Bat species occurring in the range of the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats 52 species according to Resolutions No. 3.7, 4.8, 5.3 and 6.2 Scientific name English French German Egyptian fruit bat Roussette d'Égypte Ägyptischer Flughund Naked-rumped tomb bat Taphien à ventre nu Nacktbäuchige Tempelfledermaus Rhinolophus blasii PETERS, 1866 Blasius' horseshoe bat Rhinolophe de Blasius Blasius-Hufeisennase Rhinolophus euryale BLASIUS, 1853 Mediterranean horseshoe bat Rhinolophe euryale Mittelmeerhufeisennase Rhinolophus ferrumeqinum (SCHREBER, 1774) Greater horseshoe bat Grand rhinolophe Große Hufeisennase Rhinolophus hipposideros (BECHSTEIN, 1800) Lesser horseshoe bat Petit rhinolophe Kleine Hufeisennase Rhinolophus mehelyi MATSCHIE, 1901 Mehely's horseshoe bat Rhinolophe de Mehely Mehely-Hufeisennase Barbastella barbastellus (SCHREBER, 1774) Western barbastelle bat Barbastelle (commune / d'Europe) Mopsfledermaus Barbastella darjelingensis (Hodgson, 1855) Eastern Barbastelle Barbastelle asiatique Asiatische Mopsfledermaus Eptesicus anatolicus (Felten, 1971) Anatolian Serotine Sérotine d’Anatolie Küstenfledermaus Eptesicus bottae (PETERS, 1869) Botta's serotine bat Sérotine de Botta Bottas Fledermaus Eptesicus isabellinus (Temminck, 1840) Isabelline Serotine Bat Sérotine isabelle Isabelfledermaus Eptesicus nilssonii (KEYSERLING & BLASIUS, 1839) Northern bat Sérotine de Nilsson Nordfledermaus Eptesicus serotinus (Schreber, 1774) Serotine bat Sérotine commune Breitflügelfledermaus Hypsugo savii (BONAPARTE, 1837) Savi's pipistrelle bat Vespère de Savi Alpenfledermaus Alcathoe whiskered bat Murin d'Alcathoe Nymphenfledermaus Myotis aurascens KUZYAKIN, 1935 Steppe whiskered bat Murin doré Steppen-Bartfledermaus Myotis bechsteinii (KUHL, 1817) Bechstein's bat Murin de Bechstein Bechsteinfledermaus Myotis blythii (TOMES, 1857) Lesser mouse-eared bat Petit murin Kleines Mausohr Myotis brandtii (EVERSMANN, 1845) Brandt's bat Murin de Brandt Große Bartfledermaus MEGACHIROPTERA Pteropodidae Rousettus aegyptiacus (GEOFFROY, 1810) MICROCHIROPTERA Emballonuridae Taphozous nudiventris CRETZSCHMAR, 1830 Rhinolophidae Vespertilionidae Myotis alcathoe VON HELVERSEN & HELLER, 2001 Scientific name English French German Myotis capaccinii (BONAPARTE, 1837) Long-fingered bat Murin de Capaccini Langfußfledermaus Myotis dasycneme (BOIE, 1825) Pond bat Murin des marais Teichfledermaus Myotis daubentonii (KUHL, 1817) Daubenton's bat Murin de Daubenton Wasserfledermaus Myotis emarginatus (GEOFFROY, 1806) Geoffroy's bat Murin à oreilles échancrées Wimperfledermaus Murin d'Escalera Iberische Fransenfledermaus Myotis escalerai (Cabrera, 1904) Myotis hajastanicus ARGYROPULO, 1939 Armenian whiskered bat Murin d'Arménie Myotis myotis (BORKHAUSEN, 1797) Greater mouse-eared bat Grand murin Großes Mausohr Myotis mystacinus (KUHL, 1817) Whiskered bat Murin à moustaches Kleine Bartfledermaus Myotis nattereri (KUHL, 1817) Natterer's bat Murin de Natterer Fransenfledermaus Myotis nipalensis (DOBSON, 1871) Asiatic whiskered bat Murin du Népal Myotis punicus FELTEN, 1977 Maghreb mouse-eared bat Murin du Maghreb Myotis schaubi KORMOS, 1934 Schaub’s bat Murin de Schaub Nyctalus azoreum (THOMAS, 1901) Azorean Bat Noctule des Açores Azoren-Abendsegler Nyctalus lasiopterus (SCHREBER, 1780) Greater noctule bat Grande noctule Riesenabendsegler Nyctalus leisleri (KUHL, 1817) Leisler's bat Noctule de Leisler Kleiner Abendsegler Nyctalus noctula (SCHREBER, 1774) Noctule bat Noctule commune Großer Abendsegler Otonycteris hemprichii (PETERS, 1859) Hemprich’s long-eared bat Oreillard d'Hemprich Hemprichs Schlitznasenfledermaus Pipistrellus hanaki (Hulva & Benda, 2004) Hanaki’s Dwarf bat Pipistrelle de Libye Hanak’s Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus kuhlii (KUHL, 1817) Kuhl's pipistrelle bat Pipistrelle de Kuhl Weißrandfledermaus Pipistrellus maderensis (DOBSON, 1878) Madeira Pipistrelle Pipistrelle de Madère Madeira Fledermaus Pipistrellus nathusii (KEYSERLING & BLASIUS, 1839) Nathusius' pipistrelle bat Pipistrelle de Nathusius Rauhhautfledermaus Pipistrellus pipistrellus (SCHREBER, 1774) Common pipistrelle bat Pipistrelle commune Zwergfledermaus Pipistrellus pygmaeus (LEACH, 1825) Pygmy or soprano pipistrelle bat Pipistrelle pygmée Mückenfledermaus Plecotus auritus (LINNAEUS, 1758) Brown long-eared bat Oreillard roux Braunes Langohr Plecotus austriacus (FISCHER, 1829) Grey long-eared bat Oreillard gris Graues Langohr Plecotus kolombatovici DULIC, 1980 Mediterranean long-eared bat Oreillard des Balkans Balkanlangohr Scientific name English French German Plecotus macrobullaris KUZYAKIN, 1965 Mountain long-eared Bat Oreillard alpin Alpenlangohr Plecotus sardus MUCEDDA, KIEFER, PIDINCHEDDA & VEITH, 2002 Sardinian long-eared bat Oreillard sarde Sardisches Langohr Tenerife long-eared bat Oreillard de Tenerife Kanaren-Langohr Vespertilio murinus LINNAEUS, 1758 Parti-coloured bat Sérotine bicolore Zweifarbfledermaus Miniopterus schreibersii (KUHL, 1817) Schreiber's bent-winged bat Minioptère (de Schreibers) Langflügelfledermaus European free-tailed bat Molosse de Cestoni Bulldoggfledermaus Plecotus teneriffae (BARRETT-HAMILTON, 1907) Molossidae Tadarida teniotis (RAFINESQUE, 1814)
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