Xu Nie, PhD - University of North Texas

Curriculum Vitae (Page 1 of 7)
Xu Nie
Xu Nie, PhD
University of North Texas
Email: [email protected]
Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department
3940 North Elm St., Room F101,
Denton, TX 76207-7102
Tel: 940-369-8944
Fax: 940-369-8675
Ph.D., Materials Engineering
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
B.S., Mechanical Engineering
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
Assistant Professor
Mechanical and Energy Engineering, University of North Texas
09/2012 – present
Post-doctoral Research Assistant
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University
12/2010 – 08/2012
Graduate Research Assistant
Materials Engineering, Purdue University
8/2005 - 12/2010
Prior to Joining UNT:
AAE 590F/MSE 597K — Dynamic Behavior of Materials (Spring 2011)
MSE 250 — Physical Properties of Engineering Systems (Spring 2009)
AAE 204 — Aeromechanics II (Spring 2007)
MSE 230 — Structure and Property of Engineering Materials (Spring 2006)
After Joining UNT:
MEEN 3240 — Mechanical and Energy Engineering Lab I (Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014)
ENGR 2301 — Statics (Fall 2013)
MEEN 5800 — Impact Mechanics of Materials (Fall 2014)
Summer Visiting Professor, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB
Certificate of Appreciation, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Engineering Magoon Teaching Award, Purdue University
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Society for Experimental Mechanics
American Ceramics Society
Society of Engineering Science
Curriculum Vitae (Page 2 of 7)
Xu Nie
Scientific Advisory Board Member
17th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Rhodes, Greece
July 2016
Session Co-organizer
“Dynamic Behavior of Geo-materials”, 2015 SEM Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, CA, USA
June 2015
Session Co-organizer and chair
“Geo-materials”, 2014 SEM Annual Conference, Greenville, SC, USA
June 2014
Symposium Co-organizer and chair
July 2013
“Dynamic Behavior of Materials”, 2013 SES/ASME-AMD Annual Conference, Providence, RI, USA
Session Co-organizer and chair
“Biomedical and Biomemetic Materials”, 2013 SEM Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, USA
June 2013
Session Co-organizer and chair
“Low Impedance Materials”, 2012 SEM Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, CA, USA
June 2012
Session Co-organizer and Co-chair
June 2011
“Dynamic Response of Transparent Materials”, 2011 SEM Annual Conference, Uncasville, CT, USA
Symposium Co-organizer and Co-chair
May 2011
“Characterization and Modeling of Biological and Bio-inspired Materials”, 2011 ASME Applied Mechanics
and Materials Conference, Chicago, IL, USA
Journal of the American Ceramic Society
Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials
International Journal of Damage Mechanics
International Journal of Impact Engineering
International Journal of Mechanical Science
International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations
Measurement Science and Technology
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Journal of Materials Science
Journal of Applied Mechanics
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Mechanics of Materials
Experimental Mechanics
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids
Philosophical Magazine Letters
Dynamic response of advanced materials and structures.
High-rate experimental mechanics and techniques.
Fracture and failure of engineering ceramics and glass under impact loading conditions.
Mechanics of biological and bio-inspired materials.
Microstructure and damage evolution in engineering materials under dynamic loadings.
Novel dynamic characterization techniques, mechanical behavior, and failure of ultra-high performance
cementitious composites.
Curriculum Vitae (Page 3 of 7)
Xu Nie
Ph.D Students:
1. Ying Qiu: “Influence of Strain Rate on Thermomechanical Properties of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys”.
2. Hao Yu (co-advisor): “The Relationship between Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties in
Superelastic NiTi and NiTiFe Shape Memory Alloys”.
Master Students:
1. Colin Loeffler: “Dynamic Behavior and Damage of Concrete Materials”.
2. Nathan Ley: “Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of High Entropy Alloys (HEAs)”.
3. Andrew Dean: “Dynamic Tensile Characterization of Concrete”.
4. Baozhuo Zhang (co-advisor): “Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction of NiTi and NiTiCr Wires”.
Undergraduate Students:
Chuck Mathes, Tray Kidwell
Awards and Honors by Students:
1. Ying Q iu: Outstanding Teaching Award, by Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department, 2013
2. Ying Qiu: 2nd place in Engineering Graduate Exhibition, by UNT, 2014
3. Ying Q iu: 4th place in American Society for Metals (ASM) Student Symposium, UT Arlington, 2014
4. Colin Loeffler: Air Force Summer Scholar, Air Force Research Laboratory, 2014
Departmental Committees:
Graduate Affair Committee (2012-2013)
Research Initiative and Awards Committee (2012-2013)
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (2013-2014, 2014-2015)
Awards Committee (2013-2014, 2014-2015)
P&T Criteria Committee (2014-2015)
Senior Design and Student Organization Advising:
Faculty Advisor for ASME UNT Chapter (2013-present)
“Design of Kolsky Tension Bar” (senior design, 2013-2014)
“Engine Lifting Eye Bracket Design for Peterbilt” (senior design, 2013-2014)
“Design of Middle ‘Buddy Seat’ for Day Cab Trucks-Peterbilt” (senior design 2014-2015)
“Dynamic Behavior and Failure of Advanced High-Performance Structural Materials”, U.S. Army Engineer
Research and Development Center, $585,784, 9/15/2014-9/14/2018, PI (100%) Active (BAA
“Novel Experimental Techniques, Size Effect, and Damage Evolution for Heterogeneous Materials”, Air Force
Research Laboratory, $225,000, 6/2/2014-9/2/2016, PI (100%) Active (BAA RWK-13-0001)
“Highly Stretchable Miniature Strain Sensors for Kolsky Bar Applications-Phase I: Feasibility Investigation”,
Sandia National Laboratories, $33,192, 5/20/2014-12/30/2014, PI (50%, with Co-PI: Xun Yu, 50%) Active
“Dynamic Interfacial Friction under Various Pressures”, Air Force Research Laboratory, $300,000 (Nie’s share:
$100,000), 9/17/2013-9/18/2015, Subcontractor, Active (BAA RWK-13-0001)
“A High Resolution Laser Measurement Technique for Kolsky Bars”, Sandia National Laboratories, $52,133,
2/1/2013-6/30/2014, PI (100%), Completed
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Xu Nie
After Joining UNT:
1. “Dynamic Tensile Response of Concrete – A Review”, In preparation
2. “A Novel Splitting-Beam Laser Extensometer Technique for Kolsky Tension Bar Experiment”, In
“Microstructural Evolution During High Strain Rate Plastic Deformation of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy”, In
4. N. Kumar, Y. Qiu, X. Nie, R.S. Mishra, P.K. Liaw, R.E. Brennan, K.J. Doherty, K.C. Cho, “High Strain Rate
Deformation Behavior of FCC Al0.1FeCrCoNi High Entropy Alloy”, Submitted to Scripta Materialia
5. Y. Qiu, M. Young, X. Nie, “The Influence of Strain Rate on Phase Transformation of Martensitic NiTi Shape
Memory Alloys in Compression”, Submitted to Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A
6. B. Claus, X. Nie, B. Martin, W. Chen, “A Side-Impact Torsion Kolsky Bar”, Submitted to Experimental
7. Z. Guo, D. Casem, M. Hudspeth, X. Nie, J. Sun, W. Chen, “Transverse Compression of Two
High-Performance Ballistic Fibers”, Submitted to Composite Part A
8. W. Heard, B. Martin, X. Nie, T. Slawson, P.K. Basu, “Annular Pulse Shaping Technique for Large-Diameter
Kolsky Bar Experiments on Concrete”, Experimental Mechanics, 54, 1343-1354, 2014
9. X. Nie, B. Sanborn, T. Weerasooriya, W. Chen, “High-rate Bulk and Shear Response of Bovine Brain Tissue”,
International Journal of Impact Engineering, 53, 56-61, 2013. Invited special issue
10. M. Hudspeth, X. Nie, W. Chen, “Dynamic Failure of Dyneema Single Fibers under Biaxial Shear/Tension”,
Polymer, 53, 5568-5574, 2012
Prior to Joining UNT:
11. X. Nie, W. Chen, “High-rate Progressive Failure of Borosilicate Glass under Mechanical Confinement at
High Temperatures”, Experimental Mechanics, 53, 67-75, 2013. Invited special issue
12. B. Sanborn, X. Nie, W. Chen, T. Weerasooriya, “High Strain Rate Pure Shear and Axial Compressive
Response of Porcine Lung Tissue”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80, 011029, 2013
13. D. Chan, X. Nie, D. Bhate, W. Chen, G. Subbarayan, I. Dutta, “Intermediate and High Strain Rate Behavior
of Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu and Sn1.0Ag0.5Cu Solder Alloys: Constitutive Models and Their Demonstration”. IEEE
Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, 3, 133-146, 2013
14. M. Hudspeth, X. Nie, W. Chen, R. Lewis, “Effect of Loading Rate on Mechanical Properties and Fracture
Morphology of Spider Silk”, Biomacromolecules, 13, 2240-2246, 2012
15. A. Wu, X. Nie, M. Hudspeth, W. Chen, T. Chou, D. Lashmore, M. Schauer, E. Towle, J. Rioux, “Strain
Rate-Dependent Tensile Properties and Dynamic Electromechanical Response of Carbon Nanotube Fibers”,
Carbon, 5, 3876-3881, 2012
16. A. Wu, X. Nie, M. Hudspeth, W. Chen, T. Chou, D. Lashmore, M. Schauer, E.Towle, J. Rioux, “Carbon
Nanotube Fibers as Torsion Sensors”, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 201908, 2012
17. B. Sanborn, X. Nie, W. Chen, T. Weerasooriya, “Inertia Effects on Characterization of Dynamic Response of
Brain Tissue”, Journal of Biomechanics, 45, 434-439, 2012
18. X. Nie, W. Chen, “Dynamic Equibiaxial Flexural Strength of Borosilicate Glass at High Temperatures”.
Experimental Mechanics, 52, 135-143, 2012. Invited special issue
19. X. Nie, R. Prabhu, W. Chen, J. Caruthers, T. Weerasooriya, “A Kolsky Torsion Bar Technique for
Characterization of Dynamic Shear Response of Soft Materials”. Experimental Mechanics, 51, 1527-1534,
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Xu Nie
20. X. Nie, W. Chen, L. Fehrenbacher, I. Vesnovsky, “Rate Effects on the Mechanical Response of Magnesium
Aluminate Spinel”. Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, 5088-5095, 2011
21. X. Nie, J. Cheng, W. Chen, T. Weerasooriya, “Dynamic Tensile Response of Porcine Muscle”. Journal of
Applied Mechanics, 78, 021009, 2011
22. X. Nie, W. Chen, D. Templeton, “Dynamic Ring-on-Ring Equibiaxial Flexural Strength of Borosilicate
Glass”. International Journal of Applied Ceramics Technology, 7, 616-624, 2010. Invited special issue
23. B. Song, B. Antoun, X. Nie, W. Chen, “High-rate Characterization of 304L Stainless Steel at Elevated
Temperatures for Recrystallization Investigation”. Experimental Mechanics, 50, 553-560, 2010
24. X. Nie, B. Song, Y. Ge, W. Chen, T. Weeresooriya. “Dynamic Tensile Testing of Soft Materials”.
Experimental Mechanics, 49, 451-458, 2009
25. X. Nie, W. Chen, A. Wereszczak, D. Templeton. “Effect of Loading Rate and Surface Conditions on the
Flexural Strength of Borosilicate Glass”. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92, 1287-1295, 2009.
26. W. Chen, A. Rajendran, B. Song, X. Nie. “Dynamic Fracture of Ceramics in Armor Application”. Journal of
the American Ceramic Society, 90, 1005-1018, 2007. Invited feature article
27. X. Nie, W. Chen, X. Sun, D. Templeton, “Dynamic Failure of Borosilicate Glass under Compression/Shear
Loading Experiments”. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90, 2556-2562, 2007
28. W. Huang, X. Zhan, X. Nie, M. Gong, Y. Wang, Y. Xia, “Experimental Study on the Dynamic Tensile
Behavior of a Poly-crystal Pure Titanium at Elevated Temperatures”. Materials Science and Engineering A,
443, 33-41, 2007
29. W. Huang, X. Nie, Y. Xia, “The Effects of Heat-treatment and Strain Rate on the Mechanical Properties of
SiC/Al Composite Wires—Experimental and Constitutive Modeling”. Composites: Part A, 36, 1316-1322,
30. Z. Huang, X. Nie, Y. Xia, “The Effect of Strain Rate and Temperature on the Dynamic Tensile Properties of
GFRP”. Journal of Materials Science, 39, 3479-3482, 2004
31. W. Huang, X. Nie, X. Zhan, Y. Xia, “Dynamic Tensile Behavior of 5CrMnMo at Elevated Temperatures”.
Acta Metallurgica Sinica, Vol. 17 No. 4, 521-527, 2004
32. W. Huang, X. Nie, Y. Xia, “An Experimental Study on the in-situ Strength of SiC Fiber in Unidirectional
SiC/Al Composites”. Composites: Part A, 34, 1161-1166, 2003
After Joining UNT:
1. B. Martin, W. Heard, C. Loeffler, X. Nie, N. Boone, “Dynamic Characterization and Size Effect of Concrete
Materials”, SEM Annual Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Greenville, SC, June
2. B. Claus, X. Nie, B. Martin, W. Chen, “Development of A Side-Impact Pluse-Shaping Torsional Kolsky Bar”,
SEM Annual Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Greenville, SC, June 2014
3. Y. Qiu, M. Young, X. Nie, “The Influence of Dynamic Loading on Martensitic NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
(SMAs)”, The International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, Pacific Grove, CA,
May 2014
4. W. Heard, B. Martin, X. Nie, P. Basu, T. Slawson, “Annulus Pulse Shaping Technique for Large-Diameter
Kolsky Bar Characterization of High-Strength Concrete”, SEM Annual Conference & Expo on Experimental
and Applied Mechanics, Lombard, IL, June 2013
Curriculum Vitae (Page 6 of 7)
Xu Nie
5. Y. Li, C. Funnel, X. Nie, W. Chen, “Characterization of Interfacial Friction with Pulse Shaped Kolsky
Torsion Bar”, SEM Annual Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Lombard, IL, June
6. M. Hudspeth, X. Nie, F. Hai, W. Chen, “Biaxial Shear/Tension Failure of Several High Performance Fibers”,
SEM Annual Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Lombard, IL, June 2013
7. J. Spatola, M. Hudspeth, X. Nie, W. Chen, “Damage Propagation Analysis in High Performance Fibers”,
SEM Annual Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Lombard, IL, June 2013
8. M. Hudspeth, X. Nie, W. Chen, “Fiber Testing Procedure for Developing a Biaxial Shear/Tension Failure”,
SEM Annual Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Lombard, IL, June 2013
Prior to Joining UNT:
9. X. Nie, B. Sanborn, T. Weerasooriya, W. Chen, “Inertia Effects in High-rate Compression Experiments of
Soft Materials”, SEM Annual Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Orange County,
CA, June 2012
10. M. Hudspeth, X. Nie, W. Chen, “Kolsky Tension Bar for Samples with Very Low Strength”, SEM Annual
Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Orange County, CA, June 2012
11. Guzman, W. Chen, X. Nie, “Dynamic Tensile Behavior of a TRIP Steel”, Materials Science and Technology
(MS&T) Conference & Exhibition, Columbus, OH, October 2011
12. X. Nie, W. Chen, “Dynamic Ring-on-ring Equibiaxial Flexural Strength of Borosilicate Glass”, SEM Annual
Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Uncasville, CT, June 2011
13. X. Nie, W. Chen, R. Prabhu, J. Caruthers, T. Weerasooriya, “A Kolsky Bar Technique for Characterization of
Dynamic Shear Response of Soft Materials”, SEM Annual Conference & Expo on Experimental and Applied
Mechanics, Uncasville, CT, June 2011
14. X. Nie, B. Sanborn, W. Chen, T. Weerasooriya, “Inertia Effects in High Strain Rate Kolsky Bar
Characterization of Soft Materials”, ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, Chicago, IL,
May-June 2011
15. X. Nie, W. Chen, “Temperature and Confinement Pressure Effects on Dynamic Response of Damaged
Borosilicate Glass”, 35th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,
Daytona Beach, FL, January 2011
16. X. Nie, Jen-I Cheng, W. Chen, T. Weerasooriya, “Dynamic Tensile Response of Porcine Muscle”, 16th U.S.
National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Penn State Univeristy, PA, June-July 2010
17. X. Nie, W. Chen, A. Wereszczak, D. Templeton, “Dynamic Ring-on-ring Flexural Response of Borosilicate
Glass at Elevated Temperatures”, SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied
Mechanics, Indianapolis, IN, June 2010
18. X. Nie, D. Chan, G. Subbarayan, W. Chen, I. Dutta. “Stress-Strain Behavior of Lead-Free Solders over Strain
Rate Ranging From 10-3-102”. TMS Annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, February 2009
19. X. Nie, D. Chan, K. Setty, S. Chavali, G. Subbarayan, W. Chen, I. Dutta. “Valid constitutive- and relevant
failure models for SnAgCu solder alloys”. Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Annual Review
Report. Stanford University (San Francisco, CA), July 2008
20. X. Nie, W. Chen, "Rate and Surface Treatment Effects on the Strength of Borosilicate Glass," Proceedings of
the XIth Intermational Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Orlando, FL,
June 2008.
21. D. Bhate, X. Nie, D. Chan, X. Long, T. Chen, C. Park, O. Cornejo. “Valid constitutive- and relevant failure
Curriculum Vitae (Page 7 of 7)
Xu Nie
models for SnAgCu solder alloys”. Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Annual Review Report.
University of California Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA). July 2007.