Foreign Rights Nature Writing Catalogue Spring 2015 2 3 Nature writing Foreign Rights Contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagssgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany 4 Nature Writing / Animal Portrait Nature Writing / Animal Portrait Crows. A Portrait Donkeys. A Portrait Cord Riechelmann The family of crows, scientifically named “corvidae” is a relative young one the history of songbirds. 123 species belong to this family which also counts species like magpies and jays, its closest relatives are popinjays. Contrary to them, crows are to be found everywhere on the planet. The myths which follow them are always as dark as theirs feathers and are always dealing with evil and death. Even the increasing number of studies on their outstanding intelligence didn’t succeed in freeing them from their bad reputation. To the contrary. Alone the fact that crows have a greater capacity to memorizing than humans is interpreted as a sign for their eeriness. Cord Riechelmann tells this incredible story mixing history and nature and introduces twenty crows which he himself observed on the five continents. Cord Riechelmann, born in 1960, studied biology and philosophy at the Free University in Berlin. He was a temporary lecturer for “The Social Behavior of Primates” and “The History of the Research in Biology”. He also worked as a journalist and reporter specializing in cities and their nature for the Berliner Seiten and Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung. He lives as journalist and writer in Berlin. 5 Jutta Person Stubborn, dumb, wayord and horny–the features that are attributed to donkeys are not quite flattering. Yet still, almost no animal plays such a prominent role in cultural history. Jutta Person tells the astonishing story of this fascinatign beast of burden and undertakes a characterology of donkeys. She meets donkey breeders and portraits domesticated and wild jackass types. Last but not least she shows us how smart these allegedly dumb animals with pretty eyes are–and how much we can learn from them. Flexible cover Small Octavo size Thread stitched Coloured top edge 155 pages with many illustrations Flexible cover Small Octavo size Thread stitched Coloured top edge 160 pages with many illustrations 40 000 copies sold 30 000 copies sold Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany Jutta Person was born in 1971 and works as a journalist in Berlin. She studied German and Italian Literature and Philosoph in Cologne and Italy. She now writes for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Literaturen, Die Zeit and the Philosophie Magazin. Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany 6 Nature Writing / Animal Portrait Nature Writing / Animal Portrait 7 Herrings. A Portrait Pigs. A Portrait Holger Teschke Thomas Macho As „Silver of the Sea‹ this fish has been traded against gold and fur in medieval times. Not only wealth but whole empires were found on this “King of fishes“. Was herrings absent those empires went down. This fish, which could also cause wars, has been celebrated in paintings and novels, plays and poems – not even modern science could reveal all his secrets. Holger Teschke, who has worked as a fisherman and can tell stories about his own experience with catching herrings, tells the natural and cultural history of this shimmering and endangered animal. No other animal is more eaten than the pig. And the poor animal is also daily abused in the language - as an expression for unearned luck and for the lack of manners, as an insult for one‘s contemporaries and capitalists. One refers to the pig as a metaphor for omnivores and as a symbol for religious impurity, sexual lust, an unusual thriftiness and an outrageous stupidity. According to recent studies the pig is also physiologically close to us and the transplantation of pighearts in human chests are to be soon awaited. No wonder that humans try to distance themselves from their favorite animal through this serie of tabus and prejudices. The scientist Thomas Macho follows the destiny of pigs starting with the early domestication and going through its later role as livestock number 1. His book is a plea against the longing for clealiness, a portrait of new and old races and also the proof that pigs are every bit as complex and contradictory as human beings. Holger Teschke, born in 1958, visited as engineer numerous fisheries on the coast before studying drama in Berlin where he worked as dramatic advisor and writer. Between 2000 and 2010 he traveled in the USA, in Australia and South Asia as a stage director. Since 2010 he teaches the history of theater and dramaturgy. He writes for Theater der Zeit and Deutschland Radio Kultur and lives in Berlin and South Hadley, Massachusetts. Flexible cover Small Octavo size Thread stitched Coloured top edge 119 pages with many illustrations Flexible cover Small Octavo size Thread stitched Coloured top edge 160 pages with many illustrations 10 200 copies sold First Printing: 15 000 Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany Thomas Macho was born in 1952 in Vienna (Austria). He is a professor for cultural history at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the author of numerous monographies. Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany 8 Nature Writing / Abecedary Nature Writing / Abecedary alking Flowers. The Alphabet of T Plant Language Cactuses Judith zander Isabel Kranz Instrument of torture and water tank, dust collector for the lower middle-class and flourishing rarity, the cactus is one of the favorite house plants in Europe. Judith Zander makes the portrait of 26 species of this unusual plant, from the star plant (Astrophytum asterias) to the tree sized Carnegiea gigantean. Through poetical and botanical investigations she composes an eloquent choir of cactuses and interweaves natural facts with dark legends and brilliant observations. She examines not only the thorny aspects of cactuses but also the complex relation of nature and culture. Judith Zander, born in 1980, studied German and English literature at the university of Greifswald and later poetry and prose at the literary institute of Leipzig. For her novel Dinge, die wir heute sagten she received in 2010 the 3-sat-award of the IngeborgBachmann-competition and the Uwe Johnson Award in 2011. She lives and works in Berlin. 9 Flexible cover Small Quarto size Thread stitched Coloured top edge 143 pages with many illustrations Flexible cover Small Quarto size Thread stitched Coloured top edge 172 pages with many illustrations Rights available Rights available Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany Of course flowers can‘t talk but they do tell stories about their appearance, their discoverer, their healing or toxic features or about how they came into this world. However, they don‘t deliver this knowledge directly. You have to take a closer look at their names, read between the lines of canonical literature and art. In Isabel Kranz‘s picture-wordbook the tradition of the Language of Flowers lives on: it accredits some blommos with symbolic powerand lays down the rules how flowers should function as secret tokens for love notes. Kranz isn‘t only focussing on the erotic aspects of flowers. In her illuminating essays she interprets classic novels as well as a reknown Kevin Spacey movie, a sketch by Monty Python, botanical tractates from 1800 or the latest bestselling romantic novels. Historical references reveal the hitherto unknown beauty of botanical description language. Isabel Kranz, born 1977 in Berlin, is a literary scholar. Her research areas are the relation of literature and botany, the theory of the detail and Walter Benjamin. Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany 10 Nature Writing / Book of pictures Nature Writing / Book of pictures 11 Apples and Pears Colors and Materials Korbinian Aigner Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge With almost 800 water-colored paintings depicts Korbinian Aigner apples of the whole world. His plates show in their original size small, big, striped, spotted, round, pointed, flat, green, yellow, red, shining, pale, crooked, smooth or wrinkled apples. Because of their exactitude and their systematic Aigner’s work is still today considered as the basic for the lexicon of apples. The systematical recording of this one field of the world – nature – is always the attempt to create order and structure in it. Due to their almost overwhelming abundance these images of apples and pears are offering a splendid invitation to observe and contemplate the everyday nature which surrounds us. No apple is similar to one another, each possesses its own character and its own beauty. “If I would know that the world ends tomorrow, I would plant today an apple tree” said Martin Luther. The Bavarian priest Korbinian Aigner did exactly that. The Runge images are the earliest examples of paper chromatography which still today used in chemistry classes. Runge examined the reactions of colors in contact with chemical substances like ammonia, iron oxide and copper oxide. The results of such experiments are fascinating explosions of colors which he presented as sample books under the title Der Bildungstrieb der Stoffe. These experiments were mainly conducted out of scientific interest but also show an aesthetic will which anticipates the avant-garde of the 20th century. Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge, born in 1794 in Hamburg, did from 1810 to 1816 an apprenticeship in a pharmacy in Lübeck bevor studying medicine and chemistry in Berlin, Göttingen and Jena. He wrote his dissertation on the scientific signification of indigo. From 1822 onward he worked as a professor for technology in Breslau. In 1832 he started working as a chemist for the industry, a career he pursued until his death in 1867. Since 1994 an award for unconventional promotion of art carries his name. Folio size Thread stitched 114 pages Rights available Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany Folio size Thread stitched Coloured top edge 512 pages The priest and religion teacher Korbinian Aigner, born in 1885, taught the scriptures from 1912 onward at the Knaben-Seminar Scheyern. As opponent to the Nazi regime he was during the third Reich denounced and put in jail. In the concentration camp of Dachau he planted between the shacks apple trees. Aigner gave them to the numerous sorts of trees the names of the shacks KZ-1, KZ-2, KZ-3 and KZ-4. He survived the camps, remained pastor and dedicated himself until his death to the art of fruit growing and the paintings of apples. The variety KZ-3 took the name of Korbinian apple when he died. Rights available Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany 12 Nature Writing 13 The Discovery of Nature Jürgen Goldstein Flexible cover Large Quarto thread stitched coloured top edge 320 pages with many coloured images Rights available English and Russian sample translation available Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany The Discovery of Nature is a track record, which dates back to the 14th century. Jürgen Goldstein paints a colorful panorama in 16 chapters: starting with Petrarcas Mont-Ventouxadventure, he goes on and follows Georg Forster during his Tahiti trip, stays with Georg Christoph Lichtenberg at his crossing to Helgoland and finally tells the story of Reinhold Messner‘s ascent of Mount Everest. On the basis of eight ascents and 8 crossings of horizon by ship Goldstein exposes a development curve, which goes from the timid pleasure of looking, via the spectacular nature adventures through to nowadays weariness of watching. Jürgen Goldstein spins a dense, almost literary novella from the historical reports. By letting such brilliant writers like Goethe, Darwin, Claude Lévi-Strauss and Peter Handke speak for themselves, he manages to rehabilitate the story as a form of knowledge. What unites these travel diaries, letters, notes and stories is their love for the world. Jürgen Goldstein, born 1962, is a full professor for Philosophy at the University Koblenz-Landau. Inspired by Hans Blumenberg his studies explore the genesis and the profil of the modern age. His books deal with the emergence of modern subjectivity and rationlity, the political philosophy of 20th century and the history of nature perception. Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany 14 Nature Writing / Biology / Taxonomy Nature Writing / Popular Nonfiction Naming species : an interplay between nature and culture Will the animal world change into a global laboratory? The Art of Naming The Internet of Animals Michael Ohl Alexander Pschera In the midst of World War II, Hitler fought a very personal fight: the battle for the shrew mouse. The biologists, who have dared to give another name to the mistakenly called „mouse“ were sent to the eastern front. Contrary to taxonomy‘s elaborate classification the choice of name is subject to the discoverer‘s decision. This is why most names os species are accordingly artful or controversial. How is that compatible with science‘s demand for accuracy? This book is a vivid journey through natural history, museums and the wild, taking the reader along into a peculiar and fascinating world, which has evolved from folksy trivial names to Linné‘s systematisation. Michael Ohl tells the stories of reckless adventurers and hoarding nerds. He also explains why the groundhog is everything but a pig and why the „diva of horse flies“ with its golden backside goes by the name of Beyoncé. From snails to white shark; thousands of animals worldwide are getting equipped with transmitters by researchers to controll their movements via satellites and computers. Every animal has their own facebook profile, where the outcomes can be seen. What sounds like science-fiction is already reality. Research institutions worldwide, like the Max-Planck-Institute, are working at full speed to create a gapless digital capture of these creatures, tomake their features and qualities available to humans. In the future we will not only be warned oftsunamis by water snakes and for volcanic eruptions by mountain goats – the internet of animals will radically change our relation to nature. Will the vagabonding nature adventure change to a quick view at the smartphone? Do animals need a data protection law to protect them from poachers? Against all cultural pessismism, Alexander Pschera sees an opportunity for a new dialogue between humans and nature in the inernet of animals. Michael Ohl, born 1964, is a biologist at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Natural History Museum of Berlin) and an associate professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Nonfiction Hardcover: 317 pages Sample translation available soon Rights available Nonfiction Hardcover: 180 pages Rights sold to UK and USA (New Vessel Press) Alexander Pschera, born 1964, studied German, Music and Philosophy in Heidelberg, and translated Léon Bloy from the French among others. Pschera lives in Southern Germany and is CEO of an advertising agency. His latest works include: 800 Millions, an essay on social media, Dataism, a philosophical theory of big data and Floating. Romanticism in the Digital Age. “A unique book, which turns against the common understanding that nature an »A unique book, which turns against the common understanding that nature and technology have to be isolated from one another.“ Johan Dehoust, KulturSpiegel “The Internet of Animalsis one of the most interesting books I read in the last years. “ Christian Schiffer, Bayerischer Rundfunk Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 /D-10437 Berlin / Germany 15 16 Nature Writing / Fiction 17 Franz Hessel Prize 2014 Longlisted for the German Book Prize 2014 By a River Esther Kinsky Novel Hardcover: 350 pages Rights sold to Poland (Biuro Literackie) sample translation available Esther Kinsky, the mistress of undertones, has written a wonderfully nostalgic and sanguine novel about the rivers she lived by. Her novel is not only about the River Rhine and the Lea River but also the story of her struggling, finding confidence, looking for life‘s beauty. She explores the old industrial factories at the Rhine riverside, the Jewish life behind London East End, the people living and working at rivers. This is how water becomes an essential metaphor for her own life. It is a novel about life itself. A novel, so profound, that you can read it again and again and if you manage to read between the lines you will get rewarded with a new novel each time. Esther Kinsky grew up at the River Rhine and lived in London for twelve years. She is the author of three volumes of poetry and two novels (Summer Resort and Banatsko) and has translated many notable English (Henry David Thoreau, Iain Sinclair) and Polish (Joanna Bator, Olga Tokarczuk) authors into German. “Esther Kinsky‘s novel outshines everything that has recently been published in the German language with patient stamina. It is full of culture without being erudite, it is full of knowledge without being smart-aleck. By a River is a democratic book, witty, wise and of touching beauty [...]“ Katharina Teutsch, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung “This book is a sensation of language, with its precise description of present ages, which end in the middle of a sentence, as if been accelerated by a DJ, which jump back to memories or follow the traces of a myth and all of a sudden turn into burlesque scenes.“ Susanne Mayer, Die Zeit “No matter whether Kinsky describes things, foreign people or landscapes: the surplus love, she has at her disposal, becomes visible in the sensitive prose in which she sees the world.“ Hans-Peter Kunisch, Süddeutsche Zeitung Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 /D-10437 Berlin / Germany Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB mbH // Göhrener Göhrener Str. Str. 77 /D-10437 / D-10437Berlin Berlin//Germany Germany MSBMatthes Matthes&&Seitz SeitzBerlin BerlinVerlagssgesellschaft Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 18 Nature Writing / Journal Years of wander Jürgen von der Wense The texts of this book, a collection of letters, journals and fragments written by Jürgen von der Wense andbpublished here for the first time, are hymnlike descriptions of the soul and of landscapes which images are leaving in the reader the impression of a Dionysian dream. The poet, musician and rambler Jürgen von der Wense reveals himself in this book as an empathic observer. He describes the landscapes and places with a sensitive exactitude without snatching their secrets and magic away. The reader discovers with fascination a concrete philosophy of nature and in Jürgen a Novalis of the 20th century. Hardcover: 602 pages with many illustrations Rights available Contact details Verlag Matthes & Seitz Berlin Mr. Richard Stoiber Email: r.stoiber[at] Tel.: +49 (0)30 64319982 Agencies Israel The Deborah Harris Agency Mrs. Ilana Kurshan 9 Yael St Jerusalem 93502 Israel Phone: +972-2-6722145/3 Fax: +972-2-6725797 E-mail: ilana[at] Italy Berla & Griffini Rights Agency Mrs. Barbara Griffini Via Stampa 4 20123 Milano Italy Phone: +39 02 80504179 Fax: +39 02 89010646 E-mail: griffini[at] Japan The Sakai Agency Inc. Mr. Tatemi Sakai Mrs. Harumi Sakai 1-58-4F Kanda-Jimbocho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051 Japan E-mail: sakai[at] Korea Bestun Korea Literary Agency Mrs. Hyeyoung Lee 904 iaan 1, 204 World Cup-ro, Mapo-gu Seoul, 121-850, Korea Phone: +82 2 322 2832 Fax: +82 2 322 2833 Email: ylee[at] Poland Dr. Aleksandra Markiewicz ul. Lazurowa 159/23 01-479 Warszawa Poland Phone: +48 22 665 90 54 Email: aleksandra_markiewicz[at] Spain, Portugal, Latin America & Brazil A.C.E.R. Agencia Literaria Mrs. Isabel Piedrahita Amor de Dios, 1 28014 Madrid, Spain Phone: +34-91 369 20 61 / +34-91 369 46 75 Email: ipiedrahita[at] Taiwan Literature Agency TransPoesie Mrs. Wei Tang 6F., No.58, Sec. 3, Xinsheng S. Rd., Da’an Dist. Taipei City 106 Taiwan Phone: +8613661654548 Email: wei.tang[at] Turkey AnatoliaLit Agency No:48 Or.Ko Apt. B Blok D:4 34710 Kadikoy- Istanbul, Turkey Phone: +90 216 700 1088 Fax: +90 216 700 1089 Mobile: +90 537 762 67 06 Fiction: Ms. Amy Spangler / amy[at] Nonfiction: Ms. Eda Çaça / eda[at] Netherlands LiTrans Mr. Tino Köhler Admiraal de Ruijterweg 218 B 1056 HC Amsterdam Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)20 - 685 53 80 Email: Tino.Kohler[at] Foreign Rights Contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany Foreign Rights contact: Mr. Richard Stoiber / r.stoiber[at] / T +49 (0)30 64319982 MSB Matthes & Seitz Berlin Verlagssgesellschaft mbH / Göhrener Str. 7 / D-10437 Berlin / Germany 19
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