On lifts of structures on complex manifolds Mehmet Tekkoyun and S¸evket Civelek Abstract The present survey paper presents prolongations of basic structures from special almost Hermitian manifolds to the associated tangent spaces. M.S.C. 2000: 32Q60, 32Q35, 53C15, 53C55, 28A51. Key words: complex manifold, Hermitian manifold, K¨ahler manifold, vertical lift, complete lift. §1. Introduction and notations The lift method has a important role in differentiable geometry, since it permits to extend differentiable structures. The basic classical results can be traced in the well-known papers [12]-[15]. As well, contributions to the study of lifts of complex structures on Hermitian and K¨ahlerian manifolds were provided in [9]. In the following, by using lifts, we recollect the extensions to T M of the basic particular structures of the almost Hermitian manifolds M . Namely, we consider the following classes of almost Hermitian manifolds M (assumed C ∞ and of even dimension 2m): K¨ahlerian manifolds : [∇X , J] Y = 0 Nearly K¨ahlerian manifolds : [∇X , J] X = 0 Almost K¨ahlerian manifolds : dΦ = 0 Quasi K¨ahlerian manifolds : [∇JX , J] = −J [∇X , J] Hermitian manifolds : [∇JX , J] = J [∇X , J] Semi K¨ahlerian manifolds : m X i=1 {∇Ei (J)Ei + ∇JEi (J)JEi } = 0, for all X, Y ∈ X (M ), where X (M ) denotes the Lie algebra of C ∞ vector fields on M , ∇ the Riemannian connection, J the almost complex structure, Φ the fundamental 2-form, and {Ei , JEi } the associated local orthonormal frame field ([6,7].) Throughout the paper, all the mappings and manifolds will be assumed to be C ∞ and the sum will be taken over repeated indices. Also, v and c will denote the vertical and complete lifts to T M of geometric complex structures of M , respectively. Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, Vol.5, No.1, 2003, pp. c Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press 2003. 59-64. 60 Mehmet Tekkoyun and S¸evket Civelek Let M be a complex manifold M and T M the associated tangent space. The basic lifts of geometric objects from M to T M are described below (for basic properties of lifts, we recommend [12-15]). a) The lift of functions. The vertical lift of a function f ∈ T00 (M ) ≡ F (M ) to T M is the function f v ∈ F (T M ) given by f v = f ◦ τM , where τM : T M → M is the canonical projection. We have rank(f v ) = rank(f ), since f v (Zp ) = f (τM (Zp )) = f (p), ∀Zp ∈ Tp M. The complete lift of the function f ∈ F(M ) to T M is the function f c ∈ F (T M ) given by v v ∂f ∂f 0α c 0α +z , f =z ∂z α ∂z α where we denote by (z, z¯, z 0 , z¯0 ) the local complex coordinates of a chart-domain T U ⊂ T M . Furhermore, for Zp ∈ Tp M we have f c (Zp ) = z 0α (Zp )(∂α f )(p) + z 0α (Zp )(∂α f )(p). b) The lift of vector fields. The vertical lift of a vector field Z ∈ X (M ) to T M is the vector field Z v ∈ X (T M ) given by Z v (f c ) = (Zf )v , ∀f ∈ F (M ), and the complete lift of vector field Z ∈ X (M ) to T M is the vector field Z c ∈ X (T M ) given by Z c (f c ) = (Zf )c , ∀f ∈ F (M ). c) The lift of 1-forms. The vertical lift of a 1-form ω ∈ X ∗ (M ) to T M is the 1-form ω ∈ X ∗ (T M ) given by v ω v (Z c ) = (ωZ)v , ∀Z ∈ X (M ), and the complete lift of a 1-form ω ∈ X ∗ (M ) to T M is the 1-form ω c ∈ X ∗ (T M ) given by ω c (Z c ) = (ωZ)c , ∀Z ∈ X (M ). d) The lift of tensor fields of type (1,1). The vertical lift of complex tensor field F ∈ T11 (M ) to T M is the complex tensor field F v ∈ T11 (T M ) given by F v (Z c ) = (F Z)v , ∀Z ∈ X (M ), and the complete lift of complex tensor field F ∈ T11 (M ) to T M is the complex tensor field F c ∈ T11 (T M ) given by F c (Z c ) = (F Z)c , ∀Z ∈ T01 (M ). e) The lift of tensor fields of type (0,2). The vertical lift of a complex tensor field g ∈ T20 (M ) to T M is the complex tensor field g v ∈ T20 (T M ) given by g v (Z c , W c ) = (g(Z, W ))v , ∀Z, W ∈ X (M ), On lifts of structures on complex manifolds 61 and the complete lift of a complex tensor field g ∈ T20 (M ) to T M is the complex tensor field g c ∈ T20 (T M ) given by g c (Z c , W c ) = (g(Z, W ))c , ∀Z, W ∈ X (M ). The general properties of vertical and complete lifts of the covariant derivative are described by Proposition 1.1. Let M be a complex manifold. For the complex tensor fields X, Y, Z ∈ X (M ), f ∈ F(M ), ω ∈ X ∗ (M ), K ∈ Tsr (M ), and the affine connection ∇, we have i) ii) iii) iv) V V C C C ∇C = 0, ∇C = (∇X f )V , ∇C = ∇X = (∇X f )C Cf XV f XV f XC f C V C V = (∇X Y )C = ∇C = (∇X Y )V , ∇C ∇C = 0, ∇C XC Y XV Y XC Y XV Y V C C C C V V C C ∇C X V ω = 0, ∇X V ω = ∇X C ω = (∇X ω) , ∇X C ω = (∇X ω) V C C C V V C C C = 0, ∇C ∇X V K X V K = ∇X C K = (∇X K) , ∇X C K = (∇X K) . Proof. Straightforward, similar to the real case [11]. 2 §2. Basic lifts of structures Let M be a complex manifold endowed with a complex structure J and {z α , z α }, 1 ≤ α ≤ m its complex local coordinates. The vertical lift of J= i to T M is (2.1) ∂ ∂ ⊗ dz α − i α ⊗ dz α . ∂z α ∂z ∂ ∂ ⊗ dz α − i 0α ⊗ dz α . 0α ∂z ∂z Since (J v )2 = 0, J v is an almost tangent structure for the complex tangent bundle T M . The complete lift of the complex structure J to T M is (2.2) Jv = i Jc = i ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ⊗ dz α + i 0α ⊗ dz 0α − i α ⊗ dz α − i 0α ⊗ dz 0α . α ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z Since (J c )2 = −I, J c is an almost complex structure for the complex space T M . Assume that g is an almost Hermitian metric on a complex manifold M . Then the vertical and complete lifts satisfy the relations (2.3) g v (Z c , W c ) = (g(Z, W ))v = g v (J c Z c , J c W c ). An almost Hermitian metric g on M provides the vertical lift g v given by (2.3) which is Hermitian as well and satisfies (2.4) g c (Z c , W c ) = (g(Z, W ))c = g c (J c Z c , J c W c ). An almost Hermitian metric g on M provides the complete lift g c given by (2.4) which is Hermitian as well. 62 Mehmet Tekkoyun and S¸evket Civelek If Φ is an almost K¨ahlerian form defined on M , then the vertical lift Φv of Φ obeys the relations (2.5) Φv (Z c , W c ) = (Φ(Z, W ))v = Φv (Z c , J c W c ) and is an almost K¨ahlerian form on T M . As well, the complete lift Φc of Φ satisfies (2.6) Φc (Z c , W c ) = (Φ(Z, W ))c = Φc (Z c , J c W c ) and is an almost K¨ahlerian form on T M . In the following are described the extensions to the complex tangent space via lifts of the basic particular structures considered on almost Hermitian manifolds. Proposition 2.1. Let M be a K¨ ahler manifold with almost complex structure J. ahler manifold. If [∇cZ c , J c ] W c = 0, ∀Z, W ∈ X (M ), then T M is also a K¨ Proof. Consider Z, W complex vector fields and J an almost complex structure on M . Let Z c , W c and J c be respectively the complete lifts of these fields to T M . Then we have c c c [∇cZ c , J c ] W c = ∇cZ c (J c W c ) − J c (∇Z c W ) = ([∇Z , J] W ) = 0, which completes the proof. 2 Similarly, one may prove ahler manifold with almost complex strucProposition 2.2. Let M be a nearly K¨ ture J. If [∇cZ c , J c ] Z c = 0, ∀Z ∈ X (M ), then T M is also a nearly K¨ ahler manifold. Proposition 2.3. Let M be an almost K¨ ahler manifold with almost K¨ ahler form Φ. If dΦc = 0, then T M is also an almost K¨ ahler manifold. Proof. Let Z, W be two complex vector fields, J the almost complex structure and Φ the almost K¨ahler form on the almost K¨ahler manifold M ; let Z c , W c , J c and Φc be respectively their complete lifts to T M . Then we have dΦc (Z c , W c ) = d(Φ(Z, W ))c = 0. 2 Proposition 2.4. Let M be a quasi-K¨ ahler manifold with the almost complex structure J. If [∇cJ c Z c , J c ] = −J c [∇cZ c , J c ] , ahler manifold. then T M is also a quasi-K¨ Proof. Let Z, W be complex vector fields and J the almost complex structure on the quasi-K¨ahler manifold M . Let Z c , W c , and J c be respectively their complete lifts to T M . Then [∇cJ c Z c , J c ] W c = = = ∇Jc c Z c (J c W c ) − J c (∇cJ c Z c W c ) (∇JZ JW − J∇JZ W )c = ([∇JZ , J]W )c c c c (−J[∇Z , J] W )c = −J c [∇Z c, J ] W . 2 On lifts of structures on complex manifolds 63 Analogously, one can prove the following Proposition 2.5. Let M be a Hermitian manifold M with almost complex structure J. If [∇cJ c Z c , J c ] = J c [∇cZ c , J c ] , Z ∈ X (M ), then T M is also a Hermitian manifold. Proposition 2.6. If J is an almost complex structure and {Ei , JEi } the local orthonormal frame field on a semi-K¨ ahler manifold M , such that n n o X c c c c c c c = 0, ∇E c (J )Ei + ∇J c E c (J )J Ei i i i=1 then T M is also a semi-K¨ ahler manifold. Proof. Let J c , Eic and J c Eic be respectively the complete lifts of the given tensors to T M . Then, we have n n o X ∇cEic (J c )Eic + ∇Jc c Eic (J c )J c Eic = i=1 = n X i=1 c c c ∇E c (J )Ei i + ∇cJ c E c (J c )2 Eic i = n X i=1 [Ei , JEi ] !c = 0, and hence T M is a semi-K¨ahler manifold. 2 References [1] Bowman R.H., On Differentiable Extensions, Tensor N.S. 21 (1970), 139-150. [2] Brickell F., Clark R.S., Differentiable Manifolds, VRN Company, London, 1970. [3] Civelek S¸., The Second Order Lifts on the Second Order Extended Manifolds, Msc. Sc. Thesis, Gazi Univ., Ankara, 1988. [4] Esin E., Civelek S¸., Lifts on the Second Order Extended Manifolds, Jou. Math. Stat. Fact. Art. Sc. Gazi Univ. 2 (1989), 137-152. 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