1 hour) 2 Chapter 11 (料,理,反〜味) Preparation for Chapter 12 (1 hour) 3 Chapter 11 Quiz, Chapter12 (音,楽,歌〜着) Preparation for Chapter 13(1 hour) 4 Chapter 12 Quiz, Chapter13 (家,矢,族〜紙) Preparation for Chapter 14 (1 hour) 5 Chapter 13 Quiz, Chapter14(教,室,羽〜説) Review from Chapter 11 to 14 (1 hour) 6 Chapter 14 Quiz, Review from Chapter 11 to 14 Preparation for Chapter 15 (1 hour) 7 Chapter 15 (遠,近,者〜風) Preparation for Chapter 16 (1 hour) 8 Chapter 15 Quiz, Chapter16 (運,動,止〜死) Preparation for Chapter 17 (1 hour) 9 Chapter 16 Quiz, Chapter 17(医,始,終〜事) Review from Chapter 15 to 17 (1 hour) 10 Chapter 17 Quiz, Review from Chapter 15 to 17 Preparation for Chapter 18 (1 hour) 11 Chapter 18 (図,官,館〜意) Preparation for Chapter 19 (1 hour) 12 Chapter 18 Quiz, Chapter 19(頭,顔,声〜以) Preparation for Chapter 20 (1 hour) 13 Chapter19 Quiz, Chapter 20 (場,戸,所〜進) Review from Chapter 18 to 20 (1 hour) 14 Chapter 20 Quiz, Review from Chapter 18 to 20 Review all chapters (1 hour) 15 Overall review Overall review (1 hour) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Value (%) 40 Final Report Quizzes 30 Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 15 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook KANJI LOOK AND LEARN, KANJI LOOK AND LEARN Workbook References Provided as necessary. 19 2015 Related Courses Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Japanese 2B/A Same contents as Kanji and Vocabulary 2A. Registration Notes As kanji requires self-study as well as class attendance, students must preview and review all class content regulary. Attendance will not be counted when students are late more than 30 minutes or they leave class more than 30 minutes early. If they are late three times, it will be considered as one absence. There will be no extra kanji quizzes for those who are absent. (No marks will be given) Contact / Office Hours E-mail:: [email protected] 20 2015 Course Name Kanji and Vocabulary 2A Instructor Course Class 2 Kamiyoshi, Uichi 神吉 宇一 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D E Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Registration Requirements Course Description Effective communication skill This course is recommended for students who have studied and are capable of reading 100 -150 kanji. Students from non-kanji backgrounds can improve their kanji and vocabulary skills. Students will build upon their previous kanji study by learning an additional 〜160 kanji over the course of the semester at a pace of one chapter Course (about 16 kanji) per class. Students will learn mid-beginner meanings and reading of kanji, and practice understanding or writing sentences by using Summary the new kanji. It is necessary for students to study and memorize kanji in order to succeed with workbook assignments and weekly quizzes. A final exam will take place at the end of the course. A: Aim to understand the meaning and reading of 160 mid-beginner kanji. Course Goals B: Aim to become able to read and understand sentences with the vocabulary and kanji learned during the course. C: Aim to learn new kanji and vocabulary when it is encountered in daily life. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments 1 Orientation – About Kanji Preparation for Chapter 11 (1 hour) 2 Chapter 11 (料,理,反〜味) Preparation for Chapter 12 (1 hour) 3 Chapter 11 Quiz, Chapter12 (音,楽,歌〜着) Preparation for Chapter 13(1 hour) 4 Chapter 12 Quiz, Chapter13 (家,矢,族〜紙) Preparation for Chapter 14 (1 hour) 5 Chapter 13 Quiz, Chapter14(教,室,羽〜説) Review from Chapter 11 to 14 (1 hour) 6 Chapter 14 Quiz, Review from Chapter 11 to 14 Preparation for Chapter 15 (1 hour) 7 Chapter 15 (遠,近,者〜風) Preparation for Chapter 16 (1 hour) 8 Chapter 15 Quiz, Chapter16 (運,動,止〜死) Preparation for Chapter 17 (1 hour) 9 Chapter 16 Quiz, Chapter 17(医,始,終〜事) Review from Chapter 15 to 17 (1 hour) 10 Chapter 17 Quiz, Review from Chapter 15 to 17 Preparation for Chapter 18 (1 hour) 11 Chapter 18 (図,官,館〜意) Preparation for Chapter 19 (1 hour) 12 Chapter 18 Quiz, Chapter 19(頭,顔,声〜以) Preparation for Chapter 20 (1 hour) 13 Chapter19 Quiz, Chapter 20 (場,戸,所〜進) Review from Chapter 18 to 20 (1 hour) 14 Chapter 20 Quiz, Review from Chapter 18 to 20 Review all chapters (1 hour) 15 Overall review Overall review (1 hour) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Value (%) 40 Final Report Quizzes 30 Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 15 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook KANJI LOOK AND LEARN, KANJI LOOK AND LEARN Workbook References Provided as necessary. 21 2015 Related Courses Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Japanese 2B/A Same contents as Kanji and Vocabulary 2A. Registration Notes As kanji requires self-study as well as class attendance, students must preview and review all class content regulary. Attendance will not be counted when students are late more than 30 minutes or they leave class more than 30 minutes early. If they are late three times, it will be considered as one absence. There will be no extra kanji quizzes for those who are absent. (No marks will be given) Contact / Office Hours Office #417, Office Hour: Tuesday 2nd period, E-mail: [email protected] 22 2015 Course Name Kanji and Vocabulary 3A Instructor Course Class 1 Matsumoto, Hitomi 松本 一見 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D E Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Registration Requirements Course Description Effective communication skill This course is recommended for students who have studied about 300 kanji. Students from non-kanji backgrounds can improve their kanji and vocabulary skills. Students will build upon their previous kanji study by learning an additional intermediate level kanji over the course of the semester at a pace of Course two chapters (about 10 - 15 kanji) per class. Students will also learn kanji which are not included in the course textbook. It is necessary for Summary students to study and memorize kanji in order to succeed with workbook assignments and weekly quizzes. A final exam will take place at the end of the course. A: Aim to review beginner-level kanji and learn intermediate kanji to understand meaning and reading. Course Goals B: Aim to become able to read and understand sentences with the vocabulary and kanji learned during the course. C: Aim to learn new kanji and vocabulary when it is encountered in daily life. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments 1 Orientation – About Kanji Preparation for Chapter 1 and 2 (1 hour) 2 Chapter 1 and 2(人,大,太〜南) Preparation for Chapter 3 and 4 (1 hour) 3 Chapter 1 and 2 Quiz, Chapter 3 and 4 (目,見,覚〜語) Preparation for Chapter 5 and 6 (1 hour) 4 Chapter 3 and 4 Quiz, Chapter 5 and 6 (止,正,歩〜出) Preparation for Chapter 7 and 8 (1 hour) 5 Chapter 5 and 6 Quiz, Chapter 7 and 8 (子,字,学〜関) Review from Chapter 1 to 8 (1 hour) 6 Chapter 7 and 8 Quiz, Review from Chapter 1 to 8 Preparation for Chapter 9 and 10 (1 hour) 7 Chapter 9 and 10 (手,右,左〜指) Preparation for Chapter 11 and 12 (1 hour) 8 Chapter9 and 10 Quiz, Chapter 11 and 12 (明,朝,昼〜降) Preparation for Chapter 13 and 14 (1 hour) 9 Chapter 11 and 12 Quiz, Chapter 13 and 14(生,星,性〜区) Preparation for Chapter 15 and 16 (1 hour) 10 Chapter 13 and 14 Quiz, Chapter 15 and 16 (酒,油,温〜長) Review from Chapter 9 to 16 (1 hour) 11 Chapter 15 and 16 Quiz, Review from Chapter9 to 16 Preparation for Chapter 17 and 18 (1 hour) 12 Chapter 17 and 18 (牛,物,特〜読) Preparation for Chapter 19 and 20 (1 hour) 13 Chapter 17 and 18 Quiz, Chapter 19 and 20 (糸,組,終〜帰) Review from Chapter 21 to 22 (1 hour) 14 Chapter 19 and 20 Quiz, Chapter 21 to 22(鳥,島,鳴〜社) Review all chapters (1 hour) 15 Overall review Overall review (1 hour) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Value (%) 40 Final Report Quizzes 30 Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 15 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook どんどんつながる漢字練習帳 初級 References Provided as necessary. 23 2015 Related Courses Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Japanese 3B/A Same contents as Kanji and Vocabulary 3A Registration Notes As kanji requires self-study as well as class attendance, students must preview and review all class content regularly. Attendance will not be counted when students are late more than 30 minutes or they leave class more than 30 minutes early. If they are late three times, it will be considered as one absence. There will be no extra kanji quizzes for those who are absent. (No marks will be given) Contact / Office Hours E-mail: [email protected] 24 2015 Course Name Kanji and Vocabulary 3A Instructor Course Class 2 Kamiyoshi, Uichi 神吉 宇一 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D E Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Registration Requirements Course Description Effective communication skill This course is recommended for students who have studied about 300 kanji. Students from non-kanji backgrounds can improve their kanji and vocabulary skills. Students will build upon their previous kanji study by learning an additional intermediate level kanji over the course of the semester at a pace of Course two chapters (about 10 - 15 kanji) per class. Students will also learn kanji which are not included in the course textbook. It is necessary for Summary students to study and memorize kanji in order to succeed with workbook assignments and weekly quizzes. A final exam will take place at the end of the course. A: Aim to review beginner-level kanji and learn intermediate kanji to understand meaning and reading. Course Goals B: Aim to become able to read and understand sentences with the vocabulary and kanji learned during the course. C: Aim to learn new kanji and vocabulary when it is encountered in daily life. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments 1 Orientation – About Kanji Preparation for Chapter 1 and 2 (1 hour) 2 Chapter 1 and 2(人,大,太〜南) Preparation for Chapter 3 and 4 (1 hour) 3 Chapter 1 and 2 Quiz, Chapter 3 and 4 (目,見,覚〜語) Preparation for Chapter 5 and 6 (1 hour) 4 Chapter 3 and 4 Quiz, Chapter 5 and 6 (止,正,歩〜出) Preparation for Chapter 7 and 8 (1 hour) 5 Chapter 5 and 6 Quiz, Chapter 7 and 8 (子,字,学〜関) Review from Chapter 1 to 8 (1 hour) 6 Chapter 7 and 8 Quiz, Review from Chapter 1 to 8 Preparation for Chapter 9 and 10 (1 hour) 7 Chapter 9 and 10 (手,右,左〜指) Preparation for Chapter 11 and 12 (1 hour) 8 Chapter9 and 10 Quiz, Chapter 11 and 12 (明,朝,昼〜降) Preparation for Chapter 13 and 14 (1 hour) 9 Chapter 11 and 12 Quiz, Chapter 13 and 14(生,星,性〜区) Preparation for Chapter 15 and 16 (1 hour) 10 Chapter 13 and 14 Quiz, Chapter 15 and 16 (酒,油,温〜長) Review from Chapter 9 to 16 (1 hour) 11 Chapter 15 and 16 Quiz, Review from Chapter9 to 16 Preparation for Chapter 17 and 18 (1 hour) 12 Chapter 17 and 18 (牛,物,特〜読) Preparation for Chapter 19 and 20 (1 hour) 13 Chapter 17 and 18 Quiz, Chapter 19 and 20 (糸,組,終〜帰) Review from Chapter 21 to 22 (1 hour) 14 Chapter 19 and 20 Quiz, Chapter 21 to 22(鳥,島,鳴〜社) Review all chapters (1 hour) 15 Overall review Overall review (1 hour) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Value (%) 40 Final Report Quizzes 30 Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 15 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook どんどんつながる漢字練習帳 初級 References Provided as necessary. 25 2015 Related Courses Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Japanese 3B/A Same contents as Kanji and Vocabulary 3A Registration Notes As kanji requires self-study as well as class attendance, students must preview and review all class content regularly. Attendance will not be counted when students are late more than 30 minutes or they leave class more than 30 minutes early. If they are late three times, it will be considered as one absence. There will be no extra kanji quizzes for those who are absent. (No marks will be given) Contact / Office Hours Office #417, Office Hour: Tuesday 2nd period, E-mail: [email protected] 26 2015 Course Name Kanji and Vocabulary 4A Instructor Course Class 1 Fujiwara, Ichie 藤原 一智絵 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description Course Summary E Effective communication skill This course is recommended for students who have studied about 500 kanji. Students from non-kanji backgrounds can improve their kanji and vocabulary skills. Students will learn Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2 level kanji at a pace of approximately 35 a week. This course is aimed at improving kanji and vocabulary skills with an emphasis on greatly expanding the range of vocabulary and kanji that students can use effectively. A weekly review quiz will be given in the following week as well as a final exam at the end of semester. A: Aim to help students master kanji at the Japanese Language Placement Test (JLPT) N2 level. Course Goals B: Aim to become able to read and understand sentences with the vocabulary and kanji learned during the course. C: Aim to learn new kanji and vocabulary when it is encountered in daily life. Course Plan Class 1 Outside of Class Assignments Orientation – About Kanji, Text book “Week 1- Day 1 &2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 2 “Week 1- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 1- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 3 “Week 1- Day 3 & 4” Quiz, “Week 1- Day 5 & 6” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 4 “Week 1- Day 5 & 6” Quiz, “Week 2- Day 1 & 2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 5 “Week 2- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 2- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 6 “Week 2- Day 3 & 4” Quiz, “Week 2- Day 5 & 6” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 7 “Week 2- Day 5 & 6” Quiz, “Week 3- Day 1 & 2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 8 “Week 3- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 3- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 9 “Week 3- Day 3 & 4” Quiz, “Week 3- Day 5 & 6” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 10 “Week 3- Day 5 & 6” Quiz, “Week 4- Day 1 & 2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 11 “Week 4- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 4- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 12 “Week 4- Day 3 & 4” Quiz, “Week 4- Day 5 & 6” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 13 “Week 4- Day 5 & 6” Quiz, “Week 5- Day 1 & 2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 14 “Week 5- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 5- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 15 “Week 5- Day 5 & 6” Overall review (1 hour) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Value (%) 40 Final Report Quizzes Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 15 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook 30 Evaluation 日本語能力試験対策 日本語総まとめ N2 漢字 27 2015 References Provided as necessary Related Courses Japanese 4B/A Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Same contents as Kanji and Vocabulary 4A. This course is prepared for students from non-kanji backgrounds. If you are from a kanji background, please understand in advance that the pace of the class may be adjusted to accommodate other students and take this into consideration when registering. More details will be Registration Notes informed at the orientation in the first class. As kanji requires self-study as well as class attendance, students must preview and reviews class content. Attendance will not be counted when students are late more than 30 minutes or they leave class more than 30 minutes early. If they are late three times, it will be considered as one absence. There will be no extra kanji quizzes for those who are absent. (No marks will be given) Contact / Office Hours E-mail: [email protected] 28 2015 Course Name Kanji and Vocabulary 4A Instructor Course Class 2 Kamiyoshi, Uichi 神吉 宇一 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description Course Summary E Effective communication skill This course is recommended for students who have studied about 500 kanji. Students from non-kanji backgrounds can improve their kanji and vocabulary skills. Students will learn Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2 level kanji at a pace of approximately 35 a week. This course is aimed at improving kanji and vocabulary skills with an emphasis on greatly expanding the range of vocabulary and kanji that students can use effectively. A weekly review quiz will be given in the following week as well as a final exam at the end of semester. A: Aim to help students master kanji at the Japanese Language Placement Test (JLPT) N2 level. Course Goals B: Aim to become able to read and understand sentences with the vocabulary and kanji learned during the course. C: Aim to learn new kanji and vocabulary when it is encountered in daily life. Course Plan Class 1 Outside of Class Assignments Orientation – About Kanji, Text book “Week 1- Day 1 &2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 2 “Week 1- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 1- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 3 “Week 1- Day 3 & 4” Quiz, “Week 1- Day 5 & 6” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 4 “Week 1- Day 5 & 6” Quiz, “Week 2- Day 1 & 2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 5 “Week 2- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 2- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 6 “Week 2- Day 3 & 4” Quiz, “Week 2- Day 5 & 6” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 7 “Week 2- Day 5 & 6” Quiz, “Week 3- Day 1 & 2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 8 “Week 3- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 3- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 9 “Week 3- Day 3 & 4” Quiz, “Week 3- Day 5 & 6” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 10 “Week 3- Day 5 & 6” Quiz, “Week 4- Day 1 & 2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 11 “Week 4- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 4- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 12 “Week 4- Day 3 & 4” Quiz, “Week 4- Day 5 & 6” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 13 “Week 4- Day 5 & 6” Quiz, “Week 5- Day 1 & 2” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 14 “Week 5- Day 1 & 2” Quiz, “Week 5- Day 3 & 4” Preparation for next class (1 hour) 15 “Week 5- Day 5 & 6” Overall review (1 hour) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Value (%) 40 Final Report Quizzes Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 15 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook 30 Evaluation 日本語能力試験対策 日本語総まとめ N2 漢字 29 2015 References Provided as necessary Related Courses Japanese 4B/A Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Same contents as Kanji and Vocabulary 4A. This course is prepared for students from non-kanji backgrounds. If you are from a kanji background, please understand in advance that the pace of the class may be adjusted to accommodate other students and take this into consideration when registering. More details will be Registration Notes informed at the orientation in the first class. As kanji requires self-study as well as class attendance, students must preview and reviews class content. Attendance will not be counted when students are late more than 30 minutes or they leave class more than 30 minutes early. If they are late three times, it will be considered as one absence. There will be no extra kanji quizzes for those who are absent. (No marks will be given) Contact / Office Hours Office #417, Office Hour: Tuesday 2nd period, E-mail: [email protected] 30 2015 Course Course Name Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 1A Instructor Miyazaki, Kiyono 宮崎 聖乃 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D E Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Registration Requirements Effective communication skill Students with knowledge of basic Japanese grammar. (Credit eligibility will be determined by a pretest on the first day of class.) Course This course prepares students for taking the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test. In addition to our regular Japanese classes, this class Description specializes in the test. Students will learn about Japanese grammar and expressions. This course focuses on reviewing elementary grammar and Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 level grammar with the goal of achieving N3 Course level proficiency. Students participating in this class should be prepared to review course material regularly and submit assignments and questions Summary on a weekly basis. Each class period has explanations and exercises based on the previous week’s assignment results and questions from students. A: Students will develop understanding about the correct use of N3 level grammar and expressions. Course Goals B: Students will consider the meaning and usage of unknown grammar and expressions based on context and related knowledge C: Students will develop confidence in independent learning through organizing and reviewing their grammar knowledge. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments Orientation, diagnostic test, hand out assignment ① Complete assignment ①, check answers, research and (Assignments ①-⑤ consist primarily of N4 level reviews) organize questions Diagnostic test review and explanations Complete assignment ②, check answers, research and Turn in assignment ①, hand out assignment ② organize questions Assignment ① review and explanations Review assignment ①, complete assignment ③, check Turn in assignment ②, hand out assignment ③ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ② review and explanations Review assignment ②, complete assignment ④, check Turn in assignment ③, hand out assignment ④ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ③ review and explanations Review assignment ③, complete assignment ⑤, check Turn in assignment ④, hand out assignment ⑤ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ④ review and explanations Review assignment ④, complete assignment ⑥, check Turn in assignment ⑤, hand out assignment ⑥ answers, research and organize questions 7 Assignment ⑤ review and explanations, turn in assignment ⑥ Review assignment ⑤ and prepare for midterm 8 Midterm (from assignment ①-⑤ materials, hand out assignment ⑦ Complete assignment ⑦, check answers, etc. Assignment ⑥ review and explanations Review assignment ⑥, complete assignment ⑧, check Turn in assignment ⑦, hand out assignment ⑧ answers, research and organize questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 (Assignments ⑥-⑩ consist primarily of N2 level drills) Assignment ⑦ review and explanations Review assignment ⑦, complete assignment ⑨, check Turn in assignment ⑧, hand out assignment ⑨ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ⑧ review and explanations Review assignment ⑧, complete assignment ⑩, check Turn in assignment ⑨, hand out assignment ⑩ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ⑨ review and explanations Review assignment ⑨, complete summary ①, check answers, Turn in assignment ⑩, hand out semester review (summary ①) research and organize questions Assignment ⑩ review and explanations Review assignment ⑩, complete summary ②, check answers, Turn in summary ①, hand out semester review (summary ②) research and organize questions 14 Summary ① review and explanations, turn in summary ② Review summary ① 15 Summary ① review and explanations, overall summary Review summary ② and overall materials 10 11 12 13 31 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) 80 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Final Report Class participation Quizzes Other ①( ) Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Assignments 20 Presentation Textbook References Assignments and outlines will be distributed in each class. 「新完全マスター文法 日本語能力試験N3」、「短期集中初級日本語総まとめポイント20」 Other text books will be introduced in the class. Related Courses Japanese 3B/A, Japanese 4B/A, Other Japanese Subjects Registration Notes Students who fail to submit or complete 3 or more assignments will be disqualified from the course. Contact / Office Hours Office Number: 417 Office Hour: Thursday 4th period 32 E-mail Address: [email protected] 2015 Course Course Name Japanese Language Proficiency Test Seminar 2A Instructor Miyazaki, Kiyono 宮崎 聖乃 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ ○ Ability to understand Registration E Effective communication skill Students with knowledge of Japanese grammar equal to N3 level of JLPT. (Credit eligibility will be determined by a pretest on the first day of Requirements class.) Course This course prepares students for taking the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test. In addition to our regular Japanese classes, this class Description specializes in the test. Students will learn about Japanese grammar and expressions. This course focuses on reviewing elementary grammar and Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 and N2 level grammar with the goal of Course achieving N3 level proficiency with high score and also trying to take N2 level test. Students participating in this class should be prepared to Summary review course material regularly and submit assignments and questions on a weekly basis. Each class period has explanations and exercises based on the previous week’s assignment results and questions from students. A: Students will develop understanding about the correct use of N3 and N2 level grammar and expressions. Course Goals B: Students will consider the meaning and usage of unknown grammar and expressions based on context and related knowledge C: Students will develop confidence in independent learning through organizing and reviewing their grammar knowledge. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments Orientation, diagnostic test, hand out assignment ① Complete assignment ①, check answers, research and (Assignments ①-⑤ consist primarily of N3 level reviews) organize questions Diagnostic test review and explanations Complete assignment ②, check answers, research and Turn in assignment ①, hand out assignment ② organize questions Assignment ① review and explanations Review assignment ①, complete assignment ③, check Turn in assignment ②, hand out assignment ③ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ② review and explanations Review assignment ②, complete assignment ④, check Turn in assignment ③, hand out assignment ④ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ③ review and explanations Review assignment ③, complete assignment ⑤, check Turn in assignment ④, hand out assignment ⑤ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ④ review and explanations Review assignment ④, complete assignment ⑥, check Turn in assignment ⑤, hand out assignment ⑥ answers, research and organize questions 7 Assignment ⑤ review and explanations, turn in assignment ⑥ Review assignment ⑤ and prepare for midterm 8 Midterm (from assignment ①-⑤ materials, hand out assignment ⑦ Complete assignment ⑦, check answers, etc. Assignment ⑥ review and explanations Review assignment ⑥, complete assignment ⑧, check Turn in assignment ⑦, hand out assignment ⑧ answers, research and organize questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 (Assignments ⑥-⑩ consist primarily of N2 level drills) Assignment ⑦ review and explanations Review assignment ⑦, complete assignment ⑨, check Turn in assignment ⑧, hand out assignment ⑨ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ⑧ review and explanations Review assignment ⑧, complete assignment ⑩, check Turn in assignment ⑨, hand out assignment ⑩ answers, research and organize questions Assignment ⑨ review and explanations Review assignment ⑨, complete summary ①, check answers, Turn in assignment ⑩, hand out semester review (summary ①) research and organize questions Assignment ⑩ review and explanations Review assignment ⑩, complete summary ②, check answers, Turn in summary ①, hand out semester review (summary ②) research and organize questions 14 Summary ① review and explanations, turn in summary ② Review summary ① 15 Summary ① review and explanations, overall summary Review summary ② and overall materials 10 11 12 13 33 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) 80 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Final Report Class participation Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook References 20 Assignments and outlines will be distributed in each class. 「新完全マスター文法 日本語能力試験N3」、「新完全マスター文法 日本語能力試験N2」(スリーエーネットワーク)、日本語能力試験 N2・N2試験に出る文法と表現(木原書店) Other text books will be introduced in the class. Related Courses Japanese 4 B/A, Other Japanese subjects Registration Notes Students who fail to submit or complete 3 or more assignments will be disqualified from the course. Contact / Office Hours Office Number: 417 Office Hour: Thursday 4th period 34 E-mail Address: [email protected] 2015 Course Course Name Japanese Culture A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 Numbering Grajdian, Maria Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill 〇 Ability to understand the course content in English. The aim of the course is to gain knowledge of Japanese culture, while introducing several aspects of it. This course aims at familiarising international students with Japanese culture and society in a historical perspective. The focus of the course in Fall 2015 lies on contemporary Japan (postwar Japan) and strives to draw an image of Japan as a repository of millennial traditions while being Summary simultaneously embedded within an international, increasingly globalized world. A: to encourage the empirical perception of cultural phenomena (Japanese or not) Course Goals B: to develop the ability in finding theoretical arguments to support the empirical observations E: to increase the confidence in publicly presenting own ideas Course Course Plan Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Introduction: main concepts and ideas (dentô/denshô, mono no aware, giri/ninjô, Donald Keene (1990): Appreciations of Japanese Culture, pp. wakon yôsai, ai) 11-70 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, Japan as a socio-cultural phenomenon Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 1 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, Classes and social stratification Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 2 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, Geographical and generational variations Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 3 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, The educational system: unity within diversity Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 4 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, The family ideal and the problematic of gender I: masculinity Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 5 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, The family ideal and the problematic of gender II; femininity Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 6 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, Work, leisure, group orientation and loneliness Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 7 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, ‘Japaneseness’, authenticity and hybridity Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 8 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, Cultural consumption and entertainment industry I: printed media Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 9 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, Cultural consumption and entertainment industry I: visual media Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010, ch. 10 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Cultural consumption and entertainment industry I: musical media Preparation of term-paper (4 hrs) Globalization and internationalization I: cultural imperialism, Cool Japan Globalization and internationalization II: orientalism, occidentalism, self-orientalization Conclusion: syncretism and nostalgia 35 Preparation of term-paper (4 hrs) Preparation of term-paper (4 hrs) Preparation of term-paper (4 hrs) 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Final Report 50 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 10 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Presentation 25 Textbook Yoshio Sugimoto: An Introduction to Japanese Society, Cambridge/New York/Melbourne/Tokyo: Cambridge University Press, 2010. References Donald Keene (1990): Appreciations of Japanese Culture Related Courses Seminar in Japanese Studies (Japanese Pop Culture) B/A Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours [email protected]; for office hour/individual counseling please make an appointment via e-mail. 36 2015 Course Course Name Seminar in Japanese Studies A (Japanese Pop Culture A) Instructor Grajdian, Maria Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 300 Numbering Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill 〇 Ability to understand the course content in English. The aim of this course is to encourage students to gain knowledge and better understanding of certain themes related to Japan. This course aims at familiarising international students with Japanese contemporary popular culture as well as its connection with traditional Japan. During the course in Fall 2015, the focus lies on specific phenomena of Japanese popular culture while highlighting the interactive network Summary of cultural production and consumption in late-modern Japan as well as its roots in classical concepts and ideals. A: to encourage the empirical perception of cultural phenomena (Japanese or not) Course Goals B: to develop the ability in finding theoretical arguments to support the empirical observations E: to increase the confidence in publicly presenting own ideas Course Course Plan Class 4 Introduction: printed media and the transgression of knowledge in modern Japan I (Japanese encyclopaedias) Printed media and the transgression of knowledge in modern Japan II (Kawabata Yasunari & Mishima Yukio) Printed media and the transgression of knowledge in modern Japan III (Murakami Haruki & Murakami Ryû) Visual media I: Tezuka Osamu (+ prewar anime) Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Joy Hendry (1999): Other people’s Worlds, pp. 1-33 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Roland Kelts (2007): Japanamerica, pp. 11-34 and review/reflection (4 hrs) Donald Keene (1990): Appreciations of Japanese Culture, pp. 11-70 and review/reflection (4 hrs) The Firebird: The Cosmozone of Love and review/reflection (4 hrs) 5 Visual media II: Takahata Isao The Tale of Princess Kaguya and review/reflection (4 hrs) 6 Visual media III: Miyazaki Hayao The Wind Rises and review/reflection (4 hrs) 7 Visual media IV: Kon Satoshi Tokyo Godfathers and review/reflection (4 hrs) 8 Visual media V: Shinkai Makoto Beyond the Clouds, The Promised Place and review/reflection (4 hrs) 9 Musical media I: Takarazuka Revue Takarazuka Revue videos and review/reflection (4 hrs) 10 Musical media II: Misora Hibari (+ enka) Enka videos and review/reflection (4 hrs) 11 Musical media III: aidoru Aidoru videos and review/reflection (4 hrs) 12 Musical media IV: visual-kei Visual-kei videos and review/reflection (4 hrs) 13 Syncretic media I: Hisaishi Joe (anime/film music) Welcome to Dongmakgol! and review/reflection (4 hrs) 14 Syncretic media II: Kanno Yôko (anime/film music) Cowboy Bebop and review/reflection (4 hrs) 15 Conclusion: postwar: postwar Japan and the entertainment industry Preparation of term-paper (4 hrs) 1 2 3 Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Final Report 50 Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude 15 Class participation 10 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Presentation Textbook 25 Handouts provided in class 37 2015 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies References Sandra Buckley: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture, London/New York: Routledge, 2002. Joy Hendry (1999): Other people’s Worlds Roland Kelts (2007): Japanamerica Donald Keene (1990): Appreciations of Japanese Culture Related Courses Japanese Culture B/A Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours [email protected]; for office hour/individual counseling please make an appointment via e-mail. 38 2015 Course Course Name Japanese Linguistics A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Yamak, Pascal Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Ability to understand Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill 〇 This course is primarily designed for English native or near native students. No Japanese background is required to participate in the course. This course encourages students to improve Japanese skills by learning Japanese linguistics. Some of the main features and components of the Japanese language usually introduced in textbooks for beginner to low-intermediate learners will be contrasted with their counterparts in English. The basic grammatical forms considered will be mostly analyzed in the two following steps to ensure in-depth comprehension of their meaning and use: ①Description and characterization of some of the syntactico-semantic values of basic Japanese grammar as attributed by their particular Course Summary linguistic context. ②Determination of the core meaning underlying these specific values through paraphrasing, first with non-specialized terms and later with more technical terminology borrowed from modern linguistics to the extent it can be easily understood by non-linguists. A significant part of the class will be devoted to application of the descriptions provided, through translation activities in both ways and/or oral drills performed in group. Unnatural Japanese (or English) translations or oral expressions will not only be corrected, but also explained for improved comprehension of the possible correct forms. A: Provide students with a sound theoretical and practical understanding of basic and pre-intermediate Japanese grammar B: Introduce some of the conceptual and methodological tools in linguistics that students may use in their further study of the Japanese Course Goals language for improved learning performance. E: Encourage students to get familiarized with these linguistics tools for improved learning performance and therefore more effective oral and written communication skills Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time (1) Parts of Speech and Syntactic Structure of the Japanese Language: 1 Presentation of the Major Differences with the English Language Review/homework 4hrs (2) Outline of Japanese Particles (Joshi) 2 Japanese Verbal Conjugation (I) Review/homework 4hrs (1) Japanese Verbal Conjugation (II) 3 Review/homework (2) Predicates Used in an Intransitive Pattern in Japanese and a Transitive 4hrs Pattern in English 4 Outline of the Japanese Honorific System: Verbal, Nominal and Pronominal Review/homework Honorific Markers 4hrs 39 2015 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WA Versus GA (I) Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Review/homework 4hrs WA Versus GA (II) Review/homework 4hrs Dative Case Marker NI (I) Review/homework 4hrs (1) Dative Case Marker NI (II) Review/homework (2) Comparison between NI and HE 4hrs Locative Marker DE (I) Review/homework 4hrs (1) Locative Marker DE (II) Review/homework (2) Comparison between NI and DE and DE and WO 4hrs Tense and Aspect in Japanese (I) Review/homework (1) –(R)U and –TA as Absolute and Relative Tense Markers 4hrs (2) Some Uses of –(R)U and -TA Irrelevant to Tense Distinction 12 Tense and Aspect in Japanese (II) Review/homework (1) –(R)U and –TA as Aspect Markers 4hrs (2) General and Specific Aspectual Interpretations of the Construction –TE-IRU (3) Comparison between Experiential –TE-IRU and –TA KOTO-GA ARU 13 Tense and Aspect in Japanese (III) Review/homework Some Other Aspectual Constructions: 4hrs [VerbINF]-AUX Type: (1) -OWARU/-OERU/-YAMU, (2) -HAJIMERU/-DASU [VerbCONJ]-AUX Type: (1) –TE-ARU, (2) –TE-SHIMAU, (3) –TE-IKU/–TE-KURU [AdjADV]-NARU Type : –KU/NI-NARU 14 15 The KO-SO-A System ・ DONO~Versus NAN NO~ Review/homework 4hrs TO as a Conjunctive and Comitative Particle Review/homework 4hrs Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude 10 10 Final Report 70 Class participation Quizzes 10 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook No textbooks will be used for this course. All course materials will be handed out in class. References Lists of reference publications (including online reference materials) will be supplied at the commencement of the course and each lecture. Related Courses Japanese language courses Registration Notes Attendance of a minimum of ten classes is required to pass this course. Contact / Office Hours E:mail: [email protected] 40 2015 Course Course Name Contemporary Japanese Literature A Instructor Tiedemann, Mark Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill 〇 None Students will learn about Japanese literature and culture through reading and understanding contemporary Japanese literature. This course in an introduction to some of the fiction being produced in the contemporary society of Japan. First, we will look at two novels and Course Summary several short stories by one of Japan’s most prolific and popular writers, Haruki Murakami, which illustrate his development as a writer and the progress of his ideas about such tings as consciousness, imagination, concepts of reality, and the meaning of an existential existence in the modern world. We will also look at works, most disturbing, some disgusting, by other contemporary writers (mostly women) who peer into the soul of Japanese society as they see it today. A: Encouragement and guidance in reading and interpreting the texts Course Goals B: The quizzes and class discussions challenge students to understand and evaluate various interpretations of the texts E: Communication skills will be honed in class discussions and in the paper over the chosen book Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Introduction to the course. Background to Japanese literature. 1 “Yumiyura City,” Yasunari Kawabata; “Love in the Morning,” Yukio Mishima (handouts) 2 “On Meeting my 100% Perfect Girl . . .” (pdf); “TV People” (pdf); “The Elephant Vanishes” (pdf) [4 hours] “On Meeting my 100% Perfect Girl . . .” (pdf); “TV People” (pdf); “The Elephant Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, Haruki Vanishes” (pdf) Murakami, Ch. 1-17 [4 hours] 3 Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, Haruki Murakami, Ch. 1-17 Hard-Boiled Wonderland, Ch. 18 to end [4 hours] 4 Hard-Boiled Wonderland, Ch. 18 to end Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami, Ch. 1-5 [4 hours] 5 Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami, Ch. 1-5 Norwegian Wood, Ch. 6 to end; “Mazelife” (pdf) [4 hours] 6 Norwegian Wood, Ch. 6 to end; “Mazelife” (pdf) 7 Kitchen, Banana Yoshimoto, all; “Moonlight Shadow” (pdf); 8 Now You’re One of Us, Asa Nonami, Ch. 1-14 9 Now You’re One of Us, Ch. 15 to end; “Sproing!” (pdf) Out, Natsuo Kirino, through p. 220 [4 hours] 10 Out, Natsuo Kirino, through p. 220 Out, to end; “Momotaro in a Capsule” (pdf) [4 hours] 11 Out, to end; “Momotaro in a Capsule” (pdf) 12 Kitchen, Banana Yoshimoto, all; “Moonlight Shadow” (pdf); [4 hours] Now You’re One of Us, Asa Nonami, Ch. 1-14 [4 hours] Now You’re One of Us, Ch. 15 to end; “Sproing!” (pdf) [4 hours] “Kneel Down and Lick My Feet” (pdf), “Wine” (pdf), “Peony Snowflakes of Love” (pdf) [4 hours] “Kneel Down and Lick My Feet” (pdf), “Wine” (pdf), “Peony Snowflakes of Love” (pdf) 13 Snakes and Earrings, Hitomi Kanehara, all. 14 In the Miso Soup, Ryu Murakami, to top of p. 89; 15 In the Miso Soup, to end. Snakes and Earrings, Hitomi Kanehara, all. [4 hours] In the Miso Soup, Ryu Murakami, to top of p. 89; [4 hours] In the Miso Soup, to end. [4 hours] Review [4 hours] 41 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Final Report 20 Class participation Quizzes 60 Other ①( ) Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Assignments Presentation 20 Textbook Students will be responsible for acquiring the texts. References Provided as necessary. Related Courses None Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours [email protected] / Tuesday 10:40-12:10 42 2015 Course Course Name Peace Studies Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 400 Numbering Tiedemann, Mark Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand and work on the content B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership 〇 Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill ◎ 〇 None This course encourages students to examine and understand peace from different perspectives. This is a discussion class that will attempt to challenge students to become more knowledgeable in topics related the achievement of peace and Course Summary security, and especially the pitfalls on the road to a more peaceful world. Students will be required to closely read a variety of essays in order to inspire them to think more deeply and more clearly about such things as the sources of conflict between peoples and cultures and the nature of peace. The topic of peace will be looked at from different angles, including the quality of peace, its vulnerability, and ways to try to bring about this desirable, but elusive goal. B: D: The goal of the course is to make students better aware of the complex issues surrounding the topic of peace, to give them some tools to Course Goals use in the future as they assess situations of conflict and conflict resolution, and to, therefore, become better global citizens. E: Participation in the class discussion and the experience of the book report to the class will contribute to communication skills. Course Plan Class 1 2 Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Introduction, What is war? Peace? Peace Studies? “National Images and International Systems,” Boulding {AP 1&2nd Ed; pdf} The Atomic Bombing in Nagasaki “Peace and Conflict Instability Ledger,” Hewitt, {P&C; pdf} [4 hours] Causes of War “Race to control natural riches fueling world’s conflicts: U.N.” {pdf} The Individual / The Group / The State “Demographics of Radical Islam,” {doc} [4 hours] “New Era in World Politics,” Huntington {pdf} 3 Economics “Neoconservatism” Encyclopedia Britannica {doc} [4 hours] “Terrorism Past and Present,” {AP 2nd Ed; pdf}; 4 Ideology “Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism,” Pape {AP 2nd Ed; pdf} [4 hours] 5 Terrorism 6 Deception and Misconceptions 7 Avoiding Conflict Diplomacy, Negotiation 8 International Organizations and International Law 9 Peace Through Strength 10 11 Peace Movements Non-Violence Building Negative Peace Peacekeeping “Counter the Narrative” 60 Minutes {mp3 and mp4} [4 hours] “Conflict Escalation and Problem Solving,” Pruitt & Fry {pdf} “Introduction” from Contemporary Conflict Resolution, {pdf} [4 hours] “International Law,” Barash {AP 1&2nd Ed; pdf} [4 hours] “Peace Through Strength Platform” {web archive} “The Peace Racket” {pdf} [4 hours] “Peace Movements in History,” Young {AP 1st Ed; pdf} [4 hours] “Evolution of U.N. Peacekeeping,” Goulding {AP 114; pdf} “International Peacekeeping: The U.N. versus Regional Organizations,” Wallensteen & Heldt {P&C; pdf} [4 hours] “Nation Building” Stephenson {doc} [4 hours] 43 2015 12 13 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies “Women, Human Security, and Peace-building: A Feminist Analysis” [4 hours] Nation Building “Human Rights,” Barash {AP 1&2nd Ed; pdf} Building Positive Peace U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights {handout; doc} [4 hours] Feminist Perspectives “Global Economic Solidarity,” Sachs {AP 2nd Ed; pdf} 14 Human Rights “UN Millennium Project: Goals, targets & indicators” {web archive} [4 hours] 15 Economic & Ecological Well-Being Review [4 hours] Evaluation Value (%) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Class attitude Final Report Class participation Quizzes 70 Assignments Presentation 30 Textbook None References Provided as necessary. Related Courses None Value (%) Other ①( ) Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Because the goal of the course is to get students to think more clearly and deeply about various issues, and essential step is to read the Registration Notes assigned readings. Daily quizzes will test students’ diligence. Whether a student passes the class or not will depend mostly upon these quizzes. Students will also be required to read and give a book report presentation on a book from the reading list. Contact / Office Hours Office: 330 Email: [email protected] 44 2015 Course Course Name Japanese Literary History A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Marra, Claudia Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration E Effective communication skill 〇 Genuine interest in Japanese literature (English translations), sufficient English to read and understand assignments and to participate actively in Requirements class discussions. Course Description Students will understand Japanese literature through gaining knowledge of Japanese literal history. Course After a general introduction to Japanese literary history, we will be dealing mostly with modern fiction with a main focus on works, which deal with Summary controversial topics in Japanese society. A/B: Become acquainted with an academic approach to and understand the basic terms and concepts involved in the study of Japanese literature. Acquire knowledge about styles and concepts of aesthetics in Japanese literary traditions. Develop a cross-cultural and comparative Course Goals cultural understanding. E: We will work in small groups in order to explore , how Japanese literature reflects on culture, society, labor, gender, moral and other controversila issues Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time 1 Introduction 2 Dramatic elements in ancient and Classical literature 3 Dramatic elements in medieval Literature 4 Dramatic elements in early modern Literature 5 Dramatic elements in modern Literature 6 Contemporary dramatic literature 7 No theatre I 8 No theatre II 9 Kabuki I 10 Kabuki II 11 Bunraku I 12 Bunraku II 13 Modern Japanese Theatre I Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours tudying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 45 2015 14 Modern Japanese Theatre II 15 Final discussion Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Final Report 50 Class participation 50 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Presentation 50 Textbook Brazell: Traditional Japanese Theater. New York 1998 References will be given during orientation Related Courses Overview of Japanese History B/A Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours Friday 3rd period, office 324, e-mail marra[@]tc.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp 46 2015 Course Course Name Overview of Japanese History A Instructor Marra, Claudia Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 Numbering Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill 〇 Genuine interest in Japanese history, sufficient English to read and understand assignments and to participate actively in class discussions. In this course, students will acquire basic knowledge of Japanese history for in-depth exploration. Course This class will provide a general historical overview from prehistoric to modern times for students without experience in the study of Japanese Summary history. A/B: Become acquainted with an academic approach to and understand the basic terms and concepts involved in the study of Japanese history. Course Goals Acquire knowledge about Japanese historic developments and their effects on society and culture. Develop a cross-cultural and comparative historical understanding. E: Deepen your knowledge and exchange your ideas in group work and discussions Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, 1 Introduction, Japanese Prehistory and Ancient Japan 2 Classical Japan I : Asuka period, Influence of Chinese Culture and Buddhism 3 Classical Japan II: Nara period 4 Classical Japan III: Heian period 5 Medieval Japan I: Kamakura period and Kemmu restauration 6 Medieval Japan II: Ashikaga shogunate, Nanban trade, Arrival of Christianity 7 Medieval Japan III: Sengoku period, Beginning Persecution of Christianity 8 Early Modern Japan: Edo period I - Stabilizing Tokugawa rule, Sakoku politics 9 Early Modern Japan: Edo period II - Life in Edo 10 11 calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Early Modern Japan: Bakumatsu period - The arrival of the Black ships, end of Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, Tokugawa rule calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Modern Japan I : Meiji period I - Restructuring of the government, modernization Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, of the country calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 12 Modern Japan II : Meiji period II - Japanese Imperialism and Foreign policy 13 Modern Japan III: Taishō and prewar Shōwa period 14 Contemporary Japan I : Shōwa period - World War II and after Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of s4 hours tudying time per class. 47 Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 2015 15 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, Final discussion calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Final Report 50 Class participation 50 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Other ③( ) Presentation 50 Textbook Totman: Japan before Perry. Los Angeles 1981 References Further references will be introduced during class Related Courses Japanese Literary History B/A, Nagasaki Fieldwork Seminar Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours Friday 3rd period, office 324, e-mail marra[@]tc.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp 48 2015 Course Course Name Introduction to Japanese Society Instructor Tiedemann, Mark Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 Numbering Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration E Effective communication skill 〇 Students have to have a sufficient English-language ability to read the materials, understand the lectures, and successfully take the quizzes and Requirements exams. This class will be capped at 40 students. There is a maximum of 10 spots for degree-seeking students. Course Description Course Summary The aim of the course is to gain knowledge of basic Japanese society. In this class we will look at Japanese social relationships and institutions. We will examine the ways in which the forms of social structure -groups, organizations, communities, social categories (such as class, sex, age, or race), and various social institutions (such as kinship, economic, political, or religious) affect the attitudes, actions, and opportunities of the Japanese people. A: This course aims to develop students’ basic understanding of the social institutions of Japan and major characteristics of Japanese society, referencing such topics as identity, religion, class, family, gender, social organization, governance, work, education, and current politics. Course Goals B: Unifying the study of these diverse subjects of study is the goal of understanding how the actions and consciousness of the Japanese both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures. E: At certain points during classes students will be asked to think about topics and interact with other students to discuss the topics. Course Plan Class 1 2 Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Introduction, Sharing of preconceived notions about Japanese Organization of notes taken on preconceived notions. (4 hours) society Introduction to and discussion of some societal concepts applied to the Japanese and other cultures “Structure and Nature of Japan” (4 hours) 3 People and Geography “The Japan Phenomenon & the Social Sciences” (IJS Ch 1) 4 Interpreting Japan—From the Outside “Gender Stratification & the Family System” (IJS Ch 6) (4 hours) 5 Family “Religion in contemporary Japanese lives” (4 hours) 6 Religion “Popular leisure” (4 hours) 7 Leisure “Class and Stratification” (IJS Ch2) (4 hours) 8 Societal Structures; Mid-term exam “Ritual & the Life Cycle” (4 hours) 9 Interpersonal Relations “Diversity & Unity in Education” (IJS Ch5) (4 hours) 10 Education “Aging and social welfare in Japan” (4 hours) 11 Health and Social Welfare “Collusion & Competition in the Establishment” (IJS Ch8) (4 hours) 12 Government “Popular Culture & Everyday Life” (IJS Ch 9) (4 hours) 13 Popular Culture “Forms of Work in Cultural Capitalism” (IJS Ch 4) (4 hours) 14 Employment “Civil Society & Friendly Authoritarianism” (IJS Ch 10) (4 hours) 15 Enlightened Authoritarianism Prepare for the Final Exam (4 hours) Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final) Value (%) 40 Final Report Quizzes Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Class participation 60 Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) 49 (4 hours) 2015 Textbook Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies An Introduction to Japanese Society, 3rd ed., Yoshio Sugimoto, Cambridge, 2010. (IJS) Understanding Japanese Society, 4th ed., Joy Hendry, Routledge, 2013. (UJS) Routledge Handbook of Japanese Culture and Society, Bestor et. al. Eds., Routledge, 2011. (RHJCS) References Modern Japanese Culture, Yoshio Sugimoto Ed,. Cambridge, 2009. (MJC) The Japanese Mind: Understanding Contemporary Japanese Culture, Roger Davies, Ed., Tuttle, 2002 Japan’s Cultural Code Words, Boye Lafayette De Mente, Tuttle, 2004 Related Courses None Registration Notes Accommodations for the quizzes and exams may be requested for non-native English speakers Contact / Office Hours [email protected] / Office: 330 50 2015 Course Course Name Japanese Business A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Umali, Celia Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration Requirements E Effective communication skill 〇 Good knowledge of English is important. Course The aim of this course is to help students learn and have a better understanding of how to do business in Asia given the different management Description systems and business practices. Course Summary We will study the differences and similarities in business practices and management systems in different countries in Asia and the role culture plays in the management effectiveness of firms. The inner workings of Asian firms at the different phases of the internationalization process will also be analyzed. A: Interactive learning will be carried out wherein students will be encouraged to engage in fruitful discussions and exchange of ideas on certain topics. Course Goals B: For each lecture topic there will be questions for critical thinking and discussions. C: Each student is required to submit a final report. This entails research on related topic and presentation of the final report. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Reading materials on the concept of comparative management (CM) will be 1 Introduction to comparative management 2 Comparative management models Reading materials on the different CM theories will be provided later ( 4 hrs). 3 Importance of cross cultural literacy in business Reading materials on cultural differences will be provided later ( 4 hrs). 4 Chinese management style and business practices 5 Korean management style and business practices 6 Japanese management style and business practices 7 provided later (4 hrs). Reading materials on Chinese values and management system will be provided later (4 hrs). Reading materials on Koreas values and management system will be provided later (4 hrs). Reading materials on Japanese values and management system will be provided later (4 hrs). Understanding business cultures in Japan and the US Reading materials on American values and management system will be Comparing Japanese, Korean and US management systems provided later (4 hrs). Reading materials on government-business relationship will be provided later 8 Government and business relationship in Japan and Korea 9 Comparing Japan’s Keiretsu and Korea’s Chaebols 10 Communication style in Japan and the US 11 Social values and business practices in other Asian nations 12 European management values 13 Report Presentation Research and report writing (4 hrs). 14 Report Presentation Research and report writing (4 hrs). 15 Report Presentation Research and report writing (4 hrs). (4 hrs). Reading materials on Keiretsu and Chaebols will be provided later (4 hrs). Reading materials on the different communication systems will be provided later (4 hrs). Reading materials on Asian values and management system will be provided later (4 hrs). Reading materials on European values and management system will be provided later (4 hrs). 51 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Final Report 50 Quizzes Assignments 10 Presentation Textbook References Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation 20 Class participation 20 Other ①( ) Other ②( ) Other ③( ) None Chen, Min. Asian Management System. Thomson, 2004. Hasegawa H. and C. Noronha, Asian Business and Management, Palgrave MacMillan, 2009. Related Courses Japanese Management A Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours Value (%) Class attitude [email protected] 52 2015 Course Course Name Japanese Management A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Umali, Celia Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description Course Summary E Effective communication skill 〇 Good knowledge of English is important. This course focuses on the Japanese economy , business and management system. The lecture will deal with the Japanese economy, business and management. First we will look at the current economic situation in Japan. Then we will analyze the business and economic structures and key relationships in business. We will also discuss the Japanese corporate system, structure and management. Lastly, we will study the Japanese production and distribution systems, and small and medium-size enterprises. A: Interactive learning will be carried out wherein students will be encouraged to engage in fruitful discussions and exchange of ideas on certain topics. Course Goals B: For each lecture topic there will be questions for critical thinking and discussions. C: Each student is required to submit a final report. This entails research on related topic and presentation of the final report. Course Plan Class 1 2 Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Current situation of the Japanese economy Reading materials will be provided later (4 hrs). Japanese corporate groupings (Keiretsu) in transition, key economic relationships in Japan Read Chap.1 Government-business relations in Japan and South Korea and Chap. 12, Comparative large Japanese and Korean business groups, Chen, Min. Asian Management System, Thompson 2004. (4 hrs). Read Chaps. 13 Japanese management style, Chen, Min. Asian 3 Management System, Thompson 2004; Chap. 7, Human Resource Kaisha: characteristics and corporate strategy Management, Haghirian, Parissa,, J-Management, Iuniverse Inc., 2009. (4 hrs). Read Chaps. 13 Japanese management style, Chen, Min. Asian 4 Management System, Thompson 2004; Chap. 7, Human Resource Kaisha: work place and work system Management, Haghirian, Parissa,, J-Management, Iuniverse Inc., 2009. (4 hrs). 5 Read Jackson, Keith and Miyuki Tomoika,, Chap. 4, Starting a career, Recruitment The Changing Face of Japanese Management ,Routledge, 2004. (4 hrs). Read Jackson, Keith and Miyuki Tomoika, Chap. 5, Losing patience, The 6 Changing Face of Japanese Management ,Routledge, 2004; Chap. 2 Training and education and career development Human Resource Management, Haghirian, Parissa, Understanding Japanese Management Practices, Business Expert Press, 2010. (4 hrs). 7 Japanese management system in transition Reading materials will be provided later (4 hrs). Read Jeffrey Liken, The Toyota Way, MacGraw-Hill, 2004; Chap. 8, 8 Japanese production system: lean production and kanban system Production Management, Haghirian, Parissa,, J-Management, Iuniverse Inc., 2009. (4 hrs). 53 2015 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Read Jeffrey Liken, The Toyota Way, MacGraw-Hill, 2004; Chap. 8, 9 Japanese production system: kaizen and quality circles Production Management, Haghirian, Parissa,, J-Management, Iuniverse Inc., 2009. (4 hrs). 10 Outsourcing Reading materials will be provided later (4 hrs). 11 Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) Read handouts from METI White Paper on SMEs (4 hrs). Read Chap. 19 Chen, Min. Asian Management System, Thompson 2004; Chap. 9, Marketing , and Chap. 11 Distribution, Haghirian, Parissa,, 12 J-Management, Iuniverse Inc., 2009; Chap.5 Entering the Japanese Distribution system in Japan Market and Chap. 8, Selling Your Product to Japanese Customer; Haghirian, Parissa, Understanding Japanese Management Practices, Business Expert Press, 2010.(4 hrs). 13 Report Presentation Research and report writing (4 hrs). 14 Report Presentation Research and report writing (4 hrs). 15 Report Presentation Research and report writing (4 hrs). Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Final Report 50 Quizzes Assignments 10 Presentation Textbook Evaluation Class attitude 20 Class participation 20 Other ①( ) Other ②( ) Other ③( ) None Chen, Min. Asian Management System, Thompson 2004. Haghirian, Parissa, Understanding Japanese Management Practices, Business Expert Press, 2010. References Haghirian, Parissa,, J-Management, Iuniverse Inc., 2009. Inohara, Hideo, Human Resource Development in Japanese Companies, APO, 1990. Jackson, Keith and Miyuki Tomoika, The Changing Face of Japanese Management ,Routledge, 2004. Related Courses Japanese Business A Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours Value (%) [email protected] 54 2015 Course Course Name Japanese Film A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Hanson, Lorna Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration E Effective communication skill 〇 Students must attend the first class. An ability to understand and participate in discussions at native-level English is a requirement for this class. Requirements This class will be capped at 40 students. There is a maximum of 10 spots for Japanese students. Course Description Students will understand characteristics of Japanese films while gaining knowledge of them. This course will give an overview of Japanese live-action cinema. Films viewed will be from a variety of genres, dealing with various social topics Course Summary that open discussion on society in Japan and its connection with the global community. Films will be shown in class with English subtitles. Students will be given access to a collection of DVDs to encourage them to expand their own interest in Japanese cinema, in preparation for a presentation project. Although this class is centered on watching films, students will be expected to participate in class discussions about the films and topics presented in each film. Class participation will be a significant part of students’ grade. A: To provide a general introduction to Japanese live-action cinema Course Goals B: To watch, and discuss in depth, six Japanese films in topic areas E: To explore and expand individual knowledge of and interest in Japanese cinema Course Plan Class 1 Outside of Class Assignments Introductions Supplemental readings (4 hours) Japanese Dramas: Nodame Cantabile :Episode 1 (2006) 2 “Jidaigeki”: Bushi no Ichibun (2006) Supplemental readings (4 hours) 3 “Jidaigeki”: Bushi no Ichibun Supplemental readings (4 hours) 4 “ Documentary: The Great Happiness Space (2006) 5 Documentary: The Great Happiness Space and others 6 Comedy: Tanpopo (1985) 7 Comedy: Tanpopo 8 Romance: Kimi ni Todoke (2010) 9 Romance: Kimi ni Todoke Supplemental readings (4 hours) 10 Early out presentations Group presentation worksheets (4 hours) 11 Action: Crows Zero (2007) 12 Action: Crows Zero 13 Comedy/Cult: Detroit Metal City (2008) 14 Comedy/Cult: Detroit Metal City 15 Presentations Supplemental readings/Bushi no Ichibun response essay and wkst. DUE (4 hours) Supplemental readings/presentation group list & movie selection DUE (4 hours) Supplemental readings/GHS response essay and wkst. DUE (4 hours) Supplemental readings (4 hours) Supplemental readings/Tampopo response essay DUE (4 hours) Supplemental readings/KNT response essay and wkst. DUE (4 hours) Supplemental readings (4 hours) Supplemental readings/Crows Zero response essay and wkst. DUE (4 hours) Supplemental readings (4 hours) DMC response essay and wkst. DUE/Presentation worksheets (4 hours) 55 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation Exam (Midterm・Final)/Final Report Class attitude (attendance) Quizzes Class participation Value (%) 10 Assignments 20 Other ①( response essays ) Presentation 40 Other ②( ) Textbook None. A variety of set readings from essays and articles in English on Japanese film and culture will be assigned. References none Related Courses none 30 Students must attend at least two thirds of semester classes and must attend the first class. An absence is an absence, no excuses. Being Registration Notes late will result in half attendance points. Being 20 or more minutes late to one class will equal one absence. 15% will be deducted from late assignments. An ability to understand and participate in discussions at native-level English is a requirement for this class. Contact / Office Hours Office: 338 Office Hour: Tuesday 3rd Period 56 E-mail Address: hanson @tc.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp 2015 Course Course Name Modern Japanese History Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 Numbering Hanson, Lorna / Tiedemann, Mark / Kumar, Krishan Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill 〇 - Students must attend the first class. - An ability to understand and participate in discussions at native-level English is a requirement for this class. - This class will be capped at 40 students. There is a maximum of 10 spots for Japanese students. Students will understand characteristics of Japanese films while gaining knowledge of them. This is a broad introduction some of the important aspects of Japanese history from the end of the Edo feudal period to the present day. The first portion will focus on the Meji Era, different cultural issues of the time. The second portion will look at the various elements that contributed to the Course Summary militarization of Japan and its imperialistic ambitions. This lead to World War II, the atomic bombings and the American occupation, all of which will be examined in detail. The final section of the course will focus on several important, cultural, economical, and influential events that occurred after the war, from the introduction of Godzilla in the 1950s to the terrorist attacks in Tokyo in the 1990s; this will be delivered via short lectures, documentaries, news clips, readings and class discussions. A: Students will be expected to prove that they read and understood the assigned reading materials. In addition, students must be attentive to the class time lectures and activities. Course Goals B: During class discussions and the exams, students will be challenged to interpret the basic concepts in light of their growing understanding of Japanese culture, society and history and also in comparison to other cultures. E: The discussions and class activities are essential in helping develop a more sophisticated understanding of Japanese history. Part of the proof of this understanding should be demonstrated in the execution of the examinations. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments 1 Introductions 2 Meji Era class structure, gender identities, and foreign relations. Supplemental readings (4 hours) 3 First Sino-Japanese War Supplemental readings (4 hours) 4 Russo-Japanese War Supplemental readings (4 hours) 5 Mid-term exam 6 The Making of a Militarized Japan “The Greater Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” (4 hours) 7 World War II from the Japanese Perspective, Part I “The Eagle Against the Sun” (4 hours) 8 World War II from the Japanese Perspective, Part I 9 The Boshin Wars Supplemental readings (4 hours) “Japan’s Experiment with Parliamentary Democracy” (4 hours) “From Doolittle to Nagasaki: Japan Brought to Its Knees” (4 hours) The War Comes Home: The Bombings of Japanese Cities, the Atomic Bombings, and the End of the War “Bearing the Unbearable” (4 hours) 10 The Occupation of Japan Japanese Cinema: 1950s onwards reading (4 hours) 11 The entrance of Godzilla and Japanese Cinema I (1950s-1960s) Review class material; supplementary readings (4 hours) 12 Japanese Cinema II and the start of Karaoke (1960s-1970s) 13 The Bubble Economy, and the Great Hanshin Earthquake (1980s-1990s) Review class material; supplementary readings (4 hours) (Several News articles) 57 Review class material; supplementary readings (4 hours) (News article; journal report) 2015 14 The Tokyo Gas Attacks, and the Aging population (1990s and beyond) 15 Revision and Final Exam Evaluation Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Review class material for final exam; supplementary readings (4 hours) Review all class material (4 hours) Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final)/Final Report 75 Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude (attendance) 10 Quizzes Class participation 15 Assignments Other ①( ) Presentation Other ②( ) Textbook (N/A) Materials will be supplied where and when required. References Provided as necessary. Related Courses Overview of Japanese History B/A - excuses. An ability to understand and participate in discussions at native-level English is a requirement for this class. Thus, Registration Notes missing 5 classes is tantamount to failure. - Contact/Office Hours Students must attend at least two thirds of semester classes and must attend the first class. An absence is an absence, no Students will be expected to study for approximately 1-4 hours per week outside of class. Hanson, Lorna : (Weeks 1-5) Office: 338 Tiedemann, Mark : (Weeks 6-10) Office: 32 Kumar, Krishan : (Weeks 11-15) Office: 337 Office Hour: (TBC) E-mail address: [email protected] Office Hour: (TBC) E-mail address: [email protected] Office Hour: (TBC) 58 E-mail address: [email protected] 2015 Course Course Name Nagasaki Fieldwork Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 300 Numbering Marra, Claudia / Tiedemann, Mark Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand and work on the content B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership 〇 Registration Requirements Course Description Course Summary 〇 E Effective communication skill ◎ None Students will learn about Nagasaki’s history and culture through examining historic sites in Nagasaki. This class will introduce Japans religious history, the dogmatic outlines of Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism and their expression in architecture and iconography. Another aspect will be the reception of Christianity in Japan. Students will learn about Nagasaki’s history and culture through examining historic sites in Nagasaki. A: Become acquainted with an academic approach to and understand the basic terms and concepts involved in the study of Japanese religion. Acquire knowledge about styles and concepts of aesthetics in Japanese religious traditions. Understand basic symbolism and iconography. Course Goals Understand how cultural activities contribute to the formation of individual and society within the context of Japanese culture. Develop a cross-cultural and comparative understanding. D/E: Study in pairs or groups the differences in religious beliefs and their impact on culture Course Plan Class 1 2 3 Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Introduction / Mythology and beliefs: Shinto and society (organizing emotional relief, organizing political and social hierarchies) calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Shinto and space (shrine location, division of the sacred and the profane, Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, architecture) calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Shinto and time (structuring the agricultural cycle and the year, division of Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, auspicious and inauspicious times) calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 4 Japan's encounter with Buddhism, the introduction of Buddhist beliefs 5 The historical development of Japanese Buddhism 6 "Jiriki"- Buddhism vs. "Tariki"-Buddhism 7 Buddhist impact on Japanese culture (architecture, gardening, art, manga...) 8 The Arrival of Christianity 9 Japan's and Nagasaki's Christian history, Kakure Kirishitan (Hidden Christians) 10 11 12 13 Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Religions in modern Japan, discussion and explanation of assignments for the Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, fieldtrip calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Fieldtrip with Mark Tiedemann Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, Shinto sites: Suwa Shrine calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Fieldtrip with Mark Tiedemann Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, Matsu no Mori Tenmangu calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Fieldtrip with Mark Tiedemann Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, Buddhist sites: Fukusaiji (Giant Kannon) and Shofukuji calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 59 2015 Fieldtrip with Mark Tiedemann 14 Christian sites: Santo Domingo Church (archeological site), 26-Martyr-Site (Admission 500 Yen) or Oura Church (admission 300 Yen) 15 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, Final discussion calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Final Report 50 Class participation 50 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook None Breen, Teeuwen: Shinto in History. Richmond 2000 Bowring: The Religious Traditions of Japan. Cambridge 2005 Matsunaga, D. & A.: Foundation of Japanese Buddhism, Vol. 1 & 2. Los Angeles; Tokyo, 1996 Marra, C.: History of Monasticism, in W.M. Johnston (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Monasticism. Chicago 2000 Encyclopedia of Shinto: http://eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp/modules/xwords/ Shinto Scripture: http://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/ Shinto Guidebook: References http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/shinto.shtml Virtual Religion: http://virtualreligion.net/vri/buddha.html Buddhist Scripture: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/index.htm Buddhist Iconography: http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/shaka.shtml#guideSHAKA Ressources for Asian Languages and Thought: http://www.acmuller.net/ Related Courses Overview of Japanese History B/A Registration Notes The course schedule will be determined at a later date. Contact / Office Hours Marra, Claudia : Office 324, marra[@]tc.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp, Tiedemann, Mark : Office: 330 [email protected] 60 Office hour Friday 3rd period, 2015 Course Course Name Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 300 Numbering Kumar, Krishan Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand and work on the content B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership 〇 Registration Requirements Course Description Course Summary E Effective communication skill 〇 ◎ (Maximum 15 participants) This course aims to help students to gain TEFL experience through learning English education. This module aims to have students gain a basic introduction to the world of TEFL, and experience planning, designing and teaching a lesson. It will introduce students to the key principles of TEFL. It is a great introductory course for those considering a future job in EFL, as many of the topics covered in this module are present in many professional TEFL/TESOL teaching certificates. • To introduce students to the world of TEFL/TEAL/TESL/TESOL. • Introduce them to a number of the core principles of EFL. • To give them an insight into teaching English via a 1-to-1 learner profile as well as a small classroom teaching practice. • Learner Profile (LP) – This requires choosing a learner of English within the University for 1-to-1 teaching. You are required to perform a needs analysis and give them two short personalised lessons (recorded) followed by a project describing your learner and devising a possible syllabus for them. • Teaching Practice (TP) – This requires using the knowledge acquired from the course as well as your own self study to plan and Course Goals implement a live lesson (30 minutes) to a group of students. Whilst implementing your lesson, your classmates will evaluate your performance and provide you with feedback for you to consider when teaching in the future. A: This course is very intensive and requires a great deal of out of class work/reading/research and preparation. How you adapt the learnt material to your project and teaching is one of the principal components of this module. C: A teacher’s job is to motivate his/her students to learn. Therefore, your attitude and motivation are an important element within the LP and TP. E: Some of the best ideas and plans fail because of inconsistent or ineffective communication. In order to teach you need to communicate and do so effectively. Course Plan Class Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time 1 Introduction to the module and TEFL; English as a global language 2 Introduction to teaching methodology and approaches in TEFL 3 English Grammar and Phonology (BrE & AmE differences) 4 Receptive and productive skills: the 4 skills 5 Introduction to material design and development 6 Needs Analysis, and course and syllabus design (Learner Profile introduction) Review class material; research some teaching methods/approaches for next week’s class (4 hours) Review material and comprise your own notes (4 hours) Continue researching grammar not covered in class as preparation for your LP and TP (4 hours) Think about, research and make notes on how you would teach one of the 4 skills (4 hours) Practice making a material (s) for your future LP/TP (4 hours) 7 Introduction to English for Academic Purposes (EAP)/Specific Purposes (ESP) 8 Introduction to Testing and Assessment in ELT Review all current class material in preparation for the LP (4 hours) Review class material: teaching practice preparation beings (4 hours) Review class notes; continue working on LP (4 hours) Final preparation for TP (4 hours) 9 Lesson Preparation and final preparation for Teaching Practice (TP) (Send copy of your lesson plan and materials to instructor at least 24 hours BEFORE your TP session) 10 Write up peer evaluation notes and consult with classmates Teaching Practice (TP1) and peer evaluation (S1-3) 61 2015 11 Teaching Practice (TP2) and peer evaluation (S4-6) 12 Teaching Practice (TP3) and peer evaluation (S7-9) 13 Teaching Practice (TP4) and peer evaluation (S10-12) Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Write up peer evaluation notes and consult with classmates; Continue working on LP (4 hours) Write up peer evaluation notes and consult with classmates; Continue working on LP (4 hours) Write up peer evaluation notes and consult with classmates; Continue working on LP (4 hours) Write up peer evaluation notes and consult with classmates; 14 Teaching Practice (TP5) and peer evaluation (S13-15) Prepare for short discussion about everyone’s TP lesson (4 hours) 15 Introduction to Teaching English in Japan (ALT Work) and TEFL certificates Evaluation Review all work; Finish and organise your LP; Submit LP both via electronic and hard copy. (4 hours) Value (%) Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Class attitude Final Report Class participation 15 Quizzes Other ①(Learner Profile 30 + Reflection 15) 45 Assignments Other ②(Teaching Practice 40 + Reflection 15) 55 Presentation Other ③( Textbook ) N/A; materials will be distributed when and where required (Books about teaching English can be found in the liibrary for reference) References Introduced as necessary Related Courses None - Due to the course structure and assessment requirements, only full term and academic year students may register. Maximum of 15 students. - This module requires committed students and full attendance is highly recommended. - Due to severe time constraints failure to attend your scheduled TP session will result in module failure. - Missing lessons is unadvised but occasionally unavoidable. However, missing 3 consecutive lessons may be deemed as course withdrawal Registration Notes and thus failure. Missing 5 lessons is tantamount to automatic module failure. (NOTE 1: Students will be expected to study for approximately 1-4 hours per week outside of class.) (NOTE 2: Students who have already completed, or in the process of studying for the Trinity Cert.TESOL, CELTA or related course may not find this course beneficial as they would have already covered several sections of the material found in this module) (NOTE 3: This is an introductory course and thus does not lead to TEFL certification. However, it aims to provide a foundation that acts as preparation for future certificate candidates) Contact / Office Hours Office hours: (TBD) Office: 337 E-mail Address: [email protected] 62 2015 Course Course Name Independent Study A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 400 Numbering Marra, Claudia Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership 〇 ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill Sound understanding of academic writing and researching, willingness to work independently. Attendance during guidance and presentation classes, regular consultations. Active participation in interim and final presentation sessions. Each student will write a report on a theme they wish to explore. Course This course offers the opportunity to do research on an individually chosen subject connected with Japanese Culture, Literature, History of Summary Thoughts or Society A/B: Become acquainted with an academic approach to and understand the basic terms and concepts involved in Japanese studies. Acquire Course Goals knowledge about the current state of research in the selected studies. Develop a cross-cultural and comparative understanding of cultures. C: Learn how to prepare and conduct an independent study project, learn how to present your ideas Course Plan Class 1 2 Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, Introduction calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. General outline of the research project, researching and writing an academic Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, paper calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 3 Guidance for book-study projects 4 Guidance for creative projects 5 Guidance for social studies projects Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Hand in your binding research proposal (1-2 pages), including: 6 1. A detailed explanation about the intended research project Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, 2. A detailed explanation about the research methods you wish to employ calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 3. A list of primary and secondary literature 7 Individual consultations 8 Individual consultations 9 Individual consultations 10 Individual consultations 11 Intermediate plenum discussion, feedback session 12 Individual consultations 13 Individual consultations Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 63 2015 14 Individual consultations 15 Final presentations, plenum discussion, feedback Evaluation Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Final Report 80 Class participation 20 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook None References Provided as needed. Related Courses Japanese Culture B/A, Overview of Japanese History B/A, etc. Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours Friday 3rd period, office 324, e-mail marra[@]tc.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp 64 2015 Course Course Name Independent Study A Instructor Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 400 Numbering Mizota, Tsutomu 溝田 勉 Language English Credit(s) 2 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and and work on the content Issue solving ability towards the class leadership 〇 ◎ 〇 Ability to understand Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill Sound understanding of academic writing and researching, willingness to work independently. Attendance during guidance and presentation classes, regular consultations. Active participation in interim and final presentation sessions. Each student will write a report on a theme they wish to explore. Course This course offers the opportunity to do research on an individually chosen subject connected with Japanese Culture, Literature, History of Summary Thoughts or Society A/B: Become acquainted with an academic approach to and understand the basic terms and concepts involved in Japanese studies. Acquire Course Goals knowledge about the current state of research in the selected studies. Develop a cross-cultural and comparative understanding of cultures. C: Learn how to prepare and conduct an independent study project, learn how to present your ideas Course Plan Class 1 2 Outside of Class Assignments and Required Time Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, Introduction calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. General outline of the research project, researching and writing an academic Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, paper calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 3 Guidance for book-study projects 4 Guidance for creative projects 5 Guidance for social studies projects Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Hand in your binding research proposal (1-2 pages), including: 6 1. A detailed explanation about the intended research project Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, 2. A detailed explanation about the research methods you wish to employ calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 3. A list of primary and secondary literature 7 Individual consultations 8 Individual consultations 9 Individual consultations 10 Individual consultations 11 Intermediate plenum discussion, feedback session 12 Individual consultations 13 Individual consultations Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. 65 2015 Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, 14 Individual consultations 15 Final presentations, plenum discussion, feedback Evaluation Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Study the assigned materials as announced in our first class, calculate a minimum of 4 hours studying time per class. Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Evaluation Value (%) Class attitude Final Report 80 Class participation 20 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook None References Provided as needed. Related Courses Japanese Culture B/A, Overview of Japanese History B/A, etc. Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours Office : 403 Email : [email protected] 66 2015 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course Course Name Traditional Japanese Arts 1 — Calligraphy, Tea Ceremony, Shogi 100 Numbering (Calligraphy) Deguchi, Suzumi Instructor (Tea Ceremony) Takahashi, Fumiko Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 (Shogi) Shimosato, Wataru Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ and work on the content Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill ○ None The aim of the course is to learn the state of Japanese culture through real experience of its traditional culture. (Calligraphy) This class provides students with individual and group instruction in the practical skills of calligraphy. Each student will receive individual attention to help refine their skills, and students will practice the Japanese New Year’s tradition of kakizome. Students will also see a Course DVD with detailed instruction during one class session. Summary (Tea Ceremony) In this class, students will learn the fundamentals and tools of the tea ceremony, and practice the simple BonryakuTemae tea-making procedure. (Shogi) Students will be introduced to the traditional Japanese entertainment of Shogi, or Japanese chess (Calligraphy) An introduction to calligraphy in Japanese culture Practice with the fundamental calligraphy brush strokes and handwriting skills (Tea Ceremony) Study the traditional Japanese tea ceremony Course Goals (Shogi) Learn the rules and traditions of Japanese chess C: Students will be encouraged to develop intercultural understandings through various practical training. D: By working in groups, students will be able to achieve common goals through various practical training. E: Students will be able to improve communication skills through various practical training. Course Plan Class 1 Outside of Class Assignments (Calligraphy)Introduction Review class content Explanation of calligraphy tools and strokes 2 (Calligraphy) On kanji brush strokes Review class content 3 (Calligraphy) On kana brush strokes Review class content 4 (Calligraphy) On small brush strokes Review class content 5 (Calligraphy) Practice with different paper sizes Review class content 6 (Calligraphy) Conclusion (summary) Course self-review 7 (Shogi) Rules of Shogi Learn the movements of Shogi pieces 8 (Shogi) Playing Shogi Practice playing Shogi 9 (Shogi) Playing Shogi Practice playing Shogi with many opponents 10 (Tea Ceremony) Tea ceremony fundamentals, Urasenke school of tea ceremony, how to receive tea Review class content 11 (Tea Ceremony) Warigeiko (Fundamentals), handling the cloth Review class content 12 (Tea Ceremony) BonryakuTemae Review class content 13 (Tea Ceremony) BonryakuTemae Review class content 14 (Tea Ceremony) Practice Review class content 15 (Tea Ceremony) Practice Course self-review 67 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Class attitude 20 Final Report Class participation 80 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook References Materials are provided in class. Ogura, Kokkan: The Foundation of Calligraphy, Andou, Seiku: Umenoyuki Kana, Kyouiku Shuppan: Classroom Handwriting Book and others Related Courses Traditional Japanese Arts 2, 3, and Japanese Martial Arts Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours International Center Office : [email protected] 68 2015 Course Name Traditional Japanese Arts 2 — Flower Arrangement, Kimono, Karuta Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course 100 Numbering (Flower Arrangement) Shirai, Kyoko Instructor (Kimono) Fujima, Yasuyuki Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 (Karuta) Sasaki, Misa Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ and work on the content Registration Requirements Course Description E Effective communication skill ○ None The aim of the course is to learn the state of Japanese culture through real experience of its traditional culture. (Flower Arrangement) Receive instruction in the traditional and creative art of ikenobou flower arranging, whose history extends for more than 500 years. Of the modern styles of tachibana, ikebana, and free-form arrangements, this class concentrates on the free-form method. Course (Kimono) In this class, students who aspire to see, feel, and wear a variety of kimono, and who would like a photo of their experience, will have their Summary wishes fulfilled. In addition, students will deepen their understanding of the kimono by studying its traditions and role in Japanese culture. (Karuta) Learn about the Japanese card came karuta. Students will participate in karuta games while learning about the game’s structure as well as its history and variations. The course will use primarily Iroha Karuta and Ogura-Hyakunin Isshu (Anthology of 100 Poems) Karuta. (Flower Arrangement) Learn the foundations of free-form flower arrangement. Students will perceive the life of the vegetation of the four seasons and express happiness through flower arrangement. (Kimono) Develop an understanding of the Japanese traditional kimono and study kimono conventions ・Seasonal differences, ・Differences based on Time, Place and Occasion (TPO)・Gender differences Course Goals (Karuta) Develop an understanding of the structure of karuta and enjoy simple karuta games among students while using the game to facilitate communication. C:Students will be encouraged to develop intercultural understandings through various practical training. D:By working in groups, students will be able to achieve common goals through various practical training. E:Students will be able to improve communication skills through various practical training. Course Plan Class 1 Content Outside of Class Assignments (Flower Arrangement) History of ikenobou, introduction to Review class content flower-arranging styles and practical skills (take-home vases) (Flower Arrangement) Basic ikebana knowledge and practical skills 2 (using a vase at school), water absorbing method, using ikebana tools Review class content and materials 3 (Flower Arrangement) Line-type practical skills Review class content 4 (Flower Arrangement) Surface-type practical skills Review class content 5 (Flower Arrangement) Point-type practical skills Review class content 6 (Flower Arrangement) Overall practical skills Review class content 7 8 (Karuta) Use Iroha Karuta to learn the basic rules of karuta. Make original karuta cards. (Karuta) Play karta with original cards created in the previous class. Learn about karuta’s history and variations. (Karuta )Watch a demonstration of competitive karuta by 9 professional players. Play Chirashidori, one kind of game using Anthology of 100 Poems karuta. 69 Prepare writing utensil for making original Karuta. Research karuta and similar card games. Visit the “World of Kyogi Karuta” website and study the rules of competitive karuta. 2015 10 (Kimono) Kimono Conventions: “Kimono by season” Review class content 11 (Kimono) Male Kimono: “Yukata, haori, and hakama” Review class content 12 (Kimono) Female Kimono: “Summer and Winter kimono, Review class content long-sleeved and ceremonial kimono” 13 (Kimono)Let’s wear formal kimono Review class content 14 (Kimono) Dressing yourself in a kimono Review class content 15 (Kimono) Kimono photos Course self-review Evaluation Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Value (%) Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Class attitude 20 Final Report Class participation 80 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook (Karuta ) Distributed in class References (Karuta ) “World of Kyogi Karuta” http://karuta.game.cocan.jp/, http://www.karuta.org/ Related Courses Traditional Japanese Arts 1, 3, and Japanese Martial Arts Registration Notes None Contact / Office Hours International Center Office : [email protected] 70 2015 Course Course Name Traditional Japanese Arts 3 <Koto> Instructor Yoshioka, Gasui Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 Numbering Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand and work on the content Registration B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ E Effective communication skill ○ Students who like music. It is essential to own a koto pick (school will purchase them in bulk). Moreover, students are advised to attend every Requirements class. Maximum 15 students will be able to take the course. Course Description The aim of the course is to learn the state of Japanese culture through real experience of its traditional culture. Course ・Learn about Japanese traditional musical instruments. Summary ・This course is aimed at koto beginners who will start with finger practice. Students will be able to play simple songs together. ・Students will have an in-depth understanding of Japanese culture by Koto practice. ・Have a relaxing time by practicing koto in a Japanese room.. In addition, students will enjoy communicating with others through playing together. Course Goals C:Students will be encouraged to develop intercultural understandings through various practical training. D:By working in groups, students will be able to achieve common goals through various practical training. E:Students will be able to improve communication skills through various practical training. Course Plan Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Content Outside of Class Assignments Orientation (Listen to koto music, touch the instrument) Prepare for classes by reading syllabus and reference books Choose koto picks (from library) (1 Hour) Basic knowledge of koto, basic practice Prepare for assignment by listening to Japanese traditional music (1 Hour) Basic practice, play “Sakura” Review basic practice, think about the meaning of “Sakura” lyrics (1 Hour) Basic practice “Sakura”, Japanese songs (“Haru ga kita” and others) Review basic practice, think about the meaning of “Sakura” lyrics (1 Hour) Basic practice “Sakura” Review basic practice, practice by moving fingers and looking at a musical score (1 Hour) Basic practice, play “Sakura” together, Japanese songs Review basic practice, practice by moving fingers and looking at a musical score (1 Hour) 7 Introduce other Japanese musical instruments, basic practice, Japanese songs Review class content (1 Hour) 8 Basic practice “Sandan no Shirabe” Review class content (1 Hour) 9 “Sandan no Shirabe” and Japanese songs Review class content (1 Hour) 10 “Sandan no Shirabe” and Japanese songs Review class content (1 Hour) 11 Watch Japanese music DVD mainly with koto, “Sandan no Shirabe” Review class content (1 Hour) 12 “Sandan no Shirabe”, Japanese songs (“Tanabata”) Review class content (1 Hour) 13 “Sandan no Shirabe”, Japanese songs Review class content (1 Hour) 14 “Sandan no Shirabe”, Japanese songs Review class content (1 Hour) 15 Play “Sandan no Shirabe” together, course summary Overall course review (1 Hour) 71 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Class attitude 50 Final Report Class participation 30 Quizzes Other ①(Proficiency in each song ) 20 Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook Students will be able to borrow textbooks. 『生田流の筝曲』講談社・『実践「和楽器」入門』ヤマハ・『邦楽百科事典』音楽之友社(いずれも本学図書館所蔵) References Kodansha: Koto music in Ikuta style, Yamaha: Introduction to Japanese Musical Instruments, Ongaku No Tomo Sha: Japanese Music Encyclopedia(Both available from university library) Related Courses Traditional Japanese Arts 1, 2, and Japanese Martial Arts 4,000 yen will be necessary for purchasing koto picks. Students will practice in a Japanese tatami room (seiza style ‐keeling on the knees). Registration Notes As there is a cap for student numbers, it is essential to attend the first class. Students who fail to do so will no longer be able to take the course. Contact / Office Hours [email protected] 72 2015 Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Course Course Name Japanese Martial Arts and Sports Practice 100 Numbering (Aikido) Kaburagi, Kojiro Instructor (Kendo) Shimosato, Wataru Language Japanese Credit(s) 1 (Sumo) Mark Tiedemann Criterion-Referenced Evaluation A Ability to understand and work on the content Registration Requirements Course Description B C D Logical comprehension, Attitude and motivation Collaboration and Issue solving ability towards the class leadership ◎ ○ E Effective communication skill ○ None The aim of the course is to learn the state of Japanese culture through real experience of its traditional culture. Course All civilizations in all eras share a history of struggle. In this class, students will study traditional Japanese kendo, aikido, and sumo with the goal of Summary understanding the basic theory and concepts of Japanese martial arts and regarding their importance in Japanese culture. Become acquainted with Japanese fencing and understand the basic terms and concepts involved. Acquire knowledge about Japanese martial arts and understand how martial arts contribute to Japanese culture. Develop a cross-cultural and comparative understanding of martial arts and Course Goals sports. C:Students will be encouraged to develop intercultural understandings through various practical training. D:By working in groups, students will be able to achieve common goals through various practical training. E:Students will be able to improve communication skills through various practical training. Course Plan Class 1 2 Content Outside of Class Assignments (Sumo) Learn about the art of Sumo Review class content (Aikido) Learn basic movements such as body postures and defenses Review class content 3 (Aikido) Continuation of previous week Review class content 4 (Aikido) Learn the fundamentals of irmi, maai, and musubi Review class content 5 (Aikido) Continuation of previous week Review class content 6 (Aikido) Perform major Aikido techniques Review class content 7 (Aikido) Continuation of previous week Review class content 8 (Aikido) Overall review and application in pairs Review class content 9 10 (Kendo) Introduction for Kendo, Reiho(spirit of propriety), About swords (Kendo) Basic footwork, Kamae Review class content Review class content ) 11 (Kendo) Waza-geiko (技-稽古わざ-げいこ : technique practice to learn and refine techniques of Kendo with a receiving partner. Review class content (Kendo) Kiri-kaeshi (切-返しきり-かえし): Striking the left and right 12 men target points in succession, practicing centering, distance, and Review class content correct technique with a partner, while building spirit and stamina. 13 (Kendo) DVD overview Presentation of Kendo, about life-long practice and Dani (grade of black belt) 14 (Kendo) Nihon-Kendo-Kata Review class content 15 (Kendo) Review Review all of the class content 73 2015 Evaluation Value (%) Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Evaluation Value (%) Exam (Midterm・Final) Class attitude 20 Final Report Class participation 80 Quizzes Other ①( ) Assignments Other ②( ) Presentation Other ③( ) Textbook None 全日本剣道連盟 (Ed.): Japanese-English Dictionary of Kendo. Tokyo 2000 Miyamoto, Musashi: The book of five rings. Shambhala 200 Takuan, Soho: The Unfettered Mind. Kodansha 2003 Yamamoto, Tsunetomo: Hagakure. Kodansha 2002 References Suzuki, Daisetsu: Zen and Japanese Culture. Tuttle 1988 Herrigel, Eugen: Zen in the Art of Archery. Vintage 1999 http://www.kendo.or.jp/ http://www.osi.uio.no/kendo/pdf/Noma.pdf http://www.kendo-fik.org/ http://www.kendo-fik.org/english-page/english-page2/brief-history-of-kendo.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWzdIpayeFk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXMfPPWkMVY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fx5Ts9i-MM&feature=related Related Courses Traditional Japanese Arts 1, 2, and 3 Attire: It’s not necessary to buy a Kendo uniform. Loose fitting sportswear, preferably thick cotton, without any metal zippers will do. All martial arts are practiced with bare feet, so please make sure that your toenails (and fingernails) are trimmed. Also earrings and piercings Registration Notes have to be removed - if that is not possible, they have to be covered with tape or band aide. Watches, chains, necklaces and other accessories are not allowed to avoid injuries. For Aikido, please wear clothes in which you can move. Skirts are not permitted. Because wrists are frequently contacted, please remove your watch before the start of class. Contact / Office Hours International Center Office : [email protected] 74
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