Murano Glass Academy Davide Penso Glas Perlen

Using the traditional technique of the furnace but with a “baby pipe”
Davide can blown all the pattern of the regular solid beads. The
program of the class has two steps: beginner and advanced. With
the beginner one the student can start to blow the transparent
plane glass round beads, in the first part of day and change the
shape to the blown bead in the afternoon adding also some sample
but interesting decoration. Whit advanced one Davide will show
how to apply all the technique on the blow bead with transparent
and opaque glass.The lessons doesn’t required long experience
with the torch, just few practice and knowledge of the soft glass.
Only three basic tools are required, whom Davide will supply for
the class. Optionally at the end of the class you can buy the brand
new one “CarloDonà” tools. 5 liter concentrator it is enough to blow
pretty big beads. If you are powered by a inspired mood whit the
glass and torch. If you are powered by a good mood and still taste
of glass and torch or you are in flat moment of your inspiration; the
experience of the lamp-blowing can open new point of view of your
passion with glass art.
Basic course blown pearls
1 day
level required: knowledge of equipment and glass melting.
starting with the control of the mass of molten glass at the end of the blowpipe learn to
manage it by giving it the same temperature and density by the technique of rotation of the
hand. Below you will blow the air bubble inside the central mass of glass, the master will
indicate energy and direction of this important action. in the second part of the course after
obtaining the sphere glass transparent shall wash with opaque colors and simple decoration,
such as points, lines and glass powder.
intermediate course blown pearls
1 day
Who knows already easily blow the ball will learn to create decorations with symmetrical
points and points multilevel. The manipulation of different forms such as: olive, stone, flat,
tube and many other. will be also demonstrated the use of colors with special effects.
advanced course blown
1 day
We will explain the most challenging of glassblowing as the murine applied, and the
technique of roll up. Opening of glass and stemware with finishes of modeling.
Neus Shop GmbH
Rudolf Dieselstr. 28
CH-8404 Winterthur
Perlen blasen Davide Penso
Tel. 0041(0)52 203 07 09 A
Anmeldetalon Post/Mail /Fax 052 203 07 32 bei Neus-Shop
Bis spätestens 10 Tage vor Kursbeginn. Anmeldungen werden in der eingegangenen
Reihenfolge berücksichtigt. Last Minute Anmeldung; fragen Sie bitte telefonisch nach.
inkl. MwSt.
Kurs 86E
Fr. 370.-
9.00 bis 17.00
9.00 bis 17.00
9.00 bis 16.00
Fr. + Sa.
9.00 bis 17.00
(Basic course blown pearls)
Basiskurs Perlen blasen
Kursleitung Davide Penso Englisch
Kurs 87E
(intermediate course blown pearls)
Aufbaukurs 1 Perlen blasen
Fr. 370.-
Kursleitung Davide Penso Englisch
Kurs 88E
(advanced course blown)
Aufbaukurs 2 Perlen blasen
Fr. 370.-
Kursleitung Davide Penso Englisch
Nur für fortgeschrittene geeignet
Davide Penso 3 Tage spezial
Fr. 990.-
Basiskurs bis Aufbaukurs 2
Perlen blasen
Kursleitung Davide Penso Englisch
Kurs 86E bis 88E
Übersetzung ins Deutsche
bei allen Kursen
9.00 bis 16.00
Davide Penso ist in
Winterthur :-)
21. bis 23. August 2015
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Glasperlen blasen mit Davide Penso
Glas Onlineshop