
(May 2015)
Edited books & journals
1. Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole; Beller, Annelie and Anheier, Helmut K.
(eds.) (2014): Philanthropy and Education: Strategies for Impact. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Reviewed by Michael Alberg-Seberich in Alliance (2014), 19 (3), p. 64.
Reviewed by Christoph Mecking in Stiftung & Sponsoring 3/2014, p. 43.
2. Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard (eds.) (2013): Citizens vs. Markets. How
Civil Society is Rethinking the Economy in a Time of Crises. The Journal of Civil
Society 9 (2).
‘Citizens vs. Markets’ has also been published as an edited volume at
Papers in peer reviewed journals
1. Beller, Annelie; Rutgers, Michael and Thümler, Ekkehard (2014): Why Share
Premises? The Organisational Development Process of the House for Health. In:
Voluntary Sector Review. 5 (1), pp. 117-124.
2. Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard (2013): Accountability, Democracy and
Post-growth: Civil Society Rethinking Political Economy and Finance. In: Lorenzo
Fioramonti and Ekkehard Thümler (eds.): Citizens vs. Markets. How Civil Society
is Rethinking the Economy in a Time of Crises. The Journal of Civil Society 9 (2),
pp. 117-128.
3. Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard (2013): Civil Society, Crisis and Change:
Towards a Theoretical Framework. In: Lorenzo Fioramonti and Ekkehard Thümler
(eds.): Citizens versus Markets. How Civil Society is Rethinking the Economy in a
Time of Crises. The Journal of Civil Society 9 (2), pp. 225-232.
4. Thümler, Ekkehard (2012): Rezension zu Frank Adloff (2010): Philanthropisches
Handeln. Eine historische Soziologie des Stiftens in Deutschland und den USA.
In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 1(2012), pp. 192-194.
5. Thümler, Ekkehard (2011): Foundations, Schools and the State. School
Improvement Partnerships in Germany and the United States as LegitimacyGenerating Arrangements. In: Public Management Review, 13(8), pp. 1095-1116.
Other scientific papers and book chapters
1. Thümler, Ekkehard (forthcoming): Financialization of Philanthropy: The Case of
Social Investment. In: Jenny Harrow, Tobias Jung and Susan Phillips (eds.), The
Routledge Companion to Philanthropy. London etc.: Routledge.
2. Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole and Beller, Annelie (2014): Education
Philanthropy in Germany and the United States. In: Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein,
Nicole; Beller, Annelie; Anheier, Helmut K. (eds.): Philanthropy and Education:
Strategies for Impact. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
3. Thümler, Ekkehard (2014): School Reform and Philanthropy: Theory and
Literature. In: Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole; Beller, Annelie; Anheier,
Helmut K. (eds.): Philanthropy and Education: Strategies for Impact. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan
4. Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole and Beller, Annelie (2014): Philanthropic
Impact and Effectiveness in Education. In: Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole;
Beller, Annelie; Anheier, Helmut K. (eds.): Philanthropy and Education: Strategies
for Impact. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
5. Thümler, Ekkehard (2014): Islands of Success Revisited: Which Role for
Philanthropy? In: Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole; Beller, Annelie; Anheier,
Helmut K. (eds.): Philanthropy and Education: Strategies for Impact. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan
6. Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole (2012): Sind Stiftungen soziale Investoren?
Zur Anwendbarkeit eines ökonomischen Begriffs auf die Tätigkeit gemeinnütziger
europäischer Stiftungen. In: Helmut K. Anheier, Andreas Schröer and Volker Then
(eds.): Soziale Investitionen. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS
Verlag, pp. 257-275.
7. Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard (2011): The Financial Crisis and the
Nonprofit Sector: Can Philanthropic Foundations Support the Creation of a Civic
Watchdog of International Finance? In: The International Journal of Not-For-Profit
Law, 13 (3), pp. 33-42.
Working papers
1. Thümler, Ekkehard (2015): Exploration, Exploitation and Advocacy: From Magic
to Mechanisms in Social Entrepreneurship Research. Online available:
2. Thümler, Ekkehard (2014): Social Impact as Access to Advantage: The
Relevance of the Capabilities Approach for a Theory of Philanthropic Problem
Solving. Online available:
3. Thümler, Ekkehard; Beller, Annelie and Troublé, Romain (2014): Journeys into
Hybrid Terrain: The Case of Tara Expeditions. Online available:
Publications in professional journals, research reports and grey literature (selection)
1. Thümler, Ekkehard (forthcoming): Vernetzte Inseln des Gelingens. Schulreform
durch strategisches Nischenmanagement. In: Herbert Quandt-Stiftung (ed.),
Bildung für Vielfalt. Umgang mit Differenzen lernen - Potenziale nutzen. Freiburg,
etc: Herder.
2. Thümler, Ekkehard (2014): Tagungsbericht: Staatlich-Philanthropische
Bildungspartnerschaften. In: npoR 4/2014, pp. 357-358.
3. Thümler, Ekkehard (2014): Erfolgsbedingungen staatlich-philanthropischer
Bildungspartnerschaften. Policy Paper. Online available:
4. Thümler, Ekkehard (2014): Fünf Mythen der Stiftungsarbeit im Bildungsbereich.
In: Zeitschrift für Stiftungs- und Vereinswesen 3/2014, pp. 111-112.
5. Then, Volker; Scheuerle, Thomas; Thümler, Ekkehard; Beller, Annelie (2014):
Social Investment Bridge Builders. Cooperation for Impact. CSI Research Report.
Online available:
6. Thümler, Ekkehard (2014): Der rechte Weg? In: Didacta Magazin 2/2014, pp. 1819.
7. Beller, Annelie; Rutgers, Michael; Thümler, Ekkehard (2013): Why share
premises? The organizational development process of the House for Health.
Online available:
8. Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard (2013): Crisis? What Crisis? Why the
economic and financial crisis is a blind spot for European foundations. In: Effect 7
(2), pp. 28-29.
9. Thümler, Ekkehard; Scheuerle, Thomas (2013): International Approaches to
Measuring Well-Being: An Empirical and Theoretical Overview. [Online] Available
10. Thümler, Ekkehard; Beller, Annelie; Bögelein, Nicole (2013): Unterwegs zu den
Inseln des Gelingens. Ergebnisse des Projekts „Strategies for Impact in
Education“. In: Stiftung & Sponsoring 2/2013, pp. 22-24.
11. Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard (2013): Crisis? What Crisis? Zur Rolle
deutscher Stiftungen in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise. In: Stiftung &
Sponsoring I/2013.
12. Thümler, Ekkehard; Steinfort, Anna (2011): Tagungsbericht: Stiftungen zwischen
Innovationsanspruch und pragmatischem Problemlösen. In: Zeitschrift für
Stiftungs- und Vereinswesen, 6 (2011), pp. 236-239.
13. Bürkner, Fatiah; Thümler, Ekkehard (2011): The START-Project of the
Gemeinnuetzige Hertie Stiftung (in Japanese). In: Koeki Hojin, September 2011,
pp. 36-37.
14. Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard (2011): Financial watchdog: a move in
the right direction. In:
15. Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard (2011): A civil society watchdog for
financial markets: where private foundations stand. In:
16. Fioramonti, Lorenzo; Thümler, Ekkehard (2010): The financial sector needs a civil
society watchdog. In:
17. Thümler, Ekkehard; Beller, Annelie (2010): Estrategias para mejorar el impacto.
In: Cuadernos de la Asociación Española de Fundaciones, 21 (2010), pp. 2-3.
18. Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole (2010): Strategies for Impact in
Philanthropy. Teil 2: Ein pragmatisches Modell der Problemlösung durch
Stiftungen. In: Stiftung & Sponsoring, 6 (2010), pp. 38-41.
19. Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole (2010): Opening doors for impact. Results of
the research project 'Strategies for Impact in Philanthropy'. In: EFFECT, 4(2).
20. Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole (2010): Strategies for Impact in
Philanthropy. Teil 1: Soziale Wirkung in der Praxis. In: Stiftung & Sponsoring 5
21. Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole (2010): As limitações do crescimento. In:
Alliance Brasil, 18 (5).
22. Thümler, Ekkehard; Bögelein, Nicole (2010): The limits to growth: On the
prospects and pitfalls of scaling up. In: Alliance, June 2010, p. 39.
23. Thümler, Ekkehard (2010): Es muss nicht immer Fischfang sein. Wie Stiftungen
als Problemlöser Nachhaltigkeit erzielen. In: Die Stiftung, May 2010, pp. 26-27.
24. Thümler, Ekkehard (2010): Nuffield Foundation. In: Helmut K. Anheier and Stefan
Toepler (eds.): International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. New York etc.:
25. Thümler, Ekkehard (2010): Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. In: Helmut K.
Anheier and Stefan Toepler (eds.): International Encyclopedia of Civil Society.
New York etc.: Springer.
Teaching materials
1. Thümler, Ekkehard (2011): Teaching Case "The Migrants’ Rights Network of
Barrow Cadbury Trust: What impact can we hope to have?" In: European Case
Clearinghouse (
Selected recent conference presentations and speaking engagements
Februar 2015
‚Innovationsreisen durch die Bildungslandschaft: Empirische und
theoretische Befunde‘. Arbeitskreis Bildung und Innovation der
Hertie Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main.
November 2014
‘Strategisches Nischenmanagement und Innovationsnetzwerke
in der Bildungslandschaft.’ Jahrestagung des Trialogs der
Kulturen der Herbert Quandt Stiftung, Bad Homburg.
October 2014
Tagungsorganisation und Vortrag ‘Erfolgsbedingungen staatlichphilanthropischer Bildungspartnerschaften.’ ProjektZentrum der
Stiftung Mercator, Berlin.
July 2014
‘Financialization of Philanthropy: The Case of Social Investment’.
International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), Annual
Conference, Münster.
July 2014
‘Reforming Education: What Can Philanthropy Achieve, and
How?‘ Lunch & Learn Seminar, ESSEC Business School, Paris.
April 2014
‚Partnerschaften zwischen Stiftungen und Staat im
Bildungsbereich: Wann gelingen sie, wann scheitern sie?‘
Interdisziplinäres Bildungs-Forschungskolloquium, Universität
April 2013
‘Entrepreneurial Philanthropy and School Improvement in the
United States and Germany. A Comparative Analysis’. American
Educational Research Association (AERA), Annual Conference,
San Francisco.
November 2012
‘Pragmatic Philanthropy and the Solution of Social Problems’.
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and
Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Annual Conference, Indianapolis.
July 2012
‘Can Philanthropy Contribute to the Reform of Financial
Markets? Options and Constraints of Private Foundations’.
International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), Annual
Conference, Siena (with Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Fioramonti).
June 2012
‘Ist die Philosophie des Pragmatismus eine Theorie der Lösung
sozialer Probleme?’, Colloquium Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff, Erlangen
May 2012
‘Stiftungen und der Schleier der Wohltätigkeit’,
Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolleg, Konstanz University (with
Annelie Beller).