
Institut für Ost‐ und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg Professur für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Außenhandel und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Mittel‐ und Osteuropas an der Universität Regensburg SEMINARREIHE DES ARBEITSBEREICHS ÖKONOMIE AM IOS Dienstag, 13.30–15.00 Uhr Ort: WiOS, Landshuter Str. 4 (Raum 109) SOMMER 2015 14.04.2015
Roberto Foa (Harvard Kennedy School)
From Ancient Polities to Modern State Capacity in India
Jan Fidrmuc (Brunel University)
Labor-market Effects of EU Immigration to the UK: Individual-level Analysis
23.04.2015 (Donnerstag!)
Jarko Fidrmuc (Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen)
Institutions and Creative Destruction in CEECs: Determinants of Inefficient Use of Assets
Susan Steiner (Universität Hannover)
Forced Marriage and Birth Weight: The Consequences of Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan
Irina Morozova (IOS)
Economic reforms in late Soviet and post-Soviet Central Asia, 1980-1990s (on the example of Osh oblast)
Manuela Troschke (IOS)
The Making of Environmental Policy in Georgia: Local Needs meet International Action
Richard Frensch (IOS)
Trade Patterns and the Rule of Law
23.06.2015 (16 Uhr!)
Erich Gundlach (GIGA und Universität Hamburg)
Socio-economic transitions – a pattern across countries and over time
Robert Grundke (LMU)
Hidden Protectionism? Evidence from Non-tariff Barriers to Trade in the United States
Kontakt: Richard Frensch (frensch@ios‐