Publications M. Nitschke papers in peer reviewed scientific journals

Publications M. Nitschke
papers in peer reviewed scientific journals, book chapters, patents
M. Nitschke and S. Gramm, "Preparation and analysis of switchable copolymers for
biomedical application", in Switchable and Responsive Surfaces and Materials for
Biomedical Applications, J. Zhang, Ed. (Woodhead, Sawston, 2015).
K. Grundke, K. Pöschel, A. Synytska, R. Frenzel, A. Drechsler, M. Nitschke, A.L.
Cordeiro, P. Uhlmann, and P. Welzel, "Experimental studies of contact angle
hysteresis phenomena on polymer surfaces - toward the understanding and control of
wettability for different applications", Advances in Colloids and Interface Science DOI:
10.1016/j.cis.2014.10.012 (2015).
C. Hinüber, K. Chwalek, F.J. Pan-Montoja, M. Nitschke, R. Vogel, H. Brünig, G.
Heinrich, and C. Werner, "Hierarchically structured nerve guidance channels based
on poly-3-hydroxybutyrate enhance oriented axonal outgrowth", Acta Biomaterialia
10, 2086-2095 (2014).
J. Teichmann, M. Valtink, M. Nitschke, S. Gramm, R.H.W. Funk, K. Engelmann, and
C. Werner, "Tissue engineering of the corneal endothelium: A review of carrier
materials", Journal of Functional Biomaterials 4, 178-208 (2013).
J. Teichmann, M. Valtink, S. Gramm, M. Nitschke, C. Werner, R. Funk, and K.
Engelmann, "Human corneal endothelial cell sheets for transplantation: thermoresponsive cell culture carriers to meet cell-specific requirements", Acta Biomaterialia
9, 5031-5039 (2013).
T. Salem, D. Pleul, M. Nitschke, M. Müller, and F. Simon, "Different plasma-based
strategies to improve the interaction of anionic dyes with polyester fabrics surface",
Applied Surface Science 264, 286-296 (2013).
M. Nitschke, S. Ricciardi, S. Gramm, S. Zschoche, M. Herklotz, P. Rivolo, and C.
Werner, "Surface modification of cell culture carriers: Routes to anhydride
functionalization of polystyrene", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 90, 41-47
A. Milne, K. Grundke, M. Nitschke, R. Frenzel, and A. Amirfazli, "Model and
Experimental Study of Surfactant Solutions and Pure Liquids Contact Angles on
Complex Surfaces", in Drops and Bubbles in Contact with Solid Surfaces, M. Ferrari,
L. Liggieri, and R. Miller, Eds. (CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2012), p. 175-209.
T. Salem, S. Uhlmann, M. Nitschke, A. Calvimontes, R.D. Hund, and F. Simon,
"Modification of plasma pre-treated PET fabrics with poly-DADMAC and its surface
activity towards acid dyes", Progress in Organic Coatings 72, 168-174 (2011).
J. Roth, V. Albrecht, M. Nitschke, C. Bellmann, F. Simon, S. Zschoche, S. Michel, C.
Luhmann, B. Voit, and K. Grundke, "Tailoring the surface properties of silicone
elastomers to improve adhesion of epoxy topcoat", Journal of Adhesion Science and
Technology 25, 1-26 (2011).
S. Gramm, J. Teichmann, M. Nitschke, U. Gohs, K.-J. Eichhorn, and C. Werner,
"Electron beam immobilization of functionalized poly(vinyl methyl ether) thin films on
polymer surfaces – Towards stimuli responsive coatings for biomedical purposes",
Express Polymer Letters 5, 970-976 (2011).
K. Engelmann, M. Valtink, D. Lindemann, and M. Nitschke, "Transplantation of
corneal endothelium - chances and challenges", Klinische Monatsblätter für
Augenheilkunde 228, 712-723 (2011).
J.F.L. Duval, D. Küttner, M. Nitschke, C. Werner, and R. Zimmermann, "Interrelations
between charging, structure and electrokinetics of nanometric polyelectrolyte films",
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 362, 439-449 (2011).
A. Calvimontes, P. Mauersberger, M. Nitschke, V. Dutschk, and F. Simon, "Effects of
oxygen plasma on cellulose surface", Cellulose 18, 803-809 (2011).
K. Schröder, A. Ohl, and M. Nitschke, "Plasmaprozesse zur Beeinflussung der
Biokompatibilität von Oberflächen", in Vakuum-Plasma-Technologien, G. Blasek and
G. Bräuer, Eds. (Eugen G. Leuze Verlag, Saulgau, 2010), p. 1106-1124.
K. Lehmann, M. Herklotz, M. Espig, T. Paumer, M. Nitschke, C. Werner, and T.
Pompe, "A new approach to biofunctionalisation and micropatterning of multi-well
plates", Biomaterials 31, 8802-8809 (2010).
R. Frenzel, A. Synytska, M. Nitschke, M. Stamm, F. Simon, and K. Grundke,
"Ultrahydrophobe Oberflächen durch gezieltes Grenzflächendesign", Chemie
Ingenieur Technik 82, 297-308 (2010).
P. Welzel, M. Nitschke, U. Freudenberg, A. Zieris, T. Götze, M. Valtink, K.
Engelmann, and C. Werner, "Polymer Hydrogels to Enable New Medical Therapies",
in Hydrogel Sensors and Actuators, G. Gerlach and K.-F. Arndt, Eds. (Springer,
Berlin-Heidelberg, 2009), p. 249-266.
T. Pompe, K. Lehmann, M. Nitschke, and C. Werner, "Modifizierte Multi-Well-Platte
für biochemische Analysen und Zellkulturexperimente", Patent DE102007055865
Z. Oezyuerek, K. Franke, M. Nitschke, R. Schulze, F. Simon, K.J. Eichhorn, T.
Pompe, C. Werner, and B. Voit, "Sulfated glyco-block copolymers with specific
receptor and growth factor binding to support cell adhesion and proliferation",
Biomaterials 30, 1026-1035 (2009).
A.L. Cordeiro, S. Zschoche, A. Janke, M. Nitschke, and C. Werner, "Functionalization
of poly(dimethylsiloxane) surfaces with maleic anhydride copolymer films", Langmuir
25, 1509-1517 (2009).
A.L. Cordeiro, R. Zimmermann, S. Gramm, M. Nitschke, A. Janke, N. Schäfer, K.
Grundke, and C. Werner, "Temperature dependent physicochemical properties of
poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide-co-N-(1-phenylethyl) acrylamide) thin films", Soft Matter
5, 1367-1377 (2009).
A.L. Cordeiro, M. Nitschke, A. Janke, R. Helbig, F.D. Souza, G.T. Donnelly, P.R.
Willemsen, and C. Werner, "Fluorination of poly(dimethylsiloxane) surfaces by low
pressure CF4 plasma – physicochemical and antifouling properties", Express
Polymer Letters 3, 70-83 (2009).
M. Valtink, M. Nitschke, T. Götze, K. Engelmann, and C. Werner, "Kultivierung
transplantierbarer Zellverbände aus cornealem Endothel", Wissenschaftliche
Zeitschrift der TU Dresden 57, 31-37 (2008).
J. Roth, V. Albrecht, M. Nitschke, C. Bellmann, F. Simon, S. Zschoche, S. Michel, C.
Luhmann, K. Grundke, and B. Voit, "Surface functionalization of silicone rubber for
permanent adhesion improvement", Langmuir 24, 12603-12611 (2008).
M. Nitschke, "Plasma Modification of Polymer Surfaces and Plasma Polymerization",
in Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces: Characterization, Modification and Applications,
M. Stamm, Ed. (Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2008), p. 203-214.
N. Khanduyeva, A. Senkovskyy, T. Beryozkina, V. Bocharova, F. Simon, M. Nitschke,
M. Stamm, R. Grötzschel, and A. Kiriy, "Grafting of poly(3-hexylthiophene) from
poly(4-bromostyrene) films by Kumada catalyst-transfer polycondensation: Revealing
of the composite films structure", Macromolecules 41, 7383-7389 (2008).
T. Götze, M. Valtink, M. Nitschke, S. Gramm, K. Engelmann, T. Hanke, and C.
Werner, "Cultivation of an immortalized human corneal endothelial cell population and
two distinct clonal subpopulations on thermo-responsive carriers", Graefe's Archive
for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 246, 1575-1583 (2008).
B. Voit, D. Schmaljohann, S. Gramm, M. Nitschke, and C. Werner, "Stimuliresponsive polymer layers for advanced cell culture technologies", International
Journal of Materials Research 98, 646-650 (2007).
D. Usov, V. Gruzdev, M. Nitschke, M. Stamm, O. Hoy, I. Luzinov, I. Tokarev, and S.
Minko, "Three-dimensional analysis of switching mechanism of mixed polymer
brushes", Macromolecules 40, 8774-8783 (2007).
G. Schmack, K. Gliesche, M. Nitschke, and B. Tändler, "Resorbierbares PatchImplantat, Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung und Verwendung", Patent EP1252905
T. Pompe, K. Keller, G. Mothes, M. Nitschke, M. Teese, R. Zimmermann, and C.
Werner, "Surface modification of poly(hydroxybutyrate) films to control cell-matrix
adhesion", Biomaterials 28, 28-37 (2007).
M. Nitschke, U. König, U. Lappan, S. Minko, F. Simon, S. Zschoche, and C. Werner,
"Low pressure plasma based approaches to fluorocarbon polymer surface
modification", Journal of Applied Polymer Science 103, 100-109 (2007).
M. Nitschke, S. Gramm, T. Götze, M. Valtink, J. Drichel, B. Voit, K. Engelmann, and
C. Werner, "Thermo-responsive poly(NiPAAm-co-DEGMA) substrates for gentle
harvest of human corneal endothelial cell sheets", Journal of Biomedical Materials
Research A 80, 1003-1010 (2007).
M. Nitschke, T. Götze, S. Gramm, and C. Werner, "Detachment of human endothelial
cell sheets from thermo-responsive poly(NiPAAm-co-DEGMA) carriers", Express
Polymer Letters 1, 660-666 (2007).
M. Herklotz, M. Melamed, C. Trautmann, M. Nitschke, T. Pompe, F.U. Gast, F.
Howitz, and C. Werner, "Non-contact printing of proteins on reactive polymer surfaces
- a novel route towards structured and graded cell culture carriers", Microfluidics and
Nanofluidics 3, 629-633 (2007).
B. Voit, A. Baier, S. Gramm, M. Nitschke, J.C. Rueda-Sanchez, D. Schmaljohann, V.
Steinert, C. Werner, and S. Zschoche, "Hydrophilic, amphiphilic and thermoresponsive gels synthesized for biomedical applications", e-polymers, no. T001
D. Usov, S. Minko, M. Nitschke, and M. Stamm, "Mechanism of phase segregation in
binary polymer brushes: 3D experimental analysis of inner structure", in Responsive
Polymer Materials: Designs and Applications, S. Minko, Ed. (Blackwell Publishing,
Ames, 2006), p. 115-135.
P. Uhlmann, L. Ionov, N. Houbenov, M. Nitschke, K. Grundke, M. Motornov, S. Minko,
and M. Stamm, "Surface functionalization by smart coatings: Stimuli-responsive
binary polymer brushes", Progress in Organic Coatings 55, 168-174 (2006).
M. Nitschke, S. Uhlmann, R. Schulze, and C. Werner, "Plasma polymerization of
tetrafluoroethylene – towards CF2 dominated fluorocarbon films", e-polymers, no. 006
M. Nitschke, S. Minko, M. Motornov, K. Grundke, and M. Stamm, "Surface with
switchable ultrahydrophobicity and preparation process thereof", Patent EP1350575
S. Muthukrishnan, M. Nitschke, S. Gramm, Z. Özyürek, B. Voit, C. Werner, and
A.H.E. Müller, "Immobilized hyperbranched glycoacrylate films as bioactive supports",
Macromolecular Bioscience 6, 658-666 (2006).
R. Grombe, M.-F. Gouzy, M. Nitschke, H. Komber, and C. Werner, "Preparation and
characterization of glycosylated maleic anhydride copolymer thin films", Colloids and
Surfaces A 284-285, 295-300 (2006).
D. Schmaljohann, M. Nitschke, R. Schulze, A. Eing, C. Werner, and K.J. Eichhorn, "In
situ study of the thermoresponsive behavior of micropatterned hydrogel films by
imaging ellipsometry", Langmuir 21, 2317-2322 (2005).
K. Salchert, M.-F. Gouzy, M. Glorius, A. Kühn, M. Nitschke, and C. Werner,
"Immobilization of an anticoagulant benzamidine derivative: Effect of spacer arms and
carrier hydrophobicity on thrombin binding", Acta Biomaterialia 1, 441-449 (2005).
M. Hahn, D. Pleul, M. Nitschke, G. Frens, G. Bundel, S. Prause, and F. Simon,
"Plasma modification of diamond surfaces", Journal of Adhesion Science and
Technology 19, 1039-1052 (2005).
D. Schmaljohann, D. Beyerlein, M. Nitschke, and C. Werner, "Thermo-reversible
swelling of thin hydrogel films immobilized by low-pressure plasma", Langmuir 20,
10107-10114 (2004).
K.G. Sabbatovskii, V. Dutschk, M. Nitschke, F. Simon, and K. Grundke, "Properties of
the Teflon AF1601S surface treated with low pressure argon plasma", Colloid Journal
66, 208-215 (2004).
M. Nitschke, S. Zschoche, A. Baier, F. Simon, and C. Werner, "Low pressure plasma
immobilization of thin hydrogel films on polymer surfaces", Surface and Coatings
Technology 185, 120-125 (2004).
S. Bratskaya, D. Marinin, M. Nitschke, D. Pleul, S. Schwarz, and F. Simon,
"Polypropylene surface functionalization with chitosan", Journal of Adhesion Science
and Technology 18, 1173-1186 (2004).
D. Schmaljohann, J. Oswald, B. Jorgensen, M. Nitschke, D. Beyerlein, and C.
Werner, "Thermo-responsive PNiPAAm-g-PEG films for controlled cell detachment",
Biomacromolecules 4, 1733-1739 (2003).
M. Motornov, S. Minko, K.J. Eichhorn, M. Nitschke, F. Simon, and M. Stamm,
"Reversible tuning of wetting behavior of polymer surface with responsive polymer
brushes", Langmuir 19, 8077-8085 (2003).
S. Minko, M. Müller, M. Motornov, M. Nitschke, K. Grundke, and M. Stamm, "Twolevel structured self-adaptive surfaces with reversibly tunable properties", Journal of
the American Chemical Society 125, 3896-3900 (2003).
K. Grundke, M. Nitschke, S. Minko, M. Stamm, C. Froeck, F. Simon, S. Uhlmann, K.
Pöschel, and M. Motornov, "Merging two concepts: Ultrahydrophobic polymer
surfaces and switchable wettability", in Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion Vol.
3, K.L. Mittal, Ed. (VSP, Utrecht, 2003), p. 267-291.
V.N. Vasilets, C. Werner, G. Hermel, D. Pleul, M. Nitschke, A. Menning, A. Janke,
and F. Simon, "Plasma assisted immobilization of poly(ethylene oxide) onto
fluorocarbon surfaces", Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 16, 1855-1868
G. Schmack, K. Gliesche, M. Nitschke, and C. Werner, "Implantate auf Basis von
Poly (3-hydroxybuttersäure)", Biomaterialien 3, 21-25 (2002).
M. Nitschke, G. Schmack, A. Janke, F. Simon, D. Pleul, and C. Werner, "Low
pressure plasma treatment of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate): Toward tailored polymer
surfaces for tissue engineering scaffolds", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research
59, 632-638 (2002).
U. König, M. Nitschke, M. Pilz, F. Simon, C. Arnhold, and C. Werner, "Stability and
ageing of plasma treated poly(tetrafluoroethylene) surfaces", Colloids and Surfaces B
25, 313-324 (2002).
U. König, M. Nitschke, A. Menning, G. Eberth, M. Pilz, C. Arnhold, F. Simon, G.
Adam, and C. Werner, "Durable surface modification of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) by
low pressure H2O plasma treatment followed by acrylic acid graft polymerization",
Colloids and Surfaces B 24, 63-71 (2002).
L. Tusek, M. Nitschke, C. Werner, K. Stana-Kleinschek, and V. Ribitsch, "Surface
characterisation of NH3 plasma treated polyamide 6 foils", Colloids and Surfaces A
195, 81-95 (2001).
U. Lappan, M. Nitschke, D. Pleul, F. Simon, and S. Uhlmann, "Polyelectrolyte
adsorption on NH3 plasma treated poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-hexafluoropropylene)
(FEP)", Plasmas and Polymers 6, 211-220 (2001).
R. Beck, B. zur Linden, J. Stave, C. Werner, M. Nitschke, and R. Guthoff, "Effect of
intraocular lens design on posterior capsule opacification: an in-vitro model",
Klinische Monatsblätter fur Augenheilkunde 218, 111-115 (2001).
M. Nitschke, A. Menning, and C. Werner, "Immobilization of PEO-PPO-PEO triblock
copolymers on PTFE-like fluorocarbon surfaces", Journal of Biomedical Materials
Research 50, 340-343 (2000).
U. König, M. Nitschke, A. Menning, C. Sperling, F. Simon, C. Arnhold, C. Werner, and
H.J. Jacobasch, "Plasma modification of polytetrafluoroethylene for immobilization of
the fibrinolytic protein urokinase", Surface & Coatings Technology 119, 1011-1015
J. Meichsner, M. Zeuner, B. Krames, M. Nitschke, R. Rochotzki, and K. Barucki,
"Plasma diagnostics for surface modification of polymers", Surface & Coatings
Technology 98, 1565-1571 (1998).
M. Nitschke and J. Meichsner, "Low-pressure plasma polymer modification from the
FTIR point of view", Journal of Applied Polymer Science 65, 381-390 (1997).
M. Nitschke, A. Holländer, F. Mehdorn, J. Behnisch, and J. Meichsner, "Infrared
spectroscopic characterization of plasma-treated polyethylene", Journal of Applied
Polymer Science 59, 119-124 (1996).
K. Gärtner, M. Nitschke, and D. Stock, "Computer simulation study of low energy
boron channeling in silicon", Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 140, 37-47
J. Meichsner, M. Nitschke, R. Rochotzki, and M. Zeuner, "Fundamental investigations
in plasma modification of polymers", Surface & Coatings Technology 74-75, 227-231
D. Stock, M. Nitschke, K. Gärtner, and T. Kandler, "Comparison of MC and MD
calculations of slowing-down of ions with low energies", Radiation Effects and Defects
in Solids 130, 67-73 (1994).
R. Rochotzki, M. Nitschke, M. Arzt, and J. Meichsner, "Plasma modification of
polymer-films studied by ellipsometry and infrared-spectroscopy", Physica Status
Solidi A 145, 289-297 (1994).
K. Gärtner, D. Stock, C. Wende, and M. Nitschke, "Low-energy B-channeling in Si",
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B 90, 124-127 (1994).
K. Gärtner, M. Nitschke, and W. Eckstein, "Computer-simulation studies of lowenergy B-implantation into amorphous and crystalline silicon", Nuclear Instruments &
Methods in Physics Research Section B 83, 87-94 (1993).