EUROPÄISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN UND KÜNSTE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS L ACADEMIE EUROPEENNE DES SCIENCES ET DES ARTS ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM ET ARTIUM EUROPAEA G R E E T I N G S F R O M ST. P E T E R No. 2 / February 2014 Dear Fellows, now we are standing in the year 2014. The response to my first letter was good. With great pleasure we welcome Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, President of the German Bundestag, as our third Protector for Germany, after Helmut Kohl and Johannes Rau. I indicated in the last letter, that we are now preparing our next meetings: • Festive Plenary Session on March 8, 2014. The session stands in memoriam of Cardinal König, one of our founders. 10 years ago we opened the Cradinal König Institute under the leadership of Georg Hoff, Salzburg. The main focus of this session is the introduction of our new members and the election of the President for the period 2015-2020, including the senators. The invitation will be sent out via postal mail. • On March 21, 2014 the International Conference “Transition to a new society” will take place in Podgorica, organized by Momir Djurovic ([email protected]). This is a joint meeting by us, the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, the World Academy of Art and Science and ALLEA. • On April 8, 2014 the 5th Danube Academies Conference (DAC) will be held in Chisinau, organized by Gheorghe Duca ([email protected]), President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. • On May 15, 2014 a meeting on "Rechtliche und ethische Fragen vor und nach der Geburt" will be organized in Istanbul by Yener Ünver ([email protected]) and Brigitte Tag ([email protected]). This is also a joint meeting. • On May 23, 2014, we will have a joint meeting with the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina on the topic “Palliative Medicine” in Salzburg. For further information please contact our Academy ([email protected]). • In June the awarding ceremony of the rings of tolerance will be celebrated. For further information please contact our Academy ([email protected]). • In early September our Fall Plenary Session will be held in Kupio, Finland on the topic “Justice and Solidarity” organized by our member Juhani Laurinkari ([email protected]). Our Alma Mater Europaea improves very well. The Campus Maribor, under the leadership of Rector Toplak, is doing extremely well. On January 10, 2014 the second graduation of the Campus Maribor at the sight in Murska Sobota took place. This event was really breathtaking and impressive. Meetings are an essential part of our activities and you are invited to enlarge our activities. Another topic is the following: in March 2015 we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of our Academy. For the 20th anniversary we published a Festschrift. We will do so again in 2015. Everybody who wants to contribute should send a manuscript to Maria Eder ([email protected]), with a maximum of 5 to 10 pages including pictures, in German or English. You can find the formatting guidelines of the publisher (VDG – Edition Weimar) in the attachment. The last Festschrift was very well perceived. Please send a short mail to Maria Eder, so that she can start with the preparation. The deadline is October 1st, 2014. Today I have one request: everybody is called upon nominating one member out of his professional environment fitting into the academy, preferably not from the home country. Mainly we have a deficit in the Western parts of Europe. You are all kindly invited to join our Festive Plenary Session on March 8, 2014. Especially our members from Bavaria, Austria and Salzburg should salute our new members. Sincerely yours, Felix Unger President European Academy of Sciences and Arts Message from our member Matjaz Mulej: Dear fellow members, I would like to make you aware of my recent publications, all on social responsibility: 1. M. Mulej, 2013: Dialectical systems thinking and the law of requisite holism concerning innovation. Emergent Publications, Litchfield Park, AZ, USA (the series: Exploring Unity through Diversity: third volume; the series is edited in Vienna by the Bertalanffy Center for the study of systems science, series editor is prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hofkirchner); with 16 coathors from Slovenia and Austria 2. - 5. M. Mulej and R.Dyck, 2014: Social Responsibility beyond Neoliberalism and Charity. Four volumes. Bentham Sience, Sharjah, UAE; with 33 chapters by 47 authors from 13 countries and Foreword by the former president of Slovenia, Prof. Dr. Danilo Türk, also a member of Euroacademy 6. M. Mulej, guest ed., 2013, Social responsibility - measures and measurement. Systems practice and action research, Dec., 11 articles by 19 authors from 6 countries 7. M. Mulej, guest. ed, 2014 (e- in January 2014, hard copy in 2015), Social responsibility - a new socio-economic order. Systems Research and Behavior Science;15 articles by 34 authors from 9 countries 8. S. S. Lebe, M. Mulej, guest ed. (to be finalized in February 2014), Social responsibility, systems theory and holism in tourism; about 20 articles by about 30-40 authors from about 10 countries 9. A. Hrast, S. Kojc, M. Mulej, editors, 2013: Social Responsibility and Current Issues, collection of proceedings of 8 conferences, sponsored by IRDO Institute for development of social responsibility, about 250 contributions by about 400 authors from about 30 countries 10. A. Potocnik, S. Sarotar Zizek, M. Mulej, editors, 2013: Chance for Change, proceedings of international conference on innovation and wellbeing, MRA Maribor Development Agency et al., about 60 contributions from about 10 countries. Thank you. With kind regards, Matjaz Mulej Received books: • • • • • • • Academician Rajko Kuzmanović (Editor in Chief), Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska 1993-2013 Daniel Weßelhöft (†) & Oliver Matuschek, 70 Jahre Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 1943-2013 Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2012 Dietrich Walther (Hg.) Walter Stock und Wolf D. Hartmann, Die Euro-Vision. Szenarien einer Rettung H.A. Kick, B. Harreß, W. von Lucadou, A. Remmers, H. Scheurer & W. Schmitt, Entwicklungen der psychotherapeutischen Ethik. Tätigkeitsbericht - Publikationen - Dokumentation 2000-2012 Hans Winkler, „Egon Kapellari. Was kommt? Was bleibt? Gespräche an einer Lebenswende“ Brigitte Tag, Julian Mausbach & Holger Moch (Hg.), Autopsie und Religion. Die Sektion aus medizinischer, ethischer und religiöser Sicht We congratulate: • • • Klaus Heinrich Standke wurde vom Präsidenten der Französischen Republik François Hollande "Für sein Engagement im Dienste der Deutsch-Französischen Beziehungen, insbesondere im Rahmen des Weimarer Dreiecks" zum Ritter im Nationalen Orden der Ehrenlegion ernannt. Zudem wurde ihm vom Präsidenten der Republik Polen Bronisław Komorowski das Kommandeurskreuz des Verdienstordens der Republik Polen verliehen. Bundespräsident Richard von Weizsäcker hat die Rolle der multilateralen Zusammenarbeit von K.-H. Standke als "ein Botschafter der Bundesrepublik auf internationalem Parkett" durch die Verleihung des Verdienstkreuzes erster Klasse des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gewürdigt. Helmut Kroiss übernimmt ab September 2014 die Präsidentschaft der IWA (International Water Association Heribert Köck wurde mit dem „Goldenen Doktordiplom“ der Universität Wien ausgezeichnet Significant Birthdays 2014 – we congratulate: 95 György Bálint, José Luis Pinillos Díaz, José María Segovia de Arana 90 Julian Ambrus, Eberhard J.C. Duelfer, Günter B. L. Fettweis, Herwig Schopper, Michael Sela, Justus R. G. Warburg 85 Stefan Angielski, Heinrich Rudolf Beck, Jacques Chambron, Jörg A. Draeger, Mihai Drăgănescu, Ştefan Iosif Dragulescu, Aladár Gajáry, Frank O. Gehry, Theodor Göllner, Gábor Görgey, José Luis Joló Marín, Philipp Kaiser, Wilfried Koch, Otto-Hubert Kost, Jože Maček, Tālis Millers, Karl Miltner, Ilya I. Moiseev, Fritz Paschke, Arnulf Rainer, José Angel Sánchez Asiaín, Wieland Schmied, Dietrich Wolf 80 Sadik J. Al-Azm, Joachim Angerer, Lothar Beckel, Wolfram Boeck, Alan Cowley, Jane Goodall, Lazar Greenfield, Stanislaw Grygiel, Peter Häberle, Geoffrey Frederick Hewitt, Franz Jeglitsch, Ain-Elmar Kaasik, Walter Karten, Teuvo K. Kohonen, Norbert Kroó, Arno Heinrich Meyer, Konstantino Praškevičius Antanas, Harald Reuter, Friedrich Sandhofer, Hans Saner, Geiserich Eduard Tichy 75 Rüdiger Ahrens, Alexander F. Andreev, Aurel M. Ardelean, George Demetrius Babiniotis, Sanzio Baldini, Peter Berthold, Peter Blaho, Jean Bonnin, Milan Buček, Lev Bukovský, Ilan Chet, Young-Do Chung, Maurizio Luigi Cumo, Norman Davies, Valter Doleček, Kurt Dopfer, Jüri Engelbrecht, Heinz Goddar, Pierre Gros, Orhan Güvenen, Yoseph Imry, Rudolf Janoschek, Klaus-Peter Jörns, Arvo Krikmann, Reiner Kümmel, Horst Laubenthal, Andrzej B. Legocki, Constantin Octavian Luca, Walter Lukas, Meinhard Miegel, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Heinrich Olschowsky, Toomas Paul, Momir Polenaković, Walter Raberger, Miklós Réthelyi, Roland Ris, Silvano Riva, Jorgen Alfredo Roetti, Karsten Schmidt, Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, Josef Schwarzmeier, Richard Serra, Beat Sitter-Liver, Stanisław Sołtysiński, Gert Stadler, Reiner Sustmann, Josef Thonhauser, Werner Tufar, Zoltán Végh, Leonid Vorobjev, Theodor Waigel, Stanislaw Wielgus, Peter A. Wilderer, Péter Závodszky, Paul Michael Zulehner 70 Agnes Baltsa, Francisco J. Barrantes, László Beke, Colin Blakemore, Friedrich Brandstätter, Günter Breithardt, Fritz Breuss, Marie Annick Buendia, Antonio R. Damasio, Antonio Dias, Isaac Elishakhoff, Maximilian Fussl, Volker Gerhardt, Erich Gornik, Roland Hetzer, Hermes Andreas Kick, Jože Krašovec, Helmut Kroiss, Elke Lütjen-Drecoll, Michel Maffesoli, Fredmund Malik, Hans-Jörgen Manstein, János Martonyi, Heinz Miller, Erwin Neher, Henning Ottmann, Gerhard Randa, Roger Scruton, Wilfried Seipel, Ismail Serageldin, Günter Stock, Helmut Swiczinsky, Bassam Tibi, Alexander Tsyganenko, Hans Walter-Vavrovsky, Manfred Wagner The Academy is grateful for the support of the Republic of Austria European Academy of Sciences and Arts St.-Peter-Bezirk 10, A-5020 Salzburg Austria Tel: +43 / 662 / 84 13 45 Fax: +43 / 662 / 84 13 43
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