New Books April 2015 - European University Institute

Library – New Books April 2015
Informatics, Bibliography, etc
Philosophy & Psychology
Political Science
Public Administration
Social Problems
Commerce & Transportation
Natural Sciences & Maths
Applied Sciences & Management
The Arts
Reference and Legal Theory
International Law
European Law
Comparative and National Law
EDC Collection
Historical Archives
Informatics, Bibliography, etc
Le temps des humanités digitales : la mutation des sciences humaines et sociales / sous la direction
d'Olivier Le Deuff
Le Deuff, Olivier, editor
Limoges : Fyp, ©2014
LIB 001.30285 LED
Komplexität : ein Schlüsselbegriff der Moderne / Karen Gloy
Gloy, Karen
Paderborn : Wilhelm Fink, [2014];©2014
LIB 003.7 GLO
High performance Python / Micha Gorelick and Ian Ozsvald
Gorelick, Micha
Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, [2014]
LIB 005.133 PYTHON
Python cookbook / David Beazley and Brian K. Jones
Beazley, David M
Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, 2013
LIB 005.133 BEA
Python pocket reference / Mark Lutz
Lutz, Mark
Beijing : O'Reilly, 2014
LIB 005.133 LUT
Artificial intelligence : a modern approach / Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig
Russell, Stuart J. (Stuart Jonathan)
Harlow, Essex : Pearson, 2014
LIB 006.3 RUS
A bibliography of the early printed editions of Virgil, 1469-1850 / Craig Kallendorf
Kallendorf, Craig
New Castle, Delaware : Oak Knoll Press, 2012
LIB 016.87101 KAL
Cultural heritage information : access and management \ edited by Ian Ruthven and G.G. Chowdhury
Ruthven, Ian, 1968-, editor
London : Facet publishing, 2015
Le biblioteche di Luigi Crocetti : saggi, recensioni, paperoles : 1963-2007 / a cura di Laura Desideri,
Alberto Petrucciani presentazione di Stefano Parise
Desideri, Laura, editor
Roma : AIB Associazione italiana Biblioteche, 2014
# 10
Disaster planning for libraries : process and guidelines / Guy Robertson
Robertson, Guy, author
Amsterdam Elsevier/Chandos Publishing, [2015];©2015
LSC 025.82 ROB
# 11
Museums, heritage and international development / edited by Paul Basu and Wayne Modest
Basu, Paul, editor
New York : Routledge, 2015
LIB 069.091724 BAS
Philosophy & Psychology
Metaphysics : a guide and anthology / [edited by] Tim Crane and Katalin Farkas
Crane, Tim, editor
Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2004
Connaître : questions d'épistémologie contemporaine / sous la direction de Jean-Marie Chevalier &
Benoit Gaultier Reinaldo J. Bernal Velásquez [et 13 others]
Chevalier, Jean-Marie, 1980-, editor
Paris : Les Ed. d'Ithaque, ©2014
Seeing things as they are : a theory of perception / John R. Searle
Searle, John R
New York : Oxford University Press, 2014
LIB 121.34 SEA
Luck : its nature and significance for human knowledge and agency / E.J. Coffman, Associate
Professor of Philosophy, University of Tennessee, USA
Coffman Jnr, E. J., 1976Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 123.3 COF
The soul of the marionette : a short inquiry into human freedom / John Gray
Gray, John, 1948London : Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books, 2015
LIB 123.5 GRA
Le défi du nihilisme : Ernst Bloch et Hans Jonas / Avishag Zafrani
Zafrani, Avishag
Paris : Hermann Editions 2014
LIB 149.8 ZAF
The ethics of insurgency : a critical guide to just guerrilla warfare / Michael L. Gross, University of
Gross, Michael L., 1954New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015
LIB 172.42 GRO
A theory of the drone / Gregoire Chamayou translated by Janet Lloyd
Chamayou, Grégoire
New York : The New Press, 2013
LIB 172.42 CHA
The business of doing good : insights from one social entreprise's journey to deliver on good
intentions / Anton Simanowitz, Katherine Knotts
Simanowitz, Anton
Rugby : Practical Action Publishing, 2015
LIB 174.4 SIM
# 10
Economic morality : readings ancient to modern / edited by Henry C. Clark and Eric Allison
Clark, Henry C., editor
Lanham Boulder New York London : Lexington Books, 2015
LIB 174.4 CLA
# 11
Les nourritures : philosophie du corps politique / Corine Pelluchon
Pelluchon, Corine
Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 2015
LIB 179.1 PEL
# 12
Tradition and modernity : a humanist view / by Chen Lai translated by Edmund Ryden
Chen, Lai, 1952Leiden Boston : Brill, 2009
LIB 181.112 CHE
# 13
Hayek on Mill : the Mill-Taylor friendship and related writings / edited by Sandra J. Peart
Hayek, Friedrich A. von (Friedrich August), 1899-1992
Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2015
# 14
Karl Popper and the two new secrets of life : including Karl Popper's Medawar lecture 1986 and three
related texts / Hans-Joachim Niemann
Niemann, Hans-Joachim
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2014
# 15
Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
herausgegeben von Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831, author
Hamburg : Felix Meiner Verlag, [2015]-;©2015
# 16
Being singular plural / Jean-Luc Nancy translated by Robert D. Richardson and Anne E. O'Byrne
Nancy, Jean-Luc
Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2000
# 17
Pensées rebelles : Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze / [Catherine Halpern, rédactrice en chef]
Halpern, Catherine, editor
Auxerre : Éditions Sciences Humaines, ©2013
# 18
Second manifeste pour la philosophie / Alain Badiou
Badiou, Alain
Paris : Flammarion, 2010
# 19
The Descartes dictionary / Kurt Smith
Smith, Kurt, 1961London New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2015
# 20
Michel Foucault et la dignité humaine / Lucas Guimaraens
Guimaraens, Lucas
Paris : L'Harmattan, [2014]
# 21
La pensée Foucault / Guillaume Le Blanc
Le Blanc, Guillaume
Paris : Ellipses, ©2014
# 22
La volonté de savoir de Michel Foucault : regards critiques, 1976-1979 / dossier coordonné par JeanFrançois Bert textes choisis et présentés par Philippe Artières [and others]
Bert, Jean-François, 1976-, editor
Caen : Presses universitaires de Caen, ©2013
# 23
Giorgio Agamben : beyond the threshold of deconstruction / Kevin Attell
Attell, Kevin
New York : Fordham University Press, 2014
Checkpoint, temple, church and mosque : a collaborative ethnography of war and peace / Jonathan
Spencer, Jonathan Goodhand, Shahul Hasbullah, Bart Klem, Benedikt Korf and Kalinga Tudor Silva
Spencer, Jonathan, 1954London : Pluto Press, 2015
LIB 201.7 SPE
Europäische Religionspolitik : religiöse Identitätsbezüge, rechtliche Regelungen und politische
Ausgestaltung / Ines-Jacqueline Werkner, Antonius Liedhegener (Hrsg.)
Werkner, Ines-Jacqueline, editor
Wiesbaden : Springer VS, ©2013
LIB 201.72094 WER
Religionen : Global Player in der internationalen Politik? / Ines-Jacqueline Werkner, Oliver Hidalgo
Werkner, Ines-Jacqueline, editor
Wiesbaden : Springer VS, [2014]
LIB 201.727 WER
The devil's tabernacle : the pagan oracles in early modern thought / Anthony Ossa-Richardson
Ossa-Richardson, Anthony, 1981Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2013];©2013
LIB 203.2 OSS
Alasdair Macintyre, George lindbeck, and the nature of tradition / David Trenery foreword by Karen
Trenery, David R. (David Royce)
Eugene, Oregon : Pickwick Publications, 2014
The highest poverty : monastic rules and form-of-life / Giorgio Agamben translated by Adam Kotsko
Agamben, Giorgio, 1942- author
Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2013
Religione e politica : l'ibridazione islamica / Romano Bettini
Bettini, Romano
Roma : Armando, ©2013
LIB 297.272 BET
Im Sog der Technokratie / Jürgen Habermas
Habermas, Jürgen
Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2013
LIB 300.1 HAB
Vivisketionen eines Zeitalters : Porträts zur Ideengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts / Axel Honneth
Honneth, Axel, 1949Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2014
LIB 300.1 HON
Counterfactuals and causal inference : methods and principles for social research / Stephen L.
Morgan, Christopher Winship
Morgan, Stephen L. (Stephen Lawrence), 1971New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015
LIB 300.72 MOR
La théorie de Pierre Bourdieu et ses usages sociologiques / Anne Jourdain, Sidonie Naulin sous la
direction de François de Singly
Jourdain, Anne
Paris : Armand Colin, [2012];©2012
The emergence of norms / Edna Ullmann-Margalit
Ullmann-Margalit, Edna
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 301.01 ULL
Lebensstilforschung / Jörg Rössel, Gunnar Otte (Hrsg.)
Rössel, Jörg, editor
Wiesbaden : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2012
LIB 301.01 ROS
Le rouet de Montaigne : une théorie du croire / Raymond Boudon
Boudon, Raymond
Paris : Hermann, 2013
LIB 301.01 BOU
La sociologie comme science / Raymond Boudon
Boudon, Raymond
Paris : Découverte, ©2010
LIB 301.01 BOU
Max Weber : eine Einführung in Leben, Werk und Wirkung / Dirk Kaesler
Käsler, Dirk, 1944Frankfurt am Main : Campus, 2014
LIB 301.045 KAS
# 10
Social data analytics : collaboration for the enterprise / Krish Krishnan, Shawn P. Rogers
Krishnan, Krish
Amsterdam : Elsevier, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 2014
LIB 301.072 KRI
# 11
Weil Europa sich ändern muss : im Gespräch mit Gesine Schwan, Robert Menasse, Hauke
Brunkhorst / mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Schäuble
Schwan, Gesine, 1943Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2015
LIB 301.094 SCH
# 12
Neue europäische Architektur und kosmopolitische Nation / Ulrich Beck herausgegeben von Julian
Nida-Rümelin und Wolfgang Thierse mit Peer Steinbrück
Beck, Ulrich, 1944-2015, compiler
Essen : Klartext, 2013
LIB 301.294 BEC
# 13
Dual-process theories of the social mind / edited by Jeffrey W. Sherman, Bertram Gawronski, Yaacov
Sherman, Jeffrey W, editor
New York : The Guilford Press, [2014]
# 14
The risk society revisited : social theory and governance / Eugene A. Rosa, Ortwin Renn, and Aaron
M. McCright
Rosa, Eugene A
Philadelphia : Temple University Press, ©2014
LIB 302.12 ROS
# 15
Nothing to lose but our fear / Fiona Jeffries in conversation with Lydia Cacho, Gustavo Esteva, Silvia
Federici, David Harvey, John Holloway, Wendy Mendez, Sandra Moran, Marcus Rediker and Nandita
Jeffries, Fiona, author of introduction, etc., interviewee
London : Zed Books, 2015
LIB 302.17 JEF
# 16
Les médiations de l'Europe politique / sous la direction de Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé, Caroline
Ollivier-Yaniv et Jean-Michel Utard
Aldrin, Philippe, editor
Strasbourg : Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2014
LIB 302.23094 ALD
# 17
New media in new Europe-Asia / edited by Jeremy Morris, Natalya Rulyova, and Vlad Strukov
Morris, Jeremy, 1974-, editor
Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2015
LIB 302.23094 MOR
# 18
Framing war and genocide : British policy and news media reaction to the war in Bosnia / Gregory
Kent, Gregory
Creskill, NJ : Hampton Press, 2006
LIB 302.2309497 KEN
# 19
Big Data : Analysen zum digitalen Wandel von Wissen, Macht und Ökonomie / Ramón Reichert (Hg.)
Reichert, Ramón, editor
Bielefeld : Transcript, [2014]
LIB 302.30285 REI
# 20
The utopia of rules : on technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy / David Graeber
Graeber, David
Brooklyn : Melville House, ©2015
LIB 302.35 GRA
# 21
Travail, santé, éducation : individualisation des parcours sociaux et inégalités / sous la direction de
Servet Ertul, Jean-Philippe Melchior et Éric Widmer préface de Vincent Goueset
Ertul, Servet, editor
Paris : L'Harmattan, ©2013
LIB 302.5 ERT
# 22
Private Macht im Wohlfahrtsstaat : Akteure und Institutionen / Monica Budowski und Michael Nollert
Bodowski, Monica, 1957-, editor
Zürich : Seismo, [2014]
LIB 303.3 BUD
# 23
L'égalité, une passion française? / Michel Forsé, Olivier Galland, Caroline Guibet Lafaye, Maxime
Parodi préface de Raymond Boudon
Forsé, Michel
Paris : Armand Colin, 2013
LIB 303.3720944 FOR
# 24
Economic globalisation : origins and consequences / Jean-Yves Huwart and Loïc Verdier
Huwart, Jean-Yves, 1974Paris : OECD, ©2013
LIB 303.4 HUW
# 25
Cosmopolitanism and culture / Nikos Papastergiadis
Papastergiadis, Nikos, 1962Cambridge Malden, MA : Polity Press, ©2012
LIB 303.482 PAP
# 26
Au pays de Numérix / Alexandre Moatti
Moatti, Alexandre, 1959Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 2015
LIB 303.4833 MOA
# 27
Hacker, hoaxer, whistleblower, spy : the many faces of Anonymous / Gabriella Coleman
Coleman, E. Gabriella, 1973London New York : Verso, ©2014
LIB 303.4833 COL
# 28
Urban mobilizations and new media in contemporary China / edited by Lisheng Dong, Hanspeter
Kriesi, Daniel Kübler
Dong, Lisheng, editor
Farnham : Ashgate, 2015
LIB 303.48330951 DON
# 29
Les médias font-ils les révolutions? : regards critiques sur les soulèvements arabes / sous la direction
de Fathallah Daghmi, Farid Toumi, Abderrahmane Amsidder préface de Jean-Paul Lafrance
Daghmi, Fathallah, editor
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013
LIB 303.48330956 DAG
# 30
The occupiers : the making of the 99 percent movement / Michael A. Gould-Wartofsky
Gould-Wartofsky, Michael A
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 303.4840973 GOU
# 31
The U.S. women's jury movements and strategic adaptation : a more just verdict / Holly J.
McCammon, Holly J., 1959New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014
LIB 303.4840973 MCC
# 32
Culture of honor : the psychology of violence in the South / Richard E. Nisbett, Dov Cohen
Nisbett, Richard E
Boulder, Colo Oxford : Westview, 1996
LIB 303.60975 NIS
# 33
The performance of memory as transitional justice / edited by S. Elizabeth Bird, Fraser M. Ottanelli
Bird, S. Elizabeth, editor
Cambridge Antwerp : Intersentia, 2015
LIB 303.69 BIR
# 34
Die Entstehung der grünen Politik : Kultursoziologie der westdeutschen Umweltbewegung / Andreas
Pettenkofer, Andreas
Frankfurt am Main : Campus, 2014;©2014
LIB 304.280943 PET
# 35
Deutschland Einwanderungsland : Begriffe, Fakten, Kontroversen / Karl-Heinz Meier-Braun und
Reinhold Weber (Hrsg.)
Meier-Braun, Karl-Heinz, editor
Stuttgart : Verlag W.Kohlhammer, 2013
LIB 325.43 MEI
# 36
Die stille Integration : Identitätskonstruktionen von polnischen Migranten in Deutschland / Thea D.
Boldt, Thea D
Frankfurt am Main : Campus, [2012]
LIB 304.60943 BOL
# 37
Nationalism, identity and the governance of diversity : old politics, new arrivals / Fiona Barker
Barker, Fiona
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 304.8 BAR
# 38
Wanderungen : Migrationen und Transformationen aus geschlechterwissenschaftlichen Perspektiven
/ Annika McPherson, Barbara Paul, Sylvia Pritsch, Melanie Unseld, Silke Wenk (Hg.)
McPherson, Annika, editor
Bielefeld : Transcript, 2013;©2013
LIB 304.808209049 MCP
# 39
Borders, mobilities and migrations : perspectives from the Mediterranean, 19-21st century / Lisa
Anteby-Yemini, Virginie Baby-Collin, Sylvie Mazzella, Stéphane Mourlane, Cédric Parizot, Céline
Regnard & Pierre Sintes (eds.)
Anteby-Yemini, Lisa, author, editor
Bruxelles New York : P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2014
LIB 304.8091822 ANT
# 40
Handbook of the economics of international migration. Volume 1B, The impact and regional studies /
edited by Barry R. Chiswick, Paul W. Miller
Chiswick, Barry R, editor
Oxford, England : North-Holland, 2015
LIB 304.82 CHI
# 41
La seconda generazione di migranti : verso quale integrazione? / Marco Orioles
Orioles, Marco
Roma : Carocci editore, dicembre 2013
LIB 304.845 ORI
# 42
La convivencia entre españoles y marroquíes : el impacto de las migraciones en las relaciones
interculturales / Lucía Ferreiro Prado
Ferreiro Prado, Lucía
Madrid : Dykinson, 2014
LIB 304.846 FER
# 43
Femmes, genre, féminismes en Méditerranée : "le vent de la pensée" : hommage à Françoise Collin /
préface de Geneviève Fraisse textes et documents réunis et présentés par Christiane Veauvy et
Mireille Azzoug
Veauvy, Christiane, editor
Saint-Denis : Éditions Bouchène, [2014]
LIB 305.407 VEA
# 44
Qué políticas para qué igualdad : debates sobre el género en las políticas públicas en Europa /
Carmen Domínguez Alcón, Maxime Forest, Réjane Sénac
Domínguez-Alcón, Carmen
Valencia : Tirant Humanidades, 2013
LIB 305.42094 DOM
# 45
Migrants, work and social integration : women's labour in the Turkish ethnic economy / Saniye
Dedeoğlu, Muğla University, Turkey
Dedeoğlu, Saniye, author
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
LIB 305.4209561 DED
# 46
Die Prekarisierungsgesellschaft : prekäre Proteste : Politik und Ökonomie im Zeichen der
Prekarisierung / Oliver Marchart
Marchart, Oliver
Bielefeld : Transcript, 2013
LIB 305.5 MAR
# 47
Les inaudibles : sociologie politique des précaires / sous la direction de Céline Braconnier, Nonna
Braconnier, Céline, editor
Paris : Presses de Sciences Po, 2015
LIB 305.560944 BRA
# 48
L'islam militant en Europe / Samir Amghar
Amghar, Samir
Gollion : Infolio, 2013
LIB 305.697094 AMG
# 49
Cultural anthropology : 101 / Jack David Eller
Eller, Jack David, 1959London New York : Routledge, 2015
LIB 305.8 ELL
# 50
Grounds for difference / Rogers Brubaker
Brubaker, Rogers, 1956Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2015
LIB 305.8 BRU
# 51
Pour une histoire politique de la race / Jean-Frédéric Schaub
Schaub, Jean-Frédéric
[Paris] : Seuil, ©2015
LIB 305.8 SCH
# 52
The philosophy of race / Albert Atkin
Atkin, Albert
Durham [England] : Acumen Publishing Ltd, 2012
LIB 305.8001 ATK
# 53
Diasporas and homeland conflicts : a comparative perspective / by Bahar Baser
Baser, Bahar
Farnham, Surrey Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2015
LIB 305.80094 BAS
# 54
Les minorités au sein de l'Union européenne / Philippe Icard
Icard, Philippe
Paris : Eska, ©2014
LIB 305.80094 ICA
# 55
Identity and political participation among young British Muslims : believing and belonging / Asma
Mustafa foreword by Anthony Heath
Mustafa, Asma, 1980Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 305.800941 MUS
# 56
Europeizacja w diasporze : studenci polscy na uczelniach w Londynie po 2004 roku / Katarzyna
Andrejuk, Katarzyna
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, 2013
LIB 305.89185041 AND
# 57
Anti-semitism and its metaphysical origins / David Patterson
Patterson, David, 1948New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015;©2015
LIB 305.8924 PAT
# 58
European Muslim antisemitism : why young urban males say they don't like Jews / Günther Jikeli
Jikeli, Günther
Bloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press, 2015
LIB 305.892404 JIK
# 59
Politik und Recht / Uffa Jensen
Jensen, Uffa
Paderborn : Ferdinand Schöningh, [2013]
LIB 305.8924043 JEN
# 60
Very different, but much the same : the evolution of English society since 1714 / W.G. Runciman
Runciman, W. G. (Walter Garrison), 1934Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 306.0942 RUN
# 61
Our kids : the American Dream in crisis / Robert D. Putnam
Putnam, Robert D
New York : Simon & Schuster, 2015
LIB 306.0973 PUT
# 62
Resurrecting democracy : faith, citizenship, and the politics of a common life / Luke Bretherton, Duke
Bretherton, Luke
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015
LIB 306.2 BRE
# 63
Cultures of democracy in Serbia and Bulgaria : how ideas shape publics / James Dawson
Dawson, James, 1979Farnham : Ashgate, 2014
LIB 306.2094971 DAW
# 64
The cultural logic of politics in mainland China and Taiwan / Tianjian Shi
Shi, Tianjian
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015
LIB 306.20951 SHI
# 65
The making of Southeast Asian nations : state, ethnicity, indigenism and citizenship / Leo Suryadinata
foreword by Wang Gungwu
Suryadinata, Leo
Singapore : World Scientific, 2015
LIB 306.20959 SUR
# 66
Commerce and community : ecologies of social cooperation / edited by Robert F. Garnett Jr., Paul
Lewis and Lenore T. Ealy
Garnett, Robert F, editor
Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2015
LIB 306.3 GAR
# 67
Macht und Geld : über die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung monetärer Verfassungen / Christian Postberg
Postberg, Christian
Frankfurt : Campus, 2013
LIB 306.3 POS
# 68
Sociologie économique : histoire et courants contemporains / Antoine Bernard de Raymond, PierreMarie Chauvin
Bernard de Raymond, Antoine, 1979Paris : Armand Colin, ©2014
LIB 306.3 BER
# 69
Soziologische Kapitaltheorie : Marx, Bourdieu und der ökonomische Imperialismus / Peter
Streckeisen, Peter, 1975Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014
LIB 306.34201 STR
# 70
Arbeit, Organisation und Mobilität : eine grenzüberschreitende Perspektive : Festschrift für Ludger
Pries / Martina Maletzky, Martin Seeliger, Manfred Wannöffel (Hg.)
Maletzky, Martina, editor
Frankfurt : Campus, 2013
LIB 306.36 MAL
# 71
Sex slaves and discourse masters : the construction of trafficking / Jo Doezema
Doezema, Jo
London New York : Zed Books New York : Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan,
LIB 306.362 DOE
# 72
Die Welt der Patente : soziologische Perspektiven auf eine zentrale Institution der globalen
Wissensgesellschaft / Christian Mersch
Mersch, Christian
Bielefeld : Transcript, 2013
LIB 306.42 MER
# 73
Pidgin-Knowledge : Wissen und Kolonialismus / Harald Fischer-Tiné
Fischer-Tiné, Harald
Zürich : Diaphanes, [2013];©2013
LIB 306.461095409034 FIS
# 74
Economics of betting markets / edited by David Peel
Peel, D., editor
London : Routledge, 2010
LIB 306.482 PEE
# 75
Islam in liberalism / Joseph A. Massad
Massad, Joseph Andoni, 1963Chicago London : University of Chicago Press, ©2015
LIB 306.697 MAS
# 76
Demanding sex : critical reflections on the regulation of prostitution / edited by Vanessa Munro,
Marina Della Giusta
Munro, Vanessa, editor
Aldershot, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2008
LIB 306.740941 MUN
# 77
Warped : gay normality and queer anti-capitalism / by Peter Drucker
Drucker, Peter, 1958Leiden, the Netherlands Boston : Brill, 2015
LIB 306.7601 DRU
# 78
Enfants de couples mixtes : liens sociaux et identités / Anne Unterreiner préface de Serge Paugam
Unterreiner, Anne
Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, ©2015
LIB 306.8 UNT
# 79
Le peuplement comme politiques : [colloque, Lyon, Sant-Étienne, 17-18 novembre 2011 / organisé
par le Centre d'études et de recherches administratives, politiques et sociales de Lille 2 le laboratoire
Environnement, ville, société de Lyon 3 le laboratoire Triangle de l'École Normale Supérieure de
Lyon] sous la direction de Fabien Desage, Christelle Morel Journel et Valérie Sala Pala préfaces de
Mustafa Dikeç et Massimo Bricocoli
Desage, Fabien, editor
Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014
LIB 307.2 DES
# 80
D'une métropole à l'autre : pratiques urbaines et circulations dans l'espace européen / [sous la
direction de] Christophe Imbert, Hadrien Dubucs, Franc̦oise Dureau, Matthieu Giroud
Imbert, Christophe, editor
Paris : Armand Colin, ©2014
LIB 307.2094 IMB
# 81
Thick space : approaches to metropolitanism / Dorothee Brantz, Sasha Disko, Georg Wagner-Kyora
Brantz, Dorothee, editor
Bielefeld : Transcript Piscataway, NJ : [distributor] Transaction Publishers, ©2012
LIB 307.76 BRA
Political Science
The Cambridge Rawls lexicon / edited by Jon Mandle, SUNY Albany and David A. Reidy, University
of Tennessee, Knoxville
Mandle, Jon, 1966- editor
United Kingdom New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015
LIB 320.01 MAN
Kriegstechniker des Begriffs : biographische Studien zu Carl Schmitt / Reinhard Mehring
Mehring, Reinhard
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2014
LIB 320.01 MEH
La méthode de l'égalité / Jacques Rancière entretien avec Laurent Jeanpierre et Dork Zabunyan
Rancière, Jacques, interviewee
Montrouge : Bayard, 2012
LIB 320.01 RAN
Der moderne Staat und "le doux commerce" : Politik, Ökonomie und internationale Beziehungen im
politischen Denken der Aufklärung / Olaf Asbach (Hrsg.)
Asbach, Olaf, 1960-, editor
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2014
LIB 320.01 ASB
Nontaxation and representation : the fiscal foundations of political stability / Kevin M. Morrison,
University of Pittsburgh
Morrison, Kevin M
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015
LIB 320.01 MOR
Studienbuch Politikwissenschaft / Manfred G. Schmidt, Frieder Wolf, Stefan Wurster (Hrsg.)
Schmidt, Manfred G., 1948-, editor
Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2013
LIB 320.01 SCH
The transformation of democracy / Vilfredo Pareto edited with an introduction by Charles H. Powers
translated by Renata Girola
Pareto, Vilfredo, 1848-1923
New Brunswick, U.S.A. : Transaction Books, ©1984
LIB 320.01 PAR
Haine(s), philosophie et politique / Olivier Le Cour Grandmaison
Le Cour Grandmaison, Olivier
Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 2002
LIB 320.019 LEC
Women in contemporary politics / Wendy Stokes
Stokes, Wendy
Cambridge : Polity, 2005
LIB 320.082 STO
# 10
Rationality, democracy, and justice : the legacy of Jon Elster / edited by Claudio López-Guerra, Julia
López-Guerra, Claudio, editor
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014
LIB 320.092 LOP
# 11
Wie wollen wir leben? : das politische Denken und Staatsverständnis von Charles Taylor / Ulf
Bohmann (Hrsg.)
Bohmann, Ulf
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2014
LIB 320.1 BOH
# 12
The world of states / John L. Campbell and John A. Hall
Campbell, John L., 1952London New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2015
LIB 320.1 CAM
# 13
Penser au-delà de l'État / Marc Abélès
Abélès, Marc
Paris : Belin : Éditions de la maison des sciences de l'homme, 2014
LIB 320.101 ABE
# 14
The strong state in Russia : development and crisis / Andrei P. Tsygankov
Tsygankov, Andrei P., 1964Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2014
LIB 320.10947 TSY
# 15
Der entmachtete Leviathan : löst sich der souveräne Staat auf? / Maurizio Bach (Hrsg.)
Bach, Maurizio, editor
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2013
LIB 320.15 BAC
# 16
State freedom and international relations / Patrick Herron
Herron, Patrick
Florence : European University Institute, 2015
LIB 320.15 HER
# 17
Federalism as decision-making : changes in structures, procedures and policies / edited by Francesco
Palermo, Elisabeth Alber
Palermo, Francesco, editor
Leiden Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2015
LIB 320.4049 PAL
# 18
Politikverflechtung in Föderalismusreformen : Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz in
vergleichender Perspektive / Dominic Heinz
Heinz, Dominic
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2013
LIB 320.443 HEI
# 19
La gauche et le peuple : lettres croisées / Jacques Julliard, Jean-Claude Michéa
Julliard, Jacques
Paris : Flammarion, ©2014
LIB 320.5310944 JUL
# 20
Reflections on the revolution in Europe : in a letter intended to have been sent to a gentleman in
Warsaw / Ralf Dahrendorf
Dahrendorf, Ralf, 1929-2009, author
London : Chatto & Windus, 1990
MAG 88708
# 21
Nationalism, language, and Muslim exceptionalism / Tristan James Mabry
Mabry, Tristan James
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, ©2015
LIB 320.54091767 MAB
# 22
Nación y nacionalización : una perspectiva europea comparada / Ferran Archilés, Marta García
Carrión, Ismael Saz (eds.)
Archilés i Cardona, Ferran, editor
València : Universitat de València, 2013
LIB 320.54094 ARC
# 23
Islam e politica / Massimo Campanini
Campanini, Massimo, 1954Bologna : Il mulino, 2015
LIB 320.550917671 CAM
# 24
Die Muslimbruderschaft : Porträt einer mächtigen Verbindung / Annette Ranko
Ranko, Annette
Hamburg : Edition Körber-Stiftung, [2014]
LIB 320.557 RAN
# 25
Radicalisation / Farhad Khosrokhavar
Khosrokhavar, Farhad
Paris : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 2014
LIB 320.557 KHO
# 26
Boko Haram : inside Nigeria's unholy war / Mike Smith
Smith, Mike
London : I.B. Tauris, 2015
LIB 320.55709669 SMI
# 27
European Union : power and policy-making / edited by Jeremy Richardson and Sonia Mazey
Richardson, J. J. (Jeremy John), 1942-, editor
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2015
LIB 320.6094 RIC
# 28
The paradox of liberation : secular revolutions and religious counterrevolutions / Michael Walzer
Walzer, Michael, author
New Haven [Connecticut] : Yale University Press, [2015]
LIB 320.91724 WAL
# 29
Democratization and authoritarianism in the Arab world / edited by Larry Diamond and Marc F.
Diamond, Larry Jay, editor
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014
LIB 320.9174927 DIA
# 30
Moments politiques : interventions 1977-2009 / Jacques Rancière
Rancière, Jacques
Montréal, Qc (Canada) : Lux [Paris] : La Fabrique, ©2009
LIB 320.94409049 RAN
# 31
La semplice arte di votare : le scorciatoie cognitive degli elettori italiani / Delia Baldassarri
Baldassarri, Delia
Bologna : Il Mulino, 2005
LIB 320.94509049 BAL
# 32
The challenge of coalition government : the Italian case / edited by Nicolò Conti and Francesco
Conti, Nicolò, editor
London New York, NY : Routledge, 2015
LIB 320.94509051 CON
# 33
Crisi della democrazia italiana : riforma o innovazione?
Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2013
LIB 320.94509051 CRI
# 34
Central and East European politics : from communism to democracy / edited by Sharon L. Wolchik
and Jane Leftwich Curry
Wolchik, Sharon L., editor of compilation
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, 2015
LIB 320.94709049 WOL
# 35
La democratizzazione tradita : regimi ibridi e autoritarismi nei paesi ex-sovietici europei / Roberto Di
Di Quirico, Roberto
Bologna : Il mulino, ©2013
LIB 320.94709049 DEQ
# 36
Le Yémen, au-delà de la révolte / Charlotte Velut
Velut, Charlotte
Paris : Éditions du Cygne, 2012
LIB 320.9533 VEL
# 37
The Arab Spring : pathways of repression and reform / Jason Brownlee, Tarek Masoud, and Andrew
Brownlee, Jason, 1974- author
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 320.956 BRO
# 38
Beyond the Arab Spring : the evolving ruling bargain in the Middle East / editor, Mehran Kamrava
Kamrava, Mehran, 1964- editor
London : Hurst & Company, 2014
LIB 320.956 KAM
# 39
De la guerre de Kippour au "printemps arabe" : nouvelles perspectives au Moyen-Orient / Simon Kruk
et Catherine Kaminsky
Kruk, Simon, 1950La Ferté-sous-Jouarre : Point géopolitique, 2013
LIB 320.956 KRU
# 40
La double impasse : l'universel àl'épreuve des fondamentalismes religieux et marchand / Sophie
Bessis, Sophie, 1947Paris : La Découverte, 2014
LIB 320.956 BES
# 41
Histoires minuscules des révolutions arabes / [sous la direction de] Wassyla Tamzali avec Noria Adel
[and forty-one others]
Tamzali, Wassyla, editor
[Montpellier] : Éditions Chèvre-feuille étoilée, [2012]
LIB 320.956 TAM
# 42
L'islam et le réveil arabe / Tariq Ramadan
Ramadan, Tariq
Paris : Presses du Châtelet, ©2011
LIB 320.956 RAM
# 43
Le Moyen-Orient un an après : entre révolution, révolte et stagnation / Clément Steuer, Jean-Baptiste
Beauchard et Elisabeth Vandenheede
Steuer, Clément
Paris : Cygne, ©2012
LIB 320.956 STE
# 44
Une nécessaire relecture du "Printemps arabe" / Barah Mikaïl
Mikaïl, Barah
Paris : Éditions du Cygne, 2012
LIB 320.956 MIK
# 45
Participations et citoyennetés depuis le printemps arabe / sous la direction de Antoniy Galabov &
Jamil Sayah
Gŭlŭbov, Antoniĭ, editor
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2012
LIB 320.956 GAL
# 46
Le printemps arabe : un premier bilan : points de vue du sud / coordonnés par Bichara Khader
Khader, Bichara
Paris : Syllepse Louvain : Centre Tricontinental, ©2012
LIB 320.956 KHA
# 47
Le printemps des Arabes / Jean-Pierre Filiu, Cyrille Pomès
Filiu, Jean-Pierre
Paris : Futuropolis, ©2013
LIB 320.956 FIL
# 48
Retour sur les "révolutions arabes" / Julien Salingue (coord.) [avec Antoine Grégoire, Khadija
Guebache-Mariass, Samuel Mehli, Pierre Piccinin]
Salingue, Julien, editor
Paris : Éditions du Cygne, 2011
LIB 320.956 SAL
# 49
Révolution démocratique dans le monde arabe : ah, si c'était vrai / Jean-Pierre Lledo
Lledo, Jean Pierre
Paris : Colin, ©2012
LIB 320.956 LLE
# 50
Où va le monde arabe? : les enjeux de sa transition / Hasni Abidi avec la collaboration de ManonNour Tannous
Abidi, Hasni
Paris : Bonnier, 2012
LIB 320.96109051 ABI
# 51
Constitutional calculus : how mathematical logic can help America become a just society / by Jeff
Suzuki, Jeff
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015
LIB 320.973 SUZ
# 52
Bürgergemeinschaft oder postnationale Bürokratie? : Legitimationsprobleme in der Europäischen
Union -- Demokratie, politische Kultur, Zivilgesellschaft / Irena Agata Szyszko
Szyszko, Irene Agata, 1978Wien Zürich : Lit, [2014]
LIB 321.04094 SZY
# 53
Europa : von der Utopie zur Realität / Michael Gehler
Gehler, Michael
Innsbruck : Haymon, 2014
LIB 321.04094 GEH
# 54
Europe à géométrie variable : la survie de l'UE? : quatre scénarios prospectifs sur le devenir possible
de l'Union européenne / Jeanne Riva
Riva, Jeanne
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013
LIB 321.04094 RIV
# 55
Demokratie morgen : Überlegungen aus Wissenschaft und Politik / Ulrike Davy, Manuela Lenzen
Davy, Ulrike, editor
Bielefeld : Transcript, 2013
LIB 321.8 DAV
# 56
Die Grammatik der Freiheit : acht Versuche über den demokratischen Verfassungsstaat / Peter Graf
Kielmansegg, Peter, Graf
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2013
LIB 321.8 KIE
# 57
Militant democracy : undemocratic political parties and beyond / Svetlana Tyulkina
Tyulkina, Svetlana
London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
LIB 321.8 TYU
# 58
Demokratie als Pfad : Normativität und deliberative Entscheidungen in politischen Institutionen / Linda
Ludwig-Hoppe, Linda
München : Utz, 2014
LIB 321.801 LUD
# 59
La qualità della democrazia in Italia, 1992-2012 / a cura di Leonardo Morlino, Daniela Piana,
Francesco Raniolo
Morlino, Leonardo, 1947-, editor
Bologna : Il mulino, ©2013
LIB 321.80945 MOR
# 60
Carl Schmitt, la critique du normativisme et de l'État libéral / Brieuc Bauduin
Bauduin, Brieuc
Saint-Denis : Edilivre, ©2013
LIB 321.9 BAU
# 61
L'avenir de la religion dans les sociétés laïques : manifeste pour une laïcité moderne / Adrien Morel
Morel, Adrien
Baden : Editions du Promontoire, ©2013
LIB 322.1 MOR
# 62
The secular state under siege : religion and politics in Europe and America / Christian Joppke
Joppke, Christian
Cambridge Malden, MA : Polity Press, 2015
LIB 322.1 JOP
# 63
Religion and politics in the European Union : the secular canopy / François Foret
Foret, François
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015
LIB 322.1094 FOR
# 64
Printemps arabes : religion et révolution / Adonis traduit de l' arabe par Ali Ibrahim et préfacé par
Philippe Sergeant
Adūnīs, 1930Paris : Éditions de la Différence, 2014
LIB 322.10956 ADO
# 65
Die neue Macht der Bürger : was motiviert die Protestbewegungen? : BP-Gesellschaftsstudie / Stine
Marg, Lars Geiges, Felix Butzlaff, Franz Walter (Hg.)
Marg, Stine, 1983-, editor
Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 2013
LIB 322.40943 MAR
# 66
Le grand trafic néolibéral : les lobbys en Europe / Gabriel Amard préface de Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Amard, Gabriel
Paris : Brune Leprince, 2014
LIB 322.43094 AMA
# 67
Transitional and retrospective justice in the Baltic states / Eva-Clarita Pettai and Vello Pettai
Pettai, Eva-Clarita
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2015
LIB 323.09479 PET
# 68
Cultural and linguistic minorities in the Russian Federation and the European Union : comparative
studies on equality and diversity / Heiko F. Marten, Michael Rießler, Janne Saarikivi, Reetta
Toivanen, editors
Marten, Heiko F, editor
New York : Springer, 2015
LIB 323.147 MAR
# 69
Surveillance : le risque totalitaire : essai / Franck Leroy
Leroy, Franck, author
Arles [France] : Actes Sud, [2014];©2014
LIB 323.4482 LER
# 70
Revoking citizenship : expatriation in America from the Colonial era to the War on Terror / Ben Herzog
with a foreword by Ediberto Román
Herzog, Ben (Social science teacher)
New York : New York University Press, [2015];©2015
LIB 323.640973 HER
# 71
Beyond party members : changing approaches to partisan mobilization / Susan E. Scarrow
Scarrow, Susan E.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 324.2 SCA
# 72
I partiti politici / Francesco Raniolo
Raniolo, Francesco
Bari : Laterza, 2013
LIB 324.2 RAN
# 73
Politica e istituzioni / Gianfranco Pasquino
Pasquino, Gianfranco, 1942- author
Milano : EGEA, 2014
LIB 324.2 PAS
# 74
Minority rules : electoral systems, decentralization, and ethnoregional party success / David Lublin
Lublin, David, 1968New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2014
LIB 324.2089 LUB
# 75
Changing course in Latin America : party systems in the neoliberal era/ Kenneth M. Roberts, Cornell
Roberts, Kenneth M., 1958New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014
LIB 324.2098 ROB
# 76
The promise and perils of populism : global perspectives / edited by Carlos de la Torre
Torre, Carlos de la, editor
Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2015
LIB 324.213 TOR
# 77
Blue labour : forging a new politics / edited by Ian Geary, Adrian Pabst foreword by Rowan Williams
Geary, Ian, editor
London : I.B. Tauris, 2015
LIB 324.24107 GEA
# 78
Das deutsche Europa : neue Machtlandschaften im Zeichen der Krise / Ulrich Beck
Beck, Ulrich, 1944-2015
Berlin : Suhrkamp, 2012
LIB 324.24304092 BEC
# 79
Die Linke : Willensbildung in einer ideologisch zerstrittenen Partei / Torsten Oppelland, Hendrik
Oppelland, Torsten, 1959Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2014;©2014
LIB 324.243074 OPP
# 80
La République contre les libertés : le virage autoritaire de la gauche libérale : 1995-2014 / Nicolas
Bourgoin, Nicolas, 1962Paris : Harmattan, ©2015
LIB 324.24407 BOU
# 81
Terremoto elettorale : le elezioni politiche del 2013 / a cura di Alessandro Chiaramonte, Lorenzo De
Chiaramonte, Alessandro, editor
Bologna : Il mulino, [2014]
LIB 324.945093 CHI
# 82
Migration, precarity, and global governance : challenges and opportunities for labour / edited by CarlUlrik Schierup, Ronaldo Munck, Branka Likić-Brborić, and Anders Neergaard
Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, editor
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
# 83
Identity and migration in Europe : multidisciplinary perspectives / MariaCaterina La Barbera, editor
La Barbera, MariaCaterina, editor
Cham New York : Springer, ©2015
LIB 325.4 LAB
# 84
Immigration and citizenship in an enlarged European Union : the political dynamics of intra-EU
mobility / Simon McMahon
McMahon, Simon
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 325.4 MCM
# 85
Migrations- und Integrationspolitik im europäischen Vergleich : Jahrbuch Migration - Yearbook
Migration, 2012/2013 / Uwe Hunger, Roswitha Pioch, Stefan Rother (Hg.)
Hunger, Uwe, editor
Berlin : LIT, ©2014
LIB 325.4 HUN
# 86
Deutsche Migrationspolitik : die Standpunkte und Strategien politischer Parteien im Vergleich /
Wolfgang Gieler, Supriyo Bhattacharya
Gieler, Wolfgang
Münster : Lit, [2013]
LIB 325.43 GIE
# 87
Migration und Lebenszufriedenheit : eine theoriegeleitete empirische Analyse / Sylvia Kämpfer
Kämpfer, Sylvia
Opladen : Budrich Unipress, 2014
LIB 325.43 KAM
# 88
Douce France : rafles, rétentions, expulsions / sous la direction d'Olivier Le Cour Grandmaison
Le Cour Grandmaison, Olivier, editor
[Paris] : Editions du Seuil, ©2009
LIB 325.44 LEC
# 89
Sociology of diplomacy : initial reading / Milan Jazbec (ed.)
Jazbec, Milan, editor
Istanbul : Istanbul Kültür University, 2014
LIB 327.01 JAZ
# 90
Kenneth N. Waltz : Einführung in seine Theorie und Auseinandersetzung mit seinen Kritikern / Carlo
Masala mit einem Vorwort von John J. Mearsheimer und einem Nachwort von Kenneth N. Waltz
Masala, Carlo
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2014
LIB 327.101 MAS
# 91
Memory and trauma in international relations : theories, cases, and debates / edited by Erica
Resende and Dovile Budryte
Resende, Erica Simone Almeida, editor
London : Routledge, 2014
LIB 327.101 RES
# 92
La diplomatie au défi des religions : tensions, guerres, médiations / sous la direction de Denis
Lacorne, Justin Vaïsse, Jean-Paul Willaime avec les contributions de Laurent Fabius et Régis Debray
Lacorne, Denis, editor
Paris : Odile Jacob, ©2014
LIB 327.16 LAC
# 93
The power of dependence : NATO-UN cooperation in crisis management / Michael F. Harsch
Harsch, Michael F
Oxford Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 327.16 HAR
# 94
Handbook of international security and development / edited by Paul Jackson, Professor of African
Politics, University of Birmingham, UK
Jackson, Paul, 1968 April 24- editor of compilation
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015;©2015
LIB 327.17 JAC
# 95
The international political sociology of security : rethinking theory and practice / Trine Villumsen
Berling, Trine Villumsen
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2015
LIB 327.172 BER
# 96
Europa zwischen Weltmacht und Zerfall / Rainer Trampert
Trampert, Rainer
Stuttgart : Schmetterling Verlag, 2014
LIB 327.4 TRA
# 97
Negoziando la Costituzione : nascita delle relazioni esterne dell'Unione europea / Chiara Stendler
Steindler, Chiara
Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) : Rubbettino, 2014
LIB 327.4 STE
# 98
La vague démocratique arabe : l'Europe et la question islamiste / Álvaro de Vasconcelos traduction
de l'édition portugaise, Hélène Guéguen
Vasconcelos, Alvaro
Paris : L'Harmattan, DL 2014
LIB 327.40174927 VAS
# 99
Northern Europe and the making of the EU's Mediterranean and Middle East policies : normative
leaders or passive bystanders? / edited by Timo Behr and Teija Tiilikainen
Behr, Timo, editor
Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2015
LIB 327.401822 BEH
# 100
The EU-China relationship : European perspectives : a manual for policy makers / edited by Kerry
Brown, Kerry, 1967- editor of compilation
London : Imperial College Press, 2015
LIB 327.4051 BRO
# 101
Deutschlands Rolle in der Welt des 21. Jahrhunderts / Peter-Cornelius Mayer-Tasch/Heinrich
Oberreuter (Hrsg.)
Mayer-Tasch, Peter Cornelius, editor
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2009
LIB 327.43 MAY
# 102
Que pense l'Allemagne ? : dix visions de l'Europe / sous la direction de Jacqueline Hénard et Ulrike
Guérot postface de Jürgen Habermas
Hénard, Jacqueline, editor
Paris : All contents presse, 2013
LIB 327.4304 HEN
# 103
France-Allemagne, partenaires pour l'Europe : 50 ans après le Traité de l'Elysée / Christophe Braouet
Braouet, Christophe, 1957Paris : ParisBerlin, 2013
LIB 327.43044 BRA
# 104
China under Xi Jinping : its economic challenges and foreign policy initiatives / edited by Shao
Shao, Binhong, editor
Leiden : Brill, 2015
LIB 327.51 SHA
# 105
Tourism and hospitality development between China and EU / Guojun Zeng, editor
Zeng, Guojun, editor
Heidelberg : Springer, ©2015
LIB 327.5104 ZEN
# 106
The pathologies of power : fear, honor, glory, and hubris in U.S. foreign policy / Christopher J.
Fettweis, Christopher J
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013;©2013
LIB 327.73 FET
# 107
Diplomacy on ice : energy and the environment in the Arctic and Antarctic / edited by Rebecca H.
Pincus, Saleem H. Ali foreword by James Gustave Speth
Pincus, Rebecca H, editor
New Haven : Yale University Press, [2015]
LIB 327.98 PIN
Economic indeterminacy : a personal encounter with the economists' peculiar nemesis / Yanis
Varoufakis, Yanis
London : Routledge, 2014
LIB 330.01 VAR
Shaping knowledge : complex social-spatial modelling for adaptive organisations / Jamie O'Brien
O'Brien, Jamie
Oxford : Chandos Publishing, 2014
LIB 330.01154 OBR
Principles of econometrics : a modern approach using eViews / by Sankar Kumar Bhaumik
Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar, 1956New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2014
LIB 330.015195 BHA
The MIT dictionary of modern economics / edited by David W. Pearce
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1992
MAG 88765
Mainstream growth economists and capital theorists : a survey / Marin Muzhani
Muzhani, Marin
Montreal & Kingston : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2014
LIB 330.0904 MUZ
Joseph Schumpeters Theorie gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung / herausgegeben von Ingo Pies und
Martin Leschke
Pies, Ingo, editor
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2013
LIB 330.092 PIE
Lives of the laureates : eighteen Nobel economists / edited by William Breit and Barry T. Hirsch
Cambridge, Mass. London : MIT Press, 2004
MAG 88740
Die Deutschland-Illusion : warum wir unsere Wirtschaft überschätzen und Europa brauchen / Marcel
Fratzscher, Marcel
München : Hanser, 2014
LIB 330.094 FRA
Spazi e tempi del capitale / a cura di Massimiliano Tomba e Giovanna Vertova
Tomba, Massimiliano, 1968-, editor
Milano [etc.] : Mimesis, 2014
LIB 330.122 TOM
# 10
Die Zukunft der Wohlfahrtsgesellschaft : Festschrift für Hans-Werner Sinn / Kai A. Konrad ... [et al.]
Frankfurt : Campus, 2013
LIB 330.126 SIN
# 11
Der Weg zur zukunftsfähigen Gesellschaft : die solidarische Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsordnung
als Alternative zum Kapitalismus / Franz Groll
Groll, Franz
Hamburg : VSA: Verlag Hamburg, [2013]
LIB 330.1260943 GRO
# 12
Inclusive economic theory / by Steven Rosefielde, Ralph W. Pfouts
Rosefielde, Steven
New Jersey World Scientific, 2015
LIB 330.15 ROS
# 13
On the principles of political economy and taxation / David Ricardo
Ricardo, David, 1772-1823
Indianapolis, IN : Liberty Fund, 2004
MAG 88758
# 14
The American dream and the power of wealth : choosing schools and inheriting inequality in the land
of opportunity / Heather Beth Johnson
Johnson, Heather Beth, 1972New York : Routledge, 2014
LIB 330.160973 JOH
# 15
Die "grosse Transformation" des 21. Jahrhunderts : politische Ökonomie des Überflusses versus
Marktversagen : eine Flugschrift / Joachim Bischoff / Christoph Lieber
Bischoff, Joachim
Hamburg : VSA: Verlag, 2013
LIB 330.90511 BIS
# 16
L'Europe à l'heure de son crépuscule? : essai de prospective / Jacques Lesourne
Lesourne, Jacques, 1928Paris : Odile Jacob, 2013
LIB 330.94 LES
# 17
Inside the euro crisis : an eyewitness account / Simeon Djankov
Djankov, Simeon
Washington, DC : Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2014
LIB 330.94 DJA
# 18
Where are we going? : the next twenty years / Eric Roll
Roll of Ipsden, Eric Roll, Baron, 1907-2005
London : Faber and Faber, 2000
MAG 88688
# 19
Mehr Vertrauen in Marktprozesse : Jahresgutachten 2014/15 / Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung
der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
Wiesbaden : Sachverständigenrat, 2014
LIB 330.943087 SAC
# 20
15 great Austrian economists / edited with an introduction by Randall G. Holcombe
Auburn, Ala. : Ludwig von Mises Institute, ©1999
MAG 88743
# 21
Eurō ē drachmē? : dilēmmata, planes kai sympheronta / Nikos Christodoulakēs
Christodoulakis, N. M. (Nicos M.)
Athēna : Gutenberg, ©2014
LIB 330.9495 CHR
# 22
The Indian economy : a macroeconomic perspective / Nilanjan Banik
Banik, Nilanjan
New Delhi Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2015
LIB 330.954 BAN
# 23
Government and the economy : an encyclopedia / David A. Dieterle and Kathleen C. Simmons,
Dieterle, David Anthony, editor
Santa Barbara, California : Greenwood, 2014
ENC 330.973 DIE
# 24
The map and the territory 2.0 : risk, human nature, and the future of forecasting / Alan Greenspan
Greenspan, Alan, 1926London, England : Penguin Books, 2014
LIB 330.97300112 GRE
# 25
¿Alternativas al neoliberalismo en América Latina? : las políticas económicas en Venezuela, Brasil,
Uruguay, Bolivia y Ecuador / Luis Buendía García [and 8 others]
Buendía García, Luis
Madrid : Fondo de Cultura Económica de España, 2013
LIB 330.98 BUE
# 26
Globalization and the perceptions of American Workers / Kenneth F. Scheve and Matthew J.
Scheve, Kenneth F
Washington, DC : Institute For International Economics, 2001
MAG 88662
# 27
The rebirth of Greek labor market : building toward 2020 following the global financial meltdown /
edited by Panagiotis E. Petrakis
Petrakis, Panagiotis E., 1953- editor
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
LIB 331.12 PET
# 28
Regulierte Wohlfahrtsmärkte : private Altersvorsorge in Deutschland und Grossbritannien / Michaela
Willert, Michaela
Frankfurt : Campus Verlag, ©2013
LIB 331.2520943 WIL
# 29
Facetten der Prekarisierungsgesellschaft : prekäre Verhältnisse : sozialwissenschaftliche
Perspektiven auf die Prekarisierung von Arbeit und Leben / Oliver Marchart (Hg.)
Marchart, Oliver, editor of compilation
Bielefeld : Transcript, 2013
LIB 331.25727 MAR
# 30
Comeback der Gewerkschaften? : Machtressourcen, innovative Praktiken, internationale
Perspektiven / Stefan Schmalz, Klaus Dörre (Hg.) unter Mitarbeit von Marcel Müller, Steffen Liebig
und Maria Dietrich
Schmalz, Stefan, 1979-, editor
Frankfurt am Main : Campus, 2013
LIB 331.88 SCH
# 31
Politische Ökonomie der Finanzialisierung / Marcel Heires, Andreas Nölke (Hrsg.)
Heires, Marcel, editor
Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2014
LIB 332.01 HEI
# 32
Mathematics for finance. business and economics / Irenee Dondjio, Wouter Krasser
Dondjio, Irenee
Groningen : Noordhoff, 2013
LIB 332.0151 DON
# 33
Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert / Thomas Piketty Aus dem Französischen von Ilse Utz und Stefan
Piketty, Thomas, 1971München : Beck, 2014
LIB 332.041 PIK
# 34
World capital markets : challenge to the G-10 / Wendy Dobson, Gary Clyde Hufbauer assisted by
Hyun Koo Cho
Dobson, Wendy
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 2001
MAG 88660
# 35
The political economy of the Asian financial crisis / Stephan Haggard
Haggard, Stephan
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 2000
MAG 88678
# 36
Chinese Rural Banking Situation and the Reform of the Main Rural Financial Supplier : Rural Credit
Cooperatives / Junhong Meng
Meng, Junhong, 1983Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2014
LIB 332.0951 MEN
# 37
Risk management and financial institutions / John C. Hull
Hull, John, 1946Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2015
LIB 332.10681 HUL
# 38
Foundations of Sharī'ah governance of Islamic banks / Karim Ginena, Azhar Hamid
Ginena, Karim
Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley, 2015
LIB 332.1091767 GIN
# 39
Die Anfänge der Gegenwart : Umbrüche in Westeuropa nach dem Boom / Herausgegeben von
Morten Reitmayer, Thomas Schlemmer
Reitmayer, Morten, editor
München : Oldenbourg Verlag, 2014
LIB 332.1094 REI
# 40
Der Kampf um öffentlich-rechtliche Banken : wie die Europäische Kommission Liberalisierung
durchsetzt / Daniel Seikel
Seikel, Daniel
Frankfurt : Campus Verlag, 2013
LIB 332.1094 SEI
# 41
The lion wakes : a modern history of HSBC / David Kynaston & Richard Roberts
Kynaston, David
London : Profile Books, 2015
LIB 330.10942 KYN
# 42
Una storia italiana : dal Banco ambrosiano a Intesa Sanpaolo / Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini con i diari di
Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
Bellavite Pellegrini, Carlo, 1967Bologna : Il mulino, ©2013
LIB 332.10945 BEL
# 43
The Turkish banking sector after the restructuring program / Mustafa Göktuğ Kaya
Kaya, Mustafa Göktuğ
Saarbrücken : Scholars' Press, 2014
LIB 332.109561 KAY
# 44
Central banks' independence in historical perspective / editor, Gianni Toniolo
Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 1988
MAG 88725
# 45
The encyclopedia of central banking / edited by Louis-Philippe Rochon, Sergio Rossi
Rochon, Louis-Philippe, editor
Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Pub., 2015
LIB 332.11025 ROC
# 46
The Franklin Templeton investments central bank directory, 2015 / edited by Martina Horáková and
Amy Jordan
Horáková, Martina, editor
London : Central Banking Publications a division of Incisive Financial Publishing Ltd., 2015
ENC 332.11025 HOR
# 47
The bitcoin big bang : how alternative currencies are about to change the world / Brian Kelly
Kelly, Brian, 1971Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2015
LIB 332.4 KEL
# 48
Blockchain : blueprint for a new economy / Melanie Swan
Swan, Melanie
Sebastopol, Calif. : O'Reilly Media Inc., 2015
LIB 332.4 SWA
# 49
Inflation and growth in China : proceedings of a conference held in Beijing, China, May 10-12, 1995 /
Manuel Guitián, Robert Mundell, editors
Washington, DC : International Monetary Fund, 1996
MAG 88644
# 50
U.S.-European monetary relations / edited by Samuel I. Katz
Washington : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1979
MAG 88686
# 51
The crawling band as an exchange-rate regime : lessons from Chile, Colombia, and Israel / John
Williamson, John, 1937Washington, D.C. : Institute for International Economics, 1996
MAG 88658
# 52
Managing exchange rates / Peter B. Kenen
Kenen, Peter B., 1932-2012
London : Routledge, 1988
MAG 88736
# 53
Controlling currency mismatches in emerging markets / Morris Goldstein, Philip Turner
Goldstein, Morris, 1944Washington, D.C. : Institute for International Economics, 2004
MAG 88674
# 54
Gefangen im Euro / Hans-Werner Sinn
Sinn, Hans-Werner
München : Redline Verlag, 2014
LIB 332.494 SIN
# 55
Towards the European Banking Union : achivements and open problems / edited by Emilio Barucci
and Marcello Messori
Barucci, Emilio, 1968-, editor
Bagno a Ripoli (Firenze) : Passigli, 2014
LIB 332.494 BAR
# 56
Inflation, unemployment, and monetary policy / Robert M. Solow and John B. Taylor edited and with
an introduction by Benjamin M. Friedman
Alvin Hansen Symposium on Public Policy (1st : 1995 : Harvard University)
Cambridge, Mass. London : The MIT Press, c1998
MAG 88703
# 57
Contemporary challenges in risk management : dealing with risk, uncertainty and the unknown /
edited by Torben Juul Andersen
Andersen, Torben Juul, editor
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
LIB 332.632 AND
# 58
Three essays on liquidity risk / Grégory Claeys
Claeys, Grégory
Florence : European University Institute, 2015
LIB 332.63222 CLA
# 59
The Chinese stock market / edited by Siwei Cheng and Ziran Li
Cheng, Siwei, editor
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 332.64251 CHE
# 60
Greed and glory on Wall Street : the fall of the house of Lehman / Ken Auletta
Auletta, Ken
New York : Random House, c1986
MAG 88756
# 61
Private equity investing in emerging markets : opportunities for value creation / Roger Leeds, with
Nadiya Satyamurthy
Leeds, Roger S
New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 332.673 LEE
# 62
China : trade, foreign direct investment, and development strategies / Yanqing Jiang
Jiang, Yanqing
Kidlington, Oxford : Chandos Publishing, Elsevier Limited, 2014
LIB 332.6730951 JIA
# 63
Foreign direct investment in the United States / Edward M. Graham, Paul R. Krugman
Graham, Edward M. (Edward Montgomery), 1944-2007
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 1995
MAG 88647
# 64
The dark side of prosperity : late capitalism's culture of indebtedness / Mark Horsley
Horsley, Mark
Farnham, Surrey Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2015
LIB 332.743 HOR
# 65
Finance and the macroeconomics of environmental policies / edited by Philip Arestis and Malcolm
Arestis, Philip, 1941- editor
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 333.7 ARE
# 66
Oxford handbook of the macroeconomics of global warming / edited by Lucas Bernard and Willi
Bernard, Lucas, editor
New York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press USA, ©2015
LIB 333.7 BER
# 67
Eine Energieaussenpolitik für die Europäische Union : Anspruch und Wirklichkeit / Susanne Rompel
Rompel, Susanne
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2015
LIB 333.7094 ROM
# 68
Environmental scenario in India : successes and predicaments / edited by Sacchidananda Mukherjee
and Debashis Chakraborty
Mukherjee, Sacchidananda, editor
London : Routledge, 2014
LIB 333.70954 MUK
# 69
Russian energy strategy in the European Union, the former Soviet Union region, and China /
Stylianos A. Sotiriou
Sotiriou, Stylianos A., 1982Lanham, Maryland : Lexington Books, ©2015
LIB 333.7909561 SOT
# 70
Elite capture : residential tariff subsidies in India / Kristy Mayer, Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee, and Chris
Mayer, Kristy
Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2015
LIB 333.7932150954 MAY
# 71
State-building and tax regimes in Central America / Aaron Schneider
Schneider, Aaron, 1971Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012
LIB 336.2009728 SCH
# 72
U.S. taxation of international income : blueprint for reform / Gary Clyde Hufbauer assisted by Joanna
M. van Rooij
Hufbauer, Gary Clyde
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, c1992
MAG 88659
# 73
The debt of nations / by M.S. Mendelsohn
Mendelsohn, Stefan
New York : Priority Press, 1984
MAG 88727
# 74
Delivering on debt relief : from IMF gold to a new aid architecture / Nancy Birdsall, John Williamson,
with Brian Deese
Birdsall, Nancy
Washington, DC : Center for Global Development, Institute for International Economics, ©2002
MAG 88681
# 75
The political economy of international co-operation / [edited by] Paolo Guerrieri and Pier Carlo
London New York : Croom Helm, c1988
MAG 88710
# 76
The politics of international political economy : a survey / edited by Vassilis K. Fouskas
Fouskas, Vassilis K., 1963-, editor
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York : Routledge, 2014
# 77
La malfaçon : monnaie européenne et souveraineté démocratique / Frédéric Lordon
Lordon, Frédéric, 1962Paris : Éditions Les Liens qui libèrent, 2014
LIB 337.142 LOR
# 78
Redefining European economic governance / edited by Michele Chang, Georg Menz and Mitchell P.
Chang, Michele, editor
London New York : Routledge, ©2015
LIB 337.142 CHA
# 79
Der Streit um das VW-Gesetz : wie Europäische Kommission und Europäischer Gerichtshof die
Unternehmenskontrolle liberalisieren / Benjamin Werner
Werner, Benjamin (Political scientist)
Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 2013;©2013
LIB 337.142 WER
# 80
Where's the insider advantage? : a review of the evidence that withdrawal from the EU would not
harm the UK's exports or foreign investment in the UK / Michael Burrage
Burrage, Michael
London : Civitas, 2014
LIB 337.1420941 BUR
# 81
Regional integration and policy challenges in Africa / edited by Adam Elhiraika, Allan Mukungu,
Wanjiku Nyoike
Elhiraika, Adam B., editor
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 337.16 ELH
# 82
Toward a North American community : lessons from the old world for the new / Robert A. Pastor
Pastor, Robert A
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 2001
MAG 88682
# 83
China in the world economy / Nicolas R. Lardy
Lardy, Nicholas R
Washington, D.C. : Institute for International Economics, 1994
MAG 88637
# 84
Korea-United States cooperation in the new world order / C. Fred Bergsten, Il SaKong, editors
Washington, D.C. : Institute for International Economics Seoul : Institute for Global Economics, 1996
MAG 88668
# 85
Reintegrating India with the world economy / T.N. Srinivasan, Suresh D. Tendulkar
Srinivasan, T. N., 1933Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics 2003
MAG 88655
# 86
The United States and the world economy : foreign economic policy for the next decade / C. Fred
Bergsten and the Institute for International Economics
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 2005
MAG 88661
# 87
Industrial policy in an era of globalization : lessons from Asia / Marcus Noland, Howard Pack
Noland, Marcus, 1959Washington, D.C. : Institute for International Economics , 2003
MAG 88664
# 88
Europa in der Finanzfalle : Irrwege internationaler Rechtsangleichung / Christian Schröder
Schröder, Christian
Berlin : BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2012
LIB 338.542 SCH
# 89
The great reckoning : how the world will change in the depression of the 1990s / James Dale
Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg
Davidson, James Dale
New York : Summit Books, c1991
MAG 88754
# 90
Manias, panics, and crashes : a history of financial crises / Charles P. Kindleberger
Kindleberger, Charles Poor, 1910-2003
New York : Basic Books, c1978
MAG 88642
# 91
Die Ordnungsethik der globalen Finanzkrise : eine Analyse anhand von Dilemmastrukturen / Philipp
Alexander Münch
Münch, Philipp Alexander
Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2015
LIB 338.542 MUN
# 92
The origin of financial crises : central banks, credit bubbles and the efficient market fallacy / George
Cooper, George
New York : Vintage Books, ©2008
MAG 88753
# 93
The executive's compass : business and the good society / James O'Toole
O'Toole, James M., 1950New York Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1993
MAG 88702
# 94
Google : how Google works / Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg, with Alan Eagle
Schmidt, Eric, 1955 April 27New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2014
LIB 338.76102504 SCH
# 95
Mirages of superpower : Gazprom in pursuit of expansion and in need of rationality / edited by Andrey
Vavilov, Andreĭ, 1961-, editor
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
LIB 338.766570947 VAV
# 96
Mergers, merger control, and remedies : a retrospective analysis of U.S. policy / John Kwoka with
contributions by Daniel Greenfield and Chengyan Gu
Kwoka, John E
Cambridge Massachusetts : The MIT Press, 2015
LIB 338.830973 KWO
# 97
Global corporations and national governments / Edward M. Graham
Graham, Edward M. (Edward Montgomery), 1944-2007
Washington, D.C. : Institute for International Economics, 1996
MAG 88671
# 98
A strategy for development / Nicholas Stern
Stern, N. H. (Nicholas Herbert)
Washington, D.C. : World Bank, ©2002
MAG 88649
# 99
The principles of sustainability / Simon Dresner
Dresner, Simon, 1969London Sterling, VA : Earthscan Publications Ltd, 2002
MAG 88687
# 100
Sustainable development and quality assurance in higher education : transformation of learning and
society / edited by Zinaida Fadeeva, United Nations University, Japan Laima Galkute, Vilnius
University, Lithuania Clemens Mader, University of Lüneburg, Germany Geoff Scott, University of
Western Sydney, Australia
Fadeeva, Zinaida, editor
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
LIB 338.927 FAD
# 101
Die Politik des Wirtschaftswachstums : eine empirische Untersuchung des Einflusses von
Gewerkschaften und Regierungsparteien auf das Wirtschaftswachstum in den Mitgliedsstaaten der
OECD / David Kraft
Kraft, David
Marburg : Tectum, 2013
LIB 338.94 KRA
# 102
Mission Wohlfahrtsmarkt : institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen, Strukturen und Verbreitung von Social
Entrepreneurship in Deutschland / Stephan Grohs, Katrin Schneiders, Rolf G. Heinze unter Mitarbeit
von Anna-Lena Schönauer und Claudia Ruddat
Grohs, Stephan
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2014
LIB 338.943 GRO
# 103
The logic of the market : an insider's view of Chinese economic reform / Weiying Zhang translated by
Matthew Dale
Zhang, Weiying, 1959Washington, D.C. : Cato Institute, 2015
LIB 338.951 ZHA
# 104
Avoiding the Apocalypse : the future of the two Koreas / Marcus Noland
Noland, Marcus, 1959Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 2000
MAG 88650
# 105
The dynamics of Korean economic development / Cho Soon
Cho, Sun, 1928Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 1994
MAG 88643
# 106
Reforming Korea's industrial conglomerates / Edward M. Graham
Graham, Edward M. (Edward Montgomery), 1944-2007
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 2003
MAG 88653
# 107
American economic policy in the 1980s / edited and with an introductory essay by Martin Feldstein
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1994
MAG 88690
# 108
Simulating distributional impacts of macro-dynamics : theory and practical applications / Sergio
Olivieri, Sergiy Radyakin, Stainslav Kolenikov, Michael Lokskin, Ambar Narayan, Carolina SànchezPàramo
Olivieri, Sergio
Washington, DC : World Bank Group, ©2014
LIB 339.015195 OLI
# 109
Handbook of income distribution / edited by Anthony B. Atkinson, François Bourguignon
Atkinson, A. B. (Anthony Barnes), 1944- editor
Amsterdam : North Holland, 2014
LIB 339.2 ATK
# 110
I oikonomia ton anisotiton / Thomas Piketty metafrasē Eliza Papadakē
Piketty, Thomas, 1971Athēna : Polis, [2014]
LIB 339.2 PIK
# 111
The wealth divide / Noël Merino, book editor
Merino, Noël, editor
Farmington Hills, Mich. : Greenhaven Press, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning, 2015
LIB 339.220973 MER
# 112
Consumer behavior in Latin America : income and spending of families in ten Andean cities / Philip
Musgrove, Philip
Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution, 1978
MAG 88684
# 113
Imagine there's no country : poverty, inequality, and growth in the era of globalization / Surjit S. Bhalla
Bhalla, Surjit S
Washington, D.C. : Institute for International Economics, 2002
MAG 88645
# 114
A measured approach to ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity : concepts, data, and the twin
goals / World Bank
World Bank
Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2015
LIB 339.46 WOR
# 115
Trade policy and global poverty / William R. Cline
Cline, William R
Washington, DC. : Institute for International Economics : Center for Global Development, ©2004
MAG 88677
# 116
Economic growth and sustainability : systems thinking for a complex world / Karen L. Higgins
Higgins, Karen L.
San Diego, CA, USA : Elsevier Academic Press, 2015
LIB 339.5 HIG
# 117
Puzzles of economic growth / Leszek Balcerowicz and Andrzej Rzońca, editors
Balcerowicz, Leszek, editor
Washington, DC : World Bank Group, 2015
LIB 339.5 BAL
# 118
When the party's over : the politics of fiscal squeeze in perspective / edited by Christopher Hood,
David Heald, Rozana Himaz
Hood, Christopher, 1947- editor
Oxford : Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, ©2014
LIB 339.52 HOO
# 119
Die politische Ökonomie der Umverteilung : finanzpolitische Einkommensumverteilung in entwickelten
Demokratien / Andreas Kammer
Kammer, Andreas, 1983Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2013
LIB 339.520943 KAM
# 120
Inflation targeting in the world economy / Edwin M. Truman
Truman, Edwin M
Washington, DC : Institute for International Econommics, 2003
MAG 88628
Public Administration
The Palgrave handbook of the European administrative system / edited by Michael W. Bauer, Jarle
Bauer, Michael W., editor of compilation
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 352.114 BAU
La subsidiarité : regards croisés franco-allemands sur un principe pluridisciplinaire / Stephanie
Rohlfing-Dijoux et Kerstin Peglow (éds.)
Rohlfing-Dijoux, Stephanie, editor
Bern New York : Peter Lang, 2014
LIB 354.4082 ROH
Que devient la sécurité euro-méditerranéenne avec les révolutions arabes? / sous la direction de
Pascal Chaigneau et Pierre Pascallon
Chaigneau, Pascal, editor
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013
LIB 355.03301822 CHA
La démilitarisation de l'Europe : un suicide stratégique? / Jean-Baptiste Vouilloux
Vouilloux, Jean-Baptiste
Paris : Argos, 2013
LIB 355.03304 VOU
The way of the knife : the CIA, a secret army, and a war at the ends of the earth / Mark Mazzetti
Mazzetti, Mark
New York : Penguin Books, 2014
LIB 356.1609 MAZ
Social Problems
Krise und Zukunft des Sozialstaates / Christoph Butterwegge
Butterwegge, Christoph
Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2014
LIB 361.650943 BUT
Sozialstaats-Dämmerung / Jürgen Borchert
Borchert, Jürgen, 1949München : Riemann, 2013
LIB 361.650943 BOR
The nearness of others : searching for tact and contact in the age of HIV / David Caron
Caron, David (David Henri), author
Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, ©2014
LIB 362.19697920086642 CAR
The Routledge handbook of poverty in the United States / edited by Stephen Nathan Haymes, María
Vidal de Haymes, and Reuben Jonathan Miller
Haymes, Stephen Nathan, editor
Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2015
LIB 362.50973 HAY
Raising the world : child welfare in the American century / Sara Fieldston
Fieldston, Sara, 1983Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2015
LIB 362.70973 FIE
Chasing dirty money : the fight against money laundering / Peter Reuter and Edwin M. Truman
Reuter, Peter, 1944Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 2004
MAG 88683
Banned books : challenging our freedom to read / Robert P. Doyle
Doyle, Robert P
Chicago, Ill. : American Library Association, 2014;©2014
LIB 363.31 DOY
Women and terrorism : female activity in domestic and international terror groups / Margaret
Gonzalez-Perez, Margaret
London New York : Routledge, 2008
LIB 363.325082 GON
Deterring rational fanatics / Alex S. Wilner
Wilner, Alex S., 1979Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, ©2015
LIB 363.32517 WIL
# 10
Who rules the earth? : how social rules shape our planet and our lives / Paul F. Steinberg
Steinberg, Paul F
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 363.7 STE
# 11
Climate shock : the economic consequences of a hotter planet / Gernot Wagner and Martin L.
Wagner, Gernot, 1980Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015
LIB 363.73874 WAG
# 12
Studies in biopolitics / edited by Judit Sándor [authors] Anna Borbála Bodolai [and nineteen others]
Sándor, Judit, editor
Budapest : Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine, 2013
LIB 363.96 SAN
# 13
Politica e mafia in Sicilia : gli inediti del 1876 / Leopoldo Franchetti a cura e con introduzione di
Antonio Jannazzo
Franchetti, Leopoldo, 1847-1917
Roma : Bibliopolis, 1995
LIB 364.106 FRA
# 14
La corruzione in Italia : un'analisi economica / Nadia Fiorino, Emma Galli
Fiorino, Nadia
Bologna : Il mulino, ©2013
LIB 364.1320945 FIO
# 15
Curbing corruption : toward a model for building national integrity / edited by Rick Stapenhurst and
Sahr J. Kpundeh
Washington, D.C. : World Bank, c1999
MAG 88692
# 16
Labour migration, human trafficking and multinational corporations : the commodification of illicit flows
/ edited by Ato Quayson and Antonela Arhin
London New York : Routledge, 2014
LIB 364.15 QUA
Education in the European Union : pre-2003 member states / edited by Trevor Corner
Corner, Trevor, editor of compilation
London New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2015
LIB 370.94 COR
Enhancing the doctoral experience : a guide for supervisors and their international students / by Steve
Hutchinson, Helen Lawrence and Dave Filipović-Carter
Hutchinson, Steve
Burlington, VT : Gower Publishing Company, 2014
LIB 378.20941 HUT
Bildungspolitik im Umbruch / Heinrich Oberreuter (Hrsg.)
Oberreuter, Heinrich, editor
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2011
Commerce & Transportation
Corruption as a last resort : adapting to the market in Central Asia / Kelly M. McMann
McMann, Kelly M., 1970Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2014
LIB 381.3 MCM
Has globalization gone far enough? : the costs of fragmented markets / Scott Bradford and Robert Z.
Bradford, Scott C
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 2004
MAG 88680
Is the U.S. trade deficit sustainable? / Catherine L. Mann
Mann, Catherine L
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 1999
MAG 88652
Measuring the costs of visible protection in Korea / Namdoo Kim
Kim, Nam-du
Washington, DC : Inst. for International Economics Seoul : Korea Institute for International Economic
Policy, 1996
MAG 88670
New frontiers in Asia-Latin America integration : trade facilitation, production networks, and FTAs /
edited by Antoni Estevadeordal, Masahiro Kawai, and Ganeshan Wignaraja
Estevadeordal, Antoni, editor
New Delhi Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, 2015
LIB 382.91 EST
Power shifts and new blocs in the global trading system / edited by Sanjaya Baru and Suvi Dogra
Baru, Sanjaya, editor
Abingdon : Routlege, 2015
LIB 382.91 BAR
The world trading system : challenges ahead / Jeffrey J. Schott, editor
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 1996
MAG 88657
The WTO after Seattle / edited by Jeffrey J. Schott
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 2000
MAG 88654
North American free trade : issues and recommendations / Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Jeffrey J. Schott
assisted by Lee L. Remick ... [et al.]
Hufbauer, Gary Clyde
Washington, DC : Institute for International Economics, 1992
MAG 88663
Natural Sciences & Maths
Repeated games / Jean-Francois Mertens, Sylvain Sorin, Shmuel Zamir
Mertens, Jean-François, 1946New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014
LIB 519.3 MER
The linear algebra survival guide : illustrated with Mathematica / Fred E. Szabo
Szabo, Fred
San Diego, CA : Academic Press, 2015
LIB 519.5 SZA
Statistical modeling and inference for social science / Sean Gailmard, University of California,
Gailmard, Sean
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014
LIB 519.5 GAI
La représentativité en statistique / sous la direction de Marion Selz
Paris : INED, 2012
LIB 519.52 SEL
Multiple regression and beyond : an introduction to multiple regression and structural equation
modeling / Timothy Z. Keith
Keith, Timothy, 1952New York London : Routledge, 2015
LIB 519.536 KEI
Variance components / Shayle R. Searle George Casella Charles E. McCulloch
Searle, Shayle R
New York, NY : Wiley, 2006
LIB 519.538 SEA
Introductory statistics and analytics : a resampling perspective / Peter C. Bruce (Institute for Statistics
Education,, Arlington, VA)
Bruce, Peter C., 1953Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, ©2015
LIB 519.54 BRU
Evolution vs. creationism : an introduction / Eugenie C. Scott foreword by Niles Eldredge
Scott, Eugenie Carol, 1945Berkeley : University of California Press, 2005
MAG 88636
Applied Sciences & Management
Exhibiting madness in museums : remembering psychiatry through collections and display / edited by
Catharine Coleborne and Dolly MacKinnon
Coleborne, Catharine
New York, NY Abingdon : Routledge, 2011
LIB 616.89 COL
Fair value accounting : key issues arising from the financial crisis / Elisa Menicucci, Polytechnic
University of Marche, Italy
Menicucci, Elisa
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 657.3 MEN
The global accounting experiment / by Nicolas Véron
Véron, Nicolas
Brussels : Bruegel, ©2007
MAG 88646
Organisation, Macht, Subjekt zur Genealogie des modernen Managements / Nancy Richter
Richter, Nancy
Bielefeld : transcript Verlag, 2014
LIB 658.009 RIC
Institutional impacts on firm internationalization / edited by Svetla Marinova
Marinova, Svetla Trifonova, editor
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 658.049 MAR
The ValueReporting revolution : moving beyond the earnings game / Robert G. Eccles ... [et al.]
New York : Wiley, ©2001
MAG 88689
Data and Goliath : the hidden battles to collect your data and control your world / Bruce Schneier
Schneier, Bruce, 1963New York : W W Norton, 2015
LIB 658.4012 SCH
The Corporation of the 1990s : information technology and organizational transformation / edited by
Michael S. Scott Morton
New York : Oxford University Press, 1991
MAG 88691
Zur Geschichte von Forschungstechnologien : Generizität, Interstitialität et Transfer / herausgegeben
von Klaus Hentschel
Hentschel, Klaus, editor
Diepholz Berlin Stuttgart : Verlag für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, 2012
LIB 681.015072 HEN
The Arts
Le spectateur émancipé / Jacques Rancière
Rancière, Jacques
Paris : Fabrique, ©2008
LIB 700.1 RAN
Rendezvous mit dem Realen : die Spur des Traumas in den Künsten / Aleida Assmann, Karolina
Jeftic, Friederike Wappler (Hg.) unter Mitarbeit von Ines Detmers
Assmann, Aleida, editor
Bielefeld : Transcript, 2014
LIB 700.453 ASS
L'album de l'art à l'époque du "Musée imaginaire" / Georges Didi-Huberman
Didi-Huberman, Georges
Paris : Éditions Hazan : Musée du Louvre, ©2013
LIB 701.1 DID
Essayer voir / Georges Didi-Huberman
Didi-Huberman, Georges, author
[Paris] : Minuit, 2014
LIB 701.1 DID
L'image ouverte : motifs de l'incarnation dans les arts visuels / Georges Didi-Huberman
Didi-Huberman, Georges
Paris : Gallimard, ©2007
LIB 701.1 DID
The fascination of Persia : the Persian-European dialogue in seventeenth-century art & contemporary
art from Tehran / edited by Axel Langer [translations, Tradukas GbR, Nancy Atakan]
Langer, Axel, editor
Zürich : Museum Rietberg : Verlag Scheidegger & Spiess AG, [2013];©2013
LIB 709.55 LAN
Indigenous aliens : mediators of architectural modernity / editor, Ana Maria Zahariade
Zahariade, Ana-Maria, editor
Bucharest : Editura Universitarǎ Ion Mincu, 2014
LIB 720.905 ZAH
Monument wars : Washington, D.C., the National Mall, and the transformation of the memorial
landscape / Kirk Savage
Savage, Kirk, 1958Berkeley, Calif. London : University of California Press, ©2009
LIB 725.9409753 SAV
The exile of George Grosz : modernism, America, and the one world order / Barbara McCloskey
McCloskey, Barbara, 1959Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2015];©2015
LIB 759.3092 MCC
# 10
Beauty and the banknote : images of women on paper money / Virginia Hewitt
Hewitt, V. H. (Virginia H.)
London : Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Press, c1994
MAG 88715
# 11
Sound, speech, music in Soviet and post-Soviet cinema / edited by Lilya Kaganovsky and Masha
Kaganovsky, Lilya, editor
Bloomington Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, [2014];©2014
LIB 781.5420947 KAG
# 12
Figures de l'histoire / Jacques Rancière
Rancière, Jacques
Paris : Presses universitaires de France, ©2012
LIB 791.409 RAN
# 13
"Der Letzte der Ungerechten" : der "Judenälteste" Benjamin Murmelstein in Filmen 1942-1975 /
Ronny Loewy, Katharina Rauschenberger (Hg.)
Loewy, Ronny, editor
Frankfurt : Campus Verlag, [2011];©2011
LIB 791.430943 LOE
# 14
Immigration cinema in the new Europe / Isolina Ballesteros
Ballesteros, Isolina, 1960Bristol, UK Chicago, IL : Intellect, 2015
LIB 791.436552 BAL
How to write a thesis / Umberto Eco translated by Caterina Mongiat Farina and Geoff Farina foreword
by Francesco Erspamer
Eco, Umberto
Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, ©2015
LIB 808.02 ECO
Literature and human rights : the law, the language and the limitations of human rights discourse /
edited by Ian Ward
Ward, Ian, 1963- editor
Berlin Munich Boston : De Gruyter, [2015]
LIB 809.933581 WAR
Representations of the Gypsy in the Romantic period / Sarah Houghton-Walker
Houghton-Walker, Sarah
Oxford, United Kingdom New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2014
LIB 820.9006 HOU
Mapping the 'I' : research on self-narratives in Germany and Switzerland / edited by Claudia Ulbrich,
Kaspar von Greyerz, Lorenz Heiligensetzer
Ulbrich, Claudia, editor
Leiden, the Netherlands Boston : Brill, 2015
LIB 830.935 ULB
Michel Houellebecq and the literature of despair / by Carole Sweeney
Sweeney, Carole
London : Bloomsbury, 2013
LIB 843.914 SWE
La construcción social de la historia / Manuel Pérez Ledesma
Pérez Ledesma, Manuel
Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 2014
Myth and the human sciences : Hans Blumenberg's theory of myth / Angus Nicholls
Nicholls, Angus (Angus James), 1972New York, NY : Routledge, 2015
LIB 901.9 NIC
Geschichtslernen in biographischer Perspektive : Nachhaltigkeit--Entwicklung--Generationendifferenz
/ Michael Sauer, Charlotte Bühl-Gramer, Anke John, Marko Demantowsky, Alfons Kenkmann (Hg.)
Sauer, Michael, editor
Göttingen : V & R unipress, 2014
LIB 907.2 SAU
L' historien face à l'ordre informatique : classification et histoire / [coordination du numéro: Sonia
Combe, Sonia, editor
Nanterre : Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine, 2006
LIB 907.2 COM
Quelle émotion! Quelle émotion? / Georges Didi-Huberman
Didi-Huberman, Georges
Montrouge : Bayard, ©2013
LIB 907.2 DID
Visions of science : books and readers at the dawn of the Victorian age / James A. Secord
Secord, James A
Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2014
LIB 907.2-T SEC
Écrits d'Amérique / Maurice Halbwachs édition établie et présentée par Christian Topalov
Halbwachs, Maurice, 1877-1945
Paris : Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2012
LIB 907.2092 HAL
L'oeil de l'histoire / Georges Didi-Huberman
Didi-Huberman, Georges
Paris : Éditions de minuit, ©2009LIB 907.2092 DID
Umweltgeschichte : eine Einführung in Grundbegriffe / Bernd Herrmann
Herrmann, Bernd, 1946Berlin : Springer, [2013];©2013
# 10
Kulturgeschichte der Schlacht / Marian Füssel, Michael Sikora (Hg.)
Füssel, Marian, editor
Paderborn : Ferdinand Schöningh, 2014
# 11
The Weimar century : German émigrés and the ideological foundations of the Cold War / Udi
Greenberg, Udi, 1980Princeton Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2014
LIB 909.04310825 GRE
# 12
Kleine Geschichte des Antisemitismus / Michael Ley
Ley, Michael, 1955München : W. Fink, ©2003
LIB 909.04924 LEY
# 13
El mediterráneo plural en la Edad Moderna : sujeto histórico y diversidad cultural / José Antonio
González Alcantud, André Stoll (eds.) Manuel Barrios Aguilera [and five others]
González Alcantud, José Antonio, editor
Barcelona : Anthropos Editorial del hombre, 2011
LIB 909.09822 GON
# 14
Cultural histories of sociabilities, spaces and mobilities / edited by Colin Divall
Divall, Colin, editor
London : Pickering & Chatto, 2015
LIB 909.8-C DIV
# 15
The feel of the city : experiences of urban transformation / Nicolas Kenny
Kenny, Nicolas, 1977Toronto Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, [2014];©2014
LIB 909.8-U KEN
# 16
La concurrence des victimes : génocide, identité, reconnaissance / Jean-Michel Chaumont
Chaumont, Jean-Michel
Paris : Découverte, ©2010
LIB 909.82 CHA
# 17
The Penguin book of twentieth-century speeches / edited by Brian MacArthur
London, England New York, NY : Penguin Books, 1999
MAG 88697
# 18
Une grande divergence : la Chine, l'Europe et la construction de l'économie mondiale / Kenneth
Pomeranz traduit de l'anglais (État-Unis) par Nora Wang, avec la collaboration de Mathieu Arnoux
postface de Philippe Minard
Pomeranz, Kenneth
Paris : Albin Michel : Éd. de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, ©2010
LIB 909.82-S POM
# 19
The summit : the biggest battle of the Second World War : fought behind closed doors / Ed Conway
Conway, Ed
London : Little, Brown, 2014
LIB 909.824-F CON
# 20
Face au monde : atlas, jardins, géoramas / Jean-Marc Besse
Besse, Jean-Marc
Paris : Desclée de Brouwer, 2003
LIB 912.09 BES
# 21
The author's hand and the printer's mind / Roger Chartier translated by Lydia G. Cochrane
Chartier, Roger, 1945Cambridge, UK : Polity Press, 2014
LIB 940.22-C CHA
# 22
À la place du roi : vice-rois, gouverneurs et ambassadeurs dans les monarchies française et
espagnole : XVIe - XVIIIe siècles / études réunies par Daniel Aznar, Guillaume Hanotin et Niels F.
Aznar, Daniel, editor
Madrid : Casa de Velázquez, 2014
LIB 940.22-P AZN
# 23
Les échanges maritimes et commerciaux de l'Antiquité à nos jours / sous la direction de Philippe
Sturmel, Philippe, editor
Paris : Harmattan, ©2014
LIB 940.22-S STU
# 24
The afterlife of used things : recycling in the long eighteenth century / edited by Ariane Fennetaux,
Amélie Junqua, and Sophie Vasset
Fennetaux, Ariane, editor
New York : Routledge, 2014
LIB 940.253-C FEN
# 25
Waterloo / Alan Forrest
Forrest, Alan I
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 940.27-M FOR
# 26
Waterloo, 1815 / Thierry Lentz
Lentz, Thierry
Paris : Perrin, ©2015
LIB 940.27-M LEN
# 27
L'Europa delle nazioni e delle nazionalità : idee e ideologie ottocentesche in Italia e nell'Europa
centrale e orientale / ideato da Piotr Salwa testi a cura di Stefano Redaelli
Salwa, Piotr, 1950-, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe "Semper", 2009
LIB 940.28 SAL
# 28
The world's war / by David Olusoga
Olusoga, David
London : Head of Zeus, 2014
LIB 940.28-M OLU
# 29
Die Ringstrassenfront : Österreich-Ungarn, das Kriegsüberwachungsamt und der Ausnahmezustand
während des Ersten Weltkrieges / Tamara Scheer [Medieninhaber, Herausgeber und Hersteller:
Republik Österreich/Bundesminister für Landesverteidigung und Sport, BMLVS]
Scheer, Tamara
Wien : Republik Österreich/Bundesminister für Landesverteidigung und Sport, BMLVS, 2010
LIB 940.334 SCH
# 30
Amours, guerres et sexualité, 1914-1945 / sous la direction de Francois Rouquet, Fabrice Virgili et
Danièle Voldman
Rouquet, Francois, editor
Paris : Gallimard : BDIC/Musée de l'armée, ©2007
LIB 940.48 ROU
# 31
The historical uncanny : disability, ethnicity, and the politics of Holocaust memory / Susanne C. Knittel
Knittel, Susanne C
New York : Fordham University Press, 2015
LIB 940.5318 KNI
# 32
Perspectives on European economic and social history = Perspektiven der europäischen Wirtschaftsund Sozialgeschichte / Jan-Otmar Hesse, Christian Kleinschmidt, Alfred Reckendrees, Ray Stokes
Hesse, Jan-Otmar, 1968- editor
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2014
LIB 940.55-S HES
# 33
"1968" -- eine Wahrnehmungsrevolution? : Horizont-Verschiebungen des Politischen in den 1960er
und 1970 Jahren / herausgegeben von Ingrid Gilcher-Holtey
Gilcher-Holtey, Ingrid, 1952- editor of compilation, author
München : Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013
LIB 940.556 GIL
# 34
Los estudiantes y la democracia : reinventando Mayo del 68 / Fernando Gil Villa
Gil Villa, Fernando
Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, España : Plaza y Valdés, 2014
LIB 940.556 GIL
# 35
Nach "Achtundsechzig" : Krisen und Krisenbewusstsein in Deutschland und Frankreich in den 1970er
Jahren / Bernhard Gotto, Horst Möller, Jean Mondot, Nicole Pelletier (Hrsg.)
Gotto, Bernhard, editor
München : Oldenbourg, 2013
LIB 940.556 GOT
# 36
A short history of Britain / Jeremy Black
Black, Jeremy, 1955London New York : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2015
# 37
Sir Edward Coke and the reformation of the laws : religion, politics and jurisprudence, 1578-1616 /
David Chan Smith
Smith, David Chan, 1976Cambrdige, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2014
LIB 941.055-L SMI
# 38
Alehouses and good fellowship in early modern England / Mark Hailwood
Hailwood, Mark
Woodbridge, Suffolk : The Boydell Press, 2014
LIB 941.06 HAI
# 39
Devising, dying and dispute : probate litigation in early modern England / Lloyd Bonfield
Bonfield, Lloyd, 1949Surry, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, ©2012
LIB 941.05-L BON
# 40
The Oxford handbook of the English Revolution / edited by Michael J. Braddick
Braddick, M. J. (Michael J.), 1962-, editor
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015;©2015
LIB 941.06203 BRA
# 41
An industrious mind : the worlds of Sir Simonds D'Ewes / J. Sears McGee
McGee, J. Sears (James Sears), 1942Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2015
LIB 941.062092 MCG
# 42
Ten books that shaped the British empire : creating an imperial commons / edited by Antoinette
Burton and Isabel Hofmeyr
Burton, Antoinette M., 1961-, editor
Durham : Duke University Press, 2014
LIB 941.08 BUR
# 43
The buried life of things : how objects made history in nineteenth-century Britain / Simon Goldhill
Goldhill, Simon
Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014
LIB 941.08-C GOL
# 44
'Noble just industrialism' : Saint-Simonism in the political thought of Thomas Carlyle / Alexander
Jordan, Alexander
Florence : European University Institute, 2015
LIB 941.081092-P JOR
# 45
Constitution-maker : selected writings of Sir Ivor Jennings / edited by H. Kumarasingham
Jennings, Ivor, Sir, 1903-1965
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press for the Royal Historical Society, 2014
# 46
How labour governments fall : from Ramsay Macdonald to Gordon Brown / edited by Timothy Heppell
and Kevin Theakston
Heppell, Timothy, editor
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
LIB 941.082-P HEP
# 47
Frontiere : l'impero britannico e la costruzione del Medio Oriente contemporaneo / Pinella Di Gregorio
Di Gregorio, Pinella
Roma : Carocci, 2012
LIB 941.082-Q DIG
# 48
The British press and broadcasting since 1945 / Colin Seymour-Ure
Seymour-Ure, Colin, 1938Oxford, UK Cambridge, Mass., USA : Blackwell, 1996
LIB 941.085 SEY
# 49
The view from No. 11 : memoirs of a Tory radical / Nigel Lawson
Lawson, Nigel
London : Bantam, c1992
MAG 88698
# 50
Inside : Ireland's women's prisons, past and present / Christina M. Quinlan
Quinlan, Christina
Dublin Portland, OR : Irish Academic Press, 2011
LIB 941.507-W QUI
# 51
Ireland and victims : confronting the past, forging the future / [compiled by] Lesley Lelourec and
Grainne O'Keeffe-Vigneron
Lelourec, Lesley, editor
Oxford New York : Peter Lang, 2012
LIB 941.6083 LEL
# 52
Kommunikation im Zeitalter der Personalunion (1714-1837) : Prozesse, Praktiken, Akteure / Steffen
Hölscher Sune Erik Schlitte (Hg.) mit 10 Abbildungen
Hölscher, Steffen, editor
Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht [2015];©2014
LIB 943.05-T HOL
# 53
Business in the age of extremes : essays in modern German and Austrian economic history / edited
by Hartmut Berghoff, Jürgen Kocka, Dieter Ziegler
Berghoff, Hartmut, editor
Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013
LIB 943.08-B BER
# 54
Katholische Missionsschulen in Deutschland 1887-1940 / Holger Gast, Antonia Leugers, August H.
Leugers-Scherzberg, Uwe Sandfuchs
Gast, Holger, 1975Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2013
LIB 943.08-G GAS
# 55
Erfüllte Hoffnung : Städtepartnerschaften als Instrument der deutsch-französischen Aussöhnung,
1950-2000 / von Lucie Filipová aus dem Tschechischen von Nina Lohmann
Filipová, Lucie
Gottigen Bristol, CT : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, ©2015
LIB 943.08-Q FIL
# 56
Egon Bahr, l'Ostpolitik de la République fédérale d'Allemagne et la transformation de l'ordre
européen, 1945-1975 / Jean-François Juneau
Juneau, Jean-François
Pessac : Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, ©2014
LIB 943.087-Q JUN
# 57
Nazi crimes against Jews and German post-war justice : the West German judicial system during
allied occupation (1945-1949) / Edith Raim
Raim, Edith, 1965Berlin Munich Boston : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, ©2015
LIB 943.0870924-L RAI
# 58
Vormacht wider Willen : deutsche Aussenpolitik von der Wiedervereinigung bis zur Gegenwart /
Stephan Bierling
Bierling, Stephan G., 1962München : C.H. Beck, 2014
LIB 943.088-Q BIE
# 59
Geschichte als Politikum : öffentliche und private Kontroversen um die Deutung der DDRVergangenheit / Pamela Hess
Hess, Pamela
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2014
LIB 943.1087 HES
# 60
Die Kampfgruppe gegen Unmenschlichkeit (KgU) : Widerstand und Spionage im Kalten Krieg 19481959 / Enrico Heitzer
Heitzer, Enrico, 1977Köln : Böhlau Verlag, ©2015
LIB 943.1087 HEI
# 61
Waren wir "die Guten"? : die Militär- und Entspannungspolitik der SPD in der
Regierungsverantwortung 1966-1977/78 / Robert Hofmann
Hofmann, Robert, 1948Planegg : R. Hofmann, ©2014
LIB 943.10877-Q HOF
# 62
Der Berliner Kapitalmarkt nach der Reichsgründung 1871 : Gründerzeit, internationale
Finanzmarktintegration und der Einfluss der Makroökonomie / Markus Baltzer
Baltzer, Markus
Berlin : Lit, ©2007
LIB 943.155083-F BAL
# 63
Die Hamburger Börse 1558-2008 : Trends im Börsenwesen / Handelskammer Hamburg (Hg.)
Handelskammer Hamburg, editor
Hamburg : Murmann Verlag, 2008
LIB 943.51503-F HAN
# 64
Politische Kommunikation zwischen Imperien : der diplomatische Aktionsraum Südost- und
Osteuropa / herausgegeben von Gunda Barth-Scalmani, Harriet Rudolph und Christian Steppan
Barth-Scalmani, Gunda, 1958-, editor
Innsbruck : StudienVerlag, 2013
LIB 943.6031-Q BAR
# 65
Zwischen Exotik und Vertrautem : zum Tourismus in der Habsburgermonarchie und ihren
Nachfolgestaaten / Peter Stachel, Martina Thomsen (Hg.)
Stachel, Peter, editor
Bielefeld : Transcript, ©2014
LIB 943.604-C STA
# 66
Revolution with a human face : politics, culture, and community in Czechoslovakia, 1989-1992 /
James Krapfl
Krapfl, James, 1971Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2013
LIB 943.7043 KRA
# 67
Imperiale Herrschaft im Weichselland : das Königreich Polen im russischen Imperium (1864-1915) /
Malte Rolf
Rolf, Malte
Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2015]
LIB 943.8033 ROL
# 68
Wissen und nach-industrielle Produktion : das Beispiel der gescheiterten Rekonstruktion
Niederschlesiens 1936-1956 / Yaman Kouli
Kouli, Yaman
Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2014];©2014
LIB 943.8505-S KOU
# 69
Passions communes : entretiens avec Philippe Sainteny / Georges Duby, Bronislaw Geremek
Duby, Georges
Paris : Editions du Seuil, c1992
LIB 944.02092 DUB
# 70
Des "arrests parlans" : les arrêts notables à la Renaissance entre droit et littérature / études réunies
et publiées par Géraldine Cazals et Stéphan Geonget
Cazals, Géraldine, editor
Genève : Librairie Droz S.A., 2014
LIB 944.025-L CAZ
# 71
Dangerous and dishonest men : the international bankers of Louis XIV's France / Guy Rowlands,
Reader in Early Modern History,University of St Andrews, UK
Rowlands, Guy
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 944.0330922-F ROW
# 72
Histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'à la Révolution. Tome IX, Le règne de Louis XVI (1774 1789) / par Henri Carré, Philippe Sagnac et Ernest Lavisse
Lavisse, Ernest, 1842-1922
Paris : Éditions des Équateurs, 2014
LIB 944.035 LAV
# 73
La langue française : une arme d'équilibre de la mondialisation / Yves Montenay, Damien Soupart
Montenay, Yves
Paris : Les belles lettres, 2015
LIB 944.08-Q MON
# 74
Les républicains & la guerre de 1870-1871 / textes rassemblés par Gérard Gâcon et Claude Latta
Gâcon, Gérard, 1947-, editor
Lyon : Jacques André éditeur, 2014
LIB 944.081-P GAC
# 75
Correspondance : 1927-1969 / Jean Grenier, Jean Guéhenno édition présentée et établie par Toby
Grenier, Jean, 1898-1971
Rennes : Part commune, 2011
LIB 944.0815-C GRE
# 76
France and fascism : February 1934 and the dynamics of political crisis / Brian Jenkins and Chris
Jenkins, Brian, 1944Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2015
LIB 944.0815-P JEN
# 77
Journal des années noires, 1940-1944 / Jean Guéhenno présenté et annoté par Patrick Bachelier et
Jean-Kely Paulhan
Guéhenno, Jean, 1890-1978
Paris : Gallimard, 2014
LIB 944.0816 GUE
# 78
Medieval sovereignty : Marsilius of Padua and Bartolus of Saxoferrato / Francesco Maiolo
Maiolo, Francesco, 1968Delft, the Netherlands : Eburon Academic, 2007
LIB 945.05-P MAI
# 79
Raffaele Mattioli : documenti e fotografie della maturità / Francesca Gaido, Francesca Pino
Gaido, Francesca
Milano : Ulrico Hoepli, 2015
LIB 945.091092-F GAI
# 80
Storie di Gap : terrorismo urbano e Resistenza / Santo Peli
Peli, Santo, author
Torino : Giulio Einaudi editore, ©2014
LIB 945.092-U PEL
# 81
L'Italia del divorzio : la battaglia fra Stato, Chiesa e gente comune (1946-1974) / Fiamma Lussana
con lettere inedite dei "fuorilegge del matrimonio."
Lussana, Fiamma, 1954Roma : Carocci editore, ottobre 2014
LIB 945.092-W LUS
# 82
Prospettiva Berlinguer : sguardi trasversali sul leader comunista / a cura di Ivan Buttignon
Buttignon, Ivan, 1977- editor
Pordenone (PN) : Safarà editore, 2014
LIB 945.092092-P BUT
# 83
M.S.I. e terrorismo nero tra verità e montature : i collateralismi tra il partito neofascista e le
organizzazioni armate di estrema destra / Ivan Buttignon, Mattia Zenoni
Chieti : Solfanelli, [2014]
LIB 945.0927 BUT
# 84
Self-fashioning and assumptions of identity in medieval and early modern Iberia / edited by Laura
Delbrugge, Laura, 1968Leiden : Brill, 2015
LIB 946.000902-C DEL
# 85
La memoria del mundo : clero, erudición y cultura escrita en el mundo ibérico (siglos XVI-XVIII) /
Federico Palomo, coordinador
Palomo, Federico, 1968-, editor
Madrid : Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ©2014
LIB 946.0009045-C PAL
# 86
La imagen de España en los libros de los viajeros alemanes del siglo XVIII / Hiltrud FriedrichStegmann prólogo de Carlos Martínez Shaw
Friederich-Stegmann, Hiltrud
San Vicente del Raspeig : Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, [2014]
LIB 946.051-C FRI
# 87
La cripta de Franco : viaje por la memoria y la cultura del franquismo / Jeremy Treglown
Treglown, Jeremy
Barcelona : Ariel, 2014, cop. 2014
LIB 946.08092 TRE
# 88
Hell and good company : the Spanish Civil War and the world it made / Richard Rhodes
Rhodes, Richard, 1937New York : Simon & Schuster, 2015
LIB 946.081 RHO
# 89
Memory and cultural history of the Spanish Civil War : realms of oblivion / edited by Aurora G. Morcillo
Morcillo, Aurora G., editor
Leiden : Brill, 2014
LIB 946.081 MOR
# 90
Edificar la cultura, construir la identidad : el exilio republicano español de 1939 en la Unión Soviética /
Natalia Kharitonova
Kharitónova, Natalia, 1972Sevilla : Renacimiento, 2014
LIB 946.081-D KHA
# 91
1714 : Cataluña en la España del siglo XVIII / Antonio Morales Moya (ed.)
Morales Moya, Antonio, editor
Madrid : Cátedra, 2014
LIB 946.7054 MOR
# 92
Feeding Barcelona, 1714-1975 : public market halls, social networks, and consumer culture /
Montserrat Miller
Miller, Montserrat, 1960Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, ©2015
LIB 946.7207 MIL
# 93
The "civilising mission" of Portuguese colonialism, 1870-1930 / Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (research
Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon) translated by Stewart Lloyd-Jones
Bandeira Jerónimo, Miguel, 1973Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 946.9036-C BAN
# 94
Beyond the "imperial mystique" : empire and national identity in the Portuguese Estado Novo (c.
1930-1951) / Márcia Gonçalves
Gonçalves, Márcia
Florence : European University Institute, 2015
LIB 946.9042 GON
# 95
VOKS : le laboratoire helvétique : histoire de la diplomatie culturelle soviétique durant l'entre-deuxguer / Jean-François Fayet
Fayet, Jean-François
Chêne-Bourg : Georg, ©2014
LIB 947.0841-Q FAY
# 96
Russie, Ukraine : de la guerre à la paix / Antoine Arjakovsky
Arzhakovskiĭ, Antuan, 1966Paris : Parole et silence, 2014
LIB 947.086 ARZ
# 97
Ukraińcy i polacy : na Naddnieprzu, Wołyniu i w Galicji Wschodniej w XIX i pierwszej połowie XX
wieku : zarys historii konfliktów społeczno-etnicznych / Bohdan Hud przekład Anna KorzeniowskaBihun, Mariya Hud
Hudʹ, Bohdan
Lwów Warszawa : Pracownia Wydawnicza, 2013
LIB 947.707-Q HUD
# 98
Nacjonalista postępowy : Mychajło Hruszewski i jego poglądy na Polskę i Polaków / Łukasz Adamski
Adamski, Łukasz, 1981Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2011
LIB 947.708092 ADA
# 99
A tolerant nation? : revisiting ethnic diversity in a devolvrd Wales / edited by Charlotte Williams, Neil
Evans, and Paul O'Leary
Williams, Charlotte, 1954-, editor
Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2015
LIB 949.082 WIL
# 100
In vriendschap en vertrouwen : cultuurhistorische essays over confidentialiteit / onder redactie van
Jos Gabriëls, Ineke Huysman, Ton van Kalmthout, Ronald Sluijter
Gabriëls, Jos, editor
Hilversum : Verloren, 2014
LIB 949.206 GAB
# 101
A tiny spot on the earth : the political culture of the Netherlands in the Nineteenth and Twentieth
Century / Piet de Rooy
Rooy, P. de, 1944Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, [2015];©2015
LIB 949.206-P ROO
# 102
... und es kamen auch Frauen : Engagement italienischer Migrantinnen in Politik und Gesellschaft der
Nachkriegsschweiz / Sarah Baumann
Baumann, Sarah
Zürich : Seismo, [2014];©2014
LIB 949.4073-W BAU
# 103
Power and influence in South-Eastern Europe, 16th-19th century / edited by Maria Baramova, Plamen
Mitev, Ivan Parvev and Vania Racheva
Baramova, Maria, editor
Zürich Berlin : Lit, 2013
LIB 949.603 BAR
# 104
Money in Asia (1200-1900) : small currencies in social and political contexts / edited by Jane Kate
Leonard and Ulrich Theobald
Leonard, Jane Kate, 1939-, editor
Leiden Boston : Brill, 2015
LIB 950.3-F LEO
# 105
Knowing China / by Gregory C. Chow
Chow, Gregory C., 1929Singapore London : World Scientific, ©2004
MAG 88665
# 106
The order of places : translocal practices of the Huizhou merchants in late imperial China / by
Yongtao Du
Du, Yongtao, 1970Leiden : Brill, 2015
LIB 951.026 DU
# 107
The allure of the nation : the cultural and historical debates in Late Qing and Republican China / by
Tze-ki Hon
Hon, Tze-Ki, 1958Boston : Brill, 2015
LIB 951.03-C HON
# 108
Cross-cultural studies : China and the world : a festschrift in honor of Professor Zhang Longxi / edited
by Qian Suoqiao
Qian, Suoqiao, editor
Leiden : Brill, 2015
LIB 951.05 QIA
# 109
Inheritance within rupture : culture and scholarship in early twentieth century China / by Luo Zhitian
Luo, Zhitian, 1952Boston : Brill, [2015];©2015
LIB 951.05-C LUO
# 110
Manchu princess, Japanese spy : the story of Kawashima Yoshiko, the cross-dressing spy who
commanded her own army / Phyllis Birnbaum
Birnbaum, Phyllis
New York : Columbia University Press, [2015]
LIB 951.8042 BIR
# 111
Japan's challenging years : reflections on my lifetime / Saburō Ōkita adapted from the Japanese by
Graeme Bruce with the assistance of Ann Nevile
Ōkita, Saburō, 1914-1993
Canberra : Australia-Japan Research Centre, Australian National University, 1983
MAG 88704
# 112
Catholic orientalism : Portuguese empire, Indian knowledge (16th-18th centuries) / Angela Barreto
Xavier, Ines G. Županov
Xavier, Ângela Barreto, author
New Delhi, India : Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 954.025-G XAV
# 113
Smuggling as subversion : colonialism, Indian merchants, and the politics of opium, 1790-1843 / Amar
Farooqui, Amar
Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, ©2005
LIB 954.031-B FAR
# 114
Unsettling India : affect, temporality, transnationality / Purnima Mankekar
Mankekar, Purnima, 1961Durham : Duke University Press, 2015
LIB 954.05-A MAN
# 115
Hindu-Catholic encounters in Goa : religion, colonialism, and modernity / Alexander Henn
Henn, Alexander, 1952Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [2014]
LIB 954.78025-G HEN
# 116
Fighting EOKA : the British counter-insurgency campaign on Cyprus, 1955-1959 / David French
French, David, 1954Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
LIB 956.9303-M FRE
# 117
A history of early modern Southeast Asia, 1400-1800 / Barbara Watson Andaya and Leonard Y.
Andaya, Barbara Watson
Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014
LIB 959.02 AND
# 118
Hanoi's war : an international history of the war for peace in Vietnam / Lien-Hang T. Nguyen
Nguyen, Lien-Hang T., 1974Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina Press, ©2012
LIB 959.70431-M NGU
# 119
History in uniform : military ideology and the construction of Indonesia's past / Katharine E. McGregor
McGregor, Katharine E
[Canberra] : Asian Studies Association of Australia Honolulu : in association with University of Hawai'i
Press, ©2007
LIB 959.8037 MCG
# 120
The history of Africa : the quest for eternal harmony / Molefi Kete Asante
Asante, Molefi Kete, 1942New York : Routledge, 2015
# 121
Freedom time : Negritude, decolonization, and the future of the world / Gary Wilder
Wilder, Gary
Durham London : Duke University Press, ©2015
LIB 966.303-A WIL
# 122
Competing visions of empire : labor, slavery, and the origins of the British Atlantic empire / Abigail L.
Swingen, Abigail Leslie
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2015
LIB 972.903 SWI
# 123
I sei giorni che sconvolsero il mondo : la crisi dei missili di Cuba e le sue percezioni internazionali /
Leonardo Campus prefazione di John L. Harper
Campus, Leonardo
Firenze : Le Monnier, novembre 2014
LIB 972.91064-Q CAM
# 124
The history of American higher education : learning and culture from the founding to World War II /
Roger L. Geiger
Geiger, Roger L., 1943Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015
# 125
A world safe for capitalism : dollar diplomacy and America's rise to global power / Cyrus Veeser
Veeser, Cyrus
New York : Columbia University Press, ©2002
LIB 973.9-S VEE
# 126
The American Army and the First World War / David R. Woodward
Woodward, David R., 1939Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014
LIB 973.913-M WOO
# 127
Soviet-American relations : the détente years, 1969-1972 / Edward C. Keefer, supervisory editor
David C. Geyer, Douglas E. Selvage, editors
Keefer, Edward C. (Edward Coltrin), 1945-, editor
Washington, DC : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007
LIB 973.923-Q KEE
# 128
The Reagan Era : a history of the 1980s / Doug Rossinow
Rossinow, Douglas C. (Douglas Charles)
New York : Columbia University Press, 2015
LIB 973.927 ROS
# 129
Frames of memory after 9/11 : culture, criticism, politics, and law / Lucy Bond
Bond, Lucy, 1983Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LIB 973.93 BON
# 130
Todo cambia : figli di desaparecidos e fine dell'impunità in Argentina, Cile e Uruguay / Gennaro
Carotenuto, Gennaro
Firenze : Le Monnier, 2015
LIB 980.04-L CAR
# 131
European solidarity with Chile, 1970s-1980s / Kim Christiaens, Idesbald Goddeeris, Magaly
Rodríguez García (eds.)
Christiaens, Kim, 1985-, editor
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang GmbH, 2014
LIB 983.065 CHR
# 132
Entre 2 mondes : Amérindiens & Européens sur les côtes de Guyane, avant la colonie, 1560-1627 /
textes réunis, traduits et présentés par Gérard Collomb et Martijn Van den Bel
Collomb, Gérard, editor
Paris : CTHS, 2014
LIB 988.01 COL
Reference and Legal Theory
Pope Benedict XVI's legal thought : a dialogue on the foundation of law / edited by Marta Cartabia,
Andrea Simoncini
Cartabia, Marta, editor
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, ©2015
Rechtsnormen und Rationalität : zum Problem der Rechtsgeltung bei Hans Kelsen, Jürgen Habermas
und Niklas Luhmann / von Johannes Meiners
Meiners, Johannes (Lawyer)
Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, [2015];©2015
Alf Ross : a life / Jens Evald
Evald, Jens
Copenhagen, Denmark : DJØF Publishing, 2014
Žižek and law / edited by Laurent de Sutter
De Sutter, Laurent, editor
Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2015
Sociologie du droit / Max Weber préface de Philippe Raynaud introduction et traduction par Jacques
Weber, Max (1864-1920)
Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 2013
La norme sociale de conduite saisie par le droit / Samuel Benisty préface de Thomas Clay
Benisty, Samuel
Paris : Institut Universitaire Varenne, 2014
Analisi e diritto 2012 / [direzione esecutiva Paolo Comanducci, Riccardo Guastini]
Comanducci, Paolo, editor
Madrid : : Marcial Pons, 2012
Reasons and intentions in law and practical agency / edited by George Pavlakos, Veronica
Pavlakos, George, editor
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2015
The critical legal studies movement : another time, a greater task / Roberto Mangabeira Unger
Unger, Roberto Mangabeira
London Brooklyn, NY : Verso, 2015
# 10
Studies in law, politics, and society / edited by Austin Sarat
Sarat, Austin, editor
Bingley, United Kingdom : Emerald, 2015
# 11
Under cover of science : American legal-economic theory and the quest for objectivity / James R.
Hackney Jr
Hackney, James R., 1964Durham : Duke University Press, 2007
International Law
Hungarian yearbook of international law and European law 2014 / Marcel Szabó (editor in chief),
Petra Lea Láncos, Réka Varga and Tamás Molnár (eds.)
Szabó, Marcel, editor
The Hague : Eleven International Publishing, 2015
An introduction to contemporary international law : a policy-oriented perspective / Lung-chu Chen
Chen, Lung-chu, author
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2015
Public purpose in international law : rethinking regulatory sovereignty in the global era / Pedro J.
Martinez-Fraga, C. Ryan Reetz
Martínez-Fraga, Pedro J.
New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 2015
Epistemic forces in international law : foundational doctrines and techniques of international legal
argumentation / J. d'Aspremont
Aspremont, Jean d'
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2015
Interpretation in international law / edited by Andrea Bianchi, Daniel Peat, Matthew Windsor
Bianchi, Andrea, editor
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
The world ocean in globalisation : climate change, sustainable fisheries, biodiversity, shipping,
regional issues / edited by Davor Vidas, Peter Johan Schei
Vidas, Davor, editor
Leiden Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011
LAW Dgmgj9 VID
Recasting transboundary fisheries management arrangements in light of sustainability principles :
Canadian and international perspectives / edited by Dawn A. Russell and David L. VanderZwaag
Russell, Dawn A., 1955-, editor
Leiden Boston : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010
LAW Dgmgje9 RUS
Derecho procesal transnacional : los procedimientos en la Comisión y ante la Corte Interamericana
de derechos humanos / Osvaldo Alfredo Gozaíni
Gozaíni, Osvaldo Alfredo, author
Valencia : Tirant lo Blanch, 2014
Il diritto penale flessibile : quando i diritti umani incontrano i sistemi penali / Andreana Esposito
Esposito, Andreana
Torino : G. Giappichelli, 2008
# 10
La doctrina Parot, el tribunal europeo de derechos humanos y la separación de poderes / Antonio
Cuerda Riezu
Cuerda Riezu, Antonio
Madrid : Iustel, 2014
# 11
The development of disability rights under international law : from charity to human rights / Arlene S.
Kanter, Arlene S
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2015
# 12
Disabled justice? : access to justice and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
/ by Eilionóir Flynn
Flynn, Eilionóir, 1986Farnham, Surrey, UK England Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, 2015
# 13
The international law on the rights of the child / Geraldine Van Bueren
Van Bueren, Geraldine
The Hague : Nijhoff, ©1998
# 14
Protecting vulnerable groups : the European human rights framework / edited by Francesca Ippolito
and Sara Iglesias Sánchez
Ippolito, Francesca, editor
Oxford, United Kingdom : Hart Publishing, 2015
# 15
Rahmenübereinkommen zum Schutz nationaler Minderheiten : Handkommentar / Rainer Hofmann
[and 4 others] (Hrsg.) Elisabeth Alber [and 37 others]
Hofmann, Rainer, editor
Baden-Baden : Nomos Wien : Facultas, 2015
# 16
La protection internationale et européenne des réfugiés : la Convention de Genève du 28 juillet 1951
relative au statut des réfugiés à l'épreuve du temps / [colloque, 21 novembre 2012, à Bordeaux]
[organisé et] sous la direction d'Anne-Marie Tournepiche
Tournepiche, Anne-Marie, editor
Paris : Éditions A. Pédone, [2014];©2014
# 17
La Convention pour l'élimination des discriminations à l'égard des femmes / sous la direction de
Diane Roman préface de Françoise Gaspard
Roman, Diane, editor
Paris : Editions Pedone [2014];©2014
# 18
When humans become migrants : study of the European Court of Human Rights with an InterAmerican counterpoint / Marie-Benedicte Dembour
Dembour, Marie-Bénédicte, 1961Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
# 19
La justice pénale internationale face aux crimes de masse : approches critiques / sous la direction de
Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach & Julie Saada
Nollez-Goldbach, Raphaëlle, editor
Paris : Editions Pedone, [2014];©2014
# 20
Complicity in international law / Miles Jackson
Jackson, Miles, 1985Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
# 21
Failing to protect : the UN and the politicisation of human rights / Rosa Freedman
Freedman, Rosa
London : Hurst & Company, 2014;©2014
# 22
Advanced introduction to international trade law / Michael J. Trebilcock, Professor of Law an
Economics, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Canada
Trebilcock, M. J.
Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, [2015];©2015
# 23
International trade law / Andrew T. Guzman, Joost H.B. Pauwelyn
Guzman, Andrew T
New York : Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, ©2012
# 24
Droit de l'OMC, droit de l'Union européenne et fiscalité directe / Maryline Sadowsky préface de Daniel
Sadowsky, Marilyne
Bruxelles : Larcier, ©2013
# 25
Rules of origin in ASEAN : a way forward / edited by Stefano Inama and Edmund W. Sim
Inama, Stefano, editor
Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015
# 26
The WIPO treaties on copyright : a commentary on the WCT, the WPPT, and the BTAP / Jorg
Reinbothe, Silke Von Lewinski
Reinbothe, Jörg
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
# 27
Protecting and enforcing life science inventions in Europe under EPC and EU law : from antibodies to
zebrafish / by Dr. Franz-Josef Zimmer, Steven M. Zeman (Ph.D.), Dr. Jens Hammer, Dr. Klara
Goldbach and Dr. Bernd Allekotte (LL.M.)
Zimmer, Franz-Josef
München, Germany : C.H. Beck Oxford, United Kingdom : Hart Publishing Baden-Baden, Germany :
Nomos Basel, Switzerland : Helbing Lichtenhahn, ©2015
# 28
International investment law / edited by prof. dr. Marc Bungenberg [and others] in cooperation with the
International Investment Law Centre Cologne, University of Cologne and the Department of
European, International and Comparative Law, University of Vienna
Bungenberg, Marc, editor
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2015
# 29
Interaction and conflict of treaties in investment arbitration / Ahmad Ali Ghouri
Ghouri, Ahmad Ali
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 2015
LAW Drmqf9 GHO
# 30
The transit of goods in public international law / by Beatriz Huarte Melgar
Melgar, Beatriz Huarte
Leiden Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2015
# 31
International climate change law and state compliance / Alexander Zahar
Zahar, Alexander
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2015
# 32
Streitbeilegung im Rahmen des Kyoto-Protokolls und der Flexiblen Mechanismen : ein Blick auf das
Schiedsverfahren / Steffen Strassburger
Strassburger, Steffen
Frankfurt am Main : PL Academic Research, 2014
# 33
Vers un nouveau droit international des réfugiés écologiques / Adrien Banwitiya Ntekangi préface de
Mwayila Tshiyembe postface de Juakaly Mbumba.
Banwitiya Ntekangi, Adrien
Paris : L'Harmattan, [2014];©2014
# 34
The law and politics of the Kosovo advisory opinion / edited by Marko Milanović and Michael Wood
Milanović, Marko, editor
Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, ©2015
# 35
La protezione degli interessi di Stati terzi davanti alla Corte internazionale di giustizia / Beatrice I.
Bonafè, Beatrice I
Napoli : Editoriale scientifica, 2014
# 36
Les cyber-attaques dans les conflits armés : qualification juridique, imputabilité et moyens de réponse
envisagés en droit international humanitaire / Laura Baudin
Baudin, Laura
Paris : Harmattan, ©2014
# 37
Cyber war : law and ethics for virtual conflicts / edited by Claire Finkelstein, Jens David Ohlin, Kevin
Finkelstein, Claire Oakes, editor
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
# 38
OPCW : the legal texts / Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons compiled and edited
by the Office of the Legal Adviser
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, issuing body, editor
The Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, ©2015
LAW Duke26 ORG
# 39
Introduzione al diritto internazionale / Paolo De Stefani, Federico Sperotto
De Stefani, Paolo
Padova : CLEUP, 2011
# 40
Translating evidence and interpreting testimony at a war crimes tribunal : working in a tug-of-war /
Ellen Elias-Bursać
Elias-Bursać, Ellen
Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
LAW Dukmk9 ELI
European Law
An introduction to European intergovernmental organizations / Marc Cogen
Cogen, Marc
Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT, USA : Ashgate, 2015
Access to the European Union : law, economics, policies / Nicholas Moussis
Moussis, Nicholas
Cambridge Antwerp Portland : Intersentia, ©2015
Diritto dell'Unione europea : sistema istituzionale, ordinamento, tutela giurisdizionale, competenze /
Luigi Daniele con la collaborazione di Stefano Amadeo, Giacomo Biagioni, Cristina Schepisi e Fabio
Daniele, Luigi
Milano : Giuffrè, 2014
Brokering Europe : Euro-lawyers and the making of a transnational polity / Antoine Vauchez
Vauchez, Antoine
Cambrdige, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2015
Europe's justice deficit? / edited by Dimitry Kochenov, Gráinne de Búrca, Andrew Williams
Kochenov, Dimitry, 1979- editor
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
The sub-national dimension of the EU : a legal study of multilevel governance / Carlo Panara
Panara, Carlo, author
Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2015;©2015
Fundamental rights in the EU : a matter for two courts / edited by Sonia Morano-Foadi and Lucy
Morano-Foadi, Sonia, editor
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
Grundrechtsschutz bei der Durchführung von Richtlinien : eine Analyse im Spannungsfeld von
Grundrechten der Europäischen Union, nationalen Grundrechten und EMRK-Rechten / Benjamin
Maier, Benjamin
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2014
Zum Anwendungsbereich des Art. 50 der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union : (ne bis in
idem) / Johannes Stalberg
Stalberg, Johannes
Frankfurt am Main : PL Academic Research, 2013
# 10
Adjudicating new governance : deliberative democracy in the European Union / Emilia Korkea-aho
Korkea-aho, Emilia
Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, ©2015
# 11
Die Durchführung der Rechtsakte des europäischen Gesetzgebers durch die Europäische
Kommission : Art. 290 und Art. 291 AEUV und deren Auswirkungen auf die Komitologie / von Theresa
Ilgner, Theresa
Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, [2014];©2014
# 12
The function of proportionality analysis in European law / By Tor-Inge Harbo
Harbo, Tor-Inge
Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2015
# 13
'Justice must not only be done, it must also be seen to be done' : selecting judges of the Court of
Justice / Itsiq Benizri
Benizri, Itsiq
Florence : European University Institute, 2014
# 14
Selecting Europe's judges : a critical review of the appointment procedures to the European Courts /
edited by Michal Bobek
Bobek, Michal, 1977- editor
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
# 15
Creation, evolution etc.… : theoretical and interdisciplinary perspectives on the interpretation of the
Court of Justice of the European Union / Andrew Saengpim Wright
Wright, Andrew Saengpim
Florence : European University Institute, 2014
# 16
Economic reasoning in the Court of Justice of the EU : a study on the use of economics in competition
case-law / Pavlína Hubková
Hubková, Pavlína
Florence : European University Institute, 2014
# 17
Protectionnisme et droit de l'Union européenne / sous la direction de Ségolène Barbou des Places
Barbou des Places, Ségolène, editor
Paris : Pedone, 2014
# 18
The unitary EU patent system / edited by Justine Pila and Christopher Wadlow
Workshop on the Unitary (EU) Patent and Unified Patent Court (2013 : Oxford, England)
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
# 19
Berufsanerkennung und Dienstleistungen im europäischen Binnenmarkt : die EU-Richtlinien aus der
Perspektive der Methodik der Rechtsangleichung und des Wettbewerbs der Rechtsordnungen /
Konrad Asemissen
Asemissen, Konrad
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2014
# 20
Paradoxes of convergence : European standardisation of services and its impact on private law /
Barend van Leeuwen
Van Leeuwen, Barend
Florence : European University Institute, 2015
# 21
EU competition law handbook 2015 edition / edited by Marc van der Woude, Christopher Jones
Woude, M. H. van der, editor
London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014
# 22
Litigation and arbitration in eu competition law / edited by Mel Marquis, Roberto Cisotta
Marquis, Mel, editor
Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Pub., 2015
# 23
Modernising public procurement : the new Directive / François Lichère, Roberto Caranta and Steen
Treumer (eds.)
Lichère, François, editor
Copenhagen, Denmark : DJØF Publishing, 2014;Portland, USA : International Specialized Book
# 24
State aid and public procurement in the European Union / editors: Sarah Schoenmaekers, Wouter
Devroe, Niels Philipsen
Schoenmaekers, Sarah, 1983- editor
Cambridge Antwerp Portland : Intersentia, 2014
# 25
EU law and healthcare services : normative approaches to public health systems / Kyriaki-Korina
Raptopoulou, Kyriaki-Korina
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 2015
# 26
Food law : European, domestic and international frameworks / Caoimhín MacMaoláin
MacMaoláin, Caoimhín
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
LAW ECtkyhf9 MAC
# 27
Defending refugee rights : international law and Europe's offshored immigration control / by MMag.
Fabiane Baxewanos
Baxewanos, Fabiane
Wien : NWV Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, ©2015
# 28
Die Erstreckung der Zuständigkeiten der EuGVO auf Drittstaatensachverhalte : Unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung des Kommissionsvorschlags KOM (2010) 748 endg. / Daniela Bidell
Bidell, Daniela
Frankfurt am Main : PL Academic Research, 2014
# 29
EU social and employment law / Philippa Watson
Watson, Philippa
Oxford, United Kingdom New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2014
# 30
Positive Massnahmen zwischen Unternehmerfreiheit und Gleichbehandlung / von Indra Burg
Burg, Indra
Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, ©2009
# 31
European social security law / Frans Pennings
Pennings, F. (Frans)
Cambridge : Intersentia, ©2015
# 32
Les femmes dans le droit de l'Union européenne / sous la direction de Philippe Icard avec la
collaboration de Juliette Olivier-Leprince
Icard, Philippe, editor
Bruxelles : Emile Bruylant, ©2015
# 33
Europarechtlicher Rahmen einer steuerlichen Förderung von Forschung und Entwicklung / Christian
Kniese, Christian
Frankfurt am Main : PL Academic Research, 2013
# 34
Cambio climático y Unión Europea : presente y futuro del mercado europeo de emisiones : estudios
de derecho público / coordinador, Iñigo Sanz Rubiales autores, Susana Anibarro Pérez [and others]
Sanz Rubiales, Íñigo, editor
Valencia : Tirant lo Blanch, 2014
# 35
EU waste law / Geert Van Calster
Calster, Geert van
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
# 36
Ex ante fundamental rights conditionalities – a novel fundamental rights tool in the European
Structural and Investment Funds architecture : locating it in the broader EU fundamental rights
conditionality landscape / Viorica Vițǎ
Vițǎ, Viorica
Florence : European University Institute, 2014
# 37
EU international relations law / Panos Koutrakos
Koutrakos, Panos
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
# 38
Die Kooperationsverpflichtung der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union bei Abschluss und
Anwendung gemischter Verträge / Klaus Schwichtenberg
Schwichtenberg, Klaus
Frankfurt am Main : PL Academic Research, 2013
# 39
Le statut de Mayotte vis-à-vis de l'Union européenne / Faneva Tsiadino Rakotondrahaso, préface
Jacques Ziller
Rakotondrahaso, Faneva Tsiadino
Aix-en-Provence : Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, ©2014
# 40
The EU and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons : strategies, policies, actions / edited by Spyros
Blavoukos, Dimitris Bourantonis, and Clara Portela
Blavoukos, Spyros, editor
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
# 41
Las garantías procesales en el espacio europeo de justicia penal / Mercedes Llorente SánchezArjona
Llorente Sánchez-Arjona, Mercedes
Valencia : Tirant lo Blanch, 2014
# 42
Human rights in European criminal law : new developments in European legislation and case law after
the Lisbon Treaty / Stefano Ruggeri, editor
Ruggeri, Stefano, editor
Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London : Springer, ©2015
# 43
Police cooperation in the European Union under the Treaty of Lisbon : opportunities and limitations /
Hartmut Aden (ed.)
Aden, Hartmut, editor
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2015
Comparative and National Law
L'évaluation de la recherche en droit : enjeux et méthodes = Assessing research in law : stakes and
methods / sous la direction de Thierry Tanquerel et Alexandre Flückiger
Tanquerel, Thierry, editor
Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2015
AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems : AICOL 2013 International Workshops, AICOLIV@IVR, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, July 21-27, 2013 and AICOL-V@SINTELNET-JURIX, Bologna, Italy,
December 11, 2013 : revised selected papers / Pompeu Casanovas, Ugo Pagallo, Monica Palmirani,
Giovanni Sartor (eds.)
Casanovas Romeu, Pompeu, editor
Heidelberg : Springer, [2014];©2014
Managing cyber attacks in international law, business, and relations : in search of cyber peace / Scott
J. Shackelford, JD, PHD, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Shackelford, Scott J
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014
Overcoming technical challenges in developing a global free-access legal information system for
research : the WorldLII experience / Philip Tiet Hue Chung
Chung, Philip Tiet Hue
Saarbrücken : Verlag Alma Mater, 2014
Non-state justice institutions and the law : decision-making at the interface of tradition, religion and
the state / edited by Matthias Kötter, Research Fellow, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany
Tilmann J. Röder, Managing Director, Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of
Law, Germany, Gunnar Folke Schuppert Professor Emeritus, WZB Berlin Social Science Center,
Germany Rüdiger Wolfrum, Managing Director, Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and
the Rule of Law, Germany
Kötter, Matthias, 1973-, editor
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
Constitution-maker : selected writings of Sir Ivor Jennings / edited by H. Kumarasingham
Jennings, Ivor, Sir, 1903-1965
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press for the Royal Historical Society, 2014
Constitutional sunsets and experimental legislation : a comparative perspective / Sofia Ranchordás,
assistant professor, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Ranchordás, Sofia
Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2014
Human rights acts : the mechanisms compared / Kris Gledhill
Gledhill, Kris
Oxford Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing, 2015
Diskriminierung aufgrund der Religion im deutschen und französischen Arbeitsrecht : völker-,
europarechtliche und nationale Regelungen / Christoph Gyo
Gyo, Christoph
Frankfurt am Main New York : P. Lang, 2011
# 10
Reproductive freedom, torture and international human rights : challenging the masculinisation of
torture / Ronli Sifris
Sifris, Ronli Noa
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2014
# 11
Constitutions and religious freedom / Frank B. Cross
Cross, Frank B.
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015
# 12
Privacy vs. security / Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon, Joshua Phillips, Mark D. Ryan
Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie, author
London : Springer, [2014];©2014
# 13
Justice and authority in immigration law / Colin Grey
Grey, Colin
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
# 14
Water and the law : towards sustainability / edited by Michael Kidd, Professor of Law, University of
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Loretta Feris, Professor of Law, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Tumai Murombo, Associate Professor, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa
Alejandro Iza, Director, IUCN Environmental Law Centre, Germany
Kidd, Michael, editor
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA : Edward Elgar, 2014
# 15
Funding religious heritage / edited by Anne Fornerod
Fornerod, Anne, 1975-, editor
Farnham : Ashgate Publishing, 2015
# 16
Care, migration, and human rights : law and practice / edited by Siobhán Mullally
Mullally, Siobhán, editor
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, New York, NY : Routledge, 2015
# 17
Institutional structure of financial regulation : theories and international experiences / edited by Robin
Hui Huang and Dirk Schoenmaker
Hui Huang, Robin, editor
London New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
# 18
Transnational law beyond bi-polarity : the FSB key attributes of effective resolution regimes for
financial institutions in national, European and transnational Law / Chantal Bratschi
Bratschi, Chantal
Florence : European University Institute, 2015
# 19
Intellectual property, entrepreneurship and social justice : from swords to ploughshares / Edited by
Lateef Mtima, Professor Law, Howard University School of Law, USA
Mtima, Lateef, editor
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA : Edward Elgar Publishing [2015];©2015
# 20
The interface between competition law, patents and technical standards / David Telyas
Telyas, David
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, ©2014
# 21
Copyright versus open access : on the organisation and international political economy of access to
scientific knowledge / Marc Scheufen
Scheufen, Marc, 1984Cham, [Switzerland] New York : Springer, ©2015
# 22
Efficient antitrust enforcement in developed and emerging jurisdictions / Stefan Tsakanakis
herausgeber: Rolf H. Weber, Andreas Heinemann
Tsakanakis, Stefan
Zürich : Schulthess, 2014
# 23
Market and competition authorities : good agency principles / Annetje Ottow
Ottow, Annetje
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
# 24
Behavioural risks in corporate governance : regulatory intervention as a risk management mechanism
Okoye, Ngozi Vivian
Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2015
# 25
Human rights and business : direct corporate accountability for human rights / Jernej Letnar Cernic
Tara Van Ho (eds.)
Cernic, Jernej Letnar, editor
Nijmegen : W.L.P. (Wolf Legal Publishers) 2015
# 26
Le juge et l'arbitrage : actes du colloque organisé à Tunis, les 25 et 26 avril 2013 à l'occasion du
vingtième anniversaire du Code tunisien de l'arbitrage / sous la direction de Sami Bostanji, Ferhat
Horchani et Sébastien Manciaux ont contribué à cet ouvrage, Imed Derouiche [and twenty-one
Bostanji, Sami, editor
Paris : Éditions A. Pedone, 2014
# 27
The rise of transparency in international arbitration : the case for the anonymous publication of arbitral
awards / Alberto Malatesta, Rinaldo Sali, editors
Malatesta, Alberto, editor
Huntington, New York : Juris, ©2013
# 28
Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC) / edited by
Stefan Vogenauer
Vogenauer, Stefan, 1968-, editor
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015
LAW Fzgch9 VOG
# 29
Conformity of goods and documents : the Vienna Sale Convention / Djakhongir Saidov
Saidov, Djakhongir
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
LAW Fzgsgch9 SAI
# 30
Les mouvements transfrontières de déchets dangereux : [actes du colloque international, 5-7
septembre 2013, Cotonou] / sous la direction de Michael Faure, Athanase Lawogni, Mathieu
Faure, Michael (Michael G.), editor
Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2015
LAW Fzkph9 FAU
# 31
Judicial reforms in Luxembourg and Europe / Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hess (ed.)
Hess, Burkhard, editor
Baden-Baden : Nomos : 2014
# 32
Expertise de justice : Quel avenir en Europe? / European Expertise and Expert Institute sous la
direction de Patricia Grandjean preface de Hans Franken
Grandjean, Patricia, editor
Bruxelles : Emile Bruylant 2014
# 33
Islamic symbols in European courts / edited by Roberto Scarciglia and Werner Menski
Scarciglia, Roberto, editor
Padova : CEDAM, 2014
# 34
Parliaments and human rights : redressing the democratic deficit / edited by Murray Hunt, Hayley J.
Hooper and Paul Yowell
Hunt, Murray, editor
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
# 35
Transnationale Verwaltungskulturen in Europa : Bestandesaufnahme und Perspektiven = Les cultures
administratives transnationales en Europe : etat des lieux et perspectives / herausgegeben von
Joachim Beck / Fabrice Larat
Beck, Joachim, editor
Zürich : Dike Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2015
# 36
Governing Europe's marine environment : Europeanization of regional seas or regionalization of EU
policies? / edited by Michael Gilek and Kristine Kern
Gilek, Michael, editor
Farnham, Surrey, UK Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2015
# 37
Europäisches Vertragsrecht / Hein Kötz
Kötz, Hein, 1935Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2015
# 38
The civil liability of credit rating agencies : a comparative perspective within the European Union /
Céline Estas
Estas, Céline
Florence : European University Institute, 2014
# 39
Reforming private antitrust enforcement in Europe : between harmonisation and regulatory
competition / by Julian Kammin
Kammin, Julian
Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2014
# 40
Die einheitliche Auslegung der Rom I-, Rom II- und Brüssel I-Verordnung im europäischen
internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrecht / von Manuela Köck
Köck, Manuela
Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2014
LAW Gzkch9 KOC
# 41
The law-making process / Michael Zander
Zander, Michael
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
# 42
The future of legal education and the legal profession / edited by Hilary Sommerlad, Sonia HarrisShort, Steven Vaughan and Richard Young
Sommerlad, Hilary, editor
Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
# 43
Legal English / Rupert Haigh
Haigh, Rupert
Abingdon, Oxon New York, NY : Routledge, 2015;©2015
# 44
Parliamentary sovereignty in the UK constitution : process, politics and democracy / Michael Gordon
Gordon, Michael (Michael J.)
Oxford and Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing, 2015;©2015
# 45
The law of public and utilities procurement. Volume 1 : Regulation in the EU and UK / [Sue
Arrowsmith, Sue, 1962London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014
# 46
The law and practice of expulsion and exclusion from the United Kingdom : deportation, removal,
exclusion and deprivation of citizenship / General editor, Eric Fripp MA (St. Andrews), LLM MA LLM
(London), of Gray's Inn, Barrister Deputy editors, Rowena Moffatt, BA (Oxon) LLM (College of
Europe), of the Inner Temple, Barrister Ellis Wilford, MA (Cantab), of Gray's Inn, Barrister foreword by
The Rt Hon the Lord Hope of Craighead KT
Fripp, Eric, editor
Oxford, United Kingdom Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing, 2015;©2015
# 47
The law of contract, 1670-1870 / Warren Swain
Swain, Warren, 1973Cambridge [UK] : Cambridge University Press, 2015
# 48
Netherlands Reports to the Nineteenth International Congress of Comparative Law, Vienna 2014 /
editor L.P.W. van Vliet
Vliet, Lars Peter Wunibald van, editor
Cambrigde : Intersentia, 2015
# 49
Labour law in the Netherlands / Antoine Jacobs
Jacobs, A. T. J. M
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 2015
# 50
Contribution à l'étude de la probité / Jean-Marie Brigant préface, Christine Lazerges
Brigant, Jean-Marie
Aix-en-Provence : Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2012
# 51
Droit électoral / Bernard Maligner
Maligner, Bernard
Paris : Ellipses, 2007
# 52
Verfassungsprozessuale Umbrüche : eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zur französischen
Question prioritaire de constitutionnalite / Maja Katharina Walter
Walter, Maja Katharina
Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2015
# 53
Faith in public debate : on freedom of expression, hate speech and religion in France & The
Netherlands / Esther Janssen
Janssen, Esther
Cambridge : Intersentia, 2015
# 54
Essais sur les lois / Jean Carbonnier
Carbonnier, Jean
Paris : LGDJ-Lextenso éditions, ©2014
# 55
Zur Durchführung des EU-Rechts in Bundesstaaten : ausgewählte Aspekte der Umsetzung der
Dienstleistungsrichtlinie in Deutschland und Österreich / Yvonne Schleiss
Schleiss, Yvonne
Zürich : Schulthess Juristische Medien Basel, 2014
# 56
Religion in der verrechtlichten Gesellschaft : Rechtskonflikte und öffentliche Kontroversen um
Religion als Grenzarbeiten am religiösen Feld / Astrid Reuter
Reuter, Astrid
Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014
# 57
Arbitration in Germany : the model law in practice / edited by Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel, Stefan Michael
Kröll, Patricia Nacimiento
Böckstiegel, Karl-Heinz, editor
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 2015
# 58
The trend towards 'consensual competition law' : a comparative study of commitment procedures and
policies in Germany and the United Kingdom / Jonas von Kalben
Von Kalben, Jonas
Florence : European University Institute, 2014
# 59
Too big to fail and structural reforms : a comparative look at structural banking reforms in Switzerland
and the UK and the underlying legal and economic background / Urs Hofer
Hofer, Urs
Zürich : Schulthess, 2014
# 60
Rapports nationaux italiens : au XIXe Congrès international de droit comparé, Vienne 2014 = Italian
national reports : to the XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law, Vienna 2014 / [a cura di A.
Gambaro, Antonio, editor
Milano : Giuffrè, 2014
# 61
Giustizia costituzionale / Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Valeria Marcenò
Zagrebelsky, Gustavo, author
Bologna : Il mulino, ©2012
# 62
Diritto e genere : analisi interdisciplinare e comparata / a cura di Stefania Scarponi con contributi di
Laura Calafà [and eleven others]
Scarponi, Stefania, editor
[Padova] : CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. Antonio Milani, 2014
# 63
Dallo status di cittadino ai diritti di cittadinanza / a cura di Fulvio Cortese, Gianni Santucci, Anna
Cortese, Fulvio, editor
Napoli : Editoriale scientifica, 2014
# 64
Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo e giustizia tributaria italiana / a cura di Francesco Bilancia,
Christian Califano, Lorenzo Del Federico, Paola Puoti
Bilancia, Francesco, editor
Torino : G. Giappichelli, 2014
# 65
Contratto di rete e diritto del lavoro / a cura di Gaetano Zilio Grandi, Marco Biasi
Grandi, Gaetano Zilio, editor
Wolters Kluwer [Padova], 2014
# 66
Seguridad jurídica y otros ensayos / Luis Díez-Picazo
Díez-Picazo, Luis María, 1958Madrid : Civitas, 2014
# 67
El juez nacional en la encrucijada europea de los derechos fundamentales / Ricardo Alonso García
Alonso García, Ricardo
Cizur Menor (Navarra) : Civitas-Thomson Reuters, 2014;©2014
# 68
The adaption of competition rules in new and future member states to European Union Law (V) :
Turkey / Çiğdem Boga
Boga, Çiğdem
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2015
# 69
Labour law in Czech Republic / Jan Pichrt, Martin Štefko
Pichrt, Jan
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 2015
# 70
Competition law in the Czech Republic / Josef Bejček, Robert Neruda, Michal Petr, David Raus
Bejček, Josef
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International, 2015
# 71
Prawo autorskie / redaktor Janusz Barta [redaktor naczelny Systemu prawa prywatnego Zbigniew
Radwański autorzy Janusz Barta ... [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2013
# 72
Prawo cywilne : część ogólna / [redaktor naczelny Systemu prawa prywatnego Zbigniew Radwański
redaktor tomu 1 Marek Safjan redaktor tomu 2 Zbigniew Radwanski autorzy Zbigniew Banaszczyk [et
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor, contributor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2008-2012
# 73
Prawo konkurencji / redaktor Marian Kępiński [redaktor Systemu prawa prywatnego Zbigniew
Radwański] autorzy Barbara Adamiak ... [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2014
# 74
Prawo papierów wartościowych / redaktor Andrzej Szumański [redaktor Systemu prawa prywatnego
Zbigniew Radwański] autorzy Mirosław H. Koziński, Aleksander Chłopecki ... [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2006-2010
# 75
Prawo prywatne międzynarodowe / redaktor Maksymilian Pazdan [redaktor Systemu prawa
prywatnego Zbigniew Radwański] autorzy Justyna Balcarczyk, Maria Dragun-Gertner, Bogusława
Gnela ... [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2014-2015
# 76
Prawo rodzinne i opiekuńcze / redaktor Tadeusz Smyczyński [redaktor Systemu prawa prywatnego
Zbigniew Radwański] autorzy Janusz Gajda, Mirosław Nazar, Janina Panowicz-Lipska, Tadeusz
Smyczyński, Tomasz Sokołowski, Wanda Stojanowska, Marek Andrzejewski ... [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2011-2014
# 77
Prawo rzeczowe / redaktor Edward Gniewek [redaktor Systemu prawa prywatnego Zbigniew
Radwański] autorzy Edward Gniewek [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2012-2013
# 78
Prawo spadkowe / redaktor Bogudar Kordasiewicz [redaktor Systemu prawa prywatnego Zbigniew
Radwański] autorzy Witold Borysiak ... [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2013
# 79
Prawo spółek kapitałowych / redaktor Stanisław Sołtysiński [redaktor naczelny Systemu prawa
prywatnego Zbigniew Radwański]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2010
# 80
Prawo spółek osobowych / redaktor Andrzej Szajkowski [redaktor Systemu prawa prywatnego
Zbigniew Radwański] autorzy Marcin Asłanowicz ... [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2008
# 81
Prawo własności przemysłowej / redaktor Ryszard Skubisz [redaktor Systemu prawa prywatnego
Zbigniew Radwański] autorzy Paweł Gała, Edyta Całka ... [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2012
# 82
Prawo zobowiązań : część ogólna / redaktor Ewa Łętowska, Adam Olejniczak [redaktor Systemu
prawa prywatnego Zbigniew Radwański] autorzy Małgorzata Bednarek [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2013-2014
# 83
Prawo zobowiązań : część szczegółowa / redaktor Jerzy Rajski, Janina Panowicz-Lipska [redaktor
Systemu prawa prywatnego Zbigniew Radwański] autorzy Adam Brzozowski [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck : Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, 2011
# 84
Prawo zobowiązań : umowy nienazwane / redaktor Wojciech Jan Katner [redaktor Systemu prawa
prywatnego Zbigniew Radwański] autorzy Ewa Baginska ... [et al.]
Radwański, Zbigniew, 1924-2012, editor
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, 2010
# 85
State and legal practice in the Caucasus : anthropological perspectives on law and politics / edited by
Stéphane Voell and Iwona Kaliszewska
Voell, Stéphane, editor
Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015
# 86
Russia and the relationship between law and power / James P. Terry
Terry, James P. (James Philip)
Durham, North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, 2014
# 87
Access to justice in Iran : women, perceptions, and reality / Sahar Maranlou
Maranlou, Sahar, 1974New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2015
# 88
The judicial system and reform in post-Mao China : stumbling towards justice / Yuwen Li
Li, Yuwen, 1962Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2014
# 89
Le néo-constitutionnalisme marocain à l'épreuve du printemps / Abdelhak Azzouzi, André Cabanis
Azzouzi, Abdelhak, 1979Paris : Harmattan, ©2011
# 90
The Constitution of Canada : a contextual analysis / Jeremy Webber
Webber, Jeremy H. A., 1958Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2015
# 91
Peopling the constitution / John E. Finn
Finn, John E.
Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, 2014
# 92
Federalism : a reference guide to the United States Constitution / Susan Low Bloch and Vicki C.
Bloch, Susan Low, author
Santa Barbara, California : Praeger, 2013
# 93
Unifying the nation : Article IV of the United Ctates Constitution / Joseph F. Zimmerman
Zimmerman, Joseph Francis, 1928Albany : State University of New York Press, 2015
# 94
No day in court : access to justice and the politics of judicial retrenchment / Sarah Staszak
Staszak, Sarah L., author
Oxford New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2015];©2015
# 95
In the shadow of the great charter : common law constitutionalism and the Magna Carta / Robert M.
Pallitto, Robert M., 1964Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, 2015
# 96
Toward a new federal law on arbitration / Thomas E. Carbonneau, Orlando Distinquished Professor of
Law, Penn State University
Carbonneau, Thomas E.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2014
# 97
The workplace constitution from the New Deal to the New Right / Sophia Z. Lee, University of
Pennsylvania Law School
Lee, Sophia Z. (Sophia Zoila), 1970New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014
# 98
The First Amendment bubble : how privacy and paparazzi threaten a free press / Amy Gajda
Gajda, Amy
Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2015
# 99
Freedom and criminal responsibility in American legal thought / Thomas Andrew Green, University of
Green, Thomas Andrew
New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2014
# 100
Social movements and legal change : legal mobilization and counter-mobilization in the field of
abortion law in Latin America / Alba María Ruibal
Ruibal, Alba María
Florence : European University Institute, 2015
EDC Collection
Being young in Europe today [electronic resource] : 2015 edition
Statistical Office of the European Communities, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
Smarter, greener, more inclusive? : indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategy / Eurostat
Statistical Office of the European Communities, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
The influence of new technologies on copyright / director of the publication: Susanne Nikoltchev editor
and coordinator: Maja Cappello
European Audiovisual Observatory, issuing body
Strasbourg : European Audiovisual Observatory, 2014
New forms of commercial communications in a converged audiovisual sector / director of the
publication: Susanne Nikoltchev editor and coordinator: Maja Capello
European Audiovisual Observatory, issuing body
Strasbourg : European Audiovisual Observatory, 2014
Debt sustainability and economic convergence of euro-area Member States, challenges and solutions
[electronic resource] : in-depth analysis / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
Democratic change in Central and Eastern Europe 1989-90 [electronic resource] : the European
Parliament and the end of the cold war / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
Developing operational tools within the EU for a comprehensive approach to prevent electoral
violence [electronic resource] / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
Evaluation of the Beijing Platform for Action +20 and the opportunities for achieving gender equality
and the empowerment of women in the post-2015 development agenda [electronic resource] /
European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2015
The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU [electronic resource] :
country report on Italy / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2015
# 10
The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU [electronic resource] :
country report on Ireland / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2015
# 11
The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU [electronic resource] :
country report on Spain / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2015
# 12
The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU [electronic resource] :
country report on Portugal / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2015
# 13
The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU [electronic resource] :
country report on Greece / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2015
# 14
The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU [electronic resource] :
country report on Belgium / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2015
# 15
The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU [electronic resource] :
country report on Cyprus / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2015
# 16
The impact of the crisis on fundamental rights across Member States of the EU [electronic resource] :
comparative analysis / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2015
# 17
Maternity, paternity and parental leave [electronic resource] : data related to duration and
compensation rates in the European Union / European Union
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 18
The policy on gender equality in France [electronic resource] : in-depth analysis / European
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights
and Constitutional Affairs, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 19
Ex-post evaluation of civil protection financial instrument and Community civil protection mechanism
(recast) 2007-2013 [electronic resource] : final report / European Commission
European Commission. Humanitarian Aid Office, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 20
Precarious and less well-paid? [electronic resource] : wage differences between permanent and fixedterm contracts across the EU countries / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 21
One currency for one Europe [electronic resource] : the road to the euro / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 22
Una valuta unica per un'Europa unita [electronic resource] : il cammino dell'euro / Commissione
European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, issuing body
Lussemburgo : Ufficio delle pubblicazioni dell'Unione europea, 2015
# 23
Une Europe, une monnaie [electronic resource] : le chemin vers l'euro / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, issuing body
Luxembourg : Office des publications de l'Union européenne, 2015
# 24
The role and effectiveness of regional investment aid [electronic resource] : the point of view of the
academic literature : final report / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Competition
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
# 25
The added value of EU policy for airline services and air passenger rights [electronic resource] /
European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services, issuing body
Brussels : European Parliament, 2013
# 26
La valeur ajoutée de l'action de l'Union pour le transport aérien et les droits des passagers [electronic
resource] / European Parliament
European Parliament. Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services, issuing body
Bruxelles : Parlement européen, 2013
# 27
Social policy innovation [electronic resource] : meeting the social needs of citizens / European
European Commission. Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affaires and Equal Opportunities,
issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 28
Social protection systems in the EU [electronic resource] : financing arrangements and the
effectiveness and efficiency of resource allocation : report jointly prepared by the Social Protection
Committee and the European Commission Services / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affaires and Equal Opportunities,
issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 29
Policybrief on expanding the networks of disadvantaged entrepreneur [electronic resource] :
entrepreneurial activities in Europe / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, issuing
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union Paris : OECD, 2015
# 30
Beijing + 20 [electronic resource] : the 4th review of the implementation of the Beijing platform for
action in the EU Member States / European Institute for Gender Equality
European Institute for Gender Equality, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 31
The EU birds and habitats directives [electronic resource] : for nature and people in Europe /
European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for the Environment, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2014
# 32
Shifting private finance towards climate friendly investment [electronic resource] : final report /
European Commission
European Commission. Climate Action DG, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 33
Taking the EU resource efficiency agenda forward [electronic resource] : a policymaker and business
perspective / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for the Environment, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 34
Towards an EU research and innovation policy agenda for nature-based solutions & re-naturing cities
[electronic resource] : final report of the Horizon 2020 expert group on 'Nature-based solutions and renaturing cities' : (full version) / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 35
The 2015 EU justice scoreboard [electronic resource] / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Justice, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 36
Analyse comparative de la mise en oeuvre de la directive 2010/41/UE concernant l'application du
principe de l'égalité de traitement entre hommes et femmes exerçant une activité indépendante
[electronic resource] : résumé / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, issuing body
Luxembourg: Office des publications de l'Union européenne, 2015
# 37
Gender equality law in 33 European countries [electronic resource] : how are EU rules transposed
into national law in 2014? / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Justice, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 38
Self-employed [electronic resource] : the implementation of Directive 2010/41 on the application of the
principle of equal treatment between men and women engaged in an activity in a self-employed
capacity / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, issuing body
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 39
Study on innovation in higher education [electronic resource] : executive summary / European
European Commission. Directorate-General for Education and Culture, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2014
# 40
Fight against fraud [electronic resource]: inside OLAF - the European Anti-Fraud Office : [updated in
November 2014] / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General Communication, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 41
JRC data policy [electronic resource] / European Commission
European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Environment and Sustainability, issuing
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 42
Moving towards adaptive governance and Internet-inclusive legislation [electronic resource] : AGILe
for better regulation : final report / European Commission
European Commission. Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 43
L'iniziativa «centri di eccellenza» dell'UE è in grado di contribuire efficacemente ad attenuare i rischi
chimici, biologici, radiologici e nucleari provenienti da aree esterne all'UE? / Corte dei conti europea
European Court of Auditors, issuing body
Lussemburgo : Ufficio delle pubblicazioni dell'Unione europea, 2014
# 44
Inland waterway transport in Europe [electronic resource] : no significant improvements in modal
share and navigability conditions since 2001 / European Court of Auditors
European Court of Auditors, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 45
Le transport fluvial en Europe [electronic resource] : aucune amélioration significative de la part
modale et des conditions de navigabilité depuis 2001 / Cour des comptes européenne
European Court of Auditors, issuing body
Luxembourg : Office des publications de l'Union européenne, 2015
# 46
Trasporto per vie navigabili interne in Europa [electronic resource] : dal 2001 nessun significativo
miglioramento nella quota modale e nelle condizioni di navigabilità / Corte dei conti europea
European Court of Auditors, issuing body
Lussemburgo : Ufficio delle pubblicazioni dell'Unione europea, 2015
# 47
Guardians of the EU's finances [electronic resource] / European Court of Auditors
European Court of Auditors, issuing body
[Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015]
# 48
An efficient relationship [electronic resource] : administrative cooperation between the EESC and the
CoR at a glance / EESC
European Economic and Social Committee, issuing body
Brussels : EESC, 2011
# 49
Une relation efficace [electronic resource] : panorama de la coopération administrative entre le CESE
et le CdR / Comité économique et social européen
European Economic and Social Committee, issuing body
Brussels : EESC, 2011
# 50
Local and regional authorities promoting fair trade [electronic resource] / Committee of the Regions
Committee of the Regions, issuing body
Brussels : CoR, 2015
# 51
Continuing vocational training [electronic resource] : mutual learning in Eastern Europe / ETF
European Training Foundation, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
# 52
Annual work programme 2015 [electronic resource] / Eurofound
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2014
# 53
ERM annual report 2014 [electronic resource] : restructuring in the public sector / Eurofund
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 54
New forms of employment [electronic resource] / Eurofound
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 55
New risks and trends in the safety and health of women at work [electronic resource] : European risk
observatory : literature review / European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
# 56
Priorities for occupational safety and health research in Europe [electronic resource] : 2013-2020 /
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
# 57
EASO external action strategy [electronic resource] / European Asylum Support Office
European Asylum Support Office, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 58
Stronger VET for better lives [electronic resource] : Cedefop's monitoring report on vocational
education and training policies 2010-14 / Cedefop
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 59
Training leave [electronic resource] : policies and practice in Europe / Cedefop
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, issuing body
Thessaloniki : Cedefop, 2012
# 60
Vocational education and training in Latvia [electronic resource] : short description / Cedefop
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 61
Collateral eligibility requirements [electronic resource] : a comparative study across specific
frameworks : July 2013 / European Central Bank
European Central Bank, issuing body
Frankfurt am Main : European Central Bank, 2013
# 62
Adult education and training in Europe [electronic resource] : widening access to learning
opportunities / European Commission
Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
# 63
Key data on early childhood education and care in Europe [electronic resource] : Eurydice and
Eurostat report : 2014 edition / European Commission
Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency, issuing body
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2014
Historical Archives
Willem A. Visser 't Hooft : la primavera dell'ecumenismo / Franco Giampiccoli
Giampiccoli, Franco
Torino : Claudiana, 2015
ARCHV 280.042 GIA
Le leadership dans l'Union européenne / Jean De Ruyt préface de Herman Van Rompuy
De Ruyt, Jean
Louvain-La-Neuve : Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2015
ARCHV 320.94 DER
Je suis Louis Armand / Jacques Gelly préface de Gilbert Chabroux
Gelly, Jacques
Lyon : J. André, 2015
ARCHV 321.04094 GEL
Les valeurs dans la gouvernance européenne : occurences, effets et modes de régulation / sous la
direction de François Foret et Annabelle Littoz-Monnet
Foret, François, editor
Paris : l'Harmattan, 2014
ARCHV 321.04094 FOR
Der Studentensturm auf die Grenzen 1950 : für ein föderales Europa : Fakten--Probleme-Hintergründe Konsequenzen / Matthias W. M. Heister
Heister, Matthias W. M.
Bonn : Iduso, 2015
ARCHV 322.44094 HEI
Memorie riservate di un ambasciatore : il diario di Tommaso Gallarati Scotti, 1943-1951 / Tommaso
Gallarati Scotti, introduzione e cura di Alfredo Canavero
Scotti Gallarati, Tommaso
Milano : FrancoAngeli, 2015
ARCHV 327.4509044 SCO
L'Afrique face aux accords de partenariat avec l'Europe / Joseph Mbita
Mbita, Joseph
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ARCHV 327.604 MBI
Europe : crise et critique / Marie Auffray-Seguette, Jean-Marc Ferry, Arnauld Leclerc (dir.)
Paris : Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2014
ARCHV 330.94 AUF
La grève en exil? : syndicalisme et démocratie aux Etats-Unis et en Europe de l'Ouest (XIXe-XXIe
siècles) / sous la direction de Jean-Christian Vinel
Vinel, Jean-Christian, editor
Nancy : Arbre Bleu Editions, 2014
ARCHV 331.890973 VIN
# 10
Financing the EU budget : moving forward or backwards / Gabriele Cipriani
Cipriani, Gabriele
London New York : Rowman & Littlefield International, 2014
ARCHV 332.45094 CIP
# 11
Conference in memory of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa : Rome, 16 december 2011 : proceedings /
edited by Pietro Catte, Carlo Maria Fenu, Sergio Nicoletti Altimari
Catte, Pietro, editor
Rome : Bank of Italy, 2014
ARCHV 332.494 CAT
# 12
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa : a preliminary bibliography of his writings : prepared for the conference in
memory of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa. Rome, 16 december 2011 / edited by Rosanna Visca,
Valentina Memoli and Silvia Mussolin
Visca, Rosanna, editor
Rome : Bank of Italy, 2014
ARCHV 332.494 VIS
# 13
La question énergétique en Méditerranée / [dossier dir. par Pierre Berthelot]
Paris : Éd. L'Harmattan, 2014
ARCHV 333.79091822 BER
# 14
La crise de la protection sociale en Europe : adaptation ou refondation / sous la direction de Pascale
Turquet préface de Michel Dévoluy
Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015
ARCHV 361.65094 TUR
# 15
L'educazione europea, per una cittadinanza identitaria : l'impegno pioneristico dei movimenti
europeisti tra scuola, università ed educazione popolare, 1948-1971 / Elena Sergi
Sergi, Elena
Siena : Università degli studi di Pavia, 2013
ARCHV 370.94 SER (thesis)
# 16
Il grande racconto del viaggio in Italia : itinerari di ieri per viaggiatori di oggi / Attilio Brilli
Brilli, Attilio
Bologna : Società editrice Il mulino, 2014
ARCHV 914.504 BRI
# 17
"Die Welt war meine Gemeinde" Willem A. Visser 't Hooft : a theologian for Europe between
ecumenism and federalism / Filippo Maria Giordano & Stefano Dell'Acqua (eds.) preface by Hans
Brussels, : P.I.E. Peter Lang S.A., 2015
ARCHV 940.53 GIO