Roof Truss Ties – TR series Slotted design allows truss to deflect without imposing load on wall below. 2 1/2˝ Materials: See chart Finish: G90 galvanizing 2 11/16˝ Installation: • Use all specified fasteners. See Product Notes, page 10. • Do not fully set nails. • Locate nails into the centre of slots. 6,7 Fastener Schedule Plate TR2 1 DF-L 2 Without Gap USP Steel Stock No. Ref. No. Gauge Description Qty Type Qty Type Unit 67& Lbs TR1 18 single slot 1 8d 2 8d 67&5 kN Lbs TR1T 67&7 16 single slot 1 8d 2 8d kN Lbs TR2 DTC 18 double slot 2 8d 4 8d kN 5 F1 105 0.47 375 1.67 155 0.69 F2 60 0.27 -- --- -260 1.16 1) Factored resistances have been increased for short-term loading; no further increase is allowed. 2) Truss must be bearing on top plate to achieve the factored resistances under "Without Gap". ,QVWDOOHGZLWKPD[LPXPÝVSDFHEHWZHHQUDIWHURUWUXVVDQGWRSSODWHXQGHU :LWKÝ*DS6SDFHLVQRWOLPLWHGWRÝZKHUHUHVLVWDQFHVDUHQRWUHTXLUHG ,QVWDOOHGZLWKPD[LPXPÝVSDFHEHWZHHQUDIWHURUWUXVVDQGWRSSODWHXQGHU :LWKÝ*DS6SDFHLVQRWOLPLWHGWRÝZKHUHUHVLVWDQFHVDUHQRWUHTXLUHG 5 F1 NEW SIZE S-P-F 3 4 :LWKÞ*DS :LWKÞ*DS F1 45 0.20 205 0.91 105 0.47 Typical TR2 installation 1 7/8˝ F2 45 0.20 -- --- -170 0.76 5 F1 -- --- -125 0.56 -- --- -- 2 Without Gap 5 F2 -- --- --- --- --- --- -- F1 90 0.40 320 1.42 130 0.58 F2 50 0.22 -- --- -220 0.98 3 4 :LWKÞ*DS :LWKÞ*DS 5 F1 35 0.16 175 0.78 90 0.40 5 F2 35 0.16 -- --- -140 0.62 F1 -- --- -110 0.49 -- --- -- F2 -- --- --- --- --- --- -- 1 1/4˝ 4 1/4˝ 2 3/4˝ 5) To achieve F1 loads in both directions, clips must be installed on both sides of the trussand staggered to avoid nail interference. 6) Minimum nail embedment shall be 8 nail diameters (typ). 7) NAILS:GQDLOVDUHÝGLD[ÝORQJ New products or updated product information are designated in red font. 2˝ TR1 Heavy Truss Deflection Clip – HTC4 1 1/4˝ TR1T Slotted design allows truss to deflect without imposing load on wall below. Materials: 16 gauge Finish: G90 galvanizing Codes: Load values are derived from data submitted to various North American building code evaluators. Installation: • Use all specified fasteners. See Product Notes, page 10. • Do not fully set nails. 2,4,5 3 1/2˝ F2 S-F-P 3 3 :LWKÞ*DS Without Gap 1 15/16˝ 1 DF-L Truss/Rafter 1˝ HTC4 Factored Resistance (115%) Fastener Schedule Plate 3 1/4˝ 1 3/4˝ Plated Truss © Copyright 2013 USP Structural Connectors® Truss Factored Resistance (115%) F2 3 Without Gap 3 :LWKÞ*DS F2 F1 F2 F1 F2 F1 F2 F1 Steel Top Side Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Type Qty Type Ref. No. Gauge Qty Qty HTC4, 4 10d x 1-1/2 3 10d x 1-1/2 265 1.18 545 2.42 55 0.24 305 1.36 230 1.02 470 2.09 45 0.20 260 1.16 2 16 HTC4 S/HTC4 1) Factored resistances have been increased 15% for short-term loads such as wind and earthquake; reduce for other load durations in accordance with the code. 2) Truss/Rafter must be bearing on top plate to achieve the allowable loads under "Without Gap". 3) When installed with maximum 1-1/4" space between truss/rafter and top plate, use loads under "With 1-1/4" Gap". 4) Minimum nail embedment shall be 8 nail diameters (typ). 5) NAILSG[ÝQDLOVDUHÝGLD[ÝORQJ USP Stock No. F1 Typical HTC4 installation D Blocking Supports – ZC series ZC clips secure blocking between joists or trusses which provides support for drywall or sheathing. Materials: See chart Finish: G90 galvanizing H W Installation: • Use all specified fasteners. See Product Notes, page 10. Dimensions (in) USP Stock No. ZC2 ZC4 ZC24 ZC34 Steel Ref. No. Gauge W H Z2 20 2-1/4 1-9/16 Z4 12 1-1/2 3-9/16 Z28 28 2-1/2 1-9/16 Z38 28 2-1/2 2-9/16 D 1-1/2 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-5/16 ZC2 Typical ZC installation 2,3 1 Factored Resistance Header Blocking DF-L (Lbs) DF-L (kN) S-P-F (Lbs) S-P-F (kN) Qty Type 2 10d x 1-1/2 2 10d x 1-1/2 10d x 1-1/2 10d x 1-1/2 Qty Type 2 10d x 1-1/2 1 10d x 1-1/2 10d x 1-1/2 10d x 1-1/2 Fastener Schedule Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical 100% 670 460 -- --- -- 100% 2.98 2.05 -- --- -- 100% 475 385 -- --- -- 100% 2.11 1.71 -- --- -- 1) Factored resistance shall not be increased for other load duration factors. 2) Minimum nail embedment shall be 8 nail diameters (typ). 3) NAILS:G[ÝQDLOVDUHÝGLD[ÝORQJ 1HZSURGXFWVRUXSGDWHGSURGXFWLQIRUPDWLRQDUHGHVLJQDWHGLQ red font. 1-800-328-5934 • ZC4 USP2240-131 179
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