N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 GOK N1-rev Title: Gōkaku dekiru Nihongo nōryoku shiken. N1 / [Ishizaki Akiko ... [et al.]].|合格できる日本語能力試験. N1 / [石崎晶子 ... [et al.]].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2010.|東京 : アルク, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7574-1877-6 Physical description: 159, 30 P. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (CD) (157 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Level N1 Call Number: 810.791 ANA N1 Title: Anata no jakuten ga wakaru! Nihongo nōryoku shiken : 1-kyū moshi x 2-kaibun / Nihongo Tesuto Kenkyūkai cho.|あなたの弱点がわか る! 日本語能力試験 : 1 級模試 x 2 回分 / 日本語テスト研究会 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 2005.|東京 : Unicom, 2005.| ISBN: 4-89689-447-2 Physical description: 96 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound disc (50+43 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.), 1 booklet (56 p.). Book Language: Explanatory notes are presented in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 HAT N1 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 20-nichi de gōkaku. Moji, goi 1-kyū / Kokusho Nihongo Gakkō.|日本語能力試験 20 日で合格. 文字・語彙 1 級 / 国書日本語学校.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2006.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2006.| ISBN: 4-336-04777-4 Physical description: 164 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (11 p. ; 25 cm.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 ATA N1 Title: Atakku bunpō. 1-kyū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku mondaish ū / Imai Mikio.|アタック文法. 1 級 : 日本語能力試験対策問題集 / 今井 幹夫.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2005.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2005.| ISBN: 4-336-04729-4 Physical description: 113 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 HAT N1A Title: Hatrain Ilbonŏ Nŭngnyŏk sihŏm. 1-kŭp : Kich‘ul munjejip / haeseol [by] Kim Sŏng-gyu, Kim Chin-yŏng ; kamsu [by] Min Pyŏngch‘an ; [wŏnjŏ [by] Kokusai Kōryū Kikin, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Kyō kai].|핫라인 일본어 능력 시험. 1 급 : 기출 문제집 해설 [by] 김 성규, 김 진영 ; [원저 [by] 国際交流基金, 日本国際教育協会].| Edition: Ch‘op‘an.|초판.| Publisher: Sŏul : Sisa Ilbonŏsa, 2000.|서울 : 시사 일본어사, 2000.| ISBN: 89-402-0372-0 Physical description: 296, [3] p. :facsims. ;26 cm.+ 3 sound cassettes. Book Language: Text in Japanese and Korean. Soundtrack on cassette tapes in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 GOK N1 Title: Gōkaku dekiru 1-kyū Nihongo nōryoku shiken / Ishizaki Akiko, Furuichi Yumiko, Ie Misako.|合格できる 1 級日本語能力試験 / 石崎晶 子, 古市由美子, 井江ミサ子.| Edition: Shinsōban.|新装版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2005, c1999.|東京 : アルク, 2005, c1999.| ISBN: 4-7574-0929-X Physical description: 129 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (46+45 min. ; digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Kit Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 HAT N1B Title: Hatrain Ilbonŏ Nŭngnyŏk Sihŏm. 1-kŭp : Kich‘ul munjejip / haeseol [by] Kim Sŏng-gyu, Kim Chin-yŏng ; [wŏnjŏ [by] Kokusai Kōry ū Kikin, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Kyōkai].|핫라인 일본어 능력 시험. 1 급 : 기출 문제집 해설 [by] 김 성규, 김 진영 ; [원저 [by] 国際交流基 金, 日本国際教育協会].| Edition: Ch‘op‘an.|초판.| Publisher: Sŏul : Sisa Ilbonŏsa, 2002.|서울 : 시사 일본어사, 2002.| ISBN: 89-402-0421-2 Physical description: 236, [6] p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound cassettes. Book Language: Text in Japanese and Korean. Soundtrack on cassette tapes in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 GOK N1 Title: Nihongo nōryoku shiken gōkaku eno michi : 1-kyū taisaku mogi tesuto = Japanese Language Proficiency Test, the pass to success : practice test for level 1 / kanshū [by] Okamoto Noriko.|日本語能力試 験, 合格への道 : 1 級対策模擬テスト = Japanese Language Proficiecy Test, the path to success : practice test for level 1 / 監修 [by] 岡本 能里子.| Edition: Shohan.|Shohan.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2005.|東京 : アルク, 2005.| ISBN: 4-7574-0899-4 Physical description: 167 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 4 sound discs (CD) (digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 ILB N1 Title: Ilbonŏ Nŭngnyŏk Sihŏm ŭi tarin i toenŭn pŏp. 1-kŭp / chŏja, Sin Hyŏn-jŏng.|일본어 능력 시험 의 달인 이 되는 법. 1 급 / 저자, 신 현 정.| Edition: Ch‘op‘an|초판.| Publisher: Sŏul-si : Saram In, 2002.|서올시 : 사람 In, 2002.| ISBN: 89-89540-19-4 Physical description: 396 p. :facsims. ;26 cm.+ 3 sound cassettes. Book Language: Text in Japanese and Korean. Soundtrack on cassette tapes in Japanese. Summary: Contains facsimiles of JLPT level 1 from years 1999, 2000 and 2001 with commentary in Korean. 1 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 JUY N1 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 1-kyū ni deru jūyō tangoshū : nita kotoba no tsukaiwake ga dekiru yō ni naru / Matsumoto Takashi ... [et al.].|日本語能力試験 1 級に出る重要単語集 : 似た言葉の使い分けがで きるようになる本 / 松本隆 ... [et al.].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 1993.|東京 : アルク, 1993.| ISBN: 4-87234-253-4 Physical description: 273 p. ;19 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KOK N1 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken chokuzen taisaku bunpō ikkyū / Kokusho Kankōkai cho.|日本語能力試験直前対策文法 1 級 / 国書刊 行会 著.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1996.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1996.| ISBN: 4-336-03876-7 Physical description: 107 p. ;27 cm.+ e1 answer booklet (10 p.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KOK N1 Title: Nihongo Noryoku Shiken chokuzen taisaku moji, goi 1-kyū / Kokusho Kankōkai cho.|日本語能力試験直前対策文字・語彙 1 級 / 国 書刊行会 著.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1996.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1996.| ISBN: 4-336-03878-3 Physical description: 114 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (10 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KAN N1 Title: Kanzen masutā 1-kyū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken dokkai mondai taisaku / Kusano Muneko, Murasawa Yoshiaki, Ushigome Setsuo hencho.|完全マスター 1 級 : 日本語能力試験読解問題対策 / 草野宗子, 村澤慶昭, 牛込節男 編著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Surīē Nettowāku, 2001.|東京 : スリーエーネットワーク, 2001.| ISBN: 4-88319-193-1 Physical description: 118 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KOR N1 Title: Korede gōkaku Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken ikkyū mogi tesuto = All you need to pass! The Japanese language proficiency test level 1 practice test / Kinugawa Takao...[et al].|これで合格日本語能力試験 1 級模擬テスト =All you need to pass! The Japanese language proficiency test level 1 practice test / 衣川隆生...[et al].| Series title: Aruku no Nihongo tekisuto|アルクの日本語テキスト.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 1995.|東京 : アルク, 1995.| ISBN: 4-87234-479-0 (textbook) Physical description: 117 + 31 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 80 min.), 1 answer booklet, errata on answer booklet. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KAN N1/2D Title: Kanzen masutā goi : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 1, 2-kyū reberu / Ōyane Yūko...[et al.].|完全マスター語彙 ; 日本語能力試験 1 ・ 2 級レベル / 大矢根祐子...[et al.].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Surīē Nettowāku, 2002.|東京 : スリーエーネットワーク, 2002| ISBN: 4-88319-240-7 Physical description: 120 p. ;26 cm.+ Answer booklet (11 p.) Book Language: In Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KUB N1 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken ni deru dokkai 1-kyu / Kubo Michiko, Shimomura Akiko cho.|日本語能力試験に出る読解 1 級 / 久保三千子, 下村彰子 著.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1998.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1998.| ISBN: 4-336-04096-6 Physical description: 161 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet answer booklet (14 p.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KAN N1C Title: Kanzen masutā kanji : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 1-kyū reberu / Katakuri Nihongo Kyōshikai.|完全マスター漢字 : 日本語能力試験 1 級レ ベル / かたくり日本語教師会.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Surīē Nettowāku, 2003|東京 : スリーエーネットワーク, 2003| ISBN: 4-88319-282-2 Physical description: 183 p. ;26 cm.+ Answer and Teacher's guide booklet (22 p. ; 26 cm.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1 Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-kyū = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. 1st grade / Matsumoto Setsuko. Hoshino Keiko.|実力アップ! 日本語能力試験. 1 級 = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. 1st grade / 松本節子, 星野恵子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Yokohama-shi : Unicom, 1992.|横浜市 : Unicom, 1992.| ISBN: 4-89689-123-6 (textbook) Physical description: 312 p.+ 2 sound cassettes Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KIT N1 Title: Jōkyū dokkai mondai 55 : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 1-kyūyō = 55 reading comprehension tests for level 1 / Kitajima Chizuko.|上級読解 問題 55 : 日本語能力試験 1 級用 = 55 reading comprehension tests for level 1 / 北嶋千鶴子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Nōsu Airando : Bonjinsha [distributor], 2006.|東京 : ノースアイランド : 凡人社 [distributor], 2006.| ISBN: 4-89358-619-X Physical description: 105 p. :ill. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. 2 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken ni deru kanji 1-kyū / Matsuoka Tatsumi.|日本語能力試験に出る漢字 1 級 / 松岡龍美.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1995.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1995.| ISBN: 4-336-03762-0 Physical description: 100 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (16 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2004.|東京 : ユニコム, 2004.| ISBN: 4-89689-439-1 Physical description: 223 p. ;21 cm.+ 2 sound discs (46+51 min. digital. ; 4 3/4 in.) Kit Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1D Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-kyū dokkai-hen = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / Matsumoto Setsuko ...[et al.].|実力アップ! 日本語能力試験. 1 級読解 編 = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / 松本節子 ...[et al.].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2005.|東京 : ユニコム, 2005.| ISBN: 4-89689-443-X Physical description: 223 p. ;21 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken ni deru bunpō 1-kyū Matsuoka Tatsumi, Tsuji Nobuyo.|日本語能力試験に出る文法 1 級 / 松岡龍美, 辻信代.| Edition: 4-han|四版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2002.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2002.| ISBN: 4-336-03760-4 Physical description: 111 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1 Title: Ilbonŏ Nŭngnyŏk Sihŏm 1-kup munpŏp hapkyŏk not‘ŭ / Matsuoka Tatsumi, Tsuji Nobuyo chiŭm.|일본어 능력 시험 1 급 문법 합격 노트 / 松岡龍美, 辻信代 지음.| Edition: Kaejŏng sinp‘an.|개정 신판| Series title: Bŭllaek baksŭ 400|블랙 박스 400| Publisher: Sŏul : Sisa Ilbonŏsa, 2002.|서울 : 시사 일본어사, 2002.| ISBN: 89-402-0432-8 Physical description: 118 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese, Some notes in Korean translated from the Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MIM N1-B Title: Mimi kara oboeru Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken bunpō torēningu. N1 / Andō Eriko, Imagawa Kazu.|耳から覚える日本語能力試験文法トレーニン グ. N1 / 安藤栄里子, 今川和.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2010.|東京 : アルク, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7574-1878-3 Physical description: 135 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (44 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.), 1 answer booklet (8 p. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MOS N1 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken moshi to taisaku. N1 = The Japanese Language Proficiency Test practice exams and strategies. N1 / Shin JLPT Kenkyūkai cho ; Asuku Shuppan Henshūbu hen.|日本語能力試 験模試と対策. N1 = The Japanese Language Proficiency Test practice exams and strategies N1 / 新 JLPT 研究会著;アスク出版編集部編.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-743-5 Physical description: 151 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound disc (CD) (digital ; 4 3/4 in.), 1 answer booklet (59 p.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Answer & explanation booklet in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1 Title: Nihongo 500-mon. Jōkyū : "moji goi bunpō" matome doriru / Matsumoto Noriko, Sasaki Hitoko cho.|にほんご 500 問. 上級 : ”文字・ 語い・文法” まとめドリル / 松本紀子, 佐々木仁子 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2009.|東京 : アスク, 2009.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-708-4 Physical description: 293 p. ;21 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese, English Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1A rev Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-kyū chōkai mondai = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / Matsumoto Setsuko ...[et al.].|実力アップ! 日本語能力試験. 1 級 聴解問題 = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / 松本節子 ...[et al.].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2004.|東京 : ユニコム, 2004.| ISBN: 4-89689-434-0 Physical description: 343 p. :ill. ;21 cm.+ 4 sound discs (CD) (ca. 217 min. : digital). Book Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 NAK N1 Title: Nihongo jōkyū sōgō mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 1 kyū taiō / Nakagawa Yoshio.|日本語上級総合問題集. 日本語能力試験1級 対応 / 中川良雄.| Edition: Kokushoban, shohan. Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1993. ISBN: 4-336-03518-0 Physical description: 117 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (7 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1B Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken [kit] 1-kyū bunpō-hen = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency test / Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko cho.|実力アップ!日本語能力試験 ; 1 級文法編 [kit] / 松本節子, 星野恵子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| 3 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 NIH N1 Title: Yosō to taisaku Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-kyū juken mondaishū = Preparation & strategy, practice questions for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test : level 1 / Matsumoto Takashi ...[et al. ].|予 想と対策日本語能力試験. 1 級受験問題集 = Preparation & strategy, practice questions for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test : level 1 / 松本隆 ... [et al.].| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 1991.|東京 : アルク, 1992.| ISBN: 4-87234-095-7 (textbook) Physical description: 119 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet (46 p. : answers & listening question scripts), 1 sound cassette. Book Language: Text in Japanese. patterns ; a kanji and vocabulary workbook for level 1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / 大阪 YWCA 専門学校 ; 岡本牧子, 氏原 庸子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : J Risāchi Shuppan, 2007.|東京 : J リサーチ出版, 2007.| ISBN: 978-4-901429-44-3 Physical description: 139 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (7 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N1 Title: Shin shiken taiō Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken yosō mondaishū. N1 / Kokusho Nihongo Gakkō hen.|新試験対応日本語能力試験予想問題集 . N1 / 国書日本語学校 編.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2010.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-336-05159-2 Physical description: 155 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (74 min : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Prefatory explanation about the new test in Japanese, English, Chinese and and Korean. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 NIH N1 Title: Kōmoku seiri 1-kyū mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku / Tanaka Nozomi kanshū ; Nihongo Kyōiku Kenkyūjo hen.|項目整理 1 級問題集 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 田中望 監修 ; 日本語教育研究所 編.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1995.|東京 : 凡人社, 1995.| ISBN: 4-89358-325-5 (textbook) Physical description: 123 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound cassettes Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N1-A Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 20-nichi de gōkaku N1 moji goi bunpō / Kokusho Nihongo Gakkō.|日本語能力試験 20 日で合格 N1 文字・語彙・ 文法 / 国書日本語学校.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2010.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-336-05219-3 Physical description: 165 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (11 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 OSA N1A Title: Patān de manabu Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-kyū, Dokkai mondaishū = Learning through patterns : a reading workbook for level 1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / Ōsaka YWCA Senmon Gakkō ; Okamoto Makiko, Ujihara Yōko, Sakurai Daisuke.|パターンで学ぶ 日本語能力試験. 1 級, 読解問題集 / 大阪 YWCA 専門学校 ; 岡本牧 子, 氏原庸子, 桜井大輔.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : J Risāchi Shuppan, 2005.|東京 : J リサーチ出版, 2005.| ISBN: 4-901429-23-X Physical description: 133 p. :charts ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (23 p. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N1-C Title: Nihongo sōmatome mondaishū. 1-kyū, bunpō hen : Nihongo Nō ryoku Shiken taisaku / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まと め問題集. 1 級, 文法編 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀 子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2003.|東京 : アスク, 2003.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-483-0 Physical description: 118 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 OSA N1B Title: Patān de manabu Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-kyū,. Bunpō mondaishū = Learning through patterns : a grammar workbook for level 1 of the Japanese language proficiency test / Ōsaka YWCA Senmon Gakkō ; Okamoto Makiko, Ujihara Yōko, Sakurai Daisuke.|パターンで学ぶ 日本語能力試験. 1 級, 文法問題集 = Learning through patterns : a grammar workbook for level 1 of the Japanese language proficiency test / 大阪 YWCA 専門学校 ; 岡本牧子, 氏原庸子, 桜井大輔.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : J Risāchi Shuppan, 2005.|東京 : J リサーチ出版, 2005.| ISBN: 4-901429-25-6 Physical description: 135 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet of answer & notes (14 p. : 26 cm.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N1-F Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku Nihongo sōmatome mondaishū : shin kijun taiō jissen-hen / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語 能力試験対策日本語総まとめ問題集 : 新基準対応 / 実践編 佐々木仁 子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2003.|東京 : アスク, 2003| ISBN: 4-87217-484-4 Physical description: 172 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (69 min. digital ; 4 3/4 in.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 OSA N1C Title: Patān de manabu Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-kyū, Moji, goi mondaishū = Learning throught patterns : a kanji and vocabulary workbook for level 1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / Ōsaka YWCA Senmon Gakkō ; Okamoto Makiko, Ujihara Yōko.|パターン で学ぶ日本語能力試験. 1 級, 文字・語彙問題集 = Learning through 4 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 SOM N1-G Title: Nihongo sōmatome. N1, Kanji : "Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken" taisaku / Sasaki hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ. N1, 漢字 : 「日本語能力試験」対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-724-4 Physical description: 159 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 SUP N1-B Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. N1, Bunpō taisaku hyōjun tekisuto = Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Advanced grammar book for the new JLPT level N1 / Kōda Etsuko, Fukaya Kumiko, Watanabe Setsu cho.|日本語能力試験. N1, 文法対策標準テキスト = Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Advanced grammar book for the new JLPTlevel N1 / 行田悦子, 深谷久美子, 渡辺摂 著.| Edition: Saishinban, dai 1-han. Publisher: Tōkyō : Shūwa Shisutemu, 2010.|東京 : 秀和システム, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7980-2564-3 Physical description: 159 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 plastic sheet. Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Notes on new words also given in English. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N1-H Title: Nihongo sōmatome. N1, Goi : "Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken" taisaku / Sasaki hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ. N1, 語彙 : 「日本 語能力試験」対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版社, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-725-1 Physical description: 146 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 TAK N1 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken (1-kyū) taisaku mondaishū = The Japanese language proficiency test 1st grade / Takazawa Yukiko.|日 本語能力試験 (1 級) 対策問題集 = The Japanese language proficiency test 1st grade / 高澤幸子.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Sōtakusha Shuppan, 1995.|東京 : 創拓社出版, 1995.| ISBN: 4-87138-197-8 Physical description: vi, 169 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N1-J Title: Nihongo sōmatome. N1, Bunpō : "Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken" taisaku / Sasaki hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ. N1, 文法 : 「日本語能力試験」対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-726-8 Physical description: 145 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 TET N1B Title: Tettei bunseki Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. Moji, goi 1-kyū / Matsuoka Tatsumi.|徹底分析日本語能力試験. 文字・語彙 1 級 / 松岡 龍美.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2005.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2005.| ISBN: 978-4-336-04723-6 Physical description: 148 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (8 p. ; 25 cm.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 STE N1 Title: Jiko saitenshiki Nihongo tesuto suteppu appu mondaishū. Jōkyū chōkai = Self-graded Japanese language test progressive exercises. Listening comprehension advanced level / Hoshino keiko, Tsuji Kazuko, Murasawa Yoshiaki.|自己採点式日本語テストステップアップ問題集. 上級 聴解 = Self-graded Japanese language test progressive exercises. Listening comprehension advanced level / 星野恵子, 辻和子, 村澤慶 昭| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2000|東京 : アルク, 2000.| ISBN: 4-7574-0386-0 Physical description: 80 p. :ill. ;26 cm. Kit Call Number: 810.791 SUP N1-A Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : N1-kyū goi taisaku hyōjun tekisuto = Japanese Language Proficiency Test : advanced vocabulary book for the new JLPT level N1 / Kōda Etsuko, Fukaya Kumiko, Watanabe Setsu cho.|日本語能力試験 : N1 語彙対策標準テキスト = Japanese Language Proficiency Test : advanced vocabulary book for the new JLPT level N1 / 行田悦子, 深谷久美子, 渡辺摂著.| Edition: Saishinban, dai 1-han.|最新版, 第 1 版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Shūwa Shisutemu, 2010.|東京 : 秀和システム, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7980-2615-2 Physical description: 175 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 plastic sheet. Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Notes on new words also given in English. 5 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Level Call Number: 810.791 JLP1993 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 5-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1993 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 5 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 1993 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1994.|東京 : 凡人社, 1994| ISBN: 4-89358-256-9 Physical description: 86 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 95 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. N1 / N2 Call Number: 810.791 JLP1990 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 2-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1990 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 2 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 1990 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1991.|東京 : 凡人社, 1991.| ISBN: 4-89358-111-2 Physical description: 75 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 95 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1994 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 6-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1994 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 6 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 1994 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1995.|東京 : 凡人社, 1995| ISBN: 4-89358-304-2 Physical description: 90 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 95 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1991 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 3-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1991 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 3 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 1991 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1992.|東京 : 凡人社, 1992.| ISBN: 4-89358-167-8 Physical description: 77 p. :ill. ;26 cm. ;1 sound casette (ca. 95 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1995 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 7-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1995 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 7 年度日本語能力試験 [kit] : 1 ・ 2 級試験問 題と正解 / 著作・編集 日本国際交流協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1995 Japanese language proficiency test : level 1 and 2 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Association of International Education, The Japan Foundation| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Bonjinsha; Tōkyō 1996.|東京 : 凡人社, 1996.| ISBN: 4-89358-340-9 Physical description: 92 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 95 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1992 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 4-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1992 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 4 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 1992 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1993.|東京 : 凡人社, 1993.| ISBN: 4-89358-229-1 Physical description: 78, ;75 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 95 min). Kit 6 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 JLP1996 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 8-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1996 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 8 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 1996 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1997.|東京 : 凡人社, 1997| ISBN: 4-89358-367-0 Physical description: 92 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 95 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Japan Foundation.|平成 11 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 1999 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2000.|東京 : 凡人社, 2000.| ISBN: 4-89358-458-8 Physical description: 110p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 95 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2001 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 13-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2001 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundatio.|平成 13 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 2001 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2002.|東京 : 凡人社, 2002.| ISBN: 4-89358-506-1 Physical description: 110p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (42 + 44 min. : digital). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1997 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 9-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1997 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 9 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 1997 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1998.|東京 : 凡人社, 1998.| ISBN: 4-89358-394-8 Physical description: 98 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 95 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2002 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 14-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2002 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 14 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 2002 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2003|東京 : 凡人社, 2003.| ISBN: 4-89358-532-0 Physical description: 106p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (40 + 44 min. : digital). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1998 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 10-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1998 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 10 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作・編集 日本国際教育協会, 国際教育基金 = The 1998 Japanese language proficiency test : level 1 and 2 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Association of International Education, The Japan Foundation| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1999.|東京 : 凡人社, 1999.| ISBN: 4-89358-423-5 Physical description: 98p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 95 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2003 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 15-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2003 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 15 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 2003 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Call Number: 810.791 JLP1999 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 11-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 1999 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the 7 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2004.|東京 : 凡人社, 2004.| ISBN: 4-89358-566-5 Physical description: 152p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (40 + 42 min. : digital). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2007 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 19-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2007 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 19 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 2007 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2008.|東京 : 凡人社, 2008.| ISBN: 978-4-89358-667-4 Physical description: 151 p. :ill. ;2 sound discs (47+42 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.)+ 1 errata slip. Kit Language: Text and soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2004 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 16-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2004 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 16 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : 試験問題と 正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 2004 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2005.|東京 : 凡人社, 2005.| ISBN: 4-89358-585-1 Physical description: 149 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (43 + 41 min. : digital). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2008 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 20-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2008 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 20 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 2008 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2009.|東京 : 凡人社, 2009.| ISBN: 978-4-89358-700-8 Physical description: 157 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (CD) (49+43 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2005 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 17-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2005 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 17 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 2005 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2006.|東京 : 凡人社, 2006.| ISBN: 4-89358-609-2 Physical description: 161 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (47+42 min. : digital). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2009-1 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 21-nendo dai 1-kai Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : 1-2-kyū shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyōkai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2009 Japanese Language Proficiency Test : level 1 and 2 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成21年度第1回日本語能力試験 : 1・2級試験問 題と正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育試験協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2009 Japanese Language Proficiency Test : level 1 and 2 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2009.|東京 : 凡人社, 2009.| ISBN: 978-4-89358-727-5 Physical description: 137 p. :ill. ;26 cm. + 2 sound discs (48+43 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Kit Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2007 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 18-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū. [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2006 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 18 年度日本語能力試験. 1 ・ 2 級 : [kit] : 試験 問題と正解 / 著作, 編集, 日本国際教育支援教会, 国際交流基金 = The 2006 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 1 and 2 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2007.|東京 : 凡人社, 2007.| ISBN: 978-4-89358-638-4 Physical description: 165 p. :ill. ;2 sound discs (digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Kit 8 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 JLP2009-2 N1/N2 Title: Heisei 21-nendo dai 2-kai Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : 1-2-kyū shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyōkai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2009 Japanese Language Proficiency Test : level 1 and 2 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成21年度第2回日本語能力試験 : 1・2級試験問 題と正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育試験協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2009 Japanese Language Proficiency Test : level 1 and 2 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2009.|東京 : 凡人社, 2009.| ISBN: 978-4-89358-744-2 Physical description: 141 p. :ill. ;26 cm. + 2 sound discs (48+43 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Kit Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SGI N1/N2-D/rev Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken N1-N2 shiken ni deru chōkai : 28-nichi kansei / Tsutsui Yumiko, Ōmura Reiko, Kita Tamiko cho.|日本語能力 試験 N1 ・ N2 試験に出る聴解 : 28 日完成 / 筒井由美子, 大村礼子, 喜 多民子 著.| Edition: Shinpan.|新版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kirihara Shoten, 2010.|東京 : 桐原書店, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-342-88179-4 Physical description: 7, 134 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet (55 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.), 3 sound discs (CD) (68+75+77 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N1/N2 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 1-kyū, 2-kyū shiken ni deru kanji to goi : Shin kijun taiō kanji, goi mondai / Tsutsui Yumiko, Ōmura Reiko, Kita Tamiko.|日本語能力試験 1 級・ 2 級試験に出る漢字と語彙 : 新基準対 応漢字語彙問題 / 筒井由美子, 大村礼子, 喜多民子| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kirihara Shoten, 2004|東京 : 桐原書店, 2004| ISBN: 4-342-88172-1 Physical description: 174 p. ;26 cm.+ Answer & explanatory booklet (45 p., 25 cm.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Summary: The aim of this book is for level 1 and 2 examinees to master kanji and vocabulary systematically and to gain high marks in the Moji/Goi section of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (worth 100 of the total 400 marks). The book basically consists of drills presented in several formats, each of which draws attention to certain common mistakes, such as confusing kanji or vocabulary with similar sounds, meanings or character shapes. The answer booklet has practical notes on kanji readings and synonyms. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1/N2 Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 1-2-kyū taisaku. Bunpō, goi-hen / Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko.|実力アップ! 日本 語能力試験 ; 1 ・ 2 級対策. 文法・語彙編 / 松本節子, 星野恵子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Yokohama : Unicom, 1993|横浜 : Unicom, 1993.| ISBN: 4-89689-137-6 [textbook] Physical description: 319 p. :ill. ;19 cm.+ 2 sound cassettes. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1/N2 rev Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo nōryoku shiken 1, 2-kyū taisaku. Bunp ō, goi-hen = The preparatory course for theJapanese language proficiency test / Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko.|実力アップ! 日本 語能力試験 : 1 ・ 2 級対策. 文法・語彙編 = The preparatory course for the Japanese language proficiency test / 松本節子, 星野恵子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2004.|東京 : ユニコム, 2004.| ISBN: 4-89689-431-6 Physical description: 311 p. :ill. ;21 cm. ;2 sound discs (digital ; 4 3/4 in.) Kit Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N1/N2 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 1-kyū, 2-kyū shiken ni deru bunpō to hyōgen : shin kijun taiō bunpō mondai / Tsutui Yumiko, Ōmura Reiko, Kita Tamiko.|日本語能力試験 1 級・ 2 級試験に出る文法と表現 : 新基 準対応文法問題 / 筒井由美子, 大村礼子, 喜多民子.| Edition: Zōho kaiteiban.|増補改訂版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kirihara Shoten, 2004|東京 : 桐原書店, 2004| ISBN: 4-342-88173-X Physical description: 167 p. ;26 cm.+ booklet of answer and translation of sample sentences in Chinese & Korean (94 p., 25 cm.) Book Language: In Japanese. Translation of sample sentences are given in Chinese & Korean on the separate booklet. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N1/N2 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken ni deru moji goi 1-2-kyū / Matsuoka Tatsumi.|日本語能力試験出に出る文字語彙1-2級 / 松岡龍美.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1995.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1995.| ISBN: 4-336-03764-7 Physical description: 161 +10 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N1/N2 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 1-kyū, 2-kyū shiken ni deru chōkai : 28-nichi kansei / Tsutsui Yumiko, Ōmura Reiko, Kita Tamiko cho.|日本 語能力試験 1 級・ 2 級試験に出る聴解 : 28 日完成 / 筒井由美子, 大村 礼子, 喜多民子 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kirihara Shoten, 2005.|東京 : 桐原書店, 2005.| ISBN: 978-4-342-88174-9 Physical description: v, 111 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet (55 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.), 3 sound discs (CD) (55+72+39 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 POI N1/N2 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 1, 2-kyū chokuzen taisaku : pointo seiri Nihongo bunpō / Atsumi Kazue, Takahashi Chikako, Oyanagi Noboru kyōcho.|日本語能力試験 1 ・ 2 級直前対策 : ポイント整理日本語文法 / 渥見和重, 高橋智加子, 小柳昇 共著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 1995.|東京 : アスク, 1995.| ISBN: 4-87217-079-2 Physical description: 79 p, viii ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. 9 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 SHI N1/N2-A/rev Title: Nihongo nōryoku shiken N1, N2 shiken ni deru kanji to goi : 50 nichi kansei / Tsutsui Yumiko ;Ōmura Reiko ; Kita Tamiko cho.|日本語 能力試験 N1 ・ N2 試験に出る漢字と語彙 : 50 日完成 / 筒井由美子;大 村礼子;喜多民子著.| Edition: Shinpan.|新版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kirihara Shoten, 2010.|東京 : 桐原書店, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-342-88176-3 Physical description: 142 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (47 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Language: Main text in Japanese. Notes on new words also given in English. Call Number: 810.791 SUP N1/N2A Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : 1-2-kyū bunpō taisaku hyōjun tekisuto = Japanese Language Proficiency Test : advanced grammar book for levels 1 & 2 / Kōda Etsuko, Fukaya Kumiko, Watanabe Setsu cho.|日本語能力試験 : 1 ・ 2 級文法対策標準テキスト = Japanese Language Proficiency Test : advanced grammar book for levels 1 & 2 / 行田悦子, 深谷久美子, 渡辺摂 著.| Edition: Dai 1-han.|第 1 版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Shūwa Shisutemu, 2006.|東京 : 秀和システム, 2006.| ISBN: 4-7980-1305-6 Physical description: 167 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 plastic sheet. Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Notes on new words also given in English. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N1/N2-B/rev Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken N1, N2 shiken ni deru bunpō to hyōgen : 42-nichi kansei / Tsutui Yumiko, Ōmura Reiko, Kita Tamiko, cho.|日本 語能力試験 N1 ・ N2 試験に出る文法と表現 : 42 日完成 / 筒井由美子, 大村礼子, 喜多民子 著.| Edition: Shinpan.|新版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kirihara Shoten, 2010.|東京 : 桐原書店, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-342-88177-0 Physical description: 9, 165 p. ;26 cm.+ booklet of answer and translation of sample sentences in Chinese & Korean (85 p., 25 cm.) Book Language: In Japanese. Translation of sample sentences are given in Chinese & Korean on the separate booklet. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N1/N2-C/rev Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken N1, N2 shiken ni deru dokkai : 42-nichi kansei / Tsutui Yumiko, Ōmura Reiko, Kita Tamiko, cho.|日本語能力試 験 N1 ・ N2 試験に出る読解 : 42 日完成 / 筒井由美子, 大村礼子, 喜多 民子著.| Edition: Shinpan.|新版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kirihara Shoten, 2010.|東京 : 桐原書店, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-342-88178-7 Physical description: 7, 175 p. ;26 cm.+ booklet of answer and translation of sample sentences in Chinese & Korean (24 p., 25 cm.) Book Language: In Japanese. Translation of sample sentences are given in Chinese & Korean on the separate booklet. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N1/N2-D Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku Nihongo sōmatome mondaishū. Dokkai-hen : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語能力試験対策日本語総まとめ問題集. 読解 編 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2003.|東京 : アスク, 2003| ISBN: 4-87217-481-X Physical description: 78 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese Call Number: 810.791 SUP N1/N2 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : 1-2-kyū goi taisaku hyōjun tekisuto = Japanese Language Proficiency Test : advanced vocabulary book for levels 1 & 2 / Kōda Etsuko, Fukaya Kumiko, Watanabe Setsu cho.|日 本語能力試験 : 1 ・ 2 級語彙対策標準テキスト = Japanese Language Proficiency Test : advanced vocabulary book for levels 1 & 2 / 行田悦 子, 深谷久美子, 渡辺摂 著.| Edition: Dai 1-han.|第 1 版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Shūwa Shisutemu, 2007.|東京 : 秀和システム, 2007.| ISBN: 978-4-7980-1665-8 Physical description: 175 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 plastic sheet. Book 10 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 GOK N2 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken gōkaku eno michi : 2-kyū taisaku mogi tesuto = Japanese Language Proficiency Test, the path to success : practice test for level 2 / kanshū Okomoto Noriko.|日本語能力試験合 格への道 : 2 級対策模擬テスト = Japanese language prociency test, the path ot success : practice test for level 2 / 監修 岡本能里子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2004.|東京 : アルク, 2004.| ISBN: 4-7574-0808-0 Physical description: 157 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 4 sound discs (CD) (digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text and soundtrack in Japanese. Level N2 Call Number: 810.791 ANA N2 Title: Anata no jakuten ga wakaru! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : 2-kyū moshi x 2-kaibun / Nihongo Tesuto Kenkyūkai.|あなたの弱点がわかる! 日本語能力試験 : 2 級模試 x 2 回分 / 日本語テスト研究会 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 2005.|東京 : Unicom, 2005.| ISBN: 4-89689-448-0 Physical description: 96 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet of answers and explanatory notes (56 p.), 2 sound discs (42+39 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Kit Language: Main text in Japanese. Explanatory notes are presented in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 HAT N2 Title: Hatrain Ilbonŏ Nŭngnyŏk Sihŏm. 2-kŭp : kich‘ul munjejip / haeseol [by] Yi Sang-dŏk, Im Sŏng-hun ; [wŏnjŏ [by] Kokusai Kōryū Kikin, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Kyōkai].|핫라인 일본어 능력 시험. 2 급 : 기출 문제집 해설 [by] 이 상덕, 임 성훈 ; [원저 [by] 国際交流基金, 日本国際教育協会].| Edition: Ch‘op‘an.|초판.| Publisher: Sŏul : Sisa Ilbonŏsa, 2002.|서울 : 시사 일본어사, 2002.| ISBN: 89-402-0422-0 Physical description: 224, [6] p. :facsims. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound cassettes. Book Language: Text in Japanese and Korean. Soundtrack on cassette tapes in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 ATA N2 Title: Atakku bunpō. 2-kyū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku mondaish ū / Imai Mikio.|アタック文法. 2 級 : 日本語能力試験対策問題集 / 今井 幹夫.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2005.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2005.| ISBN: 4-336-04724-3 Physical description: 157 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 ILB N2 Title: Ilbonŏ Nŭngnyŏk Sihŏm ŭi tarin i toenŭn pŏp. 2-kŭp / Sin Hyŏnjŏng, Ip [i.e. Im] Yong-il kongjŏ.|일본어 능력 시험 의 달인 이 되는 법. 1 급 / 신 현정, 입 [i.e. 임] 용일 공거.| Edition: Ch‘op‘an|조판.| Publisher: Sŏul-si : Saram In, 2002.|서올시 : 사람 In, 2002.| ISBN: 89-89540-20-8 Physical description: 368 p. :facsims ;26 cm.+ 3 sound cassettes Book Language: Text in Japanese and Korean. Soundtrack on cassette tapes in Japanese. Summary: Contains facsimeles of JLPT level 2 from years 1999, 2000 and 2001 with commentary in Korean. Call Number: 810.791 GOK N2 Title: Gōkaku dekiru! 2-kyū Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku mogi tesuto 2-kaibun tsuki = You can pass it! Preparing for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, level 2, with the equivalent of two practice tests / Setoguchi Aya ... [et al.].|合格できる! 2 級日本語能力試験対策 模擬テスト 2 回分付き = You can pass it! Preparing for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, level 2, with the equivalent of two practice tests / Setoguchi Aya ...[et al.].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Series title: Aruku no Nihongo tekisuto|アルクの日本語テキスト| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 1999|東京 : アルク, 1999| ISBN: 4-7574-0135-3 (textbook) Physical description: 103 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (4 3/4 in.). Kit Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KAN N2 Title: Kanzen masutā 2-kyū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken bunpō mondai taisaku / Ajia Gakusei Bunka Kyōkai Ryūgakusei Nihongo Kōsu cho.|完 全マスター 2 級 : 日本語能力試験文法問題対策 / アジア学生文化協会 留学生日本語コース 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Surīē Nettowāku, 1997.|東京 : スリーエーネットワーク, 1997.| ISBN: 4-88319-088-9 Physical description: 118 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (5 p.). Book Call Number: 810.791 GOK N2 Title: Gōkaku dekiru 2-kyū Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken / Setoguchi Aya ...[et al.].|合格できる 2 級日本語能力試験 / Setoguchi Aya ...[et al.].| Edition: Shinsōban.|新装版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2005, c1999.|東京 : アルク, 2005.| ISBN: 4-7574-0930-3 Physical description: 103 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound discs (CD) (40+41 min : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KAN N2B Title: Kanzen masutā 2-kyū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken dokkai mondai taisaku / Kusano Muneko, Murasawa Yoshiaki cho.|完全マスター 2 級 : 日本語能力試験読解問題対策 / 草野宗子, 村澤慶昭 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Surīē Nettowāku, 2006.|東京 : スリーエーネットワーク, 2006.| ISBN: 4-88319-403-5 Physical description: 158 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet (39 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese 11 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 KAN N2C Title: Kanzen masutā kanji : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 2-kyū reberu / Katakuri Nihongo Kyōshikai cho.|完全マスター漢字 : 日本語能力試験 2 級レベル / かたくり日本語教師会 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Surīē Nettowāku, 2002.|東京 : スリーエーネットワーク, 2002.| ISBN: 4-88319-229-6 Physical description: 158 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet of kanji list (96 p.), 1 sound disc (70 min : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Call Number: 810.791 MAT N2 Title: Ilbonŏ Nŭngnyŏk Sihŏm 2-kup munpŏp hapkyŏk not‘ŭ / Matsuoka Tatsumi, Tsuji Nobuyo chiŭm.|일본어 능력 시험 2 급 문법 합격 노트 / 松岡龍美, 辻信代 지음.| Edition: Kaejŏngp‘an.|개정판.| Series title: Bŭllaek baksŭ 400|블랙 박스 400| Publisher: Sŏul : Sisa Ilbonŏsa, 1995.|서울 : 시사 일본어사, 1995.| ISBN: 89-402-0352-6 Physical description: 150 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese, Some notes in Korean translated from the Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KIT N2 Title: Chūkyū dokkai mondai 55 : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 2-kyūyō = 55 reading comprehension tests for level 2 / Kitajima Chizuko.|中級読 解問題 55 : 日本語能力試験 2 級用 = 55 reading comprehension tests for level 2 / 北嶋千鶴子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Nōsu Airando : Bonjinsha [distributor], 2006.|東京 : ノースアイランド : 凡人社 [distributor], 2006.| ISBN: 4-89358-618-1 Physical description: 105 p. :ill. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N2 Title: "Zui xin ban" Ri ben yu neng li ce yan chu ti qing xiang dui ce 2ji wen fa / Matsuoka Tatsumi, Tsuji Nobuyo bian zhu ; Zhang Yong Wang yi.|[最新版]日本語能力測驗出題傾向對策 2 級文法 / 松岡龍美, 辻信代 編著 ; 張永旺 譯.| Edition: Di 1-ban.|第 1 版.| Publisher: Tai be-shi : Da xin Shu ju, 1996 [Min 85].|臺北市 : 大新書局, 1996 [民 85].| ISBN: 957-9672-13-X Physical description: 253 p. ;21 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese and Chinese. Call Number: 810.791 KOM N2-2nd Title: Kōmoku seiri 2-kyū mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku / Tanaka Nozomi kanshū ; Nihongo Kyōiku Kenkyūjo hen.|項目整理 2 級問題集 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 田中望 監修 ; 日本語教育研究所 編.| Edition: Kaitei-ban.|改訂版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, [2005].|東京 : 凡人社, [2005].| ISBN: 4-89358-327-1 (book) Physical description: 123 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (5 p.), 2 sound cassettes. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N2A rev Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 2-kyū chōkai mondai = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / Matsumoto Setsuko ...[et al.].|実力アップ! 日本語能力試験. 2 級 聴解問題 = The preparatory course for the Japanese language proficiency test / 松本節子 ...[et al.].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2005.|東京 : ユニコム, 2005.| ISBN: 4-89689-451-0 Physical description: 255 p. :ill. ;21 cm.+ 2 sound discs (73+69 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Call Number: 810.791 KOR N2 Title: Kore de gōkaku Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 2 kyū mogi tesuto = All you need to pass! The Japanese Language Proficiency Test level 2 practice test / Setoguchi Aya, Kinugawa Takao, Ishizaki Akiko.|これで 合格日本語能力試験 2 級模擬テスト = All you need to pass! The Japanese Language Proficiency Test level 2 practice test / 瀬戸口彩, 衣川隆生, 石崎晶子.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 1995.|東京 : アルク, 1995.| ISBN: 4-87234-435-9 (textbook) Physical description: 105, 30 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer book + 2 sound cassettes (70+40 min.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N2B Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 2-kyū bunpō-hen. = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test [kit] / Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko.|実力アップ!日本語能力試 験 ; 2 級文法編 = The preparatory course for the Japanese language proficiency test / 松本節子, 星野恵子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 2003|東京 : Unicom, 2003| ISBN: 4-89689-430-8 Physical description: 207 p. ;21 cm.+ 2 sound discs (59+60 min. digital. ; 4 3/4 in.) Kit Language: In Japanese Call Number: 810.791 MAT N2 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken ni deru bunpō 2-kyū / Matsuoka Tatsumi, Tsuji Nobuyo.|日本語能力試験に出る文法 2 級 / 松岡龍美, 辻信代.| Edition: Dai 3-han.|第 3 版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2001.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2001.| ISBN: 4-336-03761-2 Physical description: 135 p. :ill. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N2C Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : matomete oboeru kanji to goi = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test 2-kyū / Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko.|実力アップ! 日本語能 力試験 : まとめて覚える! 漢字と語彙 = matomete oboeru kanji to goi = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. 2 級 [kit] / 松本節子, 星野恵子.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 1996. ISBN: 4-89689-207-0 [textbook] Physical description: 239 p.+ 30min x 2 sound recording 21 cm. Kit 12 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 MAT N2C Title: The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. Kanji & vocabulary 2nd grade = Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : matomete oboeru! kanji to goi Eibun-ban 2-kyū / English translation by Craig Dibble.|The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. Kanji & vocabulary 2nd grade = 実力アップ! 日本語能力試験 : まと めて覚える漢字と語彙英文版 2 級 / English translation by Craig Dibble.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 2001 ISBN: 4-89689-216-X Physical description: 116 p. ;21 cm. Book Language: Text chiefly in English. Call Number: 810.791 NAK N2 Title: Nihongo chūkyū sōgō mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 2-ky ū taiō / Nakagawa Yoshio.|日本語中級総合問題集 : 日本能力試験 2 級対応 / 中川良雄.| Edition: Kokusho-ban. Shohan.|国書版. 初版.| Publisher: Tokyo : Kokusho Kankokai 1993|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1993.| ISBN: 4-336-03519-9 Physical description: 121 p. ;26 cm. Book 1 answer booklet ([12] p.) Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 NIH N2 Title: Yosō to taisaku Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 2-kyū juken mondai sh ū = Preparation & strategy, practice questions for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 2 / Matsumoto Takashi ...[et al.].|予 想と対策日本語能力試験. 2 級受験問題集 = Preparation & strategy, practice questions for the Japanese language proficiency test. Level 2 / 松本隆 ... [et al.].| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 1992.|東京 : アルク, 1992.| ISBN: 4-87234-115-5 (textbook) ; 4-87234-116-3 (casset tape) Physical description: 115 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound cassettes (46+60 min.), 1 booklet of answers & listening question scripts (29 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N2C rev Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : matomete oboeru! kanji tango doriru. 2-kyū = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test / Matsumoto Setsuko, Kanno Shōko cho.|実力アップ! 日本語能力試験 : まとめて覚える! 漢字単語ドリル. 2 級 / 松本節子, 菅 野章子 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2005.|東京 : ユニコム, 2005.| ISBN: 4-89689-446-4 Physical description: 231 p. ;21 cm.+ 1 red transparent plastic sheet. Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Word definitions give in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 PAT N2 Title: Patānbetsu Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 2-kyū tettei doriru / [Nishikuma Shun'ya ... [et al.]].|パターン別日本語能力試験 2 級徹底ドリ ル / [西隈俊哉 ... [et al.]].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2007.|東京 : アルク, 2007.| ISBN: 978-4-7574-1285-9 Physical description: 167 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (31 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text and soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MIM N2 Title: Mimi kara oboeru Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 2-kyū bunpō torē ningu / [Andō Eriko, Imagawa Kazu].|耳から覚える日本語能力試験 2 級 文法トレーニング / [安藤栄里子, 今川和].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2007.|東京 : アルク, 2007.| ISBN: 978-4-7574-1228-6 Physical description: 167 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (11 p. ; 25 cm.), 1 sound disc (49 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text and soundrecording in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 RIB NK2-T Title: Riben yu neng li ce shi kao dian jie xi. Er ji ting jie pian / Cui Yin, Xu Li Li bian zhu.|日本语能力测试考点解析. 二级听解篇 / 崔崟, 徐 丽丽编著.| Publisher: Nanjing : Dong nan Ta xue Chu ban she, 2006.|南京 : 东南大 学出版社, 2006.| ISBN: 7-5641-0304-3 Physical description: 169 p. :ill. ;23 cm.+ 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text in Japanese and Chinese. Soundtrack on CD-ROM in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MIM N2-B Title: Mimi kara oboeru nihongo nōryoku shiken bunpō torēningu. N2 / Andō Eriko;Imagawa Kazu.|耳から覚える日本語能力試験文法トレーニン グ. N2 / 安藤栄里子;今川和著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2010.|東京 : アルク, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7574-1855-4 Physical description: 122 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (44 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.), 1 answer booklet (8 p. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N2 Title: Shin shiken taiō Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken yosō mondaishū. N2 / Kokusho Nihongo Gakkō hen.|新試験対応日本語能力試験予想問題集 . N2 / 国書日本語学校編.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2010.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-336-05160-8 Physical description: 151 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (74 min : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Prefatory explanation about the new test in Japanese, English, Chinese and and Korean. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MOS N2 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken moshi to taisaku. N2 = The Japanese Language Proficiency Test practice exams and strategies. N2 / Shin JLPT kenkyūkai cho ; Asuku shuppan henshūbu hen.|日本語能力試験 模試と対策. N2 = The Japanese Language Proficiency Test practice exams and strategies N2 / 新 JLPT 研究会著 ; アスク出版編集部編.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-744-2 Physical description: 158 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (59 p.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Answer & explanation booklet in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean. 13 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 SOM N2-A Title: Nihongo sōmatome mondaishū. 2-kyū, kanji hen : Nihongo Nō ryoku Shiken taisaku / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まと め問題集. 2 級, 漢字編 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀 子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2005.|東京 : アスク, 2005.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-571-4 Physical description: 126 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer and commentary booklet (16 p. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese with commentary also in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N2-H Title: Nihongo sōmatome. N2, Goi : "Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken" taisaku / Sasaki hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ. N2, 語彙 : 「日本 語能力試験」対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版社, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-728-2 Physical description: 147 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N2-J Title: Nihongo sōmatome. N2, Bunpō : "Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken" taisaku / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ. N2, 文法 : 「日本語能力試験」対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shoahn.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-729-9 Physical description: 147 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N2-B Title: Nihongo sōmatome mondaishū. 2-kyū, goi hen : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ問 題集. 2 級, 語彙編 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2006.|東京 : アスク, 2006.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-616-2 Physical description: 145 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answers and explanations booklet (8 p. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese with commentary also in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 STE N2 Title: Jiko saitenshiki Nihongo tesuto suteppu appu mondaishū chūky ū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 2-kyū taiō / Hoshino Keiko, Tsuji Kazuko, Murasawa Yoshiaki.|自己採点式日本語テストステップアップ問題集中級 : 日本語能力試験 2 級対応 / 星野恵子, 辻和子, 村澤慶昭.| Series title: Aruku no Nihongo tekisuto|アルクの日本語テキスト| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2000|東京 : アルク, 2000| ISBN: 4-7574-0467-0 Physical description: 154 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N2-C Title: Nihongo sōmatome mondaishū. 2-kyū, bunpō-hen : Nihongo Nō ryoku Shiken taisaku / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まと め問題集. 2 級, 文法編 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀 子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2006.|東京 : アスク, 2006.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-615-5 Physical description: 141, 8 p. :ill. ;26 cm. Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Sample sentences translated into English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N2-D Title: Nihongo sōmatome mondaishū. 2-kyū, dokkai hen : Nihongo Nō ryoku Shiken taisaku / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まと め問題集. 2 級, 読解編 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀 子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2005.|東京 : アスク, 2005.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-570-7 Physical description: 130 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer and commentary booklet (12 p. ; 26 cm). Book Language: Main text in Japanese with commentary also in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N2-G Title: Nihongo sōmatome. N2, Kanji : "Nihongo nōryoku shiken" taisaku / Sasaki hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ. N2, 漢字 : 「日本 語能力試験」対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-727-5 Physical description: 159 p. :ill.+ 1 answer booklet. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. 14 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Level Level N2 / N3 N3 Call Number: 810.791 GOI N2/N3 Title: Goi mappu de oboeru kanji to goi. Chūkyū 1500 : Atama no naka de kotoba no nettowāku ga dondon hirogaru! / Tokuhiro Yasuyo, kansh ū, cho ; Iijima Michiko ... [et al.], cho.|語彙マップで覚える漢字と語彙. 中 級 1500 : 頭の中で、ことばのネットワークがどんどん広がる! / 徳弘康代・監 修・著 ; 飯嶋美知子... [et al.]著.| Edition: Shohan,|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : J Risāchi Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : J リサーチ出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-86392-018-7 Physical description: 159 p. ;27 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (39p.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Prefatory explanation about the new test in Japanese, English, Chinese and and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 JIT N3-A Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. N3, Bun no rūru : moji, goi, bun no bunpō = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / JLCI Shin Shiken Kenkyūkai, daihyō Matsumoto Setsuko.|実力アップ!日本語能力試験. N3, 文のルール : 文字 ・語彙・文の文法 = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / JLCI 新試験研究会, 代表・松本節子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2010.|東京 : ユニコム, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-89689-469-1 Physical description: 285 p. ;21 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese, English and Chinese. Call Number: 810.791 JIT N3-B Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. N3, Yomu : bunshō no bunpō, dokkai = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / JLCI Shin Shiken Kenkyūkai, daihyō Matsumoto Setsuko.|実力アップ! 日本語能力試験. N3, Yomu : 文章の文法・読解 = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / JLCI 新試験研究会, 代表・松本節子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2010.|東京 : ユニコム, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-89689-471-4 Physical description: 239 p. ;21 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese, English and Chinese. Call Number: 810.791 SUP N2/N3-A Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. N2/N3, Goi taisaku hyōjun tekisuto = Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Upper intermediate vocabulary book for the new JLPT level N2 & N3 / Kōda Etsuko, Fukaya Kumiko, Watanabe Setsu cho.|日本語能力試験. N2/N3, 語彙対策標準テキスト = Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Upper intermediate vocabulary book for the new JLPT level N2 & N3 / 行田悦子, 深谷久美子, 渡辺 節 著.| Edition: Saishinban, dai 1-han.|最新版, 第 1 版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Shūwa Shisutemu, 2010.|東京 : 秀和システム, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7980-2598-8 Physical description: 175 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 plastic sheet. Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Notes on new words also given in English. Call Number: 810.791 JTI N3-C Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. N3, Kiku : chōkai = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / JLCI Shin Shiken Kenkyūkai, daihyō Matsumoto Setsuko.|実力アップ! 日本語能力試験. N3, 聞く : 聴解 / JLCI 新試験研究会, 代表・松本節 子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2010.|東京 : ユニコム, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-89689-470-7 Physical description: 244 p. :ill. ;21 cm.+ 2 sound disc (CD) (67+70 min. : ill ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text in Japanese, English and Chinese. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SUP N2/N3-B Title: Nihongo Nōryku Shiken. N2/N3, Bunpō taisaku hyōjun tekisuto = Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Upper intermediate grammar book for the new JLPT level N2 & N3 / Kōda Etsuko, Fukaya Kumiko, Watanabe Setsu cho.|日本語能力試験. N2/N3, 文法対策標準テキスト = Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Upper intermediate grammar book for the new JLPT level N2 & N3 /行田悦子, 深谷久美子, 渡辺節 著.| Edition: Saishinban, dai 1-han.|最新版, 第 1 版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Shūwa Shisutemu, 2010.|東京 : 秀和システム, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7980-2553-7 Physical description: 167 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 plastic sheet. Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Notes on new words also given in English. Call Number: 810.791 MIM N3-B Title: Mimi kara oboeru Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken bunpō torēningu. N3 / Andō Eriko, Imagawa Kazu.|耳から覚える日本語能力試験文法トレーニン グ. N3 / 安藤栄里子, 今川和 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2010. |東京 : アルク, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7574-1854-7 Physical description: 127 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (44 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.), 1 answer booklet (8 p. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. 15 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 MIN N3-A Title: Mimi kara oboeru Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken goi torēningu. N3 / Andō Eriko, Eya Yōko, Iijima Michiko.|耳から覚える日本語能力試験語彙 トレーニング. N3 / 安藤栄里子, 惠谷容子, 飯嶋美知子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2010.|東京 : アルク, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7574-1857-8 Physical description: 223 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (76 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.), 1 answer booklet (12 p. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N3-H Title: Nihongo sōmatome. N3, Goi : "Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken" taisaku / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ. N3, 語彙 : 「日本 語能力試験」対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版社, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-731-2 Physical description: 115 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 MOS N3 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken moshi to taisaku. N3 = The Japanese Language Proficiency Test practice exams and strategies. N3 / Shin JLPT kenkyūkai cho ; Asuku shuppan henshūbu hen.|日本語能力試験 模試と対策. N3 = The Japanese Language Proficiency Test practice exams and strategies N3 / 新 JLPT 研究会 著 ; アスク出版編集部 編.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-745-9 Physical description: 143 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (60 p.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Answer & explanation booklet in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N3-J Title: Nihongo sōmatome. N3, Bunpō : "Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken" taisaku / Sasaki hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ. N3, 文法 : 「日本語能力試験」対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-732-9 Physical description: 111 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. Level Call Number: 810.791 NIH N3 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku mondai & yōten seiri. N3, Dokkai, gengo chishiki / Nihongo Kyōiku Kenkyūjo cho.|日本語能力試 験対策問題&要点整理. N3, 読解・言語知識 / 日本語教育研究所 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Nihon Nōritsu Kyōki Manējimento Sentā, 2010.|東京 : 日本能率協会マネジメントセンター, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-8207-4622-5 Physical description: 162 p. :ill. ;1 answer booklet (15 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. N4 Call Number: 810.791 ANA N4 Title: Anata no jakuten ga wakaru! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : 3-kyū moshi x 2-kaibun / Nihongo Tesuto Kenkyūkai cho.|あなたの弱点がわか る! 日本語能力試験 : 3 級模試 x 2 回分 / 日本語テスト研究会 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 2005.|東京 : Unicom, 2005.| ISBN: 4-89689-449-9 Physical description: 72 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (65 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.), 1 booklet. Kit Language: Main text and soundtrack in Japanese with commentary on supplement booklet in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N3 Title: Shin shiken taiō Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken yosō mondaishū. N3 / Kokusho Nihongo Gakkō hen.|新試験対応日本語能力試験予想問題集 . N3 / 国書日本語学校編.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 2010.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-336-05161-5 Physical description: 133 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (74 min : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Prefatory explanation about the new test in Japanese, English, Chinese and and Korean. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 ARC N4 Title: 3-kyū kanji 300 / edited by Āku Akademī Kyōzai Sakusei Iinkai.|3 級漢字 300 / edited by アークアカデミー教材作成委員会| Series title: Kanji mastā. vol. 2|漢字マスター ; vol. 2| Publisher: Tōkyō : Āku Akademī : Senmon Kyōiku Shuppan, 1996|東京 : アークアカデミー; 専門教育出版 (販売)| ISBN: 4-88324-358-3 Physical description: 168 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ answer booklet (11 p.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SOM N3-G Title: Nihongo sōmatome. N3, Kanji : "Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken" taisaku / Sasaki Hitoko, Matsumoto Noriko.|日本語総まとめ. N3, 漢字 : 「日本語能力試験」対策 / 佐々木仁子, 松本紀子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : アスク出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-730-5 Physical description: 115 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 answer booklet. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. 16 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 CHA N4A Title: Nihongo charenji. 3-kyū, bunpō to yomu renshū / Haruhara Ken'ichirō kanshū ; Yamabe Mariko, Iizuka Mutsumi, Kanari Fumie cho.| にほんごチャレンジ. 3 級, 文法と読む練習 / 春原憲一郎 監修 ; 山辺真理 子, 飯塚睦, 金成フミ恵 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2007.|東京 : アスク, 2007.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-645-2 Physical description: 180 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 translation and anser booklet (20 p. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese with commentary also in English and Portuguese. 解問題 55 : 日本語能力試験 3 級用 = 55 reading comprehension tests for level 3 / 北嶋千鶴子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Nōsu Airando : Bonjinsha [distributor], 2006.|東京 : ノースアイランド : 凡人社 [distributor], 2006.| ISBN: 4-89358-617-3 Physical description: 75 p. :ill. ;26 cmn. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KOK N4 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken chokuzen taisaku. moji, goi 3-kyū / Kokusho Kankōkai.|日本語能力試験直前対策. 文字・語彙 3 級 / 国書 刊行会. | Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1998|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1998.| ISBN: 4-336-04050-8 Physical description: 195 p. ;21 cm.+ 1 booklet of answers Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 CHA N4B Title: Nihongo charenji. 3-kyū, kotoba to kanji / Haruhara Ken'ichirō sō gō kanshū ; kotoba-hen, Yoshida Seiko kanshū ; kanji-hen, Yoshimoto Yukio kanshū.|にほんごチャレンジ. 3 級, ことばと漢字 / 春原憲一郎 総合 監修 ; ことば編, 吉田聖子 監修 ; 漢字編, 善元幸夫 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2007.|東京 : アスク, 2007.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-646-9 Physical description: 125 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet (80 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Main text in Japanse with commentary also in English and Portuguese. Call Number: 810.791 KOK N4 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken chokuzen taisaku. bunpō 3-kyū / Kokusho Kankōkai.|日本語能力試験直前対策. 文法 3 級 / 国書刊行 会.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1998.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1998.| ISBN: 4-336-04049-4 Physical description: 212 p. ;21 cm. Book Call Number: 810.791 HAT N4 Title: Hatrain Ilbonŏ Nŭngnyŏk Sihŏm. 3-kŭp : kich‘ul munjejip / haeseol [by] An Hyŏn-ch‘ŏl, Yi Ung ; [wŏnjŏ [by] Kokusai Kōryū Kikin, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Kyōkai].|핫라인 일본어 능력 시험. 3 급 : 기출 문제집 / 해설 [by] 안 현철, 이 웅 ; [원저 [by] 国際交流基金, 日本国 際教育協会].| Edition: Ch‘op‘an.|초판.| Publisher: Sŏul : Sisa Ilbonŏsa, 2002.|서울 : 시사 일본어사, 2002.| ISBN: 89-402-0423-9 Physical description: 208, [6] p. :facsims. ;26 cm.+ 2 sound cassettes. Book Language: Text in Japanese and Korean. Soundtrack on cassette tapes in Japanese. Summary: Facsimiles of Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 from years 2000-2001 and study guide in Korean. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N4 Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-kyū “shokyū sōshiage” = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. 3rd grade / Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko.|実力アップ! 「初級総仕 上げ」日本語能力試験. 3 級 / 松本節子, 星野恵子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 1995.|東京 : Unicom, 1995.| ISBN: 4-89689-172-4 (textbook) ; 4-89689-289-5 (cassette tape) Physical description: 248 p. ;21 cm.+ 2 sound cassette (67+52 min. digital. ; 4 3/4 in.) Book Language: Text in Japanese ; Soundtrack on cassette tapes in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N4 Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-kyū = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test, 3rd grade : English translation / Dibble Craig, Wallis Damian. Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 1995.|東京 : Unicom, 1995.| ISBN: 4-89689-174-0 Physical description: 113 p. ;21 cm. Book Language: Text in Englsih and Romanozed Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KAN N4A Title: Kanzen masutā 3-kyū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken bunpō mondai taisaku = The Japanese Language Proficiency Test : grammar exercises / Shegeno Mie, Seki Kaoru, Nishikimi Shizue cho.|完全マスタ ー 3 級 : 日本語能力試験文法問題対策 = The Japanese Language Proficiency Test : grammar exercises / 重野美枝, 関かおる, 錦見静恵 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Surīē Nettowāku, 2005.|東京 : スリーエーネットワーク, 2005.| ISBN: 4-88319-354-3 Physical description: 208 p. :ill. ;22 cm.+ 1 answer booklet (10 p., 21 cm.) Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese with some grammar explanation in English. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N4A Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. Kore de daijōbu! 3-ky ū chōkai mondai = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. 3rd grade / Matsumoto Setsuko. Hoshino Keiko.|実力 アップ! 日本語能力試験. 3 級 = これで大丈夫! 3 級聴解問題 = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. 3rd grade / 松本 節子, 星野恵子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 1999.|東京 : Unicom, 1999.| ISBN: 4-89689-314-X (textbook) ; 4-89689-316-6 (cassette tape). Call Number: 810.791 KIT N4 Title: Shokyū dokkai mondai 55 : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 3-kyūyō = 55 reading comprehension tests for level 3 / Kitajima Chizuko.|初級読 17 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Physical description: 311 p. :ill. ;21 cm.+ 2 sound cassettes (total running time approx. 120 min.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Soundtrack on cassette tape in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N4B Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. Shokyū sōshiage 3-ky ū bunpō hen / Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko.|実力アップ! 日本語 能力試験. 初級総仕上げ 3 級文法編 / 松本節子, 星野恵子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 2003|東京 : Unicom, 2003| ISBN: 4-89689-432-4 Physical description: 253 p. ;21 cm.+ 2 sound discs (CD) (67+52 min. digital. ; 4 3/4 in.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokudo Kōtsūshō, 2010.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-336-05218-6 Physical description: 133 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (74 min : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Prefatory explanation about the new test in Japanese, English, Chinese and and Korean. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 STE N4 Title: Jiko saitenshiki Nihongo tesuto suteppu appu mondaishū shoky ū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 3-kyū taiō. / Hoshino Keiko, Tsuji Kazuko, Murasawa Yoshiaki.|自己採点式日本語テストステップアップ問題集初級 : 日本語能力試験 3 級対応 / 星野恵子, 辻和子, 村澤慶昭.| Series title: Aruku no Nihongo tekisuto|アルクの日本語テキスト| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2000|東京 : アルク, 2000| ISBN: 4-7574-0261-9 Physical description: 154 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 MIM N4-B Title: Mimi kara oboeru Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken bunpō torēningu. N4 / Andō Eriko;Imagawa Kazu.|耳から覚える日本語能力試験文法トレーニン グ. N4 / 安藤栄里子;今川和著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2010.|東京 : アルク, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7574-1892-9 Physical description: 127 p. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (44 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.), 1 answer booklet (9 p. ; 26 cm.). Book Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Level N4 / N5 Call Number: 810.791 NAK N4 Title: Nihongo shochūkyū sōgō mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 3 kyū taiō / Nakagawa Yoshio.|日本語初初級総合問題集 : 日本語能力 試験 3 級対応 / 中川良雄.| Edition: Kokushoban.|国書版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1994.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1994.| ISBN: 4-336-03574-1 Physical description: 87 p. ;26 cm.+ supplement (10 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 GOK N4/N5 Title: Gōkaku dekiru 3, 4-kyū Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken / Matsumoto Takashi ...[et al.].|合格できる 3 ・ 4 級日本語能力試験 / 松本隆 ...[et al.].| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2006, c1992.|東京 : アルク, 2006.| ISBN: 4-7574-1003-4 Physical description: 139 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet of answers and listening question scripts (32 p.), 2 sound discs (CD) (62+74 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 NAK N4 Title: 3-kyū mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisakuyō / Nakagawa Yoshio.|3 級問題集 : 日本語能力試験対策用 / 中川良雄.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1990.|東京 : 凡人社, 1990.| ISBN: 4-89358-095-7 Physical description: 3, 121 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 ILB N4/N5 Title: Ilbonŏ Nŭngnyŏk Sihŏm ŭi tarin i toenŭn pŏp. 3-4-kŭp / Kim Chi-min.|일본어 능력 시험 의 달인 이 되는 법. 3-4 급 / 김 지민.| Edition: Ch‘op‘an|조판.| Publisher: Sŏul-si : Saram In, 2002.|서올시 사람 In, 2002.| ISBN: 89-89540-21-6 Physical description: 461 p. :facsims. ;26 cm.+ 3 sound cassettes. Book Language: Text in Japanese and Korean. Soundtrack on cassette tapes in Japanese. Summary: Contains facsimeles of Japanese Language Proficiency Test levels 3 & 4 from years 1999, 2000 and 2001 with commentary in Korean. Call Number: 810.791 PRE N4 Title: Preparing for the Japanese proficiency test : exercises and explanations for the Japan Foundation's annual Japanese language tests level 3 / Asian Students Cultural Association, University of Otago, edited by Nanyan Guo. Publisher: Auckland, N.Z. : Heinemann Education, 2004 ISBN: 1-877348-51-1 Physical description: 210 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: In English and Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N4 Title: Shin shiken taiō Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken yosō mondaishū. N4 / Kokusho Nihongo Gakkō hen.|新試験対応日本語能力試験予想問題集 . N4 / 国書日本語学校編.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| 18 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 JLP1990 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 2-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 1990 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 2 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1990 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1991|東京 : 凡人社, 1991| ISBN: 4-89358-112-0 Physical description: 79 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassete (ca. 80 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. proficiency test : level 3 and 4 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Association of International Education, The Japan Foundation| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō 1994 Bonjinsha|東京 : 凡人社, 1994| ISBN: 4-89358-257-7 Physical description: 78p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 80 min). Kit Call Number: 810.791 JLP1994 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 6-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 1994 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成6年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1994 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1995|東京 : 凡人社, 1995.| ISBN: 4-89358-305-0 Physical description: 78 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 80 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1991 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 3-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 1991 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 3 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1991 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1992.|東京 : 凡人社, 1992.| ISBN: 4-89358-168-6 Physical description: 82 p. :ill. ;26 cm. ;1 sound cassette (ca. 80 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1995 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 7-nendo Nihongo Mōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 1995 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 7 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1995 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1996.|東京 : 凡人社, 1996.| ISBN: 4-89358-341-7 Physical description: 76 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 80 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1992 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 4-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 1992 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 4 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1992 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1993.|東京 : 凡人社, 1993.| ISBN: 4-89358-230-5 Physical description: 74 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 80 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1996 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 8-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 1996 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 8 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1996 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1997.|東京 : 凡人社, 1997.| ISBN: 4-89358-368-9 Physical description: 72 p. Kit ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 cassette tape Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1993 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 5-nendo Nihongo nōryoku shiken : [kit] 3, 4-kyū shiken mondai to seikai / Chosaku, henshū Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Kyōkai , Kokusai Kōryu Kikin = The 1993 Japanese language proficiency test : level 3 and 4 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Association of International Education, The Japan Foundation.|平成 5 年度日本語能力試験 [kit] : 3 ・ 4 級試験問題と正解 / 著作・編集 日本 国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1993 Japanese language 19 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 JLP1997 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 9-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 1997 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 9 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1997 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1998|東京 : 凡人社, 1998.| ISBN: 4-89358-395-6 Physical description: 80 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 80 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2001.|東京 : 凡人社, 2001| ISBN: 4-89358-482-0 Physical description: 82p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 80 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2001 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 13-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 2001 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 13 年日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2001 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2002.|東京 : 凡人社, 2002.| ISBN: 4-89358-507-X Physical description: 82p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (65 min. : digital). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1998 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 10-nendoNihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 1998 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 10 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と 正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1998 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1999.|東京 : 凡人社, 1998| ISBN: 4-89358-424-3 Physical description: 74 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette (ca. 80 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2002 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 14-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 2002 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 14 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と 正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2002 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2003.|東京 : 凡人社, 2003| ISBN: 4-89358-533-9 Physical description: 84p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc ( 64 min. : digital) Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP1999 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 11-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 1999 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 10 年度日本語能力試験 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 1999 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Bonjinsha; Tōkyō 2000.|東京 : 凡人社, 2000.| ISBN: 4-89358-459-6 Physical description: 78p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound cassette(ca. 80 min). Kit Language: Text and cassette soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2003 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 15-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 2003 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 15 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と 正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2003 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2004.|東京 : 凡人社, 2004.| ISBN: 4-89358-561-4 Physical description: 117p :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (63 min. : digital). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2000 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 12-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 2000 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 12 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と 正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2000 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and 20 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 JLP2004 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 16-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 2004 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 16 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 試験問題と正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2004 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2005.|東京 : 凡人社, 2005| ISBN: 4-89358-586-X Physical description: 117 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (64 min.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2008.|東京 : 凡人社, 2008.| ISBN: 978-4-89358-668-1 Physical description: 117 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (64 min : digital ; 4 3/4 in.), 1 errata sheet. Kit Language: Text and soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2008 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 20-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 2008 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 20 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と 正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2008 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2009.|東京 : 凡人社, 2009.| ISBN: 978-4-89358-701-5 Physical description: 120 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (CD) (66 min : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2005 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 17-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 2005 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 17 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と 正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2005 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2006.|東京 : 凡人社, 2006.| ISBN: 4-89358-610-6 Physical description: 115 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 sound disc (66 min. : digital). Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2009-2 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 21-nendo dai 2-kai Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken : 3-4-kyū shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyōkai, Kokusai Kōryū Kikin = The 2009 Japanese Language Proficiency Test : level 3 and 4 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成21年度第2回日本語能力試験 : 3・4級試験問 題と正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育試験協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2009 Japanese Language Proficiency Test : level 3 and 4 questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2009.|東京 : 凡人社, 2009.| ISBN: 978-4-89358-745-9 Physical description: 100 p. :ill. ;26 cm. + ;1 sound disc (digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Kit Language: Text and soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2006 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 18-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 2006 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 18 年度日本語能力試験. 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と 正解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2006 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2007.|東京 : 凡人社, 2007.| ISBN: 978-4-89358-639-1 Physical description: 117 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 4 3/4 in. Kit Language: Text and CD soundtrack in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JUY N4/N5 Title: Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 3-4-kyū taisaku jūyō 2000-go kihon yō reishū : midashigo akusento kigō tsuki / Senmon Kyōiku Shuppan Nihongo Gakuryoku Tesuto Un'ei Iinkai hecho.|日本語能力試験 3 ・ 4 級対策重要 2000 語基本用例集 : 見出し語アクセント記号付き / 専門 教育出版日本語学力テスト運営委員会 編著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Senmon Kyōiku Shuppan, 2000.|東京 : 専門教育出 版, 2000.| ISBN: 4-88324-383-4 Physical description: 188 p. ;19 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 JLP2007 N4/N5 Title: Heisei 19-nendo Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 3-4-kyū [kit] : shiken mondai to seikai / chosaku, henshū, Nihon Kokusai Kyōiku Shien Kyō kai = The 2007 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and correct answers / created and edited by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) and the Japan Foundation.|平成 19 年度日本語能力試験 3 ・ 4 級 [kit] : 試験問題と正 解 / 著作・編集, 日本国際教育協会, 国際交流基金 = The 2007 Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Level 3 and 4 : questions and 21 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 MAT N4/N5 Title: Nihongo 500-mon. Shokyū : "moji goi bunpō" matome doriru / Matsumoto Noriko, Sasaki Hitoko cho.|にほんご 500 問. 初級 : ”文字・ 語い・文法” まとめドリル / 松本紀子, 佐々木仁子 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Asuku shuppan, 2008.|東京 : アスク, 2008.| ISBN: 978-4-87217-688-9 Physical description: 293 P. ;21 CM. Book Language: Text in Japanese, English and Portuguese. Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 2002|東京 : 凡人社, 2002| ISBN: 4-89358-321-2 Physical description: 91 p. ;26 cm.+ Answer booklet (7 p.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Notes: Cassette tape for the first edition can be used with this textbook. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N5 Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 4-kyū “nyūmon sō matome” = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. 4th grade / Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko.|実力アップ!日本語能力 試験. 4 級「入門総まとめ」 = The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. 4th grade / 松本節子, 星野恵子.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 1998|東京 : Unicom, 1998| ISBN: 4-89689-253-4 (textbook) ; 4-89689-254-2 (textbook + cassette tapes set). Physical description: 239 p. :ill. ;21 cm.+ 2 sound cassette (60+50 min.) Book Language: Text in Japanese. Soundtrack on cassette tapes in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 TAN N4/N5 Title: Nihongo tango supīdo masutā bēshikku senhappyaku. basic 1800 : Nihongo nōryoku shiken enu yon enu go ni deru / Kurashina Sayaka.|日本語単語スピードマスター. BASIC1800 : 日本語能力試験 N4 ・ N5 に出る / 倉品さやか.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : J Risāchi Shuppan, 2010.|東京 : J リサーチ出版, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-86392-010-1 Physical description: 307 p. ;19 cm. Book Language: Text chiefly in Japanese. Translations on new words provided in English, Chinese and Korean. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N5 Title: The preparatory course for the Japanese proficiency test. 4th grade = Jitsuryoku appu Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 4 kyū / English translation [by] Damian Wallis ; [Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko]. |The preparatory sourse for the Japanese proficiency test. 4th grade = 実力アップ!日本語能力試験. 4 級 / English translation [by] Damian Wallis ; [松本節子, 星野恵子].| Publisher: Tōkyō : Unicom, 1998. ISBN: 4-89689-306-9 Physical description: 118 p. :ill. ;22 cm. Book Language: Text in English and Romanized Japanese. Level N5 Call Number: 810.791 JIT N5-A Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. N5, Yomu : moji, goi, bunpō = The preparatory course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test / hencho, Hoshino Keiko, Matsumoto Setsuko. Edition: Kaiteiban, shohan.|改訂版, 初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2010.|東京 : ユニコム, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-89689-472-1 Physical description: 205 p. :ill. ;21 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese and English. Call Number: 810.791 MAT N5 Title: Jitsuryoku appu! Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. 4-kyū nyūmon sō matome, bunpō, kanji, goi = The preparatory course for the Japanese language proficiency test. Level 4 basic Japanese, grammar, kanji & vocabulary / Matsumoto Setsuko, Hoshino Keiko cho.|実力アップ! 日本 語能力試験. 4 級入門総まとめ, 文法・漢字・語彙 = The preparatory course for the Japanese language proficiency test. Level 4 basic Japanese, grammar, kanji & vocabulary / 松本節子, 星野恵子 著.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Yunikomu, 2006.|東京 : ユニコム, 2006.| ISBN: 4-89689-454-5 Physical description: 239 p. :ill. ;21 cm.+ 2 sound discs (CD) (56+50 min. : digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Main text and soundtrack in Japanese. English translation is given on Japanese sample sentences. Call Number: 810.791 KOM N5 Title: Kōmoku seiri 4-kyū mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku / Tanaka Nozomi kanshū ; Nihongo Kyōiku Kenkyūjo hen.|項目整理 4 級問題集 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 田中望 監修 ; 日本語教育研究所 編.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1995|東京 : 凡人社, 1995.| ISBN: 4-89358-321-2 (textbook) ; 4-89358-322-0 (cassette tape) Physical description: 91 p. :ill. ;26 cm.+ 1 booklet of answers (7 p.), 2 sound cassettes, 1 script booklet. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Soundtrack on cassette tape in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 NAK N5 Title: Nihongo shokyū sōgō mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken 4 kyū taiō / Nakagawa Yoshio. Edition: Kokushoban.|Kokushoban.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Kokusho Kankōkai, 1993.|東京 : 国書刊行会, 1994.| ISBN: 4-336-03522-9 Physical description: 96 p. ;26 cm.+ esupplement (12 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 KOM N5-2nd Title: Kōmoku seiri 4-kyū mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisaku / Tanaka Nozomi kanshū ; Nihongo Kyōiku Kenkyūjo hen.|項目整理 4 級問題集 : 日本語能力試験対策 / 田中望 監修 ; 日本語教育研究所 編.| Edition: Kaiteiban.|改訂版.| 22 27-Sep-10 N1 Page 1 N1 / N2 Page 6 N2 Page 11 N2 / N3 Page 15 N3 N4 N4 / N5 N5 Multiple Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 22 Page 23 Catalogue of JLPT material: Study guides, Past papers Call Number: 810.791 NAK N5 Title: 4-kyū mondaishū : Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken taisakuyō / Nakagawa Yoshio.|4 級問題集 : 日本語能力試験対策用 / 中川良雄.| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Bonjinsha, 1990.|東京 : 凡人社, 1990.| ISBN: 4-89358-096-5 Physical description: 121 p. ;26 cm. + 1 answer book (10 p.). Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 ONI N1/N2/N4 Title: Nihongo nōryoku shiken : dokkai bunpō mondai ni tsuyoku naru hon / Oniki Kazuko, Saiyama Yayoi kyōcho.|日本語能力試験 : 読解・ 文法問題に強くなる本 / 鬼木和子, 斉山弥生共著| Series title: Aruku no Nihongo tekisuto Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 1994.|東京 : アルク, 1994.| ISBN: 4-87234-332-8 Physical description: 106 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Text in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 PRE N5 Title: Preparing for the Japanese proficiency test : exercises and explanations for the Japan Foundation's annual Japanese language tests level 4 / Asian Students Cultural Association, University of Otago, edited by Nanyan Guo. Publisher: Auckland, N.Z. : Heinemann Education, 2004 ISBN: 1-877348-50-3 Physical description: 127 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: In English and Japanese. Multiple Levels Call Number: 810.791 SHI Title: Shin Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken. kanzen kōryaku gaido : N1-N4 reberu no gōkaku pointo o kono 1satsu de! = The complete strategies guide to the new Japanese Language Proficiency Test|新日本語能力 試験. 完全攻略ガイド : N1-N4 各レベルの合格ポイントをこの1冊で! = The complete strategies guide to the new Japanese Language Proficiency Test| Publisher: Tōkyō : Aruku, 2010.|東京 : アルク, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7574-1889-9 Physical description: 176 p. ;26 cm. Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Prefatory explanation about the new test in Japanese, English, Chinese and and Korean. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. Call Number: 810.791 SHI N1/N2/N3 Title: Shin Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken N1, N2, N3 : shin keikō kaisetsu to kanzen yosō moshi = The New Japanese Proficiency Test level N1, N2, N3 : full hypothetical pactice tests with analysis of new trends / [The Japan Times].|新・日本語能力試験 N1 ・ N2 ・ N3 : 新傾向解説と完全予 想模試 = The new Japanese proficiency test level N1, N2, N3 : full hypothetical pactice tests with analysis of new trends / [The Japan Times].| Edition: Shohan.|初版.| Publisher: Tōkyō : Japan Times, 2010.|東京 : ジャパンタイムズ, 2010.| ISBN: 978-4-7890-1394-9 Physical description: 223 p. :ill. (some col.) ;26 cm.+ 2 sound disc (CD) (digital ; 4 3/4 in.). Book Language: Main text in Japanese. Prefatory explanation about the new test in Japanese, English, Chinese and and Korean. Soundtrack on CD in Japanese. 23 27-Sep-10
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