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Ferm, U., Sahlin, A., Sundin, L. & Hartelius, L. (2011).
Using talking mats to support communication in persons
with Huntington’s Disease. Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 45 (5), 523-536.
Saldert, C., Fors, A., Ströberg, S. & Hartelius, L. (2011).
Comprehension of complex discourse in different stages
of Huntington’s disease. Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 45 (6), 656-669.
Heliövaara, A. (2011). Maxillary dental arch dimensions
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Kelchner, L. N. (2011). Near-empty review provides lowlevel support for use of Electropalatography (EPG) as a
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Fischer, B. (2011). Bericht über Untersuchungen der Blicksteuerung und
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Riehemann, S. (2011). Literacy-Förderung in der Eingangsklasse der
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