Checklist 1. TUMonline account 2. Wireless internet access at TUM 3. Residence registration 4. License fee for public broadcasting 5. Application / Prolongation residence permit 6. Public transport in Munich 7. Bank account 8. Registration renewal 9. Exmatriculation 1. TUMonline account TUM’s central service portal can be accessed at: (Registration for courses, download of documents, etc.) How do I get in? After your enrolment your log-in data will be sent automatically to you via email from TUMonline (If problems occur: IT-Support, email: it-support @ What do I have to do next? Update your address 1. (Under the heading „Studies“: „Current / Home Address“) Check your fees account 2. (Under the heading „Studies“: „Fees“) Set up your official @ e-mail account (Under the heading „Resources“: „E-mail Addresses“) 3. What else can I find here? By clicking the menu item “Print Documents” 4. you can find: •C onfirmation of enrolment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung) •T ranscript of records (Studienverlaufsbescheinigung) • Other documents relating to my studies 2 Where can I find more information on this topic? 2. 4. 3. 1. 3 2. Wireless internet access at TUM One option to get connected at TUM is using the eduroam service (education roaming). The following example explains how to connect via Windows 7. 1. Click on Wireless-Icon and then on Network and Sharing Center. 2. Click on Manage wireless networks. 3. If there is no entry for eduroam yet, click on Add. If it already exists, right-click eduroam and then click on Settings. 4 4. If you need to add the network first, please use the following settings: 5. Click on Next and then Change connection Settings. Chose the Security tab and use the following settings: 5 6. Click on Settings, tick the Validate server certificate box and tick Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2. If the certificate does not exist in your list of trusted root certification authorities please import the certificate from You will find the respective instruction on eduroam-windows7_en/ Click on Configure... and untick Automatically use my Windows logon name and password. Then click OK. 6 7. Under Advanced Settings use the following settings: 8. Then close all windows by clicking OK. Click on eduroam in your wireless networks list. You will get a login prompt when selected. At the prompt enter your TUM User ID @ eduroam. (e.g. ga37hap @ and your TUMonline password. In order to connect from various devices and platforms you find instructions here: 7 3. Residence registration I have found a place to stay, what do I have to do next? • Register at your local resident registration office (see map) within one week Necessary documents for residence registration: Passport or in some cases ID-Card Address in Munich (no rent contract necessary) You also need to re-register your new address when you move to another place and / or notify the office when you leave the city. Registration form 4. License fee for public broadcasting From April 2015 every household has to pay a license fee for public broadcasting services in the amount of 17,50 € (until March 2015: 17,98 €). Actual existence or usage of TV, radio or laptop do not matter. In a shared flat the license fee only has to be paid by one person, not by each flat mate. There are no exceptions for international students, even if they hold a scholarship or are exchange students. For more information, please see: und_Buerger_englisch.pdf 8 Herzog-Heinrich-Straße Munich: Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR) Ruppertstrasse 19, 80337 München, Tel +49 89 233 96010 ari ng ari Theresienwiese tr. Ba v Kob Pl rs pe Senserstraße 100 m llen we g Adlzreiterstraße str Ze ne aß e e tti st ra gs ße ra e rs t aß re f er at M ün ch en ße ge str un er raß ert alt ell Fle rw hm isc he rst pp Sc Tu m bl in Ka ße ße tra ße ra ist n Li e aß dw Ru ve tra lls Gü cc Po s rm u dw tra ße str U3/U6 Poccistraße Kr eis ers tra m ur Lin ße zin va Ba e le pu ie u dw Lin ße ra st rm Ka St ng ri ria U3/U6 Goetheplatz raße at en s H Sc errm hm a id nn-S tra ß ellst Goetheplatz (K VR ) 9 Garching: Stadtverwaltung Garching Rathausplatz 3, 85748 Garching, Tel +49 89 320 89-0 Tel sc ho ws Niels-Boh r-Straße Hüterw eg z at pl Straße er rg heimer Bü Schleiß eg tr. ofw Stadtverwaltung Garching ins erh tz Röm te Telsch ns ße owstra Ei spla straße hau Freisinger La nd Rat We g e Otto-H er ß ra erg st deb berge r Weg Ra ahn- Heisenber gstraße en rk Tü Straße Ei ns t Max-Planck-Straße Rade ein st ra tra ße ße Lehrer-Stieglitz-Straße U6 Garching Mü tra ße hlg rS Posts 10 100 m g we Au M ün ch ne traße ass e er tsg e Weiz Am Freising: Stadtverwaltung Freising Marienplatz 1, 85354 Freising, Tel +49 8161 544 3321 e ass erg mm Ka n e ab Un g ber Mo ol ds tra ch ße Str. Lu O stra ße g sin fF re i ho hn S1 Freising Isa r Ba nch m am ner nd te Mü s tto Mar tinLu ther- e traß riks Otto Stra ße ße rs Fü tra to st ße osa tra Fab ars sel itp Am Wörth örth Am W Sa gas Bahnhofstraße ße tra iss nn ha Jo r Ga aus ße tra s ten So nnh eg erw üll rm e nd Ot Ob ra ß e Dom Bru Heiliggeistgasse se Do tere se gas erg mb O H Fischergasse se erg mb Do elgas se as re be Humm erg ere g un s ga sse e raß tst p au nga se gas tz rrer la np rie Ma ck bä ch Fu Ko e rtn r tve ad ing St reis F b O e Hauptstraße ter Un lt wa e asse se as rG merg Kam ss lga ge Zie n be ra G er er t ark erm d Rin e ass tsg ich Spo r Gr lere Mitt 100 m 11 5. Application / Prolongation residence permit a) EU citizens (incl. EFTA countries without Switzerland) What do I have to do? • After your residence registration (see page 8) there are no further steps required b) Non-EU citizens What do I have to do? • Apply for a residence permit at least 6 weeks before your entry visa expires Necessary documents: Completed residence registration form (see „3. Residence registration“) Completed residence permit form ( Kreisverwaltungsreferat/Auslaenderwesen/Studium-Sprachkurse-und-Forscher/Neueinreisende-Studenten. html) (only available in German) Valid passport Confirmation of enrolment at TUM (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung, see 1. TUMonline account Nr. 4) 12 roof of health insurance P Proof of finances: you need to show proof of your finances for each year of study in advance. If you receive a scholarship that is less than 659 € per month, you will also need to provide proof that your parents or another sponsor will cover the monthly difference. Proof of registration in Munich (see page 8) Biometric passportsized photograph (photo booths are located at the registration offices) Fee: approx. 110 € for the first permit, approx. 80 € for the renewal 13 6. Public transport in Munich Students can use the city’s public transport (MVV/MVG) at reduced rates by paying the compulsory solidarity fee and buying the optional IsarCard Semester. Solidarity fee All students are obliged to pay a basic fee for the public transport in the amount of 59 € per semester. This fee is collected together with the Student Union Fee of 52 € (111 € in total) upon enrolment. By bearing a valid student ID card all students are therefore entitled to use all forms of transportation within the entire MVV/ MVG network on weekdays between the hours of 6 pm and 6 am (i.e. during the off-peak hours), as well as on weekends and holidays. Your student ID card plus an offical photo ID (e.g. passport, etc.) serves as your ticket. IsarCard Semester (optional) For an additional payment of 146,50 € per semester the supplementary IsarCard Semester can be purchased. It entitles students to unlimited travel within the entire MVV/ MVG network 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 14 The IsarCard Semester can be purchased at the following locations: MVG and DB ticket machines (e.g. at U-Bahn stations, S-Bahn stations) Electronic ticket printers on MVV regional buses MVG customer service centers (e.g. at Central Station, Poccistraße, Ostbahnhof) Private MVG points of sale (e.g. kiosks, mostly in the Munich city area) This IsarCard Semester, a student ID card and an official photo ID serve as your ticket. For further information, please see: 15 7. Bank account It is useful to open a bank account in Germany for transferring your rent, paying your health insurance and for other occasions. What do I have to do? • Open a “Girokonto” at a local bank. For students this is free of charge. The Stadtsparkasse has the most branches in Munich. Other banks are HypoVereinsbank, Commerzbank, Postbank, Deutsche Bank and many others. Necessary documents: Passport or ID-Card Address in Germany Confirmation of enrolment at TUM (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung, see 1. TUMonline account Nr. 4) 16 8. Registration renewal I have been accepted to study at the TUM for more than one semester. What do I have to do in order to renew my registration? • Re-register by transferring the fee of 111 € by February 15th for the upcoming summer semester respectively August 15th for the upcoming winter semester to the TUM. Please transfer the amount of 111 € to the following account: payment-of-fees/ Alternatively you may pay the fee for re-registration at the Zahlstelle at Arcisstrasse 21 in room 1157. Afterwards, please present your payment receipt at the Tuition Fees Management in room 0161. • Re-validate your StudentCard at the validation machines at TUM (e.g. in the enrolment hall). 17 9. Exmatriculation I want to leave TUM for good, what do I have to do (optional)? Ask for the so called “Exmatrikulation” at the TUM Admission Office in the Student Service Center (SSZ). They will give you a form you have to fill out and that´s all. Where? Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 München, SSZ, room 0140 Audimax Main Entrance Student Service Center (SSZ – Room 0140) e.g. Admission Office 18 Notes Name Giovanna Bianchi Nadin Klomke Gertraud Geisberger Heike Roth Martina von Imhoff Saskia Ammon Julia Cyllok Fakultät / faculty Architektur Architecture Bau Geo Umwelt Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering Chemie Chemistry Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Electrical and Computer Engineering Informatik Information Technology Maschinenwesen Mechanical Engineering Mathematik Mathematics +49 89 289 17596 +49 89 289 15013 +49 89 289 17553 +49 89 289 28235 +49 89 289 13002 +49 89 289 22427 +49 89 289 22362 Telefon international @ ammon @ student-exchange @ heike.roth @ gertraud.geisberger @ n.klomke @ international @ E-Mail MI 02.12.019 MW 2012 MI 00.09.035 N 1110f CH 26508 1701 1223 Raum / office G G G M G M M Campus These persons are in charge of incoming student’s matters, such as learning agreement, confirmation of stay, etc. +49 89 289 25080 +49 89 289 24239 +49 89 289 10524 +49 8161 71 3711 +49 8161 71 5498 Gabi Fried Manuela Sato-Prinz Julia Stahl Olga Marini Christine Hirsch / Christa Gillmann Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaft Sport and Health Sciences Wirtschaftswissenschaften School of Management School of Education Munich School of Engineering (MSE) Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan (WZW) School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan Campus: M – München; G – Garching; W – Weihenstephan +49 89 289 24625 +49 89 289 14461 Dr. Maria Eckholt Physik Physics +49 89 4140 6337 Martina Seifert Medizin Medicine international @ exchange @ julia.stahl @ manuela.sato @ gabi.fried @ sokrates @ international @ Alte Akademie 8 4102.02.061 Graduate School 307 Marsstr. 20–22 123 1547 Georg-BrauchleRing 60 2941.06.618L PH 2049 1st floor, MeDICAL Nigerstr. 3 W G M M M G M
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