12th Life Science Meeting at IMC FH Krems 12th International Life Science Meeting IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems April 15th - 17th, 2015 Location: IMC University of Applied Sciences, Campus Krems, Wing G Since the beginning of the study program “Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology” in 2002, International Life Science Meetings have been held every year at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems. This annual meeting is a well-accepted fantastic opportunity to bring together our students and team members with representatives and partners from bioscience, medicine and biotech industry in a very fruitful and stimulating atmosphere. Until now more than 180 guest lecturers from 38 countries were involved in the regular bachelor and master study program. Moreover, 250 representatives from science, industry and governmental institutions participated at our annual meetings. Our largest conference organized so far was in 2006. The International NanoBiotechnology Congress about “Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers” brought together 380 foreign scientists, engineers and clinicians from 43 countries with our 220 biotechnology students. This demonstrates the international orientation of our education program. The 12th International Life Science Meeting will focus on the mean topics of the degree programme Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology as well as on our current research topics. Until now governmental projects, EC-grants and collaboration with 18 biotech companies have been completed. The research activities resulted in total funding of around 10,5 Mio. € and more than 30 students did finish their bachelor- or master thesis in house. Currently, six students and assistants are in PhD-programs or have finished their thesis. Meanwhile our biotechnology department has more than 580 graduates. 40% of them are working in biomedical research fields and 60% in the industrial area. More than 130 graduates are in PhD programs or finished their PhD-thesis in international research- or industrial institutions as Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, London, Dublin, Stockholm, Groningen or in German and Austrian Universities. We can proudly announce that the “Thursday Morning Session” and “Friday Morning Session” will be hosted by graduates from our study program. They will share their world-wide experiences from industrial R&D projects as well as those related to PhDstudies in Austria and in leading research institutions in other countries. The meeting is also our great opportunity to thank our partners and lecturers for their support throughout the last years. Unterstützt durch das Technopolprogramm NÖ 12th Life Science Meeting at IMC FH Krems April 15, 2015 Pre-Meeting with Partners, Graduates and Guests Location: Department of Applied Bioanalytics and Drug Discovery, Regional Innovation Center, Magnesitstrasse 1, 3500 Krems 18:00 Presentation of Research Projects and Facilities for Guests and Students A. Eger, Priv. Doz. Prof. (FH) Dr. Head of R&D, Department of Biotechnology, IMC FH Krems H. Hundsberger, Prof.(FH) Dr Head of Department of Biotechnology, Vice Rector, IMC FH Krems P. Allacher Dr. Project Leader Department of Applied Bioanalytics and Drug Discovery April 16, 2015 Meeting Opening Room: 9:00 Wing G, Ground Floor, Room G.E.06, IMC FH Krems H. Hundsberger, Prof.(FH) Dr. Head of Department of Biotechnology, Vice Rector IMC FH Krems Session Industry Meets Academia: Introduction of the Department of Applied Bioanalytics and Drug Discovery Chair: Kelly Briffa, Philipp Rapolter 09:10 Unwanted Immunogenicity of Factor VIII Products Remains the Major Challenge in Hemophilia A Care B. Reipert, Priv. Doz. Dr. Director Immunology, Research & Innovation, Baxter Bioscience, Vienna *Lecturer, Supervisor of Master- and PhD thesis, Employer of IMC graduates 09:40 The Immunogenicity of Therapeutics: Risks, Challenges and Bioanalytical Assessment P. Allacher, Dr. IMC University of Applied Science Krems *Laboratory Head of the Department of Applied Bioanalytics and Drug Discovery Unterstützt durch das Technopolprogramm NÖ 12th Life Science Meeting at IMC FH Krems Session: Krems Graduates in Industry and Universities Chairs: Asphia Shonthu, Jergitsch Maximilian 10:00 TREM2: A Common Mechanism for Neurodegeneration? Gernot Kleinberger, Dr. Ludwig-Maximillians University of Munich, Department Biochemistry *Graduate, Lecturer, Supervisor of Master Students; 10:20 "Influence of Cell Culture Media and Feed Supplements on Cell Metabolism and Quality of Antibodies Produced in Different CHO cell Lines" David Reinhart, Dr. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna *Graduate, Lecturer, Supervisor of Master Students; 10:40 Biophysics: A Key Player for a New Approach to Early Drug Discovery Katja Schwendiger, M.Sc Group Structural Research, Boehringer Ingelheim RCV *Graduate, Lecturer, Supervisor of Master Students; Break 11:00 Session: Tissue Engineering and Nanotechnology Chairs: Viktoria Sarne, Anna Traunbauer 11:20 3D Skin Models: A Valuable Tool in Dermatological Research M. Gschwandtner, Dr. Medical University Vienna, Dept. of Dermatology *Graduate, Lecturer, Supervisor of Master Students; 11:40 Connection Matters: Co-cultures for Generation of Microvascular Networks W. Holnthoner, Dr. Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, Vienna 12:00 Effect of Rapamycin on Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes Zwickl Hannes,Dr., Stefan Nehrer Prof. Dean Danube University Krems * Lecturer, PTS-Coach 12:20 Extracellular Vesicles as Players in Coagulation and Immunomodulation V. Weber, Prof. Dr. Vice Rector of Danube University Krems * Lecturer, PTS- and PhD-Coach, Employer of IMC-Graduates, R&D Partner Unterstützt durch das Technopolprogramm NÖ 12th Life Science Meeting at IMC FH Krems 12:40 Silk Fibroin a Versatile Biomaterial in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine A. Teuschl Dr. FH Technikum Wien/Departement of Biochemical Engineering 13:00 Extracorporeal Shockwaves - History, Therapy, Mechanism H.J. Duchstein, Prof. Dr. Department of Pharmacy, University of Hamburg 13:30 Lunch Break Session: Modern Drug Discovery: Trends, Tools and Technologies Chair: Valentina Locatelli, Mirea Cardente Massip 14:30 RNA Biology in Pharmaceutical Drug Discovery: Tool, Target, Therapy N. Meisner-Kober, Dr. Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, Basel 14:50 Urea Cycle Meets Immunology: From Basic Research to Therapeutic Application“ G. Schabbauer, Priv. Doz. Dr. Center of Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna * Lecturer, PTS-Coach, Research Partner 15:10 Immune Regulation of Skin Microbiota: The New Era in Acne Therapy Sanja Selak, Dr. CEO, Origimm Biotechnology GmbH, Vienna 15:30 Academic Pharmacology - Lost in Translation Michael Freissmuth, Univ.-Prof. Dr.med.univ. Head of the Center of Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna 15:50 Evaluation and Results of Clinical Data Bases (Data Cloud) for Improved and Better Therapies? J. Vienken, Prof. Dr. * Lecturer, PTS-Coach, Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Dept. Biotechnology 16:10 Break Unterstützt durch das Technopolprogramm NÖ 12th Life Science Meeting at IMC FH Krems Session: Studium Generale Chairs: Dvorak Nicole, Pullely Alphy 16:30 Ebola-Virological and Technical Challenges of a Disease O. Kistner, Dr. Senior Consultant, Clinical Virology & Scientific Affairs, Member of WHO Commission * Lecturer, PTS Coach, Employer of IMC-Graduates 16:50 Changing Paradigms in Melanoma Treatment F. Trautinger, Univ.-Prof. Dr.med.univ., Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Karl Landsteiner University, St. Pölten; Karl Landsteiner Institute of Dermatological Research, St. Pölten *R&D Partner 17:10 Brain on Fire, New Option to Treat Neurological Diseases H.-P. Leinenbach, Dr. Head of R&D, Fresenius Medical Care Adsorber Tec GmbH, Krems * PTS Coach, Employer of IMC graduates, Research Partner 17:30 The Power of Oleaginous Microbes M. Certik, Prof. Dr. Dept. Biochemical Technology, Slovak Univ. of Technology, Bratislava * Research Partner; 17:50 Emerging viruses (Ebola, Hanta): Their Nature and Options for Treatment and Immunoprophylaxis“. D. H. Krüger, Prof. Dr. Head of Department of Virology, Charite`, Humboldt University, Berlin 18:10 Design and Synthesis of Novel series of Benzothiazoles of Potential Antimicrobial Activities Raid J. Abdel-Jalil, Dr. Assitant Professor Department of Chemistry, Sultan Qaboos University of Oman * R&D Partner, Lecturer 19:00 Heuriger Müllner “Students, Lecturers, Coaches and R&D Partners” Unterstützt durch das Technopolprogramm NÖ 12th Life Science Meeting at IMC FH Krems April 17, 2015 Room: Wing G, Ground Floor, Room G.E.06, IMC FH Krems Session: Krems Graduates in Industry and Universities Chairs: K. Cohen, Prof. (FH) Dr., Hookipa Biotech AG * Lecturer, PTS-Coach, CEO, Employer of Graduates U. Schlokat, Prof.(FH), Dr., Kuala Lumpur * Lecturer, PTS-Coach, Employer of IMC-Graduates, Consultant 09:00 DNA Repair and Radio-Sensitivity in Human Papillomavirus-associated Oropharyngeal Cancer: Therapeutic Potential“ Stefan Holzhauser, M .Sc. University of Cardiff *Graduate, Lecturer, Supervisor of Master Students; 09:20 Antimicrobial and Anit-inflammatory Activities of Endophytic Fungi Talaromyces Wortmanii Extracts against Acne-Inducing Bacteria Birgit Kreiseder, Dipl.Ing. , SeaLifePharma *PhD Student, Lecturer, Supervisor of Master Students 09:40 Neuronal Diversification in the Second Brain. Victoria Knoflach, PhD-students Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm *Graduate, Lecturer, Supervisor of Master Students; 10:00 Round Table Discussion: “Education and Career in Life Science” Chair: U.Schlokat, K. Cohen and Biotech Students 11:00 Break Session: Bacterial Threats Chairs: Seifert Julia, Smolinska Veronika 11:25 Immune System against Staphylococcus Aureus Bröker, Prof. Dr. Head of Department of Immunology, University Greifswald 11:45 Development of a Novel Antibiotic Group SLP0905-from the Ocean to the Clinincs A. Pretsch, Dr. CEO SeaLife Pharma, Tulln * Lecturer, PTS Coach, PhD Supervisor, R&D Partner, Employer of IMC graduates Unterstützt durch das Technopolprogramm NÖ 12th Life Science Meeting at IMC FH Krems 12:05 S. aureus Specific Proteome and Immuno-Proteome Analysis for the Establishment of Specific Signatures of Infection F. Schmid, Dr. University Greifswald 12:25 Lunch break Session: Cancer Chairs: Christina Hipfinger, Pesämaa Ida Mariette 13:30 BET Inhibitors, New Compounds for the Treatment of Cancer G. Damante, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Biologiche, Università degli Studi di Udine * Joint Master Program 13:50 Identification of Tumor Metastasis Relevant Genes M. Mikula, Prof. Dr. Medical University Vienna *Lecturer, PTS Coach, PhD Supervisor, R&D Partner 14:10 NF-kappa B: A Key player in Inflammation, Cancer and Thrombosis” J. Schmid, Prof. Dr. Medical University Vienna *Lecturer, PTS Coach, PhD Supervisor, R&D Partner 14:30 Preclinical Cancer Mouse Modeling in the Era of Cancer Genome Sequencing R. Moriggl, Prof. Dr. DI(FH) Head of Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Cancer Research *Lecturer, PTS Coach, PhD Supervisor, R&D Partner 14:50 Applications of Modern Imaging Technologies in Quantitative Molecular Biology: Genomic and non-genomic Feedback Reactions in a Mathematical HPA axis Model G. Köhler, Prof. Dr. CEO OnkoTec Diagnostic Systems, Krems *Lecturer& Employer of Graduates 15:10 Break Unterstützt durch das Technopolprogramm NÖ 12th Life Science Meeting at IMC FH Krems Session: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Chair: Sarinnen Marcus, Fatimehin Beatrice 15:30 The Biotechnology of Chicken Eggs – Pharma Meets Farmer M. Hintersteiner, Dr. CSO Bioseutika, Lugano, Schweiz 15:50 The Unique Manufacturing Environment of Human Blood Plasma-derived Proteins K.H. Hofbauer, Dr. Plant Manager, BaxterAG, Vienna 16:10 From the Field to Pure Strains: Targeted Isolation of Microorganisms With Biotechnological Potential Raeid M. M. Abed Dr. Assistant Professor Department of Biology, Sultan Qaboos University of Oman * R&D Partner 16:30 Nanofiltration A. Jungbauer, Dr., Univ.-Prof. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna *Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Dept. Biotechnology 16:50 RNA Interference-mediated Inhibition of Adenovirus Replication R. Klein, Prof.(FH) Priv. Doz. Dr. Dept. Biotechnology, IMC FH Krems 17:10 Horseradish Peroxidase – from Genome to Protein O. Spadiut, Dr. Dept. Bioprocess engineering, Technical University Vienna *Lecturer, PTS Coach 17:30 Lactic Acid Bacteria as Cell Factories for Enzymes and Metabolites B. Peterbauer, Priv. Doz. Dr. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna *R&D Partner 18:00 Meeting of the International Scientific Advisory Board Department of Biotechnology 19:00 Dinner with the Graduates, Lecturers and Guests at the “Heuriger Siedler” Unterstützt durch das Technopolprogramm NÖ 12th Life Science Meeting at IMC FH Krems IMC – BioTeam: H. Hundsberger, A. Eger, B. Entler, D. Mezricky, M. Pflüger, D. Schild, B. Klausgraber, E. Hofmann, C. Klein, R. Klein, N. Jacobi, E. Garschall, P. Lang, K. Lichtenwagner and W. Schütt (em.) Information: [email protected]; [email protected] *) Partnership of lecturers with students and team of the Department of Biotechnology Unterstützt durch das Technopolprogramm NÖ
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