Facts and figures about Baden-Württemberg – the innovation region No. 1 in Europe Area 35,741 km2 – approx. 10 % of Germany Inhabitants 10.6 million – approx. 13 % of Germany Major cities Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Ulm, Pforzheim, Reutlingen Leading industry sectors • Production technology and mechanical engineering • Automotive industry and sustainable mobility solutions • Aerospace industry • Health care and medical technology • Life sciences • ICT industry • Environmental technology and renewables Gross domestic product 407 billion EUR – 14.9 % of German GDP GDP per capita: 37,472 EUR Exports 173 billion EUR volume per capita: 16,360 EUR Research and development • Research & development spending in 2011 5.1 % of GDP (German average: 2.9 %) • Patent applications in 2013: 14,564 leading position together with Bavaria Excellent infrastructure for studying and research • 9 Research Universities Baden-Württemberg International Alliance for Fiber Based Materials Baden-Württemberg e.V. -AFBW- Stuttgart Textile Associations Alliance New perspectives for business and science AFBW – south-west Germany’s network for fiber-based materials A driving force for innovation in textiles Baden-Württemberg International (bw-i) is the competence centre for the internationalisation, promotion and development of business, science and research. We lend support to domestic and foreign companies, clusters and networks, research institutions and universities by serving as the central first point-of-contact in all questions relating to internationalisation. Opening up foreign markets for Baden-Württemberg companies and profiling the state globally as an ideal location for industry, business and science are core aspects of our mission. The work we do is aimed at securing and strengthening the position of Baden-Württemberg over the long term – by encouraging foreign investment, helping companies to settle here and promoting cooperative ventures between companies and institutions. The Baden-Württemberg Alliance for Fiber-Based Materials (Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e.V., AFBW) is a multiindustry technology network. It encourages exchange across the value chain for fibers – connecting manufacturers, users, and researchers. The Stuttgart Textile Associations Alliance, Textile Verbandsgruppe Stuttgart, operates under the aegis of Südwesttextil, the Southwest German Textile and Fashion Industry Association, and Gesamtmasche, the leading Germany-wide association for knitted fabrics. Its mission is to act as a driving force for innovation in the textile industry. The group comprises over 200 member organizations from the textile and clothing industries, and seeks to be a hub of communication and development. Your one-stop agency on the way to success • enables networking, and helps people and organizations to connect Experience has shown that settling in a new region involves having to deal with a wide variety of questions and obstacles. Baden-Württemberg International (bw-i) supplies the answers and helps you overcome the obstacles – quickly and easily, based on local expertise and knowledge. • provides knowledge and encourages knowledge transfer Our support services include: • Provision of general information on Baden-Württemberg as a location for business and science, as well as specific location and structural data. • Supply of general information on the legal framework and social insurance. • Identification of suitable business and scientific partners for your company. • Identification of potential sites and organisation of site visits in cooperation with regional and local business-promotion agencies. • Support with administrative procedures. • Gateway to all actors in the field of business promotion and development, such as technology-oriented industrial institutions and sector-specific networks. • 23 Universities of Applied Sciences • Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University with 9 main locations AFBW provides a platform for dialog and knowledge transfer, and is a committed driver of innovation. In collaboration with its members and partners, AFBW identifies and promotes novel solutions, and supports the ‘renaissance of fibers’. Added value through networking AFBW: • provides early access to information and new markets • supports collaborative projects with the aim of putting pioneering ideas into practice • pools expertise and encourages technology transfer – strengthening strengths • connects members to multipliers, opinion leaders and networks AFBW promotes the development and use of fiber-based materials across multiple industries, and provides fresh impetus for innovation. Its objective is to strengthen the competiveness of local enterprises, and the regional economy as a whole. The alliance offers a broad portfolio of services. This includes conferences and meetings that highlight new technological trends and uses; work groups and projects that explore ways of converting creative ideas into marketable products; shared booths at trade fairs, and PR and media work, that raise awareness of the industry’s capabilities. The work of the AFBW makes it a key player in the world of fibers, and beyond. A core focus is promoting the use of fiber-based materials in a wide variety of applications, including smart textiles, architecture and construction, aerospace and automotive engineering, environmental technology, medicine, and lightweight construction. 04.-07. May 2015, Frankfurt a. M. Hall 3.1, Booth D 81 Where ideas work. A key role is played by expert networks. These focus on relevant issues and help businesses in this industry to maximize revenue and minimize costs. Moreover, they help identify and nurture future business models. The association offers its members tangible added value in a ariety of ways. It has many proven strengths. It… • promotes and organizes networks across the value chains of multiple industries • provides advice and assistance to enterprises seeking to inter nationalize their operations • has a broad portfolio of industry-specific services Baden-Württemberg Pavilion • actively supports research and knowledge transfer • is the first point of contact for industry-related lobbying • sponsors a professorship in industrial and material design at Reutlingen University • manages expert networks The Stuttgart Textile Associations Alliance is a unique, multi-industry hub. It actively supports its member enterprises operating in this sector, and works to ensure a positive business environment in which they can leverage their strengths, and realize their full potential. • 28 Private Universities • 12 Max Planck Institutes / 14 Fraunhofer Institutes / 3 Helmholtz Research Centres / 7 Leibniz Institutes • 13 Contract Research Institutions • 581 Steinbeis Companies www.bw-i.de www.afbw.eu www.gesamtmasche.de Where ideas work. FIBER BLOWING TECHNOLOGIES 04.-07. Mai 2015, Frankfurt a. M. Fiber Engineering GmbH Mattes & Ammann GmbH & Co. KG Innovationen aus Baden-Württemberg Schoemperlenstr. 11c-d D-76185 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 721 5696757 Fax: +49 721 5696928 E-Mail: [email protected] www.fiber-engineering.de Brühlstr. 8 • D-72469 Messstetten – Tieringen Phone: +49 7436 877-98 Fax: +49 7436 877-7083 E-Mail: [email protected] www.mattesammann.de Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf Fiber Engineering bietet eine Fasereinblastechnologie FIM zur effizienten Fertigung von 3D Faserformteilen zur akustischen/ thermischen Isolation oder als festes Trägerteil an. Fiber Engineering offer a fiber blowing technology FIM for efficient production of 3D fiber formed parts for acoustical/thermal insulation or hard layer. Gebr. Otto GmbH & Co. KG Index of Exhibitors Baden-Württemberg Pavilion Hall 3.1, Booth D81 L_logo_amanngroup_intelligent threads_cs65.pdf 1 17.04.13 Königstr. 34 D-89165 Dietenheim Phone: +49 7347 9606-0 Fax: +49 7347 9696-60 E-Mail: [email protected] www.otto-garne.com Herstellung von Baumwollgarnen und Zwirnen in rohweiß und gefärbt für die Textilindustrie, auch in Bio- und Fairtrade-Qualität. Production of cotton yarns and twists in ecru and dyed for the textile industry including organic and fairtrade. Fabriken feiner Maschenstoffe Maschenstoffhersteller, Rundstrickerei, Kettenwirkerei, Rundwirkerei. Fabric Producer, Circular Knit, Warp Knit, Circular Warp Knit. roma-Strickstoff-Fabrik Rolf Mayer GmbH & Co. KG Körschtalstr. 26 D-73770 Denkendorf Phone: +49 711 9340-0 [email protected] www.ditf-denkendorf.de DITF Denkendorf assists industry on process and product development. The research spectrum covers the entire textile chain from polymer to product primarily in technical fields of application. Founded in 1921 DITF Denkendorf today forms the largest textile research center in Europe. The foundation under public law is supervised by the Ministry of Finance and Economics Baden-Württemberg. Hertenwinkelstr. 25 • D-72336 Balingen Phone: +49 7433 260290 Fax: +49 7433 2602925 E-Mail: [email protected] www.roma-strickstoffe.de Hersteller von Strickstoffen für Damenoberbekleidung und Berufsbekleidung, akustischen Stoffen, technischen Textilien und beheizbaren Strickstoffen. Producer of knitted fabrics for ladies wear and work wear, acoustical fabrics, technical textiles and heatable knitted fabrics 11:27 AMANN Group Global Safety Textiles GmbH Hauptstr. 1 • D-74357 Bönnigheim Phone: +49 7143 277 0 Fax: +49 7143 277 200 E-Mail: [email protected] www.amann.com Höllsteiner Straße 25 D-79689 Maulburg Phone: +49 7622 68846 0 Fax: +49 7622 68846 222 E-Mail: [email protected] www.global-safety-textiles.com intelligent threads Seit mehr als 160 Jahren bietet AMANN vom Universalnähfaden bis zur hochtechnischen Spezialität ein breites Sortiment für alle Anwendungsbereiche. For more than 160 years, AMANN offers from universal to special high-tech threads a wide range of threads for all applications. Die Global Safety Textiles GmbH ist marktführend in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von High-Tech Geweben zur Lösung kundenspezifischer Problemstellungen. Global Safety Textiles GmbH is a market leader in the production and development of high tech textile solutions for individual client needs. Standortagentur Tübingen Reutlingen – Zollernalb GmbH Hindenburgstr. 54 • D-72762 Reutlingen Phone: +49 7121 201 180 Fax: +49 7121 201 4180 E-Mail: [email protected] www.neckaralb.de Jörg Lederer GmbH Bandweberei • Am Moosbach 5 D-74535 Mainhardt Phone: +49 7903 1098 Fax: +49 7903 2448 E-Mail: [email protected] www.bauer-bandweberei.de Elastic-Garne Technische Textilien Lörrach GmbH & Co. KG Weißer Weg 4 • D-73340 Amstetten Phone: +49 7331 2006-0 Fax: +49 7331 2006-29 E-Mail: [email protected] www.lederer-elastic.de Teichstraße 56 • D-79539 Lörrach Phone: +49 7621 4022 0 Fax: +49 7621 4022 48 E-Mail: [email protected] www.ttl.de Entwicklung und Fertigung von individuellen Bändern, Gurten und Schläuchen bis zu einer Breite von 120mm. Design and production of custom-made tapes, belts and tubes up to a width of 120mm. Lederer Elastic-Garne produziert umwundene elastische Garne (SC/DC), Airjet Garne sowie Hamel Elasto Twist Garne. Lederer elastic yarns produces covered elastic yarns (SC/DC), air jet yarns and Hamel Elasto Twist yarns. Hersteller von Nadelfilzen für Individuallösungen (Automobil-, Flugzeug-, Elektroindustrie, Hitzeschutz/Isolation, Autowaschanlagen und andere Industriebereiche). Manufacturer of needlefelts for customized solutions (automotive-, aviation- electrical-industry, heat- and insulation-products, carwashing and other industrial branches). Essedea GmbH & Co. KG Junker-Filter GmbH Cluster Technical Textiles Neckar-Alb Lothforster Str. 50 D-41849 Wassenberg Phone: +49 2432 964460 Fax: +49 2432 964466 E-Mail: [email protected] www.essedea.de Carl-Benz-Str. 11 D-74889 Sinsheim Phone: +49 7261 9283-0 Fax: +49 7261 9283-99 E-Mail: [email protected] www.junkerfilter.de c/o IHK Reutlingen Hindenburgstr. 54 • D-72762 Reutlingen Phone: +49 7121 201-257 Fax: +49 7121 201-4257 E-Mail: [email protected] www.techtex-neckaralb.de Hersteller von Abstandsgewirk für Fahrzeug-, Polster- und Möbelindustrie, Filtration, Leichtbau, Wasser- und Energiegewinnung. Production of spacer fabrics for automobile, upholstery and furniture, filtration, light weight construction, water and energy generation. Junker-Filter bietet über 50 Jahre Innovation & Know-how im Bereich textile Filtermedien für modernste Entstaubungssysteme und Anlagen in der Fest-Flüssigtrennung. Neue Produkte – Industriespartenfilter – finden ihren Einsatz u. a. im Automobilbereich. Institut für Textilchemie und Chemiefasern [email protected] www.itcf-denkendorf.de Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Landschaft – das sind die Stärken der Region Neckar-Alb, die wir als Standortagentur Tübingen – Reutlingen – Zollernalb GmbH vermarkten. We implement efficient marketing measures to draw the attention of visitors, qualified professionals and potential investors to the Neckar-Alb region. Bauer GmbH Vernetzt – informiert – innovativ: Der Cluster bündelt regionale Kompetenzen und fördert wegweisende Innovationen im Bereich Technischer Textilien. Linked – informed – innovative: The cluster bundles regional competences and stimulates groundbreaking innovations in the field of technical textiles. Die DITF Denkendorf unterstützen die mittelständische Industrie bei der Verfahrens- und Produktentwicklung. Das Forschungsspektrum umfasst die gesamte textile Kette vom Polymer bis zum Produkt vorwiegend für technische Anwendungsfelder. Die DITF Denkendorf, 1921 gegründet, sind heute das größte Textilforschungszentrum in Europa. Die Stiftung des Öffentlichen Rechts untersteht der Dienstaufsicht des Ministeriums für Finanzen und Wirtschaft Baden-Württemberg. Institut für Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik [email protected] www.itv-denkendorf.de Zentrum für Management Research [email protected] www.ditf-mrdenkendorf.de Where ideas work. Das ITCF Denkendorf betreibt grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierte Forschung vom Molekül bis zum Material. Kernkompetenzen erstrecken sich von der Synthese von Faserpolymeren über die Faserherstellung bis zur Veredlung von Textilien für innovative Anwendungen in den Zukunftsfeldern Technische Textilien, Life Science, Umwelt und Bekleidung. ITCF Denkendorf conducts basic and practice-orientated research from molecule to final material. The core competencies range from the synthesis of fiber polymers to fiber production and finishing of textiles for innovative applications in the fields of life science, technical textiles and environmental uses. Das ITV Denkendorf entwickelt auf Basis textiler Technologien innovative Produkte und Verfahren vorzugsweise für die Bereiche Mobilität und Verkehr, Bauen und Architektur, Umwelt und Energie sowie allgemeine Verfahrens- und Prozesstechnik. Die ITV Produktservice GmbH befasst sich mit der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Medizintextilien und Implantaten. On the basis of textile technologies ITV Denkendorf develops innovative products and processes preferably for mobility and transportation, construction and architecture, environment and energy as well as general process engineering. ITV Productservice GmbH develops and manufactures medical textiles and implants. www.bw-invest.de Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Agency for International Economic and Scientific Cooperation Haus der Wirtschaft E-Mail:[email protected] Internet:www.bw-i.de, www.bw-invest.de Kernerstraße 59 70182 Stuttgart, Germany Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg -AFBW-e.V DITF-MR entwickelt Konzepte, Methoden und Instrumente für strategisches und operatives Management sowie neue Organisationsstrukturen innerhalb und zwischen Unternehmen und Netzwerken. DITF-MR elaborates concepts, methods and instruments for strategic and operative management as well as new organizational structures inside and between companies and networks. Phone: +49 711 22787-0 Fax: +49 711 22787-22 Phone: +49 711 21050-12 Fax: +49 711 233718 E-Mail:[email protected] Internet:www.afbw.eu Kernerstraße 59 70182 Stuttgart, Germany Phone: +49 711 21050-0 Fax: +49 711 233718 Verband der Südwestdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie E-Mail:[email protected] Internet:www.suedwesttextil.de
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