Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st section(Code:1945) 株式会社東京エネシス TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. Fact Sheet 2008 目次 業績ハイライト(連結) Financial Highlights (Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1 業績ハイライト(個別) Financial Highlights (Non-Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 部門別受注高(連結) Orders Received by Business Category (Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3 部門別受注高(個別) Orders Received by Business Category (Non-Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4 部門別売上高(連結) Net Sales by Business Category (Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 5 部門別売上高(個別) Net Sales by Business Category (Non-Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 6 得意先別売上高(個別)Net Sales by Client (Non-Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 7 収益性指標(連結) Profitability (Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 8 安全性指標(連結) Stability (Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 9 従業員1人当たり指標(連結) Per Employee (Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 10 1株当たり指標(個別) Per Share Data (Non-Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 11 その他指標(連結) Other Data (Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 12 その他指標(個別) Other Data (Non-Consolidated) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 13 連結貸借対照表 [資産の部] Consolidated Balance Sheets [Assets] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 14 連結貸借対照表 [負債/資本の部] Consolidated Balance Sheets [Liabilities/Shareholders' Equity] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 15 連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Operations ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 16 連結キャッシュフロー計算書 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 16 貸借対照表 [資産の部] Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets [Assets] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 17 貸借対照表 [負債/資本の部] Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets [Liabilities/Shareholders' Equity] ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 18 損益計算書 Non-Consolidated Statements of Operations ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 19 会社概況 Corporate Information ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 20 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 業績ハイライト(連結) Financial Highlights (Consolidated) 受注高 Orders received 売上高 Net sales 完成工事総利益 Gross profit (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 60,000 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 7,000 6,000 50,000 5,000 40,000 4,000 30,000 3,000 20,000 2,000 10,000 1,000 0 0 2005/3 2006/3 営業利益 Operating income 2007/3 2008/3 経常利益 Ordinary income 2009/3 2005/3 当期純利益 Net income 2006/3 2008/3 2009/3 総資産額 Total assets (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 4,000 2007/3 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 60,000 3,000 50,000 Other 40,000 2,000 30,000 20,000 1,000 10,000 0 0 2005/3 受注高 売上高(完成工事高) 完成工事総利益 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 総資産額 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2005/3 2005/3 45,192 45,034 4,062 1,497 1,659 973 56,692 Orders received Net sales Gross profit Operating income Ordinary income Net income Total assets 1/20 2006/3 2006/3 51,907 47,354 6,353 3,631 3,822 2,043 61,331 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 50,568 49,812 51,702 48,490 52,090 52,936 5,575 5,580 5,486 2,595 2,316 2,095 2,753 2,508 2,442 1,601 1,237 1,189 63,138 60,364 60,557 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 業績ハイライト(個別) Financial Highlights (Non-Consolidated) 受注高 Orders received 売上高 Net sales 完成工事総利益 Gross profit (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 60,000 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 7,000 50,000 6,000 40,000 5,000 4,000 30,000 3,000 20,000 2,000 10,000 1,000 0 2005/3 2006/3 営業利益 Operating income 2007/3 2008/3 経常利益 Ordinary income 0 2009/3 2005/3 当期純利益 Net income 2006/3 2008/3 2009/3 総資産額 Total Assets (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 4,000 2007/3 60,000 3,000 50,000 Other 40,000 2,000 30,000 20,000 1,000 10,000 0 0 2005/3 受注高 売上高(完成工事高) 完成工事総利益 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 総資産額 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2005/3 2005/3 44,767 44,645 3,559 1,304 1,499 876 55,100 Orders received Net sales Gross profit Operating income Ordinary income Net income Total assets 2/20 2006/3 2006/3 51,484 46,736 5,867 3,464 3,690 1,996 59,668 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 48,940 47,244 47,877 46,807 49,116 50,126 5,022 4,755 4,384 2,490 2,053 1,579 2,671 2,210 1,895 1,562 1,156 966 59,483 56,771 56,505 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 部門別受注高(連結) Orders Received by Business Category (Consolidated) (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 Other 0 2005/3 火力部門 原子力部門 水力・変電部門 空調・電設・通信部門 その他部門 合 計 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2005/3 20,727 17,016 3,331 3,845 272 45,192 Thermal power division Nuclear power division Hydroelectric & Substation division Air-conditioning, Telecommunications division Other Total 3/20 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 22,885 20,055 22,351 19,318 19,687 20,571 17,135 21,090 4,076 3,312 2,664 2,610 4,871 6,271 7,130 8,082 385 357 531 600 51,907 50,568 49,812 51,702 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 部門別受注高(個別) Orders Received by Business Category (Non-Consolidated) (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 Other 0 2005/3 火力部門 原子力部門 水力・変電部門 空調・電設・通信部門 その他 合 計 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2005/3 20,708 17,016 3,202 3,840 44,767 Thermal power division Nuclear power division Hydroelectric & Substation division Air-conditioning, Telecommunications division Other Total 4/20 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 22,868 20,046 22,340 19,312 19,687 20,571 17,135 21,090 3,874 3,247 2,627 2,592 5,054 5,015 5,066 4,811 59 74 70 51,484 48,940 47,244 47,877 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 部門別売上高(連結) Net Sales by Business Category (Consolidated) (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 Other 0 2005/3 火力部門 原子力部門 水力・変電部門 空調・電設・通信部門 その他部門 合 計 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2005/3 21,109 16,169 3,487 3,997 272 45,034 Thermal power division Nuclear power division Hydroelectric & Substation division Air-conditioning, Telecommunications division Other Total 5/20 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 20,024 21,418 20,606 22,724 19,797 16,422 19,431 19,767 2,776 3,718 4,032 2,605 4,369 6,572 7,488 7,238 385 357 531 600 47,354 48,490 52,090 52,936 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 部門別売上高(個別) Net Sales by Business Category (Non-Consolidated) (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 Other 10,000 0 2005/3 火力部門 原子力部門 水力・変電部門 空調・電設・通信部門 その他 合 計 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2005/3 21,103 16,169 3,380 3,992 44,645 Thermal power division Nuclear power division Hydroelectric & Substation division Air-conditioning, Telecommunications division Other Total 6/20 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 20,006 21,410 20,585 22,717 19,797 16,422 19,431 19,767 2,559 3,639 3,986 2,583 4,372 5,275 5,038 4,987 59 74 70 46,736 46,807 49,116 50,126 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 得意先別売上高(個別)Net Sales by Client (Non-Consolidated) (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 Other 10,000 0 2005/3 東京電力㈱ 民間企業 官公庁 合計 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2005/3 31,986 12,545 114 44,645 Tokyo Electric Power Private companies Government agencies Total 7/20 2009/3 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 35,956 32,004 36,518 33,317 10,776 14,565 12,596 16,756 4 238 1 53 46,736 46,807 49,116 50,126 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 収益性指標(連結) Profitability (Consolidated) 売上高営業利益率(%) Ratio of operating income to net sales(%) 売上高総利益率(%) Ratio of gross profit to net sales(%) 売上高経常利益率(%) Ratio of ordinary income to net sales(%) 売上高当期純利益率(%) Ratio of net income to net sales(%) 10.0% 15.0% 8.0% 12.0% 6.0% 9.0% 4.0% 2.0% 6.0% 0.0% 3.0% -2.0% 0.0% -4.0% 2005/3 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2005/3 2009/3 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 自己資本利益率(%) Return on equity(%) 有形固定資産回転率(回) Tangible fixed assets turnover(Times) 総資産経常利益率(%) Return on total assets(%) 総資産回転率(回) Total assets turnover(Times) 8.0% 4 6.0% Other 3 4.0% 2.0% 2 0.0% 1 -2.0% -4.0% 0 2005/3 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2005/3 2005/3 9.0% 3.3% 3.7% 2.2% 2.4% 2.9% 0.8回 2.9回 Ratio of gross profit to net sales (%) Ratio of operating income to net sales (%) Ratio of ordinary income to net sales (%) Ratio of net income to net sales (%) 自己資本利益率(%) Return on equity (%) 総資産経常利益率(%) Return on total assets (%) 総資産回転率(回) Total assets turnover (Times) 有形固定資産回転率(回) Tangible fixed assets turnover (Times) 売上高総利益率(%) 売上高営業利益率(%) 売上高経常利益率(%) 売上高当期純利益率(%) 8/20 2006/3 2006/3 13.4% 7.7% 8.1% 4.3% 4.8% 6.5% 0.8回 3.1回 2007/3 2007/3 11.5% 5.4% 5.7% 3.3% 3.6% 4.4% 0.8回 3.1回 2008/3 2008/3 10.7% 4.4% 4.8% 2.4% 2.8% 4.1% 0.8回 3.2回 2009/3 2009/3 10.4% 4.0% 4.6% 2.2% 2.7% 4.0% 0.9回 3.3回 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 安全性指標(連結) Stability (Consolidated) 自己資本比率(%) Equity ratio(%) 流動比率(%) Current ratio(%) 74 72.50 400.00 0.06 10,000.00 72.00 0.04 350.00 71.50 72 71.00 0.02 300.00 0.00 70.50 250.00 -0.02 70 70.00 200.00 -0.04 0.00 2005/3 2007/3 2007/3 2008/3 2005/3 2006/32006/3 2009/3 2008/3 2005/3 2007/32007/3 2008/3 2006/3 2005/3 2006/3 2006/3 2007/3 2009/3 2008/3 2008/3 固定比率(%) Fixed assets ratio(%) 当座比率(%) Quick assets ratio(%) 固定長期適合比率(%) Ratio of fixed assets-to-equity capital and long-term liabilities(%) 400.00 1 80.00 70.00 1 60.00 1 50.00 1 40.00 30.00 0 20.00 0 10.00 00.00 Other 350.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 2005/3 自己資本比率(%) 流動比率(%) 当座比率(%) 固定比率(%) 固定長期適合比率(%) 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2005/3 2005/3 72.35 333.83 263.90 63.07 54.51 Equity ratio (%) Current ratio (%) Quick assets ratio (%) Fixed assets ratio (%) Ratio of fixed assets-to-equity capital and long-term liabilities (%) 9/20 2006/3 1900/1/1 2007/3 2006/3 71.07 277.89 209.34 67.95 59.33 2007/3 71.65 301.20 222.20 66.67 57.90 2008/3 2008/3 72.24 310.69 230.86 63.55 55.62 2009/3 2009/3 72.02 326.53 254.00 60.69 52.96 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 従業員1人当たり指標(連結) Per Employee (Consolidated) 1,600 期末従業員数 Number of employees at fiscal year-end (単位:千人/Unit:Persons) 1人当たり売上高 Net sales per employee (単位:千円/Unit:Thousands of yen) 0 40,000 1,400 0 1,200 1,000 0 800 600 0 400 -0 200 -0 30,000 0 2005/3 3,000 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2005/3 2005/3 2009/3 1人当たり営業利益 Operating income per employee (単位:千円/Unit:Thousands of yen) 2,500 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 Other 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2005/3 2006/3 期末従業員数(人) 1人当たり売上高(千円) 1人当たり営業利益(千円) 1人当たり当期純利益(千円) 2007/3 2008/3 Number of employees at fiscal year-end (Persons) Net sales per employee (Thousands of yen) Operating income per employee (Thousands of yen) Net income per employee (Thousands of yen) 10/20 2007/32008/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 1人当たり当期純利益 Net income per employee (単位:千円/Unit:Thousands of yen) 2005/3 2009/3 2006/3 2006/3 2005/3 1,324 34,014 1,131 735 2006/3 2006/3 1,305 36,287 2,782 1,566 2007/3 2007/3 1,343 36,106 1,932 1,192 2008/3 2008/3 1,375 37,884 1,684 900 2009/3 2009/3 1,400 37,811 1,497 849 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 1株当たり指標(個別) Per Share Data (Non-Consolidated) 39,500 40,000 39,000 38,000 38,500 36,000 34,000 38,000 32,000 37,500 30,000 28,000 37,000 26,000 36,500 24,000 36,000 22,000 20,000 1,400.00 1,260.00 1,240.00 1,200.00 1,220.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 1,180.00 800.00 1,160.00 1,140.00 600.00 1,120.00 400.00 1,100.00 1,080.00 200.00 1,060.00 1,040.00 0.00 発行済株式総数 Number of outstanding shares issued 自己株式控除後発行済株式総数 After deduction from treasury stock (単位:千株/Unit:Thousands of share) 1株当たり当期純利益 Net income per share (単位:円/Unit:Yen) 60.00 40.00 20.00 2005/3 2005/3 2006/3 2007/3 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2008/3 2009/3 0.00 2005/3 1株当たり純資産額 Net assets per share (単位:円/Unit:Yen) 25 25.00 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 1株当たり配当金 Cash dividends per share (単位:円/Unit:Yen) 20 20.00 15 15.00 10 10.00 55.00 00.00 2005/3 2005/3 2006/3 2006/32007/3 2007/3 2008/3 発行済株式総数(千株) (自己株式控除後) 1株当たり当期純利益(円) 1株当たり純資産額(円) 1株当たり配当金(円) 2005/3 2005/3 2008/3 2009/3 Number of outstanding shares issued (Thousands of share) After deduction from treasury stock Net income per share (Yen) Net assets per share (Yen) Cash dividends per share (Yen) 11/20 2005/3 39,261 35,615 23.77 1,118.50 12.00 2006/3 2007/32007/3 2006/3 2008/3 2006/3 37,261 35,576 55.24 1,190.91 12.00 2007/3 37,261 35,548 43.93 1,238.44 22.00 2008/3 37,261 35,030 32.63 1,207.93 15.00 2008/3 2009/3 2009/3 37,261 35,022 27.59 1,202.02 15.00 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. その他指標(連結) Other Data (Consolidated) 販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses 設備投資額 Capital investment (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 3,600 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2,500 3,400 2,000 3,200 3,000 1,500 2,800 1,000 2,600 2,400 500 2,200 0 2,000 2005/3 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2005/3 2009/3 株価収益率 Price earnings ratio 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 株価純資産倍率 Price book-value ratio (単位:倍/Unit:Times) 30.00 2006/3 (単位:倍/Unit:Times) 1 Other 0.8 20.00 0.6 0.4 10.00 0.2 0.00 0 2005/3 2006/3 販売費及び一般管理費(百万円) 設備投資額(百万円) 株価収益率(倍) 株価純資産倍率(倍) 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 2005/3 Selling, general and administrative expenses (Millions of yen) Capital investment (Millions of yen) Price earnings ratio (Times) Price book-value ratio (Times) 12/20 2006/3 2005/3 2,564 313 23.55 0.54 2007/3 2006/3 2,721 726 19.40 0.89 2008/3 2007/3 2,980 2,149 25.36 0.90 2009/3 2008/3 3,264 484 14.59 0.41 2009/3 3,390 1,035 18.82 0.51 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. その他指標(個別) Other Data (Non-Consolidated) 販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses 研究開発費 Research and development expenditure (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2,800 (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 140 120 2,300 100 1,800 80 1,300 60 800 40 20 300 0 -200 2005/3 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2005/3 2009/3 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 配当利回り(%) Dividend yield(%) 配当性向(%) Dividend payout ratio(%) 60 5 Other 4 40 3 2 20 1 0 0 2005/3 2006/3 販売費及び一般管理費(百万円) 研究開発費(百万円) 配当性向(%) 配当利回り(%) 2007/3 2008/3 2005/3 2009/3 Selling, general and administrative expenses (Millions of yen) Research and development expenditure (Millions of yen) Dividend payout ratio (%) Dividend yield (%) 13/20 2006/3 2005/3 2,254 116 50.48 1.94 2007/3 2006/3 2,402 113 21.72 1.10 2008/3 2007/3 2,531 89 50.08 1.93 2009/3 2008/3 2,702 101 45.97 2.95 2009/3 2,805 81 54.37 2.35 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 連結貸借対照表 [資産の部] Consolidated Balance Sheets [Assets] (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 2005/3 資産の部 流動資産 現金預金 受取手形・完成工事未収入金 有価証券 未成工事支出金等 未成工事支出金 繰延税金資産 その他 貸倒引当金 固定資産 有形固定資産 建物・構築物 機械・運搬具 工具器具・備品 土地 リース資産 建設仮勘定 減価償却累計額 無形固定資産 投資その他の資産 投資有価証券 長期貸付金 繰延税金資産 その他 貸倒引当金 資産合計 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Notes and accounts receivable-trade Marketable securities Construction projects in progress Construction projects in progress Deferred tax assets Other Allowance for doubtful accounts Fixed assets Property and equipment Buildings and structures Machinery and vehicles Tools and equipment Land Lease Construction in progress Accumulated depreciation Intangible fixed assets Investments and other assets Investment securities Long-term loans receivable Deferred tax assets Other Allowance for doubtful accounts Total assets 30,822 4,457 12,347 7,561 5,566 671 218 △ 0 25,869 15,232 13,126 1,963 3,334 8,754 0 △ 11,946 87 10,548 8,604 14 1,174 853 △ 97 56,692 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 31,712 32,978 4,793 4,735 12,894 12,555 6,203 7,040 6,670 7,438 972 841 178 369 △ 0 △2 29,619 30,159 15,087 16,539 13,006 14,776 2,017 2,040 3,490 3,566 8,575 8,575 169 4 △12,171 △12,423 144 198 14,386 13,421 12,704 12,576 7 3 548 112 1,215 818 △ 89 △89 61,331 63,138 32,653 3,692 11,254 9,316 7,195 963 232 △1 27,711 16,173 6,488 321 582 8,575 206 182 11,355 9,819 2 1,099 521 △86 60,364 33,999 4,065 13,257 9,123 6,358 910 304 △20 26,557 15,937 6,608 276 551 8,246 4 250 161 10,458 8,526 6 1,586 434 △96 60,557 ※当連結会計年度において、有形固定資産の表示については、前連結会計年度まで間接控除形式で表示していたが、当連結会計年度より直接控除 形式に変更しています。(なお、前連結会計年度と同様の形式による当連結減価償却累計額は△12,914百万円) 14/20 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 連結貸借対照表 [負債/資本の部] Consolidated Balance Sheets [Liabilities/Shareholders' Equity] (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 負債の部 流動負債 Liabilities Current liabilities 支払手形・工事未払金等 Notes and accounts payable-trade 短期借入金 Short-term borrowings 未払法人税等 Accrued incom taxes 未成工事受入金 Advances received on construction projects in progress 役員賞与引当金 Allowance for bonuses to directors 完成工事補償引当金 Allowance for compensation for construction damages 工事損失引当金 Allowance for losses on construction contracts その他 Other 固定負債 Long-term liabilities 長期借入金 Long-term debt 繰延税金負債 Deferred tax liabilities 退職給付引当金 Accrued retirement benefits 役員退職慰労引当金 Allowance for retirement benefits for directors and auditors その他 Other 負債合計 Total liabilities 資本の部 Shareholders' equity 資本金 Common stock 資本剰余金 Capital surplus 利益剰余金 Retained earnings その他有価証券評価差額金 Net unrealized holding gain on available-for-sale securities 自己株式 Treasury stock 資本合計 Total shareholders' equity 純資産の部 Net assets Common stock 資本金 Capital surplus 資本剰余金 Retained earnings 利益剰余金 Treasury stock 自己株式 株主資本合計 Total shareholders' equity その他有価証券評価差額金 Net unrealized holding gain on available-for-sale securities 少数株主持分 Minority interests 純資産合計 Total net assets 負債・純資産(資本)合計 Total liabilities, net assets (Shareholders' equity) 15/20 2005/3 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 9,232 5,573 300 700 656 12 32 1,956 6,441 9 6,288 93 49 15,674 11,411 5,588 300 1,650 1,075 25 542 2,230 6,329 6 6,164 102 56 17,741 10,949 6,112 716 477 795 43 16 281 2,505 6,854 200 88 5,956 86 522 17,803 10,510 5,554 686 511 1,123 43 15 295 2,280 6,217 225 14 5,613 85 278 16,728 10,412 5,429 553 779 957 44 23 418 2,206 6,387 258 16 5,877 25 210 16,800 2,881 3,723 33,645 2,082 △ 1,314 41,017 2,881 3,725 34,465 3,146 △ 627 43,590 - - - 56,692 61,331 2,881 3,727 35,419 △ 658 41,369 3,865 98 45,334 63,138 2,881 3,728 35,998 △ 966 41,642 1,962 31 43,636 60,364 2,881 3,729 36,662 △ 973 42,300 1,311 144 43,756 60,557 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Operations (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 売上高 (完成工事高) 売上原価 (完成工事原価) 売上総利益(完成工事総利益) 販売費及び一般管理費 営業利益 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別利益 特別損失 税金等調整前当期純利益 法人税、住民税及び事業税 法人税等調整額 当期純利益 Net sales Cost of sales Gross profit Selling, general and administrative expenses Operating income Non-operating income Non-operating expenses Ordinary income Extraordinary income Extraordinary loss Income before income taxes Income taxes-current Income taxes-deferred Net income 2005/3 45,034 40,972 4,062 2,564 1,497 180 18 1,659 100 70 1,689 737 △ 22 973 2006/3 47,354 41,001 6,353 2,721 3,631 206 16 3,822 43 244 3,621 1,986 △ 408 2,043 2005/3 5,298 △ 5,912 △ 376 △ 991 6,900 5,909 2006/3 2,651 △ 2,368 △ 499 △ 216 5,909 5,693 2007/3 48,490 42,915 5,575 2,980 2,595 205 47 2,753 69 20 2,802 1,036 159 1,601 2008/3 52,090 46,509 5,580 3,264 2,316 351 159 2,508 5 420 2,093 795 128 1,237 2009/3 52,936 47,450 5,486 3,390 2,095 364 18 2,442 324 360 2,407 1,092 12 1,189 連結キャッシュフロー計算書 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) of yen) 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 現金及び現金同等物の増減額 現金及び現金同等物の期首残高 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from investment activities Cash flows from financing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 16/20 2007/3 656 △ 1,213 △ 422 △ 979 5,693 5,223 2008/3 3,704 △ 4,783 △ 966 △ 2,047 5,223 3,176 2009/3 1,297 △ 658 △ 629 9 3,176 3,186 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 貸借対照表 [資産の部] Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets [Assets] (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 資産の部 流動資産 現金預金 受取手形 完成工事未収入金 有価証券 未成工事支出金 材料貯蔵品 繰延税金資産 その他 固定資産 有形固定資産 建物・構築物 機械・運搬具 工具器具・備品 土地 リース資産 建設仮勘定 無形固定資産 ソフトウェア その他 投資その他の資産 投資有価証券 関係会社株式 長期貸付金 繰延税金資産 その他 貸倒引当金 資産合計 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Notes receivable Accounts receivable-trade Marketable securities Construction projects in progress Stock of materials Deferred tax assets Other Fixed assets Property and equipment Buildings and structures Machinery and vehicles Tools and equipment Land Lease Construction in progress Intangible fixed assets Software Other Investments and other assets Investment securities Investment securities of affiliated companies Long-term loans receivable Deferred tax assets Other Allowance for doubtful accounts Total assets 17/20 2005/3 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 30,031 3,655 125 12,167 7,561 5,416 71 635 397 25,069 13,976 5,296 133 243 8,302 0 83 55 26 11,010 8,579 231 422 1,084 790 △ 97 55,100 30,778 3,903 95 12,672 6,203 6,592 89 924 296 28,890 13,657 5,014 198 319 8,123 130 52 75 15,102 12,676 231 676 447 1,160 △ 89 59,668 30,199 3,081 658 11,303 6,880 7,168 78 786 240 29,284 14,545 5,831 270 318 8,123 184 161 22 14,555 12,565 236 1,151 691 △ 89 59,483 29,977 2,280 176 10,219 9,316 6,743 113 822 304 26,794 14,141 5,484 220 287 8,123 24 170 141 27 12,482 9,812 236 1,230 973 316 △ 86 56,771 30,624 2,033 210 12,294 9,123 5,769 852 341 25,880 13,764 5,108 203 349 7,795 57 248 143 119 24 11,972 8,519 236 1,525 1,468 309 △ 86 56,505 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 貸借対照表 [負債/資本の部] Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets [Liabilities/Shareholders' Equity] (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 負債の部 流動負債 工事未払金 短期借入金 リース債務 未払費用 未払法人税等 未成工事受入金 完成工事補償引当金 工事損失引当金 その他 固定負債 リース債務 退職給付引当金 役員退職慰労引当金 その他 負債合計 資本の部 資本金 資本剰余金 利益剰余金 その他 自己株式 資本合計 純資産の部 資本金 資本剰余金 利益剰余金 自己株式 株主資本合計 評価・換算差額等合計 純資産合計 負債・純資産(資本)合計 2005/3 Liabilities Current liabilities 8,916 Accounts payable-trade 5,377 Short-term borrowings 300 Lease Accrued expense 1,352 Accrued income taxes 674 Advances received on construction projects in progress 648 Allowance for compensation for construction damages 12 Allowance for losses on construction contracts 32 Other 517 Long-term liabilities 6,318 Lease Accrued retirement benefits 6,212 Allowance for retirement benefits for directors and auditors 69 Other 36 Total liabilities 15,234 Shareholders' equity Common stock 2,881 Capital Surplus 3,723 Retained earnings 32,498 Net unrealized holding gain on available-for-sale securities 2,076 Treasury stock △ 1,314 Total shareholders' equity 39,865 Net assets Common stock Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury stock Total shareholders' equity Total valuation and translation adjustments Total net assets Total liabilities, net assets (Shareholders' equity) 55,100 18/20 2006/3 2007/3 2008/3 2009/3 11,081 5,453 300 1,333 1,602 1,049 25 540 775 6,189 6,074 78 36 17,270 9,403 5,375 300 1,343 409 619 16 280 1,056 6,055 5,861 60 132 15,459 8,848 4,669 300 1,378 449 1,047 15 291 695 5,610 5,512 62 35 14,458 8,501 4,697 300 16 1,400 700 309 21 412 642 5,905 46 5,772 86 14,407 2,881 3,725 33,280 3,138 △ 627 42,398 - - - 59,668 2,881 3,727 34,208 △ 658 40,158 3,866 44,024 59,483 2,881 3,728 34,707 △ 966 40,351 1,962 42,313 56,771 2,881 3,729 35,148 △ 973 40,785 1,311 42,097 56,505 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 損益計算書 Non-Consolidated Statements of Operations (単位:百万円/Unit:Millions of yen) 売上高 (完成工事高) 売上原価 (完成工事原価) 売上総利益(完成工事総利益) 販売費及び一般管理費 営業利益 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別利益 特別損失 税引前当期純利益 法人税、住民税及び事業税 法人税等調整額 当期純利益 Net sales Cost of sales Gross profit Selling, general and administrative expenses Operating income Non-operating income Non-operating expenses Ordinary income Extraordinary income Extraordinary loss Income before income taxes Income taxes-current Income taxes-deferred Net income 19/20 2005/3 44,645 41,086 3,559 2,254 1,304 214 18 1,499 99 64 1,534 701 △ 44 876 2006/3 46,736 40,869 5,867 2,402 3,464 242 16 3,690 42 190 3,541 1,925 △ 380 1,996 2007/3 46,807 41,784 5,022 2,531 2,490 216 35 2,671 54 4 2,721 974 184 1,562 2008/3 49,116 44,360 4,755 2,702 2,053 297 141 2,210 140 2,069 709 203 1,156 2009/3 50,126 45,741 4,384 2,805 1,579 320 4 1,895 321 342 1,874 986 △ 78 966 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 会社概況 Corporate Information 商 号 Company Name 株式会社東京エネシス TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. 本店所在地 Address of Head Office 〒105-0004 東京都港区新橋六丁目9番7号 9-7 Shimbashi 6-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 設 立 Established 1947年(昭和22年)8月14日 August 14, 1947 資 本 金 Capital 28億81百万円 2,881millions of yen 株式上場 Exchange 東京証券取引所 市場第一部 (証券コード1945) Tokyo Stock Exchange, First Section (Code: 1945) 従業員数 Number of Employees 1,400名(H21.3.31現在) 1,400 ホームページアドレス URL 所有者別分布状況 Shareholders by Category 金融機関 Financial Institutions 36% 個人その他 Individual and Other 37% 外国法人等 Foreign Shareholders 7% その他の法人 Other corporate 19% 金融商品取引業者 Securities Companies 1% 株価の推移 Stock Price Range (円:Yen) 1,000 800 600 400 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 20/20 11月 12月 1月 2月 3月 株式会社東京エネシス お客さま本部 広報室 TOKYO ENERGY & SYSTEMS INC. Public Relations Division TEL 03-6371-5260 FAX 03-3434-0951 URL
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