Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. Research Promotion Processes and Projects in the Area of Supervision und Coaching Background Mission Supervision and coaching are scientifically-based, practical concepts for people- and organisation-focussed consulting activities in working life. Individuals, groups, teams and organisational or corporate units can use these concepts to understand complex challenges and to respond appropriately to them. Supervision and coaching can assist in clarifying workplace practices (reflection), acquiring the competencies currently needed (know-how), and testing new roles and structures in the working world (practice transfer).¹ The mission of the DGSv – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Super vision e.V. (German Society for Supervision) is, among other things, to promote “the activities of consulting, research and education in the workplace and professional environment on the basis of supervision and associated or complementary reflective forms of consulting”. Aim Structures “Ultimately the role of developing and promoting the scientifically-based discourse on consulting activities is also to improve the social positioning of supervisors and coaches, especially from the point of view of professional policy. Also in the public image they must be recognised as responsible, ethical and clearly positioned partners of social development”.² After the DGSv had been founded in 1989, the Managing Board established a Science and Research Committee for the first time in 1994. From 2002 onwards the initiatives in the area of science and research have been formally integrated into the Board’s duties, and the former Committee has ceased to exist. The management of all activities, topics and projects in the area of science and research is the responsibility of the Chief Executive/Executive Chairperson. 1 On the basis of: DGSv Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (Pub.)(2010): Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. – ein Qualitätsrahmen für Supervision und Beratung (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. – a quality framework for supervision and consultancy). Cologne: self-published. (25.7.2011) 2 Articles of Association of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (DGSv), version of 23.10.2009, Cologne Local Court Register of Associations, No. 10235. (25.7.2011) Means employed Publications A selection of major academic events A selection of major publications • 2 003 “Quo vadis Supervision?” Symposium in association with the University of Göttingen • D eutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (Ed.) (2008): Der Nutzen von Supervision. Verzeichnis von Evaluationen und wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (The benefits of supervision. Index of evaluations and research papers.). Compiled by Brigitte Hausinger. Kassel: kassel university press. • 2 006 “Research on Supervision – Tomorrow begins Today” Symposium in association with a consortium of six other affiliate organisations, Frankfurt am Main • 2 007 “Do we know what we are doing?” Symposium in association with a consortium of six other affiliate organisations, Freiburg i. B. • 2 008 “What should we be talking about?” 1st Consulting Symposium, Kassel, in association with the University of Kassel • 2 010 “Trust. A risky matter or hopeful expectation?” 2nd Consulting Symposium, Kassel, in association with the University of Kassel • 2 011 “Supervision and research and the high art of improvisation” Symposium in association with a consortium of four other affiliated organisations, Leipzig • 2 012 “Risky working world” Symposium in cooperation with the Evangelische Akademie (Protestant Academy), Tutzing • 2 015 “Between self-responsibility and heteronomy” Symposium on “Supervision on Supervision” in cooperation with BSO, BSC, ÖVS and DGSv, Bregenz • 2 016 “Text, picture or figure: approaches to reality” Symposium in association with a consortium of four affiliated organisations, Berlin • H aubl, Rolf; Hausinger, Brigitte (Ed.) (2009): Supervisionsforschung: Einblicke und Ausblicke (Research on supervision: insights and outlooks). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. • M öller, Heidi; Hausinger, Brigitte (Ed.)(2009): Quo vadis Beratungswissenschaft? (Where to now: The Science of Consultancy). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. • B usse, Stefan; Ehmer, Susanne (Ed.)(2010): Wissen wir, was wir tun? Beraterisches Handeln in Super vision und Coaching. (Do we know what we are doing? Consulting activities in supervision and coaching). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. • H aubl, Rolf; Voss, G. Günter (Ed.) (2011): Riskante Arbeitswelt im Spiegel der Supervision. Eine Studie zu den psychosozialen Auswirkungen spätmoderner Erwerbsarbeit. Kölner Reihe – Materialien zu Supervision und Beratung (The risky working world through the lens of supervision. A study on the psychosocial effects of late modern gainful work. Cologne Series – Materials on Supervision and Consultancy). Published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (DGSv), Vol 1, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ellermann, Jörg (Ed.) (2011): • F Supervision und Coaching auf dem Beratungsmarkt. Eine explorative Studie als Beitrag zur Marktforschung. Kölner Reihe – Materialien zu Supervision und Beratung (Supervision and coaching on the consultancy market. An exploratory study as a contribution to market research. Cologne Series – Materials on Supervision and Consultancy). Published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (DGSv), Vol. 2. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. • S chiersmann, Christiane, Thiel, Heinz Ulrich (Ed.) (2012): Beratung als Förderung von Selbstorganisationsprozessen. Empirische Studien zur Beratung von Personen und Organisationen auf der Basis der Synergetik. Interdisziplinäre Beratungsforschung — Band 005 Doctoral sponsorship (Consulting as an encouragement for processes of self-organisation. Empirical studies on the consulting of people and organisations based on synergetics. Interdisciplinary research on consultancy – Vol 005.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. aubl, Rolf; Voß, G. Günter; Alsdorf, Nora; Handrich, • H Christoph (Ed.) (2013): Belastungsstörung mit System. Die zweite Studie zur psychosozialen Situation in deutschen Organisationen. Kölner Reihe – Materialien zu Supervision und Beratung (There is method to stress disorders. Second study on the psychosocial situation in German organizations. Cologne Series – Materials on Supervision and Consultancy). Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (DGSv), Vol. 3., Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. • D öring-Seipel, Dauber, Heinrich (Ed.) (2013): Was Lehrerinnen und Lehrer gesund hält. Empirische Ergebnisse zur Bedeutung psychosozialer Ressourcen im Lehrerberuf. Kölner Reihe – Materialien zu Supervision und Beratung (Keeping teachers healthy. Empirical results regarding the importance of psychosocial resources for the teaching profession). Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (DGSv), Vol. 4. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. • B usse, Stefan; Hausinger, Brigitte (Ed.) (2013): Supervisions- und Coachingprozesse erforschen. Theoretische und methodische Zugänge. Interdisziplinäre Beratungsforschung – Band 007 (Research on processes of supervision and coaching. Theoretical and methodical approaches. Interdisciplinary research on consultancy – Vol 007.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. öller, Heidi; Müller-Kalkstein, Ronja (Ed.) (2014): • M Gender und Beratung. Auf dem Weg zu mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Organisationen. Interdisziplinäre Beratungsforschung – Band 009. (Gender and Consulting. Towards greater gender equality in organisations. Interdisciplinary research on consultancy – Vol 009.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ittenbinder, Elise; Schriefers, Silvia; Baron, Jenny (Ed.) (2015): • B Grenzbereiche der Supervision – Verwaltung in Bewegung. Interdisziplinäre Beratungsforschung – Band 010. (Supervision: expanding into new areas – Administrative bodies on the move. Interdisciplinary research on consultancy – Vol 010.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Since 2002 the DGSv has supported a total of 13 young scholars during their doctorate. This support included a thematic component (consulting, networking, participation in seminars, discourse) and a financial component (subsidy for printing costs). The aim of the project is to provide support for scholarly debate with consulting professionals in the working world. The support provided is not a scholarship. Project assistance The DGSv supports research projects in the field of consulting services in the working world. Such support may include the provision of funding for direct research activities or for publi cations. It may also include planning and logistical support and consultancy. Major projects to date are listed below, such as: • “ Arbeit und Leben in Organisationen” (Work and life in organisations), 2008, published by Haubl/Voss in 2011, with an English summary. Research partners: Sigmund Freud Institute and Chemnitz Technical University • “ Kompetenzentwicklung in der Supervisionsausbildung” (Skills development in supervision training), 2011, unpublished; research partner: University of Kassel • “ Die Praxis von Supervision, Coaching und Teamentwicklung in Organisationen und Unternehmen. Eine Befragung von 1.000 Unternehmen und Organisationen im bayrischen Bezirk Unterfranken” (The practice of supervision, coaching and team development in organisations and companies. A survey of 1,000 companies and organisations in the Bavarian region of Lower Franconia), 2009. Research partner: MODUS Institut für angewandte Wirtschafts- und Sozialforschung, Bamberg • “ Zur sozialen Konstruktion neuer Zuständigkeiten. Eine professionssoziologische Untersuchung des Zuständigkeitsanspruchs des Coachs” (On the social construction of new responsibilities. The scope of responsibility of the coach – a study from the perspective of the sociology of professions). Series. Research partners: HCSP at the Humboldt University of Berlin and Beate Fietze • “ Arbeit und Leben in Organisationen” (Work and life in organisations), 2011. Series. Research partners: Sigmund Freud Institute and the Chemnitz Technical University • “ Die Praxis von Supervision, Coaching und Teamentwicklung in Organisationen und Unternehmen. Eine Befragung von 1.410 Unternehmen und Organisationen in Berlin” (The practice of supervision, coaching and team development in organisations and companies. A survey of 1,410 companies and organisations in Berlin), 2010. Published by Fellermann: 2011, with an English summary. Research partners: MODUS Institut für angewandte Wirtschafts- und Sozialforschung, Bamberg • “ Sozialgeschichte der Supervision” (The social history of supervision). Project duration 04.2013 – 10.2014. Project management: Dr. Jan Lohl, Sigmund Freud Institute, Frankfurt. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. Neusser Str. 3 D-50670 Köln (Cologne) Phone +49 (0)221 920 04-0 Fax +49 (0)221 920 04-29 [email protected] Produced by the DGSv, 2015
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