QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ c1 KURITA WATER INDUSTRIES LTD. FACT BOOK 2000 c1 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ c2 Index A C D I N O P R S T page Amount of Exports (Net Sales) 2 Amount of Exports (Orders) 2 Capital Expenditure 7 Consolidated Balance Sheets 10 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 13 Consolidated Statements of Income 12 Current Ratio 8 Debt/Equity Ratio 9 Depreciation 7 Dividends per Share 5 Dividends/Shareholders’ Equity 6 Interest Coverage 3 Interest Expenses 3 Net Income 1,4 Net Income per Share 5 Net Income to Net Sales 4 Net Sales 1,2 Net Sales by Division 2 Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets 14 Non-Consolidated Statements of Income 16 Operating Income 1,3 Orders 2 Orders by Division 2 Payout Ratio 5 R&D Expense 7 R&D Expense to Net Sales 7 Recurring Profit 1,3 Return on Assets 4 Return on Equity 4 Shareholders’ Equity per Share 5 Stock Price Range 6 Tangible Fixed Assets Turnover 8 Total Assets 1,8 Total Assets Composition 8 Total Assets Turnover 8 Total Liabilities and Total Shareholders’ Equity 6 Total Shareholders’ Equity 1,6 Total Shareholders’ Equity Ratio 1,9 索 引 あ行 インタレスト・カバレッジ 売上高 売上高当期純利益率 営業利益 か行 株価の推移 株主資本 株主資本当期純利益率 株主資本配当率 株主資本比率 経常利益 減価償却費 研究開発費 研究開発費売上高比率 さ行 支払利息及び割引料 受注高 設備投資額 総資産 総資産構成 総資本回転率 総資本当期純利益率 た行 単体損益計算書 単体貸借対照表 デット・エクイティ・レシオ 当期純利益 は行 配当性向 一株当たり株主資本 一株当たり当期純利益 一株当たり配当金 負債・株主資本 部門別売上高 部門別受注高 や行 ら行 有形固定資産回転率 輸出売上高 輸出受注高 流動比率 連結キャッシュ・フロー表 連結損益計算書 連結貸借対照表 ページ 3 1,2 4 1,3 6 1,6 4 6 1,9 1,3 7 7 7 3 2 7 1,8 8 8 4 16 14 9 1,4 5 5 5 5 6 2 2 8 2 2 8 13 12 10 Contents Financial Highlights 1 財務ハイライト Performance 2 業績推移 Financial Position 8 財政状態 Financial Statements 10 財務データ Corporate Data 会社概要 17 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 1 Financial Highlights Net Sales 売上高 Net Income 当期純利益 Operating Income 営業利益 (¥ Millions 百万円) Total Shareholders’ Equity 株主資本 (¥ Millions 百万円) (¥ Millions 百万円) (¥ Millions 百万円) 15,000 30,000 200,000 財務ハイライト 25,000 120,000 100,000 12,000 150,000 20,000 80,000 9,000 100,000 15,000 60,000 6,000 10,000 40,000 50,000 3,000 5,000 0 0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 Non-Consolidated Consolidated (¥ Millions ’99/3 ’00/3 20,000 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 0 ’96/3 ’00/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 (単体) (連結) Non-Consolidated (単体)/Consolidated (連結) 百万円) 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 121,434 153,385 137,385 171,592 123,809 148,322 125,675 146,754 107,702 130,998 Net Sales 売上高 Operating Income 営業利益 19,949 25,137 20,376 25,995 11,612 15,025 12,562 15,209 8,349 11,203 Recurring Profit 経常利益 21,709 26,178 22,171 27,096 14,445 15,950 13,887 15,999 9,739 11,875 Net Income 当期純利益 10,317 12,442 10,545 12,655 7,537 6,553 6,964 7,567 4,162 4,648 Total Assets 総資産 Total Shareholders’ Equity 株主資本 Total Shareholders’ Equity Ratio (%) 株主資本比率(%) 139,893 157,541 147,066 166,170 77,784 87,796 86,449 98,482 55.6 55.7 58.8 59.3 154,094 161,922 156,291 165,775 152,758 165,297 97,720 102,585 102,488 108,051 104,966 113,383 63.4 63.4 65.6 65.2 68.7 68.6 1 1 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 2 Performance Orders 業績推移 Net Sales 受注高 売上高 Orders by Division Amount of Exports Net Sales by Division Amount of Exports 部門別受注高 (¥ Millions 百万円) 輸出受注高 (¥ Millions 百万円) 部門別売上高 (¥ Millions 百万円) 輸出売上高 (¥ Millions 百万円) 150,000 20,000 200,000 20,000 15,000 150,000 15,000 10,000 100,000 10,000 5,000 50,000 5,000 120,000 90,000 60,000 30,000 0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 ’96/3 Chemicals Division 薬品 Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities Division Environmental Control Facilities Division 環境施設 (¥ Millions 0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 Non-Consolidated Consolidated 水処理装置 ’99/3 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 ’00/3 (単体) (連結) 百万円) Orders by Division Chemicals Division Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities Division Environmental Control Facilities Division Total Amount of Exports 部門別受注高 Net Sales by Division Chemicals Division Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities Division Environmental Control Facilities Division Total Amount of Exports Consolidated Net Sales 部門別売上高 薬品 水処理装置 環境施設 合計 輸出受注高 薬品 水処理装置 環境施設 合計 輸出売上高 連結売上高 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 43,144 59,806 15,827 118,777 16,272 44,637 64,359 21,769 130,766 19,015 41,669 57,841 23,038 122,549 7,524 39,851 46,529 21,545 107,926 1,996 39,470 54,896 19,894 114,261 4,565 42,816 57,403 21,213 121,434 9,662 153,385 44,222 65,329 27,832 137,385 18,085 171,592 42,115 60,324 21,369 123,809 10,264 148,322 40,194 56,851 28,629 125,675 7,611 146,754 39,388 52,844 15,469 107,702 4,793 130,998 2 2 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 3 Income 利益 Interest Expenses 支払利息及び割引料 (¥ Millions 百万円) Interest Coverage インタレスト・カバレッジ (Times 倍) Recurring Profit 経常利益 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 (¥ Millions 百万円) 800 300 Operating Income 営業利益 250 (¥ Millions 百万円) 600 200 400 150 100 200 50 0 0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 Non-Consolidated Consolidated (¥ Millions ’00/3 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 (単体) (連結) Non-Consolidated (単体)/Consolidated (連結) 百万円) 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 Interest Expenses 支払利息及び割引料 254 278 35 57 30 42 25 56 16 60 Interest Coverage (Times) インタレスト・カバレッジ(倍) 84.1 94.6 612.5 470.1 462.8 373.4 541.7 281.5 587.1 194.2 Operating Income 営業利益 19,949 25,137 20,376 25,995 11,612 15,025 12,562 15,209 8,349 11,203 Recurring Profit 経常利益 21,709 26,178 22,171 27,096 14,445 15,950 13,887 15,999 9,739 11,875 Note: Interest Coverage = (Operating Income + Interest and Dividend Income)/Interest Expenses (注)インタレスト・カバレッジ=(営業利益+受取利息・配当金)/支払利息及び割引料 3 3 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 4 Net Income 当期純利益 Return on Equity 株主資本当期純利益率 Net Income to Net Sales (¥ Millions 百万円) Return on Assets 総資本当期純利益率 (%) 売上高当期純利益率 (%) (%) 15,000 10 12,000 8 9,000 6 6,000 4 3,000 2 0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 Non-Consolidated Consolidated (¥ Millions ’00/3 20 10 10 5 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’96/3 ’00/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 0 ’00/3 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 (単体) (連結) Non-Consolidated (単体)/Consolidated (連結) 百万円) Net Income (¥ Millions) 当期純利益(百万円) Net Income to Net Sales (%) 売上高当期純利益率(%) Return on Equity (%) 株主資本当期純利益率(%) Return on Assets (%) 総資本当期純利益率(%) 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 10,317 12,442 10,545 12,655 1999/3 2000/3 7,537 6,553 6,964 7,567 4,162 4,648 8.5 8.1 7.7 7.4 6.1 4.4 5.5 5.2 3.9 3.5 14.9 15.9 12.8 13.6 8.2 6.5 7.0 7.2 4.0 4.2 7.7 8.3 7.3 7.8 5.0 4.0 4.5 4.6 2.7 2.8 Note: The above data are based on the averages of Shareholders’ Equity and Total Assets at the current and preceding year-ends. (注)上記指標を算出する上で、株主資本および総資本は、当・前年度末の平均値を使用しています。 4 4 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 5 Equities 株式 Net Income per Share Shareholders’ Equity per Share Dividends per Share 一株当たり当期純利益 (¥ 円) 一株当たり株主資本 (¥ 円) 一株当たり配当金 (¥ 円) 1,000 120 100 Payout Ratio 配当性向 (%) 20 60 50 800 15 40 80 600 10 60 30 400 20 40 200 20 10 0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 Non-Consolidated Consolidated (¥ 5 ’00/3 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 0 ’96/3 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 (単体) (連結) Non-Consolidated (単体)/Consolidated (連結) 円) 1996/3 1997/3 86.4 104.2 95.3 一株当たり当期純利益 Shareholders’ Equity per Share 一株当たり株主資本 Dividends per Share 一株当たり配当金 14.0 — 16.0 — 16.0 — 16.0 Payout Ratio (%) 配当性向(%) 16.4 — 20.1 — 28.2 — 30.4 651.0 741.6 56.8 1999/3 Net Income per Share 644.3 727.2 79.4 1998/3 49.4 735.9 772.5 52.5 2000/3 57.1 31.3 35.1 771.8 816.5 790.4 856.8 — 17.0 — — 54.0 — 5 5 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 6 Total Liabilities and Total Shareholders’ Equity Dividends/Shareholders’ Equity 株主資本配当率 Stock Price Range 株価の推移 負債・株主資本 (¥ Millions 百万円) 200,000 (%) 5 4 (¥ 円) 4,000 150,000 3,000 100,000 2,000 50,000 1,000 3 2 1 0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 Non-Consolidated Liabilities Non-Consolidated Shareholders’ Equity (¥ Millions 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 Consolidated Liabilities Consolidated Shareholders’ Equity (単体負債) (単体株主資本) ’00/3 I ’96/3 II III IV I ’97/3 II III IV ’98/3 II III I IV I ’99/3 II III IV I ’00/3 II III IV (連結負債) (連結株主資本) Non-Consolidated (単体)/Consolidated (連結) 百万円) 1996/3 Dividends/ Shareholders’ Equity (%) Total Liabilities and Total Shareholders’ Equity 2.2 株主資本配当率(%) 1997/3 — 2.5 139,893 157,541 負債・株主資本 1998/3 — 2.2 147,066 166,170 1999/3 — 2.1 154,094 161,922 Total Liabilities 負債 62,109 69,744 60,616 67,688 56,373 Total Shareholders’ Equity 株主資本 77,784 87,796 86,449 98,482 97,720 102,585 2000/3 — 156,291 165,775 59,336 53,803 57,660 102,488 108,051 2.1 — 152,758 165,297 47,791 51,363 104,966 113,383 Note: Consolidated figures include minority interests. (注)連結には少数株主持分を含んでいます。 1996/3 Stock Price Range (¥) 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 株価の推移(円) I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV High 高値 2,260 2,750 2,980 2,900 2,750 2,660 2,500 2,700 3,130 3,490 2,560 1,980 1,750 1,840 1,740 2,155 2,400 2,490 2,335 2,345 Low 安値 1,880 2,160 2,630 2,420 2,370 2,220 2,230 2,260 2,340 2,430 1,230 1,260 1,300 1,370 1,320 1,500 1,715 1,938 1,610 1,572 Note: Stock price range figures represent the parent company’s shares on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The figures are presented on a quarterly basis, with the first quarter beginning April 1 and extending to June 30. (注)株価の推移は、東京証券取引所(第1部)における親会社の数値です。I は4∼6月、II は7∼9月、III は10∼12月、IVは1∼3月の数値を表しています。 6 6 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 7 R&D Capital Investment 研究開発 R&D Expense 研究開発費 (¥ Millions 百万円) 6,000 R&D Expense to Net Sales Capital Expenditure 研究開発費売上高比率 設備投資額 (%) (¥ Millions 百万円) 5 設備投資 Depreciation 減価償却費 (¥ Millions 百万円) 4,000 8,000 7,000 5,000 4 3,000 6,000 4,000 5,000 3 3,000 2,000 4,000 2 3,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 1 1,000 1,000 0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 Non-Consolidated Consolidated (¥ Millions ’99/3 0 0 ’96/3 ’00/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’96/3 ’00/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 (単体) (連結) Non-Consolidated (単体)/Consolidated (連結) 百万円) 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 4,033 4,258 4,135 4,340 4,926 4,996 5,134 5,178 5,161 5,164 R&D Expense 研究開発費 R&D Expense to Net Sales (%) 研究開発費売上高比率(%) Capital Expenditure 設備投資額 1,934 4,601 5,651 7,378 2,865 3,864 6,045 6,642 1,463 1,968 Depreciation 減価償却費 1,392 2,401 1,555 2,749 1,867 2,807 2,183 3,055 2,344 3,167 3.3 2.7 3.0 2.5 4.0 3.4 4.1 3.5 4.8 3.9 7 7 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 8 Financial Position Total Assets Composition 総資産構成 (¥ Millions 百万円) 200,000 財政状態 Current Ratio 流動比率 Tangible Fixed Assets Turnover Total Assets Turnover (%) 有形固定資産回転率 (Times 倍) 総資本回転率 (Times 倍) 300 1.2 10 1.0 150,000 200 100,000 5 0.5 100 50,000 0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 Non-Consolidated Current Assets Non-Consolidated Fixed Assets (¥ Millions (単体流動資産) (単体固定資産) 0.0 0 ’96/3 ’00/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 Consolidated Current Assets Consolidated Fixed Assets ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 Non-Consolidated Consolidated (連結流動資産) (連結固定資産) ’96/3 ’00/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 (単体) (連結) Non-Consolidated (単体)/Consolidated (連結) 百万円) Total Assets (¥ Millions) ’97/3 総資産(百万円) Current Assets (¥ Millions) 流動資産(百万円) Fixed Assets (¥ Millions) 固定資産(百万円) 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 139,893 157,541 147,066 166,170 154,094 161,922 156,291 165,775 152,758 165,297 107,105 118,258 110,144 121,600 110,214 114,426 105,914 112,576 103,556 111,017 32,788 39,282 36,921 44,570 43,880 47,495 50,377 52,877 49,201 53,321 191.4 190.8 203.5 203.4 223.7 223.1 227.6 228.2 261.9 266.7 Current Ratio (%) 流動比率(%) Tangible Fixed Assets Turnover (Times) 有形固定資産回転率(倍) 6.7 5.7 6.8 5.7 5.0 4.5 4.3 4.2 3.5 3.6 Total Assets Turnover (Times) 総資本回転率(倍) 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.8 Note: In calculating Total Assets Turnover, assets data are based on the average of the current and preceding year-ends. (注)回転率の計算では、資産は当・前年度末の平均値を使用しています。 8 8 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 9 Total Shareholders’ Equity Ratio Debt/Equity Ratio 株主資本比率 デット・エクイティ・レシオ (%) (Times 倍) 0.2 70 60 50 40 0.1 30 20 10 0.0 0 ’96/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 Non-Consolidated Consolidated ’96/3 ’00/3 ’97/3 ’98/3 ’99/3 ’00/3 (単体) (連結) Non-Consolidated (単体)/Consolidated (連結) Total Shareholders’ Equity Ratio (%) 株主資本比率(%) Debt/Equity Ratio (Times) デット・エクイティ・レシオ(倍) 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 55.6 55.7 58.8 59.3 63.4 63.4 65.6 65.2 68.7 68.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Note: Debt/Equity Ratio = Total Interest-Bearing Debt /Shareholders’ Equity (注)デット・エクイティ・レシオ=有利子負債/株主資本 9 9 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 10 Financial Statements Consolidated Balance Sheets (¥ Millions 財務データ 連結貸借対照表 百万円) ASSETS: Current Assets Cash and Deposits Notes Receivable Accounts Receivable Marketable Securities Inventories Other Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Fixed Assets Tangible Fixed Assets Buildings and Structures Machinery and Vehicles Land Construction in Progress Other Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets Investments Investments in Securities Related Indebtedness Other Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Cumulative Translation Adjustment Total Assets 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 118,258 29,651 17,106 45,593 9,966 9,702 6,547 (310) 39,282 [28,062] 10,365 4,023 10,503 1,144 2,025 [1,122] [10,097] 4,603 1,673 3,896 (77) — 157,541 121,600 26,639 17,220 56,920 9,095 9,149 2,920 (345) 44,570 [32,376] 11,511 3,899 14,078 286 2,600 [1,019] [11,174] 4,990 2,206 4,061 (85) — 166,170 114,426 28,027 12,997 52,119 11,242 9,348 1,006 (314) 47,495 [33,284] 11,201 3,683 14,595 1,116 2,687 [961] [13,249] 6,847 2,346 4,427 (372) — 161,922 112,576 31,400 11,814 50,453 9,038 8,890 1,251 (273) 52,877 [37,374] 15,598 3,771 14,621 634 2,747 [944] [14,558] 9,430 1,575 3,978 (426) 322 165,775 111,017 33,721 12,126 38,444 14,175 10,175 2,548 (174) 53,321 [36,213] 14,774 3,778 14,688 560 2,411 [1,250] [15,856] 9,141 2,559 4,305 (150) 958 165,297 資産の部 流動資産 現金・預金 受取手形 売掛金 有価証券 たな卸資産 その他の流動資産 貸倒引当金 固定資産 [有形固定資産] 建物・構築物 機械装置・運搬具 土地 建設仮勘定 その他の有形固定資産 [無形固定資産] [投資等] 投資有価証券 非連結及び関連会社株式及び出資金 その他の投資等 貸倒引当金 為替換算調整勘定 資産合計 10 10 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 11 (¥ Millions 百万円) LIABILITIES: Current Liabilities Notes Payable Accounts Payable Short-term Loans Accrued Income Taxes and Other Advances Received Accrued Bonuses Other Long-term Liabilities Long-term Loans Accrued Retirement Allowances Other Total Liabilities MINORITY INTERESTS IN CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES: Minority Interests in Consolidated Subsidiaries SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY: Common Stock Additional Paid-in Capital Retained Earnings Treasury Stock Total Shareholders’ Equity Total Liabilities, Minority Interests in Consolidated Subsidiaries and Shareholders’ Equity 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 61,981 22,046 15,913 1,333 8,469 4,610 2,868 6,739 7,763 663 6,328 771 69,744 59,788 20,721 15,652 2,306 7,533 4,454 2,932 6,186 7,900 327 6,862 710 67,688 51,287 18,278 14,548 662 4,194 3,528 2,967 7,106 8,049 170 7,193 684 59,336 49,340 20,062 12,395 1,150 4,062 2,298 3,002 6,369 8,319 150 7,469 699 57,660 41,633 15,516 11,142 283 2,788 2,946 2,927 6,028 9,730 145 7,197 2,387 51,363 — — — 63 550 負債の部 流動負債 支払手形 買掛金 短期借入金 未払法人税等 前受金 賞与引当金 その他の流動負債 固定負債 長期借入金 退職給与引当金 その他の固定負債 負債合計 少数株主持分 少数株主持分 資本の部 13,450 11,398 62,948 (1) 87,796 資本金 資本準備金 連結剰余金 自己株式 資本合計 負債・少数株主持分・資本合計 157,541 13,450 11,398 73,638 (5) 98,482 166,170 13,450 11,398 77,738 (2) 102,585 13,450 11,398 84,006 (804) 108,051 13,450 11,398 89,340 (806) 113,383 161,922 165,775 165,297 11 11 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 12 Consolidated Statements of Income (¥ Millions 連結損益計算書 百万円) OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES: Net Sales Cost of Sales Gross Income Selling, General and Administrative Expenses Operating Income NON-OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES: Other Income Other Expenses Recurring Profit EXTRAORDINARY INCOME AND EXPENSES: Extraordinary Income Extraordinary Expenses Income before Income Taxes Income Taxes and Other Minority Interests in Income of Consolidated Subsidiaries Net Income 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 153,385 101,125 52,259 27,122 25,137 171,592 117,170 54,422 28,426 25,995 148,322 104,226 44,096 29,070 15,025 146,754 101,366 45,388 30,179 15,209 130,998 88,174 42,823 31,619 11,203 1,590 549 26,178 1,353 252 27,096 1,223 299 15,950 1,262 471 15,999 1,036 365 11,875 — — 26,178 13,736 — — 27,096 14,441 — 1,100 14,850 8,297 — 419 15,580 8,011 69 3,329 8,615 3,899 — 12,442 — 12,655 — 6,553 — 7,567 68 4,648 営業損益の部 売上高 売上原価 売上総利益 販売費・一般管理費 営業利益 営業外損益の部 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別損益の部 特別利益 特別損失 税引前当期純利益 法人税等 少数株主利益 当期純利益 12 12 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 13 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (¥ Millions 連結キャッシュ・フロー表 百万円) 1999/3 Cash Flow from Operating Activities Cash Flow from Investing Activities Cash Flow from Financing Activities Cash and Cash Equivalents at March 31 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 現金および現金同等物期末残高 115 (63) (27) 310 2000/3 130 (78) (33) 332 13 13 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 14 Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets (¥ Millions 単体貸借対照表 百万円) ASSETS: Current Assets Cash and Deposits Notes Receivable Accounts Receivable Marketable Securities Finished Goods Raw Materials Work in Process Other Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Fixed Assets Tangible Fixed Assets Buildings and Structures Machinery and Vehicles Furniture and Fixtures Land Construction in Progress Intangible Assets Investments Investments in Securities Investments in Subsidiaries and Affiliates Long-term Loans Receivable Other Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Total Assets 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 107,105 28,663 12,891 40,184 9,967 1,401 186 6,085 7,982 (258) 32,788 [18,400] 7,137 1,425 1,371 8,452 13 [892] [13,495] 4,694 3,361 3,129 2,397 (89) 139,893 110,144 25,556 13,343 50,176 9,100 1,268 428 5,672 4,882 (287) 36,921 [22,269] 6,825 1,321 1,877 11,987 256 [836] [13,815] 5,251 3,565 2,497 2,590 (91) 147,066 110,214 27,392 11,787 48,958 11,244 1,297 997 6,165 2,660 (291) 43,880 [27,726] 8,828 1,939 2,212 13,670 1,074 [819] [15,334] 7,126 3,403 1,908 3,276 (380) 154,094 105,914 29,617 10,632 46,709 9,044 1,048 780 5,931 2,389 (239) 50,377 [31,287] 12,786 2,158 2,191 13,572 578 [822] [18,267] 10,373 4,019 1,449 2,855 (431) 156,291 103,556 31,149 11,061 34,198 14,182 913 855 6,856 4,486 (150) 49,201 [30,163] 11,925 2,243 1,878 13,593 521 [841] [18,196] 10,048 4,393 1,151 2,751 (150) 152,758 資産の部 流動資産 現金・預金 受取手形 売掛金 有価証券 製品 原材料 仕掛品 その他の流動資産 貸倒引当金 固定資産 [有形固定資産] 建物・構築物 機械装置・運搬具 工具器具備品 土地 建設仮勘定 [無形固定資産] [投資等] 投資有価証券 子会社株式・出資金 長期貸付金 その他の投資等 貸倒引当金 資産合計 14 14 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 15 (¥ Millions 百万円) LIABILITIES: Current Liabilities Notes Payable Accounts Payable Short-term Loans Accrued Expenses Accrued Income Taxes and Other Advances Received Deposits Accrued Bonuses Other Long-term Liabilities Long-term Loans Long-term Payable Accrued Retirement Allowances Other Total Liabilities SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY: Common Stock Additional Paid-in Capital Legal Reserve Retained Earnings [Net Income] Total Shareholders’ Equity Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 55,969 16,805 18,208 508 4,022 6,928 4,262 2,997 1,655 581 6,139 70 — 5,350 718 62,109 54,110 15,553 18,416 499 4,101 5,780 4,156 3,225 1,715 661 6,505 94 — 5,770 640 60,616 49,277 16,791 15,995 0 5,684 3,363 3,423 1,383 2,110 524 7,096 85 — 6,390 620 56,373 46,534 18,346 13,597 0 4,736 3,137 2,139 1,818 2,100 658 7,268 81 — 6,580 606 53,803 39,547 14,033 12,223 0 4,291 2,140 2,792 1,620 1,990 455 8,243 73 1,187 6,360 622 47,791 13,450 11,398 1,559 51,376 [10,317] 77,784 139,893 13,450 11,398 1,748 59,851 [10,545] 86,449 147,066 13,450 11,398 2,073 70,798 [7,537] 97,720 154,094 13,450 11,398 2,293 75,346 [6,964] 102,488 156,291 13,450 11,398 2,526 77,591 [4,162] 104,966 152,758 負債の部 流動負債 支払手形 買掛金 短期借入金 未払金・未払費用 未払法人税等 前受金 預り金 賞与引当金 その他の流動負債 固定負債 長期借入金 長期未払金 退職給与引当金 その他の固定負債 負債合計 資本の部 資本金 資本準備金 利益準備金 剰余金 [うち当期純利益] 資本合計 負債・資本合計 15 15 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 16 Non-Consolidated Statements of Income (¥ Millions 単体損益計算書 百万円) OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES: Net Sales Cost of Sales Gross Income Selling, General and Administrative Expenses Operating Income NON-OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSES: Other Income Interest and Dividend Income Other Other Expenses Interest Expenses Other Recurring Profit EXTRAORDINARY INCOME AND EXPENSES: Extraordinary Income Extraordinary Expenses Income before Income Taxes Income Taxes and Other Net Income 1996/3 1997/3 1998/3 1999/3 2000/3 121,434 82,135 39,299 19,350 19,949 137,385 96,934 40,450 20,074 20,376 123,809 89,974 33,835 22,222 11,612 125,675 89,723 35,952 23,389 12,562 107,702 75,065 32,637 24,287 8,349 [2,378] 1,413 964 [618] 254 363 21,709 [2,111] 1,063 1,048 [317] 35 282 22,171 [3,221] 2,271 950 [389] 30 358 14,445 [1,662] 980 681 [337] 25 311 13,887 [1,687] 1,045 642 [297] 16 280 9,739 — — 21,709 11,392 10,317 — — 22,171 11,626 10,545 — 294 14,150 6,613 7,537 — 419 13,467 6,503 6,964 72 2,732 7,078 2,916 4,162 営業損益の部 売上高 売上原価 売上総利益 販売費・一般管理費 営業利益 営業外損益の部 営業外収益 受取利息・配当金 その他の営業外収益 営業外費用 支払利息及び割引料 その他の営業外費用 経常利益 特別損益の部 特別利益 特別損失 税引前当期純利益 法人税等 当期純利益 The financial data in this document are based on the accounting principles generally accepted in Japan. 本書における財務データは、日本の財務諸表規則及び連結財務諸表規則に基づいています。 16 16 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ 17 Corporate Data 会社概要 Head Office 本社 4-7, Nishi-Shinjuku 3-chome, 〒160-8383 東京都新宿区西新宿3-4-7 Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8383, Japan Telephone: (03) 3347-3111 電話:(03) 3347-3111 Facsimile: (03) 3344-9328 ファクシミリ:(03) 3344-9328 Home Page: http://www.kurita.co.jp ホームページ:http://www.kurita.co.jp Date of Establishment 設立 July 13, 1949 昭和24年7月13日 Paid-in Capital 資本金 ¥13,450,751,434 13,450,751,434円 (as of March 31, 2000) (平成12年3月31日現在) Number of Shares Issued and Outstanding 発行済株式数 132,800,256 shares 132,800,256株 (as of March 31, 2000) (平成12年3月31日現在) Stock Exchange Listings 株式の上場 Tokyo, Osaka 東京証券取引所、大阪証券取引所 Transfer Agent 名義書換代理人 The Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. 中央三井信託銀行株式会社 17 17 QX/KURITA FB 00 (横)7/4 00.7.27 5:25 PM ページ c4 栗田工業株式会社 Printed on recycled paper 本誌は再生紙を使用しています Printed in Japan c4
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