FILM IN NRW Informa*on on the Media Region North Rhine-Westphalia Pina Film Rush German films and interna*onal star cinema Pina Director: Wim Wenders Prod cos: Neue Road Movies, Eurowide Produc?on (F), ZDF, ZDF Theaterkanal, Arte Rush Director: Ron Howard Prod cos: ac?on concept, Egoli Tossell Film New, New Revolu?on Films (GB), Cross Creek (US) With Daniel Brühl, Chris Hemsworth, Alexandra Maria Lara, Russell Crowe u.a. Stromberg – Der Film Director: Arne Feldhusen Prod cos: Brainpool TV With Christoph Maria Herbst, Bjarne Mädel, Oliver K. Wnuk u.a. Cloud Atlas Directors: Tom Tykwer, Andy & Lana Wachowski Prod cos: A Company, X Filme, Anarchos Produc?on, Degeto Film With Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent u.a. Producers 2Pilots Filmproduk?on 58FILME ac?on concept Ani Magix Media aquafilm Arepo Media augenschein Filmproduk?on Bavaria Fernsehproduk?on, Niederlassung Köln Belle Epoque Films Bilderstumm Fimproduk?on Blinker Filmproduk?on Boogiefilm Broadview TV Busse & Halberschmidt CAMEO Film- und Fernsehproduk?on Cinema Ergo Sum Filmproduk?on COINFILM Conradfilm D&D Film & Fernsehproduk?on dagstar film Dubini Filmproduk?on 2 The success stories of the film The Physician (round about 3 million german movie audience) and Cloud Atlas (1.1 million movie audience in Germany) as well Hannah Arendt by Margarethe von Tro@a (465,000 German admissions, more than 300,000 in France, 1.2 million Dollars US boxoffice) and Pina by Wim Wenders (500,000 German cinema admissions, more than 3 million Dollars US box office, Oscar nomina?on) say a lot about the quality of North RhineWestphalia as a produc?on loca?on: Von Tro@a and Wenders are just two of many world-class directors who have turned their stories into great cinema with the help of the region’s skilled labour and first-class studios. Most recently, Ron Howard, Lars von Trier, Jim Jarmusch, Sam Garbarski, Tom Tykwer and XavierKoller were among the directors shoo?ng their films here. And they were supported by the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW. Financially strong regional film funder The Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW has been opera?ng since 1991 as a reliable partner for the film industry for financing and strategic coopera?on. It supports films for cinema and television in all phases of produc?on and exploita?on: from story development through screenwri?ng and produc?on to distribu?on and sales. It has supported around 1,800 film produc?ons with a total of 580 million Euros during the past 24 years. Alongside the state of North RhineWestphalia, the shareholders include WDR, ZDF, RTL as well as the regional media authority, Landesanstalt für Medien NRW. Based at the media harbour in Düsseldorf, the Film- und Mediens?-ung has an annual funding budget of around I have made three films in NRW over the last ten years, gathering shoo?ng experience in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Wuppertal, Essen and other places in the Ruhr region, and working a lot with local crews, and I can only say one thing: things are never made this easy anywhere else! And it is simply amazing what fantas?c loca?ons you can find in NRW. Wim Wenders, director and ar9st 31 million Euros, making it one of Germany’s financially strongest regional film funders. In 2013, around 20 million Euros were invested in feature films and 4.1 million Euros in TV films more than 3.4 million Euros in low budget films and experimental films as well as newcomer projects and short films. In addi?on, funding was made available for, among others, development and preproduc?on (1.1m), distribu?on, sales and release campaigns (2.8m), cinemas and digi?sa?on (743,300 Euros), fes?vals and loca?on promo?on projects (442,000 Euros) as well as innova?ve audiovisual content (67,500 Euros). Funding is subject to the principle of the NRW effect, i.e. producers must spend at least 1.50 Euros in NRW for every Euro of support received – investments benefiAng the whole industry in the region. The uncapped funding is awarded as a condi?onally repayable, interest-free loan. The funding decisions are made by a commi@ee on a selec?ve basis five ?mes a year and thus con?nuously support the produc?on of outstanding films by the diverse and crea?ve scene in North Rhine-Westphalia. Interna*onal co-produc*ons The renowned company Pandora Film (The Congress, Only Lovers Le& Alive, 1001 Grams, The Cut), for instance, has developed a unique brand over the past 30 years by making remarkable interna?onal co-produc?ons, maintaining a con?nuous presence at the major ‘A’ fes?vals, and winning numerous prizes. Heima>ilm has successfully focused for more than ten years now on a high-quality mix of interna?onal co-produc?ons and German in-house produc?ons (Hannah Arendt, Bal – Honey. The Lies of the Making films in NRW means for me now: an evolved, comprehensive competence in all departments .... Many-faceted, contradictory and consequently interes?ng images of Germany .... The readiness to take ar?s?c risks, face crea?ve challenges .... and good blood sausage. Tom Tykwer, director Stromberg – The Movie Victors). With Zentropa Interna?onal Cologne, it has also served as the co-producer on films by such directors as Lars von Trier (An9christ, Nymphomaniac I&II). Ac?on Concept/hands-on producers also takes part in interna?onal co-produc?ons, such as Rush and Autobahn with Sir Anthony Hopkins and Sir Ben Kingsley. Numerous NRW producers are regularly involved in interna?onal co-produc?ons: from Coin Film (It’s All So Quiet by Nanouk Leopold) through Gringo Films (Bethlehem by Yuval Adler) and Ta>ilm (Paradise trilogy by Ulrich Seidl) to unafilm (Heli, Cannes Director’s Award 2013). Moreover, the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW supports other high-profile produc?ons featuring interna?onal stars, such as Cloud Atlas and The Physician. German cinema But, above all, German cinema would be unthinkable without the contribu?on from NRW. Support from the Films?-ung, for example, contributed to the making of outstanding produc?ons by Maren Ade, Feo Aladag, Fa?h Akin, Florian David Fitz, Dominik Graf, Philip Gröning, Michael Bully Herbig, Christoph Hochhäusler, Sherry Hormann, Caroline Link, Sandra Ne@elbeck, Oskar Roehler, Margarethe von Tro@a, Tom Tykwer, Sönke Wortmann, and many more. Important companies like Li@le Shark Entertainment (Wrecked, The Miracle of Bern, Deutschland – Ein Sommermärchen) Westside Filmproduk?on (The Crocodiles), and Wüste Film West (Emma’s Bliss, Kill Me) produce box-office hits. NRW also has a long history of successful comedy films, with Stromberg – The Movie (Brainpool), 00 Schneider (Senator Film Cologne) and Not My Day (Westside) being current examples. > We had a very successful shoot in Germany. I very much look forward to filming in Germany again some?me in the near future. Ron Howard, director, producer, author and actor, 2012, during the shoo9ng of “Rush” Facts and Figures > one of Germany`s financially strongest regional film funders with an annual budget of € 31m > About 1,000 movie shoo?ng days per year > 34,000 workers in the film and TV industry > 4,000 companies from the film and TV industry > First-class infrastructure from produc?on to post-produc?on > Highly qualified specialist personnel > Large variety of unusual shoo?ng loca?ons > Award-winning and highly popular produc?ons for the cinema > Lively cinema culture: the largest number of screens (860) in Germany > Varied fes?val scene > Film-Messe Köln, Film & Cinema Conference NRW, German Camera Award, Filmpreis Köln If you ever get the chance to shoot here, do it. Dame Helen Mirren, actress, 2010, during the shoo9ng of István Szabó's “The Door“ in the MMC studios A great land for filmmaking. Ari Folman, director and ar9st, 2011, during the shoo9ng of “The Congress“ I’m really happy to be here in NRW because I think it’s important that germany invests in films which have the huge ambi?on that we had with the physician. It shows that germany can produce these huge movies on a big scale and they can be very successful. I hope that it opens the door for more produc?ons like the medicus because I think the crews are here and the talent is here to make it happen. Tom Payne, actor Thanks also to MMC Studios and their excellent facili?es here in Köln. And, most personally, I want to thank all the amazing members of our crew and produc?on for all their hard work, their invaluable contribu?ons, and their incredible spirits. I will deeply miss working together with all these truly wonderful collaborators. Jim Jarmusch, director and ar9st, 2012, a&er the shoo9ng of “Only Lovers Le& Alive“ Cloud Atlas Producers eastart pictures elsani film EM+Cox Filmproduk?on ena Film Engs>eld Film enigma film Ester.Reglin.Film Produk?onsgesellschaEuropean Mo?on Pictures Film- und Medienproduk?on Eyeworks Germany Filmfabrik filmproduk?on loekenfranke Filmpunkt Florianfilm gff Geißendörfer Film- und Fernsehproduk?on Gi-ed Films West gilles.mann filmproduk?on GRINGO Films Heima>ilm Homo Ludens Pictures HUPE Film- und Fernsehproduk?on Karibufilm Lichtblick Film Lich>ilm Li@le Shark Entertainment Made in Germany MMC Movies Network Movie Neue Cameo Film Palladio Film Pandora Filmproduk?on Philip Gröning Filmproduk?on Propellerfilm Köln Rif Film schneider+groos filmproduk?on Senator Film Köln Splendid Film SteelWorX Film Produc?on Tag/Traum Filmproduk?on Ta>ilm Produk?onsgesellschaThevissen Filmproduk?on Tradewind Pictures TrickStudio Lu@erbeck unafilm W-film Westendfilme Westside Filmproduk?on Weydemann Bros. Wüste Film West Zeitsprung Pictures Zentropa Interna?onal Köln Zieglerfilm Köln Film > 3 Nymphomaniac Film Nymphomaniac Director: Lars von Trier Prod cos: Zentropa Interna?onal Köln, Zentropa (DK), Slot Machine (F), Memfis Film (SE), Zentropa (SE) With Charlo@e Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgård, Shia LaBeouf and others The Physician Director: Philipp Stölzl Prod cos: UFA Cinema With Tom Payne, Sir Ben Kingsley, Stellan Skarsgård, Olivier Mar?nez, Elyas M’Barek and others Beltracchi – The Art of Forgery Director: Arne Birkenstock Prod cos: Fruitmarket, Tradewind Pictures, Telepool, Senator Film Produk?on Nowitzki. The Perfect Shot Director: Sebas?an Dehnhardt Prod cos: Broadview TV Studios blueBox Studios Cubic Studios infostudios MMC Studios Moviepark Studios MP Medienparks NRW nobeo Studio450 Anima?onsstudio/ 3D-Visualisierung 3DHandwerk AKIKA Kommunika?on animagix film Anima?onsfabrik Blanx Effects Interac?ve Blickfischer blueBox Chamaeleon Digital Vision Daywalker Studios DigitalArtCore The Physician Strong documentaries A strong documentary scene has been developing in North Rhine-Westphalia for several years with support from the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW. Apart from Wim Wenders’ 3D dance film Pina, the most recent successes include Arne Birkenstock’s Beltracchi – The Art of Forgery (German Film Award 2014), Corinna Belz’s Gerhard Richter Pain9ng (German Film Award 2012), Taste The Waste by Valen?n Thurn (around 130,000 admissions), Sebas?an Dehnhardt’s Klitschko (numerous interna?onal sales) and Nowitzki – The Perfect Shot. Companies ranging from Lichtblick (Forget Me Not) through Blinkerfilm (Szenario, Revision) to Tag/Traum (Charlo:e Rampling – The Look) and Hupe (15 Corners of the World) represent a prolific and constantly growing documentary scene. Successful children’s fims The Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW has been suppor?ng the produc?on of successful films for children and young people for many years. This has led to the produc?on of commercially successful literary adapta?ons such as Pe:son & Findus, Knight Rusty, Pinocchio, The Adventures of Huck Finn, Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue and Vampire Sisters 1 and 2 as well as original stories à la Pa:y’s Catchup. TV movies Whether it is event mini-series like Genera9on War and The Adlon, docu-dramas such as Charlemagne or commi@ed TV movies like Mord in Eberswalde and Auslandseinsatz: the produc?on of TV fic?on has a centre in North Rhine- In the last twenty years, a highly compe??ve film and media industry with a unique profile has developed in NRW. Sönke Wortmann, CEO Li:le Shark Entertainment 4 Westphalia. High-quality television is developed, shot and also funded targeted here by the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW. Young cinema in NRW A new genera?on of crea?ve and well-trained film-makers is emerging from NRW’s talent labs such as Cologne’s interna?onal film school (ifs) and the Academy for Media Arts (KHM). Thanks to the excellent training situa?on, an ac?ve promo?on of young talent by the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW, and the bursaries awarded by the Films?-ung and the Mediengründerzentrum NRW, young cinema from NRW is flourishing, as is also shown by the prizes and fes?val invita?ons. The feature film debut Los Ángeles by Damian John Harper, which was produced by the Gründerzentrum bursary-holders Weydemann Bros., screened at the Berlinale in 2014 and won the First Steps Award the same year. Sutor Kolonko won important awards with its debut produc?on Sofia’s Last Ambulance (dir: Ilian Metev) and The Chambermaid Lynn (dir: Ingo Haeb). The ifs gradua?on film The Swing Of The Coffin Maker by Elmar Ivánov won the Student Oscar in the category of Foreign Film in 2012. And the Films?-ung also supports the NRW talents for their “second film”: for example, Imanov and Engin Kundag who were invited to Cannes in 2014 with Torn. Georg Maas's second feature film Two Lives, which was also backed by the Films?-ung, managed to reach the Oscar pre-selec?on for the best foreign language film in 2013. KHM graduate Jan Schomburg followed his highly praised debut Above Us Only Sky with his new film Lose My Self with Maria Schrader and Ronald Zehrfeld. NRW is more varied than any other region in Germany. As a consequence, I am constantly coming across extraordinary shoo?ng loca?ons. I think, though, that the special thing about shoo?ng in NRW is also the people who live here. I have never heard of a complete film crew being provided with barbeque sausages by a local resident at half past one in the middle of the night. But I've experienced this in NRW. Wolfgang Groos, director Beltracchi – The Art of Forgery Wim Wenders Scholarship A further opportunity recently opened up for young filmmakers: Wim and Donata Wenders founded the Wim Wenders Founda?on in Düsseldorf at the end of 2012. In co-opera?on with the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW, the Founda?on launched the Wim Wenders Scholarship in February 2014. Applica?ons are accepted from young film-makers whose goal is to enrich film language through new aesthe?c and technical means. The first four scholarship holders were awarded a total of 95,000 Euros in 2014. Anima*on Anima?on from NRW has many facets. Leading agencies like Parasol Island in Düsseldorf set standards in adver?sing, while studios such as the Cologne-based Anima?onsfabrik (Keinohrhase and Zweiohrküken) or the TrickStudio Lu@erbeck (Molly Monster – The Movie) produce feature films and TV series. The MMC studios hosted Ali Samadi Ahadi’s feature film Pe:son & Findus, which features animated segments, as well as Anna Jus?ce’s TV twoparter Pinocchio, which was animated by LAVAlabs Moving Images from Düsseldorf. LAVAlabs Moving Images was also involved in Tom Tykwer’s Cloud Atlas. State-of-the-art studios Studios opera?ng in NRW offer top-notch services for film produc?ons. The MMC Studios, for example, provide one of Europe’s largest and state-of-the-art studio lots with a floor space of 157,000 square metres. The Coloneum in Cologne-Ossendorf has a total of 19 sound stages available, some of them up to 2,600 sq m in area and with a height of up to 23 metres that is unrivalled in Europe. In My decision about loca?on was made according to two principles: the patrio?c local anthem sung by the Höhner, Dat Hätz vun de Welt, jo dat es Kölle (“Cologne is the heart of the world”, which I am quite happy to apply to the whole of NRW), and applying Ar?cle 3 of the Cologne “cons?tu?on” to film: Et hä@ noch immer jot jejange “Things have always turned out OK”. No film would ever be made without this basic convic?on. Be;na Brokemper, CEO, Heima8ilm Dirk Nowitzki: The Perfect Shot addi?on to ren?ng out studios and loca?ons and building sets, the company is also ac?ve through MMC Movies as a film producer and financing partner. Produc?ons hosted by MMC in recent years include The Physician by Philipp Stölzl, Rush by Ron Howard, A Dangerous Method by David Cronenberg and The Reader by Stephen Daldry. Other studios are Cubic Studios in Düsseldorf and infostudios in Monheim as well as MP Medienparks NRW in Hürth where, for example, Lars von Trier shot parts of his film Nymphomaniac. > In recent NRW has become considerably NRW ist inyears, den letzten Jahren als Medienstandmore a@rac?ve as a media loca?on.Die TheFilmFilmort erheblich a@rak?ver geworden. s?-ung NRW has played einen a key role in this devehat hieran erheblichen lopment. our produc?ons, always Anteil. WirWe, undand unsere Produk?onenare kommen happy to come to North Rhine-Westphalia. gerne nach Nordrhein-Wes>alen. Mar9n Moszkowicz, President Vorstand Constan9n Film AG German films would be unthinkable without NRW. And the same goes for X Filme. This is obvious in the case of many produc?ons such as “Run, Lola run”, “Good bye, Lenin!” and, most recently,“The Sources of Life” and “Cloud Atlas”. Stefan Arndt, President X Filme Crea9ve Pool PANDORA has grown up with the media loca?on NRW and the Films?-ung, and we look forward to making more great films together as Best Agers. Christoph Friedel, producer Pandora Film Anima?onsstudio/ 3D-Visualisierung Elevision Anima?on Studio Grafik-Film JEP-Anima?on Trickfilmproduk?on Parasol Island Power-Toons Radl Anima?on REBUSmedia Stefan Eling Moving Pictures Toonsisters TrickStudio Lu@erbeck Associa?ons/Networks dfi Dokumentarfilmini?a?ve im Filmbüro NW Dokumentarfilm-FrauenNetzwerk Köln film- und fernsehproduzentenverband NRW e.V. Filmbüro NW e.V. filmothek der jugend nrw e.V. Netzwerk Filmkultur NRW Netzwerk Kinderfilmfeste NRW Verband der Fernseh-, Film-, Mul?media- und VideowirtschaVFFVmedia e.V. Postproduc?on ACT Videoproduk?on ARRI Film & TV Services cine plus Köln Chaussee SoundVision CuAng Crew Daywalker Studios Die Colorie Edit Sta?on Einschni@ Video- und Postproduk?on HeadQuarter Industriesauger TV LAVALabs Moving Images LogoSynchron MMC Movies Pictorion Das Werk Pixellusion digital postproduc?on Scanline VFX Scope VFX Schni@werk Splendid-Synchron Think Global Media Torus WeFadetoGrey Ymagis Film > 5 Halbe Brüder Film Halbe Brüder Director: Chris?an Alvart Prod cos: Bavaria Pictures, Conrad Film With Fahri Yardim, Sido, Tedros Teclebrhan u.a. Pe@son and Findus Director: Ali Samadi Ahadi Prod cos: Tradewind Pictures With Ulrich Noethen, Marianne Sägebrecht, Max Herbrechter u.a. Frau Müller muss weg Director: Sönke Wortmann Prod cos: Li@le Shark Produk?on With Anke Engelke, Ken Duken, Justus von Dohnányi u.a. Tod den Hippies – Es lebe der Punk! Director: Oskar Roehler Prod cos: X Filme With Tom Schilling, Frederick Lau, Emilia Schüle u.a. Global distribu?on The Match Factory Media Luna New Films New Docs Pandora Distribu?on/marke?ng 3L Filmverleih Atlas Film + Medien Auten?c Distribu?on Europe’s Finest Film Kino Text Filmlichter Mindjazz Pictures Pera Film Rapid Eye Movies Real Fic?on Filmverleih Rif Film Schwarz-Weiß Filmverleih Splendid Film Turbine Mediengroup W-film Distribu?on Pe:son and Findus Top-level postproduc*on The infrastructure in North Rhine-Westphalia also includes many highly qualified service companies which have se@led in the region to meet all of the requirements for film and television produc?on. High standards are guaranteed, in par?cular, in the area of post-produc?on by such serviceproviders as Chaussee SoundVision and Torus. There is now a concentra?on of post-produc?on know-how in North Rhine-Westphalia – with ACT Videoproduk?on, ARRI Film & TV Services, CinePlus, Scanline VFX and many others – with all of them mee?ng the most stringent of interna?onal standards for film and television as well as new media. The renowned providers have been joined by such new players as LAVAlabs Moving Images, a branch of Gradient Effects & Anima?on, the well-known studio for visual effects and 3D anima?on from Los Angeles. Inspiring loca*ons Haus Stapel in the Münsterland for Beloved Sisters by Dominik Graf, the night shoot in the Hansa coking plant in Dortmund for Ari Folman’s The Congress, a miners’ estate in the style of the 1950's for Sönke Wortmann’s The Miracle of Bern, dark forest moods for Lars von Trier’s An9christ, the elevated railway in Wuppertal for Tom Tykwer’s The Princess and the Warrior and Wim Wenders’s Pina: from the Rhineland to Porta Wes>alica, from the Ruhr region to the Münsterland, North Rhine-Westphalia can offer a huge variety of inspiring and striking loca?ons. The Film Commission NRW, which is based at the Film- Producing in NRW – what o-en used to be pure risk is nowadays almost always sheer pleasure. What has grown up here in the last 20 years, with most of it having been planted and tended by the Films?-ung, is what one calls a success story. Regina Ziegler, CEO Zieglerfilm 6 und Mediens?-ung NRW, provides an extensive ini?al service to help find the suitable shoo?ng loca?on in NRW. It has compiled a list of more than 4,500 loca?ons together with the contact details of the responsible local authority or loca?on scout at www.loca? 39 ci?es and rural districts in North Rhine-Westphalia, professional loca?on scouts and the Film Commission form a collabora?on which is unparalleled in Europe. Lively cinema culture on 860 screens NRW’s film landscape is sustained by the vibrant cinema culture in the Rhine and Ruhr region. In 2013, around 860 screens a@racted audiences into cinemas in North RhineWestphalia, making it top of the list in a na?onal comparison. One of the best-known and most impressive cinemas in Germany is the Lichtburg in Essen: It was built in 1928 and renovated with me?culous a@en?on to detail in 2003 thanks to film funding, and, with sea?ng for 1,250, it is Germany’s largest movie theatre. In 2012, the old Residenz cinema in Cologne reopened a-er extensive conversion work as the Astor Filmlounge, adding another luxury film theatre to the cinema scene in NRW. But the industry is not le- alone on its difficult and costly, but necessary, path to digi?sa?on. The Films?-ung NRW has supported the conversion of 43 cinemas with one million Euros since 2010. In addi?on, there is the annual Cinema Programming Award as well as the funding of measures for the modernisa?on, new construc?on and marke?ng In my opinion, NRW/Cologne is the perfect media hub because the extensive arts scene means that there is a plurality of talents here who are crea?ng new media content for a large and interested audience. Andreas Klein, CEO Splendid Film Frau Müller muss weg Tod den Hippies – Es lebe der Punk! of cinemas: In 2013 alone, the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW provided the region’s cinemas with 740,000 Euros for various kinds of support. Since June 2012, the State of North Rhine-Westphalia has collaborated with the Filmund Mediens?-ung NRW to offer a new programme suppor?ng the conversion of smaller cinemas to digital projec?on technology as a way of relieving the cinemaowners. The state government makes 3 million Euros available for this from the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRD) within the framework of its Digital Media State NRW ini?a?ve. Cinema digi?sa?on will be largely completed within NRW by the end of 2014. A varied fes*val scene The diverse range of film fes?vals in NRW is closely linked to the local cinemas. This extremely lively scene is characterised by a high degree of professional specialisa?on. For example, Germany’s most important short film fes?val is based in NRW: the Interna?onal Short Film Fes?val Oberhausen, the world’s oldest and most tradi?onal fes?val for short films is host each year to industry delegates from 50 countries and present awards amoun?ng to 40,000 Euros. Other fields covered by renowned fes?vals include the German-language documentary (Duisburger Filmwoche), films by women (Interna?onales Frauenfilmfes?val Dortmund|Cologne), interna?onal film and television trends (Cologne Conference) and the German cinema (Kinofest Lünen). Apart from some two dozen film fes?vals in NRW, the scene also boasts special industry events, The Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW, major broadcasters, first-class film schools, and funding for up-and-coming filmmakers unlike any other – if we hadn't been born here, we would have had to move here … Jonas Katzenstein, producer augenschein Filmproduk9on including the Film-Messe in Cologne and the Film & Cinema Conference NRW. Furthermore, Cologne is the venue for events which are unique in Germany by concentra?ng on par?cular aspects of film-making cra-: cinematography (Deutscher Kamerapreis), edi?ng (Filmplus) and film scores (SoundTrack_Cologne). < Detmold is where I was born, Herne where I grew up, Cologne where I'm now living, Dortmund has the world's best football club and Düsseldorf the greatest film funding team led by Petra Müller. This here is home for me, and that's also because of the people. There isn't any whining here, people just get on with things. And that's why really special film projects are regularly being made. Wotan Wilke Möhring, actor I lived in Munich for 10 years and in Berlin for 10 years, and didn’t regret a second about moving back to NRW. Within a very short ?me, I got to know lots of highly mo?vated, professional and fun people and am already looking forward to the next joint projects. Peter Thorwarth, director For ARRI, it was an important and correct decision to become involved in the provision of services in Cologne. Major TV and movie projects are made in NRW, and the Films?-ung’s commitment to those projects, not only the regional ones, deserves great credit. Film fes?vals/Awards Bielefelder Kinderfilmfest Blicke – Filmfes?val des Ruhrgebiets Cinepänz Cologne Conference Deutscher Kamerapreis doxs! – Dokumentarfilme für Kinder und Jugendliche Duisburger Filmwoche Exposed – Fes?val für erste Filme Fantasy Filmfest Filmplus – Forum für Filmschni@ und Montagekunst Film- und Videowe@bewerb Bielefeld Filmfest Düsseldorf Filmfes?val Münster Filmpreis Köln Gerd Ruge S?pendium Int. Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen Int. Stummfilmtage Bonn Int. Frauenfilmfes?val Dortmund|Köln Kinderfilmfest Bonn KinderFilmFest Münster Kinderfilmtage Ruhrgebiet KinderKinoFest Düsseldorf Kinofest Lünen Kinoprogrammpreis kurzundschön Short Film Fes?val SoundTrack_Cologne Unlimited Kurzfilmfes?val Videonale Scope Funding Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW Crea?ve Europe Desk NRW Contacts www.films? www.loca? www.crea? Josef Reidinger, CEO ARRI Film & TV Services GmbH Film > 7 Cologne Cathedral Media Harbour Düsseldorf, Gehry Buildings Media Region NRW Television WDR RTL VOX Super RTL n-tv Phoenix QVC Landesstudios SAT.1 Landesstudio ZDF Landesstudio Radio WDR Deutschlandfunk Deutsche Welle radio NRW Producers Film/Televison ac?on concept Ansager & Schnipselmann AZ Media Brainpool TV Broadview Endemol elsani film Eyeworks Germany filmpool gff Geißendörfer Heima>ilm I&U ITV Studios Germany Li@le Shark Entertainment Lichtblick Film Made In Germany MMC Movies Network Movie Pandora Filmproduk?on Redseven Entertainment Raab TV-Produk?on Seapoint Produc?ons Senator Film Köln Sony Pictures FFP Tresor TV UFA Show & Factual Westside Filmproduk?on Wüste Film West Zeitsprung Pictures Zentropa Interna?onal Köln Zieglerfilm Köln Studios blueBox Studios Cubic Studios infostudios MMC Studios Moviepark Studios nobeo WDR-Studios Köln-Bocklemünd 8 Welcome to North Rhine-Westphalia, the federal state of media, communica?ons and the crea?ve industries. With around 18 million inhabitants, NRW is not only the most populous of the German federal states, but it is also one of the most economically powerful metropolitan regions in Europe. The media and communica?ons industry plays a crucial role in this. With 25,000 companies in the media and communica?ons sector (2013), approximately 414,000 employees (2013), and a turnover of 130 billion Euros (2012), the federal state has developed into Germany’s leading media and crea?ve hub and one of the strongest in Europe. An incomparable cultural landscape ensures that the region is a@rac?ve and offers a high quality of life as well as produc?ve synergies between media, art and culture that guarantee its crea?vity and innova?ve vitality. Interna*onally opera*ng media companies Two global players lead the ranks of the most influen?al media companies in North Rhine-Westphalia. Bertelsmann, the largest media concern in Europe and the number eight in the world, has its headquarters in Gütersloh in East Westphalia. The media giant operates in the following four main business fields in more than 50 countries around the world: television (RTL Group), books (Penguin Random House), magazines (Gruner + Jahr) and media services (arvato). Bertelsmann employs more than 110,000 people globally and posted turnover of 16.4 billion Euros in 2013. The city of Bonn, located some 200 kilometres southwestward from Gütersloh, is home to Deutsche Telekom. With 142.5 million mobile phone customers, 31 million landline Bertelsmann is based in North Rhine-Westphalia and interna?onally. The media business is experiencing rapid transforma?on. Digitaliza?on and crea?vity find the perfect innova?ve environment to par?cipate in these changes in North Rhine-Westphalia. Thomas Rabe, Chairman of the Board Bertelsmann and more than 17 million broadband connec?ons, it is one of the world’s market leaders. The company offers products and services for landline telephones, mobile communica?ons, Internet and, increasingly, moving images via IPTV and ICT solu?ons for corporate clients; it has a presence in some 50 countries and has a workforce of 230,000 throughout the world. In 2013, the turnover of Deutsche Telekom amounted to 60.1 billion Euros. The Essen-based Funke Media Group also plays in the inter-na?onal media league. It publishes no figures , but is considered by the industry as one of the most profitable media companies in Germany. Newspapers and magazines are the tradi?onal focus of opera?ons for this company in the heart of the Ruhr region. Publishers with a future Along with Bertelsmann and the Funke Media Group, the DuMont Schauberg Media Group, the Handelsbla@ newspaper from Düsseldorf and the Ippen Group in Hamm are among the most important na?onal players in the whole of Germany. Nowadays, what used to be classic publishers has now evolved into broad-based, interna?onally ac?ve media corpora?ons facing up to the challenges of new digital distribu?on and aware of how to take advantage of them. The book publishers are also fit for the future. More than 500 publishers from NRW generated a turnover of 3.8 billion Euros in 2012, headed up by the German market leader in the field of hardcover fic?on, Bastei Lübbe, and the renowned publisher Kiepenheuer & Witsch in Cologne. Deutsche Telekom is not only providing society with infrastructure. We are also a reliable companion in the digital world. Both privately and professionally. Any?me and anywhere. Simplifying and enriching people’s lives – that is our mission. NRW is the home from where we take on this responsibility – also in partnership with the media. Timotheus Hö:ges, CEO Deutsche Telekom Facts and Figures Dortmunder U, centre for art and crea9vity Germany’s number one television loca*on WDR, RTL, VOX, Super RTL, n-tv, Phoenix and several others: North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the biggest TV hubs in Europe and the undisputed number one loca?on in Germany. The TV capital of Cologne is not only home to WDR, Europe’s largest public broadcaster, and RTL, the most successful commercial television sta?on in Germany, but also to the majority of Germany’s most important TV producers. Their entertainment formats dominate the ra?ngs figures: major players like UFA Show & Factual, ITV Studios Germany, Brainpool, Endemol Deutschland and Eyeworks produce such successful formats as Idol, I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!, Let’s Dance, Come Dine with Me, Henssler – The Restauran:ester, Who wants to be a millionaire?, TV Total, Beat your Host. ZDF is also a successful producer in NRW. Germany’s second na?onal channel has a presence in Düsseldorf with the editorial offices for the regional studio and the programme Volle Kanne, the market leader of the morning magazine programmes. Moreover, the ZDF audience favourite heute-show is r ecorded in Cologne each week. What’s more, there is also succesful fic?on produc?on – TV events like Genera9on War, The Adlon, Hindenburg and The Krupps, television films like Schimanski, Mord in Eberswalde, Nichts mehr wie vorher and George, series such as Lindenstrasse, Stromberg, Die Anrheiner, Alarm for cobra 11 and The last cop, daily soaps such as Verbotene Liebe and Alles was zählt, sitcoms and comedy like Pastewka, Switch reloaded, Ladykracher as well as the NRW is one of Germany’s most important media loca?ons. Cologne is especially important, above all in the field of major entertainment shows and long-running series. We see the func?oning network of crea?ve minds, producers and service providers as well as the RTL Deutschland media group’s geographical proximity to a large number of produc?on companies as being a key factor of our success. Anke Schäferkordt, Managing Director RTL Group > Germany’s leading media and communica?ons loca?on > 25,000 companies, 414,000 employees, 130 billion Euros turnover > Interna?onally opera?ng media and telecommunica?ons companies > Bertelsmann, Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone, Funke > Strong newspaper and book publishing sector > Leading TV broadcasters WDR, RTL, VOX, Super RTL, n-tv, Phoenix > Cologne: German TV capital No. 1 > Majority of Germany's leading TV producers in Cologne > Highly professional service-providers > One-third of domes?c television programming produced here > Lively and crea?ve film scene > Financially strong film funding ins?tu?on > Booming games cluster, strong Web scene > Düsseldorf – adver?sing loca?on with the biggest turnover, mobile capital > Diverse art and cultural scene > Highly qualified specialist personnel > Excellent universi?es and colleges highly popular NRW Scene of the Crime series from Münster, Cologne and Dortmund. The professional and produc?ve environment of North Rhine-Westphalia generates an output unmatched elsewhere: more than a third of the TV programming produced in Germany comes from NRW. German films and interna*onal star cinema Cinema from NRW – we are talking about award-winning produc?ons and box office smashes as well as arthouse highlights. Outstanding movies for the cinema have been produced here con?nuously for the past 20 years, including Til Schweiger’s Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door, Tom Tykwer’s Run, Lola, Run, Sönke Wortmann’s The Miracle of Bern, Michael „Bully“ Herbig’s Manitou’s Shoe, Wolfgang Becker’s Good Bye, Lenin!, Wim Wenders’ Oscar-nominated Pina, Philipp Stölzl’s The Physician, and Margarethe von Tro@a’s Hannah Arendt. On top of this, many interna?onal produc?ons benefit from the federal state’s firstclass infrastructure, ideal produc?on condi?ons and a wide variety of unusual loca?ons for shoo?ng. Thanks to the crea?ve and financial input from North Rhine-Westphalia, Michael Haneke (Hidden), Ken Loach (The Wind That Shakes the Barley) and Apichatpong Weerasethakul (Uncle Boonmee) have won Golden Palms in Cannes, Semih Kaplanoglu (Bal) has won a Golden Bear in Berlin, Samuel Maoz (Lebanon) a Golden Lion in Venice, Philip Gröning (Into Great Silence) the European Film Award, Gérard Corbiau (Farinelli) and Hany Abu-Assad (Paradise Now) a Golden Globe each, and Kate Winslet an Oscar. > The diversity of the a@rac?ve media region of NRW is unique in Europe. With its crea?vity and passion for cinema, WDR is an excellent partner for exci?ng and modern projects. This is where risks are taken and experiments carried out. We support the next genera?on of film-makers and media crea?ves and offer them a fer?le home at WDR. Tom Buhrow, Director of WDR Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex Postproduc?ons ACT Videoproduk?on ARRI Film & TV Services Chaussee SoundVision cine plus Köln Industriesauger-TV LAVALabs Moving Images PICTORION das werk RuhrSoundStudios digital postproduc?on ScanlineVFX Torus Distribu?on Auten?c Distribu?on The Match Factory media luna new films New Docs Games astragon So-ware Blue Byte Electronic Arts Piranha Bytes/Pluto 13 RTL interac?ve Turtle Entertainment UbisoMobile Coupies E-Plus Ericsson Glanzkinder KIT digital netSTART Venture Nokia Seven Principles RTL interac?ve Sevenval T-Mobile Vodafone WDR mediagroup Internet AdAudience arvato Bassier, Bergmann & Kindler denkwerk favsol Pixelpark RTL interac?ve T-Systems Mul?media Solu?ons UFA LAB NRW WDR mediagroup digital Media Region NRW > 9 RTL Group, Cologne Funke media group, Essen Media Region NRW Publishers Bertelsmann Handelsbla@ Ippen Gruppe M. DuMont Schauberg Rheinische Post Verlagsges. Funke Mediengruppe Book Publishers Bastei Lübbe Emons Verlag Random House Kiepenheuer & Witsch Taschen Verlag Adver?sing/PR Agencies BBDO DDB Tribal Grey Grayling Hering Schuppener Jeschenko Ketchum Pleon McCann Erickson MEC MediaCom Media Concept muehlhausmoers Ogilvy Oliver Schro@ Kommunika?on OMD Op?media Publicis Saatchi & Saatchi Scholz & Friends Ströer TBWA Vok Dams Weber Shandwick Zenithmedia Telecommunica?ons Deutsche Telekom Vodafone E-Plus Huawei QSC Ericsson Nokia LG Electronics Samsung Cable & Satellite TV Unitymedia NetCologne Tele Columbus Eutelsat ASTRO Strobel Kommunika?onssysteme 10 Radio NRW's radio sta?ons are at the forefront as well: four of the ten sta?ons with the highest audience figures in Germany come from NRW, including the na?on's No. 1, radio NRW. Large public broadcasters are also based here, headed up by WDR, Germany's largest broadcaster with six FM channels, as well as Deutschlandfunk and Deutsche Welle. Nowhere else in Germany do more listeners tune into their radios, and there is no comparably dense network of public and private sta?ons. Games, Mobile, Internet, Start-up scene NRW’s games industry also gets high scores: its turnover is one of the highest in Germany. Electronic Arts and Ubiso-, two of the world’s leading games developers, are based on the banks of the River Rhine; moreover, a quarter of all German games developers and arvato, one of the most important distributors for the domes?c industry, operate from here. The gamescom in Cologne is one of the three biggest games trade fairs worldwide, and young talent in the crea?ve field of game development has access to a wide range of training opportuni?es. An ideal infrastructure is also in place for the new mobile sector that is especially involved in developing apps and benefits from the proximity to all of the market players: apart from the games producers, there are numerous telecommunica?ons companies, crea?ve developers, innova?ve so-ware companies and the top TV sta?ons as content-providers. In total, 40 per cent of the companies involved in the mobile sector in Germany are based in NRW. The Internet indus- As a media loca?on, NRW is crea?ve, successful, exci?ng, varied and lively. Here you will find the biggest TV and radio broadcasters, more than 40 daily newspaper publishers, more than 10,000 adver?sing companies, and numerous growing start-ups from the games and Internet scene, all next door to each other. That is a very interesting and exci?ng crea?ve pool which generates mutual inspira?on and new ideas! Dr. Angelica Schwall-Düren, Minister of Federal Affairs, Europe and Media Bertelsmann, Gütersloh try with such players as,, Mediakra-, RTL interac?ve and WDR mediagroup digital is also highly apprecia?ve of these first-class structures. A crea?ve and confident start-up scene with one of the highest enterprise birth rates in Germany, leading Internet agencies and important associa?ons for the digital economy are addi?onal posi?ve factors for the region. Music Music is well posi?oned in NRW. A crea?ve scene in the Rhine-Ruhr Region as well as four state-run music colleges provide the basis. The concentra?on of extraordinary venues is unique within in Europe, a@rac?ng major ar?sts from the worlds of pop and classical music. Music companies like Rhingtön, Rough Trade, Al!ve, Medion and Denon operate out of NRW where a total of around 2,400 companies are ac?ve in the music industry, genera?ng around 2 billion Euros per year. Adver*sing The top address for the adver?sing and communica?on business is Düsseldorf, Germany's adver?sing hub with the largest turnover. The federal state capital is the base for the largest network agencies BBDO, Grey and Heimat, home to five of the ten biggest media agencies in Germany (incl. MediaCom and OMD), the biggest event agency (Vok Dams) as well as the na?on's second-largest PR agency (Ketchum Pleon). Agencies and crea?ves appreciate the interna?onal character, the large companies and media, the quality of life, and the relaxed combina?on of lifestyle North Rhine-Westphalia is an a@rac?ve loca?on for the crea?ve and cultural industries – and thus also for the media sector. This is where global players, an innova?ve SME sector and a crea?ve, produc?ve start-up scene are working closely together. For NRW offers companies the complete package: brains, capital and coopera?ons . Garrelt Duin, Minister for Economics, Energy, Industry and Commerce of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn and business. In addi?on, the cultural environment provides a strong crea?ve input. Cables, Connec*ons, Networks Three of the four German mobile phone operators are based in Bonn and Düsseldorf: Vodafone, T-Mobile and E-Plus. Close to 90 per cent of the mobile phone market in Germany is covered by the companies from NRW. Major ITC companies and leading universi?es are present throughout the whole of NRW. Thanks to its Entertain TV service, Deutsche Telekom has become a player in the cable market which is also well represented in NRW. Unitymedia in Cologne is the second-largest cable network operator in Germany, and NetCologne the largest city carrier. They all benefit in turn from the presence of the leading content providers. Events and Awards With so many professionals from the fields of media, communica?on and crea?vity being located in NRW, there is also a need for communica?on pla>orms and industry events. A permanent fixture in the calendar for all in the media industry is the Media Forum NRW in Cologne. In 2014, it was staged for the first ?me in coopera?on with the conference for ANGA COM, Europe's leading trade fair for cable, broadband and satellite. Each year, the Media Forum is a venue for thought leaders from film, television, radio, print, games, telecommunica?ons and media policy to come together and exchange views. The gamescom is one of the most important interna?onal trade fairs for I put my faith in the media loca?on NRW because it is so diverse, so exci?ng, so crea?ve and so challenging. It never gets boring here because things are moving all the ?me. Dr. Jürgen Brautmeier, Director State Media Authority of NRW West German Broadcas9ng, Cologne interac?ve entertainment. It is held at the koelnmesse trade fair grounds, the same venue as for the photokina and dmexco fairs. As far as film fes?vals are concerned, North Rhine-Westphalia has a variety of events. Almost 30 events of regional and interna?onal significance are organized during the year for cineastes and film professionals. Europe’s largest reading fes?val, lit.Cologne, has been making reading into a popular event for the past 14 years. More than 200 individual events a@racted around 101,000 visitors in 2014. And not least of all, NRW as Germany's centre of television also serves as the venue for the most important German television awards. The broadcasters WDR/ARD, ZDF, RTL and SAT.1 have been presen?ng the German Television Award (Deutscher Fernsehpreis) at the Coloneum in Cologne each year since 1999. The awards ceremony for the German Comedy Award (Deutscher Comedypreis) is held during the Interna?onal Cologne Comedy Fes?val which underscores Cologne’s status as Germany's comedy capital anew each year. Since 1964, works for television of outstanding ar?s?c and journalis?c quality have annually been awarded the Grimme Prize in Marl. And the venerated German Camera Award (Deutscher Kamerapreis) is also at home in NRW along with the enormously popular German Web Video Award (Deutscher Webvideopreis) and the renowned German Developers Award (Deutscher Entwicklerpreis) from the field of digital media. < We have been based in NRW since 1956. With good reason: Düsseldorf is one of the leading German centres of adver?sing with a strong business environment. And there are numerous TV and media companies in neighbouring Cologne. The region stands for communica?on and, at the same ?me, for a lively art and cultural scene. All of this a@racts crea?ve talents. This is an environment where we can work successfully. Frank Lotze, CEO BBDO Germany Events 1LIVE Krone Advance c/o pop Fes?val Cologne Conference Deutscher Comedypreis Deutscher Entwicklerpreis Deutscher Fernsehpreis Deutscher Kamerapreis Deutscher Webvideopreis Duisburger Filmwoche DW-Global Media Forum Eurovision Song Contest 2011 GDC Europe Grimme Online Award Grimme Preis Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden Int. Köln Comedy Fes?val Int. Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen Int. Frauenfilmfes?val Dortmund|Köln Interac?ve Cologne Karlsmedaille für Europ. Medien Kinofest Lünen Kinoprogrammpreis lit.Cologne Living Games Fes?val Medienforum NRW Radio Adver?sing Summit red dot award Rheinkultur Ruhrtriennale Summer Jam Fairs ANGA COM Art Cologne digi:media drupa dmexco gamescom photokina Financing/Subsidies Mediengründerzentrum NRW Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW Mediencluster NRW NRW.BANK NRW.Invest Contacts www.crea? www.films? Media Region NRW > 11 Funding & Financing Funding Ins?tu?ons Crea?ve Europe Desk NRW Filmcommission NRW Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW Mediencluster NRW NRW.Bank NRW.Invest Awards, Grants and Scholarships Förderpreis für junge Künstlerinnen und Künstler des Landes NRW Förderpreise der Vodafone S?-ung für Forschung Games Factory Ruhr Gründerpreis NRW Mediengründerzentrum NRW netSTART Contacts www.films? www.crea? www.wimwenderss? www.crea? staatskanzlei Founded in 1991, the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW is one of Germany’s financially strongest regional film funders with an annual budget of 31 million Euros. Apart from suppor?ng film and televison and innova?ve media content, its remit also includes loca?on marke?ng and development. Following the takeover of the Mediencluster NRW in 2011, the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW has now become an integrated funding ins?tu?on and the central contact point for media in NRW. In addi?on to its par?cipa?on in the most important funding ins?tu?ons, the federal state of NRW also supports the film and media industry with compe??ons for the development of innova?ve and convergence-oriented business models in the digital media of the future. The interests of the media are represented poli?cally by the Ministry for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media, located within the State Chancellery. Since 1991, the Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW has supported around 1,800 film and television produc?ons with funding amoun?ng to almost 580 million Euros. The focus of the funding ac?vi?es is on films for cinema and television, par?cularly interna?onal co-produc?ons. The support is allocated in all phases of produc?on and exploita?on: from story development through screenplay and produc?on to distribu?on and sales. The Land of NRW The Department of Culture at the Ministry for Children, Youth, Culture and Sport supports media and cultural projects in various different ways, ranging from fes?vals to the region’s film houses and media workshops. NRW’s Ministry of Finance supports the crea?ve industry and the informa?on and communica?ons technology with the associated clusters. North Rhine-Westphalia is the place for ideas, for crea?ve minds. They develop visions and stories, and so they all make NRW into the most successful film and TV loca?on in Germany. Whether films for cinema or TV, documentaries, soaps or the best in entertainment – there is no other loca?on producing as much as the Rhine and Ruhr region. This is a success story we owe to crea?ve minds from film and TV. But the state has contributed a lot as well. And it will stay that way. That’s a promise. Marc Jan Eumann, State Secretary for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media 12 Film- und Mediens*ung NRW NRW is one of Europe’s leading media regions. In order to consolidate this posi?on in economic, technological and crea?ve terms, the federal state supports the industry with sustainably effec?ve, mul?-faceted funding programmes and ins?tu?ons. Consequently, NRW is not only the federal state with one of Germany’s financially strongest regional film funding programmes – its commitment to companies and projects in the field of new media, startups and young entrepreneurs also ensures that there are outstanding opportuni?es for development. Funding ac*vi*es In addi?on, there is support for cinemas and radio plays as well as recently introduced funding programmes for digital content and innova?ve TV formats, and bursaries for web video-makers and the young genera?on of filmmakers: 2011 saw the launch of the funding programme for the development of innova?ve audiovisual projects in the fields of games, Internet and mobile. The development of non-fic?on, innova?ve TV formats in entertainment, comedy, series, show, talk and serial formats has been The development of both film and media culture and the film and media industry in NRW is our mission, the funding of film, television and innova?ve media content is our core competence. With the media region’s sustainability in mind, we help create a network of companies and players and promote NRW as the leading hub for film and media, communica?on and convergence in the middle of Europe. Petra Müller, CEO Film- und Mediens9&ung NRW Facts and Figures > Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW: one of Germany’s financially strongest regional film funders with 31 million Euros > Pilot funding programme for the development of digital content > Pilot funding programme for innova?ve TV formats > Pilot funding programme for gradua?on films from NRW film academies > Bursary for the development of web videos, Wim Wenders scholarship, Gerd Ruge scholarship > Innova?on programme Create.Media.NRW > Promo?onal awards and scholarships for start-ups and young entrepreneurs > NRW.Bank – financial partner of the crea?ve industries > NRW.Invest supports companies re-loca?ng to the region > Commi@ed state media and loca?on policy supported since 2012. In 2014, the na?on’s first bursary for the development of web videos was awarded in coopera?on with the European Web Video Academy. The same year saw the launch of a programme suppor?ng gradua?on films from NRW film academies. The Wim Wenders Founda?on joined forces with the Film- und Mediens?-ung to award scholarships from 2014 to promote innova?ve cinema?c language. Mediencluster NRW Since 1999, the Film Commission NRW has served under the umbrella of the Films?-ung as the first port of call for na?onal and interna?onal crea?ves. It provides support in scou?ng loca?ons in the region, applying for shoo?ng permits and establishing contacts to service-providers. The Cologne-based Mediengründerzentrum NRW supports start-ups and young companies in the areas of cinema, TV, new media and games with grants, seminars, consulta?on and coaching. The programme has an annual intake of 12 media companies. Since 1992, the Films?-ung has also housed one of Germany’s five Crea?ve Europe Desks who offer comprehensive advice in the prepara?on of funding applica?ons for Brussels and network support for European coopera?on. The NRW.Bank also offers appropriate possibili?es of public funding and private capital loans to start-ups and medium-sized businesses in NRW. Among other things, it supports promising start-ups with micro and start-up loans such as the crea?ve credit. Film Commission NRW Crea*ve Europe Desk Create.Media.NRW funding compe**on 2012 saw the launch of the Digital Media innova?on programme, ini?ated by the Land of NRW and financed by the EU, to support NRW-based small and mediumsized enterprises, training and research ins?tu?ons in the realisa?on of their projects and business concepts. The funding compe??on was con?nued in 2014 under the new name of CreateMedia.NRW. North Rhine-Westphalia is the leading media loca?on in Germany. Companies will find outstanding loca?on factors here: superb public transport links and infrastructure, a highlydefined research scene, a qualified workforce, and a unique quality of life. Petra Wassner, CEO NRW.Invest The Mediencluster NRW is the regional contact point for the digital media scene in NRW. Start-ups, young crea?ves and companies are offered a comprehensive range of services and informa?on. It creates visibility for the industry at trade fairs at home and abroad and makes an ac?ve contribu?on for the networking and further development of NRW as a digital hub. Mediengründerzentrum NRW NRW.Bank NRW.INVEST As the federal state’s own business development corpora?on, NRW.INVEST offers a one-stop service to poten?al investors from home and abroad by providing loca?on informa?on and help in the search for premises as well as liaison and assistance in nego?a?ons and permit procedures. < The varied media landscape in NRW offers the best opportuni?es for training and qualifica?on. This represents an essen?al basis for a sustainable development of the produc?on hub. Young media professionals find ideal condi?ons here for entrepreneurial development and sectoral prospects. Joachim Ortmanns, CEO Mediengründerzentrum NRW Funding > 13 Producers & service-providers Producers > 2Pilots Filmproduk9on, Cologne Jörg Siepmann, Harry Flöter References: Hanna’s Journey“, dir: Julia von Heinz/„Dr. Aléman“, dir: Tom Schreiber/„Wallace Line“, dir: Franz Müller Phone +49-221-913 01 53 [email protected] > 58FILME, Cologne Olaf Hirschberg, Tom Schreiber References: „The Chambermaid Lynn“, dir: Ingo Haeb/ „Dr. Aléman“, dir: Tom Schreiber Phone +49-221-680 890 42 > ac9on concept Film- und Stuntproduk9on, Hürth Kay Niessen, Daniel Hetzer References: „Autobahn“, dir: Eran Creevy/ „Rush“, dir: Ron Howard „Alarm for Cobra 11“ (TV-Series) Phone +49-2233-50 81 00 info@ac? > augenschein Filmproduk9on, Cologne Jonas Katzenstein, Maximilian Leo References: „My Brothers Keeper“, dir: Maximilian Leo/„Tour du Faso“, dir: Wilm Huygen Phone +49-221-169 505 00 info@augenschein-filmproduk? www.augenschein-filmproduk? > Belle Epoque Films, Cologne Nicole Ringhut References: „Fritz Lang – Der Andere in uns“, dir: Gordian Maugg/ „Bastard“, dir: Carsten Unger/ „The Nun“, dir: Guillaume Nicloux Phone +49-221-168 530 09 > Berengar Pfahl Film, Haan Berengar Pfahl References: „Odyssey of Heroes“, dir: Berengar Pfahl/ „Blue Sky over Mexico“, dir: Berengar Pfahl/ „Shanghai Baby“, dir: Berengar Pfahl Phone +49-2129-379 90 > Blinker Filmproduk9on, Cologne Meike Martens References: „Revision“, dir: Philipp Scheffner/„Consequence“, dir: Thomas Heise/„Nostalgia de la Luz“, dir: Patricio Guzmán Phone +49-221-53 97 460 > Boogiefilm, Cologne Janna Velber References: „DessauDancers“, dir: Jan Mar?n Scharf/„Romeos“, dir: Sabine Bernardi/ „Mr Rücker“, dir: Anna Wahle Phone +49-221-96 67 33 83 14 > Broadview Pictures, Cologne Leopold Hoesch References: „Nowitzki. The Perfect Shot“, dir: Sebas?an Dehnhardt/„Klitschko“, dir: Sebas?an Dehnhardt Phone +49-221-579 64 30 [email protected] > Busse & Halberschmidt, Düsseldorf Marcelo Busse, Markus Halberschmidt References: „Happy Birthday“, dir: Denis Dercourt/„Armin“, dir: Ognjen Svilicic/„In My Father’s House are many Mansions“, dir: Hajo Schomerus Phone +49-211-862 85 95 [email protected] > Coin Film, Cologne Herbert Schwering References: „It’s All So Quiet“, dir: Nanouk Leopold/„The Rhino and the Dragonfly“, dir: Lola Randl Phone +49-221-32 20-53 > Color of May, Cologne Eva Blondiau, Elmar Imanov References: „Torn“, dir: Elmar Imanov, Engin Kundag/ „The Swing Of The Coffin Maker“, dir: Elmar Imanov > dagstar film, Cologne Dagmar Niehage References: „Pa@y’s Katchup“, dir: Tina von Traben/„Low Lights“, dir: Ignas Miskinis Phone +49-221-931 844-13 > eastart pictures, Cologne Ewa Borowski, Dennis Todorovic References: „Schwester Weiss“, dir: Dennis Todorovic/ „Sascha”, dir: Dennis Todorovic Phone +49-221-169 089 76 [email protected] > elsani film,Cologne Anita Elsani References: „The Last Mentsh“, dir: Pierre-Henry Salfa?/„Like It Or Not!“, dir: Ben Verbong/ „Vivere“, dir: Angelina Maccarone Phone +49-221-510 85 85 [email protected] > Er&tal Film, Siegburg Klaus Dohle References: „Omamamia“, dir: Tomy Wigand/„Young Goethe in Love“, dir: Philipp Stölzl/ „Killing Is My Business, Honey“, dir: Sebas?an Niemann Phone +49-2241-122 101 > Ester.Reglin.Film, Cologne Roswitha Ester, Torsten Reglin References: „Alleine war gestern“, dir: Dagmar Seume/ „Offside Trap“, dir: Stefan Hering/„One Day…“, dir: Iain Dilthey/„Sonny Boy“, dir: Maria Peters Phone +49-221-169 251 95 > Eyeworks Germany, Cologne Sabine de Mardt References: „Broken Glass Park“, dir: BeAna Blümner/„Berlin 36“, dir: Kaspar Heidelbach/ „Lorna’s Silence“, dir: Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne Phone +49-221-93 47 08 100 [email protected] > FFP New Media, Cologne Michael Smeaton References: „Pinocchio“, dir: Anna Jus?ce Regie: Anna Jus?ce > Filmfabrik, Cologne Kadir Sözen References: „Takiye“, dir: Ben Verbong/„God is Dead“, dir: Kadir Sözen Phone +49-221-934 76 70 > FilmForm Köln, Cologne Petra Seeger, Joachim von Mengershausen References: „In Search of Memory“, dir: Petra Seeger/ „Among Peasants“, dir: Ludi Boeken/ „Teza“, dir: Haile Gerima Phone +49-221-38 88 35 > Florianfilm, Cologne Marianne Schäfer References: „Deutschboden“, dir: André Schäfer/„The World According To Irving“, dir: André Schäfer/„Perry Rhodan – cosmic hero“, dir: André Schäfer Phone +49-221-200 52 80 > Fruitmarket, Cologne Arne Birkenstock References: „Beltracchi – The Art of Forgery“, dir: Arne Birkenstock/ „Die Moskauer Prozesse“, dir: Milo Rau Phone +49-221-887 55 13 Offi[email protected] > gff Geißendörfer Film- und Fernsehproduk9on, Cologne References: „Ruby Red“, dir: Felix Fuchssteiner/ „Uncle Boonmee“, dir: Apitchatpong Weerasethakul Phone +49-221-220 52 90 info@geissendö www.geissendö > Gi&ed Films West, Cologne Reza Bahar References: „Das Löwenmädchen“, dir: Vibeke Idso/ „The Nun“, dir: Guillaume Nicloux/„Bastard“, dir: Carsten Unger/„Teenage Angst“, dir: Thomas Stuber Phone +49-221-168 530 04 > gilles.mann filmproduk9on, Cologne Marco Gilles, Daniel Mann References: „Go West – Freedom At Any Price“, dir: Andreas Linke/ „Bibliothèque Pascal“, dir: Szablocs Hajdu Phone +49-221-355 85 54 [email protected] > Gringo Films, Cologne Sonja Ewers, Steve Hudson References: „Bethlehem“, dir: Yuval Adler/„True North“, dir: Steve Hudson/„Lebanon“, dir: Samuel Maoz Phone +49-221-16 84 26 58 > Gruppe 5 Filmproduk9on, Cologne Alexander Hesse References: „Konrad Adenauer – The Hours Of Decision“, dir: Stefan Schneider/„The Germans”, dir: div./„The Germanic Tribes“, dir: div. Phone +49-221-946 70 70 > Heima8ilm, Cologne BeAna Brokemper References: „Die Einsamkeit des Killers vor dem Schuss“, dir: Florian Mischa Böder/ „Hannah Arendt“, dir: Margarethe von Tro@a/„Bal – Honey“, dir: Semih Kaplanoglu/ „Quissa“, dir: Anup Singh Phone +49-221-977 799-0 post@heima> www.heima> > Hupe Film- und Fernsehproduk9on, Cologne Andreas Brauer, Mar?n Roelly, Erik Winker References: „An Island named Udo“, dir: Markus Sehr/„Work Hard – Play Hard“, dir: Carmen Losmann/ „Keep Up the Good Work“, dir: Konstan?n Faigle Phone +49-221-205 337 00 > Karibufilm, Cologne Hans Eddy Schreiber References: „Hilfe, ich habe meine Lehrerin geschrump-“, dir: Sven Unterwaldt Phone +49-221-954 328 30 > Lichtblick Film- und Fernsehproduk9on, Cologne Joachim Ortmanns, Carl-Ludwig ReAnger References: „Houston“, dir: Bas?an Günther/„David Wants to Fly“, dir: David Sieveking/ „What You Don`t See“, dir: Wolfgang Fischer Phone +49-221-92 57 52-0 > Lich8ilm, Cologne Wolfgang Bergmann References: „Sweet Poison“, dir: Peter Heller/„Russia’s Wonder Children“, dir: Irene Langemann/ „The Magical Journey Of The Useless Things“, dir: Katja Schupp, Hartmut Seifert Phone +49-221-972 65 17 info@lich> www.lich> > Li:le Shark Entertainment, Cologne Tom Spieß References: „Frau Müller muss weg“, dir: Sönke Wortmann/ „Wrecked“, dir: Sönke Wortmann/ „The Miracle of Bern“, dir: Sönke Wortmann Phone +49-221-33 61-10 li@leshark@[email protected] [email protected] > Made in Germany Filmproduk9on, Cologne Melanie Andernach, Knut Losen References: „The Arrangement“, dir: Peter Bösenberg/„Tales of the Defeated“, dir: Yael Reuveny/ „I Want My Country Back“, dir: Astrid Schult Phone +49-221-272 636 11 > The Match Factory, Cologne Michael Weber References: „Stratos“, dir: Yannis Economides/ „Berberian Sound Studio“, dir: Peter Strickland Phone +49-221-53 97 090 [email protected] > Network Movie, Cologne Wolfgang Cimera References: „Lollipop Monster“, dir: Ziska Riemann/„Die Kirche bleibt im Dorf“, dir: Ulrike Grote/ „Das Ende einer Nacht“, dir: MaA Geschonneck Phone +49-221-94 88 80 [email protected] > Palladio Film, Cologne Niko von Glasow References: „My Way To Olympia“, dir: Niko von Glasow/„Everything will be Alright“, dir: Niko von Glasow/ „No Body’s Perfect“, dir: Niko von Glasow Phone +49-221-168 684 75 > Pandora Filmproduk9on, Cologne Christoph Friedel References: „Lose My Self“, dir: Jan Schomburg/„Only Lovers Le- Alive“, dir: Jim Jarmusch/ „The Congress“, dir: Ari Folman Phone +49-221-973 320 > Propellerfilm, Cologne Christoph Bauer References: „The Big Sellout“, dir: Florian Opitz/„The Visitor“, dir: Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää Phone +49-221-397 59 88 > Senator Film Köln, Cologne Ulf Israel References: „Der Koch“, dir: Ralf Hue@ner/„Mr. Morgan’s Last Love“, dir: Sandra Ne@elbeck/ „00 Schneider – Im Wendekreis der Eidechse“, dir: Helge Schneider Phone +49-221-88 88 46 12 [email protected] > Splendid Produk9on Andreas R. Klein References: „Systemfehler – Wenn Inge tanzt“, dir: Wolfgang Groos Phone +49-221-954 23 20 info@splendid-produk? www.splendid-produ? > Sutor Kolonko, Cologne Ingmar Trost References: „Cooking Cats“, dir: Isabelle Stever/ „The Chambermaid Lynn“, dir: Ingo Haeb Phone +49-221-789 448 40 [email protected] > Tag/Traum Filmproduk9on, Cologne Gerd Haag References: „The Look – Charlo@e Rampling“, dir: Angelina Maccarone/„Brasch – Das Wünschen und das Fürchten“, dir: Christoph Rüter /„Invisible“, dir: Michal Aviad Phone +49-221-650 259 011 [email protected] > Thevissen Filmproduk9on, Cologne Juliane Thevissen References: „Sternstunde“, dir: Erica von Moeller/„Home In The Ice“, dir: Heike Fink/„Rockabilly Ruhrpo@“, dir: Chris?n Feldmann, Claudia Bach Phone +49-221-788 799 11 > Tradewind Pictures, Cologne Helmut G. Weber, Thomas Springer References: „Pe@son and Findus“, dir: Ali Samadi Ahadi/ „Chandani – The Daughter of the Elephant Whisperer“, dir: Arne Birkenstock/„Beloved Berlin Wall“, dir: Peter Timm Phone +49-221-912 56 10 [email protected] > TrickStudio Lu:erbeck, Cologne Richard Lu@erbeck, Ma@hias Bruhn References: „Duck, Death And The Tulip“, dir: Ma@hias Bruhn/ „Post!“, dir: Chris?an Asmussen, Ma@hias Bruhn Phone +49-221-216 427 [email protected] > unafilm, Cologne Titus Kreyenberg References: „Heli“, dir: Amat Escalante/„Colors in The Dark“, dir: Sophie Heldman/„Future Lasts Forever“, dir: Özcan Alper Phone +49-221-34 80 280 > Westside Filmproduk9on, Krefeld Chris?an Becker References: „Today is not my Day“, dir: Peter Thorwarth/ „Agent Ranjid saves the world“, dir: Michael Karen/„The Crocodiles“, dir: Chris?an Di@er Phone +49-2151-626 66 20 > Weydemann Bros., Cologne Jonas Weydemann, Jakob D. Weydemann References: „Los Angeles“, dir: Damian John Harper/„Panihida“, dir: Ana-Felicia Scutelnicu/„1949“, dir: Paul Florian Müller Phone +49-221-630 605 290 [email protected] > Wüste Film West, Cologne Hejo Emons References: „Kill Me“, dir: Emily Atef/„Alive and Ticking“, dir: Andi Rogenhagen/„Emma’s Bliss“, dir: Sven Taddicken Phone +49-221-51 05 067 > Zeitsprung Pictures, Cologne Michael Souvignier References: „Landauer“, dir: Hans Steinbichler/ „Frau Böhm says No“, dir: Connie Walther/„Contergan“, dir: Adolf Winkelmann Phone +49-221-949 802-0 [email protected] > Zentropa Interna9onal Köln, Cologne BeAna Brokemper References: „Nymphomaniac“, dir: Lars von Trier/„Melancholia“, dir: Lars von Trier/„Dear Wendy“, dir: Thomas Vinterberg Phone +49-221-977 79 90 offi[email protected] > Zieglerfilm Köln, Cologne Elke Ried References: „The Man with the Bassoon“, dir: Miguel Alexandre/ „Henry IV“, dir: Jo Baier/ „Call of The Toad“, dir: Robert Glinski Phone +49-221-27 27 260 > Zinnober Film, Aachen Dieter Zeppenfeld References: „Two Lives“, dir: Georg Maas Anima*onsstudio/ 3D-Visualiza*on > 3DHandwerk Marcin Wieczorek > AKIKA Kommunika9on Michael Hoffmann > animagix film Kay Go@hilf > Anima9onsfabrik Bianca Ohlig www.anima? > Blanx Effects Interac9ve Michael Gairing & Sebas?an Kühne > ARRI Film & TV Services Markus Klaff > Media Luna New Films Ida Mar?ns > Chamaeleon Digital Vision Oliver Rudolph > cine plus Köln Denis Vaupel Distribu*on > Auten9c Distribu9on Anne Hufnagel > DigitalArtCore Frank Stratmann > Edit Sta9on Ulrike Leipold www.editsta? > Blickfischer Theo Kerp > Daywalker Studios Bolle Bollmann > Elevision Anima9on Studio Athanasios Papapostolou > Grafik-Film Carsten Christochowitz, Chris?an Hund, Uwe Wältring > JEP-Anima9on Jürgen Egenolf www.jep-anima? > Parasol Island Charles Bals, Sebas?an Druschel, Philip Hansen, Moritz von Schrö@er > Power-Toons Michael Schwertel > Radl Anima9on Albert Radl www.radl-anima? > REBUSmedia Ralph Huchtemann > Stefan Eling Moving Pictures Stefan Eling > Toonsisters Vera Lalyko > TrickStudio Lu:erbeck Richard Lu@erbeck, Ma@hias Brun Studio > Cubic Studios Sven Schrömbgens > infostudios Reinhard Becker > MMC Studios Friedhelm Bixschlag > Moviepark Studios Wouter Dekkers, José Diaz Gomez, Isidoro Diez Caveda, Guido Zucchi > MP Medienparks NRW Hans-Jörg Hegerl, Klaus Mundorf, Thierry Potok > nobeo Stefan Hoff > studio450 Dr. Lars Tu@ Postproduc*on > ACT Videoproduk9on Robert Groß > Chaussee SoundVision Tilo Busch > New Docs Elina Kewitz > Cu;ng Crew Nicole Derboven > Film Kino Text Jürgen Lütz > Einschni: Video- und Postproduk9on Karl-Heinz Satzger [email protected] > Mindjazz Pictures Manuel Stremmel, Holger Recktenwald > Farbkult Erhard Giesen > HeadQuarter Andreas Fröhlich > Industriesauger TV Sebas?an Kaltmeyer > LAVALabs Moving Images Michael Brink > LogoSynchron Bernd Lutzer > MMC-Postproduk9on David Merzenich > Pictorion Das Werk Frank Evers > Pixellusion Sebas?an Stanek > Ruhr Sound Studios Guido ZeAer > digital postproduc9on André Weijde www.digitalproduc? > Scanline VFX Thomas Zauner > Scope VFX Arnold Sakowski > Schni:werk Jörg Kadler [email protected] > Splendid Synchron Oliver Fay > Think Global Media Thomas Wolf > Torus Stephan Colli, Falk Möller, Josef Steinbüchel > WeFadeToGrey Swen Linde Global Distribu*on > The Match Factory Michael Weber > Filmlichter Andreas Niemand > Pandora Thomas Matlok > Rapid Eye Movies Stephan Holl, Antoine@e Köster > Real Fic9on Filmverleih Joachim Kühn, Dirk Steinkühler www.realfic? > Schwarz-Weiß Filmverleih Jürgen Lütz > Splendid Film Andreas R. Klein > W-film Distribu9on Stephan Winkler Cas*ng-Agency > Anja Dihrberg Cas9ng Anja Dihrberg > Die Besetzer Iris Baumüller > Cologne Cas9ng Pool Thomas Müller www.colognecas? > Filmcast Sabine Schwedhelm www.filmcas? > Finalcast Emrah Ertem, Patricia Enderer > Horst D. Scheel Horst D. Scheel > Kris9n Diehle Cas9ng Kris?n Diehle www.diehle-cas? > Marc Schö:eldreier Cas9ng Marc Schö@eldreier www.mscas? > Outcast Clemens Erbach > supremeCast Bärbel Bodeux > Susanne Ri:er Cas9ng Susanne Ri@er www.ri@er-cas? > Tigercast Dana Cebulla www.? Producers > 15 Contacts State Chancellery NRW Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media in the Federal State of NRW Dr. Angelica Schwall-Düren Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media State/Representa?ve at federal level Stad@or 1 | 40219 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211-837-161 0 Personal advisor: Dr. Deniz Alkan Press officer: Nina Heil Dr. Marc Jan Eumann State Secretary for the Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media Telephone +49-211-837-151 3 Telephone +49-030-275 75-170 (Berlin) Dr. Benedikt Berg-Walz Referatsleiter MedienwirtschaAm Fürstenwall 21 | 40219 Düsseldorf Telephone + 49-211-837 117 3 [email protected] Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Wes)alen (lfm) Dr. Jürgen Brautmeier Director Zollhof 2 | 40221 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211-770 07-165 [email protected] The promo?on of North Rhine-Westphalia as a media loca?on is a departmental task of the Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media, Dr. Angelica Schwall-Düren. Among other things, media policy covers the development of media law, media industry funding and loca?on development, the alloca?on of frequencies for radio broadcas?ng and accompanying the digitalisa?on of broadcas?ng, as in DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcas?ng – Terrestrial), for example. Film funding, especially with respect to educa?on and training in the media industry, is a further focus of media policy, as is the promo?ng of media competence among the state’s ci?zens. As a central event for the media industry, the annual Medienforum NRW in Cologne is supported by the state. Minister Dr. Angelica Schwall-Düren and her State Secretary Dr. Marc Jan Eumann are supported in mee?ng their departmental responsibili?es by the media department in the State Chancellery. The lfm is responsible for private radio and television. It decides upon the licensing of broadcasters, monitors and accompanies developments in the media through research ac?vi?es as well as by gran?ng awards such as the LfM-Hörfunkpreis for outstanding journalis?c achievements in private radio. Further areas of responsibility are the monitoring of Internet sites where the owner of the domain is based in NRW, and the promo?on of media competence. Dr. Peter Widlok Head of Publicity Telephone +49-211-770 07-141 [email protected] Mediencluster NRW GmbH Anastasia Ziegler CEO Kaistraße 14 | 40221 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211- 930 50 301 [email protected] Till Hardy Consultant Kaistraße 14 | 40221 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211- 930 50 42 [email protected] Mediengründerzentrum NRW GmbH Joachim Ortmanns CEO Schanzenstr. 36 | 51063 Köln Telephone +49-221- 611 07 48 [email protected] 16 The Mediencluster NRW is the regional contact point for the digital media and startup scene in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and located in Dusseldorf. They connect, consult and inform about funding and financing, and look a-er companies during the process of loca?ng, founding and expanding their business models. The Mediencluster create visibility for the digital content industries at home and abroad, thereby helping to develop the media region in general. Their innova?ve network embraces large and small companies, na?onal and interna?onal players, media-related service providers, universi?es and research ins?tu?ons as well as funding and financing partners. Launched in May 2006, the Mediengruenderzentrum NRW is aimed at start-ups and young companies from the media industry. Budding entrepreneurs are supported by accompanying consulta?on and the awarding of grants. Thanks to the close coopera?on with NRW’s media and communica?ons industry and targeted know-how transfer, the Mediengruenderzentrum prepares young professionals for the future. Film- und Mediens*ung NRW GmbH Petra Müller CEO Telephone +49-211-930 50 11 petramueller@films? Film und Medien S?-ung NRW GmbH Kaistraße 14 40221 Düsseldorf Telephone +49- 211- 930 500 info@films? www.films? Chris?na Bentlage Head of Film Funding Telephone +49-211-930 50 20 chris?nabentlage@films? Helga Binder Deputy Head of Film Funding Telephone +49-211-930 50 75 helgabinder@films? Isabel Krolla Consultant Cinema – Funding Applica?ons Telephone +49-211-930 50 35 isabelkrolla@films? Mar?na Horbach Consultant Cinema – Funding Applica?ons Telephone +49-211-930 50 25 mar?nahorbach@films? Achim Strack Consultant TV and Entertainment Telephone +49-211-930 50 47 achimstrack@films? Susanna Felgener Consultant Funding ScriptDevelopment and Prepara?on Telephone +49-211-930 50 27 susannafelgener@films? Anna Fantl Consultant Low Budget and Young Talents Telephone +49-211-930 50 76 annafantl@films? Sven Ilgner Consultant Low Budget and Documentary Telephone +49-211-930 50 77 svenilgner@films? Bri@a Lengowski Chief Consultant Distribu?on, Sales and Cinema Telephone +49-211-930 50 13 bri@alengowski@films? Till Hardy Consultant Digital Content Telephone +49-211-930 50 42 ?llhardy@films? Heike Meyer-Döring Head of Crea?ve Europe Desk NRW Telephone +49-211-930 50 14 [email protected] Andrea Baaken Film Commission NRW Telephone +49-211-930 50 19 andreabaaken@films? Sabine Bull Head of Marke?ng Telephone +49-211-930 50 17 sabinebull@films? Katharina Blum Head of Conferences and Events Telephone +49-211-930 50 48 katharinablum@films? Founded in 1991 and with an annual funding budget of 31 million Euros the Film- und Medien-s?-ung NRW is one of the financially strongest regional film funding ins?tu?ons in Germany. Among its shareholders are WDR and the federal state of North RhineWestphalia, as well as ZDF, RTL and the state media authority, the Landesanstalt für Medien. The goal of the founda?on is to promote film and media culture as well as the film and media industry in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW is the central contact point for media in NRW. It provides funding for films for cinema and television in all stages of produc?on and exploita?on: from story and project development through produc?on to distribu?on and sales. In addi?on, there is support for cinemas. In 2011, Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW also became an integrated funding body for film and media and, a-er the takeover of Mediencluster NRW GmbH, opened up to the funding of innova?ve media content. Apart from funding measures, the Films?-ung’s brief also includes the marke?ng and development of the region NRW. Within its responsibility for film and media in the federal state, the Films?-ung NRW also holds interests in numerous ins?tu?ons and companies: Mediencluster NRW, ifs interna?onale filmschule köln, Mediengründerzentrum NRW, Grimme-Ins?tut and German Films. Tanja Güß Head of Communica?ons Telephone +49-211-930 50 23 tanjaguess@films? Contacts > 17 Contacts Media representa*ves of the ci*es > Stadt Aachen Fachbereich Presse und Marke?ng Harald Beckers Haus Löwenstein Markt 39 52062 Aachen Phone +49-241-432-13 11 harald.beckers@ > Wirtscha&sförderung Arnsberg Ulrike Richtscheid Rathausplatz 2 59759 Arnsberg Phone +49-2932-201 222 1 [email protected] > Bielefeld Marke9ng Elke Kringel Willy-Brandt-Platz 2 33602 Bielefeld Phone +49-521-516 779 elke.kringel@ bielefeld-marke? > Stadt Bochum Herbert Schmitz Willy-Brandt-Platz 2-6 44777 Bochum Phone +49-234-910 358 1 [email protected] > Stabsstelle Veranstaltungskoordina9on Stadthaus Bonn Berliner Platz 2 53103 Bonn Phone +49-228-775 555 [email protected] > Dinamit GmbH Dinslaken Monika Melles Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 44-46 46535 Dinslaken Phone +49-2064-605 304 [email protected] > Stadt Dortmund Hans-Werner Rixe Friedensplatz 3 44122 Dortmund Phone +49-231-502 581 4 [email protected] > Gesellscha& für Wirtscha&sförderung Duisburg mbH Susanne Kirches Dr.-Hamacher-Straße 49 47051 Duisburg Phone +40-203-363 935 1 [email protected] 18 > Stadt Düsseldorf Theresa Winkels Marktplatz 1-2 40213 Düsseldorf Phone +49-211-899 305 6 theresa.winkels@ > Kreis Düren Josef Kreutzer Bismarckstr. 16 52351 Düren Phone +49-2421-222 383 pressestelle@ > Stadt Lünen Simone Kö@er Willy-Brandt-Platz 1 44532 Lünen Phone +49-2306-104 150 1 [email protected]@ > Wirtscha&sförderung Rhein-Er& GmbH Andrea Barisic Willy-Brandt-Platz 1 50126 Bergheim Phone +49-2271-994 99-11 [email protected] > Fröndenberg an der Ruhr Bahnhofstraße 2 58730 Fröndenberg/Ruhr Phone +49-2373-976 224 [email protected] > Kreis Me:mann Marion Strack Düsseldorferstraße 26 40822 Me@mann Phone +49-2104-992 030 kulturamt@ [email protected] > Filmservice Münster.Land Nicola Ebel Klemensstraße 10 48143 Münster Phone +49-251-492 138 0 [email protected] > Kreis Siegen-Wi:genstein Hans-Peter Langer Koblenzer Straße 73 57072 Siegen Phone +49-271-333 116 1 hp.langer@ [email protected] > Essen Marke9ng GmbH Anke Borm Rathenaustrasse 2/ Theatergasse 45127 Essen Phone +49-201-887 204 5 [email protected] > Stadt Hamm Katja Johannpeter Werler Straße 3 59065 Hamm Phone +49-2381-173 484 johannpeter@ > Pro Herford Stadtmarke9ng GmbH Manfred Bischoff Goebenstraße 3-7 32052 Herford Phone +49-221-189 150 [email protected] > Stadt Herne Ju@a Daniel Rathaus Rathausplatz 44626 Herne Phone +49-2323-16-224 9 Phone +49-2323-16-258 3 [email protected] > Stadt Hürth Claudia Dahmann Christa Derigs Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 40 50354 Hürth Phone +49-2233-531 80 [email protected] [email protected] > Wirtscha&sförderungsGesellscha& Stadt Kevelaer mbH Ruth Keuken Venloer Straße 33-35 47623 Kevelaer Phone +49-2832-953 7 0 [email protected] > pro Wirtscha& GT GmbH Julia Peschke Herzebrocker Straße 140 33334 Gütersloh Phone +49-5241-851 086 julia.peschke@ > Kreis Minden-Lübbecke Sabine Ohnesorge Portastraße 13 32423 Minden Phone +49-571-807-221 30 s.ohnesorge@ > Köln Stabsstelle Medien Köln Roland Berger Stadthaus Deutz – Westgebäude Willy-Brandt-Platz 2 50679 Köln Phone +49-221-221-245 71 Roland.berger@ Stabsstelle Medien Köln Andreas Füser Stadthaus Deutz – Westgebäude Willy-Brandt-Platz 2 50679 Köln Phone +49-221-221-246 61 andreas.fueser@ > KulturStadtLev Kulturbüro Anke Holgersson Am Büchelter Hof 9 51373 Leverkusen Phone +49-214-406 4170 anke.holgersson@ > Mülheim an der Ruhr Volker Wiebels Ruhrstr. 1 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr Phone +49-208-455 135 0 Volker.Wiebels@ > WFMG Wirtscha&sförderung Mönchengladbach GmbH Pascal Hermanns Lüpertzender Straße 6 41061 Mönchengladbach Phone +49-2161-823 798 9 [email protected] > Stadt Ne:etalWirtscha& und Marke9ng Christoph Kamps Doerkesplatz 11 41334 Ne@etal Phone +49-2153-898 800 2 christoph.kamps@ [email protected] > Tourismus und Marke9ng Oberhausen GmbH Helmut Kawohl Essener Str. 51 46047 Oberhausen Phone +49-208-824 573 3 helmut.kawohl@ > Stadt Recklinghausen Reinhold Hegemann Rathausplatz 3 45655 Recklinghausen Phone +49-2361-501 351 [email protected] > Stadt Rees Ludger Beltermann Markt 1 46459 Rees Phone +49-2851-511 76 ludger.beltermann@ > Rhein-Kreis Neuss Robert Abts Oberstraße 91 41460 Neuss Phone +49-2131-928 750 0 robert.abts@ > Wfg Wirtscha&sförderung Kreis Soest GmbH Sonja Peck Villa Plange Sigefridwall 20 59494 Soest Phone +49-2921-30-226 1 [email protected] > Stadt Viersen Axel Greuvers Heimbachstr. 12 41747 Viersen Phone +49-2162-101 463 [email protected] > Stadt Wiehl Angelika Stückemann Zentrale Koordina?on Bahnhofstr. 1 51674 Wiehl Phone +49-2262-992 55 [email protected] > Wuppertal Lutz Ahr c/o Bergische Entwicklungsagentur GmbH Kölner Str. 8 42651 Solingen Phone +49-212-881 606 70 [email protected] Wuppertal Marke9ng GmbH Simone Neutert Friedrich-Engels-Allee 83 42285 Wuppertal Phone +49-202-563 283 9 neutert@wuppertalmarke? To Life Imprint Publisher Film und Medien S?-ung NRW GmbH Kaistraße 14 40221 Düsseldorf Phone +49-211- 930 500 Telefax +49-211- 930 505 info@films? www.films? © Film und Medien S?-ung NRW GmbH, Februar 2015, 4. Auflage Editorial Team Sabine Bull (Leitung) Stefanie Hadding Loraine Lenz Design and Layout Design: Anna B. Design Layout und Satz: Layout and SeAng: Stephanie Cremer Transla9on Mar?n Blaney Print Labude.corporate products Thank you We thank all the contributors from the media state of North Rhine-Westphalia who provided a quota?on and thus assisted in the crea?on of this brochure. The selec?on of the companies and loca?ons described serves as an example for the region and does not claim to be complete. Photos From le- to right Cover UFA Cinema/ Foto: Stephan Rabold p. 2, 3 NFP, ac?on concept, Brainpool/Willi Weber, X Verleih, Wenders Images, Film und Mediens?-ung NRW (2x), Kurt Krieger, Pandora Film (2x), Ron Howard p. 4, 5 Concorde, UFA Cinema/ Foto: Stephan Rabold,, NFP, Li@le Shark Entertainment, Wolfgang Groos, Heima>ilm, Constan?n Film AG, X Filme/Chris?ne Halina Schramm, Pandora Film p. 6, 7 Universal Pictures Interna?onal, Tradewind Pictures/Senator Film, Constan?n Filmverleih, X Verleih, Ziegler Film, Splendid Film, Film und Mediens?-ung NRW (2x), ARRI Film & TV Services, Augenschein p. 8, 9 Kölntourismus, Düsseldorf Marke?ng & Tourismus GmbH, Mark Ansorg/ Dortmund, Schütze/ Rodemann/BildarchivMonheim, Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, Deutsche Telekom, RTL/Pick, WDR/Sachs p. 10, 11 RTL, Funke Mediengruppe, Bertelsmann, Deutsche Telekom AG, WDR, Staatskanzlei NordrheinWes>alen/Ralph Sondermann, Staatskanzlei NRW, Landesanstalt für Medien/ Fox Foto Uwe Völkner, BBDO p. 12, 13 Staatskanzlei Nordrhein Wes>alen/Fotoagentur Fox, Film und Mediens?-ung NRW/Heike Herbertz, NRW.Invest p. 16, 17 Staatskanzlei NordrheinWes>alen/Ralph Sondermann, Staatskanzlei NordrheinWes>alen/Fotoagentur Fox, Staatskanzlei NRW, Claudia Nussbauer, Ralph Sondermann, CREATIVE.NRW, IKT.NRW, Film und Mediens?-ung NRW (16x), Anastasia Ziegler, Mediengründerzentrum NRW p. 19 Camino Filmverleih Imprint > 19 Film- und Mediens?-ung NRW GmbH Kaistraße 14 40221 Düsseldorf Phone +49-211 930 500 info@films? www.films?
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