The 11th Annual DEUTSCHE GRI2015 FRANKFURT 6-7 MAY The Westin Grand Das wichtigste Treffen für Entscheider im deutschen Immobilienmarkt Most senior annual gathering in German Real Estate Market 1 Der Treffpunkt für Entscheidungstraeger Connecting Real Estate Leaders “... die Veranstaltung war ausgezeichnet, ich habe meine Kenntnis der aktuellen Trends vertiefen können und eine Reihe sehr interessanter Gespräche führen können. Auch die „Netzwerkpflege“ ist nicht zu kurz gekommen. Hierzu ist insbesondere das Dinner sehr gut geeignet.” “… the meeting was exceptional, I have updated myself on current trends and had a number of highly interesting talks. The Networking was superb. Especially the dinner is very useful.” THOMAS KÖNTGEN - Co-CEO DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK NICHT IRGENDEIN ZUSAMMENTREFFEN… NOT YOUR TYPICAL CONFERENCE Dıe richtigen Partner zu identifizieren und Geschäftsmöglichkeiten anzubahnen kann mühsam sein, kostenintensiv und zeitaufwändig. Nur einige Gründe dafür, warum Entscheidunsgträger GRI Treffen nützlich finden. Finding the right partners and investments can be difficult, expensive and time consuming. And that’s why senior decision-makers find GRI meetings so useful. GRI Diskussionen sind kleine, interaktive Runden hinter geschlossenen Türen. So können Sie schnell und direkt Kontakt aufnehmen, eine mögliche Beziehungsbasis ausloten und Gemeinsamkeiten im. Nachgang unkompliziert vertiefen. GRI’s closed-door discussions enable you to interact with everyone in the room. Quickly find the right partners for your business, build high value relationships, and continue the conversation afterwards. HIGHLIGHTS ASSET MANAGEMENT Asset Management INVESTMENT Investments SEKTOREN Sectors • Indirekte Investitionen Indirect investing • Alternative Finanzierung Alternative financing • Core+, manage-to-core, value ad Core+, manage-to-core, value ad • Berliner Wohnungsmarkt Berlin residential •Wiederbelebung Refurbishment • Finanzierung und Kapitalmarkt Financing and capital markets • Wachstum vs Einkommen Growth vs income •Büroimmobilien Office • Herausforderung Demographie Demographic challenge • Syndizierung Loan syndication • Private Equity Private equity returns • Zukunft Handelsimmobilien Retail properties PHILIPP BRASCHEL Partner BENSON ELLIOT UK 2 KAPITALMARKT Capital Markets ANNE BRAUN Managing Director - Europe DREAM GLOBAL ADVISORS GERMANY GERMANY XAVIER DENIS Chief Operating Officer COFINIMMO BELGIUM MARK ENNIS Head of Acquisitions DEUTSCHE ANNINGTON GERMANY JENNY HAMMARLUND Director VÄRDE PARTNERS UK TOBIAS HUZARSKI Principal, Real Estate KKR UK FABIAN KLINGLER Member of the Board ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT GERMANY HENRIE W. KÖTTER CIO & Managing Director ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT GERMANY To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: WELCOME WILLKOMMEN Ronny Gotthardt Henri Alster Welche Renditen für Core Assets sind rational? Welche Ausweichventile gegen Margendruck? Bieten alternative Finanzierer mehr? Welche Risiken stecken im deutschen Immobilienmarkt? Is low yield investing still rational? What alternatives to combat squeezing bank margins? Can alternative lenders fill the gaps? What are the main threats in German real estate? Keine Blase im deutschen Immobilienmarkt, trotz ordentlicher Zuwächse. Dank expansiver EZB Programme haben Immobilienpreise ihre Höchstniveaus eher vor als hinter sich. Niedrigen Zinsen heisst niedrige Finanzierungskosten, Risiken lohnen sich. Der flaue Euro und geopolitische Störfeuer tragen dazu bei, dass Investoren deutsche Immobilien charmant finden. Nicht nur core und super-core, auch Peripherymärkte, Nischensektoren und Assets mit Wertschöpfungspotenzial stehen hoch im Kurs. There is no bubble, despite record investments. Thanks to the ECBs bond buying programme, credit is abundant and real estate remains buoyant. A weak euro and geopolitics adding to the charm German real estate oozes for investors and lenders alike. Not only core and super-core but periphery sectors, locations and assets are thriving. Spannende Zeiten, vielfältige Meinungen. Zeit den Dingen auf den Grund zu gehen. Die finden Sie bei der Deutsche GRI 2015. With the pressure to invest 2015 will be interesting. We would be delighted for you to join us at this year’s Deutsche GRI to discuss your challenges and work out the answers. We are looking forward to welcoming you. Wir freuen uns, Sie dabei zu haben. Henri Alster Chairman GRI – Global Real Estate Institute Ronny Gotthardt Managing Director GRI – Global Real Estate Institute THOMAS KUHLMANN Member of the Board of Mgmt HAHN GROUP GERMANY OLIVER PRIGGEMEYER COO IVG IMMOBILIEN GERMANY CARSTEN QUEHL Director CARLYLE GROUP GERMANY DANIEL RIEDL CEO BUWOG GROUP AUSTRIA To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: PAUL RODGER Director HANSTEEN UK DOUGLAS EDWARDS Managing Director CORPUS SIREO Luxembourg KLAUS-JÜRGEN SONTOWSKI Chairman SONTOWSKI & PARTNER GERMANY STEFAN WALLDORF Senior Vice President CERBERUS GERMANY 3 DISCUSSION AGENDA WIE FUNKTIONIERT GRI? HOW DO GRI EVENTS WORK? GRI Treffen unterscheiden sich ganz grundsätzlich. Es gibt weder Podium noch Präsentationen oder Panels. Stattdessen eine Vielzahl informeller Diskussionen, an denen alle aktiv teilnehmen. GRI events are unlike anything else you’ve attended. There is no stage, there are no presentations and there are no panels. Instead, there are simultaneous closed-door discussions where everyone participates. Sie knüpfen sofort und direkt Kontakt und identifizieren mögliche Gemeinsamkeiten. You can quickly and efficiently identify partnership and investment opportunities from a room full of decision-makers ready to do business. 6 MAI Mittwoch • 6 MAY Wednesday DEUTSCHE GRI 2015 13:00 Check in AUSBLICK INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES - 14:00 - 17:15 Discussions ASSET MANAGEMENT KAPITALMARKT PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG Big Picture Investments Opportunities Asset Management Capital Markets Developments Deutscher Immobilienmarkt German real estate Umnutzung von Bestandsimmobilien Redeveloping / repositioning Logistik / Light Industrial Logistics / light industrial Berliner Wohnungsmarkt Berlin residential Finanzierung und Kapitalmarkt Financing and capital markets Neuentwicklung Wohnimmobilien New residential developments Insolvenz & Revitalisierung Insolvency & revitalising assets Wachstum vs Einkommen Growth vs income Büroimmobilien Office Wiederbelebung im Einzelhandel Retail revitalisation Mezzanine für Projektentwicklungen Mezzanine for developments Einkaufszentren, lokale Fachmärkte, Internethandel Shopping centres, hybrid malls, on-demand 17:15 Networking drinks - 20:00 Networking dinner 7 MAI Donnerstag • 7 MAY Thursday 8:00 Check in Risiken im deutschen Immobilienmarkt Risks in german real estate Core Investments Core-investments Deutsche Banken German lenders Wohnimmobilien Transaktionen Residential transactions - 9:00 Keynote - 10:30 - 16:00 Discussions - 13:15 - 14:30 Lunch Private Equity Private equity returns Schnittstelle asset - und Property Manager Asset- and property management Bank Finanzierung Senior debt Core + Projektentwicklungen Core+ Developments Herausforderung Demographie Demographic challenge Gesundheitsimmobilien Health care real estate Indirekte Investitionen Indirect investing Syndizierung Loan syndication Zukunft Handelsimmobilien Retail properties Sondersituationen Special situations Core+, manage-tocore, value ad Core+, manage-tocore, value ad Sitzen Investor, Asset Manager und Finanzierer im selben Boot? Do investor, asset manager and lender sit in the same boat? Alternative Finanzierung Alternative financing Hotel Invest Hotel Invest 16:00 Closing drinks 4 To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: KEYNOTE & FEATURES EUROPA - Fluch und Segen der niedrigen Zinsen EUROPE – Curse and blessing of the low interest environment 9:00 - 10:00 K E Y N OT E 7 MAI Donnerstag • 7 MAY Thursday DR. JÜRGEN MICHELS Chief Economist BAYERNLB Germany PROJEKT PRÄSENTATIONEN DEVELOPER SHOW CASE Im Anschluss an einzelnen Diskussionen werden ausgewählte Projekte vorgestellt. Insgesamt wird es bis zu 6 dieser Präsentationen geben, jeweils 10 Minuten. (Projekte müssen bestimmten Kriterien entsprechen). Sofern es für Sie von Interesse ist, diese Platform in Anspruch zu nehmen, sprechen Sie uns einfach an. INTERESTED IN SHOWCASING? In between each Discussion, you will be able to grab a coffee and hear about new projects across Germany. Each pre-selected developer will have 10 minutes to pitch their project, with up to 5 minutes Q&A. Initially, there are nine slots available on a first-come-first-served basis (providing the criteria is met), so if you’d find it useful to showcase you’re project then do get in touch. BITTE KONTAKTIEREN SIE PLEASE CONTACT: [email protected] To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: 5 DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS A GRI meeting is based around informal discussion groups in which everybody participates. Each discussion contains a Moderating Chair, and a selection of co-Chairs who participate no more, no less than anyone else in the room. GRI Treffen basieren auf informellen Diskussionsrunden an denen jeder teilnehmen kann. Jede Runde wird von einem der co-chairs moderiert, ansonsten nehmen co-chairs genauso an der Debatte teil wie alle anderen, nicht mehr, nicht weniger. Mehrere Runden finden parallel in getrennten Räumlichkeiten statt. Nehmen Sıe an einer oder mehreren Runden teil, je nach Ihrem Geschmack. Group discussions run concurrently, several going on at the same time in separate rooms. Walk in and out at your convenience and attend as many sessions as you want. AUSBLICK / Big Picture Deutscher Immobilienmarkt Investoren zwischen Substanz, Fassade und Übertreibung? German Real Estate - Substance, glossy or sheer exaggeration? GERHARD MEITINGER MD, Head of Real Estate Finance Germany PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany CHRISTOPH KETTEL Director - Head of Property and Valuation ING Germany PIOTR BIENKOWSKI CEO BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE Germany JOST-ALBRECHT NIES Managing Partner VERIANOS AG Germany ANNE BRAUN Managing Director - Europe DREAM GLOBAL ADVISORS GERMANY Germany OLIVER PRIGGEMEYER COO IVG IMMOBILIEN AG Germany ASSEM EL ALAMI Head of Real Estate Finance BERLIN HYP Germany BERTHOLD VON THERMANN Managing Director - Realty Management Division ARCHON GROUP Germany Gerhard Meitinger Piotr Bienkowski Anne Braun Assem El Alami Bernd Haggenmüller Christoph Kettel Jost-Albrecht Nies Oliver Priggemeyer Berthold Von Thermann Ross Macdiarmid Christoph Munte INVESTMENTS / Investments BERND HAGGENMÜLLER Managing Director SHAFTESBURY ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany Growth vs Income - Are long term income assets the better core strategy? Wachstum vs Einkommen - Sind Einkommensimmobilien die bessere Core-Strategie? DR. MARTIN KNOF Head Ing Real Estate Finance Germany ING BANK Germany HELGE PITZ Senior Relationship Manager, Senior Vice President HSH NORDBANK Germany ROSS MACDIARMID Managing Director BRUTON CAPITAL UK JOACHIM MUR Head of Acquisitions & Sales Real Estate WEALTH MANAGEMENT CAPITAL Germany Dr. Martin Knof CHRISTOPH MUNTE Managing Director ARB ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany Joachim Mur 6 Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN Senior Debt - Welche Ausweichstrategien gegen den Margendruck der Banken? Senior Debt - What strategies to stop compressing margins? MICHAEL ZIEGLER Partner BEITEN BURKHARDT Germany TORSTEN BICKART MD, Real Estate Large Clients UNICREDIT BANK Germany CONSTANTIN GRAF ZU STOLBERG Head of Real Estate Finance Germany North PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany GEORG GRIESEMANN CFO ACREST PROPERTY GROUP Germany Michael Ziegler Dr. Jan Peter Annecke Torsten Bickart Constantin Graf Zu Stolberg Georg Griesemann Steffen Günther Nicole Juergensen Bernd Mayer Aren Wegner Dr. Peter Wendlinger Martin Eberhardt Ruben Herrmann Klaus-Jürgen Sontowski Gabriele Volz Stefan Walldorf Markus Wehnelt BERND MAYER Managing Director, Head of Real Estate BAYERNLB Germany AREN WEGNER Head of RE Lending Europe & Managing Director DEKABANK Germany DR. PETER WENDLINGER Head of Group Real Estate Business HYPO NOE GRUPPE BANK Austria STEFFEN GÜNTHER Head of CRE Finance International and Institutional Investors/ Syndication DG HYP Germany KAPITALMARKT / Capital Markets DR. JAN PETER ANNECKE Head of Commercial Real Estate Finance MÜNCHENER HYPOTHEKENBANK Germany NICOLE JUERGENSEN Kompetenzzentrum Immobilien Firmenkunden Leitung Standort Frankfurt COMMERZBANK Germany Core+, Manage-to-Core, Value ad Alternative Investmentstrategien = höhere Rendite? Core+, Manage-to-Core, Value ad - Alternative investments = greater returns? STEFAN WALLDORF Senior Vice President CERBERUS Germany RUBEN HERRMANN Principal WESTBROOK PARTNERS Germany MARKUS WEHNELT Head of RE Finance Germany, Institutional & Private Equity Clients PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany KLAUS-JÜRGEN SONTOWSKI Chairman SONTOWSKI & PARTNER Germany ORTUNITIES / Opportunities MARTIN EBERHARDT Frics, Managing Director and Country Manager BOUWFONDS IM Germany GABRIELE VOLZ MD and Member of the Management Board WEALTH MANAGEMENT CAPITAL HOLDING GMBH Germany To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT / Asset Management AUSBLICK / Big Picture DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS Insolvenz & Revitalisierung Welche Optionen für verwertbare und unverwertbare Immobilien? Insolvency & Revitalising assets What are the options for underperforming portfolios? MICHAEL AMANN CEO POLARES RE ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany Michael Amann Christian Bodtke Jörn Zurmühlen Hubertus Baumer Andreas Hauff Marcus Pollmann Vincent Screene Douglas Edwards JÖRN ZURMÜHLEN Director CR INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany CHRISTIAN BODTKE Investment Executive ESTAMA UK Do Investors, Asset Manager and Lenders sit in the same boat? Sitzen Investor, Asset Manager und Finanzierer im selben Boot? MICHAEL WINDOFFER Director, Head of Cross Border Business HSH NORDBANK Germany MARCUS POLLMANN MD, Head of RCR Real Estate Deal Execution Germany ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Germany HUBERTUS BAUMER Co-Head Institutional Property Solutions UNION INVESTMENT INSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY Germany VINCENT SCREENE Managing Director ESTAMA Germany ANDREAS HAUFF Managing Partner KRITON Germany Michael Windoffer DOUGLAS EDWARDS Managing Director CORPUS SIREO Luxembourg INVESTMENTS / Investments Core-Investments - Time to exit or more room for yields to compress? Core-Investments - Zeit zum Ausstieg oder haben die Renditen noch Luft? 8 IGNAZ TROMBELLO Managing Partner, Head of Investment Germany COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Germany TORSTEN WETTCKE Head of Portfolio Management ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE Germany ERIK MARIENFELDT CEO HIH Germany JOHANNES HAUG Managing Director, Europe PEMBROKE REAL ESTATE UK ALEXANDER KOBLISCHEK Managing Director RFR HOLDING Germany UWE REMPIS Head of Asset Management Northern Europe, Regional Director LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Germany PETER SCHREPPEL CEO - Germany CBRE Germany SVEN STRICKER Managing Director, Head of Investment BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE Germany Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. Ignaz Trombello Erik Marienfeldt Uwe Rempis Peter Schreppel Torsten Wettcke Johannes Haug Alexander Koblischek Sven Stricker To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN Private Equity Returns - Just a dream or are they still there? Private Equity - Auch in Deutschland noch fündig werden? TOBIAS HUZARSKI Principal, Real Estate KOHLBERG KRAVIS ROBERTS UK ALI OTMAR Managing Director, Investments TRISTAN CAPITAL PARTNERS UK DR. SEBASTIAN-DOMINIK JAIS Partner APOLLO GLOBAL MANAGEMENT UK MICHAEL ABEL Principal TPG CAPITAL UK CARSTEN QUEHL Director THE CARLYLE GROUP Germany PHILIPP BRASCHEL Partner BENSON ELLIOT UK THOMAS WIEGAND Managing Director CERBERUS Germany Tim Breitenstein Ali Otmar Michael Abel Philipp Braschel Georg Frhr. V. Hammerstein Tobias Huzarski Dr. Sebastian-Dominik Jais Carsten Quehl GEORG FRHR. V. HAMMERSTEIN Chairman German Investment PATRON CAPITAL PARTNERS UK OPPORTUNITIES / Opportunities TIM BREITENSTEIN Managing Director MORGAN STANLEY Germany Thomas Wiegand Umnutzung von Bestandsimmobilien Welche Konzepte zur Wertschöpfung bei Leerstand? Redeveloping / Repositioning - Which concepts create value? Michael Peter Daniel Schulenburg Michael Schwöbel Hendrik Staiger MICHAEL PETER Founder and CEO P&P REAL ESTATE Germany DANIEL SCHULENBURG Managing Partner CAYROS CAPITAL PARTNERS Germany MICHAEL SCHWÖBEL Managing Director DREAM GLOBAL ADVISORS GERMANY Germany HENDRIK STAIGER Head of Acquisitions BEOS Germany To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. INVESTMENTS / Investments JÖRG-OLIVER NELLEN Head of Assetmanagement/Letting AIK IMMOBILIEN-KAPITALANLAGEGESELLSCHAFT Germany 9 DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS INVESTMENTS / Investments Special situations - How big are opportunities with secondary assets and debt? Sondersituationen - Welche Investmentpotenziale mit Problemassets und -krediten? STEFAN DÖRFFLER Principal APOLLO GLOBAL MANAGEMENT Germany JENNY HAMMARLUND Director VÄRDE PARTNERS UK CHANAN AHARONOFF Transaction Manager ESTAMA UK KARSTEN KOHLMANN Managing Partner WATERWAY INVESTMENTS Germany STEVEN BROCH Executive Director Aerium Germany (Fund Manager Germany) AERIUM FINANCE Germany JENS NAWRATH Managing Director LEONARDO & CO. Germany ADAM GOLEBIOWSKI Acquisitions Director, Uk & European Investments UK & EUROPEAN UK TIM BRÜCKNER Managing Director CORPUS SIREO. Germany Stefan Dörffler Steven Broch Adam Golebiowski Jenny Hammarlund Karsten Kohlmann Jens Nawrath INVESTMENTS / Investments OPPORTUNITIES / Opportunities Tim Brückner 10 Logistics / Light Industrial - Can investments keep up with demand growth? Logistik / Light Industrial - Sind Investitionen und Nachfrage im Einklang? PAUL RODGER Director HANSTEEN UK THOMAS KARMANN Senior VP, Regional Director Northern Europe PROLOGIS Germany ALEXANDER HOFF Founder and Managing Partner PALMIRA CAPITAL PARTNERS Germany KERSTEN OSCHMANN Managing Director MI INVEST Germany Paul Rodger Alexander Hoff Thomas Karmann Kersten Oschmann Stefan Klingsöhr Xavier Denis Jan Krizan HEALTHCARE REAL ESTATE - Strategic investments, how to manage the risks? Gesundheitsimmobilien - Unterschätzte Asset Klasse, welche Risiken für Investoren? STEFAN KLINGSÖHR Geschäftsführer KLINGSÖHR PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG Germany XAVIER DENIS Chief Operating Officer COFINIMMO Belgium JAN KRIZAN Managing Director & Regional Head NWI MANAGEMENT GMBH Germany Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN Office - Still better value in B and C cities? Büroimmobilien - Mehr Wertschöpfungspotenziale in B- und C- Lagen? NIKOLAUS VON BLOMBERG Managing Partner INDIGO INVEST HOLDING Germany MARCUS BUDER Head of Real Estate Finance BERLINER SPARKASSE Germany ALEXANDER VON CRAMM Member of the Executive Board DEUTSCHE OFFICE Germany KEAN HIRD Partner CATALYST CAPITAL UK CHRISTIAN ZILLY Managing Partner WATERWAY INVESTMENTS Germany RALF-JÖRG KADENBACH Deputy Member of the Executive Board EUROPA CENTER Germany RICHARD WARTENBERG Managing Director - Acquisitions ACTIVUM SG Germany Daniel Werth Marcus Buder Kean Hird Ralf-Jörg Kadenbach Nikolaus Von Blomberg Alexander Von Cramm Christian Zilly Richard Wartenberg Christian Giraud Martin Bowen Davut Deletioglu Susanne Klaußner Axel Cesian Holger Hagge OPPORTUNITIES / Opportunities DANIEL WERTH Managing Director MOMENI INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Germany HotelInvest - Fear or future? Optimizing returns through HotelInvest-Strategie? HotelInvest - Schrecken oder Chance? Rendite optimieren mit HotelInvest-Strategie? CHRISTIAN GIRAUD DAVUT DELETIOGLU VP Development & Franchise Central Europe, Member ofFinanzvorstand the Management Board Accor German MUNDIAL Germany ACCOR HOSPITALITY GERMANY Germany Shopping Centres, Hybrid Malls, On-Demand Merging together or specialising further? Einkaufszentren, lokale Fachmärkte, Internethandel Zusammenwachsen oder weitere Ausdifferenzierung? SUSANNE KLAUSSNER CEO GRR Germany MATTHIAS HAPP CEO GIG GRUNDBESITZ IMMOBILIEN Germany AXEL CESIAN Director Retail Properties AAREAL BANK Germany DR. MICHAEL HARTUNG Regional Director METRO PROPERTIES Germany HOLGER HAGGE Managing Director MEIJER REALTY PARTNER DEUTSCHLAND Germany To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG / Developments MARTIN BOWEN Associate Vp Development - Germany INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS Germany Dr. Michael Hartung All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. 11 PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG / Developments INVESTMENTS / Investments PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG / Developments ASSET MANAGEMENT Asset Management DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS 12 Retail Revitalisation - Dead malls as Investment opportunity? Wiederbelebung im Einzelhandel - “Dead malls”als sinnvolles Investment? HENRIE KÖTTER CIO & Managing Director ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT Germany MATTHIAS SCHMITZ Managing Partner ACREST PROPERTY GROUP Germany Henrie Kötter Matthias Schmitz Peter Bartholomaeus Björn Isenhöfer Thomas Kuhlmann Stuart Reid Dr. Daniel Frey Till Schmiedeknecht Johann-Georg Zu Ysenburg Dr. Peter Diedrich Klaus Franken Gordon Gorski Fabian Klingler Daniel Riedl Zukunft Handelsimmobilien - Welche werden sich in den nächsten 10 Jahren besser und welche schlechter entwickeln? Retail properties - Which fare better and which worse in the next 10 years? DR. LUDWIG VOGEL Managing Director CEV HANDELSIMMOBILIEN Germany THOMAS KUHLMANN Member of the Board of Management HAHN GROUP Germany PETER BARTHOLOMAEUS Director M&A ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT Germany STUART REID Partner ROCKSPRING PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT Germany BJÖRN ISENHÖFER Managing Partner CONCEPTA PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG Germany Dr. Ludwig Vogel Herausforderung Demographie - Lösungsansätze für die Wohnimmobilienwirtschaft Demographic Challenge - Any remedies for the residential industry? CARSTEN BRINKMANN Chairman TERRANUS-GRUPPE Germany TILL SCHMIEDEKNECHT Managing Director BGP Germany DR. DANIEL FREY CFO IMMEO WOHNEN Germany JOHANN-GEORG ZU YSENBURG Leiter Transaktionen DE BUWOG-GROUP Germany Carsten Brinkmann Neuentwicklung Wohnimmobilien - Mut zur Lücke oder unterschätzte Chance? New residential developments - A hidden opportunity? DR. PETER DIEDRICH Founding Partner DSC LEGAL RECHTSANWALTSGESELLSCHAFT MBH Germany FABIAN KLINGLER Member of the Board ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT DEUTSCHLAND Germany KLAUS FRANKEN CEO Catella Germany CATELLA PROPERTY GROUP Germany DANIEL RIEDL CEO BUWOG GROUP Austria GORDON GORSKI Head of Branch HOCHTIEF Germany Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN SASCHA NÖSKE Chief Executive Officer STRATEGIS Germany MARK ENNIS Head of Acquisitions DEUTSCHE ANNINGTON IMMOBILIEN SE Germany ANNEKAY GRÖBBELS-JANKA Member of the Board ENGEL & VÖLKERS COMMERCIAL Germany JOERG WIDHALM Head of Central Commercial Customers BERLINER VOLKSBANK Germany ROBERT ABT Managing Director ROUND HILL CAPITAL Germany DR. MARTIN HELLWEGER CEO & Founder KRONBERG INTERNATIONAL Germany Sascha Nöske Annekay Gröbbels-Janka Joerg Widhalm Dr. Martin Hellweger Dr Marcus Eilers Ulrich Graebner Dieter Hildebrand Christian Brückner Heike Gündling Holger Hosang Residential Transactions - A, B, C in Germany or further afield? Wohnimmobilien Transaktionen A-, B-, C-, Städte in Deutschland oder Nachbarkmärkte? PETER BROCK Managing Director GRAINGER DEUTSCHLAND Germany DIETER HILDEBRAND Direktor LANDESBANK BADEN-WURTTEMBERG Germany DR MARCUS EILERS Director Asset Management ROUND HILL CAPITAL Germany DAVID INGWALSON Senior Director - Real Estate, Germany OBLIGO INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Norway Peter Brock ULRICH GRAEBNER Managing Director LEONARDO & CO. Germany Schnittstelle Asset und Property Manager - Was müssen Property Manager leisten? Asset and Property Management - What are the deliverables? CHRISTIAN BRÜCKNER CEO BAUGRUND GRUPPE Germany THOMAS JUNKERSFELD CEO HIH Germany HEIKE GÜNDLING Managing Director BILFINGER RE Germany JAN GIESSLER Managing Partner CONLEAD Germany HOLGER HOSANG Branch Manager, Frankfurt PAMERA CORNERSTONE Germany Thomas Junkersfeld To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: Jan Giessler All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. ASSET MANAGEMENT / Asset Management Mark Ennis AUSBLICK / Big Picture Robert Abt ASSET MANAGEMENT / Asset Management Berliner Wohnungsmarkt Trendwende dank Mietpreisbremse oder weiter interessant? Berlin Residential - Turnaround or ever more interesting? 13 DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS Mezzanine für Projektentwicklungen Brücke bei Finanzierungsengpässen oder zu teuer? Mezzanine for Developments - Bridging the gap or too expensive? DR. MATTHIAS HUBERT Managing Director SONTOWSKI & PARTNER Germany DR. SVEN HELMER Managing Director LAGRANGE FINANCIAL ADVISORY GMBH Germany MARIA-TERESA DREO Head of Real Estate, Germany UNICREDIT BANK Germany DR. RAINER KRÜTTEN Managing Director WEALTH MANAGEMENT CAPITAL HOLDING GMBH Germany DR. DIRK BRÜCKNER Partner GSK STOCKMANN + KOLLEGEN Germany DR. GISBERT BECKERS Managing Partner BNS REAL ESTATE CAPITAL GMBH Germany KAPITALMARKT / Capital Markets MICHAEL BERGER Head of Re Finance Germany, Executive MD HELABA Germany 14 DR. PETER MUTSCHELLER Chairman KAIRONOS INVEST AG Germany Dr. Matthias Hubert Maria-Teresa Dreo Dr. Dirk Brückner Michael Berger Dr. Sven Helmer Dr. Gisbert Beckers Dr. Rainer Krütten Dr. Peter Mutscheller Kim Torriani Dr. Thomas Flatten Friedrich Einhoff Raimund Frühmorgen Gustav Kirschner Maya Miteva Dr. Michael Piontek Dr. Andreas Schillhofer Lars Schnidrig KIM TORRIANI Vice President PRAMERICA REAL ESTATE INVESTORS UK Finanzierung und Kapitalmarkt - Lösen Anleihen die klassische Bankfinanzierung ab? Financing and Capital Markets - Are bonds replacing bank lending? DR. THOMAS FLATTEN Partner WHITE & CASE Germany MAYA MITEVA Head of Corporate Finance & Transaction GAGFAH GROUP Germany FRIEDRICH EINHOFF Director PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany DR. MICHAEL PIONTEK CFO POLIS Germany RAIMUND FRÜHMORGEN MD, Head of Real Estate Large Clients/Fpi1 UNICREDIT BANK Germany DR. ANDREAS SCHILLHOFER Mitglied Der Geschäftsleitung Deutschland MEDIOBANCA Germany GUSTAV KIRSCHNER Senior Director BAYERNLB Germany LARS SCHNIDRIG Managing Director, Head of Finance and Treasury DEUTSCHE ANNINGTON IMMOBILIEN SE Germany Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: DISCUSSIONS DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN ELKE BIRK Principal DRC CAPITAL UK ANDREAS WUERMELING Head of Loan Markets Real Estate & Public Finance PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany DIETER KOCH Managing Director & Head of Reib DEUTSCHE HYPOTHEKENBANK Germany DR. PATRICK ZÜCHNER CIO CAERUS DEBT INVESTMENTS Germany Elke Birk Dieter Koch Frank Lamby Andreas Wuermeling Dr. Patrick Züchner Alexander Saur Simone Schmidt Thorsten Schönenberger Sebastian Vetter Anna Ginkel Oliver Hecht Norbert Kellner Michael Morgenroth FRANK LAMBY Managing Director REFTA Germany KAPITALMARKT / Capital Markets Alternative Financing - Add-on or key to functioning debt markets? Alternative Finanzierung - Ergänzung oder Schlüssel zu florierenden Kreditmärkten? Deutsche Banken - Rücken an der Wand oder für neue Krisen gewappnet? German Lenders - Still testing or ready for the next stress? SIMONE SCHMIDT Head of Portfolio Management ING BANK Germany THOMAS DRIES Senior VP, Head of RE Finance Germany Southwest, Austria & Switzerland HELABA Germany THORSTEN SCHÖNENBERGER Executive Vice President LBBW Germany ALEXANDER SAUR General Manager & Head of Real Estate Finance NATIXIS Germany Roland Dangel Thomas Dries SEBASTIAN VETTER Director - RE Finance & International Clients Germany PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany AUSBLICK / Big Picture ROLAND DANGEL Relationship Manager, Real Estate Financing Sales DÜSSELDORFER HYPOTHEKENBANK AG Germany Syndizierung - Welche Strukturen braucht der Markt? Loan Syndication - What meets the need of the market? OLIVER HECHT Head of S-Group and Syndication BERLIN HYP Germany AXEL BRINKMANN National Director LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT UK NORBERT KELLNER Head of Dept Capital Markets - Real Estate HELABA UK ANNA GINKEL Head of Syndication Management AAREAL BANK Germany MICHAEL MORGENROTH CEO CAERUS DEBT INVESTMENTS Germany To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: Christian Niggl Axel Brinkmann All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. KAPITALMARKT / Capital Markets CHRISTIAN NIGGL MD & Head of RE Structured Finance UNICREDIT BANK Germany 15 PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG / Developments DISKUSSIONSRUNDEN DISCUSSIONS Core + Projektentwicklungen - Nehmen Investoren, Projektentwickler und Finanzierer die Risiken adequat wahr? Core+ Developments - Do investor, developer and lender price risks adequately? RAINER THALER Managing Director INVESTA Germany PETER MILLER Director - Leiter Re Finance Germany Region Mitte PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany REINHARD WILHELM Managing Director, Re Structured Finance UNICREDIT BANK Germany KLAUS MÜHLBAUER Managing Director BILFINGER RE Germany HANS HAMMER Chairman & CEO HAMMER Germany STEFAN SCHRAUT Managing Partner INDIGO INVEST HOLDING Germany DR. HANJO HAUTZ Managing Director MOMENI PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG Germany FRANK ZABEL Managing Director CENTRUM HOLDING Germany Rainer Thaler Reinhard Wilhelm Hans Hammer Dr. Hanjo Hautz Peter Miller Klaus Mühlbauer Stefan Schraut Frank Zabel Robert Döring-Strohscheer Christian Roth Frank Steffen AUSBLICK / Big Picture MICHAEL WURZINGER Managing Director STRAUSS & PARTNER DEVELOPMENT Austria Risks in German Real Estate - Underestimated, unpredictable or under control? Risiken im deutschen Immobilienmarkt Unterschätzt, unkalkulierbar oder unter Kontrolle? ROBERT DÖRING-STROHSCHEER CEO HERMES HAUSVERWALTUNG Germany FRANK STEFFEN Senior Director, Real Estate Finance International PBB DEUTSCHE PFANDBRIEFBANK Germany CHRISTIAN ROTH Founder & Partner HORICON INVEST Germany VIVIAN STROSEK Managing Director FEONDOR ASSET MANAGEMENT Switzerland ASSET MANAGEMENT / Asset Management Vivian Strosek 16 Indirekte Investitionen Sind lokale Investmentmanager in jedem Fall die bessere Option? Indirect Investing - Are local managers always a better option? KLAUS KRÄGEL Managing Director - Realty Management Division ARCHON GROUP DEUTSCHLAND Germany CHRISTOPH WITTKOP Country Head Germany PAMERA CORNERSTONE Germany ROLAND SCHMIDT Principal FORTE CAPITAL DEUTSCHLAND Germany VEIT FISCHER Managing Partner CALEUS CAPITAL INVESTORS Germany MICHAEL SIEFERT Managing Director - European Sourcing Investments MADISON INTERNATIONAL REALTY Germany GEORG WEISS Head Business Development Germany SWISS LIFE INVEST Germany Alle Materialien in dieser Broschüre können sich ohne vorherige Ankündigung ändern. Klaus Krägel Roland Schmidt Michael Siefert Christoph Wittkop Veit Fischer To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: SENIOR SPONSOR SPONSORS STRATEGIS AG has been successful in the real estate market for about 15 Years. With comprehensive solutions in Management and sales, STRATEGIS AG is able to effectively handle complex issues. With its three units: RE Investment”, “ RE Management” & “RE Sales”. STRATEGIS AG is flexible and able to offer a full house service of managing, letting and selling units: blockwise. Sascha Nöske CEO [email protected] +49(30) 44353-112 Geschäftlich +49(172) 3910339 Mobil Ingo Plenikowski RE Investment [email protected] +49(30) 44353-170 Büro +49(172) 1594591 STRATEGIS AG ist seit 15 Jahren sehr erfolgreich im Immobilienmarket. Mit umfassenden Lösungen in Management und Verkauf, STRATEGIS AG ist in der Lage, komplexe Themen effektiv zu behandeln. Mit seinen drei Einheiten: RE Investment”, “ RE Management” & “RE Sales”. STRATEGIS AG ist flexible und in der Lage, einen kompletten Service fuer die Verwaltung, die Vermietung und den Verkauf von Einheiten anzubieten. BNP Paribas Real Estate is a leading German and international real estate services provider offering its clients local expertise in all phases of the property cycle via more than 180 offices in 39 countries worldwide. In Germany BNP Paribas Real Estate has a staff of around 680 in 12 locations, and is active in the business lines Transaction, Consulting, Valuation, Property Management and Investment Management. Internationally, the spectrum is rounded out by Property Development. Piotr Bienkowski - Chief Executive Officer Germany Tel: +49 (0)69-298 99-102 | [email protected] G OL D SP O N SOR G OL D SP O N SOR CORPUS SIREO, an independently acting business unit of Swiss Life Asset Managers, is the leading independent real estate asset management services company in Germany according to market analyses. Acting on behalf of the company’s customers, 550 employees at 11 locations in Germany and Luxembourg manage commercial and residential properties covering a total floor space of 15 million square metres and with a value of approximately 16.3 billion euros (as of 10/2014), including institutional assets of 2.3 billion euros. Depending on the investment and partner, CORPUS SIREO aims at Europeanwide co-Investments. CORPUS SIREO is also a leading residential project developer in Germany, with approximately 500 completions every year. The Broker division ranks one of the top 10 German estate agent companies. Ingo Hartlief - COO, CORPUS SIREO Holding GmbH & Co. KG Tel: +49 221 39900-0 | [email protected] Tim Brückner - Managing Director, CORPUS SIREO Asset Management Commercial GmbH Tel: +49 6104 664-0 | [email protected] Roy Brümmer - Managing Director, CORPUS SIREO Asset Management Commercial GmbH Tel: +49 6104 664-0 | [email protected] To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: 17 Die P&P Gruppe kauft, entwickelt und vermarktet seit 1995 Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien. Revitalisierung, Neubau und Projektentwicklung gehören zu den angestammten Kernkompetenzen der Gruppe. Im Segment Micro-Apartments hat sich das Unternehmen als regionaler Marktführer etabliert. Das Portfolio der P&P Real Estate umfasst rund 65 vollvermietete Immobilien. Bei einem Verkaufsumsatz von 145 Mio. Euro und einem Entwicklungsvolumen von über 1 Mrd. Euro deckt die Unternehmensgruppe alle Bereiche der Immobilienwirtschaft ab. Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Gruppe mit Sitz in Fürth ist Michael Peter. SI LV ER SP ON SOR SI LV ER SP ON SOR SPONSORS Robert Döring-Strohscheer - CEO Tel: +49 30 26 007 105 | Fax: +49 30 26 007 222 | [email protected] Colliers International is a leading commercial real estate services company. In their offices in Berlin, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart they provide a full range of services to real estate occupiers and owners, developers and investors on a local, national and international basis under a strong brand. Ignaz Trombello (MRICS) - Managing Partner/Head of Investment Germany Tel: +49 211 / 86 20 62-50 | Mob: +49 172 / 26 54 776 | [email protected] 18 S I LV ER S PO N SOR S I LV ER S PO N SOR Michael Peter - Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Tel: +49 911 7660 610 | [email protected] Die HERMES HAUSVERWALTUNG AG ist auf die Verwaltung und Entwicklung von Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien für institutionelle Investoren, Privateigentümer und Wohnungseigentumsgemeinschaften spezialisiert. In unseren 14 Niederlassungen betreuen wir deutschlandweit 30.000 Wohneinheiten und 260.000 m² Gewerbeflächen. DSC LEGAL is a boutique law firm focused on rendering legal advice and notary services regarding RE transactions, real estate asset management and projects in the area of renewable energies, fund advice, and banking / finance. The clients consist of numerous institutional investors, RE companies and high net-worth individuals / family offices, both domestic and foreign. As a modern law firm, we combine the ability to find legally sound solutions with entrepreneurial thinking, personal integrity and intercultural sensitivity. Dr. Peter Diedrich - Managing Partner Tel: +49 (0)30 889 29 44-0 | Fax: +49 (0)30 889 29 44-99 | [email protected] To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: Dr. Thomas Flatten - Partner Tel: +49 69 29994 1233 | Mob: +49 175 180 8157 | [email protected] Beiten Burkhardt is one of the leading European independent law firms with more than 270 professionals in Germany, Belgium, Russia and China. We provide comprehensive integrated legal advice on the full life-cycle of real estate investments – including acquisitions, financing and asset management. Michael Ziegler, LL.M. (UPenn) - Partner, Head of Finance Tel: +49-89-35065-1441 | [email protected] To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: BRON Z E SP ON SOR White & Case LLP is a leading global law firm with lawyers in 38 offices across 26 countries, providing legal advice in virtually every area of law that affects cross-border business, including real estate matters. Our global real estate group has more than 120 lawyers who have in-depth knowledge of developed and developing real estate markets. Jan Giessler - Managing Partner Tel: +49 221 2929930 | [email protected] BRON Z E SP ON SOR ConLead Performance Manager is a global consulting firm, focusing on transformational change. We work analytically in every stage of our process, combining diverse consulting accomplishments, spanning multiple industries, with deep operational, financial and leadership experiences. ConLead’s focused approach has achieved historical Investor Returns > 4.5 Times Invested Capital. B RON Z E SP ON SOR BRON Z E SP ON SOR Engel & Völkers is one of the world’s leading service companies in the provision of high quality residential and commercial RE. Located in 38 countries with approx. 5,000 employees at 540 shops and 60 commercial offices is Engel & Völkers advising clients at all residential and commercial areas and portfolio transactions. Furthermore Engel & Völkers provides the largest broker network in Germany – even in B-C-Locations. Dr. Dirk Brückner - Partner Tel: +49 89 28 81 74-0 | Fax: +49 89 28 81 74-44 | [email protected] Annekay Gröbbels-Janka - Member of the board [email protected] BRON Z E S P ON S OR Christian Brückner - CEO Tel: + 49 228 / 518-200 | [email protected] GSK Stockmann + Kollegen is one of Germany’s leading independent commercial law firms, focusing on real estate, corporate, banking/finance and public law. Operating within the Broadlaw Group, comprising more than 1,000 lawyers in 27 cities, covering important financial and economic centres of Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Lagrange Financial Advisory GmbH is one of the leading financial services companies in Frankfurt/Germany, that operates primarily in real estate and provides innovative and comprehensive advice on all aspects of mergers & acquisitions, private placements as well as debt advisory. The company and its management have a long-standing record of proven expertise. B RON Z E SP ON SOR BauGrund-Group focusses their skills on classical property management complemented by additional services: technical object management, letting, consulting and marketing. This comprehensive service has been offered by BauGrundGroup for more than 80 years, especially for institutional financial investors. BauGrundGroup operates successfully nationwide and is a subsidiary of the Aareal Bank Group. BRON Z E S P ON S OR BRON Z E SP ON SOR SPONSORS CBRE is the world’s largest commercial real estate services and investment firm (in terms of 2014 revenue). The company has 52,000 employees, and serves real estate owners, investors and occupiers through approximately 370 offices worldwide, which include branches in Frankfurt am Main and seven other locations throughout Germany. Dr. Sven Helmer - Managing Director Tel: +49 69 66 77 48-380 | [email protected] Peter Schreppel - CEO Tel: +49 (0)69 17007721 | [email protected] 19 REMAINING SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES BECOME A SPONSOR BECOME A SPONSOR Das besondere an GRI ist das Format. Fuer Sponsoren bietet dies interessante Moeglichkeiten um gezielt: GRI’s relaxed and intimate environment is unique. For a sponsor, it creates an excellent opportunity to: • Marktkennis zu kommunizieren • Aufmerksamkeit zu generieren • Belastbare Kontakte zu etablieren • Neue Kontakte generieren • Demonstrate knowledge • Build meaningful relationships SPONSORING: SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDE: • Co-Chair Pakete • Co-Chairing Packages • Moderator Pakete • Moderating Chair Packages • • Hospitality Pakete: • GRI Cafe: Hospitality area in welchen Erfrischungen und Staerkungen ununterbrochen angeboten sind. Der zentrale Treffpunkt zwischen den Diskussionsrunden. • GRI Dinner, Lunch & Drinks: Jede fuer sich Ihre Gelegenheit sich einem exklusiven Publikum zu praesentieren. BITTE KONTAKTIEREN SIE PLEASE CONTACT: 20 • Raise awareness • Generate new leads Hospitality Packages: • The GRI Networking Area: There are networking breaks in between each discussion where our members cement their friendships over refreshments. Sponsorship of this area is available. • The GRI Lunch, Dinner & Drinks Reception: Sponsorship of the key networking events is a great way to stand out from crowd. [email protected] | +44 (0) 207 121 5083/ 5084 To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: REGISTRATION FORM DEUTSCHE GRI 2015 REGISTER ONLINE w w w.globalreale s t / Deut sc he2015 FIRST NAME Email Scan & email this form to: [email protected] Fax Tear out & fax this form to: +44 20 7388 8740 Tel Call & talk to us on: +44 20 7121 5060 REGISTER BY 27 FEB AND SAVE UP TO € 300 MIDDLE NAME SURNAMENICKNAME POSITION/JOB TITLE DEUTSCHE GRI 2015 Frankfurt, 6-7 May DELEGATE GROUP* per person* DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIR* Advance Saver € 2,575 (+19% VAT) € 2,375 (+19% VAT) € 2,075 (+19% VAT) Early Bird Rate € 2,675 (+19% VAT) € 2,475 (+19% VAT) € 2,675 (+19% VAT) Standard Rate € 2,875 (+19% VAT) € 2,675 (+19% VAT) € 2,875 (+19% VAT) Before 27 Feb Before 27 Mar TEL After 27 Mar EMAIL COMPANY ASSISTANT ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO REGISTER Fee for payment methods other than credit card* No fee applicable for credit card payments € 75 Fee for onsite payment (credit card or cash only)*: € 125 ASSISTANT TEL * Refer to registration notes on the second page. ASSISTANT EMAIL ref: BR PAYMENT DETAILS ADDRESS Please Tick qTRANSFER (+ € 75) A receipt will be returned. qCHEQUE (+ € 75) qCREDIT/DEBIT CARD (please fill in mandatory fields*) *NAME ON CARD CITY POSTCODE STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTY *CARD NUMBER *EXPIRY *(1)CSC/CVV *SIGNATURE COUNTRY DIVISION’S WEB ADDRESS (ex: CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS (Please provide if different from address on left) qINVESTOR qPENSION (Investor) qPROPERTY COMPANY (Developer) qINFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY q LENDER qHOTEL (Company) qINVESTMENT BANK qCORPORATE (User) qAGENT (Surveyor) qADVISOR (Accountant/Tax) qLAWYER qA&E (Architect/Engineer) qTITLE (COMPANY) qGOVERNMENT (Officials) qECONOMIC DVPMT. qACADEMIC (Think Tank) qMEDIA qTRADE (Group/Exhibit/Conference Organiser) qOTHER _________________________ To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: *CITY STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTY *POSTCODE (1)The CSC is the final three digit number printed on the reverse of your card along the signature strip. American Express cards, please provide the four digit CVV located above the long card number. With due sensitivity the GRI may film or photograph this event for printed & electronic marketing purposes. By attending the event you are giving consent to be filmed or photographed. No individually identifiable images will be used where requested. 21 REGISTRATION NOTES Veranstaltungsort Venue Bitte buchen Sie direkt mit dem Westin Grand Hotel. GRI hat ein begrenztes Kontingent unter der „GRI“ Rate. Übernachtungskosten sind nicht in den Konferenzgebühren enthalten. Please book directly requesting “GRI” rate (limited availability). Lodging costs are not included in Conference Fees. THE WESTIN GRAND FRANKFURT ***** Konrad Adenauer Strasse 7, 60313, Frankfurt - Germany „GRI“ Rate ab 205 € (Classic Room). Anmeldeformular ist online verfügbar: THE WESTIN GRAND FRANKFURT ***** Konrad Adenauer Strasse 7, 60313, Frankfurt - Germany GRI group rate starting from €205 (Classic Room). Booking form available online: Buchung: T. +49 69 2981 739 | Email. [email protected] Reservation: T. +49 69 2981 739 | Email. [email protected] Teilnahmebedingungen Terms and Conditions Alle Anmeldungen sind personengebunden und gelten für die Gesamtdauer der Veranstaltung. Teilweise Anmeldungen sowie Teilungen einer Anmeldung zwischen mehreren Personen sind leider nicht möglich. Die Teilnahmegebühr muss vor der Konferenz entrichtet sein, andernfalls ist die Teilnahme nicht moglich. Bestätigungen werden nach Eingang der Registrierung versandt. Sollten Sie innerhalb von 7 Tagen keine Bestätigung erhalten haben, kontaktieren Sie bitte unser Büro, um Ihre Registrierung zu bestätigen. Stornierung oder der Transfer auf Kollegen müssen schriftlich erfolgen. Ein Transfer ist jederzeit möglich. Im Falle einer Stornierung bis 27. März 2015 werden 90% der Teilnahmegebühr rückerstattet. Bedauerlicherweise können nach dem 27. März 2015 keine Kosten rückerstattet werden. Wir authorisieren keine externen Anbieter oder Webseiten Registrierungen in unserem Namen zu verarbeiten. Registrations are for the full duration of the event and are not divisible into individual days or any other fraction of the full event. Registrations are not divisible amongst participants. Delegate fee must be paid in full prior to event or admission is regrettably not possible. Confirmation will be sent on receipt of payment. If you have not received confirmation within 7 days of registration, please contact us to confirm your booking. Cancellation and transfer to colleagues must be in writing. Transfer to colleagues is possible at any time. 90% refund will apply on cancellation notices received by 27 March 2015. We regret no refunds are possible for cancellations received thereafter. We don’t authorise any third party websites to process registrations on our behalf. Ermäßigung für Gruppen Preis gilt pro Person. Wird gewährt für Gruppen ab 3 Personen, gilt ohne Unternehmenszugehörigkeit. Bitte beachten Sie, das Ermäßigungen nicht mehrfach gelten. Zahlung Zahlungen generell per Kreditkarte. Bei anderen Zahlungsformen fallen zusatzlich €75 an zahlbar an “GRI”. Senden Sie Scheck und Ihre Registrierung an: GRI, Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London, NW1 2EB, UK. Inquiries & Further Information: F O R P R O G R A M O P P O R T U N I T I E S C O N TA C T: Ronny Gotthardt • Managing Director Tel: +44 20 7121 5081 Email: [email protected] F O R M E D I A & PA R T N E R S H I P S C O N TA C T: Berna Turner • Senior Marketing Manager Tel: +44 20 7121 5087 Email: [email protected] 22 Group rate Group rate is per person. Applies to groups of 3 or more. Need not be from the same company. Please note that registration fee reductions are not cumulative. Payment Payments generally per credit card. Cheques and other methods incur additional €75 charge. Pay “GRI”. Mail check and registration form to: GRI, Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London, NW1 2EB, UK. MAIN OFFICE: 511 Avenue of the Americas - Suite 4100, New York, NY 10011, USA EUROPEAN OFFICE: 10 Melton Street, London, NW1 2EB, UK F O R G E N E R A L E V E N T E N Q U I R I E S C O N TA C T Tel +44 20 7121 5060 To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: UPCOMING GRI EVENTS GRI - Treffen bieten eine Plattform für Entscheidungstraeger, vor allem um Beziehungen zu vertiefen, neue Geschäftspartner zu finden und das eigene Netzwerk zu staerken. Bei GRI- Treffen gibt es keine Vortraege oder Panels, sondern ausschliesslich informelle Diskussionen, in ueberschaubaren Runden, an denen jeder aktiv teilnehmen kann. GRI meetings provide a forum for the world’s leading real estate players to develop valuable relationships, find new business partners, and strengthen their global networks. At GRI meetings there are no speakers or panellists, just informal discussions in small groups, where everyone participates equally. ASIA GRI LOTEAMENTOS GRI2015 TÜRKİYE TURKEY GRI2015 TURKEY GRI 2015 Istanbul, 20-21 April AFRICA BRITISH GRI2015 AFRICA GRI 2015 Johanesburg, 21-22 April & COMUNIDADES PLANEJADAS GRI2015 ASIA GRI 2015 Singapore, 22-23 April CEE BRITISH GRI 2015 London, 28-29 April CHINA GRI2015 GRI2015 2015 DEUTSCHE GRI2015 GRI RESIDENTIAL BRAZIL 2015 São Paulo, 28-29 April GRI DEUTSCHE GRI 2015 Frankfurt, 6-7 May RUSSIA EUROPE SUMMIT 2015 GRI2015 GRI LOTEAMENTOS & COMUNIDADES PLANEJADAS 2015 Sao Paulo, 19-20 May GRI COLOMBIA 2015 ESPAÑA GRI2015 ESPAÑA GRI 2015 Madrid, 20-21 May CEE GRI 2015 Prague, 1-2 June MENA GRI2015 SHOPPING BRAZIL GRI 2015 São Paulo, 16-17 June CHINA GRI 2015 Shanghai, 3-4 September ITALIA Deutsche GRI GRI 2015 Wohnen 2015 GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2015 Paris, 10-11 September GRI LATIN AMERICA 2015 2016 GRI CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT GRI2015 MENA GRI 2015 Dubai, 2-3 November ITALIA GRI 2015 Milan, 24-25 November Global Real Estate Institute DEUTSCHE GRI WOHNEN 2015 Berlin, 24-25 November @RealEstateGRI GRI COLOMBIA 2015 Bogota, 5-6 November HOTELS & TOURISM INDIA INDIA GRI 2015 Mumbai, 18-19 November RUSSIA GRI 2015 Moscow, 30 September-1 October GRI LATAM HOTELS & TOURISM 2015 Cancun, Mexico, November GRI CHAIRMEN'S RETREAT 2016 St Moritz, January MEXICO GRI2016 MEXICO GRI 2016 coming soon | [email protected] | Tel: +44 20 7121 5060 | Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 To view the full participant list and updated program please visit: 23 SENIOR SPONSOR GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS DER IMMOBILIEN Brief FAKTEN MEINUNGEN TENDENZEN MEDIA & INDUSTRY PARTNERS WWW.GLOBALREALESTATE.ORG 24
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