German American Social Club of Cape Coral Der Anzeiger April 2015 Volume 44, ISSUE 4 Board of Directors GEMÜTLICHKEIT GOOD FELLOWSHIP STIMMUNG President: GAIETY GESANG Hubert Prem SONG 1st Vice President: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - Hubert Prem (239) 549-2463 Bob Kraft 2nd Vice President: Bob Hildebrand Treasurer: Mary Edgar Dear Members, the February and March Gartenfests were well attended and financially successful, thanks to the tireless and diligent efforts of our planners and workers. A great big thank you to all of you. night of the Harbor Lights are history. There was something for everyone. Liebe Mitglieder, Geschichte. According to Art. XII "Revisions and Amendments of the Bylaws", you will find again in this issue of the Anzeiger the Board-approved amendments, proposed by the Bylaws Committee. Please Schützenfest on a regular Fridaynight dance!!! A wonderful opportunity check carefully, because you have to to make the Schützen even more popu- vote upon them in the April General lar, while crowning their new King and Meeting. Queen. A short reminder: The Club will be closed on Good Friday, April 3rd., Gen. By the time you read this, the Spring meeting isApril 10th. Concert of our Edelweiss Chorus and the Hafenkapelle, the German Heritage Day at Casselberry, preceded by the Hubert Prem - President Heimatabend and last but not least the Secretary: Kerry Ann Bauer Past President: Gerhard Veith Director: Teresa Kohl Director: Mary Pakusch Director: Chris Pilsbury Director: Dorothy Tamedl die Februar- und März-Gartenfeste waren gut besucht und finanziell erfolgreich, dank des unermüdlichen und fleißigen Einsatzes unserer Planer und freiwilligen Mitarbeiter. Ein großes Dankeschön an Euch alle. Director: Heinz Theruetzbacher Director: Barbara Wilken Inside this issue: Calendar P. 18 Events P. 3 Impressions of Spring P. 6 Schützen News P. 22 By-law Amendments P. 12 Da war für jeden etwas dabei. Gemäß Art..XII "Überarbeitung und Ergänzung der Satzung", findet Ihr auch in dieser Ausgabe des Anzeigers die vom "Bylaws-Komitee" vorgeschlagenen und vom "Board" bestätigten Ergänzungen. Schützenfest an einem normalen Freitag Bitte sorgfältig prüfen, denn Ihr müßt bei -Tanzabend!!! Eine wunderbare der April-Generalversammlung darüber Gelegenheit die Schützen noch populärer abstimmen. zu machen, während sie ihren neuen König und Königin krönten. Zur Erinnerung: Der Club bleibt am Karfreitag, 3. April geschlossen. GenWenn Ihr das lest, sind das 10. April. Frühjahrskonzert mit Edelweiß-Chor und Hafenkapelle, der Deutsche Tag in Casselberry mit Heimatabend und nicht Hubert Prem, Präsident zuletzt die Nacht der Hafenlichter, PAGE 2 D E R AN Z E I GE R DER ANZEIGER Founded August 1972 as “NEWSLETTER” by Jack Fitzmaurice and renamed “Der Anzeiger” - June 1977 Published Monthly by: GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB OF CAPE CORAL, INC. P.O. BOX 150819 CAPE CORAL, FL 33915-0819 Phone: (239) 283-1400 ANZEIGER COMMITTEE ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susie Zimmer (239) 282-0685 [email protected] (For email submissions, please put ANZEIGER in the subject line) Jim Walker [email protected] Barbara Wilken (239) 458-8738 [email protected] IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN AD IN THE ANZEIGER, PLEASE CONTACT THE ADVERTISING MANAGER: Barbara Wilken (239) 458-8738 [email protected] VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 New Members Table If you are a new member, concerned because you do not know anyone or uncertain where to sit when you come to our club, please join me at the new members table. I wish to also include past new members who may have the same concern. I will assist you in meeting other members and placing you at a table so you can enjoy the club dinners and functions. The ladies at the front desk will be happy to show you where I am located. I look forward to meeting with each one of you and assisting with any questions you may have about our club. —Ingrid Turner In March, we gave special thanks to Stephen Bauer New prices effective as of September 2013 as our Volunteer of the Month! (1 year - 11 issues) Business card 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page $100.00 $300.00 $600.00 $900.00 Thank you for your dedication to the Club! GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB POLICY STATEMENT THE GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB IS OPEN TO ALL PERSONS WITHOUT REGARD TO RACE, CREED, CULTURE OR ETHNIC BACKGROUND. ANY DISCRIMINATION, RACIAL COMMENTS, BIGOTED REMARKS BY MEMBERS OR GUEST, THEFT, AND WANTON DESTRUCTION TO CLUB ASSETS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED OR TOLERATED! FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS POLICY WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION STATED IN SECTION VIII, F 5* OF THE GASC BY-LAWS. VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 3 PAGE 4 D E R AN Z E I GE R VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 SUNSHINE The weather is beautiful and there aren't many reports of illnesses among our Club members. Lets praise the Lord for both and keep in your prayers the following: Moose, located at the Moose Club. The address is 419 SE Cape Coral Parkway, Cape Coral, Florida. The Moose Lodge is located behind a sub shop. Pray for comfort for her family and friends. Jean Edelmann, who fell in early March, was hospitalized for a surgical repair and is now Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those working hard in Rehab. We hope she will re- unknown members who are ill or otherwise incapacitated. Get well soon. turn home soon. Barbara Wilkins is recuperating at home from shoulder surgery done Monday, March 23rd. Cards and calls welcome. Valerie Jones was admitted to Gulf Coast Hospital 1 week ago with a serious condition. She passed away March 21st. There will be a memorial service, Monday, March 30, 2015 at 6:00 pm, sponsored by the Women of the Linda Wabrek 239-573-1583 or [email protected] Karen Schnieder 239-599-2980 or [email protected] Carole Cornet 239-281-5434 or [email protected] VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 Thank you Schützenverein ever so much for the thoughtful certificate of appreciation. Karin and I enjoyed the bus trip and all the entertaining by Peter, Heinz and Anna and the preparation by the schuetzen members. Sincerely, Karin & Hartmut PAGE 5 D E R AN Z E I GE R This year marks our 30th annual Oktoberfest that we have been offering to the community of Cape Coral on a large scale. It’s time to give some thought to our Oktoberfest Newspaper I would like it to be dedicated to the 30th anniversary. My thought is to put together a few anecdotes from several of our members about our collective memories over the last few decades. If anyone would like to contribute a memory, a story, a few pictures, some tokens or whatever comes to mind, please let me know, either in person, through the Anzeiger box, by email or by phone. Thanks for your help! Susie Zimmer Publicity & Advertising Chair [email protected] Cell: 864-764-0685 PAGE 6 D E R AN Z E I GE R IMPRESSIONS of spring march 2015 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 7 Dorothea Degenhardt e-mail: [email protected] Hero und Leander (Heinz Erhardt) Die Hero und auch der Leander Die hatten .. gar nichts … miteinander! Das lag hauptsächlich an der Länge Und Breite jener Meeresenge, Die man – hat man nicht gepennt – Als „Helespond“ von früher kennt. leite Hin zu Dir, zur anderen Seite. Ich geb Dir einen Vorschusskuss … hier hast'n..“ Und warf die Karte in den Kasten Und Freitag Nacht, wie vorgesehn, Springt er, die Uhr ist kurz nach zehn, Bekleidet nur mit einer Hose, Im Munde eine rote Rose, Und mit Salatöl eingerieben, Nun war Leander ja schon immer Hinein ins Meer, mit Ziel: Nach Bekannt als Sportler, nämlich Drüben“ Schwimmer. Weshalb er eines Mittwochs rief: 2. Teil „Ich schwimme zu ihr, ist's auch tief. Das Meer ist hoch, die Winde Ist auch die Strecke nass und weh'n lang, Die Nacht ist schwarz, er kann Was macht das schon. Ich bin nichts sehn. nicht bang. Den Mond und auch die Sterne Ich arbeite bis Freitag bloß nicht, Und schwimme gleich nach DiUnd auch nicht seiner Liebsten enstschluß los.“ Licht. So sehr er die Pupille weitet; Darauf schreibt er ihr ne AnWo ist die Kerze die ihn leitet? sichtskarte: So rudert er mit ganzer Kraft „Ich komme Samstag, ganz früh, Durch kalte Nass, ist bald warte! geschafft. Und weil Du, liebe Hero, faktisch „Verzeihung, wo geht's hier zum Direkt am Ufer wohnst, was prak- Ufer …“ tisch, Brüllt er, doch niemand hört den So zünde eine Kerze an Rufer. Und stelle Sie ins Fenster dann, Auf dass sie leuchte und mich Und dann verliert im Meergetose Er erst die Hoffnung, dann die Hose … nein, die Rose Er murmelt ein paar Mal: „Junge, Junge“ Dann dringt ihm Wasser in die Lunge Er nimmt noch fünf, sechs Schluck, dann sinkt er Hinab zum Grund und dort ertrinkt er. So endete das Sein für ihn, Durch eine Kerze die nicht schien 3. Teil Jetzt fragt Ihr Euch wohl unterdessen Warum hat sie das Licht vergessen? Weil sie, wie so das Schicksal spielt, auch Post von Nils erhielt. Drum ist sie halt hierher gehetzt Und hat Leander bös versetzt. Danach war's dann zu spät zum Leuchten. Da lag er schon im Grab, dem Feuchten PAGE 8 D E R AN Z E I GE R VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Steve Eichner (239) 997-9470 Back row, L. to R.: George Dramis, Ray Dezendorf, Chris Kaelin, Gerhart Mager, Joe Holley, Joe Parzen, Elizabeth Dezendorf, Laura Holley. Third Row: Martin Hermanns, Harold Isley, Ernst Gollin, Herman Sewick, Mike Pierce, Gunther Wortkotter, Joseph Kulnig . Second Row: George Allison, Margaret Allison, Chris Horst, Hans Rudnick, Dieter Brandt, Fred Freund, Melvyn Briggs, Gregor Pischke, Walter Wolff, Karl Kurzmann, Jean Nagy Seated: Ina and Marty Elliot, Romulo Lozano, Frank Regalado, Frank Klaus (Vice Chairman), Walter Antlitz. Kneeling: Peter DeFranco, Heinz Theuretzbacher, Steve Eichner (Chairman), Mike Racine,Tom Isham. VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 D ER A NZE I GER . Norddeutsche Trachten, ein bis zwei Friese, zwei Schaumburgerinnen, All Schaumburger Trachten with real Bueckeburgerin at front wearing Lindhorster Tracht( one hatless Schwarzwaelderin, as Hat could not be borrowed from Cape Coral club as in years past), two gals from Cape Coral Kulturgesellschaft organized by Dorothea Degenhardt, Eva and her friend with Van Tam, our favorite Austrian… Story to follow…Geschichte folgt—Susan Nielsen PAGE 9 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 D E R AN Z E I GE R PAGE 10 DANCE TICKET SCHEDULE Betty Johnson (239) 283-2264 PLEASE NOTE: When purchasing tickets for the dances, the person in whose name the table reservations are held, should purchase the tickets. Tickets are on sale every Friday night in the Von Steuben Hall from 5:00 –9:00 PM and on dance nights. PLEASE PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE 4-25-2015 5-9-15 International Night Music: Alex Meixner Band Dress: Trachten or semi-formal Price: $6.00 for members, $10 for guests Polynesian Luau Night Music: TBA Dress: Island Attire / Country Club Casual Price: $8.00 for members, $12 for guests 4-3-15 4-17-15 4-3-15 4-24-15 The GALS celebrated Penny Schaefer at this “goingaway” party. Thank you for everything you’ve done over the years from all of the members. We wish you happiness and wonderful new experiences! VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 PAGE 11 D E R AN Z E I GE R BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Teresa Kohl ( 239) 540-0411 The G.A.S.C. honors members’ birthdays and anniversaries at a monthly party. If you wish to participate in this celebration, please notify Teresa Kohl to make your reservation. The next B&A event will be held on April 19th at 3 pm. We celebrated the following at our March 1st B&A. Anniversaries Anna & Heinz Theuretzbacher (49 years) Raymond & Judy Pencherek (6 years) Margarita & Gregor Pischke (12 years) Günter & Betty Denner (58 years) Birthdays Ernie Gollin Stefan Geisel Erika Meyer Beth Rotbart Irma Rotbart Mildred Tabertshofer Karl Meyer Chris Horst Peter Mueller Sol Bajusz Rose Anderson Erwin Probst March 15 March 28 March 14 March 19 March 14 March 14 March 9 March 8 March 1 March 14 March 16 March 24 PAGE 12 D ER A NZE I GER VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 13 PAGE 14 D ER A NZE I GER VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 V OLU ME 1 , ISSUE 1 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 15 PAGE 16 D E R AN Z E I GE R VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 PAGE 17 D ER A NZE I GER VOLUME 44, ISSUE 4 Hafenkapelle [email protected] Hafenkapelle had an Easter Parade as part of our 2015 Spring Concert on March 20. We were very pleased with the number of participants in the parade, and with the fine outfits they wore. It was such a success that we will consider doing it again next year. Alex Mueller was introduced as the assistant director of the band. Alex and his wife Heidi moved to Cape Coral from Germany last year, and they recently joined GASC. Please welcome Alex and Heidi to the club. GASC Web Page / Jim Walker, Webmaster [email protected] Check the interactive calendar on the web page to see the latest updates to what is happening at your club. The interactive calendar is the fourth tab on the left side of the web page. If you see an error on the calendar, please notify Margareta in the office. I am temporarily maintaining the calender to allow Margareta to become familiar with all the new duties of her position. She will forward updates to me. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen. Deutschsprachiger Gottesdienst jeden 4ten Sonntag im Monat um 15.00 Uhr. Danach gemütliches Besisammensein mit Kaffee und Kuchen. Rev. Dr. Kurt June (239) 4433-5944 Cape Coral und Rev. Michael De Long (239) 594-7230 (Cell) in Naples Are you on Facebook? We are! Join our Group at gasc.capecoral/ And checkout Messiah Lutheran Church 2691 N.E. Pine Island Road Cape Coral, Florida April 2015 SUN 29 MON 30 TUE 31 12 19 6 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm 7 13 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm 14 20 21 Birthdays & Anni- Edelweiss Chorus versaries 3 pm 7 pm Music: Manni Daum 26 1 Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 Hafenkapelle 7.15 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm 5 WED 8 THU 2 Bar 7 pm Board Meeting 7:00 Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 Hafenkapelle 7:15 22 9 28 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm Board Meeting 7:00 29 Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 GOOD FRIDAY 4 CHORUS PICNIC 10 General Meeting & Dance 11 Music: Bill Page Dinner: 5.30-7.00 16 17 Casual Dinner & Dance 18 Music: Peter & Edith Dinner: 5.30-7.30 23 Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 Hafenkapelle 7:15 27 3 SAT CLOSED Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5,30 pm German Class (advanced) 7-8:30 Hafenkapelle 7:15 15 FRI 24 Casual Dinner & Dance Music: Manni Daum Dinner: 5.30-7.30 30 1 25 INTERNATIONAL NIGHT Music: Alex Meixner Band Attire: Trachten, Ethnic, Smart Casual Dinner: 5.30-7.30 2 Casual Dinner & Dance Dinner: 5.30-7.30 Hafenkapelle 7:15 3 4 Edelweiss Chorus 7 pm 5 6 Beautification– 8 AM GALS - 9 AM Skat—5.30 pm 7 BAR 7 pm 8 Meeting Night 9 PAGE 20 VOL U M E 4 4 , I S S U E 4 D E R A NZ E I G E R VOLUNTEERS wanted and needed for our GASC Security Team. Positions available for March & October 2015. Please call: Frank Regalado: 239-656-2644 HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER 3/2 in SW CAPE Only $169,900.00 4428 SW 13th Ave, Cape Coral FL 33914 Near Chiquita and Cape Coral Parkway Tile, Corian, New cabinets, Maytag Appliances, Attached garage, Irrigation, MUST SEE! VERDELLE JAHN 239-481-7478 VOL U M E 4 4 , I S S U E 4 D E R A NZ E I G E R PAGE 21 PAGE 22 D E R A NZ E I G E R VOL U M E 4 4 , I S S U E 4 Schützen News Schützen People #4 by Kristin Isley The last members story was about a long-time GASC couple who helped found the Schützen club - Ernie and Tony Gollin. This month, the story is about a couple fairly new to the GASC and to the Schützenverein: Bill and Nancy Bojan (pronounced, "boy-YAN"). What different life stories! And yet there are many common threads. Although retired, Bill is far from inactive. His skills and passions include cement, carpentry and gas welding trades, leather crafting, exotic fruit tree propagation and ongoing involvement with real estate. Bill was happy to join the Beautification Committee when he became a member of the GASC two years ago as he enjoys utilBill and Nancy recently celeizing his many talents to help brated their first (!) wedding anni- maintain and improve club versary - and both bring lifetimes buildings and grounds - working of hard work and accomplishments wherever he is needed. to their union. Bill's resume is fascinating: he begins with service in Nancy is enjoying a wellthe Canadian Royal Air Force deserved retirement as well; she (1944-45) and then becoming a US began and single-handedly ran Citizen. He served in the US Coast her own residential cleaning Guard Auxiliary for 22 years, and business for 30 years. Not one was a founding member of the US to rest either, Nancy also joined Homeland Security. He is a past the Beautification Committee Board Member of the US Navy when she joined the GASC after Leagues, Los Angeles, Orange she and Bill began dating. Her County Chapter. And he's also a main job is painting, but she, too, Lifetime Board member of the US will work wherever she's needed. Selective Service System. Bill This couple shares interests that holds a Masters Degree in Realty, keep them active and fit: a love of and an Industrial Engineering license from the state of California. the outdoors and all things having to do with gardening and landscapAnd one more thing: he holds a ing, and hard work in general! HAM radio operator's license. Fortunately for the SchützenverNow, you may be wondering how ein, both enjoy the sport of shootBill transitioned from air to sea. ing and so they joined our club as When Bill retired from industry in well. But what is so striking about 1978, he bought his first boat. In Bill and Nancy - especially as new order to learn about boating, he members - is their mutual and joined the Coast Guard Auxiliary! genuine desire to contribute their He got so involved that he wound life and business skills to the up becoming an officer - and then GASC and to the groups they've retiring (again!) having attained joined within the main club. Not the rank of Vice Captain, and hav- only do they volunteer for events ing served in California, South like the Gartenfests and OktoberCarolina and SW Florida. His infest (and in the Pancake Kitchen/ volvement with Homeland Security Munich Inn, no less - and for the evolved from his Coast Guard afhard jobs), but they also are workfiliation. ing with Beautification on plans for several projects to enhance our club grounds. One such project is to reduce dumpster expense and recycle horticulture debris by utilizing a chipper to create the club's mulch from our own rubble. They'd also like to provide an inventory of various fruit trees that they will plant on club grounds so that our kitchen has fresh produce in season. Bill and Nancy may be newlyweds, and they may be retired. But when it comes to the GASC they are as dedicated as long-time members and as active as they can be. We are lucky to have this couple in the Schützenverein, and we wish them a long and happy life together! V OLU ME 4 4, ISSU E 4 PAGE 23 DER ANZEIGER 2015 SCHÜTZEN-KING AND QUEEN KING ROBERT KIERNAN & QUEEN LAURA HOLLEY WHAT’S COMING UP ? DON’T MISS OUT ON THE FUN! INTERNATIONAL NIGHT April 25th, 2015 GE RMA N AM ERI CA N SO CIAL CLUB OF C APE COR AL 2101 Pine Primary Business Island Rd., Address Your Address Cape Coral, FLLine 33991 2 Your Address Line 3 Your Address Mailing address:Line 4 P.O. Box 150819 Cape Coral, FL 33915 - 0819 Phone:(239) Phone: 555-555-5555 283-1400 Fax: 555-555-5555 (239) 283-5511 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] G.A.S.C. Member TO:
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