German & International Productions Update – Der redaktionelle Produktionsspiegel für deutsche und internationale (englischsprachige) Filmproduktionen Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, International Film Partners betreut als Berater und Vermittler zahlreiche nationale und internationale Film- und Fernsehproduzenten. Für unser daily business ist eine umfassende Marktbeobachtung unverzichtbar. Unser, zu diesem Zwecke entwickelter Produktionsspiegel „GIP“ erfasst die aktuellen deutschen und internationalen (englischsprachigen) Filmproduktionen detailliert und wird von unserem Marktbeobachtungsteam im 14-tägigen Rhythmus aktualisiert. Dabei liefert er einen Überblick über die zum jeweiligen Projekt gehörigen Produktionsfirmen, Ansprechpartner, sowie Projektbeschreibungen. Da wir eine sehr hohe Nachfrage nach diesem Katalog unter unseren Kunden verzeichnen können, möchten wir auch Ihrer Firma diesen gerne anbieten. Anbei senden wir Ihnen eine gekürzte Ausgabe aus der Vergangenheit, so dass Sie sich einen ersten Eindruck verschaffen können. Bei Interesse senden Sie bitte das Bestellformular unterzeichnet an uns via Post oder Fax zurück. Mit herzlichem Gruß IFP Entertainment GmbH Markus R. Vogelbacher Managing Director Tel: +49 (89) 200 488 70 Email: [email protected] Munich | Berlin Repräsentant der Bavaria Film Gruppe für den Produktionsstandort Geiselgasteig GREEN Studio Facilities für Film und TV | London | New York Makler nach § 34c, 34f 2+3 GewO Makler-Register: D-F-155-TPPT-26, München Aufsicht : Landratsamt München (34c) bzw. IHK München (34f) | Los Angeles | Bavariafilmplatz 7 Gebäude 19 82031 Geiselgasteig Hong Kong | Global Anlage: GIP Abonement-Varianten / Bestellformular Abonnement Inhalt Preis Bestellung bitte ankreuzen 14-tägig Monatlich Alle 2 Monate Alle 3 Monate Alle 6 Monate Premiumabo 1 Print Exemplar 550 € / Monat * □ Bis max. 4 zusätzliche Printexemplare gegen Aufpreis bestellbar + 15 € je zusätzl. Printexemplar ___zusätzliche Printexemplare 1 Print Exemplar 300 € / Monat* □ Bis max. 4 zusätzliche Printexemplare gegen Aufpreis bestellbar + 15 € je zusätzl. Printexemplar 1 Print Exemplar 150 € / Monat* □ Bis max. 4 zusätzliche Printexemplare gegen Aufpreis bestellbar + 15 € je zusätzl. Printexemplar ___zusätzliche Printexemplare 1 Print Exemplar 100 € / Monat * □ Bis max. 4 zusätzliche Printexemplare gegen Aufpreis bestellbar + 15 € je zusätzl. Printexemplar ___zusätzliche Printexemplare 1 Print Exemplar 50 € / Monat * □ Bis max. 4 zusätzliche Printexemplare gegen Aufpreis bestellbar + 15 € je zusätzl. Printexemplar ___zusätzliche Printexemplare 4 Print-Exemplare 14-tägig 1 PDF Version 14-tägig Werbeanzeige in der Printfassung 1.000 € / Monat * □ Abo Abo ___zusätzliche Printexemplare Abo Abo Abo Abo □ monatliche Bezahlung gewünscht □ jährliche Bezahlung gewünscht (*5% Rabatt bei jährlicher Zahlung) Bestellung Firma: Kontaktperson: Strasse: PLZ / Ort: Ort, Datum Tel: +49 (89) 200 488 70 Email: [email protected] Munich | Berlin Repräsentant der Bavaria Film Gruppe für den Produktionsstandort Geiselgasteig GREEN Studio Facilities für Film und TV | London | New York Unterschrift / Firmenstempel Makler nach § 34c, 34f 2+3 GewO Makler-Register: D-F-155-TPPT-26, München Aufsicht : Landratsamt München (34c) bzw. IHK München (34f) | Los Angeles | Bavariafilmplatz 7 Gebäude 19 82031 Geiselgasteig Hong Kong | Global German & International Productions Auszug aus Update # 2015‐07 10. April 2015 Der redaktionelle Produktionsspiegel für deutsche und internationale (englischsprachige) Filmproduktionen. German & International Productions UPDATE Provided by International Film Partners Abstract of edition 07-2015 // April 10th 2015 German productions page 1 - 19 International productions page 19 – 48 New Information GREEN GERMAN PRODUCTIONS CINEMA & INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTIONS WITH REFERENCE TO GERMANY #FLORA63 Kinospielfilm Komödie 31. März 2015 DETAILFILM GMBH Eppendorfer Weg 57 a, 20259 Hamburg PHONE: +49 40 60940944 STATUS: in Planung PRODUCER:Fabian Gasmia WRITER7DIRECTOR: Stephane Robelin SUPPORTED BY: FFA 300.000 Lucien und Alex, zwei Männer aus unterschiedlichen Generationen. Als sich der ältere für den jüngeren ausgibt ohne überhaupt zu wissen, wer dieser genau ist, bedarf es einer Frau das Chaos wieder zu ordnen... 24 WOCHEN Kinospielfilm Drama 4. März 2015 ZERO ONE FILM GMBH Lehrter Str. 57, 10557 Berlin E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 30 3906630 STATUS:Drehzeit 16.4.-30.5.2015 LOCATION: Leipzig, Halle PRODUCER: Johannes Jancke, Melanie Berke, Tobias Büchner, Tobias Ebner WRITER: Carl Gerber, Anna Zohra Berrached DIRECTOR: Anne Zohra Berrached CAST: Julia Jentsch u.a. CASTING-DIRECTOR: Nina Haun, Katharina Krischker PRODUCTION-MANAGER: Sören von der Heyde DOP: Friede Clausz PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Janina Schimmelbauer, Fabian Reber COSTUME-DESIGN: Bettina Werner CUTTER: Denys Darahan SUPPORTED BY: MDM 150.000 55 STEPS (aka ELEANOR AND COLETTE) Feature Film 8. Januar 2015 CHICKFLICKS 8861 St. Ives Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90069 PHONE: +1 310-854-7210 STATUS: April 2015 LOCATION: Belgium PRODUCER: Sara Risher - Anita Elsani DIRECTOR: Bille August WRITER: Mark Bruce Rosin CAST: Helena Bonham Carter - Vera Farmiga - John Goodman ATLAS INTERNATIONAL FILM GMBH Candidplatz 11, Munich, 81543 Germany 49-89-210-9750 It is the true story of a mentally ill, Eleanor Riese and her lawyer, Colette Hughes. A story of two special women and their exceptional friendship in a great fight for human dignity. Based on a true story of a 41 year-old woman with mental problems who, with brief stays in hospitals, lives in her own apartment and manages her own life. Because of the forced medication, she decides to sue the mental hospital system in California to make sure that what happened to her doesn’t happen to any other competent patient like herself, patients who are not a danger to themselves or to others. A CONSPIRACY OF FAITH / ERLÖSUNG Kinospielfilm 31. März 2015 ZENTROPA HAMBURG GMBH Eppendorfer Weg 57 a, 20259 Hamburg E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 40 23000204 STATUS: in Planung WRITER: Nikolaj Arcel DIRECTOR: Hans Petter Moland PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Seth Turner, Soren Schwartzberg SUPPORTED BY: HSH 400.000, Eurimages 300.000 Eine Flaschenpost wird nach vielen Jahren gefunden. Das letzte Lebenszeichen zweier entführter Jungen. Wer sind sie? Warum haben ihre Eltern sie nicht suchen lassen? Carl Mock und Assad werden in ein finsteres Kapitel des religiösen Fanatismus hinein gezogen. A LITTLE MUSIC Feature Film 5. Dezember 2014 SHINE PICTURES 12-14 Amwell Street, London, United Kingdom, EC1R 1UQ PHONE: +4402078123290 STATUS: Development PRODUCER: Ollie Madden WRITER: Lydia Adetunji DIRECTOR: Otto Bathurst FILM4 124 Horseferry Road LondonSW1P 2TX (44) 207 396 4444 Psychological horror set in Bavaria 1945, inspired by a true story. ADAM UND EVELYN. DER LETZTE SOMMER Kinospielfilm 17. Februar 2015 MA.JA.DE FILMPRODUKTION GMBH Marienplatz 1, 04103 Leipzig E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 341 9839696 STATUS: in Planung WRITER/DIRECTOR: Andreas Goldstein DOP: Jakobine Motz SUPPORTED BY: BKM 250.000 Spätsommer 1989. Adam und Evelyn machen zusammen mit Freunden Ferien am Balaton. Plötzlich öffnet Ungarn die Grenze und der verbotene Westen mit all seinen Verlockungen ist zum Greifen nah. Gehen oder bleiben? Eine Erzählung über die Suche nach dem wahren Paradies. ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE Feature Film 4. April 2015 SCOTT RUDIN PRODUCTIONS 120 W. 45th St., 10th Fl., New York, NY 10036 [email protected] PHONE: 212-704-4600 FAX: 212-869-8557 STATUS: Development PRODUCER: Scott Rudin - Eli Bush FOX SEARCHLIGHT PICTURES 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bldg. 38 Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-4402 Marie-Laure lives with her father in Paris near the Museum of Natural History, where he works as the master of its thousands of locks. When she is six, Marie-Laure goes blind and her father builds a perfect miniature of their neighborhood so she can memorize it by touch and navigate her way home. When she is twelve, the Nazis occupy Paris and father and daughter flee to the walled citadel of Saint-Malo, where Marie-Laure’s reclusive great-uncle lives in a tall house by the sea. With them they carry what might be the museum’s most valuable and dangerous jewel. In a mining town in Germany, the orphan Werner grows up with his younger sister, enchanted by a crude radio they find. Werner becomes an expert at building and fixing these crucial new instruments, a talent that wins him a place at a brutal academy for Hitler Youth, then a special assignment to track the resistance. More and more aware of the human cost of his intelligence, Werner travels through the heart of the war and, finally, into Saint-Malo, where his story and Marie-Laure’s converge. ANA, MON AMOUR Knospielfilm 21. Januar 2015 AUGENSCHEIN FILMPRODUKTION Neusser Str. 5-7, 50670 Köln E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 221 169 50 500 STATUS: in Planung Herbst 2015 PRODUCER: Jonas Katzenstein, Maximilian Leo WRITER/DIRECTOR: Calin Peter Netzer LINE-PRODUCER: Philipp Stendebach SUPPORTED BY: NRW 250.000 1 April 10th, 2015 GIP-update service provided by IFP Entertainment GmbH I Confidential information. Do not disclose to third parties. ANGELO Kinospielfilm Drama Historisch 18. Dezember 2014 NOVOTNY & NOVOTNY FILMPRODUKTION GMBH Weimarer Str. 22, A-1180 Wien E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +431 4787170 STATUS: in Planung WRITER: Alexander Brom, Markus Schleinzer DIRECTOR: Markus Schleinzer CASTING-DIRECTOR: Lisa Oláh SUPPORTED BY: Filmfond Wien 30.000, Öst.Filminst 790.000 ANGELO ist eine Geschichte über Identität, Legendenbildung, Selbstwert, Selbstfindung, Selbstinszenierung, Biografien und Projektionen, die Vergeblichkeit des Einzelkämpfertums, das Unvermögen mit den Tatsachen zu existieren und, ja Stardust ANTBOY 3 Kinospielfilm 31. März 2015 JUNAFILM UG Barnerstr. 14, 22765 Hamburg E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 40 39906567 STATUS: in Planung WRITER: Anders Olholm DIRECTOR: Ask Hasselbach SUPPORTED BY: HSH 350.000 Der junge Pelle alias ANTBOY muss mit Erschrecken feststellen, dass sein größter Feind, der "Floh", entlassen wurde. Während die beiden Widersacher sich bekämpfen, wagt die Firma EXOFARM ein gefährliches Experiment. Da taucht aus dem Nichts ein neuer Superheld auf. ANTHROPOID Feature Film 28. März 2015 LUCKY MAN FILMS, S.R.O. Na Maninách 1590/29, 170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic [email protected] PHONE: +420 224 999 841 FAX: +420 224 999 840 STATUS: July 2015 LOCATION: Prague PRODUCER: David Ondricek - Leonard Glowinski - Anita Overland - Chris Curling - Krystof Mucha DIRECTOR: Sean Ellis WRITER: Anthony Frewin - Sean Ellis CASTINGDIRECTOR: Des Hamilton CAST: Jamie Dornan - Cillian Murphy CUTTER: Richard Mettler 22H22 69 rue de Chabrol 75010 Paris + 33 6 11 32 60 28 [email protected] ALTITUDE FILM SALES 4, Market Place, London, W1W 8AD 44-207-612-0662 [email protected] A WWII thriller, about the attempted assassination of prominent Nazi official Reinhard Heydrich. The film’s title refers to the code-name for the Allied operation to assassinate Heydrich, the head of the SS who was one of the main architects of the Holocaust and was widely considered number three in the Nazi ranks behind Hitler and Himmler . Operation Anthropoid was led by two soldiers (trained by British forces) from Czechoslovakia’s army-inexile who were parachuted into their homeland to carry out the mission against the Nazi nicknamed The Butcher of Prague”. AUF DER ANDEREN SEITE IST DAS GRAS VIEL GRÜNER Kinospielfilm Komödie 20. Dezember 2014 NFP MEDIA RIGHTS GMBH Mansfelder Str. 56, 06108 Halle E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 345 4780555 STATUS:in Planung LOCATION: Wiesbaden, Marburg PRODUCER: Alexander Thies DIRECTOR: Anno Saul SUPPORTED BY: Hessen 800.000 Geschichten unterschiedlicher Schicksale von Menschen in einer Großstadt und ihren Schwierigkeiten miteinander zu kommunizieren. AXOLOTL BLOCKBUSTER Kinospielfilm Literaturverfilmung 2. März 2015 VANDERTASTIC GMBH & CO KG Anklamer Str. 33, 10115 Berlin E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 30 34668377 STATUS: in Planung, Drehbeginn 06-2015 DIRECTOR: Helene Hegemann CASTING-DIRECTOR: Karen Wendland SUPPORTED BY: MBB 50.000 (Entw.) / 300.000 (Prod.) BAUMSCHLAGER Kinospielfilm Satire 5. Dezember 2014 DOR FILM PRODUKTIONSGESELLSCHAFT MBH Bergsteiggasse 36, A-1170 Wien E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +43 1 4271011 STATUS: in Planung PRODUCER: Danny Krausz, Kurt Stocker WRITER: Maayan Oz DIRECTOR: Harald Sicheritz SUPPORTED BY: Öst. Filiminst. 710.000, Filmf. Wien 490.000 BIBI & TINA 3 Kinospielfilm Family Entertainment 31. März 2015 DCM PICTURES GMBH & CO FALKENSTEIN KG Schönhauser Allee 8, 10119 Berlin PHONE: +49 30 8859740 STATUS: in Planung WRITER: Bettina Börgerding DIRECTOR: Detlev Buck CAST: Lina Larissa Strahl, Lisa-Marie Koroll SUPPORTED BY: FFA 500.000 BLACK BUTTERFLY Feature Film 24. Oktober 2014 PARADOX ENTERTAINMENT, INC. / BAVARIAPOOL 9107 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 600, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 [email protected] PHONE: +1 310-271-1355 STATUS: Active Development LOCATION: Germany PRODUCER. Silvio Muraglia DIRECTOR: Brian Goodman WRITER: Justin Stanley - Steve Hilts CAST: Nicolas Cage Bred and ambitious, Paul (Cage) is a writer in need of inspiration. Plagued by alcohol, Paul's bogged down in a desperate solitude until he meets a mysterious vagabond, Jack, a free man, and is very charismatic. Paul decides to host / hie Jack for a few days to help do some much needed work around his house. Jack quickly takes precedence over a damaged Paul who swings between fascination and suspicion. He immediately imposes a very delicate mission: You're going to tell our story. The only link between two opposites and the two men go on to engage in a psychologically charged dangerous game of manipulation and intimidation. A remake of the French Film titled Papillon Noir. AUF REISEN Kinospielfilm Drama 4. März 2015 WEGA FILMPRODUKTION Haeglingasse 13, A-1140 Wien E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +431 9825742 STATUS: in Planung LOCATION: Wien, Italien, Tschechien PRODUCER:Veit Heiduschka, Michael Katz WRITER/DIRECTOR: Michael Kreihsl PRODUCTIONMANAGER: Ulrike Lässer DOP: Reinhold Vorschneider PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Katrin Huber COSTUME-DESIGN: Cinzia Cioffi SUPPORTED BY: Filmf. Wien 422.500, Österr.Filminst. 720.000 2 April 10th, 2015 GIP-update service provided by IFP Entertainment GmbH I Confidential information. Do not disclose to third parties. GERMAN PRODUCTIONS TV AYLIN TV-Film 31. März 2015 MAGIC FLIGHT FILM GMBH Pienzenauer Str. 6, 81679 München E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 54043445 STATUS: Drehzeit 5.5.-13.6.2015 LOCATION: Berlin, Stuttgart, Spanien DIRECTOR: Philipp Leinemann LINE-PRODUCER: Christian Dreßler PRODUCTION-MANAGER: Peter Dittberner DOP: Christian Stangassinger PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Petra Albert COSTUME-DESIGN: Judith Holste GAFFER: Moritz Virmond BABYLON BERLIN TV-Serie Drama Krimi 23. Januar 2015 X FILME CREATIVE POOL GMBH Kurfürstenstr. 57, 10785 Berlin E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 30 23083311 STATUS: in Planung LOCATION: Berlin PRODUCER: Stefan Arndt WRITER: Achim von Borries, Hendrik Handloegten DIRECTOR: Tom Tykwer CO-PRODUCER: Beta Film GmbH, ARD, Sky Deutschland SUPPORTED BY: MBB 150.000 BEGIERDE – JÄGER DER NACHT TV-Film Reihe Krimi 16. März 2015 ZEITSPRUNG PICTURES Alter Militärring 8 A, 50933 Köln E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 221 30061000 STATUS: in Planung 06-2015 PRODUCER: Arian Krampe DIRECTOR: Brigitte Maria Bertele BERLIN 1 TV Film Krimi 30. März 2015 WIEDEMANN & BERG TELEVISION GMBH & CO KG Akademiestr. 7, 80799 München E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 45232370 STATUS: in Planung LOCATION: Prag, Berlin PRODUCER: Quirin Berg, Sigi Kamml WRITER: Arndt Stüwe DIRECTOR: Marvin Kern CASTING-DIRECTOR: Suse Marquardt LINE PRODUCER: Jörg Zaremba PRODUCTION-MANAGER: Manfred Brey PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Matthias Müsse SUPPORTED BY: FFF 350.000 MBB 950.000 BETTYS DIAGNOSE TV Serie Komödie 31. März 2015 NETWORK MOVIE FILM- UND FERNSEHPRODUKTION Im Mediapark 6A, 50670 Köln E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 221 948880 STATUS: in Planung 06-2015 LOCATION: Aachen, Leverkusen CAST: Bettina Lamprecht DER BERGDOKTOR TV-Serie 30. März 2015 NDF NEUE DEUTSCHE FILMGESELLSCHAFT Kanalstr. 7, 85774 Unterföhring E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 958260 STATUS: Drehstart 06-2015 LOCATION: Ellmau und Umgebung PRODUCER: Stefan Mütherich WRITER: Philipp Roth, Brigitte Müller DIRECTOR: Axel Barth CAST: Hans Sigl, Monika Baumgartner u.a. CASTING-DIRECTOR: Stephen Sikder LINE PRODUCER: Thomas Bretschneider PRODUCTION-MANAGER: Christian Ronning DIE BERGRETTER TV-Serie 30. März 2015 NDF NEUE DEUTSCHE FILMGESELLSCHAFT Kanalstr. 7, 85774 Unterföhring E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 958260 STATUS: Drehzeit März bis Oktober 2015 LOCATION: Ramsau am Dachstein PRODUCER: Matthias Walther WRITER: Timo Berndt, Jens Maria Merz DIRECTOR: Dirk Pientka, Jorgo Papavassiliou, Tom Zenker DOP: Andreas Tams CUTTER: Jörg Kroschel CAST: Sebastian Ströbel, Markus Brandl, u.a. CASTINGDIRECTOR: Ursula Denger LINE PRODUCER: Thomas Bretschneider PRODUCTION-MANAGER: Ingo Preuß PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Uwe Berthold COSTUME-DESIGN: Christiane Hoyer CUTTER: Jörg Kroschel DIE PUPPENSPIELER TV-Film Drama Historisch 4. März 2015 ZIEGLERFILM MÜNCHEN Sendlinger Str. 24, 80331 München E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 210237370 STATUS: in Planung Drehbeginn 05-2015 WRITER: Jürgen Schlagenhof, Kathrin Richter, Vorlage Tanja Kinkel DIRECTOR: Rainer Kaufmann CASTING-DIRECTOR: Daniela Tolkien SUPPORTED BY: FFF 500.000, MFG 100.000 Im Jahr 1484 gibt der Papst das Signal zur Hexenverfolgung. Der junge Richard, Sohn eines reichen Kaufmanns und einer schönen Sarazenin, muss mit ansehen, wie seine Mutter auf dem Scheiterhaufen verbrannt wird. Die wohlhabende und einflussreiche Kaufmannsfamilie Fugger nimmt Richard auf und führt ihn in eine neue Welt, in der er sich zwischen Macht und Liebe entscheiden muss. DIE UNERHÖRTE FRAU TV-Film Drama 4. März 2015 LAILAPS PICTURES Bauerstr. 20, 80796 München E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 54046550 STATUS: in Planung Drehstart 09-2015 LOCATION: Bayern WRITER: Angelika Schwarzhuber, Christian Lex DIRECTOR: Hans Steinbichler CASTING-DIRECTOR: Franziska Aigner SUPPORTED BY: FFF 350.000 DR. KLEIN TV-Serie Familie 21. März 2015 BAVARIA FERNSEHPRODUKTION Bavariafilmplatz 7, 82031 Geiselgasteig E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 64990 STATUS: in Planung, Drehstart 24.04.2015 LOCATION: Stuttgart PRODUCER: Oliver Vogel WRITER: Torsten Lenkeit, Stephan Wuschansky, Andreas Knaup, Axel Hildebrand DIRECTOR: Gero Weinreuter CAST: Chris Tine Urspruch u.a. LINE PRODUCER: Sascha Ommert PRODUCTIONMANAGER: Rolf B. Seinacker PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Thomas Stromberger DOP: Thomas Ch. Weber EIN SOMMER IN BARCELONA TV-Film 16. März 2015 ZEITSPRUNG PICTURES Alter Militärring 8 A, 50933 Köln E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 221 30061000 STATUS: in Planung 06-2015 LOCATION: Barcelona PRODUCER: Ariane Krampe WRITER: Jens Urban DIRECTOR: Jorgo Papavassiliou EIN SOMMER IN MASUREN TV-Film Reihe 31. März 2015 MOVIEPOOL GMBH Sonnenstr. 21, 80331 München E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 200014830 STATUS: Drehzeit 19.5.-19.6.2015 LOCATION: Polen PRODUCER: Bernadette Schugg WRITER: Claudia Leins DIRECTOR: Karola Meeder PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Florian Langmaack COSTUME-DESIGN: Gurli Thermann FAMILIE VERPFLICHTET TV-Film Komödie 7. Januar 2015 HEIMATHAFEN FILM & MEDIEN GMBH Contastr. 9, 20253 Hamburg E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 40 33358844 STATUS: in Planung PRODUCER: Sebastian Weyland, Knut Jäger WRITER: Felix Mennen DIRECTOR: Hanno Olderdissen SUPPORTED BY: HSH 300.000 Nach einem Seitensprung mit der Austauschstudentin Sara (19) steht der schwule David (35) plötzlich vor der Entscheidung, sich des Kindes anzunehmen. Während seine 3 April 10th, 2015 GIP-update service provided by IFP Entertainment GmbH I Confidential information. Do not disclose to third parties. jüdische Mutter ihn dazu drängt, glaubt der Vater seines Lebensgefährten Khaleds irrtümlich, sein Sohn schenke ihm einen Enkel. DIRECTOR: Erik Haffner CAST: Helmfried von Lüttichau, Christian Tramitz u.a. DOP: Tom Holzhauser COSTUMEDESIGN: Fatou Fofana-Kniesz FRAUENHERZEN – DIE SERIE TV-Serie Comedy 30. März 2015 WIEDEMANN & BERG TELEVISION GMBH Roscherstr. 3, 10629 Berlin E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 30 55578810 STATUS: Drehzeit 16.4.-4.10.2015 LOCATION: Berlin WRITER: Astrid Ruppert DIRECTOR: Sophie Allet-Coche PRODUCTION MANAGER: Jannis Pantos LINE-PRODUCER: Jörg Zaremba DOP: Christian Paschmann HERZENSBRECHER – VATER VON VIER SÖHNEN TV Serie Familie 16. März 2015 BANTRY BAY PRODUCTIONS Hohenzollernring 21-23, 50672 Köln E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 221 998850 STATUS: Drehzeit 14.4.-2.10.2015 LOCATION: Köln, Bonn PRODUCER: Jan Kromschröder, Gerda Müller, Sibylle Illner WRITER: Christian Pfannenschmidt DIRECTOR: Sabine Bernardi, Heinz Dietz, Till Müller-Edenborn, Oliver Muth, Michael Kreindl CAST: Simon Böer PRODUCTION-MANAGER: Georg Bonhoeffer DOP: Reiner Lauter GESCHWISTER TV-Film Drama 19. Februar 2015 NOMINAL FILM Bavariafilmplatz 7, 82031 Grünwald E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 6481404 STATUS: in Planung PRODUCER: Maximilian Plettau WRITER/DIRECTOR: Markus Mörth SUPPORTED BY: FFF 200.000 Die 18-jährige Bebe und ihr jüngerer Bruder Mikhail sind als Roma gezwungen, ihr Heimatland Moldawien zu verlassen und auf eine unbestimmte Reise zu gehen. Mit nichts als einem Sack Heimaterde und einem FFF Bayern Vergabeentscheidung vom 10.12.2014 gemeinsamen Ziel vor Augen flüchten sie Richtung Bayern. Für die beiden beginnt eine FlüchtlingsOdyssee durch Europa. GIGANT DES NORDENS – DIE GESCHICHTE DES HAMBURGER HAFENS TV-Film Doku 16. Februar 2015 GRUPPE 5 FILMPRODUKTION GMBH Kartäuserwall 19-21, 50678 Köln E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 221 9467070 STATUS: in Planung WRITER: Cristina Trebbi DIRECTOR:Stefan Schneider SUPPORTED BY:nordmedia 270.000 Erzählt wird die Geschichte von 1000 Jahren Hamburger Hafen - die Geschichte seiner Menschen und ihrer Ideen. Generationen von Männern und Frauen haben diese Geschichte geschrieben - für manche ist der Hafen ein Arbeitsplatz, für andere eine Ikone der Technik, für alle ist er ein Teil der deutschen Geschichte. GZSZ GUTE ZEITEN SCHLECHTE ZEITEN TV Serie 30. März 2015 UFA SERIAL DRAMA GMBH Dianastr. 21, 14482 Potsdam E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 331 7060600 STATUS: Drehzeit 10.1.-29.12.2015 DIRECTOR: Ulf Borchardt, Hartwig van der Neut, Frank Hein DOP: Andreas Denker CUTTER: Lars Späth, Franziska Schmidt-Kärner CAST: Ramona Dempsey u.a. HEITER BIS TÖDLICH TV-Serie 2. Februar 2015 NDF NEUE DEUTSCHE FILMGESELLSCHAFT Kanalstr. 7, 85774 Unterföhring E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 958260 STATUS: Drehzeit Mai – August 2015 LOCATION: Harz PRODUCER: Maik Homberger WRITER: Khyana El Bitar, Claus-Michael Rohne, Michael von Renner DIRECTOR: Thomas Freundnder CAST: Wolke Hegenbart, Felix Eitner u.a. CASTING-DIRECTOR: Ursula Danger LINE PRODUCER: Thomas Bretschneider PRODUCTION MANAGER: Werner Schmitz KOMÖDIENSTADEL – AGENT ALOIS! TV-Film Reihe Komödie 17. Februar 2015 BR BAYERISCHER RUNDFUNK Rundfunkplatz 1, 80335 München E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 89 590001 STATUS: in Planung 05-2015 LOCATION: Unterföhring WRITER: Christian Lex DIRECTOR: Aron Lehmann KRIPO BOZEN – GEPLATZTER TRAUM TV-Film Reihe Krimi 16. März 2015 JOJO FILM UND FERNSEHPRODUKTION Franz-Ulrich-Str. 18 e, 34117 Kassel E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 177 7487239 STATUS: Drehzeit 21.4.-26.6.2015 LOCATION: Bozen, Dolomiten DIRECTOR: Thorsten Näter PRODUCTION-MANAGER: Michael Bauernfeind DOP: Achim Hasse PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Jost Brand-Hübner KRIPO BOZEN – JACKPOTT TV-Film Reihe Krimi 16. März 2015 JOJO FILM UND FERNSEHPRODUKTION Franz-Ulrich-Str. 18 e, 34117 Kassel E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 177 7487239 STATUS: Drehzeit 21.4.-26.6.2015 LOCATION: Bozen, Dolomiten DIRECTOR: Thorsten Näter PRODUCTION-MANAGER: Michael Bauernfeind DOP: Achim Hasse PRODUCTION-DESIGN: Jost Brand-Hübner MARIE BRAND – UND DIE HENKERSMAHLZEIT TV-Film Reihe Krimi 16. März 2015 EYEWORKS GERMANY GMBH FICTION & FILM Richmondstr. 31, 50667 Köln E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 221 934708100 STATUS: Drehzeit 8.4.-8.5.2015LOCATION: Köln DIRECTOR: Andreas Linke CAST: Mariele Millowitsch u.a. CASTING-DIRECTOR: Iris Baumüller PRODUCTIONMANAGER: Marianne Mones DOP: Stefan Unterberger COSTUME-DESIGN: Kerstin Westermann LANDGERICHT TV-Film Reihe Literatur 4. März 2015 UFA FICTION GMBH Dianastr. 21, 14482 Potsdam E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: +49 331 7060200 STATUS: in Planung WRITER: Heide Schwochow DIRECTOR: Matthias Glasner SUPPORTED BY: FFF 500.000 HEITER BIS TÖDLICH – HUBERT UND STALLER TV-Serie Krimi 30. März 2015 ENTERTAINMENT FACTORY FILM- UND FERNSEHPRODUKTION GMBH Am Schlichtfeld 8, 82541 Münsing PHONE: +49 8177 998331 STATUS: Drehzeit 2.2.-30.11.15 LOCATION: Wolfratshausen 4 April 10th, 2015 GIP-update service provided by IFP Entertainment GmbH I Confidential information. Do not disclose to third parties. INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTIONS A STAR IS BORN Feature Film 22 GREEN 4000 Warner Boulevard Building 90, Burbank, CA 91522 PHONE: 818-954-3210 FAX: 818-954-3214 STATUS: Active Development PRODUCER: Billy Gerber - Basil Iwanyk - Jon Peters PRODUCER/DIRECTOR: Bradley Cooper WRITER: Will Fetters CAST: Bradley Cooper - Beyonce WARNER BROS. PICTURES 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91522-0001 818-954-6000 Centers on showbiz ingenue Esther Johnson, who falls for an established male star, only to see their careers move in opposite directions. A STORM IN THE STARS Feature Film GIDDEN MEDIA 400 South Beverly Drive, Suite 310, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 [email protected] PHONE: 310-552-2990 STATUS: September 2015 PRODUCER: Amy Baer - Joannie Burstein - Rebecca Miller WRITER: Emma Jensen DIRECTOR: Haifaa al-Mansour CAST: Elle Fanning - Bel Powley BURSTEIN COMPANY 15304 Sunset Boulevard Suite 208, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 310-454-9462 FAX: 310-454-9362 A period romantic drama about the passionate love affair between dangerously charismatic poet Percy Shelley and 17year-old Mary Wollstonecraft, who would a year later write Frankenstein as Mary Shelley. (Fanning will play the budding writer.) The script aims to tell of the tumult of first love of ayoung woman out of step with her time (Mary was welleducated and came from a family of intellectuals) who wrote one of the first pieces of literary genre fiction in modern times. A.K.A. Jessica Jones ABC STUDIOS 500 S Buena Vista St., Burbank, CA 91521 PHONE: +1 818-460-7777 STATUS: Development (planned Release 2015) PRODUCER: Tim Iacofano- Kevin Feige- Jeph Loeb DIRECTOR: David Petrorca- S.J. Clarkson WRITER: Brian Bendis- Melissa Rosenberg CAST: Mike Colter- Caerrie Anne Moss- Krysten Ritter- Rachel Taylor A former super-heroine decides to reboot her life by becoming a private investigator. ALLEGIANT LIONSGATE 2700 Colorado Ave Ste.200, Santa Monica, CA 90404 PHONE: +1 310-255-3700 STATUS: March 2016 PRODUCER: Lucy Fischer- Pouya Skahbazian- Douglas Wick DIRECTOR: Robert Schwentke WRITER: Veronica RothNoah Oppenheim CAST: Shailene Woodley- Theo JamesNaomi Watts- Jae Hitch Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton venture into the World outside of the fence and are taken into protective custody by a mysterious agency known as the Bureau of Genetic Welfare. AMERICAN PASTORAL Feature Film LAKESHORE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LLC 9268 W. Third St. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 [email protected] PHONE: 310-867-8000 FAX: 310-300-3015 STATUS: September 2015 LOCATION: Pittsburgh PRODUCER: Tom Rosenberg - Gary Lucchesi - Sidney Kimmel - Jim Tauber - Matt Berenson WRITER: John Romano DIRECTOR: Ewan McGregor LP: Andre Lamal CAST: Ewan McGregor - Jennifer Connolly - Dakota Fanning SIDNEY KIMMEL ENTERTAINMENT 9460 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-777-8818 Fax 310-777-8892 Seymour Swede Levov - a legendary high school athlete, a devoted family man, a hard worker, the prosperous inheritor of his father's Newark glove factory - comes of age in thriving, triumphant postwar America. But everything he loves is lost when the country begins to run amok in the turbulent 1960s. Not even the most private, well-intentioned citizens, it seems, gets to sidestep the sweep of history. American Pastoral is the story of a fortunate American's rise and fall - of a strong, confident master of social equilibrium overwhelmed by the forces of social disorder. For the Swede is not allowed to stay forever blissful inside the beloved hundred-and-seventy-yearold stone farmhouse, in rural Old Rimrock, where he lives with his pretty wife - the college sweetheart who was Miss New Jersey of 1949 - and the lively, precocious daughter who is the apple of his eye. The apple of his eye, that is, until she grows up to be a revolutionary terrorist bent on destroying her father's paradise. Based on the novel by Philip Roth. APOSTLE PAUL WARNER BROS. PICTURES 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91522-0001 818-954-6000 PHONE: 310-566-0160 STATUS: Development PRODUCER: Matt Damon - Ben Affleck WRITER: Matt Cook CAST: Hugh Jackman In the faith-based project Jackman will play a Jewish man of God (also known as Saul of Tarsus) who crossed over to speak to the Romans and preach the word. Paul was not one of the 12 original disciples but was converted on the Road to Damascus when Christ came to him and he was blinded by a great,white light. After which, he was blinded until a man named Ananias prayed and restored his eyesight. He became one of the most important messengers of Jesus and went on trips to Rome and appeared before the rulers because he was also a Roman citizen. He is credited with scripting 14 of 27 books in the New Testament. Paul was also the founder of many churches. He began as the son of a Pharisee and steeped in Judaism. However, after being converted by Christ, he continued to preach for God and carried the message of Christ’s word. He was also put in prison for preaching when a miracle occurred. While in chains, he began singing Jesus’ praises and the prison shook like a violent earthquake and his chains fell off and jails doors opened and they left as frightened prison guards allowed them to pass. COACH Series / NBC UNIVERSAL TELEVISION / BUNGALOW 78 PRODUCTIONS 100 Universal City Plaza Building Universal City, CA 91608 PHONE: 818-777-1000 FAX: 818-866-1430 STATUS: Active Development WRITER/PRODUCER: Barry Kemp CAST: Craig T. Nelson A sequel to the original series, the new Coach will be set in present day, picking up 18 years after the ABC sitcom went off the air after nine seasons. Coach Hayden Fox (Nelson) — now retired from coaching — is called back to become assistant coach to his own grown son, who is the new head coach at an Ivy league school in Pennsylvania that is just starting up a new team. CODES OF CONDUCT Series / HBO TALL STORY PRODUCTIONS, LLC 25 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205 [email protected] PHONE: 917-671-4200 STATUS: Active Development LOCATION: New York PRODUCER: Iain Canning - Emile Sherman - Jamie Laurenson - Russell Simmons - Alan Poul WRITER/PRODUCER: Matthew Michael Carnahan - Steve McQueen DIRECTOR: Steve McQueen LP: Bergen Swanson CAST: Devon Terrell - Paul Dano - Helena Bonham Carter - Rebecca Hall Centers on Beverly Snow, a young man from Queens as talented as he is ambiguous. His self-confidence will enable him to break into the social circles of Manhattan’s elite, testing the boundaries of access and social mobility. Throughout the series, Beverly’s ability will grant him access to a life larger in 5 April 10th, 2015 GIP-update service provided by IFP Entertainment GmbH I Confidential information. Do not disclose to third parties. every way than the one to which he was born. His chameleonlike approach to life will test his nerve as he takes his future into his own hands. CONFIRMATION Telefilm / HBO GROUNDSWELL PRODUCTIONS 12424 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1120, Los Angeles, CA 90025 [email protected] PHONE: 310-385-7540 STATUS: Active Development PRODUCER: Michael London - Janice Williams WRITER: Susannah Grant DIRECTOR: Rick Famuyiwa CAST: Kerry Washington ABC SIGNATURE STUDIOS 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-1000 Details the explosive 1991 Clarence Thom as-Hill Supreme Court nomination hearings, which brought the country to a standstill and forever changed the way people think about sexual harassment, victims' rights and modern-day race relations. DANGEROUS AMUSEMENT PARK Feature Film PARAMOUNT PICTURES 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90038 [email protected] PHONE: 323-956-5053 STATUS: Development EXECUTIVE: Eben Davidson CAST: Johnny Knoxville DICKHOUSE ENTERTAINMENT 900 West Alameda Avenue, Burbank, CA 91506 323-785-4600 An adventure story in a dangerous amusement park. FAMILY FORTUNE Pilot / ABC 12. März 2015 UNIVERSAL TELEVISION 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 2128, First Floor, Ste. J, Universal City, CA 91608 PHONE: 818-733-2806 STATUS: April 14 LOCATION: Los Angeles PRODUCER: David Miner - Tina Fey - Robert Carlock WRITER/PRODUCER: Matt Hubbard DIRECTOR: Mark Cendrowski LP: Marc Solakian CAST: Fortune Feimster - Annie Potts - John Carroll Lynch Parker Young - Lacey Chabert 3 ARTS ENTERTAINMENT 9460 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-888-3200 The comedy is based on the family life and stand-up of Fortune Feimster, who grew up in Belmont, N.C. Written by Hubbard and Feimster, it centers on popular gym teacher in Georgia (Feimster) who comes out of the closet to her close-knit group of family and friends. What she doesn’t realize is that she will also have to deal with her bickering and happily divorced parents also ‘coming out’ that they are sleeping together again. FAMOUS IN LOVE Pilot / ABC Family FARAH FILMS & MANAGEMENT / LONG LAKE MEDIA 11640 Mayfield Suite 208, Brentwood, CA 90049 [email protected] PHONE: 310-979-4533 STATUS: Development PRODUCER: Dan Farah WRITER/PRODUCER: I. Marlene King - Rebecca Serle CAST: Bella Thorne WARNER HORIZON TELEVISION 3601 West Olive Avenue Suite 700, Burbank, CA 91505 818-954-6000 The drama centers on a college student (Thorne) plucked from obscurity to star in a major Hollywood movie franchise who struggles with her newfound fame. FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM Feature Film WARNER BROS. PICTURES 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91522-0001 [email protected] PHONE: 818-954-6000 STATUS: August 2015 LOCATION: Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden - New York PRODUCER: David Heyman - Steve Kloves - Lionel Wigram J.K. Rowling - Neil Blair WRITER: J.K. Rowling DIRECTOR: David Yates Set initially in New York about seven decades before the start of the Harry Potter story, the films will follow magizoologist Newt Scamander as an extension of the wizarding world — rather than being prequels or sequels. (Matt Smith mentioned for the role of Newt Scamander FLAKED Series / Netflix 30. Januar 2015 ELECTUS 8800 West Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90069 [email protected] PHONE: 310-360-3422 STATUS: Active Development LOCATION: Los Angeles PRODUCER: Ben Silverman - Peter Principato - Mitch Hurwitz WRITER/PRODUCER: Will Arnett - Mark Chappell CAST: Will Arnett ELECTRIC AVENUE 4024 Radford Ave. R&D Bldg. 4th Flr., Ste 403, Studio City, CA 91604 818-655-5070 [email protected] PRINCIPATO-YOUNG 9465 Wilshire Blvd. Ste 900, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-274-4474 [email protected] HURWITZ COMPANY 335 North Maple Drive, Suite 376, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-734-2941 NETFLIX 345 North Maple Drive Suite 300, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-734-2900 Set in the insular world of Venice, Calif., it's the serio-comic story of a self-appointed guru," Chip, who falls for the object of his best friend's fascination. Soon the tangled web of half-truths and semi-bullshit that underpins his all-important image and sobriety begins to unravel. GREAT DEVIDE 30. Januar 2015 20TH CENTURY FOX STUDIOS 10201 W Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064 STATUS: Development PRODUCER: Shawn Levy – Billy Rosenberg- Robert SchwartzRalph Winter WRITER: Michael J. Di Gaetano- Lawrence Gay When the Matress King of New Jersey is diagnosed with a terminal illness his family decides to take the cross country trip they should have taken years ago- except the children are now adults. HORSE SOLDIERS 30. Januar 2015 JERRY BRUCKHEIMER FILMS 1631 Tenth St., Santa Monica, CA 90404 PHONE: +1 310 664 6260 STATUS: Script PRODUCER: Jerry Bruckheimer WRITER: Peter Craig- Doug Stanton- Ted Tally A team of CIA agents and special forces heded into Afghanistan in the aftermath of the Sept. 11th attacks in an attempt to dismatle the Taliban. JESSE STONE: LOST IN PARADISE Telefilm / Hallmark BRANDMAN PRODUCTIONS, INC. / TWS PRODUCTIONS II 2062 N Vine St., Ste. 5, Los Angeles, CA 90068 PHONE: 323-463-3224 FAX: 323-463-0852 STATUS: May 4 LOCATION: Halifax, Nova Scotia PRODUCER: Steven Brandman WRITER/PRODUCER: Michael Brandman - Tom Selleck DIRECTOR: Robert Harmon CAST: Tom Selleck - Kohl Sudduth - William Devane - Leslie Hope - Gloria Reuben - Gillian Anderson - William Sadler - Kerri Smith - Christine Tizzard - Amelia Rose Blaire - Laura Kohoot SONY PICTURES TELEVISION 10202 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232 310-244-4000 Based on the bestselling books by Robert B. Parker, the Jesse Stone movies chronicle the cases of fictional Police Chief Jesse Stone of Paradise, Massachusetts, a respected and well-liked cop whose life is complicated equally by alcohol and his relationship with his ex-wife. In Lost In Paradise, Stone agrees to help the Massachusetts State Homicide Division track down a brutal serial killer. 6 April 10th, 2015 GIP-update service provided by IFP Entertainment GmbH I Confidential information. Do not disclose to third parties. INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTIONS NEWS A KIND OF MAGIC Feature Film PROTOCOL ENTERTAINMENT [email protected] STATUS: Early-May 2015 LOCATION: Los Angeles PRODUCER: Jina Panebianco DIRECTOR: Tosca Musk WRITER: Rachel Stuhler MUSK ENTERTAINMENT [email protected] Matt Andover is a notorious playboy with a deep fear of commitment and known all over town as the guy who is constantly looking for a good time and nothing more. Matt is unusually charming and good-looking, but there is also another trait that makes him special – Matt is the last in his family bloodline of Warlocks… or in more layman's terms, Matt is a witch. A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY Feature Film 20. Oktober 2011 ANONYMOUS CONTENT 3532 Hayden Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232 [email protected] PHONE: 310-558-6000 FAX: 310-558-4212 STATUS: Active Development LOCATION: Los Angeles PRODUCER: Steve Golin - Alix Madigan - Jennifer Levine WRITER: Susan Walter CAST: Malin Akerman - James Marsden UNTITLED ENTERTAINMENT 350 South Beverly Drive Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-601-2100 Akerman plays Senna, a clothing designer who struggles to find love and success after turning thirty. A STORM IN THE STARS Feature Film 13. November 2014 GIDDEN MEDIA 400 South Beverly Drive, Suite 310, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 [email protected] PHONE: 310-552-2990 STATUS: September 2015 PRODUCER: Amy Baer - Joannie Burstein - Rebecca Miller WRITER: Emma Jensen DIRECTOR: Haifaa al-Mansour CAST: Elle Fanning - Bel Powley BURSTEIN COMPANY 15304 Sunset Boulevard Suite 208, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 310-454-9462 A period romantic drama about the passionate love affair between dangerously charismatic poet Percy Shelley and 17year-old Mary Wollstonecraft, who would a year later write Frankenstein as Mary Shelley. (Fanning will play the budding writer.) The script aims to tell of the tumult of first love of a young woman out of step with her time (Mary was welleducated and came from a family of intellectuals) who wrote one of the first pieces of literary genre fiction in modern times. BABY DRIVER Feature Film 15. Januar 2015 WORKING TITLE FILMS 9720 Wilshire Blvd., 4th Fl. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 26 Aybrook Street, London, England, United Kingdom, W1U4AN PHONE: 310-777-3100 - 44-20-7307-3000 STATUS: Active Development PRODUCER: Tim Bevan - Eric Fellner - Nira Park WRITER/DIRECTOR: Edgar Wright CAST: Ansel Elgort BIG TALK PRODUCTIONS 26 Nassau St. London W1W 7AQ 44-20-7255-1131 MEDIA RIGHTS CAPITAL 9665 Wilshire Boulevard 2nd Floor, Beverly Hills CA 90212 310-786-1600 TRISTAR PRODUCTIONS 10202 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232 310-244-4000 Plot details follow a talented, young getaway driver relies on the beat of his personal soundtrack to be the best in the game. But after being coerced into working for a crime boss, he must face the music when a doomed heist threatens his life, love and freedom. (Emma Stone mentioned for Baby’s love interest and Michael Douglas for Baby’s mentor.) BACKSTAGE DRAMA OF HIT 90’S FAMILY SITCOM Telefilm / Lifetime FRONT STREET PICTURES 1950 Franklin St. Vancouver, BC V5L 1R2 [email protected] PHONE: 604-257-4720 FAX: 604-257-4739 STATUS: May 19 LOCATION: Vancouver PRODUCER: Stephen Bulka - Harvey Kahn WRITER: Ron McGee When this situation comedy goes on the air, it becomes an unexpected hit. The actors cast in the show soon find they are overnight sensations. Despite the ups and downs in their professional and personal lives, over the next eight years the cast becomes one of America's most beloved fictional families. In the process, the disparate actors who star in the show bond closely and form an almost surrogate genuine family. BARBERSHOP 3 Feature Film 19. März 2015 BB3 PRODUCTIONS LLC 1789 Peachtree Street NE, Ste. 300, Atlanta, GA 30309 [email protected] PHONE: 404-796-8400 STATUS: May 11 LOCATION: Atlanta PRODUCER: Ice Cube - Bob Teitel - George Tillman Jr. WRITER: Kenya Barris - Tracy Oliver DIRECTOR: Malcolm D. Lee PM: Becki Trujillo CAST: Ice Cube - Cedric The Entertainer - Queen Latifah - Michael Ealy - Nicki Minaj STATE STREET PICTURES 9255 W. Sunset Blvd., Suite 528, Los Angeles, CA 90069 323-556-2240 [email protected] METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER STUDIOS INC. (MGM) 245 N. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-449-3000 NEW LINE CINEMA 4000 Warner Boulevard Building 76, Los Angeles, CA 91522 818-977-6400 The neighborhood is changing for the worse in the South Side, and Calvin is reluctantly thinking about abandoning his barbershop and moving uptown. (May 11 - June 29) BED OF THE DEAD Feature Film BLACK FAWN FILMS 150 Sudbury St., Toronto, ON M6J 3S8 [email protected] PHONE: 416-908-4871 - 519-362-5623 STATUS: May 11 LOCATION: Toronto DIRECTOR: Jeff Maher BREAKTHROUGH ENTERTAINMENT 35 Britain St., Toronto, ON M5A 1R7 416-766-6588 Four 20somethings, who are in town for a concert, find themselves spending the night at the Anarchist’s Club, the city’s oldest sex club, when they discover that every other hotel in the city is booked. Forced to share a large antique bed, stained with the blood of innocent POWs from the first world war, they begin hallucinating horrific images from their individual pasts. When they try to escape the bed they end up meeting their fate in bizarre and terrifying ways. Plagued with frightening hallucinations, they must figure out the bed’s secrets before the are ultimately picked off one by one. BENDERS (aka UNCLE CHUBBY’S) Series / IFC APOSTLE PICTURES 568 Broadway Suite 301, New York, NY 10012 PHONE: 212-541-4323 FAX: 212-541-4330 STATUS: May 26 LOCATION: New York PRODUCER: Denis Leary WRITER/PRODUCER: Jim Serpico - Tom Sellitti Follows the exploits of a group of friends in their late 20s as they play on an adult men’s beer league ice hockey team, determined to win the Division 8 title despite little experience playing the sport competitively. (May 26 - June 26) BILLIONS Series / Showtime 15. Januar 2015 POSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS INC. 2 Rector Street, Room 2401, New York, NY 10006 [email protected] PHONE: 646-863-7460 FAX: 844-205-6216 7 April 10th, 2015 GIP-update service provided by IFP Entertainment GmbH I Confidential information. Do not disclose to third parties. STATUS: Active Development LOCATION: New York WRITER/PRODUCER: Brian Koppelman - David Levien Andrew Ross Sorkin PRODUCER/DIRECTOR: Neil Burger LP: Marcus Viscidi PM: Dana Robin CAST: Damian Lewis - Paul Giamatti - Maggie Siff - Malin Akerman - Toby Leonard Moore David Costabile - Condola Rashad KOPPELMAN/LEVIEN 15 East 67th Street 6th Floor, New York, NY 10065 212-717-9437 [email protected] TOUCHY FEELY FILMS 133 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011 212-533-3989 Billions is a fictional drama that takes a forensic look at the world of high finance by tracking the approaching collision between two titanic figures — the hard-charging, whip-smart U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhodes (Giamatti), and the brilliant, ambitious hedge-fund king, Bobby Axe Axelrod (Lewis). (Filming is slated to begin later this year in New York for a 2016 premiere.) BIRTH OF THE DRAGON Feature Film 5. Juni 2014 GROUNDSWELL PRODUCTIONS 11925 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 310, Los Angeles, CA 90025 PHONE: 310-385-7540 FAX: 310-385-7541 STATUS: May 2015 PRODUCER: Michael London - Janice Williams - Christopher Wilkinson - Stephen Rivele - Kelly Mullen - Bill Block DIRECTOR: George Nolfi WRITER: Christopher Wilkinson - Stephen Rivele QED INTERNATIONAL 1800 North Highland Avenue Fifth Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-785-7900 The film focuses on Bruce Lee’s career defining 1965 no-holds barred TKO battle with Wong Jack Man, China’s most famous Kung Fu Master at the time. Not only did the fight launch Lee onward to Martial Arts stardom but it happened against the backdrop of the Hong Kong criminal Triads control of San Francisco’s Chinatown and the team-up between the two Kung Fu legends to take them on. The Oakland fight with Jack Man was the last official fight of Lee’s career as he headed into acting. BLUEBERRY HALL Feature Film 6. November 2014 BLUEBERRY HALL LLC [email protected] STATUS: May 11 LOCATION: Oklahoma PRODUCER: Nathan Gardocki - Mitch Meyer - Austin Fielding WRITER/DIRECTOR: Keshav Tyagi NATHAN GARDOCKI PRODUCTIONS LLC 3130 North May Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73112 405-822-0544 Ian's golden ticket to Harvard Law School is winning the Debate National Championship, but when the recession cuts funding, he and his friends sell prescription drugs to cover the fees as they snowball into a world of crime. BOOK OF HENRY Feature Film DOUBLE NICKEL ENTERTAINMENT 234 West 138th Street, New York, NY 10030 311 North Robertson Boulevard Suite 385, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 [email protected] PHONE: 646-435-4390 FAX: 212-694-6205 STATUS: September 2015 LOCATION: New York PRODUCER: Jenette Kahn - Adam Richman - Sidney Kimmel Carla Hacken - Jim Tauber DIRECTOR: Colin Trevorrow WRITER: Gregg Hurwitz SIDNEY KIMMEL ENTERTAINMENT 9460 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310-777-8818 [email protected] BORN AGAIN VIRGIN Series / TV One 11. September 2014 SWIRL FILMS PO Box 10025, Wilmington, NC 28404 [email protected] PHONE: 910-798-2934 FAX: 910-798-2954 STATUS: April 20 LOCATION: Atlanta, GA PRODUCER: Eric Tomosunas - Meg Deloatch WRITER/PRODUCER: Ranada C. Shepard DIRECTOR: Russ Parr PM: Darien Baldwin CAST: Danielle Nicolet Jenna Coleman (Nicolet), a 34 year-old up-and-coming blogger, decides to become celibate when she finds her body count is starting to trump her age. Using her blog as encouragement for her newly adapted sex diet and also as a sounding board for her girlfriends' often amusing sexcapades," Jenna is determined to make the blog a success and transform her friends in the process. BOSTON STRONG Feature Film 4. Dezember 2014 HUTCH PARKER ENTERTAINMENT / RED HAWK ENTERTAINMENT 204 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite A, Santa Monica, CA 90401 PHONE: 310-576-4944 STATUS: Active Development LOCATION: Boston PRODUCER: Hutch Parker - Ellen Goldsmith - Dorothy Aufiero WRITER: Joshua Zetumer DIRECTOR: Daniel Espinosa GOTHAM/PRINCIPAL 9255 Sunset Blvd. #515, Los Angeles, CA 90069 310-285-0001 [email protected] TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION 10201 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035 310-369-1000 Focusing on the events surrounding the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, the story follows the massive manhunt to apprehend the two men believed to be responsible for the bombings, as well as examining the city’s reaction following the events. BROKEN LINKS Feature Film 12. Februar 2015 MAGNAFILM, INC. 15124 Ventura Blvd., Suite 206, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 [email protected] PHONE: 818-487-1366 FAX: 818-508-9076 STATUS: May 3 LOCATION: Los Angeles PRODUCER/DIRECTOR: Meir Sharony WRITER: Kathryn Cotter - Meir Sharony CAST: Olympia Dukakis - Bonnie Bedelia - Brooke Smith A woman who's just gotten divorced after a family tragedy indulges in several dangerous liaisons with people she meets online; one such encounter, with a woman, threatens to de-rail her life. CAMP Series / Disney 5. März 2015 IT'S A LAUGH PRODUCTIONS / BON MOT INC. 1040 N. Las Palmas Ave., Bldg. 26, Los Angeles, CA 90038 PHONE: 323-860-8250 FAX: 323-860-8251 STATUS: April 29 LOCATION: Los Angeles WRITER/PRODUCER: Pamela Eells O’Connell DIRECTOR: Bob Koherr PM: Shari Tavey CAST: Peyton List - Karan Brar - Skai Jackson The spin-off to the hit series Jessie, following the adventures of Emma Ross (List), Ravi Ross (Brar) and Zuri Ross (Jackson) as they navigate the trials and tribulations of summer camp. CARNIVAL Feature Film MOONS OF MARS LLC [email protected] STATUS: August 2015 PRODUCER: Hal C. Kessler - Lisa Ejermark WRITER/DIRECTOR: Nick Wolf MIRABELLE PICTURES PRODUCTIONS 95 Av De Choisy, Paris 75013 France [email protected] After a reckless crime a delinquent teen from an impoverished slum is sent away to the military for a second chance and returns after a ten year absence as a cop to clean up the streets that stole his childhood. Die Erstellung der Inhalte erfolgte mit größtmöglicher Sorgfalt. Es kann keine Gewähr für die Vollständigkeit der bereitgestellten Inhalte, ihre Aktualität sowie Richtigkeit übernommen werden. Nicht zur Weitergabe an Dritte bestimmt. The creation of content was made with the utmost care. There is no guarantee of the contents completeness, topicality and/or accuracy. This document is not intended to be distributed to third parties. 8 April 10th, 2015 GIP-update service provided by IFP Entertainment GmbH I Confidential information. Do not disclose to third parties. Impressum: © 2015 – IFP Entertainment GmbH, Bavariafilmplatz 7, 82031 Geiselgasteig welcome@film‐,‐, T: +49 89 200 488 70 HRB 213125 München, Managing Director: Markus R. Vogelbacher © 2015 by IFP Entertainment
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