Martin Halla Personal Information Contact Information Date of birth: January 1, 1980 Place of birth: Linz (Austria) Citizenship: Austrian Family status: Married with one son University of Innsbruck Department of Public Fincance Universitätsstraße 15/4 6020 Innsbruck, Austria email: [email protected] Current Positions Full Professor of Economics University of Innsbruck, Department of Public Finance since 10/2014 Research Fellow Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn since 12/2011 Past Positions Associate Professor (tenured) University of Linz, Department of Economics 03/2013 – 09/2014 Visiting Full Professor Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) 09/2012 – 02/2013 Assistant Professor of Economics University of Linz, Department of Economics 02/2008 – 08/2012 Visiting Scholar University of California at Berkeley, Department of Economics 02/2009 – 09/2009 Visiting Scholar Stockholm University, Institute for International Economic Studies 08/2007 – 01/2008 Research Affiliate Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn 05/2005 – 11/2011 Research and Teaching Assistant University of Linz, Department of Economics 03/2004 – 07/2007 Education Habilitation in Economics (‘venia docendi’), University of Linz - Title: Essays in Applied Microeconometrics 11/2012 Dr. rer. soc. oec. (≈ Ph.D.) in Economics, University of Linz - Thesis: Essays on Voluntary Labor Supply and Dispute Resolution - Supervisors: Rudolf Winter-Ebmer & Franz Hackl - Graduation with Distinction 07/2007 Mag. rer. soc. oec. (≈ M.A.) in Economics, University of Linz - Thesis: An Economic Analysis of Alimony in Divorces in Austria - Supervisors: Reiner Buchegger & René Böheim - Graduation with Distinction 01/2004 1 Research Interests Applied Microeconometrics: Labor, Population & Health Honours & Awards Theodor Körner Prize, 2011 Young Labour Economist Prize by the European Association of Labour Economists, 2008 Oberbank Wissenschaftspreis (Prize of the State of Upper Austria), 2004 Excellent Student Grant of the University of Linz, 2003, 2004 & 2006 Publications Articles in Refereed Journals 19.) Do Joint Custody Laws Improve Family Well-Being?, IZA World of Labor, forthcoming. 18.) Does the Welfare State Destroy the Family? Evidence from OECD Member Countries (with Mario Lackner & Johann Scharler), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, forthcoming. 17.) The Effectiveness of Health Screening (with Franz Hackl, Michael Hummer and Gerald J. Pruckner) Health Economics, forthcoming. 16.) Can Pro-Marriage Policies Work? An Analysis of Marginal Marriages (with Wolfgang Frimmel and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer) Demography, 2014, Vol. 51(4), 1357–1359. 15.) Taxes and Benefits: Two Distinct Options to Cheat on the State? (with Friedrich G. Schneider), Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2014, Vol. 76(3), 411–431. 14.) The Effect of Health on Earnings: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Commuting Accidents (with Martina Zweimüller), Labour Economics, 2013, Vol. 24, 23–38. 13.) Assortative Mating and Divorce: Evidence from Austrian Register Data (with Wolfgang Frimmel and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 2013, Vol. 176(4), 907–929. 12.) Satisfaction with Democracy and Collective Action Problems: The Case of the Environment (with Friedrich G. Schneider and Alexander F. Wagner), Public Choice, 2013, Vol. 155(1–2), 109–137. 11.) The Effect of Joint Custody on Family Outcomes, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2013, Vol. 11(2), 278–315. 10.) Tax Morale and Compliance Behavior: First Evidence on a Causal Link, The B.E. Journals of Economic Analysis & Policy: Advances, 2012, Vol. 12(1). 9.) Volunteering and the State (with Franz Hackl and Gerald J. Pruckner), Public Choice, 2012, Vol. 151(3–4), 465–495. 8.) Marriage, Divorce and Interstate Risk Sharing (with Johann Scharler), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2012, Vol. 114(1), 55–78. 7.) An Empirical Analysis of the Dynamics of the Welfare State: The Case of Benefit Morale, (with Mario Lackner and Friedrich G. Schneider), Kyklos, 2010, Vol. 63(1), 55–74. 2 6.) The Quality of Institutions and Satisfaction with Democracy in Western Europe – A Panel Analysis (with Friedrich G. Schneider and Alexander F. Wagner), European Journal of Political Economy, 2009, Vol. 25(1), 30–41. 5.) Non-Compliance under a Negative Income Tax (with Friedrich G. Schneider), Economics Bulletin, 2008, Vol. 8(8), 1–3. 4.) Die EU-Zinsenrichtline: Ein Schuss in den Ofen? Wirtschaftspolitik, 2008, Vol. 9(1), 83–101. (with Lars Gläser), Perspektiven der 3.) Local Compensation Payments for Agri-Environmental Externalities – A Panel Data Analysis of Bargaining Outcomes (with Hackl Franz and Gerald J. Pruckner), European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2007, Vol. 34(3), 295–320. 2.) Volunteering and Income: The Fallacy of the Good Samaritan? (with Hackl Franz and Gerald J. Pruckner), Kyklos, 2007, Vol. 60(1), 77–104. 1.) Unterhalt, Obsorge und Scheidungsanälte: Eine Ökonometrische Untersuchung der einvernehmlichen Scheidung in Österreich, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2005, Vol. 141(4), 501–525. Working Papers (revise & re-submit) 1.) Immigration and Voting for the Extreme Right (with Alexander F. Wagner and Josef Zweimüller), WP-No. 1204, University of Linz, updated in November 2014. (revision requested by the Journal of the European Economic Association) Working Papers (submitted) 3.) The Quantity and Quality of Children: A Semi-Parametric Bayesian IV Approach (with Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Alexandra Posekany, Gerald J. Pruckner and Thomas Schober), WP-No. 1403, University of Linz, March 2014. (under review ) 2.) Parental Response to Early Human Capital Shocks: Evidence from the Chernobyl Accident (with Martina Zweimüller), WP-No. 1402, University of Linz, updated in November 2014. (under review ) 1.) Does Custody Law Affect Family Behavior In and Out of Marriage? (with René Böheim and Marco Francesconi), WP-No. 1212, University of Linz, updated in July 2014. (under review ) Working Papers (currently inactive) 2.) Divorce and the Excess Burden of Lawyers, WP-No. 0713, University of Linz, July 2007. 1.) Bargaining at Divorce: The Allocation of Custody (with Christine Hölzl), WP-No. 0618, University of Linz, December 2007. Articles in Non-Refereed Journals 2.) Eine Ökonomische Analyse von Scheidungen anhand von Gerichtsakten – Unterhalt, Obsorge und Besuchsrecht (with Christine Atteneder, Thomas Bauer, René Böheim, Reiner Buchegger and Anita Buchegger-Traxler, Der Österreichische Amtsvormund, Issue 193, 2006, 239-252. 1.) Unterstützung des Agrarsektors: Ein Vergleich von EU und USA (with Friedrich G. Schneider), Agrarische Rundschau, Issue 6, 2004, 23-29. 3 Book Chapters 3.) The Link between the Intrinsic Motivation to Comply and Compliance Behavior – A Critical Appraisal of Existing Evidence in F. Schneider (ed.), 2011, The Handbook on the Shadow Economy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 2.) Auswirkungen von Scheidung und Trennung auf Kinder, Frauen und Manner (with Christine Atteneder, Thomas Bauer, René Böheim, Reiner Buchegger and Anita Buchegger-Traxler), 2010, Österreichischen Familienbericht 2009, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend, Wien. 1.) The EU Savings Tax Directive: An Economic Perspective (with Lars Gläser) in D. Aigner, L. Gläser and M. Tumpel (eds.), 2006, The Taxation of Interest Savings Income in the European Capital Market, Lindeverlag. Studies (all in german) 2.) Und was geschieht nachher? Die Entwicklungen nach einer Scheidung im Hinblick auf Unterhalt, Obsorge und Besuchsregelungen (with René Böheim, Reiner Buchegger, and Anita Buchegger-Traxler), Study by order of Land Oberösterreich, Abteilung Jugendwohlfahrt, Final Report, Linz, 2006. 1.) Auswirkungen von Scheidung auf Kinder, Frauen und Männer (vor dem Hintergrund des Ehrechts-Änderungsgesetztes 1999 und des Kindschaftsrechts-Änderungsgesetztes 2001) (with Christine Atteneder, Thomas Bauer, René Böheim, Reiner Buchegger and Anita BucheggerTraxler), Study by order of the Bundesministerium für Soziale Sicherheit, Generationen und Konsumentenschutz, Final Report, Linz, 2004. Work in Progress (selection) 10.) The Long-lasting Shadow of the Russian Occupation in Austria, joint with Christoph Eder (U Innsbruck) 9.) Grandmothers’ Labor Supply, joint with Wolfgang Frimmel, Bernhard Schmidpeter and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (all U Linz) 8.) Cutting Fertility? The Effect of Supply-Determined Cesarean Section on Subsequent Fertility, joint with Pilar García-Gómez (Erasmus University of Rotterdam), Harald Mayr (U Zurich), and Gerald J. Pruckner (U Linz). 7.) The Effect of Paternal Job Loss on Infants Health at Birth, joint with Andrea Weber (U Mannheim). 6.) Effectiveness of Early-Life Health Screenings: Evidence from a Nationwide Program in Austria, joint with Gerald J. Pruckner and Thomas Schober (both U Linz). 5.) Family Size and Parental Mortality, joint with Gerald J. Pruckner and Thomas Schober (both U Linz). 4.) Does Parental Divorce Affect Children’s Long-Term Outcomes, joint with Wolfgang Frimmel and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (both U Linz). 3.) Sick Leave Payments, Absenteeism and Moral Hazard, joint with Susanne Pech and Martina Zweimüller (both U Linz). 2.) Parental Leave Policies and Child Outcomes, joint with Natalia Danzer (Ifo Munich), Nicole Schneeweis Martina (U Linz), Zweimüller (U Linz). 1.) Effectiveness of Financial Incentives in the Promotion of Health, joint with Gerald J. Pruckner (U Linz). 4 Presentations Invited Seminars & Conferences 2015 (incl. scheduled): University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany — University of Mannheim, Germany — Ski-Labor Economics Workshop, Laax, Switzerland 2014: European Association of Labour Economists, Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia — Tinbergen Institute Rotterdam (Research on Monday), The Netherlands — European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference, Braga, Portugal — Austrian Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria — Ski-Labor Economics Workshop, Laax, Switzerland 2013: European Association of Labour Economists, Annual Conference, Turin, Italy — European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference, Aarhus, Denmark — European Public Choice Society, Annual Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland 2012: Tinbergen Institute (Labour Seminar), Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Institute for Employment Research, Nürnberg, Germany – European Association of Labour Economists, Annual Conference, Bonn, Germany — University of Hamburg, Germany — Stockholm University, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Sweden — University of Innsbruck, Austria — Austrian Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria 2011: University of Salzburg, Austria — University of Mannheim, Germany — European Association of Labour Economists, Annual Conference, Pafos, Cyprus — European Economic Association, Annual Congress, Oslo, Norway — European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference, Hangzhou, China — Austrian Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria — Labor Economics Workshop of the University of Padova and Linz, Brixen, Italy — Berliner Netzwerk Arbeitsmarktforschung, Berlin, Germany — Allied Social Science Associations, Annual Meeting, Denver, USA 2010: University of St. Gallen, Switzerland — ETH Zurich, Switzerland — Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria — National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan — European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference, Essen, Germany — National Bank of Austria, Vienna, Austria — Austrian Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria 2009: Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Germany — University of California at Berkeley, Center for Labor Economics, USA — European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference, Seville, Spain — Austrian Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Linz, Austria — University of California at Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy, USA 2008: University of Bonn, Germany — European Association of Labour Economists, Annual Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands — European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference, London, England — Austrian Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria 2007: Lund University, Sweden — Stockholm University, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Sweden — Verein für Socialpolitik, Annual Congress, Munich, Germany — European Association of Labour Economists, Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway — European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference, Chicago, USA — First World Meeting of the Public Choice Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands — University of Zurich, Switzerland 2006: European Association of Labour Economists, Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic — European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference, Verona, Italy — University of Zurich, Switzerland 2005: Verein für Socialpolitik, Annual Congress, Bonn, Germany — European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference, Paris, France — Austrian Economic Association, Annual Meeting, Innsbruck, Austria — IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics, Buch am Ammersee, Germany — Public Choice Society, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA 2004: University of Innsbruck, Austria — ‘Erstes Österreichisches Familienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium’, Linz, Austria 5 Short Visiting Appointments National Taiwan University, Department of Economics, February 2015. University of Essex, Department of Economics, December 2011. National Taiwan University, Department of Economics, September 2010. Refereeing Activities Journals: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Economics & Human Biology, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Empirica, Empirical Economics, European Journal of Comparative Economics, European Journal of Law and Economics, FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis, International Journal of Manpower, International Review of Applied Economics, International Review of Law and Economics, International Tax and Public Finance, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization; Journal of Population Economics (3x), Journal of Socio-Economics (2x), Journal of the European Economic Association (7x), Kyklos, Labour Economics (2x), Public Choice (3x), Review of Economics of the Household. Other disciplines: British Journal of Political Science, Demography (2x), International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Scandinavian Political Studies, Social Science Research (2x). Program Committees: Austrian Economic Association, Annual Meetings 2013 & 2014, European Society for Population Economics, Annual Conference 2010; European Association of Labour Economists, Annual Conference 2011; Verein fúr Socialpolitik, Annual Conference 2015. Other: Working Paper series of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank. Teaching Experience I have been teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses in the fields of empirical economics, econometrics, econometric software, labor economics, microeconometrics, microeconomics, public finance, industrial economics. Details are available upon request. Research Grants Effectiveness of Financial Incentives in the Promotion of Health: Evidence from a Field Experiment, Austrian National Bank (Jubiläumsfonds) (total Euro 109,000), 2013-2014, Principal investigator. The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State, National Research Network funded by the Austrian Science Fund (total Euro 2.4 Mio), 2008-2014, Co-applicant of the Sub-Group Health (see Memberships American Economic Association, Austrian Economic Association, European Association of Labour Economists, European Economic Association, European Society for Population Economics. March 22, 2015 6
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