SPORT FACILITIES INSTRUCTIONS SOSE2015 Datum: 17. März 2015 The Sport Facilities in Munich offered by ZHS (Zentraler Hochschulsport) are fascinating. Most of them were built and used for the 1972 Olympics and today are available to the public. An exchange student semester, or year, is full of new experiences, new food habits, new parties and a bit of homesickness. In order to keep your body and mind synchronized and not to travel back home with the famous Deutscher Bierbauch, nothing is better than practicing sports and keep yourself healthy! Apart from the health aspect practicing sports provides great opportunities to get to know new people. HOW DOES IT WORK? To practice sports in ZHS` facilities, one must have the Semestermarke and have booked the desired courses. Almost everything in order to register can be done online. The Semestermarke is a stamp that you receive from the ZHS and you must show it every time you go sporting. A new Semestermarke must be bought again every semester. The course booking is done online. Please note that you need to sign up for the Semestermarke in order to be able to book courses. We strongly recommend you to book your courses as soon as possible because there the number of people per class is limited. DATES: The new Semestermarken for the __SUMMER 2015__ Semester can be booked and bought from the __23th of March, 8 o´clock__ The Course booking starts from __25th of March, 9 o´clock__ The semester program of the __SUMMER 2015__ Semester starts in ___13TH of April__ STEP BY STEP HOW TO: -‐ GET THE SEMESTERMAKEN 1) There are different types of Semestermaken depending on the kind of sports. To check what are the available sports and witch Semestermarke your desired sport requires, please check the details on: Once you have clicked on the type of sports. The Semestermarke in question appears under “Eintritt: “or “Voraussetzung”. 2) The prices of the Semestermarken can vary. The TU students fall into “Kategorie 1”. Please check: http://www.zhs-‐ 3) To book your Semestermarke please click on the link bellow: Then click on “Buchen”: -‐ -‐ -‐ One must book it and pay it through online bank transaction (“SEPA Lastschrift”). Also sign and print the “Lastschrifterlaubnis” (direct debiting authorization) including the bank details. If your bank details do not suffer any alteration, the debiting authorization should be done only on the first semester. Once that is done, you must gather the necessary documents (see below) and go to the ZHS office in order to receive the Semestermarke. Necessary documents: Online confirmation of payment + written permission of bank transaction (“Lastschriftrerlaubnis”) Student card Passport photo (minimmun 2.5 x 4 cm) 4) The ZHS office is at Connollystrasse 32, close to the Olympiazentrum and behind the Olympiadorf. The address and office hours can be found on this website and the map is also bellow: http://www.zhs-‐ -‐ BOOK THE DESIRED COURSES 1) On this website you will find all the sports offered during the current semester. Almost every sports you can think of is available there: When the course is available for registration, a registration button (“Buchen”) will appear under “Leitung”. Please click. You will receive a confirmation mail if your registration is successful. Please also note that some sports require extra payment, which may be mentioned under “Preis.”, if applicable. “Nur mit Semestermarke” means there is no extra fee to be paid. 1) If you took too long to book he course of your choice, and the desired class is already fully booked, don`t lose hope! You can click the respective button and get on a “Warteliste”. 2) Details of the course hours and locations are also available on this page. Check under “Zeit” und “Ort”, respectively, on the picture above. If you have any question don´t hesitate ask your mentor for help or contact hiwi-‐ [email protected]. Have fun!
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