特別講演 独創賞発表・講演 - 日本認知心理学会ホームページ

Suppressing Unwanted Memories: Cognitive and Neural Systems
5 月 28 日(土) 16:15 17:30
講演者:M. C. Anderson
University of Oregon
司 会:川口潤(名古屋大学)
People are often confronted with reminders to memories they would prefer not to think about. When
this happens, they may try to put the unwanted memories out of awareness. In this talk, I review
research showing that our ability to control unwanted memories is implemented by executive control
mechanisms that are not limited to controlling memory, but that are essential to overriding prepotent
responses more generally. In response override situations, one must stop a strong habitual response to a
stimulus when it is not desired. Overriding such a response is accomplished by inhibitory processes that
suppress it, enabling flexible control over behavior. A core theme advanced here is that inhibitory
mechanisms that control overt behavior are also targeted at declarative memories. In support of this, I
will review work on how people use inhibition to control retrieval. Recent neuroimaging findings
further establish that controlling conscious awareness of unwanted memories engages the dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex to reduce activation in the hippocampus, impairing later memory of the unwanted
trace. Interestingly, the magnitude of activation in prefrontal cortex predicts individual differences in
suppression, as do individual differences in executive function tasks. These findings indicate that
cognitive and neural systems that have evolved to override prepotent responses are also recruited to
override unwanted memory retrievals, and that this cognitive act leads to cases of motivated forgetting.
Anderson, M.C., Ochsner, K.N., Kuhl, B., Cooper, J., Robertson, E., Gabrieli, S.W., Glover, G.H.,
Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2004). Neural systems underlying the suppression of unwanted memories. Science,
303, 232-235.
Anderson, M.C. (2003). Rethinking interference theory: Executive control and the mechanisms of
forgetting. Journal of Memory and Language, 49, 415-445.
Anderson, M.C., & Green,C. (2001) Suppressing unwanted memories by executive control. Nature,
410, 366-369.
5 月 29 日(日) 13:30
司 会:高野陽太郎(東京大学・日本認知心理学会独創賞選考委員長)