Exclusive Interview Wu Ling Director of Beijing LED Illumination Technology Promotion Center Secretary-General of China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSA) 专访北京半导体照明科技促进中心主任 国家半导体照明工程研发及产业联盟秘书长 吴玲 CSA Secretary-General (from 2004) and Director of Beijing LED Illumination 吴玲,自2003年起任北京半导体照明科技促进中心主任, Technology Promotion Center (from 2003), responsible for the coordination and 2004年任国家半导体照明工程研发及产业联盟(CSA)秘书长, liaison for the Semiconductor Lighting Standardization Panel Group, and managing to set up standardization coordination and facilitation workgroup together with technical committees and testing agencies. 组织参与由科技部等部门成立的半导体照明标准工作指导委员 会的协调联络工作,联合相关标委会和检测机构等成立了标准化 Ms. Wu Ling took seat in 2009 as the standing director of China Materials 协调推进工作组。2009年出任中国材料研究学会常务理事、中国 Research Society, China Illuminating Engineering Society and China Industry- 照明学会常务理事、中国产学研促进会常务理事、海峡两岸LED照 University-Research Institute Collaboration Association, and the workgroup leader for Cross-Straits LED Lighting Cooperation Project. She was elected the first Chair of ISA in 2010 and elected the President of the State Key Laboratory of Solid State 明合作项目工作组组长。2010年被推选成为国际半导体照明联盟 (ISA)第一届主席。2011年, 吴玲女士被推选为半导体照明联合 Lighting. In 2012, Wu Ling as a member of the LED Lighting Standards Leadership 创新国家重点实验室理事长。2012年,任半导体照明标准领导小 Panel helped promoting the founding of CSA standardization committee to support the 组专家组专家,推动成立CSA 标准化委员会,支持开展半导体照 alliance standardization of solid state lighting field and explore standardization system and mechanism innovation. In 2014, she is elected the first President of the Beijing Innovation Alliance. 18 明联盟标准化工作,探索标准化机制体制创新。2014年,当选为 首都创新大联盟的首届理事长。 C HIN A S TA N DA RD IZ AT ION S eptem b er / Oc tob e r 2014 Exclusive Interview Ms. Wu Ling takes part in the Expert Workshop for the Lighting Renovation Project of the Great Hall of the People. China Standardization: We know that this year marks institutions and other interested parties, and has gradually the 10th anniversary of the founding of China Solid nourished and developed favorable collaborative relations among State Lighting Alliance (CSA). Looking back, would you the various stakeholders. talk about the origin of CSA and its important role in the However, at the beginning or the infancy period of the development of the LED industry? What has been done domestic LED industry, restricted by the scale, strengthen and and achieved in the last decade? disorder of LED enterprises, the industry was distressed by the intense international competitions and tended to pursue common Wu Ling: The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) development through collaboration. In 2004, under the support of launched the “National Solid State Lighting Programme” in 2003, MOST, 46 enterprises, research institutes and universities once and started relevant research arrangements at the national level. involved in relevant technology programmes jointly initiated the To coordinate the implementation of such national programme, China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSA) on the “voluntary, an explorative mode of third-party management of national equal and collaborative” basis, with its secretariat arranged at the tech nological program mes was adopted and Beijing New Promotion Center. The founding of CSA has vigorously facilitated Material Technology Promotion Center (renamed to Beijing LED the cooperation in both the horizontal (industry, university, Illumination Technology Promotion Center in 2009) as a private institutes) and the vertical (upper, middle and lower levels of the non-profit organization was assigned to have created the Project industry chain) dimensions, playing an efficient coordinative role Management Office for LED Lighting. The office in its practical for the industrial development. management has focused on integrating the industry, university, CHI NA STANDARD IZ AT ION S e p te mb e r / Oc to be r 2 0 1 4 Since its establishment, CSA has assumed the work of 19 Exclusive Interview etc., now with nearly 700 patents of which 47.6 percent are invention patents. In addition, CSA has built up a portal platform (http://www. china-led.org) to provide information services for the industry, research instit utes, investors, gover nments, agencies and overseas bodies; maintained the publication of two professional journals; hosted the largest international forum on LED – China International Exhibition and Forum on Solid State Lighting (CHINASSL) which attracts over 1,000 participants; cultivated over 3,000 talents at different levels and claimed the first certificated organization of the industry by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to authorize skill talents. CSA has also strived to spread the application of LED products through a number of LED lighting pilot and demonstration projects such as “ten city and ten thousand LED lamps”, the Great Hall of the People, Beijing Olympics, Shanghai Expo, etc. In 2010, CSA initiated and organized the International Sold State Lighting Alliance (ISA) – the first China-based international organization for strategic emerging industries, unanimously voted as the chair and started the voluntary LED products quality certification together with CQM. In 2012, CSA was approved by MOST to organize the construction of the national key laboratory for LED lighting collaboration and innovation, the first of its kind supported the MOST Project Management Office for LED Lighting and by an industry alliance, to create a global open research and developed the MOST special plans for LED lighting for 2001- development platform incorporating diversified inputs through 2005, 2006-2010 and 2011-2015; taken part in the drafting of the contractual means, ownership and usership of resources and ministerial opinions and planning for LED lighting and energy participation of the industry. conservation industry led by National Development and Reform So far, CSA boasts several digits that are worthy to note: above Commission (NDRC) and other five ministries (administrations); 70 percent of the industry output, more than 450 members and supported by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Stat Council and over 20 listed enterprises including the top four of the traditional NDRC to actively promote the cross-straits technology and lighting field, top five of the international organizations, top five industry cooperation as the workgroup leader of the “Cross-Straits of Taiwan enterprises and top ten of the domestic inspection LED Lighting Cooperation Project”. The alliance also helped bodies, etc. CSA now has a professional team of over 100 over 20 provincial or municipal governments to develop the local talents working in the fields of technological research projects LED Lighting Industry Development and Base Building Plans, management, technical development and results marketization, and signed strategic cooperation agreements with the provincial standards development and accreditation, patents promotion, technology department of Guangdong, Wujin National High- industrial research, enterprise consulting, human resource service, Tech Development Zone of Changzhou to build up branch centers information communication, convention and exhibition and and research bases in Foshan and Changzhou. Besides, CSA has market channel expansion. CSA was valued as the first place of innovated the management of intellectual property rights in this the top level in the MOST pilot alliance comprehensive assessment field by creating “patents pool” to manage patents operations in 2013. th rough general author ization and par tial author ization, acquisition and investment, patents cooperation and membership, 20 China Standardization: CSA constantly at tache s C HIN A S TA N DA RD IZ AT ION S eptem b er / Oc tob e r 2014 Exclusive Interview high importance to the standardization work, and has industry and the alliance thanks to the enthusiasm of enterprises particularly joined with organizations concerned to as indicated by the courting of Zhaga about the specific interface create standardization coordination and promotion standards; the f irst technical specif ication on accelerated workgroups and standardization committee, making depreciation testing method released by ISA comes from the very effective progress in facilitating the research, alliance standards by CSA. Second, the interaction of technical development and implementation of alliance standards. innovation, standards development and industry application Would you tell us what kind of role the standardization under the alliance mode could play an important leading role in work has played in the development of the LED industry guiding the industrial technical innovation and development. For and the alliance? What are the characteristics and instance, CSA 016-2014, Interface requirements for application of advantages of alliance standardization? How about the LED lighting: Street/tunnel light consisting of LED module with popularization and application of alliance standards? heatsink and separated control gear, provides solutions for the universal application and replacement of outdoor LED lighting Wu Ling: In the earlier development stage of LED lighting, as modules and control devices, which helps the industry reducing the technology matures gradually, CSA has developed technical the cost and period of research and development, promoting the specifications for multiple application products to ensure the research and development efficiency, strengthening the industrial smooth implementation of the pilot and demonstration projects in overall coordination, alleviating the storage pressures and entering which the specifications have been referred as technical guidelines into a benign recycling of the industry’s sustainable development. by institutions in the development of relevant standards. CSA has CSA 020-2013, Accelerating depreciation test method for LED enhanced the alliance standardization working mechanism when lighting products, shortens the testing time of 6000-hour lumen its standardization committee is established so as to actively cope maintenance to less than 2000 hours, playing a key facilitating with the fast technological progress. role in promoting products quality, shortening the period of The standardization work has a key role to play in two aspects: First, standardization notably increases the impact of the developing new products, cutting cost and enhancing industrial competitiveness. Ms. Wu participates in the cooperation and exchange of Taiwan and the Mainland in the standardization sector. CHI NA STANDARD IZ AT ION S e p te mb e r / Oc to be r 2 0 1 4 21 Exclusive Interview The Leaders from MOST visit the State Key Laboratory of Solid State Lighting. The national standardization development plan (2011-2015) and alliance standards. The several hundred enterprises involved in the special planning for technological development of technical developing alliance standards have largely ensured the adoption standards (2011-2015) both put forward concrete requirements for of alliance standard in the industry. For example, the interface the alliance standardization work. The existing standardization standard CSA 016 has been applied in over 300,000 road and system is incapable of satisfying the market needs of technical tunnel lamps enterprises, while the number is still increasing. innovation and application of the emerging industry due to the Second, carry out diverse exchanges and cooperation with long turnover time of the creation of governmental industrial domestic standards developers, certification and testing bodies, standards from project approval to standards release, while alliance research institutes and associations, etc. It is key to make alliance standards as a new pattern have a bigger role to play considering standards accessible to certification and testing bodies, for CSA, its advantages in ter ms of technical advancement, shor ter securing research and standardization cooperation with Taiwan, development cycle, market responsiveness and flexibility in dealing Guangdong, Shanghai, Zhejiang and so forth, for example, with intellectual property issues. publishes technical specifications jointly with TOSIA, converting Based on our practice, the popularization and application of alliance standards into the provincial standards of Guangdong for alliance standards may be well perceived in the following three better application among local enterprises, Shanghai municipal aspects: commission for construction and transportation referring alliance First, encourage enterprises to participate and develop and use 22 standards as the biding documents. C HIN A S TA N DA RD IZ AT ION S eptem b er / Oc tob e r 2014 Exclusive Interview Third, in terms of international standardization, CSA has built committee (CSAS) to carry out standardization work in an “open, up good cooperative relationship with ISA, CIE, EPA, Lamar transparent and harmonized” manner, promising to gradually University, VDI, Delft University of Technology, Technische improve the development and revision of alliance standards by Universität Darmstadt and other international partners to facilitate complying with the published chapter, management and working international influence. CSA also works on upgrading the alliance procedures. As of May 2014, CSA published an overall of 26 standards as the voluntary technical specification of ISA to alliance standards, with 5 more being developed. Three of the promote the application of such standards in emerging market like released alliance standards, including road lighting interface Russia and India. standard and testing standard for luminous influx accelerating depreciation, are listed by NDRC and SAC into the “100 energy China Standardization: What substantive progress has efficiency standards”. Now CSA is leading the development of CSA achieved? What is the main focus? What does 4 national standards, and participating in 3 national standards, standardization bring to the alliance? primarily building up the working mechanism of converting alliance standards into national standards. Wu Ling: In September 2012, CSA established its standardization In 2013, supported by SAC, CSA was assigned the group CSA Secretariat Staff CHI NA STANDARD IZ AT ION S e p te mb e r / Oc to be r 2 0 1 4 23 Exclusive Interview leader of the domestic counterpart to the newly established ISO/ developmental needs and greatly improves the service capability TC 274, assuming the research and voting work for international of alliance toward the industrial development. standards documents and organizing the related work of Chinese delegates and technical units. In the ISA/TCS, two standards China Standardization: What kind of challenges have documents proposed by CSA has become the draft for ISA you met in the development and implementation of voluntary specifications, one of which has already been published, alliance standards? How do you expect and vision the increasing the global impact of CSA alliance standards. standardization work of CSA? Alliance in itself is a platform for industrial cooperation and communication, while standardization is the important reflection Wu Ling: In the current standardization system in our country, of its significance. The interaction of technical innovation, most standards in addition to enterprises are governmental standards development and industry application under the alliance standards. Alliance standards to some extent represent a logical mode plays an important leading role in guiding the industrial reflection of the development of the market-based economy and technical innovation and development. The development and technological researches. China’s GDP experiences an annual promotion of standard and technical documents relating to growth rate of 10 percent, but the international standards led by the LED technical innovation further satisfies the industrial us makes less than 0.5 percent. It is the demand of the market for Ms. Wu, together with Chinese LED leading experts, visits the LED Headquarter of SAMSUNG. 24 C HIN A S TA N DA RD IZ AT ION S eptem b er / Oc tob e r 2014 Exclusive Interview Wu Ling attends the Workshop and Technical Seminar on LED Lighting Standards. China to find a way that is suitable for the domestic industrial requires innovative management system. So we should fully development and gives express to the role of the market itself. understand the driving and restricting role of standardization for However, currently alliance standards are treated with double the industry. The research and application, both in its extensity standards in China: foreign alliance standards are recognized and depth, of LED lighting in China is reaching the top level of while domestic alliance standards are denied in terms of its the industry internationally, and the global standardization has legitimacy. So the main challenge for the development and evolved from superpowers to multi-polarization in general. In implementation of alliance standards is about how to remove such China, we hope that alliance standards would be integrated into peripheral resistance through reforms to free and regulate the the national standards system with a defined legal status and development of alliance standardization. be popularized to the market with endorsed support from the Alliance standards as a kind of standardization behavior may government. The institutional innovations also provide favorable find its root cause from the industry, and also there is a major chances for us to alter from being passively involved to proactive challenge for it to maintain its vitality and sustainability in this participation in the LED standards development at the global diversified competitive situation of standards organizations. To level. support the sound and fast development of strategic emerging CSA standardization committee will also better serve the industries, it is pivotal for alliance standardization to improve its alliance members with their standardization strategy based on the strengths which in turn represent the industrial competitiveness needs of technological innovation and industrial development, by constructing a favorable industrial eco-system through such actively support and tone with the national and international means as keeping pace with the industrial development, sticking standardization work, expand the cooperation and exchange with to market orientation, driven by technical innovation, dedicated to foreign and domestic standards organizations, and build up itself cultivation of new business patterns and construction of industrial into a standardization collaboration and communication platform chain, market-based promotion, etc. with national and international influence. LED lighting as a revolutionary and fast-growing industry CHI NA STANDARD IZ AT ION S e p te mb e r / Oc to be r 2 0 1 4 25
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