DENMARK A3 - Water - A3.111/210 k n ow s wate r SEMINAR AND EXHIBITION WASSER BERLIN 2015 PARTICIPANTS AND PRODUCTS HALL 2.2 STAND 318 1 DENMARK knows CONTENT: Cembrane A/S......................................................................................................................... 4-5 Danish Water Technology Group..........................................................................................6-7 Grundfos BioBooster A/S..................................................................................................... 8-9 Haarslev Industries GmbH ............................................................................................... 10-11 Kamstrup A/S ..................................................................................................................... 12-13 Mycometer A/S .................................................................................................................. 14-15 Salling Plast AS................................................................................................................... 16-17 Siemens A/S Aeration Competence Center..................................................................18-19 Unisense Environment A/S .............................................................................................20-21 VCS Denmark / Future Water Denmark ......................................................................... 22-23 WHITE PAPER: ENSURING GREAT-TESTING AND SAFE TAP WATER 24 HOURS A DAY ..................24-25 WHITE PAPER: AN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT APPROACH FOR WATER SECURITY .....................26-27 WHITE PAPER: GREATER WATER SECURITY WITH GROUNDWATER ..................................................28-29 WHITE PAPER: IN CONTROL OF WASTEWATER TO PROTECT PEOPLE AND ECOSYSTEMS................30-31 WHITE PAPER: ADDING NEW VALUE TO CITIES WITH URBAN WATER ...............................................32-33 WHITE PAPER: MEETING AN INCREASING DEMAND FOR WATER BY REDUCING URBAN WATER LOSS.........................................................................................................34-35 WHITE PAPER: SAVING AND RECYCLING WATER WITHOUT COMPROMISING ON PRODUCT QUALITY .....................................................................................................36-37 Members of Danish Water Technology Group ..............................................................38-39 white paper white paper white paper white paper white paper THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WATER SUPPLY | MAY 2013 THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WASTEWATER | SEPTEMBER 2013 THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WATER RESOURCES | FEBRUARY 2013 THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WATER RESOURCES | AUGUST 2013 THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WATER SUPPLY | FEBRUARY 2014 Ensuring great-tasting and safe tap water 24 hours a day An integrated management approach for water security in all sectors Greater water security with groundwater In control of wastewater to protect people and ecosystems Meeting an increasing demand for water by reducing urban water loss Solutions for a safe, reliable and resource-efficient drinking water supply Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management Groundwater mapping and sustainable groundwater management Efficient solutions for treatment of wastewater Reducing Non-Revenue Water in water distribution Wasser Berlin 2015 INTRODUKTION INTRODUCTION Deutsch-dänische Wassertage mit Seminar, 23. März, und dänischer Gemeinschaftsstand auf der ”Wasser Berlin” 24.–27. März 2015 German-Danish Water Days, incl. seminar on 23 March and Pavilion of Denmark at “Wasser Berlin” 24-27 March 2015 Wassertechnologie ist Schlüsselkompetenzen. Water technology is one of Denmark’s key competences. eine der dänischen Seit Jahren entwickelt Dänemark nachhaltige, energieeffiziente Lösungen mit Schwerpunkt auf einer Kombination von Qualität, Energieeffizienz und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Das macht dänische Lieferanten zu wertvollen Partnern mit einem hohen Maß an Wissen und Erfahrung. Diese Spitzenposition ist das Resultat der frühen und scharfen gesetzlichen Vorschriften in Dänemark für den Umweltschutz. Dänische Unternehmen haben daher schon seit vielen Jahren bei der Entwicklung von fortschrittlichen und effizienten Lösungen gearbeitet und meistern heute alle relevanten Prozesse von umweltfreundlichen Technologien. Wir freuen uns, die folgenden dänischen Unternehmen in dieser Broschüre zu präsentieren: • • • • • • • • • Cembrane Grundfos BioBooster Haarslev Industries Kamstrup Mycometer Salling Plast Siemens Unisense Environment VCS Denmark / Future Water Denmark Wir laden Sie ein zu unserem Seminar am 23. März - oder besuchen Sie uns auf dem dänischen Gemeinschaftsstand während der Wasser Berlin in der Halle 2.2, Stand Nr. 318. Denmark has been developing sustainable, energy efficient solutions for many years, with the main focus on combining quality, energy efficiency and cost effectiveness. This makes Danish suppliers valuable partners, who offer you a high level of know-how and experience. The position is a result of very early, strict environmental regulations in Denmark, which have formed the companies to be highly innovative and to develop advanced and efficient equipment. We are pleased to present the following Danish companies in this brochure: • • • • • • • • • Cembrane Grundfos BioBooster Haarslev Industries Kamstrup Mycometer Salling Plast Siemens Unisense Environment VCS Denmark / Future Water Denmark You are most welcome to take part in the seminar on 23rd March, or come and meet us at the Danish pavilion during Wasser Berlin in hall 2.2, stand no. 318. Supported by: Embassy of Denmark Rauchstr. 1 D-10787 Berlin, Germany Contact: Dennis Holte Albertsen Team Leader, Energy & Environment T +49 30 5050 2000 +49 30 5050 2050 [email protected] Organizer: Danish Export Association Glarmestervej 20A DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark T +45 8681 3888 Contact: Ilse Korsvang Head of Danish Water Technology Group [email protected] DENMARK knows water Introduktion Cembrane Siliciumcarbid-Membranen – hohe Effizienz hinsichtlich Lebensdauer, Rückgewinnungsgrad, Verschmutzungsverträglichkeit und chemischer Beständigkeit unter extremen Betriebsbedingungen (Temperatur, pH-Wert, Druck). Über das Unternehmen Cembrane A/S bietet eine neue Generation von keramischen Mikro- und Ultrafiltrationsmembranen von seinem Standort in Dänemark an. Gegründet wurde das Unternehmen mit der Vision, herkömmliche Keramikmembranen von einer Nischentechnologie zu einer völlig neuartigen und hocheffizienten Lösung für die Aufbereitung von Trink- und Abwasser weiterzuentwickeln. Heute bietet Cembrane seinen Kunden eine langlebige und zuverlässige Membrantechnologie zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen. Über die Produkte Die Membranen entfernen mühelos • Schwebstoffe (99 %) •Bakterien • Öl (< 5 ppm) Ermöglicht Entfernung von gelöster Feststoffe. Sie eignen sich hervorragend für folgende Anwendungen: • Entfernung von Eisen, Mangan und anderen Schwermetallen • Aufbereitung von Oberflächen- und Grundwasser • MBR- und Drittbehandlung • Filtration in Schwimmbecken • Öl- und Wasserabscheidung Die Membranen werden nach ISO 9001, ISO 14001 und ISO/TS 16949 gefertigt. Ziel der Teilnahme Vorstellung unserer neuesten Erfindungen und Kontaktaufnahme mit möglichen Interessenten. 4 Wasser Berlin 2015 Cembrane A/S Nøglegårdsvej 10 DK-3540 Lynge Denmark T +45 2148 4321 [email protected] Sebastian Andreassen CCO Introduction Cembrane Silicon Carbide Membranes - high performances in terms of lifetime, high recovery, fouling resistance, chemical resistance in extreme working conditions (temperature, pH, pressure). About the company Cembrane A/S markets a new generation of micro- and ultrafiltration ceramic membrane from its facilities in Denmark. Cembrane was founded with the vision to move a new generation of ceramic membranes from being a niche technology to a well-established technology for treating drinking and waste water. Cembrane therefore constantly strives to provide our customers with a durable and reliable membrane technology at competitive prices. About the products The membranes are able to remove • Suspended solids (99%) •Bacteria • Oil (< 5ppm) Facilitates dissolved solids removal. They are an excellent choice for: • Removal of Iron, Manganese and other heavy metals • Surface- and ground water • MBR and Tertiary treatment • Swimming pool filtration • Oil & water removal The membranes are produced in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO/TS 16949. Objective of participation To present our newest invention and meet new customers. 5 DENMARK knows water Introduktion Die Danish Water Technology Group (DWTG) ist eine Vereinigung von dänischen Lieferanten aus allen Bereichen der Branche, einschließlich Grundwasser, Trinkwasser, Prozesswasser, städtische Wasser Herausforderungen usw. Über das Unternehmen Die DWTG ist Teil des Dänischen Exportverbands, der mehr als 560 dänische Unternehmen vertritt. Die DWTG hat mehr als 60 Mitglieder, die öffentlichen und privaten Akteuren im Wassersektor Komponenten, Geräte, Systeme und Dienstleistungen liefern. Über die Produkte Die Wassertechnologie ist eine der Kernkompetenzen Dänemarks. Bereits in den 1970er Jahren verfügte das Land über das weltweit erste Umweltministerium, das strenge Umweltschutzvorschriften einführte. Seitdem stehen die dänischen Lieferanten vor allem für: -Innovation -Nachhaltigkeit - Ganzheitliche und energieeffiziente Lösungen Ziel der Teilnahme Herstellung von Kontakten zwischen hochinnovativen dänischen Lieferanten und internationalen Partnern und Kunden. 6 Wasser Berlin 2015 Danish Water Technology Group (Danish Export Association) Glarmestervej 20A DK-8600 Silkeborg Denmark T +45 86 81 38 88 Ilse Korsvang Head of Group [email protected] Introduction Danish Water Technology Group (DWTG) gathers Danish suppliers from all facets of the industry, be it groundwater, drinking water, process water, urban water issues etc. About the company DWTG is part of the Danish Export Association, who represents more than 560 Danish companies. DWTG has more than 60 members, who supply components, equipment, systems and services to public and private actors in the water sector. About the products Water technology is one of Denmark’s key competencies. Already in the 1970’ies, Denmark had the world’s first environmental Ministry, who imposed strict environmental legislation. This has given the Danish suppliers and edge when it comes to: -Innovation -Sustainability - Holistic, energy efficient solutions Objective of participation To establish relations between highly innovative Danish suppliers and international partners and customers. 7 DENMARK knows water Introduktion Grundfos BioBooster ist ein Unternehmen der Grundfos-Gruppe. Es beschäftigt sich mit Entwicklung, Verkauf und Wartung einer neuen Generation kleinerer, dezentraler Kläranlagen. Über das Unternehmen Seit dem Jahr 2004 entwickelt Grundfos BioBooster ein Konzept für modular aufgebaute, kleinere, dezentrale Kläranlagen mit einem Einwohnerwert zwischen 1000 und 10000 für die öffentliche Wasseraufbereitung, Krankenhäuser und die Nahrungsmittelindustrie. Das Kernstück ist die einzigartige, patentierte BioBooster-Membranfiltereinheit mit rotierenden Keramikmembranen. Über die Produkte Hohe Klärleistung, Robustheit und einfache Bedienung zeichnen die Kläranlage von BioBooster aus. Anders als Polymermembranen müssen Keramikmembranen nicht ausgewechselt werden. Fortschrittliche Steueralgorithmen sorgen dafür, dass die Membranen sich immer optimal an Klärschlamm und Belastung anpassen, so dass diese Anlagen mit wöchentlich nur 4 -6 Arbeitsstunden betrieben werden können. Ziel der Teilnahme Aufnahme eines Dialogs mit Wasserverbänden/-versorgungen, Krankenhäusern und Beratern in Projekten, für die BioBooster als Alternativlösung in Frage kommen könnte. 8 Wasser Berlin 2015 Grundfos BioBooster A/S Randersvej 22a DK-8870 Langå Denmark T +45 87 50 14 00 Jakob Søholm [email protected] T +45 87 51 75 03 Introduction Grundfos BioBooster is a Grundfos company working with the development, sales and service of next-generation smaller decentralized wastewater treatment plants. About the company Grundfos BioBooster has since year 2004 been developing a modular built-up concept for smaller decentralized wastewater treatment plants in the 1000-10000 PE range for public sewage treatment, Hospitals and F&B industries. The core is the unique and patented BioBooster Membrane Filtration Unit using rotating ceramic membranes. About the Products High treatment performance, robustness and ease of operation characterizes the WWTP from BioBooster. The ceramic membranes does not need replacement like polymeric membranes. Advanced control algorithms ensures that the membranes are always running optimal to actual sludge and load conditions, so these plants can be operated with only 4-6 manhours per week. Objective of participation To get into dialogue with Wasserverbände/utilities, hospitals and consultants working with projects where the BioBooster could be evaluated as an alternative solution. 9 DENMARK knows water Introduktion Mit mehr als einhundert Referenzen und der Erfahrung aus über 30 Jahren ist Haarslev Industries einer der erfahrensten Anlagenbauer im Bereich Planung, Konstruktion und Lieferung von kompletten Anlagen für die Trocknung und die Hydrolyse von kommunalen und industriellen Klärschlämmen. Über das Unternehmen Haarslev Industries ist ein hochspezialisiertes Technologie-Unternehmen und bietet leistungsstarke Prozess-Lösungen im Bereich der Umwelttechnik. Unser Lieferprogramm beinhaltet komplette Anlagen und Ausrüstungen für die Verarbeitung von tierischen Nebenprodukten, Hausmüll, Klärschlamm, Biokraftstoffen und Nebenprodukten aus der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeproduktion. Über die Produkte Haarslev Anlagen sind ausgelegt auf den besonderen Schutz von Personal und Umwelt, auf maximale Energieeffizienz und optimale Ressourcennutzung. Wir liefern komplette Systeme zur Klärschlammbehandlung und -Trocknung, insbesondere die thermische Hydrolyse, den Niedertemperatur Bandtrockner, indirekt beheizte Trockner sowie die Energierückgewinnung aus der eingesetzten Wärme. Ziel der Teilnahme Haarslev Industries möchte die aktuellen Technologie-Entwicklungen im Geschäftsbereich Umwelttechnik vorstellen und mit den Fachbesuchern diskutieren. 10 Wasser Berlin 2015 Haarslev Industries GmbH Mergelgrube 5 D-76646 Bruchsal Germany T +49 7251 39186 72 Olaf Jansen [email protected] M +49 172 538 87 42 Introduction With more than a hundred plants delivered over 30 years, Haarslev Industries has the expertise in designing, manufacturing and delivering complete drying and hydrolysis systems for municipal and industrial water treatment plants. About the company Haarslev Industries is a dedicated process technology company, providing powerful process solutions for the benefit of the global environment. We supply complete systems and equipment for the processing of animal by-products, domestic waste, sewage sludge, bio fuels and by-products from food and beverage production. About the Products We focus on equipment for environmental protection, energy conservation and optimal resource utilisation. We supply complete systems for waste water treatment and drying with focus on thermal hydrolysers, low temperature belt dryers, indirectly heated dryers and energy recovery. Objective of participation Haarslev Industries wishes to present our latest environmental technological innovations and discuss them with the trade visitors. 11 DENMARK knows water Introduktion Kamstrup ist weltweit führend in der Herstellung von Zählern und Systemlösungen im Energie- und Wasserbereich. Über das Unternehmen Kamstrup erarbeitet mit Versorgungsunternehmen weltweit effiziente, sichere und flexible Möglichkeiten zur Messung und Verwaltung des Energie- und Wasserverbrauchs. Über die Produkte Unsere Smart Metering Lösungen für Wasser sind ein Beispiel für die nächste Generation intelligenter Verbrauchszähler. Durch die Kombination modernster Ultraschalltechnik, Fernauslesung sowie der Überwachung und Erkennung von Wasserverlust auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik, ermöglichen unsere Lösungen ein Höchstmaß an Kontrolle, Effizienz und Flexibilität. Ziel der Teilnahme Wir möchten Präsenz zeigen und unsere innovative Ultraschall-Messtechnologie vorstellen. 12 Wasser Berlin 2015 Kamstrup A/S Werderstraße 23-25 68165 Mannheim Germany T +49 621 321 689 60 [email protected] Introduction Kamstrup is a world-leading manufacturer of system solutions for smart energy and water metering. About the company Kamstrup develops together with utilities worldwide efficient, secure and flexible possibilities for measurement and administration of the consumption of energy and water. About the Products Our water metering solutions represent the next generation of smart consumption metering. By combining the latest ultrasonic technology, remote reading and state-of-the-art leakage surveillance and detection, our water solutions offer customers the highest levels of control, efficiency and flexibility on the market. Objective of participation We want to promote our presence and show our innovative ultrasonic technology. 13 DENMARK knows water Introduktion Bactiquant®-Wasser dient zur minutenschnellen Mengenbestimmung von Bakterien in Wasserproben. Die Analyse ist unabhängig von der Wasserchemie und hat eine Vielzahl von Anwendung bei Wasserwerken und in der Industrie. Über das Unternehmen Mycometer entwickelt schnelle Verfahren für die Umweltmikrobiologie. Unsere Produkte werden weltweit verkauft. Zu unseren Kunden zählen Industrie, Militär, Behörden, Berater und Fachleute aus der Industrie. Alle unsere Verfahren sind nach US-EPA zertifiziert. Über die Produkte Bactiquant®-Wasser ist eine zuverlässige und schnelle (10 - 30 Minuten) Methode zur Analyse der Bakterienpopulation in einer Flüssigkeitsprobe. Drei einfache Schritte: 1. Konzentration, 2. Reagenzprobe und 3. Messung. Bactiquant®-Wasser gibt einen schnellen Überblick über die mikrobiologische Wasserqualität. Die Technologie kann für vielerlei Rohwasser, Trinkwasser und Brauchwasser eingesetzt werden. Die Technologie dient zur Beobachtung und Optimierung der Wasserqualität und der Verfahren in Wasserschutzsystemen und industriellen HACCP-Systemen (Gefahrenanalyse und kritische Lenkungspunkte). Dieses umfassende Produktpaket umfasst Software, Schulung, ein Qualitätssicherungsprogramm und maßgeschneiderte Kundenlösungen. Bactiquant-Wasser ist eine nach US-EPA geprüfte Technologie. Ziel der Teilnahme Unser Produkt an Vorsorgen und Industrie zu vermarkten, und internationale Vertriebskanäle zu finden. 14 Wasser Berlin 2015 Mycometer A/S Dr. Neergaards Vej 3 DK-2970 Hoersholm Denmark Morten Miller [email protected] T +45 23 67 87 32 Introduction Bactiquant® water is used to quantify bacteria in water samples in minutes. The analysis is not affected by water chemistry and can be used on a wide range of applications in the water utilities and industry. About the company Mycometer develops rapid methods for environmental microbiology. Our products are sold worldwide. Customers include industry, Military, Governmental Agencies, Consultants and Industry Professionals. All our methods are US-EPA verified. About the Products Bactiquant® -water is a robust and rapid (10-30 minutes) method for analyzing total bacteria in liquid samples. Three easy steps: 1. Concentration, 2. Reacting sample, and 3. Measurement. The Bactiquant®-water provides a rapid overview of water microbiological quality. The technology is applicable for a broad range of Raw-, Drinking- and industrialwater. The technology is used to monitor and optimize water quality and processes in Water Safety Systems and industrial HACCP Systems. The comprehensive product package includes, software, training, a quality assurance program and tailored customer solutions. Bactiquantwater is a US-EPA verified technology. Objective of Participation To market our product and utilities and the industry and to identify international sales channels. 15 DENMARK knows water Introduktion Ein immer größerer Teil der Produktion besteht aus Speziallösungen, die wir mit unserem flexiblen und effizienten Produktionsapparat nach allen Gesichtspunkten meistern – wozu auch die Herstellung von Werkzeugen und Maschinen für die Produktion gehört. Über das Unternehmen Salling Plast blickt auf eine fast 50-jährige Geschichte zurück und ist seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1967 in Familienbesitz. Die Firma beschäftigt heute mehr als 100 personen, und exportiert seine Produkte in zahlreiche Ländern innerhalb und außerhalb der EU. Über die Produkte Unsere Produkte kommen u. a. im Bereich Fernwärme, Fernkühlung, Brauch- und Abwasser, Be- und Entlüftung, Lebensmittelproduktion (z. B. Schlachtbetriebe, Milchverarbeitungsbetriebe und Brauereien), chemische Industrie und Offshore-Industrie zum Einsatz. Der Exportanteil unserer Produktion beträgt rd. 50 %. Ziel der Teilnahme Wir sind an sowohl nationalen als auch internationalen Geschäftsverbindungen interessiert. 16 Wasser Berlin 2015 Salling Plast AS Idrætsvej 22 DK-9681 Ranum Denmark T +45 96 66 83 00 [email protected] Ove Lynge Introduction An increasingly large part of our production consists of specialist solutions. Our flexible and efficient production apparatus allows us to handle all aspects of these solutions – including the production of manufacturing tools and machines. About the company The history of Salling Plast goes back almost 50 years – and the business has been family-owned since the beginning in 1967. The company today employs more than 100 people and exports to many countries both within and outside the European Union. About the Products Our products are used for district heating and cooling, utility and waste water, ventilation, food production (e.g. abattoirs, dairies and breweries) and by the chemical and offshore industries. Approx. 50 % of our production is exported. Objective of Participation We are interested in both national and international contacts and business. 17 DENMARK knows water Introduktion Die richtige Turboverdichter-Technologie für Ihre Belüftung in einem effizienten und zuverlässigen biologischen Abwasserbehandlungsverfahren. Über das Unternehmen Siemens entwickelt und fertigt erstklassige Belüftungstechnologien für die kommunale Abwasserbehandlung. Mit mehr als 7.000 betriebenen Anlagen weltweit ist Siemens heute Marktführer. Über die Produkte Die effizienten Turboverdichter STC-GO werden individuell nach Anlagenspezifikation gefertigt, wodurch sie deutlich weniger Energie verbrauchen. Die Technologie basiert auf einer Zweipunktsteuerung für höchste Effizienz trotz täglich wechselnder Belüftungsanforderungen. Ziel der Teilnahme Sensibilisierung für Energieoptimierung in Belüftungsverfahren, insbesondere bei der Luftstromregulierung. 18 Wasser Berlin 2015 Siemens A/S Aeration Competence Center Allegade 4 DK-3000 Helsingoer Denmark Florian Adam [email protected] T +45 30 32 32 23 Introduction The right Turbocompressor Technology for your aeration needs to keep the biological treatment as efficient and reliable as possible. Company profile Siemens designs and manufactures high-performance aeration technology for municipal wastewater treatment. With more than 7,000 of units operating worldwide Siemens has become the market leader. About the Products The efficient STC-GO compressors are made uniquely according to plant specifications thereby consuming significantly less energy. The technology is based on dual point control for highest efficiency for the need of the daily aeration changes. Objective of participation Increase focus on energy optimization for aeration process, especially within airflow regulation. 19 DENMARK knows water Introduktion Echtzeitbestimmung des Gehalts an gelöstem N2O im Abwasser vor Ort zur Bioprozess- und Emissionssteuerung. Über das Unternehmen Unisense Environment A/S wurde im Jahr 2013 aus Unisense A/S ausgegliedert. Unisense Environment konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung, die Fertigung und den Vertrieb von Sensoren und Zubehör zur Überwachung von gelöstem oder gasförmigem N2O. Das übergeordnete Ziel ist die Bereitstellung von Instrumenten zur Senkung der N2O-Konzentrationen und zur Minderung von Treibhausgasemissionen aus der Abwasserbehandlung und den damit verbundenen biologischen Prozessen. Über die Produkte Das N2O-Abwassersystem ermöglicht den Betreibern, Klärprozesse zu optimieren und den CO2Fußabdruck insgesamt zu reduzieren. Es stellt zudem sicher, dass der alleinige Schwerpunkt auf Energieeinsparungen bei der Belüftung nicht zu einer erhöhten Klimawirkung führt, da ein niedriges Sauerstoffniveau sonst eine erhöhte Bildung und Emission von Lachgas zur Folge hätte. Wird die heutige Kontrolle biologischer Prozesse im Abwasser mit dem N2O-Abwassersystem kombiniert, eröffnet dies die bedeutsame Möglichkeit, den CO2-Fußabdruck durch dieses nicht kontrollierte Treibhausgas zu reduzieren. Ziel der Teilnahme Zu demonstrieren, wie das N2O-Abwassersystem funktioniert und zu zeigen, wie Kläranlagen das System im Normalbetrieb nutzen, um N2O-Emissionen zu messen, zu übermitteln und zu minimieren. 20 Wasser Berlin 2015 Unisense Environment A/S Mikkel Barker [email protected] Introduction Real-time and on-site quantification of dissolved N2O in wastewater for bioprocess and emission control. About the company Unisense Environment A/S was established in 2013 as a spin-off from Unisense A/S. Unisense Environment is focused on the development, production and sale of sensors and accessories for monitoring N2O, dissolved or as gas. The overall goal is to provide tools for reducing N2O levels and mitigating green house gas emissions from wastewater treatment and related bioprocesses. About the Products The N2O Wastewater System enables operators to optimize process treatment and reduce total carbon footprint. It also ensures that the sole focus on aeration energy savings do not result in an increased climate impact as low oxygen levels lead to increased N2O formation and emission. Combining today’s wastewater bioprocess control with the N2O Wastewater System provides a significant prospect of reducing total carbon footprint from this otherwise uncontrolled greenhouse gas. Objective of participation To demonstrate how the N2O Wastewater System operates and show how full scale wastewater treatment plants use the system to measure, report and minimize N2O emissions. 21 DENMARK knows water FutureWater Introduktion Herausforderungen wie die Nachhaltigkeit bei der Wassernutzung hinsichtlich Qualität, Energieverbrauch und Investitionen in die Infrastruktur erfordern neue Ansätze und veranlassen uns, unseren Umgang mit Wasser zu überdenken. Über das Unternehmen ”Trinkwasserversorgung der Zukunft” ist der Schlüsselbegriff des umfangreichen dänischen Entwicklungsprojekts unter der Leitung von VCS Denmark, einem der größten Wasserversorgungsunternehmen Dänemarks. Zu den Projektpartnern zählen die drei größten Wasserversorger Dänemarks, mehrere Beratungsfirmen, Technologiedienstleister und eine Forschungseinrichtung. Über die Produkte Future Water Denmark konzentriert sich auf die künftigen Herausforderungen an Trinkwasserversorger und entwickelt hochmoderne Wassertechnologien. Als Ergebnis des Projekts wird Software und eine Reihe anderer Tools auf den Markt gebracht, die bei Wasserversorgern einen wirtschaftlichen und nachhaltigen Betrieb unterstützen. Die Tools werden ab 2015 zur Verfügung stehen und dann in Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen der drei größten Wasserversorger Dänemarks in Kopenhagen, Odense und Aarhus vorgeführt. Diese Wasserwerke stehen dann offen für Besuche von Wasserfachleuten aus aller Welt. Ziel der Teilnahme Wasserversorger in aller Welt zu verbesserter Sicherheit und Effizienz bei der Wasseraufbereitung anregen. 22 Wasser Berlin 2015 FutureWater VCS Denmark Future Water Denmark Vandværksvej 7 DK-5000 Odense C Denmark Henrik Juul Project Director [email protected] Introduction Challenges such as a sustainable use of water resources in terms of quality, energy consumption and the way we reinvest money in our infrastructure require new approaches and call upon us to rethink the way we manage water. About the company “Drinking Water Supply of the Future” is the key word for the Danish comprehensive development project, headed by VCS Denmark which is one of the largest water utilities in Denmark. The partners in the project include the three largest water utilities in Denmark, several consultancy companies, technology providers and one research institution. About the Products Future Water Denmark focuses on future challenges for drinking water utilities and develops state-of-the-art water technologies. The outcome of the project will be a range of software and other commercially available tools in order to support economic and sustainable operation in drinking water utilities. The tools will be available in 2015 and demonstrated on water treatment plants in Denmark’s three largest utilities in Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus. These waterworks will be open for visit by water professionals from around the world. Objective of participation To inform about the Danish expertise within water technologies and thereby inspire water utilities around the world to improve water safety and efficiency. 23 Executive Summary Supplying high-quality watergoes hand in hand with efficiency. It is not a simple task, you must work smart rather than hard and your staff and contractors must be properly trained. Citizens want high-quality water and this can help the utility to get the money for the required investments LARS SCHRØDER Chief Executive Officer AARHUS WATER The global trends of urbanisation, population growth and increased welfare challenge cities all over the world with an increasing demand for water. Society’s drive to protect its fresh water resources will be crucial, and water utilities must find ways to ensure reliable water supply services as well as to meet a general need for increased resource efficiency. Efficiency gains This requires politicians, water authorities and water utilities to develop new water supply strategies and implement new solutions. The good news is that technologies and solutions are available in abundance, making it up to the leaders to realise the potentials. Many of the current systems and processes have evolved under conditions of limitless resources, so this is an opportunity and thinking longterm will ensure that the major gains are there. Improved drinking water safety Another important step for utilities should be ensuring the quality of the delivered water. Even if the guidelines of the World Health Organization are followed all over the world, millions of people are still exposed to dangerous levels of biological contaminants and chemical pollutants in their drinking water. Water utilities can use a management tool that stems from the food industry and known as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Risks are analysed and critical control points identified throughout the system. Water quality is then checked, featuring the continuous monitoring of water quality at the well, where it enters and leaves the waterworks and throughout the entire supply system. Prevent problems and increase efficiency Combining the right management systems with advanced tools, designs and technology is an important element of utilities’ transformation, and gives a wide range of benefits in day-today operations. Modern technology makes water supply more reliable as it prevent problems from occurring and, if they do occur, ensures a response in due time, and a utility prepared with clear procedures for who does what and when. Modern technology will also increase energy and water efficiency, but utilities need to set specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and timely goals and develop strategies that prioritise these efforts to increase efficiency. Danish expertise This white paper shares some of the expertise of Danish-based utilities, research institutes, consulting companies and technology providers. Up until now, the focus of utilities has been to provide water of very high quality, protect groundwater resources and to supply safe drinking water all around the clock. In the coming years, Danish utilities will also undergo an increasing professionalisation in order to establish professional knowledge environments and introduce advanced management systems, including safety and energy management. The Rethink Water Network and Danish Water Forum White Papers. Full version at WWW.RETHINKWATER.DK 24 white paper THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WATER SUPPLY | FEBRUARY 2014 Ensuring great-tasting and safe tap water 24 hours a day Solutions for a safe, reliable and resource-efficient drinking water supply Executive Summary From a global perspective, access to clean water is essential for the prosperity and health of all living creatures. Denmark’s broad political commitment for the protection of environment and groundwater resources provides a continual institutional platform, which is key to ensuring sustainable water management KIRSTEN BROSBØL Minister for the Environment DENMARK The conflicting interests of nature and the different sectors involved in sharing limited water resources must be addressed in an integrated fashion at both policy and operational level. Increasingly difficult to reconcile goals According to the UN Water report on integrated approaches to water resources management (2012), around half of all countries have made significant progress towards implemting the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) while many others are well underway. The principles aim at securing water for all sectors, conserving water in a sustainable way and protecting water resources from pollution. However, it is increasingly difficult to adhere to these objectives as populations grow, demands for food and energy rise, the climatechanges and environmental sustainability becomesincreasingly important. Data and decision support is required An outcome of implementing IWRM is the ability to manage the demand for water. Programmes that increase water efficiency of domestic, industrial and agricultural water uses are developed along with programmes to increase the efficiency of water utilities that today face a level of 25 to 50 percent water loss at global scale. As the need for data, informationand knowledge within water resources management becomes increasingly evident, so does the need for a strong decision support system to assist water authorities in the many parts of the IWRM cycle right from planning to monitoring the impacts of interventions. Climate adaptation measures to secure water resources are built on downscaling of regional forecast models, vulnerability, risk assessments and strategic priorities. Expertise in implementing IWRM Denmark played a key role in the international foundation and development of IWRM being the first country to pilot and apply IWRM in nationaland international projects and by hosting the Secretariat of the Technical Advisory Group of the Global Water Partnership. Strict environmental regulations, private-public partnership, public, high quality data and significant involvement of research and knowledge institutions have driven Denmark ahead in integrated waterresources management. Today the public authoritiesand the private sector, made up of consulting companies and technology providerscollaborate with customers and colleagues around the world to address complex water challenges. This expertise is what we want to share in this white paper. The Rethink Water Network and Danish Water Forum White Papers. Full version at WWW.RETHINKWATER.DK 26 white paper THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WATER RESOURCES | AUGUST 2013 An integrated management approach for water security in all sectors Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management Executive Summary In a global perspective the access to clean water is essential for prosperity and health for all living creatures. That is the reason why we must continue to protect our water resources from both pollution and over-exploitation. KIRSTEN BROSBØL Minister for the Environment DENMARK Providing enough fresh water for a growing population and for increasing industrial production is a critical issue in many countries. Climate change is affecting global rainfall patterns and water distribution. Since there is approximately 100 times more groundwater on Earth than fresh surface water, it makes sense to exploit groundwater as a source of water. In many parts of the world, especially in arid or seasonally dry regions, groundwater can provide a stable and sustainable source of high quality water. Failed investments There is a history of many failed investments in dams or groundwater well fields. The most important cause has been the difficulty in assessing project feasibility and sustainability due to inadequate knowledge, data and tools. Sustainable exploitation requires that the main recharge areas are protected to ensure that aquifer replenishment comes from clean water. Efficient methods and tools exist Because of a relative shortage of surface water, Denmark has always relied heavily on groundwater. Danish companies are now among the world’s leading experts in exploiting this resource. Groundwater can be located very efficiently, and groundwater management made sustainable with modelling and monitoring systems. Today there is great demand around the world for this expertise and the associated technologies, which include surveying techniques, integrated water resource modelling and decision-making systems. Multiple benefits from groundwater use Groundwater is less exposed to pollution than surface water, the water quality is higher and it requires less treatment. Moreover, water utilities can benefit from planning long term. They can avoid major investment linked to surface water infrastructure and enjoy a higher level of water security. Groundwater mapping and sustainable groundwater management ensure improved knowledge of the availability of water resources, a critical factor in attracting new companies and industry. By investing in groundwater usage local business partners will develop their competence through knowledge transfer from international experts. This creates a strong platform for expanding the local water business to other regions. Management must be integrated It is important to understand that it only takes a few contaminants and/or an unbalanced approach to utilisation for groundwater resources to be damaged forever. Some of the critical issues or barriers can be addressed or resolved by accurate groundwater mapping and sustainable groundwater management, or with integrated water resources management. Groundwater is an important part of the hydrological cycle and should be managed in an integrated way with other water resources. The Rethink Water Network and Danish Water Forum White Papers. Full version at WWW.RETHINKWATER.DK 28 white paper THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WATER RESOURCES | FEBRUARY 2013 Greater water security with groundwater Groundwater mapping and sustainable groundwater management Executive Summary People and ecosystems must be protected from On a global scale, less than half of all and large water utilities continue to wastewater is collected and less than invest considerable funds into process one fifth of all wastewater is treated. development at all levels. intensive, untreated Severe environmental degradation of wastewater streams. many inland and sea waters around the Intelligent world is the outcome. capacity Given our dependence control to increase As the climate changes and populations on nature’s water, it is An effective wastewater framework grow, other important focus areas important to act Ensuring a cost-efficient wastewater in infrastructure is important to get the coordination of existing capacities of most out of the moneyinvested. In the sewer and wastewater system. Many areas with dense populationthe optimal wastewater treatment plants are faced structure centralised with a demand for increased capacity as mechanised treatmentplants, whereas well as higher risks of extreme weather in ruralareas it tends to be decentralised events with heavy rainfalls. To these low tech solutions. In the future, plants, intelligent and coupled control however, the economy of scale and of drainage system and wastewater treatment responsibly and ensure that polluters pay the true price of water KIRSTEN BROSBØL Minister for the Environment DENMARK tends to efficiency be arguments wastewater are the intelligent for treatment plant operation is an attractive centralised solutions will be less valid alternative to new giant infrastructure as houseshold scale solutions and new investments. membranetechnology competitive. will Hence wastewater become developinga management strategyis Benchmarking for cost-efficiency Tough legislation and mandatory important as it describesthe overall benchmarking across the water sector wastewater framework and analyses have in Denmark encouragedutilities the currentstructure seen in the light of and upcoming legislation, urban/rural and technology providers, research institutes technical development. and researchers to develop efficient thereby consulting companies, solutions together. Sewage treatment Wastewater a resource in its own from urban areasis today highly efficient rights and nutrient load from agricultural areas Efficient wastewater treatment has been reduced by processes and cost-efficiency are two 50 percent. In three decades, conditions sides of the same coin. Globally, about have improved in rivers, lakes and the 2 percent of the world’s total energy sea. With this expertise to draw on, consumption and is treating used in collecting companies from Denmark today support wastewater. However, to develop and optimise sewer and wastewater in itself is a valuable resource wastewater systems around the world. as organic contentscan be converted to energy, phosphorus recycled, heat recovered and treated wastewater used for irrigation, municipal purposes The Rethink Water Network or cooling in buildings or industry. In and Danish Water Forum Denmark, the three largest wastewater treatment plants have achieved between 80 to 100 percent energyself-sufficiency White Papers. Full version at WWW.RETHINKWATER.DK 30 white paper THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WASTEWATER | SEPTEMBER 2013 In control of wastewater to protect people and ecosystems Efficient solutions for treatment of wastewater Executive Summary Sustainable solutions is no longer a choice for most societies: it’s a must. Especially in our cities. We must all strive to balance the quality of people’s lives with sound economic and environmental development. FRANK JENSEN Lord Mayor of COPENHAGEN Cities are growing and today’s urban population of 3.2 billion will rise to nearly 5 billion by 2030, when three out of five people will live in cities. In addition, many cities also face new needs to be prepared for rising sea levels, extreme weather events with risk of flooding and periods with little or no water, with temperature rising even further in these dry periods (the urban heat island effect). This white paper explains and show examples of how Danish water expertise is used in Denmark and worldwide helping to find the optimum, sustainalbe solutions for society. An integrated approach is costefficient If wastewater and stormwater management are integrated at an early stage in the urban planning process of the existing city, or in development of new areas, benefits and synergies can be obtained and additional costs will often be relatively small. On the other hand, waiting until the town planning is almost finished, or until the heavy events occur, will only lead to very high costs and the solutions required will often no longer be simple. More value from investments If cities replace a ‘business as usual’ way of dealing with water and replace it with a holistic view of the work with new blue and green structures as an integrated part of urban development, it will give cities more value for money. Waterfronts, docklands, canals and lakes helps creating exclusive areas attracting resourceful people and 32 businesses. Studies from real estate agents in Denmark shows that real estate values in these types of areas are up to 70 percent higher. Clear visions of great importance An integrated water management approach is the most cost-efficient way and thus key in solving to the challenges that cities face of increased urbanisation and climate changes. However, reaching a sustainable society, urban planning goes beyond the priorities of city authorities and water utility and require collaboration among various stakeholders. This is why clear visions and common goals are of great importance for success. Prioritising investments A fundamental part of urban water management is — along with identifying opportunities of attractive urban environments and intelligent handling of climate changes — the thorough identification, analysis and evaluation of water related risks like flooding and contamination of drinking water. Getting a more clear picture based on thorough assessments is important to figure out which solutions that are the most important to invest in. The Rethink Water Network and Danish Water Forum White Papers. Full version at WWW.RETHINKWATER.DK Executive Summary Water resources will come under great stress Urbanisation and the impact of global wide range of cost efficient leakage climate monitoring technologies and leakage change are accelerating water scarcity for cities around the in most countries in world. Securing enough water for a coming decades due to efficientmanagement growing population requires of more freshwater management systems. Financial arguments for taking action With this expertise to draw on, Danish climate change and supply. growing populations. Our 25 to 50 percent of water frequently cities and water utilities around the world message from lost to reduce NRW. Although water loss is Copenhagen is that For many water utilities it is important to a well-understood challenge by most close the considerable gap between the utilities, few are successful at reducing it leaders should take volume of water they supply and that to a financially feasible level and keeping action to prevent water which is billed to the customers. This it low. However, reducing NRW by half is difference is known as Non-Revenue generally a very realistic target within loss and give citizens Water (NRW), or urban water loss, and it one to two years. Such a reduction can incentives to save water. amounts to between 25 and 50 percent generate a boost in annual income from of the total water distributed globally. It is increased revenues and reduced costs, caused by inaccurate billing and metering while at the same time servicing more systems, leakage from deteriorating people without new investment. It pays! FRANK JENSEN Lord Mayor of COPENHAGEN companies have successfully helped distribution infrastructures, excessive water pressure in distribution systems, A successful NRW reduction reservoir overflow, unnecessary flushing programme and illegal connections to the water NRW reduction must be an agreed network. strategy for the whole organization, based on a holistic master plan, so The Rethink Water Network Best performers have under 10 that results can be achieved by the percent implementation As well as rising to the challenge of programme. ensuring enough water resources and Management’ concept works on the avoiding wasted energy on producing principle of breaking the distribution and distributing Non-Revenue Water, a system few decades ago the Danish government manageable units. A hydraulic model is created a strong incentive for water used to calculate the optimal number utilities in Denmark to reduce urban water and design of these areas, enabling the loss and to plan, manage and operate utility to focus on conducting the most down of The into an ambitious ‘Smart smaller NRW more the utilities efficiently to the benefit of economically advantageous activities. and Danish Water Forum the consumers and the environment. Furthermore, advanced management White Papers. Today, urban water loss in Denmark is support systems secure overview and only 7 percent on average, with some full control of the water distribution. Full version at WWW.RETHINKWATER.DK of the biggest cities down to as little as 5 percent. Supported by technology suppliers and consulting companies, most utilities have implemented a 34 white paper THE RETHINK WATER NETWORK | WATER SUPPLY | MAY 2013 Meeting an increasing demand for water by reducing urban water loss Reducing Non-Revenue Water in water distribution Executive Summary As the cost of resources rises, companies increasingly see the economic potential in becoming more resource efficient. In this context water efficient solutions become more and more interesting, but cost is the driver; we have never been able to charge more for a product simply because it’s sustainable. STEEN RIISGAARD CEO Novozymes The availability of water will be a critical issue in the future, and the cost of water will rise. With higher living standards and a global population predicted to reach 9 billion people in the next few decades, the demand for water will increase significantly. Nearly three quarters of the total water consumption in the world relates to the consumption of food and drinks, and the United Nations has estimated that before 2030, water consumption will rise by 30 percent. Therefore, the water footprint of food products will get more attention from consumers, and be highly visible on political agendas in the near future. The industrial symbiosis model The Kalundborg Symbiosis in Denmark, established 40 years ago, is an example of a pioneering industrial park where public and private enterprises buy and sell waste products from industrial processes in a closed cycle. Annual water savings of 3 million cubic metres have been achieved by recycling and reuse. By focusing on more than just one company, industrial parks around the world have the potential to use resources more efficiently. This is of special interest to food and beverage companies, as used process water can be sold on to industries with less strict water regulation. Water efficiency pays off Sustainable use of water can be turned to the advantage of those who take steps to respond to the shortage of fresh water in the world. Frontrunners that develop high levels of water efficiency before others, and who work to specific and measurable targets with respect to reducing their water footprint, can turn water and resource efficiency into a competitive advantage. This is particularly the case in areas of the world where the problems of water scarcity and contamination are most acute. Rising water rates and wastewater discharge fees will have a much smaller economic impact on their businesses. Denmark knows water efficiency Water rates in Denmark are some of the highest in the world, reflecting the actual costs of water extraction, wastewater treatment and environmental protection. For decades, Danish food and beverage industries have shown their skills in developing new products and increasing production, despite facing rising water rates and stricter disposal regulations. Today Danish consultants and technology companies work with food and beverage companies in Denmark and around the world, to increase their water efficiency without compromising on product quality. This white paper gives food and beverage companies a valuable insight into the possibilities of water efficiency. Great results with simple measures Simple efficiency measures can provide great results. A utility water audit is the typical starting point for identifying water saving options. It may be followed by more comprehensive investigations, which consider the options for water reuse and recycling. The Rethink Water Network and Danish Water Forum White Papers. Full version at WWW.RETHINKWATER.DK 36 DENMARK knows water COMPANY MEMBERS OF DANISH WATER TECHNOLOGY GROUP 38 DENMARK knows water 39 DENMARK IFAT 2014 knows LOOKING FOR NEW TECHNOLOGY? Danish Water Technology Group (DWTG) gathers Danish suppliers from all facets of the industry, be it ground water, drinking water, process water, wastewater, urban water issues etc. DWTG is part of Danish Export Association, who is representing +500 Danish companies. DWTG is owned by its +60 members, who supply components, equipment, systems and services to public and private actors in the water sector. Water technology is one of Denmark’s key competencies. Already in the 1970’ies, Denmark had the world’s first environmental Ministry, which imposed strict environmental legislation. This has given the Danish suppliers an edge when it comes to holistic solutions with focus on: • innovation • sustainability • energy efficiency Danish Water Technology Group aim to create relations between the highly innovative Danish suppliers and co-operation partners and clients world wide. Organizer: FutureWater Danish Water Technology Group (Danish Export Association) Glarmestervej 20A DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark T +45 8681 3888 Contact: Ilse Korsvang Head of Danish Water Technology Group [email protected] CMYK Logo / State of Green Green C 100 - M 0 - Y 70 - K 0 100% & 60 % Dark C 0 - M 0 - Y 0 - K 95 40
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