P U B L I C AT I O N | A P RI L 2015 CLEANLINESS FOR HIGH PATIENT SAFE T Y – FROM CLEAN FIBERS AND CLEAN BRAIDING PROCESS TO FINISHED COMPONENTS DY N A MIC S IN T ODAY’S ME DIC A L M A R K E T Nowadays, braided microstructures gain more and more importance in the field of sports medicine, orthopedic applications and minimally invasive surgery. They are often part of game-changing innovations. As companies become bigger and bigger, due to acquisitions or mergers, the challenge of a streamlined R&D process becomes ever more complex. This trend towards global medical device companies with a complete portfolio offers new opportunities for external, highly specialized companies like Meister & Cie AG. In the field of braided microstructures, Meister & Cie AG offers the full service from R&D and design transfer to finished products or components. In order to achieve a high level of patient safety, regulatory requirements become stricter and will set higher hurdles for CE or FDA approvals in the future. Therefore the use of fiber with a master file and a sophisticated textile R&D partner and processor are tremendously important to guarantee a streamlined commercialization process of braided textile structures to compete in today’s economic environment. TR US DY TED SPECIAL TR US DY NE I S T E D S P E C I ATL NE IS ® E M A P U R®I EM A PURI TY TY T DSM distinguishes DSM distinguishes Meister & Cie Meister & Cie AG AG as specialist to combine as a atrusted trusted specialist to combine high UHMWPE fiber with highperformance performance UHMWPE fiber with innovative textile structures for today's innovative textile structures for today's complex medical devices complex medical devices The strong partnership of DSM, manufacturer and supplier of Dyneema Purity® fibers, and Meister & Cie AG, R&D partner and processor with a new production concept called ‘clean room in clean room’, is the medical device companies’ answer to constantly increasing regulatory requirements when looking for braided textile structures. C L E A NL INE S S F OR HIGH PAT IE N T S A F E T Y – F ROM C L E A N F IBE R S A ND C L E A N BR A IDING P ROC E S S T O F INISHE D COMP ONE N T S In Greenville (North Carolina), DSM is operating a dedicated ISO 13485 certified plant to produce its medical-grade Dyneema Purity® fibers. The Dyneema Purity® portfolio ranges from 440, 110 and 55 dtex for use in the design of orthopedic applications to 25 and 10 dtex for use in the design of low-profile cardiovascular applications. Dyneema Purity® is the industry’s only medical-grade ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber specifically designed and produced for use in the design of medical devices. Dyneema Purity® fibers are supported by Material Master files. Its low profile, softness and abrasion resistance render Dyneema Purity® fibers ideal for use in the design of devices for orthopedic soft tissue repair, orthopedic trauma or for devices used in minimally invasive surgery. R&D A ND QUA L I T Y M A N AGE ME N T OF ME IS T E R & C IE AG Meister & Cie AG is a 144-year-old Switzerland-based textile processor which has a quality management system certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 standards. Based on the Medical Device Directive (Medizinprodukterichtlinie 93/42/EWG), Meister & Cie AG employs a complete product development process, ranging from the proof of concept via different stages (including design transfer) to an initial product batch, which provides a strong basis for MDC customers to get their CE marking and FDA approval. The risk management process of Meister & Cie AG is a constant part of the product development process and the following serial production. It is compliant with EN ISO 14971:2012 (Anwendung des Risikomanagements auf Medizinprodukte). rt i f ied Syst e 01 34 85 IS O 90 m Ce Its long history in the production of braided textiles and a profound understanding and ability of modifying machines to customer needs are two main pillars of Meister’s success in the product development process, from a proof of concept to a serial production. - IS O 1 In order to obtain maximal patient safety, Meister & Cie AG implemented an entirely new manufacturing concept, thereby maximizing the braided textile components’ cleanness from wear particles and any microbiological response. For certain applications, a post-manufacturing washing is even no longer necessary! To achieve this level of cleanliness, the following arrangements have been made: • T he entire procedure of braiding a textile component or a finished implant (from opening the double blister of the clean fiber, the winding, the braiding and the cutting-to-length process combined with heat sealing and the packaging) takes place in a clean room compliant with ISO 14644-1, class 8. • Each piece of manufacturing equipment (such as winding and braiding machines) is used exclusively for one single type of fiber, so that any risk of cross-contamination is eliminated. RIS K N MA AG EM EN T CLEAN ROOM IN CLEAN ROOM E N T I R E P R O MEDICAL-GRADE UHMWPE FIBER, M A N U FA C T U R E D I N D E D I C A T E D I S O 13 4 8 5 CERTIFIED PLANT C E S S C O N T R O L L E D A C C O CLEAN ROOM ISO CLASS 8 CLEAN ROOM CELLS ISO CLASS 7 CUTTING TO LENGTH H E AT S E A L I N G PA C K A G I N G WINDING BRAIDING R D I N G T O I S O - 1 3 DYNEEMA PURITY® FIBERS ARE SUPPORTED B Y M AT E R I A L M A S T E R F I L E S • Since fast rotating machines, especially braiding and winding machines, create turbulences, these machines are positioned in additional clean room cells within the clean room, where the air flow can be adjusted to obtain a laminar flow in the critical area of the clean fibers. These clean room cells are compliant with ISO 14644-1, class 7, even one class below the clean room (ISO 14644-1, class 8). Besides the advantage of the ability to control the local air flow, the double security and redundancy are two key points that ensure clean products of high quality. Additionally, this new production concept facilitates maintenance work due to the fact that only parts of the production can put on hold. • A failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) of the entire manufacturing process helps detecting critical aspects. In case risk priority numbers (RPNs) are above 125, one has to take actions to lower the risk. These actions can consist in a simple additional working step in a standard operation procedure (SOP) or they can lead to a modification/adjustment of a machine. After the implementation of such actions, a solid validation of the modified process shows the effectiveness of the changes. A quality management system which is certified to ISO 13485 incorporates a defined and established R&D process and serial production as well as correct and complete documentation during every phase from development to serial production. 4 8 5 T O D A Y, D Y N E E M A P U R I T Y ® H A S C L I N I C A L LY P R O V E N B I O C O M PAT I B I L I T Y T H R O U G H MILLIONS OF HUMAN I M P L A N TAT I O N S IN SUM M A RY As global medtech companies are gaining in size due to mergers or acquisitions, they become slower in reacting to new trends or innovations. This is where smaller and highly specialized companies such as Meister & Cie AG can play an important role in the future. R&D and serial production under one roof, direct communication, fast decision making and implementation of new trends and technologies and – last but not least – the ability to implement and to react fast to new regulatory regulations are among the core competencies of Meister & Cie AG. All these qualities help to reduce the complexity of new projects at MDCs and result in a more streamlined approval process, a shorter time to market and a higher level of cost efficiency. Moreover, the new concept of clean room cells within the clean room, which was introduced by Meister & Cie AG, offers both flawless production of clean and high-quality textile braiding in a controlled environment and a higher level of flexibility in the operation of the infrastructure, which also leads to higher cost efficiency. MEISTER & CIE AG HASLE-RÜEGSAU 3415 Hasle-Rüegsau, Switzerland, phone +41 (0)34 460 55 55, [email protected], www.meister-ag.ch
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