Catalogue of Networking Organisations and Project Ideas Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Straße des 17. Juni, 112 / Berlin Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Dear Participants and interested organisations, In this document you find the contacts and project ideas of all organisations that applied for participation in the networking event on 14th of October and, of course, that agreed to be listed. Due to the format of the event not all applicants were able to participate in the end. With this catalogue we offer the chance for networking in addition to the event itself – especially between those who participated and those who could not. Besides the contact data you will find an overview of topics of interest per organisation as well as a summary of project ideas. So please have a look at the organisations and project ideas. All the best for your future cooperation and projects! 2 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Networking Organisations ARLT&PARTNER (DE)......................................................................................................... 6 ASSOCIATION OF YOUNG JOURNALISTS (DE) ............................................................... 7 BALTIC CON PROJEKT SOCIO-CULTURAL MOBILE INFRASTRUCTURE PONTON WATER WORLD (DE) .......................................................................................... 8 BALTIC SEA CLUSTER SEANERGIA (PL) ......................................................................... 9 BIC FRANKFURT (ODER) GMBH (DE)...............................................................................10 CENTRE FOR MARITIME TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AT MARITIME UNIVERSITY IN SZCZECIN, (PL) ........................................................................................11 CENTRUM FOR INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY GMBH (DE) ....................................12 CITY OF BYDGOSZCZ (PL) ................................................................................................13 COMPETENCE IN PORTS AND LOGISTICS (DE) .............................................................14 EBOKE ARCHITECTURE + ENERGY CONSULTING (DE) ................................................15 EUROPEAN ACADEMY FOR TAXES, ECONOMICS & LAW (DE) ....................................16 EUROPEAN FOUNDATION FOR MONUMENTS PROTECTION (PL) ................................17 EUROPEAN SERVICE NORTHERN THURINGIA (DE) .......................................................18 EXPERYMENT SCIENCE CENTRE (PL).............................................................................19 FUNDACJA KSZTALCENIA USTAWICZNEGO PERITIA/ THE FOUNDATION FOR LIFELONG LEARNING (PL) .......................................................................................21 GDANSK ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOUNDATION (PL) .......................................................22 GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF THE STATE FORESTS (PL) ............................................23 GEOKOMPETENZZENTRUM FREIBERG E.V. (DE) ..........................................................24 GIZ – PARTNER FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN GERMANY (DE) .................25 INSTITUTE OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT (PL) ..................................................................26 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR CHEMICAL SAFETY AND SECURITY (PL) ..................27 INVESTOR CENTER OSTBRANDENBURG GMBH (DE) ...................................................28 3 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas INSTITUTE FOR EUROPEAN PROJECTS (IPE) (PL) ........................................................29 KGHM LETIA S.A. (PL) .......................................................................................................30 KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE REGION (PL) ...........................................................................31 LANDGESELLSCHAFT SACHSEN-ANHALT MBH (DE) ...................................................32 LANDHOF GBR (DE)...........................................................................................................33 LNE GROUP GMBH (DE) ....................................................................................................34 LUBUSKI URZĄD WOJEWÓDZKI (PL) ..............................................................................35 MARITIME INSTITUTE GDANSK (PL) ................................................................................36 MARITIME UNIVERSITY GDYNIA (PL) ...............................................................................38 MARITIME UNIVERISTY OF SZCZECIN (PL) .....................................................................39 MARSHAL OFFICE OF THE MALOPOLSKA REGION (PL)...............................................40 MARSHAL'S OFFICE OF THE LODZ REGION (PL) ...........................................................41 MEDIA CENTER, TU-DRESDEN (DE) .................................................................................42 MIG DEP. OF ECONOMICS AND LAW (PL) .......................................................................43 MUNICIPALITY OF LUBIN (PL) ..........................................................................................44 MUS INNOVATION CENTRE LLC (PL) ...............................................................................46 OKTA BIURO RACHUNKOWO-USŁUGOWE (PL) .............................................................47 PEPCOMM GMBH (DE)......................................................................................................48 POLISH MARITIME CLUSTER (PL) ....................................................................................49 POLISH STATE FORESTS (PL) ..........................................................................................50 REGIONAL PLANNING AUTHORITY HAVELLAND-FLÄMING (DE) .................................51 REM • CONSULT (DE) ........................................................................................................52 SAXONIA STANDORTENTWICKLUNGS- UND VERWALTUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH (DE)....................................................................53 SEA DEVELOPMENT SP. Z O.O. (PL) ................................................................................54 STATE HIGHER VOCATIONAL SCHOOL – PWSZ GŁOGÓW (PL) ...................................55 4 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas THE KERYX GROUP (PL) ...................................................................................................56 THÜRINGENFORST (DE) ....................................................................................................57 TMB TOURISMUS-MARKETING BRANDENBURG GMBH (DE)........................................58 TRAKO (PL) ........................................................................................................................59 UNICORN THE EUROPEAN UNION OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZE ENTERPRISES AND MIDDLE CLASS (PL) ........................................................................61 UNIVERSITY OF ROSTOCK CHAIR FOR BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION (DE) .........................................................................62 UPPER SILESIAN AGENCY FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT LTD. (PL) .................................................................................................63 ZEMMRICH CONSULT (DE)................................................................................................64 5 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Arlt&Partner (DE) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project manager in the project (s): KKR – Optimierung der onkologischen Betreuung durch klinische Krebsregister, Krr Optymalizacja Opieki Onkologicznej przy pomocy Klinicznych Rejestrów Raka, KKR optimization of oncology supply by clinical Cancer Register Contact Information Peter Arlt [email protected] 6 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Association of Young Journalists (DE) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Björn Hensel [email protected] 7 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Baltic Con Projekt Socio-cultural mobile infrastructure Ponton water world (DE) Project Idea Transnational Cooperation in part of the Baltic Sea Strategy along the coastline. In the beginning during the construction phase of the TEN infrastructure FEHMARNBELT Crossing tunnel Rodby / Puttgarden. Reach out as a people participation Project through GO, NGO institutionalized and engaged local organisations at the beaches and harbours of this region. Lübeck to Kiel and further on west and east + Denmark Korsor to Köge and North 80 to 150 communities should by chance participate to work for transparency , information, edutainment etc. hopefully also and EU INFO POINT because millions of citizen of Germany and EU will be reached. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as networker in the project (s): Kulturlink, Beltte, Beltscience, String, Green string corridor, Belthealt, Recharge I ferie, Beltfood, LAG Wagrien-Fehmarn, Fehmarnbelt Day`s, Baltic Sailing Contact Information Burkhard Haasch [email protected] 8 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Baltic Sea Cluster sEaNERGIA (PL) Project Idea An Educational Research Laboratory on Energy Efficiency, and Smart Grids: Energy efficiency in the context of the smart energy systems development is very important for the region of West Pomerania. For it is a branch of the economy consuming not only large amounts of electricity and heat but also a very large amplitude of fluctuations in the consumption of electricity and heat in terms of both short-and long-term. Given that the economy of the West Pomerania Voivodeship is based primarily on tourism dedicated tourism development is particularly important in the context of energy policy across the country. There is not yet a laboratory dedicated for enterprises, especially SME where learning is on the base of working system. The project will be implemented in Kolobrzeg. The laboratory is designed to promote business investment in R & D & I, the development of links between business, R & D centers and universities, to promote technological and applied research, pilot lines, early product validations and advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production in key technologies. We are looking for experienced partners in the areas of smart grids, energy laboratories and information technology in tourism and smart grids Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Elzbieta Jolanta Syrda [email protected] 9 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas BIC Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH (DE) Project Idea Audits for SME´s / Coaching / Meetings to exchange the experience of the project partners Aiming at a higher level of innovation support in the regions and a higher innovation level in project SME´s We are looking for partners, new ideas around the thematic innovations in SME’s and cooperation between SME’s on the international area – cooperation across border in order to exchange experiences in innovation support for SME´s. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner in the project (s): CrossBorderClusterNet, Biobusiness, Seeds, Inter a New clean technologies Contact Information Gunnar Pajer [email protected] 10 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Centre for Maritime Technology Transfer at Maritime University in Szczecin, (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): Martech LNG – Marine Competence, Technology and Knowledge Transfer for LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) in the South Baltic Sea Region (South Baltic), InnoShip – Baltic Sea cooperation for reducing ship and port emissions through knowledge and innovation-based competitiveness (Baltic Sea Region), Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea – EfficienSea (Baltic Sea Region), Maritime safety - Transport and Environment in the Baltic Sea Region – BALTIC MASTER II (Baltic Sea Region), Oversize Baltic (South Baltic), Maritime Safety – Transport and Environment in the South Baltic Sea Region (INTERREG III B) Contact Information Emilia Roszkowska [email protected] 11 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Centrum for Innovation and Technology GmbH (DE) Project Idea Regional analysis of barriers and incentives for social innovations as base/driving force of future positive/successful regional development Regional analysis / Case studies of successful offers / Regional and transnational trade events / Development of concepts and studies / Pilot implementations Looking for: searching an appropriate PL project partner strengthening the focus of the intervention objectives fostering the concrete objectives definition of the added value for the INTERREG Programmes, especially BSR Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner in the project (s): INTERREG IIIA and IVA "DEPLINNO", INTERREG IIIC, Three Countries Innovation Push „3-CIP“, Budget Line B 5 – 3003 Preparatory Projects on the Impact of Enlargement in the Border Regions of the European Union "Assisting micro-enterprises intelligently through Tailor Made Solutions – TMS”, ESF, Article 6 "ChaBaLEU”, ERASMUS for Young Entrepreneurs Cycle 2 "e³" and Cycle 5 “EYE SEE P" Contact Information Bernd Kruczek [email protected] 12 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas City of Bydgoszcz (PL) Project Idea The City is interested in carrying out a project related to the area of climate change adaptation. Our main challenges are that we don´t have an efficient storm management and the knowledge of city authorities, officers and citizens on mitigation and adaptation to climate change is lacking. Therefore, we are doing complex urban planning including regional land use, research in the wind resistance of buildings, the development of other possibilities of rain water usage and the retention of water: inventory of rain water system enlargement of retention system of rain water in 1 catchment increased knowledge of authorities, officers, citizens gathered through trainings, campaigns reg. climate change, adaptation Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead / project partner in the project (s): Present Central Europe Program projects: CEC5, SHIFT-X Past Central Europe Program projects: COBRAMAN, REURISCEC5, SHIFT-X Contact Information Bozena Napierala [email protected] 13 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Competence in Ports and Logistics (DE) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as subcontractor in the project (s): Amber Coast Logistics (ACL), Bothnian Green Logistics Corridor (BGLC), Martech LNG Contact Information Nils Heine [email protected] 14 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas eboke architecture + energy consulting (DE) Project Idea Realization of building rehabilitation with improvement of the building environment. Many buildings don´t have a sustainable building management, sustainable building structures, efficient heating or ventilation systems nor age-based residential floor plans. As a result many buildings are constructed in an inadequate living environment and are high energy consumers. Therefore, we are planning to realize a costeffective building rehabilitation with improvement of the building environment. That includes a variety of outcomes such as the improvement of the building envelope and floor plans, greater coziness in the rooms, conservation of energy resources, use of sustainable systems and a dissemination of the acceptance for the energy performance certificate training of handicrafts before site. In so doing, we aim to appreciate existing buildings and increase their value. Looking for support with: Before-site support to partner us in the implementation of the administrative. Support partners place us in the implementation of technical concerns, like engineers, etc. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x INTERREG Experience No. Contact Information Christian Eboke [email protected] 15 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law (DE) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience None. Contact Information Anna Zurek [email protected] 16 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas European Foundation for Monuments Protection (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): "Castle for tomorrow", „COOL Bricks – Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments" Contact Information Aleksandra Kocialkowska [email protected] [email protected] 17 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas European Service Northern Thuringia (DE) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner in the project (s): INTERREG IIIC/ RFO ENABLE/ BIOC Contact Information Stephanie Kespohl [email protected] 18 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas EXPERYMENT Science Centre (PL) Project Idea Strengthening the attitudes and knowledge about renewable energy already at the stage of secondary school Carrying out educational campaigns to promote renewable energy sources by the European educational institutions/science centers Preparing a series of activities and scientific events for secondary schools Creating the mobile interactive exhibition showing different aspects of the theory and practical use of the energy sources: waterpower, wind power, geothermal, photovoltaic and solar panels Carrying out workshops, educational events, to prepare educational videos, lesson’s scenarios, Creating the laboratory of renewable energy (e.g. energy saving installations), educational activities with the support of technical experts Creating activities related to exchange of knowledge, to organize meeting of project partners in order to exchange experiences, preparation and implementation of education plans > Disseminating the project outputs at schools Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner in the project (s): CreActive NET, INTERREG III (X 2006 - XII 2007), “Baltic active education network for development of people-to-people initiatives (eduPeople)”, South Baltic Crossborder Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 (IX 2009 – XII 2011) Contact Information Agnieszka Grygoruk 19 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas [email protected] 20 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Fundacja Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego PERITIA/ The Foundation for Lifelong Learning (PL) Project Idea Strong, independent and entrepreneurial NGOs in Great Poland region (Wielkopolska) and Poland as well as other CEE countries by informal networking of NGO-Centers Creating an open and accessible space for collaboration and facilitation with other actors: local authorities, entrepreneurs and business Looking for: Gathering experience from other CEE countries on the issues Developing the project itself, we are the ‘core (merit)’ owners yet the project outline requires more than just the ‘heart and soul’ Choosing /selecting the right project partners that would be an added value not ‘silent’ partners Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as Executive/Business coach in the project(s): JOSEFIN, on behalf of FUNDUSZ ROZWOJU I PROMOCJI WOJEWÓDZTWA WIELKOPOLSKIEGO (FRIPWW)/Promotion and Development Fund of Wielkopolska Voivodship Contact Information Monika Lagodzinska [email protected] 21 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation (PL) Project Idea Addressing the problems of start-up acceleration and incubation in the European dimension Support processes and SME globalization in the field of future hardware and social innovation. Research/ analysis/ case studies of the world examples Action plan how to implement the ideal process of startup support Action plan how to work out products in the area of hardware (with methods, tools) Action plan how to work our social startups (with methods, tools) Trial incubation/trial acceleration based on action plan Trial globalization base on action plan Looking for project partners with more experience in start-ups support and experts from future hardware and social innovation area Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): Creative Cities, SoBaTo, CityRegio II Contact Information Agnieszka Meller [email protected] 22 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas General Directorate of the State Forests (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Lukasz Przybylek [email protected] 23 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg e.V. (DE) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): Revitamin Contact Information Reimer Wolfgang [email protected] 24 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas GIZ – Partner for international cooperation in Germany (DE) Project Idea The SWET Project (Sustainable Water, Economy and Tourism) aims at enhancing cooperation between and capacity building of SMEs from the inland water tourism sector, research and development institutions, local administration and other relevant actors in the partner countries in order to jointly develop innovative action plans for a sustainable inland water tourism which will be put into practice in the model regions in the partner countries. We are looking for SMEs and their associations, communities, R&D institutions and tourism boards who have identified similar problems in their regions and who are interested in joining the consortium in order to share experiences and best-practice examples and start a learning and implementing process together. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): Rail Baltica Contact Information Mareike Goehler-Robus [email protected] 25 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Institute of Urban Development (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project manager in the project (s): HERMAN: Management of Cultural Heritage in the Central Europe Area, airLED: Local economic development in airport catchment areas, URMA: Urban-Rural Partnerships in Metropolitan Areas Contact Information Maciej Huculak [email protected] 26 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (PL) Project Idea INTEGRATED CHEMICAL SAFETY and SECURITY PROGRAM in UKRAINE: The growing security, environmental and public health risks caused by a threat of misuse of toxic chemicals, as well as the dangers of their unauthorized use, could pose a challenge to security, economy, health and environment in Ukraine, as well as in the region. The core objective of the ICSS Program is to improve Ukraine’s capabilities in the prevention of, preparedness for and response to the misuse of toxic chemicals. An effective chemical security can result in a significant increase in the effectiveness of the security of chemical materials and associated facilities and transport. The ICSS Program will lead to introducing modern solution and coordinated approaches to enhance critical infrastructure protection in Ukraine. Looking for: Both – finding additional project partners as well as additional expertise would be helpful and highly appreciated. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Kacper Karpinski [email protected] 27 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Investor Center Ostbrandenburg GmbH (DE) Project Ideas Strengthening the conditions for SME development and growth in small and medium sized cities of the Baltic Sea Region (<250.000 inhabitants) which are characterized by a lower accessibility and more challenging economic conditions than metropolitan regions Installing the structures/capacities of economic promotion of SMEs in the partner cities which have proven to be the best suitable for the specific location Handbook/guidance with tailored recommendations, innovative model solutions and best practices for international SME cooperation and promotion to facilitate the exchange/transfer of knowledge to other small and medium sized cities in the BSR Looking for project partners from cities with suitable characteristics and best practice partners with expertise on the issue. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner in the project (s): "Deutsch-Polnisches Ansiedlungsnetzwerk" (INTERREG IV A), "Logistikregion Viadrina" (INTERREG IV A), "Amber Coast Logistics" (INTERREG IV B) Contact Information Irina Kania [email protected] 28 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Institute for European Projects (IPE) (PL) Project Ideas (1) WindReg aims at helping local and regional authorities to accelerate the planning process in wind energy use at the territorial levels. It is intended to be submitted under Priority axis 2: Low carbon, Specific objective 2.2: To improve territorially based low carbon energy planning strategies and policies supporting climate change mitigation. (2) RESTAURA aims at helping the preservation and management of cultural heritage in Central Europe area, in particular historic manor and castles, as well as archeological sites. Many of them are currently devastated; good strategies at local level are needed to enable their renovation. RESTAURA is intended to be submitted under Priority Axis 3: Environment and Culture, Specific objective 3.2: To improve capacities for the sustainable use of cultural heritage and resources. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner in the project (s): B2N, under INTERREG IVC, ReNewTown, under CENTRAL EUROPE Contact Information Małgorzata Steckiewicz [email protected] 29 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas KGHM Letia S.A. (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Alicja Nicieja [email protected] 30 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): RAPIDE, MKW, W2E, Custodes, INTER-Regio-Rail, Cerrec, Recommend Contact Information Rafał Modrzewski [email protected] 31 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Landgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH (DE) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner and external service provider in the project (s): Vital Landscapes (CE), Rubires (CE) Contact Information Jörn Freyer [email protected] 32 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Landhof GbR (DE) Project Idea The idea is to establish a basis for an intercultural think tank with the aspiration of getting East and West still closer together. Cultural exchange in any kind is the essential condition for understanding and acceptance. We would like to organize Artfairs, workshops for art – yoga, concerts, and discussion forums and open for good ideas. We need a partner who can share our visions. DialogArt can become an international institution for an intellectual and cultural exchange of ideas in combination with tangible events. Any kind of help including financial help is welcome. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Hubertus Blume [email protected] 33 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas LNE Group GmbH (DE) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Damian Borowski [email protected] 34 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Lubuski Urząd Wojewódzki (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner in the project (s): „Transgraniczne zabezpieczenie wielkich imprez masowych”, "Bądź bezpieczny podczas wakacji. Bezpieczeństwo mieszkańców regionu przygranicznego" Contact Information Małgorzata Patynowska or Aleksandra Wawrzyniak [email protected] or [email protected] 35 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Maritime Institute Gdansk (PL) Project Idea The Networking Logistics Centers project proposal - provides a networking forum for already existing and planned concrete and virtual logistics centers in the EU Transport area especially in the EU Core Network. Since there are a great number of newly established centers and plans for new ones in the regions, the project will enable the exchange of experiences in planning and operating the logistics centers. Looking for: Interest bodies form BSR and Central Europe, Governmental and business partners involved in trade exchange, Local and regional authorities, Logistic Centers, Municipalities, Representatives of exporters and importers, Shippers, carriers, Maritime and land forwarders, Port authorities, terminals Representatives of research and development institutions. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): BATCo, BALTIC MASTER, TRANSBALTIC, CLEAN SHIP, SB Professional Contact Information Urszula Kowalczyk 36 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas [email protected] 37 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Maritime University Gdynia (PL) Project Idea Maritime, Logistics and ICT Clusters network in BSR Network of the Maritime, Logistics and ICT Clusters for growing together; create innovation partnerships to find better solutions for the Baltic Sea Region. Establishing innovation platforms for new innovation collaboration in BSR. Increasing involvement, information flow and transnational collaboration in different areas. Strengthening capabilities and competencies for working with transnational innovation collaboration in innovation technology. We are looking for project partners. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): BOTHNIAN GREEN LOGISTIC CORRIDOR – POLISH MARITIME CLUSTER, MARCHAIN, STARDUST, InterMareC, Gdańsk, Instytut Morski, 2008 (projekt realizowany w ramach INTERREG IIIC), Inloc, Baltic Master, Basim, LogVAS, LOG_ALL, A-B Landbridge, Mass_NET Contact Information Marek GRZYBOWSKI [email protected] 38 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Maritime Univeristy of Szczecin (PL) Project Idea Increase of safety in the maritime field, Usage of modern technologies for off shore industry Research in the field of safety and usage of multidisciplinary systems as well as new and prospective technologies in the area Looking for project partners and high technology Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner in the project (s): Baltic Master 1&2, Efficiensea Contact Information Maciej Gucma [email protected] 39 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Marshal Office of the Malopolska Region (PL) Project Idea Senior citizens spending long hours alone face the risk of not receiving assistance in case of emergency. Statistics show that 1 in 3 people over 65 fall at least once in a year. Therefore we want to implement innovative care services with the application of IT (including telecare) at the place of residence. A system should be implemented to guarantee security, independence, and autonomous living to senior citizens and would provide an alternative to nursing homes. The main activity would be the pilot action which would include preparing the “pilot flat” – barrier-free and equipped in innovative tele-care systems. The “pilot flat” would be located in Krakow, but other activities of the project would be carried out in different parts of Malopolska affected by demographic change. We would like to exchange experiences with the partners experienced in providing such a tele-care systems. It would be interesting to discuss not only the technical issues but also the financing sources. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner/ work package leader in the project (s): PEOPLE Innovation for Demographic Change, INTERREG IVC, ADAPT2DC Adaptation to Demographic Change, Central Europe Program Contact Information Katarzyna Opoczka [email protected] 40 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Marshal's Office of the Lodz Region (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): ONE – Observatory Network to Enhance ICT Structural Funds Absorption, NTERREG IVC program Contact Information Maria Kucińska [email protected] 41 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Media Center, TU-Dresden (DE) Project Idea Developing means for learning and doing scientific research for students and young researchers by connecting researchers, students, teachers from one side. On the other side, the project aims also to develop means for connecting young scientists to each other in a meaningful way for exchanging ideas and insights (Cluster for elearning and online education). To concentrate excellent research competencies and to ensure quality, professionalism and sustainability three research clusters are established at three different Saxon universities. The research clusters of the “eScience – network” focus on: e-business (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), e-learning (TU Dresden), e-systems (HTWK Leipzig). There are over 20 innovative applications that had been developed so far in Saxony but may be adopted by our polish Partners in the future - and vice versa. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Prof. Thomas Köhler [email protected] 42 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas MIG Dep. of Economics and Law (PL) Project Idea The project will promote the role of the logistics centres in regional development and national and international logistics chains with emphasis laid on intermodal and sustainable solutions. Further, the project will improve the general competitiveness of the logistics companies through providing a setting for creating Trans European partnerships and easy access to ICT-tools. Looking for: - Interest bodies form BSR and Central Europe, Governmental and business partners involved in trade exchange, Local and regional authorities, Logistic Centers, Municipalities, representatives of exporters and importers, shippers, carriers, maritime and land forwarders, port authorities, terminals, representatives of research and development institutions. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): Baltic-Adriatic Transport Cooperation - BATCo, Baltic Master II and Baltic Master Maritime Safety and the Environment in the South Baltic Sea, Logistic potentials for value added services in port-located areas – LogVAS Contact Information Marcin KALINOWSKI [email protected] 43 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Municipality of Lubin (PL) Project Idea To improve the planning and coordination of regional passenger transport in order to better connect with national and European transport networks, including better links of the outermost regions with existing networks, as well as improvement of regional public transport systems and testing applications and services in the field of smart regional mobility Improve the quality of regional public transport system in LGOM, Better linking the region LGOM with existing networks: domestic and foreign Remove barriers to access to public mass transit, Creation of an integrated area of communication through collaboration with the organizers, local authorities and carriers in LGOM Preparation of investment activities, Improvement of environmental quality, Transfer of experience. We are looking for project partners which will be interested in achieving the same goals in a transport field. We are also looking for a lead partner of the project. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): INTER-REGIO-RAIL Contact Information Małgorzata Jesion-Wojtuściszyn 44 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas [email protected] 45 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas MUS Innovation Centre LLC (PL) Project Idea Our main task is to sell results of scientific research and inventions owned by the Maritime University of Szczecin. We also offer the opportunity to benefit from our modern laboratories, research facilities and highly qualified staff (R&D). We are also open to cooperation with academic staff in terms of establishing new limited liability companies (spin-offs, spin-outs). We can be a project partner or contractor. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): TEICO-Net, SEBco, BSR InnoNet, Fit for Europe Contact Information Konrad Frontczak [email protected] 46 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas OKTA Biuro Rachunkowo-Usługowe (PL) Project Idea We want to find the right partners for our business throughout the area of managing accounting, payroll and human resources for small, medium and large enterprises that require such services in Poland and in different languages. We want to take advantage of the convenient location of Warsaw in Europe. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Urszula Stępniak [email protected] 47 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas PepComm GmbH (DE) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as managing project and translator Contact Information Jakub Bartczak [email protected] 48 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Polish Maritime Cluster (PL) Project Idea Blue Growth by Maritime Industry, Logistics and ICT Clusters international network in BSR in order to create a network of the Maritime Industries, Logistics and Academia and ICT Clusters for growing together, create innovation partnerships to find better solutions for the Baltic Sea Region. Establishing innovation platforms in BSR, increasing involvement, information flow and transnational collaboration in different areas. With the aim of strengthening the capabilities and competencies for working with transnational collaboration in innovation technology. Looking for Maritime Industries, Logistics, Academia and ICT Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): BOTHNIAN GREEN LOGISTIC CORRIDOR – POLISH MARITIME CLUSTER, MARCHAIN, STARDUST, InterMareC, Gdańsk, Instytut Morski, INTERREG IIIC, Inloc, Baltic Master, Basim, LogVAS, LOG_ALL, A-B Landbridge , Mass_NET Contact Information Marek Grzybowski [email protected] 49 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Polish State Forests (PL) Project Idea None submitted. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Barbara Rymaszewska [email protected] 50 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Regional Planning Authority Havelland-Fläming (DE) Project Ideas (1) EUROPEACE: show how civilian transformation of military heritage of Central and Eastern European regions can promote the process of European integration – by increasing information exchange and strengthening of mutual trust. (2) WETLANDS: Establishment and restoration of wetlands as part of natural and cultural heritage are key measures for a sustainable development. (3) PRIMA CLIC sets the focus on the four most expected types of weather extremes in its combinations. Risk Awareness. (4) Health and demographic change adjustments Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead/ project partner in the project (s): Network of Regional Information Management, Hinterland, VBNDZ, Rubires, BSR InnoReg, WindTechKnow Contact Information Maike Bührer [email protected] 51 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas REM • Consult (DE) Project Ideas (1) The main objective of the project is to develop a sustainable recreational fishery for tourists and coastal inhabitants along the Baltic Sea Region. In addition, the project will emphasize the importance of recreational fishery within the re-sourceefficient blue growth. To achieve this during the project implementation the partners need to involve stakeholders on various levels like fishing associations, tourist agencies, NGOs, research institutions, municipalities, public authorities and fishermen – as done, e.g. in the project Fishing Zealand which can serve as good practice example. Also, the cooperation with transnational operating organisations active in this field (HELCOM, ICES, OCEANA) is foreseen. (2) The main objective of the project is to optimize the use of innovation potentials of medium-sized cities in the Baltic Sea Region as well as to strengthen the strategic capacities of business development agencies and connect them to support a balanced territorial development. Further, the transfer from research and development to SMEs and businesses should be encouraged. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project manager, financial manager, PR partner in the project (s): SB Professionals, URMA, AQUAFIMA, Best Agers /Best Agers Lighthouses, SB OFF.E.R, WebLab, POWER/POWER cluster Contact Information Mareike Korb [email protected] 52 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas SAXONIA Standortentwicklungs- und -verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (DE) Project Idea None submitted. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Jörg Schönfelder [email protected] 53 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Sea Development Sp. z o.o. (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Elżbieta Syrda [email protected] www.sea-development. 54 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas State Higher Vocational School – PWSZ Głogów (PL) Project Idea Definition of innovation on the EU-Countries and on the OECD Definition, Classification to take care of innovation and local support of enterprises of a few selected country Looking for: other Higher Schools or Universities, institutions how have the same interest of the development of enterprises ant support (Financial or tax-instrument) Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Izabella Cech [email protected] 55 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas The Keryx Group (PL) Project Ideas The Keryx Group works with municipalities and the energy, mobility, infrastructure, ICT, and security industries. The work focuses on EU's Smart City policy and in developing investments and technologies that complement the city's own development strategy. Anchored in the realities of Central and Eastern Europe, we are strong proponent of addressing real-world situations such as urban shrinkage, demographic decline and infrastructure adjustment. We are looking to join a project with Smart City characteristics and which needs an experienced partner in Poland. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Anya Margaret Ogorkiewicz [email protected] 56 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas ThüringenForst (DE) Project Ideas Sound knowledge and approved management strategies for management option including guidelines for an implementation and use by private, communal and state forest owners Development of tree species recommendations and risk assessments for regions with similar natural conditions, management strategies to ensure healthy and vigor forest stands for long term and sustainable timber production with respect to environmental and social aspects. Looking for: Experience in modelling forest growth in mixed forest stands under changing climate conditions (drier and warmer conditions, more extreme events, esp. storm and hail) including sustainable timber mobilisation strategies with respect to growing potentials and soil conditions Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): Adaptive Management of Climate-induced Changes of Habitat Diversity in Protected Areas (2CE168P3; Synonym: Habit-Change) [INTERREG IV B] Contact Information Ingolf Profft [email protected] 57 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH (DE) Project Ideas None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Dr. Andreas Zimmer [email protected] 58 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas TRAKO (PL) Project Ideas Improve the planning and coordination of regional passenger transport in order to better connect with national and European transport networks. Better links outermost regions with existing networks. Improve regional public transport systems Testing applications and services in the field of smart regional mobility Improve the quality of regional public transport system in LGOM, Better linking the region LGOM with existing networks: domestic and foreign Remove barriers to access to public mass transit , Creation of an integrated area of communication through collaboration with the organizers, local authorities and carriers in LGOM , Preparation of investment activities , Improvement of environmental quality , Transfer of experience. We are looking for projects partners which will be interested in achieving the same goals in a transport field. We are also looking for a lead partner of the project. Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x INTERREG Experience YES, as external coordinator in the project (s): INTER-REGIO-RAIL Contact Information Marek Wierzbicki 59 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas [email protected] 60 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas UNICORN The European Union of Small and Medium-size Enterprises and Middle Class (PL) Project Ideas Co-operation of the innovative enterprises and the exchange of the know-how with a focus in the field of regional development. Looking for support in the fields of building construction and space / satellite industry Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Jerzy Samborsk [email protected] 61 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas University of Rostock Chair for Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship Education (DE) Project Idea The overall idea of the project is to increase labour force mobility and to enhance cooperation of labour market actors in Central Europe. The project aims at increasing and intensifying cross-border cooperation of job centers and other labour market stakeholders, raising among them the knowledge about employment conditions in the Central Europe countries, developing cross-border job information and promotion concepts, and joint concepts and measures to build the capacity of labour market actors. These aims should result in formulation of the strategies for making the Central Europe labour markets more accessible. Looking for: Project partners from companies, universities, VET trainings institutions, chambers, political and administrative institutions from Central Europe regions Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience NONE Contact Information Martin French [email protected] 62 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd. (PL) Project Idea None submitted Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x INTERREG Experience YES, as project partner in the project (s): Via Regia Plus, CEBBIS, BATCo, CNCB, CluStrat – within Central Europe Programme; e-Create – within INTERREG IV; MIN-NOVATION – within Baltic Sea Programme Contact Information Karolina Piwowarska [email protected] 63 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas Zemmrich Consult (DE) Project Idea Project Idea Nr. 1: Climate change in an international environment; Environmental protection and successful promotion of Renewable Energies in Poland and Germany – implementation of education programs for environmental protection measures in schools and universities and cooperation with business associations / business circles as well as regional chambers of commerce, for example in Wielkopolska (Poznan) and Saxony (Dresden) Project Idea Nr. 2: Environmental protection and reduction of CO2 by resignation of meat consumption and facilitation of controlled organic farming (deviation from intensive animal farming) – implementation of joint educational programs in selected regions in Poland and Germany aiming at fostering the awareness for conscious nutrition and the understanding of sustainability on an international level Interested in… TOP 1 TOP 2 TOP 3 TOP 4 TOP 5 Innovation in Economy, Working Environment and Living Future Energy System and Climate Change Environment and Natural Resources Mobility and Transport Regional Development and Governance x x x x INTERREG Experience YES, as lead partner in the project(s): Interreg III – Cluster between Polish and German companies / institutions, headed by the Chamber of Commerce in Poznan (Wielkopolska) Contact Information Andi Zemmrich [email protected] 64 Networking event to team up German and Polish partners for European Territorial Cooperation 14th October 2014 / Berlin - Catalogue of Networking Organizations and Project Ideas LoeschHundLiepold Kommunikation GmbH Tegernseer Platz 7 Eingang Deisenhofener Str. 1 81541 München Linienstr. 154a 10115 Berlin Jan Liepold [email protected], +49 (0)89-720187-12 B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH Gotzingerstr. 48/50 81371 München Fanny-Zobel-Str. 9 12435 Berlin Ludwig Karg [email protected] , +49 (0)89 189 35 200 65
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