1 ---------------------------------------CURRICULUM VITAE (updated on 31 March 2015) Name: Date & Place of birth : Marital status : Children : Citizen of: Address: Phone and Fax home: Mobile : e-Mail: JENZER Helena December 3, 1956 at Zug Married (since March 21, 1986) 2 daughthers (born Nov 10, 1990 & Jan 9,1994) Thunstetten BE / Switzerland Bahnhofstr. 14 CH-1797 Münchenwiler BE +41 26 670 43 85 +41 79 401 92 35 [email protected] Pre- & post-graduate Education & Diploma 2014 2006 Diploma “University Didactics” University of Bern, Certificate “Zusammenarbeit im Gesundheitswesen” (Modules: 1995 Economy, 1995 Legislation, 1996 Data Protection, 1997 Politics and Policies, 1997 Management, 1999 Mediation, 2000 Ethics, 2001 Financial Management, 2002 Human Resources’ Management, 2003 State of the Art of Negociations, 2004 Knowledge Management) 2001 1984-1987 1981-1984 1980-1981 1978-1980 1976-1977 1969-1975 1963-1969 Diploma « Hospital Pharmacist FPH » Thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Clinic of Internal Medicine, Inselspital Bern, Departement Endocrinology, Degree of Doctor of Pharmacy University of Bern, School of Pharmacy, Diploma of the Swiss Confederation as a pharmacist University of Bern, Certificate of Bachelor of Pharmacy (Junior fellowships at the Cantonal Hospital Pharmacy and at the retail Pharmacy Paulus at Luzern) University of Fribourg, Certificate of Natural Sciences for Pharmacists University of Zürich (Anglistics, 5 terms, examinations passed : Phonetics, Literature, Old and Middle English, Linguistics) Secondary school : Kantonsschule Zug (School-leaving Certificate : Matura type B) Public elementary schools at Luzern, Cham, and Zug Professional training and Experiences 2011 2007-2010 2007 1996-2006 CV_hjenzer.docx Bern University of Applied Sciences, Lecturer / Head aR&D Nutrition and Dietetics (Professor’s degree) Inselspital - Bern University Hospital, Department DOLS, Institute for Hospital Pharmacy, Head Manufacturing Section Deputy Qualified Person (Octapharma AG) and Fachtechnische Leiterin (Octapharma Schweiz AG) Head of Hospital Pharmacy of Hôpital cantonal Fribourg 2 1989-1996 1987-1996 1984-1987 1981-1987 Vice-head of Hospital Pharmacy Inselspital Bern (Dr. H.-R. Widmer) Hospital Pharmacy Inselspital Bern (Dr. H.-R. Widmer), resident, Head of Analytical Department Thesis (« Molecular mechanisms and side reactions of thyroid hormone biosynthesis »), Clinic of Internal Medicine, Inselspital Bern, Departement Endocrinology (Prof. Dr. H. Studer & Dr. H. Kohler) Junior fellowships at Fribourg, Valais, and Luzern Teaching 2013-date 2011-date 2007-date 2007-date 1996-date 1995-2013 2003-2008 2004-2008 2006 2005 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 1999-2003 1987-2003 1987-2003 1987-1996 1 EJHPharm EJHP 3 MSM 4 ATRM 2 CV_hjenzer.docx Reviewer for articles submitted to EJHPharm1 (BMJ) Reader / Lecturer at Bern University of Applied Sciences Reviewer for articles submitted to Medical Science Monitor Editorial board member and referee for articles submitted to The Open Dermatology Journal Teaching at various schools for health professionals (nursing staff, nutritionists) and institutions bound to hospital professions (pharmacy assistantes, probationers) Reviewer for articles in pharmaceutical analytics submitted to the EJHP2 (Science and Practice) and MSM3 (Elsevier) Lecturer (“Chargé de cours”) for 1st and 2nd year’s courses « Introduction aux téchnologies pharmaceutiques», University of Fribourg (16 + 16 lessons / year) Member of the examination board and expert for 1st and 2nd year’s examinations at the site of Fribourg Chairmanship and Lecture « Wundversorgung», Advanced Studies, Specialisation Course « Spitalpharmazie », University of Basel Chairmanship and Lecture « Wundversorgung», Advanced Study Center, Kurse Spitalpharmazie, University of Basel Accreditation as Teacher for 5th year’s students’ trainings Chairmanship and Lecture « Qualitätskontrolle im Rahmen der QS in Spitalapotheken», Specialisation Course « Quality Assurance », University of Basel Accreditation of the Pharmacy of the Hôpital cantonal Fribourg as a Teaching Hospital Pharmacy type A (all activities) for post-graduate training in hospital pharmacy Accreditation as Teacher FPH for the post-graduate Training Program in Hospital Pharmacy Lecture « e-Quality Manual », Specialisation Course « Quality Assurance », University of Basel Reviewer Journal of European Hospital Pharmacy Teaching of pharmaceutical analytics to 3rd year’s students, University of Bern (idem ad interim, University of Basel) Expert of pharmaceutical federal intermediate examinations in the fields „analytics“, „pharmacopoeia" and „laws“ Teaching of pharmacology & toxicology at the school for technical assistants in radiology ATRM4 European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Medical Science Monitor Assistantes et assistants techniques en radiologie médicale 3 1988-1996 1996 1991 Deputy of the President for pharmaceutical federal examinations at the site of Bern Reviewer for analytical thesis, Pharmacy School, University of Bern Lecture « Analytik in der Spitalapotheke » (Post-graduate Course « Hospital Pharmacy », University of Basel) Network ( Professional Associations) • • • Teamwork in alliances: public hospitals, nursing homes and public institutions Membership in councils and task forces (e.g. Blood donation Trust) Professional Associations (actual and past) • European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (http://www.eahp.com) • European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (http://www.escp.nl) • European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition http://www.espen.org) • Swiss Food Research (http://www.foodresearch.ch) • Swiss Food Net (http://www.swissfood.net ) • The Society of Free Radical Research (http://www.sfrr.org) • Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (formerly « The Oxygen Society ») (http://www.sfrbm.org) • The Nitric Oxide Society (http://www.apnet.com/no) • Gesellschaft schweizerischer Amtsund Spitalapotheker (http://www.gsasa.ch) • Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft (http://www.swiss-chem-soc.ch) • Schweizerischer Apothekerverband / pharmaSuisse (http://www.sphin.ch) • Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Wundbehandlung (http://www.safw.ch ) • Gesellschaft für Klinische Ernährung der Schweiz (http://www.geskes.ch; http://www.ssnc.ch) • Freiburger Chemische Gesellschaft • Collège des médecins de l’Hôpital cantonal de Fribourg • Groupement des Pharmaciens Hospitalier Romands • « Groupe de Réflexion» Chef-Apotheker Membership in working groups and committees 2014-date 2012-2013 2009-date 2005-2009 1988-2008 1994-2006 1996-2006 Member of the Scientific Committee of the SFR5 Member of the Board SFR Member of the Scientific Committee of the EAHP6 Member of the Scientific Advisory Group of the EAHP Member of working group „Analytics“ GSASA (including implementation of the GSASA Clearing Centre for contested drugs) Delegate GSASA to the SCS7 Delegate of the Hospital Pharmacy to various committees • • • 5 SFR EAHP 7 SCS 6 CV_hjenzer.docx Commission des responsible (presidency) Commission d’achat Commission d’hygiène Swiss Food Research European Association of Hospital Pharmacy Swiss Chemical Society 4 • • • • • 1996-2006 2000-2006 2001-2005 2003-2004 1997-2001 2001 1993-1996 1991-1992 1987-1991 Commission de nutrition Groupe de travail cytostatiques Groupe antalgie Groupe soins des plaies Convention fribourgeoise pour l’approvisionnement en responsible des hôpitaux de district et des institutions cantonales (responsible) Member of the Foundation Council of SRT-CRS8 Presidency of task force preparing GMP/PIC inspection (First time of permission of production for the Pharmacy of the Hôpital cantonal Fribourg) Advisory Board Thrombosis (Sanofi-Synthelabo / GlaxoSmithKline) Member of the Committee « Lernzielkatalog zum Weiterbildungsprogramm FPH in Spitalpharmazie » Chief administration officer of GSASA (including developpement of the first edition of the societies’ home page http://www.hin.ch/gsasa, as well as collaboration to the following editions at URL http://www.gsasa.ch/, change management of the society, and revision of the statutes) Presidency of task force for the development of the site’s electronic quality manual of the Pharmacy of the Hôpital cantonal Fribourg (first Swiss development) Presidency of the project « Drug Management am Inselspital » Delegate GSASA to the ASN9 Head of working group „Information Technology“ GSASA10 Languages German (native speaker), fluency in English and French Private Activities o Kulturverein Münchenwiler (culture club) o Tauch-Club Murten (diving club) Political and public Activities 1999-2005 1995-1998 8 SRT-CRS ASN 10 GSASA 9 CV_hjenzer.docx President of the Supervising Committee of the Public Elementary School of Münchenwiler / Clavaleyres Member of the Common-Council of Münchenwiler (Vice-President, no political party membership) Service régional de transfusion sanguine de la section fribourgeoise de la Croix Rouge Suisse Association Suisse de Normalisation (= SNV, Schweizerische Normenvereinigung) Ges. Schweiz. Amts- und Spitalapotheker, Soc. Suisse des Ph.ciens de l’Adm. et des Hôp. 5 -----------------------------------------------PUBLICATIONS Thesis Jenzer H. Molecular mechanisms and side reactions of thyroid hormone biosynthesis. 1987 ; Inaugural Dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Pharmacy in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bern. Peer-reviewed Journal Publications Jenzer H, Denkel C, Kopf-Bolanz KA, Büsser S, Birrer J, Müller S, Sadeghi L. Aromatase inhibitors in food – processing matters. Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin 2015. Accepted for publication and presentation at Nutrition 2015. Einsele F, Sadeghi L, Ingold R, Jenzer H. A study about discovery of critical food consumption patterns linked with lifestyle diseases using data mining methods. Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics 2015;239-245. DOI: 10.5220/0005170402390245. Jenzer H, Müller S, Sadeghi L. CYP450 isoenzyme-associated food-drug interactions are a neglected issue in medicines information. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice 2015;22(Suppl1):A136-A137. Jenzer H. Bringt Grundlagenwissen in Pharmakologie einen spürbaren Mehrwert für die Ernährungsberatung? Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin. Submitted 31.10.2014. Publication planned for ed. 04/2015. Jenzer H, Rufener A, Sadeghi L. Suitable Viscosity Range of Thickened Liquids Adapted for Dysphagia Patients. Clinical Nutrition 2014;33:S108-S109. Müller A, Dolder A, Jenzer H. Dysphagia patients need semisolid oral dosage forms prepared by thickening liquids. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice 2014;21(Suppl1):A128-A129. Jenzer H, Fontana G. Bringt Grundlagenwissen in Pharmakologie und Toxikologie einen spürbaren Mehrwert für die Ernährungsberatung? Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin 2013;05:38. Jenzer H, Sadeghi L. Die nutrigenomische Erklärung von Food-Drug-Interaktionen – ein Grund für personalisierte Ernährung. L’explication nutrigénomique des interactions aliment-médicament: un argument en faveur de la nutritaion personalisée. La dichiarazione nutrigenoica delle interazioni elimentimedicamento: una motivazioe per l’alimentazione personalizzata. SVDE ASDD Info 2013;6:17-24. Jenzer H, Holm J, Haslebacher P, Selbmann K-H. Kostengünstiger CompounderPrototyp für die Herstellung von All-in-one TPN-Beuteln. Aktuel Ernahrungsmed 2013;38:PP12. CV_hjenzer.docx 6 Selbmann K-H, Holm J, Jenzer H. Suitability of a sensor-driven, single-use micro dosing valve for volumetric dispensary in a modularly assembled multi-channel compounder. 18th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 13-15 March 2013, Paris, France; EJHP Science and Practice 2013;20(1): A84-A85. Jenzer H. A contribution to reanimate the perishing hospital pharmacy preparation. Eur J Hosp Pharm 2012; 19(5):477-478. Jenzer H, Sadeghi L, Krause C, Pfister F, Stute P, Stanga Z. Behind CYP450 interaction tables – the effect of gender and age on pharmacokinetics. 17th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2012, Milano, Italy; abstract and poster, poster award nominee. EJHP Science and Practice 2012; 19(2):188 and 19(2):80. Jenzer H, Sadeghi L, Krause C, Stute P, Joray M, Leuenberger M, Stanga Z. Adverse digestibility effects, drug-food interactions and long-term safety of proton pump inhibitors. 17th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2012, Milano, Italy; abstract and poster. EJHP Science and Practice 2012; 19(2):187-188. Jenzer H. Medicinal and nutritional substrates to assist wound healing. Invited publication. EJHP-Practice 2009;15(5):66-69. Jenzer H, Richard V, Bastos A, Leschot P, Nydegger U. The impact of drugs on wound healing. Invited short report, Hospital Pharmacy Europe 2007;7:21-23. Jenzer H. Assessment of PVP-Iodine disinfectant compatibility with antimicrobial incise drape and adhesion inhibition on the skin using a GC-MS approach. Dermatology 2006; 212(suppl 1), 58-65. Jenzer H, Maillard S, Bastos A, Krähenbühl L. Ernährung und Wundheilung. Akt Ernähr Med 2004 ; 29:P3_2. Jenzer H, Bastos A, Maillard S. Modern wound care is cost-effective and amounts to merely 20% of conventional wound care cost – a survey comparing costeffectiveness of conventional and modern wound care approaches. Eur J Hosp Pharm 2004 ; 10 (4) : 48-55. Wüthrich C, Jenzer H. Ringversuch RIV005 (2001) : Quantitative Kationenanalyse. Schlussbericht. GSASA News 2002 ; 16 (2) : 55-61. Jenzer H. GSASA. Chimia 1998 ; 52 : 90-92. Betticher DC, Fey MF, von Rohr A, Tobler A, Jenzer H, Gratwohl A, Lohri A, Pugin P, Hess U, Pagani O, Zulian G, Cerny T. High incidence of infections after 2chlorodeoxyadenosine (2-CDA) therapy in patients with malignant lymphomas and chronic and acute leukaemias. Annals Oncology 1994 ; 5 : 57-64. CV_hjenzer.docx 7 Kohler H, Jenzer H. Review Article: Interaction of lactoperoxidase with hydrogen peroxide - Formation of enzyme intermediates and generation of free radicals. Free Radical Biol Med 1989 ; 6 : 323-339. Jenzer H, Mühlebach S. Identitätsreaktionen der Ph. Helv. VII. Schweiz Apoth Zeitung 1989 ; 127 : 65ff. Jenzer H, Bürgi U, Kohler H. Irreversible inactivation of lactoperoxidase in the course of iodide oxidation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1987 ; 142 : 552-558. Jenzer H, Kohler H, Broger C. The role of hydroxyl radicals in irreversible inactivation of lactoperoxidase by excess H2O2. Arch Biochem Biophys 1987 ; 258 : 381390. Jenzer H, Jones W, Kohler H. On the molecular mechanism of lactoperoxidasecatalyzed H2O2 metabolism and irreversible enzyme inactivation. J Biol Chem 1986 ; 261 : 15550-15556. Jenzer H, Kohler H. The role of superoxide radicals in lactoperoxidase-catalysed H2O2metabolism and in irreversible enzyme inactivation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1986 ; 139 : 327-332. Wildberger E, Kohler H, Jenzer H, Kämpf J, Studer H. Inactivation of peroxidase and glucose oxidase by H2O2 and iodide during in vitro thyroglobulin iodination. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 1986 ; 46 : 149-154. Kohler H, Huwiler M, Jenzer H. Irreversible inactivation of lactoperoxidase by excess hydrogen peroxide involving cleavage of the catalytic heme moiety. Abstract and oral presentation. Frontiers in Thyroidology 1986; 1: 575-579, Proc. 9th International Thyroid Congress, Sao Paolo, Brazil, Ed. G.A. Medeiros-Neto & E. Gaitan, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York. Huwiler M, Jenzer H, Kohler H. The role of compound III in reversible and irreversible inactivation of lactoperoxidase. Eur J Biochem 1986 ; 158 : 609-614. Further Journal Publications (not peer-reviewed) Reymond JPh, Martinelli E, Jenzer H. GSASA – Nouveaux titres de pharmaciens hospitaliers - Die Berufsgesellschaft der Amts- und Spitalapotheker. Competence 2001 ; 5 : 16-20. Jenzer H, Wüthrich C. Die GSASA-Meldezentrale für beanstandete Rohstoffe, Generica und Spezialitäten. Festschrift 50 Jahre Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Amts- und Spitalapotheker 1998 ; 127 - 130. Jenzer H, Wüthrich C. Der Beitrag der GSASA-Meldezentrale zur Qualitätssicherung. Schweizer Spital 1997 ; 6 : 40. Jenzer H. Neues Informationssystem für die Spitalapotheke. Schweizer Spital 1996;3. CV_hjenzer.docx 8 Peer-reviewed Poster Presentations (Articles and Abstracts in Proceedings) Jenzer H, Müller S, Sadeghi L. CYP450 isoenzyme-associated food-drug interactions are a neglected issue in medicines information. 20th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 25-27 March 2015, Hamburg, Germany. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice 2015; accepted for publication. Rufener A, Müller S, Büsser S, Jenzer H. Ernährung bei Schluckstörungen - Wie sieht das Angebot in Spitälern und Heimen in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz aus? 3. Symposium zur Versorgungsforschung im Gesundheitswesen. 04.11.2014, Bern, Switzerland. Jenzer H, Rufener A, Müller S, Sadeghi L. Viscosity and texture modified beverages and juices suitable for dysphagia patients. 4th Congress of the European Society for Swallowing Disorders - Dysphagia across Ages. 23-25 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium. Jenzer H, Rufener A, Sadeghi L. Suitable Viscosity Range of Thickened Liquids Adapted for Dysphagia Patients. 36th ESPEN Congress of the European Society For Clinical Nutrition And Metabolism on Clinical Nutrition & Metabolism. 6-9 September 2014, Geneva, Switzerland. Clinical Nutrition 2014;33:S108-S109 (PP239-SUN). Müller A, Dolder A, Jenzer H. Dysphagia patients need semisolid oral dosage forms prepared by thickening liquids. 19th Congress oft he European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 26-28 March 2014, Barcelona, Spain. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice 2014;21(Suppl1,PP017):A128-A129. Jenzer H, Fontana G, Forrer C, Sadeghi L. Aus-, Weiter- und Fortbildung in Food-Drug Interaktione - Feedback zum Mehrwert für die ernährungstherapeutische Beratung. 3rd Swiss Congress for Health Professions, 11-12 March 2014, Bern, Switzerland. Jenzer H, Fontana G. Bringt Grundlagenwissen in Pharmakologie und Toxikologie einen spürbaren Mehrwert für die Ernährungsberatung? Ernährung 2013. 12. Dreiländertagung der AKE, DGEM und GESKES. 6. – 8. Juni 2013, Zürich, Schweiz. Abstract and poster. Aktuel Ernahrungsmed 2013;38:PP36. Jenzer H, Holm J, Haslebacher P, Selbmann K-H. Kostengünstiger CompounderPrototyp für die Herstellung von all-in-one TPN-Beuteln. Ernährung 2013. 12. Dreiländertagung der AKE, DGEM und GESKES. 6. – 8. Juni 2013, Zürich, Schweiz. Abstract and poster. Aktuel Ernahrungsmed 2013;38:PP12. Selbmann K-H, Holm J, Jenzer H. Suitability of a sensor-driven, single-use micro dosing valve for volumetric dispensary in a modularly assembled multi-channel compounder. 18th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 13-15 March 2013, Paris, France; abstract and poster. CV_hjenzer.docx 9 Jenzer H, Sadeghi L. Shedding light on food-food and food-drug interactions arising from CYP450 isoenzymes induction or inhibition – an added value for the nutrition therapy process. Integrative approaches in nutrition research – 2nd international congress of translational research in human nutrition, 8-9 March 2013, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Jenzer H, Sadeghi L, Krause C, Stute P, Stanga Z. Drug-food- and food-druginteractions relevant for patients under PPI and aromatase inhibitor treatments – a shared responsibility for personalized nutritional and pharmaco-therapy. Congress of the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy, 29-31 October 2012, Barcelona, Spain; abstract and poster. Jenzer H, Sadeghi L, Krause C, Pfister F, Stute P, Stanga Z. Gender and life phase matter in trophokinetics. Swiss Congress for Health Professions, 31st May 2012, Winterthur, Switzerland; abstract and poster. Jenzer H, Sadeghi L, Krause C, Stute P, Joray M, Stanga Z. Counseling and nutrition support for users of proton pump inhibitors. Swiss Congress for Health Professions, 31st May 2012; Winterthur, Switzerland; abstract and poster. Jenzer H, Sadeghi L, Krause C, Pfister F, Stute P, Stanga Z. Behind CYP450 interaction tables – the effect of gender and age on pharmacokinetics. 17th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2012, Milano, Italy; abstract and poster, poster award nominee. EJHP Science and Practice 2012; 19(2):188 and EJHP Science and Practice 2012; 19(2):80. Jenzer H, Sadeghi L, Krause C, Stute P, Joray M, Leuenberger M, Stanga Z. Adverse digestibility effects, drug-food interactions and long-term safety of proton pump inhibitors. 17th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2012, Milano, Italy; abstract and poster. EJHP Science and Practice 2012; 19(2):187-188. Jenzer H. In search of biomarkers related to wound healing. 15th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 24-26 March 2010, Nice, France; abstract and poster. Nydegger U, Siepe M, Jenzer H, Tevaearai H. Tissue repair using cell seeded scaffolds. XXXIV ESAO Conference, September 2007, Krems, Austria. Haag S, Jenzer H, Nydegger U. Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (SCIG) Application using Extracorporeal Coded Infusion Pumps. XXXIV ESAO Conference, September 2007, Krems, Austria. Richard V, Jenzer H, Bastos A, Leschot P. Impact of Drugs on Wound Healing. 12th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2007, Bordeaux, France; abstract and poster. Bastos A, Jenzer H. Les plaies et le Jetox®. 8ème Conférence nationale des plaies et cicatrisation, 12–14 janvier 2005, Paris, France ; abstract et poster. CV_hjenzer.docx 10 Bastos A, Maillard S, Jenzer H. Analyse des coûts de la prise en charge des plaies selon une approche moderne. 8ème Conférence nationale des plaies et cicatrisation, 12–14 janvier 2005, Paris, France ; abstract et poster. Jenzer H, Maillard S, Bastos A, Giger U, Krähenbühl L. Substrates for Wound Care. 2nd World Union of Wound Healing Societies’ Meeting, 8-13 juillet 2004, Paris, France; abstract and poster. Jenzer H, Maillard S, Bastos A, Giger U, Krähenbühl L. Nutrition and Wound Care – Substrates for Wound Healing. Ernährung 2004, Jahrestagung GESKES / DGEM / AKE, 6.-8. Mai 2004, München, Allemagne ; abstract and poster. Jenzer H, Bastos A, Maillard S. Cost analysis and State of the Art of Wound Care. 9th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 19-21 March 2004, Sevilla, Spain ; abstract and poster. Bastos A, Jenzer H. Traitement des brulûres – préparation à la greffe. 7ème Conférence nationale des plaies et cicatrisation, 12–14 janvier 2003, Paris, France ; abstract et poster. Bastos A, Jenzer H. Soins des plaies dans sa globalité. 7ème Conférence nationale des plaies et cicatrisation, 12–14 janvier 2003, Paris, France ; abstract et poster. Meier ChP, Jenzer H. Ready-to-use short-infusion of paracetamol (acetaminophen). 7th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 22-24 March 2002, Vienna, Austria ; abstract and poster. Bastos A, Jenzer H. Mode d’emploi illustré des pansements modernes. 6ème Conférence nationale des plaies et cicatrisation, 13–15 janvier 2002, Paris, France ; abstract et poster. Bastos A, Jenzer H. Prise en charge des plaies dans sa globalité / Ganzheitliche Wundpflege. Poster pour le Prix Convatec soins de plaies, 5ème Symposium SAfW (Société suisse pour les soins de plaies), 2 octobre 2001. Jenzer H, Dubied A. (2001) Pharmaceutical Information from A to Z and from Z to A at http://www.gsasa.ch and at http://www.gsasa-piazza.ch. 6th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2001, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; abstract and poster. Bastos A, Jenzer H. Soins de plaies et cicatrisation. Congrès PERSE (Prévention Education Recherche Soins Escarres) / EPUAP (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel), 27-29 septembre 2001, Le Mans, France ; abstract et poster. Bastos A, Jenzer H. Mode d’emploi illustré des pansements modernes. Congrès PERSE (Prévention Education Recherche Soins Escarres) / EPUAP (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel), 27-29 septembre 2001, Le Mans, France ; abstract et poster. CV_hjenzer.docx 11 Bastos A, Jenzer H. An illustrated guide to wound care using modern dressings. 6th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2001, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; abstract and poster. Bastos A, Leschot P, Kohut G, Jenzer H. Pharmacoéconomie dans les soins de plaies – une étude comparative des approches traditionnelles et modernes. Symposium GSASA („Aperçu de travaux scientifiques en pharmacie hospitalière et d‘administration 1993-1999“, 10 novembre 1999, Interlaken, Suisse ; abstract et poster. Bastos A, Leschot P, Kohut G, Jenzer H. Pharmacoéconomie dans les soins de plaies – une étude comparative des approches traditionnelles et modernes. 9èmes Journées franco-suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière, 21 et 22 octobre 1999, Mâcon, France ; abstract et poster. Bastos A, Leschot P, Kohut G, Jenzer H. Pharmacoeconomics in wound care – a comparative look at traditional and new approaches. 4th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 17-19 March 1999, Nice, France ; abstract and poster. Jenzer H. Drugs as hydroxyl radical scavengers. Symposium GSASA („Aperçu de travaux scientifiques en pharmacie hospitalière et d‘administration 19931999“), 10 novembre 1999, Interlaken, Suisse ; abstract and poster. Jenzer H. Drugs as hydroxyl radical scavengers. 8èmes Journées franco-suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière, 2 et 3 avril 1999, Montreux, Suisse ; abstract and poster. Jenzer H. Drugs as hydroxyl radical scavengers. 3rd Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 12-14 March 1998, Edinburgh, United Kingdom ; abstract and poster. Jenzer H, Wüthrich C. The Swiss hospital pharmacists’ clearing centre for contested drugs. Symposium GSASA („Aperçu de travaux scientifiques en pharmacie hospitalière et d‘administration 1993-1999“, 10 novembre 1999, Interlaken, Suisse ; abstract and poster. Jenzer H, Wüthrich C. The Swiss hospital pharmacists’ clearing centre for contested drugs. 2nd Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 13-15 March 1997, Porto, Portugal ; abstract and poster. Further Poster Presentations (not peer-reviewed) Jenzer H, Sadeghi L, Krause C, Pfister F, Stute P, Stanga Z. Behind CYP450 interaction tables – the effect of gender and age on pharmacokinetics. “Aus der Praxis für die Praxis – Einladung zum Austausch mit der Forschung”. 25 April 2012, Inselspital. Jenzer H, Sadeghi L, Krause C, Stute P, Joray M, Leuenberger M, Stanga Z. Adverse digestibility effects, drug-food interactions and long-term safety of proton CV_hjenzer.docx 12 pump inhibitors. “Aus der Praxis für die Praxis – Einladung zum Austausch mit der Forschung”. 25 April 2012, Inselspital. Bastos A, Jenzer H. Traitement des plaies artérielles – Neurostimulateur + Promogran®. Poster développé pour Johnson & Johnson pour formations internes, mai 2003. Invited Oral Presentations Jenzer H. Bringt Grundlagenwissen in Pharmakologie & Toxikologie einen spürbaren Mehrwert für die Ernährungsberatung? Ernährung 2014 – Ernährungsmedizin ist Partnerschaft. 26.-28.06.2014, Ludwigsburg, Deutschland. Jenzer H, Fontana G (Co-Referat), Müller S (Co-Referat). Ernährungsstherapeutischer Prozess und Antizipation von Food-Drug-Interaktionen. FMC Symposium 2014, 18.06.2014, Zürich. Jenzer H. BFH - Fachbereich Gesundheit - Faculty of Health. Ernährung und Diätetik – Nutrition and Dietetics, Swiss Food InnoTech Forum, 25-26 Nov 2013, Basel. Römer C, Jenzer H. Fachbereich Gesundheit - Ernährung und Diätetik. SwissFood TechDay 21.06.2013, BFH, Bern. Jenzer H. Blackbox Wundheilung – Mechanismen und Substrate zu deren Förderung. GESKES Zertifikatskurs Wundheilung & Ernährung, 18.10. 2012, Inselspital, Bern. Jenzer H, Baeriswyl M, Kudelcikova M, Hohmann H, Recher A. Hindernisse für Transpersonen im schweizerischen Arbeitsmarkt. Tagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung (SGGF) „Geschlecht im Kontext verschärfter ökonomischer Krisen“ vom 7. /8. September 2012, Bern. Jenzer H, Stute P, Stanga Z. Gender- und lebensabschnittsabhängiger Nährstoffmetabolismus. “Aus der Praxis für die Praxis – Einladung zum Austausch mit der Forschung”. 25 April 2012, Inselspital. Jenzer H. Gender and altersabhängiger Nährstoffmetabolismus. Forschungstagung, 24 April 2012, Bern, Switzerland. Jenzer H., Sadeghi L. Behind CYP450 interaction tables – the effect of gender and age on pharmacokinetics. 17th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2012, Milano, Italy; poster award nominee. Jenzer H. In search of biomarkers related to wound healing. Presentation as a poster award nominee. 15th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 24-26 March 2010, Nice, France; poster award nominee. CV_hjenzer.docx 13 Jenzer H. The Wound Care Road Map. Oral presentation. 13th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 27-29 February 2008, Maastricht, the Netherlands. Jenzer H. Wundversorgung Outcome: Ökonomie. Kurs Spitalpharmazie, 9 November 2007, Advanced Study Center, University of Basel. Jenzer H. Standards of Care: (Pharmakotherapie und Diäthetik): Ernährung und Medikamente in der Wundheilung. Kurs Spitalpharmazie, 9 November 2007, Advanced Study Center, University of Basel. Jenzer H. Wound Care Road Map. Kurs Spitalpharmazie, 9 November 2007, Advanced Study Center, University of Basel. Jenzer H. The GMP challenge: future for production and reconstitution in Hospital Pharmacy. Seminar. 12th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2007, Bordeaux, France. Jenzer H. The need for drug information exchange across European countries: creating a European information service network. Seminar. 11th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 20-22 March 2006, Geneva, Switzerland. Jenzer H. L’influence de la cicatrisation par la nutrition et les médicaments. Soirée “Groupe fanas des plaies”, 10 novembre 2005, Fribourg, Switzerland. Jenzer H, Bastos A. The Wound Care Road Map – An Educational Intranet Site. Projet de présentation orale pour la 9ème Conférence nationale des plaies et cicatrisation, janvier 2006, Paris, France. Jenzer H. Analyse des coûts de la prise en charge des plaies selon une approche moderne + préparation du lit de la plaie sous Silvercel®. Journée “Traitement de la plaie et cicatrisation”, 28 septembre 2005, CHUV, Lausanne, Suisse. Jenzer H. Stability Testing & Assessment. Lecture in the Seminaire « Qualitätskontrolle im Rahmen der QS in Spitalapotheken», Specialisation Course « Quality Assurance », 25 August 2005, University of Basel. Jenzer H. Statistik als Grundlage der Analytik. Lecture in the Seminaire « Qualitätskontrolle im Rahmen der QS in Spitalapotheken», Specialisation Course « Quality Assurance », 25 August 2005, University of Basel. Jenzer H. Wound healing - Special panel discussion. 5th Asian Pacific Congress of Antiseptics, 14 July 2005, Cairns, Australia. Jenzer H. Assessment of PVP-Iodine disinfectants’ compatibility with antimicrobial incise drape and adhesion inhibition on the skin using a GC-MS approach. 5th Asian Pacific Congress of Antiseptics, 14-16 July 2005, Cairns, Australia. CV_hjenzer.docx 14 Jenzer H. L’approche moderne de la prise en charge des plaies. Conférence, Université de Genève, Section des sciences pharmaceutiques, 30 juin 2005. Jenzer H. Kosteneffektivität moderner Wundbehandlung. SBK Wundtagung, 1. Juni 2005, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland. Jenzer H. Die Bedeutung der Ernährung in der Wundheilung. Symposium Perioperatives Fasten, 20. April 2005, Lindenhofspital Bern, Switzerland. Jenzer H. How clinical decisions are influenced by economic factors. Seminar. 10th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 16-18 March 2005, Lisbon, Portugal. Jenzer H. Analyse des coûts de la prise en charge des plaies selon une approche moderne. Soirée “Groupe fanas des plaies”, 27 janvier 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland. Jenzer H. A fresh look at an old debate – cost-effectiveness of modern wound care. 6th Updates and Advances in Wound Care, 16-19 January 2005, Arosa, Switzerland. Bastos A, Maillard S, Jenzer H. Analyse des coûts de la prise en charge des plaies selon une approche moderne. 2nd World Union of Wound Healing Societies’ Meeting, 8-13 juillet 2004, Paris, France. Jenzer H, Bastos A, Maillard S. Cost-effectiveness of Modern Wound Care. 2nd World Union of Wound Healing Societies’ Meeting, 8-13 juillet 2004, Paris, France. Jenzer H. Les substrats essentiels pour les soins des plaies. Groupe plaies et cicatrisation des HUG, 1 juin 2004, Genève, Suisse. Jenzer H. Substrates for Wound Care. 5th Updates and Advances in Wound Care, 2528 January 2004, Arosa, Switzerland. Jenzer H, Fontana P, Meier RM, Maillard S. Développement d’une formule électronique du Manuel Qualité. GSASA Congress, 13-14 novembre 2003, St. Gallen, Suisse. Jenzer H, Fontana P, Meier RM, Maillard S. Design and Development of a Site eQuality Guide. 7th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 26-28 February 2003, Firenze, Italy. Jenzer H. Pharmacoéconomie de la prise en charge des plaies. Symposium « Approche pluridisciplinaire du traitement des plaies, 29 novembre 2002, Forum Fribourg. Jenzer H. Sélection des agents thérapeutiques et supervision de l’application adéquate: rapport d’un cas Betaseptic® / Ioban® 2. Expo-Symposium Mundipharma, 5 septembre 2002, Bienne. CV_hjenzer.docx 15 Meier ChP, Jenzer H. Ready-to-use short-infusion of paracetamol (acetaminophen). Invited presentation at General and Common Assembly SGI / GSASA, 11 – 13 september 2002, Lugano, Switzerland. Betticher DC, Fey MF, Jenzer H, Brunner KW, Cerny T. 2-Chlorodeoxyadenosine (2CDA) for the treatment of Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma and chronic lymphatic leukaemia. 1993 ; 5th International Conference on malignant lymphoma, 912 june, Lugano. Betticher DC, Fey MF, von Rohr A, Tobler A, Jenzer H, Cerny, T. 2Chlorodeoxyadenosin (2-CDA) – ein neues Zytostatikum zur Behandlung von Leukämien und Lymphomen. 1993 ; Jahrestagung der Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Hämatologie, 13-14 mai 1993, Lausanne. Kohler H, Huwiler M, Jenzer H. Irreversible inactivation of lactoperoxidase by excess hydrogen peroxide involving cleavage of the catalytic heme moiety. Abstract and oral presentation. Frontiers in Thyroidology 1986; 1: 575-579, Proc. 9th International Thyroid Congress, Sao Paolo, Brazil, Ed. G.A. Medeiros-Neto & E. Gaitan, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York. Book chapters Jenzer H, NN. « Availability of medicines », in European Textbook on Preparation, edited by EAHP, submitted 17.11.2014 to the publisher, publication date March 2015, Springer International. Jenzer H, « Einfluss von Pharmaka auf die Wundheilung», in Wild T, Auböck J, Augustin M, Debus S, Herausgeber, Manual der Wundheilung – Chirurgisch-dermatologischer Leitfaden der modernen Wundheilung, 2. Auflage 2013, Springer Verlag, Wien (in press, Erscheinungsdatum 13.08.2013). Jenzer H, « Einfluss von Pharmaka auf die Wundheilung», in Wild T / Auböck J, Herausgeber, Manual der Wundheilung – Chirurgisch-dermatologischer Leitfaden der modernen Wundheilung, Kapitel 5, 2007, Springer Verlag, Wien. Jenzer H, « Oekonomie der Wundheilung», in Wild T / Auböck J, Herausgeber, Manual der Wundheilung – Chirurgisch-dermatologischer Leitfaden der modernen Wundheilung, Kapitel 32, 2007, Springer Verlag, Wien. Supervision of diploma work Langenegger Nicole, “Nutrigenomics und Nutrigenetics – eine Chance und Zukunft für die Ernährungsberatung?”, Bachelor Thesis, BFH, September 2014. Schaffer Stefanie, ”Auswirkungen von fehlender Magensäure auf die Absorption von Nährstoffen, mit dem Schwerpunkt des langfristigen Einsatzes von Protonenpumpeninhibitoren (PPI) und Möglichkeiten der Ernährungstherapie”, Bachelor Thesis, BFH, September 2013. CV_hjenzer.docx 16 Vinci Gioia, ”Nährstoffbedarf während der Wundheilung”, Bachelor Thesis, BFH, 2012 Maillard Sophie, “Amélioration du ‘circuit cytostatique’ à l’Hôpital cantonal de Fribourg: Informatisation au niveau de la pharmacie”, Travail de diplôme pour obtenir le titre de spécialisation “pharmacienne d’hôpital FPH”, soumis en octobre 2006. Richard Véronique, “L’influence des médicaments sur la cicatrisation des plaies”, Section des Sciences Pharmaceutiques de l’Université de Bâle, septembre 2006. Cuennet Rose-Marie, “Gestion des médicaments hors-liste de la pharmacie de l’Hôpital cantonal de Fribourg”, Travail de diplôme pour obtenir le certificat “assistante en pharmacie hospitalière”, GPHR / GSASA, 12 septembre 2006. Andreou Liliane, “Ermittlung toxischer Auswirkungen auf den Schilddrüsenstoffwechsel nach Wundbehandlung mit Repithel®”, Faculté de Biologie et de Médecine (Section de Pharmacie) de l’Université de Genève, 27 juin 2005. Bastos Bettencourt Armando José, « Etude de coûts dans le traitement des soins de plaies – Méthode Conventionnel - Méthode Moderne », mémoire pour l’obtension du diplôme d’université « Plaies et Cicatrisation », Université Pierre et Marie Currie (Paris – VI), Faculté de Médecine Pitié-Salpetrière, 3 juin 2004. Congress / Symposium Organisations & Chairmanships 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 CV_hjenzer.docx EAHP Academy Camp on Pharmacoepidemiology. 15 – 18 September 2014, Prague, Czeck Republic (stakeholder and facilitator) Workshop on Orphan Drugs. 24 – 27 march 2014, 19th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Barcelona, Spain (stakeholder and facilitator) Oral Presentations. 24 – 27 march 2014, 19th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Barcelona, Spain (chairmanship) EAHP Academy on Pharmacoeconomics: Tools, strategies and beyond, 12 - 15 September 2013, Lisbon, Portugal (stakeholder and facilitator) Seminar: A multidisciplinary approach to nutrition. 18th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 13 - 15 March 2013, Paris, France (stakeholder and facilitator) Seminar: Innovative approaches to wound care. 18th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 13 - 15 March 2013, Paris, France (stakeholder and facilitator) Seminar: Survival of hospital pharmacy preparations - standards for quality and safety, where to go? An interactive debate. 17th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21 - 23 March 2012, Milano, Italy (stakeholder and facilitator) Oral Presentations. 17th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21 - 23 March 2012, Milano, Italy (chairmanship) 17 2011 2010 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2004 2002 2001 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 1997 1989 CV_hjenzer.docx Seminar: How to grow clinical pharmacy and keep adding value. 16th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 30 March – 1 April 2011, Vienna, Austria (stakeholder and facilitator) Seminar: Planning and running nutritional care in hospitals. 15th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 24-26 March 2009, Nice, France (stakeholder and facilitator) Seminar: Automation in Reconstitution and Small-scale Preparation. 14th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 26-27 March 2009, Barcelona, Spain (stakeholder and facilitator) Seminar: The Role of the Hospital Pharmacists in Implementing IT and Automation. 14th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 26-27 March 2009, Barcelona, Spain (facilitator) Seminar: Hospital pharmacies make medicines available. 13th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 27-29 February 2008, Maastricht, the Netherlands (facilitator) Kurs Spitalpharmazie « Wundversorgung», Advanced Study Center, University of Basel (chairmanship) Seminar: The GMP challenge: future for production and reconstitution in Hospital Pharmacy. 12th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 21-23 March 2007, Bordeaux, France (facilitator) Seminar: The need for drug information exchange across European countries: creating a European information service network. 11th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 20-22 March 2006, Geneva, Switzerland (facilitator) Seminar: How clinical decisions are influenced by economic factors. 10th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 16-18 March 2005, Lisbon, Portugal (facilitator) « Qualitätskontrolle im Rahmen der QS in Spitalapotheken», Specialisation Course « Quality Assurance », University of Basel (chairmanship) SGI / GSASA Symposium, Lugano, « Central Intravenous Additive Service (CIVAS) » (chairmanship) GSASA Assembly & Symposium, Genève (general organisation) GSASA Assembly & ESCP Congress « New Technologies : Pharmacists and Patients », fall meeting, Basel (general organisation) GSASA Assembly & Symposium « Antidota », spring meeting, Zürich (general organisation) GSASA Assembly & Symposium « Apercue des travaux en pharmacie hospitalière 1993-1999 », fall meeting, Interlaken (general organisation) GSASA Assembly & Symposium « Pain therapy », spring meeting, Locarno (general organisation) Pfizer Symposium, 28 janvier 1999, « La sécurité des médicaments en milieu hospitalier chez le patient âgé », Bern (chairmanship) GSASA Assembly & Symposium «50th anniversary of GSASA » , fall meeting, Sion (general organisation) GSASA Assembly & Symposium « Journées franco-suisses de pharmacie hospitalière », spring meeting, Montreux (general organisation) GSASA Assembly & Symposium GSASA/GESKES « Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition », fall meeting, Interlaken (general organisation) GSASA Symposium « State of the Art of Information Technology in Hospital Pharmacy», Bern (local organisation & chairmanship) 18 Awards 2012 2010 2002 2001 11 SAfW CV_hjenzer.docx EAHP Poster Prize nominee EAHP Poster Prize nominee GSASA Award for the development of a ready-to-use short-infusion of paracetamol (acetaminophen) (1st Poster Prize) Wundpreis Convatec / SAfW11 for the conception of a global interdisciplinary approach of wound care Schweizerische Akademie für Wundpflege, Société suisse pour les soins de plaies
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